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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 9

New York, New York
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4 lliu xia AVitik xxuijO, JlS.IV C3AL XXJ)XJLlXk if. XiUU. AHaiBlSIIOPFARLEYSAW POPE PIUS THREE TIMES Head of This Diocese Returns from His Visit to Rome. DARK OUTLOOK IN FRANCE Ahblshp Found Ireland Thriving Friend Art Unable to Take Him Off the Steamer. Archbishop Farley after two months bcsUos In Italy, Franc.

England, and Ireland, arrived home on the Cunardor Campania yesterdiy Pmr-lion had been mad to take th Archblsh-ep off the Campania at Quarantine, but trbtn the steamboat Cephu, with 200 priest and Ujrmcn, who had charge of the srrangefnents, arrived off Quarantine, tb Haer waa nnder war, and it waa Impossible then to take the Archbishop off. The party on the Cepheua. among them being Father Lsvelle, rctor of 8U Pat rick's Cathedral. Auxiliary Bltihop Cu-cack. and Mgr.

Mooney, were keenly dla prlhted, and th Archbishop, quickly reMxin this, want to the railing, where waa kept busy bowing- hla acknowledg ment to tee greetings or tho on the Cepheua. i Tb Crphaue followed the Campania up tha river, and tied up at th end of the pin alonaslde which tha llnr waa. Then tha trouble of those on board tha Cepheua began. Tha customs orfciala refrsed to allow tha Cephus's passengers ta land. Than Deputy Surveyor Coneya went to the rescue, and thirty oft them, Including Father Lavell, Mgr.

Mooney, and ex-Judge were permitted ta go on the pier. A few minute later thr returned with the Archbishop, and then for more than an hour the Arch bishop waa buay greeting thoae who had beaa up atnee daylight waiting for the Camp la. The Captain of tha Cepheua aaid that It bad signaled Capt. War? of the Campania while the two vessels were la the bay that he desired to take th Archbishop oft, and that th commander of Cunarder had not shown any Inclination to stop. Capt.

Warr aald later that ha did not understand the signals from tbs Cepheua. After the Archbishop had boarded the Cepheua she steamed up th Hudson aa far aa Washington Height, and after those oa board had greeted the Arch-btsnop he talked to th reporter. "How did you find th Pope?" waa th first question asked. "I saw hla Holiness," replied th Arch- billion. thre times onI tie ImnrmmmoA at aa being quite well.

When I saw him ttie first time I told him that according to the newspapers he waa very 1IL In reply hi Hollnesa laughed and aaid. 'They aay more than that, ion even had It that I was "Toil must remember," continued th Archbishop, "that tha Pope sees from fifty to alxty person every day, to whom tie talks, and this In addition to the other matters that occupy much of hla time, Joe instance, the trench difficulties and other great question. Despite all thin. iiuw-rr, ma nuiium tm always cnim ana ilf-poeseesed, and ia always ready to oleruee th amall aa well aa Important matters." One wane per," aaid a reporter, recently published a story that the PDpe Is ready to die now." "That la the way we should all feel." replied Archbishop Farley with a amlle. But hla Holiness dealrea to Uv aa long as you or Archbishop Farley next discussed the iruuniea 01 tne Church in Prance.

"Either twn.lhlnn hunu. said the Archbishop. and in each case the French awirmnmt win ih. Either the Government will compromise with th clergy before Lee. 11 and I think they will be mighty glad to do so Ml FT wl" be stripped of all they have.

The feeling- among the French clergy and Catholics on the subject may be well Illustrated by 'what Mar. Locet and other of the clergy have aaid. dpclared that. If need be. they win begin all over again and evangelise France a the A pontics did.

"Toti know that a few bad men rnn noise than a whole city." he Archbishop continued. It all nansensa to suppose that there is no faith in among the jaity at the head of the Government have encouraged nil this confiscation of church property that they might benefit thereby. A group of men made iby the confiscation of the Convent of th Sacred Heart alone." The Archbishop then turned to Ireland. I was Ireland." he aujd. "fourteen years a go, and I can draw comparisons.

The conditions there were never brighter than they are now. Of all the countries I jave visited, none Secrcs to have made euch progress toward 4 heir aspirations. evrnl addressee in Ireland, end I told the people how Norway gained bar freedom by persistent aaltatlon. and that they jvere certain of gaining the same succea that crowned the efforts of the Norwegians by uslna the same means. w.

tnem not to misunderstand me: tnat I waa not preaching separation, but that Ireland would gain her ambition as Norway did." After Archbishop Farley had landed. It eecame thni km t. A .1 iit iiau uuill iru itlKr. Kdsrarda. the Vicar General and Treasurer Jt-th Archdiocese, of his appointment aa rector if gt.

Joseph Church. In Lower "'7 Avenue, to succeed the late Father S.rirnn- At me time. Father An-Jhonv Lnmmel. rector the St. Joseph tiermnn Roman 1 1 1 ,1.

Eighty-seventh 8iret. was Informed tbnt 1 on tn recommendation of the 1 jJehbUhop. had raised him to the dignity t-rtiiaie. wirn trie title or animel will be Invested Sic week 0t ran tlme who Is appointed rector Jph'a, la one of the oldest priests Archdlocose. being more thna 70.

Despite his as I. la one of the most wn an In-nmat friend of th late Father O'Flynn. FARLEY TOBJZ A CARDINAL? ArchbUhop Seton Predicts Two Red Hata for America. Tn a letter to on of Ms old pirlshtnners St. Joseph's Roman Catholle Church on Jersey city Heights.

Archbishop Beton of Hellopolls wrltea from the I Vatican about the proposed Amorlcnn Cnrdtnul-atea, i "One of the coming Card inn la." he saya. will be Archbishop Karl of New Tork; the other Archbishop Ireland of St. -aui." 1 He says, however, that It la not expected that Holy Father will call, a con-sistory before th beginning of the new yeor. He adds, writing of the red hot. Jhnt Bt.

