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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 5

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Ncro-gorfe Qailg" Sfmt0, gt)ttrgbcgf August 3, isss LATEST INfELLISENCE If Tiltpipk (be Baili TLae. Bmortl ef Cwe RMfr Wmiintm, WeArwfaT, Atir I. Is Lbs public press aw. peblic are sot agreed Wfwdiag the cum af Oo itESOSB's renxrvsLit Bill be recoUectea that erhfc las onwpomlabc betwees hist and Cmier Mmrnt.iT, cervericf charge by tha against C. W.

Ct-sBS, ladiaa A rent. m4 Class's reply, all beretoiors jwtliakH wee Wttcr from the Secrets-77 of Stat Lnfoerninf Gov. ResDEB, substantially. ton wilboMt atwfaeiory iptanatioaa relative to iialaad WmnMoi'! KaeesB sis official relation with tbe GovenaMat ema! terminate. It ia andW ateoa tboee war received here weak or two aga, and (ae joidiag to a telegraphic (Jisaatck,) bar juat baa a pahiisaed in the Watt They war etuireJy sasatufsctory to the Execn-tive, sad haaaa Gov.

Kbbdcb's removal oa the 3Sl ef Jaly. We presame the letter of dismissal Bad ether official paper oa the subject will shortly he gives to the public. Tata Man aiinply that ffreteoetxe- at Waahiog-ton i swing onr Telegrapaie Correspondence to toree upeti the public the Administration pretext for Risbsb's removal. The trick will aot work. I.

Times John Wilson. Ee -Commissioner of the Land Office, ha been eleoied by the Managers of the National afooaosaat Society their agent. Mr. Wmeelee, Minister to Nicaragua, and Colonel Fbsbobt, are here Judge MiltoT entered oa the duties of Comrois-aincer of the Lead Office this morning. t.ereraor Seeder's Removal.

Waaaiaotoa, Wedoesdsy, Aif 1. The dispatch anaouacing the remoral of Governor KEEDEB, and the apoiotmant of Mr. Dawsos in Lis place, having be a impliedly contra- dieted in aoaae quarters. I think it right to assert, without qualification, that my original statement is entirely correct. The amount subject to draft in the United States Treasury, oa the ZM was eighteen million six hundred thousand tollara.

Aaaaal rXeealsa ef tea Teaeaero' Aaaeelatlea. N. vVedneeday, Aag 1. The tenth annual session of the Teachers' As-aociatioa commenced here this morning, at Mt-chanics Hall, R. L.

Jokes, ef Rochester, presiding. The attendance; waa large, includiag Biasy ladies. After pnyer.tae order of business was aainouaced, and the friends af education from other States iaviled participate in the proceed' inge. A IXNnnuUee of eight was appointed to re port psograse in the legislation required by the educational intereata of tbo State. Deputy Super ntendeat Smith of Rorheeter, addressed the Cob Tentioa in tha aftaaonu, and President Jokes delivered an able aad eloquent address in the ereniag.

The Contention has agreed to adjourn on Friday. Deragtara af the Taaada. Boaraa. Wadaaasay, Auf 1 The Caaeda left her dork about 2 o'clock this ailemoom, but came to anchor outside the lower light, and remained there until 6 o'clock, at which hour the ateamer ac Treta placed on board die fatchea received here this afternoon by tha New- Haven train. The Canada then proceeded on her vojage.

The Canada has 129 passengers for Liverpool anal 9 lor Halilax, and Ukea out 8646,500 in epeoie The Waaleyaa lalT-rttr raaaaaaaranieat. Miiidletows, Wedneeday. Au. 1. At the annual anmeneement of the Wesley an Lbtrentty to-day.

twenty eight atudenta graduated. The eVgroe of LL. D. waa conferred on Hon, T. Minos, Governor of thia Sute.

This afternoon about two hundred of the Alumni sat down to a moat acmptuouj dinner, got up by N. II. Tcceeb, of the McDonough House. Te Kaaw.N'athlaga mt Ttew-Jeraay. Tbsktok, Wednesday, Aag.

1. The State Council of KnowNothings met here to-day, 150 members being present J. H. Lton presided. After a lengthy discussion, resolutions ware adopted protesting againt the Twelfth section (Slavery) of the Philadelphia platform, as not being part of American principles.

They also protested against the repeal of the Missouri Compromise. Tha Shis) Cavalier aekere. Boetoa, Wednesday, Aug. 1. The ship Cmvmlitr, JoBDOM.from St.

John, N. B. for London, is aahore oa Grand Neman, near St. John, and full of water. She is a new ship, thirteen hundred tons burden, and waa making her second voyage.

She ia insured here. Safety af Casts. Plasaaaer. Baltisjobb, Wsdnaadsy, Aug. 1.

Capt. Plcmmeb, of ship Water- Witch, who waa reported to have been drowned by the wrecking of his ship at Ylapa, arrived at New-Orleans on the -SAth of July in the steamer Ortaaia, from Vara Crux. Tha Philadelphia; Blare Caae. Pa iLADULrai Weeneeeay, Aag. 1.

The counsel for Passkobe Williamsox this moraiag applied to the Supreme Court for a writ aeiee carp, with the view of bringing Willi am ao a before that tribanal, but the writ waa re-fuaed. The Kasaai JLaglalatara. CaiCAoe, Wadaaaday, Aag. 1. The proceedings of the Kansas Legislature up to the 85th ulL hare been received here, but they entirely local, and deroid of general interest.

Tallaw Ferer at Geeawrt. AlTiMaaB, Wadaaaday, Aug. 1. Yesterday there were ton aew cases of yellow fever at Gospoit, Va-, and three deatha. Artrsd af the NaafcTtlle at Charieatasu wr The United States Mail Staaaaahip NtukvilU, -Cap.

M. Debet, amvad hare from New. York at 1 o'clock tkia Bfirnoun. Arrival mt tha KaaxrHIa at Savaawah. Satabbam, Taaaday, jni, ii.

The ateamahip Kmmmvxllt has arrived here after a pasaage of S3 hours New. York, with all on board wall. NK MONTH LATER "ROM MEXICO. XeUtWae) Bwtw tha railed Staraa aad seatee 8a.Bded-A CaaadrattMaJ Owr-wwaaawt rrwfaaed Beiteaa OatfeeJk la PaeMa. New-Orleans papers of Thursday have been re--cerred hare, and give the details of a raocuh's later Maws frees Mexico.

Th principal feature af the uHeUiseoca is a ly 8aTA Ami to grant a Cdnstitu er argaaiaa Uw to the people. AU the papers aaeatioa, hut only ia abstract. Waf flNjseaalatioM adopted by the Coaacil of tato ethawbjeat dwelasaa that the republican ThTrah? P-TMtesjolutiasAwsaaafoaowB: tSSSmmZmmV tM he aunews haaVn srtfajrasMsjAnuMyasrfaa." wU1 Coumeilrt State. mi which Sabta Abma preaideSenorDo. Fm.

T. ef gtata Was t.T w-' Caw. H. M. S.

the IWdeat, ta aajrll, ailI 7 7 Tihat Peons than waioh H. H. alaasa wM tlasS it ttatieeaesi Ikat I.aaaM daay to U. M. NEW: PUBLIC ATI OXS.

