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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 5

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

lUmoTal of Cbaui-s from the OSes) of But CommiHloner, mui (wpef Jppoint to FQ fte Tuvtcy. And Strrrn Into Offle. Th XUywr Qia to tkv Cum way th Xys Sfcowld ot DU vexed, to Devlin. Board Alder en. The Board of Adeiait-w met last evening.

President Clabcv la in Chl'. There was a very largs lobby alteadaoee, in eonaequeoc of a general belief that fear vow Id be aa ex--tuug debate on the Mayor rem oral of Charles Dlie from tb office of SUeet Coaaaioar. Boua afer toe amis-tea of tha pra-Ytooa aseeUag bad been read and approved, the 8p clal CoansnlUe bating the charge against Cbarle Per 11a ander consideration, preaaated th following xxrosv or tea svu oombittss. The Special Commit tt whom i referred the Com m-teat ton from HU Honor the Mayor, miBpemd-lag Char lea Devlia funa to office af Street Com-xnUatoaer upon charge preferred against Dim, sev. rai petition aaau.g for his removal, together with a eoaaauiuMeatM fiotn Charles Devlin on tn aubject, respectfully report Tbat they bave carefully considered toe matte si re tarred ana from th urn uie of tbe charges, tner hav agreed not to enter into a detailed InvesOgetioa tb utacraatMl ducu eaw, our of examining any witnesse on tb ir ibe f.illowlog reason Twit Th Board having by reaclutren instructed your Committee to report on 'be subject on tbe 1Mb lM (till awning.) Uie could not.

In the shortsp; of time allowed ti m. ov tn ease and ezamlit tow canrge preferred, imh gi the party accused an opportuaity "i beice hrl tn bit defend, an lna-ttenaole right guaranteed by oar constitution and laws to the hutnolett citizen charged with the torn-mission of crime. Serend--To eater lftto a thorough examination of tba charges a uccupr ceraJ week. If not noatha, tner7ty opcrilna a lt)rUiy ctmtrorer and rauiiig an onnrneary interruption of the public basliiaaeof thai Deparioirnt 7sjra T-U b-partaiebt, harlntr been for nearly a year paralysed and l-'Jix-raUve by tne litigation tn -decide the riehl of (jxitit'iuiit of Street Commts-sloner, tbe public works connected therewith bare been eaiecud.and the inpeit of the City impaired to a grtat eiU-nt nece-alty. therefore, imperatively demanos tbat 'til Important rtraorb of our City Government ebon Id sua put Into active operation without any further delay.

fwtotk Your Uvoiiuit'iN) are fully satisfied tbat the twenty ftrst acniion of th Charier of l57, which provraea as follow The Mayor shall bare power to sttvpead, for cause, during any recess of the Common Cocneti. ai.d bv and vtiio the consent of the of Alder mea to renxe any of the Heads of Department, except tne Cooip'r-41-r and Count ji to the Rives me Mr and Bo-id of AMer-nten fall control over tfa apiMimtment or reiuovai of tbe Bead of the Ieparinni In question. Forth (oregoieg rnwii yur Committee blgve -eoncuded to swumit tbe whole matter back to tbe Board, for each anion as may ne convMercd necessary, and for the best to'ere' of the City. THOMAS JAMES OWEN, I Special JOHN J. BRADLEV.

MICHAEL I LOME I Committee. JOHN LYNE8, AMenui Ams I move that tbe report be accepted, and tbe Committee discharged. The questiea on A'derman Aa motion put and carried. Aidarsaaa AiMt Mr. Chairman, you will find on your desk a resolution which 1 wlHh to be put.

The resolution was read, as follows Wkmm. Oa tba 1h Invtant. the Msyor removed Cbarlae Devlia froea tba ofbee of Street Conimusiener, and aaked the acarreaoe of tbe Board therewith aarf WAfusf. Ibe Mayer en the 'Scb instant, eommaaicated tn llis rniaiiiB Ti ii the saspeasaoaof said Devlin by bias ream the said emc ud lu such cwimiinW-ation atataw thseaasas ibenrnf Unrfoe a it JUflvtd. Ttat Ue Board eoocur in such action af the Vayor, sna tbat tbe said Charles Uerlio be and he is bereby rsaaeved frva said effice of Sueet CoiaiBisstoner a the City mt ttm YorS.

Psaaiaaai The qtiaatlon will be on tbe adoption of tbe reselation. Alderman Aans I call for tbe ayes and nays. Tbe question was taken by ayes and nays, and the Vr solution was adopted, by a vole of 10 to 3, as followa Atbs Muss is. sforray, Tneker, Starr, Adams, Lynes, Bred. Wilsaot.

Branley. Oven. Davis. Kess Messrs. Tourney, Stephens.

Boole, hte-Spedaeu Wblie the Ayes and Noea were being called, Aldermen Srsraaaa ruse and said be desired to explain bis vote. Ala pretioue meeting, be continued, of this Board, I ata'ed that 1 waa opposed to disposing -of Mr. Davtia aoiumariiy. Mince mat time charges ha been made against. him, tbe truth or fallacy of which I know not At tout met ting a Commute was appointed to Investigate tnose charges, and tonight they repcrt tbat the hav not had sufficient time; ana as ibe consequences of those charges would be eertoui, and euuui awnous consequences not only on bimseii.

but on bia faoiily in Uielr private capacity, I win vote -Va Alderman Tenair In Toting upon tbe question now before tbe Board, am called upon to abandon or sustain tbe pool' ton I have always occupied in reference to Air. Devlin. I bare known him lorur and intimately, and becauee of that intimacy I wish to explain myself. Our acquaintance hat extended over a eeriud of fifteen or sixteen year. I bare- known him always as a hard-working and Industrious maa--a man perseveringly devoted to Us business.

1 have known him to toil 1 hours out of the 3t, and as the well-earned fruit of hia toil, he accumulated, I suppose, a fortune of some or 40,00. That waa previous to his entering into tbe contract business. We all know the noition he occupied in tne Street Department. Certain reports have been anbmlued to which aet forth serious charges against him. aa on of the Committee to to wbem those charges were referred, was certainly willing to open the investigation, and I ah mild have liked to go Into ail the de tails.

The Department, however, was in such a condition tbat It was made Imperative oa us tu close amr iamlnaieua at the earliest possible moment. For the purpose of oouiuins thorough information on the aubject I called upon Mr. DerUn himself, and be atatea to sne, mjst unequivocally, mai careu very little about the office, and that if he were allowed tbe opportunity be would like to clear himself of tbe changes urged against him. I told ulm that the Committee would certainly make their report on Monday night, that the subject would then be brought to a close, tbat the puoiie were interested in having it thus promptly deemed, and that If he meant to take any measures in regard thereto, he must make up his Blind to present bia vindication before that time. I repeat to you tbat 1 have known Mr.

Devlin for many jeara, lknewblm when bis children, now grown up to be youag men and women, were little boys and iris. For his ease, as well aa for theirs, I would like that be ahouad hae an opportunity of submitting bia official acta to a full and searching lnrotigation, Seiner It result in hia Interest or to bis detriment. Vndtr theae circumstances. Mi. President, I feel colic to vote A'e.

Alderman As AMS--In smirch as the gentlemen bave an explained their votes, perhaps it would be as well for me to explain mine. I don't know Mr. Devlin, otaerwlf tnen by reputation or by sight, never mad hia acquaintance, but, even if I had, in judging cf bia official concuct, 1 should make no distinction between him aid' an body else. I am of opinion that the sooner the machinery of the Street Commissioner's office is put into working order the better, an Uiereior 1 shall vote Apt. Aliierman Mcfrsnoa The Mayor, a week ago, at our last meeting, sent in certain marges against Mr.

