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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 10

New York, New York
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THE NEW YORK TIMES. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. 1913. Iff Nriu tJntk imrfi All ths News That's Fit to Print," tirrr.irr.rt r.vrnr pat ri tttj TKaa HI THa KEW TOKJC TIME COMPANt.

aVAslp S. 0-hs, Fres't. B. C. rrmack.

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The full measure of the popular ap- proval of a public man cannot be ascertained until after his death. There was a comparatively big crowd at the meeting to renominate Mayor Oay-jcoh by acclaim in City Hall Part a week before Ala death, but It waa a mere handful of humanity aa compared with the hundrfda of thousands Who paid tribute to hla memory from arty mom till late at night on Sunday and during the aervlcea In Trinity Church yesterday. The fact that Ma death. -under extraordinary clr-eumatancea. followed no soon after the great political demonstration, the tinuaually pathetic character of hla taking off.

the public knowledge of the aufferlnK he had heroically endured, combined, of courae, to rouae an uncommon desr'-e of imb-11c feeling; but these cauaea are. not ufflclent to account for the line of tnournera extending from Bowllns 'Green to the City Hall. In the pelting rain, or for the obvloua sincerity of the crowds aacmbled to make the Mayor'a funeral the most memorable altice Tinciln'b. Wc may admit that a lying In titate il-waya attract many who are impelled by curioelty. but auch were ob-loualy a am all minority In the throng of mourners on Sunday, while aomethirg more than the partial ce nation of business, which gave unusual leisure to hundreds of men and women.

Induced the thousands of reverent spectator to throng lower Broadway yesterday and called out full an attendance of the city's distinguished men. Mayor Oatnor's death, indeed, has the enormous measure of Mi popularity, and If it seems sur prising to those who know that 'In all hla career his faculty for antag onising people was so highly devel oped, that he spoke his mind freely on all public questions, and chnnged Ms mind fearlessly when he saw justification, they must now correct their Idea of the qualities that make for popularity. To begin with. Mr Gatnor was a most Interesting man, perhaps the most interesting of his hour. He lent his services freely to the succor of the humble; while of a seemingly cold disposition and a man of few intimates, he had genuine sympathy with humanity, and hla rccaslonal expression of It was al waya effective.

Hla courage never filled him, and that he had need of all his plentiful equipment of that Quality In hla career was within the public knowledge. Above all. he was a thoroughly competent and loyal Chief Magistrate of this city, the best Mayor we have had. all things considered, since Abram 8. Hewitt, and that the death of such a man and such an offlctr Should ao deeply affect the sym pathies of the multitude of citizens la a moat encouraging sign.

Sincere rrlef, indeed, and a keen sense of great public loss are. In the cireum stances, natural and most commend able. MR. BRYAN'S APPROVAL. In Mr.

Brtan'i Judgment the one Shining provision of the Banking and Currency bill which above all others commands his approval is that which authorises the Government to issue the circulating notes. In his remarks to the bankers at Richmond last week he commended that feature of the bllt He was almost enthusiastic over it in his letter to Chairman Guisa. which was read in the Democratic House caucus when the bill 1 was under consideration. In that let- ter he said: The provision in regard to the Government ieaua of the note to be loaned to the banks Is the first triumph of te people in connection with currency legislation In a genera tlon. It is hard to overestimate the value of this feature of the blU.

In the second place the bill provided for Government control of this money that Ik. control through a board composed of Government offlcUla selected by the President with, the approval of. the This Is another distinct trlnrovh for. the people. vn without which the Government, Issue' of the money would be i largely a barren victory.

That is a very significant utterance, even though Mr. Brtan seems to RjsundersUndTthe nature and extent1 of Government control of tbo note issues. Control, if it were actual and complete, would girt th Government power to issue the notes at its pleasure to any amount. Mr. Barax over-looks the fact that 'th Government's control I not complete, that ths reserve banks really have control of the volume of the Issues, because unices they ask for notes none will be put out by the Government.

The process is that a Federal reserve bank on a vote of Its Directors applies to the local Federal reserve agent "for such amount of the Treasury notes hereinbefore provided for as "it msy deem best." Accompanying ths application. It offers rediscount bills as collateral security, snd these rediscounted bills must "be equal in amount to the sum of the notes spplied for. The reserve banks, therefore, will actually control the volume of the circulation. There Is a very widespread belief that Mr. Bryan would like to have It the other way, that in his view an ideal currency would be one issued by the Government at its own discretion.

In that Mr. Bryan would see the highest triumph of the people. He evidently supposes that that is what the provision Amounts to, for he says that this "is the first of the people In connection with currency leglalation in a gen-" eratlon." His notion of the cur-rency'of the people Is something that is not money, greenbacks or silver, something, at any rate, that Is not gold. It is In this respect that his approval of the bill is significant. That very fact will lead men who have not approved Mr.

