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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 2

New York, New York
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ytiu-yoiii (Hums ursfiajj, miom :8, ii. early MM Baft MflTllM tb tBghtrnl the nsecb la ale later mum It to attributed to) power Insidiously falling, clouding hie lodgment ul prolonging rancor. Th (wm of which be wm la ttiMti IctOM tor ft deeed hM temporarily nltftd. bat tb fsr wbleh BtalBl-vlaed it ure tkreugh mnay dlsMter ep-pareatly fatal wiil continue Invincible until the lrteh people bail Baku tbelr owa lew In their ea farUameat la that owa capital. I look (or a pro Tint, cordial, and complete rehabtlltattoa the Actional fart and victory far hoine nil la tka approaching general lectio." "II la very antertaaate tkai kla dMth tboald Mr last at tb tin there a cloud hanging ever kla aame." aald W.

J. 11 roe. III death, ho we re sad aa It may ba of greet beaeBl Ireland. It mar raaait ts tk meeting tb apposing factious." Boa tow, 0L 7. Tk TCtaraa publisher Pat-Hek Doaeho Mid: -la tb part few weeks Belmeoade and Boeleuger bar bea placed beyond tb possibility of bieeklag baiaaa rerrene.

Who raa Bay bat that la the death of ParaeU PreWieaee designs give a aew birth to tka Iriata mum Tka Irtah people will forget Parnell's weakness aad mourn him sincerely, trolead wlU be ever grata! 1 to ktai for kla graat services." Oaa. P. CoUlaa aald Daring tba tea fears tbat Mr. Faraall bad beea at tba front of risk politlo Irolaad bad advanced politically, oelsily, and materially mora tbaa la aay hua-drad jeer before. 11 la dMth ao doubt will resolve boas rata la tba Nationalist Party lato lu original element.

te a union tow remaining, tbo party mast of necessity otiose together la ao comjug select a a aw leader, poe-albly Dillon." John K. PltgsraM aald By tbo daatk of Mr. ParaeU notblog sow ataada la tba way of a naioa la tbo party. It waa bta more tbaa enytnlag elaa tka I caused tba friction, which, being removed, aalM a aaioa tk aa-aveldabl raa alt emo JeOrey Roche, editor of the Slot, eaid: The effect of Mr. ParaelTe dMth wUl andoabt-dly bo to baste the dtaaoluUoa of the ParaeU-lie party, ao ealled.

Tbat la aa obvious thing. beeaoM pereoaal darotloa to tb old laador baa been largely tba bead of union. Uta death will Dot retard tbe boaaa rule movement among the Irlah people. Tke movement haa goae beyoad Ik roatrol of any leader." Col. Joba Warren, widely known la tbo Fenian movement, aald: "You ktiew my belief la la abeolate ladapeadeace for Irelaad.

aad that eaa only bo accomplished. I believe, by force. Parnall't daatk. no doubt, will harmony among the Irlak patriot, aad If aay good raa coma of tk koine rule project whtik 1 do not aatlolpata. It will gov coma qulekiy.

for the matter eaa aooaer be brought to aa laaue by a aalied people" BrniLu. Oct. 7. Mr. Jama Mooaey.

s-Proaldent of tbe Irish National Land Laaxne of America, aayt: "ParaeU'a daatk will not. In ny oplaloa. aerlonaly retard tba eaoae of homo rule. 1 ooaaklar the virtual aad actual loader sow la Joba Irtilou." it, Locia, Ma. Oct 7.

Tb aBBonti cement of tka daatb of Mr. ParaeU wu received wttk arprlM aad aorrow by Irtakaaa la Una ally. H. C. Kerena Mid: -ParaeU'a 4eaU will teed to promote karaoay In tba lrteh raaka I be-Uere tbe memory of kla faoita will be buried with htm." Juda T.

H. SkMhaa: ParaeU wm tk tbb-aat man of tke oeaturr la Ireland, but hia dee lb WlU belp tke oauae of bome rule." Ir. Tbomaa C. O'Reilly Tbe death of ParaeU removM tbe greateat obatractloa la ocarina bom rule for irelaad." Br. Pacu Oct 7.

Tk Karl of Flnfai, member of tk Britlab Boose of Lord, aad tka Hob. Horace Pluakett member of Parliament, are ta tbo city looking lato tke condition of lrtakmea wko kav emlKrated to Uiia country, for tbe Information of tba Urttists Oovernment Mr. Plankett. referring to Mr. ParaeU'a death, after aaylnx that be wm tba beat friend Irelaad ever bad aad tbe ableat.

aaid HI death, com-lag at tbta time, at tbe aame time aa tbat of WUllam Ueury mitu. tbe leader of tbe otlier lid. wUl tend to atmplity matter In Irish politic maMurably, aad will beat lb breach between tbe two, faction. FOREIGN COMMENTS. SEVERAL TOWS OP KVOLISH, lUISIl1, AND COWTINKNTAL PAPERS.

Loxdox, Oct a Tbe DaUy Aetoa aayt: "If ParneU bad died two year ago, would bar beqoeathad to hiatory tb memory of a career aim oat unique In tb perfection of triumph. He bad fought tbe whole EagUak Parliament a doMB year, and. triumphing la the and. could kav bora dowa oppoaltlon, ou til red hatred, arnabed calumny, and mad bla anamlaa bia fooutool. We do not wlak to dwaU oa tba lamentable atory of hla faO.

outUred triumph aad repatatloa. Yat it would be nn-Jul to danyf klm genuine patrlotio lav plraUea. He did not alav aad toll, tadag hatred and opprobrium, many year merely to gratify personal ambition, did sot doalr to rlae to ttliUnotlon la ih House Oommont ahunned aoeiety, aad did not ear to talked or written about He Heed for many years tbe Ufa of a hermit, aad avoided eveo ordinary conviviality. Those knowing hlin wU will testify to hit almost aaoetio hablu. detested speech making and found no pleas-are of any kind la pubUo life lie ought to be fudged at bta beat ana not at his wom Ireland -will remember that compelled tb English pubito to ltttea to home rule argnmaata.

lie obtained a hearing aad won bis eaoa. Hla dMtb does not diminish la tba slightest degree or delay for an Instant tb oheacea of bome rule for Ireland. Tke Liberate expect tkat wltk kla death peases away tb spirit of discord la Irelaad. Tbo battling for klm bad a mistaken devotion for tb man and not for principle. Tb man la gone, but tke principle and tba oauae remain." Tb Timet aajs: "Althongk ParaeU lost bis aatque, commanding position, woa by ehrewd manipulation of poUtleai paaaloa, becauM of bla vice.

yet ba retained power of considerable Importance. Like Bool anger, the proximate mum of kla faU wm tke Indulgence of Illicit pMalon. la oae eaa rilea operated to paralyze tb man himself, to other It arrayed kla feea aad rivals against kla. ParaeU owed kla aneeeM to bla Gwer to note and kla kMaaaaa In trad-r upon tke weakaeeeee and vice of auaanity. Tor tk mea aad women, whether Immediate eoUeagues or- peMaata.

aerving counter In kla gam, ke kad sotklag but frigid apathy aad aoulempt, whlob trafflo Ja tke baaer Impalae of man la well fitted to Inspire, Tkat wttk a character essentially repelleut be aeeeeded In Inspiring actual eatLuaUam la tk highest evidence of tk grutaess of bis la tel-leetaal ability. It waa eombtned and cor related wttk aa entire lndJlerenre for moral reatraiat or every kind. Althouga rally reoognliod by Mr. Oladatoaa. tkl peculiarity wm eoareaioatly forgotten wkaa It became desirable to cat-tare tka Parnail.

It veto. OontrMting bla character with that of tk leader of tk Houm of Commons dying en tbe aaaae day, wo and abeoluto boaaaty of purpoee aad naawerrlag regard lor tb greater aad smaUar rale of aaaktag Mr. Bmitk St te work tor tb ABguea a people poreuiag aeoeat aad In a kptrtt of abstaatlal tntagrity. Mr. Paraall wooia kav laueo ror lack of Mr.

