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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 3

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE ELECTIOHS. The Republican Victory in the Kcy-1 stone State Complete. Got. Baker Undoubtedly Elected in Indiana. Vcihets ProbaWj Elected, lut Through ranaaiem voting.

Onio RepuMican by Abo-at 17,000 JMuJorlty. IfW ths Defeat of Hi. HMrj it Seguded a In Bit District. Cheering News for Republicans from ITebraeJca. TZKS3TLVAJJJL Better Wows frwna.

Pbllndwlpbln Tare yiMIMU Lass Oalr the JBayar 'mad liletrlct-A tier ne Taa tMmo- eratie Majority Already E4Mt 9,100. FwuBniWti. Thursday, Oct. 18. The officii vote of this city will be counted to- Leadlng Republican a.

and. Indeed, the i of tbe perry, ara confident that they will show the Republicans have carried the city, except Mayor and Dletrtct-Attorney, aa tt le well known the returna received a election nigni war It erroneous. Already the Democratic majority haa bacn reduced eleven hundred from tba Sinn thaa givsa out. It la bettered that nearly every precinct tn tba Fourth Ward polled mora vo'ea then ara on Its list of taxablas: ba which eaaa tba wbola precinct vote will ba thrown out by tba oourta. Om precinct a larger Democratic majority i there ara taxabtea raaidinf tn U.

additional Ttetarne fr Dlatrtete aad Cnnnttee. TwrKTT-rxuer CouBXsiogaL Duttbiot. Xvery township baa bean beard from tn tba Twan ty- firet Congrsssional District. Fayette gtvss 1.490, Waa lea oreiand 090 for Foerxa. Indiana Oounty ayrraa 9.409 lor Corona, ah owls bta majority to ba sweaty-nine.

-Cotopi'i friends allege tbatovsr900 panda lent votes war east against him. CoTooi in Casx's Majosrrr, Another dispatch fawaa Indiana county makes Covoea'a majority tn tba district thirty-five. Lebanon county gives Can tar Congress lt7f, and Bay that bis election la aura by SIS majority. Cuxto Corarrr ftTaa IV A. Macxxt, Demoeratio aaaidldata for Congress 1.250 maj3riiy for Congress aad about MO Jtemocrstlo majority tor la Vota of tfet State According- to tha Latest Rctarai.

Tbe majorities in tha several counties of so far aa they can ba given or setima- aad 1ib tba returns received, are aa follows: Majorities. Jadge Bap. Ooeii Har-traaft, Map. WO' Wll- Bbara-9 BotW. hams wood.

Jea, tte. Uaaa. 943 9.43T le.rss 9.9JX X934 9,1 2.278 934 90f 9.S44 4.117 9.119 9.B90 9.84C 9.039 TOO 6.294 6.910 9,939 9eC9 TOO X08 9.O30 968 900 60 1.687 9,194 00 3 TVO 1,473 T.TS1 ,869 1.000 1.410 3 609 J. 100 1.4T7 9.140 800 1.00a 91398 M00 1.696 8.469 6.4O0 4,018 30 8.41 4.991 8.94T 8.84T 9.907 9.148 6O0 996 Tel S.604 00 8,184 8,869 eo 919 960 8.773 8.969 860 709 1.019 1800 1.848 9.769 9 0U9 9.368 8.608 1.87 .1.. 1.806 1,861 800 1.3G8 1.66 13.TM 3.833 181 9.638 9 601 1.660 9,614 .141 t.J.0 T988 10,404 BU0 9,604 4,657 7U6 646 9.985 9.414 1.6C6 1.769 9.000 MS 1.869 1.O00 1 6e T.689 460 1.008 1.S8S 9,360 '9 037 .79 400 S.C33 8.468 9 427 9.993 60 49, MT 07 TOO 938 1 X.1S4 al 1.600 T.356 8.880 1.63d 1,199 XT66 1.641 960 621 63 8.947 9.890 4.090 1.435 1.675 1.3O0 9.040 10 9.131 1.469 4.619 4.618 TOO XM 9.66 1.9U0 4.U9 8,645 160 1.867 1.614 9.

100 4.848 T.6T1 40.SST 966.834 967.T46 966.834 Oousiira. s4ama. Anschaoy rAnMtfoof rVaver Bedford Barks Blatrf Bradford Bocks Ma lar Cambria. Oemtron 40 9.U00 100 A 160 oea nee one atm i.ob Coaster. Clarioci Ctearflstd Clan ion Cetambla Cam bar laud.

