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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 5

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 4G wZtZld. 1tmL sew tc' Ubs T. late Dlwar TfaW far-SB. peauh liw--ew Mncbul Ut.T. A.lotn, 1-known dxy-frtorktorslB-r Trwmont-tow, in ttto.

tty. died this Btonrlag. -j Tb tMikm Made, Wumm enday, Jan. 14. Tb Soothers lfs a 1 p-tnta, Ut ba received, but th paper contain new of importance.

Advices ef the 4th Inst, (ran Sisal, report th tAcd of that port to have bMi raised oa the 2d, la ecwsequonce of the appear of a Spanish shlp-of-war. Dc Tttmmno Pssaxa had ba al tod Bacatpcavw af Bacaped Crtalaab. CuiniM, MassSattxidsy, Jsa.32. Tb nine prisoner who bok (rum tha jail in Ibis1 tow vTrtnBdsy might last bar aB been cap. tared asm lodged ta jail.

Tm Ut two were broug at Jttre em the norths, uala this morning. aWttor Sx PiiuMiftUt Saturday, Jan. 82. Tba boQarin th floor mill on Broad, below Vino-street, this city, sxpioded this aAainoon, killing a Baa and a boy, and badly damaging th building and toaetdaarr. Waai In Restarts.

Br at Esnaera, I ae aoetaera Telegraph N-rtr-YesE, 9 P. Tt nnmneter la shade Xshr. i Barometer, 41.74 laches very dry wind oath, very light sky cioooat-es. 8ct. Jan.

24 P. M. PrwKM Wars. Raining. Wind 8.

W. HoMtaxunuB Quite warm. Thermometer t3S Warm and cluuuy. BiMiawa-M Ho. Lm.

Hka rain. StM)CiMi Warm aw rl-KMly. Pom Jstm Warn atxt cloudy. Ntw-Yc! Cloooy. Wtud xmtb.

Thrr. 42. -Boarew To day ia on ot na tuert of tne aeaaon. TbermoaMir 4UW- t'ba waalber te roodet atlngr. Wind aonth.

awmaron, ooa Tba aeaincr bera is calm, with heavy mitt. Trier. FBOM fnrardya Prcro4la: tfco AaaeaaMr I'allaro trnalsew alba Saturday, Jan. 23. On tha reading of tb Joui nal this morniog, Ur.

Duni kaked to bava enteied upon It the objection aaiaad by blanwlf agalnat rhe. ruling of the Clerk yea-tertay, that a eeeond aBUsbdmcnt being adopted, the oneatlon muit beeeaaarliy be on the amendment a amended. Mr. DaXAirr the Journal should not be amended. He thought the Journal wa correct aa It hnd that' the ruling of ine Ctrrk area right.

Sir. Dattok, air iema remarka in hick be d-'xaonstrated several tbiga to bla own aatiwf action, jara formal notiee to the reportera that be bad no desire to be prompted by them. t(t said that yesterday sertral of the reuortera, fancying that the waa wrong ia bis point of order, shook their beads at him. The Clerk, on a point raised by a member, decided that tLe gentleman from Kings was not in order, and that the qnestloB before be Uoaas was the amendment offered by Mr. Wumi, that Vax Titonnw te declared Speaker, and Heeaas Clerk.

From this dealaton the senileiaao from Kings made em arpeal, and ao brought blmaclf again before the Bis appeal was dlacossad at length, and evidently for tke purpose of eterii'g off a rota on the candidates lor bpeaker and Clerk. The Democrats bad not abandoned tba hope of electing Altos, prorP ding Mr. KsTSOCna, of Saratoga, eoftid be In bis seat. This was 8frgeeed, and eame to the knowledge of tbeientlelnaa from Kings, ebo made an explicit de-aJol of tbe rumor thai the bad been started for the pnrpoae fit delaying action on the rote for Speaker. Vnfortunaieiy.

oiber members of tbe gen-, tleman's party had been so frank as to make epen nroDal that they were sadaned with tbe ruling of tbe Clerk, but that they dkt want delay. ErenruaUy the decision of the Clerk was sus-Intned by narly unanimous. The question then came on the motion to declare Tax TAXSMBTsen bpeaker, and Hcescs Clerk. Mr. CAi, Democrat, eoedtostiUe out the name of HrSHBS and insert to! of EioatMos.

Mr. BaXxb, Republican, moved to anend by srrik-Irg out BicBAansost, and Inserting Rsuxr. The Ayes stnd Keee were otderad, and Uw last nmendment lost. Ayes IS, of which 11 ere Dcmucrau. Moes 8039 XepubUcana, 4 Americans, and 17 Democrats.

Mr. iun bow accepted the amendment of Csxxs, the. main quttUua to be on Taji TAtxsjraimAai end Kicbaxbsos. Mr. Ueesu.

moved to amend so as to bring to a direct vote ou Altoks alone, for Speaker. The Bouse rafused to la this on the table, and went to a vote on the amendment, whch waa lost. Ayes Bo, of which were Americans, and 49 Democrats. Koes 914 Republican and 3 Americans. Mr.

Ait 1X3, Republican, asked leave to withdraw his acceptance of the amendment by which be bad dropped aionsa and accepted Bicbassoqs. He was not per-mlted to withdraw, and then offered an amendment lo bring Taji Yalimbdssh nod veins before the blouse. Mr. Csau moved for AxToan and IUcsasb-fvx, Ayes and Moes taken, and the amendment lost. Ayes 40, Noes On the first call three Democrats voted No, but" discovered their error In time to correct the record.

Mr. Bausscst, Democrat, proposed to strike out Taji TAXSjnrsvaesi and Hdohss, and Insert Axrosn, (Democrat,) for Speaker, and Wueon, (American,) lor' Clerk. Ayea and foe called, lost 49 Ayes, of -which 44 were Democrats and Americans Noes 92, of wtilch 3 were Americans and 49 Republicans, and 3 Democrat, Mr. SrsTsston. Mr.

Moo ax. Democrat, offered as a question of prlTUege, a resolution that tbe doors of the House be opened to the) public, and that the members vacate their seats for tbe convenience of the outsiders who were anxious to assist In organization, Mr. Csajs offered aa amendment that all but mcm-ters, ofieers, reporters and pages, be excluded. In tbe debate which follow ed, the mover of tbe resolution charged that tbe offioers of tbe House had exercised that trust partially tbey Ijad excluded Democrats and Americans and ad milled Republicans. Mr.

Baxxb, Republican, took that bull by the horns mt once, refuted the insinuations made by Mr. Cbatji, and demanded specific charger. The mover denied the right of Mr. Baxks demand the names of persons. Mr.

Cumn, Demoerat. made a few sensible remarks, regretting that the question ahould have been giTn a partisan turn. Aa amendment was offered that the rules of the last House be the rules ot this House. This was laid on the table, carrying with it the original resolution. Mr.

Dattv renewed the resolution to exclude all but members acting, officers, reporters, pages. Senators and 8 tate officers. The Ayes and Noes were refused, and the reeoluttoa was carried There was a rush for the doors, a few only reraalning to be turned oat by tbe officers. Hatosi moved slowly up the aisles to tbe yawning gate, taking one last, lln- gerlrig look" at the button-boles he had held so lon, and a moment after was lost amid the Ignoble crowd.