Rmltb's qnall-Um kad ko not beea deallag wltk mea aad a movement eoatiwatlag la every oeeeatlal respect wltk tke general toavoref aglaad' poUey aad oondBct- Tbe Standard earn pare tk lata WlUiam Hanry Baltk wttk Mr. ParaeU. "Oae," writer Mya. "esittred a martrr to dotv: tbo ether aneeambed to tbo Intrepid, aawearied xnaiatenane of a straggle, idontifled la hla wa mind witk pa trio tl am aad political raaponai-bUJty. He aaoaeatleaablr axAltHied a high aad aafalterlag spirit, under condition that woeud kav driven tk ordinary ata from tk field battle.

Hla death wlU dMpaa tk aathaalaaa of hla memory revl-rlag then and of Irish breMta wiu the aeatlaeat of fond BdeUry wherewith he wm ragarded UU Be qaarrelod with the hierarchy. At the grave political aaumceitiM wm a Boned or riusaabiod for a tlna. Kvea tbe meat violaat aaU-Paraallltea are likely to repeat tbe old eulogroa of a foTaaar eklef, yat liiak sentiment ought not te war avaglaad a Judgwjaat of kla ebarMter aad eareer a aaaa wttk waoa tk ead Jaatl- aea tao means no arena iae rob arooB' od way taaa opea violence. ka groat la formeaOag disaffection, nro- (aotlnji du honesty aad eaeoairaglag reals tanee to taw. im geurai asaumpuoa tkat the eaa Separatism wUl be beaefltod by ms Mik la naaiy aooa to bo aawn teoarreot So long there are ParaelUte and aaU-Paraallltea the latter- will bo foreod throagh aaJf-defense te mala tain tk appear-aaee of aaltrd couacfla and perfect amity.

Hla dMtk wUl remove tbo reerralnlag motive, wttk ao ass af commanding ability aad character la their raa he. Per-oaai rjvalrlea aad pees teas will aooa roanireet theaaaalvea. aad aaka elaar haw tadlaraaMble ParaeU wm to sffeetlve Irish aa-tuttoa. the good mom of the ritlh people wUl aooa pereelTo. aow that ParaeU la removed, tbat It la Oladatoaa ralbar tbaa the Irish Homo Baler who prolong tka sterile obetmctlv mvmat Te tk Oovernment and tb rnioalat hla dMtk will make bo practical difference.

Tbey wlU eeeUnne te treat Ireland wltk iaatioa, reaolase-ly ref eabag their elaim for legtalati ve Mparatloa. wkloh la growing we aker daily." Dcatw. Oat 7. Th rwaaa' Jtmrmal itri: OmoT the moat remark abla eareer af Bedera ttaM hM beea brought te aa early aad aaddea aloee. At each a avemea II 1U aeflto th IrUh BaUea te Mt Mid or taeard th memory ef th aright day whea Irtshmea regarded ParaeU wttk eoatdeBC, beeaoM of hi Integrity, honor, aad davetiea.

alaia tkat a groat ffer akeuld bow bo made to eloM witk ku death the eed klaaory of tbe last few weary aaoatha ef fratriotdal strife. We appeal to tbe peeale throtutheut the Maaory ta be majorat and ealm aad advaae toward aattaBai aaity. wiUeut wkleh, heaMtly Hove, it la lapeaelbJe a aredlot Us aaal trtemph of the Irlak eeese." Taa Aoeajsag ft sCertk rite ergaa. aay Ta daatk af Mr. ParaeU 1, a tarribleleaeea tka taaght that dot trUhMaMaaweii -r tab kla Ufa a leaaeef Irelaad' aafaty.

They ftlmMt preteaded that wm gedllaa aaa Bdytag. eaa set forget. va at tola mbmi aow taay ceicuiataa aauowair tkat the ImU of McCarthy woald lee ParaeU la peeaoealoa at the Parte fund. bod Mom tee fa thful peopto wb did net fell atloa mum did aet depend a atau. ParnaU I dead aad to aee tbat the nation aa the mortal! tv ef a imiaaa uvea, if au tbe leader or irviaoa passed away wttk klm, Irelaad mum would yet be fulfilled" The Irtth rimes asks: "What effect hM tbe ill af Mr.

ParnaU 1 Th controversy, ao far It had a personal character, absolutely and. Th question reioalaa whether tbe iBdepeadeat ampoeitlna will main tela their praMet attitude. If they do. It Is Improbable that they wtU flad ft loader ready to roarreat tbe dlKcultlaa wbleh were to tnoeb for tk strong btart aaa pnjaioai frame of paraelL" laifed Irtinnd. la aa editorial, sera' "Oar Captain hM beea dea te death br the taunts of Irishmen, who have bretea tba heart of their leader Thea la asked.

Ironically, whatkar Their cheeks pale or their heart are chiliadal the preeierl of what their eallouaaess. cruelty, aad pitiless treatmeet have affected Tb article tauata Mr. Mealy with threatenla to drive ParaeU to hi gtav er a luaatle asylum, and satirically asks whether Healy Is happy, now that "the grave Is apea far oa wh was the glory of ma hooda bob of Irelaad abler tbaa Uraltaa. greater than 0'( oanell. and fall lv for Irelaad" Th Aartoeel 1m aara: "Let duueaslaa eeae.

With ParaeU' death tba last protease tor rariioa aiea. aaa an Boaeat lovers or ineir rouatrv Bit shake hands ever tba anea nvL The BtraggU between 1'arnell' aabttloa and irelaad Ubarty 1 over forever." The Arentny reiegmaA. aow a Matleaallat newspaper, appear tbta evening la niourula. In aa article It sajs: "The Irish auad aghast la tbe face of tbe new of hi death. Strife la ended aad stlllneae hM falloa oa th great lrtahmaa.

Por blm his eoantrymea mourn. They wUl keep green tbe memory of three better day whan ba led tb Irish people to th deore of tbe temple of Irtah freedom. What he might kav suffered thee iMt few months none will ever know or reoJtte. lie rendered price! service In the pMt It woa victories such as aons other ouid win. la a spirit of Christian charily let Join la a tribute of profound and heartfelt aerrew.

sad let all else be foramttea." Th iliu to-day. Mmmeettng on Mr ParaeU' death. My tbat of tbe many enemlr Mr. Par- reU had in Ireland, even th moat bitter, IU borkd at tb suddenness of his dMtb. "For month past." the Jfoti ndda.

"he ha looked aa If he wm breaking down under a stress of battle too severe even for a treng maa. Though his ran was hopeless, w-m eull a thorn la tb aide of Mr. Gladstone, aad might still have influenced elections. Now the bottle for home rule ranat le fought oa tta owa merits. All tbe same, every genorouabeart will lament the ead of tbe tragio career of the Irish KlenxL" CXia-a.

Oft 7. Tk CeaeKreNoaoi (Tory organ) aaya tbat th rarneUitee formed a distinct organUatlon pledged to prevent the clerical from accepting watered-aewa home rale, and tbey cannot, without stultifying themaelvea. jota heads with those who have been aecastag them of yieldiag to EagUak dictation. Paaia. 7.

-To aya that Parnell became merely aa embarrMsment to hi former partisans. Hla death hi aa essential aervlce to the Liberal' cause of borne rule. l.t Aoir say tbo event restore IrUh party cohesion and reader eurtala the defeat of th conservative at tbe coning geaeral election. Bbcssha Oct 7. The Independent Brloe today says that Mr.

Parnail fortunately died be fore ba bad time to desnoy hi own magnificent work on behalf of Ireland, adding, "there are ao many brilliant page in hla political career isai uc last oietiea page alii lorn from pubUo memory." PAENELL'S BROTHER HERE. WHAT HI SATS OF HIS FA MILT AND THE DKAD LXADRR. Ati.akta, Oa, Oct 7. A seedy-looking aaa of forty-seven years, dreased la a rough suit of brown, and wearing oa hla bead a faded slouch hat Tbat la John Parnell. tbe brother of Charles Stewart ParaeU.

