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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 2

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-1 waii vtrnr. wehty rafcfU Opinion too Cnadart of tho War Mareb of Troape from Oblo ana1 la-liana N'aeaealtf FtmtAl 9ITtaii KUhl Uao of Advaaeo PrerloaeBlaa araW oetora Otlalaa A boat Easlaad rablle Oalnlea aa tno War. Til Battels, 161. Tie Informatlori -rate joa abgat the troops of Oiilo tnd Indian baa froied more than Irar Tfcii week no leaa than aix re-Inviite from Ohio and trn from Indiana, conipriir'jif tixletn Oiovtaui iKtj fo b. to Kentucky.

Ytalcrcay I eaw ll, Ohio, from Camp Denniaon, march through Fcnrth-atrect, the lower ferry of th Ohio, and a' fit. body of men thejrwee. The oulj I had wan that a Jew of Ibrro were too vtmnt. I fear thia, ia often the caae, aud that they who ought to be wits their mothers are often ia the tented field. The teg raent marched in fine order, perfectly equipped, illcntly, to ihelr deatlnatlon.

the roll of th drum alone marking their presence. Tbua day after day tby poor over the rirer. Is thle all for nothing Must wa arjpport imriienae annlei only to look at ona another 7 To five ycu an idea of the troop In Kentucky, I will tell you that in the hat two weeka tixtf-ttro bae been pair! off, and thie wm probably not two-thirde. 1 am within bonndu when I there are more thau 100,004 troop 3u Kentucky. t( yon ak rue wUfi they are, I reply that a' cut are in cx-treawo Eastern Kentucky, about under Kuwkrr, bwoeract about 8,000 at l'adu-cah, aeveral tboaaftnd more are between Leiinpttnif Lebanon and other points of the interior tome thouasnrta at Owcnsbnrgh and other point iclow tthe resiih.c, nipfising tLe mali.

army, are art ween Louisville and Green Vi4u, ajkd to that uil eye are To aUte the relative, position of the opporita forces I may aay that Bicisr a l.n uot much, if any, over 2.1,-00(1 men at B.vwlliig-Green, which, aa uaual, I Lei kit hrtn rontlarvlg fortifyine. I'oi and Pillow hata not over 25Mf)0 at Columbus but that is a hlrong point, fortified with lOtl ci of artll-. icr), eome td rhoiii ry Itewry gur.t. Zotxico-.

ra hat aoiuo ncn thr Cumberland Hit er. and UaKj-haI i. or acme other predatory leader, baa hand niay to in th extreme Soutl eKt. It villi be enoueh to isy thnt tho rr'eln hae liS.onii mm arm a in orm sir the lordtr of TbN ia an om-eido eatimate at 11 tiiifl, that they are making U-'- inuhl 'Hioua (u toconacriptiou v.t 'Naahrillo,) to rahe more tiK( Yotj mayreiy upon it, however, (and that ia 6i! great element of "the coialnij coati-st.) that the of thf! reVls to ralao more an'diera is alMut at an end, and tbeira'iility t- ffniUh them loodand clothiiiE etil! nenicr he ea 1. Tbat Ihey hove moan to do the last due to oiir lae.

which you roniprelteud at ouci that ia the atori fif good which wre on han i. and thr atip-phYa whic they rt rriTed tip to Ortoln r. by the and JTabUlc nr.ilroaf?. Thry rc iiow hut up, and their stocks tin nun.Iiij out very fattt.j From the relative ptmilions I have given you, and o'ar iiniufiine fc-rce under arnn, it is evident we Canuot stand ttill. Why hlinuht wc? Why honid we pay and auppnrt an nrtny greater than hla jn atrst battles within the Slate of Kuitocky, for no pnrpoe but to si and and look at the oneiay? Wo Lave had euoujh of that on tha i'utomt'C.

If our own object is merely dc-Iccrrjuif the anny, in forta fortified, along the Kentnrky and Gn-rn liiveni, ia ai ij'e enough. I have aaid before, the WeKtt-rn, people will not rort.ent to that. They want Thry arc only 'now bceariw they sco icaxly thut Sm.iuA.N was rra, asul tlvt Bi tu hsa iiidii ultv jottiii Li army to-gethf lit to move. Novt, a to tho btu. i.

edcum c. It to be on or, if the Rood weather continue tuigltf be on liville to Nashville ri'tnpelTinj the rttreut oi both Hick-Ktfc and IYlk. ThU la quite prscti'-able. and wtmlj avoid ar.y butilo horl of Nashville. At-- to Kentucky whatever tle papcra.

in (iiviivjf currency to alarmhiff rumors, may say ytm'rioeJ rot he troubled. Tl9 Fory-t; cond Ohio jeaterday went on to the South, and will donbt-1t a follow etl by thers, which, with Kentucky trot'p. will he at 'e Vuoujh for the ninrrudinjr loiitin in tUatdiriu a. ii. Zcio-in i who wat.

an i a.iiy beaten bar at ump Wild wifi le careful how he attucks Fciiorrv, 1 they act like (itnetal. rjiRiand Si'H, if we rr.ay the reports at Fiaukfoft'anii Cinclniiati.Zji.i.itcrrrki i aS tit to astorush ns with a battle. Aou Yin on. The llurulcrs of the wur in hae been aaurd to thoc on the Totoniuc thostc, you utant, afford pretty hrad margin. You ro-ewUteH Low 1 (4Lu'd out the cecity of column moving on Knctvijle.

It is now p.iit of his-Urj that the thing could have-boon acr.itnj'!jshrd with the grcattftt i-uo at tho thue Xlcu. MiTcnti. prpjicd It wou'd have the whtie atate of afl'air lu Writ, ami vhorteneti the var six Tit Gov. eniu ent tuHt! not to evuipwttnd till and when ir-did. Gen.

a.S nuUxied the wliolc must tiow glre way to rhe riurch en Nashvill that is aver made. That we r.ave made jjreat blttrMi-ra In th-initsry part os tlie i rnottt and uicust i Take, for exam-pla, the hatilo of Kim, rhv 5.ti an erti-ciri-t diversion mn'e in the rallryi rvd if iirce''-ary, the attack-male on Vjujj ilv. replied I sayiue npna'ntuient of wns he greatest Uundcrs for be wS' )ait iu an in Mexico aa La wa on the But why waa nit the away Wiern Yivplr.i in (r, ar4 trnrehe on Staunton ami the road to ICkl.Stfw.d? The r.t thst iimr, quite ea If now wc maVv auotlier blundorwith the tciuy In Kentucky, 1 A.a'.l bo ready t-. (-, either tat tha American n.i::d ha rated, fo" ha deertsd tt. regard to th" -rJuei of iva war, the Wtater pe Io.

are They my thfit tha nroiy ot'-tko Putoui: i wholly rj to bo at it prt-seut uifignituile, if Jrftrx bo tlM ody object. If it be necessary to atr.d atili at Woa'dugtoti, (ami it may 1 tor the Wi)then alai- ja.t of that arusy can be detached to takaaTanriale, eind Kew-Of-Vaaa all of which a moderatei army landed on th coast, auigat, havo takin lon aicce, aud iraiV farti, if kt temr wttk IjiImU, i tttemiUli I aa, If we take those thret they can ba frxcu tha sa attan ia of the Enjlh-h and we ro0J spura third of oar axuiy. In truth, you ot tho Tiuia we le rtbt from Un hee intiing on ti Om blow on the coast of ih South la worth ten battles ru. thoTotomac It atrikoa at the ru7, will prott.iU tLe Cotton States at once. The people of the Weal bare waited lot the to get Its army readyr It is done nd now they will not ceuwt that the army shall LDe.