Quiet restored, a motion was made to adjourn. XeeV Then another motion to adjourn to Monday -evening, with substitute of 4 o'clock this afternoon. Substitute adoptod tg to 4T. More lotions to adjourn asore amendments and another addition made to the accumulated mass on the Clerk's table. SACK AA.

Tbe Douse, after this wild goose-chase, eame again to a vote on the resolution to declare Altos Speaker, and Ricitsneoa Clerk. Lost, Ayes 44 of whir 39 war Democrats, and I Republican. Woes, 63 43 Republicans, 3 Democrats and Americana. Mr. Molarrosa, Republican, offered aa amendment sr Taixxxsnaa and Mu, but withdrew it, as be bad misunderstood the question.

Mr. Faaaoaa, Democrat, moved an omnibus amend-sneat, Mr. Aaaas, American, moved to layoa the table, bat withdrew it. It was agaia renewed by Mr. Moeea, Democrat, and lost, and tba vote taken am the ofnnlbaa.

The Ayes and Noes war refused, and the omnibus upset, oa a count. Ayes, 34 Mr. McNorr moxed that tbe Iloose adjourn. Lost Ayes tew. Nays many.

Mr. IKstba (RepabUcan) effersd a reeobatloa fhst the House should aot lama any mora amevdmetits, vnta those already before tbe House ware disposed Kuted ot of order. V- mr. Airosa, tbe Democratie candfalste fee Speaker, sviospcsjb It was his tm appearance. Be pUlned that Repubiicsa gesrCemeawbe bad paired of were voting rioUnon eftbHr parole.

Heimpa'ad that by thts dishonorable -e RM-ei were ta, a mejotiry aa the aeor es the House. If tbey persisted in using tbe power thus obtained, counseled bis friends to ar IM twr House, and deprive it of a grievance. He moved to adjoura. A doaea Reoaesteaiie adeavored to eotaia the Coor: but tbe Clerk ruled them oat of order.

Mr. Aivoea did aot an tad raw tbe aaotkia to adjourn, and tbe House voted it dowa- Yeas. 34 Nays, 47. Mr. Bum, Repabttran.

rose to a qeestioe of privilege, asd demanded the names of tbe gentlemen who bad violated their parofo Mr. Aires declined to give aame. Be etalmM nmMim in, the Taaarm. that In the event sf hli riving names, that bis possible future relations with the an mlieis would be very araea emberraawad. There was aa exciting and animated diseusslaa.

spiced with personalities, but there was nothing ia Mr. DsxAjm, Democrat, offered aa omnibus amend-meat- carrying Aires, Spnaker RssaAaseoit, Clerk and Hstllst, Assistant tost, on a count. Vsaa, 39: Mr. Lamae, Democrat, moved to strike out the name of Hceiraa. for Clerk, and insert Mix.

Lost. r. Lswis, Republican, moved to insert Rtoasaaeox lo piaee of Hseass. The Yeas and Nays were refused, and the amendment lost on a count. Vsaa, 39; Nays, Mr.

WrjTBs, Democrat, proposed A Ivor for oa coaBt Mr. Usraucxsa, Demoerat, moved Aires for Clerk, and Lasasa, Henreant. )ltfnd Najs refused, and the ssouon lost Yeas, 43: Noes, 90. Evidently tbe bear garden was beginning to predominate, sandwiches were brought tn. It was an VAiuxsTBoa and ham.

Aivea and bread, Law and mustard, and very difficult to determine which was which. Motions to adjourn, to lay oa the table, questions of privilege, and points of order followed in such rapid sneeessioa that you could not knock one over before another would strike the Clerk's desk. All calls for the Yeas and Nays were refused all motions to lay on the ajfas voted down. The members, or a majority of them, seemed determined to make a of it tbe average of the two or three dosen votes oaadjeurnment being. Yeas, 43; Nays, 51.

At 5 o'clock I cloee this record of a session pro- traded through sis mova! boars-e session which has taxed le their utmost capacity, both our mental and Physical powers, and yet rt is a weary, and I fear a damaging record. I have looked over, and fall to trace thtough the pages I have written one single evidence of Parliamentary tact, legislative ability, collective wisdom or patriotic intent. I might strike out eveiy word I nave written, and insert'' the old dlsMch of the nursery Now we go aa, o. ap. And now go doen.

down. down. And now we gu backwards and forwards. And bow we go roond, ruond, round." This amended report would be as perfect a daguerreotype of the proceedings as the most literal picture which phonography could draw. LEO.

Correertew. IA EdUnr tkt Kern- York TimtM Sin I understand that in yoar last issue a statement is made that Mr. A. S. Xickirsos wss recently refused ordination by an Orthodox Conn- cil at North Wobarn, bteui kt did not believe in ike damtuUion of Will you please to correct tbe error, by stating that the assertion Is entirely untrut.

Not. a question was put to the candidate, not a word was said in the CouncD, on tbe mast ion of infants. The nearest approach that waa made- to it was tbe question, 1 In what mode are infanta saved 1 by virt-ae of tha Atonement, or independently of it The fact that they are saved (aa this question itself would intimate) was conceded as a fact ly alL It might as truthfully have been said that ordination was I refused because the candidate believed in the existence of God, or in the inspiration of the Bible. Oa or tbk Coram. Wallace's Thiatez.

Ur. Ltsrii, one of the best light comedians of the age, and who is entirely without an esnsl In this City, takes his benefit tonight. Mr. Tom Tavms's adaptation of Golmmitb-'s immortal Ticar of Wakeield" will be produced for tbe occasion. All the leading artists of tbe establishment ere in the cast.

Niblo'b GAabEK. Dae Bice's show is the attraction here. Beoadway Tbeatee. Vast Ambceoh'b equestrian and zoological collection ia still the attraction here. Performances are given on the afternoons of Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.

Latjba Kiexx's Thxatbi. Three excellent pieces are on the bill to-night "The Muleteer of Toledo," the Lighthouse," and the Spectre Bridegroom." Mrsim. Mr. Watkiks' highly' successful adaptation of Cess's story, The Pioneer Patriot," will be played every night until further notice. Afternoon performances, aa usual.

Bow EE TheaTbx. The popular horse drama called Heine tbe Hunter" will be revived here tonight. The comedy of Paul Pry" and the burlesque of the King of Clubs" will also be played. Natiohal Thiatee. The popular comedian, Mr.

CaAKraAV, corffmences an engagement here tonight, appearing in the local drama called Mose in California," and ia the burlesque called Jonathan Bradford" is also oa the bills. Bcce let's Seeeeadies. This excellent band of minstrels Is doing well at the hall No. 444 Broadway. A good many local novelties have been produced during tbe past week, one of the funniest ber lug Bisbof BccxixT's one horse drama of Maxep-pa." It Is an excellent and most explosive satire on the present rage for horse entertainments.

Mes. Ekmblk's Biadihos. In consequence of Mrs. Kxmblb's continued indisposition, there will be no reading to-night. Notice will be given of the resumption of the course.