1 terns. Tbcse charnes were referred to a Special Osnmitte. Tbe time allotted to us was from last ttatuiday night until this evening. The Committee entered upon their duties, and found it would be utterly out of tbe question to give Mr. Devlia a fair opportunity to enter into such a defence as should be allowed to him.

Those charges are serioas. If they are correct, be should not retain the office. If they are not. tbey are of such a nature that he should not be coodeaired to labor under thins. Hence I think It was the duty of tbe Board to gtve this Committee sufficient time to have this matter full Investigated.

And, inasmuch as we hare not bad tnat opportunity ,4 certainly must vote rt. When the matter had been decided. Alderman, Saaauv arose, and moved that a Committee of three be appointed to wait upon the Mayor and inform him of the action of the Board In relation to the removal of Char es Devlin. The Coanxeittee era appointed, went out and returned again ta a few momenta, when Alderman Xaanaar stated that tbey bad seen the Mayor, and that be had sent to the Board the following coram u-nicaUoh: MatcVs Omen. April 19, 1638.

las gnaaratfs tee Haer a Aiearien: UanviBsiaB I hereby aortitrtaie Edward Cooper to the office of tVteet Cemmras loner, la tbe place of Chart sa Devlrn. removed. AJderman Lisa moved to lay the communication on the table. Alderman BaaauT called for the ayes and noes, which were taken wlta the following result Am vasara. Tweker, 8'arr.

Urae, Read. Wilsset a. fee Messrs- sierra v. CUaey. Hot! aire.

Ktevraa, Towaiay, Adasas, Btola, Braeiey. Msaj-eduu, Ovecs. la- TlkcUBSotioato confirm the nomlnaUon by the Mayor waa then put and earned nnanlrnoualy. The Board then afjourneil to ThuraOay next. AAaa mas nr.

Immediately after tn adjournment, Mr. Cooper ap peared at tne MatoVa Office, aooompanieu oj uw an-lowing gent leasee aa bis securities: Messrs. A. MU Bautn and John Hewl Jr. His securiuee were ao-cepted be was sworn Into office, and the keys were uehvered over to him.

eta. navun naxaa aJMrrKxa unu tsti coccts, Dearng tbe day tn follow ing petiUon was presented And tne nrtinr oitaiied. ts fistv JwsmA Swerbwe ewe er tar aartcss slif Swfrwmt Cswrref (As rf Keri Tr petltttn of ChaiHs aaid City It That to U-e mpfn t.f Xsvenibcr, 1ST oae Josc Tsyler waa daly ef cried le etloe of Street CcmsBisslorer of tte Cfe of New York lurta ev-a C4 tin yean from la first Meeday ta Jasrasrr, rfSA, aid continued to bll a Mid effice and wchreel ta snittee thereof nxdil lit day of Jaae, loaf, wawe Tbat eat tbe letb day of June 15T, vour pettnoner was delv appointee to said nlftne of Street Oosneii-siocer oV said City tne Mayor of stil City, elta. Ui advice afl conw nt of the Board of Aldermen tbeeo, and tbst aiier euce eiMatnent aad en toe srsae ICUi day of June. 1847, your said petitioner, Cnaikrs Devtin.

anepted sid aopolatmee. aad la Cue fvrra of law look Bled hi oood wit suffli i-iit sec-url'les, duly aprored, and became and is the Mieet ConOJasionjer of al City. Th.t r.n,t-iuii.a in tits said office a tare qaan- fit, of buoks, paiera. map and doeemenls of various daerioitosa htrb am cenialned la the office a- Siened bv law for trie use of the Street Department, in the buiMing knoavn aa the Hall of Record in trie ark of ibe said City, of wuich office F. Tisruann basohralned Uie kets and retains the poasesttoa thereof, and of the said books, papers and maps, and cocun etita tbtnln contatied.

That your petitioner ban demanded tbe same from hi in, but that be withheld tne name and refuses to de jirr the same to your petitioner. our petl'ioner therefore preys that the said Tle-mann may be ordered to chow caue before you on the 2 tn iLst at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, at tbe chambers of the Justices of the Court at lite Ci'y Hall, in the City of New.Torfc. why be should not be compelled to deliver the said hooka, papers, maps and dorun.ents to your petition r. And your petiuoner will ever pray, n. CHaRLES DEVLIN.

Sttllwili. 8ws, Attorneys of Petitioner. Cuy ana Couars mj Mrtc- Yurk, ss. Devlin, beirg dnly sworn, savs tbat he has read tne foregoing pennon by fainvsunscrined. and tnat the same is true of his own knowleagcexcepl as to the matters witch are on information and belief, an 1 that be believes the ssiim to be true.

CHARLES DEVLIN. tiworn before me tnis 17th dsy of April. 143. ANDUhW J. SMI 11, Commissioner of Deeds, easts.

On tbe foregoing petition let Daniel F. Tiemann therein named enow cause before me, on the 20th dny of April, at 9 o'clock In tbe forettoon, at the chambers ot tbe JiiMice of Uiis uourt in tne l.ii uau. in ins City of Ntw-York. why he should not be pel led forthwith to deliver tu the petiilMer the booaa. -jer, niai ducumrnli bel.n K'n or apoeriaintng to the office of the Mrtrl mtnistoner of the Ciiy of New oik JUSlAti 6L THEKLAND.

Dated Anl 19, IM7. 8TU.IWSU. 4 Sa. attaimeys for petitioner. Beard el CweecllsBrn.

The Bpitrrt oi Ctnitn.i;rr.en met Mondiy afler-rocn, the Piesident, C. H. Ilaewiix, In the Crir. The petition of Mr. J.

Rellly, to be paid the bil-ance on his contract for Digging Lewis-street, whs referred to the Coniiuttue on 6 rec's. Tne report of the tee on Finance, in favor ot reierririg the petition of Joseph Murray, asking that the aniouiit paid ty mm lor gracing mUht be rtfur.ded to the Committee on Assessments was adop ed. I be report ot tne Committee on Finance, concurring to pay William Davis for damages sustained by a mob, was laid over. The report of the Committee on saeistnnts. In favor of adhering to their former action confirming the assessment lor a sewer in rhirty-sevenlb-su'eet, beta ten Lexington and Fourth aenues, was laid over.

The report of the Committee on the Fire Department, in favor of seeding hack document No. 473. relating to Hose Company No. 49, for reoonsideradon, adopted. Several paper from the Board of Aldermen were referred to appropriate Committees of IVs Board.

His Honor the Mayor sent in a veto the acHon of the Board of Aldermen ard Councllmen In. reference to the email cars of tbe Harlem Railroad Company. He observes, In Case the small cars should (e withdrawn, it would not only prove a great Injury to the Company, but cane serious Inconvenience to the public. 1 might add, tbat this Company deserves seme indulgence at tbe hand of the Common Council. While the Company should be held to a strict compliance with the conditions or provision of their contract with the City, and snould be eomntlted to carry out the resolunor a and ordinances of the Common Council in respect to Uie repairs and proper roadi'ion of i(s track, every opportunity should be ottered to It to be heard on the same.

nd 1 am of opinion, should vour honor aoie bod v. after such op portunity Ibua afforded, paaa a resolution requiring grooved rails to be laid In tbe place of tboe now used on the line of the City track, it will cheerfully and readily comply with the same." Tbe usual reference ax ordered, after which the Board adjourned to Thursday. City Itesne. Fikst Paeaux of tb Scott Lir GtTAr. This newly-organized corps, composed of citizens of State who served in tbe War wi'n Mexico, celebrated the eleventh anniversary of the ba'tle of Cerro Gordo yesterday, by a parade, review, collation, and visit to the theatre.

