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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 5

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I i .1. i i 1 i is tiara not write the he has JeTO jrithdraw, and we wUl with ft peU tar man. But we hard, no falih Ina iej-oi eoi respondent, who to wapeliejil to pick op Inte licence aa hooBemalda pick np "The eorretpondence of a influential public joojrnal Ua position of re-apectabUItj and and its puties mat be performed in that iplrit. I A correspondent who remains, dare jhojt stow his business and demaiid recognition am 1 respect; for It mselj nothkelii preserve much ixfgarl for: (ruth or for propriety, 'and bis Information, picked up -b" stealth and beyond the-; poisibillty of rerlfiCa tloa. Is aerer likely toEbe reliable.

This Is pur notion of correspondence ttoa. (he VTe hare no djfltcultj in securjh; writers (here who are well known, who work la open daylight, who do not lietitate to Va ic the highest sources for! iafortaation, and whd are usually received aud treated with courJ tesy. ine mount mar any they canav'ti write the but it has never been aUte 'a. a a J--. as yei iqconvic uemj ot error.

It was noq our correspondent who gave details of tto Islt of Jkrriasoa PatJs to Charleston, when tie had neter been there. i 1 mm f' -Fitt in, mroBTAHT if asck jine friounes spe cial correspondent" at Monomery, in tajs sw li '4 i jumpiuu oi vomeaerais ft tales, nas rtf- snmed Lis For tw or three days hi dispatches fron the Tnburu The world nihsed him. The who! country nungc rea and thirsted for the Import laamews. wmen ne usually tfansmita. Jlete is ma laiesi bulletin Special DUpatck totki rbuKYbrk Tribune, I6100Mlt.

oiiniav. March SI. Newport la again to becorjie the oomtnerci si rival if JitW'i ork, If SrkAecs la Sleeted Governor of Rhode IUad that pluckjr Uttla Suite will; at once mbandotj the old of the Vmlon, offering iit once coumerl elal d6put ud Summer reilcnee for Soutbernerti The etlni'el nie of the ireiBc thus diverted fr-)nJ New-York mjr ttff OoO.OOO anaunlli lone; at the latter remalnl la tael Union. Fort riekrna will eoon be ieducel to the inns co daloa as Sunpter. Glorfou sccounU come frost kll of the ncW Confederation.

G. N. S. IIow dclightfullt is to gul njws from Rkodt i liland by vay of Montgtirnery "What a won derfol invention the telegraphi is, especially I when it falls Into (he hands of journalists who use regardless of expense i It Is the boast of Batons; that a fizraent called the ConaUtutloa the palladium i1 their llbertlei ij" But tbowho bare advnUgeof Uviog ij la Albion's best society know that feedom nioi oftert jdependa cn lesi Important (JocumenU m.iwiucuiu narrassea ana depressed blander, but a three-ani-slxpenny stampl tsmore. It Is vain to speak of Uunnymede when the queen sencn is staring him in the face useless to urge a blow for freedom whfin an tndorseuient to a naiungDUi will be attended with more con- sejiuences.

Hence in great a)rsncies the Brltlsa Blind torns itsttnctlvely to those tlendiy who abound in the tight little Isle, aad are ever ready to advance a reasonable amount of eash and a geaer-J ous supply bf wine" In exchange! for the written i i premises to pay of gentlemen who have expectati i. So customary is this that the sudden cessation of such becomes a social ttagedyi The man wuo anaot procure sherry is, in; fact, lost, and ad the boasted privileges of the frees' naUoa on the fact of the earth end in empty wind, i He by b'ie minions of the law, and dragged off jlgnooiinlousiv to prison. 8 ad Is the fate of a man who cannot get a i i 8uch a tragedy and such sf fate lo we have in toe 1 piece called the Babes In the Wood," produced lat evening at the Winter Garden. Tne hero la a genUe man whose bachelor career has Men conducted on Strictly chao'le principles whose life is a s-oryof ftrty per cent When he is ia want bf money he gets a little sccomtoodiiUon from is-frlendly Hebrew and then, being a true disciple of the renewing system, he pays a liberal Interest, accumulates a stock of bad cigars, and worse wine, completes a perfect cordon of judgments, and then marries. I In the of Ifr.

Frank Ruskton, the gentleman la ques- tloa, the final catastrophe even more (tlomy. Kot on'y dees he marry, and ofena his father, but he promises his-wife that he; will never put his name to another bill. As the consequence of this rashness, we find him. In the third art, occupying one ef those wholesome cells which a thoughtful British Legislature hu provided for Its impecunious subjects. The Ldf Eianck has also wedded against the in- clinatloa of her family, and her resources are cut off.

i Here Is a terrible state of thln A llll, as Frank re-: marks In bis mild complainings, would end the whole matter, but has he not promt stxi to give way na more to such snaic and deluilons 'The few pounds the possess when i the curtain rises are dispersed qulckiy, and in eiao- rate atteapts St economy, whlth result in the most disastrously blunderlna eitrvBancV. With no-Mnv to depend on, expt their own exertions, the dearr "Babes' endeavor to turn their accomplishments to ac-eeunt, aad the innocent peTplexttles'thcy are reduced to by aa absolute of the wot Id and IU ways, suggests the idea of the Bhbe in the Wood." The JDeus" who feeds them mlrafjulouijy is none other than the father of Ldf, who from, the commencement hs been anxlouf for. a reconciliation, but has bean prevented from openly aVo wing it, by his wife. This venerable nobleman steps forward at tlie precise moment when JVaa has obtained permission from his wife to put his name once more to a piece of 1 and surrounds with a halo of jlntensa retpect-jablUty the Bill system, which, it seem. to us, hereby I jfally justlned.

i The suggestion on which tlid piece Is founded, it win be perceived, la slight and one way and another has been need frequently on the stage. The ''filling vp," In the present Instance, Is extremely neat, the dialogue brilliant, and the bharacteilxatlon unusually cleat and good. The leading couple we i have, sufficiently described they found good re- presentatlvrs. In Mrv C. Baitos ltiix-i-a vsAusble and much needed addition to the company whose principal defect is an unpleasant nasality of voice which ought to be subdued, and Miss Ada Curios, who, if occasionally a little artificial.

and angular, la at all times Intelligent and perfect. Betide these we have a scandal-monger of the dub kind, Tommy SU-eett, played by Mr.MAauiia In an extremely meritorious snanaer the art Lieayl a severe libel on the British aristocracy, played well by Itr. STonnsssi Sir Gtsn-gt Littttrit, a fast man ef the slowest possible) character, and soae Others. But the most successfut character in Mr. Ton TAtua's group is of Jert-sasaA BtU, a hen-pecked lodging house keep-' er, whose derattment was orlnlially limited to boots but extended itself naturally to aU the dirty work of the establishment.

This part found a representative in Mr. J. 8. Clasks, aa eecntrle icomedlan from rhiladelphla, aad one of the be actors we have ever received from that Mr. CLsaxs possesses a vast amount of facial mobility, and the dlssretlon to um it in moderation.