While Charles has been figuring so prominently before th people of Europe and America, hla brother hM been tending fruit tree on little farm near West Point seventy-five miles from Atlanta. He haa been spending Mveral weeks bare, and when the first news of tbe dMth of the former Irish leader reached Atlanta th brother oould be seen hanging a boat tb Mwspaper offioea te aee if th prea dlapatche confirmed it "I can't believe that he la dead." aald he, "I have heard several time that he wm dead, but the stories had been contradicted later on. The only thing that makes me believe tbe report la the statement tbat ho died suddenly. There were twelve chUdren la our family, six of whom ara dead, and very on of th tlx died suddenly. Oar lter Fanny, who died last, wm found dead la bed.

Charles, and la fact all of ns, are subject to attacks of nervou prostration, and If Is dead this may have oanaed hi death." When th newt of the death was con9nned. Mr. Ptrnell said: My brothor Charles was a Seat man. He was always fond of politic, wm not half ao bad as be was painted, for moat of tbe stories seat out about him were gross exaggerations. Th story tbat he was not kind to our mother waa untrue, as be always looked after her and sent her.

money. He loved ua all, and but a short time age wrote a most affectionate letter, and I waa In hop tbat would come to America to vialt me." J. J. Daffy of Atlanta, who was a schoolmate of Charles Stewart Parnell, says th leading characteristic of his schoolboy lif was th nobUlty of his character, as always took tbe aide of the poor boys, and. If need fought their battles for them.

IT WILL END DISSENSIONS. THAT IS TBI VIEW OF IRISH-AMIR-ICAKS OK PARK ELL'S DEATH. The aoasensus ef opinion among Irish-American clUaecs to th affect of Mr. ParaeU's death oa the fortune of the Irish National Party Is that It wlU bring about a nnlea between the hitherto warring factions, and be, oa the aa aid instead of a blnderaaoe to the attainment of homo rule. Following are the opinion of some of th most prominent sym-ptkltr with tk Irish eaaM resident or at preeeat la this eouatry.

Dr. T. Addis Emmet, President of the Ka-Uonal Federation la America, better known tk Hew IrUh Federation, who reel dene and office 1 at 93 Madlsoa Avenue, said: "Unquestionably, bla deaU wUl aloae np th ranks of th Irtah Party. I Uink tkat home rale will have to be speedily graated by tb English Government, ao matter what party comes lute power. We are sick of hero worship.

As to ParnaU. it would have bait batter for him he kad died a year ago. I have aever beea mor diaappointod la a maa than la klm. HI apaareat aellsbness la th matter ef the Paris fund of more tbaa 920O.00O. ralaed la (bia eouatry, wm aueh aa to cause aU of aa to qaeettoa hla slngleaoM of heart That fund wm raised xpreaelr lor tb relief of tb evicted tan ante, aad wha Parnell could not control It himself ke would not let It be aaed for tke pur-Pom for wklek It wm ralaed For a year, at least be hM been aa obstraottealat" Vt.

MlobMl Walsh, editor of th CoiAoKc Htrotd aad th Mundov lmoerl, said "Mr. ParaeU ih beea practically oat ef I rub affair since be loot control ef tke fWmus'n Journml. He kad loot control of th Irish people. So man ever rendered greater Berrien to th auM of Irelaad, bat once he ail eaa ted tb blabop aad Srtoata by ooatraettag aa aduluroaa marriage is usefulness seemed to have gone. Tk Immediate effeet of hia aeatk wUl be to essss Ib tease sorrow ren on the part Uoee wb opposed hla.

but after a while tb entire Irish people wOl aalte, or rather persist in demanding (be measure of hem rale for whlea Mr. ParaeU originally foagbt It 1 Mt to say tbat th Irish Utabie aad priest will publicly expre tk deep Maa af era tl Ma da tbey feel for tk aervlce he rendered tke mm of Irelaad before tbe aabappr dlaereaeM arose between kla and them. Lwplorebl 1 ParawU's untimely ead It wlU have the So ef removing Ue only Uv-lag bar to caase of home rata It may also, aad I Ulnk It wlU, lead to tbo releasing of tbe faad for the vie ted teaeat now held by th banks In Parte. Kvery friend or Irlak freedom lames ta kla daatk and wlU try I forget kla faults ta tk remem- ranee of tke great services ke bat rendered ta hie eoUBtrr. Tk effect kla death ta tkl eoaa-try will probably be a thorough reorganization ef tbe Irish Lead League and tk strengthening of th aawly-eslabUshod Irish (oa Eageue Kelly, banker.

Mid: "I do not think ParaeU' dMtk wlU kav aay flact detrimental to home rale. Home rale ha beea a very exalting qaesttea, aad It la very important to tk welfare aad prosperity of Ireland It I sure to be obtained, aad perhaps before long. Th death af Paraelt after the axeitewoBt 1 aver, wlU kav vary little fact a tt altlaai recall of th hem rale movement" Michael lavltt wm found at the office af tka IrUA narld TeeMreay afteraooa. "Mr. Par-Bell' dMth." he aald, wUL I Irmly beUeva.

pat aa end to tk oaaappy diaMasaaa by which tb Inak Partr hM been torn dariag th Ust tweiv aeatha. Tka Iriah leader af tk ratur wlal be daweratla. ao atoeraUe. Ha mut ba taa meathpteee aad Bat tbe maate tka bbov-meal for heme rale." Paaala A. peUlMay aaid that ParaeU's daatk fnraaibed tka ealy happy aolatioa of the diffl-BltaM la Ua war of tka ntvmnt (or hoate rale.

Callaaaa af dl Tsewr Btreet aald: I tklak the daatk af Mr. ParaeU will aare a Terr fayerabl effect apea tka I risk aaaae, Mr. ParaeU klBMlf wkad ha tba aJ ataahrlM aw at a. at am mm www mm Mi acta Dent bt afraid tb wnsli anything with Ptarl- tk. You can do it without stouring and scrubbing.

With anything that is delicate, it slvcs wear; with anything tkat is strong, it saves work. li devours dirt, without cat trig up the fabric Millions une but "all grocers" din't "keep it." What everybody needs is sold too fast to kep. peddled. tU AM ICS PTLH, B.T. ran at this time.

eath will cause all faetlcas to oalte and ta push tb cbum of Irelaad to what seems now to be the only conclusion- bom rule" Milvr K. M. llaverty said: Ills death mease tba eomplete wiping out of the breach. There le n4 on of any standing capable of taking his plact who believM ae he did. Tbe nearest approach to him ta Jamee J.

O'Kelly, member of Pariameat and he will trv to keep np the, fao-tioal but It wtU ultimate) merge Into the advanced eectlon of the Clan-na-Gacl. I believe thaMr. Parnell wa really out of hi senses for aoa time past, or that he had the Idloevncretio Idea that he was th only man of moment In the Irish movement" The Municipal Council of tbe Irish National Leaguemet last night la latlwlth' Hall at Third Avenue and Forty-fifth street aad paaeed resolution) expressive of reeret at Mr. Parnell' death and fculoglsrto of hi character. Thy ld la the aantheoa of Irish patriotism ranked with tb lest and bravest of eur race, and he leaves behind htm as a priceless memory and most precious legacy to his bereaved country a record of political action whose cardinal principle of Independence ef Kngllah poUtlolans and wariness! of F.ngllsh promises must forever stand a beacon to guide onr race In Its straggle for liberty." After tbe paare of tbe resolutions the council resolved Itself Into a meeting of Irtau Nationalists, and appointed a committee of fifteen to arrange with ether Irish soctette for tb holding of a suitable memorial meeting within two three weeks.

GOLDWnr SMITH'S VIEWS, Gold win Smith, and the altered Tobohto, Ontario, Oct iaterylawed on ParaeU's death pros pacta of tb Irish Parliamentary Party, said: eU's dMth wlU give Oladatoalan Joy. It will remove the thorn from their aide. Tb Gladktoniaaa wound have had to negotiate with the clerioal partr, wbleh desire a constitutional change in tbe Government of Ireland, and which desires to uphold Church Influenoe. To tbl party ParaeU wm strongly opposed. His aim wm to hate the country given a Parliament of tta own, land eventually to have a separate republic, home year ago, when Parnell wm la Ametice, be Mid that no true Irishman could reet tin til the last tie wblob bound Ireland to England wa severed.