Tbey assembled in the morning at Uie Mercer House, and thence proceeded to the United States Army Headquar'eri, No. 114 West Eleventh-street, where they were reviewed by Lieutenant-General Soon, after which they drew up in line and the General briefly addresaed them, complimenting tbem upon their soldiery bearing, expressing the happiness which be felt in meeting tbem once more, ani deploring the absence of those of their lu si lassfTiii mil I who had fallen on the field of battle ind since the close of the War. The General, wfeewes not in uniform, said he regretted that be as compelled to receive them in cHizen's clothes, but his uniform was where he hlmelf expected to have been at. that moment, in Washington. On some future occasion, if they thus honored him agnin, he would review them in a more soldierly manner.

He waa suffering from a severe cold, and was compelled therefore to speak thus bilefiy. A large crowd witnessed the review, and applauded Uie speech of the General. Tbe Guard next marched to Unlon-gquare. where they baited for afeason, then marched down Broadway, aroond tbe Bowling Green, and up to the Pari, bere, a little before 4 o'clock. Mayor Tiratsa reviewed them.

Thence tbey proceeded to the Mercer House, where they did justice to the bountifully-pro vided collation. The uniform of the Guard resem bles very closely that of the V. 6. Infantry. There were 63 men in tne ana tne command presented an imposing appearance.

Shelton's Band accompanied them. In the evening they visited Wal-lack's Theatre. On Sunday Lola Mostz was standing on the rear platform of a crowe'ed Third avenue car, when a young pickpocket adroitly obtained passes don of her porte mouDsie. The conductor observed the operation of the youthful knuck," and grabbed htm by the coat collar as be was about to jump from the car. Tbe fellow dropped tbe purse and dexterously slipped off his coat, leaviDg the conductor holding it by tbe collar, while he darted across the street and was soon out of sight.

Lols confessed that sne was as pleased at tbe smartness of Uie little feUow as at recovery of her porte-monnaie. A salute of one hundred guns will be fired in Pike-slip this evening by the mechanics and working-men dependent for a livelihood upon the various FloeUng Docks, in recognition of the passage of the Mil by the Legislature retaining those structures in their present location, and legalizing Uie business of repealing vessels" by their means. Both Pike and Rutgers Slips will be illuminated by numerous tar barrel bonfires. Boot Rk-cogmkxd. The young man who was found shot through tbe lungs at Staten Island, on Saturday lastAhas been identified aa Chasxss Scute, via.

a Get man! aged 19, a bookbinder, and recently residing at No ll 19 William-street, this City. He bsd been unwell for some time, and had before attempted saiciee. He whs buried oa the Island. Several of tiie Republican Associations of the Wards met last and elected 5 delegates each to a Youn Central Committee, which Is to organise on the evening of toe lllh May. Some.

of las Clubs not meeting last night, the Central Committee is not yet full. Gift Book Ejtipbi8xb ApOLrm-aRairsBT, proprietor o'Uia gin-book store at Is o. 2X3 Broadway, and Wn. Datto aire McDoxslb, who Keeps a gift-book store at No. 107 Nassau-street, were arrested yesterdsy and taken before the Mayor who sent them before the City Judge for examiaauoo.

About IS o'clock last night, a fire hrok out in the basement of M. H. Ciammis' jewelry and silver ware store, No. 191 Broadway. It was put out before more than a tew hundred dollars damage had been done, lu origin is not known.

Pellc lntelitajeavre. AXmoTixa asd Robbirt. As Wm. G. Newman of No.

TS6 Greenwich street, was passing the corner ot Hudson and Broome streets, at a late hour Sunday night, he was attacked by five Eighth Ward "short boys." Three of the gang held him by the neck, while the other two roboed him of his port' snonnaie, containing a 4V, and of his breast pin and watch chain, after which they lied. Mr. Kivxin started after them, shouting "stop thief at th top of bis vote. Officer Tilxb arrested one of them, who gave bis Basse as Charles Jobeoe. Th prisoner was yesterday taken before Justice tracxasaiiasi and committed for examination.

The Folic are oa the look out for his ooulederales. A PnTSictABT Cmabgkb wiTH wtjmLrvG. Julia A. Embrey, a young woman living at No. et Thirteenth atrr-et.

made a complaint yesterday at tbe eeond IHs'rict Police Court, eh and at Dr. A. G. liali. of No.

Wis Broad way. with amiBMJunjr. She alleges tbat abe presented to tbe Doetnr asi order upon htm for 3 75, gtvws to her by Mr. Tebraa Wey-ai and tbat tbe Doctor took the order, tut af waics rH-nied balr? received it. acd to eiv ItNtcttu br.

A wsrrart was ued for the Doc-li r't arrest vn a haree of Se Neb-Cork Slmt0fSut0i7 Ipxfl 2of 1858. fKsvet) Kerweattet Ceatfwsi Tft fifh day of lb Coaiereise (yterdsv) was opened srPh prayer by th Rev. J. J. Mamotis, at o'clock A.

M. KesotnOrms were adopted reeommemdieg th Sa-pe-annsiatad Pras ewers' Fuad" to the sympathy of people, and providing for tb appointment of a coaomtttec to consider at once ths exnedleney of organising and swppurtiag a mlsaion to includ th whole UBOceopied geld within New-Tork City. The following teeolanues were etfrrel by the Rev. Messrs. W.

T. Couunaand T. It. Pxsax, and adopted: tt.ei.hrr4, Tbat it Is Ibe opinion of this Coneene the tame Baa arrived, ween it is thednty of tne Cnurca Consider the Beeeasl'y and propriety of eataiitsh-tig an insmuttt-B for Mif.interlal and Mtasloeary education, to be located In tbe Ctt of New-York, in its viciidty. ortn the city of w.ldlet.wn.

Rr.rrt. That a Committee of five members be an-pcinivd to consider this matter, and report to Uie Conference curing the present session, The discussion on the 8'avery resolutions was then returned Dr. Bases offering the following substitute for tbe second of the resolutions which were discussed on Saturday Krsefrre, That It In the duty of the Church, as a unit, to exert herself tn ame-1 rraritig the coreil'ioa nf the slave in our country, and to ue aU Scriptural and pruoent ttmi to effect, as soon aa practicable, their emancipation. This being seconded, a brtk debate ensued, In which the Rev. Dr.

Bases, the Rev. Dr. KsxssDT.aod the Rev. J. Ietstr took pa-t.

Wlthonf a vote upon the tesolu'lon, the Conference adjourned till 9X of this day, (Tuesday New-Jeraey liewi Raiuoad fbom IIobokkh to Pikbmont This road, known as the "Northern Railroad of New-Jeisey," which has been in conte-npla'lon since ISSi, Is at last in a fair way to be constructed. The sar-. vejs for the route htve been completed, ant the contract far building the load hat been glvea to Messrs. Janss M.Towsa and BsanrosB Simons, of Ouelda Ctunty, N. V.