FOR ALP I amtpmtvt soe pereeoje nasi asonr mt aA Man-am es. sent tats i f.I-rrr aversm I i vab a. las I AiUuuI lit Lilt A O. MSnajaiut aNai)i mt a4 BM. a lf 1 glTTJATTftw WHtviL m--f.

alaae w.i sufles as exeveies the evtts tsmt tar ate mwe 5 LS ZTTS a-aty(aaeaaal aaaaa as ag waeweartaaea, m- mmr mmZmZlmTmTmJLTmmTl raera. ral)taa. asrtealtars aatu sjaartf ra aed aad aor mM ml aa aw and aufteriag a aerat dssraatissi ta eaaseeaete nf a Bwrv mfn rttnads the a.ionwL ai. tfca ravaiasaiata, the roreed haa-n-a Caaassudaato Utawral. she easaarraaa ml males aad Ma tserdv CnLd rTlvaaJ ta roatieaai itvm aal neraitiaf Car tas arstr.

taa to a aavvaaumbu.aBd itaaaii k7ZT ertaatlsa ef affairs la very strteas, aad asesl at4Mstie waraentinn tn pvea to tae maaaar la fries. jrraot evWsBay aeressatlad. Tears are a inawad xaialBte woaa tha aehMtaal sawertators aad alaarrs ef tax deport aaaaia taa atata of laeamcttoa. beeaan, althnagh Prn all taa tea, ordinary and xtraardiaary, Impmed apaa taew hy the uaeaasaadaaia Uaaerai. tney raeetve aa atata in from the Govereaarat traepa, aad late tatters Ireta Marelia a nana ana tau alt eah there Is a atraag garri- sea in last city, aa Hai nine at party or an revala Uaotata are aM' tn iaKavmeaea tae eltlaena by pra Teattrtg the gawaaea ef pa lataaa.

lhie a as anaay athar aocnrraaeea are paMicly kaown, evrrybady retatnaiarm, lestera refer ta them. aad at taa same time, she truth rs Eept Krom a. a. la this D'Sanera brl ef hss beea rbruMd that th re vol o-tlea eaa be pat aa end ta only by foree mt anas Aaaiher po-at atraagly daasaada aueattoa, baeaaaa It belsf vory disVali, af aot ImpoaaiUe, ta presnut eir-eumeUDeea, la tneresae the revesoea of the nati to mora tbna wiiai thry have produced aflate years, great ears willae aieaanary to diapoae ef it. It ia balievrd that It la only by a etrtet aeeaamy la aepadltare.

aad by a eanrfhl ay steal af taiauea, thai the mi sane el previdibg for las exeat aeeessary require meets for th public usee, eaa be expected, and etui tha eatimatea sbow a large dtflcit Thin, of sonraa, pro-dueea an alarm among thinking Maple, because tear breee the fatal convrqeeaeee of a want of reaoareea ta I be Geverament. All theee points bow form tha aabjeal of public and private dieraseion. and ought to to receive she etraageet eensiderstlan ef the Baperne Covaruaieoi." The Vturmmt the 17lh mkes it clear that the excitement which the agitation of this question is causing, is even stronger than the above remarks might lead our readers to infer. The Rev. olutaaniets, tt says, cry Good the Government is yielding because tt is no longer able to repress the armed rebellion, and now the triumph of the rebellion is insured.

Senor Don Luis Rivis is stated to have been appointed Minister to Washington, and he was to leave Vera Crux shortly in the war steamer far. bide. Doubts, however, were expressed aa to his destination being ashington. The relatione lctween the American Minister sod Mexican Government continued suspended, owing to Mr Gadhden's quarrel with the Mexican Minister for Foreign Affairs. The news in relation to the movements of the revolutionists is contradictor)', as usual, and quite unreliable.

In the case of the filibustering bark Magnolia, seixed st Mobile, Judge Gatli has decided that the bark and anna on board are not forfeited to the Government. The caae had been carried to the Supnme Court. SPECIAL NOTICES. cLXASiao out sals or ladies' sokweb soots And aboaato make room lor aow Tall stock, st HAB.RIOTTH BBOADWAV AM U.T SHOE EMPOBtDM, 436 Broadwav, enraar Howara-at. AT We are mow OOertawtae oalaaeaof earspleeiUd snck of Summer gtda at smelly rtdaeed pnoaa, ta mke ream for oar Fall importation, aad manufacture.

Ladies' French gaiaeri, slippers and Una, also misses' aad cbildrea in every tij Ladies' raners from 1 so 1 Joetraoeifas, anew It; Is of ladies' rubber orar-ahoea foi thou who wear hrela. BT Ka Cholera est Board at Steamships where Di. jAhtfcs McCLIN IOCIC8 DlAJlBHCK A. COUDIAL atsd Two boadrei' caass of Cholera, Ouurbo-a, Cholera Morbua Disratery, flhatora lataaram. he he treated a a sugla da sooaaariiny by thia aatalote, hj tba Oo-Ur, whilr Phji'Cisn to tba Cit? Cholera Hospital and City Pnoaa, Philadelphia, duriaf tbo dreadfnl Epidamlc of told by A CHJbHM Alt fc No.

3S Broadwar, aad by respectable druggists throat host the Vailed Statoa aad nr Reddlaa's Rasauua asuva ess. a Bos. a I at on mao oi 30 roars' landing a sva aad aasadr ecr Baras Sores, Roils, aad all external iaianoa roooat aandod by phrttciana. Bold by all droggiate ia tba Gnu katee A eANDS, V. CLICKKNKB CO IS.

H. USO, Nw Tore wag B. CTEBER. JOHN OIL IKRT ft PaibuUlphin, aad BKPDINO fc Pro mators, Boaf. CVThaee 76 Boota Made ta Order By A.

BA 1KB. No. 1ft thabotlFronehCnlrikiB with patent ahanka. Beat French patrat-laathar Boota. gr lott.

Evaiy stfla of shoes, gaiters, he. cheaper than elsewhere a savmg of Tt te per ceat. ia yoar boot bills. at Ttoaaajni Flowers Tor bsaatrrrmt be ouraplszioa and orsdlcatias; all taa, paaplas or frecklo-ram thr mne FETRIDOB fc Franklin-aqanre. New fork; fcrsalsbyC.

H.UNO. Broaalwv, sad aU draggwai Orrics or Cosnuiom'i or thtioainoR, NBW-YOBE. Joly3l. 18S6 rw-yke Castle Garden will be open4 oa Wr.D NKtDAY. tha lot of Angnat, aa tha Emigrant Laadiu tha reraataoa and laspeetioa of all emigrmata arrmng at thai port.

BEBRABD CAS6CBLT, Soemtary. fT" Faacr t3nda Ikraaadata' Sales. Tooth braahea, eoaioa, Lubta'a extracia, Low't arowa inaror wnp. Iwinn ookiFaa adapted to Drunuta' aales. jr aala bv aad erarr arucla BUT U8 McHABO fc IsaDOrtars.

No. U3 Broadway. rr TT, JlJ" Ota at Redaeed Prices -We will otlr 1HISDA oaroatue atookof Bareges aad Printed Musthis ai g'asMy redocod pneta. ta make room for onr Fall Oooda. We are also aalUng Worked Band.

Collars aad roder haadherrhlaB a groat banruai. LKADBEATEB fc No. 31 Broadway. Ca" The Lars eat Broad la the City MADH IXIIS PJItW FLOUR IISaDWEU'I BAKEBT, No. sS Cnrnuae-at.


BILLS, SHOW BILLS. Aad aU kind, of aUBCAMTILB PBXNTINQ at Shi owxst casm raict. Orders toft at the eOos af this saner promptly attended REDt CED JIWILBT DIAMOMeJ AND BlLVIBWABK. 1 ho nndmsnod bw tbo last aurbtoen renre a well kaowa aaaW aad importer, onwra ror anla nil gooes in hie lino at loaor prmca for tba name gnalitv, than ear other boose ia hew-torh. aay ether eaty, aad wul ssad by mail or ezprem.

ATCHES. JaTWTXBT. ha aD puts of tbo Uaitod Statoa, free of eharre. All roods waitanuw aa uniiaoulsil Oraare be sand Qiasl in i ill mith. fnlrjsi.eiHlrdin WATCHES WITH PLACE FOR DAGtTFRREO JT BGFNeifN' AfCHT: w.nio".!at!f '2! i i.

ww i n.nn, wntrnnroa USto tNDFPTNDENr SECOND WATCHES FOB fOCKET CHBONOM ETCf lk EIGHT-DAT JSto LADIES' E1AEI. aS w. COLD irUNTlio OPENlFAClb 'UTiis; fia iewoiod; rrtfn-u tn "Jled" OpmFA'Wfgirjew: Uto EABBJ-GS JEWELBT. PU.S. 1 SB BkATEttfrS lotos SS GOLD GVAHD GOLD CHATELAINhLnrMSTt ciiinTRn rrniKi -vnaii, ns OT tie GOLD FOB CHAINS GOLD PFNC1LS.