The deapl mew, in tha array or out of wboec nbj thought UlfiC fa gettktir pty. They wnt a-uev thing for it They want fighting, aad fighthic i-t tho fl-'v- i to the Hac ther La but oue opinion 1 lmgJio Westi lorrr ta hv a war vb ud h'W nh a hostility exists to ns ti- war can wdo en sa slight a pretext, tlu fg em aicwar i. 4 If mnst light for wHean Preaueatviot sfcaaaa. 4 taa united West riwa aidud arc rrVy. Waen tha war-wboop; uocded on the of Tippecanoe wa wera not afrakL Wben Pxocroa led hia annf of ftritlsV arxl Indiana alofcg the Manxnes we wera not dJs- mayeo.

WaihUjgton waa burnt wa wera not alarmed. Wa ara tenfold mora able to. fight them to-day than we wera then; and If Ore at Britain La ready to risk famloa to convnlaa all Europe In anna to tea her Government rocked to its foundations, and Iter American possessions gone forever then Ul hr ctiu. Ko question ia this world can unite ns like that. The Northwest will furnish 200,000 more men, and fight whjja tha braU of li'a A 0SIBTIi FROM THE FOl TIIERJf TOAST.

A Trip fraaa NiwTsrk ta Beaafort, Taaeh-la at Old al at Caav fart. Covrponitnct nUt tirw York Time: V. 3. Rhobb Islh, or Biicroar, Mctflay, Iec. lse.1.

There is much of intoeet constantly occurring on a voyage along the Southern coast. are on txiard a spletdid narai sUamer, (toimerly the aftejwarus ot bpwoaa it TitasToa CharlefUn Um,) and hare ample opportunities of oh'. aerlng the blockade an.l different ports as we sfeara along. Our dity is to cruise for the enemy, to capture him, and, also, to tak char ire of any ressels that may attempt run tha blockade. Capt.

Tatscaaaa, U. S. Nls la cotnioand, aw.6tfcd by Lieut SLaaas, and as oiji or oncers aLy ship could desire. All constatny on the alert. If ar.ythrog es-cas us It will not be for waut of patriotic vigilance and devotion to duly.

Wa made a quick trip from New. York to Hampton Roads. Here we Ucei a liberal supply of r.ary rtoresevn board the ro4y iotnc, lies off Fortress Monroe as a storei-hip. Tne of this once famous old ship are creditable to the Govern, meat. SheU fitted up with treat eare, has astrocg battery, and Is commanded by an experience-! nary ofher Capt.

TorikB, a biotliir of the General. It Is a treat to puss along her clean and ample decks, and think of the days cf yore, when the frigate wa In her prime and rlory when, with Lasatctts on board, she was the rynosmenf all eve.s, (1 altering 1th Caps and blazing with sunn, off the Battery at Mew-York. Iler ttnploymeut now if not as xloi ious, as useful. SUe i pn seni.ig her original character ol arting ah a watch on St ell Point, with her guns yf being b-ottght well to bear on the rebels, and then her broad and ri hull receive the artkres of food, raimerit and annn'inition destined for the service of tlie Tiiiem. It i.1-a location that reflects much credit the sagacity of the Navy Dc-pMrtinenl.

Kverythirig Is abundant, and kept Jr. Uie st of order, 'enJy for use at a moment's warning. It was gratifying to notice the promptness and ert" cfency wlih wlilch the poi tionof our cargo delsneid n-r jihii.ton KimuIs was eieluere-d from the Rhudt Itland to the Krumfiuiae. We arrived idouEbKie. the storeshlp after niglitftll, and some ofllce rs would hare thought It sufheif ni to ait for daylight.

Not so with ours. They Immediately turned to with hands, roued out ie paymasters nnd their clerks, with their lanterns ai account LooVk. aud Bjf the sweet silver liitit uf the iuion." and th- twii.klJng of the Virginia m.i a large supply of useful Roveinmc nt tteres were safely placed in naval keeping. 1 lie sa'lors worked with a wiX It was a pleasant sight to i-ee them the ropes, and passing up the ciirerent paeki.ges from the decks of one ship to thosti of the other. It seemed aa if every man worked as though he loved his country, aud was ready and willing to do all he could for her, in her time of need.

Wa left Hamplon Roads lit fine stvit, and arrived off Ilatteras Inlet ii. time to le arn the state of affairs there, and carried ashore the papers containing the rreMdcnt'n and accompanying documents CoL lUwjafs, of the New-i'ork Ninth, had goue North, but the command is in m' hands. The Slurs and Strifes, tine of our best gunloats, was lvlnjr hi- siJe the Inlet, and the number of troops is sufficient for all patriotic purports. When off Beaufort, N. C.

last nlaht, we hove to and took in tow the professedly British sehooner Phantom. After takiiig her to the anchorage, in shore, sac proved to lroin St. John's, Antigua, W. inch piace sue p-i lie self to have left on the 22d ult. Her carjjo was to be cnt'relyiigar and molasses bet tlie tact of her Pf ing found near the land.

In the tight leading to IK racoke Inlet, is rather aytUnst her. Kt.e is a slutip little clipper, by no menus su. a vessel as those usual'y employed in tle tran- poitaMon of West India prod me. Her eaptaln was quite surly on being overhauled said he was bound to New-York, and had drifted out of his way ilia calm and sulkily that if Great Britain submitted to such an oiilrage xis hli eletention, she migUt as well be rt once annexed to the United States." liut onr vigilant navy oliicrrs were not to be bluffed off. So thtr kindly towed the saury little craft lo her position off the coast, headed hr New-York.

At tame Jinie the Slate of Cenrgia will he sent to the mouth of Oi iaeolie, wbcre siic ill watch our Irato mend and If he attrmls to nut tlie bloe'iae he ivi'l stand a pretty strung brum nabfceJ. It seems an on part of the Govern- meat not to give our cruiser powcrto nubr a In: xa initiation ft the cat goes of sus-j ves-tt-. Therein no knowing hat irav Ix-mixed up i'ii carjjo of mlases anr snsir. am: will pack veiy well under r. It nut Ions wuce-.

that a tiro lessee! iissortim nt riee cofite- hf fouurt loeover a arjee assortment of guns, pistols, powder and sabres. Uu Uoitrd 'lie Pnantvir. wc found a late e-onv of the Antigua tnrrrrr peMished at St. John's. In the columns of uu: journal Is an t'dvertiseinent ftt-sulline clhii er bark Ptiunir.