Ground was broken a few days since, arid a BHjaJl body of laborers are now engaged In tne work of grading. It is estimated that the work will cost 150,000. Tbe road is to run through the Htck-ensack Valley to connect with the Erie roal at Tap-pan, and will be 21 mile in leng'h. Arrangements have been made with the Erie Railroad Company for the use of tbe Bergen Tunnel, and tne free use nf their track from Blanche's Station tn Uie vl'lae of Pieimont. It is thousht that the road will be co n-pitted It about ten months. TBI IloBOKg Fcrbt. The II boken Ferry Company have made a change in running the night boat, on the Barclay-street ferry, so that three mere trips are added during the night. The 'xj now leaves the New-York si ie every half-hour until 12 after which there are two hour trips and then the half-kuur trips are resumed at 2V o'clock la the morning the quarter-hour t'ipt are commenced, and continued until 7f tn the evening. Arrfbtm fob PlaTi-o BLL Olf SritbsT. OfCcer Cuass and Jersey City, arrei.l two men named Hxnar Fovsss and MinHttL Mctstr, on Sunday afternoon, for engaging in a game ot bait.

They were taken before Recorder Bsnruan, yesterday mornina. when Foists was iunished with fine of tx. and McaaAr was sent back to the City Prison for two days. A retired physician, seventy five years of sge, sb vc sands of life have nearly run out, disenv-ered. while in the East Indies, a certain cure for consumption, asthma, bronchitis, coughs, cold and Seneral debility.

The remedy waa discovered by im when his ouly child, a daughter, was given up to die. Wishing to do as much good as will send tn such of his afflicted fellow beings as request tt this recipe, with full and explicit directions for making it uu and successfully ualng It He re- 3utre each applicant to inclose him one shilling ire cents tn he retnmed as bnstaee on the recipe. and tbe remainder he applied to the payment of tnis advertn-enienr. tiion-i or. n.

jambs, no. iv Grand-street, Jersey City, N. J. lAdvartkeawat. PritnT's Natiohal Tbeatbc To-night a most capital entertainment will be given at this flourishing Theatre.

Mr. H. A. Paaar, Mr. E.

Bbaacaaae. Miss Dxsva, Mies Jttua Iavina. together with the compi-n tA Bi.wkr atwi the nlecea are as follows, "Love's Sacrifice," "The Idiot of the Shannon," Snd farce ef Cut for Partners." Apply early for places. (MnrtMral.1 e-" Do you believe in dreams No, indeed But vou'il believe In one. if tou see it you II be lieve in A Dream at Sea." played so admirably at Bemum's Museum this afternoon.

And The Heart of the World," tbat glorious melodrama, repeated Ibis evening. It is a fssciuatinsr production. The comic and startling pe foriuance of tne India-rubber Man this afternoon, as well as this evening. lltwraaaaM.) Gab. Gas Gas Fixtures, of new and beautiful desians, just out for the Soring trade.

Call at our great maiiUracruring aepov, ro. sv orvwaway. also, the new Dr. odd ard Burner. Abcbbs, WiuisA Co.

(Atraruamt.) TW Baxxxbs. BBOKkBa, Jcwxlxxs and others who require a Bcsslab as well as Fias rsoor Strs, can satisfy themselves tbat Ltujs's Chilled Iroa Safe is tne oniy rename ourgiar-protK ivare in tne mantel, by calling upon Faibbahxs Agents. No. ISO Broadway. AXaV InflnrBxa Cared 1st few II arm.

There are a great many, at the praeat time, seriously troub'od with coogbs. colds and ixflaenza If ye whe aw that tronbled will svallow from four to six of BADAAY'S Regulators, and bathe Uie surface of the body with RAD-WaY'8 Beady Belief, your whole sjstem will be free from every symptom of pain and distress in less dun six hours after U.ese remedies are used. A geaUemaq who visited Wallaek's Tbetrre oa won lay night, got over heated, took off bis overcoat, txpoaed himseif to a cool draught of air. and caught a very severe cold. During the night be was seised with violent pains all ever hit body.

His throat was so sore he could scarcely swallow watery discharges frsssr the eyts and nose were eonstaat every bone in bis body ached with pain and be was so hoarve that be could not speak anove a whlsser. In this condition tbe next morning found him. we. however, knew hs difficulty, a- knew the remedies that would care him. At 1 o'clock he took down six of BAD WAT'S Resvlators.

and bad bia whole body rubbed with RAD AY '8 Beady Relief. At eloek. the same day. he was rid of all his difficulties. BlDWlt 8 Regulators and Beady Behef will cure the inftumst and all bat oiilds in a few hours.

Toothache is cored instantly by the Relef. RAli WAT No. Ml New-York. R. R.

Beiaediee sold by drags 1st and merchants every where. The Everett Hat, Imported by VYSB at SONS, Finished and for sale by BALL ARD, 8HCTK Mo. Broadway. REMOVAL. In e-aiaaneewce of the destruction bv fire of my old store in Maiden-lane.

I have removed tu Uie commodious warehoase Ne. SO array -street, VImm aSW Snv aal FRENCH CHINA, DIXTTER. TXA, AVD TOIL XT 8TTS. Ysaes vard-t)asets. epirtonns XMosjne-avotrjes.

aw, Pltlill OTATrcTrKS. HuHiUIAM AND Bl.filAN GLA89WARS. Goblets). Cbampagn an' ether Wine Qlaeses and all the new, at modncOona In Bohemian Fancy Colored Glass wares Glass fc hades. French Bronzes, and other faacjr artieles.

I desire to Inform gentlemen. Intending to visit France, tYmt ma Ira in Pari, kna Farad la Pois-onnier No. 3a. will atund to the purchase, packing, and shipment of any rariaian coods. tor a mooerate eomtniatoa.

CHABUiS AHfUCNFaLDr. No. sturray-au. New-York. How ready.

For mea and boy. A superior assortment ef dpring (nothing. Boring overcoats. Rutin ia enais. Pants and vests.

At moderate price. ALFRTD sfTTVltOE Jr No. 41 Broadway, between Canal and Grand sta. JWTwe Itewt HealBwrawt 1st the City. 1HK JofikS HOI Nos.

IM and TJ. Broadway, oryoaita the New- York is sow oempied by Iteasrs PIARld at PLROBLL. rttWm St aliehalaa Hotel, an Mill Hoese. Charleston. 1 be prrvate sapper and dining rooms are orniahad la ml, Mala, ana om bill of fare embrace every laxury i aad delicacy tbat Barney eaa procure Wines, bra ad las.

of tne CD eel ana ssost ousuy Draeaa. TTe MrwnBge ef the BvercaanU and cttiaeas ef New- lac is leasecuaiiy sMvctieo- BT Per Ship Bessnrn Jmmt Arrived. hll open, about tbe SWA twet-. an iavoic of kW GOODS JL8T AKJtlVAii FalUM JRANCC 08TI.T FRENCH ChTnDI Nl MS Sirs frnm Ml eras sew aranytoe et aa.n- a on ma. as.

never be ton isnnor ed la to this eowntry; FfLSJiCjl CLOCtB. TAbAo, CANDaXABRAS are. JC rltlSWUl'I ST VUL. Corner ef Bread way and Brasses at. gW Wewlag Mstehlxnysv-Prie as 93.

PRATTS Paterta have auw bB ia aae aearl tea years aad have neetad UKBvantres Ie Be UN ocas us inv aaaraei ir saeii-he 1i ate warranted to gqyesstisf aftiya, OAoSiia. Btvadaay.Iv- ws- two Pried lew I TrTi lew. QtrwwTPS MUvsrfHIJegy savewed eg tatAisiy ef Made- New- Tars eeaavtag per eeoi. ef par ar- wsy Gn Uvw on. lb Bat etegasrc wleiral ssseiia'en er en ray.

eaeef waacB tba nwwtrel eata inr.M ta are eaaMd acaaia al be beaem re-ailing raas tb aaavaf th Od stetiv ef Ms aawseatieg (aase F. Q' FBp.vactfetl Cbewdst. PINFOLD. CLAY CO Wboiesai Araaia. Ne.