Patrick's Cathedral in York la th only church on this continent in ihre hang tl.e emblem of th Cardlnnlnte. It belonged to Cardinal McCloakey, who 1 "First Oomo First Sorvod" if you Tele phono you villi got tharo ahead of thoao who valh or tew ronx rctxrtmmcoo 1M Day XT la burled jnder th WgS allar or the cathedral. Th rod hat hangs directly over th spot. FRENCH BISHOPS STAND FIRM. It Is Said That They Will Reject tho Idea of Compromise.

tpeclal Cable to TKB New YORK TIME. Covrr.ghi. 1900. PARIS, Sept. a The plenary meeting of Archbishops and Bishop to dlscuea the separation of Church and State and tho recent Papal encyclical will.

It la expected, confirm In every detail th Popa'a view of th situation, namely. that no possible compromise can be reached between "the Catholic Church and the French Government. In yils case the Bishop will refuse to hire th cathedrals and churches from the lay authorities, aa the separation law suggests. aiHj lbey viu a closed. The proceedings of the episcopal con gress are kept strictly private, but It la known that on of tho moat aged Blah-ops, who exercises great Influence among his colleagues, declared for this ruthless solution of the present diffi culty and that in all probability the majority of the members of the congress have adopted his conclusion.

In that rase new cathedrals and churches will be built by private subscriptions and become absolutely the property of the Church. Such action cannot fall to cause widespread regret and even anger through out the country. MISS CARNEGIE'S ILLN ESS. New Report 8ays 8he Is Suffering from Acute Gout. SPeial 7" Nrw Ytk Timti.

PITTBBUKG, Sept a Word was received in Pittsburg to-day that little Margaret-Carnegie, only daughter of Andrew Carnegie, hurt her ankle and perhaps wrenched her whole leg; a little more than a year ago. The trouble would rfot yield to treatment. For a time tuberculosis of the leg threatened. Now the disease has been pronounced by eminent physicians to be acute gout. A special cable dlspntch to Tub Nbw Tork Tinas from London printed yesterday stated that little Miss Carnegie physicians had given out a statement saylna; that the child was not suffering from hip disease, that she was recovering, and would soon able to be about.

MINSTRELS STRANDED. Gorman's Comedians Want Wages and Show Is Stopped at Middletown. Spcial to The firm York Time. MIDDLETOWN, N. Bept.

of the comedians of Gorman's Minstrels refused to go on tbe atage at the Stratton Theatre to-night unless they received the wages for three weeks that were duo them, and the forty-five men of the company are stranded. There were sixty-two men In tha company originally, but seventeen dropped out before they reached here. Aa the curtain waa raised for th matinee thla afternoon, Thomas Moore and Frederick nuaaell refused to go on, snd O. S. Hata-way, th manager of th theatre, declined to allow the show to proceed without them.

The majority cf tho men In the company are without money, and Mayor Horn beck has granted permission for them to" give a performance in the public square and take up a collection. M. B. Raymond of New Tork la interested In the company. NOW A YIDDISH STAR.

Fernando Ellscu Forsakea Broadway for East Side Playhouse. In her colorful and Interesting Interpretation of the name part in Angel Gulmera'a drama Marts of the Low- land," Fernando Ellscu yesterday made her first appearance as a Yiddish apeak-ing star in the stock company of th Kallch Theatre on the Bowery. Persons whose memory of theatrical affairs goes back more than a season will recall that it was Miss Ellscu who appeared as Mart a at the Manhattan Theatre when Miss Rlccarde, who originated tho port there, was suddenly obllfed to leave the cast. She has played various other parts on Broadway, especially Impressing herself upon the critical mind by her acting in Mrs. Flake's one act play, Th Light from 8t Agnes." Her Marta.

however, is a more remarkable performance as it demands srreater variety of expression. She has much power both In the expression and I auaceiicm us vmniion, Miss Eltscu's popularity on the east side Is likely to be great. Yesterday's aiMlence certainly, extended her an en-thuslastlc welcome. JULIA MARLOWE ARRIVES. Her Season with Mr.

Sothern Begins In TwoWeeka. Miss Julia Marlowe was among the ar rivals cn the French liner La Lorralno yesterday. She will bejtn her season In Philadelphia In two weeks, with E. II. Sothern in Shakespearean roles.

This will be Miss Marlowe's first season under the Shubert management. Next Spring aho and Mr. Sothern will play In London. BERKSHIRE HUNT OPENS. The British Ambassador and Many- Cot- tagera In Rough 8-Mlle Run.

Sptciel I The i Timet. LENOX, Sept. 8. The hunting season In the Berkshire waa opened today by the Berkshire Hunt of Lenox In the Housatonle Valley, where after a stiff eight-mile run over ground opd taking twenty-five fences, ston and a creek In the course th hounds led the riders to the Holmes pine, on Holmesdiile estate, where the kill was witnessed by the leading Lenox cottagers and many distinguished guesta. There were sbout twenty riders, and those who followed the hounds closely TAMkiMA r.n a Mk Mi IV.

Sir Mortimer Dursnd: Mra Foryth Wlckea, Joseph W. Bunion, Malcolm SUKine. Forsyth Wlckea, Harold Sid- way. Samuel Frotnmgtvim. v.

imam u. Field. V'elter L. Cutting. R.

J. Flick, Frederick K. Biegenrr, Otraud Foster. Francis Jacques, and George Turnure. David T.

Dana waa master of the hounda and Charles Astof Brlated whip. The throw In was on th property of Henry Bishop, and the run took 4he riders over the properties of Mrs. Aldeu Sampson. Gn. Burbank.