Gcaves master'1 bound tor Liverpeiol. This advertisement is tieu tor ner to on Uit istn ult, and yet we fsai', in the marine list, on the inside, that the PUtrnu had stile ou the 21st nil. for How Her cargo was ostensibly oue of InOia Uut whrn we consider Ite feeiiig tl Antique tow am the I'ulieJ states, it nothe unwif'e to sue- gei-t ihatlt would be we ll to keep a i iurp iKk-out lor vcew tnat eiiacj'e; their uesjtaiat'on so idverpoedts a lenf; wa'V from New-York. We hre cn tlie -setch fer any stn.iuTC vessel of the enemy, or anj el his ir.d irct all'es that may be In tfcre waters, wotiu thht wr iMvht fall tn witb the Xonkrilte or Our iron Pt trott guns, and some now ou board, wo.ud speak for themselves on such an oeetiaiou. The blorka te se.i.a'iron off Bt N.

eou-stsi of the Stat-- of (tnyrrm iwnf VtrHfiK, llraztlaria ant We hav supplied them liberally ith vriui h.4 fut aeiliclus, and posud tlie in up in lite uc a 01 tne i AU'Hir at alt I.nke. sl or iui; oov- IRN ja l'APXE iilLl AMI MOW TO Bt .3 THEM. Vorrevalmre nf tlr Stwt-Yvrk Time: Grpat Sen lsia Citt, Monday, Bee. 2, At 1-iSt has natonsv, the Prophet, unburtiened himself of I'ltle bit of se.ber temperance talk in the tabernacle, the elders' to let the Iin- water severely ulone, and live their religionr jy. Hshteo'tsly, and gidly.

Now here ymi know btufin vn's wivire, spiritually speaking, hss an official ting to it, and tt ry Mormon who has any regard for hia- reputation, thinks that advice a little ahead of mi st other talk, and sorretliing which eannot be Ig nored ith lavpumty. we may soon 4 cpeeta iat of Uuigs here which will be ieectdnpon with appro bation by such brilliant lights as Joa B. Cocoa sdcT his disriplos ai admirers, lr.dcrd, our prbie-ipal stree t. hich riovv rejeuees In tha co gnomes of Whisky-stT'eet," must soon nd that aama falling Into disre pute, and perhaps eveidnaJIy Into oblivion. 1 Hi ring tite pat4 week rain or snow has fallen every nlrht nrmiy, aud tt has ramed ail day to-eiav.

Thirty more handa wrpe called for on Sunday to work on the roof of the theatre. So the roof tJm- bertt, sheeting ami sruak are going up with rapidity It Li mily tMeadud to dedicate the building at Ike Kew Year. r-! Our r.ew Governor and Indian Agent are dally expected hens. In (act, ualess Kis Excellency arrives wf.hln the next week. ba wlil bare brief time to write fcls uerag, aaJ be can hardly write tt while oa the.

mall Our Legtslatare meets oa Monday week auei oooro uM-y caa oo wnnout a message At aay rasa, tha ioeraoe will have very litUa tiim to bereme aeaahttad with aaaOara, things and per- sois ta iae Territory, or the needs thereof, as far as kaswuva proceeding bava aay bearlnr upoa thenu Emus aasaarerai Caves asked the peopto -tha smillot favar ba ceold think of ba wanted Mtdi rags, but snob a toror seemed to elicit a tardy response. So ba has been constrained to adopt effect! va saeeiods far supplying his aaper-miii wilb the neecssary paUilanv- Masaaagera bava beon acnl out to tba people'! noasea ta boy up their oh rags and aerleaa apparau Ona ol these atesseagers Is filewd Psaasaa ssarytsaery ana wa OaAIaid'a wiut us caaea, tamBaaaa aaa ica-crcaina, su, uoa. Mmus, taa baa shut kis aalooa and taken to his wagon, Ulag now i Bdasloq aa Itinerant rag-faerchaat-Not wttbeat badocaaenta, does be caaat every boase. a. pay for tha rags, ba has tobacco far tha asea, tea tor tha women, candy tor tha young aDva-oraacbea nations" fer the curious, and soft-sawder tor all.

This Is btiioes-Uke, and ought to arora aao-cassful. and may be renaueraiis to GoDaaaa. pro. vldad be travel not 14 without purs er At all areata, let the ragman of England and Iba cblffoa-Biera of Fraacaj rook to their laurels. FROM HONO KONG.

Tha News of the Battles of Ball Raa aad Hprta-flrld Stensn NaTlgatiaa aa the Ores Yang.taae-Dail7 Casnmaaicatlaa between Cantea aad Ilaog Kaa2, Are. CorrttfMultnet tkt ffex- Ywrk Ttm ss. Hosia Kog, Monday, Oct. 14, l-jfil. The last two mai'a hare brought us a aad batch of news from borne, embracing the battle at Bull Run and that at Springfield, Mo.

It has bad a depressing effect upon Americans abroad, but wa hope that these rerersts may serve as training for tetter things. The loyal spirit that animate- ti.e rmik of American residents rn this antipodal region I shown by this little incident: The Captain of an ire-ship, recently arrived from Boston, came ashore, and talke loudly and insultingly favorjf aeccssion, bat happening (o be at a ph-ce wheie several Americans were assembled, he as told that if he kept on in that strain they would giv him a lift tt a rope's tno i-nJer me Mars and Stripes, on Towwt Hrr's ftag'tutT, on the bund. Our seccsslonlit friend h.rcxit:a; r.t';, sided, -and found It prmVnt to say no more on the subject during his stay here. An immense impem has lately bren given to steam navigation on the Great Yarrg-trze, by the opening ef tho river into the interior and Into the heart ef the riobee tea-producing districts, besides an ext naive traffic in an inferior deserip of sbk an-1 produce for Chinese consirmptKm. Hankow," at the head Qf this navigation, about 6id miles above Shanghai, is rapidly becoming a place of great ce.mmer rial portanee, and foreign houses arc eUblihing hranche, tlicre.

There are now twenty-four steamers running or. the river, of which fire ars Anie.ican, and their numbers are constantly The Chinese are alifc lo this great advance on their olJ's pace junk and boat irrigation, and have paid large prfee, for such steamers i they ci.n get possession of. If aiivthfrrg, this Inroad of foreign enterprise iiito the heart ai.e! most populous part of the Empire, ist makeaa impressiem upon tl'e deeply-rooted prejudices of this strange people, aud incline them to treat us with more deference, for otherwise their meai a of transportation would be wholly cut marh of ih mterme.llate part of the river being in pof ssion of the rebels. The struggle betw een these and the Imperialists continue with arled suexesse-s. beii.a vhixt' acterizeii by the frightful barbarities of 'eiiiier Her Majesty's gunboat Rnunctr, coming down the Yangtze, stopped at King, a large city arx-ut half way be tween Nanking and Hankow, and communicated; found that it hud been taken from the rebels aoout the 1st August, and three thousand had 'heir heads tut off; many awpy in bots.

The massacre lasted six days. The THepingr now threatening tho important commercial town of N'lng-po, in heevvy force-, and the forrian Pre.stdfnts were becoming alarmed. Tiie Taoeiai N'lng-po had purchased several Englisn-maOe nd was takirg measures to protect the towi, tlieolrer-tion of an English naval officer bHonciug to a gnu-boat on the station, but ne'tlier the foreigners or natives had much confidence in the pluck of their lm-pe rial dofendera. Thefiaeliitle steamboat Hutkair harh arrived here safely from New-York, plies be tween this aud Cauion on alternate dajs, with her tlie Wittfe Ctovd, so that we have regu'ar daily communi-cation between the tw places, and the speetl, comfort and regularity of the American boats, hits driven all competition off tae track. We wonder if It ever has strack tlie buyers of ground upon the site, reserved at Canton by the late treaty, that if the Americans and other foreigners, not British subjects, build as they now state it is their intention to do, upon the Old Factory site, they will have a great advantage over the oeeiplc living at Shameen, in so 'ar receiving their dispatches goes.