Bryan's currency views to examine the measure with unusual care. There is comfort and reassurance in the fact that even though the measure may not enforce, it will permit, sound banking practice. It may open the way to dangerous Inflation, but the banks are not bound to extend unduly either credit or the iBflue of notes. The danger, of course, is that in some parts of the country there will be great pressure put upon the banks to do both. HELPING WOMAN SUFFRAGE.

If Mrs. Arthur M. Dodge desire to keep her anti-suffrage organisation alive ahe must speedily change her tactics. Believing, as we do. that an extension of the suffrage without regard for the fitness of the new-voters would work great public harm, we see danger In such an assault on woman suffragists as Mrs.

Dodue has just published. It was not true of the women who led the suffrage movement In the last generation, and It Is not true, to any appreciable ex tent, of the leaders of the present movement or the great body of their followers, that they are responsible for the vogue of indecency in danc ing, literature, plays, and dress. That women are really more responsible than men for the vogue of nasty plays and books we firmly believe, but they are not necessarily the earnest, demonstrative sisters who are clamoring for votes. Perhaps some of the heedless who, for curiosity's sake and with no thought of responsibility, buy and read the bad books and go to see the bad plays, may dabble a little in the suffrage business, just for the sake of excitement. But they are the kind of human beings who accomplish nothing in he world, and their influence is not dangerous so far as the suffrage movement goes.

As for the other way in which vies is being made familiar, the needless public discussion, nauseating in its frankness, futile In its effect, of certain evils, we have not noticed that any large proportion of the woman suffragists take part in that. One or two of the least efficient have made pitiful public exhibitions of themselves, to be sure, but the suffrage movement is not to be condemned on their account. It should be attacked solely for what it is, and what It will lead to. We are so anxious that the counter-movement, of which Mrs. Dodoe has been an efficient leader, shall be effective, that we regret very much the mistake ahe is making.

THE REPUBLICAN CONTENTION. The State Convention of Republicans to be held in Carnegie Hall this evening has no standing' in law. The delegates assembled may. If they please, act as a designating com mittee, and may recommend to the State Committee of the party a can dtdate for Chief Judge of the Court of Appeala. In place of Chief Judge Cuulsx, and a candidate for Associate Judge of the same court, in place of Judge Gray.

The State Committee probably win accept these desig nations, but It has (nil power to make the nominations Itself. Acting as a council of a party, the convention, of course, may accept resolutions and declare policies. Probably the Republicans of the country look with interest and hope to the action of this convention, the first to be held In an Important State since the great schism and defeat-of last year. To draw' up a satisfactory declaration of party policies will be aj work of great delicacy and difficulty for this convention. There are' signs which Inspire the hope, but may fall short of giving the full assurance, that the Progressive Party Is In dissolution.

The showing it has made In primaries here and in other' States has been one of weakness approaching inalg-, niflcance. But the Progressive leader has recently shown signs of recur- renl a "'1 ctlvity- and "of the old ambi- No Republican would be ao foolish as to suppose tnat Mr. Roosxysxt Is not to bo reckoned with. A Republican platform dictated by intelligence and foresight must take account of whatever ia sound and reasonable In the Progref sive demands. Upon the other hand.

Jt would be "wholly foolish to persist In what: have been called the reaction ary tendencies of the party. The convention cannot very well adopt a standpat platform, and the party cannot -make, itself the citadel of privilege. The revision of the tariff, now so nearly accomplished, is an emancipation not only for the Indus tries of tho country, but for the Re publican Party. The Old party of protection can now a step forward. The path before it is in plain view.

Nothing could be more acceptable to tho country now than the renuncla tlon of attempt to make political capital by assaults upon business. A sound and acceptable policy for the Republican Party, for any party, would be one that should demand the enforcement of the law, the punish ment of proved offenses, but beyond that an assurance to honest men that they may carry on an honest bus! ness without molestation. There has! been a great deal of molestation in the last dozen years, and It has been visited alike upon the just and the unjust. Men who have been not only trying to do business in obedience to the law, but who have so done it, have suffered with the vio lators through the confusion, uncer talntles, and disturbance due to the continual mixing up of politics with business. All over the country it has become a profession, eagerly fol lowed by demagogues, to seek politi cal preferment by continually pro claiming war on business- There are abundant indications that the country is at the beginning of a period of great prosperity.

It wants peace, not peace at the price of con donlng unlawful practices, but at the price of justice and the abstention of politicians from activities that are purely selfish and pe3tlferoua. If the Republicans In Carnegie Hall can prepare a platform that will promise peace with justice, the fruits of their labors will be widely welcomed. THE THIRD REFRIGERATING CON GRESS. The United States is the home of refrigeration. This country taught the world what It knows about methods of transporting fruits and other perishable products pre-cooled and kept cool over thousands of miles during their journey to the great markets.