CoL Cutting, and William Pollock. Col. Cutting and Mrs. Cuttlnv served one of their famous roast beef and al breakfasts, at which were present about 100 of tb leading cottager. Including Rear Admiral George W.

MetviUe. Sir Mortimer Durand. Sir Gilbert and Lady Carter of Barbadoa. Mr. and George Westlnghouse.

Mr. an-1 William ills Clementina Kurds. Clinton O. Glltnor. Mrs.

Harold Sidway. Mr. and Mrs. Francis B. Hoffman.

Mr. Warren E. Dennis, Mrs. John K. Alexandre.

Mrs. Clarence R. Edwards, Mr. and lira. Henry H.

Pease. Mr. Olraud Foster. Charlea M. Fouls.

ami Miss Helen Foulke. Mlsa Kate Cary. Miss M. Eloise Davis, Arthur De Fury, and Miss Louis GUmore. PART-TIME STUDENTS MAY NUMBER 66,500 This Number Is 10,000 Smaller Than Last September's.

LESS TROUBLE IN MANHATTAN The New Sittings Ready Are 21,700, and More Will Be Provided in a Few Months. There will 66.S00 pupils on pan-time. It Is estimated, when tbe public schools open to-morrow. This number Is about 10.0TX) smaller than that reported for the corresponding day last year. Tbe figure are taken from estimatea furnished to a TlXSS reporter yevterday by tbe District Superintendents, whoa duty It is to study the situation carefully.

Of the 00,500 part-time pupils 20,000, It Is estimated, will be In Manhattan. 2.0UU In th Bronx, SS.ouo ia Brooklyn, tn Queens, and SOU in Richmond. Compared with th figures of last year thla wlU mean a decrease of more than In Manhattan. 8.0OU In Brooklyn, and 1,000 In Queens, and an Increase of 1,300 in the Bronx and of in Richmond, tyly Supt. Maxwell said he expected a decrease In Manhattan and Brooklyn, and an increase In th what might be termed th suburb borough, and he accounted for thla by migrations In the school population.

The district Superintendents based their estimates on the registration held in the schools on Wednesday. Thursday, and Friday. Most of them reported that th norma yearly Increase of 8 per cent. In the register was evidenced In their districts. They further reported that a large number of children of the lower east aid, particularly near th Williamsburg Bridge, bad 'taken transfers and gon over to in Brooklyn.

This looks bad for Brownsville, for it Is already full of part-time pupils. Th number of pupils registered on Sept. 80 last was The. 5 per cent, increase In the register means that th register to-morrow will be about 582,300, or 27.000 more than last year. Th Increase in the school population of New York City in a aingl year is equal to the entire school enrollment In a city the sis of Rochester." said City Supt.

Maxwell tn his last report. These Z7.000 new pupils are those who cause all the trouble. If they did not apply for admission the 70.SOO part-time pup'ls of last year could be cut down atout 30.000 this year, owing to tbe 21.700 new Bluings which aro ba ruady tomorrow. The 27,00 will be distributed among the seveiul boroughs a follows: Manhattan, 13.1WO; Bronx. 2.000; Brooklyn.

Queer, 1,000. and Richmond. BOO. The report got about yesterday that the new classrooms which th Board of Education hopes to utilise will uot be ready to-morrow owing to hltcbea In the building arrangements, and that consequently 70.000 or more children will have to content with part-time Instruction. Supt.

Snyder of tho Building Bureau of the Board of Education declared yesterday tlat all the classrooms will be ready except those provided for In additions to Public School No. till, at l'Jo West Fifty-Iturth Stren. unj to Ko. In eightieth Street, cast of Third Avenue. These two auditions when completed will accommodate about l.tM) pupils.

They will be finished within two weeks. Mr. Snyder said yesterday. The large number of new sittings th Board of iOducatlon has provided tor the opening day accounts for the marked decrease In the number of pupils that will have to be put on part time. These sittings, which totl about ill.

700. are distributed among the boroughs as follows: Manhattan. 8.4O0: Bronx. Brooklyn, in the elementary schools and tioo in the high schools, making 9,400. and Queens, 1.4.iO.

In October and November 17.S00 mora new sittings will be readv for use. which will make a material cut in the number of part-time pupils in the several boroughs. In Manhattan 2.4ii will be ready In October and 7.400 in November. These u.600 sittipgs will reduce tne number of part-time pupll3 by W.eoo, Tor every new sitting takes two pupns off part time. Thus, unless there should be a remark- able arrowth in the school ootmlatlon tn the next two months, there will be about O.tiOO on part time In Manhattan at the end of November.

It. la expected that there will be some growth which will bring the figures up to lo.Ooo. In the Bronx 2,130 more sittings will be ready In Novemler, and that will practically wipe out part time there. In Brooklyn there will be I.Oki more-sittings In October snd In November, reducing the number of part-time pupils there to about Thus, at the end of November there will be, according to this figuring, about 4o, km pupus on part time. Yet the school officials do not want to put much confidence in such speculations oecause or tne snirtings or population.

Ttie population moves around the five borouiihs so that at one time one district muy have or 3,000 on part time and at another will have very few. Cltv Su perintendent Maxwell In his last report expiainea mis as toioiws: If population were so distributed as to furnish the right quota of pupils for each schoolnousc now In existence, there would be no excessive crowding, no pupils on part time. TJs contrary, however, is the case. In some places, particularly In Manhattan, population is exceedingly dense, while in otners it is quite sparse, Moreover, there Is now in Droarress a very eteady migration from the parts more densely to those more sparsely in- hnblied. Consequently, even In Manhut-1 .7.

still be necessary to build schoolhousee in wnai is now comparatively sparsely settled territory. In order to provide accommodations for population moving from tha thickly settled sections." In connection with this, Dr. Maxwell showed that Manhattan had 1.073 more siUiuga than there were puplla on the reslster. and that yrt there were ViSXS pm.ils on part time. Bronx hod 1.150 excess aittlnta and Richmond 1.743.