Aa Ossein Ylew ef the Doctrine at Popalar Baverelaaty Utah, and fXaaaaa. Prom ttU Wtukingtm Ciuon. There can be no doubt that Brmbax Toueq is organlxing a most formidable opposition to the authority of the Federal Government in lab. The notion given out by his emissaries tbat be contemplates a removal in the Spring lo the British or some other possessions is a rum the advices from all the sources over which he has no control, being, that the Mormons, from all portions of our vast western domain, are abandoning their settlements, sacrificing their property, purchasing immense stores of arms and ammunition, and concentrating together ia the Salt Lake Valley. Thoroughly provided and armed equal naturally and physically to our own men in military prowess desperate and funatical in the last degree occupying a natural fortress, almost, impregnable by Its topognphical conformation, as weU as by its vast distance from the source of assault and reinforced by manifold alliances with warlike trioes of Indians tbe necessity of early and adequate reinforcements from Congress to our army operating against them is spparent and imminent.

But upon what principle kt it that this formidabbi war is undertaken It is not upon a principle of religion for our officials expressly declare that it is not their purpoae to interfere as to this subject. It is not that tab is peopled in large part by emigrants from Europe in rebellion against our Government for in respect of nativity the population differs little from the population of other new Territories nor is thi the declared ground of tbe military operations against them. The simple and single ground of the whole movement is, that (as swswZartea tf C1. Arwagk eiatrs west sary ketw efafSsJ tmss ssspsr. but who are unknown to tbe Jaws and Constitution of the nltrd States ears set gmrerwnent in eswessae Ss tke FVrfrrel ewntarifjf, which defies the Federal laws.

The Utah question is thus but mmmlktr peas tat fiuMfn nf Jtaasss a question between proceedings known to the Constitution of the Union and the laws of Congress, and proceedings alien to, and in defianoe thereof between tbe authority of Congress la the Territories, and fir ssisrattes ewfW-itfqf thtpeoplt in the Territan. Tbe cases differ to this: that the contest in the one is a contest of rhetoric In the other of arms that in one case the sticklers for radical ptinciplee theorise with impunity while lathe other tbey sight, and perchance may. barrg, for Uieir doctrines. Lacy Bsm and tba CoileeUP-eale af GerrU Smith and tiav. Ckawo fa TaXd.

Front VU KvemnX Past About o'clock yesterday aibsrnoon, Constable Xvxa, ef Orange, N. proceeded to the residence of Leer 8tob, to sell property for taxes la secord-an re with tbe following notion, which was posted up at the railroad station Sau roa Tax. Notice Is hereby given that, by virtue af a warrant isnd by A. H. Fbssba, sq J.

P- to make tbe tax assessed against Lccv Srosta, in the township of Orange, ta the County of Essex, the wtbseriber, one of the eoastabies of said county, will oa Friday, the twenty second day of January, iastant, at two o'clock in tba afternoon of that day, at the Leer Svoaa, seU at publie vendue, ta the best bidder foreaah, the following roods, to wit Two ables, four chairs, ooe stand and two SKturs, to make the said tax and eoets. B-A. KYNES, Constable. OaAjrea. aaa.

ta, Tbe sale took place oa tha front piazaa. The first article offered was a marble table, worth about Srx; which was started at $4 and knocked dew at $7 6. Tbe next articles ware two sssi i aisle likenesses, on Of Cxxxrt Sam and tha ether af P. CsAsa, which were sold together for 13. From these sales a srfic.ent stun was realixed, and PM Ixer.

She told the constable that nest year, and tba year foUowtng. and every year. tea a was easng toe eaaM totw1- Be reptd that be T0? "ry hare tbe job. as tt was a a peasant duty to snitrm He then cTt-t Vck ieto tbehewse tbe articles of furniture which had not been sow, and aremsd glad to get avrny. af'ef' vtsdicating themasty orn-a Uw ia an aaHrfnctory a meaner.

The jpbUe of Orange, are learn, will soea bear af rs. toeaiL0 bis subject, at a meeting she intends Aarwa Barra Paaevw Aaetaor Letter freea asm af Hie Friewds. 7 Ck XAfreftk 4svr8s Some two years previous to the death of Colonel ho then residing at tne corner of Gol and Fulton streets, sick and bed-riddea, I went, accompanied by Ms reWtivs and staunch fnawt. the late Mr Oenaa E. Eswaxm.

to ere aim, and found him berpless, and needing greatly the attention that woman only can bestow. He had a female servant, who attended him, as ail hirelings do, with apathy. Mr. Raws, for some time previous, bad attended to the Co loners financial concerns, received bis pension, supplied bis wants, eVc with a seal and fidelity that commanded tbe Colonel's gratitude, and the good feenng of the few friend tbat time had left the persecuted old man. Tbere Lay, ta helpless loneliness, the man whom I bad been taught from childhood to regard as a great, but a doomed man.

My imprvsssnos had been received from my father, who knew him well and loved, as wen as be knew him; and who could not bsve loved a bad man. For many years Colonel Bras bad been tbe friend of myself and family. Providence bad placed me ia a situation to afford him those comforts which his condition required. I prepared rooms for him ta my house, and he accepted my Invitation to eome, as my guest, and remain as long as be pleaed. He came, and with him came five or six Isrgs packing eases, containing his law pacer, ettera.

Ate. I was then first informed thai Mr. Davis wlss aboutwriting the Colonel's life. He desired me to let Mr. Davis sod Mr.

Towa-ma-, who were friends of long stanoing, have access lo the papers when tbey wished. They generally came sad went together, and took with them sach of the papers as were required for the biography, undrr the Inspection alwavr ot Mr. Enwsass and myself, by tbe request of Col. Buna. When it was knowa that the house was to t-e demousbed.

to give plaie to tbe present structure, Hon. Oessa Ebwasbs aod myself had a. conversation with the Colonel in regard to his papers, ben it was determined that the large bulk of them should be eonigned to the care and custody of Mr. Oenxs EswAXbs, tbe ever faithful and uodrtog friend of tbe Colonel, leaving tbe other portion in my possession, where some of them now remain the rest having been delivered by me to Mr. Dsns, and taken away oy him on a cart sacks, from my residence ia Brooklyn.

Thus, then, were the papers in my possession for upwards of two years, sad often, at the request, looked over by Mr. Ebwasbs and myself. Let me here say that wsvrr imm Utter or doewwenl atneitg fe paper of CoL tturr fsf weuld srmg Sttiaa to Mr cktrk or a tear to Sat re of any one. If there were letters of such a kind, tbey must hare escaped the rigid scrutiny of tare sincere-friends of the Colonel, to whom his reputation was, and to one of whom it is still dear the other having gone to join him In tbat far-off, better envy and malice are unknown. All who knew CoL Bene, knew, him to be a silent, secretive man.

Is it ltkelv.then, that one who hit suffered deeplv as ne had done, would, even if he had the power, expose others te the torture be had suffered As early as the year the husband of tee writer of this made preparation, by the examination of documents and frequent consultations with CoL Brail, for wri'lng Ms blographv. This wss long bt-fore Mr. Darts was thought of for performing such service. If rfrcurnxtarines had not pre vented the fulfil tot nt of that Intention, Col. Bvaa would have bad.

at least, justice done to. him. Tbe whole life of Col Bvaa contradicts the statement trade by Mr. Davb respecting letters, etc. Col.

Bi'is suffered; but be suffered silently. I do not believe tbe man exists, or ever did exist, of whom he would have spoken evil, or whom be would have done an injury. I do not speak unadvisedly, but from the information of a dear departed parent, bo esteemed Coiouel Bcaa enough to consign bis grandson to his rare, and his small Inherit-snce to his guardianship a trust that ha faithfully fulfilled. Tbe writer of tne article in the Albany Journal, above alluded to. labors under more than ooe mistake.

