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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 5

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

lit i I I It ef the Chsreh r- Ilk ewt tent tee AoctrtaM of ATCebntbop Txuano soa be praiml terickU. Bat bf7 Wervteaglal. MM(M MM TU Waaat-ctaa Irtte amis. 7 PWAtfifsr tIf-T Tm enssnins the IrMh smtrirWt at WaaUBeTtea, hrB as ia x-eruttv CoomltlM eftfc4rtemant la that city, who Bar MM KWfNMM awo tk tJutonfFTBBinBnv JaJoxc Tkt potmtof 4- tack at snad agatnsi (si twfwtrt aa ex-ou-kaMBf aertbe a a tmntnif. navtng bo trteadly tatersst any IiiahmiiiBB.

FwrneH Mlnr thai th antmaa bu aeasllid -tfimwTBWiMiwundrtKtf IamBotgraal 'jjr V-' Dr. Twosxn Inuu, one of tk aort promiasnl of th lssdsrs of what tu knows the 'land mt hi birth, th Toons Ireland party, tb friend aad fallow exile a Tatouta Fswncs kfAAnarsm, Kinuano O0oxax. Jon Savaaa. TaoatAB Cna Brnxx, Turn Bum McMtjru, and ms of suck rank. Dr.

AjrmxiJ. la moat favorably bAowb la literary aad arieetiB cSicfaa la this CUT- Ha waa thsssubor of the Cyclopaedia ot Deeful Arte." peb-Imbed by Mr. Oao. P. Prrrxani sway yaara ago.

Dr. Rom, of too TrOmm, mmm baav taaOaoay kia ability aod laarahig, la jiaarli pobtlca, ka baa bwa aaUtormly aattonal tm him emAnH. Ha waa mnnl try ftia bimtifl Tr 'J 1 wltkaa appointmaat to a raapoaaibla offloa la. oonaactioa vltk fa tatnta acrrfo. Ha to-day aa traa aaaa, aad aa patriot! a ettiaaa aa fcaad ta a aiarlna.

which ba rery oommandaWy ragarda aa kia koaMb tbaa prtat practical aflaot to aia tow of aDa-Uaoa to tba Qiiiiaaiaal of tba Caitod Statoa. Tba aiMNat wltk wbicb ka proad to ba Idaatlaad ra. biai aa ooa oTiU beat rapreaaatatrra aaaa, aad anfl aUaaa ao to ngard, daaptU tko dlasracaftil BuaraprnacalatioM of Waahlaglnai Iriihwi kaw-Toas, Xor. IMa. J.

K. Crvaltr to Aalaaal. -T kUttmr fO A rr ftoiaa? 4. lettar from Prof. Jokv Dm Area, la a-awr to ktr.

Bzaam, rraaldaat of tha Boetacy for tba Prwraatioa of Craalty to iahaala, lyaara tm thia ctar Tmaa, rtioa to. tk aaa of amawthatloi ta atoachtor-boaaaa. Baaayar la trato. I tnink tkat tba amaariaaa of tbaa eraataraa an mack laaa ta tba artial of oaafk tbaa ooauaoaly Ac Poaply mpmtkixlmg wltk tba eaoaa, at tha baad of 'whlohki tba TCT-to ba kjaad aama of ktr. BaaoB.

bovar. laaayasra wltk tba aatbority of tba tai-saat foaUunaa, I tblak tba wortty finfiaaor wffl admit tkat tbar cxtota ao aooaaaity tog tha pfolonga Uaa ta nbrnBi of tba poor aoJaala raawrad to. I sea at liberty, tbarafora. to oflar a mora apaady aad naoh laaa era! mathod of aUof htertnf aaiaiala wklck ooaid ba adopted la laaa time wttbeat adding aitbar to tba axpua (a eoaaidarabla lim) of aaaatbaO mlarlal ar to tba aagatln kaaaaaity of tba alayers. To oftem baT witaaaaad baary ox an alowly draws, aad for many mUantea mid-air latt aaapeadad by a rop Brcurad to tba hind lags, and la tbia poai-tioa of tortar aararal taefiaetaal blows from aa axa oa tba bead bafor aaautbacia ooaid be produced.

The aiaapto mods I pre pan, to carry oat tb Idea of Mr. Bsaoa, is. to adopt tb ptea of tb SoaUi Amarf-eaa paacaar oa oatti eafnunni, liter they have a. tng indifiaraatly tb parpoeo of tb baO-nmit la aUafntar-hoaeea. wltk a aharppolntod kalfa tby dextarovly aeparat tba aplaal eord aloes to the ooct pitai (ak-UQ boa.

Tb animal mils and la laaaaalbl to paia, Aaj ot oor hospital anrgeoaa or rnilaaanra of ear-gory will Indorse my abatement, that persona breaking tb Back and thereby compraaetng the aplaal ord exproee ao feeling of pain. la my official capacity la the City Hospital. bars aeea persona la thia condition liv from oa to three days wlthoat erino-ing the slinkiest approaoh to pain. Dtridlng the apinal oord elose to tba brain render tba anilsthawla parmlyeia atfll mora oompleta. A piece of iiimiinesss IT cruelty, from Ignorsat habit, 1 Inflicted In tb eiiOThtor of sheep.

Tha animal aecared to aerr tba porpoi ot (h alayer, la first "stuck through tb neck with a knite illy suited for such purpose; it la theamadtto saw all round the perforation to efleot tb aMrisloa of the blood Tea ola in the operator take the head of the poor eraataraa, and at right a gle breaka tb aeck backward, tbareby adding a frtul paitPT aa in no Instanoa la the apinal eord either eompreeeed ar lacerated. Aa Pro. Dtim truly remarks, cftea they probably ondnra aracb more pain to the act ot transportation. Be will ba-waansly erimtt that our exaltsd iateHeot demands that their eafieriag should not be iner eased by any of the uaneceeaary addiaona which are tbougbUesely laflUited. C.

CASTUfi. kt. IX Ktw-rosx, Hot. 8, U06. Cavrel troaa Kama.

Ta flU ZiHor mf(U 2TtwTmTnmm: Toor corrcepondent in Harana, in a reoesi letter, apesks of EaaigB Caaa, the auppoaed spy." aa betmg under arreat tor baring sold certain paper ta rreeidtnt Oxrrmaas. I bag to aay lsreply that I am not under arreat, and that whenever I obtain par ntarioa from tha Vary Department to publish all tb facta in regard to tha case, I ahail aattafy tha publia that all tha ebargae alteged, atainat ana are without toundatioav Mean time, I ask a aiieiiawaiiia of opinion. Yours, respectfully, ADO. KAKZ. D.

H- Sary. Erxarrr Hons, 8unday, Hot. 4. City RAilrevsel Cawatavailea. Tttht Editor vf ffce Ticm- Tmrk Wbo can tell why not a single judgment baa been rendered against City raOroad cars during tb last three mouths, atthoagh tba Tweaty-atxth Pre-ciact Police mad C48S complain ta agaiaat said railroads for running car far nir without liosna Surety taws ought to be enforced again these wealthy corporation a strictly aa against tb T.609 owners ot public carta, tracts aad express wagon who bars recently paid tor their licenses.

AH INQTJXBKB. THC FIR WEST. TTa Ctaiora Pa is atmUroaWI Eisanisn. tsts'i lidtam Ttroaitala Heperted Cap tait efaa Xafllth Uaattag Party. Crrr.

kta, Sunday, Rn. a. Tb Unioa Paciflo TUilroad exrxrmiotr left Xajawert yeaterday morning Prn EOey, wkar they arrtred about nooa aad war koapitably oator. talaad by tba ameer ol tha Tort. Tba party ra- rtuee.

Topaka aad acbaTft ptooa aloag Ha roata, jn. etadtag Hob. J. kt. JoTrma, ktr.

MoaoAa, Got. CaXlroaa aad tbar gtato ofBcara. aa Oor. Saanon. talhtaartal cUisaa tba fort Biley the parry proraadad to Jaacttoa City, tb umaal tormlawe mt tb road.

After apaad. tag a pi set at boor, the party inniail to Taaiiain wbsra Uey war taled by tha city aatkorltto aad kaaJaosaery ntrtalfia. Tkry left Lawraac aft BL, aad arrrvad at Kaaaaa' CHy at P. kt. wbs tbsy ware also received by tba airy aafhaiMlsa.

A islagahna of ottlaaaa toeorted Cham to tk kaf SahesqusBfty they jiatteok af a wmptawa aapper ta Jmak EahV Ta-aigkt tb party laa-re far St. Xieai wkiek tbey triptarongh a Mcttoa of tko saoat magnificent agri-aitarat oouatry ta tb world, ktr. Bxdblm aad a Pertton of tha Pansaerpaia party aad acbar eacar-teaaaa am rest Biky to marriw far Tort mkw ataigiry-ttTBiMwAe41 aia ta a baau bsat. Tbare are about Cbeyena bdiaas la th rid. toIVrtTieworfs, and a Tmm CwascO wCl ba keUwUhtbam thia week.