4. rietoaar-sC w- lager's He wins arerspdl ircenaiag trade ie reviving. Baaii.ees las pvovma. at; tlrelore Boa la to tioaa to pact Sing- ei a trviLt MBiraa. The are the sely aaecaiee eatable rf oMag every kind of worS.

aa- at BMwwy to bate them tu coain tne wot a. singer wow ramuy aewg aachloe neltg lareataa i toe Mat. tne saas be-oti'ul and tneeasirat tnep-rete i ceeunaaiiine naS yarsni favur. Call and ae rhera. and anea fv a earaauvr.

t. Jt. Blount at vu, ne. wo sreadway. AtaT" Barry' Trleepberware tstb BF.8T AND CHA-rT ABTICT.K or PBFSslNG BKACTIF YIiO.

CLgANlNrt, CTTTtV 1MO. FRFSCK VlhO. and RKSTORINfil TH HAIU Leeiss. try it. Fes sal by all leaglas ana rwianssrs.

ear The Beet la tbe World. ROM ICS HSIR COlArK K13TORFR. To restore gray hair iu original elor. Pries cent. Bold every wtiere.

an in nrvosiyn. oy iv riA aa, no. iia BuwB-at. Hewaeheld Beraltare. RICHARDS KINGSLAND A Lu.

havina reaooved to their are ealea- mr.m. No. tie BmaCway, eiil give their psrsoaal auea-boa to tbe sale of bousxheld furoltare at the rejtdeaes of famUies removing or deelinlag boosekeeoiag danag tbe stnsop.oa rsBsonshl tui sss aad srooapt return made in rav- Metallic Tablet Hire Invented by GIOFGK bSLNDhRS. A l' This th genuine ar-vic e. bas aerer bteo qaald fi-r pnxtoeiag -a keeaeet poasible edge a ras.

Cao 4iatne I of th subaorib-ersand sole manufacturers, J. A tt. SaCNDKltd. sior ho. 7 As tor Itcuse.

KaT Birkelr II el live Win and Tonpee. Ibis celebrated etabuabeit la at vo. CI Broadway. Twelve private rooms lor tas appletiA of hie famous uairxiye. tn neat estant.

utruntLi'ns wm ana Ton reea have I orovemanta over all. this Is tbe only plate where thvse are pruper'y aoderstood and made. a- India Rskker Ulevc fee Ileuse-ClenB- at the ci of floeera, protects ths lisniis IB a 1 rougueotng ana amy iiuai oi nora. ua rrtirier then Mfi. utttmAh and anoav ahite last' vi-vus to wau r.

bold by all Muober dealara, and at No. Joha-st np slairs A AT" reea and Plnnta. A catalosroe of the ehoieest fruit and fl Wering trees and shruba. roara. wiU be tnt on applicatM-a Carri -ge of all package paid to ew-rrrx.

b. B. sirauA, tna voiony naroeriea, Pl month, Nsss. DIED. Rasiivis.

In this Cltv. on Sands. April 18. J. AsTO- Slo Kasisss, a native ot 8pam.

aed 43 years. Ibe relatives and tneoasuf tue Caaui, an rnspeetfuBy rrvittd to afeno the foneial. wifbout farther no'-vce. oa Wednevday morning, at It) o'clnca. from his late resi rlrnce No.

61 West lith-st The remains will be taken to rsicbeettr 'or ntemirnt. Mossia In this City, on Sunday evening Aortl tg. 1 ns. relict of tbe lace Richard V. storria.

of at orriaaoie. asra bS is ana 3 months Tbe rrienus of tne rawiiy ars lespstuaiiy inviwa to at- teid t-er funeral oa Wrdt-eadaj next, at loo dock A. firm Grace CLnrrb. vOnont further Invitation. WiKanvs in this City, on Monday morning, apru Any wMinni.

it tbef3d yearcf hirase. Bi-r relauves and rienta ana tnose or ner aaagn-er, Mr. Brgnrlew, are reaprctfully invited to attend the funeral. fr.o No. tt Weat Ath el on Wodaeaday.

April 31, "caariKraa. la Brooklyn. on Friday evening. April IS at the leaioerce of bev father, in nates av of cot sumption. mba ATiLbA.

daughter of Jesae and th late Mary Ant. Cartemer. aired 17 years and sooatbs. -rvlr, will iua mimx at St. Htrv Cboreh.

Classon-av near Myrtle Brooklyn on Toeeday next. at clot A rienos are inriiea to nusa wuswu iiurunr invltation. CoKwtij. In Brooklyn, on Sunday. April IS.

at tbe residence of h. sister. Mrs. Catharine Boas, in jraber land-t beteten brkalb and Lafayeue Mr. Kaa C.

seed 70 yean, mcmih and xs daya The fnoeral win take place on Tuesday, April 23. at 1 o'clock P. from tne above plaos. lietAT at oa sionaay. apru is.

ttwr pail ul IllneaS wtirh she bore nitn C'niiatian resignation. Mast, the be.oved wife of William Ilsley, in the 3Uk year of ber age. She leaves a bnaband and Arc Children to ore ner irreoeianie loaa. 1 be relative ana frieuda of tberamily ars respeetfatlv Invited to attend her funeral, on WedareUy. at 3 o'clock.

F. frost ber Uie reaiienee. i3'Ad-t and sta av. ttaowataa At Pert Richmond, oc Saturday April IS. Bruimi wife of the Rev.

James Br.iwnlee. Tine. At BrootO'ia ut' rn iaieiDnia. oa oataraay. April at rmidence.

Uie iter. Dudlst A. Txaro. ia the 3Stb year of bis tin, FIRST CALu. Nos.

acd Si Rede st, MARCH. 'MS. We effer to ths trade, at the very lowest market rates, fir Cash or Creort. oar very Urge Bad complete stock af CAM PUT 1 PI to Of Uie (blloning manafactore NkW-BKULAMD WObBTFD NKW YORK POWER LOOM M1LLR. JOBN CROSSLXT BON.


T. FBLTONS. PH1LADXLPH1A. OIL CtXTH3 laaufaoturar. Of all the principal CANTON MAfTlNGS, WORSTED AND WOOLEN Clos boyers wiU find it to their ad van lace by givtzay a a call.

Liberal Cash advances mad oa Consignment af Car- let llgS ww tm- wat. av. as ar No. And 11 near Broad way. PILES FILB8! PILES! PILES! A permanent care ftr Ufa The proprietor of DR.

WITMER'S PILB 8UPPJSITORT Will guarantee to cur any ca af external or Internal piles. ANOTHER W0NT XRFCL CURE OF PIXI8. James W. McKes, shipping avrohaat. No.

41 FreBt- t. was cared of piles by using Dr. WITMKR'S ru Bas poaitory. Be waa afiUrtoi wi.h them for ten years, and at tune confined to hia bed. Call and see bint.

Reference will be given to any number of person who were ared. Depot No. US Bowery. The aaediciae eaa mnt te any part of ths oouatry. BjXLF.TRNTILATINGREFBIGERATOKS.

TBJt ONLT ICE-8AFK which keeps tbe air ever meats, vegetables, COOL. EYCR-CHANGINO; opplymg for the firs tune TBE TRUE PRINCIPLES OF VENTILATION as a check to decay. Made aad sold by BB MB ALL. HEDGV No. 396 Broadway, corner of Walker-st.