The river steamer traCe is In the hands of the Americans, ho must necessarily receive their letters at the Old eciory site, some time before these who may live at which Is 1uither up the river and as tha Old Factory slie is certainly nearer the seat of trude, the dvvel.eis thereon can much more readily make use of the information. The great advantage ef the fhttmeen site is it, e-omparative earity in case of renewed trouble itn the Chinese. A town meeting, was held here last to measures for the erection of a theatre, and the subscription list for the stock and donut'ons is to be opened at once. The Government offers the necessary ground. One has been much wanted rt the present one being a mere shed.

1 observe that Mr. H. N. Coe; es, of New-Jern has been appointen! Consul for this place, but have not as yet seen any one who knows anythin? alxiuj la in. have dates lrom Japan, say Yekiihai.ia 21st nnl Nagasaki 1st.

Inst. The resideneT of tlie British le was. retained at 'Ye-elo, where all was quiet ln. lhe trench steamer St. Louit, which was burnt down to tho water's ede, hs.

bee docked and rebuilt at Wiiuiiipoa. at a heat-y eutiy, ami now uneier the Amcricau flag. Is plying in tne Japanese waters, hcepuiup eomiiiunlc-ation be-tw t-en the i fft r. I ent port. The allied Knfrlish arid trep8 have- rnn- aenceei tlie evacuation ef Cnnton, and are almost being brought htie.

Titrets transports ono of wldchis the American sliip CiaUengtnre the on toa; and leave this week for lu LOUGN ETTE. TIIK AKHV ANU NAVY. The circouistaTiica with the death of the private of the Vnitlefh New-Y'ortc Volunteers, on Governor's Island, have been officially into, and the re suit is timt the semiucl arainst wliose bayonet the ileceaseel run has beon exoii. rau.u from Ul blame. The was drunk at the iiee.

It is reported that sereral ftwn tho lar army have been roccgaixei anong ue privates the intleth nod Ninety-hrst regiments of talioued on Govermn's Isiund. The tlg'atU Iniautr), now tx tir reorganised Fort liamiliou, has KOt about tweiu; -live men up to this time, chiefly ethl soldiers. Two more cfGe-es will shortly be opened, and every endeavor to mi up the regiment to it stan.Iurd deirlng tlie later tuontbs. The folio inr s.eU, purchase 1 for Cat- I.JU. PosTsa's expeeUUou, have arrived at the Brooklyn Navy-yard: The barkantuses Hons and the schfHUiers GrjTftta, S.

P. H'HUxnis, ana Jf.i'-er, to huve their armament placctd on board, am! he puj Into Eae-h vessel carries a 13-tnch mortar. All tho Oihcers de tailed for tld expedition were ordered to report yesterday at Capt. Foaisa's oifece in SiJiitii-saeet. The Cnlted Stttes cn? the- bark RuCcs, were ordered to be put Into commission at 1 o'clock yesterday, but the wet weather prevented this beiafc doiic.

They will no doubt be cosmaisdoaed to-day. The Unitd State gualxiat has ha.1 to b. Coatod Into tne dry-dock bt rouseournee of a rope fouling her propeller as aba was going down to tne Battery. A ahnihu aceictent befel ber flstar to it, the U'tw mi a ie. ago.

Part of the Navy-yard, between the shlp-botisa and the dry-dock, bas been temporarily converted into a eoal-yart. Many hun-'nd tons of cial for the steamers ars piled np Usere. A tramway is being said down butweea the stor, bouse and the loug dock to faciliUle the loading store-ships, and the ailing up with stores of other vessels of war. --'1 i A fvtgM party thirty marinM were set yoetei-day to tha new marina barracks a FiessJiiar-avaaae, to nrepara Use quarters tor tba reception of the asv rma corps, who hope to have Uulr Christmas eiinner there. V.

OaitaAry Gen. I. B. Swan died st Eochester on Friday last, in tha SU year of bis age. Ba was bom ta Onondaga County, resided la TTuera until his renoral to Roe-beater, tbirty yara ago, waexa ho engagwt sua-e-esafully to tba bush of mjusafsetrti water pipa.

Ia June, 1S51, was appointed Rrigadier-Ganerai by Got. Hunt, and at oa ca assumed coovavaad of tba TatT-af ib Brigade, SovaajJa Drvtstoa, a fsiiilsn which he bald unol kis ttoaU. UtosliaiT, gutwbtt 24, i86L COXtajkBANDS ATPOSTkBSS I' Tholr Dostltnta Caadldaa. Mr. Fsaotaica- Law Olm jtbb, tha Secretary of fbo Unit ad Statoa Baaitary Caaamlsaion, In tacloaiag the subjoaaed docamant to a friend in tula City, writes as follows I tool ass a copy af a part of a raport, made at my request by oae ol ear I tors, upon theconditioa of tba contrabands at Fortress Monroe.

1 do not feel that I am at liberty to use the funds or the eupplnts contribute! for the reJef of the volunteers ta sld taein, but I think romjiVg should be done, and that you jryi aTT.S to judge as well as any one what ia oest wayto go to work. You will see that iatge contributions will not ba required for Fortress Monroe, but there will probably be eousl need soon at other points. We shall scud an Inspector to Port KoyaJ soon. Y'ours very truly, Fflti). LAW OLMSTED.

Tha following isolia statement Kxiaaci raox a Kkroai or ib. wsur, lA'SrKCTOK Or THI flA.5ITARX CUKKIfJICV You desired that attention should be given to the condition of the contrabands in this eommund. Gen. Wool, stated that his orders tor the regulation of their labor and subsistence weie ia substaucc as fohows: Contraband employed by officers or citt-rens are paid at the rate of Jb for men and $1 for women, per month, and furnished with clothing and subsistcnere by their employers so much of the above sum as is necessary to furnish clothing, is to be de-dueteo from taeir pv. hey may be lurnished wi'h cash to the amount of $1 to i'Z er mouth, acccrdlritJ to their behavior, ani the remain-ler is to go to create a fun for the support of tne axed.

en. id: en anl othe rs unable to work. 2ros not thus employed arc to rok In the J-'ngiiicer's, Quartern. a -U't's an.l Commissary's De. partmerits.

and are paid ir p. monlh. furniatcd with one rut.on, guariers iroui tne $10 Ujb Ci st of tlie tiie) oia) be paid the saiiic sum in cash as tie otiers, and ti.o is to go to the fund an alnnc stateJ. ani UiLrin meii. aud bus betAC'ii tiie aue of twelve ai.d eigh'een ycurs, are paid i pe-r month, with rations and clothing.