A aght raosaBy ecrrd ta fk awighborsood of rftpttngahstwaea a party af aaj fayota, aadar CuL tdCot. a ammbar of wbtck Goat was kmd and Tnaxxn d. CoL Goae waa fk Damocrstte Ite AadlMC. CoL Pbuum mmm Ve ajatJy waOnowa eoRTwpoadaat at fk jTaw-Totk Ika PslasiBaihd la crated aixty mfla, treadTai, j. amMa toOeeaf tha road.

Ti rrtaaalii af MB Bder will aa 1 auTea west, of Ira Balas. a- 4) fVii itl Cuaa KiUoful XUnk robbad lo-dat GLcrroa boouXtxlt. us oouM Bectes. TIXE E3LCCT10J. ta a tad Caat.T Tfattotss XrfOaal Mekotat' 1 WlOam U.

eiaa Stephsa Tbor. fama A. Taa Brunt. aim. Cblttaades.

4 Bono arly Ebbm EUoO. aun suvsea. Bernard H.txbea. John IX Ba.tar. i wubara K.

aVtuaaoa. Joha Pox. Joba Z. See Minn si b'ebno Tartor. oka Mfiiaas.

Thomas X. Stewart. TkoaaaaK. I Cbra S. Spencar.

Wlnthrop Cbanler. mes Brooks. Le Grand B-Oanaoa. (MruLCady Stanton. BTATX TICKXT.

roa ooTTJutoa. kVeabaa K. reatoa. John T. Hoffman.

pom ixif iu urr-ooTua om. Stewmrt L. IToodtara. Eobert H. Pruya.

won dsn, ooswrsaioKra. aVpaas X.Bayt. William W. Wright. rom ctazs raisox Eramoroa.

John Bammoad. Frank B. OaTlagbT. xrw-roax crrr asszxbix poamrJiTioirs. The AaMmbly nomination ar a yet imcomplet.

Tba fallowing list i eorreot to date: Vit TsTlrliasI 3. Oowea. Badieal BepubU- Ooi. bUcbaal blarphy. Tammanyi htiobael Do- p-Ais TSapubUean; Oonstannne Donah o.

Ism many aad afcSaoa; r. r. Byaa. Demoeratie Pnlntiiat, TMrd IHatiw William O'Brtea, Bepabheas: John Bay. Tammaayi Daniel O'KaUly, ktoaart; W.

H. Bsilard, McXaon; JameaOoateUo, Demoeratie Unionist. fvvrtk District John Qmhrtn. BepnMtcsn. Tammany aad kfoaart; John t.

Blatr. DemocraUo Unionist. Syta I'lss iaf Pbariea Btouwalt. Tammany aad ktc-Keoc; Joha roles, Moaart; T. Dorsmua, Demo-uiatu TJntontot.

Mam Dvtrid Jacob Blabarhar. Tammany; John A. aVaraoa, Moaart, kTeKaoa aad Dtoocntw Dmooiai. Mmmtk iAjsries Prank A. Bananra.

Republican, Tammaay and Moaart; Idward Mltehell, Badioal Ba pablioaa; Henry Zeimer, Democratic Unioniat. Stfktk Dimtrict Mtohoiss W. Xberhard, BapubUeaa; Geo. W. Aaderaoa.

Badioal Beoabhoan; James Bead, TinmaaTi T. Polhamaa. Demoeratie Dntoniat. AmuXNatrMa-Kormaa Stratum, Bepobtaoas aad Badlaal Bapahlicaa; Henry Jtagera, lammaay aad rail flisMefOwan Murohr. Rroublican and P-ttl BepeifaUeaa; Joha Dimoad, Tammany; Owen Murphy, DeaMerattoUaieaiat Kimittk IHMrid Joba T.

Grtdtoy. T3tMlieal Bepab-Hcsa; W. Hill Powler. Tmmmsny a Mosart. rwat XHetrW Tfeomas X.

SutUfia, BepabUean; WOUam Lynch, Badioal Bepubbeea; Heary WobV tm. Taanmsny; Patrick Daly, Moaart. Tkwtmmtk thatriul Panjamla C. WandsO. Badieal BapabHoaa; Bernard Craegan, Tammany aad Dmo-erad Dnloaiat; Id ward Berriaa, Moaart.

Saurtee DistrwsTbotnaa J. Creamer, Tammany; Alexander H. at ulllasa, Badieal Be publics. yytsasrt IHbm iiM fianuai M. carry.

Badioal -pubUcaa; Alexander freer. Tammany; Joseph Bio Moaart; D. SV Stern, ktcKeos; X. AtcMnV lea. Democratic Unionist.

dHataiiift immritt WUham Atkinson. BapabUcan; Henry Beaasy, Badioal BepubUcan; Janes Irrmg, Tammany; M. H. Salmon, Moxart aad McKeoo. Jinaiteaart Dutrtet Wllaoa Berrymaa, Badieal pabhoan; A and Mealeon; Georaa W.

Ptankett, Daaaoeratie Unionist. Mitiummth JMttnetOmorf T. Hoyss. BapubUeaa and Bepobhcan; Leander Buck, Tammany, Moaart and Deutuuiatic DakmieC JVinritrnt Distrioi Cbaries H. XUtebel.

Badieal Be pubboaa; Joba B. DeraUn. Tammany; Thomas 0Cal-laghaa, Moaart and McKeon. ruWrfa DtaVtet Adolpbu Iinger. Badieal Ba-publiean; Paariok Bnaswll.

Tammany and Moaart; MeKiroy, Moaart and Democratic Dntoniat. TmmUyM Jhtriet William H. DeCamp, Badieal BepubUcaa; Henry W. Genet, Tammany, Moaart aad Hamtioratio Unkauat. OOUSTT TlCawKTS.

BXOOBOKB. totMMkaa. Pmnrsris. John Sedgwick. Joha X.

Hackett. BlTnkOaATB. Jam kt. Smith, Gideon J. Tucker.

1 James M. Smith, aaaxsraa. Charle O. Halptne. Joha KcCool.

Charis G. Halplaa. BITTEBTIBOa. Alexander Shalar. G.

K. Herman. Joaepb B. Taylor. Patrick J.

Mealear. oomoxmm. Xouia G. Kaamann. William Scbirmer.

Tfaa ia; tat Before tb. Bloetloa. Tha politician of Brooklyn were basylast erening la their effort work for the different esa-dataa presented for public support. Tb eandidatea nominalad for the different offlca are a follows: ooaaaxss texcoxa vomer. Jama A.

Tan Brunt. 81 moon B. Chittenden. S. B.

Chittenden, i Demaa Barnee. (Begular.) itemard Hnghe. (lit- John D. Hunter. term.) Wm.

ft. Bobinaos. (Short (Ioag AS3EKBI.T, tits. L.Thoenaa Hoaaee Burns. 1.

Hinedala, O. Beldaa. Condi Beady. H. Chittanden.Btcpban H.

Hays. 8. Alton Joba Bsber. BDebnta, Jr Henry M. Dlxoa.

Henry T. TaadeTser. Jacob. OOCXTI TICKXT. Joha Talbot.

Patrick Campbell Street CraHaMeeer. Jacob Worth. Babert Jurr. Pater T. Ostraadsr.

Wm. D. Teedar. BobertO. Iteainard.

dig Judge, Goor G. Beynolda. Georga Tkompaoa, afieaieflW Ctmrimf ATmnin. Wm. H.

Hoyt. S. J. Tooraaes. Sct Cammitmimer.

H. I. BartXt. Suptrintendrmt nffke Poor. Jobs E.

Caarlgan, John Delaney. Tb Svnerriaor and Aldermen aotaiaated is tb different Wards are ao numerous that it ia difBmit to nam them all. IPX 10 B.T AX OllOKBV. DmttI Klootlam I as per tars aad tb Poll at ta dalU. Th fbOowiaw OMtoral Ordir has been issaad by Superintendent Joax A.

Km boy: Otticb Spto-ls i as orerr HmorauTia Poucs, Ko. SOO MvLsntT-triiiT, I Nrw-Yoax. Nor. a. 1864.

