The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 35
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Bart Stue Magazine Section The New Bork Times. SUNDAY. MAY 31. 1908. BEST THOUGHT OF EMINENT MEN ON LIVE TOPICS OF THE TIMES Justice Brewer Discusses America's Future with a Candid Optimism That Sees in the Existing Form of Government a Perfect Safeguard Against Centralizing Perils.
-Protect Natural Resources. By JOHN- CALLAN O'LAUGHLIN. BELIEVE our country was destined by an AlI the mighty leadership Providence of the for worid, not merely in material direction, in the of gold and sliver and production but in the character of its mancrops, ly men and pure women." There was the divine fire of patriotfam in the eyes of David Josiah Brewor, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, when he expression to this view. In degave scribing the man, the first facet of his many sided character that attracts and bolds the eye and heart is that of his love of country. It was formed probnbly before his birth, and was inspired by the feeling for the flag which residence in a foreign land intensifles.
The father of the Associate Justice was an carly missionary in Turkey. His mother, the sister of that remarkable trio, David Dudley, Cyrus and Justice Stephen J. Field, accompanied her busband to his field of Christian labor, and In Smyrna, Asia Minor, the child was born who was to leave an indelible Imprint upon the progress and destiny of his native land. That event 00- ourred on June 20, 1837, so that in a few weeks Mr. Brewer will have another birthday anniversary--his seventy -first.
Those seventy-one years cover a marvelous span in the world's history, and particularly in that of the United States. They have witnessed revolutions in every department of life and thought. They have seen a stupendous advance in civilization, the abolition of slavery, the general recognition of the rights of man, the development of science, and progress in every phase of human endeavor. The part Justice Brewer has played in the events will be realized when it la recalled that after being graduated from Yale College, and subsequently from the Albany Law School, he served as a United States Commissioner in Washington, was then Judge of the Probate and Criminal Courts of Leavenworth, Kansas: Judge of the District Court of Leavenworth, County Attorney, Justice of the Supreme Court of Kansas, Judge of the Circuit Court of the Eighth Judicial Circuit, and Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, to which position he was appointed in 1889. While In his present office he served as President of the Venezuelan Boundary Tribunal appointed by President Cleveland, was a member of the International Arbitration Tribunal to settle the boundary between British Guiana and Venezuela, and was President the International Congress of Lawyers and Jurists which met in St.
Louts in 1904. Fill in these outlines of a busy life and you will have no difficulty In comprehending the large role Justice Brewer has played in our internal development and in international affairs. Checks Between National and State Governments Excellent Protection. "I have passed the Biblical limit of three scores years and ten," the Justice said, smilingly, when I remarked that I had never seen him looking so well. "I met Dr.
Wiley the other day." he continued, and told him I was preparing for membership in the Century Club. 'You are not eligible yet. the doctor assured me. But the years are passing, and passing quickly." I looked at Mr. Brewer as he was repeating the conversation he had had with Dr.
Wiley. It was strong, marked face I saw, with deep lines that show vigor and character and determination. His blue eyes were as clear as a mountain stream, and they gazed directly at one, frankly and openly, Inviting the same kind of candor that was offered. His head was large, dome-shaped, with white hair on either side, and it sunk in between his shoulders, which were slightly stooped. No question of age came into my mind.
What I saw was force and decision, and seeing them I understood how he had risen to become one of the mighty Nine that on the Supreme Bench make our laws by their Interpretation of them. Yes, we have a great country, great country," he remarked, returning to the theme that evidently was SO dear to him, "and it is as certain to become greater as that the earth revolves around the sun. We have the kind of people to achieve things; we have the kind of climate and soil to make the race strong and virile; we have the kind of Government that enables the freest individualism. Because of the checks between the Federal Government and the States there cannot be too great centralization. We are in no danger of a dictatorship.