He ssvs CoL Buxa boarded in Bruaderay. Colonel Bvsacid not board he was received as aft old and raiutd friend, without fee or reward. He was at so expense, save the wages of his nurse, who came with him. And If that writer mean that CoL Bum planted sharp thorns' In my pillow he again labors under a mistuks for all the recollections I hare now, or ever had of CoL Bear-, hare heea kind-' ly and thorn lea and there is not aa act of my life for which I am so grateful as tbat I was COL. BURR'S LAST FRIEND.

The New-rieaae Teraade-Lees af Life and Property. From fas fVoyanr, 16rft. At about i o'clock yesterday afternoon a young tornado burst upon the city, accompanied by rain, which fell in torrents, doing, for the time it lasted, an immenMty of damage. Ships and steamboats were torn frtm their moorings signs, slates ami awnings weie hurled from their positions and seat wsltxiag through tpace trees and horses were blown down, and in tOles than three instances which have come to our knowledge the tornaco was fatal to human li'e. One man was blown bodily from the burrtcane-deck oi tbe tttaniboal Locon, axtd drowned.

His body has not beta recovered. In another case, a man named Nearer was killed on board of the steamooat IV. W. former the fall of Ber chimneys during the slom. He was a native of Ireland, aitd 39 years of age.

The thiid cae was that of a Swedish Bailor, nameo Joes ABxssog, who, during the tornado, was blown from the maintops ail yard of the ship Rattler, when furling the sail, and was killed fortnwith. He alto was 39 years of age. In both of these eases Inquests were held, and appropriate verdicts reauered. Tbe sale proved very severe upon both the steamboats and shipping in our pott upon almost every interest, indeed, exposed thereto on the river. The amount of damage we are, as yet, unable even ap-pioximstely to estimate.

It must, however, be very great. Tbe gale proceeded from a souta westerly direction, and was but of about five minutes' duration. It was, in fact, a hurricane. Tbe ships Ptu Vitro, Joorpk ftmsra, and tbe barks Prmem of Wolro and Joeoo Prtntiam, were blown from their moorings and drifted down the rirer. Some of them received considerable damage, having eome In collision with the barks Evehn and Alberto, the bowsprits of both of which were carried awsy.

They finally came to anchor, however, below tne Point. During the gale, and before these vessels bad parted their moorings, anan who was standing oa the gangway of one was biowa overboard and was drowned. We did not learn his name. Tbe ships Occam Aeaevc and GoUem Eagle, lying at post Ho 43 ships Kttremberg, Gottenberg and fareaf Eagle, at No. 43 ships Cestui, PejtptrtU, Pieafun and TrAeraaya, at No.

44 ships Aaa rTarasarm, Houghton and Ellen Slrumrt, at No. 46 ships A'. Lmr-rabeo, W. V. Motet and A Saopparm, at No.

47 ships C. C. IHmrwa and Rochester, at No. 46 and ship Artkur, at No. 49, were ail blown from their moorings, carrying awsy a portion of thoir wharves, and sustained more or leas damage.

Tbey drifted down the river and finally came to anchor below the Point. Tbe Ann Wtukourn lost ber bowsprit and sprung her foremast. A bouse on Rampart-street, near Toulouse, was blow down and two of tbe Inmates were somewhat injured. The boose was occupied by Mr. A.

Loss. Two chimneys In the same neighborhood were blown down. We also learn that a kiicbea at the corner of Frenchmen 'and Victory streets was blown down, but Use persons who bad been in it ran out before it fell. From tke CrroeenL We have rumors of many lives being lost, by the swamping of skins in the river and by the failing of stagings of ships and steamboats. We hope these rumors may prove incorrect.

A more terrific storm in a city we never witnessed. We were in the City Hall at the time, and bearing the roar rar to the front. The trees ta Lafayette-square, though leafless, fairly bent to the earth, while tbelr broken branches war flying on the gale. We watt-bed tbe lofty spire of the First Presbyterian Church, exvecting every moment to see it fall. It vibrated perceptibly at the sop, but held its position, firm aau elastic as a wmpetalk, while tbe rain, bestir upon it in tbe gale, enveloped It apparently in a wicath of smoke.

Crowds of people watched it with the same xterrous tear that we did. i We met nobody last evening that did not hare his particular stars to sell of the violent doings of the storm in his particular part of the city. It was the moot violent storm that the city has experienced hi many years. By cifferent sources we have it that the storm was but the tail-end of a tornado which passed aloug the tiult Coast. By tbe officers of tbe steamer Lol am hope second mate was blown overboard at Jefferson City, but rescued we learn that a violent gate bad been prevailing south of the city for some days previous to yesterday.

The Lacon snconntered a violent storm, and was blown iihore off Tlrursday week at Gorday's Cut-off. near the bay of Ssyoa Bally. Her chim-beyt were blown dews at tha same time, and bar passenger and crew war without fresh water lor forty-eight hours. 8b anally got afloat agam, and on Sunday was met by another gale, which compelled her to lay by ail day. And yesterday afternoon she reached the Stock Landing, above the city, just tn tun to have her chimneys again blown over, and ber second male blown overboard at the same time, he being resetted wtUssat having sustained material damage.

Tbe second el7k and pilot also received a hoist, from Which ther eatped mi raculously weU. They were both oa tba httTtcaae from the boat Being good swimmers they got ashore with no other damage than their dweaJaw. The packet BeUt Sate sen the city yesterday noon for tbe tower coast, between this city ant Balis. When opposite Packwoods niantitioi encountered tbe rale. She was roushlr her chimney blown away and returned to the city cast evening.

We fear that wa wfO have to record news from tbe Gull raider aaj-tMng sbors rriated. decs, a tarpaulin, lying near tnenv was caught "7 tbe gale, it lapped them to its ernbraca, ssiledaway' with them, and drooned thera in tba rivav fifhr snot rtrw ta Jfamsw neet A Orwewr Chargww vrtrb Btirsaa) ta hie tstaro. A grocer namd Jotin McDade waa arrested eariy )eeterday wauratnn, charged with sealng fire to his stot e. No 47 Jamas street. The premises war discovered to be oa fcre shortly af aw It o'clock.

8 avoid alght aa alarm was sounded, aad the firemen, who were spetoily ea tbe grownd. prevented the ffaasee been spreading beyowd the store. The neighbors, occupying a rear building, at ooee suspected McDade ot willfully firing tbe store, aad so expressed themselves. Omcar Bunt, of tbe Fewrta red act, took McDade into custody aad conveyed him to tae station bouse. ire-marshal Baker was early at the slur, and tortbalui entered law aa Investigation.

Last Tburscay night it appears McDade toft the stoie by tbe back room door, which leads iota the hall of tbe walling, leaving bis brother Paldp, a boy about 17 years ot age, aad a man named James Coda, in the bee room, where tbey were te sleep. Coda wantrd a drit-k before going to bed. aod treat Into tbe store, accompanied the boy. To their surprise the; found a small piece of candle lighted, aad stuck between two large standing casks, behind the ceemier. eat the frame which supported the casks; directly under this piece of candle was a quaaaty of loose pa, er and matches.

