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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 12

New York, New York
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--Mi-. 12 THE NEW YORK- TIMES. SUNDAY, JULY .10.. 1910. POLITICAL IIDRDER AROUSES ALABAMA Cody Found in Creek H'l Political Opponent from City.

TlVO OTHERS ARE SUICIDES Theories Regarding Crime, All Naming Just let's Rival i Principal. rrial Is The yew Tork trtTXTSVILLE. Ala-. July 13. The remarkable series of lenMtlsni ever experienced la rMabam politics 1 is developed ta County sine ta Xjemocratlo primary sloe Job of Mar 8.

lit which W. T. tsvaier. Probate u'je, vu unsuctssfully-opposed for t-iectloa by David XX Overton. Ovarii a.

aside from IX tar; 'was the most powerful poUUcUsj la the county. The lint HutUia aBe with the of a Grand Jury to investi-gat the alecttev which said te lav racked fraud, and. the re- rorbid action of the Grand Jury la find In mora than a score, of true bills sseiaat Judge Lawler and recommend' ln his Impeachment. Ju-lg lawlr waa murdered on the rtlut of June 14. and his body, weighted down with rallread was thrown 1-iLo the mouth of a deep creek that ows into the Tennessee River at v.

titeaburg. a anonymous note to thertrf rbUUpa, said- that- If the creek were. drarred something- of Interest be tound, and. this led the disco. ry ef Cm body three days later.

Overt Cm Two K1U ThesaMlv. The discover of the murder and Its subsequent developments startled Ala bama, from end to end. David D. Over ton. Lawlera political opponent.

diaap cared and has since been Indicted, by special Grand Jury as the principal 1 1 a murder- plot to do away with Judge i A reward of tlJdO hss been cied for his arreat and convlcu vv. rl i ai.jpoeen to be a fuglUv In Canada. nc. clerk Charles M. Nails of Aladl.

and Percy Brooks, ferryman anl prominent farmer of Wbiteaourg, also Indicted as accessories and are la isal ta birmingham for safe keep-1j r. June. 8. Pleasants. rtouUnent member of the Huntsvllle 1 i.

and es-Assistaat District Attorney. nos nam is said to have been roufcht into tne rase, committed suicide -i In of fir. Two days later. Sheriff own 1'htlllp committed suicide by not tins; himself In the head at the Jail ltd a note saying he could not and the shame of belog accused of ef.irtion with, the case. lie also said man whom he truated and our lit to be a sentleman had fooled li believed to bave referred to Cverton.

A later sensation was sprung when A- D. Klrby resigned a Chief Po-I of HunUviUe. because the Grand Jury accused him ot allowing hlo tasi-t l.n to bo uad In hauling whisky from the Tennessee Hirer to Huntsvllle Ir the boot lee- trad In the city. He far as f'leasants and Phillip axe coiM-erned. no on thought seriously of it rumors that they were involved In case, and noilng has developed h-lr death to Implicate them.

re not enough evidence brought i the Jury for that body to 1 a but against Chief Klrl.v. 'i he murder and the supposed dot for end were searchlnt'i Investigated a week a special Grand Jury of 4 Circuit court, direct? 4 in its op aliens by Plate Attorney General Mar- and assistant Attorneys General i omrMB and Tale. Probably the only f-ioi who know the whole. facts in I ra sre Overton, who has appar- 'r e.raped.. his.

political protest, 4, and Ma employer, Brooks, who "ere l-ntortrit wUnesaee before the 1 Jurr. Nails and Hrooks are i in told all they knew: bat i have the eecret proceedings, of tlie Urand Jury been g-uarded that not one auihentto word haa reached ear. Not until the trials of snd lirooks In August will their e-erjr known because they are both 5 trim vtaitora Uhii the Grand Jury Investlrstion was calna- oa two compsjiles of State were stationed here to prevent I le troubi. and several -times i.ia of soldiers accompanied detect- In raids to the country In search of Overton, b'tt. business In the elty was normal.

No mob violence Sfulnat a i e-ia was contemplated so far as learned. 1 1 the absence of facts there are so theortea as to how the murder of J-i ie Lawler occurred that a person as only to take bis cholc. On theory I that. Juda-e Lawler bavins: been In-n'-ted several times, by the special Law end K.julty Grand Jury and bis im-ln'hmrt recommended, he had been sumtnonett to testify against Overton, snd th night of June 14 entered Into a conference with Overton with a view ef thatching up their dlffurence. They 1 ad a la tit.

It la sald and Lewtar was it to death; then Overton lost his nrve and hid the body, calling Brooks ar, 1 Nails to his aid for this task. Another theory la that Judge Lawler was lured to the Court House by Over-tort and his accomplice, then kidnapped enl taken to th bridge -over a creek l--lng Into the Tenneaeee River ten It. from the city and murdered at sfter he had refused to sign a l-r xoneratlns Overton. Overton's friends and relatives claim both thes theories are wren- and that re win com In some time and establish is Innocence. Lawte Had Great Pw Lawler had been Probate Judge twelve year.

That Is th best office In the county. Besides collecting- fees which mount to about fuu.MX) annually the Probate Jo die has ths disposition of road contracts, ta Chairman of the Hoard of Commissioners, and la the official In charge of directing the main fenanca of the roads. Through him estate are settled, wills probated, and leeds, note, mortgages, and other Instruments recorded on the county books. finch sa office was regarded by Overton as well worth fighting for, and the run test between th political rivals was very bitterr-Overton conducted a apech-r a king rampelrn in which charged tt kisdison t'ounty was ths rotteneat joi tlrally in the Utate. He said was extensively, praniced.

and that Juda-e 1-awlrr had bees guilty of nu-neroua offenses of this kind. Krery one who know. Is ready to ad- r-it that elections her have been corrupt. Th last election is believed to bar eot Lawler and Overton not less than apiece, although both swore 1 very moderate expenditures. Overton was in control of th election ma-rl Inery, and on the night before th election many of the official ballots that were stored In th Court House dlsai l-eared.