We have the best form of Government, and it ought to be maintained in its integrity. Whatever changes are made should be made slowly, carefully, and in the interest of all." Hasn't the time come, Mr. Justice," suggested, for the prohibition of I think a fairly reasonable amount of immigration should be permitted, but we ought to make determined efarts to exclude all the vicious and Fart Fine Magazine Section JUSTICE BREWER ON THE FUTURE OF AMERICA. Page 1. THOMAS A.
(anarchistic elementa, all the refuse from other nations. The United States 1s not a cesspool for the vile of foreign lands. We do not want paupers or those who cannot give value in return for the benefits they receive. We cana not admit eldest that do amalgamate with us and which by their cheaper mode of living can cause us suffering and reduce our standard of life. We are in the position of a man with a twenty-room house.
We do not need all the space, but we have the right to say who shall be admitted to stay with us. With our splendid school system we can train the children of immigrants as they should, be, 80 that the generation see them good Americans. They will learn to love their country and do their duty as men and women." But how can we provide for our natural increase of population? The day of territorial expansion has gone, has it not?" "No, not entirely. So long as humanity exists, so long will there be peoples who will restlessly strive to Increase their bounds. But the available land on our continent is pretty well taken up.
At the Governors' Conference called by President Rooseveltand that, by the way, was the best thing he has done--I talked with James J. HIll, who told me that there remain but 6,000,000 acres of tillable land in Canada, and that when they are cupied conditions in the British Dominion will be precisely what they are in the United States. Of course, we have a large area of swamp lands that can and should be drained, and a vast tent of arid lands that is being brought to production through the use of irrigation. But there is a limit to the addition we can make to our soil-producing area, 'and we should bend our efforts to caring for what we have. There has been a prodigal waste of our natural resources.
I know of families which have resided upon a farm in We have the kind of people to achieve things we have the kind of climate and soil to make the race strong and virile; we have the kind of government that enables the freest individualism. I think a fairly reasonable amount of immigration should be permitted, but we ought to make determined efforts to exclude all the vicious and anarchistic elements, all the refuse from other nations. We are in the position of a man with a twenty-100m house. We do not need all the space, but we have the right. to say who shall be ad.
mitted to slay with us. I am satisfied as a result of the methods of cultivation pursued by the French peasants they get more Virginia until, through careless treatment, the soil has been weakened, perhaps destroyed, and they have moved to Ohio, where they have repeated the manoeuvre with the same results, and then have gone further west. It is a policy so destructive to the National welfare that it is imperative it should cease at once. Why, in France such care is taken of the land that it produces as well now as it ever has done. Every inch of it is in use.
Fences are not employed to mark boundaries. I am satisfied as a result of the methods David Josiah Brewer, Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. out of a ten-acre piece than our farm- people, however great the population have a place nere of 160 acres, and We should take to heart the practice of Europe in looking after the soil, and then we will be able not only to continue to feed our own ers get out of 160 acres. of cultivation pursued by the French peasants they get more out of a tenacre piece than our farmers get out of 160 acres. We should take to heart the practice of Europe in looking after soil, and then we shall be able not only to continue to feed our own peopie, however great the population may become, but to provide the world with foodstuffs." You approve of the President's action in calling the conference of Goyernors?" Most emphatically.
It was an excellent idea, and should have the most beneficial results for the country, provided it be kept clear of politics. The conference of Governors might well and wisely consider the subject df uniform legislation relative to marriage and divorce and child labor. The American Bar Association has had committees endeavoring to bring about such uniformity and has accomplished something without any antagonisms. Those committees have this advantage: They are unofficial and attempt to secure results by showing the benefits thereof. But the Governors might fear to arouse jealousies on the part of the Legislatures, which might resent any action of the Executives as though they were speaking for the States when the Legislatures alone can do so.