Over the light was aa old paint-put, placed so as to shade tae Candle. Coda, without touching the candle, blew out the light, and left every thing just aa he found It, By this time tne fraaaeen which the candle was sties-lug had begun to char Coda at once suspected that McDade had placed tbe candle to this spot to are the store ha aad the boy became much alarmed Coda went to his lodging-house la the rear, accompanied by the boy early on the sallowing morning ttas preparation was exhaaied to several other persons without the knowledge Of McDade on Friday night the boy was afraid lo Bleep ia the room, back of the store, and he') again slept with Coda on Saturday it seems tne I caudle and p4at-pot were still there no owe up to this time had said a word to McDade about hem, aod it is supposed that he believed tba candle wen) out of its owa aeeord. Ob Saturday nlrbt MeBade closed the store somewhat earlier than usual, directing the boy lo barricade the street door with several barrels. Tae ooy was also directed to go into tne yard aad close the back window shutters, which was not usually doaa. The boy etoseo tne shutters, and on his return to the back room McDade had put out the gas In the store, kkeo the cuur leading from tne bedroom to tne store, and was just putting tne key into the Bali door.

The boy was told to blow out tne light la the ocdroom, wbtn McDade locked the ouor and they bwh left the pteniises by the privae entrance. It was then after 12 o'clock. Tney walked together to the corner of South-street and Jsmes-slil. Tbeie McDaue gave the boy money to cross the ferry, and to Ml blm to go borne. McDade, it seems, lettoes it.

Brooklyn. The ooy fays he went to btooklyn asdiiected. in about 15 or it) mtnmes after McUac'e bad left tne store, tbe fire was discovered, and we ate informed by the Fire Marshal that it appai enLy originated by tbe sianoing casks where the candle ptepaiauon Is alleged to have been defatted. It fu ther appears that McDade wssinemosr-ratsed circumstance, dolug bul iittie business, and having but little stock be owed about three months' tent, and is taauied on his slock and fixtures for gl .250 in the Excelsior Insurance Company. i owner of the bouse, Mr.

John Kaiwlea, aa aged person, was at the time sick in bed and occupied apartments on the aeeuiMi floor. It was with considerable difficulty tbat he was got down stairs althout suffocation. Tee tamilics occupying the upper stories escaped with utfficuity. Theuanwgeto toe building is aouut S5UU, and la covered by St 000 iusurance la the Boweiy insurance Company. The Fire Marshal otoeieu the boy.

Philips, to be detained as a The accused waa oouveyed before Justice Os-Boas, who committed him. Fiee im Mai KB -la a E. A fire broke out about 10'cloek Saturday night la the paper-box manufactory of eiLAS Jonas. Mo. 47 Maiden-lane.

Mr. Joa-as occupied the tnird and fourth floors aod attic of the building. Owing to the inlUmmnhtc character of the stuck the are got eudcf good heac way before the fire-nten reached the place. Mr. Josss' toes was about which to covered by insurance.

A. N. Gas AtiDAa, tinpoiter of fancy goods aad drnggbtt' articles, who occupied the first floor, bad bis stock considerably anisged by water. He is insured for In tbe Citiseas' Insurance Company in the New-York Fire and Marin Insurance Company i B4.0U0 in the Insurance Co and in the Suiyvetant Insurance Company. Messrs.

Eg-atca A RscassB, desists In fancy furs, occupied tne aecotio floor. Their stock Is also very much damaged by water, and is covered by insurance. Fiee is FusT-ATErs. About 9 o'clock Friday evening a fire broke out in the tenement bouse No. 270 Fust avenue.

The building was damaged about 45V insured. Acmae eriuua occupied toe first floor, loss $50 insured for 4500 in the Rutgers Insurance Co. Fins IB CsiERav-STEEiCT. At 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon a fire was discos red in the fourth floor ol the match factory of J. Oustour, No.

2e Cberry-streeL The fire wss caused by tne carelessness of tome child rtn bo were play lug In tne place. 1 1 was ceuitv extinguished, the loss not exceeding $10. Fiee in West Thi ett-thtso-stbeet. The alatm of fire at a little after t) P. M.

Saturday, was caused by some shavings taking fire in the cellar of tbedwelung-bouse No. 185 West Thlrty-third-strect, occupied by C. Mastxh. Ine flames were speedily extinguished. FifcX ia West-bteezt.

At a quarter past 8 o'clock last evening a fire broke out tn the stable of H. F. Dbvos, No 120 West-street The fire was extinguished with but trifling damage. II is supposed to have been the work of aa incendiary. Fire is CoEJitLiA-srsxiT.

Tbe alarm of fire at a few minutes before 7 o'clock last evening was caustd oy a window-curtain taking fire in toe dwelling-house No. S8 Cornelia-street. Fiee in West FenTT-wiirTn-STBEET. At o'clock yesterday afternoon, a fire brose out In the dwelling house of Mr. 8fisbkll, No.

253 West I ortyviilEto-treet. Damage tnding. Fis in CnraET-STBEET. -About half-past 10 o'clock on Friday night a fire broke ont in the l.quor-sture No. ISO Cherry-street, occupied by Chasix KamaLass.

Damage about 4500, fully Insured. i BcBGLAES Captured. Two men, giving, their names as John Currier and Peter Wkidicao, were caught, en Saturoay evening, between 0 and 10 o'clock, in the basement of No. 64 Nassau-street, the door of which they had forced open. Skeleton keys and other burglars' tool were found in their possession.

Tbey were taken before Justice Osaoss, and committed for examination. Iff SlagerB Sewing Machines. Clerrymon sf every deaosoination can now procure one ef SUtOdft'S 8k WDi O-Bt ACBIh ES for their owa ass, or for a charitable Society connected with their respective Cburenes, upon unpreeadentedly favorable terms. For full particulars, writs tor a circular to I. M.

SiNGER A CO No. 46 Broadway. Ketr-Tork. J43- Blalag Geaiases. Raster use class tajografee rebolars ieto ss." ktater Tn annas, what's the biggest river ia Amer- hchclar 14 The Tomaisbee car: Iks keepss nfavmin'oa me." tie pineal nte nrst.

tar, aad I piaeht him back II aster Take yer scats. Fuss class In pars Is Scholar Tdsstet Moses, parse Arkansas sixth Una from' top." Scholar A-r-k ark, a-a-s act, arkaas, a-s-s ass. Ark-sr pv." 4er "Pronounce it Arksnsaw; but, tsTosss, yea Bint spelling you're part BObular yeth er Harkhandsaw is a aoua. objeo-tiv case, indk atlv aiode, eomparatlv dagrss. tbira person, sad BoatiUv ease to selimars." Raster Yoa havent said what gea ler, Moses r-cholar Feminine gender." Master" "why Scholar Con Its" Matter est." Scholar Cers its a Master Next." Scholar Forgotten, sar." Tuaater "Come.

Dartd, you know. Seb lar Yethas. Master Well, why is Arkansas of the feminine gender, David cooler Cot Its why con its got Miss Sourl an the norf. Louisa Annaoa thsaoaf. Mrs.

Sippy oa lbs east, and ever so many snore shams Irs ea tae west." Master Very well, David, row asay ge to the head yeure a rising- senilis, and 111 buy yea a salt td smith's rktlTB BEOTHEBS One-Price Wholesale and BetaO Clothirg Warerooms, Kos. 122, 138 and 140 Fulton-sW, bew-Totk. MT Prof. Alex. C.