GOLD PEN and PT.NCTL8 PI KE GOLD WEDDING GOLD CBOeES CHAsrp gold mwos. PLAIN SOU) BINGS. es to MM uw IS re sat HSS as at sat I St ta late te 1 tela ISSSs 1 SS to dewetry of ererr doner DlABtONDB. PTAWOm) 8TNOLE grONB Hamond cLvsru plks QAMoND RINGS DIAMOND EAR-P. IW.S..

DIAMOND CBOS8E8 DLAMOAD BJLACAJLET8 si ss to sua sa ss to sts ss UA, SO. ILTXinVWAlR. STLTTJ TEA rTPOOvi! par not SCSI te tSM S1LT DkSKKT SPOONS par sot SS to If St SILTEB TABLE 11 SS to St SS tuLvaJt Droearatr trvKBlB. irror PWio 1 Cava. Naafcm Bmgs.

he. mania, caseka aM Joaaiir aasaliistas, Wstsk ss sa Jawatry tnkea ht ear Sanaa. OfO fTALLKil. lamwresref Vahakes aad 7ewetry. WhohwhW andBM a US is aa a oa aa eeuiag-cake lLarres, rvs Karros.

Fwh Karrea. porka. tbs-Cream Kmree, Frnat atnivaa, Bittor Ewfi Frt ssd Esssa 81.11235. aad 7 sla TZILZ 7 etaj- a aa -at eseUeat "erwiaat a.d v-atrm. or anna aad ma-l-w tto a to abort da ana a Uw ott Has (-Ml taotrni.

Apply at Mo Allan, -st Brooatra, bar three data. Ww fia sth Call at No. 11T East Cdit.or send not Kll CATIONS WAXTEO-ByaSnstchaasawhnhas VJJhees bard working; m4eroisnds rarrteuar and takiae UAH. JS of ran tt: Addre-SCOrCH- TT A JTO WANT ED By respectab'e wnmsa, V10 sewiae ssachiao Rbo h. a wenufacure.

-tther RK drat sanchme ae mag Address CITCATIOVr WANTED-Br a vonng a. krur, to tasacaraof children or to "anistrras mar bit P'eeent emoloTerl. No EM West A MASTER MACHINIST-Of mdaatrieas haMa. at present naitregifw a sitaatam. wld hks ta boar of a chance tr sapxnnieod the build tas nf noma kind of mill, ire.

rawing or maaafvtsnnc proportv Po am own -aai poworranbe intrxlnnnd, wbhV 'hn WMa bT MtLL" Itl I SritBi competent aad artire voonr man, from to 25 yen't of see. that is familiar with nil the brenchos of the tork new; pomisi an inflneoeo wiU all tha Uadinc brokara, ano as aa eitturra eoqnainaoc anwf the leadins stork operators, as to be ahls to naotrol tbev patronne such a rota a as rnaenenplv wtth all these roqiirementa, aad produr tliem-ct anrireptionable ref-ro ens tncharw-ter sad onnlrhcarioi I beral -omnmsntion will be rirn. and a pt-emane' No others need az jir Ad droe of this paper. TFAJ tlFsk totaaehtlw EnrliMI brarbea, inrluduig book leepiog, about 30 mti-i fiom th Car a ftrntYwe aleebraiat and arbbme-t rsanonrarad aoplr. Easenaoee as a dncipbnanaa in-'imnaxle.

Add ras far ote week Boi No. 3S Slug Slur Pst-0cce, post-paid. AGEWTS WANTED Ta sail a new map of taa 8ne of Axoir BUckand Baltic Boss eta an nw plan ef iri.i-'iT.i. irewi map tn caropo, no. rrico2BOntl A.

n. ri. n. nn sus aiioa-at. borne egrets ere ma makimj rrom ss to sio par day.

COMPETENT AGENT OR CANTASSER Ar TI'D ia ererr City in the Uaioa. to dissaae of Kidder's Gw Hr'aior aid Rigbta nndar the Patent Nona bat thotonsb and etnrwnt men noad apply to l. uutuisB, ore; atary, no Ml Broadwav. BOY WAWt active, rntelheeot bot, trom in it yssrt old, bo i asides wtth his naraots. is wan od a jbb ae bonne ha must be stout anl heaithy.

anl oi'-irr to 'enli in Un tn his bssasaa Go al reference required P.adar tno the Ural rear None ne app'y bnt such rna fot ananar the iloacnptsDa. Bos No. 3.492. TO nr HOLES ILK ITillnsrst-1 man, 'horonrhlr acanaiated with blank books sa4 ala. taxerv and who can mflueaeo a moderns amonat nftrede wsbes a situation ss salesman.

A.dress X.S. Tioies Office PROTESTANT WOMAN WANTED To do ts tang wast fcns nnd irosins: of private fsmilT. 0-xd Citr renre pnitITely teqaired Apply with'a three days al No Amoo-st between sad II o'clock, morning, WASHING. Gent lease or fsssilv wnhne and iroa-ing. iBCierias laeat and fluting, dona in tha nearest manner at lowest phots, by M.

No. S9n West llb rO SILVERSMITHS Wnoed. sersrat 8poon-makeTa. by WOOD fc HUGHES. No.

lot Fnltns-at GOOD MILLINERS WANTED Work ('venom. Apply unnxdiately at No. 60 Bnrrlny-st ap stairs. I.l.IERt WANTED. -A few rood milliners waaled at No.

(0 Barclay-et ap ttalrs. FARM LABORERS, FEMALE SffMEBTICS, tr mar he ens: -grd at the erne ican Eraolonea rety. No 17 eoowr-b-st Females at No. II Bible touts, sd Wo Sn)s-st wrooktfn. BRDINa BOAR DING ON BROOKLYN HEIGHTS-Bets, eon Fulten and Wall st Ferries, for gentlemen, rtlh pert a' boa'd in a p-irat.

family The hoosa aud itu-tjeii desirabla Rofrreneaa nnexreptaoaabla add lb; roonth of August, with real name. W. AN. f'kEft Tisio Office. ONRolkLTNHEIGHTT.

rOentlemen andtherr Wrres. also Single Gentle-nes ran accomrniea'd with perniineni 01 tranatrnt Hoars at "a 3t C-anberTv-st corner of waiow about three ah-ites' walk from the Fulton and WalUst. Femes JtaRO A MUD -F and His wife, fr the Is- of Vmi nrrt, in a prirare fkmilv. idirg h-tween lMhand lth su, westof snd near Briad- vo'3ia PosT-b'ffi'cr8 UnM' fcr iROriKLVK Desrralile board in a earner house new ana rleris fiimi.H.H i i few minutes' ws'k from the terrier, vny now be nl tew select bos'ders taken. Those srisMnr to find a nut re-orre renutreH infirmitm.

k. c- rA, TnnrsOlEc. No. 4 ASTOR PWkCE. te Citizens and straaaera wiahina nornmmsdataaia are e-pretfslly unnd to make selection from the go's timber of desirable bnardin-pares os onr regis'ce 'tenrb.

Spanish and Imlwn soohss In some families. Thai a good medium for procuring bnerders BEMABEST fc BASSET FTRNISHED ROOMS TO LET WITHOUT BOARD A Clob of fonr or fire tat tlemen oaa be ao-omnwiaud with a handsome baek room for a sleep-rig pertinent ard beantiful front parlor Wr room For paiticulaia apply at No. 10 4th rt. eTJTt'ISHED ROOMS TO LIT Wuh or wrtnoat partial board, as desired in onth Brook It convenient to all the and ar, aastbeonor; fans)r small and private. For irticulnra oquua at No.

Brooklyn. ROOMS Wag TED fa STh. Stth or tut sts.near 'b or 6th are two or three room. mutable for a daatlet or physiaiaa. Address B.

Tiici Office. TWO LARGE AND WELL FC 1MSH ED BOOMS lo LET-Wlthboihoa the earns noor.withor -ruhoni brrd. ss pmrsto family, at No. 3d st near M-t Terms moceinte MRS. BAR AER Formerly Of East Hroadwsr.

now ocevpymg the large fire ory house. No 41 Breed war. can accommodate a Sew more suurls eatlnoe or marred eonnle with pleasant rooms, on the oat favoisble terms baths. Ac. PUBLIC MEETINGS.