Afterward, la tbe Houm or Commons, he found It expedient te deny this, but the sentence embodied bis icntlmentn. Dillon will probably assume tbe leadership. Witk htm leader, one hardly kaowa what to expect The priests not want a aeveranoe of British connection so much as they do a control of th schools and people If they attain tbelr aim, thrM (Roman Catholic province. Monster. Leln-ster.

aad Connaught, would aooa be la a condition much like tbat ef oar own provlaM of Quebec." Ott iwi, Ontario, Oot 7. The Irishmen her. whUe BxprMstog deep sorrow at the death of one too bad done so much for home rule, hope that the warring faction of tbe party will now reunite, aad ao good com oat of th daatk af their fbrnier leader. rREAL. Oct Th death of Mr.

Parasll create 1 a profound sensation hare, where there are two parties one favorable and the other hostile to th dead statesman: but now tbat hostility is forgotten aad only xprelon of sympathy ar beard. A canvass of opinion among prominent Irishmen elicits the belief that the hands of Gladstone are strengthened and that Parnell' death wUl do muob to heal the achiams of the party. THE BIG CRICKET MATCH. TKSTBRDAT'S PLAT BROUGHT TO AX ABRUPT CLOSE BT RAIW. Rain prevented the csaolnslo of the erleket match at Livingsta.

yesterday be twees Lord Hawks team el English genUemea aad the Ali-New-Terk alxteani There have been maay aafortunate Incidents throughout the three days' play. The weather haa beea un propitious. Lard Hawke ha been 111 ul has nosplajad at all, and several others of tke team have been oat of condition. The America team made a rvery poor showing in tba laid and at tb a bat In the arst Innlags. Tbay have dona better la tbe second, i so far a It hM gone 1 her were not fifty aoectetore oa the gronad at 11 o'clock phis moraine, whaa play wss announced to login.

nd only a few ef th American team. Tbe EnglUhmn appeared at aooa and took tba field at 12:16. There were about 160 spectators present, la-elndlng a few ladies. Brow and PrendereMt who were not oat on Tuesday, faced MUlysxd and MUlsr. Feodergast batted for two 4 ud a II la the first nr, and everyone loot for a good stead, but he waa ran oat (or a total of 84 rune Archie Brows played careful eriokecjbot did not score fast Rose next went ta to bet and.

after staking a eloM eat for a raa, wat out leg pefore wicket Levies followed Hose aad made a good stand with Browa.i both batting well and scoring rapidly. The light dflsile whioli began ahortly after lb naty started I grew heavier and made tbe ball hard to eon trol. The result was several bed byea. Wreford Brown took Miller's place a bowler, but a few minutes later tins was ea.led. The rata fell steadily Md after half an boor's delay the game was called a Ue.

1 he American teem had 1113 runs In tbe llret Inning and led In the second fer wickets, while tbe Kagllaii team had (83 rasa ta their Erst laning. The or of Hi AaaerloM taam'a aeooad laalag 1 as folio i ammo b. wood amailweod. o. Herasbr.

b. Millar. 1 1 73 Tyera, brown, Wsods Psadergast, ni oot Bose, lb. b. HUiysrd Brown, not oat Iavtea.

iot 'JL" 23 t4 Total .16 Bun At the fall off esdh wick.t-l SB ae lea lit. I Bowujia ahaltbu. Afeta- irtee-Xelt. Minn. ees.

tU. 7 ik i a li lo ao sf Weed Horssb Hlllyard Wrefordi Browa ii 10 At 41 1 1 MeAJptae I 0 SCHOONER KIH A ASHORE. TBI C11W KBaCOBD BT TUB AMDT BOOK LIFE tATIRS Th ABitrloaa ackooner Etna west Mhor lMt sight oh th poiat at Sandy Uook during a heavy gal. Th vmm! wm under com aad Capt Cdmsao, and wm bound to CliMtor, Paa. with a oargo of Uth from Mlrlmlohl, M.

tb erew of Ltr-fiavlac BUUon Ma. 1 want to the rosea of tb acbooaar' erew. By mesas ef the breeehee buev taer were brons-ht aahora la safat. ibo vaai i ran or water, and will dnbtlee a total loss. Sh Is a three-mMted cbooner of 88 tons register, built In Mlilbrldge, Ma, la iiio, aaa srwaeoi oy Miner woodaaa.

slwAirn Quxry hot VTiita. Boaro. Oot 7. Tba fallowing telegram wa reolvd this afteraooa: Kajt raxBeiaeo. Oal nu.

7erhass p. OUmmn. Mtmn i Me trath ta tbe renort sboot Oneea TJIIenkslsnl's Ul heaithi aad political eempltoauoaa oa bept tsaeea was la food health. A. McKIKLA V.

Uawalbta OomuL aaa Prmaciaeo. Assembly candidates. OalJ 1L TTlKKa Beet pnhD aoalaeted at BssAmt BaftMll rhlstriMr Lister Ooaaty. atetewa. ImlUivm Caat.

SENATE CANDIDATE. ihhrd TO BE HEATED BY STEM CONTRACT TO SQUIT THM XXW-TOMS 0 M2i TEAL CdRX THE COXiOLIDATKD Cdt-HSATIKO COM PANT WILL DO tnu WORK IK IIXTT DAT! AM IMJCNCTIOIf VACATED BT A UX1TKD ITATKI OOCST. H. Walt Webb, th Third Vta Preeldeat af th MwYork Ceatral Kallread. ettaed a entreat yastardiy wltk th OoaoUdatd Car-IlaatlBg Company for th pw-wqatpmeat th aUr Central Mad with tb eonaolldaUd y-torn af steam heat Th wrk mast pleiad wiinlB titty day.

am dart ago th MarMa OmpaBf aMarad, la Itutale, aa Injanetloa prvntiag tb Jfaw-Yrh Cantral lload from nalag tb wall team enplr aa ear qutpped with th Marti a fttea af tteaa heat On Tuesday- th United "tale District Curt la Duffalo vaeatad tb l-Junetloa for alt ly dare, st tbead af which time tn Martla system will at la us la an ef tb New-York (atrel ear. Cot wlllleat rtlee, Vice Preatdent th CooMlldated Oar-lItiag Compear, sys that about atneiaaib of the raUroad la tb eouatry ar now asiag th wall lea4n eoflplM. LOUIS VILLK AND NASIIVLLLK. ARM DAL MBMTIMO Or TH1 ITOCEIIOLD-Kim IM LODIiTILI.l T1IT1RDAT. Th aanaal maetlag th iloekholdar th LoalsvUI aad Maahvllls Ballroad wm hld In Iulavtll yMUrday.

Tb JUwlag aamad gen 11 me were elected director! Augoat Bl-mont J. A. Uory. Arnold Mareua, WtlUaa Marten. So stela Morton.

J. IX Probst J. 0. Kogara, ThomM Butter, aad Jacob H. eobiffof Mow-York; Kdanad Imlth of Philadelphia) M.

IL Smith, John A. Carter, and Wba I). Taggart IOUIvlHe EiMutlv officer wr iubsiuntly elected follow: Chairman of tbe Board of IlreoV or August Bslmoat; President M. H. Pmltb; First Vice President-Stuart Knott: Second Vice President A.