The attendance of representatives from other lands at the third International Refrigerating Congress at Chicago outnumbers that of previous gatherings at Vienna and Paris. Chi cago Is the centre of refrigeration for this country, perhaps the chief refrigerating city in the world. The foreign delegates will see the large icing and fruit pre-coollng plants equipped to supply the trains of provisions that are sent out dally over the transcontinental railroad systems, the houses for the storage of natural and artificial Ice, and the economical and noiseless machines used In the process and adapted to problems of sinking shafts, refrigerating at sea, liquefying air and other gases, and cooling cars and buildings. The millions who consume every day foodstuffs and luxuries that are preserved by the icemen will have a personal Interest in the sessions of this congress. We trust that in its commercial deliberations will be injected a moral spirit commensurate with the responsibility of its leading members with respect to the quality of the foods intrusted to them for the nations' stomachs.

A MINIMUM WAGE FOR PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. We suppose it is the supreme confidence of American citizens in their ability to care for themselves that accounts for their failure to provide an adequate public health service. vThe Socialistic propaganda has made little headway against this usually praiseworthy spirit of individualism at one of the few points of attack where it might prove useful. A man can never wholly protect himself and his family against the danger of epidemics. It is Inherently a communal task.

Yet Mr. Franz Schneider. Jr representing the Department of Surveys and Exhibits of the Russell Sage Foundation, has received replies from 140 American cities showing that one-third have no laboratory facilities for detecting the commonest diseases, one-half of them have no organization to care for Infant mortality, a sixth make no inspection of school children, three-fourths have no housing law, and nine-tenths have no concern with the hygiene of Industry. Less than one-third of these cities take any measures whatever against the spread of tuberculosis. The public work of preventing disease, which Dr.

Suaox Flexseji says Is the most hopeful field of modern medicine. Is but begun- In this country. Dr. has asked for a "minimum wage" for health departments ranging from SO cents to $1 per Inhabitant, according; to the size of the city. Mr.

Schneider's Investigation shows that In 119 American cities, containing in 1910 a population of 17.525.000. the yearly expenditure for prevention of disease is but 774.773, or 4 cents a head. Seattle beads the list at L22 per capita, with Clinton, Iowa, spending eight-tenths of 1 cent, at the foot. New York City spends S3 cents yearly in preventive measures; Hoboken, N. only 4 cents, and Iewiston, Ma 2 cents.

With such poor support citv health deoartments as these fir ures indicate, their efficiency 7 even where precautions are attempted may wefl be called In question. The lives of men and women In Prussia, the home of preventive medicine and of Government paternalism such as Is heeded In matters of quarantine and sanitation, average five years longer than in this country, which neglects the health of Its Individuals. And the saving of German lives is largely during the years of their greatest Usefulness to the Prussian State. MR. M'CALL ON WEBSTER.

In his recent address at the birth place of Webster, the Hon. 8. W. Mc-Caix paid a measured, candid, and weighty tribute to the memory of one of our greatest statesmen. In the confusion and passion of the closing years of his wonderfully fruitful life.

the lustre of Webster's name was sadly one might say tragically dimmed. Because he could not, or would not, see the mighty issue of slavery as the leaders of the anti slavery movement saw it. he was de nounced for weakness, cowardice. treachery, and selfish ambition. The denunciation In many cases was sin cere enough and the outcome of the struggle which Webster strove to avoid may be held to have justified their foresight a a to the situation; It did not Justify the bitter things they said of him.

It must be remembered that, while the issue of slavery produced the civil war, it was the issue of nationality on which Lincoln summoned the Amer lean people to the field, and it was the decision of that issue that brought slavery to Its doom. And Webster was the most powerful, the most de voted, by far the most convincing champion of the Union. Referring to the splendid reply to Hatne, Mr. Mc- Caix says: Wkbstsk inevitably ranged himself upon the side of nationality. He became Its prophet.

All his splendid talents he devoted to Its service. He spoke in the very crisis of our history, when difficulties were appalling, and when the development of our institutions might easily have put nullification in the ascendency, and ha spoke with an erred which was augmented with the flight of time. It Is not extravagant to say that had It not been for him we should not today be one ration. What more glorious distinction than that could a statesman have? And again: He possessed a peculiar quality of mind which made him right upon the mightiest issue in our history, and he had that dtgntty and distinction of character which ennobled every cause he touched and helped put our Uov-e rn merit upon a lortler plane. He was not merely the greatest orator, but the most stately figure fn the politics of his time.

He was national-minded. Without seeking expansion through lmpertallsm and conquest, he inevitably took that view or his country and Its Institutions compatible only with its unity and greatness. There was an affinity between the aspirations of his nature and a great and free country, and It Is Impossible to imagine him upon the side or a national government with no real power and subject to all the discords and varying whhii or a score of little sovereign a. Mr. McCaix holds that Webster "be-' lleved profoundly In popular govern-' ment and his democracy was bred In the bone," but his faith was in a popular will worked out in laws passed by representative assem-' bliea" His seemed the embodiment of the Ideal of the Greek poet the or dered life and justice, snd the long, sdll grasp of law, not changing with the strong man's pleasure." We can imagine his bearing toward the modern progressive notion of forcing the people to Intervene in all the details of their Government, putting aside representation and dealing directly with duties they have neither the time to master nor the knowledge to understand, and in their bewilder ment Inviting, almost compelling, the guidance of the professional politician.