GEfXklX. OXDEB SOL 477. Cap, Tea ar raterrad to tb following tract of the hst of the State for your informatioa: TheBsardaf fata shall aiones fuS aatketltj to mamtaia rea-ulartty aad srisr. aad to teaaeartawfmeeenmtaade dmriag aa lag the nesysai aad aatiant at a ate after tb aiosiag of tbepob; aad aaaB aara tal at aad areaad tba paD of to bseatbe asnsss tb af the kUtraaohtea Pattes laaatialiet tnie State. era pehae peliaa eeaattble.

ar a akaroT. ar a af tba af aay aberisTaf taia atate, to SH SaattoatX) ra tb eoiee at Bsw-Terk aad Pieeklj. aay partes waa ia a eaaJttaed aater ia either ef ad etttor. aaaakae ta nckt to an? mm sU slssUta distrtets in saek act, ta tb riahtaf aa a ta be wm mm use saw aaB apMMa set ertf. BS suM waaaaaaBnad eater ta tb dletriet wkere lwa af laaLCaaa.

tap. It karlng bees aureaCy rrpurtedOkatertsuapa ma kaoa anad artmstfamcsts ta prerani paraona. qnslids by bra, from acting a ehallengere at tba Oiaail F- te be held In tba Ctttos at Xaw-yorc aad Broaklyp to morrow: Aad. It being elao rrport-a; tbataader adriiiatiBt of tk DiaWtcttteraay ot tb Ooaaty of Kaw-Tork. te tb aarpoae af earteia of tk Polio Justice of tb City of Sew-York to ta-teraarwltttbetoyaotoriofrisoWeawh areaiotbad with ampto aasbortty by law ta preoerw tk peaoa bm aad Brouad tbair reapaetlr poSa) white ta tk di rarncf thairdury at th poOa.

by iaaoiBg warramta tk arraat of peraoa acting aa ahaJtengor. Toa ar karaby ordered to glra faO protaatlos to bS paraoa who may tegaUy acting, ta aa orderly ebnllanrar at aay poD wtthla your Pra- That ta caa any challengsr ahud kaoom discrdarty. yos wfll rtaapra aim from tkapolktwom Erory peraos arraataa vndar CM wrtttoa order of tv.t Bcri o( lirpecVn tm to it tii itv Moa-boaa unul after the Baal eanraaa of tha Tote hi nnlsil ar i ued toy any roeVae Jaslls tk aUaatia, (Beriesf Stetatea. part I. Ckaa.

TL, Arttel KSeettoaSTJ meaaUaaaatlaaaaktaaa tar aaya mia, aetbssag a Nsaut aaaasberaf a aaaee, iaklnst taaaw art mt taie State, er a at lal ir Dtsaisaf (islialvwe'af lara, Ckaa. eiUT City, lor Ot aay pera actia 1 1 i 1 1 1 it At itim wmUlm roar baade, or tba bands ot aay main list of ta--' yea win iirssiat tba aaaaa at Tos win tnairsct each aad rary metnbrr Of TOmr Commiail to fritMullj rnforc ttli ordsf JOHS A. rriTSEDT, 8upenntailrBL Pairrax. CAUWjrrxa. Tmepector.

S-, Part L.Obaser XL. Art. a. Bee. S8.

Rigkt and Datle ofLhallrngrra. HaAWCaarzas firmurtt Vyto Gi. 1 Mo. Oua BaoaawAT. Ktw-Inti.

Hot. ft, 16CC.J rates JTea mf Xmm-Torl An effort is being mad to mtimidite our Cbai-kmgara. Thia must be mat ai-mly by our friends ia erary election District of th City. 1 It is sot oar purpose to obeileage any citijea knows to ba entitled to rote. Bat whore there ia reason to belter that aa attempt la mad by any per mm to rote, who la not legally entitled to do ao, it ia not only th rigU but th doty of tha Inapectors, or anyeltiaea, to chaQeag each' wotor.

Our friends should see that thia is tearless: don. It la tbair la-gal right, aad should be insisted on. Aay delay occasioned by rtolent resistance of tki right must fsU on those who make it. Ii has been ascertained tfcat oyer fifteen thouatn names bars been placed on tb Bgiatry of. this City, of persona who cannot ba found at tba place aires by them a their residences.

Ii those men attempt to rote, they moat be. challenged, whaterer the con-aequenee la. It ft not th purpose of the Bepubliean Union organization of th City and County of New-York to obstruct or Interfere with (he right of aay citizen to exercise tb clectir franchise. But wa must and will Insist on preventing men irom voting who haTe no right to do no. We therefor advise the Union challenger to do their duty fearlessly.

Make no factious op position, but resist every attempt at fraudulent Toting by every mean ta your power. If our opponent are willing to take the responaibiliry of violent opposi. tton, they must take tha eonaeanenee. A. J.

WILLIAMSON, Chairman Republican Union General Committee. WALDO HUTtHUTS. Chairman BapubUeaa Union Executive Committee. The Polls. Toting begin to-day at tronriae (tlurty-six minute peat six) and closes at.

aunaet (fifty-one past tour.) There ar 943 poll in the City. If vote occn at only on Is two minute, or thirty par hour, a rate eioeedingly alow, there 1 time enough to poll 16T.0OO ballots. A there are only 136,000 rag la tared, any complaint of want of time would seem to be unreasonable. If five hundred voters at any on poll wait until sear unaet, and no crowd out half their number it cannot be the fault of tba law. Tha safe way is to ro to ths poll as early aa poaefble, and wait until you caa vote.

Don't trust the afternoon Vots early. Stage Ceuaty Polttlea. Independent of the Union and Democratic Partlea, a party calling itself th Working men's Con-acrvativ Aaaoeiation. representing th operatives of the nitoentn. Seventeenth aad Eighteenth Wards of the City of Brooklyn, baa been actively encaged for noma time past in strengthniing the claims of eandidatea irreapeutive of party, who ar believed to have at heart the Interest of the bboring

At a meeting held oa the 3d at No. 413 North Seo-ond street this Aaaoeiation indorsed men of all par-ttea. Including Buasi Hughes for Congraea in the Second District; SratEoar B. Cnrrrxas3 for the Third. Ta Elghtrcath Aaaranbly Dtatrtct.

CoL Wk. W. BADora has declined the nomination tor Aaaranbly of the Conservative Republican! of the Eighteenth Assembly District, part ot the Twenry-nrat Ward. Thia leaves CoL (icu. F.

Ioyes the only BepubUcaa candidate in the field. FORTHElkl MOXROE. Arrival of Rear-Ad astral Palmer Plat a Colored Troops Mastered On t. Foaraxa Mokbox. Saturday, Not.

S. The United States gunboat Iihole Islmul, Capi. M. V. flacrshlp of the West India Squadron, commanded by Bear-Admiral Paunta, arrived in' our harbor yeaterday afternoon, la 93 hours from Havana.

Left St. Thomas CX-t. 13 for Port-ao-Prinoa, and found the following gunboata there: Florida, Mxkinmm aad Bumrillr. She left Port-au-Prince in company with these men-of-war the Markimaw going to Curaooa, tha Florida to Santa Cruz, aad th Aeanfle to New-Tor k. 1 "Th yellow fever broke out oa the Rhmdt liland oa tb ISth while in Hsvana.

and a aailor named Kopp died of it after being placed in th hospital. Tha RSoie Waa if will be ordered to Xew-Tork, where ah will be put out of commission. Th steemahip Miuimtippi, from Haw-York, arrived her mat evening. She had oa board tb Seventh United Stains Colored which were transferred to the steamer Cxtf mf Baitvmmrt, fondlaltlmor, whore they win receive their anal discharge. MASSACHUSETTS.

Tba Cats of Captata Orant The Jary Brisg la a Verdict ef Hot ailtp. Bosrosf. Monday. If or. 6 P.

M. In the case of Capt. Tox Omajrr, charged with burning th ship Joan JficKanic white under kia command, oa her voyage from Boston to Hong Kong, and which baa been oa trial for several day la th United State Circuit Court, th jury rkia afternoon returned a verdict of not guilty. Capt. Gbaxt waa first arrautned for tha offence on July 3, Bad since that time has brsn at large oa $30,000 bail.

The vessel waa burned off tha coast of South America April aad waa insured, with hex cargo, fur (111,000. Lauef a atw.Tsrk Bark. BaLMt, Monday, Nov. S. a cable dispatch received here reports the toss of the bark Xllm rirgtma, from New-Tor k.

lor Zanaabar, at QulUmane, July 30. Doeeas at Was. Barr, Esq. Bostos, Monday, Nov. S.

War. Bram, Eeq atrent for the Free-Win Bap. ttst Printing Bstabltslimesf, on of our most prominent oiUzena died suddenly momlag of apo Ptexy. CIBCIKBIATI. Salrlde at a Paystelaa Deatka by Chslers-Marstr Tsy Hlgkway Roaw sxrs.