M. guarrlar: Third Vice PrMldent W. J. Wood; TroMurar W. W.

Thompson Hoc rotary--J. II. Ellla. Th huancial staumant hwd tbat th gross arnlng af tb road for tb year which ended Jane 30 were 1 the operating ex-penses were $12,058,444, aad the net earnings were f7.16S.Ue4. Tba fixed charges were and tb year1 loaaM on th Pna-cola and Atlautlo and th Alabama Mineral Kailrosds amounted to Tb net earnings, therefore, were to which was added 717, 873, Income from ethar souroes.

making th net laooae $3, 058.26. Th surplus, after paying 0 per eont dividend, wu A CAR BTOVB SUIT. In th "aprem Court yesterday Judg Barrett ordered a verdict for $7,000 to given agalnat tba Mew-York, New-Haven and Hartford Railroad Company in a ult brought by th Attorney General to recover penalties for th violation of th not prohibiting th heating passenger ears on steam railroads by stoves. The act Imposes a penalty of 1,000 for Its violation and loo per day additional for every day tbat tbe violation la continued. The cue had goae to the Court af Appeal on a demurrer, th Attorney General being successful.

It wm, therefore, not neoeaaary to Introduce moon evidence on the trial. The evidence taken on the trial of tbe Directors of th road for misdemeanor in violating the aet wm Introduced. The company In Its defenae contended that It did not come within tb appUeatlon of th act, It had not nfty miles of road In tbla Btate and because tbe system that it used was recommended by the Railroad Commissioners of Connecticut, who prohibited tbe use of steam for heating paaaeager ears. Th defenae was also made that the act wm unconstitutional and void as attempting to regulate commerce between twe Htatea. Deouty Attorney Generals Mayaard and Foste appeared for the people and John M.

Bowers and Henry M. Tail for tbe railroad company. Tbe company will carry tbe out to the L'nlted Bta taa Supreme Court oa the question of th eoMtltationaUf of the act TO BE TAKEN FROM UNIOJI PACIFIC BT. Joexpu, Ks, Oct 7. Preeldeat James H.

Baa edict of Beaton, representing th eeoond mortgage bondholder of the Bt Joseph and Grand Isiaad Bailway. arrived here yesterday Md met the Director of the Board of Trade la relation to the road. Tor eighteen months paat th road hM beea under Union Pacific management and hM steadily gone backward, and President Benedict's Tialt 1 for the DorpoM of wrestle the read from tke hands ef the rnlon Pacific people He stated at ths masting tbat the time for Mtlon had bow arrived; that tb alon Pactne wm la bad straits aud bad detaalted oa tbe bonds. In consequence of whloh It waa time tor tbe stookboldere to take the Onad Island on I of 1U bands in order te mvb the property. He asked the Board of Trade to put a protest against tb preeeat management Into writing Md be would present It at tbe coming meeting of the Dlrectore tn Boeton.

'I be res alt of th meeting yeeterdey will be the placing of the Grand Island under Independent management, with en. I). Tn thill General hiaa. aer. and the removal of tbe geaeral omces from Omaha to this city.

yKW-OBXEA-KS FREIGHT QUESTIONS. Xxw-(. blxus, Oct. 7. The General Freight Agents of the New Orleans Trafflo Association completed their quarterly maetlag to-day.

President V. B. Morty Md Chairman Falthora of tb Southwestern Bailway aad Steamship Association bay for aoa Urn been endMvortng to arbitrate tbe MewOrleMa and Ualvestoa banana rates, but hare beM unable to agree The meeting authorised thea te call In a third arbitrator. The association virtu ally decided a aniform dome. Ue biU of ladiag to be lai practicable.

It took ao actios va the reaolntlon to adoot tbe conference bill of lading lor export cotton, leariag that metier oeiwoeu we snipe asm uippora. 1 ns matter of "heading np" cotton tor lnSDee- Uon was also taken up. Tb draymen ralaed the rate from to 8 cents. Md the railroads main tained the old rate by using their owa laoor. The roads find they are losing money by their kindness, Md wUl raise the rale to what It oosls te do tb work about A eeat.

A RECEIVERSHIP THREATEVBD. Chicauo, Oct 7. A special from Indianapolis say! "Bolt has bes brought tor tbe appointment of a receiver to the Indianapolis, Decatur aad West-era Railroad. The plaintiff ar H. B.

Shewere and the old lirst National Beak of tbl elty. Last September Hetti K. Showers obtaiaed a ndgaaol for too tor Injuria received. About the aame time the First National Baak obtained a tudxment against the road for 1 1.4 00 Neither of theeetodgmenM wss paid Md execntlOBa were laened TBeee lie as, the complalBanU allege, were returned nulla bona la asking tor the appointment ot a receiver. It Is alleged that tbe company la whoUy Insolvent) that It hM ao property ot My kind with which to pay tt NOTES OF VARIOUS INTERESTS.

Vto Preeldeat Beiahart of tbe Atehiaon. Tepeka and Beau tt Hallway aaya, In support of tb practice of the road la publishing "approximated'' earnings, that Uieea gores are aot estimated," because tbey are teeed upoa actual buainese done aa qalokty It ess be eeeertatned within a given time, whloh. In tbe Ateateea'e eaae, le a short one. A sharter has beea graated by th Peaaaylvaata Stale l't pertinent to the Baffal Md bnsquehsBaa Hellroed OeapMy te extead troa Oaletoi. Patter Ouaaty, te Oherry Springs, Patter OeoBty, a dlataaee ef twelve Biles: capital steek.

F. H. Oeodyeer ot Aaatta, I Preakleat I'aloa Psoitis people ta Boetoa have ae laforaa-ttoa rsssrdlBg the reports that the Hales Peelae. VarthweeterB alllMoe hM beea broken, aad they do aot believe there le My trath la the letemeat Tb estimated trafflo earning of th New Terk. Osterte ssd Westers Hellroed for the month ef Sep.

tember amooal to 7O.3S0, aa taoreass of aeA3 over tbe aaa moatb last year. OBIT VARY. HENRIETTA LAMAR, Mr. HsarUtta Lamar, widow of 0n, Mlra-hean B. Lamar, PrMldeat of th Txm Bo-pablt.

dld at Santa Anna, Tim, Tnday, at th reldaoe of her nephew, Mr. W. A. Moras, Clerk of th Court Appsala of Tsxm Th remain will be eoaveyad to KIchmoBd. Tbim, to be Interred by tb aid of her late husband.

Mrs. Lamar bad been Ul oaly a few month, bat went to Santa Anna from her home la Ualveetoa too late for the climate te prove beaeaeial. She leavee only daughter, Mr. O. D.

Caldr of HalVMten, wb wat with her during ber ntlr lllaesa he elttsen of Santa Ann Msemblad la I night in a body aad held memorial Mr vice la honor of th deceased. OBITUARY NOTES. WUUaa Sharp, aa ld-tlm aerohMt Camden, X. died yesurrfay at bis collage la Oceaa aged asTeaty aersa. wm pgiseil ot euaeider.

aide paeverty. Mrs O. L. PrndM, wife of Pre tldsal Hrrta' aesiaiMt pfivaw secretary, died yeeterda afteraooa. after a preuaewd Ulaeee.

la WashrngtoaT o.t raa crr or pamim. The lamaa Line steamship City ef Pari arrived at QuaraatlM at 9 e'eleek last alght, several boar overdo, from Liverpool. Tb ve-ael broaght among bar peaMager John Haty, Beary M. Flagler, H. B.

Flaat, Oeerge I. Seaey. BJehard Harding Davla. Mr. Ballard IMM rilfe S.l.k ww v.

vhmvswsw. aiereers lcey, CoL MlehMl J. Park Beajamtav mm, sMiseuiB, enei aara. eaora. wire ar ua eg Ue Aanert KUjeotwtaaa aewletr.

OMTOirVRS AMO MAMCPACTtTmXKB" 0V lV00DT.lAr.TitS. We Isave aow aUMtla svt oenr specWwe wafeiooasB a new aad la-aat tlaa af Artlsti Maatala, BpoelaJly adaad far CUT mm4 Bab nrhaa Usaaea, AT ORBATLT KXOCCKD FUCKS, vfireraoms 28 80 West lit St, FACTORY. ftllCAS WKBT BT. JOINED HANDS IK WEDLOCK. OCIBTT AT BOCHIITEB AMU ACBUEM W1TMEU BE1LLIAMT XTEMT8.

Rocrmtbb, X. Oot 7. Tba arrlag tbl vantng af Dr. Albert H. Sir of Kae.Tark aad MU Maad Merchant of tbl ity wm a vry briniaat affair.