Judge Lawler thought this en anrrnl 1 null in imilOl POVS nl bad new ballots printed In a dlt-l-rent color. If there was a scheme to ft th ballot boxes it was defeated in Ki1 way. Judge Lawlera fight against Overton waa quietly carried on, but effectively rcte. He charged Overton with be-I tie bead of the "boot-legging truV" and asserted he had evidence on Chattanooga ahlpplns house i 1 i. piled Overton with fiai.uuO worth liquor slnr the beslnnlng of this 'r.

Th liquor la said to have been ied by boat down th Tennessee i.ier to some convenient point where jt would be transferred to taxlcabs snd wnutht to Huntsvllle. No tangible con-pert ion between Overton snd the wss ever estsbllshed. however, it the supposition that Overton was of being the head of the boot-c that loads the Prohibitionists to that the murder of Judge Lawler t. brought about by the lawless liquor leronsIly. Lawler and Overton were highly as moral men and good ti lens.

It la th general opinion that I'l'i'n politic. 1. at the bottom of the hole trouble. Th day for cleaning Tons Is at band, and it' is not likely I at there will another dishonest lion la Madison County soon. CONFERENCE NEAR BREAK.

Employers Willing to Pay, but Not to Prefer Cloak Union Men. With Samuel Gompers, President of the American Federation of Labor, presiding, the fifth day's session of the conference called to effect peace in the eleven weeks' cloakmakers strike appeared somewhere near success yesterday when the manufacturers said they wefe willing to meet the wage and houra of work demands ot the strikers. But they added that they would not consent to the preferential union shop. Then the union leaders declared that" was the most vital principle they ware fighting for. and when the conference adjourned last night a settlement was no nearer than when 'the session started last Tuesday.

Th -preferential anion shop clsuse was inserted in tne protocol or luim drafted by Louis D. Brandels. now. of the nlted elates Supreme Court. It provided that in employing men the manufacturers must give preference to union memoera.

wnen tne union insisted yesterday upon this concession, the manufacturers replied that th mat ter should be Included In the powers of hiring and upon the retention of which was predicated Ihe At the conclusion of the session Morris Hillqult, counsel for th union, said that th Manufacturers' Association repre sentatives iiatiy opposed ths preferential union but held' out the offer of a declaration, practically agreeing to everything else the union demanded. such as pay, hoars, and sanitary shop conditions, out rerused to entertain the nreferenttal shoo clause. Mr. illllqutt aald that th union would make no settlement which did not in clude the preferential shop clause, and that nothing els would be considered until this Question was disposed of. wtiiiam v.

Klein, counsel tor in manufacturers, charred that the union was not llvtnsr uo to its published reply to the open letter of the manufacturers. when It Injected Into yesterday's con i ere nee nn question or the preferential union shop: In their reply the union conceded th right of the manufacturers to increase or decrease the number' of their Mr. said, his clients were willing to concede all the demanda of the union, provided tho union permitted them to Increase or decrease their fore as deemed necessary. This, he held. Included -hiring as the employers pleased.

Th union believes thst th msntt-fseturers are trying to lessen Its standing; with the workers, and contends that it would mean a serious blow to the union if the workers did not gain as a reward for tho aacrif ices they have made for th union the preference In employment that was theirs for almoat sis years up to the beginning of the strike In 'April, when the Protective Association locked out Its workers. Mr. Gompers did not appear hopeful, and said he had no comment to make upon the conference. The se unions will be -continued at '10 o'clock tomorrow morning on the twenty-elphth floor of the Metropolitan Tower ORPET ACQUITTED OF GIRL'S BORDER Ctlae)e fra Pas; 1.. college dutle at Madison, thev would accept the letters as conclusive evidence to ine contrary.

The letter to Josephine wa to corroporat iiai to Marion. Jo- scnnine tesuuea that she never re ceiver It, 4. Secret Trip Lake Fer4. On the afternoon of the 8th, In a dark overcoat which he said he had borrowed to wear with a dress suit to a party which be expected to attend on the 12th, -carrying the bottle of molasses and water In hla pocket, and leaving behind hint the alibi letters and a bed rum pled to deceive hla landlady, the stu dent Proceeded bv wav of Milwaukee. where spent a half hour or so between trains, to Lake Forest.

Afidvlnai there he arranged by telephone to meet Marion ner way school the next morning, waixea aoout ror a while to mase certain tut nia parents bad re- lu-eu, ana emerea me Mccormick sa rage, wnere lie spent me night on a cot. In the morning he and Marion met ami walked through the snow Into ths urpct teaUIlsd that-there waa little conversation, and ha could reml. lect only the purport of It. lie offered her th medicine and she refused him back and asked if be was going to wru 10 ner any more, ne said there seemed to be no use of It, and started awav again. "something made me look around I don't know what and 1 saw Marion ly ing la the snow," related the defendant on in siana.

i returned, knelt over ner ror mayne amtnute. I noticed the moist powder la the lines of her hand Her eyea were glased. Then a kind ot tog came in my Drain, and I don't re- raemoer much alter that except that on reaching the road I threw awav the medicine and made my way on foot io nigniana rarx. caught a train, and that evening arrived back at Marion was missed thst night, and her ooay was found the next morning. Or-Pt.

arrested, told numerous conflicting wnicn were Aisea against mm at me wai. uunni his cross-examlna tlon. which lasted three diva ha ivnaat edly took refuge In I don't remem ber." lie spoke In a low voice, with apparently studied effort, but neverthe less necame involved at times and ex tricated himself by correcting my pre- "ii inumonr, mis manner waa nerv ous, ana ne rarely looked at his Inquisitor. Attorney Joalyn. Early In the eaaa th State develonad th theory that Oroet purchased a two.

ounce oottie from Charles rissslnger, a inena empiovea in a aruar store at Aiadi. son. obtained cyanide of notaaaium from an aiiegea supply in ins greenhouse on in Mccormiw estate, ana mad a solution of It before retiring to bed In th garage. It wss charged that he euner rorcea Marion to take it. or de ceived her with the explanation that It wss medicine.