AMERICAN I NSTITTJTsS. A stated me.ane "a Rooms, No 9SI Broad-" THIS (Thw1ar) ETENING, AagaatE, at a cleck. Members are reqnsoted to ssfnd HENKT MEIOS, Roc Secy. C55.PJ,9 recalar meeting the Corns will be held st H. Miell's Star Hotel.

No Sar Hotel, No. 'frtir jl Kill A I IVENINQ, Ang at EAYMOKD, Colonel. Wm. Tavlob, Adjutant- 'Ktrm-YOKK BIBLE SOC'I ETT. A asular a mwm tae noera of Msaagore wM be held st the Amert- Bslb r.TV Aseor-plaea, aa THCSSOAT, Ang al o'clock 'M.

JAMES HOT DIN, neeerdinr gserea-y. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. fafo the'r-itroa. ti' "all berand rin a weeks to supply oidera for "heir newly mvented Dwphorue Pianos, snd harine at pes wat a larre assortment of tba ordinary ft.enos, wonld sell tsnilnat A lor. a raw second hand pinnae.

Wareroeua 436 Broad waT, cor Ha.ard wnrerorano. BACON fc RATEN bare, ia enass-gaenca ofthe ertenaioB of Canal si remoTod ilisu Wareroem to No. 13 Grand one block mm at Broadway, bey offer Ikv fnemli and the pnniie, at their new pines of trail sees, ostonsivs sa-wtment eg Piano-Fortes, warrnnted ia svary reopset. fiS?" 1,1 PIANOFOBTES L1GHT. NEWTON fc BRADBCBT8 re.

trAfnlly nnu attention to their piano-fortes, eonsrract. 4 wiik the patent areh wrest piaak. whtoh is nnooabtodlr 'be most substantial Improvement ever latrodaced tote due popnlnr instnunent. DMNAA IN BROOKLYN -At Na. Court A Marble Block may be found at all times a larre a meat of the hast New- York aad Boston maaofactara.

i oet- 1iTiiC ensea Music oa taa anbtisbsrs Also, BiCnmdssa's Madera School for aoo i B. MATHEWS FX.T2l 7w2 FORTES MaaelhO-tared by iWAT fc SONS. No na Walker-st idwny, N. T. These manos roeerrod the drat srsauss is oompetition with pianos made by rbe mow celobrnted or von, CSW- OTX rBllWIOlDhm Evary pmno warraated.

Prices aMdarala. ROS. -PIANO FORTE XT ANTJ-FACIUBEBANa WCntre-ol -Where msy bo fonnd Ins aasortnasnt of lewir eslearasod hsss, sisis nnd or. T7JJB BARTER Any serosa baring a aew ae eeosn. ox "awn ptano, wwowwma uis sa exenneea tor a apsaadnt sawwlvi kaieitaKoi easklak snel A asu as' address J.

A. Box No. tot Post-Omoo, Braokrya. TXARRISOira tHiVRSCK beds ss nsssapspk, ar aad tieav its soior eoaerald arooaTrui trrrsso Frm's fresh rerdsre. News bat ABtUSO eaa Vff BATHS-V No St)Sra-av Ths ibi salts sfllmi hnthi sssin I 1 DvBANKLNSON, SITrATIO WArrTEO Bf a meat east aad tly fUoageae al hoaaemam a plma feaulr eta wanh bm irra bata bread aoout with milk aad k-m-r, il ia the eaaasrv or ns ehnmbananm nd rmpMawt waiooaa.

tt I wr oforem ma T.rT. Tr a vnrswass sr asirn ACKIN, aid en-bane, sad retatled ayCH ILSO No. BBS Srfr, who soil HARRISONS FRAGRANT SHAM. lOflON. for eeeaauag ton head nnd maaoaa Ikw hoar rasrani i an asuass au metallw aaa- S'Q 'or a.

a.i Thssij gMiaiSretasnaia. ghaeirwsss seowsn oorkirtsid rwas aoll. pel Was or res a at ear wsssxssss msar I have no bwssaees ssjenaoctaaawilki ssit nss Ksw-Tess. Aag. Libia.

OSZXK. LA sVMreV. WABsra cocbt er afpeaab caabs. By NAraaa Hawass, Jr Onsniilnr nt Law. For sale by JOHN DlOSST fc CO.

We-1 ns st. BOOKS FOB THE SCBBMER. ARE YOU GOUaGoTO THE COUNTBTT DO TOTJ REMAIN IN TOWN The tmiowiag anpnlar Books are well sdsptsd I ui or I t. ot Conatrs modi soar: Heavy Ward BwrWr Sar Paoors. 1 as 1 an i is 1 1 fa 1 SS 1 SI i at Hamav nd's Country tfareina and frnmossr Bsmblao rlaoil Han.

bt i I's HiUa. Lnees nasi St ConMssaon 'he Btery of a Womaa'a Uis. btr Bee's Lors Loefc Aneed iss (eeebso Snesm. or Fisherman's Bali easeth Abraad, illut'aeU 1 be Old Ion. or Travelev's Entoetnirnner.

He a its Poll, from the Diary of a Prneiller. Mr. Witoff's Mi Coarshwaad Bs The Mewsbny. By Mrs Oakasfmt'L Jack Dewnne's rv-wi- dembt. r-nwisnor, wo lis And fur sale by sll honksellere and aewn renta Cosaes sent br atari peak ana) on rerornt of pessa GET THE BEST EDITIONS.

I. TTTPFTTS PKOVEHBIAL PHrLOSOPHT. A Bin, of Tbnnsnrs aai A'gnnenu With aa Korea oa the Pail-osnphy vi prove' bs Aatnnr's Berisod American EdiUsa. 1 vol 12me bastifal steel Por-rsjt Pries I. Apples of gold ia picture, of TTPPFB'S COMPLETE POETICAL WORK.

rluomg Ballets fur the Times." "Oornldine." Hacto-aua T' A 1 bouaand Ln ea," and other Poeoit Anlbo 's Bevised American Edition Steel Portrait. Muslin 430 pp tfmo. El. THE ABOVE. Tworolnnies iu one.

wh Por-trn't Muslu ir't bark aid tids t2 For rale br all boon seal, rs Cop es sent by mad. prepaid, en receipt of price MILLER- ORTON fc MTJLt.IG AN, Pnbhsters. No 28 Park -row, New-Yuik, and No. UN uVea- Auourn. LIONS DO WRITE HISTORY SEAOT StSCeT MT BONDAGE AND MT FREEDOM.


MULLIOAV. PuhJiSh-r. oe Fork row. New Tork Auburn. ETERTBODT 8HOCLD READ THE NATtONAA.

POLICE GAZETTE ros the rsaatsT week now besot. It rortamiihe densrsii of Judre PLarr. of I tre.a, on 'he Groni Censiaiacv cans; also, an able art oa Caatle Oar den at an FntKTnni I it anotue cattuur chai4er oo Official Cre-raptr and an nrticle. also, menuoiuax" some ferts leisure t- ihe uropean Bell rreeita Its Correaponneece is wore than nrnslly sood and i's criminal news eop out ard veiled The Insh novil nti the fi once increases in interest with evsrj Mnvessire rhap'er It a great osoer. ROBS.

JONEa fc A(enu, No. 1(8 Neuaa-et. SPIRI tr ALUM! President Mshnn' Great rk on thu Subject, Eatitled MODERN MYSTERIES EXPLAINED AND EXPOSED, Will be jmilistied br aa oa MONDAY. A'ur JOH. JE fc CO Boston.

DRY GOODS. RltlUKUsO.Ts IBlfTH LINENS. DAMASKS, he The pubis? wall please bear in mind that tha rennint poocs are always seeled wb the fnli ajrnarurx of rbe flrar, RICHARDSON, 8ON0 fc OWE J. BULLOCK fc LO( KE. Arents.