TOPICS OF THE TIMES. President Biscr-orr of the American Meat Pack- Threatening Us with Vczetarianiun. er'u Association prophesies that within ten years porterhouse steak will cost us 11 i nound. and then, naerln still more deeply into the dismal future. ne sees tne Americans or the twenty-first centurv llvlna aa the kiwnt.

Chinaman does now, on rice and vegetables, snd. like him, slothful creatures, anaemic, and without initiative. The only way to ward off this terrifying fate. Mr. BiscHorr says, is to educate the American farmer to the necessity of raising more cattle.

If that last be so. the Drosoect la nr.ft dark, for the American farmer is as little likely as the rest of us to determine nature of his production by anything except its profit to himself, and no national necessity will ever make him raise cattle if It doesn't pay. For some time past, in spite of advancing meat prices, he has seen steadily less and less for himself In stock a fact indicating Perhaps, that not to him. but to tha members of the Packers' Association, the process of education should be an. plied.

The farmer will not be put out of business even though we all do become vegetarians, and tha meat naekerm. as such, certainly will As for the effect of a nurelv verehl diet on the race. Mr. Bispsorr'a nrAw tlon would be more impressive had he been more careful In the selection of adjectives with which to characterise the uruneae. without Initiative.

In some senses, they may have been, but until very lately, as history goes, they were by far the most advanced and nrohablv the most Intelligent people in their half oi xne world, they are not and never have been oither anamta nr atnth- fuL It was an excusable. If not Justifiable, belief in their Own superiority that prevented them from adopting Occidental waya and Inventions as promptly as the Japanese dldiand. as between the two nations, not Jlvw observers expect greater thing from awakened China than from Its more promptly moving rival. But of course Mr. whatever the vegetarians may say, is right on general principles in foreseeing disastrous consequences to follow deprivation of meat.

Master races, and the ruling class of other races, have always been flesh eaters, no considerable number- of people ever having been, strict vegetarians except from a necessity dearly recognised as cruel and escaped from as soon as economic competency permitted. As If to settle What PerouTs uncertainty Flights whether it was S's O's that his first exhibitions of upside-down fly Ing, on Sunday he went up Into the sir and proceeded to write both of those letters on the presumably astonished sky. Probably any bird that chose could duplicate these feats easily enough. but it is not recorded that any bird ever attempted either of them. Many take headlong dives from great heights.

but as these descents are always of a strictly business character, the upward turn is made in the simplest possible way. That, of course. i forward, not backward, and no flight half way around from the normal position Is in volved. Pxoous follows his more complicated path, as he himself explains it, to prove that an aviator is not necessarily lost even If his machine does capsise. The demonstration is hardly convincing ex cept as to carefully planned overturn- lngn, quite different from those which come unexpectedly and In other than the conditions and positions that the Frenchman selects.

If eapsised within a few hundred feet of the ground, for Instance, or if his planes collapsed, he would be a a helpless as was many an other avtwior who has fallen to death. Unquestionably, however, Psooc has revealed that the aeroplane has possibilities hitherto unthought of by prac tical fliers, though nothing he does presents any difficulties of explanation to the closest theorist He evidently has a machine of exceptionally good construction, elne would It not have endured the enormous strains to which hla evo lutions subject it, and in this probably lies the moHt valuable lesson of his performances. The chief wonder of these perform ances is that a man can keep all his wits about him and do exactly the right thing after he has fallen a thousand feet aa fast as. or faster than, gravity can take It has been a common assumption that merciful unconscious ness comes on before the termination of much shorter falls than that, and the phrase he never knew wjiat hurt him has rarely been missing from descriptions of such accidents. However It may be with other men.

Pxooi'D, if the fate he Is tempting overtakes him, will not be spared full realisation of his end. Great as is the present Turkeys popularity of the turkey Uve as food. Its favor would be both greater and bet- Too Long-. ter de8erved people realised that a young turkey Is as much better eating than a fully matured one as a chicken Is better than a hen. Too long have most of us taken It for granted that the best turkey Is the big gest turkey, and amiable patriots with a keen eye for Incidental advertising have carefully reared birds of monstrous stse for presentation to Presidents.

Governors, and other high-and-mlghties. These eminent ones have gratefully acknowledged such gifts in pathetic Ignorance of the fact that they would have been much better served had the well-browned victim been further from the record by a doxen pounds or even twenty. Rconomiats may frown at the sugges tion that all turkeys intended for the table should be killed young, for that plan would Involve a seeming diminution in the total supply of turkey meat. Prob ably the loss is only seeming, however. for several little turkeys can be raised for what one big one costs, and many a lamentable accident would be avoided by a more timely use of the hatchet.