The State was unable to nersuad anv witness to com rrotn Wisconsin, and re peatedly nintea tnat a sinister influence of the defense waa at th bottom of It. Haaalnger. wanted with reference to the nettle, was among those who declined to testify, and no bottle or other container for the poison was found. Otto Peterson likewise became a' persistent absentee, despite the need for his testimony regarding the alibi letters and as having seen Orpet. sccordlnr to the latter, concoct the molasses and water.

Caesalsta Crreed Teetlasay. Dr. Ralph W. ebster 'and Dr. J.

McNally, chemists. tesUfled for the State that Marlon died of liquid cyanide or potassium, and that the spots on her coat were left by drops of the solution. Three defense chemists testified that ths poison was taken in powder form and that the cyanide in the greenhouse was not cyanlds of potassium at all. but cyanide of sodium, with only a faint trace of potassium. Dr.

McNally. having mad further experiments, voluntarily appeared for the defense and corrected his previous testimony to agree with that of the defense, and Dr. Webster, recalled by th State, did so in reply to a hypothetical question on cross-examination. It was shown further, without contradiction. by every chemist who had a the examination ef Marlon's sioiiiZch content tnat cysnld.

ef potas -hsjil sium caused ber death. Only an Inconsequent trace of sodium appeared. When it waa shown In addition, that, to have taken In the amount of cyanlds of potassium found in her stomach. Marlon would have to eat two pounds of the substance In the greenhouse, or to drink two quarts of a solution made from It, it was admitted generally that this substance as the Instrument of death had disappeared from the raeav The fact that young Orpet might hav obtained the greenhouse cyanide had Ita parallel In th laboratory of th Deerfield High School attended by Marion. The Instrument of murder and the instrument of suicide were equally available.

The laboratory substance was VI per cent, pure cyanide. of potassium. Marlon, on ths day before tier death waa alone In the laboratory out of hours. In violation of a school rule. The parallel of knowledge of cyanlds did not run so straight.

Orpet, accord, lng to his testimony, hsd not looked at a chemistry text book for two years, while Marion's next lesson, which she was preparing. Included "the subject of cyanide of potassium. Orpet. however, knew of its us in the greenhouse aa a lUDliiaaur, ana iiauj ma aa SIUCI VOl Ita use ta horticulture. I OTA BENGA, PYGMY, i TIRED OF AMERICA The 1 Strange Little African Fin ally Ended Life at Lynchburg, Va.

ONCE AT THE BRONX Z00 Hla American 8ponaor Found Him Shrewd and Courageous Wanted to be Educated. Ota the; first of the African pygmies to consent to leave, hla native wilds and the first who ever elected to remain In this country, committed suicide recently at Lynchburg, Va. During his stay In this city he waa employed In th Zoological Park ia the Bronx. He fed the anthropoid apes. It was this employment that rave rise to the unfounded report that he was being held In the park ah one of the exhibits In the roonkoy cage.

The story, though denied, persisted, and Ota. became the centre of a discussion In which the public became Interested. Samuel P. Verner, who brought Ota here In 1906. has retold the story of the comin to the United States of his protege, and paid a tribute to the African as a man of native courage and re source.

Ota, Benga was from a settle ment remote from that of the other pygmiee who came here to go to the St. Louis Exposition. They cam from the town Of Kin Ndombe at Wliminn Falls oa the Kasal. All ot them except Ota were later returned to their bomea and were content to stay there. Of the arrival of Ota, Mr.

Verner said: our steamship called 'at the confluence of the Kaaal. where Commandant Loos of the Belgian Army was stationed, he told me of a strange little man In his settlement, who had been found by his soldiers as a captive slave In the hands of the cannibal Baschlele. when he had gone on an expedition to Stop one of the tribe's periodical raids ROCKEFELLER CASH TO FIGHT PARALYSIS i Continued fraa Page 1. datlon was announced by Mayor Mttchel In th. fAllnmrlne il.t.m.iil' At a meeting ef experts caned by the Mayor ef the City ef New Tork on July -13 to consider means of further checking the spread ef Infantile paralysis, a subcommittee was appointed by the Mayor to reoort la detail all means available te that- lead.

This sub-committee mat oa July IS and; decided that It Would be advUable to take steps aa far aa practicable te discover and keep under observation persorsr whs have been In immediate contact wllh these sick at the 4 The Rockefeller Fteundstlon havwig learned of thle proposal has offered the sum of SS0.O0O to defray the cost ef this work in order that It may be entered, upon wlthoot delay, the funds to be disbursed through a small committee consisting ef The Mayor, Chairman; Hlmon Flasher. Vice Chalncan; Dr. Haven Emerson, Health Commissioner; Dr. Walter B. James, sn1 Dr.

Olent worth R. Butler. The unlertaklnar will be' carried eat under ths direction and control of ths Department ot Health, and will be generally se-pervlaed by the shove-named committee. Dr.Alvab.H. Doty has hssn.

chose Administrative efflcer in Immediate charge of the work, which will be entered vpon at enee, the office being located in the bulld-t" of the Department of Health in the Borough of Broorlyn. Dr. Doty said thst he would begin his work tomorrow after he had had a conference with Commissioner Emerson In which the details ot the work would be mapped out. lie said he expected to make some Important studies of the epidemic and he expected to discover a number of unreported cases of Infantile paralysis. It would hard, he said -for any case In the city to escape detection by those on his staff.

