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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 3

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

sks only a few xva mo. wine be M4 aa I 11 vac INK Slf. SLAM, W. ,4 farther lBvestlgalioo in Memphis, and iimu-erel i ao conM back to New -York ithout (it of waiting riqmatu Teeierday morn the vnaoamt arrived In the Oil 7 in chares i Ofnerrs IlAaTxaoe and McEwara, of tbe Ijcmphx Pohct. ta bow under luck aca Aty at foxm lor farther tunintuon.

Toe bonds ubiatn-d from tha Meaara Hkifnza by Midi an found tn hia pnasi mop intact; and, aucu bemg be caac, inra wlii xirobabij tw no criminal proewtm. MtiElt tbe accused, ft befog a qntaurm wUet aer bo bad ran Oared himself bable to cnikiaal its or ant, POLICE COTTETS. TUX TOMBb -MOOBZ. iunuu. BOBBED BT A WOMA3L, Baowb, of No.

1 Fnnno-treet, Brook-. Ira. aaaaed tba arraai of baaab lionu, of Nc. 33a Water ate 00 a ekart ot stealing Hia pocket-book containing 145 tn cash, and aa a teauned that ba aw bar take the wallet from under tba pillow where be left It tba Acting Maplarrtte held the accused for iniL. buui native of irelind tod 31 jetri ci age.

A FOBOED CHECK. a- roiwm, a coal broker, se-ed OS. a native Maryland and reatdiaar at No. 14 Eaat Twenty, first-street, waa mated on I need ay and arraigned before tha Alderman yesterday on a charm of forgery "wuowwf cirenrnetsnees: On tba IBM al'- be prseented to Jowxab reeernne: tliei at tee Maklooal fauk of rannwrn, cBeck ihhiibjt oeeaa arswn for 3760 br Messrs. Lrnirrr ca, per Jab.

b. Dimnn. in favor of Wk. B. Iaxjiaob A douu btuineaa a o- nBeni, Aa the check appeared to be properly udoraed by Ialmaos A Co, the teller ee-eepted the check as a genome Issue, and placed tba to me creoii of jtoiwill, aa be requested.

The tact that Mtwn. TiUtai A Co. bad no knowl edge of toe check and never signed the aame.waa eniv ditc-jvered a tew dsys auo lu the regular course of buainea. Tha prisoner denied fata goi't, bnt waa Beld to ball tar examination tn tba sow of $2,000. OEKHRAL CITY ETTWB.

Cobokebs' Casks. An inquest was held yesterday by Coroner Lchibmeb, at No. 66 Market-txee', over the remains of Axmc Q. Ezbb. wed 8 yeara, whose death waa Lb rcaalt of born re.

ectypd on the lat tnat, by her dreaa beins aet on fire br a yoanRer brother, who playing, with bluing et rk. A Terdlct of accidrnUl death was tin Oakckt. wM 47. a iiit of a.ugiiuia. auiieniT veaterday, at Jo.

103 Eaat Twenty-aecond-atreet, from diaa? cf the A deal infant waa lotmd In Oreenwih-'reet ou Tnreday niirnt VV irjo. aged 87. a native ot Ireland, diwl l'tu-nly ytatrrday. at No. 7 New.

unknown wan died audden ly y-a r.rXUy, at No. 337 where be waa burcriLt died snddenly yea-terday. at ui I qiior ator- hiith-art-nne, near tiiHitntl IlA.xn was fuiin etrk In lit J-Uttimireet, near Xbirj.iyenne. on Tnoeday ntffhf, aid diet yesterday, at Hi. Latf'i HoafitU.

Toe Coronom were duiy notified to bold inquen in Ail ot iCiiK ctaee. Vtjh Yektkkdai. At 3 o'clock yesterday moraiiiii a fire broke ou in ih dree atory brick ball tin? tn rear of No. S28 Fifths reer, onnol bv EaMCxx Fold and occupied by Framx Mabttk aa a ahoe factory. The limei einacd a damage cf 1 5.00U.

The ooildlna la maared for $2,000 In the Uerchmnu, and the stock for 13.000 in the About mid. Ely hi another fir occurred ia a aiable in One Hundred nd near Eieyenth-srenne. ocuiwd bv CBaBXka W. Exxiot and Job 8. Laoeoif.

whin the entire bmldioo; and con- tents wre dce'royed. lViss. (3,000: no tnaur- abc. The but Ming waa a part of tbe Carman ea 8 o'clock yesterday morning Are Oe ernrrrl in the twotory frame dwelling on 8ee- na-avenni, near One Hundred and Twrtf ih-etmet. oocni.i.d by iliciiAXi.

Huaw. JLoaa. $500; ineured for ht. Norm American. Tue dweMuir ef I'lTHitur ixw.

was damaged to the ex-laui oi $200, Injured lor SL.60U In the Aator. BjtNinT 8cipb to liET. T. amber of members of the Church And con jrr (rati cm of the Church of the Corenaht, No. 188 Laurena- straet, united last ayenmff In sivins; a beauflt to their pastor, Rey.

X. C. Oijtbb. The benefit, of a nipper, waa beld at Lincoln Hall, corner ot Eifrntb-aycnue and onder tbe direction ot a committee ot eleven ladlea and ees- Uemen, nud waa carried thrriirh In a very creditable manner. A tier tAu aopper.

Kay. Br. Ourxn made a lew remarks atpmptiaio to the pleasant occaaioo. and a irlicirona addreaa waa made by Pnt Johx Fokp. Xae testiTitaes were continued try music, bo vocal and Instrcmental.

acclai launcourae aud prom- niainfc, until a late hour. Temttbascb Pestttal. The third AoniTer- arr of Hcoua DiTisxm No. 37 Bona of Temperance, too place last evening at Pine'a Music Han. in the Opera House building.

Bons by Mrs. 6atmD and VIewrs. OaraH, Kexa, Claax, Baxko and the Hcotia Oiee Club trv place, totrether with recita tions by lira. LKanxaKiit aud Prof. Fbobishkb, an oriffnai poem Mr.

joajt jhcilzcbxik. ana an oprn.ns addreaa by Hev. Gzomi Hinuim. Bv- era! of Uir comic aunc were muck tiijojeJ. a.uld A.ane fyui by tne company dosed the Social Lira nr tub East.

Mr. Osgaxiah, Concolreneral of the OUoman Porte, will deliver a tenure on Social L-le In the Eaat," for tba benefit of St. Peter's Sunday BchooU In West Twentieth- atrert, at Pike'a linio Hall, in Eihth-aTentie. thia evenina. The lecturer wili be a-'aiated by two ladii.

wno wu. appear wrtn mm in xurkuah ooatume. Cbakbeb or CoKSaXscK. Dr. G.

II. Atxetboji will addiess the Chamber of Commerce, at its meet- iac to-dar, od the History of the Possession ard B-flen-ent of Oregon, aud the Besouroea cf the orlnuPt Coast, mcla.ltnir Alaaks. Stubet Life Etjbofe. Wetoeix Pbtd-un will deliver his lecturo on Street L7fe In Eu- rop tii is evening, at Treaor'R Iyric HaD. Kixrb- avocnv, between Elaty.first and bixty -second atrects.

Boabd of City The Board of AMermen win meet it noon to-day as Board of City Can viasers. to canvass the vol cast at the Charter lection. RrcEiPTs of Taxfs. The Receiver of County an.i itv iti rep rts mtui( received, trom Nov. 33 jv.

30, JC 811,737 11. MiJtoB Items. An unknown man, Aged 50, was icktU ap on Tnsaday night in Second-avenue, Bear Thirty-eecond-etreet. inaensibie and bleeding from a ound oa the bead. He was taken to Belle- voe bob Bbowk.

colored, of No. 38 Leonara-'tret, waa asaauited and brutally beaten on night ry mug ot unknown rowdies in west Broadway, near Leu nara-et reel. Ha was taken to tue New.aotk lioa.tai. EEOQEXYU HIaWS. TJlOCESE OF LOJtQ ISLAJTO.

Jiev. Abhihih K. Lijti. kJuHS. D.D., Rector of the Church of tha Holy Trinity, Brooklyn, who waa recently elected Bishop tne Protestant Episcopal Church tn Loog Island, ant his letter accepting the bishopric to Rev.

Dr. an Sxaxk, Flat buah. on Tuesday. Tba nee arrangements tor tba ooaaecration it ill be 00m Dieted tn dne time, and tn from aix to eurht weeks the cere. aaonv may be esneoted to take place.

It fa not Improbable that Holy Trinity Church will be adopted as the ratbcdral church of the diocese, and that Biabop LrnuroBX may virtually retain the rector- aaip, wlta the. aid of two aasistant ministers. This arrangement won la not violate the resolution adopted By tbe Convention, which declared that the bishop ahouia not oe tne rector or any chore u. IxtebnaL Hjlvfjil's Beitubx. Deptity Oc4-lertor Fauaj), assisted by Aasislant Assessors Hatks aad Wnxa, new appointees, yesterday aelxed a duv MlUng astaMiafaaaaat ta the rear of No.

118 Front- trses. where tkey ton nd several tube of xaaab raaily tot opcrauoa. Abe untied States Alaranal waa allied, and a guard put on the premises. This a tna establishment where Deocty Marahal Hxosras got a evere oeaung aome months ago. It la tne where Fataicx CxabA got knocked into a boiling at met Bataraay aaornmg.

It is anderetood tba ttll baa been run in Uie interest ot a certain Jaw, Baine unxnowu. IaTTT OFFETPEaa T.T.Tlk SlTAOE, Who Stole doOir from HrsBT-WomxjtASf, a grocer, at the ece er of tlaason-aveune and Tan Buren-arreet. yester- Ast, was arrested and taken before Justice Cobb- wxxju who aint her to Jail far fifteen bjcx BcDoytui, aa express driver, who atote fit ami ot a lellow-ooarder'e truck, in McComb-atrwst. aw FocrUi-aTenur, waa yeateraay seat to the Paul- aantury for one nonth. of a Stbakboat.

This forenoon, at 11 o'cAwak, tba s-rsm' Jftiwttkala. bwilt for the Nan-lock CamaalawoeMra of ChArittaa and Oorreo- ikm. will ba launched from tba abtp-yard of A R. PoxLXiO. foot of Bndge-atreet.

The beat ta 126 feet assig. a Bwaaa. aawt orrxh of hold. The at 6s Awuig cwaatraeawAa tae Hi torn Iran WocAa. A Lxatxtba Iajbcxxx.