CivcnrxATT. Monday, Ko. S. Axxxaitdea T. Hisxat, M.

of thia city, oommitted aoieid last sight by taking morphia. Dissppotatensat in love aad larsrsjsrians had aoaav asttlad his mind as to induce him to destroy himaeU Th death by cholera sow aveng about SO par day ta thia city, 1 5 fi A mas named Hxsbt Dxitaac a died this morning at the Coasnssrctel Hospital, af fnjurte reeaived at tk haadaof fiv kighway robber, who atteckad aim at about midnight, beat aim os the head, aad then robbed arm of a tew IBDIABA. laHaaaasIU Valtr Warkt, TaTwaaaroajs. Saadey. Mow, The Cominfm Cetsnci of this city mat sig-ht paaaid aa eralsaaaa fdviog to B.B.

CUrasawooxs of IlowTork, aad kia aseoeteaae. axdsaiv fisaufcisa Urn fifty ears for th ooastructtoa of water, works to apply tk city wltk water. vr: mi i Baxsaaiam, BT. kfoaday. Hov.

Th woolos factory of Bpasait, at Albion, Orlsaaa County, waa totally destroyed by fir yester day taeaaf, Los lleo; tassrad fa, 00a. roHturA BToaday, Bov. I. The hossa, store, stable and raaary of Jxaxanaa Bajrixmrx, at Locka XOte. were bemad Friday mere tat Loae from 10.0O te 11 000; tcsured, tw-thrds ta 7aw-Terh cflteea.

Taaakaajtvlos; ta Acw-Jerasp. (nut. vr Vna.liT Kav. Gov. TVass has appointed Tharaday, Kov.

39, aa Tbaakagivlng Day. The IteTsbargh (Ta.) Judex hag bees pnz- tled. by th various putts ta it eve aaa awe, af the aettoa crop, bat after oarefnl rramiaatioa and eona-pariaoa of them aP, eoacTadaa that thia le about cap. i tli si was a xalr nraantes af is svara- yield, but owing to the droatk, taa rata, tha bast, taa Poet, ta army wmrss. vy ww.

imm ii i tha ovhotsrs. aad aba Wi ssd ti? li.i.s diatvAmiMt mm aaltowsi Alabama. BA: 1 ti. 74 Wt tulaelMippi. SJ) BOBis taroata, isaEesafle, V.

Texas, n. Wa exclada biorth Csrabaa, naoawsa liwiiiit ot Llttl Btat sn et bat ta taa vtlaar I Htes er sneuat win be correcC A Stale Trie la 1 Wa aa awaUswsdl The Idea that any saaaubte paraoa aaa ba induced to Betetcai at the moat aagbtfal aad sfnmaluas eauO- frketobtfoul, Ttj it emot aa4 will ut no Bittr. diaaffiaaiat, 1 Trvslw taa aaaaa wss Teld Me. Mrs. C.

A. Caowxxt, of Harrteburah, Peat, In a tetter giving sa aoecaat of her experieaea ia the Misc-taoa of a sewisr-mschjDs, says: te caaiLd. I ass rseeedinaty prejnrtteed araiast si! rwwie tArnsd atachiaaa, mt Bavmc leaned that fears siskes the' Issp sf itoa, I Oetarauned net aess it to. but to sxuaiaa it. ifpesmble, ith sa usBissed stud.

I ealM at year ofnee Brat of all: aad when, a iitt-e later, I listvasd at ataernbeestaas4adiedaad systmate abuse ef soar avMftiV. thea as toare aoaeJuded tha I woatd bay km other. I therefore rs wreaa year emes sad selected en, for which psid yos Sa to Tt mwm-v mf -UwyW. 1 have aobreetad toe SfWing to mntrvt ywnile um, sad am fully persuaded that tt mnu mr vt either ia wssaiaa, mt. aetaal wear.

I hsv siready laUaenesd three at amy fneaca so twreaaee th VliiicoA tVibbs. kisssss I berwv it to be tmm swv mmt er mil Wf nM, It te se xaiet its iBiiiisaaule that itaever dijturostoavanatien ia fact, aaa sesresly be beam ai while it is toe most rap sewer I aver saw. Truit, a mm mm loU mm aW mcriu mf Vmmr etwIvlW Letter front SIra. Gea. Grant.

Th following letter addreaaed to the Omver Baker Sewing Machine Coropsu by Mrs. Uea. Gaast, relates the experience of ladies everywhere who have these ortoratadatachineeia their families: WASeuxerov. A. On OoC i.

USL Grer a Bakf S. M. Cm. Gnium: It avoids nss si est pteasar to bear witaeM to the eseeliawee ef the tami jr Oewtac Msehiae nianfactsuvd by your Compsay. I baes had aaa of them in my family for soma two years; aad from I know of its workings, and from the testimony of many of mv fnesda who uas the earn, I can harilyee Bow aavthiag awald be mare complete, or better sacte-fartMMi.

The mschine I hsve is eoe of the moot stessat I hsv aver eeen, snd ws prrsen-od to me by trienda, who pw-anased it at tee Sanitary Pair, in IP- Very truly yours, eux, u. o.juii. Valaabls and Convenient Baowxt BaoncBiax. Taocsxs" are widely known a an admirable remedy far Bronchitis. Hoarseness.

Cfcmghs, aad ether troubles af the Throat aad Langs. They ar sf great vain for the purposes for which tbey at designed, white they are nasally and pleasantly efitea-cious; they eeataia aa artful lagredieeta. bat may at all tiroes be used with perfect safety. Antea Jfisji far. Wa heartily- reeomoeeael tba an ta all our leeilnt" Fns mtti Floararrv, th mast swueata and exuuante perfume in the world, aad Ooooarat for tha hair.

ZcshV Fmrnifw JTossafcis, M. T. Moth aad Krecble. Ladies afBieted with Disoolorstioas aa the face, called Moth patches ar Freckles, should aaa Perry's Celebrated Moth and Freokla Lotion; it ie Pro-pared by Dr. B.

C. PEKBY. Dorsaatologist. Wo. Bead "tsw-York.

Sold by all drafgist Kew-Tork aad eleewbers. Priae S3. 1 Henae Agalm. Dr. B.

C. mx. a. DoairnH of th hes'l. Loos of hair aad prematura arayaeaa; miles, wens sad warts, aarmaaeotly oared: raoth, treokwa.

pauiples. eomedones. teabed black wonss.1 aad ail uiKootoratiooa removed from the face. No charge for eunsahattea. Son Ire Tf Laadcr.

ta. 91 Knlton-st. effn- for sal diamonds. IS oarat gold watches, chains, ali kads ef tewelry. Hnirlish steriin ei'ver ware a Small per AOTlAL AS AGTlfHMO A Snra Pile Cnre.

Dr. GILBERTS PTLE IKSTBUMBNT aeaitively euros the wort sases ot puas. beat by mail oa raaM of St. Ciroutars free. hold bv drtirpist.

Areato wsaudevervwhere. Address J. B. KOMAX0E, Maaa-gec. Na.

7i oroadway, bew-Vork. Bntetsalar a Owe. Ths best ta the world, the only relisbls spd rerfer dye known, lrmtantaneous and hrwl. Tii cvuniae i' suroed WILLIAM A. BATCH.

ELOK. Sold all druggists sad psrf amen. Victor No. Uar3la-t. Klareaoe EEVEKS1BLK TTV.D lrrfC-STITCH SFWI5G MAC'HXi iiH.

Best family machine ia jjJLfjiOK R. M. CO, i Ko. toe breadway. Sew In; Maettlnes, Fiv Kale and To Rent, V.

-VV Ka BKOADWAT. DP STAlBS. Ta ta Art bee; lesva to bJfnrrsth pub'l tbat we hsve leased sad improved the At lOtB DALI.r-KIKH. which will hresftor be kn-iwu IS THK -LEED8 ART BROADWAY. SOUTHWEST, OOHSKR OK and hsvs htt-d teem up ia ths MuST ELTO A rrri L.ii.

with TOP-LIGHTS snt WKIX-V r.NTILAI F.Dt Joe too SALE aad EXHIBITION of PAINT! M. URIC OK KT, Ac. superior tii every rexpect say OAL-LERIE3 la this OOUSTKY. We are now rpered to m.ktm.ruiul sales, the old PUSSIOkFOAL-LL11IK i harms been taken down. HKNKY H.

Li KD8 A MLNr'B. AuctioeAers. Ko. k3 a law doors vest ot Broadway. Dlirard Ialerlsui Pavrldln rs-Wme.

JUMKL'S St am Banal Balm aad steat Bree Kiwatnr develops the form physiologioalty. ka OsBsi-st. bold by drugriste. bend stamp for sealed areolar. Great Rbcumalte Re rood is ths only sure euro for ftheorast isrs ever kaows, aad tt is aa wonderful ta iu aatars aa aertaia ia its enact.