Its contrives, nevertheless, to give breadth to a style which Is naturally eJegant and neat, i rataet than forcible. In bis exits, those points which 1 test the'abiUty of, an actor, Mr. Clsiis is particular-I '-lfl'aitUtte, and gave us sornetMng to admire ch Usae. The drunken scene of the second at given tin admirable humor-i with all the unc- 5" tiouaaesa of Uie late Mr.i Biatos, but without the coarseness which too often suarred great arUifs I beateffoits. Uthe prison pa: tcfhe third art, and In th business of the reooadUsuoa lthihl.

wtr. Mr. i Cuaas was agia exqultlUly hiuuoxe. The per- in 1 Wtl mSrSeU by-some restraint, arlbg from ai natural tildlly in arrtng bjfora stranfe audl.ta, bht as the pUy progiestd Mr. Class km ruvc airi at the enJ of the second act was called outrbyA tremendous bnnt from as andienoe crul lkxnr prt.

and at the coaclusttn his suocese was eouiplete, We have no hrstuttoain say tpg that Mf, ruui the beeteceen-trie comedian row on the Ne- ork sue. He is precUely the kind of artist who has Ions been wanted. ii i r--s -i Lion. Lemuel Shaw, the vrnerable.Ex-Chief Justice ot whosa ia Boston on March SS, has already been annonxced, was born at Baraatable. on Jan.

9, 1781. He graduated at Harvard College, studied law with David Everett, fH la Boston, was admitted to the: Bar la New. tiampshlrs) la 1804 represented hU District In the Mssaachusetts Legislature from. 161S to and in IfMwaa tn the Conventtoa for revising the Stat rjsssiitaaom. He resisted the tinrtonttiee of his ifrsda to as candidate for Cong rasa, aad la 16M wen appotated Chief Jastico of the) SupraoM Judicial wca poet as heid for thirty yoars, pa KSW-TORK LEQISLlTUttX.

HtH iThe ConmittM of Eht rraortsyt mml bills a proper to rcneried eonnuLJn mUm uil Ijlka followbf bDl were reports farorahl froa U.S Hading ConuUtlees: 4 1 iToaiMB4ai run Uws. "i I JTo tnoorporsto the) Lonaers' AcsodaUoa of'jKew-Voik, I IT Incorporate the New-Torsi Toltmteera' Bartal aid Monument Association. i -The Clerk of the Com of Appeals seatla a eelama: aitaUon Inform: the Senate of thenumber of can tea which have been heard and which are yet to be hstsjrd under the lw of; 1860, beUUre to preferred i 1 1 I The order the third realtor bills belar reach- ed, theflrt J1U taken np was to amend the charter ftf ite Elmlra and SoUthport Bridge Compear. 1 Mr. Tan mas ruored to Ur It alde, the greond tbt Itwaa an Assembly bill, and a large number of 8eafe bills were now In the Assembly and received HUle or no attention.

IU was inclined make war ofc all Assembly bUs. i 1 The motienwas losi-12 to a 1 wo-third vote beinr i I 1 he bUl was then read and lost, and a motion to re-rotkider w-aa land on the taMe, in order to sire ah op-: potlUBliy oi brtrglng (be Assembly up to work on toe Seiate bills. SuosequenUy toe mil was Main taken up end pasted. Tor the pteierration of rme In Suffolk and Qoeena: CounUes i it- The Cicero drainase bllLi 1 To aeUiorlza the Gtneiee County! Bank to reduce tt rap4ul stock. i i i Mr, TavifSH moved to reconsider the vote dlrectloe the Sppoiutment of a COnnmittee to invesUfate charees preftrred against New York City offlciali, and lav tUtt rnotlon on the table, was carrWq Thti stops the ajpoin'ment of me Committee for the preent jfte bill ertsbUililng a NsuUcal School In the New-l otk i Hartor was bated Committee of the noie, and progress was reported i The for the relief of the Madison University, appioprlatirg C00 each year for two years, eUiliei a wntm debate, and it was ordered to a third reading.

Asjourned. i- ASSEMBLY. ALsasrr, Monday, April, at 3f o'cloe sixty-seven. Assembly met memDers oemg present, Mr. jWiBSTia presented petitions against the Metropolitan Cab bill and tie Baggage Una bilL Ia favor of suppn sjir the sale of swiU milk, and from the Sixty -ninth and Seventy 'first Regiments against limiting the tenure of office Id the militia.

The Senate bill to amend the Corn Exchange charter was ordered to a tnlrd reading. 1 1 The tills lo amend the Act for the! regulation of the Port Of New-York; to attend theiOotes or Harlem Bridge Act to authorize John T. Mills to lay a railroad, oh the line of his licensed stage' route In New-Vorkj and to open Franklin and other streets In the Seventeenth Ward, Brooklyn, were! ail reported favorably from the Committees. Oft motion ef Mr. Tasss, the preamble and resolutions requiring Johx M.

Nxlson, Arsfetant District-Attortej i to appear at the bar of the 'House In relation to the bribery case of Jat Gibbons, Were adopted, anl Mr. Nslsor was authorised to appeir by counsel. TbetbiUto prevent the sale of arillmllk was reported for the consideratiou of the House. The; bill to amend the charter of the City of in relation to the Bureau of Assessments, was bkea up In Committee of the Whole-, i Mr. Basdt made a stions argument against the bill, which was supported by Mr.

Shaw! aid others, wh) endeavored to press it to. a third reaflir.g. Messrs. A soclasics and Ya.uw unoki tnlmt th. tiil.jand after a long diicussion progress was reported by tie Committee.

Ik the Houe Mr. Suav rroved to disagree with the port of the Committee of the Whole, and order the wii to a tniru rtaamg. i Mri Habjt spoke at some lenrth akainst thamotinn. and it was lost, 3ft to 39. i i Mr.

Ks shah's bill to authorize the'lncorporatlon of the Juvenile Reformatory Asvlums wks Ordered to third reading. me Atsembiy took a recess: till 7 jj XVI.NLSO Bt8SK)Kj The bill to provide means! for the mmnnrt of th povernment was taken up! In Committee of the i 1 4 I On of Mr. RobsbtSoh, the lax for general purposes was reduced fro.n one mill and-one eighth of a mLii, as at first repoitedj, to seven-eighths of a tntll, and the bdl was ordered ti a third rearing. ITbe bill to enable the Supervisors tf New-York to ke lstdi for the building of a Court House in New-t ork. and ordered to a third rtadingj i Tfc enacting clause was stricken out ot the follow- Allowing the Jury In crimlral triali to be Judges of he law and the fact.

i i To prevent and punish the sale of but's, barrels and ssks jRtth brands used by manufacturers of ale, unSuihorized paitles. "Relating to the Inspection ofj steam jbollers, engines, rcM in New-York and Brooklyn, ant the better seou- iiry orure ana opetty. i In the1 Iloiine, Messrs. Dabct and AscctAarus mace elfforts to reinsert the enacting clause of the latter bLl, but' with ut success, i' I 'j Mr. TowKssss aked consent ti otter a- resolution, elvlng the Senate bills on the teneral orders nrefer re over others, but objections were tnade.

Onmodcn of Mr. Shaw, the Senate bill to enable tpe supervisors of JNew-iork to purchase a court- qouie site, was rr lerred totnej ew-x or delegation. iu power report comDieie. ea. I The Massachusetts) L.eislarure.