Fortj-ix hidea, Talaad at $200, Im property Utui CoaiTEBs, o. 41 Piue-ttrrtW Xw.Tojk, wera atoka from HarUn 'a pock. Bear ruiton'Farry. a few daya ago, JanAmaa awe sunpwaed aa have bssa abaab. CoMiaMrmau.

Cmracai Fatb. The ladies tha Congiaaataeaei Church, X. I' re bow BoUlnr ua rootna of tba Tosag Baa uu-iaaaB mwmm isiein, oa 1 iiniai aamiBs. 'Tn Gbajto-atzbcx Miaano. Thar will be ecsaorrt.

raadingt and tables Tra. "-t Tiaaifll aba Hanson, tn hs eaapal on Orana-a venae, Myrtla-avvasM aba wventag. VI ax Km 8m. A sneak thief entered tha riaTi at tba bowse Ko. 1W Bayawoad traaf, ywstermay, and earned off a asm af claim as worth SAO, tba wspHy at sx.

H. 8SOBB. Attbbpi 3 IUfb. WrxxtAM AtcCoar waa wietoa. U.e isai af li aa a a.

mt a tempt at -nwaa Bawbab Pbovt. and was aeav ituceu mi A.ipi Louaij V. niurUarj cat az. rEV-JEESEY. CoLunon Letweu Two Loco collision (cofc ptaoe toward rmisg on Tuoaday.

at ft. at Man, between, a locoaaottva and a lam coal train, bnt fortunately, a eonecquenee of tba titttly action ef tne parUea on b-tb noltvea were lost. Cars were beinsT into line, and ttoe urme an corxad waa pat on aide track for a mn-ta for eonvenienr. But it had ecareerr toera when a beavtly-rreiebted coal train seabed down Use tnrMne near the station, soma at neb a ra'e that It waa etident.y tmixai ble to prevent a collision The men a both trams jumped off. and the locomotivee a truck each other with tr-xx ndoos wlolenee.

They were coosld-rably tnjnred. and the eaai ears were piled one on another and the il acauered in ever direction, thus rbatrur-tuiK the road for a eoseiderable-ome. No hveaaereloet. bat the enataee were a badly injured aa to ran der It neeeeaary they ahonld be a. at into "hoepiial" at EliaabeUtport.

Jxesxt Cm Conox At the lut meeling of Uie Jersey City Common Council a com munication was read from the Mayor, returning without hla alfrnatnre the Pavonia Bono Railroad onttDanoe. for nnou nmwii. The mat'er vu re- Irrred to tna Committee on BAilroaOa. The Committee on Public round and Build intra reported banns purchased thrae lota tn rUT-atreel. for primary school, tor the sum of $13,000.

Fatal Aoctdest. On Tuesday evenmg a boy named Owm Wood, who resided tn Charlton-street, Ifewark, waa ran over and killed at the eeroer of Brown and Marshall treats, by a waaon driven by a man named ktexxza. Woi d'i injuries were so se- that be died shortly after. No blame la at tached to the driver. Her ao Conm Wedicai, Bociett.

At the annual meerlng cf the Hudson County Medieal So ciety, beld recently at Hasbrook'a Instltnte. Jeraey City, the following cfiioera were ektcted: President, Jo. F. Fixk Tioe-Pmaldent. G.

W. Talsoh: becre- tary, M. A. Mnira: Treaaurer, F. F.

Moaata. Kiw Hosptiax. The followtngr officers have bean appomted cn the Board of Regents tor the proposed hoaoital in Jersey City: President. Hon. A.

O. Zabbikxik; Treasurer, Bon, D. S. Obegobt; Secre tary, A. H.

WaUJb, Eq. 1 Stabbiwo Case. Officer Klixo. atabbed About three weeka atro, a. Jersey City, by a younx; man named Paul Mnxxa la now pronounced out of danger.

illU-ZK has been committed to answer the charge ot stabblug with Intent to kill. Cobtxt. Hbbmah was fined $3 yester day, si Npwsxs, for lnteri-tng with an nicer who had a man named Reutbeb arrea for urounity. BruTHBB was fined in a like amount. Iedicatio.

The new Second Presbyterian Cnurcu, 01 Prtucetou. will be dedicated to-day. lira. Hopox and Mct'osB" will preach on the occasion. Ltjm Bale.

Two farms were sold in Bergen City yuiteruay tor $160,000. One hundred hrat-ciaaa houses will be erncteci on the farmx sliortly. Hkattxo. There wbb akatins in Newark and Jersey Cny yeaterdi.y. LAW EEPOEIS.

tOLKl C'ALEN DABS FOB THUaSDAt. SCPHi-kli. OOfcET JEEttAX. XCB. tt Imgrahnm, PecJthtnn wl MuLlxh.

J. Comrt BOA 1 mt 1UH Itwwffltirf Jf4ona, Noa. 212 llavie, Jr vs. loll- snd Hanking Co. of nsreiai.

1 ueorgis. fit K.ubly va. Lesry aL Camp vm Norton. 21? Baldwin vs. a morr.

IZ' Mechlem st sJ. vs. 218 People ex reL llotr vs. 1 Farmers' L. and 1'.

Jonaa. I Co. 318 Ryder va. Com. Fire'm Smith vs.

Lee. las, uo. ITTl A mas at ai. va. Klweil 3S1 Everett vs.

af each al. I et aJ Ireasaa va. Wnitloek. J2S Rath born et a), va. Le st ml.

1 land al. 7M The Mayer, Ac, vs. SM Lelaad et aL vs. Batb- neebe et al. 1 burn a- al.

US Palmer va. O'Brien st'WS Knlev v. White et al. al. 1ZCT UrooJter va.

1. 1- ki 226 fuller vs. Johnson. Co. BUPBEXE OOTJHT fTBCTTT.

Md fcv BarMrd. J.Crmrt-VMM at ITU I Oyer sad rai aiwr Mmmmtm Cmi Cattmdar. Wne. Noa. ten Wna-ht et al.

va. Pi- 17 DstIh vs. Kyle. Jr. ser.

Illias nchwsrt va. Kelly. 163A vs. Bocklin-'lfiKI burk va. Gooiiman.

laj -Devoaetal va. Brandt, Brown. aaai-nee, vs. imsl'd. Kvan 1M3 Hoffman va.

Frnat-vs. Hansner. eler. itTS Mitehel va. Mitcuell.

MIS Baehman va. Lemer- 1S7S Pbenix National bank va. Hunt et al. MeMahoc vs. alone.

167a altera vs. Peel. isel Hooft et al. va. Mor-Dhy at al.

1683 Savicnac vs. Good-aveed. eier. IT Be mis vs. Wstter.

1M Lester vs. Haas et aL 1661 National State Bank of Lusabeui va. Uer-bard. 10M belooer vs. Henriqnes.

6TTPUEME COntT CHAMBEB8. Btil by Sutherland. TWrt at KA.M.CuUof Cai- tnmir mum. Tom. Ivus.

A Bero'slkeimer etsl. vs. 11., ilorton, Ac va. Hay. 1 oa-swfcii ai.

A bbo et aJ. va. Lunrr W-Jinu va. West brook. etal.

12 1 1 re Bre water. Ac. 131 Maa-reto va. TheAtay- or. Ac 7 Otard vs.

Wood. h'A krona n. Oaeba 100 tiroene va. Canusiaci. Cail No.

13B MeAdam. Ac vs. Bchmall. MABJWE OOfRT TRIAL TERM. Hrldkv Aiker.

J.Cowrt nptmm mt 10 A. Jf. a. II Kline vs. Lrnninr.

ttartmm vs. Jonnaon. tl(l Loaan va. 11 Henry. uoj ami An tin vs.

xiove-silie. ova ftalb vs. bcbillmaer. 2-S Flynn vs. Hat ton.

pr33 Woods vs. EhPisr. 1 116, Salmon vs. Wiber. IKS bchmm vs.

Tietser. em Palmer vs. Kolly 1H6H Newell va. prazaa. a Vailesn vn.Chevalear.h''S BUMett vs.

ltca Van bchaick va. bton. 1(V. loaa riant va. Coo war.

li 41, Ham mil v. Bvans. lral Jenes vs. Terraan. lot Powers va.

Moore. ltMft 4srdner vs. Oimon. li S7 Gerdina vs. 8chansa.

li Lehmaiar rraed- 1071 Minach vs. Bryant, lim M-hl va. Marx, lor.l luily vs. Marx. 1'7 rnnck vs.

tmnde. luIT Henieiu vs. soiomaa. It4 oe va. Irvtn.

HMK Ttaunnert va. liana. I04 him va. Pscaxr. 106O White va.

Coben. CNriXD STATES CIRCUIT COURT SOU 1 BEEN DISTRICT. Br frtrt Judge NriMom. BAJntatrrrcT discbakox fbom abbest and pis- CBABOX OF IXMIieST. In the nuttier' of Ward E.

Robinson, bank rupt NxxaOM, C. J. The pa at! on, In this case. eeks review of the decision of the Court below. refusing to discharge tha bankrupt from arrest and the bail, and also refusing to direct satisfaction of a Judgment obtained in the Court of Common Pleas of this City against btm by Ann Walter for some SIM 60 This judgment waa recovered 25 May, 18C8.

The petition in bankruptcy wu presented on the 30th 11 ay. the Baine anrmth. The application lor the from the arrest and lor sauriaction or the Indement ta tnundex upon aTtion 31 of the Bankrupt act, wnicn praviaea tnxt no creditor, trrovlnn bia debt or claim, shall be allowed to main tain any anit at law or in equity tnereKT against the barkrupt, but aaail be oeemed to bve waived all right of action and suit againat the bankrupt; and all proceedinga already commenced. or onaatieued Judgments, already obtained thereon, shall be deemed to be discharged and surrendered thereby." Ann Waltara has proved her debt or Judg ment in the present bankrupt proceedlnga, and. upon the word a of this section, there woukt seem to be sn ena ot the case, ine remamoer ot me section provides that no creditor whose deb: is provable tinder this act eh all be allowed to proeecuie to final lodgment any suit at law or in equity therelor.

againat tne oanarnpt, unui tne queericn oi tne aeot- or dischargs ahall have been determined: aad any such suit or proceedings shall, upon application of the bankrupt. Be stared to await tne determination of the Coart in Bankruptcy on the qaeauon of the discharge. It will thus be seen that a manifest distinction is made between a creditor inaving proved his aeot and one boidnur a provable debt. The tnaann tor It is not aa manifest. The Judgment of Ann Walter ia claimed to be founded upon a debt created by tne fraud of tne bankrupt; and if this be no, then, according to tha tnirty-third section of the act, tne discharge.

