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The New York Times du lieu suivant : New York, New York • Page 1

New York, New York
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"All the News That's Fit to THE WEATHER. Fair I o-day b4 totnoiTwi Uxbt soath wdlndj. VOU 18,418. NEW TORE, SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 1903. 56 PAGES, In Six Parts, PJHCE FIVE CENTS.

TAFT IN CONFERENCE ON CHAIRMANSHIP That Is, the Matter Was en- ttaned at Oyster Bay, the Secretary Admits. MAY BE HITCHCOCJC YET But If He Doe Not Head the National Committee Some Friend of Hit Will Geniality of Mr. Tart. fvnturr Tift went back to Washing it o'clock vesterday afternoon after another strenuous day. the greater part cf which be devoted to a trip to ujiiw Bay for a conference with President Roosevelt.

Gen. Wright, tbe new Secre tary of War. and National committeemen Frank B. of Minnesota and win lam Ward of New York. said that vesterday'i conference resulted in som progress a settlement of the Chairman hip ancle.

Despite hie letter of self-elimina tion. Frank Hitchcock la by no meana out of consideration for the place. Whatever ultimate solution. It 1 practically that Mr. Taft will have the benefit vf Mr.

Hitchcock's extraordinary political genius during the campaign, it tuicn-- tj not made Chairman of the National Committee, then aome friend cf hi will bo. Than la a verv hard fight being made against Hitchcock, largely by the aame element that fought him throughout the re-con ventlon campaign. Some addition bave been made these element by Ohio opponent of Hitchcock, who hare not healtated to make threat of trouble In Mr. Taft'a own State Hitchcock la recognised. The fight 1 growing more bitter, and Mr.

raft's friend are desirous of having the matter settled as soon as possible, so that It may not lead to further trouble, i It Is possible that a decision may be rnu-hMi before the meeting of the sub committee of the National Committee, which has been set tor July it wasn-lneton- At this time the Indication are Increasing that Hitchcock will be the Mr. Taff new place In popular esti mation and attention was clearly marked wherever he went throughout the day No one of the curious throng that -fol lowed and crowded about him at every opportunity had the least difficulty in recognizing htm. The cartoonist and photographers had made his figure and appearance familiar to and all sorts and conditions of men. women, and children walked up and saluted him by name without hesitation or uncer tainty. And caught a glimpse.

fleeting though it was. of the real Big Bill Taft." always good natured and ready to oblige with anything, from a nose for a photograph to a signature penciled in a grimy notebook produced on the spur of the moment by a passen ger on a ferryboat suddenly become auto- Mr. Taft started out early, soon after o'clock, for the Thirty-fourth Street Terry. A little crowd of ferry travelers. knowing that he was soon to come there.

delayed their hurrying feet for a few moments for the sake of a glimpse of Mm. whom most of them described as "the next President, There seemed to be no division of opinion whatever in the rrowd on that point. Even two colored porters stopped long enough in their hunt fur quarters to talk of the approaching arrival there of the next President." When he drove up. Just in time for 8:50 o'clock train, for Oyster Bay, with Gen. "Wright, the camera men promptly became very busy.

That i one of the greatest trials of Mr. Taft'a political experience, but he Is getting used tb it now, and has cut out the smiling assurance that they are a nuisance, with which he used to greet the picture men. Everybody CorUlal to 111m. Mr. Taft walked with the crowd through the ferry gates and aboard the boat, paus-- Ing occasionally to Bhake hands with some man or woman who wanted that privilege, and responding heartily to the hall of a small boy who ran up beside him and shouted: "Hello, Mr.

Taft!" As he left the ferryboat In Long Island City and walked over to the tralnahed there was more of this Impromptu greeting. God bless you, Sir! called out a big policeman, and Thank you, my man," re-pobded Mr. Taft. There was no chair oar on the train, and Mr. Taft occupied a seat la a day coach with Gen.

Wright. To soma new-; paper men who went along he said that Fi4 Tat-a e-it a fWatas Tie tt4mallw jwuta) kct aa aa a aaj aw discuss with the President for the bonoflt of Gen. Wright some of the more important matters now pending in the War De- should be made familiar before taking ever the portfolio. Then, in response to a direct question, he smiled broadly and -4AJw-fe yawl 1 1 hip of the Republican National Committee might posfply be mentioned also. He admitted that it would be pretty likely to come in for some' discussion when Messrs.

Kellogg and Ward, who were to take a later train, got there. Gen. Wright ha been a soldier and a diplomat, and i a. politician. He found early occasion to leave his seat by Mr.