NO IMMIGRANT PLAGUE. Chief Medical Officer Says Few Have Venereal Taint. To the Eti'nr of Tim Xrte Tnr Tim ft It has become the luahion to at tribute most of our social ills to Immigration. In Ths Times recent! ap peared a letter from Alexander Konta asserting that, on account of the lax- ness of the medical inspection at Kills Island, large numbers of Immigrants suffering from syphilis gain entrance into the country. This statement was made the subject of editorial comment under the caption ImDortJnx a Plague." Your correspondent's state ment Is not borne oat by the facts.

la addition- to the primary inspection to which all aliens are subjected, ap proximately 175,000 are turned actdd annually for special examination. These persons receive careful Dhvsical ex amination, yet only six cases of demon strable disease were found among them during the past year. Five additional cases occurring among recently landed Immigrants. In which it could be stated that the disease existed prior to iaufilng, were admitted to hospital. Some years ago this Question was given a stilt more drastic test and, for a brief period, all steeraae alien were given a special examination for the de tection or this particular, disease.

The number of cases found was practically negligible. That many eases of insanltv occur among recently landed aliens is true. but. according to the observed facts. tue a-reac majority or tnose Drought to Ellis Island for deportation suffer from forms of insanltv due to tendencies rather than to infectious dis ease of this oharacter.

The catalogue of obiectionaht Aim- eases brought by Immurranta fa nr. flciently large without adding to the ust by taking counsel of panic fear. The immigration problem is beset oy difficulties, and it is unfortunate that it should be still further complicated by exciting public alarm In regard to a danger which is mainly imaginary. Chief Medical Officer. United 8tates Public Health Service.

Ellis Island, N. Sept, 20, 1913. Mrs, Pankhurst Seeking Ike Editor of fA Xcw Tor It Is set much-that Mrs. Paokhnrat will corrupt our ewa auffrasettea late adoptbic the militant wajrs of the aigti-h anf reset tea. that there la dancer that he will do muck harm here.

But la after the dollars. Their fueda to continue their anarchist lo aeayaetlon ef property, end poeeuxy or are running; low. They need mere, and must remain quiet until they obtain more. The eaeettoa la. Are Anericana in earn armpathy with their wara of Ititlin and deatrnetton to a.

cure tber deetrae object that we. are wiillus i man to inoae roaaa, witnoot which (Bay will probably have to adopt more rational mean, or dneiet entirely, for the fireeent, and thue add te tha p-aoe ef the eerld? Isaw lark, Oept. 22. lvli. B.

High License Fee Urged to Produce Revenue and Check Frauds. Te fas Editor ef TU Vm Tors Ia New York, if a man wants te launch some scheme without compromising his own name, he goes to a stationer, buys a form for fills It out more or leas accurately, and presents it at the County Clerk's office where, upon payment or 23 cents, the trade-name certificate 1 filed, per manently, and without further Inquiry. At least twenty thousand of these fictitious trade names are on record. and every day all the time of "three clerks Is occupied In answering in quiries as to the identity and whereabouts of the real persons behind these high-sounding aliases, for It is the petty enterprises that are being run under their cover that furnish the bulk of our minor litigation. My proposition Is this: Let a filing tax of 910 be required of every one who wishes to conduct a business under a fancy name, and let an annual- license fee of S3 be required for its renewal.

This tax should Insure to the licensee that no other imitative certificate be recognised for I know of several cases where sucb trade names have been boldly approrprtated by others. I would not tax plain partnership designations which, like J. P. Morgan A use the authentic name of the principal partner with the at as a simpie abbreviation. What I urge is a check to the activities of the thou sands of fakers In New York City, who are skulking behind high-sounding ap pellations and thus obtaining a prestige especially by the malls that their per sonalities could never give them.

A notary or a lawyer or a doctor must pay a substantial fee to the State for permission to register, and the registers of these professions sre no expense to our city. Why should we give a free rein to thousands of these noma de crook "for every lawyer and banker knows that such by-names are too often only subterfuges to avoid credl tors? My proposition would produce a yearly revenue of at least $100,000 to the city. Its adoption should include the appointment of a registrar of trade names. who would receive a salary out of the receipts. My plan Is, therefore.

treble boon It produces money, it curbs crooks, and it insures a self-support ing office. At present the taxpayers have to provide room In an already overcrowded department and pay at least three salaries to look after these records. If a trade name is worth having It Is worth paying for. GERALD VAN CASTEEL. Vice President, American Civic Alliance.

New York. Sept. 22. 1918. WHY WAIT FOR THE FLAGMAN? Valuable Time Would Be 8aved If Second Train Picked Him Up.

To tht Editor The Xe Tork Timet: From the teatlmony before the Interstate Commerce Commission it appears that tha tailed Bar Harbor train at WalllnKford, after eendlns back Its flaaman te atop the oncoming train, started oa ita way. then lowed down. topped, and waited for its flaaman to return, whistling for him twice. In this there was no violation of the rules ef the road. All trains are expected to wait for their fl airmen all flacmea are ex pected to return to their tralna.