Dauphin. Dataware SOO Pays tie Forest. Franklin Indiana JasTxraon laaeaater Ivusorise Iframinf T5 S.a0O 100 see 1.M0 900 4AO 90 ateecrr Si ta Monroe. btoniaontarr Mortbampton ortb bertaoa Pnibuieipbia Ple Potter KOQUVlHill BayJer Boaifraal. Bulhran.

atoaquebanoa. Ttoara. Warren Waaaiof tan. Wayne etmorabuid. Wyoming.

Tout Totals 0 800 'too LOT S. 477 T19 600 1,200 60 Uaj. for IUrtranfi. flharrwood't mJ. 939 Tke Leg slat are.

The State Legialture, which im to elect a United Blaise BVaator ta place of Mr. BeaxAine-, will stand aa lllowa: I 8aa- Jotat baa- Joint Satlat, at. Beaas. Bauet. a 14 a6 1 i7 I 14 Bsa.

majarltr- 9 94 99 AValalreaa ml tha Hewsibllaam State Cea tral Caaaaatttee. Boosts or TJaioa Kcvomuoaa Bran) Ctmii Co a am as. I Oou 14, 1868.) Jsaaahesa mf Jwaanafaaaia TeaterdAx Tv mchieTed a trimnpb at the poll avaweety lasa laaportaat ta Ma remits taaa tbeTictory mf srtna on tha 1UU of OeUysbarc Tba tategriV ef tba Union and the perpetuity af tba Bapabite war awcwred by tba ooe, its peraiaaeat paaoe and futara glary are tnsared by tba other. Tour yerdlet tboa ptoaoaaoad a be reeorded by "tba American people ta Xowsmber next ba a meet aanpaatio caademaatloa of tba party tales to tba aaautij la taa boor of Ha petJJ. bUae to liberty and tha rtgbts of man.

Xrary torar of pas pa and rood ardor coaararsUUe yoa on yoar ecMeremeata in atrrpptna eocb an organ ism na of all power to taftiet aware tajary on tba aoaatry. Bencrtortb tt staat eaaa waaer the aasaa obtaaar that rests wpoa tba Toftas of tbe aWveiatioa aad tha FeOaraiiata of tba war ef 1811. latrastee with power, tt wielded It tor tbe diamambatiaeot of tba Berubilo. Ooaadad aa by Me.weroaese aa tbe awardlaa a Bberty. at enentiss tor tba perpetuity of bamaa beMaee.

aroaasa.ii6 reeereaee sag free speech aad treedom of tbe arsis, tt wiieaeed both with bowls balls aad rrroJrar wbarerer It bad aapreroa control. Asenmtof to b- tba caardata af tha Ma-has af aaaa. st bars ma tbe efcaatptoa el baaaaa atMdaae aad stood a an tin il with bayisa: bened boaaba ta eetaa aad re- aoemg ragiarre. wiib tba re salt af a our alaeoea, tt raised Us asraisst tba Ule of tbe Bepabbc. aad.

eaataoo.llke. woald bare bortad itself ia tbe rulna of tba iiaiiilaal 9am Is ef liberty esar reared by bataaa baaoe. It ta bentunc that a party eoarred by aaaa a reoarS ahonld die at tae baa da ef tbe people whose aaaee of Jasoca it baa ooinced. aad whose dsn real rtavata tt awa arampaad tn tba daaa. aapaovaeaaa of tba Xf.

stone 1 Toajr brsthiaa Jhrouchoat the TJntoa bare watabed taa atraeeThs tbiwagb which yoa bare just aaasad with tataase ta asresi. aad tta resolt aleddeoa e-ery patriot heart. A-t4aV94 SVaW Te-7 ItajBaaa pettt kat reiex on wtth closed ranks st esaapleae year eietui ta Korean OaXCOA A. QKUW. Stale hepnhluan Convmitlee.

Tbe Oewerstl The rtlladchphia Ttiegrapk of bvat awentac ayaj rA we fo to trrewa, the stleet reporrs reeetTed bad cae tttat tbe bepiblicau majority tn toe saate aixmt 10.400; bat we hope, with fool res eon. to present a batter alio etna even tbaa tbia, abea tbe oft-aiat rerarae are all reorrvrd. There te even a reasons oto bone that we have ear. tied tha city also, despite Lna'a depatiee" and Mr.