Tne number of contrtiatds was touniiy sUted at two thouvmd. The official list gi i one tl.tTC hundred and sijffy-five a tii- iiuner within tha command, though those harsnd with the care of tiie negroes admitted the lUts were probably inaccurate, mid thousand five will be, perhaps a fair estimate. About six hundred of these are women and i hildren. luto their physical cnuditlou was directed to three chiel points, namely fo.Hl, loliiijij; and Jn respect of food there appeared to be no de.5-ciencv. The Government ration is Known to be am pie, and tiie officer enlarged ith tl.e dttribmion stated that he was not very prrre in cuttiug don the quantity, esptciullv if tiuip rr.e children in the family.

Of several whom I not oue said that he had not to i it. In tlie matter of ok. thine, theie is jrrent ile-titutiou amonsr the women and Gu rrment to a errtii.u eiteut, supplied thi n.erj v. nurn It eniplovs trow sers, shoes hat there slill i lack of clothing, however, anion them, ami as no provision is made fejr midiri'iotnhig, there would he advantage euuld it be Fiippiie.i tioiu otutr semrces. Governuient hses no cb'ttiiti; womeu or children.

imil amounts have come fioru private cotitrifciitions. but they are insufficient." Froper quarters are also wanting. Government is now ouiluing tevo houses for harraeUa, tei be oc itj.ied by tiie whom it at tne Fort. One of tnese is already oc unied, and though nrich superior to the quarte rs thev previously occupied. not liu se enoiiqli for ttie nuin! cViLiiuleJ to liieiutt.

It is a iiuhi boaru hut. raised abour ten tcet hipti a partition ruiis It, elivieting it into two parts, and it, is oiviued iiiio iwosUmics. in the Ioer ttorv tlie re are bunks ior sijuy men, ranted four in a in three tiers; there are also tnhka tor eatiup and a cooking Move. In the upper stury, the area of is lessened by Um slope of tiie roof, bunks ii; placed for sixty men the by which air can be are small ol sir. panes each, 'I'he men have no blanket sleep em bed and straw.

Tnis building is to hundred and lifiy-iwo men. i'he: miter one, still buiidiiig, is larger OS, and to the ridg. and will contain f.Hjr hun-lreet men. Aiity as these accommodations are. they are bc-tcr than lhe rest enjoy.

Some fsmi-ies of six to eiht pc-sors are livin? in a house iwep. feet by si.t. made by joiuiiiir two (sun hojscs together. UUiers live cioweied in old tents otiiers in ciiminutlve shnnties, made byhas.ily knocking a few totjetlier, while the numter ol men, womeu and children triuu. meet Into the oiri r.g the e-oi ner of the road lea iing from the fort rin is bejond thev seem to o-at ei'tt at ail 'it erevices.

This ciouenna is ilie ore painful as there. ho separate house tot the sirtt. Thy lie in the noxious atmospliere created by so many persons. I was told there were about thirty sick persons tuning tiiose i'ls-t at)out the foil. Medica! attenrtr-nce has been i'lruisiied by the surgeons of the post hospital.

Both OOL mid Lieut. C'avlxs expressed a uii lo ve a phy iciau to attend them, and would employ any person who came well recommended. I was told Uiai LU bitnutng inoitlioucct above wonid prooably be remodeled and htti'd up for tiie married women, ami inr larnilies. But the Winitr wiii be well eigh goae thi- is itoue. suitiibie prvisiin for the sick, snd more Toetmy quarters, are tne- in which pe de ut-cd espeoitU asHi.stauee.

Themgh not direictty bearing on their ph.s!c rop-ditfou, it may not be out of iiice to inentioii tlie want of some eicmentarv Loolj. ot insti action. There Is a prest desire icara lo read arnon? them, and ge-itienien who have oe-en roucb aiji.ii" t'n in (Mr. Chaplaif. Mass thoiijiit tnai books hue First ke-ading book uo'iiit be of use.

Much confusion itii rega-d to am! pewit. on rsNtv. Tiie ch ef iarn rnas't r. Capt. Tst i.utex, lio was charged with the care of them, in oeahiy to do in The jnoper duties of Irs evl.i e.

ant! loft the matte: to tiie cart- ol his se: serint. "i iieiiiieroitii wte'ly bten fpiRuiicu ie take entire cf ji y.r lie Lx e.s stcs. sun nis an it Hi, bt: 1 -opes to get 'hc-e cieurtd up bv Jan. I. His n.tiie is H.

S. Massb. of ciyrtcuse, S. aijy for die negroes can be sent to him, at Fort Monroe. He said it would be ell to indicate for which, ot the ramp aiticic sent were o'estiiied.

aiid 1 Mild j'i'tge that 5 ft.i womer: were best sent to Cti; Jtarnii'oii. ROliKliT V.K11. M. inspector. of eiotiiln.

old or new-, for women -ltd children, of unuei rarmnts for men, the need of v. uirh is apparent tVoni the rove refHirt. are snliciieu. Snch ns are no: forl urdel to Mr. MilUH-tiuperlntemte at Cohtrabaud at Fortress Monroe, w'H U' lecrive by Mr.

Shaw, Id the: basement of the Life Im tn-. iit Coiupuiiy's Building, Nos. 112 lit Kioaow u.e use of which nx be. neroiisiy tot tnis purooso. Coii'i.

lutiv. in v. hich wilt be required so nay epress a io iuny be a'tdressed bv 1 a.vscts t.kt). jiik, I'osi-oaice tlos No. "eu-York City.

Prapanltioa la Lmpioy l.lbrruuet egrr. On-ics or Kllis, Burrors dr E.4ri"e, Wcsss. Si nrjfCcld, Vu, Dee. IK JNil. Sik: Wc would respectfully submit lor our side-ration the proi-osiaon to employ liocruic-l ne'-'oc- It the Gove- naieiii the improved uf rcuri ne ar Port Roval.

8. to the tM liioi.snid wiii iear Uiese lands, an: eoip.oy lhe inousanel, liberaicei ncgrees. to cultivate rhc-u c.n to.jowmjt terms 1. We wi.i pay fiovernmen an snti'ia! rent of fifty thtiusaiu netiars i i annum for the; use of Uic laAds, tor a; yi js, thev to guarantee from artm bo lies- of rebels, and te in 'rgres- ami ei-resy i and from the porv wiih Kiid prtHi it ti. 2. iweniy Jear of age, we will isl.e ua app'eutices to remain us untii taev are twenty-five ers fl ugr. Aud a ccinpeusatlou for their services, we wiii ti.em With food, cloth eomtortHble v. i opion'inrtv to ait-n I -clutol t'tree u.eii'.hs eacli e.i", togebier wid book, M'id all artit-ies mi eiliieat.on, and at eipiratku vf term e.f semce, 111 pay each Uif sum eif oae do'iars. ii lSexniea over try kud tinker forty years erf i't, Silliaitat ntiet s. for a t' uiioi hve yesrs.

Anf emnuenesktiert Sr-r their service, wi.l iurttioh Uiem urJiuer with ut, clotLtnu, dweljnjjs se aiul aad at tiie expiration of their term, will 3neaem me apprenlica ot thts the mm of two hundred Cellar, each apprenus'e, the stm of one dollars. 4. Sivxtw over t-irv aatt um'er sixty ft ars ef aff-, tU ta.e a rpprenUe-es for a term fct eyeait. An-1 as compensation for their sers ires, lureish ttcm with fevxi. eottiuig and dwellings Ute te rm, aad pay them each the sum of one hundred oocUr.