But how many mlnutea were lost by the lowing down and the stopping of the Bar Harbor train, precious minutee which might have been need for speed fn- it oa Its way. possibly taking it out of denser? All susses ted innovations meet with ob ject lone, over and beyond the exasperating, time-honored one. because it la never done." What may these be in this ceaeT Perhaps the moat obvious is that the first train loaea Its flagman. The second, or last, train (cupposins several tralna te be stalled, tha flagmen of each having been sent back to flag the one next behind) carries one extra, unnecessary trainman this last of no importance. But bow replace the lost flaaman of train No.

IT The testimony before the Interstate Commerce Commission points the way. Flagmen and brakemen. It says, receive the same pay. Why, therefore. should not all brakemen qualify In their examinations aa flagmen also, this to enable them to serve in an emergencyT As to expense, what Is it A few more signal flags, lanterns, torpedoes, and usees tor each train nothing more.

This very simple suggestion may have nothing new in it. Other railroads, unknown to the writer, may have tried the experiment, with or without success; but not the New Haren. Why run a atngla unnecessary risk where the Uvea of human beings, paeaengere and trainmen, are at etakeT Why wait for the flagman g. Northeast Harbor. Sept.

SO. 013. A REMARKABLE 8INGER. Italian Girl's Voice Reached One Octave Above High C. To Editor of The York Timet: The papers 'contain a dispatch from Mil waukee regarding the dlscovety of a girl there with a phenomenal voice.

The dispatrh goes en to aay: 8he disclosed a range topped by high the highest note ever attained by the hitman voice. Leering aside the fact "that a well-known American singer Ellen Beach Yaw has been aiaging thla aaaoe note for years, permit me te call attention te the ease of Lucrssia Agu-Jari. bora la Ferrers in 1741. Instructed la a convent by P. Lsmbertlni, and snaking her debet te Florence la 1704.

Thla remarkable artist had a positively led range, reaching with ease the one octave above high Ho less an authority than Mozart himself heard her sine at Parma la 1770, and. writing of her performance, said She has a lovely voice, a flexible throat, and aa Incredibly high range. She sang la ray presence the following notes and passages the same being -of remarkable difficulty and reaching variously the high 3 quoted regarding the Milwaukee claimant, the A above that, the above that, and finally the one octave above high C. In 1775 ahe weat to London and sang at the Pantheon concerts, receiving the sum ef iloo a performance ea absolutely unprecedented aunt at taat time ana aiea in carina, stay is. 1783.

In view of all of which it would im ea If JUIwenkee vmjia nave to try again- ARTHUR WELD. New Tone. sept. zi. lvis.

BANANA PLANT ECONOMICAL, 8mall Acreage Will Support Many Thousand People. Te Editor of The Xeie York The action of President Wilson in put ting bananas on the free list will be commended by every student of economics who haa Investigated the subject, even casually. In food-producing power. per acre, the banana will support a greater number of people than any other food plant known unless one excepts the bread-fruit, aa the following will show: From twenty te twenty-five acres of land are necessary vo provide enough beef for one adult consumer. The same area planted with wheat would feed from forty to fifty people: planted with corn or with rice.

would aupport ahout one hundred and eighty people; planted with potatoes, a title leaa than that eum her. But twenty-rive acres) of bananas will support about five thousand people la some Instances even a greater number. These tijrures are onlv an approxi mate, it la true, but they represent coefficients of pretty close value and great importance. JACQULtJ W. REDWAT, T.

R. G. 8. Vernon, a. Sept.

-1, 1313. Dr. Horaaday Denounces Feather TradeVTaclks. Te the Editor of The Sow Tork Tlmm: Mr. Herbert Syrett's attack on Mlts Eleanor Wilson In your columns for participating' in the bird play at Merlden on Sept.

13 Is thoroughly characteristics of the spirit that animates the feather trada Nothing that gets In the way ef the trade, no matter how beautiful or innocent, is safe from It is easy for men who pay naked savages to slaughter hummingbirds at a cent apiece, or birds of paradise at fifty cents apiece, to train their guns on JUk American girt who dares to appear In public In behalf of the birds of the world. The meanest and fiercest politicians in this country always respect the wives and daughters of candidates for office, and hold them Immune from attack, or even criticism. We have seen some remark able exhibitions of the binding effect of this unwritten law. But at least one man in the feather trade Is Even the fact that Miss Wilson is the daughter of the President of the United States does not render her safe from Syrett's bitter criticism, it Is this sotrlt that has made men hate the feather trade, and demand that It be cast out. After a three hours' fight la the Senate Democratic caucus the people's representatives have definitely settled tne question To kill or not to kill birds tor American millinery.

The final vote of the caucua not to kill them practically unanimous. Mr. Syrett's letter entitled "Plumage Saves Birds opens with this wild statement: Every outrage committed against bird life In any part of the world baa been charged to the feather trade. That was merely a range finding shot; and it missed the target, clean and clear. The market gunners swear, literally, that they are the real vic tims of the wretches are making all this fuss about' birds.