Birry' TrieaaTserowa -is the BKSTAIfD CHEsPEST AftTHTfJC For BP.I'SSJhO. BEALTrFTTtna. rt.VArVrt rwrtrt. n0, PKiSKBVIXa and BaSTORLNO THE KAL3 int. ravx.siiviAw and BJ Ladies, try it.

For sals by alii lu ilruggists I land Psrfiiisiri. sY3Paettse Tfletel. The board at this house was redaaed ea tha 1st at Jaw- miM a uus eouse was reaaeea 41 6 per day. rjifflfeoW-. aary to ft ee-i ITtGreenwick-st.

tsewwr year The aadsvaigned are BTtaaafactavers ef the west apprevwi Powder aa glai-rretf Leeks for Basks. Tamils aad Store Our celebrated Botary Leek deflee tbe asset ia Fewder aad ar- IJoors Insanlims burglar, TALKNTIaX A BCrLER, Now SO and afaidea Una, aad Koa, SI aad S4 aUisabstb-st. sovB to lower rE0Bmit.J' "1 fJLSZ9 B-JM-Jsator Wsk-KJm JL y.sufsw awe maanraererer ev vne BOOT esisbratod wasw-atw rwsn iiiaut rroer ueaaaes Leeks sad frees Bard. Asm, Fire and Barglar Proof Blaebeard or sw ntn niFJLWSSsni Tsex. alack failihle swgwrwt far ssediciesj and toilet awrpeses af the hair akt, FJeraU.

a beantifnl I tonic aM arwauagiiuid ftaUtx.tSAitfaJoagbstUa, tOC aTesawaI-ANTRELLB eussoaieis oa the east aide ef the City are tafiiraw.4 that he will hereafter devote hie eaelasrre stlenlluB to his. new eatamiabmwt. Ve SS It reee ear betwota 1 1th aad 12th eta They will fled always oa hand a eery wprier stock af baiters. SUpaers, TOvwrsbeea, Masters' and Misses' Shoe, ee at Bio asnai pnoss. wbiea are anlvereaiiy thaathossef aay other Haslsria town, A5liUW a.

MwSAit'rs, he. si wTflfam sU MARRIED. Basbabx -Fa ffSBStrms. la this City. a Tttar s.

Jar. SI. by Bev Rotwrt 8. Hewtaed. at the Caere ef the Holy A pew to.

BAaaAS. ef wraad Rasvta, klchl sac assa B-. daegbtor ef tiewry L. Tea 4 leer. Esa.ef ibis City.

bckmsTsv Sasas. la taia City, ea Satarday, Jaw. ES, at arvary Church, by Bev. Dr. Havka.

Cosaraaaeev Jabs P. Mcffutsrsr, C. 8. to btra. kUsr W.

SsAas. ef Utsvit. Beaa ftArxsT. Ia ttua Ckv. aa Baadav evealas Jan.

by Bre Dr MeCHatork Wruisa A. Brss, Jr ta MAsaAAST Mn daacbter ef 7i H. dackett, gee ef this uy. PaAre Bxaks. Ia this CKy.

ea rMo Jan. IS by Bev. B. M. HatfleM.

la the Eorayth ss. KTcharcb, Mr. Wia-UAJt PsAia te Mita axuaiA Baaas. both of this City. DIED.

AfTBrsea la this City, ea Stunter aUrfas. Jaa. Si. at her issioeeee. Me.

ts-ssd after a m-na and painful a-lack of paislrsts. which she bras with truly C'brwtiaa tM nee, I asst. tbe beloved wire of John AtXf-tdge. Notice ef Um funeral will sseewrln te ssorrowS pasers. wna ta tais vnw, oa eunaay.

waa. ss ot eewaa tton. CecnaixA. wifc of John B. Coma aged ST years.

oe irnni sat retail res er tne laauiy wre ruotrsliy iBvited te atssad thefaneral. rrew ber Into rewdt-ooe. h'e. 1 Wasj Kth-eU this I htoaday I aitaraooa. at o'clock.

1ST Hat soa saoars please copy. hi sab. la this City, oa Saaday morning Jaa 94- sirs. EusAssva Mxa widow of the late Natbaatol Mead, ia theSWh year ef ber age. The friends tbe family, and tbose of bev sons-ta law, 1.

Bayward Wrm Edsall and Wat Murray are re-seertfaily tasked to aWnd tbe foneraL en Tawday Jaa. Sfe. treat Mo. Mwraad-st-j atl KoL in this Citr, oe Frkiav moral ng. Jaa.

St, Em-US the daaghtrr of Bassaay Croeas. and the widow ef the late Cha lesN Boel.aged yean aad 'I ssootha. Tbe faaeral will take siarwoa Monday. Jaa as lOtfi e'etrc A from the residence of her fathr. No.

14 St. Mark s-pi see. The remains will he carried to the Chareh ot Saint Vincent Paul la Canal-SC. between Broadway and Elm as. The frirads of nee faauu-.

aod ef her broth era In lew, Aagnst "ot Jt-aanes Gourd and Eugene ltibkcti are lespeetfnily iavtted ta attend. Maovch. In this City, oa Sunday morning, suddenly, Aab C. Masofs, a naure of Salem aad tor assfcy sesrs lesidenl of this City. Bi friends are twApeotfaiiy mvlted toattwnd his funeral en Teeertsy htrtnoa.

at I o'clock, from No. 130 Moores-st. Hu rraalns will be token to Greenwood. Sslem. Mass eteass Copy.

Srtvsos In this City, oa Sunday morning, Jan. 34, Mast Abb wife of Lerder Strteoa. aged years. Tbe nOati.ea and mends of the ram jy are twpectfnllj Invittd to atttntl the funeral, from ber late rasidenee, lo. 364 Stb oe Tuesday, at I o'clock.

Tbe remains will be taken te Greenwood Cemetery for interment. SronsAhe. la this City, on Saturday, Jan. 23, KoajS Stokbabb in tar C5d year of bis age. Ti funeral will take place st bis late resideoes No.

I is East awth thte I Mooday i morning. Jan 3S. at 1 e'rlnrk. Tbe friends and relatives are invited to attend without fui tber notioa. tcsBtos In this City, on Saturday, Jan.

23, E. K. Bstbbiob M. D. Furral services at his late reatdeuee No.

West Slst oa Monday. Jan. 26 at 3o'dork P. also at tbe reti drnee of bis ovher, Mrs. Tbirsa Brundiire.

tn Le1s'ro W.mcbest.r Co, ea Tuesday, waa 'M. at I o'clock P. M. Tl friends aad relatives ol the family are Invited te at tend. boLBSORK In this City, on Friday afternoon.

Jan. 22. Mr. Dabtds B. Holbboos.

sgtd oars. Bis trsrnda snd ft lends the family, are respectfully Invited to attend hie funeral, en Tuesday morning next, at o'clock, at his late residence. So. 11 Cast Mth eU. without farther tnvrtaM'W.

Mossts. At Mori Isanto. ea Friday. Jan. St, Osistrso Fajbvax, son of Oevernear and Patty J.

Morris, sged 24 ds Bessrs AtS sten Island, on Thursday Jaa. 2. Brsso. eWr-t son of John Bennis, deceased, aged 4 years and ayontlHi. Hassaka.

At North Bcbeken. (New JerMy.i on Satnr day Jan. 23. after a short illness. Scsas HASSAaa, ia the wth year ef her age.