No. 3b New-York. UMBRELLAS FMBKKLL.AS EM atRFI.I. Aj JOHNISVtlrH. WHOLBSALB MtNUriCTWSIB, sat aad Vm Broadway, Solicita the attention at dealers to a aew style of szceeding.

lj lsjtt sad neat SILK UMBRELLA of alt rises snd colors, rjarica laxly adapted to the snn, witr. Ivory, Wood and Steel Handles. OILS AND PAINTS, COAtlRN-S EAltkA Ola. 18 SARRANIEDOS ory qaalitv for marbinery and bnnuae Bein. anaured nnt peireetly free from gam.

it work. Snely ani jert-ctly antisfnetorUy aa a aehinery. snd will barn aqas-to tha beat Spera. in a-ochan cat, eight and other lassos ft hss bees ass InrrrW for ike past surht years, snd is taventa ail with oar largest steamahina. railroads, aischin.

shone reruns, ax. BarraUaOteoSaallitiseack Warranter sniformly rood, or sa be rwnrced a the erpense of (Co onrs's oa arent,) JOHN W. QCINCT, No. sa WiBiam corner of Fiatt. PAINTS! PAINTS! For bui'ding.

fenew. tmfs, Ae .1 lie .4 VI L. 3 .7 our va-i. un t. tic ec Preble's Boiled Oil nt T5c.

gillon Oil rr rooft fce at No. lUMsaden ln.e. N. H. SMITH.

ILS! bnildinss. feo rooni. fcc. Mlcsrra eallon Preble's B. lied OD at 76 cents.

Machinery OH. 6 cents A'so, PsinU and Vsrnsbes al No 113 Maiden lane. New-York H. SMITH BUSINESS CHANCES PARTNER cab', slup-wniht business, lutsr e.taiil shed, aii clemns yearly t4 OSO also, partner wanted with tS.One rash in a srleoeid maaatartursnr business, parent connected, sad slearuvr in enmmT tlOOdnt.y. EMUS Iran wen-ed opto realtors spncasii, house, worth 13 UC Alas, a snpenor bakrty for s'le.

in Hvrvon-et fz; nlso. s. aciou. 6 and feed sre, BrooklrB, 17 MO. clearing yearty alrelovbeT'ssbrpaonatovraAMO.

Applylat No. 81 Nassea- No. 12. 2Ann FARTNER WAITED To take an in a BunkriniiM hn.inu. leabcrs am-mnt of onoh a hu.M a frrcssh.

Secnnry givaa frw capital alrtncod For psrhc-otnrs adtKors km No l.s New-York PoauOfflco stating wbeie aa latemew may be had. finfl FOR SNOO A Straw Hat and Bonnet V.trWuMsaisfnctoTy businees, bnUdmg and in. proeemest srtiR-b etsts bnrasaa brea established mt years lease of the premises fane tools $30S; will saenbeed, as the owner is out of heeitn. For farther particulars inquire st Ne 6teh-ee. Iflft -FOR SALE -One-half of a Bo- and IrgJ.

nsper Business hss been established a long tans, ai is dnir rood trnda. For further particulars, address LEXICON. Time. Office. TO WHOLESALE BRTJGGIB.TS.-A drug sales-man, bar log a vaintble cash and months trade wnhes a situation in a firt class bouse, from the 1st of sep-tembor Address HENRY.

Tisks office. COAF AND CANDLE WORES POR SALE- evwen ail well loeatett for doina sn sit entire boa Address Ithnon. Y. BUILDING MATERIALS. ROOFING SLATE.

PRICES NOT UfJ IT IT IS CHEAPER, HANDSOMER, MOki rCRABLE, MORE FIRE PROOF THAN METAL acd can be as readily sepolied and laid on the eagle 6late compant, of Castleton. Yeraxmt, tub ATTBTiTion or Builds as. a bcwttects ssm ihe public generally, to tt-eirossts aro riiBFLI aooriBS J.ATB, wkich. beine superior say hitherto mnmod a this country, they recommend fry BIAtJTT. STBRitaTH a XT ptiBABiLrrr or colob, as rcu.T equal to the welsh It can also be transported ebenply to soy of the statu C1MADA.

OBTRB WBSTIRDIKS Company, nrhile calling the attextioa of the pnbbe tt the article produced by them, would remark of slate rot swriiro rtmeosrj genernl, that the ebeapneas witl which is produced sad laid on, its rrsnt preterit ton asm no ares snd -be heat of the Summer, with the fact that rtne-ro reenires pnintirg- lasting a lde-ttree without repairs readers it soruios to aht otheb soorttra butebja. Tbey ttierefore invite all Cnmautroes for the erection Srrbls: tnstitntioas, and perenns buildiae tret class rset tnces town er country, to in rest urate the eatajoet. They refer to the followinc expenenoed slater, for inor matrna aa to the quality of the article Kaauiactared a-them, JOHN ROD IF, Fo E27 Waabingtoa-st New-Tort. EDWARD CROHHEUN, Ne CS WashtBrton-et New. York fc J.

DTJGAN. No tt New-Tork. THOMAS LEV. 18. No.

44 Rose New York Onmmaaientsiis.s nddressed to W.KIMUM. Caatlatoa tat. FCRMAN, st tkw depot af thaOompaat No 300 Wast Ksw-York, vrilTmeet prttmpt aUar MAGNETIC POWDERS. THnmno Who steal's one's puree steals trash Bot eoaaterforttne: names Is worse tbsa robbery of cash. And enatvatitoi Aami Is bnyinc LYONw Powder look First nt ths wrapper; mark it well.

i a tees r-is name is mere, no sore, lhe article's "a sell EPOT FUR LTO'S MAGNETIC POWDER PILLS for Btsecta, rats and mare, Ne. 4J4 Broadway. swowsaaaaaaBansxaaBBaansaxeaasaaaaaasaasaaasssao COAL. HECBSCrTER ANTHRACITE A renered in arst- rase order for sketmer', aso and for family par. aeoaa.

Also, Bread Monssaia Lamp, of boot onality for WTJ lmd been at 1 for mana'acOaren' use. For sale ay the single eargaer larger qnasutioa, dsiirersd la hew-York oa liberal terms Artply to CHS. A fc No. Soata-st. fremas sndo.ntEsapsrSDa; sad WhSta Ash al af tram yard, ha oerck-ss weight and aenbtv warranted.

MAT. CL1NTOM. nt-IamsVlrrermg th-beetM Aah at SSfSara Snnnnlstiee nf tona er mwm es ea frere ary ysrda. Boa ItSPanne at otssavav. PBTTU CUJTION.

ATkOAI, SO FEB TON-Oftho best errsrity af whits V-raja red ash. st eaa and sag, at the sad Larawaaaa Coal Yard, ears waf King and Orooaaratk ata. C. WATERS. iTIBrXEt ER S.

FWBervX.B'K. ailWWIlstxr ERCTTIONS, nALTRHEUM fce. Poettrrely enrwi avuMi-irsiinsuui KsvawAtallsUAr. POU SSE SUBTILE uproots hasr frnsa aay part af taa badv. OUQE, IdLT wrtiiK, Bill DTB aad BX3TORA- tv as swMsrni, na oi woiaaret.

Z7 S'wWi TewLZi arw store arnss fyJBW PATENT SPBCT ACLaT S-An r.Trwai.7 swTsijsace' rna Br4BBaVo5 r. CvrrSTBT BESIDESCE AT fT, oet4 iianiy sad ssto. ha. ass we andsVna eolkar. rera aadnprasa weAse raheneo, mSi stTktls.2!wWr ana trait too.

end grass and ethos sal be see a aU wo MiTeosaS? eea'L. r-ewaryaad eel faea lwd. 11 ka aasos mrSmam or I ia esab, remaraeer ta ref pewih and nor sort of aJLZZ VTS grroaof freet aarle-s, oYZLLTmZZ? wbot ears or bre on rbaren. erTwTSrV! Wl work, a br a a-nra-Couats MmTw i 2 rra a swt It te ra Wesa. Yerk bv Hadaam 1.

aonratr N-w. teawsttoapsaa Half oa ana riser o. further of H. Sir 1 e'eVssfc A hi Sim rw who tie- rye B. Terras of Asre.t, 1" potNTNt fSTIt ttt.ATrEMtE-taua 1 etwatry seal for sale, eu a ated si of tbo New-York and Fna ta nil.

slam 13 miles wt of ewbn r. ew. York City Sard bailaiors aaaailaT Xtetflrta. (nboot a fees sanaea I Branch iestcnvilV Pom New-York tsbed covifilet hsrns. snd other necesm ry Sitnree Oroe StCrs7 aaTT nameatnl traaa wrtb act oTlrnd nttooaod.

ferfiw nortieaiars irnira Cnpain THOMAS N. HVXMW mHv Vert ukI Fne hulroad Pier; JOHN MOFFATT 5l! in West atiK-et New Yon W. MOFFAT. n', Ainaa nr tne owner on the premises. COCPtT HOUSE IN TtHRVTHW FOB BAI.I Tla Ta, i tm.

tm. -f 1( eicelieot newly bailt fnun'e crttaxe. two atones blirh fil'ted tn with brick sad high i vaenntst aor n-arsa. Issl fsot ir sue sown iset seep annaatssey aO-tmeO entk shade frnH trees and dower aad fruit snrrlon ta See eond lion. Home of rood width and test door three ronnae drop Aa ansnrinssed liver tneo for mi'es snd which ceov-nrt be cut fr Posvesn-s 1st of Aeptea ber Pnce.

parable as follows tfiofl na delivery BSdO Mas 1, lUS. and groiiOct. IV 1US snd bajtsee in three issta'lssents annua lythennSer. S. VAN 8CHAICK, No.