Traiaaaa, oTe. MABSU A Oat Badieal Oars Trass OOjes. orUT at ha. Vsssy st. Also sapaywters.

baaiiaa-ra. A iady attsadsat ess Orn mrstal Hair. first quality: Hair Dye aad Hair enters, at BAfCtliXOB U. Bo, boad-at. At Glmkrrdt't, aS Breads.

ay. an e-hibittoa this week, bruass artietes. retailed at what ess le prtssa. All ant fancy artialae at acfaally low rates. Boy, Ton ths aad Children's larwevt sesortmrat aad Be sea (rods ia this cownUy.

BHUKAW BhVOti, ta-av4 aad a laxayetta-plaoe. Finest Overraatt arad flaslaaa Malt wo tm Uus soantry. BkOaAW BatOew B.9tsiar av. aad fia. st Lalaystte elaoa.

Hott's Cactatf eal Ponaad Raatoroa tirsy hair, and is deetdedly the best fcaiHnmaf aaed, Setd by tLUiiATOik. Urn. I Aster Uoass, aad ay all drucgrala. Christ a doro's Hair Dye is aalvtrttlly acknowtedged as the beat extent. Factory Attoc lioaas.

Wllleox etc Otbtoa BVewtajBXlBvcblne "Its sears i IJmdmrm Hmrnmrt, Its soars i lees Msbte ta rn tasa the bm anwns Jrtmi. i aoi xtroaoway. Elllptto W. Ialr.ltltea Hew. Ing sJsohines, 543 Broadway.

Highest jn-mii Maryiaad lnetitale. K. Y. aad Peaa. beat Paua, The In Rev Msaufsetarlsr; Company's sew Family Sswiag-machin aow raadr; also.

Button-hole Msomaa, Ao. ate Breedway. Weed Imprevsd Bewlag-nafhlnst, ao Broadway. The beet lamily laaesuna, aeaag strsstht Bseiile aad annul; saw Large maaaiaatarmg sen ires Tk Havre Loekstitch for Faaaili.e aad MsBufsctursrs ar mm Id-reaewaed. The UOWI lUCuUiaUU, aw Broadway.

haw-York. drawer etc Baker Hisjlaeet Tranalasa Elaatie Butch hawing ataehinaa far family use, lie. sat atraadwas. as proved Iaclt-Stlleta Haahtaa for Tailors aad MsasJaetarers. A BAKEH.

OOmPABY. Ma. st broad way Waaeler etc Wl lean's Svr-ia Menhiaeaad Battsahsls Maahma. Broadway. MARRIED.

Bamroaoa RoBBDia At TRya, B. ea batareay. Hov. A by bhabatl B. Strang.

Esu, JseUce ef tha Peaoa, Saktxi. Batmnaax. af Glaaviila, Pnas to Mies Uaao-Ui Boanot af tea earn plaoa. aa Wedaeedsv. July Maw.

VrmAto tvr ttev. Freds. Brawn, ALtin A Hows, mt Baw-Ysra, as Miss Aawrs G. Baowim. at BroeStys.

UasT-rtTrrpK-us BMasw, Hov. A bv Rev. Mr. Brows, as. H.

Hasv sf Msntsaa Isrntary, toATuaa Anaua PavwToa. af Kew-kork City. Las MarrrarwAXAttaarseisasueaf tha bride's pa. rsuta. BuaTsio, X.

an Taarsdsy, Bov. bv Bev. Walter Clarke. D. Caoaoa F.

Lxx. af Peeaaktu. 31. Y. teMaak iikrwoaa, dsaghter of atarataa baamwas.

fSniXTHjox to. IaltmTsvc. aa Meaday Jte. a. by Kov.

K. W. Uitebeeek, Paster af Uta-sb Presby- ssnaa Lioasea. aoum, of IM Cats, a I vmm mmg pi nil fL TTTllf ST OOt. SV, Tranr n.

a vr i bt new. William WOUam B. CoSsa. af Basaehasvsr. KosUtB Jr, af Kew-Yers.

Roorna-Tins AtBt. Jwas Charea. Bsw tan doa, en (nteraaf. Bav. A by Bev.

Dr. Hallese. assisted be Be. Bamasl Upjoha. 1 set upjoaa.

arc.rf. a. sooxna. af ana star kor i.LnniiuAkiua.atii. ss nse I sans ami- rui-COTtU'-V Baray OcU sa, at 4 P.

a South Prwstoyteriaa Cbuea sf Brooklyn, Lama est dsaghter at Joan Cows It, ao te WlUAeal the So Liaa af Bv. a. x. apaar. bm at xvnoalya.

DIED. Botbu At Cltfte. State Islsad, ea sttaennilsaesef Bar aaa, Ata Mas Sat ar day. Hov. 9, tx JSVB KOTO, teMWlvan.

The feaaral wiu maajaieaa a BS. Jsbae Chares, cnf tea, aa 1 see dev. the ih teak, at 1 e'eiaek P. M. Cnr- rtasse wta as ni wwwm mm insiin saSlas ea taa arrival af the 1 e'eteek aaat trass aw-Yerk.

bcaica. on tvstarasy. Mw. sf diseaee ef tba heart, Jaaa, wua of Jama bartns, to too talk year ef her saw. Taa isistiess aad frtoada af tb family aswteepset-falty tovited to atssa bev fanarat an Taeaaay.

aaa atb asv. at M-tresa Csavarp Charea, saner af -sv. aOilst-sa, Rarrieem, Westeaeeter Caaaty, aa Sstarasy. Nov. 3, Wruua A Cainxiu, aaa af Jaha ad tee late aal Carper var.

ia the Oj year ef aa see. CLOT-to kteaaay. a. Wills Curt, aawd TTerelstves aad friewds ef the fuaaDy are leeeoetrntrr isnted te attend taa fssnal ssrvnn aats artsssa at 'ctecs. from ha bua mi iisis.

jka. tm Wasa Xlk at HaLLOr-n. la Tarry tewa. en Unset ay stomas- last, Bov. a.

atra. BUST xUllocb. ra the rMyaaref bar aaa. Taa tnsads ef aaa feastiy aramvued te nisf herfs-narsJ trees tee BafKnaChaech te Ttnjia.a, aa eV nave lea. the ah iart.

at 1134 e'aieoB- Thaea waa iisii tm Uie Ctty mmm mmm the Is oVnek arela Xroea Una and raaara at a -Jm mm S-U p. J. Caaxiaaas anal la watuag a taa depot. BrtnrflDWerknrateT Coast, ci Mondty, Saf.l LtlJirvU Jr, Met A aUieaty B- McDoaaiii. ef this Oliy.

ta tha sMhysaraf 1 in.tkllTar. at at. Lutu's vavia. tt't- i.filei to atel S. lama aeaj st tfsw-Terk.

ea Wsdsnadar. tb Ttk teak, at a'eloek P. M-. sulissl fanasw vrn Paaana. At hareaahaiy.

It. i mm Bs.sntb Day. tba Tfi leer-. SLiusrrs a witea at taa aaaa Josxra Ptnn. te the ttth raw mt as a Ml Rtsn aO sfnaday, He.

Mrs. Karvar, B. Ra 'trif Iht IsTTlfilasidllssseis. mami atlTssrt The ralettvea sad fnesxla of tee seauy are reeoacaraltr to atssa ta tmm 1 raj aa T.Ssni.ti as IJa'stees. trvmt

He. J-t West lata-et. m-m Newark sneers pie ass sapv. 1 Ftuahiag, L. L.

a Saturday. Sov. 1 Arsh- wifs wf B. F. then teen, aad aaacntsr af Jassee Vuartar-aaa.

Bsa. raraoa of the fasaily are hereby trr-ited to srtenil bsr ruaerai at taa Betorraed Dutch Charea, Fiashiag. ea Tsesuay. Nov. a I P.

M. rKDnEiLU Ia Brsoklya. ea Saturday, Ttev. CaXS-KnrwB, wteew at ths lata Thoatae I'soerhilU The relatives sad friends mt the faa-aly are reepeetfslly tavitad to attend taa fuaorsl a St. Mtiilwa Clhareh.

aoraer Troop aad De Kalb sva, aa Wsdaeauay. Ith st o'eieek. urithout further not lee. WaioBT. On aecardsy.

Nov. OnanwooO WaaaaT, son of Wra. W. aad Eiiaa J. Wn-nt, aa-sd JO years.

Tha relatives sad friends of the tastily are la-ted to attend te aaerai aa Taeaxlay. ths tih ia--. at 1 o'clock P. from the house al tos pares la. b.

let Wsst Uat-at. OFTinAL (So. Conoxxs's Onu, Ntw-Yi tl, Horn. USC. Th body of aa onkaswe atau wss foand at ths foot rf hprin-t asred aho'tt thirty years, slim baiH.

blsck bsir and whiskers, fad face, dressed sa toilows: aa hst, bisck coat, velvet vest, blsck pants. ood boots, white rook 1 or stoekisgs. t'anad oa the parson the fotlowiBg articles: 00 pTedre snd a cheek tnr nftsea hundred dollars, draws by Martin Auatta to the order of James Oxdra, oa the iirat stKaal Bank of ths City ot sw. York: check Ko. U7.

bviraent to the ainryms for k3ai-tidcaUon. buppoeed to be the body af Joba it Use Body la the water bat tew hours. For further psrticaiars, spnly at tba Oinunst's Oast, Jio. 4 Centre-street. K0ERT UAMBLK.