Bicokiyn and Queen had a deficiency. the former having 15.112 and the latter Aim iop tew. carrying out mis mea ur-, ther 'Dr. Maxwell Inserted In his report a tabl which showed that of th twen- 1 ty-two dUtrlcts In Manhattan ten had! no cniiarrn un ur lime, wmic uu' more than part-time children and one in oevenieenm naa inn table uiso showed that in th lirohx tbe Twenty-sixth wiia the only on out of I w.l.k .1 I ma Brooklyn' fourteen dlatrtcta wer a'l a lie ted with pnrt time, and onethe Tniriy-nmin. wnicn is as many as io.aou children receiving part- m.

I a time Instruction. That waa the largest number In the city. All four districts in Queens had part-time pupil. Only on i HniMini-a win opened In the city to-morrow.

With the exception of one In the Bronx, they ar i crAritmn of cn liV the distrlcta which, according to Dr. I YiV.rT mo.VVf fiic to ted 1th the part-time evil. Two are in Manhat-tun. two tn Brooklyn, and one in the Btonx. Those in Manhattan are No.

04, at Nlrth Street, near Tenth Aventie, which coat anu win sccomrooaaie pupils, and No. HH. at Domtnick, Clarke, and Broome 'Streets, which cost and will accommodate 2JS. Brooklyn's are No. tM, at Watkina and oatorn streets, in District ao.

and No. no. at Butter av- nue and accommoda ond pupns. ina in tne tironx is ro.

KtrM.i which co and has seats for 2.4UU! fiuptla. Numerous additions to old dui ions" a have been made, which bring th total number of new alttlnga up to Aid for Friendless Women. Any young woman In troubl and needing a friend, night or day. can such by arplytn to Brig. Mrs.

Bovlll. Rescue IVpartment. Salvation Army Headquarters, lii West Fourteenth Street. Marshall P. Wilder, Jr Appear.

A eon vwaa born to-day to Mrs. Marshall P. Wilder, wlf of the humorist. Mr. Wilder said he will be named Marshall P.

Wilder. Jr. rrmont Th first haa nea tn wrs rew iwyw r.j tlons for 6 children. The see- 0n Maple Street. Only th near relatives -rlr? "ht lr" :i.C,iki0 and has seats for etsj thf were present.

The bride "Eastern Pennsylvanis and Pela ware-Fair and MOSES FORESAW THE TRUSTS, i Rabbi Browne Says the Lawgiver Dealt with To-day! Problems, Rabbi Brown preached a emwa yesterday morning to th Congregation Gates of Hop. In Alhambra HslL In which he declared that various present day Issues were Jong ago tested in th Jewish national life. He aaid: President Roosevelt's apprehension of the necessity for musxtlng th aecumla-tor of unlimited wealth; William I. Bryan's national ownership, and th Hearst-Stokes socialism are nothing new. All three features were practically tested in Us laws of Moses and in th national life of Israel.

Moses foresaw th poll ticaJ-ecojjm leal vlla inevitable In every Commonwealth, bene he provided for th poor and needy by special law, and wbtl there ought not to have been a destitute class accord ln to the division of th land, still, knowing the diversity of human -nature, aaysr There will never be a lack of th needy In the land. "Mose provided also for 'panics. In th business world about every seventh year panic sets tn from unknown causes, hence Moses Instituted th "year of release every seventh year, which was a sort of national bankruptcy law wiping out all debts so that th bankrupt debtor could start again with a clear bill of commercial health. But although the land was divided up among th Individual head of families. It was owned by the natl.m after all, and Henry George's single-tax principle was then already in force, as the tax was merely upon the land intended for th support of the lyevitea, th poor and th needy." continuing, Dr.

Brown showed what enormous taxes the Jews in Palestine paid. Amounting to About 10 per cent, of their Income. If were to tax everybody a in come as Moses did." he said, ''there would be no needy In th United States." NOBLE AUSTRIAN LOST $105. Spltkopf, in 8oarch of Bride, Met the Lemon Game. The story of a Journey In many lands that Louis Spltkopf, who says he Is a no ble Australn has made In order to marry a daughter of a wealthy American, whom he first saw in Scotland, was brought to light In th Tenderloin Station last night.

Spltkopf. who Is sbout 24 years old. and lives at 800 West Twentieth Street, had John Cornel of 138 West Twenty-eighth Street, arrested, on a charge of swindling hltn out of 105. Spltkopf says was walking along Sixth Avenue last night when Cornel made his acquaintance and persuaded him to play a game of pool In a place at Twenty-fourth Street and Sixth Avenue. They were soon Joined by ethers, who demanded that Spltkopf show some money as evidence of good faith.

II demurred. but finally opened a money belt. In which was a large sum. He had pulled out several hundred dollars, when grab waa mad at the money by several men. Spltkopf yelled Police." and Policeman James Murphy of the Tenderlon ran In bnd selxod Cornel.

Spltkopf. tost $105 in the scuffle. He told the police that he had traveled thousands cf miles in pursuit of a younj woman whom he greatly admired, but whose father ob-cts to him as a son-in-law. He says he Is on his way to Maine, where he lmpes the young woman' rents will look with more favor on hla BUlt. Spitknpf say he speaks seven languages and for three years was an official interpreter In Scotland.

He says his father was for ten years Home Secretary for Emperor Francis Joseph and retired because of advanced years. His grandfather held a title, he aald. but incurred the Emperor's displeasure and lost it, $75,000 IN GOLD FOR $300. American Engineer Finda Treasure in Old Mexican Adobe. Special to Tkt AVw York Timet.