The funeral will take place on Tuesday next, at 1 o'clock, from her late residr aee. The friends of the ''y are re at-erttnily idt It on to attend. Vaw Desss la Jersey City, on Saturday. Jan. 23.

EaV A Wisiae. youngest daughter of Joseph and Anaa Msrta Vaa Ihwen. aged years, 4 months and 12 days. The relatives sad friends of the family are respe it fully invited to attend the funeral this afternoon, Monday.) at 2 o'clock from th restdeoee ol ber father. No.

184 tiay-et-. Jersey City, witbowt further invitation. WATCH KS AND JEWELHT VEBT LOW. Beautiful Gold Watches for Ladies, all descriptions, eentlemea's Bold Watches, Silver Watches. A written guarantee given with, every Watch.

Ear-rings, Pins and BraoeleU, bold Chains ef all kinds. Diamond Bings, And aU kinds of Jewelry. EOR6E C. ALLEN, Importer of Watches aad Jewelry, Wholesale and Beta! No. 11 WaB-sU.

second floor. HIGEMAN, CLARK CO 8 GENUINE COO LlfBB Oil. Has stood the test of over tea rears' erserienoA. and hi recommended by all tbe ssost sminent physicians as the most valuable remedy in ass for CONSUMPTION. 8CRO! TJLA.

DEBILITY, and all diseases arising from a 8CROFCLOC8 or IMPOTEBISHED STaTB OF THE BLOOD. Warranted pure, and prepared from fresh Cod-! fish Livers, by HEG1MAN A sueeessors te Hege- man, Clark fc Co Nos. 16S, 273, SI i snd Tot Broadway. I TO COISBH. DEPOT WITH CAST, HOITaRD A StNOEK, NOS.

1S AND ltd CHAUBEBS-ST. We offer to the Trade, through ear Agents, CART HOWARD A SANGER, ear large aad superior stock of Ivory Combs. In quality, we think tbey are tbe best in tbe market sad we have made a seals of discounts khich cannot fail to attract an buyers. PRATT BROTHERS A Deep River, Cone. fSTKARNn dc MARTIN'S WTLDIB PATENT 8ALAMAMDKB aATZa.

Fifteen years ia use, aad have arsvr failed SS pr ssrvs their eonteata from the ravages sf firs. These Sates, sosnrsd by oar' LA BELLE LOCX, which is proof against powder and trarglars. For sale by STEARNS At MARTIN, Ho. 40 Mtnray-e-, Mrw-Tork. BROOHlil'N ES CAN TI LB iTlBBAXT ASSOCIATION.

Ber. Beset Wais Bxxcaxx will, by lequest, repeat his leetare oa Wit end gamer, in tbe Atbenaoa. THIS (Monday) ETENTNS, at o'clock. Tlokets 25 eeais each. 1 CHAS.


TBI L.IFB AND TIMES OF AARON BUR Ms Ueutewsnt-Colonel in the Army ef the BevotutioB. Tice-Piesident of the Cnited Stat. Ae. By James Pastoh. with Ptrtrattg ou Steel aad Wood Cats.

Price 41 in plain Cloth half calf. 42 folloajf.S3 SO. This book Is ex el ting more attention. Is sssre talked af In literary circles, than aay recent Issue of the Press The life of Aaron Burr waa foil of escrfing incident, illustrating the extremes ef wealth sad station, poverty and disgrace. The story of this life Is told by Mr.

Partoe in a'ssasterly manner, so that ia the language of the Boston TrewJcr. author and swhieet eessblne to make the reader Peruana a gsore fataaip- bt has not yet been Written thaa tLls or the grat fUlibascer as well as ssost remarkable man America baa erodaeed. Tbe third edition Is reedy to-day. to which Is added a caief ally prepared Verbal ladea. The fourth sdltiea is in fnm OTHER WORES OF MR.

THE BTJMOROrS POETRY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. From Chancer to Sax. Karratives. Bail res, Enigmaa, Burlesque. Parodies, Travesties, Epigrams, Epitaphs.

Ti analations. including all the moat celebrated comic iiuiwas from the anti-Jaeobln. Rejected A il I nens. Ingoldsby Legends. Crulkshanh's Omaiboa, Bentlew.

Bisekweod and Punch. With a coOectioa ef saore thaa Epigram, and tlx choicest haaaorena nasin Pljsar. Cowper TharOray. Praed. 8win, 8oocC Hehaes, way.

Btmst, Seatbey. Save, flood. Prior. Coie-ridse. Byroa.

Moore. LoweJL Ae. With notes explanatory and Moaraphieal. By as. Pas tow.

ixmo. Sat p. Cloth. Si ie i fail gih. aad gilt edges.

42 as. aTVwwi tht Tk book to ens of rare merit one of pMsAure, snd not grief oneofsulTjvation. and riot weakness; one of proat, and not folly one which we will fove to peruse at home, abroad, or aaywheia ia the town or country, in the bowse er la the field, in the Winter or ia the Snmraar. LIFE OPBORACE GREELEY. Editor of Nr-York FrtoeTl aVX Pws I2t' 443 Iliaatrated.

Not. 108 ani luj Daaas THIS BTENINO, 8 CUt'MU EE. O. Visnrvnnwa gstlrs hi versa, hay i 1 T1 rchtaias sketches of UfsaaS slanerssaVs variety ef touefcet at th times," asoral. social srjdpolltical, with theadOitioo ef remlnHcraees of DSSJoTamd tha off JESSTE BROWN AT LFCENOW.

J' TVkeU Fifty Cento At Crowea's Boottator, tb XeW-Terk BoteL and at the Hsii. THOBK PXaATKO TBA SETS! Thaw are kmHM. ehMa. SIM Charter jak" tatter. Thev are ta TtrTAUTY.

rJWILLIANCV, rCVyOtTT AATha groetost light eves introduced. PLATT A BRtX. aawnusar the sale af BreekenrigCeBl Oil. aad saaaa- leeranrs et smiwoesa veai-vu bamps, Tas eaeaf on iiaas um ever taareanasi. BBS not ex Ke ir rica-gsree, sooad door tn Clmminn.

tfrT-Tazk. CITJBAPXST BROWN BTJTxTTTNa THE WOtXD. NATJaTEEACk 'S ArfdFfoXT8B3IOaU, OOaTSftOOw" KeatSaad id Wi P. COTTRMITT ev ATBKRrOft hps Stand ft Marrsy-et-corner Cllegs or 1 EM TvSL aLE' 7 saw Bertag awymtadsa. rrnstotlag seaitMs aad lJ- taart lee, ia all attlas to part tC Btack vu etoth.

tMvtts. Auaa aad weans, aU aaaMsai nmM wldiha. Black rvott ssoerniae. Bote, BsK Tsaftiesaa, Sea, Ssgr Black Satia Testtngs, aB rd aad Black Satia ds Chlae and Serges, aB aeanarB aawl widiae Black Snk Crarata, aU nalitlre, Black and Cotored Taflcto Ankiat. af DRESS GOOD.

PtoJB Bsregva. eelored aad black, easjltlea. i Crepe Is sreta. black dociurad. all fssiiUos.

5 PUle Moww eeliM ail euahliea, Prtoted TNaieges 'ti- fserege BoBes Telaats aad 4 QeuTe. Plain. Colored aad Printed Percatos. Printed i aeoaeto aad Ot gaudies, la stagicaad UCaSC. eolora.