Taffs side, and tho opportunity was no sooner opened than It was seised by aa so nearly Mr. Taft'a build that the ef them could not comfortably oc-py the same seat. He-Just wanted to mt the Republican Presidential nom-be and present a friend. Other paaaen-ra came up on a similar mission, and Secretary held a sort of running re-ptlou which lasted until the train had ed several stations. At atoo a secger came running down the plat-bn opposite the car, eagerly scanning windows.

He -spied Mr. Taft and thumped on tbe glass. When Mr. Taft reteed the window he passed In a tele-. got a hurried signature, and hiked.

tesletesee eert lt Osit. put ta of be Journey to Br examining a thick file of ff Wk with Oen. Wright on tbe sub-? of oondiUoRa in Cuba-and Panama. of the most troublesome matters that raceme under-the direction the new retary. A Oyster Bay a crowd had gathered at Contl oa Page Sw SOMNAMBULIST ON BOOF.

ti Woman Poised on Narrow Ladgo Over an Hour Beforo Being Sfvciel Nm Ytrh Tim. WASHINGTON. June to the brick pe rapet of a roof In a somnam-bulant tranca for over an hour early this morning. Miss Sadie PetUt waa finally awakened by the voice of a neighbor calling to bar. Half dated at the noise of the crowd la the darkness around her home, she started violently and fell backward on the roof, thus sating herself.

It was not long after 'X o'clock, when Miss Pettit, who sleeps on the second Ooor, rose In her and smashing every glass In her window' with a heavy mallet crawled out on to the waterspout. Neither the crash of the splintered glass nor a she received on her wrist wakened her, and she continued her perilous Journey till she reached the root of the porch. from there, still she climbed up ten feet of water-piping to the roof of the second story and vtood there on top of a narrow brick parapet. 1 Though she did not waken even then, some eemi-connclousncss of her danger came to her, and she shrieked loudly as she stood poised forty feet above the ground. 'Her cries roused Miss Louise Richardson, her next-door neighbor.

Fi nally Miss Petit, clad only in her night clothes, seated herself on the ledge and dangled her feet In the air. A crowd collected. Miss Richardson then summoned a doctor and sent for the police. It was suggested that the Fire Depart ment would have to be summoned, but this was abandoned, as it was feared that the. noise of the approaching apparatus might startle Mia Pettit and she would fall to the street.

Finally two policemen got as near to her as the strength of the water Pipe would allow; and Miss Richardson called to her to wake up and alt still. She fell then to the roof behind her. Restored to her senses by the fall. Mis Pettit climbed down the water pipe and reached her rescuers, after being on the roof over an hour. She at once fainted.

and has remained In her foom all day. PENSION FOR MRS. CLEVELAND Probable That Congress Will Vote Her $5,000 at Next Session. WASHINGTON. June 27.

A pension of $5,000 a year will probably be voted to Mrs. Cleveland by special act at the next session of Congress. Such an act would be In line with the precedent established In 1882, when similar pensions were voted to Mrs. Tyler. Mrs.

Polk, and Mrs. Gar field. That same year? Mrs. Lincoln's pension was rained from $3,000 to S.QpO. Mrs.

Garfield continues to receive her pension. The only other Presidents widow alive Is Mrs. Harrltfcm. and she is not the least in need. Besides this, Mrs.

Harri son, tbe second wife of the President, married him long after he had left the White House. Though these pensions have been granted to the widows of Pres idents as such, all those who have been pensioned heretofore have been the wid ows of men-who have seen military -serv ice. Their widows were entitled to a pen sion under: the general laws and their amendments. 1 Mr. Cleveland is one of the few Presi dents who was never ai soldier, except that as President he waa Commander In Chief of the Army of the United States.

Many persons do not know that Presi dent Lincoln saw active military service. The Pension Office records, however. show that he was the Captain, of a company of militia in the. Black Hawk In dian war in the thirties. His widow was entitled to a service pension on that ac count.

Mrs. Lincoln a pension papers were looked up yesterday by. Dr. A. H.

Thomp son, Chief of the Finance Division of the Pension Office. Investigation disclosed that G. A. L. Merrirield.

at present a member of the Board of Pension Review, approved the original application Mrs. Lincoln. Congress has granted a number of high- rate pensions to other than Presidents' widows. The wives of Gen. John A.

Logan, George B. McCleilan, and Frank P. Blair are now on the rolls at $2,000 a year. LOFTY STEEL TOWER ALL UP. A Gold Rivet Finishes Skeleton of the Metropolitan Life's Skyscraper.