1 I Bobtoh, Monday, April' 1. The proposition for a metropolitan police in Bos-; ton, wasf presented before the Senate to-day, in two! reports from the Legislative Committee the majority: kgalnsti the proposition, and the minority for It, The WSJMiW report will probably be adopted. L.eala City EleeuJi Sri Louis, Monday. April 1. In the; municipal election to-day, the Anti-Re- ttiblicaa.

ticket as elected by from 2JJ00 to S.0OO ma- otrlty. Unconditional Union tickets was only success- two Wards. 1 we Germans were killed by lightning; during the St0rm yesterday. Two Irishmen were stabbed in political mi Sat- VijCsy nignt, and nave since diea. if II ciity Cincinnati City Eleetl.

CtRcuaATi, Mondar, April The city election passed off quietly. The entire TSmoeratlc Union tieket Is (elected hj about 2,000 majority. The Carre ey Qaestiea at Pituharch. Pittsbcsqii, Monday i April 1. The business men oil Piltsbureh and Alleshanr Cities held an enthusiastic meeting oil the currency question" to-day.

Many business men hot heretofore participating In the movement, were represented, and the unanimous voice of the meeting waS not to receive depreciated money except at the brokers' rates. The rates for Missouri and Vlrglrtla money, to-day, are four per cent, discount. The itdlcattODi clearly are tbit the movement is a success. The farmers demand to receive par funds for their produce NaTlgattoa the Touno, Monday, April 1. 'he pr ipeller Oltan, the first boat through from Dt nklrki arrived here 8unday A.

M. jljM Dcsxux, Monday, April 1. ''he steamers Cuikma snd Elmira. of the Nejw. York and Erie Railroad Line, arrived; here this w(th full cargoes from! Cleveland, jandnsky and Toledo, being the first arrivals of tne season.

Navigation )s now entirely dear betweeat this and UU Western Lake Erie ports. iiw.1 The Death of Jadse 8h Bosron, Monday, April 1. A meeting fV the Suffolk Bar was held to day, anl Committees appointed to make arrangements to attend thai funaial of ad Snsw to.mArmar. Rn. iluJons of respect to his memoty were adopted.

I 1 jThto Bey Res. J. 6heridaa Feaad. Tcsosro, Monday, April 1. The body of Hon.

Joaa Suaaiflsis Hoqajl a member iCjf; the Canadian who. disappeared very mysteriously something ovr a year ajo, was found in the Hirer Don on SatuidsV night. I I mil Te SIep-ef-Yar Camherlaad, Ac I I I Nommix, Monday, anril 1. i sklfWhsnfLaar4r Cmh rmA rams' nn Ysssa -ahr-j i A IIV SPVf s-va- ka wms sr sjaw aw ujf tssv bor.lyesterday, from the Roatfst. She eeharged sa-lutek with the receiving-ship fVaasytamt.

Lavs sl-Q Wk. GaiasTAAB had an affray: at a par add, at London Bridge, Pilnct-ss Anne, County, en Saturdsv. in which GsmstSA killed Lasv with a ayoneu lamQies. Both were respectable farmers, with JknlTai jif the Narth AsscrleasH-SaJUag ef saiasu M'e- April 1. 1 ike lUhe i steamship North ismdi.

froria liveroool the 14th rii Londonderry th I3A ult4 arrirel hetsj si s-fetock this asofalasj. The dates are aattci- pawa.1 at o'clock I The stesjmthlp Boktwrian. sailed oa Saturday tyehlBg for UverpooL it II I 'l I v- i i I i Bsmtharsi Oeemai taaaais 1 1' .1 Savamxab. Masxiav. a.wi ths screw steanuhlp 3ltmtgomeryt ifrom Hew.

ork, airtved here last rraning. mt tkm Orartaad. Eiswm Hal a mi mm jsaaWtIal New-EUctto. He- aa U. Seaatar.p Faat Blsjuot, Moaday, April 1.

The Pony Express passed ihera tt 3 A.1L to day, bringing the "following intelligence from the Pacific Coast for the Associated Press t-5 Sasj lAwrrsco, Wednesday, March p. M. Arrived 16th, ship HunUviUt, from Corovel; steamer GUUm AgH Panama, having la tow the steamer Uncle Sawu from Acapuko. of the I'ncit Bm'i passengers died one a CaRforaian, the Other an infant. The United States sloop of war womig arrived yesterday from Honolulu all well.

Sailed, 18th the bark Jtoser Ptuttngtr, for Melbourne, carrying a cargo of grain aad Hour. The bark Aim has cleared for Cork, with 17,000 bags of wheat and 235 bags of silver ore. The ship Sprm loading for Boston, and will carry a cargo of wheat and barley, aad 15 tons of copper ore. i i The hlp Lookout has cleared for Cork, carrvtns; sacks of wheat. The bark Yickery will sail on the S5th for the Amoor River tie Hakodadl, with a cargo ot California produce, liquors.

the owners accompanying, who intend establishing butlness at NlchalitkL Mr. Bixja-jus, the Jswish traveler, was also a passenger. Since the advices of the passage or the new Tariff, low grades of foreign Brandies have advanced J7Xc 50c from former nominal quotations. Aside from this, nothing has transpired La the market this week worthy of note. Trade continues very limited.

Money market to-day is supplied at 1)432 ft cent. A moderate treasure shipment la all that Is antlcipttel foi to-morrow's steamer. i No progress is made towards electing a 8enator by the Legislature, and the friends of Mr. McDorOAj. were disappointed when the joint Convention res-embled yesterday to find that he could only get 27 votes.

The hope of electing him by securing the entire Republican vote is about abandoned, and it is now stated that a new candidate will be brought forward, ia a day or two, with some prospect of success, by combining the Republican and a sufficient of the Douglas strength. J. W. Mo Coax is and Jobs Ccaar are both spoken of as candidates in this last change, i The Pony Express, with eastern iadrlces of the Oth Inst arrived at Carson Valley louiay. The announcement of the members of Libcols's Cabinet gives general satisfaction.

Conservative men hope, and expressed with considerable confi- -dence, tbat the conservative attitude assumed by tne new Alministrttion will be the means of the Union without civil war. California's rejoice at. the passage of" the Daliy Overland bill. All the California telegraph lines hare consolidated as one company, and the ne organized line un dertakes to extend a good substantial line eastward to Salt Lake City, In the most expeditious manner pos sible. They will itrl veto, complete i their lines before fhe Eastern Companies extend their's westwa to Salt Like City to join the California portion.

Mr. Wans, the General Agent of the Eastern com-paniee, who Is now here, starts for New-York by to- moirow's stesmer, having completed all his negotiations satisfactorily. Aditipatch from Fisilla states thatsroma 2M mn bae paned through that place duiingthe last three days, oti their way to the Coso and Moao dtstrlcts. LAT1BT BX TALXQRAPH. Sas Fsahcisco, Thvsday, March 21.

Sailed, steamer Golden Age, for Panama, with 260 pai eeng ers nd 1 In treeSore. Jos. A. McDocoau, was elected United States Senator by the Legislature, In joint convention, last even-teg, receiving SS out of 111 votes. He was afterwards awarded a certificate by the Governor.