Some of the Governors might also fear that, trying to do too much, they would endanger that in which all the States have such a manifest interest, to wit, the preservation and development of our natural resources. "There ought to be no conflict between the Governors and Congress, for the Four Hours' Sleep Enough for Any One, Says Edison the very heart of the Nation. at Therefore I believe that whatever made should be made with changes are the greatest There is no section of the country, catholic as Justice Brewer is, that he takes a deeper interest in than he does that of the great Middle West. In his Interest is due to the tact that part his old home is located in Kansas, and of the men who went with he was one their brains and brawn and transonly formed the wilderness into the garden lit is to-day. He wants the Mississippi FTER all, sleep is only a habit; there Famous Inventor Tells of the Success of an Experiment Proving Can you prove it?" Mr.
Edison need it," Thomas A. Edison said the Usually Sleep Too Much---Sour Milk Theory. In Mr. Edison's opinion a careful diet A is nothing to prove that men really plied. I don't think so." other day.
Men first learned to sleep because when darkness came they had nothing else to do: Through the ages their descendants, doing likewise, made sleep a custom- a matter of course. But if men had always lived in a land of perpetual light and sunshine, I don't suppose we would sleep at all." The famous inventor backed up the idea by telling of a practical test. It was not his OWN ability to live with little sleep. As is well known, Mr. Edison limits self to tour or five hours' sleep in the twenty-four.
He said he had not slept more than five hours in a night for forty years. In much of that time he averaged only four hours. Nor was it the case of his wife, which he mentioned incidentally. Mrs. Edison, he said, sleeps only five hours in a night, and the habit seems to agree with her.
The test he described involved nearly 100 men of average physique In Mr. Edison's laboratory. The test was made," Mr. Edison while I was experimenting with my sistants at Menlo Park. I limited man to four hours' sleep in the four.
They kept it up for two years, did not seem to hurt them." Were they aided by special diet treatment to make up for the loss sleep? No, except that there were four day instead of three. We had fast, dinner, and supper in the as usual, and an extra supper at midnight. There was nothing peculiar about food. The meals consisted of the vegetables, bread, and the rest which dinary people eat. Each man was assigned to four in the twenty-four in which he was titled to sleep.
When the time came went to our bunkhouse near the tory, tumbled Into one of the bunks duties of each are distinctly defined, and what the former will do with respect to the conservation of the great ural resources, which remain will be in the way of action directly within their own States or through co-operation. This will leave to Congress the question of Federal regulation over and apI propriation for the care of those resources which are National in character. There can be no question as to the Jurisdiction of the Federal Government over the interstate and navigable waterways. Improvements are stantly being made in streams under appropriations given by Congress. But some question might arise in connection with the control of the Federal Government over water power or for the diversion of water for irrigation purposes in an arid State from stream which passes through or originates in another State.
If such questions cannot be settled by the Federal Government or satisfactorily by the States, then it may be necessary to consider an amendment to the Constitution." Is it possible that the Governors' Conference may result in further conterences which would lead to a modification in our form of Government?" Justice Brewer thought a moment. It is possible, of course, that some such result might follow, for if you will remember it was preliminary conference which led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787. But I do not believe our people are to accept changes in governmental methods, unless conditions should absolutely require them. There is no form of government which offers as many advantages in the way of moral, political, industrial liberty. -Truly our Goyand ernment is 'of people, for the peoand by the It has stood ple, test of more than century.
It the dealt with problems that struck has that they wound have better and more regular food and less work in the country, they would decline to go. In the city 1 they have an opportunity to be with each other and to see what is going on. There is no form of government which offers as many advantages in the way of moral, political and industrial liberty as ours. It has stood the test of more than a century. It has dealt with problems that struck at the very heart of the Nation, We are not a people patient under.
delay. When we want a thing done, it must be immediately done. If we order an automobile to day, we ask that it be shipped within twenty- four and that no time be lost in its hours, transportation. was more important than sleep in preserving a man's strength and preventing the decay of old age. Prof.