The steel skeleton of the tower of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company's building facing Madlscn Square was fin ished yesterday morning when a gold rivet was driven Into a steel, arm at the base of what appears from the street to be a little globe at the top of the structure. It was Intended that President Hegeman of the Metropolitan Life should crack a bottle of champagne over the top of the steel structure, but he val unable to make the engagement, and William H. McCord and W. Post of the steel con structing firm of Post 6s McCord. accompanied by Pierre Le Brun, the architect.

made the trip over TOO feet above' the city and did the There is ao flagstaff on the, building, so a long pipe waa run up from the top, and to the top of this waa hoisted an Amer ican flag. Beneath this waa a big blue flagr with the name of the firm on 1C 1 That Is the highest our firm name has ever floated over a city." said Mr. McCord yesterday, and It la higher than any other steel constructing firm anywhere has flown it banner, In the akelton, which is being rapidly filled in, there are more than 8.000 tons of steeL The work of raising the great tower was begun last September. TELLS OF ROOSEVELT EULOGY. Harmon Says President Praised Cleve land at Hit Funeral.

CINCINNATI. June 27. Judson Har mon. Attorney General In the late Presi dent Cleveland's Cabinet, returned to Cin cinnati this afternoon direct from Princeton, N. where he attended the Cleveland funeral ceremonies.

Judge Harmon related an incident at the funeral yester day which escaped general observation. President Roosevelt before; the funeral called the members of the 'dead President's two Cabinets about him and delivered to with his characteristie energy and force, a. eulogy on the life ef Mr. Cleveland. Around the blar.

with beads bowed, stood ex-Secretary of the Interior Hoke Smith, ex -Secretaries Dnvkl R. Francis, Vila a. Richard Olney. John O. Carlisle, Herbert Harmon, and others.

Pointing to th coffin, the President told ef the good-deeds ef the departed and of tne raj in in wnicn I leveiand died. "It waa an impressive aa well as tactful said Judge Harmon. 1 Vmtt etny. Bnv Planters 4 fiiiuaiM ta far Ha Tfc A4. TH01IAS CATCHES PROTOS AT TOMSK But German Car Gets Away Again in the Lead in Race to Paris.

AMERICAN DRIVER WEARY Presses en Night and Day In Effort to Catch His Rival Trouble In Ferrying Rivers. POSITION OF THE SEW YORK TO PARIS RACERS. 13ta Day of Rare. From To XTar. Last Reported.

Naw York. Parts. Protos, Tomsk. June 2. 6.820 Thomas.

Tomsk. June 27.14.TtSO (LSl'O Zuat. Harbin, June l. ...12.837 .743 Distance from New York to Paris. 21.U80 miles.

From Nsw Tork Vladivostok. U.80S miles. From xr, 1 Vladivostok. Miles. Vladivostok.

Mile. To Tomsk 2.00 To Harbin 637 To Obi 1.017 7us To Omsk a To Chita 1,420 To Verkhnleou- I dinak 1.7rt To Oufa To Vcrda To Moscow 6.213 To St. Peters-burs; 5. 90S To Faris S.280 To .1.872 TO Irkutsk 1.S7& To Kansk 2.375 Special cable from th New Tobk Times Staff Correspondent with the Racers. TOMSK.

Siberia, June 27. For two hours to-day the German Protos ear and the American Thomas car, which are making a close race across Asia In the New Tork to Parts contest, were tn this city together. The Protos, which amyea here at lO clock yesterday morning, had waited a day for some repairs, and the Thomas came in at 13 o'clock this morning. Just twenty-four hours behind. At noon the Protos started out again.

The Thomas will take the road at 3 o'clock to-morrow morning. Just fifteen hours behind, and the Americans hope to bo in the lead before many days pass. The Thoma5 car departed from Irkutsk for the third stage of its Journey across Asia at 4 o'clock on Sunday afternoon. Out of that city it met with an excellent road alonjr the bank of the river. Picnic parties were -seen In the cool shade of the bank.

As they saw the raclner car thev waved hats and handkerchiefs. They presentcH a tempting picture of comfort to the weary automoDiiists, who ror many nights, have rushed ahead wlth irjusuf flcfenl sleep, but, speed-bitten, they had to fly on. FerrrbeM Slalta With Car, The trip of the American crew has row become a dull grind In the effort to wipe out the lead of the German car and be the first to arrive In Mos cow, and then to-lead the way through Europe to Pari a The crew heard con stantly that the Protos was Just tin hours ahead. They met with many provoking delays. Many of the ferries across the streams were found to be only email flatboats held by cables and propelled by the current.

Half the people of one village Insisted on getting aboard a ferryboat with the Thomas car. The weight was so great that the boat sank and stuck on the bottom. The villagers swam off. set to work with a will, and towed the boat to the shore, but valu able hours had been lost before this task was accomplished. The runs of the car have been con tinued as far into the night as possible.

and It has glided through the sleeping villages In grim silence, the crew being too weary to talk. At 11 o'clock Mon day night George Shuster decided to stop at a village to get some sleep. though the crew, hopeful of catching the Protos, wanted to press on. Feared Attack by Villagers. Shouts finally aroused some one, and there were loud shouts In reply from within a high log fence, such as sur rounds all the houses In the outlying: districts in this part of A man appeared on the roof of an outbuilding and then disappeared.