HOKACB K. KSTCnCM CO. Offer to tbe trade for cash. Straw oanets of new styles. French Flowers of the latent importation.

Blonds. Laces. Baches. Trimmings. Ac, he, Ac, at No.

318 Braedeay. Corner of Pearl st. NEWS AGENTS. T.tK.1 NOTICE. COUNTRY OUTERS lor the NkW-YUSH wiU hereafter be filled by tbe General Agents, BLaKC.

Wholeeale News Agents. Packers aad forwarder cf Daily aad Weekly Nenspapers, Ac, No. 101 Naaaau-aC, coiner of Ann. New Yore. OrncB or Fiasnss Fcss Isdsavcs No.

11 Broadway. April la, TBK KTOCKHOA.lre.StP OK Till COMPANY are hereby notified that the belane of their sneaevprkiiisTemaUir.g unpaid, is called la aad mad aojani ea or more oe nay ui apoi inwanti LSASLto JBi-trvrviuavtH David MiLLiKEN, flTll Tlrrs. JoBN C. HEp.DS.K90T. VComtalsal oners.


toawtanr wit oebuJs i aad Circular. sboaM send their orders at one to to General Agenta. ft BLAKE, Packers and Forwarders of all Daily and Weekly Newspaper Ac No. 107 Nsasao it-. comer of BrnWABtToF IMPOstTOkS Be It knowB to tt aatioa.

By this precbunatioe. Tbat ronntt-reita of Lrort Powder, (Of wbch each day tbe laav swells loader i Are sebiBg now. th eauT toreegn, By rraetoWBOma balteTsdae. Tneweedrvteianeeeas ef LYON soiaoeleas sla-letie Powder for tne deetractino ef inaecta. baa given vive to core ef coanterfetta.

Look eatBor tbeaa. B.msmber. tbe see nine label Baa tb imnienska of soar aational -rniV that bear E. LIO aianatar Depot foe LYON'S Btsgeetie Powder and Pilla, toe eestroyiag ia-aerts. rata and max.

No. itroadway. Tng BEST LABflB BREAD CA" BB HAD ta ito tatTi PMd at PALMER'S BsKlsiO ESTaB LIbav MEN T. Ne. 31 M-av eeraer ef tSth-et.

Aiira Mperter article ef DOMESTIC and biOMC-M ADE BKKA D. asad cf tb beet Vml xtra- fir fl nndCaKkS akargeaawjrtssot. Noa bat (be bast ai-kTriaw ward In tb estaMwhsassH. Daa't Hr yet tbat ia taemieereted Breed, Cake aad Pie ef PAXJxAR, tor-arty and Bar maay year at he. Mo.

LtiD VOKTH'S fill I'S WINK SPAXX-L1NG AND STILU TRrTl. COZZEJtd- Snis AgceV Nu New Yotk, AS fiALlUBB SaUrBTOwTI. issr aswbs strr TUB MIW'lOKK WBSslLTs iXABT VaSBBBBAT StAwajtBW, APaSk St. -wawenataia aaeraxa bsw eaieniAi. wteag -eothl 1 THE OCEAN WANDERER: Anvxurrsss ob lav abb ssa.

Ib which tas sntbor eetdots, la graidii atyto. th "ta't-Hng and Remantio Advea a -ea of Ufe at a SaOxr Ufore (be Mast, Tb narrative- ef tbe OrsaJl Warbsb- ss ia a bold bat trathfal ptctare of the most exciUBg ln- eideBte to every quarter of tbe flobe. iv wb eh ar por trayed the chivalry, daring, freaks, foTlics aad sayerstl ticas ef tb saitor together wia the tyr sanies aad bra-talities to which' be is t.s ef tea subjected by the eaUers who eomwsnd car veeeels Some of tors scenes daveiope a re 8 ix ment af cruelty snd a ymatie tortare that eaa-not fan to send a caill of harm throogh every civllitsd oemmunity This ia the dark aide of tb pistara. A Life en tbe t-eean baa its saBsbio as will a I'S storsa it pleasures a well aa ha peine end th anther bas most haypily and forcibly presea ed these ius phaws of Ufe ea tne great deep, ia the progress of tb OcaAM WASMXia." Tbe deteriptions cf the manners and custom of ths Natives of tbe far-off Iales ef th See," among whom the sntbor passed a portion of his vsntrul Life, ars fall of interest. Be carric the reader throagh tb delightful graves wbtfe the banana and ecdanat grow and aooa takes him fr away into th solitary forests of Traetsal fruit.

whch are only te be found la tbe Isles of that clime wbtre pmmernigns eternal' passing In raaid suo-cessicB before bis asental tiaiaa a panorama of tb asost gorgeous pictures ia the world. Amid this detihtfal secneryttcr all hc(e of ever gaxing oa (he glorious stars and -tripes ef hit native land, or seeidg the frien 1 of his childhood again, tie author makes a discovery of tbe most st arUing character which changes ths whole curvetitof bis ad venturous career. "Tas Ocaa Wax bsbxb finds hinuelf at heme amoroj the Batives." Tber is a reraleas daring la tbe liar of tbe Sailor which la unaccountable. Be pursues his perilous calling with aa Infatuation which amaants to idolatry. is this spirit which carries oar commerce to Uie remote quarters of the globe which whitens the ocean with th sails of the Kerens Imsn.

and unfold the flag of all maritime natim In every r.ort of the known world. This daring and tdveutuioua trait ia th character of the Sailor leads to esp'orations far into the icy regions of the North, where eternal Winter reigns, er brings to tb kocwledgeef the world the mysteries ef the anpioa. When perverted, this Strang? Infatuation reads its victim to enlist ander th black flag of th Pirate, who lies ia wait on the great highway of tbe ocean for his defenco- I sss prey. the Ocxab Wavdsxie" takes the reader throagh every phase ef tbe Life of a Sailor, its romance, delis bis perils and temptation ea sea aad on shore. Tsosg man before jou leave tba comforts of a quiet borne oa shore for a Ufe a the great deep, read ths Adventure of the Ocxab Wabbsbsb Fend mother before you consign yur darling bey to the binder mercies of the tyrants of the ca, read the experiences ef the Ooaaa Wabbsbbb Fair maiden before you consent to a separation from your lovtr for a long voyage at sea, to enable bia to earn tbe means of making you comfortable nod happy.

read tbe Life of tbe Ocsa.v WAsrossra." Count well tie cost before the fatal rubicoa is passed, Sow many gallant ships have Ieftor porta, never to bebenrd of again leaving those who Bad friends en board to watch long and anxiously for tidings of the missing vessel, while ste was, perhaps, rent into a thousand pieeea by the hurricane, tjphooa. er some treacherous reef, far out ia ths se and hew peassa-gers and crew engulphed In the ocean depths Wbils fond hcarta.vere bviug in the earnest, yet vain hope tbat absent friends would return home again, perhaps their bones were bleach frag in the waters of the great deep In these terrible diaasters sosae are spared from sudden death to undergo the horrors of starvation and delltiam on the fragments -ef the wre-k. while ethers aie eaet on some barren and inhospitable Island ti end their days amorg savsges. or la a terrible solitude, wter no toman foot bad ever trod, aad where ao bnmaa voice was ever heard The aathor ef the Ocxab Wismiii vividly brings before his retder some cf these startling adventures and terrible reaU-ties. Many a good ship after having been plundered her eiew and pusexgers butchered baa been eeatUed aad sent to tbe bottom of the ocean by tbe Freebooter, whose terrfb'e roMto I Dead men tell no tales In this connection Ike Ocsab Wasuxxxb' gives tbe adveatares of the daag Iter of one of tbe merchant prince, whoa ships were on every sea, which cannot fail to excite the "moat In Unas interest.