Metchnikef's idea is a big one in this connection," he continued. Prof. Metchnikof, you know, is a biologist at the Pasteur Institute, in Paris, Hia theory is that sour milk preserves life and has much to do with eradicating dis. ease from the body. Old age, as he sees It.
is caused by the presence of poisonous bacilli in the human system which continue to increase as the years go on until the toxic conditions cause death. There is a saying that a person will live five times the number of years he or she has attained when fully developed, But there's nothing in that idea. With what facts does Prof. Metchnikof back up his theory? He found a district in the mountains of Bavaria where the number of aged people was very unusual. Some of them lived to be 104, or even 106, years old.
In the Bavarian villages it was not exceptional to find three or four who had lived to be 100. He found that the diet of these old people consisted largely of sour milk. The same longevity did not exist in neighboring districts where the milk was not much used. Dr. Metchnikof formulated this theory: The sour milk entering the intestines -the reservoir of the body created a lactic acid in which the poisonous bacilli could not long exist.
The presence of this hostile acid gradually expelled the poison. The system free of them, the body continued in an ideal condition would be to eat just enough food to keep up a man's strength so that there would be nothing left to nourish the poisonous growths in the lower and the Missouri made even richer arteries of the Nation's life than they. are at present. As he pointed anillions of tons of sediment that would be invaluable for farming purposes have been and are being swept down the Mississippi into the Gulf of MexIco. He la heartily in sympathy with the desire of the Agricultural Department to arrest this sediment and to have it deposited where it will be of National use.
If proper measures be not taken Mr. Brewer foresees the time when now banks will be formed to the south of 'New Orleans, necessitating jettying, which is valuable only for protection. To prevent floods on this great stream and its tributaries be belleves in reforestation of the headwaters, realizing that trees hold back the moisture and allow it to filter slowly Into the river. One result of forestation would be to provide greater draught of water in the Mississippi, Missouri, and Ohio. What a splendid thing it would be," said the Associate Justice, with a prophetic glance into the future, "If we could provide a stable channel in the Mississippi which could be used by ocean-going steamers! I remember in the old days when a passenger going by boat from St.
Louis to Jefferson City could never be sure that he would arrive at his destination on schedule time. The vessel might strike a shoal. and remain there from Monday morning till Saturday night. I am not an engineer, but I believe a canal could be constructed which could be fed from the Mississippi and by using the natural and artificial waterway a permanent and navigable channel could be provided. Isn't the greater use of railroads for transportation purposes due to InabilIty to depend upon the channel of the Mississippi and other streams?" Unquestionably.
The railroads can be depended upon to deliver a pussengor or freight upon schedule time. Moreover, we are not people patient under delay. When we want a thing done, it must be immediately done. It we order an automobile to-day, we ask that it be shipped within twenty-four hours, and that no time be lost in its transportation. There are many things which now boat.
But there are: many more things which should be given water transportation, Take furni. ture, for example. We now put it in a car and have it hauled to its destination. In -many cases it could go by boat, but its consignee cannot pate the vagaries of the Mississippi and he asks that it be sent to him by rail. 1.
The Hudson River furnishes an excellent illustration of the value of water transportation. It la paralleled by the New York Central, but the use made of the stream shows the general appreciation had of its value transportation medium." may become, but to provide the world with foodstuffs. It is difficult at the present time to people to the farm because of the lack of social advantages. If we the twenty-four had absolute rest. The person who sleeps too much not only experiences a heavy feeling in the body, 1 but usually does not enjoy absolute unconsciousness while he sleeps.
"I remember the case of my wite some years ago. I was sleeping four hours night--no more. She said she wanted her full eight hours' sleep. In that eight hours she would dream. She would wake up several times of a night.
Her rest was by no means complete, I persuaded her to give only five hours to sleep in the twenty-four. She trained herself to do so. Her rest became intense, absolute, without dreams or moments of awakening. Ever since she has allowed herself no more than five hours' sleep in the twenty-four. Does it hurt her? Well "-this with a satisfied laughmy wife looks so young she might be another place here of 160 acres, social Life becomes practically impossible.