There were voices within the yard and the gate was suddenly flung open and a dozen men and women rushed out. Apparent ly they intended to attack the car and the crew made ready to meet them. It developed that they were Russians and were friendly, and this was only their demonstrative way of showing a welcome. The Thomas crew were conducted tb a -military roadhouse, but the man tn charge was doubtful whether to admit the autolsts. "While Capt, Hansen argued with him In Russian, Shuster and Miller, worn out by their driving and labors with the car, fell sound asleep, to the amusement of the villagers, who bad crowded Into ithe room.

Finally the visitors were permitted to stay, and Capt. Hansen, like an old-time minstrel, told the story; of the race to the villagers, who sat with wide-open eyes listening intently ana naxoiy knowing whether to believe all the wonders he related. i When tea and bread; were put upon the table for the men the country people departed like the village chorus in the theatre. There was a bed only for one, and Shuster, by common consent, took that, jwhlle the other, members of the crew did the best they could on the floor. They slept soundly enough ana awoke to get more tea and bread and to start again on the same weary grind in pursuit of the flying Germans.

Miller and Hansen had not -slept enough and napped between Jumps of the machine. swaying from 'side to side, but held CtoBtlaaed aV Page S. fll.1t. Chawtaaem laks Mn, SU.7S. Goin Jaiy and July 4 via Bin- K.

Ra-t-oralDr wlthta ears. Apply ERIE Offlcwa, m-Mit Broadway. SO Fallen Breekiya. RACE INTERESTS Fast Run of Protos Across- Siberia Eagerly Followed brr Kaiser's Heir. Spedal Cable to Ths New Tork Tina BERLIN.

June 27. Crown Prince Frederic William Is following the New Tork to Paris motor race with the liveliest Interest. The correspondent of Thb Nrw Toax Tikes learns that his Imperial Highness is so deeply gratified at the splendid record being made by the German Pro tos ear In leading in the dash across Siberia that be has Just given an order for a sixty-horse-power Protos touring car for his private use. Lieut. Koeppen's army friends say he is at last getting poetic Justice In encountering such uniformly favorable conditions in Sibera after the hard luck which pursued him across the North American continent.

Preliminary arrangements are under way for giving Lieut. Koeppen a triumphal welcome at the German frontier in July. GATES PAID $10 FOR A SHAVE. Threw Change to Street Urchins and Bought Farm for a Friend. fecial Is Tht New York Timts.

AURORA, 111.. June 27. John W. Gates visited his old home in St. Charles, I1L, yesterday, and the town still gasps at his lavish expenditure of money.

Mr. and Mrs. Gates arrived from New Tork unheralded Thursday afternoon to bid farewell to Mr. Gates's aged mother, Mrs. A.

A. Gates, before leaving on an auto mobile tour of Europe. Mr. Gates arose early yesterday morning. Going down the main street of th town he strolled into the barber shop of a friend, E.

T. Cassldy, who has been at the same stand for thirty year. Mr. Gates, being shaved, threw down a ten-dollar gold piece and with a laughing farewell sought the street. Urchins playing on the walks excited more generosity and reaped a harvest of dimes, quarters, and half-dollars.

The news that the Gates horn of plenty was upturned fpread through the village and the crowd which gathered forced him to seek refuge in his mother's home. Later he drove througn the country with E. J. Baker and David Wilson of St. Charles.

From Wilson Mr. Gates bought a farm stocked with blooded cattle for $25,000 that had long coveted. On the return trip Mr. Gates suddenly turned to Baker, saying: Ed. take this deed to that chunk of land I've Just bought.

It's yours." Baker waa so overcome that he could not velee his gratitude for some time. When he finally found his breath his thanks were waved aside with a. request for one of those dear old five-cent smokes that have earned reputation if not tame ror cnartea. mexicaITraiders trapped. Revolutionary Movement Was Started by Three Agitators in United States.

CTTT OF MEXICO. June 27. The uprisings in the northern part of this repub lic have now become the subject of International correspondence. Communications from Minister of FIrcign Affairs Mario-cal wej-e sent to the State Department at Washington to-day. This condition arose out of the fact that the raiders who shot up the town ef Las Vacas yesterday are now on Texas soil and claiming the protection of the United States.