Th doora af old 81 Penr wr thrown pn at P. and for aaarly tw hoar people poured late th adlfla. tiling tba bnrh from hen Ml ta' vUbol with th moat tartiuaat aMablag vr gathered at a wddlag la this ally. Shortly bfor 7 'oloek th arpUd boy ehotr of St Paal't filed lata th and aeon after th first note ef WsgBar'f Bridal Chora from Lohengrin war souadod th door af th main alsl war opaaad and tba bridal party catered th church. First cam th tunera, each wearing a bootoanler of white earn atlas.

They war Lr. ThomM 8. South worth, Ir. H. A.

OrlSin, Lmil oohulue, Dr. CbaiiM P. DufTy, Edward W. llairla, friends of th groom, aU of New-York, and Dr. Kobrt T.

Fraob af th city. 8Ulny W. Hopkins of hTwYork waa beet man. Following the asber cam th bridesmaid, two by two, la tba order named: Ml Julia neckaa of Itocbester. Mis Jackson of Chicago.

Miss Woltjen of Pottevlllc, Perm. Mis Yate of RocbMter, Ml Ely of ElyTia. Ohio, sad Miss Waydell of Ksw-Yorhr After the brtdMmalds and preceding th maid of honor. Ml Jsnor S. Merchant, slater of tb bride, cam the tittle t)owr girls.

Mis Florence 1sh of this elty and Mis Mary Leal Ely ot Klyrte, Ohio. Immediately preceded by her maid of honor came tb bride leaning upon the arm of her father, who conducted bar to th obanoel rail, where aha wm met by the groom, and by him conducted to tbe altar. The ceremony wm performed by the Rev. Leal Wmu-burn. Immediately noeeedlag th servic at tba chnroh wm a reception at Ibe Geneesee Valley Club boose, lMtlng until Dr.

and Mrs. Ely left for tb West on th 10:10 P. M. limited ex-preas. They wlU be at homo In their w-York rMidenoe, 19 West Forty-sixth Street, after Nor.

la There were many prominent guests from oat of town. The wadding gifts were very numerous. Maad Louise Mertinsat 1b the daughter of Eugene Merchant, PrMldent of tbe Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg Coal aad Iron Company. Dr. Albert Hetnaa Ely, th groom.

Is a eon of Heman Ely of Elyria, Ohio. Dr. Ely Is a well-kaowa practitioner of Nw-York, a graduate ef Yale, and also of tbo College of Physician aad Sorgeon of N'ew-YorK City. He was eonneoted with 8t Luke' Hospital for nearly tea year and itudlad a year In Vienna AUBUaut, N. 0t 7.

Miss Josephine Pome-roy, youngest daughter of ax-Senator Theodora M. Pomeroy of this elty, wm married this area-lag te 'WUllam Rofna Herriok of Cleveland, Ohio. The ceremony wm performed la th Central Presbyterian Church by the Hew. J. S.

Rlgga, D. of the Theological Seminary In this city. There were about l.OOO Invitations Issued. The bride wm attired In a white Mtln gown from Worth' and wore a bridal veil and erange blossoms. There were ns bridMmalda.

The bride waa given away by her father. A reception wm given at the home of the bride' parent, which wm decorated by floiista from Syracuse There were guesta from New-York, Boston, Cleveland, and all parte of the State, The groom Is a young lawyer aad belong to one of th wealthiest families la Cleveland. The preeenta were the most elaborate ever seen In this city. Mrs. Herriok te a niece of Gen.

WUllam H. Seward. xTtack, Oct 7. Thar wm a society wedding la Plormnt this morning. Th groom wm Charlee F.

Biker ot tb drag lrm of Biker A Bon of Nsw-Tork, whcee home Is at Piermoat aad th brid MIm Kate Harlot. aOm of Pler-moct Th ceremony wm performed at 9:30 o'oloek by the Rv. D. H. Ver Brycb.

pMtor of the Reformed Charea, after which a wedding breakfMt wm strrM. Th newly-married eoapla left before noon for New-York and took a itaamer tola afternoon- for Florida, XIN03 COUNTY DEMOCRATS. NOMINATIONS FOR THE ASSEMBLY MADE IN KtCTEhT DI8TEIOT8. The Democratic Assembly ConventlM were held In th twelv dlstrlot of Klag Couaty last night and nominations war mad la aU hut th Eleventh, whers th ReptfbUoan have a majority. This convention wm adjourned nntU tomorrow night In the First District Joseph J.

CahlU. th present inoumbent who hM had on term, wm renominated. In the Second, Assemblyman MeBrlde, who had hM two term, wm pat Mlde, aad WUllam J. Plant, a clerk In an Ink factory, wm nominated. John Oooaey, a lawyer of the Third Ward, wm renominated la th Third Dlatriet He hM had two term.

Tba Fourth District Convention renominated John J. O'Connor, wh hM had tw term. In th Fifth. John Kelly wa renominated for the fifth time. William E.

Shields, a young lawyer, waa alM renominated In the Sixth. He has bad one term. In the beventb Dlstrlot As sembly maa SchMff wm put Mlde In favor of Louis ott. a youag clsrk In th city Work Department Assemblyman a rim tulgley was renominated In tbe Eighth District for a aeeond term. Tbo Ninth Dlatriet Convention, now represented by Charles W.

Butberlaad, who wm nominated for Senator oa Tueeday night, nominated Henry F. Cochran, a young clerk living In the Nineteenth Ward. Ex-County Clerk Delmar snoeeeded In running the Tenth District Convention, and renominated ThomM F. By race, who hM had two term. He is a blacksmith.

Th oaly surprise ram from th Twelfth District, wber It wm suddenly decided to drop Mortem nan, who defeated Watson last year, aad let Supervisor Pargueeoa name the candidate. Earl' friend fought hard bat nnanceessfully. Fargueeen nomi nated x-A Memoir maa JimM p. Graham, who reDreaeated the district ta the Legislature ef 1B89. Ha wm formerly a ear coaduotor and wm taxen np originally ny tna Demoerata during the active Ufa of the Labor Partr la 1887.

HI resurrection now te du to a desire to but tb aaaidate who wiu be named br John Y. McKaae oa Moadav night at the Ratmblleaa Convention. MoKane's maa wlU probably be Cbartea Conrady of New-UtrMht The dlatriet is aoantnu. TO OVERTHROW "QUAYISM." SIGNIFICANT MOTEMEMT OF LEADING PENNtTLTAMIA REPUBLICAN! PBiLADbLi'HtA, Oct 7. Ib order to perfect plan for an organised crusade throughout the BUt against United State Senator Quay and hla methods, a oall hM been leaned for a mMtlng of th algners'of aa address to the people leaned In Job 1m The address.

Which wm originally signed by 150 prominent RepnbUoana ot Philadelphia, aad bow hear th ubh at 820 men from aU part of the State, la vigorous protest against QnayUa, and IUum 820 men wiu oa Wedaeadav. Oct 14, Msembl at the MeroentU Library to amphaslM that protest aad to prepare plan to open war all along th ltaa. The oaU tor the mMtlng la signed by aU th members of th provisional committee, oi waioa arbor weioa Chairman. It Is DroDOMd to orianlM the Xafoma Kanab- lloaa league of Peaaaylvanla, tb avowed object of which shall be "to break up boM rule and dishonorable political methods la Pennsylvania, and reatore to th popl th oontrol of their publlo affairs." To do this th pro rooters will form branch aasoolation of Republic cltlaen each county, whcee daty It ahaUbe te reveal the nomination of candldatee to th Bglalatar who favor the re-elolioa at Senator Quay, and to secure tbe election of men to tb Legislature whcee lnteUigeno and character wtU give a reasonable assurance that they rep-reaent tbe la tereata of tbelr oonatltueata. and that they wiu legWata Jor th higher welfare of the atata, The managemsnt of the geaaral affair of the leacue will twt with aa ExmuUv Committee composed ot a President first aad Seooad tee Preside la, a Seeretary and Treasurer, aad flitaea member, aad th reside nu ef all branch aseoeiatioaa tn tb leacoe, who shall be ex-offlole aembers ef the Executive Committee.