Subsequently the Clerk made affidavit of 113 votes having been cast, leaving McDouoaix one vote short. An investigation is proposed by a Joint Com The supporters of McDouoall claim that his election depends on the certificate, even if the Committee report against him, leaving ground for a future conteit at Washington, should the Legislature hereafter elect another party. Arrival ef the fiaata Fa Mail. InniPSsnascB, Monday, April 1 The Santa Fe mail, with dates to the 18th arrived here to-day, being One day ahead of time, but brings no news of special importance. No Indians were seen on the route.

The grass on the road to Fort Wise is short. The contractors on this route are miking preparations to run an express from Fort Wise to Canon City, to connect with this mall. Hi Nws from Havana Naw-OsxiAM, April 1. The steamship Dt Soto has arrived from Havana, March 27. Sugars were dull No.

12, 0) reals week's exports, 20,500 boxes stock, 247,000 boxes. Sterling Exchange, 10310k premium. Sight Exchange on New-York, 1X82)4 premium. Nothing had been heard of Prince Alfred. Newa frana RIa Jaaelra.

Nrw-OatXAjis, Monday, April 1. I Bark Ptndtrgast, from Eio Janeiro, Feb. 16, reports the yellow fever raging there. The political news from the United States had un-settled everything in a business way, and great anxiety was manifested regarding the troubles. Shocking Olarder mt the Crew ef a New.

Bedford "Waaler. The Sydney Herald, of Jan. 21, contains a letter from Cap. Hugh Mais, of the schooner Jbritl, detailing the particulars of a most barbarous murder by the natives of Treasury Island, Solomon's Group, in which twenty-six persons, constituting nearly the entire crew of the bark Superior, of New-Bedford, were the victims. The letter which was delivered, through Capt.

Dstus, of the schooner Rtbtca, then in port, is as follows I beg to Inform you that I anchored at Ruhlana, (SoloiuQn Islands,) on the 10th of November, and on the tpllowing aay tne scnooner Ariel Slates master, airived at the same place, havinx touched at Treasurv Ulaxd three days pretlousiy. Tlie mate of the Arul told me that he hao reason to believe that the Amerl can whaling snip Superior, of Xew Bedford, Won master, had ceen taken at the last-na ued place. I thereupon imtnediately Ukderwe'gh ana proceeded to Treasury Island, where the natives, as usual, came on board In consideraole numbers, aod, during the whole day, were comicg and gcing, but did not offer anything for This gave rise to insreased suspicion, ana finding but too much grounds fjr my mlsgiviigs, I called one of the chiefs into the caMu, aha told nlm that I knew of their having taken the ship and murdered the crew, and tbat it was of no use. for him to deny the tact. The man then confessed that it was the cae, but said 'that he had had no nand iu it, wtich 1 afterwards found out to be partly true.

The next dby tfe natives brought part of the ship's sails, (all cut up,) and several more articles which they wanted to sell: among the rest was ihs ship's log book. That day I fouud out that six of her crew weie prisoners upon the Island, and 1 at onoe set about trylig to get Lossession of tnem. For three das more cruised off the Island, having the natives backward and forward during that time. I went to the be acq occasionally, a.d could see tne men, but on every occasion they were strongly guarded, i None of tte' principal natives comicg on bjard, as a lait resource 1 had to secure a native who was relate J. to one ot trie head chiefs.

I put him tn Irons, and next morning I took him ashore, and again offered the natives to pay them for the men. Tney agreed at last to let me nave one, who, on coming to my boat, gave me the dreadful intelligence that the whole o( the crew of the hvperwr, witn the exception of himself and five others, had been murdered and the ship burnt. It seems there are two chiefs implicated Copas, the hd man, and AnxxicA the next. My prisoner being aislaive tOAassiCA, I resolved to leap nlm until I got the wa other men that chief bad (for each of the two chiefs had, it seems, two men and I was finally successful after a great deal of trouble. Tne three men.

hoaever, wnom Corxs had possesion of, I could not get other by pel suasion or oy: threats, at I proceeded to the atchorage, where tne ship ben taken, and remained there two days. I a no Mitivts, but I found the ship's jibbsom on tne beack, together with pieces of burnt tiai'jer, snse. c. i 1 i Itebatk Supeiiw, R. D.

Woonj, mns'er (Woods iowntfr of New-Bedford, iiuled from tn it port oa tne iM Jute, 187. mce Treasary Islanl ob 121U of eptdaSec, IbSO. and came to anchor tieia on the same day. On the 13th, lit and 15th of that must jthe crew were employed ia woolns and axd from the men's statement, were vliiteiby a greu l-unuer oi nauves armeu. me loin.

11 in 5 14 the crew went ashore. The carpenter aM two men as ex tro the settlement and were murdered lis one of ihe tative huts. The natives then proceeded, in Canoes ai.d overland, to the ship, and' thee h-) rame by land fell la with the remaining! six cloe to the bea-h. and mvrdered there Abwt 150 asttvei got oh board the verse 1 scd made a rash on the crew, who Were ail on deck except our, who 'were in bed. jTnoee on deck were lamdiatoiT toaahtwkel, puly tao-escapteg by jimpUg oowa the main hatch way, anl joinujg below in: the forecastle.

One ci the eiew, whom I recovered, sw the captain, had secend mate BHirderad by a a alive called Buxv, who has been to Sydney, and epeake Eaeilsh well. The chief Cofast was the principal la this dresyifol tnassacraJ The six men below, being armed, wita laxeea, kept the aativea from coming down the fore-castla, until at last Buy told my Informant that if they casta up they should aot be At length, therefore, ther did so, and were at oaoa srrrtouadel. Sad by the Chief Cersa ordered to be pot to death. The Chief Aanxsca ofiered to bay three ef the snea, ad he persuaded Cor as to keep the other three to raa as. ther were at thetakma ot toe Tt inSfn, kr5irn-njrmrvni-' kM -LnZtk.

TwSr" hSpSr ea wtvhhf Tssea" Vte Hen4 blood, amongst whom 'i0 erew cSnsisUag Hot "ill anchored The naUve. qeaadtyof cordage anl nails. K. J. CUt.

fnl 'Tthtng el-s wasde- JfD fire- Tae fi.smor had SSiSTrti1 vi7el of 'P? Md 150 barrels orright rnMLSJ at ia Honolulu, "V0 the Dnlted 8tatesj2.63 'tta 200 barrels of whale oil, as shown by her tog to my pw.ion. Res las Solomon IslandsjNov. MXIR nayU aad Kb PBOTIST OW TH DOstUiCAM AGAUST TH1 SPAS-1SH IHTaSIOsUciil TO jLJtslS. i The brig Echo reached this port yesterday with advices from Hayti to the th Inst We find ia our files the following proclamation against the Spanish invasion, issued by the Dpmlfclcans ArrtA.L to TH SA.TI0. Dominicans The country is in danger, and there Is but one way to save itt-by Revolution.

8ataa, smce hhi last elevation to power, has sold the Repub-L1C uTt ot Vshkess did not suit him. Today he has adjudged it toj Spain, and preparing to crush the Dominican people Under the colonial yoke tor.ihe,.H11f priZl 01 ew Pierile dignlUes, and of the gold which will be distributed to him and five or six principal accomplices. To-morrOw the Tartars will enjoy le quiet the ricbes gained by this criainal Oar-gain, anu wih welcome us wiii an ironical smile oa lieaiing the clank of our chains. To-morrow attains will settle our hearthstones, and tns sttgma of ignominy will soil ouri brows. Tomorrow our wives will fly fiora Ottrj arms, our mothers wM refuse their raresses, iand our chUdren their smiles a degenerate people merit them not.