Tom Bar4gvs aad Grenadines, a faB stfrtaitd af ec'fbratod asaks la iVreea, Brewn, Blaeaad Ulaak. Ayoae an ewa-iuw. Paris Fikst Mi Us. a full a.ilaimt. ta," Ae Ac Alan, Agents for "BAJOfJ Perw hid i wnrv.

-KLsiprR TTiEM" 0 I i "IPk lIL'snd -CaSTLX trot do Rhl RCMINACor fewlngs. A TERilA'8 Italian CrTt. WO-iLENS. HII 0E BROTH fSS' Cloths sad DtwaUna, sad swsr-erat aasortsnent ef ether superior snakes; tow-rsl Black l-ovklns aad Cloths Also. Fancy Cassi meres.

Coatings aad Vestiag. ONLY SS 8 FOR BEST COAX Par rVd Ash Coal, (n. Locust Mountoia (a rpleud'd enal) X8. Nos 14 Wall, too Cfherrr. and SS Kkm Sew-Verk.

asd foot Sowth Hh. and foot Smi'n 10th Wnilssastiaiw, IV' M'KBlRS OP Tl 1 7 eu'ia tbe year 154 and tl Nai ber oBtainieg the Piw Weot's Message and sseaoh of Hon. B. lnagias Aisn, aewara avereu sorauoB Of Jay 28. IW tnoolre at onhactlotiao des t7rri Lois WANTED POM fltSBt A boat T.i aar feet of land for maanfssliiiiesj.

tnrpoM. somewhere within Vme and a half milesef tha Toeant land en a corner, for the sake ef ligha oreferrsd. Apply to A. J. BaVaCH.

We IS Nam et. HrAtlAw IMPORTERS. FR OD A GROSS1KGLR. No. m4 Water-etL, are now selliag their pare, unadulterated wines, wbs 11 and by retaJ.

to suit the Max. Price lists tie by pest. filflLI MA ft TIL. LAS 8ITXE.AL LaEOE APa vctMMee eoes. less tnaa nan- once, fuss sue, turn eslsbe ABOaAS A- BE A I M.

mo, 1 rus mmm GOODS. 7BARX.T 8PKT740 Tf-RT OOOaTfSe GREAT A8S16KEE8 BALE i At Ko. sis Broadway. i-i Coraer of I lsniil rl -THE EKTTBB tP ING AMD 8CMMEB 8T0CX OF G. B.

WILLIAMS A COMPAbTT, t-t (Tormeriy at No. TS7 Broadway,) vv. And removed to the first asajsd address. For gi eater eenvenieace of sale. BICH PRINTED JACONETS.


-EMBROIDERIES. LACE GOODS AND H08IEBT OoasisttBg ehiefiy of Importstiens Inteaded for the sasulng Spring. Aad which, oa seeoaat'of late eiSBstxoue times. new be forosd 4 TO ABSOLUTE AMD PEREMPTORY SALE. I -By order of the Betignees.

TEttwsL rtxn nLT. i 4 -o Sal new ea. Store opened at is asd dose at WERK. OP THE GREAT SALE BY ASSIGNEES. At Columoian Hall.

Ne.SU Grand at, TJii precede at ed bargains in i'j, 1 tuch Plraa and ancy Urom HUks, lacs aad Muslin Draperies and Curtains, First-clsis Linen Goods ta nsmasV Table-cloths. Napkins, TowsUag) if .4 Dispers Shirtings, Ae. 1 mbroidcrics. Hosiery. Gloves, Tae shoes sal must terminate oa tb 1st day sf Fb ruary, by order ef tb Assignees.





I CALICOES. LAWNS'." FRENCH MERINOS, PARAMATTAS aad ALPACAS. The whole to cleared oat at aay saertnoa Issfar th lASJi February, to give pnssessinu te theaew toatnt. ftt Ladies canrngwiBsxaerieBes aeiHttpr-lntsataf. Na T2 0ANAL-8T.

Thrss doers from kfareer. BaiBROlDSRXKS BAIiDKEBCUUVSt Ac IPS Dose Cents' colored -border Linea ft HsadksrchJef- seats sack. loo Dos. Ladies' French Grass Llnea de 25c. sad Ebb sack.

208 Dos. Ladles' hem -X itched Cambris 42 ta sad tl per doses. A large tot ef MarseBles and Liaea Beta, sllgktly ailsd Tt cents each. Jsoocet aad Swiss Beta, from 4244, ta Si eack. BEEJUCAN A COMPANY, Me.

7S Broadway. ORKAT BAHtaAlfib) la 4-4 LINENS. 4C4) PTOCES kl 24, 40, sad 84 cent per yard. REAL BABX8XXY AND SCOTCH DAMAEEB. muck aader ptrloe.

"4 ARNOLD. CONSTABLE A CO Canal, eeraerof Mereer. BltiU VOIMUK.U PEiAIN HUM. AT1 FEB YARD. For Bros, tag Dress as.

i FuB Booed Suks. Rich Lastre, JOT Mw. eev- -7 At 'BBBKM'AM A CO.B, Ne. T3 Bisadwy. iivsasi ClrOAJAMS BEEKNAN A COMPANY, NO.

4)3 BBOaDWAT. BF.r.E MaN A tXX. Cloaks. Cloaks. BEEEMAM A OOb.

Me. 47J BreadtraX StotAW CLOAKS seningoC At greatly Esdriosd Prices. C14MiNO TIIM MMABVON CHEAP BARGAINS IN wlNfEJt GOODS. yard wide luiiwl Moire Aatiewe Sitka. sfirttgV most are warranted sstBiut i to be aoia aa i pot yard, east 41 2S to Import.

sopteoes hlaex Metre Anuue, 3 rricfewio. per yard i enidearbev iathesitoaat4L Tbestrineeaw of the tint as Is the only leasaa for wrinylng Uaes gaoadt -t at such raiaous rate. i Thaeeiseee of stock Shawls and Cloaks sclltag 4S per eee tewa thaa eswa! price. Cm sUoes. yards wide, white aad brew eThetfriV 'i purchased during the resent panie.

will oomU at U.ea. pri stint whoV-al srie. iwc. per yard ly 'V ease. iZ-d i 19 4 BawaeadSStoAdoeroset.

3 B. CLaPP A St aad a CoOnotino earner aionrot. I. UIFORTANT NOTICE TO VAHILLbd ivmo MOCm)JiTSa VOODaV a Tf. JA.Cd.MtS.

he. Aoi Broad i W0I eentiaa to seH aatil kiarch 1 At tat aAMJl L01T PRICAri as daring IB reoentjiaaie. Be wiU alseoflsr st wb---i sad ren rmtfl tam data. Id eases very fin AkACU LAW As3 fug 14 aTymru.jrt r--- prw. TaAPfAGBD) IRIBII LI1INM.

LJVXN TAELSw IS-. V-. vmn asmy-i, A uvea, yw1 hSSSI. Black EaliVtlTfU. for saie by Tnt, TsUIES fra Jit, Ck1etf-t Si- f- IMl.AUJ.lAItO, WOWlii IIBIKII UH ooeao per pa'r.

I ansl, ptrwe teat W. jACavdO Moarxing iMesw, Ke. est SiMr, 1 Botsresa Spring sew it utcesUe 4.

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