SitaieuoB'i iitets'ee. The majorities ia many ef the IlemocratM) wards are toand 10 be truth lees tbaa reported yealerda-r. aa eaatainasw the retaras made te tbe Irotfaoaotary of the Coort of Common 1-leaa. aa required by law. 7 tomorrow tbe Return 1 adaee meet, and tbe reewk will be deflntteiy known.

At preeeat we can obly sst that the inoicettoae point to the eJeeuon of Judges Hal and iHiTti, sad aome otbera of tbe city ticket." Tba Philadelphia Prm of yesasrday mornicg ap tbs results tbas: T( are without cJBrtal rerorns from the conn ties of tbe State, bat we bare earefoliy-rf ported majora. Ilea, oftea rrom bach partiee. troen eeeif eonnty, asd we snake the Repnbucaa majority 10.S93. It aa here' nneaibla taai tt mar be rednoed dowa lO.edO. bat tt cannot so 1,000 below tht n7ure, sad ta snore liheW to sweil ap to 11.008.

We have allowed ail that at claimed by tbe Iemociais in thsir strong noids from which roil returns baee not eeleed. sod from all tbe beary Bepnblicaa soaatisa we base oomaleie reporta; so that we cannot be la error in our eettmaia of the meeenrs of oar victory, Considering that the eots la soma 17,600 laraer ta ah ia eny tbaa ewer was east before, tt ia no didealt aa calculate has completely the apparent triumph of taa Democrats was procured ty iraal. Kot lees than 10.000 trau anient votee were oast for that parry i thia out alone on Tn seder laer; and la Iasernc bchUTUili. Carbon. Xhieh, Wayae.

Monroe and clurAul. aiot leas than 8.000 man were east seratDSt na. False nature ihcaaoa papers were flooded tbroua-a the mialnc counties, aad they oened tbe vbjtisnce af our fxteada, because ta most cases the ci anitela of Jusuce were practically cosed as-minat rearrse for this monstroas erranc pracussa opoa tne aoasst voters 01 toe atate. Jant fraud bss done tta worst, and in vsia Wherever the people eonid rive ezpreealon to their convictions' throuch tbe ballot-box, there the triumph of the ricbt waa more deciaive thaa ever before, aad tbe wrong doers ta our midst mnsi recoil in fear and trsniDline: from their own iniquity. Tbetr fraud a here will be aubjected to the etrioieet scrutiny, aad taeir ofiioera, fraudulently oniiaen.

wul be displaced, and. aa rspetiuon would be ueeleas In November, because unavailable either in 8tae or nation, jyuiladslptua wi.l give from 6,000 to 10.000 for Oaaavx, and l'enaaylvaiila will give nut less than 36.000 luajuruy in iavur of enduring peace ana ua partial juatice. ISDIOA. Tba Rapahllcaaa toae ato Coatsreaanaeat atskSl bain at United ata tcs bea a tor Voorbeea Ptajorlty Prand wlemt Ille- m.K Totlsg Threoghsst tba Stata. Ipecial- Dispatch to tba Bew-Terk Times.

IvciaXayoiJB, Id Thursday, Oct. 18, I telegraphed yon on Tuesday night that the Indications gave na the State by 8,000, not 18.000. Esntocky and Ireland nave eat' oar majority down to close vote. Both partiee claim the State, bat In all probability Hxxzhmcxj will be defeated by from BOO to 1.600. Tbs official returns may be required to show tbe result, aad may change It.

From present Indications, ImportaUona from Kentucky have car ried tbe three districts bordering oa that State tbs First. Second aad Third. Jcixurs District hi close, and Yooaxxxa 810411 majority in tha Sixth win be proved fraudulent. Thus wo lose no Congressmen aad gala a TJuited States Senator la place of Bxa- Bmicma, Tbe official retsrna are declared throughout tbe Sum to-day, bat may not reach here for several days. Under the circuroa tan cea, we have doae welL Tbe Legislature ta beyond doubt Republican by a majority, oa Joint ballot, of between 90 aad SO.

Official Returns Fsvarablt to tha Ba jtmblteatma. Special Dispatch to tbe Hew-York Tunas. IjroiASaroxn, IncL, Thursdaj, OoL 15 Ere Ling. Official returna are ooramg in, nearly aQ favorable to tha BepabUoaaa. Tieedias Bepublieans figure wp quite 9.O90 majority for the State ticket.