5. A s-roes eve sisty year- of agf we wii! take as aoprentK-e dorbis? receive as eoutBsatsun for taeir sefi iere. food, eiotiiing and rarr. a. Ail iero chitdeti born oa the estates during tha aval of the lease, we will rear until they are tcn'T-Ave years of age, ia the same manner and on same terms as am proposed to section second, for tioie apprenticed uneW twenty year of age.

Tula propofe-iion, to be bimlin; on us, must be accepted on or before the Jtth day of January, A. 11, as It would be necessary lor us to commence mating our arrangements by that tune lo anahie ns to produce) a crop at cotton next season. if this enter peine anouki prove as succesafid aa we anticipate, vxio-ixndii af oinera- woaM be wiliirig to eugaga ia similar ears next season aad thus ail the alsmea could ba provide! for, a large revenue derived by the Govern meat and aa abetaoant supply of cotton produced to a tow years. Yotirs, respectfully. ELLIS.

BKlTToSj 4c BATON. Wa refer to tna Exchaagw Bank, fSprrr prneld. Vcr-snont, tor responsibility and good faitb in this matter. m8io At air ass easa. Oa Saturday af-tonsoon, aa axaioaion took piaco at tba Brld-burvb Arsanai, which resulW to injury to several of the employes.

It oceurre-1 kna frame structure, in whif atanisaaa and bay war as oru ttftog fons feus bombsbella. A fuso. to tba bands of a Dot aamed Katxaa took ara, and -eoeanranicateti to a anmoer af fuaca ia a bax ta too room. Beinj? eomood nku aad nasi pawdar the (tuet scaStrcd Uka chas ers Li aa dlrectloaa about tba room. The work -osen led from the budding, and got out before an iplcaioa took place, which was caused one of the fuses falling toto a half-aarrel of meal powder.

Tbe building was entirely demolished, and iluam Csoirtr. a resident of Bridesburgb, was sllgbUy injured by a piece of lumber striking him on the leg the U.d Kama was cut about tbe body and legs, and sob a i Taonrsa was struck in tba bead with a and received a scalp wound. Several of the workmen had their bands burned. The explosion of a fuse by friction ts an unusual ccurrer.ce, one that bad rot before taken ptace at the Brldeburgh Arseneh The wounded persons were conveyed to their homes. About $M0 loss was sustained by the Government.

Pkiladc Ltiftt, Her. 3. CITY AXD COUSTY AFFAIRS. FOARD OF ALDF.RMI.N. PlTITIOt fn'H-SF -r rtr.

-QtTpg TSTO FK'M T11K A YOE A ri'KetRIIiOi r(i THK fllXTV-XIXIH RJntlurMCtiMPTROIlin'a 6T ATIU I NT. At a regular mectiilg of this BewrJ last evening, a was adetp'ed, on a prtitiin of John McQusde, reqnsting the President of the United States, If not incompatible wilh the p'iblic intercsl, to take measures for the release of Cpt. Hugh Mcljuade, of the regular army, now coi.t'ited as a prisoner at lticttmoud. The Mayor transmitted a vto of tbe Of the Board establishing a rlcpol for wood, for the sup. ply of steam fire eufieta.

at o. 5 Theatre-alley, and providing for the appointment of a person to take charge thereof. His objections to the resolution are that the Common Council bate no pow er under the Charter lo create a sala ied office here no appropriation has eo mao'e iftereieir; he ilso eroji-idcrs suv'h an othce and ts lhe necessity of economy aed retreiicii.iient tu u.e expenditure of tho public money. The veto was orde red piinled on the minutes. The Board concurred in eppropr'a'Itig to the 'Sixty-ninth keeiment.

ior the purchase ol new iinlfot ins to replace tliC attnout in the t'nited Suites smite, ourine the iltrte tnvtitiis' campairn. The Comptroller trai. knitted his weekly statement of the finances of lhe City, as follows Balance on hand. lec. li f9 Keceints during last ween jt.l;y Ctti Pavmerits during tne w-rr-k Balance on hand.

Dec. j2i Mti 1 1 tin motion of AldtprniAii CoRNriu the voted to meet every evening week, excep' Wednesday ti 1 aturuay. Adjoun ed. boaud or 1HK I'ORT RTV 1 II NEW BEt.L TOW Fa JN tSTY-ilR-T-STHErT I'tl'f AL AF-PI TCATIOX FOR Tilt: F.T.ritS.vr,g Of'APl Jirt.H yi'AIiK, 01' THK TH1R1 Y-KICUTn N. Y.

S. At the regular inerting of the Hi.ird ot Couticil-men, yesterday, after the icadiug ol tie mii.ute er. eral petitions ami rt solutions weie nppiupviately r. Pi.vcassv oHen a directing jhe Coinptrol'or to take the necessary le gal measure to regain possession of the Fort Gansevoort ine oerty. Befeiied.

The repert in favor of erecting a bell tower in Fifty-fiist-ilrtel, near Fourth-avenue,; the avainst it em account of its proxirnilvto (he Child -t. Luke's Hospitals, about to be erected in the vicinity, was alter long delate laid over. Aintinoiiai was iiom John SicQuse'e, brother of Opt. ilugt McQ ia. of the Tiii-tv-etf-lith Begiment, Y.

S. now a prisoner at Kicnuioud, asking the i'HCi iVien. ol tee authorittes to pri.oiiie his brothcrV relca'f, in orcer thai he mst be to his fricids. and iccf-ivt! that nic ical trcatu.e'it which his sit'tntien demanc's, he LavitiK an arnputaiioii. Tiie ac.ti-jn e.f other lioaid, the memorlatNt's reqi est, roecur-ed i.i.

0. -erox, however, it inther invidious t-j select tius youn and that it tould have teen quite as well, if this Cui'iiuou Council had auv iuflneiioe, to exercise it in behaif of sH the jirisoners irotu ew-Vork, and he in-lanced Co'. Corcoran iiiuoiia otheis. The f-nm tue o'her Board, li.vuii the ay for hooes an.i carts used 1 the City $'J 50 per day, was referred. Also, from tiie other Beard, repeaitne; so of the ordinance regulating hacks as req'tres bat kionn to wear badges.

Laid over. The Bcii'd fien with general orders until the hourol but the re we-te none of special public t'ard of Ttiaaka. Cswe VKRansr Otiur, Wasm-'utos, Dec. i 001. Frank i'.

Koier. A Slate of Wmout, 203 Broadtray, Xeui'York Dkab Sir I write to cxpres to yeiu li.e pleasure I feel (and Die saute is expressed by the oit.ccrs and men of my command) in thinking of" the weli-ar-rangcu plans ior the transit of my regiment Uiiouh Ni That over I.ifHirner. nnti hoi ses could arrive at so early an hour on fcaboalii mo: ning, aud be so comfori-tbty ar-1 amply led, receiving so brilliant a reception tic embarkine; with so much ease and older, are facts a nicti speak for themselves, par'iculttrly when by your report I can add that no accident of ary kindoe'currcd, nor did your Police have occasion to i.ini:t.n arn st, nor was a single man icf; behlii except those sick in your hands. As you mentions! oui the Puiice of your City, and to Mr. Dami-s.