If obtained by the bankrupt, will not affect it, bnen a debt is expressly excepted trom its operation and the same section provides that not with atandln this hs may come tn and prove hia debt and take his dividend. Now Ann Walter hav ing proved her Judgment aa thus anthor-aed. would Bad that judgment, taking the twenty-flrvt section naeraily. oiacbarsed and aorrandered. nocwitn- standing tha thirty -third section providea ens aaaly that, if created by fraud, tha discharge under the act would not affect it.

We tktnk no such intent or meaning can be reasonably impmed to tha law-makers, and. therefore, the tnirty-tMrd scti on tnaet be regarded at leet aa taking a debt of this rhtrsnior oot of tne Brst clause of the twenty-first section and hence that the Judgment tn oueation is sot "discharged or surrendered." nor is the bankrupt entitled to be released from the ar rest, or baa bail trom the bail bond, if tha debt waa one eras tad by fraud. The Court below held that the proeeedinge and Judgment tn the Common Pleaa, the tweora ot which waa prooneea nerore it, eording to the practice and oouree of proeeeUing that Court, nader tba New-York law, carried on the face of tnem that tha suit was one to recover a debt created by the fraud ef tba debtor and that it weee not go behind thai record to call In question lis verity in tne Bankrupt Court. vtew. It was argued en atehaif ot the tsiiunsar that aaoald appear troaa tae raeosd itself, that la.

taa declaranon xa tne case, that tas anit ia tae Ccas- bjob Pleas proceeded in that Court on the ground of intd. Bat, tie queauoa la on of pxacUoe, raUitr than of priactpla. The mode of proceeding ia tha Causa cn Pkeaa in a re as where the debt ta oaitmed as aaevw Sw ri lanS by isaa ln aad easatt ot tae debtor may be peculiar, aad oiffer trocn the prac tice tn taa Cowrte ef eaaar Utaias; bat It stood to be warranted br the Kew-Xork law, aad. if so. ws do not awe bat that it la entitled to aa much warts as If the I tisart i us, waa annual and specific tka twsattv-ixth awasB was rslerred to oa the arrnraeat; bat wa do not awe that it Baa aay to tha ease.

1 he other croesooa rsaend. and to abow aasas Baiare tas -w not be granted, ta so nrach qaaatioa of asaataesv aaat wa are not karlraad as lntaiawe with tnm 11.1 of the Court beiow la tae amattex. TBe enaiplsInt ka that tae Jttwmrmm Any abase br tke begawer ta Hue metier wU be eor- raetad by tae Oowrt betow. wbiob has puaaa aa en. pervtae this PefroB denied wnb coats.

lor the petition, Mr. Jcxckra xad Hi. Nye: ta ol pusi ion, Mr. Boardman. r.MIXD STATEd tTRCtTT CCURr.

Bt fvrt JuJjfi Se'nm mud Si. a cossrriTif' i bctdok caab. TTm. if. Bflird vs.

Jhe Short Lin TcaOmad Cwatposjt In case pending tn the Circuit Ooart of for the Iiriet of onnectarat a melon to- a pro. visional injunction to restrain the dVtenns'n batkling a doable draw-brtdge ov the C'ouoeoiimt ruver a point the ty cl Hsr-'oru, ad r. -r the tdwn of Lyme, waa brooabt on in this Li tra. tsroav awmuif. Tus eoti i a La forti.

It would be vry da- ge-on to nivigsci-n on tba river to build tlu-brms as intended, as tie nver is ouiy naxr am lie aur at tbst aoint- and tne tide very tnd. therri re, Ih- hncce won render the nsvigadon of U. raa-y vesaeb faaoecliirv tue umer ones) or: rrver verj par-ticttlariT at night or In of f-ia. Amdavits 01 Captsins ot veaaeia and others tnlwr- eul tn tne zxati i o' tne river wor raai i in aip-portof the plaintifTs motion. In Uie answer cf the aef -adtats ihev danv tha' tne cotnamc ion of brlie aouU rtuuer tne mer DiTiga ion danger' nt and aver tba tLe channel of tha nver ex'euda otn shore to snore lor aome distance auova and below tae poin' in and last the river runs in a Knintil line tor a mile aoove and a mile below hat ini.

AOiaviU var.ona partloa were read to corCrm these averments. For tbe pbiin-iff, E. nnbbnr1 and Wifliar" Ham. ersley; tor the detecaaoi, B. J.

JdcCurdy, 1. E. and li. li. Hirisou.

UXITEIj 6TATEH JRfrTJlT COURT "SKW-JEBrET. Uriart Mr. Justice Fie'd. urpoBTAirr 1SJCXCTIOH Jf BBOABD TO TftADK- MARK. Tfc Wnshinntrm MednWon Pen frmnnrfv ve.

The Rltrl Va Manufacturing Cam pi it a et al This action was bronirh' to restrain the tendsnts from the further nse of tn trade-mt-ka of the plain 'iff, and also fov the parpoee. aa declared nr counsel on the srgument. oi hnving the ti'ln or the pla iffs to these marks finsllv determined by a Federal Court. From the papers in the case, we learn tbst the plalnnna, about two years ago, orv tainel a pertietual iciuncnon in the Supreme Court of New-York ag the result of a suit brcuaht to esuh. Itsu their title to their name.

Waahington Medal lion," and that, after a protrected trial, JnrtRin-nt was randere1 tn their favor. But in this action rbey appear to have found it necestarv to ask tor protec- cn for tne various diHttnpniahtrip features of their goods: ss to all of which they allege persona have fraudulently practiced upon tbeni to their creat in jury. As there are some feernrea of this injunction that are of great interest to all marnlacturers who have marks or indicia to protect, and to merchants, who. by buyroa and selling gxxvis nnd-r simulated names ana, may unnmscioualy participate in tbe ner- Perrarion of frauds for which tney are answer- We to the law equally with the manntaciurer, we publish. as of pcblic Interest, the essential points of the order cerooftst, wnlcb commands Uie defendant -Morts- with to desist from directly or indirectly stamplns or causing to be stamped on tiens.

or selling or vending pens an wnich are a tamped tbe word a Waab- ington or either of them; alao. from stamping or causing to be stamped on pens, or Belling or vending pena on which are stamped a bead in or otherwise surrounded by a forming a medallion mark alao from pntnns np, or packing, or sidling, or vending pena of any denomination or description. in boxea ol the same or aimilar construction a toe boxes oriclnaily adopted by the Washington Medal lion Pen Company In the year 1857; also from cover ing pen-boxes ot any form or atructure with labels of tbe aame colors or colors of the same nature or appearance aa the colors originally adopted by tbe Washington Medallion Pen Company: also from printing or causing to be printed on labels oi pen- boxes the phrsses. Let Americana write with American pens," and "Oar country now and for ever, or aay transposition of the words composing these phrsses, or any phrases of like Import, or any fanciful ornaments! ions in colorable imitation of those need by tne Waahinewm Medallion Pen Com-suit on tbe labels of their boxes; also from selling or vending suy pens or boxes of pens on which are stamped, pressed, cur. printed or engraved any of tbe aforementioned trade-marks of the Washington Medallion Pen Company.

One ef tbe claims herein sustained, that a peon nar manner of puttina np goods, aa. for instance, the structure and arrangement ot boxea, teems to bsve been cotemporaneouery raised by other parries, in tbe esse of booster cs. Ring, the Supreme conn of New-York, recently reported, la that case an in- Junction had been issued restraining tbe nse of paper boxes ot a peculiar form ana arrangement, on tbe ground that tba boxes and their arrangement oonatituted a trade mark, and that tbe defendants, ad using similar boxes for a aimilar purpose infrinired It, A motion to diaaolve the Injunction was anrnea In tbe October 8 pedal Term before Mr. Justice ln-grabam, and the learned Judge rendered a decision nataining tne injunction. For plaintiff.

Abbett A Fuller: for oeTenaania, Bay mono A Couraen and J. Appleton Atorgan. DECISIONS. BTTPBEXF COCBT CIIAJIBEE6. DEC 2.

Bv Judoe Sn'hrrland. In re the annlication of James C. Blanvelt, Jr. for leave to auii, Ac; report confirmed and oroer granted. Milburn turn peon et ai.

memunuu wr sel. Peck et al. vs. Ferguson: motiro den lei. Jacob Black well tu.

Marie Rockwell; report of ref eree confirmed, and judgment of divorce Julia Perk ss. Hooper et al. report conhrmeu and Judgment ordered. By Judgt Cardoto. Oakley at, Stewari; notice must be wiven.

M05ETAEY AIT ALBS. stales at the toek Kitkasgn-Dtr. 2. MR. C6.0DCTJ.

8 fa, a A. ti 113 ex mt iu-4 1 nviO. ri.6s.l. 10.OU0 V. S.

a. a- 65 Tn7; i2 tti lj. s. bjq "67 III Li.iro 1IC'4 A(0i V. b.

s. 10-tGC. ll) bank of N. Amer ai. u.w 110 lit 49 1S4 SB'a 23 lltH US.

122 K82 7. loo 107- Uf'a 67 E6 1l5 110 IK 31' i 172 77 100 Cum. C. PL, 2o call 300 Canton 63 IxL A Had. ,1 TT T.

nk im Inirk. Mia. 11 don I lv Ba. P. R.

Is 99 liolPac Mail 10. MO do rOfiTenn. Bt. do 8.00 Virginia 6s. new.

1C.L0J Vs. BU as. SX bet. cail LOW Oeorgia Kt. I.OeGa.

Ht. 5s iaun N- Car. Stats fa. 3.00 do 2d call mn N.Car. as, new.

tr rm An eall 80 asi. 67 5 8 do liai do ilisi aJ Mrl Rssding vfslMertih. Cn. KO do N. T.

IV do 42 do all 1111 tin Id call rl20nciev A Pitts. 63.,1 21 Lake Shore La. Mate a tiaiLrio 1st lOli, CO trie I'hM 8 LM0 trie 6th 1. WO Alt. A T.

H. In. 1 AOKOChi. AN.W. ut.

SI 2. ni)l M. AHt.P. as 1st 1'3 2.1AAI A LC. Ut.

W-4 Anno M. A h. P. star. A La.

inro do XMO Bt. L. A Iron M. let M. Si'.

18 Bank of Commsrea 124 10 Chi. A R. I 6J do 60 Mil. A 8t. P.

10. Mi! A St. P. 52 N.J. 20 1' Ft-W.

AC JIB do. Itt Onto A Miss SCO do b30 1100 Mor. A AV, bet. 14 Bar. A 2 C.