Dr. Doty and his assistants will watcn especially those who may have become carriers of Infsntile paralysis through personal contact with thev disease or through food and drink, aa these mediums are believed by the authorities to be the most active spreaders ot the la- Bis Detrs and Naiwe. The 130,000 will be uaed chiefly tor the salaries of physicians and nuraes appointed to study the cases of persons coming Into such contract with Infantile paralysis, and to follow their move ments so as to determine whether they develop th disease or carry It to any one else. Theee physicians and nurses will work under the control of the De partment of Health, though none of them will be on the department's payroll. j.

Dr. Emerson and all thos associated with him were greatly encouraged by the gift; for they said the work for which the money would provide was of the highest Importance. They pointed out tnat it wouia oe or great value to the city, because would give opportunity for a most comprehensive study ot the disease, which would lead to more knowledge of preventive measures. They added that the work would also be of value to out-of-town communities, bees us Dr. Doty's workers would notify local Boards of Health of the de- ot contact cases from New ork.

No less Important, however, than the work of Dr. Doty and his associates. Is thst of Dr. Banks of th Public Health Servlc. He for outlining his plans yesterday.

Dr. Bsnks, collaborating with Its. C. H. Lavinder and W.

11. Frost, also of th Public Health Service, but assigned to laboratory atudy of the carrier problem, mad publlo a atatement of their observations of tne outbreak of Infsntile paralysis in this city. They all agreed that citlsens had no cause for hysterical alarm. Frsaal Statesseat Th statement of the Publlo Health officials was as follows: Ws must, ef course, recognlss the seriousness ef sn epidemic which has cost ths lives of several hundred collars and re-suited in the paralysis of some hundreds more. Publlo health officials are the first to realise the seriousness of the situation, but at the same time are satisfied that the measures being tsken here are entirely commensurate.

Never hav. such Universal and energ.tlo measures been taken to restrict the spread ot Infantile paralysis as are In effect at this time. It la aafe to say that the efforts of th Kew Tork Health Department this direction have Hover been surpassed, and th public, both lu New York and elsawhsrv, may feel that everything humanly possible Is being done to protect them. Ths (lulled aisles rublio Health torvlne is thoroughly stive ts ths possibilities of th. infeetlon spreading to communities outside ef New Tork.

and haa detailed a number ef Its most experienced officers to cooperate with the Health Department ef New ONLY WHY WORRY ABOUT YOUR STRAIGHT HAIR? Have the PERMANENT WAVE last for mnetha. Ouaranterd. Nat affected by water. Ex-. riiutve.

ahmlutatr barmkaa S'Haaa. )n traatSMfit sufficient. Traaafwaiatleaa sat Cart, at tsaalsl Saiar arl.M Telephone Greeley 38S7 15 WEST J4TH ST. Over Hiker' i Drug Sfsrs sis Mine.

FRIED Into the Interior. The Baschlele nearly always ate their captives, but Ota Benga waa rescued and returned to the settlement 'Very little could be learned from him regarding his tribe, for his language was different from that of other pygmies. Being an old-timer and knowing the pygmies at Ndombe, I managed to find out from him some facts which were later enlarged upon wben Ota could speak a little English. It appears that hla tribe was known as the BadU In contrast with the pygmies at who were of the Batwa tribe. His language differed from thelra to a considerable extent, though there was a great deal la common.

When I asked him whether he would like to go to America with me. he said he would stay with for a while in the Kasal country snd see how he liked It, provided I would agree to let him remain behind should he so decide before we were due to leave. On these conditions ho agreed to go with me further up the river to Wismann Falls, where the Batwa lived. When th palavers about the group going to St. Louis were under way Ota Benga urged the natives to go.

and it was largely because of hla Influence that Ihe trip was arranged. I got back to Ndombe snd offered to leave Ota at the Belgian station below, but he would not stay. His owti country wss remote end his people were at war with the Bascli. lele, who were between them and the white settlements. Ota said he wanted to go to America, and with some misgiving I permitted him to come along." The African pygmy liked this country so well that when the other natives were returned to their own land from 8f Louis he decided to remain behind, and absorb the civilisation of the white man.

Mr. Verner urged him to go back to Africa, but he would not. He said he had left Africa because he did not want to be a slave, and preferred to die la America rather than endure the confinement at which his spirit rebelled. Ota also became ambitious for an education, and after he left the Zoological Park In the Bronx, through the good offices of a New Jersey Baptist association, he was admitted to a Southern school for negroes. After leaving school Ota Benga went Into1 a colored home near where ho received his education, and earned his livelihood by working In a tobacco factory.

Finally the burden of. the white man's civilisation became too great for him to bear, and he sent a bullet through hla heart. I never believed that the sort of education which seems to be the standard today was suited to him. nor did I encourage that educational experiment," said Mr. "At the same time was not willing to-combat his chance along that line, especially since his other friends sincerely believed It wise.

Even had he gone back to Africa he might bave fared no better. "His country is now torn' by war made by the white men among themselves, a war far more terrible than any the pygmies ever Between the Impossible conditions of Ota Benga'a own land and those which he could not Tork Cltv and authorities throughout the I obtain before departure one of the De-country nnerally In carrying out a thor- partment of Health's certificates. ough and systematic plan of notification of travel to extra. State points, so that the wcai neaita oiiicera can laae preventive measure. Without minimising the seriousness of the situation.