To-morrow, shad be abie to leave to'our families neither country, gtory, honor, prosperity, nor even tfee repose of the domestic hearth. iTo-morrow, to express it once fc all, we shall nave changed the noble agis of the Crow for the livery of 81avery. What, tnen, shai be the Way of refutation! Revolo A revolu-tlon, holy, noble, just, grand, because It has for its ob jtct the preservation of a nationality created at the pi ice of the blood and tortunes of its citizens a revolution, holy, noble, just, grand, because it undertaken tJ save our mr.try nil liberties. Fatherland Llrjeity Thtswas the heroic cry wnlch prereiedthe revolution of 18M and the isame cry precedes ttte revolution of 16l the yof a nation, which now SjTress forever the cris ofmere factions. ncmiiiicBns to arms Let ea citizei be a soldier ofaoerty, end to toe cry 'f V.ta li A'jn tne tyrant will be forever aiitdhjlat-d.

Let the fireo' ptriotlrn bum in our hearts the tropical sun vivi-nss our exig ence. Doiniilloan; to arms Shams to ose who dally in the le ar tn thli grea-. day of our uotrr theie are but two clasps those who are good citizens ai those whe are trait ri! Donli icins! arms ve mut corquer or Cle, fir deitnlj to degTa- a ion, and if we remain tmpassiole we eta 1.0 longer pretend to the digaity of fee men. Dommicms! to arm! Let on tne same day and at the tame moment as a single n. No mercy to traitors.

We rowt conquer at any price Lst not reveries discoursge us. If we triumph not in the cities and pala es, we will triumph in the villages, in the suburbs, in the plains; in the forests. Ve should make a fight of giants, which will artonish the world, and make the earth teemble under our feet. Dominicans victory or ceath, before the fall of the Republic Let us pray to Povldence that before this beloved land of Colchbds be'dUbonored, it may be In-guipned in the ocean. Domuiicaus, to arms! to combat to victory Let us wear the cro of heroes before we clasp the martvr's pilm.

The General of the Armies the Republicans, Josi Maxu had also issued an appeal to the people. The Kingston papers have published a protest of the Ex-Emperor Soilocqus, which excitej much mirth in Hayti. Jersey City. Stkiki or TrsHU bits and Tbseatkhid Riot Yesterday forencon. some 200 laborers In the employ of the Long Dock Company, who are engaged completing the work in the Bergen tunnel, and grading and la) in gthe track from the tunnel to the river, turned out on a strike for an increase of wages.

It appears that on Saturday last ths contractor voluntarily raised the wages of the men from 75 cents to 90 cents. The men subsequently determined to de mand $1 per day and they accordingly stopped work and proceeded in a body from the west end of the tunnel towards theJLong Dock. As the strikers proceeded towards the dock, each gang of the, men who hadrefused to turn out wss compelled to join them by threats or violence, or were driven a ay. Word was sent to the Station-nou'e, v.nen Chief of Police Masiscs. and a portt of police proceeded to the scene, and the ri Jters dispersed, threatening, however to reurn again in tte af noon to diive away any One who attempted to work.

Some seventy or eighty men who were compelled to leave work, returned again, aud during the alterrjoon any new bands were pui on. Tne rioters made no fuithtr disturbance Scicidi a0 Girmas. An unknown man, apparently a German, was found yesterday afternoon lying on the lower road to Bull's Ferry, fhot through the head, ald a pistol lyiog by his side. He is about five feet eight inches high, well built, high forehead, light complexion and dark auburn hair. He was drtssed in a bron overcoat, black cloth froak coat, black cloth vett, mixed casslmere pants, fine llren shirt, woclen undershirt, checked neck-tie, soft hat and fine boots.

A memorandum-book was fnund on his person, in which he; writes in German tbat he thot msell, "not for wart of m-ey, but being tired of lite, and gives bis last respects to his brother and sister." No name isiigoed to it. An tor qutst will re held ta-dav, at I I. at the office fcf Cororer Bouauxbi, No. 129 Was bin tjn-s tree llcboken. 1 Peupli's, Citt CosvtKTtok.

The People's Democratic City Conventioii metlat night at Coop-er's Hail, in Jersev City, to couilete their nominations. Mr. Jobs D. Nolas was i chosen Chairman, snd S. D.

Haisxs, Secretary The nominations compete ne as follows For Mayors-Joseph G. Edge. Recorder Ctriellus C. Wrirtlndale. School Cutn-mltioCer A- 8.

Jewell. Collector of Taxes H. L. Asiersor First an; Second Wards Alonxo Jaqulns. set tor Third to Sitth Wards Smith Meade.

Water1 Commissioners iDavld 8 Bedlotd, (ljrg term.) D. Culver, (jthort term NoaiSAiioKS is DemocraUc Convention in Hoboken, for the inomination of city officers, met last night at HixTCse's City Hotel, Mr. J. C. Tuk Prescient Thej folio log nomlnatidas were mace at the time our reporter left For Mayor Jonn R.

renominated Cltv Treasurer W. HSPBsn City Clerk Wi. R.fHAsateo5. Thirn Ward Womlnauocs Couoclinnn Wilhslm, rer-ominated Justice of thej Peace W. BoussTsnT, lenominated Con table L.

Mbsbditu, renominated. Orxo or ths Citt HaliI The newlty Hall, hich has just beeu competed lo Jersey City, was opened to public inspection last rdgkt, and was visited by a laige number of people. The Common Coupcll hold their first meeting there to-night, CoEiia Loavibs. Half a dozdn corner loafers were arrested end taken before Recorder of Jersey City, and held to bail in SI 00 each keep the pvace. 1 Sub dat Ball -fla Pour oan men were tsken before Recorder Tildbs, of Jtrsev City, yesterday, aid fined $10 each for plating ball on the Sabbath, i '3 -v.

i 1 The Cincinnati Gazette tells a sad-Atory of a woman wh" recently died in that cliy, as the jury determined, tn consequence of old age and exposure. Formerly the was a slave, but having gained her otva freedom, tried to purchase th't of hereon, who was forty or fifty years of age. She cd'ected $400, aad on paying this amount ber son was tet at liberty, ti order to asUt ia earnicg the $20 which was elill necessary to secure his release iron slavery. Trie tao had reduced the amount to little more than $100, when, a few days ago, the un'ortonste man was seized and carried to Alexandria, Ky at the escaped slave of Mr. Gatchiil, who had already received $390 his purcbas money.

His mother took to her bed and cud in a day or two aiurwaios 01 a broken heart. 1. I Train RADICAL CUBS' OF HSRX1A Oft HTTP-TCHE. Ir. B.

N. MARSH, of the SreH-knowa house sf ARSH iCv) Ko. 3 Astor-Hotue, eppoaiu St. Paul's Churen. devotes seeelsj a Mention to the surgical adaptation of Lis Radical Cure Trass.