C. Cm. A 1.... nrcoyn 11 onn D. es.

"61. B. S.O0 r. S. b.

e.yi s-20 c. LlOO S. S-2o U.000 U. fs. 4-20 C- 'ffl 44 WO new.

io em R. e7.n 6-ao "87 do aitkO do b3 5. one U.ti-Ss.lU-40, C.b3 6.10 do 2. COD Tsnn.St.ts.

nsw. fto do 2.iion do bet. call 10. onli N. Car.

rib 1.000 si. Car. as. AHUU Harlem 1st At. L00S bt- L.

A Iron M. 1st M. Bds. IT Cam. Coal Pf do SCO Pacific Msil 100 Mariposa Pt BO AKT) 1 2 i P.

M. lie 114 111. Weat. Ci 37 23 45 IT. ITS 13.

13 T' 1SL 131V. 13i ST 4 12HV. JflO.H. 'o a 1. a.

sail MMer. L'. a- do. I'O do 200 OO. 300 N.

Y. Central ic; lit. 9 110 110si 11.. iraS' 6 3H 10U Se ton do. 33 2in rO0 100 lUH r.o...

JJ 100 Erie 100 mo Hudson. 'Jul Mich. ao. A N.L. 2 0 do.

8P-2 2UU Clev. A 1 ol tk' Chi. A R. I 100 Ft. W.

a b.O Ohio A Miaa W'2 10J li' 2)5 113 5 18 do 20 sj J. fjen 60 Han. A bt- Jo. Pf lies 21 OPFSt 040.100 T. St.

as, aew. BOAKI 10 A. BT. SM I4C0 PFt. W.

A 171. aoo Mian. bo. A N. I.

ismai a ,1,, TWV set, teS 7 s3 10TS 84 87, 8T. tin l.o sier. l). ON. V.

Csa 80U do b3 lOOPseinc Mail 11 Fns -b3 800 Ueadtag- 4J0 oo bS 400 Ma A St- P. It Oc- "Ohio A Miss 208 do bit US', 100 W. A 280 do 2uj Clev. A Pitts ssvsooChx, H. LI few 808 Chi.

A 86 IftuChi. A N. W. Pf 8 '200 do SOS 208 do A4t ofew BoAan r. b.

as1, Headmi; ao yx. p. a H6S. 6u do a Ohio A Miaa. s3 fiannoS.

C. as. et Amer. 141 iit" 4 0 b. V.

Cen Len.kt) Mmo. Bo-A N. ti 2te Oleve. A PiUa at wo aa 88 6-0 Ent, IS) Hadson R. 100 1 W.

W. inn do Sou btd. a at, P. lO do te auL a bt, P. 2-e oo aeis- ao.

eila 87 '87 180 1400 do l. do as (sso Cleva. A Tot, B. A Mt er.i CT', 1P7- 4i Pf do 84-il3l Oo fflO ChL A N.W 4S2U) Cm. A B.

W. PL. as 1 l'O mm BOAIS SI T. M. B5.8re K.

Car But, STT, 4 lii Aaaansaa kkt so-. MT. In. tx 1T' BO PaetBc IM. ii Km u.

af!" sos a. uaw an Ao as lAXJ AO 133 iff a. a t3S lave ta a rw aw L3S an ia As ae oo us -v AJ 8 ao a4 is) Cms. A Fuaa, uu lisnaww tul Aitosi a T. 11 i ao.

aMCasv.A summXa a. P. Pf CBa- At- LAP bj aa 8v iue Ft- W. A 1 Aa Onto A lea As aew aeMiwa miKi. TirWi" Bnt.

ati iwar a-). 41 as acv a FTV. aw. -s ie. let WS SB liTV hft'Z 1 Ail k.

WBwatt, Sac. F. bt, Tbe roaiket fcr Money ia fairly rstabliehotl to-day at the adVanoe to 7 cent, to tbe Broker, pn csC. aa the mlo of the Berne t. with cxeeptiottB At 4 cent, on pledge of iae Publio I'unda.

We bear of loane on tdia aecoritv ai 7 vt cent, tor 3b dara, call subject to 10 or 15 days' notice. Tha advance in Botes tr 7 cent, bsontrhr forward tyti-day a pood offering fictu leiid.a, And the market we aLcuU caQ a eadr at te clo-e. There ia alao rithcr lees concetti amontr txirrowers as to anytime like a aercrv of The Echanfre against New -York at New-Orleans, and other Cotfrn point in now alioat Qi cant on Bank chocks, and cent, on ahort nght drawn ramst Cotton phitped coast wwe. These ra'ee vriH take eyjae Cni rency trom orrrTiAnke, audiacnal to rnocierate dally remit which have been going tsontU for a month or six -Beeka past. The alen cf GoM were at 123 3 1357 13C Tb market rjipetrrnrl rhill rarrr in tbe forenoon, snd the liddera for the (200,000 to be awarded by tiie Treasnry at 11 o'ciock zjca rxid to ii-vu cociLioetl sX 1S1 ctuU, ajcreciue to divide the award amous thenibtlveb.

The sward wasaxado at thih ligure, tlie uilfet ence against the Guvernment, aa compared with the market at the hoar not eeeminr to JnFtify the AxniAtant Treasurer in rejecting all the bids, whih he misht have done trader the terms of his last advertisement. The enhBerjnent ealee cf Gold were at The Foreign Ea- changee were apain in very free offerinir, and tbe prune 60 day eaien on Loudon 109109; moat of the buHinew beiiig done At 109i cent. Borne very choice merchant names npon London creditB were done at 109 cent. The offerinsTB on Taris, at corrtepondiag rates, are nnusuaUy larpe, and CO-day EUla aero done at f.5.20'ar.5.18 to the dollar. The Public Funds show more steadiness to- dav, although the bearish feeling in both the old and new 6-20a continues quite strong enough to neutralize the steady investment demand going on in the offices of the great dealers.

The speculation to-day wae on a very moderate scale. The bidding wae steady at the going rates, for cash delivery, bnt there was no readiness manifested by sellers either for caah or on time. The State Bonds were weak in the forenoon, bnt showed more steadiness at the afternoon Boards. The Railway market opened at somewhat better pricee than the closing; quotations of last night, except on one or two of the Western BoAds, like Bt. Paul, and as the business of the day went on, New-York Central appeared to lead the market with a very strong demand, on a scarcity of the Cash Block on the Street, and before 3 o'clock the price was up to 131 and soon after that hour the sales advanced to 1311I32132133133 cent.

This unexpected movement in Central imparted some spirit to the general Now-Iork and Western list. A spasmodic rise was made in Erie to 41 the Stock returning in a brief trme to S9.st381 cent. After the late Boards broke up the follow ing quotations were made aa compared with Tuesday night -raesosT. vtecneensr. United States 10-40s 105J 1C5, United States 5-20; of 18G2.

United States fi-20s ot 1867. American Gold Coin Bills, on London, 60 days New Bonds of Tennessee Virfrinia Bonds, old Missouri Bonds North Carolina Bonds, old. New-York Central Erie Hallway. 'leading Railway 1101 110 135 1C94 681 E6J 66 133 38 984 1071 84 874 884 111 874 116, 85 66 58 1101 135 684 EG 65, 128j 881 98, 107i 85 87. S8, Chicago and Rock Island Northwest Northwest Preferred.

Micbiran Southern Pittst.nrg and Ft- Wayne Cleveland and Pittsburg Pacific Hail Company Pt. Paul Preferred St, Paul Common Toledo and Wabash. 87 .117 86 68 68 The following bids were made for the various Public Funds of the United States at the cloee oi business 18 18P1. eon twin 188s in cent- ..119 li 10'4 et. eouo.

I'Ti 1-J2 t-fi auo A l.Ma.. coupon. 1871 122 6-20 11-64. I'1 eent. 18J4 1 9 6-20 SOO A LOOP.

eeot. ooia. 1W4 114 -3i. Ao A l.tor. lH6i ir7Si End.

roupona. 1874 Ill t-20eoupon S9n. is 110H 10-40 res K-t 5-2U ooution l-7 1). lu-UI ttu A 1.00B 1968 U)6''6a Curreney. And the following for the State Bonds ft.

T. Hear. B'v Loan irett'unoia ooopoti be. lsTT.imi N. T.

Conn. B't Loan, Illinois eonpon, 6s. isTS.MUfJ V. fl Canal. 1H70.101 Illinoia War Ixan 1' N.

V. 6 e. Canal. lBW.irUHl Micbitran 8 c. 18TH b.

V.CrC Canal. IKTAUl-, UiouiKAn wet. 1818.. W' N. T.

Te. Canal. lHi4.10iV,iMchin7c.. ft. c.

Canal. lKS.lula,Mtehian 1 ale. w. loaa 9 N. .8 fl A Canal.

18T1.1PJ ITenu.Hc. ext. Y. o. CanaL lr8.101S'Tenaesaes e.

a.bda 68, N. Y. 5c. Canal. 1-74.

l'O I Virginia f6 N. Y. 8 e. CanaL U76. 89'i n.

eds. 87 I1L Canal 1860 10 Csors-is as 8 1 IiiiaoisCa. rcc.l88aiu1) North Carolina 6s 88 liiiDoia ta. eou.7laft'6it.lHl, c. 4.

new 63; Illinois ea.ooa. 'Tvsft. il Missoon 8s gi', Illinois 6n. c.TS aft.lHSMOlV Looiaiana ta TSatt.

lS7alCl.ICeaneetiea'. Ai luu And the following tor the City Bank Stocks: Merc ban renames' In ...126 ...129 ...118 ...14. ...108 115 tmng 110 Metropolitan 144 Shoe and Leather. ..121 Imnfrs. A Traders-.

.11 Park. 191 Mannt'sA Central NsUonal 109 Fourth National K-S Ninth National ll'l tenth National 100 11 Leather Manui'a 180 reTcnth Ward 114 Commerce 123 Ocean 108 American Exchange. 113 Bank of N. America. 110 And the following tor the Iloilwav Mortgages: Y.

Oen.aa.lS83 88 N. Y. Cen. 6a. R.

85 N. 1. Cen. 6s. bab 84 N.

Cen.7. N. Y. Cen. Js.

Cne 1st M. ext 101 Ens rta mcL- 84 Mat.K.Ts.2rt aLtj.rVX6.i04 Harlem 1st M. Kw Mien.C 8 ee. n-TXlll Mieh.CB.B.lst M.8.2-1144 Chi. B.

AQ. 8 vle.lstM.lllv Mien-H. A re. 87 liL Cent, 7 er- 1870.. .114 altoa A T.

H. Is' 84 Alton AT. H. 3d at, of Alton A T. H.

ae M. me 61 ret. A N. W. 8s Con.

718 sent, 83 i mul si. bds. fw Han. A St. Jo.

conv 88 A lat M. 1j it'o. a Tot. A W.Eoa:u.b s. 74 t- Westem 1st lUs.