It ia safe to say that the menace la actually much leas than it appears In th public mind. This may be attributed, in the first Instance, to the very admirable frankness ot tho New Tork Health Department and press In publishing th full facts. Th consequence has been that, especially outside ot N.w Tork, people ar Impressed with the number of cases, falling to see their proportion. They forset that New Tork has a population of more than five millions equal to the population of two it ood -aired States and that a thousand cases In this population ia pro portl oa-ats to two In a city of 1O.U00. There ar ether considerations which ar more or less reassuring-.

No one can make predictions aa to the precise course of an epidemic, but all experience teaches that outbreaks of Infantile paralysis are self-limited and of rather short duration: also that they do not spread uniformly from an epidemic focus, but usually skip msny ef the tin-Kim, inai iney would ne expected to strike. It also should be remembered that, although this Is a relatively rare disease, the cases occur constantly in all parts ef the United States. Such isolated-cases oe. euning now and given wide publicity need not be taken as necessarily traceable to Infection spread from New York. As to the extent of crippling that will ultimately result in the victims of th dla.

ease, epidemics vary considerably tat ths proportion of permanent paralysis. It would be prematura to attempt any prediction regard to this particular outbreak, but th. general experience in the epidemics of the last few year, has been thst complete recoveries are more frequent than was formerly thought possible, and that skillful treatment ia of mors avail than was real- of the most excellent works dene by the New Tork Health Department haa been In the prompt hoepltalization of such a large proportion of the cases, and may oertalnly expect that this will have th. re- Permaaaal disability. Doctors at All Dr.

Banks, according to hla outline of his work, will have fifty persons under him employed by the United States Public Health Service, twelve surgeons. knd a clerical force, who will begin their activities tomorrow morning. One or more or the surgeons will be sta. tloned at -every railroad and ferry sta tlon through which persons pass tor ln teratate travel from this city. Each child and adults accompanying It who entera any statetoa to take a train or terry from it will be stopped by the physician in charge, who -will offer to make an examination of the child, if th offer is accepted the phy- rcian win examine tne cmia ror symptoms of infantile naralvaia and make a record of his findings.

Including ia his report a statement of the last residence and destination of the examined. if the doctor finds svmntoms of in. fantile paralysis in the child ho will, of course, prevent the patient from leaving the city. The child will be turned over to tne department of Health, but In no other case than the actual finding of the disease will any one be Instructed not to take an Intended Journey. The surgeon's report, however, will be copied In triplicate.

One copy will be to the traveler, another will be Dp' anks's office, and the If the health officer at the destination, upon examining the report, finds that the child in question came from an Infected house, or, if ho decides for any other reason that the child might carry infantile psxalyais, he has the power to turn the traveler back upon arrival. Dr. Banka believes that the matter of quarantine should be left entirely to local health officers, and that he should limit himself to supplying them with accurate Information. Examination Cewapnlsevy. A point of Dr.

Banks's work Is that no one Is required by statute or emergency regulation to submit to the examination before- leaving New Tork. A man Is free to say. I don't want to have my child examined. I'd prefer to go ahead and take my chancea on getting through tho health officer, at my destination." If any one takes this position he will be free to go ahead and take hla chances but, according to general opinion among authorities, his chances will be slim, for out-of-town health officers, it Is expected, will demand the statement from the examining surgeon and will look suspiciously upon any one unable to show it. Dr.

Banks's work, it is thought, will greatly facilitate travel. One of ite purposes is to make It possible for person, who have not come into contact with Infantile paralysis to come and go as they please. And. in order further to remove possible difficulties. Dr.

Banks's assistant, will advise persons contemplating trav.l from New York to 'established Between 5th and 6th Ave. 62 West Our R.ady-to-Wear Department Beginning Monday, and CHARLES Ws Will. Continue th EXTRAORDINARY SALE DAINTY SUMMER. DRESSES Made of Batiste. Plain snd Fancy Voiles, snd other Cotton Rummer Fabrics In exolualr.

snd unuauallf attractive stylee snd ftsslgns. quoted la sur SataV-loguea, i.7, up to I1X.0, at prlcea ranging From 3- M'00 up -THE BALANCE OF ef Dressy Suits, Street. Aftrrasea aad Ere leg Gewas will be disposed ef f. BELOW COST OF MANIFACTTKINO. surmount In ours, th homeless pygmy found no abiding place.

Can we wonder that he rave up his life as an unsolva- ble problem? "I never understood his mental attitude, but he waa one of the most determined little fellows that ever breathed. Possibly he was trying; to prove all the time that he was not a aa that term even In Africa always conveys the idea of Inferiority. I never addressed him as one. To me he was very human, a brave, shrewd little man who preferred to match himself against civilisation rather than be a slave to the Bachiele." STOPTRAINTO ARREST 5 MEN Prisoner Accused of Picking Pock ta on Empire State Express. Special to 70 Kern Tor Timet.

TARRTTOWN, K. July 13. There was a riot on the. Empire State express tonight on Its trip between Albany and Tarrytown vhen five pickpockets were chased through the train by Detective Sergeant Holsteln after they had robbed a number of Italians. The agent at Poughkeepsle.

wired to. Tarrytown to have ptflce at the station, and the ex-press made a special stop here while Sergeant Delancy and Patrolman Deacon boarded It. They arrested the five men. -One of the prisoners. Harry Gold of SUM) South Second Street.

Brooklyn, had been chased through the train by Holsteln and locked himself In the wash room of the last car. When Holsteln forced the door Gold stabbed him twice In the arm. Holsteln waa treated by Dr. C. W.