The sports men, gunners and game-hogs who nave been severely arraigned for great slaughter will violently dispute Mr. Syrett's statement; and with them we lesve 1L Yes; it is very nearly true, as Mr, Syeett says, that "at this time It would seem the trade as a whole has not a single friend sympathizer among press or public. And why is this true? It is because the golden op portunity presented by the Tariff bill to secure a sweeping result against the trade aroused all the abhorrence and animosity toward the slaughter of the innocents for gain and vanity that has been gathering in this country for twenty years or more, and seeking an outlet in adequate, effective expres sion. The best women and men of America and England hat the principle of the trade In wild birds' plumage. They have determined that so far aa they are concerned there shall be no more of it, now or at any time hereafter.

-The Importing milliners of our country have laid In enormous stocks of the plumage that soon will be forbidden a Chicago man admitting to having borrowed $150,000 la order to put it into birds of paradise and other plumages but would not be surprised if the universal odium now attaching In this country to the wearing of such feathers would presently dull the edge of the market Mr. Syrett attempts to throw dust tn the eyes of the publie by talking about the business of the feather trade to Increase and enlarge the -supply of bird plumage" by breeding egrets and birds of paradise! I will add that In England the feather trade has made a very shrewd move In founding a Committee for the Economic Study of Birds" to which a number of gullible British zoologists have foolishly loaned their good. names as advisory boarders which has for Its real object the delaying of the British Plumage bill while the com mittee studies At one time the feather trade attempted to prove, by three Frenchmen of mystery, that in Venezuela there are wonderful egret farms in which a great product of shed plumes Is picked up and marketed, without killing any birds! That fake haa been so completely rlddtad by exposure and counter-testimony that its use In campaigns has apparently been abandoned. To the feather trade we say: 8how us one result that you have achieved In protecting or Increasing any species of wild bird, great or small, either in captivity or out ef It. Show us one law for the protection of birds that you have put upon any statute book, or have even helped to place there.

Point to one warden that you ever have paid to protect birds anywhere on this round earth. Show us one law restricting the slaughter of birds tor millinery purposes that you have not fought. Tell us where and how you propose to breed birds of paradise in captivity aay specless you please. Tell us where you are going to raise egrets for the plume market- Mr. Syrett denies the extermination of birds by the feather trade.

If space in Ths times were available. 1 would gladly write down here a list of spe cies; for a nave it ngnt nere oeiore me. Let me cite at least one concrete case, quite near borne. But for the work of the Audubon societies there would not be at this moment one gull, or tern, or shearwater, or skimmer. alive anywhere on any portion of our Atlantic Coast! The milliners' hunters would nave killed them, every one.

Thev were stopped Just --in time to save sufficient seed stock. VV. T. HORNADAT. New York.

Sept. 20, 19 IX Man and Monkey. re (JU Editor of Tho Xeto Tork Tim: Replying to the probability is that monker Is degenerate man. TsTaa was created In the likeness of God. and when living nobly gives that Impression.

'ew Tork. Sept. 23. ISIS. AUTUMN, Home season ef Magicians who aspire To tell great Nature's victory of days In royal grandeur 1 Lo, the flaming fire.

The arching sky with triumph all ablae! And in the trees the wind sung hymns of praise Each frost-kissed leaf a noble ensign In gorgeous colors. 'Neath the gleam and. glow An Iridescent, limpid ocean laves Its quiet shore, and in calm, tranquil flow Speaks no foreboding of the coming snow. The murmuring echoes of sweet symphonies Enthrall the ear." The loves of bygone hours Waft Incense rare of hallowed memories'. And in the silences of forest bowers Lurk benedictions from the Summer's flowers.

Lo, Autumn comes with glories manifold. To tell the garnered treasures of the year! Unnumbered blessings rest within her hold. And In her heart the promise, sacred, dear A goodly harvesting of love and cheer I LTJRANA SUELDCN. JOURHALISH SCHOOL ENTERS HEW HOUE Building Civen by Joseph Putt, zer to Columbia Is Ready-. Work Starts To-morrow, i HAS NEWSPAPER FEATURES Besides About Thirty Rooms to.