A eto. Iowa 1st So Gal. A Chic Ex I 'JO i jal. A Chic 2d 86 Obi. B.

A Pao. 86 Mania A Lseex 1st 8SV Moms A Bssex 2d .1. Jorsev Cen. 1st. M-.

Pitts. M.l!3 ad at. Obi. A Alt. lat 103 Chi.

A Altoa toe. BiLA Kt. Paai let M.8s.tr3 MiL A hs. P.l" 73-18 88 Mil. A HuP lat M.

'3 Joliet A OH 1st 101 CaicAG. Last'alstM. 73 A ft. M. as 83 r-no.

7 cent 1st at.txla. any ttaa. ana m. a. iv The Lynchburg Ttrobuan, of Dec 1, gives the following statement of the number of hhds.

of Tobacco inspected in Lynchburg from 1st January to 1st December, 1863. Also quantity of tobacco received and sold in the name time "Number of hods, inspected tn January. T3; tn Fer ruAry, 319; in March, 696; in Apr 632; in May, L134; in June. 1 430; in July. 960: tn Aural, 94; In September.

403; tn 196: ta November, 7L Total number of 6,701. The number of hhds. above includes whole bhda. half bnos. and tubs, and would probably averasTe 700 lbs.

each la weight. Nnmaer ef B. Inns Tobacco ia Jan-nary, 607.100; In Fsbrsarv. 848.900; in March, L383. 700; tn April.

L101.700: in May. 1.438.000; in June, 1.107. 9B0; ta July. tn A.ngnat, 764.800; ta Hepf mber. ao9.800; in Osber.

24.1.800; in November. 147.600. local acmbsr of fti. of loose TnlAeco, total anmbar of Bva. ta A6S0 7O0; total nambar of tba.

in bbda. aad loose. 13.141. SOU." The Dry Dock Savings Bank annonnoea that on the lat of January, 1SC3, an extra divi-tteod of 2 cent, lor bx maroLha, and 1 cent, for three montba, will be paid to de poaitora wntiiled tbereto. Hubs ib.

Wat. P. Wbiiibt A Otx, in Oxear Cotton tarcular for the lAmd, vfaaark as iot loira: 1. rN I a aalaa ia I aa taa basis cf li Wc tor Middlmc. and 4 boar Btidcuiag.

Oa lawraday thare was ae Bnar-it being Xhankamving lay. Prvlay we had a rare aaaaa. BaaaaAww tha Lisas pool ad lluae awaiad, aad the market drooped to Sac. for xstw asad lae. Bar las aiwLSttws-.

with taeva tons aad rather aigaar prssaa attar P. at Ysstarday we kal a asad AwaaBBva. ehlifls ba prtoee ware xa- aicaar. Ta-day we are mm waaea. at bet.

OWM wars Mtltdl rtaight twosB, by save so. all ahead, borne considerable room Baa day by ail. Tbe aaiee ef tba wwcA bnwe Been 3X100 bales, of which is. Taa tor axaort. 4.171 tor hostx tion.

3,144 on specalation. aad 1621 Hellers for delivery tn Nov saber, hers aad ta aaas. have bean ewvertng anew atraets. A qaaauiy has ae Be eat Had tar. tn aaoa lu December.

For rerare dUivery, rartbar as Is a have been made, gi am ally ef Low Middtln cjaanttee or Janaar. 3Ac.B33tie.; Sor Vea osrr. Z3c MBU cUihs' for Jatrasry or Psbcnarg, x3cJAo and aay to Alxrch next. 24o- Tue aaM iur rainre delivery are ca taa tnereaae, and l.TS Bales were soU tecs. The d-ssTTvcs bsv been, for eSoc, 187; B-smen, 83j; Genoa.

MJ: Kottey-iaaa, 15. To lM9-T' e-tras-eir eitis are. Tr LtTrPooi. 23. f0; H-rre; Birms, Bambr2.

LaOO. Ktb.m. 6j0. -jrhts arj scv aad Dm hieber e- L'-verroo'. a esni.

'1. E-vre. steam. aall. Sac Ttremen.

sem. 1 aniL 3o. Hauirnrg. siaawi. Kllti Jc G'-nom.

aH. Vc EsmgemeaU are bettie" st tw natslrte 7 las-rr Ccttob Trn transac'ioTia nave been rr beeri ireee lo'k'rg ttion astflv at ass. TV 8let of Uie htvs been 1 hefes. Oovi Or'imrv. Lnei i iw, S2'ic: Low M'dl-ni.

sif'i r-. ie.i and IBSSrtse-. 24 fl cet. L.VSV- "'Minis, from New-O lesa. with frrteht, 9 11 We r-'ve new en rff sn arabbt supply of samples iro-n Galveston.

Xea-Orlaans and Sm-sii'p if fn- H- s-rn markets have hen actve. Ne-OrlesTis rstrucularlv so; prices ars aboa' Jc birher. Te rfc-rfT-ees for FYire se' the rntrttT'ent roes on lively, sad there to more dot 17 for Liverpool to provide frrr contracts now maturing Reeetriis are arn below gsmersl l'" For he week, en M-b Frldav las', th'V wra 7S 000 biles, ss-lnrt 80,000 Isst v-ir. an1 63.000 year fceiore. ftace Friday they are aovewbat lsrger, a-ut the total this week promises to oe lanrer.

Tbe low state of many of tbe Southern rtvrs sceo-nnt. tn swn mess-nre. for tbe iste reodrrate smva's tn the Oulf. while In the Atlantic P'ares planters are boldirg their crrpa from Bia'k-t tn tbe firm b-iief ef blcber prices. We learn, by telegraph dated last nurht, at N-w-Orleann.

that 'he nters are risinir, and more fr" recsipta of cotton are looked tor there. xpor.s tn O-eit Britain are molente this week, betneonly 30,000 baiea. Tbe lotsL howevyr. since l4i Hrpiember. ia ahead of last year and year before.

To France and tbe Continent the sb. omenta fir tbe week are rrea. Tha totals are largely In excess to France, and modera'elT so to other loreiirn ports as ecmpared witn last year an 1 year before. There la tuiie a conaiderabi amount of cation arriving here Southern porn fur thorough shipments to L'T-ernool and tbe Continent. All the vessels cleared at New-Orleans bavo croeeed the bar and gone to sea; thre is no longer any detention.

The following is a statemintot tbe movement in cotton since cue 1st September last 10 28 -h November: lies. nay. 188. Receipts st the rorts. 6 2.

"00 4S9 AfiS.OOO Exnort to Ureal 158.000 13:1 nrn Export to France 8S.000 13 Otio 18.000 Export toother Tor. p-wts. 42,000 Bfi.0(H 1100.) Total 98S.ono 180.000 IM0011 Block on hand 233.000 233.000 434.000 Of which during the past week included in the above: Recctwa fr tbe 78.000 S9.000 69.C00 to Oreat 30.000 3s.000 33.000 Exports to Frtnce 91.000 3 000 4,000 Exports 10 other porta 10.000 0O0 3 000 loui exports for tne week. 62.000 4S.0U0 23.000 Mariposa Batatte. In answer to the innumerablo mquiriee which have ben addressed to them npon tba eubtect, the nnderaigned, in behslf of the Trustees of the Marl-pies estate, baa the aiiafaction of announcing to those interested that tbe dam over the Merced River has been completed in a substantial manner, and that ore la now being taken oat fxoxa tbe Josephine and Pine Tree mines.

Thia ia being transported over the Maritosa E-tate Railroad, preparatory to the commencement of active operations at tbe mil I wbtcrt ba-ve been tarn porarily delayed by the aecaeaity of replacing aome large timbers which had become decayed during the eeasation of work. It Is estimated that tbe new mill which ia about to commence operation will produce a net profit of at least (400 per day in gold, which. It la Bntierpated, will be doubled by the additloaal machinery to be exericd within sixty days tbereaiter ia the Benton Hills. MARK BRUM AG 111. No.

34 WaXX-itbext. Dec. 3. im. 13D fM15CllL.

MM- IMPORTANT TO CAPITALISTS, CORPORATIONS, Ac Thirty-year SIX PEB CENT. V. S. Currency Bonds. These securities are the unconditional obligations of the Government, and constitute part of the funded debt of the United States.

They have thirty years to run, and bear six per cent, interest, lawful money. The whole Amount authorised by Act of Con-xrrees is sixty millions, whereof forty-four xaiV-liona, ($44440,000) have already been delivered to the Pacific BAitroad Companies, ani are mainly held for long investments by Trustees and Moneyed Corporations, and by the Banking Department of the Treasury ns aecurity for circulation. Only sixteen nulliona remain to be issued, and after these are absorbed and the Loan closed, the Bonds will rarely be offered in the market. As these will be the only six per cent. Bonds of the Government, having more than twenty yeara to run.

their prospective value is enhanced correspondingly. Banking, Savings, Ineuranoc, and other Companies, and Trustees and Capitalists may secure a portion of the remainder of tho Loan on favorable terms on application to FISK HATCH, Bankers and Dealers in Government Securities, No. 5 Nnsftau-et. 3- UNITED STATES SIX TEK CENT. CUTiBENCY BONDS, 30 years to run.

are offered for sale on favorable terms, at the oftic-e of the Union Pcciflc Railroad Company, No. 20 New-York. asr- aifiO.rflP. PAPTNEI18 WANTEn Special orae-tise 1 toin the advertteer. a ot exnerienee.

tn oriraniziar a hos to eondnet a branch af the dry iroo-a commission bitstreas trial is pnnulsr. safe sad profitable. Adaress 1-. box Ko. 1,178 Post Oxhoa, Transfers of Heal Eatata: XXW-TOBK CXTT.

Colnmbia-atw. w. a. 70 ft. a.

of li 1 4S.B T7.fW s. 164.8 ft. b. ot Canal-aL 17.UX73.8 7.AW Pimt, a. a corner ef Nes.

121 snd 123. 4UxJ3 Kn. leX M.6xle0 w. a. 173 ft- of 24-luO Ptdrs-st, Nee.

112 and 114. I acoa e. 100 ft. n. ef 28x100.

w. a. BVJ ft. a. of xt-tix 10b SD.6C0 Thompsoa-st, w.

a. 243.6 ft. a. ot 24.8 xlOO 91000 1-nb-stl n. 810 ft.

w. of 3.1-av.. LixlK-S 12S.0 187.6 ft. a. of 87.