M. of Twentv-tourth-slrect, I would beir vou to conimuuieat.n to them our tiiiiitks. 1 must a- i voi to express in some public manner our heartfe-lt" thanks to the ladles of Jeisey ttity to- their timely ofb-rin-r of com and and Tt. Retf Associaliir. at fialtimore ootr.

of eitc.ded to cvcrvtlliMr the bo'ly i't snec, and m'-e-i wc 'peeled. Defoie this I havi ubusliVd it to a meeting of my officers, ltuio isiy vote taut it shall be foi warded vt the Kew- ork Press. most JJ. Colf-iicl I'i's! Cavalry. TI112 ALTOX-JIATi Xd ilDCR.

Thr Trial cf Ch.srlts ihils rualitiued. CROSS-EXAMINATION OF MRS. WALTON. Curious Developments Concerning Her Early Iafe. THE EMMr'SCE (L0SLD 0 KO'i'H MKES.

ttOlKT Of II I i.v HOfVH A.V iiO.NDAV-liin 1)a. The Court opt ae-i aoout 10J o'clock this morning, the Hiie uiiance of spectaiors not bt all dimieished by the storra. Mrs. er of Charies Jefi'enis. resumed tiie rtand.

by Mr. BreJtfl received a letter f-cm tlie oitiCA-r, m. Moore. I Letter!.j Mr. real the lefer ui evidence.

The sith-stance of tiie tetter :0 the rmi the st-Ut 'ueut uri- ae.vrr wuen he (Mec-re) tolo him (Chariest tli hi? mother would net send hltu any mom that he had wtaeh was j1 see the tHegd lefer orri your Mm to Mr. Moore before it was pioe'uned iue-ouit? A.ies. Mr. woore ailed me, and in coversa-tlon tlvu; lie and Charie-s bad a to ot money enough that tie hud lent Ctiai i money on the strcctli of what they were goi: to make 1 asked to rive me rhe letter herar.ipe'lunan'' hei. his irea-t he seroeMto treasure it.

and I waa ised I sai.i a ulsicsiecUul letter in bi nml that t.ei-st uUtlcr son bad ne said. Nt, Char! was so mad at not getting any that he not rare what he rote read rue part of the letter and held it tliat i tliar it Cnarles' writiug- 1 asked Chuii. afterward whv wrote the Ie'eV Charles said Mcore fc a itrejwsf RriVi was going to heip him i.iav out ifui be was ru to e-krn hie. um. 1 uril Lh(e Cui not think It was verv wtoug to write, such a disres'cvul letter mc, ho had been so hmd to taut be if o-e lim I my will ami oi portion of the property; he aal.l Mooiw hte toM him Uiat lintealei to disown aiai ta ami- him most shamefiliy.

Hf VC. WATEKBtrXT. Preview to marrylmr Mr. Waina. I IwardeJ six or cglt months corucr of VVahlrg-on-piace ajMOrespne-a-ieet two feara at No lui Fwirfeeuth-fctreet ket a bowCir.s-bouAe bekira tiut lued at No.

15 tfad Twncc. lioUrT my nj faimiy the. a consisted of rr.ys. If a two son and btarrler my efarjgbter Lllen (s in her itth year ana was bora In C.inton-place prerioua to living ta He boken. Used in Ciiambtrs-street atar the a year u.

that, Uiei Ire LroaaVaym Craad-reet, I ti-nli mewner between ci Maine. Ohio. Nortb and Sooth Carolina, MaxilamJ vpnja and Counecticut I bar lived KbwSr' irlZ -ftaabnndi have you baj I. ift.Mr. Bracy, will veMe aBoW rrne boySwa7I wSxaST kjjmeil 10 "JfL' "Lf T-Weaae eiarr.ln tUat paper.

tPaixrr tbown.1 Ia thru your aiguat are aotertS tA-blDt'1" 6dnilnf bt am t. UM Hn by Morrfsoa and the lkXVn -tulni aa atorrtaoa's wife.) w- ow many bastmnda bave toq had Mad.M tbatnrtTandC cla S. K. Russell, a gradaate front Wast Point and an O0cer in the 4uitad SUtea Array, and John Walton Q. Any other A No Sir.

Q. Is MrJefferda dead A. He died some time In I lived with him the same year of hi. death ba went from mv house home to his father' to die 'be never got a divorce I was married to Mr, Ruasell in 1857; I supposed MrJellerds was dead when I married Capt. fimsell; I hid not lived with Mr.

Jeflerds then for seven years: I would not live with Capt. Unwell on account of his intemperance be could not pro Ida for me Capt. Rusell died the same vear my Ellen waa bom I went to Clinton-plat Mar and Ellen was born June 24 can't tell how long I lived in Clin-tem-plae-e owned a house there bought ft Zebe-deeCook; went into it In April; I lived there until I married Mr. Waiton. Oct.

7, there was no oi-yore between mre if and Mr. Russell; tbe Court annulled the mairiage, because I had no right to marry. Mr JeflerCa bein sltve I applied for a divorce the matter was taken before a Referee I nm not certain that the marriage wgs inhuUrJ re Mr. Jcf- fl'ii t'lei 1 ha' tiusband when Elle Own used to Inve cisiii etlne meetings with Capt. Russell; met him in Albany and In New-Jersey lived ia Albany in It6 1M7.

Mr." hcte offered in evidence a deed given by the witr.ess, as the ife of Hamilton Morrison. H'if-if When the mutual hill ot aW-afatipo be tween Charles Jefierds and myself took place, I thought I as entitled to marry again I went Into the fajnilv of Mr. Meminon. of Rochester, to rede I intended to mairy Mr. Morrlou.

but 1 could not I lived at the houe of Mr. Morrison, as wife, sur-rounued by hit fami I Uved Monrtx Spritiga Sarah. 1 faunas, Louis, and sometime Mor-son lived there part of the time; they lited part of the timeaf tiit lr alster'A I lived at or near Rochester three years we had a city and a country residence Mr. Mvnison traveled nonie I went after him once found him in a gambling-house at Elimra. Mr.

adv objected to this hae of inquiry, and took exception to it ndmisxton. The District-Attorney aM he would connect it with leicvait testimony. Q. For bat purpose did yoi go to Rochestei A. Mr.

sent fcrme I woulu not let him ps back witii me saw him in Rochester rwards I traveled with Mr. Morrison a jftmd deal durlr.r this time was with him in New-1 ork about that time: was. I with his family at that time; boarric at various hotels in New-loik'; we boarded at the Battery Ilo'el. Q. Did he leave vou A.

o. Sir I left him. Were vou charged at the Batiery lio'f 1 with li.e iiund-eil dollars from Mrs-jliasijis' room, ami not thai tlie e-mise of your leitvii. Mr. A.

I do not know whether accused of it or not not to me; Mrs. Ilijjgins was a friend of Mr. Mirrioii's. Q. f)id yon ever keep any sort of a place in Mer-cei-strcet 7 Sir never kept a place of any kind Ir Mercer-street.