Cbronar. RKtlKMBEB OTTK BPATR AND DTSAaLKD HE-KOa OF TUB ARMY AMD NAVY. GR.KAT HATIOSafj MRRTHIS BEBAir ir mt DISABLED SOLDI ein AMD SAILORS or TBS AMERIUAM UMOS. Tbs eitirens of Kew-Tork sad other States are respeet-fullr invited to sttena aeesins st the Pooper Institute so TUUkeDlV A VKM.Sti, Nov. A Un.

atSe'eiock. Sinoe taa oloee of the war, Poiat Lookaat. at ths juae-tioa of the Potomae River with Chesapeake Bay, ha beea purehssed with tbs vtew a anaver taa trtl to ta Nsttoaal Asyluaa. At ita lata ssstisa Cenareas apuro-priated the Goewiwwit esauon abareoa. aa will ba seen by the foltowiag seotioa at th charter af th Ss-ttoual Aaylun: Sao.

U. AmA ht srtAer swa. That all the piopai ty of the Da ited States aow at Point Lookout, fct. Mary's Coaaty. Marytsad, aaatl ba aad basnets tha proper ty ef the Aayiura ao sooa st title tha satistaottoa af tha Board of Msnsc-ru ehsU he made to th Aaytnra ef at least three haudred aeree of land, inoludiag that aa which said prapertr of to ruled btate ie now built aad matntaiaed ar held.

la fartbaraoea of this obtest, ea effort la aow belag made to sscars the earn aeeosssry te earaplete tha par-msnt. The aadersigaed, theratora. would arrs ail wha have tba tatsrsst at ear dissbled datsaders ut the na-tiou at heert to s'tead the mestia. HORAI UKKKLkl. a.



R- ROMEriT. GEOBUE P. PUT" AM, H. ftHA KdTutls, WM. K.




HlSHTW.t. MAaUiHALLO. BOBEBTS.KDMUMD J. POBTBB. The chair win be taken at a e'eteek by bra KxaeUsaay Cv.

FCJrTOU. Maay eminent gentlemen will speak for the DLFENDKAS OF oCh UMUN oa this aecaaioa. amoae wbom will be Hon. JO HI bHKHMAN.ef Ohre, Hoa. T.

6K A i. of New-York. Hoe. HORACE GHZF.LHY, of bew-Yorfe. Hoa.

HENBY J. RAYMOND, of aea-York. Gea. JOHS f'OCHBASK. Daniaswisbsd ameers ef taa Array aad Bevy, Mem bers af the liar aad Press, taa Utsrwy.

ths aad oemrasrrisl latarssts. sad leading eialli aoroaa. wm toany aeaia nnoa tae pan term. Alargs deierstiwa tram tha bOLDLcRii AND SAILORS UBIOX ASHLHGTOI4, IX will oreaant during the evsuiug. Com oat in reodry number aad eusteia a goad oaaaa.

Ton snfl hoar good speakers sad good manic Free tickets of admiMtea may be bad at tbs leading musie aad book stores, aad at taa door oa the eseuiug ot the masting. FXrtfflTPHK OF THE LATF.ST STYLES, CONSISTING OF PAH LOR. DINING-ROOM and OHAJflBEli SUFTB3, in Boaewood. Walnut, sad Mapla. retail-in at saaf sntnrsrs prieea.

At F. KSUTlHAe ANUr AOTOBT AM ABEROOfCS. baa. tS and Eaa Hwnton st. between Bowery and tn-a.

All Goods srarraatsd. arAx.1. AMI vVITCTKR CLOrillSIG. KEW AND ELROAbT OVKBOOATH IB ESKIMO, 1 MOJSKOWA, 7 CASTOR and HIT On ILL A VH RS. BfJSISFfW aad DRFsa lTJTTS of Istett srytea.

from Ut unset lOltliKiS saa DOMESTIO GOODo. The CUSTOM BOOKS not rrmtssed in variety of OLOTUS. OASblMERES snd V1TLNG3. One ef tbs royvri eooipH'e sswjrtmente of CHXL-DRKN CLOTHiSO ever oflarsd. FURSISHIKO DEPARTMKKT bss else ea of tha laraeat aad pes eevorrej rvu is toe F.

B. IN, Hou TO aad 73 Bowery, FlUL SAVERS. Prom oar awa careful axparisnas. ad fiuss tha vossa- tary aeenstoaar at mm ssaoy at oar imiisin, we sew mmmmrtkm 1W whva tha S.ull.Mt af a house has be pom, much ahrnaksn bv the sutisn af fur-nsos heat, or tna aee of aneaeonad ramhar. a eavtag ef fully one-third caa ba effected ia neasaiaiitiaa af fuaC by the spplioeuon of nr Weather otnpe te tha doors aad windows.

They thovons-uly aaeeada wiad. miA ilnd marent tsa af wiadoes aad slammiaw of doors. We are the eiJeet dealers, aad keen- the area test variety aa isrgssi stoox. psas av tisas- trated cirealar. K.

S. A J. TOBRET. MsaYufset s. No.

tt Msidea-Uas. New-York. NJ EH'TOKK OPHTHALMIC -4CHOU1, and HOSPITALMO. Jsr ath-ev eorasr ah-et- The fifteenth annual coarse ot iastructroa ia this inrtt-tatioa will core me nee Bov. A andotsae IJtCT.

Lectoree will begiveaoa TUBWltlS sa rklUAia. from 8 ta o'clock P. M. Taaeaes of Leotares Prof. Joha Marrav OsmochsB, M.

"Operativ Borrsry of the bra." Dc Oiovsaai CeoeanuL M. I), Inns aad Dr. Maroaa P. Stepheasoo, M. -Muoo-purulent aad Venereal Diseases of the bye." Prof.

Wra. Frederic Ilnlcomb, Du "The Onhtanotoop aad its Prof. J. V. Bmrtn.

M. "juom a wtmtrmtm an1 Pbeatolon at ths Eva. Dr. K. SteeL M.

Bl. Anatomy of tbs Eye aad ite Appaa. Oacea." CUInios and clinical lnu-nrUoa and epsrsuons at tha hoapital daily from 2 to P. M. FlUtE HlODlilW.

CKMKTKKT IS 8TP-A mated ea the line of the Harlem Bat Toad, fntarn entrance at Woodlswa tStauoaj aeveu milea aorta af tha Central Park. Omce. No. at Kast arth-et WILLI AM A. IKXirH.

President. WIXLIAM CLTFT. Cenptrolter. RiaLBT'S BTJCHTJ WILL HOT DISAP. POIMTtb expectataaas of physiciaas aad farvalKte ta rahevinr paia sad weakness in the oaefcaad der-ders of 'he snaary argaaa.

Sold ia large bottles tor 1 by tha dvurgieta. vS DODWOHTH't DAJIC10 ACADE. Batareay Mesniaa Class, at atsase irnet ie ta THK GREBB COAX naosssitv for every tamilv. For sale by all respeoiehle grocers thross-hoat ths soantry. NEW PUBLICATIONS.

TCBT lt7BLIBHED. A new sad epteadid edition ef the Epissapal Prayer. book, with the Rabnes baaaufally prmted tared; asa anal; Aaaa atee, to a vartete btndmge panel; TbaSklHCIG LIGHT, to twa parte. By IX P. Srv.

TPaVr 1st Th Btbl for tb Great FoTxs. Pawrxo Tha Bihls for the Little Folks aad taa Great ex. The xtiMO ia taa vaauiy wire 1 wwa 1 1 Swthvai awthor. 1 BOMB THBUoTS AhD xtOMB XHOUGHTB. Is P-TlevwTbs GeMaa Bale High IAf aad taw Life.

Pans bo Ia taa Jamilv Carrse. Casta, paean team, oa sa. 1 THB LORD'S 1BATEB. lariated ea' BeaatifaBy fllaauaated ia sate aa Brs'itntr' tor PromiWiag Chrisms kaswl- Coesrs fr lsBjatss sad itadsats is cheap edihten ef Baayaa'a Pllgrha Pisa.nm.ta' BTBB A SPOTTiaWOODE. Naw-Tsrk.

BBETHOVKTS laKrTlCRS. HTXD HOUGHTON. Ko. ef Bsaerss at. New-York.