8x83.9. i 116 b. 275 ft. w. ef fxlatll 7,000 37Ui-wt a 44 ft.

e. of 21.0JS a. 24 ft. a. rr 181 ft.

a. ot 7.n-av.. brl lu.4 7.M 47Ui-t s. a. AW fu a.

of W-srlui hai eeth-sL. a im ft w. of lfxuas nioe a. a. 475 ft- w.

of Strict 11 Sou a. ISO t. e. Bnr37.6.. 750 34tb-et- a a-, 84.18 f'.

w. of Ith-av S4. lux 128. 10. 38, 34tb-su.

a. w. eeraor IOir99.11 TlOoo a. w. corner 7ta-sv 138.1x1(0 Madiaoa-av a w.

corner 4tB-st-. 50.810 si-ev a lots Nos. 11 and 14. estrte of Rrowa 23.US1 lst-av w. A.

814 ft, a ofSSd-et- 24.81W aoaa. 2 e. a. 4u.i ft. n.

ef gVl-et 2uxTi a. tu.t ft. a. et 53o-et xTO e.a,au5ft. n.

ot S-iust, xK sth-sv. A w. soraer of Illth-sC. HX iv-o 19 Ai 19. 11.9M ath-av a.

w. corner of IZxIOj SiiJ TUB a. w. eeraev of 1 HxfiLin 9.wA a. a eorner af uh.1uxXT Aa.ssJ Ansa at-, s.

a. s. n. a. et proncss il.

Z4.sxbt.s- au.n Aator aetste. loss Bo. 2i3 aad part ot No. Ul 28.ul Eaat Bros -way. a.

e. eorner Market-Bt 71' on Plot No. 116, Dyckman L7M Pleta Noa. 82 and 1 8. Deckmaa estate A as Plots Boa asd 27, bvelauaa 13Bie Rtvinstoa-at.

a w. corner OreharO-sa S.Xre RirmcUM-el-. a- w. sorssr Xi50 Btsa) a. a rsar of loia Aoa.

AM. 4 a aad 4ui. Lsae- dert's farm. 2.X79 28.188 b. 84 ft.

a. of let-a 4BX87.6 AVwe lot A a. 41. Bayard aetata. 26x91.11...

Luasl ld-st-. a. 96 ft. w. cf M.aAlJLa k.itu AMd-st, a.

a. 136 ft. e. ef 2uxHsLA. 3iu 6tA-ev- a a corner aOtaOO Btiae teu-st, n.

a. 175 ft. a of irorino.4 1LAJ0 maa-at. a. eo n.

w. of ta-ev awxlialO. AJt IHaa-eu. a. a.

Bt) w. of Asl a a. 4A8 ft a. of tTtb-st, tl.Buj Aveaae b. a.

a ceraer Sta ti Bi-txia. Aveaae a 4J fu a. ot Atta-ac. Bot93 14. w.

a. A. fu a af SJo-st, iASxaaj li.s 21-st-, w. a. BA6 It, a.

of S- Tta-ws a. w. auaasi tzid-sk. BXxl-a U-. U.tus aaa-et, at fx.

a. at 380 496 i aiksf-st, a. A rUJa ft, a of sat braAdwajr. 3At ldi, 21 yeara, per fear WaaHicsrtoa at ft. 478.

I yeara. par vs-r Sat -s. a. a lio n. w- si Lsnaaiaa BnrBt.

a. Vsr peer No. JLi, stare, I yeara. pat rear. xxBoa out a 11.

a.ant AdslpSi at. va S3BA BW a. of Witlawghbs at BtxkA. stAtBl A del pat-aA, w. 1BVA ftaaf Wai gfiby av kn As sVTb L2M taTetTaTa! Besisw-ax, li-ax 0 baasast m.

Bn at a af lavs as- Brx2nn. Blua tWwS KMxaus. a aw. it. a.

as waaaaaaTsasrwa, mm b. 48S.4 fu a. et Maia st ruaiaAA Asw s. sZ asa.4 B. a.

wf M.ia at. gawalls enrissisar a transit. Lrvar- ans sansitHs. pes ywar Ana, ai ts atora, Aa, ssii tsuaiaa. at Laalal wwfl iaVB -wasasaa-a eat eT Waa ta sw w.

t-l ft, a. Basks alley. aamu. Baim U. a BB st, e.

ef Tssssksss IXAb 1.880 w. a. SB ft. a. tsasB at, BLtWA A BVAs) Ueywsrt-sa.

and Wyths n.ta, mssi. AliAalBa sAj 3 tea HtcBory-erl a. a. B98 tk a. af Fraakiwa-av, Bxlre-.

Jsgsrsoa mu, a. 101 ft, a af Orasoaii pi ass, llx ajoat- Joraisaswi st. a. 3sVJ it. s.

af mki 1.. UAAx a an fraase protwrty. Ass a of KW4- its Mositaras pis us. a a. 127 ft.

a ef Uawrv-sA. B'SBV aa.4al Muataiiaasit t.mi ft. a at Waahiagtaa- 111x34.4x111.7x1X3 gem Morreli-at, a a. 287 tt, w. ef fWford-av nil's).

7 71 a BA rt, w. of HiSan-si. VSiBXlAA 3 13V f. w. at TliJ.

1XKJJ 161. left. w. ef 4-h-T a a. 92 fa ev af 42Ax33t.

1 an-l fist, aad a. w. 347 1 zW 1 Haoksst-st. ead 4ln-av wu e. 1 a5.Knlie XBB9 Kack-tx-st m.

a Mn rt. w- mt Bnw st esatisl. Sj-sw am Baefcett-st a. a. IT tt.

w. boiids1-, tw hsaisa-ea, e. a. ft. m.

a asie) 7.8M eiai a a. 147.4 f. w. af tami-m Bt ai Ht. ehx-st a s- 140 ft, B.

ef Hsnsow-plaoe. 20x70. Atl n. sno ft. a.

ef ithm 1426 IsiewtaDd CV'H llUil7altl8I tau if. st ft. 04 Kwew sc.auxMM. e. BVi a.

JBS.4 ft. w. 6ti A'i Bt m. Bt, ta. e.

et Mutt 1ST ISO anas owth a 3A8 ft. w. oi tLb-st. VtxtO L0 s. w.

751 ft. a. w. of 3 39x309. 72 lotk-st w.

btl ft a. af awatb AUa-eA, r.xi3axt7. il 4.680 TBI lis ft, ef lt. 8xl JW sn.lMt. Bert.

w. ef TUHS1.1 av 41Sil-sl B. a. tt, w. or 1 1 4 tfuw.

ef Tt.V-av, yasve.3 h-ec, a. A ft, w. of 26iiei J. B.A. Z2tfL a a4 230 a a.

mw ft, e. tatutu AuAi Atlantic sad biawl ava, a. a t.ioe HAL sno 7 iberry aad Smith ava a w. 80 los sel Liber aad hmitb eor 2s40 .489 I a a ft, w.

ef AMU s. 960 ft. a ef UtTiaioa-av, aOx'U Rids-swuod a. a. 76 ft.

w. of Mgat-avf lOx 8-5 il-av w. a 33 ft, a. 390' tvl-a' a. Jii ft a- ef Hi Hxim.

"0 ninsl-as w. ft, s. ef Lnvisioa-av-. tuxLa 11. e-a.

4uU fu b. of Ridsewood-av xino. 4fl Tosap.ias av, e. a. SS ft a.

mt Malaev at, AS-l w. lui ft a. of fsA-et. 7ixf6 LAW 4th-av. aBdtl-eU.

n. w. eorner. 9 LC 0 6ih-ev, a. tt fu e.

at 2v-su Saixltai 1.WU Lots Nos. 474 to 476. sectiuaal xaan No. of Fort Hamilton aoaa. Lots Nos.

474 to 478. sectional map No. Set Fort iiami.tuu KO Lots Nes. 68X 883 sell part of 884. block V.

sad NoA art to 867. parte block W. Rest Ne-- TO1 bsotioat aa. 2, 2. btssasft aaap ef Bay tXAsl i Asasv AtiearsVst, Fultoa-sT, No.

393. SS rearv par rear. i QCBBBB COllBTX. LOOO Bnbwiok aad Newtown road, adjotamg Tood'a hontie and mt Lot ao. as, aaap preportg adimataA faaveaawood.

tue I Church and Catherine eta, a. a. 6 XlOO. 300 OjsSar JSow. Bethpage trchase.

portion of. 313 acres NXW-mtSXT. I JTsawr. n. A.

40 ft, from Marlwon-at, MrCis- nea. lixlO- fl-JTS Bavs-sU. w. Wasaer'a peopeits. 96x88 Ae ear.

of Llsevker-st. Traeedslt's. SOxinO. lCOi Oramts sU. a.

a. property. 37x74 lid Prions su, s. 68 ft. from bnmos at, Ott'a, 9Bx26 Le btoaw-au.

a 218 ft, trosa Uveas at, XaxluO SU0 Wsverlr-plsee. a. 10U froia Pnnos Tick- Bur'a6ux98 109 E. Raith'a property IMl ft, w. of Bpnagfield-av, 'w it MtSJ mm s-w ws a sta 4r VsBW BlasetAw.

MoBtsnmevy-et, a. a.Rsawon's property. 9 L8A1 Oreaara at, a. a. Baasoa'a suaIIA 441 Holland- t- s.

STj ft from Gold st. SSxlnS fm Holland, cox. of kins' Sue Holland, ear. of Uokt-sv. bchrasbir'a prop, lAxltst Las) Ocas a.

a. adl LtBwsleya Central-aT, a. Ooauvoiiy'a 36x312 .3.998 BA) n. 380 ft. frm Bwrsjalde-av, Bara- aadVa Balt4 0 Phtssmer's prop, on Mnnweam Top, Ki Bowtr Ut-st.

a a. 83 4 w. of MonmontA-aU, 16.8x50 94.ICO J9iip a Jeffarsoet, w. a. 12tA-sU, kA No.

33, biosk Attn 4th-t, a 8, 160.4 ft a of Meyera-sv, 69.4x196..... $409 BramhaTI aad Madison a. 1 Ubiob at aad a w. L300 A408 6uxlU. tTWsa.

Lot No. IM. map of BelWvs. 36x300 Canal-av, a a a 363 ft. a w.

of Ch appal a xlo9 95.788 GEHHRAL MARTTFTTS. Nrw-TrBX, Wedxteaday, Dec IMS. The reoeinta of tha principal kinds ot pruuuoe tine onr Aast ba-ve been aa follows: Asfaea bbia, Flour. bb.a 11,495 Floor. Oa ra Cornmsai.

300 Oaney, 16,061 Matt, Caas, onshela Pork, bbia 643 Cm Maata. pxats 48 Lard pajra 6o2 Beet. tea. snd bbia, 3,67 BTriaky. 107 Patrolennt, 3,354 Corn meal.