GALVESTON, Texas, Sept. 8. Charles Staunton, formerly of recently purchased S75.xx worth of gold ore for a few hundred dollars at Fertueneo, Mexico. Nearly 300 adobe houses, had to be removed from a suburb of th town fosaan extension of th Mexican Central Railroad. The ancient houses had been built from the dirt found In that section, and it was discovered that th material contained from $10 to $22 worth of gold to the ton.

By the modern process of extraction, th mineral la being separated from the dirt, and It is estimated that th earnings will aggregate $73,000. Isolated from the railroad and without building material, the natives converted the dumps of the gold minea Into crude brlcka and built their homea of them many years ago. Staunton is a mining engineer, and bought the adobe housea from the railroad company for $300, on the condition that he clear the site. MISS STEELE ENGAGED. The Announcement Made by Her Parents, Dr.

and Mrs. J. Nevett Steele. The Rev. Dr.

and Mrs. J. Nevett Steele announce the engagement of their daugh ter. Miss Ruth W. Stesle, to Joseph Borden of South Orange, N.

J. The Rev. Dr. Steele Is the head of the Steele. I a V.I wno marrieu auss rontn, i.

a yuuna-cr member. Miss Steele is a nlec of Spencer Aldrleh. Her cousin. Miss Louise Hall Aldrlch, married William Melssner last June. DAY'S WEDDINGS.

BROOK NO ELL. On Wednesday' evenlnr last Miss Helen Chalmers Nowell was married to Gerald white House tha Brooks at the old White House, tne Colonial frame building on the corner of lootn Street and Rlversld Drive, th i briile'a aunt. SB Mary hon 01 tue onuea auni. misb nary Twombly, The bride's gown waa of princess lac over white silk, her tulls veil caught with uilea of the valley, and ah carried a tne same flowers. Ml Helen rlnf of Field BldwcU of Boston was maia or Jama a7 wAjtar at 1 wai es hla honor.

Beiv.dere Brows, wj aii brother's best man. Arthur ose Nowell I gave his sister away. The Rev. llllnra nam rvs it or of the Wells M- mnrini Phurfh. Brooklyn, a friend of the family, performed the ceremony, which waa witnessed onlv by the respective families on both sides.

a nccpuon km- lowed. ANSON- BULL. Sfirciat TV Kew Ytrk Timet. SPRINGFIELD. Masa Sept.

May Beatrice Bull, a granddaughter cf th lat B. Wesson, and Adam Mac- onson of New Tork. wer mar- i was unattenaea. David Angua of New Tork. The ceremeny was performed by th and the beat man WSS I continued warm Sunday and Monday; light.

Rev. F. L. Goodspeed of th First Con-rregatlonai Chureh. Arter a weddinr trip Er and Mr.

Oanson will II at 131 West ltlOth Street. New York City. Mlsa Sulera t3 Wed Hirold Whitman. The engagement was snnounced yesterday of Miss Georgia Squlera. daughter of Herbert i 8qulers, former American Minister' to Cuba, to Harold Whitman, on of Clarence Whitman of Katonah's Wood.

Katonah. Clarence Whitman la president of tb MrchantsT Association of this city. BUSIIMANSHARESACAGE WITH BRONX PARK APES Some Laugh Over His Antics, but Many Are Not Pleased. KEEPER FREES HIM AT TIMES Then, with Bow and Arrow, the Pygmy from the Congo Takes to the Woods. There waa an exhibition at th Zoological Park, in the Bronx, yesterday which had for many of the visitors something more than a provocation to laughter.

Tber wer laughs enough In It. too. but there waa aomthtng about It which mad the serious minded grsv. Even those who laughed th most turned away with an expression on their faces -such as on sees after a play with a sad ending or a book In which th hero or heroine Is poor, ly rewarded. Something about It that I dont like, was the wsy on man put it.

The exhibition was that of a human being, In a monkey. cage. Th human being happened to a Bushman, one of a race that scientists do not rate hlzh In the human scale, but to the average non-sclentiflc personv In the crowd of sightseers there was something about the display that was unpleasant The human being caged was th little block man, Ota Benga, whom Prof. S. Vemer, the explorer, recently brought to this country from the Jungles of Central Africa.

Prof. Verner lately handed him over to the New Tork Zoological Society for car and keeping. When he was permitted yesterday to get out of his cage, a keeper constantly kept his eyes on him. Benga appear to ilk hla keeper, too. It la probably a good thing that Benga doesn't think very deeply.

If he, did It Isn't likely that he was very produ of himself when he wok In the morning and found himself under the same roof witft the orang-outangs and moukeya, for that is where he really Is. Th news that the plrmr would ba on exhibition augmented th Saturday afternoon crowd at th Zoological Park yeator-day, which becomes somewhat smaller Sa tne summer wanes. The monkey-or rsther, the primate house Is In th centre of Director Hornaday's animal family. To make the lives of the orang outangs more Interesting, their antics plainer to tbe view of th visitors, an' iron cag has ben built at the southern end of the primate house. In the coot day of last week tbe chtropansees avoided this open cage.

They ar very sensitive to cold, and preferred to crawl under the straw In the interior of the monkey house. Like his fellow-lodgers, th orang outangs and monkeys, Benga has a room Inside the building. It opens, like the rest. Into th public cage. A crowd that fluctuated between 300 and WO persons watched the little black'man amuse himself In his own way yesterdsy.

II doesn't tike crowds, especially th children, who tease him. So he wove at th hammocks and mats which he knows bow to make. Jabbered at the parrot which came from the jungles with htm, ond shot st marks In the ample cage with hla bow and arrow. For the latter diversion the Zoological Park managers had made provision by tying bundles of straw against a side of the inclosur. The children got good deal of fun out of his arrow-shooting when mlaaed his mark, which was not often.

Then he mad faces at them. A Httl after th roon hour Benga wa allowed to go Into th woods. A keeper watched him from a distance. It Is doubtful If any one has ever seen a happier mortal. Grabbing his bow and arrow, he Jumped ipto tb thickest of th underbrush and frisked about.