In an interview to-night Vice Presi dent Corral declared that the Govern ment bad succeeded in unraveling the conspiracy which prompted the recent attacks on the towns of Vlesca and-Las Vacas, In which a number of lives were lost, considerable property destroyed, and $30,000 in cash obtained by the looters. This whole trouble has been declared the Vice by three agitators who are at present residing in the United States. These men, recently appealed to certain of the criminal and ignorant element of the border State of Mexico, inciting them to raid certain designated towns for the purpose of robbing the banks and Government offices under the plea that funds could be thus raised for the cause of an alleged revolution. WASHINGTON. June 27.

During a call at the State Department to-day 8eflor Godoy, who in the absence of Ambassador Creel is representing the Mexican Gov ernment at Washington, discussed with Acting Secretary Adee the situation growing out of. the revolutionary movements in Mexico. The Mexican Government ha requested that the United States assist In preventing violations of the neutrality laws. G. H.

DANIELS VERY ILL. Consultation of Physicians Held at His Lake Placid Home. Spec tat Tit AVw York Tim. LAKE PLACID. N.

June 27. Dr. J. Wllllston Wright, for many years Professor of Surgery In th Medical Department of the University of New Tork, and Dr. Samuel B.

Ward, Professor Of Theory and Practice In the Albany Medical College, have been tn consultation up to a late hour to-night over the condition of George H. Daniels, the veteran railroad man. at the latters cottage on Signal HilL After leaving the cottage they refused to diaccss the case for publication be yond saying that there has been no material In th condition of the tlent to-day. Though he seem to be suffering from little if any erganie trouble. Mr.

Daniala has been able to take little nourishment, and Is very weak. Hi daughter. Ml Harriet Daniels, and his son. John Daniels, are with Mm constantly. When he first came here early In June he eon-tnrtiui a cold, from which he rallied only to suffer a relapse.

a mnmHation or onvsician was nur- rtedly decided on yesterday, and Dr. Ward came up from Ayiany to-night. TO-DAY'S ISSUE OF The New York; Times CONSISTS OF SIX PARTS I. pKioriJ Section. U.

News Section. JUL Special Cable News Section. IV. Sporting Sexfion. Magazine Section.

VL Resort and Society Section. LONDON HUES SOLD TO LORD N0RTHCL1FFE Formal Transfer Not Yet Made, but: Daily Mall Owner Now Controls "the Thunderer.M COMPANY CONTROL FAILS Walter Family Interests Satisfied with the Price Paid News of Sale Kept from London special caw to Tn Nrw Tork Trass. LONDON, June 27. The following in formation reaches me from a source which I have good reason to believe authoritative. Lord Northcllffe, the principal pro prietor of The Dally Mall and other publications, has acquired the sole proprietorship of The London Times.

The preliminary arrangements have been kept a profound secret, and the sale of the paper coming ao soon after the organization of the limited liability company In order to prevent Its purchase by Arthur Pearson, will create astonish ment throughout the world. The purchase was completed only within the last ten days, and arrangements for the transfer of the paper are still awaiting developments, which reel pi tated by what will be regarded aa this premature announcement of the sale, While I am unable to state how much Lord Northcllffe paid for his latest acquisition, I can say that the price paid for the good will of The Times is euffl dent to satisfy all those members and relatives of the Walter: family and they are many who had a financial in terest in It under the wills of the sue cessive proprietors. For the machinery alone Lord Northcllffe paid this being the valuation put upon it by The Times, but it is within my knowledge that It Is his Intention to sell this plant and replace it with another of a more complete and up-to-date order. The recent decision to turn The Times Into a limited liability company was partly due to friction between the old proprietors and partly because of in ternai differences as regards the management. It was expected the change would give those Interested financially some voice in the direction of the paper according to the value of- their holdings.

It appears that this arrangement did not turn out to be satisfactory. The discontent by degrees became more and more accentuated, and the differences more marked. The shareholders, be ing for the most part members of the Walter family, and descendants and collaterals for three generations. It was considered best for all concerned to sell the paper and make a proportionate division of the money realized. At this Juncture Lord Northcllffe came in and made an equitable offer, which was accepted.

It may be added that when The Times was turned Into a limited liability company with Arthur Walter. E. Buckle, and Moberly Bell as chief managers and Directors, the rumor' got abroad that Lord Northcllffe was the principal financial backer of the scheme. This, I am In a position to say.dlsUnctly, was not the case, for Lord Northcllffe would never have con sented to contribute any money to support a paper of which it has for some years past been his ambition, if a fitting opportunity presented itself, to be come chief proprietor. ENGINE INTO THE HUDSON.