3.300 Wheat, 09.668 Corn, bnabala 30,051 Bye. enanaax, I Uata, Bsva been to-dav at 7 60Ut 7 BT for Pots, aad 35 for Pearls. 9 100 Tba. a toes, A00 bOia. COFFEB Has been ateaoy.

bnt wot tn much request Ws quota: Java, Mameaibo, 14c17c; Lagnavra. 14Se.A17c: Rio. Scat 12 Xc, In bond Native Oeyfon. 16 licssiac Jamaica, 14a, tvlOc; Bu Domingo. 14cv14 '4c, all In amid.

84 IB. Btook. 316.135 pkga Against pkga same tlnaa COTTON -Has been leas active snd lower, closing heavily and irregularly. Hales. 3,644 balsa, (ot which 176 halts were to arrive,) Including 766 balsa to spinners, 703 bales to apecnlalora, L3S7 bales to abippers.

snd 800 bsiaa tn transit. Bales ware also made ot 600 baaea Low Middling, tor January, at 33c: 100 bales Low MiJdbng. for February, at 660 bsues Middling, for Janua-v. at 34c; 850 bales Allud ing, lor Februiry, at 24:. ft lb.

Ottawa? Vsnrt mt Asa. Upiaad. Mobile. N.0.1Tmii. '''tdinanr, A -B a'i 'S'- ooi tm-aiatj, low illdiuutt.

24). xm.X BlliolXUf, Bl 'JO -MU MvmmaUl 1 UsUaa at Ua fori. Bi'ea. Rvccii la that tar thia 11 'M ueecirta lart 21.3 Rceli.ta prcoeding week XAwtO RcoetpU Ruoe bent. 1SCH Mi 927 keeeiiics sxnoe Jan.

1. 1068 688 83 lveceitna year ending Beot, 1, 168 Pecmpts year ending Jan. Raeaipts year ending Bept, BVceipts year ending Jan. lo67. .667.438 K-ceiDts year ending Sep.

lbo Exports smoe Bept. 1868.................. 71.496 Ex porta race Jan. 1, It. 384.C96 ExTjortt year ending Sept.

Exports year axsd'ng Jan. Exports vear ending Bept 47X690 Exporia year eanirig Jan. 1, ......881,090 Ax ports year ending Bwpt, 1. 1966...... 496.900 Ti.oou Hi 1 nan Cmttmm atagaw Receipts, trom Bept.

1808, to latest tnati 603.000 Boos fits, samn ttmam 1807 443,000 hcceiDtx at all taa porta year ending Sept. 1868.... a.140,383 Beceipai at all tne porta year easting Bept, 1867. 1.95X989 Beeeints at all tne ahipptng porat of tae TJciLod Htties com tbe close ot the war. May 1, 18G6, to Bept, 166 ....2.571.000 Exports trom all tae porta troas hapt.

to latest dates jZJ-000 Expona. ssiiui tome last year 17,000 txporu trom all tae pores year ending Bept. 18... 1.657,013 ExpcrtairocB ail the ports year aaoxag Sapt. 1.

I'i67. 1 rporB) prwaadlns! Cotioa rear. Eatimatbd atock at the ahxppaag porta, latest msil dates 3IL000 Boca, aaaaa uase last year. xaaakm stock cat Band at all pacta. Aag.

to. iae BB.1B Eatimaiel stock aame time 90.296 Crop ot 18C7-8 1430,89. Croo of LfL9B3 FL4JCR AND IWrtli a ratner Defter oemann been noted for low a-raojee of State asd Wi at nrwias-raAee. Most AAar amds Bawa tn light request and without buoyancy ae to tsrwwa. Bases krvs bean imarsst Btasa war Bast of 11.400 la aDta.lscmdmg vwry poovtaehotea Bnperna Sums and Western as 36 90 64 10; vwrv tn-BBrtor so Bur ordmary Axwa Bssia aa MsOasST; fair ordinary to very hoses genmae Bprtng Whaat Xxtra tKAsa at 37 tot 8 10.

and poor to goad si roping Brae da of rooaA-aocp atra OaW HltsKiilli ai phi. Wa obobs: bnparBBa Bsate ana 6 KMt 1 Extra mats A Sua) 19 Extra HUaoU. Indiana Ma-higan, 6o-bM1 64 Extra Ohio, trad and family 4XK411 6A 1 Out 11 SO Batata tlnaea tn alack liamsnil at Aroep- 1 1 A60 bbtawas 8A AOxsta 30 tor S14 60 tos fair to very sn IbsbB near wnauaaaea dull bavabeanniadaot oOObbas. at f6 16313 sasxiremae for old anil BtwEurfat, fiDOEM. hye riour eoa-tuiTita a iwqMAt Anel buoyant at S15S3 lor rnasrtor to ehoaoe, bbi.

aalsa 925 bota. Cora Meal Baa sssa ta sum asm so sat ta Bis 1 aa B4 aaaa SA At ass- BA SO Sos- I iiu, AS Ae for Fairfax, aad A6 Am 66 9u tor fssatrsus, 9 aba. bales 1400 bbia Back wheat Flour coo aa ta Hia-bod aegjaad at 10 ORAXS Waeat baa Bwass qaowad 1 an 1 till limf for priuie parcels, tsai has Bawa la seas roqaws. Ha1 Bave been ivpurtsKl ataes war kaas af 41, 004 liaiti'T BBntadiag WB Wawswra at 33 IOBa9 Na 1 Aprxag at (1 sOutl a0: Mixed B-w 1 sasl Bprtng At tl 66; No. a Boring at 1 aVf 1 63.

tbe aatxer rats fur caoacs tax store. bsxsBaL earn Baa Bastils at ft Mb1 16 tor bbi Al Ueafl 17 tar aowad BHaaat at wtsaai 66 aar an waxav Xsabsw. aaa as BwABBw esat JLstaj Coawxnoa to Btncy sxrra Basal 1. tsstaert Flew eontli oar to tear, and SAB9w lor Extra, Bat, CaA- 1 bwsbeL Bra baa been fa fair rrwwt a tl Aa II At for Wewtern, Casswra aad fpats Bt asisBwl; nalas 10 Tat fsuabeav Barry del a sreall fotothMaaa a at 9 bwahel tor ewdinsry. Btrtey tl 4(9 B9 sa bat Oats Bsrv- Bwevt sued in sat iy ta- sTd as aa awABtv tUlaa tsVAOO ewaAets at 73)as 4A74KC or Wmiiira, tit etore and iffiat; Te.

for Jersey f4 We.k14. for Bat-, ta rmtil sofa. awAbat, Tbe Albany Argot grves the fe41 nrtag r4 of caBALboate aa having swased Fulton nll d'riBtt tw. -vnwr bewra ewdlni 1 JO P. XBCA: fwwaai Barr.

Oswego; ta. T. Kiakxaaal. tfase alo; B. P.

Bordwell. Ws. -slow. CoratBgl BtswAaa Curt, RoaBe: rTa. BTw4 Rlirr Iv).

OaWBga, Cat a Aiidaa. Oswea. fmmU-Ellis Ps'-n. Berle. Asva.

era D. g. rlATNorrh ltnas TtaM em-l dawaaad a $0c4TJc. lor Bhipptna. and tov-Bworto-ebrrtos.

tne local waa, TA Mat lbs. B-raw rssss tfaU at TanBAe. tor abort aast soawc. BA ice IBs. iiOPa Hsn swan vswwewt, tBcmttsig Aaserwawi at lr rAs.

torwew. bbi Fmaii at SOe. Wi quote ta aetai! thea: Njw-Tork Stata. -00 -rim co pnmo. 10c See-Tort ate, choice to ftaey.

18e.eate ajuiatd, roanon to JOc faUct HistTu. Choioa safaeev.lys.ell:., a a. sobhssb srtBs. IblOIx-. tt waaala.

ass-a to fancy. BT -causae. Ulagsw' of all s-radse. 6c.t7B-.: VAnrwirB, lacsaJOs. Jb.

HEMP Has been and 8faA iCSf bsUs. American, with 12i tons and 17.904 bake Pot- 1117) jr? Taa s.entsla. been 17.333 Hwtee: sale. 8L6A9 Rxtss. thwl ewidrn.

aeeorrbBe to Meswrs. Vrtx. A 33 600 Ixry Bnewee Avrea. tn mve, 33m Jhs.JV.si7"! ser-eterf; 4 372 Dry Baswos Avr-s Leowd- 3- 3S seiesiedt 9BB Pes Hn iiiws Awes Ins, 13S' lbs, 34i. mM.

ed It BOO TWy Meeiia.tneo. ftoserrve.t rtfUriX 31J, A31 old. wot) pry Orinoou, 31 1Kb, Sic sv-eeted; AJRT 1- Rio Oran.le. JslWJl lbs. Tao, Hd s-Wled: 1.093 Drv RmOners Kips, 122 13 Bvs, -94- ffold.

eeAaetwSr 8H KLi Oran 31 lbs, 19c, asM.s-leetol; auo p-v frrleaitsA. 9A twvs ssims; tB Trv CwaTal A-eeesn. 183.18 Si tba, we-; ana Potto Csn-. Tfta, nrtva-e serBssj noo Tsra 7Ao Iha. fi ib- 00 ret Sftvuy Wj rldi 4.8on TV-r Texa.

314 THa, 21' eBrreev, Halted Texas. AO Tht, 13c, awrrwey, wwt. ee; 349 Wet fssit -g, Oranda. (m asrive.1 10 sa. J-ki.

eol'; 6.J50 Clt EbntrMer. 6980 Hit, 13 i enrrepe-v, Tbe strwk Hiea em band -f is 47 900 (s -ie hist vear. 147.BAA itmd 3B9 as fnlinsrs: 37.000 -Ttwsi Awes. A.OOO M.niiaaB.:9eA Ce-tral American. A00O Texia and Boulhern, 350 bales ratett'fB fVsg.

LEA TIER There has base a seedsvat wioweaeH re at 'ead-e sws. rBeHsThBw Hern lock. Basaed Nr -er. Tsv-e. "7 He lo-k.

Bnesea A aa. Hemlock. Buertos Ave-e li-bt, mWxk. Caltf-irula. H-sw.

STe Heislert. railfnrnia. Middle, 3Ac.tt9e. BT mUsrk. '-Isrrns.

Liit. 9e.ax39o.: H-sile-t, fi luoen. kfw T7 T. 8c Hemlork. Orlnwrw, ate, Mwldl.