Broadway Ne York. COTTAGE HOl FS A SUBLR 8 IN REM-Dterrs Minn irn s. beg leave to announce that, ta andrtsoa to theer gaeral Real r-wasr isa sncint nneiness. tnoy save erreaised seesaru meat under daertton of c-m patent and skdifnl architect, for fo-a ehins plans end epocisceOnee sad buddisc eoTeace bon.r. sod e'egsst suborbaa reawiennee.

at East Vew trt snd IW lie Fast N.w-Yort sy)oss lhe oJTr of Brook Irn and ancessiblr in thirty mliu'es br rnilnmd. Hoaaee eow erected in pro, res of ererr ion to o-st gTVI, tl.SnS, ttsra nnd S3. Sou Will furnish lots aad plots of rrnasd to build houses ant deei-ed p'an. oo easy terms of pa' -rrent. For foil pnrtKnlars apply nt the odlsr of C.

MILLi fc CO Bo. Its Brualway. PRIVATF RESIDENCE FOR SALE Tkrftr-t 'ae. 1 tor and base Trent house, with stable attached, s-tusted st the corner of GroTO-ot snd Prospect-pi ace. Jer set tj lhe bouse hi in psnsct repair, coat aim Itf-oiMni, snd i furjii.i,ed with ran snd water throurheut The stable eonuies itslls for two torses.

aid is polled with wa er ivl ass Tbe situarmn of ti house is ansa -paaaed stand-ins st the erwner of two arced streets bo'h wall rraded aad erae ed it is shaded oa all noes with beantiful trees, and commar-OB fine new of the Bay Terms esse Inquire of DATIDcCOrT No HS Mon'r-rtnery-et Jersey City, or of i.e r. r.o. nssaau sail HUllOlne. REniENt F.tR SA LH OR TO LET. -A beau' ifnl residence, nilh two scrts rroned.

ea Lone lelsnr 51 mile, from Peck slip Fer-y, aceossible by stas-e erery half boor, and Rait rood TVs is one of the moat bt snliful locntwos tt of New. Torh ailnalerf on Flu.K-nr avenue a rondflwetl.or, mostryasw. with 11 ioe srouoae in perrecT oraer. rruRtroes in sne a lie veretable rnrden Veer desirable nr a ree iflince or St irrestment. Puses.

ss on immedinietr. Aaalr i a- i n. i rain-row HtrSE AND LOT FOR SALB ta toe Filth Ward this City bouse in ths be 4 of order, wva all the aiooem re noiisiimii cna be nsea at aae time Termeensy kIKLR a No. laiChathaavst. CHEAP HOME IN BROOSLYN.

A aew threa-tory snd basement brick dwell tig can he had br piyint oclr EefiO cash. Ths remamde- remain on aunusM long sa tbe buyer pleases. DIMJCK fc 8HVFELI, Mo 80 masaaa-st FIFTY' ACRES OF LAND FOR ALE-atuated ia the valley oi the Hudson bavne a Boo view of aha Hirer. Apply to Bt EBE fc BROTHER, Nos 14k aad lot root -il. rACHT FOR SALE.

The hnnleoms and well built pleasure Yacht ULTRA, her tackle, nonarel aad foni- li sow Ivtnr at Hoboken. She is about 100 tons btrden, schooner-rireed and well tmnd tn every pnrttcnlar. making her a desirsble pleaaiire yecht Sbe eaa he eon on ap- ni ili DANIFL McMILLEN on boned. Rbe will be i ia very low Apurrajsnto as. siAkk.

es well -or. HOUSES, AV ANTED. TTOTSE WANTED. A weU ftireishsd honMt with jjtioarrs lmprorenirnts. is or Bear cast Breedwer, aboie Pike, and below Gourernenr sta To be oecacsed imaiedietely by small family.

Address Box No Jttl rosi-umce. II ri nr. A nnely turnunrd bouse, ia a gtwo Kx-aiirn ror very aestrnnie small famHy. Any part) hsvieg such will bear of a ch tern tenant by aislrmc I s. nii-Di'ii.

r. 1. 1 a.s aw BV. TO LET. HOFSES TO LET -Three e'sgant ho usee ta Rrrar-terrnce, Hnboken.

with three minutes' wslh of the Ferry, nnd commanding baaatanl view of tba Bay and Cty of New- York, with balb ras. not and cold water, he to famibee of the Drat reaoectasnlitv oaly. inquire at tbe onice of ad and HuJnun Hojokea.ut EDrTAKD MA RT1N HOl'hE TO twn-oury bnca dweHinr-booss No lft Wnlker-st would be leaeed for mam'no-turini purposes to very desirable tenant. Lot n) Ifll by feet, kpplv to L. B.

BINSSE, Ne. 43 John between ft sad o'clock P.M. HOLSE TO LET IN BROOKLYN. -A two-story snd attar bouse on Bedford-av adjoining the comer af Van Barest- st. Inquire nt Na 30S Wasbjagtoa-st N.

Y. TWO-STORT AND ATTIC HOUSE TO Lgf In atb-st near Wnabawton. square. Has bsah, rsnge. rna.

An Poeeaaeron on or err nee the 1st Septemper. Ad-dress H. HCMPHREY. Bnnkef Now-Toik PART OF A HOCSETO LET. Tbe dwelltng part ot bouse o.

13ft Grand one block east of Broadway. The apartments coneast of three entire floors, all rematly put in perfect eoaduion Croton and ras ia the hoaae Inquire oi BACO.N fc RAYEN, No 136Gread-st. A HOUSE ToXFT.Ths second rtory of a honse ta Sprang st boss Sollrran-st eontnmtag five rooms, will be rented low to a small family. Possession given immediately Apply 4a trie store US Sprtng-et. COTTAGE TO RENT An elegant and commodious rot tars house (new) wtth three lo'a of rr uad nt East P-ew-Yotk, beautifully located near railroad st slain has nine rooms.

Rent E23S. Tkaro by railroad minutes', beir as quick nnd aa cheap as the up town roenenooe ore to the business portions of the City. Also, eeretnl parts of Cot tare Houses to rent. Apaly to C. R.

MILLER fc Auetioaeers, No 196 Broadway, eorser of Day ot. OBBSHOPS TO workshops nd one Inigr three-atory bnck honse, toarether with three lots of gronnd corner of Leriagtoa-nv. and ofta-st. Apply to W. C.

KEEN. Ne. 97 gth-av. FACTORY WITH STEAM ENGINE TO LET Buildmrsituslem llth-av near wh-st foot br four stones, weal lighted; eosine boars paw as. Rant per sauaa.

Apply K. A. CRANE, svathsast cor-ier2th-st and 11th sr YORES Oat WAREROOMS TO LET-Ia the second story of Appleton's Building, corner sf I nan ml pocioas stores sa Broadway, suited te every door retail Or wKile.ele V. a-iiprh PLETOS Ko7. tsY' IamIm.

frwU a. A STEAM POWER TO vreU rwlaed rooms with steady power ia she bui'ding eornsr of Hosier snd till-! herb eta Also, in baiMtag ea corner ef ltd-stand lot-ar. Beau vary saoderate. Apply at No T13 Pearl- THOMAS MORTON, STEAM POW TO ET la lurht aad any rooms, ia a aew bauldiar Cltff-st. Apply to C.