Willrahliah aa Wlf DXESD4Y, Nev.T. BKaTUOVS i LETTERa, Trasalti. bv lady WaLLacn. Witk a BBS stsat Base aartrat ea Prtes Slat. HUBD A HOUGH fOt ALSO PTJBUSU MOXAara LBTTKRS, Trsaatetsd from taa eatnaosaaf Lad wig Kohl by Lady vr tin aaw ssaei nortsnet at Moaart aad te aula.

1 featesa. rrinxIS Tb varies rvass at vae 1 aaa am msaiTai pa Bant Vr BteiL pswpsid. wa sssnte ef ta a T) UK Bit AJriBtEsasr 310X119 OK THE BJaU-YUIllI 'TIM tt for lnl.nX3. Aanb ted ia aaa eean mnmleatsl Senytars Tesas. and Msutsis.

snitatoeSsrtaa ashtijrtisa, aareery or Bittaga. A TT.asiS oarnsm aacKsts. aa taa ran. vaJst tTAIO BT OOBGaVatSS 'J "V- j- EKum EirumoiJ rsaoi trcncniTicrj roa tbs ctttabd oouttt ot xxw-toxa. stats TioAarr.




SMITH. FOB OO BONER, LOniSiTHAIS. Hi- fob oorroREsaaiKJt ITtb Dietriet tlOBAOB OkXKLIT. Vth Dietriet ENR AS Tlth Distnst CHARLES S. 8PRB0EB.


MEMBERS OF ASSEMBLY. 1 Miehael J. Oewen. William Lyaeh. 13 Baajaaua a WaadoU.

Is Alttaaitor BL Mulligan. Frances M. Oarry. Is Heary Bssay. Wlleea Pnif mss sots F.

hioyea. Charles H. Baeaell XO Adolf Levinxec William H. Deeaap, S-William O'Brtea. Joha J.

Blair. i-Joha 1. Shaw. Edward Gsorgs W. Aaderaoa.

a-Bermaa Strattoa. lft-Owen Murphy. 11 John T. Gridley. Tb abet a are the Bagular Baaablioaa Unten Koati- natoMta for th City and Oaunty ef Kew-Tark.

AMOR J. WTLLLAMSOX Chairstsa RapabKcaa Dnioa Canaral Oosxmitise. WnL rrarirawwn, Caaa. a. bzaoaxa, I awsiaraie.

SINCLAIR TO08ET. Timaii Repubtlcaa Paten OsasralOinimlttia WALDO HDTCtUBS. Ohamnaa BapubUeaa Union Executive Censmitrss HAMILTON BABBIS. Cbtlrrsss Biyetlsta Dassa State Oaaaral Oeas. jAJxaaTaawiUJOBw, Ssaretary.

BBS FIELD. Cheinaaa Rxeoasiv Coea. Btate Cwati-sl OoatmiMee DBTOB BXPOBUCAH NOMINATION. fob. coTgiikss, THIRD CONGRESSIONAL MoTBIOT.

(Comprising the Let, lid. IIM. ITth. Vth. Tilth.

Xlth XHIth. XTXlh. and XXth WardaJ SIMBMra B. CH1TTBSOBS, RKOUI7aR tjBTUrlEPfjBIICAK FfOJll- TIOS. row.




GRS. THOMAS B. VAN BUR Denote win be eupolisd by ciltissns at aB taa polls. ItSPUBLICAS NOMlJATIOi. FOB MEMBER OF ASSEMBLY.




Elactoni of thai Aeaemblv District, atoat earaeetly aak your and rages, snthoot utettaoUoa ef tilt, fin atsranrr 1 1 vmwv' OOL. GEO. F. BOTES. beBevtaa; tbat the anbbe talitsite smuataUraly ragulre af triad aad nmmaehma' inlsailty.

of 1 ssl exporisaea. aa exoaOent yadresf the eaaractee of ethers, aad was aramraaa te arteatuig aad advw- cntiBg various reform msssurs ef ths Isst lagnletora, ajnoeg them tba Board of Health, which has been the chad blessing of pur City during the peat year. Shoal ha be otooto. no arrnpt sonants would esssps ernosura. aa Bin eeald triumph, white all the sabetaattal ioter-nataaf the uetne, and ot tha State at atrga, wsaid ba tlsiss.

baetag beea areveUed tors times far gallaatry, aad wi)l now is tm tbs publie welfare, ia asrvil oaoacuy. unth eoaal oaarsrs, torssirht and suceeea. Lbt US ELbOT HXal 1 The EUhteecth Assembly l-n Kaat aotn-etl bv 1 CHJOSTOPIiiaat PC I.I AN. Prssidsat. WoctTrrrw (Seot'tortos.

Wm. W. hikes, W.V.Eaetarbrook. Joha WwllaiM, K. F.

rlbapard. D. B. St. J.

Roses. 4 N- Trtmbte. W. E-DoaJreT M.U-, gemeaJTteaani. lahar AEaser.

O. Van Sordea. Ro. mepheaaoa. W.

Walter Whelps, Dr. CV. Ciarxaon, D. D. T.

Marshall, B. Sturria, Jr Math. Bareaili. Speeear An-by, rra-Tia? James B. Hunt Sand.

G. Adam. J.rLGrnmonvM G. M. VaaCteA B.

B. CbappaL Heary B. Cekiia. head. O.

Cooper, G. Coacaauaa. Edward Fitch. Richard Kslly. B.

Bruen, Geo. V. T. F.

Kiyhtrairs. Eraat, Boaghtoa, A- P. Man, Brastaa F. Mead. 1 homee Pre das.

Henry hlaxweO. Joha Webber. D. Wetmore. J.AiiD.

CharW Dvmgv Vm OoutentJ' tieorgs F. ftesbitt. and haadrads of Others. DEMOCRATIC UBIOBT COCITY TICKET Par Ra-ieter CHARLPSO- ALPINE. For ReoonleaWOHM SEDGWICK.

tZ hereto AklEO M. feMTl U. Fue KnperVisor-P A Hit: it J- ktr ALEAB. For Covweer-WM. BC I RMbR.

-MICBAEx, OOhOLLY, Chair a Csaaty Ooave'n. Jmm ftuivaeou. P. H. MrDosocos, I EDW'D MoBTaOOSj, I DKYE'TH AtaEHBL OlSTttlCT.



THDlltt STEWART. Msj-Qea. CHARLES K. CB A HAM. Cw axles J.

LrvisiaaTOji, joarrs movvmrn, 1 VIA EICHTKKITH AfclEUBLT DlSTAUC by xeth sA. Msditsn ov. Mb-ea. aad BXGULAB TTwiow RlfUBLTCAW H02tTATT0X ror avemheror AssestDT-, yfwftv, rUlUia, 1 cui. UJAaa y-uarrrv r.

nun. k.i luiliin I mmm jamxs ut itirisa Woouacyr brmnx, -arArw irua U1V IX 1.1712- RXGTJLAR rrwrriw prrLrt BOMINATZOB. Ai.rXA oa -t BHATJtR, a. I taimsst As ny Mater of ta be 5ew-i or Ci-T. mmmvw -kork CVj Guard.


PKOPLAI VlOM ABO JmTKABa annrBATtOff. tna and nkWwAtl GEORGE F. STEP bs UblOf RKPI BLK i Kill' tTlua. t.waai.r tr 1 1RWLS.I w. Ttrvrra apa ws, Gea.

W. Dannae. CASBr-lT HAYLSG HIAOBltt hV BAB tee aniimihim, 1 1 aiatinetlv tnas I shall he a aaa ulk mm TVMau nia-ha. Ci. B.

AT L0 Ji, ear, Creeawtr, to, Of til tort Jala Tvlor'i 80a, Ent a.1. KMOCRAT1C Aa 1 Bi ATI OS A A. MlOt an. 3 TlVUk. Sae n.

a War do tun aaA ta.a. POLITICAIa. iTtSTI.ISa BJYBUTlOIaeWIw XAtSB) YOTERI i 07 TH1 IITI5TH, TX3TB, TEOTtXXtn AJT9 K)UatTl33rTH W1U rLFTH CXJXCaTJ- BTONAX THS RIOT. a sutrAS xtsxxau oa Joirar MOKwjsag-w. tm BOBOaaAJL AND raUAB-iaOHTkUt.

Ws ariiiatterear saaaiaraWsa tk Wtewtac tssta ef aad Cray Terkt i OOFT. mf Brnm-Tm. Cxanfg mf tfy mf Trmmt af this I Bad that aaa Jean al 1 nasi has been sveataw ta Caart ef Oyer aad Tarauaar. te aad far thai I and tk tassi stands at bits Is so as sad. Wisaees my hand aad selotal easl this Sttk day af Oe- J.

THOMAS DA TIB, aara. AtOaart af Oyr 111. held at to ef The Peeal agaiaat Joba 1 Bad tor enseal! with latent te kiO. TbsPwsateasaaaet Jaaa aiteti, AarU tsxm BaaV Iadssted xor Burglary. The Paoate agteat Joha Mervteesy AprH ternt, tan.