Ta mMtlng aa Oot 14 is expected to result la the formailea of a permanent orgaaUatiea, aad th work ot the) league wlU be oommeneed at ae i ea i i fiat. xii txrxortsa. lrtawroK. Vav, Oal Lee eamBua telmpwerveamdthorapomtrom his hoaae alghtar eaeoarratriasV TASSETTioy TBE BI TXLU WHY HE AULLED THE tTATR Sloe Ja, Beptttdteaa eaadldate tor Ooraraar, trar- trem Loekport to-day tm oompany with Joha W. Troeaaaa.

eaodldato tor Llentenant Overaor. aad Arthur C- Wade, oandldate tor ControQer. Hlagarf rails, thano tw Toaawaada, aad thaae te Badalo. They hld reeepUon at Niagara Fall aad Traawaada. They were mat here by WUIlan A.

Sutherlaad. candidate tor AMonay Geaarai. The aaadldate aU mad rpeachM ta-lcht Maal Han te d.000 atUMB of Buffalo. Ex-Mayor Booker ef Buffalo waa Chairman at the mMtlng. He aald he would vote for Mr.

Fae-Mttaad every man oa tb Repnblloaa tlokt ate raeTi spok la part louowtt tt Is htssnaal fna raa tba Tea arlew wear anegtaao tbta FaU to tbe party that be-Iicvm abeolately Md I pledged aaqotvally to taa great eaaae at a senate ballot re- fera. There I ao oa thing important te tb laboring mea, to the owner of sasaU Was. largo concerna, a eyetoa ot voting which guantnteee thea tbe eatramnieled eterciae of their owa facultie, Md enablea a to hare oar vote taksa oa eteeue day. aot la eeesrd-aoee with tke wtabM ot employer, act la accord-ansa with tbe threats ef pollttoel dictator, bat la aooordaac with tb dictates ear ewa ntanVeA, Mr. aMtt aatured tb Buffalo neonl that tbe eoaUtuests bo had repreerated ta the Legislature were wUilns- to have th canala properly taken enre of for th good of th Stat.

aaa ua arnaa hia record oa labor legislation. Coneeraiaa- tba State Prlatlag bUL 1 1 aadoobtodlv did cans the defeat of tbat bill aever dea led it I never shall deny ay owa record Md to that I wUl Mk Mr. baeebsa to a with me if be dare. I asked the advocates of the Stet Printing bill to show ae that tt wm to the advaatage ef tbe people of tbe State, and I weald act onlr not oo ps" It bat work for it with sil mysoeL aad they oaM Bot do it Bad I opposed the bill. tt wtater taer came to ae aaa aaaii -rw.

Senator, we have been trying three year to get thle blU I aald know It. bora, aad It It was going do you or the people My good I would withdraw my opposition. Thla mach I wiU do. 1 won't speak asalnst It and yea eaa eoaviac I wul work for It Md I am oben to eonvlotlon. and yea eaa have aay number of hours ot my tlaa Tbey took eeveral hears of mv time, bat the eoald not oonvlBee me.

mow, there were two object! te the Plate Print-lag bill. Ftret its expeaae. Weeoad, I had seea toe muob of Ste'e nrtntlaa establishments in tbelr oe- erattoa at Washington and tn the Htatea of this country. With every change ef Administration, aaywhere from AO or 90 te 120 printer wh had come to look apon Albany, or the place where tbe printing estabiuhmnl waa, their heme, woald be turned out bad mada tramps of. It la demoralising.

That might be obviated, bat no provision waa made to ob Tints that la their MIL ib tne aeoonrt place, ths hiring of 120 printer la a BUte that amnlor 6.000 nrtntara aoold aot alevaU tbe rate af wages. HAL POINTER DEFEATS DIRECT. AN EAST VICTORY FOR THE TKNNES- SRAN IN THE PACING MATCH. Tkbbb Haotk, IniL. Oct 7.

-Tbe sadden fan In th tempera tore made it Improbable that either Hal Pointer or Direst would lower the race record In the renewal of the eon teat between the crack pacers here this afternoon. But tbe ease with which Hal Pointer went the first heat to-day la .:10 showed that he might hare beaten his owa mark of 3:094 it Direct could nave forced him tor a mile Tbe little a tallica wm aot at bia beet waver. Md the Tennessee champion really played with him ail through th tw heat, that proved his right te cos tin ns to ba eelled the greatest harass raoer ever Men. Betting was 1 to 0 oa him before the start and I to 1 after he howed his quaUty. HU qaartere la tbe third beet wereOiSSts; 0Jls.and 0:1 Direst giving It np a Utile from the last turn, that Oeer stopped driving from the dlssance.

The fifth heat wm onlr paced In Silts, Direet wee daaa fnr m.mA wm never dangerous. After ciee had Uaded the etake for three year-old and Vie H. bad made shorter work of the 8:18 trot for which she wm a 5 to 1 favorite, Moebars started iot www man, 1 1 wm bo utte Md tne air so ahiiiy that nobody expected to see tbe youngster do anything noUble. bat he went to the bait In 1 rOb, and trotted the mUa la exactly 11:18. This ties Sunol's work at twe years.

Md Is a weaderful teat aader tbe conditions. Justloa aad Olobe went to pole, bat both were unsteady, sad ca th third attempt made tb alia ta i A p. The 9 rSi ssss waa sMiMa mMmt a which Kissel's Dallas and Walter Wilton lowered their reeord la torn. A anmber ef trotter Md pacer also Unproved their reoords la trials against AxteU wm shown to sulky, and Dohl let him si en a little a the stretch. The ex-ehasapiae has still bta perfeot gait bat toe fat to go fast lor tern orrow the eiake fer feeia ef leeT.

the trot and the tree-for-all peoe ar on, Md Naaey iianks will go azaiaat th trstUng record The weather 1 agalaat her, bat sh wUl aot tar from Ir08 If th day is clear. Tneaamaaruei FiRfrr Kicx. tipeoial atataa, peoe. Hal Pointer e'e matiiSjiallaVioisTiUiv uk IhrM-yaar. .45.

Gam bet Wilkes 4 111 by Loola Kapoleoa, 1 imofVafjlir-VioVi'W leo. dv ui Uncle Bam, Chlquerlta. stamina. FZ'lSh' JIH .1 1 1 George 4 iV ......4 i a MaabrinoMald a Kacjl-8 .23 paoi pan (TJa-finlshsd.) Klsssl's ballaa. i FVuaiSairr I i a-OOkyafcZTl T1m-i30; iil.V a jrrxDA's ssjrsATioir spoil n.

A pollMman believed teat night that he had to do with a MnMtlonal cm when at Prince and Mott Btreet he found a wemaa lying on the sidewalk with a bloody handkerchief pressed to her throat She wm breathlag paamodloally and her wlndDioe aoDeared to be ssnrui uk. wm hurried to the station house la Mulberry btreet and a St Vincent's Hospital ambulance wm snmmoaed, Th surgeon wm smezed when a discovered that th operation of tracheotomy had recently bwn performed, probably within twenty-four hears, and tbat the wouad had bled profusely and tbo breathing tube wm clogged. The woman could enly weiaper that she wm Annie Maplo, aad by signs aha Intimated that be had no home. CAS DID ATS 8 IH BALTIMORE. Baltwork, Oct 7.

The Democratlo aty Convention nominated F. Ci Latrobe for Mayor. Mr. Latrobe hM already been Mayor a halt dozea term. Other nominations were made Iowa: btate's Attorney Chartea O.

Kerr, renominated; Clark ot th Criminal Court Hiram U. Dudley: Bhartff IaaM Banner; Clerk ot Circuit Court Alvm Bobarteoai Clerk of th Court of Common Pleas Joha Oray: Regte-tor of WUle lbomM W. Morse; ud gee of OrphMS Court Cieorga W. Lindsay. Mantel Oaua.