Well way it be said that aer rictioa pales Before the lights aad shades ef Reality, wbea we venture out oa tbe bosom of tbe great Tbe adveatares of the Ocxab Was pbxxb," while they possess ail tb attraction of a work of fiction, cannot tail to be mote widely read tbaa any mere creation of tb imagination. Tbe aathor has particdoated ia the events aad scenes he describe. The incidents and adventares eon-denied In this work would have faralsbed th florid snancer with material for barf a dosen novels, bat the aathor has chosen rather to tell as just what he saw, omitting nn important create, and grouping only those incident ehieh have aa Important connection in the career of tbe Ocxab WAvnssjta." If this nam tire Imparts bat half the Interest to tbe general reader, prod need by the reading of tbe manu-oript, will ereat a greater sea -saUoB than any work of its class published la saaay years, THE SEW-YOBK WEEKLY Contalnlag this Intr resting Story, Will be out on Wednesday morning, April XL aad for sale at ail News Offices ia tbe City and country. PRICE FOUR CENTS. NOTICW TO NEWS AGENTS.

Nti W.YORK. HIKCVIlT. ATI COUNTRY CEAI.KRS who are unable to get fait th aKRi'L'KY. tog- her with Showbill and Circular-, sboald send Uir orders at once to the General Aaents. HINDRICKSON BLAKE.

Packers aae Foi warders of all Dsily and Weekly Newspapers, Ae No, Wl Nssnan-st corner of Ann. New-YorX. TWO CM DEED THOUSAND DOLLARS' WOKTw OF CAHPBT1NU At a Great Sacrifice, at BiRAM ANDERSON'S. No. 9 Bowery.

The largest Carpet Etablthseot fa th United Stokes Tea Salearoeme TwlE iTTKl PRICKS. English Tel vet Carpet tl nit. 1 TM per yard. Enaliaa Krassela tMrne's. Hue IWe $1 ear yard.

FLKliah lr grain tarpct. aie.aoe per yard. Floor eii-ciiiths. matting, mass, np, wmdow shsdsw. druaASB.

table and piano covers, sto a lowprieea. HIRaJx ANllajrusUN, No. itewi NIWS AGEN TS. TAKE NOTICK. AU COUNTRY sOKOERS for tb as NKW-YOUK.

JrlKRCCRY will hereafter be filled by the General Areata. Whalesnle News Agents. Packer and Forsrvder of Daily aad wees ry Newspapers, No. mn rv ef ana. sew- sava.

JDW1M BUB.T. anoeaeB TO BURT. BROTUfRS CO-. bus aaaovBB Ne S3 Day And wUJ effer for sale aa aaaortoveaa of th bast styist and qnalities ef BOOTS AND 8HOE8. Be reapectfally soliciis a nMaasae ef Uu tsvorg tended to th ha-sser firat.

Ns-w-Tsax. March, lag. NOTICE TONXWbT AGENTS. nr.niuart maavuBi, UTRT DRALKRS wae are en able te get fall the Mi CUR Y. teeetber with i and showid send their erder at oaeato tavsGea- NEW-YOMK SIEKCURT.

An COUNTRY pelves uf vueaiars. aaoaua oral I rTrDWTCTS01 Packers aad Forwarder ef all Dally weeaiy nvvr panera, Ac- No. Naaaae st-sorn-r Ann. Nae Yaea. BIILLBK eV DAT WBOLESAIB 8LLK HAT AJTUTA CTIJ f-X RS.

in Centre and Franklta env. New- Tavn. T)OHT0 FF1CB NOTICE THE MAILS FOB M. CanferataBB bowib rvnia vua BTjMT arU DAY. A-U x.

a. Fnny WINES FOB MEDICAL prjKPOSBS. AIwk AWw- IenoVja P-rter fox gaas-kg qIO. Ml Vil-i 5 W. Tserts.

TMXxrtom.T cash avctxpm haim Of tBsalirwcAs'- DX GOODS Of BARNES. LYMAN CO A. tassaaSlstotosnttaretailnrala, BARNES, LYMAN oa. wm at their sear a e. aad 1 lean, ti A Oat- Oa W1DNESDAY.

April Xt, aafi TTJCBSDAT. AbbS t. At lAeiuek day. Their entire ltrgs srsaaesortot stock of STAPLE DRY WOODS. amoantlag to aearty aqaarter ef sUBiaw 5 presenting a rare opportuaUy for (Sty aad easry ranaB merchanu to aaaort their stock, tb goad being Ba same clata always sold by this house.

Th gceds I'l be pat np la sull lots i Bad these be log teraanptoey, -v-EVERY LOT WILL BE BOLD. MACK.BBEL. CODFISn AND HXKKINUa AT H'llOLCSALK. Fin AbD palt low for cash? NEW FAT MACKAREL. No, 14 hbhv, hhl-, bbla.kitta a EXTRA FAT MACKEREL.

No. 1 bbls H-bbla- bbhv.kiHa NEW FAT HACKXHFL. Kb. hhU-, Jj-khU, GEORGE'S SANK CODFISH, extra PVrklsd OadflstA, LABBaDOM PICKLED HkRUXNGS, Had desk. Be SB fish.

Red Herring WHlTfcFIoH, SALMON. Halibut, Bin Fish, Trawx, Ciscts. ASHTON SALT. GROUND SALT SaH fa sauUl haga, AU best qoality, varrsxtd good.origlnsi nsrlsgsa, foB weUhts. AU oruers for goods filled with the greats car.


-BMITfc A LOTJNSB 4RSY, I i' Ko. 4M Broadway, near Grand-st Are new offering English Tapestry Brtiseals st STfe seaU Bed yard. English Tapestry Velvet at per yard. a Keglish Brussels at lOperyird. Xnglisb ingrain at 7S coats per yard.

5 Abo. a choice aseortment ef oil-cloths, wladetr rilliw lace eurtaics. and aU other goods pertain log td ths at squally lew prloes. nrtTWia's'NKW FAMILY K.WIN.MA CBlNFo-Latest hwprsvaeient. Cflto Be.

4ff Xrendway. New York. NOTICE TO NSWS A0KVT4. NEW-YORK MIRCrRY AO COUNTRY DSTAI ER who are rt fwSf supphvs ef the KCt KT. togerber ettA Shew hi iU seal CirmUrs.

should tend their order at eaoa to th tvear' eral A sea la. HTKDVICKSON A BLAKE. Si Pack) rt scd Forwerdtnsof all Daily and Vkly New-, papers, No If 1 eorner of Abb. Nw- Ysehvt 8CMMER AXNOtTKCEMCaTT es vss v- i NEW-YORK MEDICAL rOLLBGB, East Uth at. between 3d and 4U avs.

rACtLTf: 4 HORACE GRI EN. M. LL. President of th Faculty sad of Theory and Praotis Medicine, aad Professor ef Diseases ef the Beaptrstorsr 7dwIW nABn TON DAYB. 1C rielmesr nf term Medics ana Therapeutic B.FOKDYCB BAMhiicM.

PvnSjanse Obstotrioa and tb Diea.s ot Women aad Children. R. OGDKN DonEMCs. At. Professor af Chewitwr snd Medical Jurlnpr-vdenc J.