I am satisfied if you were to go into the slums, say of New York or Chicapo, and tell men and women there her daughter's sister. Should it be put to a test," Mr. Edison continued, I think you would find that if the time lost in awakenings and dreams were measured, the person who thinks he is having his "full eight hours of sleep is not having more than five or six. "Persons are likely to sleep less as the number of lights Increase, and the things that can be done at night become more numerous. Take the modern city man, for instance.
It is quite the usual thing for him to be awake until 1 o'elock in the morning or later. He is up early the next morning and off to business. Yet the city man is just as healthy as the man who lives in the country and has many more hours' sleep." Is it not said that sleep is required to restore the depleted tissues of the body? said, each as- Musings of the Greenwood Lake Philosopher twentyIt Patience is a virtue when it isn't simply or laziness. of Beauty is as beauty does. The derrick Isn't handsome, but it has an uplifting meals Influence.
breakdaytime The time may come when the spendthrift won't have the cents he was born the with. meats, or- If matches are made in heaven, it is evident that they are not to be made hours light of. enhe It ten't always because they are fond labora- of flowers that people throw bouquets at and themselves The Reason Why People Prefer Cities to Farms. was sound asleep in a moment. He didn't get his full four hours either, for we would call him a trifle ahead of time.
suppose he slept three hours and 99 per cent. of the last hour. What was the effect of cutting down their sleep? For the first week or so it was hard -very hard. They would come back to work limp and heavy footed, their eyes sometimes looking as if they had been drinking heavily. The old habit of sleeping which men had followed for 50 many ages was telling on them.
The habit was hard to break. But after the first week or so, the reduction in their hours of sleep seemed to make no difference in their work or mental capacity. Indeed, they gained in agility. They seemed to be lighter on their There is this significant point in such a test: The men who slept four hours in Mr. Brewer is as strong an advocate of keeping the farming community intact as President Roosevelt.
He considers it the backbone of the National life, and he wants everything possible done in order to make it contented and prosperous. It is difficult at the present time to hold people to the farm because of the lack of social advantages," he tinued. IL we have a place here of 160 acres, and another place there of 160 acres, social life becomes practically impossible. After a man has done hard day's work he does not want to ride ten or twelve miles In order to attend a gathering of friends and obtain some diversion. When we consider this condition, it is not surprising that there should be such a largo drift toward the city.
I am satisfied if you were to go into the slums, say of New York or Chicago, and tell men and women there that they would have better and more regular food and less work In the country, they would decline to go, In the city they have an opportunity to be with each other and to see what is going on. I remember some Russian Mennonites who understood the advantage of community. They came to Kansas and took up sections of land, but instead of each family planting Itself In its own particular section, they threw their land Into a common farm and established their homes in the centre. They were, so to say, the hub of a wheel, and the spokes radiating out formed the boundaries of their holdings. Thus, after the day's work, they could enjoy their little.
diversions without undergoing a long and tiresome ride. I am hopeful, however, that action will be taken which will recult in the Introduction of social reforms Into the country, and when this is done I am sure It will be highly advantageous to all the The views expressed by the Associate Justice show more clearly than mere description could do the character of man he is. How would like to be here fifty years from now," he said in closing bur conversation. "The changes that will come will increase our stature among nations, and make us, I am confident, power for good never before seen in the world." It's a good plan to face the back-biter. great deal of modesty is merely on the surface.
It doesn't take an actor to make up for lost time. There are people so constituted that they couldn't find happiness with fine tooth comb. It's a fine thing to be a leader, but it is better to follow a good example than to set a bad one. You can't always ten when a gun loaded, but you generally know when man da We sometimes sit down on people only to discover that they are too sharp for us. Lots of Presidential timber will go by the board.
Nothing venture nothing have, except trouble. Money is the root of all evil--that is, other people's money. It isn't always the biggest man who looks down on his neighbors. It is, perhaps, just well to hide your light under a bushel as to stand in your ova light..
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