Falrchlld. The others arrested were Sam Cohen. 813 Orchard Street. New -Tork: Mason Kats, 833 Roberts Street. Brooklyn; Harry Cohen, 524 Saratoga Street, New Tork.

and Joe Mltcleman of 835 South Fifth Street. New York. The passengers were in a state of terror until the train reached Tarrytown and the prisoners were taken off. FIRE MAY REACH ATHENS. Conflagration at King Summer Home 8tlll Raging Many; Dead.

PARIS. July 13. Th fir which destroyed the Summer residence, ef King Constantino of Greece, situated at Tatot, on the outskirts of Athens, la still raging la the forest la which the royal chateau stood. A Havas dispatch from Athena says It Is feared the flames will reach the city. Among those who lost their Uvea In tho fire were Colonel oe la Porta of th Engineers; M.

Chryssospathls. th head of the Royal Secret Service, and twenty soldiers. Fifty soldiers were Injured while engaged In rescue work. win tne impairment or Health certificate and the report of the surgeon examining a child at a station are advisable, because th former emphasises that th bearer has not lived In an Infected house and th latter places emphasis upon the fact that the bearer haa been examined and found to be In sound condition. Persons do not have to wait until they arrive at statlona to be examined by th federal surgeon, for Dr.

Banks will open an office tomorrow morning in Room 423 of the Federal Building, where a staff of surgeons will be in attendance to examine all applicants. Their reports will be accepted by the surgeons at statlona. Those desiring examinations who expect to leave the city by automobile or coast wise boat should make application at th office in tne eaerat ttUliaing. Monkeys Hare Been Obtained. Dr.

Banka will not atatlon any of hla man at steamship piers, because the local health authorities at any port where a boat from New Tork arrives will know that all of the passengers come from this city and will, therefore, be able to take what measures they see fit to protect their communltiea. Health authorities of Inland towns, on the other hand, nave no positive way of knowing. If not reliably informed, from where the passenger on trains come. tn Dr. Lavinder and hut associates expect to begin their laboratory experimentation thia week.

From various sources In the city they bave obtained thirty-five monkeys, and theSe are- expected to meet their demanda until the large shipments of the snlmaia arrive from South America and the Philippine. Incidentally. It waa learned yesterday, that private investigators in six large laboratories In the city have begun working on the carrier problem with monkeys. Mayor Mltchel took an active part In th campaign against th disease on Friday night and yesterday morning. From 10 o'clock In the evening until 1 In the morning he and Street Cleaning Commissioner Fetherston toured the streets of Manhattan and Brooklyn to determine their sanitary eondltion.

They found conditions good everywhere, including streets in the Infected districts. Dr. Emerson and Dr. John S. Billings, Deputy Health Commissioner, In charge of the -work In Brooklyn, reported the ssme findings after an Inspection of Brooklyn streets yesterday afternoon.

While on their tour, the Commissioner and his deputy investigated ths cases of twelve infantile paralysis patients who had been permitted by Department of Inspectors to remain In their homes because the families had met requirements for home treatment. The Hease Requires eat. There are five conditions that must be met If a patient ts to remain at home. A regular phyaician must be in attendance, a nurse who does not care for any other person must have charge of the patient, the patient must be kept In an individual room, thai family of the patient must have th exclusive use of toilet facilities, and the apartment In which the patient la kept must screened. Eleven of the eases Investigated yesterday met all of these conditions.

In the twelfth case. Doctors Emerson and Billings found that th flrstfourth. and fifth requirements wer not met. and the patient was at once ordered to nospiiai. Tne ieputy Oommlssloner questioned about the filling in of the Flushing meadows with refuse, said he considered this a highly sanitsry work, as nothing that could carry the disease, he said, a as dumped on the mesdows.

lie admitted that soms of the refuse might hav a bad odor, but thia at the most-he insisted, was disagreeable for a short tlmei An examination of the laborers oa the meadows. be said, ahowed no tjace of disease among them. Dr. BlUlnsJs was told that some persons had complained because three and four children suffering from Infantile paralysis ware sometimes placed in th same ambulance. He explained that this procedure enabled the Department of Health to get children to hospitals much more quickly than If a separate ambulance trip was made for each one, and that no discomfiture or danger resulted, becapse the children were small and only known cases were placed In the same ambulance.

Only SO per cent, of the patients In Brooklyn, Or. Billings said, had been removed to hospitals, whereas a much higher percentage in 1 Manhattan had been removed. This difference, he said, wss due In th fact that In Brooklyn the 1M" Oar Own Building. 47th St. Is Open Through ths Bummer.

During the Entire Week! OUR STOCK- TRAIN JUMPS TRACK. INBROOKLYN SUBWAY Passengers In a Panic as Steel Cars Crash Into Pillars on Fourth Avenue Line. A 6H0RT CIRCUIT FOLLOWS Employes Ruth from 36th 8t. Station and Rescue 100 Men and Women from 8moke-Filled Coaches. A two-car Sea Beach line aubway train, carrying about 100 men and women, pulled out of the Thirty-sixth Street station in Brooklyn at :3 o'clock on the way to Coney Island.

"Twenty feet paat the station, at a switch where West End trains move on to another track, the first car Jumped the track and crashed Into the steel pillar supports of the aubway. The train, It had moved only twenty feet, had gained considerable momentum and the car was smashed and twisted. "Windows were broken and the. passengers were hurled about and 'panlo-etrlckea. The car waa of steel.

however, and was not wrecked. It lay over the third rail, causing abort circuit, and to the terror of the passengers, few of whom knew what had the cars began to fill with smoke. Men and women struggled to the doors, "but the guards did not open these for some minutes, though the rear car was enlv about ten feet from th nd of th platform. Smoke poured in among th paaaengers meantime, and peg an to oversom tnem. When th throng was wrought by fear to a pitch where they fought to reach aafety and air.

some one mans red to set th doors open. and they poured out onto the piauorm. On a following train waa a high official of th roadT whose nam could "not be learned. He took command of the situation, marshaled all the Brooklyn Rapid Transit employee who could be brought to the station, and had them diaease bad spresd to many well-to-do families, who hsd facilities for caring for their own children, while In Manhattan- few except poor families with no horn facilities had suffered from th disease. "Would Bar Inspector.