M. CABMXJHAN, M. D-. Profeesnr of the Principles and OpevationBof Sunn-ry, with Sanrvcel Path-lsny LDUlc.DK.PEAnl.Ssf, Dfroreaaovef rhjanHsjr and tree eral Patboloe-y. HENKY tOk, B.

D. Prnfeaaer ef Theory Bad trw- tieenf Merlicii. and of Chaica. Msdlclne TIMOTHY CHiCD, Profrwor ef OeasenL D-' tcriptiva. ard Mirroacrople Aaatoasy.

ruin ik, ir-aact (octal. Tbe Spring asd Bommer Cuurve of trartares wgl esss mrnee on Tburtdsy April lft This course will be satire- ly pi a cal aid clinical in Ha charaotor. Lnetare wiB' be oelivereil daily atthe CoUbge, er at tba Hospital law the following teueinen Plot Btaacs Gaxaa. on Dtsease ef the Afr Pssnagasw Prof. M.

Oaasuoiiaa. ob Fraotaras aad Prof B. O. Denim on the hj Biological Relatienw at Ox gen. Fr.f B.

F. Baskbr, en OrwaqH Disease of the Uterw. Trtrf k. K. raAjuAa.

en Diseases cf the Digester Ay-' psraur Ir. CenAST.on Surrioal Aaa'smy. Irr W. Coasoiv. r.n Dieaeof the Caemt.

Dr. CnaKlxs A Buna, en Practical Obstetrics. Dr. Bras l. Bonn, on ibe Mineral Pwaona.

Dr. J. O. BaoBSOH, on Lesions farturiuoa raqoiriag; SnrglrAl Ahf. Pr W. DIseAKsof IhsEar. I Pr. W. Holoubb. on Minor Surgery aad BaadaglosT.

Dr. TastSHis, en th Anatomy UU Organ ef. Sens. exrswjraa at txm cotLxsx. There wfTl be four Clin iq use weekly at which Tr tw thnasaad patients are annnally prescrihei foe On I uesday Uniques tor Liseases of Womea by PreC Barker On Wednesday, Miscellaneous Cliniqae, by Prsts.

IceandCbUda, On Tharnsay. Sarglcal Cllnlaueby P. of. Caraschsaw On Patardav. Medical Cllnlou.

by Prof Cx. On Saturday. Surgical Cliniqu at Ward's ialaai 1 pltai, by rror tarnocnaa. NEWS AGENTS, TAKX NOTICXT Alt COUNTRY ORDEBS forth rtKW.YORA MKRCl'KY will bereaf tor be filled by the Genera! Agv nts. HENDRICKaON A BLAaE.

Wholesale News Agents. Facker and rv Daily and Weekly Newapnpera, Ac, No. UU eorner ef Abb, New- Yorsv. tIPKINt lMFOJcTATlOZttt, 1855. BOLOMON A BART Ars new epning la rneir new stats.

A V- IWry AJ 'VI At' sw By Between Krnnkiia and Whit sto, Aa sntirely new and oomrlre stock ef ITHOLSTFKY GOr- COVERINGS, aad RANCH PAPER HANsHNwfi Ccanprnnng Uie caoirest and most eiegaat aasr4esui el 8ATIN Pi LAIN BfctOOATEL, REPS. COTTOlf aod COTTON and WOOL DAMASKS. BRASS OOftNI- CkS. BAMJo, aad CL'RIAIN to the trade. Also, a lanre and welt seleeted stock ef LACB asng MTbLIN CUKTAINS, DRAPkltY MUHIJNS, Ao.

Tbair stock of WINDOW bll A of tbehr own atas. facta ra, comprising every variety, will Oarwd ad -price to sait ths time. Their APKR HAN GDIG DEPARTxTENT Will be fownsl to eontoin. as usual, tb -enoicest preauetiow (beak fla and decorative of the aaoat oalsliraiwd Freaeh and II ka nvanntactoran. enitabl tue iibiIms.

Sinlas ussna kails. Ac a All orders for papering artvat dwarHaga pwMS V-JIJl- ka na. Al aa a I a no crrv BWAimt r. VXAllUIxjarx WW way trrvxuyi.J rnirvtBirBj AAB daw Bnajmann Style, as nana tret tbe best work men bp employed. vnuuntu isu strtiii, Atthe lowest pri-rs sn fia thn miwt I tisrsl iBf NEWS AGENTS.

TAKE NOTICE. ALL COUNTRY ORDERS for th new-York suecory tr will bervafUr be filled by the General A 'rata, BKNDKiCKSOif A BLAKE. Wboltsa'a News a gaerc Packers and Fore ard era Daily and Wtekly NewsnaBera, Ac; Ne. 107 jisaa-C. easusr of Abb, New-Yavk.

BKLF-CLOIslNtw FAUCETS. BRAMHALL. HEDGE 4 Ageota for tne BOSTON rACCAT Offer for sale a full aaarartment ot the self-closing sr saskty tanceta, which are warranted to prevent aU eoctdeat byr fioodtng. cawed oy eareleaaly leaving tb tap ewea. The SUio are invited to examine the earn in perntlea A i warerossa Nc 9w Broadway, euraw ef ft.iinr at New-York.

W8 AGENTS, TAKX NOTICE. 1 1 ALL Cf UNTBY OaVDERS forth NlW.yokK MKItCl'RT will hereafter be filled by the General (rente. 1 BENDsUUKetiM A BLAKE, Wholesal News age to. Paciev aud-Forwarders fV tiwiy ana eetiy newspapers, sxc, N. aui a J.

O. HIKIIIRi COkUlIAdiON Cat or OnEDS. Peek at aais afS-a ADIBf AND GFWLEMIN-WI 1 May a few woraw to these ef par mlads and refined. taatea ktst wee e-eataeee-d the pubii-Atvoe ef a toaded to be a Woealy Retnsiewy wf the Beat Th arhu amDse. ek-vate.

rallne at and eaetiy makfkapr a Baaeernureiy fr-s Vjbi aiv-Tua-eaect. STaV FtZr ssai rm stoneswbut filled wuA par oTnts trrm the best aaib-rn. Now It does sees to a'tasS seeh a paper shonll fid at needy wesemn to every totdilieat Bed vineew fajnilw' circle -an we are weB ant -ard that there are Svna UiaaeanS ladles and pa I Usee a of pare aad renocd Bantee IB thiemmasty. who woaud never be wit nvut -niar baviog eaca reed it. WU yea do as th fever lav examine a a aamber It will eoat yaw but eeats, aA you wiU no regret BV Ne Isieateut aad for sale bjr ail Newsavea, at seals, fViii luea at it.

NOTiTb TO ifXWS AOKNTS. KBW.teRK -AB COUNTRY TUCA LEBS whe are aoaM to get faTf nswbesef th MFRcCR. togrrhee wttB AUewbtUs asvl Circa nra anewidaead tlvir nroers at eojo to the Gee- -eral Aawato. Faekar aad Ferwnreers ef ad Dody aad Weeaiy New- yepara. Av-, Ne.

IM NaanealeavBer fAaa. New York- 7 FOIKS AWDLATR fui DAB Heavdy Btoted tonas aad tea w-at, saov nd nu Sfrka. ewttrv kniv. Ac. Aiaa.

ht iK, Trltxl a4 toe eaaiify Pae fr aaxt tabirgwrsn, evaeieby XXCIa-'d liA, AaAdftaA Biu jug sup. Acv tuxk, I 1 -I I ii Ij I.

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