Hemlock. Oronoeo, Ltehf. 9c.a V. Ressiork. Oond Dsmsged.

all kinds and we-pr. 34c.Ci3SKc.: Hewtinek. poos DsmasTv1; alt 'L- asd sr4rliBi. 30e.A33le., Bemlnek. tn lb -ntflii Oak Bwter.

Besw. S8a.a4Ae.l, 0'F''-s'e. Middle, Oak Bianhar Te. 0k Blaaa-bter, Crorpe't. oe Oak tQaBghter.

Crooasxl. MieMIe, 43 A Oak Bhnghasr. Cropwad. Lteht, 42e.e4Ae. Oak Tangbter.

ta tbe Rns TlesVT. 8H- Oik fasna-aasr, in tbe Rwteh, Vld-ste. Bae.B4tc.t Oak fBaorbter. va the Rnsts-tt. L-'bt, Ue.p44a.; Oak Bls-ti-'tsT.

Betnes, 33o 4e34e ft lb. I.rMBEB Has been in dcassnd and trooeed Araa. la Albany scoot dens to ta rwaa. tbssw baa Bn a rood lively trade dorms- the week. Clear Lnmb-r keeps and wnst of tba saV bave been made at er esw ear "inside fku es.

Con se pine and Bpraea aad Hemlock are scarce, aad getting trore ao every ejay. Should tbe nreesBt we an weather eootmwe, atnch of the Lei-rner will be get off. Tbe aaaiiH 'l; raent (n the aaarkat, exaaptieg on eoaraa, at sswjoja Tk rteelpta by canal dur-ns: ta week were kars and eoaaiae-rably ahead of tba eca-rsapondtaw week last year, when naviestloa wae mnch Impeded try tee. Bnlpenta have been lanr-, emDloytng ail 1 sets of? -ring at advancing rat a Tbe reeernta of ItrmKee at Obloao-o tor the ending Nov. 37 ware 11.174.600 Beet, sgsewst 18.38 009 tost for ae eerrw- spoTidinv week In 1867.

Tbeae Ifawv w-vtld vats aumwmt reeetnta for tH yesr 1SC8 to anntt test, against tJoO. 000.000 feet tn ISST. The receipts of Lnmb-r nt Ruffaio aad Oswvgq lor- ths weeks andtng Nov. 33 and Nv. B9 ware Fee 70 '00 rmir-: A87.VaJt .4 994 BOO 1.968.1JO The reoarpta at Albany by iBe Sri aad rbampUut Canals tw- the fourth week or November were: i Boards and (thinslaa.

Tinner. tared Besm fu M. e. f. B. f-sfisoo let 1000 i 1867.. 6.123.800 487 03flO Ot the Board a aad Seen eeeeivad. .883.400 feet were br the Erie, aad 7,272 BOO fast by UieCtan plain CanaL Tbe receipts at Albany by the Erie and Cbsmrdsn Canals from ths opening of nsvigatton to were: Boards and Shir, rise, Timber, Kt-vee. Bmmlnse. ft.

tt. e. 9i lass.AVS 338.500 38.T47.r0n fWl SS6 4AA 40TI 1887. 383.01 3. 400 9C.743 62,733 J8 981.800 Tae r-ceipts of Boards.

Ac. are 63 -fee etcrsa of tbe entire reeehva of 1867, said see 38 609.400 feet in excess ef tba raeeyta of atrv pe. yjoai season of wn'ch bavs a reoard. The ra-eelots ta 1867 fensn Nov. SO to be clnws af tbe season, were about 1.600,000 feet, We sdvstx ssre oikms-ttkmB rv freigbta sobbb ootnte.

To New-Tor a. fk M. $1 7It3; to Bridreriort end Kew.Havwc, S3; Nor-wirh ana Middletown. 93 5rta94: 94; to Pmvidenee Fall Rrver. 84: as PhOWel.

phis. A3 T6: to B-lttiare. 84; to BVashtwwWwA. 8t to Biclwond snd Peters bun-. 98; to Boston, for.

SOT. 77 (OarS; for bard, 8 6Wf 9." MOLA8WKH H-s beea very gmet, twebwThvg Pet to i Rico Bt 43 c.63- Onba st Enct ah at Nsw-Ocieana at AOr.feSS-. gallon. Btnek. 13,185 bbda.

and CIO bbia, attstnat bbda asnae Hat last year. NATAL STORES Have be-" less required for, tnolnjin amnta Tirrventtne at AV tA wUrm Crade at 33 T5Y 9 87: -ain st t3 5 280 tha Tar at $3 SOntSA 80; Pitch et 334)99 is ai bbL OILS Hvs been tn mod orate emand bat tneB-Hr. inelnding Cmoe Whale 94-tJl; Blect. Whals at 31 Mt 30; Crc4e "nwtm at tl AK9 tl 88: CnWeaeeed Whals at ti, OS: Eard Oil as, 1 1 80; Rsd Oil Btft6c.st90c.;Llti8i8dCsJats3e.. oiw, ilSfilltO TA gallon.

Pin -nUEVV Has been tn nmred q'taat at for Crnd tn bulk; 2cf23c for Ao. bbU, and tor Reined in bond, fk gallon. PKOVTHIOTS Pork has beea verv qwlst at a best vtormer rales for xfaaa, but tower Bewree tne Prima, bales have been report ad. since oer lsst, of 626 bbia, tn lota, at 325 7.V. 35 lor New City And Western.

Mesa, wtositg st StettM 35; S38 for Otd Weatern Mesa: til 608173 36 tor New and OU Prints Msest 119 75ft $21 lor Prime and Extra Prime. 78 bou: also 350 bbia. New Ueas, January deliver. BelieKa eptton. on prrva'e servos.

Clrv Pit asad Hor" are tn demand at 10 Vc.lle. T8 lb. No wsauers agar. tng. Cut Meats nave ben in request at prevKsBS prtrws.

Bales eqnsl to 185 pscbaews Hcttlac fbr Iry baited snd PicXiea xtama. lxcatix sc aw ommi. am, Bt. Bacon has been quiet to-de. Bases.

37g boxes, including Cnmherlands at 13c, bare, an private terms f-T Fsbrnarv d'Uvsry; Baort Cfea, en private asraBsj and Bbert Rib at 14 a. ta tb Lard ta anlat and heavy. Balaa nave beea twin si ail -s nee onr Btst, of 610 taaeeea and blxaw at 14 Wo 18c. for Poor to Ccoaoe, ebiefrv st lAe. tor Prime City, aad ltM-sal6ia tor Good to Prrase Wsstav Steam, Tb.

balee ware also made of 1,79 tiaraaa Prone fteam. Januxry deli very, aellcr's ckw at 14 Ka. ta ta. Beef eosittnaes qalet at 813CSI18 60 tor Plain Mesa, Mw9 for Extra Masa.asMl 8 99 113 60 for inferior grsatis as barraad Mess best) asire bave teen reported ef 1.230 bbia. Tterw He is dun, taetodiBW New Prtme Mesa at S3T9t3.V sad JasdMBB Msaa at MGvtieA tsarest asa-a 18 tierce Reef Html ia BBnderaaa dsmuid at $39 1 30 SOfl tdiL: Bales 170 bbia.

Batter anit pit i bees la dcanand aad Brsa. We' qaotat QUaaiBBg. Wsinxaad twaase Oowstv dairtea, J')y MnM.aa .43 4949 Cheaaato, IMisrt aai Caaataaqaa CssAatr I dairtss. Braxaa -At tjfAf Coruaad. 11 mass a aaa Bieansa tuwai wsmss, Arktwa.

9....... ....,.,.....1 w43 Ctasvaagaa aad Taaea OoaaBy astrsaa, arABae, gf wa as ss a eSFJ Oraiaary to Fan- State daAS Orfaaa, At k. k.if lahA P.stra. 91 46 at if Htu. Brkia twos.

Tair to Good. 9 42 attf va -t. lmmt aA iMsaia OonBSV. Bl 9 S8 S42 Wsash tnba. Fajr to Oeod aaaaa 44 psssjeyrsaata Aamea.

ArAaas, tsoed to TnBai, tiawsvs sssssStT WASsI Psaasylvsam eaanaa. Brkiaa Ordtexry. flak 33 a Wesasra Braxaa (seed to Prims. BJ B-33 449 IliuMta aast Wnmm Arkias. (seed to Pnswa, OrAiaaxr Waster.

nrBins. Fair to sad. B-98 4s sj wsaaava. bs Tulsil aairtaa fair tg av. --It it tun dairtea.

taacy sad estrs saslirt. g'tj Fsava aamsa.tarr as a 1 twaas CewBtA. akiianaart 8 wi EliE Pi been la SBoSerate AewiaBd. eniefiy withia a raaw frses 8WS99 fbr Oarottaa tb 19 tBl ad Eaat laJis, A BKJN8 Deer have ts-a fa requewt: tt-t 1AW tba Perto OabaUe. ktot 36 sra Crwa.

a 3.BBO tb. tanlial tBtatHaa est bbivbsb tarma, km tria lsbslas troaa AswtwwalL We cjnoas: Boaaaas. 4ct ein Juan. 4ct45c: Botrvar. btasdAe, OMoTyowm irt Atw-t Oa-sre-a, AAaA48e.l Pweta iZZZlZ.

u4AJ7ea Para, 4Bctt.s?, anad 9 Bt Clmtiats Beea xaaenrvw. rachadokg Tampteo at 82ta Cay Btsiss. sssaeaaau, wa. 1 iisi SA ayf- rsVw.siSSB"' 4B4w-waBsA2rB, eWAtWACTl Tfiva beea eotad abotrt the tmraeia nri esarrry h(traaA, ruva bee rrporttl StBl ubAB. enba.

Ac At frota lOVe.etiMe, and Ba lue.caliu in. Isatatt aa UKe UVa 84.480 boxea. against 17.330 IhhdA. 1703 bags, BCil tl 977 bcl-s same tune last yaar. TALLOW, ttc, waksl 9d.UuO lbs.

Tallow at 1V-T9 87AO0 mm. Iliam at 14so.fBM63as, aast 3a si) Bs. Quasi at 9c (tlc Bl fa. t) HIaXT A liauted basin ass has been reported tar fUase bbS West ta. tn dxg.

at tl 0St 85, cAjaAr at 31 C3S31 vaLou; Bsarxst aeavy. FavkiudlS Aisv bawa Auil sad weak to-dsv; Ivsrwawt. oer ware take bane Oaatuo. at 6 14d.sA5.At, bvaatl; Kd-taKa, By biiibi. est aa.

guw. aa s.d.4; ttv aieari. etreet. 9k. 1 troaa Lxro, by sail, at 37a ad.

9 toa. tot Lassien, onutt at xa. a ton. -K i i I.

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