At liberty Benga seemed to live In Africa again. He peered Into every hollow tree and looked at trees and shrubs for birds and squirrels. But the crowd soon found, him and he had to move from spot ta spot. In the end the keeper had to send him back into tha monkey house again. But It was hard to keep him there! Frequently he appeared at th door, and in kcks not hard to understand let the keep, ers know that he would rather be among the trees and shrubs.

Releaacd again, he Walked toward th restaurant, 'ine keeper folli wed. It then appeared that Benga has acquired on civilised habit since he reached here. He loves soda. The soda was oald for by Benga with money that got from the Bronx Park photographer for whom he sat for bis likeness. There has been no attempt to make Benga look grotesque.

He wears white trousers end a khaki coat. Only his feet ere bare. Dr. Karl Muck Not III. BOSTON, 8ept.

A cablegram received from Berlin at the offlc of Major Henry L. Htgglnson, the organiser of th Boston Symphony Orchestra, states that Dr. Karl Muck, th new conductor of the Orchestra, Is not 111, as stated In cablegrams in New York recently. Dr. Muck is resting in the country In prepara tion (or nis season in jtmcrrcs.

TlfE WEATHER. WASHINGTON. Bept. Th weather haa been unusually warm In tha interior valleys snd th Northwest, maximum reading loo degree being recorded Saturday afternoon ia North Dakota, being th third onaecuttv day with temperature 10 or abev. la New England, owing to eea winds, th temperature has fallen somewhat.

No rain cf eon'senuenee baa tatlea hi th last twenty-four hours, except la Alabama aad Eastern Texas, where there wer ahowera, Tb week lust closed baa bean dry In all parte of th country except th Quit tnd Boath Atunlle State. Western Waahlngton. and Western Oregon. In these region oomiderabl rain ba fallen. Tor Sunday and Monday fair weather Is prob-abl from tbe Rocky Mountains eastward, ex cept that local thunderstorm will doubt! occur In tb Qulf States.

Tha Indications point to a conHnoasjc of warta weather at of lb Rocky Mountain. Wtnds along th New England coast will be fresh and variable, mostly southwest: Middle an4 South Atlantic and Golf Coast. ight and variable; Oroat Lafcea, light ta frsah southwest. FORECAST FOB TO-DAT AND MONDAY. stern New Tork Fair Sunday afed Mondays warmer Runday la eastern portion freak south-weet wtR'JS.

New Jerser--Fslr fhtnday and Monday; warmer on th coast Miwday; freak aaev. shirting weet. wrmle. New England Fair snd wanner Sunday; Monday, fair; variable winds, becoming free eo'itnweot. rsrtable wtnM.

Th temperator record for th twenty-foor hour ended at mtdnUrht, taken from th thermometer at tha local office at th t'ntted State Wetrr Bureau, ta aa follow: lona. 13oe.t ions. isn. A. 4 P.

Ta A. .4 Til P. ft A. at T4f p. St at TSiti P.

M. fts This thermometry Is ICS feet above th street level. The average teniperattare yeeterday was T4; for the cerTeerondln date last year It was ST; versa the eorreepondlns data for the last twtaty-flv yrs. SS. Tb temperatur at A M.

yesterday waa TS: at P. M. It waa CS. Maximum tampera-tare. dearees at 1 1 A.

M. mtalmom. e. arse at P. M.

Kumldlty. per east, at A. aad per cent, at P. M. BOYS' SCHOOL CLOSED.

Property of Brother) of Nazareth Sold for Benefit of Creditors, SHcial fk Srw Tim. POUOHKEEPSIE. Sept. Aa order was sisned by Supreme Court Justice W. J.

Kelley at Special Term to-day. carrying Into effect th action of the Trustee of th Kpiseopat order est Brother of Nasareth in selling the property of the corporation and distributing th amount realised among creditors. Tb Brothers owned a bom for convalescents and a school for boys at TJnion Vale and a farm In Dover. It was supported by voluntary contribution, and of lata its In com has been precarious. snd to avoid running In debt It waa decided to cloe up.

Brother Gilbert Tompkins wa th administrative bead of th order. Waifs from New Tork were eared for at the school and horn. Squads of them escaped at interval and truded to Poughkeepsie. where they told atore of harsh treatment. No Investigation waa ever mad.

Th Union Vale property of tb order was sold to Darld II. Greer for Richard 8tevens purchased th Dover property for SB.000. The total Indebtedness of the order la f20.S21.TS. GARDEN CITY CASINO FIRE. It Started by the Upeetting of Fvmh gating.

Apparatus. There was a lively tire yesterday tn the Garden City Casino, owned by the Oar-den City Company, and only tb raot active efforts of th Garden City and Hempstead firemen prevented th total destruction of th building. Much of the handsome furniture waa ruined by water. Some tlm ago Napoleon Baker, the negro ate ward of th club, was stricken with tuberculosis. Some of th club members made up a purs and sent him to th Adirondack.

Hs died thr a few dsws sgo, snd the Board of Governors of the Garden City Club ordered his rooms In the Casino to be fumigated. In some way the fumigating apparatus overturned and started a blase. The flame wer not discovered at once, because th rooms were closed and the crevices of the windows and doors were sealed to make th fumigation effective When the fir burst Its way through th room It spread with great rapidity. The Rev. Dr.

Frederick L. Gumma e. head master of St. Paul's School, was one of the moat actlv fir fighter. The flames were confined to th northern "nd of the building, but some of the living apartments, the billiard and smoking rooms, were destroyed.