The residents of the Fort Green district of Brooklyn, It was learned yesterday, will complain to the Department ot Health against the practice of sending physicians and Inspectors into the district except when absolutely neces sary. Ths ground' of the complaint will be that theee physicians and Inspectors are so much in contact with Infantile paralysis that they themselves are carriers. Inspectors Went Into th district last Mondsy to Investigate general con ditions, and th first cases tn tne district were reported on the following Thursday, It will be represented. Officials at the Health Department said this complaint was not justified, because the Inspectors and physicians were trained to take precautions which prevented their becoming carriers of infantile paralysis. In the weekly bulletin of the Department of Health to be Issued today much space Is dsvoted to Information for Physicians Kegsrdlng Poliomyelitis.

(Infsntll Among other things th bulletin said: Complet rest is of the utmost Importance, for either paralysed or weak muscles for 1 the first five or sis weeks. Every effort must be taken to make this rest complet. The limb must not be allowed to drag en a paralysed muscle, it should be supported by pillow, or pads or bandages. There seems ts be a greater tendency to atrophy If casts ar. used.

A dropped foot may be supported by a sandbsg or pillow; small rolls placed under the knee often hold the leg tn a more comfortable position. Tb weight of the clothing should be kept off the legs by hoops or ether device. If the bead somewhat tetracted and th patient desires to Us on hie back, hs may sometimes be made more comfortable by a small pUlow placed under the shoulders, allowing the head to fall back. Ths value of electricity for treatment In first six weeks Is very doubtful. In many Instances.

It may do harm. Masss.s or passive movements should not be begun for at least five or six weeas and then should be used with great ear. In cases that show a tendency to clear up rapidly the child should be kept tn bed for some time after the ability te wse th muscles returns, it should asvsy be encouraged to try ta stand or to as th muscles otherwise until a considerable time has passed. More than 200 cats were brought to the West Forty-eeventh Street Police Station yesterday by boys who had heard an erroneous report that 10 cents a head would be paid for them. The cats were taken In charge by th r.

is. a. Fort Twttea (turaatlaed. Colonel William O. Haan, commandant at Fort Totten, yesterday issued orders BUYING NOW! WLLtJl- Oar represenla tires at Grand Rapids have purchased thousaixls of dollars worth of new truer.

cliaixfise. We have been instructed to sell our Floor Display Samples rejpffdleu of cost. The DAVENPORT BED illustrated in the ad is only one of the many exceptional Bargains duruig this sale. Regularly sold for $45 now only MANY ODD PIECES OF PERIOD RJRNITURE WILL BE SOLD AT NEARLY ONE-HALF THE REGULAR PRICES Newly Married Couples Should See Our Complete Three Room Home Outfit Beautiful Classic Period Bedroom. Dining Room ant and Living Room including a Period Daven-o.

UJirX which adds another Room a Total Retail Store UTtVOU Value of $450. Only cnZTKV ON VERY EASY PAYMENTS Three Stores With Complete Daven-o Lines pas BRONX (at 1 SI st St) 2906 Third Ave. Mas. and Saul. Kvenlar.

aoslst passengers to the street, driving before them the curious throng that ran from the street at the first news of an accident. The reserves of the Fourth Avenue Station under Captain James Dillon helped, and presently the platform was cleared so that ambulance surgeons could work over the persons whom smoke had rendered unconscious. It wss said that eight or ten persons were overcome, among them two women; but all except two were removed in automobiles, and the police did not learn their names. Robert Hsnson, who lives in Camp 3 at Uulmer Park, and Robert Alexander of 1.838 Cropaep Ave. Bath Beach, were taken to the Norwegian Hospital.

Hansen wss cut and bruised and Alexander had several ribs fractured. The power was shut off so that smoks from the short circuit could be stlffled, and as a result trains were stalled la the tube for nearly an hour. In that time no tralna left the West End station In Coney Island and a big throng besieged that terminal. After an hour, however ths track was cleared and the power was turned on again. What caused the aacldent.

whether an open awltch or a lump over the rails by the first car. had not been determined last night. ALLIES IN AGREEMENT ON FINANCIAL NEEDS SaWSsassusass.avsns.eMaa, London Says Arrangtmtnt for Futwre Supplies Have Also Been Completed, LONDOX. July the allied conferences held at London, the following official statement was issued today: Reginald McKenna (Chancellor of the Exchequer) and the Finance Ministers of France, Russia, and Italv hil a series of conferences In London on FWdsy and Saturday, and. In conjunction with tho Ministers of Unnitinn.

the United Kingdom and France and General BelalefL Chief of the Osneral Staff of Russia, discussed th financial measures necessary to meat the miiitsn. and other requirements of ths several uovernments in the Joint Interests of the allied powers. "McKlnnon Wood. (Financial Secretary to the Treaaurrrl Tni (Lord Chief Justice.) and th Governor of the Bank of England also attended. vi J1.

Tsment concerning the combined Interest. the four Power. hM been reached with the object of co- that no children wre to enter or leave tho Government reservation until further notice. There are more than 100 children In the families of the officers at tho fort. Park Commissioner Cabot Ward said yesterday' he was making a crusade against the leaving of lunch refuse on park lawns and that the police were cooperating with -him energetically.