I nil One Workman Killed in Accident to a New York Central Work Train. One man waa killed and several others bad narrow escapes last night, when the engine Of a New Tork Central work train left the rails and plunged Into the Hudson River, near the Greystone Station. The work train had been unloading some dirt and was Just starting up again when the engine -went Overboard. Tbe fireman and engineer Jumped, as did a number of laborers who were riding on the pilot, and saved themselves, but another laborer, whose nam is unknown, tried to Jump, but fell under the engine and both his legs were cut off. He died while being brougm to su.

pi'al In this city. Th train Ma 4H2- tn eharare of En- sineer W. A. Donahue or 844 East nein Street, and Fireman William HUson of xvT v. ipjmh Rtt-Mt.

It consisted of an engine and about twenty flat cars, loaded with stone ana oin. Ahs. -w from the Grevstone Sta tion, the train took a switch onto a siding, and there the dirt waa dumped into the river. Th train bad started up again and had not gone far when the engine left L.r,K itnnt at the time were Nicola Giaaini of Mount Vernon, a laborer, and another Italian laborer. Glaxlnl Jumped to safety as the engine wmi into in.

but th other man was urewn wheels. Coroner Welsendanewr will hold aa SKIMMING M0T0RB0AT HERE. Little CrafV Will Taka Scientist Into i the Whirlpool Rapids. Ths French liner Lorraine arrived from Havre yesterday bringing the skimming motorboat with which Vaasili Rebekoff. the Russian ecientlst, la to essay th dangerous passage of tbe whirlpool radd In th Niagara River when ar rangement for the trial have been made.

The boat, which Is only twelve feet long. was packed tn a huge crate and will not be unpacked and put Into the water until to-morrow, after the customs formalities have been gnne through Zum Laiagwald and Rudolph Tang-said, th two Swiss guide cabled for by Miss Annie Peck, the American mountain climber, arrived on the Lorraine and will leave for South America on Monday by the steamer Advance to attempt the ascent of Mount Hua sea ran. tn Peru, said to be 22.0U0 feet hrgn. with Mia Peck. Other paaenrers on the French liner were H.

W. PeU. ft. L. Walker.

Miss Jan Ma run, th Rev. Father Alexia. Albert D. Robin. Mia OVra Meyer, Alfred Wright, and Henry Netter.

DKWtfl Tb aBoat r.rutknltf Wtae we aaJui H. T. Dewey ABoaaCa, UaFaltaa SC. New Xerk. Adv.

HELEN GOULD DISAPPROVES. Adds a Line to 8ay 8o In Her Legal Consent to Sagan-Gould Marriage. spseial Cable to Tarn Nrrr Tork Tnraa PARIS, June 27. While all the coheirs of the late Jay Gould, aome tea persons tn number, have signed a regular deed of consent to the marriage of alma Anna Gould to Prince Helie de Sagan, a member of the family in formed me to-day that the consent of Miss Helen Gould was obtained only with the utmost difficulty. As evidence of her disapproval.

Miss Gould added the following postscript to her signature: While I have signed this legal docu ment tn order not to deprive my ststar of a part of her fortune, I feel It doe to myself to say here that I deeply re gret the contemplated marriage. HELEN THREAT F0RG.W. VANDERBILT Old Employe Says Blltmore's Owner Cheated Him Long Ago. Sfttial tt Tht Nrw Ttri Timtl. ASHKVTLLE.

N. June 27. Kirk Williams, an employe of George W. Van derbllt. who lived on the Blltmor estate, has been arrested.

Williams threatened to kill Mr. Vanderbllt and to burn down Blltmor Mansion aa well as th whole estate. He asserts that Mr. Vanderbllt cheated him a number of year ago in a land transaction, and has held a grudge against him ever since. Williams's family declare that this matter has so preyed upon his mind that be ha become Insane on the subject.

He will receive a hearing next week aa to bis sanity. STILL A STUDENT AT 75. Miss Morrison, Who Was Graduated In 1869, Begins 8ummsr Term. Sfircial to Tht Ntw Ytrk Tim. BLOOMINGTON, June ST.

Miss Sarah P. Morrison, 75 years of age. matriculated at the Stat University yes terday and will make a specialty ef Gireek during th Summer term. Miss Morrison was the first woman to graduate from th State University, be ing a member of the class 'A9. Though Miss.

Morrison is 75 years of age, she Is as sprightly of body and mind, apparently, as she was when a student at th uni versity nearly fifty years ago. Sh has never lost her Interest in the classic nor In poetry. KILLED UNDER AUTO. W. S.

Nicholson of Albany Turned Car Too QuicklyThree Others Injured. TROT. N. June 27. W.

Sidney Nlch plson. Plant Superintendent of tb Hudson River Telephone Company, living at Albany, was killed in an automobile accl dent on the Willow Glen Road, about eight miles north, of. this city, to-night, and hlf wife, her mother, and Miss Brown of, Al bany, ware injured. Mr. Nicholson and his party were speed ing alodg the road when they suddenly met a wagon; Mr.