PRIZE FOR NEXT BABY BOY. Connecticut Editor Offer Year's Subscription to Swell the Voting List Special to Tk Srw York Timet. MIDDLETOWN Sept. because 'there have been no boys born In th town for nearly a year, the editor of The Berlin News, under tb 1 caption Something Must Don," asserted to-day: It will be notleed In our birth announcements of to-day and for nearly a year back that the stork ha depostted no new voters within our midst. Should there be an emergency call for volunteers Issued by the President by and by Ber.

Itn will be unable to respond. A an in ducement to corroct thla atate of affair we offer a year'a subscription to th parents of the next male child born lo town." Mrs. Francea 8. assay Dead. Funeral services wer held yesterday for Mra Frances Sterling Massey of 200 Cler mont Avenue, who years ago was a leader In the church and social life of Brooklyn.

Mrs. Marsey, who was 03 years old, died at her home on Thursday. Bh was bom In Lyon. and waa a Miss Sterling. She married Marcellus Maasey of Can-ton, N.

when she was seventeen years old, and the coupl cam to Brooklyn to live. Mr. Massey becom Interested ta railroads and similar enterprises, and was one of the first Directors of th Rom. Watertown ft Ogdenaburg Railroad. It waa also for many years a stockholder and Director In the Brooklyn Academy of Music Mrs.

Massey wss for long a leading ftg-! ure In society on the Heights, snd wss active In church and charltablo work. One of her sons waa th lat Frederick Maasey, who waa at different time Fir Commissioner, Public Works fmmlsaloner. and a Police Justice In Brooklyn. She leaves one son, Robert Massey, With whom sh lived. Henrietta B.

Bon. Henrietta widow of Isidor M. Boa of Brooklyn, died yesterday at her Bummer home, Oaklawn. Shelter Island Heights. Mrs.

Bon. who was Miss Henrietta Buckingham before her marriage, wss 03 years old. Her husband was prominent In tb wholesale tobacco trad In this city, and was a business partner of the lat ex-Mayor Frederick Bchroeder of Brooklyn. He died last Ain-il. Mrs.

Bon's Brooklyn home wa at 283 Clinton Avenue. 8 he leave a son and two daughters. The funeral services will be held at the Clinton Avenue residence to-morrow aft ernoon at 2 o'clock. Obituary Notes. JOHJC KREITLKR, a former member et th Newark Board Freeholder aad of tb Sehool Commission, was found dead In bed yastrrdar mornlna at hla noma, too rnt He reel.

Th cause of bis death was apoplear. He waa Republic leader for th Fifteenth. Ward of Newark. Mra. ISIDORE M.

BOM. S3 year old. wb dtd yesterday momln at ber country home, Oaklawn, on Shelter island, will be burled tomorrow from her city hum, at fia CI into Avenue. Brooklyn. Che leave three elilliirea.

Her husband, Isidor Bon, a retired tohaee merchant, died last April. leavUm bM HENRIETTA 8KLTO, widow of OabKel elig. died at i ber home, ftrit McDonsutn Street, Brooklyn, ea mdy. ghe a a aative Oev many an year old. Mr.

Sell- wa a asem. oer ana active im roe wnra ui in nrvMirn Hebrew Orphan Avrlum Society, Brooklyn Hebrew Educational Society, ta Jawteh Hospital Society, and th Ladle'. Hebrew Benevolent o-ciety. Ebe leave six dauchten and two Sons. Word waa received la Jersey City yaater.

div of tfaa death of Dr. WILLIAM W. VAR- ICK. at hla bom at Ifersermer. Brga Coenty.

Ha died of a compUcathw of disease. He waa So years old and was, a son cf Dr. Theodore R. Vartck. He waa a member of the Jerjev City Board of Health, bat snored to Manhattan seraa year as and practiced there for som time.

II leaves a widow and aa man. THEATRICAL NOTES. Ola Ncthereol wll! salt for New Tork early In November, besinntna her tour at Plttsbtaw on Nov. IS, and amng thenr to New Orleana via Tea to th Pacific Coast. Rehear ef Wanted A Chaperon win baain thl week.

Toe dramatisation of th lt Paul Ltcter Ford's story baa bee mad by Geora Hsselto. anther ef Mistress mA The Ladr MsrroC" which ru recently produced In St. Paul by th Own Faweatt Company. Violet! Hock la featured In the pate. She to th dausbter ef th lat Representative Houek of Tenneeeee.

end laet appeared la Th Creasing at Daly Tbaa-tra. Ba) mend Httrbcock beaaa his season at Astury Park laet Plfht apnrtn la Richard HsrdlPS Davle'e 'The i Galloper' HI iej-panv Cdsar L. Dnveaport. Herbert Corthell. Kearney, farolla Hul.

Herbert and Snel Forrester. Mr. parts and some friend occupied a bos. Harriet Behne.

th American dramatl measo aoprae who baa been encased by Hrar Bavaae to etna- the role of Zuaukl la Madam Huttvrflr. wUI reach New Tferk neat week. Phe has Juat er d-d a five-year enaee-i iwmar which Included a year at the new Opera Ccmleo In Berlin. Sh ba ale suns en eeaaoa at Coveat Card, waer i I la flntM naBinfuiT Dt Wal Is. Lyca' PCRFCCT TesSEa Poi7ti3? Cleanses and Deautlfles th teeth fend purifies tha TJsod by people of refinement for or ex a quarter of a century Conrenient for tourist.


nmm Caaila. Pee Evenlns snd Sunday Htoers for Trains. RICE'S CHL FfiOI PARIS CO. CMS In perform to-tsUM at S.SO. Map graft.

OEDDES-ROSA-At gt- Mary Chorea, Uv-IneMon. B. on the ath of Rentember. I0O4, by th Rev. pr.

a. W. Owmhell. A. Campbell Oedilea.

M. Ch. hV. of aMtnbavwfc. I Isabella Osmbl.

daughter of Mr. and Mr. W. A. Rosa, Dahiada, Li finest on.