He said that he had asked the Corporation Counsel for an attorney from his office to prosecute offenders. nenry street settlement announced yesterday that lu nursing staff naa done much work In co-operation with the Department of Health, and that Its resource bad been taxed to the utmost because of the Increased actlv Itles. Th SstUement. It wss also sn nounced. was keeping open Its Summer Pisces and roofs, with physiclsns and nurses In attendance to examine aad treat the children.

The statement ommended that all public school shower uauis anu puunc oaths, parks and play aiuunua oe aept open under -proper supervision. The Vacation School Committee of the iiapust uiy Mission Society announced uai iia scnoois naa remained open wiin twysicians ana nurses in chars of th safety of the children. Mrs. Blanch L. flowers nt 1ST thorn Street.

Brooklyn, wrote to Ths iimis yeaterasy. Diaming garbags cans for the outbreak, and Archibald C. Weeks, a lawyer of 222 Park Place. Brooklyn. In another letter ssld that If the city officials had kept the streets clean there would have been no outbreak.

Dr. J. L. Plumenthal of the Department of Health will lecture on infantile paralysis tomorrow evening at o'clock at the Melnhard Neighborhood Horn. 100 East lolst Street.

ACCEPT CITY'S CERTIFICATES. Most Places Nearby Now Not Only Receive but Require Them. Reports from health authorities of cities and towns in nearby New Tork and New Jersey yesterday testified te the confidence In the health certificates Issued by the Departmnt of Health. Among the towns where these certlfl. cates will be accepted and where persons or chUden coming from New Tork without them will not be allowed to en.

ter are Jersey City. Hastlngs-on-Hudson. Iobbs Ferrv. Irvine-ton. Aedslev.

on-Hudson. Ardsley-on-Putnarn, Tarry town. ana Mount vernon. Some of these places require health certificates ef vry on entering their Beautiful (INCORPOK.tTED) DOWNTOWN: 34 East 23d St. APTEWTISE-'aewT.

OF HAPPENINGS Th Natural Inquiry i Wiat Further European complications, tho Mexico question, undreamed of serial and undersea possibilities, the epidemic of infantile paralysis, and man-eat-ing- sharks with whetted uppe- -tites lurking In inland waters; enoorh to surfeit the possibility of additional nerve rackers rte follow. i Professional public soothers are advising1 every one to keep -cool and calm, which is excellent advice providing the condition of one's nervous system permits it. To those whose nerves are on edge we suggest Johana Hoffs Malt Extract, which for half a century has nourished and strengthened men. women and children throughout the cirilixed world. This -delightfully palatable tonic food possesses unusual properties that make it invaluable as a nerve and brain food.

Can be procured from any re-' liable druggist and should taken with meals. ordlnatlng further their Joint arrangements for supplies and finance, Bep-arats financial agreements between th United Kingdom aad France and UsJy, respectlveb)-. have also been concluded. snd a discussion with the Russian: Minister of Finance wlU'be Initiated "Me-dsy." STEAMSHIP ANTIGUA SUNK. i British Report Lose of Vessel Irt War July Lloyd's sfcfpptng ag-ency announced that the British steamer Antlg-ea ef Z.S7S tons cress la reported have been 'sunk, Ths) steamer was unarmed.

Recent movements of the steamer Antigua are not reported la available shipping records. i precincts, regardless of whether! they come from Sew York. The authorities of Passaio snd Garfield. N. It waa reported, on tb other band, will keep out all children from "New TorkJ even though they hav health erttricata.

Four new case In New York State out aid of th city wer reported from Albany yesterday. They wer In 'Free-port. L. Poughkeepsi. East Hampton, and Hoos Irk Falls, and brought the total number ot cases the State outside of the city up to 104 ntae th be- glnlng of th outbreak.

The Stat Department of Health further announced that in 1914 ther wer 224 case in th otat. witn on deaths, and la 19IS, 34 cases, with 47 deaths. I a addition to the Albany report, one new case waa reported, from Beacon. N. T.

i Th Free port Publlo Library was cloeed yesterday and all members holding books and th time wer Instructed to keep then until fur thor notlo. Reports from tn New Jersey State Board of Health at Trenton announced sixteen new cases of infaatil paralyat In th State ten In Newark, and one each In 8 potts wood. Perth Amboy, West New York, Westf keld, Reading, and Glen Rock. Two new case wens. also reported from Orange, and one each from Passaic and Uarflald, "the latter cases being the first In the place named.

On death from th disease was reported from Camden. As Illustrating ths stiictnaes of the quarantine measures In some New Jersey communities, Judge Joshua R. Salmon of th Court of Common Pleas of Morris County was turned back at Boonton yesterday wben he tried to enter the town In aa automobile with hie wf and four-year-old eon, the femur having come from their home at Mountain Lake, two mile away. The Judge made no resistance against tb order, but said that there was no need for such a Quarantine. A new case of Irfsntlle paralysis was reported In Philadelphia yesterday, and the authorities wer inclined to betlev that contagion had been carried -to th city br th father of the child, -who is a draftsman tn New York snd travels dally between this place and Philadelphia.

Whether the disease could be communicated through th father, wh has had no known contact with it. has not been positively determined bv th health authorities bare. Dr. Emerson's plnkn could not obtained last night. as us naa tuD.

out ot town. 75 Cssee In 21. Mississippi bit lee. JACKSON. July Is- Ther.

are 71 eases of Infantile paralysis In SI cities of Mississippi, according to a statement made here today by Dr. Willis alley. State Sanitary Inspector, after he had checked re sort a received from county baalth officials. lt. vv aiiey stated ta snowing was a great surprise, as previous report had Indicated case at only a few Isolated place.

Only a few deaths pav occurred. i Special 1 JulyTerms 10 Cash and the Balance oa Easy Payments. The Largc.t i Deaden in Bed Davenports i i BROOKLYN: 1 53 Flatbush Ave A..

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