Alee, a large assortment -ef silk, aad Lisle thread elastie Stoekiars, for varicose veins Fsotaie-suppcrters, Suidor-brs4at-proved Suspensory and 3 instrument! lot hyaisal daTorskitMe. A Ladj ia atteriaaaea. A thnpe that 8ariflee the Eyo.i-Taverul iout-ipgs. super!) ftsUh, and ths old molerWta price, are las ctarscLerli'icVOf the pkjant and dhisg 'prias err; Hatjurt brought out by ESPKXSHtlO, No, Utt Gn dt Amerleaa Areacy aad Reading Hion.e. Assericen Papers kept on ftte-i every inform.

tioo ioteresttBg ta Americans. Register kept sf Americans visiting London. No. 14 Strand, Loiidon. agUnt oft Tints may be Rendered Elegaat aad I si the 'highest oeyr bccjmicc.

Wboevyt dousti it can-not be seen the new atyh buU oat SrAvS Nss-an-st. ryyayepala Carast by r. critfird's tutic Ke rasdr, as tboosanoa can sasUqr wae have used A. Prios 3 asste it hex. i j-: PHILIP LIB.

Broadway, ji Wheeler db' TTliaaa'a Sewieg redone with Cl.ti Pretr, iapov4 Loop Check, aew style ade. Cordor, e. a t-iOAee He. Breadsrap, Kef Tark. Graya Jlajr BeataratiT will 1 Caala Hal to grow on bald heads, resere gray kale ta iu erigtaal otor.

and prevent the hair tnm falUng For sale si Ko. St lattoa-eb, Ke. K3 Bread war, aad fry Draggi $1 -1 SM -t Batehelara sew lareatesl VTlxm aad Toaveaa ar trot jr Jernu spoine art. oaU o4 sea Utaia at ANs-as at aeaa tat a saeasan cara ITToMlaavs alraadf ins- "BaXrfceIr TTsLf. ssiM xrltu-tt aataral wbnvi aw ataiats-g the skla er lnjtr J.1, bad dyes resBoved rthVaaft teJiJKTl? bT hs ye.

Paetory. Ke. si Barclay-si. 80IS aad rivmil Bnli4 81TCHE. AATCiU- for aaie ay ail aragxissa.

The I.add eV Wesniter H.t...iv..l.i. Bow be bad for ifty Iolr- LAPP, WABSTUR fc CQ. Ko. Bread sr. 91.IdaYla Creasa 1 faiwca iVj, WhiskoT.

te grow luxarUntlTT 80U tfw. A. IatTh KLOR aew taveated Wig atNa. BtLu MARRIED. I PssaiS Psnra.

At last Aurora, X. ToaTSrsr March IS. by Rev. Wau Baxtoa. Cass.

WuiZi If W. B. Pala. ot ten former place. DIED.

I Hasfvx In this City, 00 Satarday evenrag. Varah suddtnly, Ansuni Bcon, youngeat child of Jomsph w. and Ellen Urling Harper, aged 1 year, 11 raoatas aad 11 days. Thr funeral will take place this (Tuesday) mercing, April 3, at 11 o'clock, from the residence of ber parent, ko 14 MestZki-st. Class.

la this City, on 8unday. March si. or crosss Jcsn AsAMs. only child of John Q. aad Catherine a.

yrs 1 soonth aod 13 days. Tne funeral aill take place Uds day. (Tuesday.) April 2, tt clock P. from ha West Uih st Kelativae sno friends of ths isatily are Invited to attend, without further notice. SroCKiao -In this City, oa Monday, April 1 Jawb A daashUrr of Elisabeth aod toe Late A.

Y. 8 root's tgra 11 yrsrs and 7 months. The rt-lfi tin and trmnas of the family are invited te attend the funeral, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 8 oYWxk, from the residence of her stepfather. Musts B. Tspley.

No. 7 without farther notioe. biXHsrr. In this City. Sunday, starch 31.

at her Lte residence, Ko. 127 it 13th-u. Amilia Matiia. wife of Francis Bennett, sard SS years. i riends of the family wilt pkase attend the funeral, from the above address, on Tuesday.

April 2 at t. U. Paclisou In this City, on Sunday morning. March 31, Joh youngest son of John P. and Marrsret Pauiison.

aired 1 years aad 3 months. 1 he relatives and friends of the family are respectfully requested to attend the funeral, oa Tuesday, April 3, at HH A. at the residence of his parents. In 8th st nearath av. Stsges leave lkl-t.

and Cth-av. every minutes. McCov. In thrs City, on Saturday evectnir. March 30, altera painful Illness.

CtTBitia atcCoi, wife of John McCoy, in the 67tb year of her Me. The relatives ana friends of the family are respectfully tovltel to attend her funeral, from her 1st residence. Io. 318 BJeeckerst on Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. stALLsav.

IntdisCity, on Snnday. March 31. Ssaaa Lcvisa, daughter of John B. and Isabella J. slier skiI 2 t-srs md 3 monibs.

The rcUtives and friends of the family, and also ot her srano mother, Mrs. James Harrison, aw respectfully In-vitea to attend the funeral, at the residence of her parents. No 8U Jane oa Tuesday, at 3 P. M. 1.0WIIK.

In this City, on Monday, Apnl 1, Jobspb wjak, sged 43 years. Toe relJtiv. sand friends efthe family, alio tin member 01 Templ.r Lodge, No. Su3 T. A il are re? pctiul-lyiuvi'ed to attend his funeral, from th resi ieoce of -his blotter.

Eoiert, No. 'iit Bl.vikr cn Wednesday, 3d st 3 o'clock, without further Invitation, Kaim lo thisCi'y, on 8unay. March 31. Zos, daughter of Jan es and Maria Elisabeth Eain, axed 1 year. 3 moEths and 14 dvs.

I relatives am friends Of tBe family are invited to attend the lunerkl, kl lilt o' lock A this day. Apnl 2, at her patenU' rtsidence, 45ta-st near 6th without further notice. 1-Tow In this City, on Monday mornins. ipril 1, Mr. A Alton Ltob, ased yesrs.

The luneral ter vices -Sr ill Wke ptice this (Tuesday) rnorninr. IM insU st IS o'clock, from his lte resirlence. No It Broaawny. The relatives and friends of ths family are respeitfuily Invited to attend, without further invitton- Mraaa. On Monday, April 1.

Hiksiitta Ross, only child of Peter nd alien Myers, aged I year. 6 months and 21 days at their leeidence. No. 10 Birmingham st. Babsim in ftrooklyn.

on Monday. April 1, of con- of tse brain, Psct, child of Carlo and saline J. bareiid. aged 19 months and IS days. The friends of the family are invited to attend the fu.

neral, frcm the reticence of bis parents. No. lit Con-irrffs st on Wtdnt s4sy morDiofr, at 11 o'clock. Beowh. In Brooklyn on Sunday, March 31.

Eusa. ITH, wife ol B. Mapes Brown, of Deer Park, L. in the -4th year of h' ase, 1 The friends are invited to attend her funeral, from her late residence at Deer Park, on Wednesdsy afternoon, at 2 o'clock, without further inviution. The 10 A.

M. train 01 Island Bailroad arrives in time for the far neral. Plsmtxo. In Brooklyn, en Sunday evening, March 31, Ellsw Eusabbvb. wile or Andrew Fleming, and third dauxhter ol the late James Prinele.