Ia dieted for aataun and battery aoavtetet aad asoteaosd by Court te iad for atxty day. Tba Paoate agaiaat Jena Min uses. ApiU terat, SMB. Indicted for amrgtary; at listed aa ssauautt te but BWttrydaaw, 1 I A Th Paopl against Morriteor Jaa I er'Si 1." 1 i i'-A At a Court ef Boanai ft urn int. held at tavsCnay Hal tessnOraysf Ahaaay.

aad fee tb Cray af Alb any, aa Tueaday. the kith Aay of July. laiL Preeeat Um. XX. WnghtBaeovder; Ban, A.

Msrrsil. Justtea. Tba attpls aaaiaat Joha Mot Hate -The defeadaa waha Mtrrlstn. kanng bo eanrptefned ef. arraigwad.

aad asa Tinted by id Oenrt, altae sfftaii ef brsasb mi tb pssn. tsWOeart aow aara, en aaatita af JLOat-via. ftta, Distriot Aftemer. a snlsse and wrnsu-that th said asfssdsst. John Morrimsy.

pay Basat SiO. ar ia default of seek aaymsai. te be eoajaad ia taa Peartoateery af ths Caaaty ef Albany, at bard tehar Isr tat harm ef throe meat as, WIjrNsOlart Stat City aad Coaaty ef Athens. Clark's Offios: I. Oilea K.

Wlnae, Osrk ef taa Oity end Caaaty sf lb say, aad af tha Ooarteet I da hereby ssrtify. that I bava mm ay re eord of saailutuia. ef ths Court ef Special Sea-siona. wlta tbearigiaal thereof aaterad te thaxlaatea a this efhoa. ea ta 1Mb day of Jaly.

am, aad taatta if iaH iilglsski la teetimiay wbiinef. I baee btiisals net my band and afaxed sty effteial easl tha aeth day ef October. tSM. O. K.

WTNNR. Clark-Is addition to ta attars last aims1 tadtetmsat and tw aaor of the 1 af aia a. John Saarka. Pei at Clerh af the Const af 0 1 1 a a 1 BmiIibi of tb rosea, as sad far th Pit, aad antral Itew-Yark. do eerttfy that taa ana red a eooy of aa tndjeimaat aow on ills in the Clerk's effioe.

sad that tnr aeme has beea earn pared by axe wKh tha rigiaaL aad Is Ii aaaia 1st tharef rose, and ef the whole at Give under my hand aad attested tothaaeelaf Baa eatd Oowrt, thia I day of November, ta the year mt aur Lord mmm thousand eight bus ill si and sixty -six- ISeaL Cwy mmd Owery mf Mmmt-rmrk, 1 The arses ef th Paopl af she State ef Row-York, te aad tor ta bedy af tba Otey aad Oewaty ef Bow-York, woea tbair oath, pras eat That Joha Morrteaey. late ef the Fifth Ward, af th City of Haw-York, fat tb Coaaty of Row-Torfc afbro eeid. mm tha sixth day sf May, in ta year mt ear Lord aad arsss, at the OMy aad Couaby afsressid. taaada the bedy mt Tata is H. Bulavsr, to th psoas 1 people tbaa aad there being, eteaeeualy did xaaka ea aassalt on him, th aaid Tboatsa H.

Bulmer. with aertaia kaifa, which tha aaid Joha Morrisssy tm tut riakd baad thea aad tbare bad aad held, ths asm ly eanl daagarwa waepon, willfully and I beat, atrika, stab, cut aad wound with is him. the ssid Tbomaa H. Bshnsr. thea and tbar etoaieaety end willfally to kill, acsiaat the form of the statnte iaenob oaaa made and provided, and againet the peaoa mt In people ef the bteteef hew-York and Uete dignity.

A. OAKSr BALL. District-Alters ay. Joha Sparks. Deputy oierk af the Court ef General Sesxious of th Peaoa.

in and for the Oily and County of 1 Kew-York. do certify that tha naaxd is a copy of aa tedtotment nowoa ate to tbs Casta offtos, and that the aaat has been com pared by sts with th ewiginaL aad te a out let trsnecrtpt tharef ran, aad of tha wnote ef such riginaL Given under my hand, aad attested by the Seal af tba aaid Court that eeooad day af November. In th reared our Lard oa thousand eight hundred aad slxty-aix- Seal JOIIS SPABXS. City aad County af New-York. ss.

Th Jurors of the peopteeftks State af Bew-Terv, to and for the body ef the Oity and County of Hew-Tork. nnon their oath pra-asat: Tnat Joha Morrisssj. late sf ths Fifth Ward of the City of New-York, ia the Count? af Kew-Tork. afar. eeid aa thaaixta day el May.ta ths yeer of ear Lord ana -thiasss eight headred aad flfty sstsa, with fares aad arms, at tha Oity aad County aforesaid, ut aad upon th body ef WUham P.

Ooa way. la the pec of the said poo- pi than aad thsrs being, feloniously did make aa saw sault aad to, at aad against hint, tb aaid WiBteat Oonway. a earteia pistol thea and there loaded and 1 charged with sanswwuar aad an leaden buLat, wtusut -ke, th aaH Joba Morimay. ta his right baad then aad there had aad bald, ta asms being deadly sad aaa- jiiibi wiagne. willfuy and alas usily did tbaa sad there ahaot aft sad dncktraa.

with latent ainctbeaatd William P. Conway, thereby thea aad tharu, te'enloaate and willfally to kill. gaiast th farm of tbs statute ta sr aaas axada aad aawvided, aad agaiast ths paopl ef the Stats mi Kw-Trk sad than- dignity. A. OAKXT HALL, DtetxanVtternay.

Jean Sparks. Deputy Clark af the Court af General Sessions of the Pease, ia and for tha Oity and Ceuaty af New-York, eerUfy that th annexed is a eooy af am tedictasent aaw aa file ia the Clerk's Office, aad that th aaaa has Been compared by me wRh th riginal. and to sort tot transcript thai str gat, aad af tba obote ef eaaav aad arrayed be tba easi af tha said Court, thia 3d day of November, ia the roar ef ear Lord one llisasiaf sight hundred and arxty-oix. SaaL JOHN SPARE. CO mmm Cewary a irmm-Tork, ex Ths Jurors ef ths pea- pteaf tete rteteed BawYerk.

in aad for tb bedy ef the Cite and County af New-York, noon their eata ar taint: That Joha Marrisey, teteef th Fifth Ward af th Cltr af Bow-York, hi tk Ceuaty of Bsw-Tsru: I for tea ii. sn Bth day sf May. ia tbs yaar sf ear lord nd eight hundred sad nj man. wtta reran and srsxa, at the Crty and Owaaty arm imia. ta aa body ef Joha F.

H. Daget. the peaee ef the said ainala, tbaa aad there being, foioainnsty aid ataks a sssaaR aa him. tk said Joha F. H.

Dagat, wak a r. taua kaifa wateb th aaat Jaha Maiisiiy tohterigbS kaad tbaa aad tbar had aad bold, th as dang man weapon, wWuIhr and beat, aarika. ateh. nt aad woaad. wtthl the sahl Joan F.

H. Dsgea, tbaa aad that faleaioeshy Bad willfully to kiB. agmnet the form of Ot tb aaatl of th State af Bow-York aaglhetr dignrt. A. OAXTT HALL.

District Atnisnsu. Ts esllsf sksidliul inist adtk anrtsmn ftrissda i Mr. Joha Mirrlnsy teat the TerhAtwaM Oatea. rrt HB tnPEBSISIED, RaaLDBuiTS trw- A tkrtitena WsrdsadW tha etath DtesTtes, -mpastfulM snd aaruasttyi 11 1 ia IdB THOMAS a. ITtwxar ka the Fortieth Ceugrese.

bTBWABT af lfvta -1 BnUBber Of IB ear ea hsvh, a te'tanLos-islsesre st Albeay, with and eavaete ta aba Cay. WTLLABO) PAJUUS. kt-D, XICHABD M. BLATCHFOBtX ANDREW CARRIQAX. APOLLOS B.




If'h. and leth Ward. lot CCStrslXttS, linn sue r'snfj-rsre, HO.t Bl AVK.tltO. BBPCfiLlCAI CBlUt woMfHTTOW. TOR AH- KINTH CHARLAO T.

POLHAMrS. 'LBiaCAl CtlOl aOMikATlOB won rx)OlrA BtbTH h.1 CT lata, axa sad Tat Wares, WlUdAM A. OAHUU. iota hik jinLi oisTsilcr. rUB fLtMBaTPlt.T.

am a.A ar gaaJB.tko mgtoia ar Boat, to Bataaastea ed taa.

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