BEERS At ltors Place far Ttockaway, Sept, S. Robert Ab.rnethy Hear. raaeeal private. Interment Weed la wm. Flower respectfully declined.

BON. At Shelter Island Helrhta. Sept. tWm Henrietta Ilueklnsham. wire lit lat Isidore M.

non. in the tb year ber Hervlce at tbe late revdonce, SOS t'lintoa Brooklyn, N. at P. Monday. 8ept.

1. ISU. Df RTBA. At her raaldrae. 6S4 West liSth jriiay.

aept. 1, nasi, nuina wiuow of Wllllsm X. Dttrye and dauehter et tb late Amos aad Kaney lrtab Kalley. Relative and frleada ar Invite, to attend th funeral eervlce al tb house Sunday, tb Sth Past, at 4 P. M.

HIBBE. Sept. ft. tso. Wllhelmlaa C.

relict Charlea C. Hlboe aaa oeiovwi mmner at lt. Leopold H. M. Hlbbe aad Dr.

Heary aad Paul Hlbbe. aed C4 yesre. Service at th funeral ehapet. Set West S3d Fraak E. Campbell HulMin.) On Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock.

HemttveS and frleada Invited. HOTT. Om Sep. at ber reetdenee, Main Norwala. Cms.

mm aitmbeta a. Hort. dausbter of th lat Kdln Hoyt. Punerat Monday. Sept It at Ml elek P.

M. from tb residence. HT ATT. SurtdntT. Sept.

S. at ber to Whit Plains. If. matt n. nyau.

oauan-ter of th lat 8. Furbush, In ber T4th 7 Funeral service at her 1st 44 Church Whit Plain, at P. M. Tu day. Interment private.

KEXSETT. Afier a brief Illness. Qertrad W. Kenaett. wife of th Ut Ttxxnas Keaaatt ef Baltimore.

Md. SerrlcM at her residence Homeland. Corn-wll-on-Hudson, N. on Sunlay. Tram leave foot of West 434 It.

at lilSS A. LADD. On Friday, Sept. t. Mleinl Nesaoa, wife ef William J.

Ladd. at ha restaeaes, at Upper Montclalr. N. J. Funeral eervlee at flrae ftefomted Church, corner I.laoola Read and Uedfaed Flatbuab, Brooklyn, auaday at I o'clock.

MOROAK. Mary Elisabeth, atiddenlh ef heart trouble on Sept. 4. at Oshkosh. Wla.

widow of th late Albert T. Morgan and sister of th Rev. Dr. Anthony H. aad Pr.

aV M. Evans ef New Tork. THOMAS. Suddenly, at TVIndber, Pen a Friday. Sept.

T. Herrlck Thorns s. Notice of funeral bereafter. CEMETSSISS. TH W000LAWK CEMETERY reaoiiy acoaiai by Hartem (rams frant Orasd Central iMathm.

Webster aad Jera Avenue trollers. and by carries. Lota $134 Telephene 4soB Orasiarey) for Booa ot lews, or lepreaentatlve, Ok FICE. ts KAST MD ST. If.

T. CITt. TJ5DEKTAKESS. Be not deceived. Wa tb only VTKPHEM MERRITT BlItlAI.

Cd, Ith Av. aad lta Sc Tel. lie Chelsea. Rev Stephen Merrttt. Pres.

P. W. Radctlffe.MgS. Frank K. Caaaabetl Caw, S41-S4S West tSd 0.

WerU-aw. chapel Tel. 1SS4 Cheteea. NEW THEATRE TO OPEN. The Astor te Modeled on a Greek De-Ian First Night Wednesday.

The new Ator Theatre, la Times Square, will opened te the publie next Wednesday evening with th appearance of Annie Ruaaell In "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Th playhouse follows the, Greek style -of srcWtecture. being modeld on th Dtonyelae Theatre at Athans. A feature of th Interior decorations is the employment of tapestry for tb aid walla. The tapestry waa saade in Franc and shows a Greek leaf dealgn-Harmonlilng with tb side wan decora tlon are the draperies and upholstery. Tbe calling Is In tbre panels, from the centra on being suspended a glob- -shaped chandelier.

Three Greek lamps hang. before th proscenium arch. Each -lamp la six feet In height, snd ar replicas ot those In th Erchtherum at Athena. Th proscenium arch Kself shows details from the monument ef Lyalcratee at Athena. The drop curtala Is dark silk velvet corresponding with the general color schema.

The lower part shows a tapestry reproduction of the fries ef Dionysta; with classic flgur. AU th woodwork In th theatre Is ef the species caned silver wood. Ia tbe doorways and window are ontasMirte ef honeysuckle 0slgs In gilt. Th lobby ts. entered directly from Broadway.

It Is' 80 feet deep and 30 feet wide. Tha floor ts tessellated, th walla ar decorated ha Grk panels, and there are heavy etoas) pilasters at the side walls, Managers Wagaahals and Ksmptf nave paid particular attention ta the lounging; rooms, and there are twenty-eight exits. 3 GIRLS AS DAY LABORERS. Men Are Scarce, so They Harvoat Com Their Nwnda Farm. SrVCWjl Ts A'W FetW r- NTS DA.

K. Y- Sept. Dowllng. a Smith College graduate, has bn working a day laborer this wk. plckinT corn oa bar farm, four sailM from bere, Mlas Dowllng returned a few days ago from th Thousand Islands and found that her crop of corn was rip, but that work-; ingmen wr ecsre.

Let's go and help." shs said to ber two staters. Tha three wemen put on straw hats and glove and the work began. "At first was great fun." aald Miss Dowllng to-day. It eeetnd Uk getting back to nature. But after a while It got to be mighty hard work.

Ws didn't waat to civ up, however, and now I am glad did atcd. for I don't mind it nearly much." Whil they worked the tbre gtrls kept np wlUt th aa thy bad hired..

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