HULL fc BON. Ne MB CW-st BOUNTY LANDS. LAND WARRA NTS. an abb rxxrasm to bebovtb all eaaaas tar the psreatass sad sale of LAND WARRANTS. IB LA Sot ABB SMALL QVABTTTlSa.

Onr fscilitws for pvchneinr Warraahs at tJwhard are axcwiW All orders for the parekasa of WnrreaU will be ttsnmst a TBE SMALL OOMMlnefeB mm BOLLsB A Ft BOB assBsmsnts wiU be tty ssratiaisad. B. COBB fc St-ek and Bead Brokers. Na 7t WUHaaa at, Kew York. RPEksncaa- Bsak ef the Cumn saoaallk.

Ohm Ltm aas rrnat Onmpaar. JITFD STATES PAnkPrlRTS-Issosd by J. NONES. Netan Pabbc, li Warren ov Naturahaed'st" ieni- maet prodnoe their oertrfcslen. Alas.

BOUNTY LAND -Army and Nnvy omcere, soldiers aad saiVirs who servo I in any srar since lT9B.cna obtain thoar land wanaals id I H. mmmmaaammmmmwmmmwmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmma COPARTPtERSHIP. eopsrtnersStp horotofors eind-n between tbo sober riaeis. ander tbe sti le aad arts ef BLASHFIELD fc CO is THIS DAT .1.1 si consent, wthas party spaing ta honidatna (Bigaod.) HLASHFrrXD. w-Yobe, Aag USE OUADNCE CLAkX.

(I New COPABTB sal Sbemselve in basraoas easier the i ex ILAtHru I CLA RF fc OO. for the mimosa ox ik. i.ri aae Fancy Ly Goods kaaiasm ai the stors Na as UbsrtyL Ntw-Tou Aag. 18U. IhlgneSJ Wa JLAgHFIElB.

CHAITNCBY CLASjr EhUC L. JtaXle ISarSMLETYTOIS OF fPARTlls3larireTm partnorsa ben esmestisi lietnsi. tke too sen of TAPPfltM. Wills rv a. -irVV: aTtaTarVaTlerwnton East Baooura, Jaly BBS.

CHAR LIS B. TApwwjsr CHARLKS D.WEBB. Tha aaderasreed boo- thi. a-'f" arm as WKSB A and earrfod oa by VaPPXB. BTEBBkCO.

CHAE. D. WE BS Eaar BswaBXTM, Aag. 1SBV C. TAPP N.

ISaOLTJTION 4F COMSTllElltRlS.Ta. SIN BOB B.Ca..mJ -astyte aad Iras -at, tasdhf es the ante (toxa rw mafcasJ emaaaass Tk.h.u. will heeetttod br WILU AM i. DAVLnOB. wms ta BTW-Teax.

Ang. IBBh. WILLIAM 1. DAVisON- Lows ea. Jsrs Rt B.

GESBCE DFNT-T ate ef CeaMeo. noes Al Aa panaor at aw Bret tram aiedate. mism ana ail s-ss, eaa seanarn oa Own vTitrmt aas la, re -C IJ? -Vet aW trH will rect sr Twa wropstotae, nt Te be sold sa tUo'elevM nrsreaiataasr X. wTOwEI CO. THE LBUXENl FhEKCVl TsvAssCiISJlB KACHEX t- -r--.

mil mi OTTBaUTartkYreataaav, at raw RETRO POUT A TRMATRK. NJow-Ysek orel Pesos, Ro at WaU-et mom Ne St. Nf Vl Niowe-VVTJRS-DAY. A Barest nonte's feeoeata Oaeaea. snialit aha Vwtelik Olau By tha reaa.sed pran; 4F HARRISON OTSSA COMPART.

-Mas Vew4sa ymm Me W.H win Issvileswaf. Greeey nm.vo ChCWaj riAhlOMInJ 1 iti.AV-ryaeaad Hamnaa rsnrraaxr. TVa neat naaoA. 1 A Kvot.

Bo'rre V.rreleon Oeltistrn Heels w. rwaa. Bot nftre eeoe dairy, frees e'eSoeh A 4 o'clock P. for semrves On bsi aad Pnrate Beams eatf. Don open at o'clock, to 1IL HAtiajrrnsj AMERICAN stir nr sums ttiiirnat.

trirsina. AFTERNOON AND EYENIMJ. THURSDAY. Aag B. Afternreas at 1 e'tleck, Overtaroa.

ley fce aSag re th. arearrrns peer of the BI-OOMFS PROMEN. ii-E Ivcm si o'clock, taw VIRGINIA INFANT with re morbor. Ht awiiaf leyBH LADY, the DWARF LaDY, tha UYleiil fce te ho see. nt the ansae ktmo.

ch.ieroe and-r toe Ulconas PALIS BY OF expeav. and for an, tt ana ef the kisinmist aashaa laAmoncn. Cirealnr, be had at the Mnoaaat Pa'l'p'alacb diameter 30 foot, or nearly uo tm I ii smtunTi TI I still nn ihibmra. Doors onoa tea II nmn I ii Admwsioa aosata. Chsldroa kajf-araoo.

tPttOOKI Y7 ATHENETM Two BH1NVS T.ADAY nnd THTJkMnaT A.7J2 tlOWLY-WFDVEADAT The o-ar nal aad weB snowa CKUrT-S toifrir aas. ami i is risaca. sresatiBaa. sirses. Cnrio.

MiLLOiv. Marks fc Co who perform. nt Ms. char e-'. Halt.

No. Tt Broadway, andor tha direr lien of B. CHB181Y lag snore or pemceiare. see prearrsmms. Tick Ota at coasts.

IBF fHtEMEB BIIL t-D I rem (eitmanten. rna ho aeon ai the ACADEMY OF DESIGN. MU eaa BROADWAY, mi a raw dats om.r cowwewciaa sewttsT s. Bet so the bou.i of IS ad rj a eock A and 1 aad a e'teock M. TrfK LEY 'S SERFN AD1 RS Feosn S-e-kley- EAOpera House No t.W Mroodwae Ara now As.

sw. "in so ue try. where taey rmpaa oa nbowt the waa of Aorast Tbey perform ra We ley-owe ea the aad ari of Aorast. nsd open ia A'baay n-ak their Or aad Barnxaeo Oreres no the sth of Angusx, after which they nest some of lbs I site -a Cities DI ft LliOn GALLERY No oPVBinsSsas -This beautiful eollocrHBa sa' Paintinaw will be a nao public from to clock A M. tin o'clock ifooo ss ot tae aaeet war as or art ever pat neon etna cent additions have beea mads to the ex tee airs AmiTUare 3 cents tickets, o9 seats.

GEC No EO. CHRISTY fc WtMIFS MINSTRELS, sij SMttunsi vpon every Bvwsang darskf he week Ticks te SS ennla. HFNBY WOOD. INDUCTION. KOARDINO AND DAT h7OL FOR Torrwil LADIkS-ByBoy HUTCH IN OS aad Mrs HUTCre.

INOS, New Haven. Conn The Aula ma Term af that School will roanraence on rbo eenand WIDSttDtT at Boptembwr. It is tKe sia of the of thee laetktw twe. 10 make it ia all respects, such ss aaraam nsar aaaaoo for tborr dsnshtore Taaas Far board aad restractM tha Fieri tsh, Ctasm-enl nnd Sehrettfic stadien. tBA nor aanma Pamls hare the pnvileceafstteadiBSthe SceaKne Lectaree of TaUOet-leee at tboehnreeof tbe Profimais Modern Uarmaa-sa Unrbt by eoperior natreo msstore Rrrisracis Rer Ore Taylor sad Beeoa, aad IVat ff.

Porter. Hon Baldwin, A St'Osr. Eag Haa 4 N. Bkianor, Rasee'l Bos Mow Havwn: Byes hn. Adams aad Ha lock aid-rare Hallork Keg Kew-York Rev Dr Cos.