Classes, students Clybroom, and a Urge Library. "porter Miters office, libraries, clipping U( oth ures of the most up-to-date newspaper Plants, the new building of the tfchooieT Journalism at Columbia UhlversltvwtJ throw open Its doors to stuoefcu morrow, when the academia JZ gets under way. The absence ef uJT prtnUng preasee is ail that is unties for a complete newspaper nlant enUre building has been carefully ar- ireunins- newspaper men at a cost of 1 This building, work on which has beta going on for a year and a half, w.i made possible by the lata Joeeoh litser. who gave Columbia far a School or Journalism. It stands aa the corner of 116th Street and Broad-WX.

at right angles to new Fumald irmiiory. wnicn has been going simultaneously. For the tints bales all of the rooms will not be occupies by the Journalism department, and for the present jrear at least tie department of anthropology will have its of. flees and lecture rooms on one ef the floors, as well as the Institute of Am and Sciences. The basement will be given over to the university bookstore and The Columbia Spectator, the untvw.

sity dally, paper. More than half the building will be used tor Journalists purposes. The main door of the building la ea 8outh Field. In the entrance hallway are bas-reliefs of Delane, Franklin, Greeley, and Thomas. The first floor.

which Is on a level with South Field, contains the offices of the Directors and of the Administrative Board, sad four lecture rooms, two having ths capacity of Zii students each. The larger rooms. It is believed, will be used for public lectures. The second floor haa a celling height of twenty feet and has a large library and reading room, with collections in current history and politics, municipal charters. documents relating to all branches ef modern governmental- activity.

Indexes of current history and politics, pamphlet literature, and reports of civiu organ izations. History, politics, and economics will constitute a very important part of the course in Journalism, and the proposed arrangement of the second floor will plaoe material for the study of these subjects at the most accessible point, while Immediately above, on the mezzanine floor, will be the lecture rooms and a City Room." The City Room has a specially constructed semi-circular desk such as moat newspaper offices have for copy reading. This desk is in the centre of the room, and around It are typewriters for reporters." file racks, tele- f. hones, and all the equipment found In he up-to-date city room. There will probably be about twenty students who will use this classroom In newspaper technique," as the course Is called.

Some of the students will handle ths. cony as In a real office, while others will cover assignments and do rewriting work. The third, fourth, and fifth floors win be used for lecture rooms, class rooms, offices, and studies. A room en the top floor has been set apart for a students' clubroom. The upper floors can be reached by two elevators and two flights of stairs.

The classrooms and lecture rooms number about thlrf, ransing in seating capacity from 90 to auu atuoents. FIRST RECALL OF A JUDGE. Contest In San Francisco Wen by Women Voters. Ths first man who has' won an ajsa. tlon under the recall law in California, arrived at the Waldorf-Astoria yesterday.

He Judge Wiley T. Crist, whs in April was elected to take the piaos of PoUoe Judge Charles Waller. wheS the women of Ban Francisco decided Waller must go, and made good tkslr decision. Judxe Crist is 85 years old. and wW out to the coast twelve years ago frdla Washington.

IX where his farairr Uvea He ssys. td the best of hie reow 1 cotton, the only time previous te own election an attempt was made is work the recall law in Cantors ta was la regard to a Mayor ef Los Angeles, but the Uavor was not recalled. Be won nr 870 in a total of about 61.O0O votes east, and after aa exciting campaign. Mr. Waller had been a Polios Juoae for several terms.

said Judge Crist last night. A lot of prominent women be came incensed because ef his aoaoa Hxlng low ball tn certain eases, pert ularly attacks upon women. Tss balls were so lew that the acowed almost invariably fled after ball had been given. tn ne case bail was st $30 cash. The esse that brought matters to a crisis was that of mas named Hendricks, who.

1 had been accused of aa woman in Sacramento. Artheror-fense In San Francisco aroused great lndirnaUon. Bhortall, who set ball at Ma BoroS lawyer persuaded Judzs leT- TPf had such authority, te reduce the bej to l.O0O cash. ThU was PW. Hendricks promptly skipped.

That was in February. -An agitation was trted at snca People had been cctriplais; long time about the police courts. Tf club women held a mass mff decided that they would at'empt tors-call Judge Weller. They had tlon aigned By 13 per cent, of the and an election was set for Tc-m'tZ The Recall League was paign funds were solicited. Were held in and churches.

tween forty and fifty prominent ers volunteered their aerviff. them the Rev. Charles F. AkjKErt erly of the Fifth Avenue Chureh. and msny prominent "After ths election, tha oppwltios brought suit to a-t the result Ml ai- a technicality.

There were two ethr subjects voted on. and the the law was slightly amblixous The opposition said I ahould have a JoVlty of the votes cast vxoaj questions at laaue. The suit eras or elded aaalnst them." The case was assujneaj- Y. UNIVERSITY PUNS. Fund for City Improvement Work New' Teaehere Appolfted.

Aa trustee of the fund left by the will of Theodore Creely White lrt 1901. Jn York University will opea what is called a research laboratory Inj public affairs." and William LamkU. former Kecretary of the Young Men's Christian Association at Northamptow. will have charge. Clubs will stjudy neighborhood conditions In their relation to at fairs.

The announcem f-it waa treterday by Chancellor lirown. wua llil inl CI nF appointment of Prof. trge of Colorado College to the r)ory 'rrt. 11. HollinKvOria of Columbia Umversitr to thv lecture ship Of the psyrholosy 'JaverTisin the School Con'itirr.

Accountsv p-Firianre. and of Ir. Marion Mv- 1 and I r. ChaHM l.oViu.n SS lectur' en hysriene and eaxuia.ion in the il---Colks. 1.

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