William F. Edward. City Surveyor Austin Bouldla. 8Ut Senat First Legislative District, Charles H. Evans; 8 eeead District.

James P. Oorteri Third District, ThomM ii. Hayea Nowiaatlon te the Houm of Delegate ware alee mad. RSNOMllfATSD TOR BUT ATOM. The Democratic OonvMtlon of the First Senatorial District, comprising Queens aad Suffolk Counties, wm bsld at Jamaica, L.

L. yeeterday. aad reealted la the nom la atloa ef ivdward Fioya JonM of 4tMn County. Children atfwavwa fj-Enjoy It. I pur Cool Uvea? Oil with Hyao Pkoaphttea ef Umt iM Sods Is almoet palatable aa milk.

Calidreei enjoy tt rather tban Hborwlaa. a MARVCLLOUE FLESH PRODUCEMj ft I. Indeed, and th) little lad and laeeie arbe take oolcj salty, may ba fomriad acalaat a eautjb that mlalit prova aewlotra, by hln Sootta Kaaerlesea after tfcatr aeeate) atsHnar tba wrlrrtee seaaa. eaaHfBifiiaBi1i A. B.


FIRST PflttE SECOND PRIZE THIRD PRIZE $150 100 50 COKDITIOhTS. The foregoing at lea will a awarded to tb thrM persons Vno ahalL aa ar Banre Oct. 30. 18BI, seed ns tb "ban worded" advar- ttaemantof IflkTirr vi.Ttn. nrm ektuu.

Kaoh entry for theae priaee aam aet aoakala tbaa 100 words, be signed with eocreos addreas of sender, aad be mailed te th S. PAOI TOBACCO 00. HlehmoBd. Va. Kvary oontestant mnt lacloM with hla eatry aa empty HA8TIPP PLUG CXJT Tobaeo Peaek a avldeac that ae I wrtttng from experleace.

The test which wtu govera th awarding at th prise will be ovlgiaality at Mpreeaioa aad the beat Maaaratloa ot Itt atreag potate. Prises will be awarded New. 10. The Judge wli be tbe following wea-koown gutlesMBi Baafaawa Ma eager PhUadelpala Tlanea. Baiae ftfaaaaer PhlUdelaUa I teas.

Advartlaln KTaaager Phlladelahla Beaerd. The J. B. PACT TOBAOOO OO, Blnhraoaa. Ta PlaleiTauleffai Our assortment of Plated Ware, of our own manufact-nre was never before as complete as at present, compmT ing everything required fox use at, or decoration ot) the table.

a Reed Barton, i 37 Union Square. HARVARD DEFEATS EXETER. CAjaRTDOK, hfMa, Od 7. Harvard ateyad a weak gam of football agatoat the Kieter elevM beretbla afternoon. The university leva te etui very weak at eeatxe, and th players, beeaaae of their teezperl.

ace, do poor team work whea tbelr eppeaeate eaa through th Maa Th back did almost aU th wet lor the horn eleven, aad la tboM posleae Harvard la very strong. The team work Md tsakllag at Bav ster wm aaMaaUy good for aa aeadeay team. Harvard la developing a good teenier la Eaiaoa. made th beet showing ot ta eleven teday. Two abort halve were played and Harvard we.

17 to a Tbe teems lined ap toUowsi Poatstee). Pessafea. Mamtr. 'J- Oollamore. Left end--Right ad Ooaiey.

6rut Left teokle Vail gaard, Booth. Bhea and BaauaCMire. Berrv Bight guard. Left Htghl Left end Liaeeet. Burgee Qnarisr beet.

baokHaaiaay. f. half Itali Bigbt half Lef ball baak.Tboaa. Traflurd. Pnll beck.

Walt teed Harvard play Ajaaarst aa Batarday. THE TVBF AND TRACK. Hit Th Xatieaal Bono Shew sasoftloa mi Mveral new special prise fer its eoailng abew. JobnA- Logaa, Jr offera 100 atr the beat pair at carriage horses act aader 15.S baada erwaed by ternv art or dealeni tM Hots htetropols efier 0100 tot the beet aaok aaddl son aader la. a.

aad B. Paltsa-Cattlng tbe aaaae aaa for tbe Mae elaes ef Borse 15.1 or ever, BMaere te be specially eoaatdered ta ench case; Oae. T. T. kckert enwre two prlsea ef B0 am tor long tailed aaddl ksesss ce asr rsa ever 15.1 and the otaer fer hereee 111 or aaderi T.

Woodward wfersaprtesec aiaotor the beat "klgb acnoei saddle hers; H. Daval tlOO tor tbe beet fewe-m-baad of peedee mm ae tag arteea baada. te be shews te a drag, er brake, aad u. usbhs eaera fiuu nv tbree years eld er over. the beat ahir ataillem, Artoa, th twe-yearld Baetioneer (tallica wa mad a new record tor bores mt ha age at asocktoa.

OaL. ea Taeeday, trotted the Bret uarter ta aba half la 1 rOo. the threeveoarters In 1 il and tM mil la 3:154. thn seating traaol's record by 8 ncsHi, ommmmnr sissivra ntun awsvwfv. who will be eigkt years cid la Jussrr aex.

lowered hla record tram 3tn tera7atie saae trees. Marvin drivlag him. Bteotdclty eaa ef Klee. tioaeer, eat of Uldnight, by Pilot Jr. aad is tk dam of A aeatthteg ta yaWraaaMts tbat at tk Bala asrt Jockey Glab.

whlck wm dletrlaated Jarssis Park yeeterday. Seeretary Mclatyre. who te a bora maker af racing program ins, baa arraased a ntest attractive card for the sis days ef the aeetiag welah begin at lb eld Plattoe track a week front aect htoadar. soleadid letef hsrsse ha bsse suss tsed lee the aeetiag. aad Baltlaore as epic wtU have tke bees race meetlag tbey bav heater years aasst tot Ukeaewaaa, Th Naw-Tork Castral Ballrnad BaaMgeaent aa.

aonneM that hereafter the 1 rVO peeial race 'traia far Jerowa Park will be started aooa aa en ear ar ailed, and te aeeeaaiertaie later arrtvata at the 1 Grand Central Bteuaa aaotber traia will be alerted at 1 rt P. at. This arras gatoeat wUl pro-re a greet eoavealoBM te assy who have aread tt dtdteait catwth 1:30 traia. B. J.

Johneea of Ohteag yesterday heaghtef B. Treeey of Lextagtea, Kj. th ea. a Radelp. thrse yean, by roaeo-KxeTby billet, tor a.0OO cash aad mm Uteres te tea LeileviUe 0C Lager, wbleh tM eUt won daring te day, asking bla parch arte MOO.

Aarast Belraeat wa ta Lezmgtoa. Tjl Taeaiay. te took after the sblpaeat of sue Vuraery Btad ssscs. vims wiu ae eold la tea aty ea s-rvsay aem Thai leans ae dea, a cheeraat deao. wsa aaid yeaterday hyp.

Dmb ef Cel- aTc. UeCaXterty ef Port Worth. Teaaa, tor Zarudeao. 1 cagoteA.C hieCaxtarty 1 Th BartLaer trotaag roe nntasaidaai tec ui tratev COMIX EVENTS. Ifoathly ateewag ef tb aekeela AaeeeiB-ttoa 7S7terdayiat S.

-TkC. te Pryd Lnaler-SMaes. OelaaWe (WlA pepee aW AMoetettoa aad eeadery Kdeeettea -ut bwd hj th laeemlng Prsi Issis. hia, 9. a.

ftwteaA, aeewatk CwtbOb ef the tHatrat Aestelaytoa Toaag Peepte' Latkena avas stall saeet tee easy of BewleVaat Bveeeiaal Lalaaa CerV. 4d Baat Kinetoewtk btreeV siarajaay rfeavg, Wei IL ate eioh. nu ex ahi fro at 3 fOl ti alt a ha rai kij ar tw Lb 11 B0 ya to '-'at db Wl 1 an 101 7. ta a wi wl fo-Cl i Lai at vk tk 3 sv I tl a tl tl a a tl a 1 i a.

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