Owesw, i Hoa T. Freiiswhavaoa. Pre- rdent Rursore Caileee. Kew rirnsswaok, J.i Pin at Hovtme. Cnriern, Masonrbnsetts Litsteu sa ww, e.

a SSIIISI new Ohm, aad the of tbo A C. F. Crrcntart net be eMaased of A Sf SM. I New-York. aad af Mr.

Hulckinga, at Ms. S3 Creaa-eV, ILX1AM J. aWbrm. taa -areata af bar pnnils ard others whe may deasre Sa eiace tb oeoe nirder kis tnittaa. that bis scaoot anil be rsniisasd aOes the rummer vscntsnn oa TtTI" Rap a T.

Erst. 13. at NO It Wear Iftah ST, two doers west ef his torn si root nee Ths srtaa-t is enequertd for the perntess af a artvnte achaut by aay rtmrar artastiea ta the fl'y, aad she last mot ean is sroteaarir practical na thoroaab nil the breaches nf Fnsiieh. French, Ln ha, Greek and Msthsmaqeal edocatioa The erhool caskrs of two dosartmsate Pruvnnal aiat unary aad the a amber ef puatu la each ta limited tost. Nsw.YoBk.

Ang 1.1SIA RSI It SPALDIS43 weoU It I friends snd the noblie that raH We. or ksr Ellvaherbtown. W.J. will sum ansiw oo vtl Ban A S.O H- Fur the ooosidetaUoo ef tMneraaaaaa, beard, wrtb Has laires-l rvrs B-BI ss nvBM, nyTrih. -rill Imj Extt Brl RferitrMB I urn tmFtiralaar -rr- of Mr BOG LOCK WOOD, 411 frf BtrpuwlRraI tJ asmoj VlaMetpSBA.

CARD. H. PECOirrr harms his Froectj Bt erdier sad Day l-hoal for Yeans Osatlsmsa. SB which I have beea a Piufoaaia for tha mat tares reeve. I ber to inform mv frieods nnd the public that I snail reopen, oa tbs 13th ef Bopiembor next, gs the larre bowse Be At Boat nn establishment of a maaTlir character, rmiii bnoes.

wrtb fnli dttnila rafeienoos aad a iottot atata H. Pedsbet, to be had by sfrlnswst ss shove. EUB CHABLITB. Hill. IWtB-BstiiaamilBwrre grre aotieo to Xv her ftmnds and the pohise.

that her echont, ton. bS Grenaorer-park, wtlt rssosn en TTJ k-SDAT, SspasmSsr km. Clrcu'ar. can be obtained ether rmideaos or at Messrs. S.

FRANCIS Ne WB roadway or at Meeera. DObEMTJS fc NHOH'i. Mo. SI Pa-t -plana. Aaplran.

tioan for the admmnon of pnmls eaa be made br 1st tor. ee-dreaoed ta Mlrs AJNES, aTher reasdsaca. YOTJN6 LADIES' KCnOOI Mnw HATE 19 wrB roenms her School for Yenag Ladtoa, at Ne. oth-e oa THUbeDAT. Sept.

HeiStmaot et ree bars mar be obtained at tbe omee of the He-art bsraraaoe Ne SS Wall st ef Messrs RETCHUM. BOOERS fc BEMBNT. No. if Williem-st .01 R. HAYENS.

Eg Na ES Wslil st aad at her reerideoeo. owe wiU at haase after Sep. ftOTF.AtHEBS AND OTH A WOOD'S nepatar ev stem ef Meaoeh rc rHsrisiows mwaiwn. oomeeory onporver so ais others, will be tmpaited to pablie school teooaore at greats rcdroed rates ef taitrsa. Other no pile resawad ts nsaal Apply at hit rsodeaos.

Bs S91 BUhh-a, whom spsiamsas msy ae sssa. rVTME. C-UF GAR AY'S DAT ANB BOARD! ajt it SCHOOL FOR IOVSU LAOIAS Sims RAY reepectful is farms the parents and rnardmas of bar pupiu, sad tae paaiie reneisiiy, inns wa naiwe maxaawan will be roonened ea Tharadar. the lath ef I Tit ISS F. BL FBI KST'nk SCHOOL No.


PKA aOCra- ELOIlt gPtiMSA HOUSE oeeo for tbe reoeption of venters. It adeZ nrable place ef reeort far Invalids er anopla af tlisonis The seoaery about the aforinrs kj asoat dolirhtful, aad pre. aente rare spert by Bold and Inst Tkt midiisssl saslitire Ss.u- ul ZCZ -a wr ww sow worw. aae are 1 sommsadid ay the fco-t pkyasciene i. the ooVntre for i Tha nruonoaer anil ran a tho Yergenaoe depot, ta "susiiSiin with the ant'l boat nt ears, or to aay ether whoa reriarWiA Pest-Odl-w, Tarn.

SCLOMOM ALLEN. PpreatorT St BlbCR I BBB. rrto asm aresrmass bnrk nsMHsi ssnw a Sanliy su kie oepov, raros ram opwarraBBmr Of 1 lie tant ae is at.w nropnrad to reorrre froea to 10B ersksrngwarwnaraanrrse.aa tha 1 a a noose at large and spared to Osaka meats narss anil ao rnaois jiuot 1 HO EST h.rwrencee- S. HerrnMt, No. as Brostwsgt sw.

w. ae aevy-es, A COMPLETB trMMEB HOMB-Oatha HaaV 1 oon river Bnitroaa. near new-MAmnerg. pattaess Oe amewrfc oasgis er dosible eoltea. sniant amliial.

ator sorVfraasof aO kmds abandant, nod every Hess eomfeit. Apoly for rtrcwlaee as No Sa Biaas-sg. A of pereeaal anterv; aa I aareday. rreat to A MMOJAL8. REMOTAI DRTJMMOWTJ arswld suss gfilrr raearm hmfnsmda aad the paHra, that bo boo f.m.

id hm Apethocary Btere to So. SUT Braaderee. whore he hoe opened smb. a aew. eusxpeste nod waU-silsitsd 1 1 1 I ef Drnga, MaJiwaM- rrrfosnory, araawea, Bwaas, Faacr A'tsxloa.

fcc. fce Fhynaas' greiiwigltsBS assaimiiy A snpenor gaaUty of Broody, oM Jamaaoaoaar-ita. para Wines, asootaatfv ea bead for sminst par aaaaa. S. DSVM MOW D.

Aporaaeary. No. EM Bsnadwsg, Bow-York. Jf'THE Of REHOV AAry WALTCS LOCE. I WOOD has rererand to hieeal stand.

Ne. Stt Inn reBereAsarswdfciikisssa.sisms st or haw Sw aaoay yoore pi si leas to tbe hat of Mar lost, where ho will bo happy see hex ore frames aad sass isnsre. He See ea hand a larre aad gejaaral smitrimist sf goo As. and muss's to keep hss stack nplieisktd wtrfc she aeeront aad most daairebts styrse of sxasrW Mm marksa. all sf waam wiA ae sas ss taa very aswsm ronrtsi LOST AUD FOUND.

MARE BAKES, No. Cedar -at. nxaa. lot 1.1 til il ui twrrstdoyoSoptembw.eta Grrea ss 4sr nry head aad esaLetSSa Bt aim's OSmnViaw saransdCay, New-York Jaly Bob. 1--4.

SAoO 9. stst am. i ISak. TT Bast aeosasrvee wnerkesua skoBrkrwaai isjS I as sa. oaa Assiie SB.

Sha aarnor. wwsne.aBsoytwavarawsw. From sslmbls ksthrsna, PtTj ared freaTtbVmww atSpjX aad Pwtneoretm ShTMieitt tne odviee ana) I nasal of tkai BsewSof cea mieswVersof ttseJth etstaort, IEAAC O. BAB KSaV 1B Mepwof the CMy of Bew-Ywh. do asms tow mg Prenw-oaewr4anB mod Barks ef Norfolk and meets, tn thebtntoaf Yi gaata.

as InAaraad Phaeea. aad aU YCK Two rkaajexag reeai Can Croek lew. ai sbaia AgaarAtylMsamhTFiXa It 1 4t, ce. i -is".

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