Nicholson turned the machine swiftly to on side i in order to avoid a collision with the wagon, but th machine tipped over. He was pinned be neath th car and was crushed to death by Its weight. HI neck waa broken. Th Injuries to the women wore not serious. Mr.

Nicholson's body waa taken to Me- chanicvill. a nearby village. EXPLODE BOMB IN BARCELONA Two Persona Fatally Injured and Many Hurt In Stampede. BARCELONA, June 27. A bomb was exploded to-day in one of th public squares, seriously Injuring two persons and slightly Injuring many other.

A panic followed th explosion, which did much damage, a policeman and a girl belnr badlr hurt by a portion of the wreckage. They will probably die. Many women ana cnuaren were crusnea and bruised during the stamped. Th bomb exoloded while a recession waa passing, great crowds lining tb streets. THROWN INTO AIR FROM CART.

Daughter of Thomas Nelson Page Nar rowly Eacapee Death. Special Th New York Time. TORK HARBOR, June 27. Mrs. Minna 8.

Gibson, daughter of Thomas Nelson page of Washington. D. the author, had a narrow escape from death here to-day when an electrio car collided with a cart which she was driving tandem. Hurled fifteen feet In tb air by th lm-nact. Mrs.

Gibson landed soma distance away, uninjured except for a severe shaking up, while her coachman was made unconscious, lira Gibson is considered on of th beat horsewomen in this vicinity. DIAMONDS FOR PANAMA CANAL Thirty Black Gems Needed In Drills for Submarine Rook Boring. Special $0 Th Vem Ymrh Time. WASHINGTON, June 27. Lieut.

Hodges of the Isthmian Canal Commission has Issued a call for bids for iirnlahlng thirty diamonds of not lea than one aad one-half carats each for use la digging the cnV Contrary to the opinion at first expressed In several Ill-informed quarters, the diamonds are not intended as rewards to the most expert wlelders ef th shovel. 'but for us in drills for submarine rock boring. The dlamondi called for must be black. Th bids will be opened at the office of the Assistant Purchaslnr Agent. 24 fetal Street, New Tork.

on Monday. CURTISS FLIES HIS JUNE BUG. Aeroplane Sails 540 Yards In 23 8cc- ends In Second Test. -HAMMONDSPORT. N.t June 27.

Two sncceesf ul flight were made to-day br G. H. Curtis in further testa of the aeroplane June' Bug at the Aerial Experiment Association's grounds, her. la the first the. aviator traveled with his machine 490 yard In 24.

seconds, tad on the next attempt made frto yards in S3 seconds at the rat of and 32 mile aa hoar. rPctlvely. These flights were terminated at th win of th operator at a smooth place la the field, a as to avoid running th machine back through the standing grain at the further edge of the ground. Th object was to test the efficiency of some alteration which had been made. They proved all that baa been expected.

An early visit of the Aero Club's Cup Committee is hoped for here, as th Aerial Experiment Association ha bv for th past three days ready to re-calv it. r- FTtX St MVEB VEKTVCm sg the DAT UJt la ttc Jon 2iUi. Ada, 30 HURT III CRASH OH THB ELEVATED Loaded 7-Car, Train Smashes Into Lighter Train Ahead on the Third Avenue Una. 1 ,000 PASSENGERS IN PANIC Derailed Truck Teeters on Edge of the Structure While Crowd of 8,000 Below Walt for It to Fall. A heavy seven-car, north-boand Third Avenue elevated train ran Into the rear end of a three-car traia ahead of it ye-.

tarda afternoon at 4:20 o'clock between 100th and 101st Street a Th heavier train tor away about ten feet of tbe last car of th forward train, lifting out Its rear truck aad suspending It over the side of the lvated structure, where it bung for three hours, furnishing thrills fos 8,000 persons below. The people la the trains were thrown late a frenzy of fright. The accident was due to the carelessness. It was explained, of tbe motormaa of th second train, who was looking at tbe Third Avenue housewives leasing out of their window when he should have been looking straight ahead. About persons In th two trains were more or less Injured.

The lajaroa. Following Is a Ust of the thirteen In jured seriously enough to need the at tentloa of ambulance surgeons BAUMANN, JOHN. 41: Z.ZS3 SieeaS An noe: fraetored Wt lea. scala weuadss TPTMbytertaa Hospital. ajFTORB.

EDWARD. Ml S4 Harris WiMt Flashing. X. seals- weaaas; went hrmSL DOVNglAT. CATH KIN Arrk Btraet.