What kind of a ptace didyou keep In Broadway A. It was a confectionniy like Tavlor's there were liquor seild there if the customer wanted tho girls would bring it no back room fur la lie tbrre I keid the whole timl was tlie time Mr. Jetter.u to live with rn. VI---T1 en there were three men claiming to be your st ne time? A Ye, Sir. Q.

a kind of a place (lid vou keep in Rochester, on AS ait -ru re A. A coii'cctifnurv, that wa resorted to some of the most rei.ectabte persons in the place. Q. Am! by that were noi st respeitable? A. No.

Hr. 1 do not know -of any. If I had known it, one euuld have enteied the house. Wasthere anv extraordlearv occurrence took, place afn vour return to Rochester with Mr. Morri-son ib.ect'-! vrnivej.

Q. Do you know Mr. John A. Ye. Q.

Did ativthing taKe place between you and John I'tinr vou got back to Rocheste-r Tl.f Witnr.s. What took place Mr. Kneel objected to all this line of questioning a general and wished the Co trt to consider htm a objecting to every question. The District-Attney mirht question the line's until 111 o'clock atiiVP-ht. all the ait he as ci.prible of.

and she ould answ er him. Tttltmony eontinvtd I t1o not knt.w that anything particular took pluce between Mr. ilotirdman and myself after Mr. Morrison got back to Rochester I ufed to sit in the pariorwith Mr. Loardman Mr.

Board-man Mr. Morristn had some transactions together Mr. Boatman went to Mr. Morrison's house to see about some property that he was about to buy we went toitether, riding; Mr. Board man rode with n.e in a carriage, and Mr.

Morrison rode with some of the BoarCniaii larniiv going down to the apviiit Mr. Board roan undertook to take some liberties with me this es the first time I had seen him alone on my return 1 told Mr. Morrison and he was very much enraged he told me to throw myself in Mr. Boardman's way, and If he ever insulted me again to give him (Mr. Morrison) an opcortuiiity to Kive Board man a sound thrakin? we came to New-York.

Mr. Board man wrote toe letters, and 1 showed them to Mr. Morrison; Mr. Mc-rison wrote answers, which I enped and signed, as if I had rit-ten them mvse'f it was ht this time t'aa the difficulty about Mr. Higgles' money occur; etl r.

Morrison purchase from Mrs. "Hipgins: a house in Carmine tret that deed was to be made out in my t.ame but the deed rsns made out in mime. ad that made the between Mr. Morrison audi I left the Bjitt. rv Hotel and we nt oh to Rochesicr sent for Mr.

Boardman and told him 1 hat I was going into and asked him how he thought a place like Tavlor's would take In Rochester he said very well, and I took a house on Main-street and opened such a place Mr. Morrison wrote mc and tried to induce me to een.e back and live with him I met Mr. Morrison at the hotel In Elmira at his about this time I went back to Rochester I refused to go (o New-York and live with Morrison he aked If I had st-en-Boitrdtiinn 1 said yes; he sske.i if he. came la the phi hir I said yes it might have been a year after the oci u'rence In the Var'tRre Mr. Morrison sai- Hiirn, you ought to let me have satisfaction out of thai mm he said the next time Mr.

Boardinan eame. to invi'e him up in 'he parlor, and I did so there-was a mulatto girl tl ere I did not tlueik her very handsome. Thr Covrt- There no rcei of our guitig Into the hist.iiy of that ro ore girl, Laughter. Tfttimonv r.nnti.'.ui Wl.eo Mr. Bourdman came tie in trie parlor 1 was very agit-eabie to hiui at-teirij ted to tnke- some liberty irh me to kiss me, or take holt! of me and Ms.

Morrison came in and iavs bmi a beating, ami put l.ini out of the luuise Mr. Morrison wa itj thr neat room, ai-d cm-e in au.J put air. Boartiman tit of the house the colored ftM may iiav be-e-u on tiie w.tleh lo not if-. Mr. Morri -n I ilon'f rt th was any action co'm-ineticeil bv myself and Mr.

Morrison't I luink anythii.g of (M urrcd; I neter. to my ViiowIr mad ai-v am-iavit that I was Mr. Morri-on's wi.e 1 might have gone with him to Coiiit to rca a complaint Dnitnlmitn I recollect oi time itiut some pe-rs wanted to buy property of Mr. m.d would rot unless I world fien tne atco.aul i signed if I miaht have oath an tufici named" Mwe that I was the wife Hamiiron Morrison; 1 did or not; 1 wa- tot inti.nate may vdd lld iors at mv place in the -i as they are soift ai Taylor'o and Thompson's 1 went lo live id Cincinnati after th-tt: I do not r' tren ber up one morning and ntfiing he se ith a ire kind of paint, on by the ml itmo-s and people of K.icht oon't know who I hired the horn of; I Boardman look an intereot in my idirc be cause he u.ew it would Ulspiense Mr. und la-nllv I do rot reiiK mbe; I I asked Mr.

Moardmau to go with me to hire lhe House I kept tbe saloon node the of MorrUtn. here caused lo be spread out the Court are! jury a ye-Low -window-shade, having following word painld tuereon K. MORRIs.V, Alhambra e-creatn 101. Mr. HV.r'vT,-ls that one or the si.ns of your R.1clie looks like It.

or a Mr. Brad? Do you offer that hi ert nce If Tou do I vvaut a cony. tLaughter.j "you fo-rkTTt! "0''1- Uwir- k' no fonVuvrdl don't remember whether -n" to -Mr. Btowp'sjdont il'-Tr tblnkl snonld not Ji. Wo till you bave gone to Mr.

Browa'a with a man wno had attempted Ui Baertiea with you? a. cs. i tl.Ui. 1 weud ne never ucrceeded bevomi kie. 1 P'" bl" nronnd me.

Mtn-Ison commence a auitaguui rt Mr. fc jardmau for having sexual imr. eouno with yoa do not rememSr Mr. Brady obje-ted to this line of Jaqutry, especial, to "f-ueni ti-it-siJons of the same purport, wbetn-cr wltneaa Uad sbe wa tne wife 'of bornu Tett.Mmif t'caxiaumf It waa miy a few dava nfler wy return fr0ia tha. I learned Xt m7 Moorewa-sae-etectlra; ca led Lira a sprl Sold Mrs.

Cure, mat i taoaght Moore was a kind of a -dt I noticed Moore being very near ry TSuhe Urn. lh WtenUve, aou l'rcade my mtnei tMn 1 "-went ijaog oa on my return to New-York I about SV 'ekerig Mrs. Mo' 1 with him about aaate I 1 1J my son was to be a mfe -2. rBt to theutrft wf.Jj Moore M.irlTiS r'e" fcr dl; walked with 1 Ul? um wbre there raa c.mrd toie bro.rta bis wife I waa it ht 1 had family unUI be Introduced abown) tbat my baaaw dtrng. .4 read tbe Ifer.

which, wu of no special Interest to tbe reading pnbac. mfil'TT1 wrttian, to-Msi alorrtaocy aa many a three or four time Use elea tk of jtr toJ Mr. Wton ceaietJ tolivatrTwenrHblrd Wret May I MMiMa tho antil May i ww aaxrieeJOct ir, ISiS, about eiahtta or twenty moniba.

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