1 he relatives and friends ol the family are respectfully Invited to atu-nd the funeral, from St. John's Church, corner of Washington and Johnson its Brooklyn, this ITnestfaj afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Hicss. In Flucbtnr, at bis residence, on Seventh Day, March 3o. 8ilas Hicks, in the 84th year of bis age.

The friends of the tsmilr are respectfully invited to sttend bia funeral, from Friends' Meeting House, Plush-ir on Third Day (Tuesday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock, wilbout further invitation. Alstox In white Plains, on Monday. April 1, Jossra AtSTOH, late of Georgetown, 8. C. in the 30th year of his ape.

The funeral will tske pUcefrorn his present residence. In TrVhiUi Plains, on Weooewiay. 3, at 121 Eipress trxin on Harlem Kilrod letves comer 26th-st, snd 4h av at 10 o' kck 26 minutes, arriving: at White Plains at 11 o'clock, where carriages will be wsiiinx rrturnlLg at 3) o'clock sT Chsrlestor. S. popers please copv.

BASBT4BO At Hun soa, on fiatur-lay, March 30, Masy, wl of Capt. Timothy Barnard, on her 79th birthday. Lociwood. At 8aratrcra Springs, on Ssturdsy, March 30, of diphtheria, Dslta M. Locswooo.

only dauxhter of A.Lockwood, of Cornwall Bridge, Conn aged yesrs smi 8 moubs. KH.1C880NS CALORIC KNUIK2B. Prom te 18 tnchea diameter Of eylindor, for sale At the Agency, Ma. loi Dasare-st. sWB FOB A PAMPHLET.

Tarioas applications of ths Kngine to pumping, tara-tng soachlaery, and to Sewlnassaohines, bolsting-iaa ehlnes, fte may be seen at the Agency. These r.nKines require no water. OPPICIAL DRAWINGS, BT TEL29RAPH. Of THB I.KOALIZKD LOTTKKIK8. WOOD, kU)DY MAJTiGiaa 01 nu DXLAVAU, KJUTTCCKT AND M2330CTgI 6f ATI LOTTEBJXS.

ATJTHORIZlCn BY- THZ LEGI3XJLTTJBJL The andersigned Commissioners, appointed bp ths Governor of the State of Delaware to superintend the drawings of ths Delaware State Lottery, do certify that the BOMowing are the numbers drawn this day DKLAWABS LOTTKRIK3. trtra Class. No. 205, April 1, ISO. 62, $6, 2s, 6, 20, 71, 61, 28, 42, 37, 21, 41, 14.

Class No. 20C April 1, 1861. 41, 56, 9, 13, 65, 24 50, 8, 16, 45, 47, 59, 55, TL WitiMM ear hAda at Wilmington, 1881. GEOBGC C. OOBOOM.

JOSEPH SKAL. JAMSS DUNCAJf. -Circulars eoBtalaing schemes for ths month, wfll be smalled tree ef charge, by sending to WOOD.KDDT At OOw, Wnsilnxton, Del. or St. Louis, Mo.


i Universally neogaissd a the BIST CIDIR la Kew York. sale by tae sole Agent, 1 1 MABTIM H. KOBERTS, 1 jm Vo. 103 Peart-si. Also, Wm.

M. Donning li Pare Cider Ytnagar very ehotee Newtown Pippin Apples, and a select ssoek of fins wines, teas and frroceries, at Low rates, lo packages to suit families and the trade. pABrNET J. X. DOB It CO.

offer at retail their large avsortmeat of KOSIWOOD. WALNUT, MAHOGANY And OAR FURNITURE, of their own manufacture, at very low prices. Bvery article warranted ta give entire satisfaction. Warerootne and Manufaotory Voa. SS aad ta IAST fwur doors ASt from Bowery.

SPRING. .1 aa now prepared 'ffr my extensive stack ef jles of Clothing, ready-mads or to order, ALL, sis, cut and made iu tae most taety manner. Cas-tora-rcors not equaled. Furniahing tac-lr and children's d' "rpaswd. i Ouods ia this lias wills sold AT PRICES al any otW estabUsh ment.

Money returned if o.leaei. Clothing never was piwv, At i5AJ.UWl. I No. TO and 73 Bowery, Largest store in the City. i i NEW-YORK vrawaaa -n tr-w la rnMWfTil'VV WK.

C. BRYANT, ChalrmanS. J. I. WILLIAMS, Treaa.

Cbas. H. KarshaQ, Seth B. Bant, H. MeCurJy, Mosris Ketchusa.

G.C.Bronsoa, Chaa. W. Daniel Lord, Daaiel Draw, J. S. Wadswwrva.

Donations of Btoeey asay bel sent is J. I. WTLTJAkti, Treasarer, PraaeS MeWatiliU Baak. Mew-Yerk. Buadlae ef Clothing.

B-wta aod BAsst, ssay be sent It Nrw-Yoar Post emca, AjsrU '2 PUBLIC KOTICE IB UKJIKBbv that the Bulls aentofore fma tw BfSee hy tae Sfeataartea, Nsw-Load oa mm Norwich tn fcai fn.r mrmk aailnsd. aad will elose atfjarrawaasi u.utAa as. ia t1 PCETVf BOOKS. aiAt ra-aar. OUTBRTVn.ST, 1 5 -4 Beinf theareenf bsuaaf thanew afcgaai i 1 Mia.

u- woirs of trrUttsWDiCsnnf 1 iuwsTgina taeti aaawnag, ar il-i -r. O. C. DAILTY aal JOBS GILBDtT. twe volasaas eeatspar vot.

PICXbYICX 1 1 1 APULIA fwvolmnes, was published March i J.C. CRIOORT. tacussiato WA. T0WNSI5D CO 3. Ha.

Waaer-ttn K.T. KID BtlTTLIlfB, I i Hi BYTKLga I THI DKAT8 sfrSTXST i i l.fA i 1 i CETMSOW TALI LITI ISRIW-TORX. ima ocaxtMaorjain wrax'a f.r il! 0, lit i MIW-YOBJt MEBCUET. MST Bend la year orders." imtoadJately. i 'P C-TIU ILORKI CM NmnTHKOALJI OV THji i i TU jYmmmlttUr written Jtsav C.

Z. Weutr, Utkt anaasi jrsrassd thntrngmfj mt CXmmbmrtburgh, PaWSs. A BIXIJACTRISI, There la a aroaaaa ia the publlo eye, whose I ki all along beea sssociated, IA oar salad, with the Ti and Bat tt ts as and we desire te wrest her aas) front all sack aaaWatioatonUotbarssiada. whatever SMtioasmsaaa) hare of wasaaaly AtVeurt and proprtotj, Vm Kit that woman alone la the Marse the eooa MarseO I aanKarse. Whether we ahali have.

femaJe phyaMaaa or not la a qosstion whioh must ha decided by ttaae ao4 triple, aad not a sasarcrf taste. Prida, prJudtoa es price and custom may as vaTJ behave theauarvaa, fat' I if thei raally a Fact there will also be a supply I there be a thtrw srJU St 'WssJi' Ittajs and Human Society anl always salf-sapplytng, nasi taongn art aad Jaahietl Saay Uadar. they aaaaaf prevent. I Mrs. Wlaslow does aot want to treat rna gniiflSBSBMl I 5 nor does she prescribe a nghtiea fcr yoarairas kal i i' modMtly appears as a messenger of health and feeaV-- ases to your err Asm la the eradle.