Nswerfei a.h la the risM shoulder; Frcsbrtafiea Hospital, Tm nUTTI. FREDERICK. 4T; 1,004 Tntrd Avsoue; scalp wounds; wt hoiaa. OOLDBERO. HATTIK.

IS: 1.S3S Thtr4 Avenue; eoatuston of ta head; waot boroa XXOLU JOH7. trt Fast Thlrtaenth i Street 1 laeerated seals; wast fcooae. xrmjnu. david. East tenth i Strsst; lacerated Uit baa! want boss, LEVINS, METER.

13 n.nry BtrastI aaa la ta left ana; went bom, MOO KB. CHARLES. ST; SOT East VHth Street) ferula ebeut Uk head and Sboul- 4ar; went boma, Meg EVER. U7.ZIH. SO; 2.111 CRaaeo Avenue, th Uroaa; eualp weuadai went bom.

ROSENTHAL. METER. 14t 1 Oaaaea Btrssu scajp wouadss want bora. SHAW. WILLIAM.

4S lO Mutbafry Street. Newark, N. J. sasbad bae aad rlsat lag; Harlem Hospital. EAFFR.

ELLIS, 43: 4 Buydam atrsat, Breoklra; laoaiatad tart anal west v-CIeaaaree Meter a nollaad. The three-ear tral 0. which was going only to Harlem, pulled out of the Ninety-ninth Street station with Matthew Kelly of 233 East Ninety-eighth Street fn th motor box. His train was wQ filled. Just a th first ear nosed across 101st Street th train came to a stop.

Aftor the accident Kelly waa found to be miss ing, so that th police eould not find ont Just what had caused bis train to stop, Supt. J. Smith said that most likely be had stopped because saw ahead of him another train at the 106th Street station. So far a I eaa see, went en Mr. Smith, th trouble was with Motormaa William Holland on tbe second train.

No matter what made the first train bait. Holland should bave been able to stop his train in time, because be had Just pulled out of th Ninety-ninth Street station, and couki not have been going rast. i nave neara tcai ne was loosing out of his wisdow at th house and street sight along th way. I haven't talked to him veL. Th Dolice have him.

but ha should nave stopped his train. I understand be says put on the brakes, but that the train skidded. I don't believe that. I can't, find any evidence of th train skidding. Kelly baa ben quoted as saying that something waa tbe matter with his emergency brakes, that they clapped down suddenly and brought his train to a stop.

That laa't true, as far as can see." Passenger Cave the Alai David Kletleman of 690 East lVXh. Street said later that he sat la th front of the first of the seven ear train and noticed that the motor-bog door wsar" open. I saw the tnotorman looking eat ef his side window, apparently at some women who sat at their windows looking down on th street and at peastng train" said Mr. Kletleman. "I looked ahead, again Just a minute or two before we reached th forward train.

jumped and yelled at th motormani For God's sake, stop the ratal Ton-, ders another. Run back, people. With that I rushed back to tbe rear ef the ear. Women screamed aad evabbed hold of any man they eon Id reach, are -the men fought to get to th roar ef the ear. -A, good many children were ta the car.

but thdr mother or fathers grabbed them bb. Anyway, our train wasn't much burl. It was too other train." That was true. The first car or ta col liding train had soma of Its ironwork -bent In front, but few of Its window even ware smashed. sd Its front was not torn open.

The last car or the first train happened to be of flimsy build, mostly of wood, aad though th second train could not have been going fast, it eraahed Into the first train's rear car as If It war an exit- shell. Ten feet of th ear waa maaned into splinters, which littered th track and tho ground below. Trwolc Poised Over Street The rear truck ef this ear was rut loose from tbe body, and went dangling ovr to the' right. When the two front wheels had Just stock themselves over tbe ralAg at that point, making tt appear tLat tbe whole hug bulk ef metal must slide down on th sidewalk below, tt stopped, teetering back and forth. Th short rlreuU mad by tbe wheel com Ins; in contact with the third rll brought out gleaming flashes bio flame, which et on fire some of the snMnter from the demolished car.

The fizzing and sputtering of the flame 'added to the panto of the occupant of 4oih trs In. i There must have ben nearly persons in the second train. Tbe shock of the collision had broken a window -her and there to the train. -the flying-rlaaa cutting a few persona slianiiy. Th shock slammed many of the patm-gers, particularly those who had been hanging to.

strap, from pillar to post. 1MM raMessera fa Pa ale. of these L0OO passengers, however, were injured enough to seed the atUv tlon of ambulance surgeons. Rut they were thrown into a wild panic The women who had been looking out of th upper window of the tenement along Third Avenue set up a oremlng when' th twj trains cam together. Down on th stlewsik there was more of It.

aad i.

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