Ia there asvythiaj h. Improper ia that A nurse of tea yeais' axparianaff I boldly say what la or is aot rood for a babe nast ought to bd listened to. 3od speed her ea heorknaikOi i net nappy smiaal ion. She Iff the most traooesafol 1 st tfeetaal bettetaetraM ear Uttta aaaweaf doting pareatF.aot zospsed. Jast oaaat li and rs.WlnsiowwUtpror theAjaatst 1 elan aadmt snjoyed ner the door for her loan rioreoee Nightingale of the aarserp.

Of thataav I are so sure, that we will teach ear Sat te gap, Jf BLsseweoi Maa. for helping her to aarvtat i and escape the griping, eolllcking aad teething alaa I Weeonflm every word set lorth ta the Rrafrpectagl I performs prlsely what hi profassas to partbrat ever ji of It, nothing leas. Away with pong 'CordlaX Vl aad every other aavl eotls, by whleh the babe i drugged 1 stmptdity, sBai i rendered dull and ldiotle ft Uf i We have never seen Mrs Wlrialov-BaeWBoalr 1 through the preparation of hsr i'SOOTTOffi gTaWyV FOR CHPLDBIlf we had the eewarjT we would make her, as sks 1 a physloal savtoar to thr Innnt i- H3GHXY OCP02TAST TO M0TBII4, MRS. WTJTsV-; LOW SOOTEXSfG SYRUP kKthe only thtasT thalyasj eaa rely apba to give rast to yersalf and retlaf aaaT health to yo4rafaat. MBS.

WCfgLOWS BOOTBXNfJ BTRUP has the moans of restoring the drooping rrnlrita In This to tn season af the pear to ase LOW'S BOOTHIMO STBUP. I I Te every mother who has tbjldraa snf eting froat nas ef the oompIainU Ueldsnt to the period of tsriffitng. aaj say do not lei pear own artiacleep, er the prsjadioas af others, standla the way ef hs relief that will be ears I yes, absolatelysara-to foUoKthf ase of 104. Winw I' LOW'S SOOTHIxe STBUP.5 I Druggists everywher aew fcece iraa. sTTaaarmi swTiixwuqxjius'rweJuldraatsathtcaT.

sTessedtotac lata united HtatesasBs likatt. jtttoastaadard eine, and ltd fame world -wide. Parttoiana mrm mm it wberwrtr Its snagtoa eFeeta aavs beea adtoesaaaV. -1 Daring the ty years of asreeedeaM aad LeraBAV-! popalarity of. MBS.

WTNSLOW'8 SOOTHIMbV SYRUP, Innumerable Cobjuaxi'' aad other aoetr i (Vrepared by Breteaded M. hawa mmmm i liTed bat a aahroosa eziitensa, while the SOOTETJf SYRUP has been eonstanfJv i. i aad beoome a hemsaaold word, and ef ssothan. If thank Mrs. Wtnslov for the talthot their ahUdraa i'i I aha ass of her iavalaabls artlela, I arh.w ttia nf idl -3 I mmrmw yVTUiaif' naVU SaUOWai IB 5 th fJootstops ot their UJustrtons iwdseataara," hTJUbJ I WW SLOWS S00THIN0 StVT wQI oeaUaao to ha pppaiM favorite sxd a blaislr to Moao genuine anleas the bMtsiadle of; CTJITI3 ah' FIRIINS, New-York, is on thseaUtde wrapper.

I Sold by i Prtaetpal oOea. Na. Cedar-L, Vew-Tork. rriaaoaip at'oaata par aatahi, i COLPA! COCUHStI BROWN'S BjtOSCHIAL TKOCHXS Cart Cough, CoU, Hsarsrasasv wa- tmsmmuf imtatwrnmr 8oreu mf. SM Jrmat, nsAMs Us UaaldmA' Cskaa CTriycit.ilrsn Asfama and Cw- i a mm gWH mrtngtm as It r'sjaaee mf i i ptpLid eplAjunts Pew are aware af the faBesrfsnas ef eneeaias a er "sueat ootaf la its firs sta-; that wbToh ia saa beginning weald yield to a ailld remedy, if arrlsnis.

soon aUacka the lunge. Mrum't MroncmnU if tm are a snoat valuable artiola. eapeatatly sti kit Minsk of the year, when Ceagas, Csids AVaacaatis, Intittm ts Hrten aa4 Birt Tktmmt are se povvalsai, Th Treebea giro sate aad alsaaet lstmediata relief. Sold kav aU Dragjrtsta La the United Statea. at ta eectts a has.

i tTTATTS X.UTB BAXflAla. Ia i I i ii i i RHIUMATISM. BCBOTTJLi, XVt BHTUM, Hyatt's Life Balsam Is the aad tmJU tamed for the moat painful and pxoir acted forms a ftheaa diseases, also, old ulcers, fever sores. eryslp''asi tha worst case impurity of the ttoad, Brer aad kUtasrs, general debility, dyspepsia, taclpient eosr jamptioa. piles.

Ac Principal depot Grand-1. eoata per bottle. i i VVTi. Af Ws lava oa haad Urea aatltee ef China. Class ware sad ether roods, wii rich aa 1 fir ails sxtLda oa raeeat Impoctottoo, oCer for sa' rT, 'JL' 'lirpa cash.

"i r. I i FXaMlTR. THKSliltlC Trfnahsh na dining good qas French china Tea plate, per 7 r-eoch china dining services, 226 pie em Preach chiua tea t4ica. 44 pieces. Preach decorated tea services, at Andtlifcr rlsiap nportion.

I i Silver-pitted tea seas, pi.s.. II caster. tent bottfari i Sttvex-plaiad case-ksst sas '3 S4 Sil ver-s-ltd dessert forks, pet 'aL 4 TS iiver-etsfsd table spoons, per 1 Silver-PlftSed Teasponn per a 3 Frr'h Chin Covered 1'iahV 4 CutGiass 1 4S Ivory Im fvvry Handled Tea n. Ioai stone C'bina Te flat ssi-ertor sjaality, do. On Voxsa each ret al Ooblets.

Cbaoparne Sad 1 Wiaetrlaatds, aad tr vat glass 4HcnatetM plecea. far MM. i. ill if. i-r! Ca( iwach op- wwstlty as Kes "ZC rrv, Ptr an Steel.

ST timi, AS fair analityh fa. sanraed I la pi ala I All oSwfI4AiTTM Wpw-Yrt aad Jarrey City. i otrtyoTlif BiwiHA rI Brya. JUStrJVe.a llanin nf rnrn, -1- i jail from Irt Tm'Jlnmif Cages Case aad APertor eaaty.aB4o.l. i i 4- WV SZZlPi t2HT9m nT 11 he tramp.

ry avervoe-i zl mt th I SU.aseVCaaaWa. f.r1J ao deaa rwUely as if praseat tocTqa- I I 1 1 i it '1 i tin -ii i I- 1 fv 1 Sf i PIS si Y.i 1 'T I I i f-U 41 'i i.S' .1 4. if I- I. If: li ii- tl" 1 i I.

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