It may, however, fall below 1,000. Vooasxxa msjarlty la lass tbaa 100. Complete official returns may yet de feat him. Bis majority is the resolt of fiagraatt vio lations of tbe Registry law. eTczAaa.

for Congress, raos bandreds behind tbe Bute ticks', and will suc ceed only by a small majority. Republicans are eaa goiaa aad hsrami i ng autre and mora JnbUaal. Tba Kleotlon or ba. Baker Csrtaln. Saonlal Dispel cn to tba Hew-Tork Times.

WasHnieTO, Thursday Oct. 18. A dispatch from a reliable source at Indian apolis, received hero to-night, aays that nearly com plete returna from every county tn tbe State posi tively elect Gen. Bajraa fBepublicao) Governor, by not lees thaa majority. TrVbat tba Dastsersta CI alas.

B. Lovu, Tharsday, Oct. IS. The Timet has a despatch from J. JT.

BzwaRAK, Secretary of the Indiana Democratic State oantral Committee, aa fbflowa: Tba election Is undoubted ly eloee, bat wo have IltUe doubt that wo have'elsct ed HxThrcza. The Had teals cbtm tba State, but I bsve every rea son to believe that tha State la safe. large Democratic la many eountiee ara reported. Kiaxj.cs la First, Km fa the 8 wood. Boutin Third, aad Yooxaxxa fat tba Sixth District are posi tively elected.

Tbia la a gala of one over teat pre- vtoos advices, aad figures insure the Stata by aboat majoriry. Tnllan'a Election In Deabt. InraaaroxJB. Tharsday, Oct. 16.

Official retarna received to-day ehow amaTi Bepablicaa gains on the reported majorities, both parties aUTJ clitmtng the ticket. The ind. cations ara that tba Republican majoriry win be 1,600. OSdal returns from fha Fourth Oongreseiacal Dis trict place the election of Tvuajr (Rep.) to Con- in doubt. Els nujority is much less tbaa the State ticket.

Tba Lsteat Oav. Baber sand Cons; re ss- nas Jnllaa Elected. IjroiAKaTOUs, Ind Thursday, Oct 18. He tarns from IhirtD-eeven connties, (official,) and all the other counties bat one, unomcUny re ported, give rUrra. fRep) for Governor, K9 majority.

The county yet to hear from gave a Re publican majority, to 1866, of 896. The latest reports aa to Congressmen elect Jmxm (Bep) In the Fourth District by 139 majority. Voonaxxs. in the Sixth District, haa less than loo majority. Tha BepabUoaaa have a Joint ballot tn the Legisla ture of 90 to 96.

OHIO. Repnblleatn Majority groan 1S.OOO 1T.O00. CoxTmus, Ohio, Thursday, Oct 18. Betnrna so fax ebow from 16,000 to 17,000 Be pnblinsn maj onty ta Ohio. Tbe Defeat af Jar.

Ashley Hew It ia Be carded In bta District. rVesa bW TMade Blmdt, Oct. 14. "We were not among; thoao who vrgod Hr. Asaurx te appear aa ear eeadldate la ton While earefal to allow no aUaadoaa to Xr.

calcabtaa to tnjmre his prospects In ease of hia nomination, wo candidly ataaed our fsara ef hat avaUabOlty ta rlsw of an nnsparlng op. woalbon to which ho has always been subjected. It te not for aa now to enlarge on this asnoate eneewoa. bat we were eallsd to ecn tem plate thta opposition aa a atuoborn tact, aad it has proved to be mere obstinate taaa wo lhaa feared. Mr.

aiaxil had aaaay enthaaiaetie friends aad ad- areoaal aad aaaaeal attachrotnts blued to tbe peril at tha boar, aad be a tba cbedoe of tbe narrr. Thoea fneada led bard few sUsa. aai eaanw allM. atyiag aatda aU previews objections, also worked to souls hia election- and bow with them stnoaraiy the disaster whica has succeeded. we 00 not Mama Mr.

Asxurr tor his boooraMa as- tbe high place ta srhiab be baa ao tba saaaa af kmltv and reoabtlaa- tsm. aor Can WO blasae tola ardent nnelvia ue aaal ha bta behalf. Wa admire ccmetascy ta friends, aad of ha. trtaada Mr, auarf wfU be prowdewaatm Wo kWM ban OBUIMtBa tat ewa 1. m'ii.

fheaa Bepobbsaaa who have aaaa St to withhold thatraapport from Mr. Assurr, whan be becams tbe oa ad mats of the party. Wa baliav. k.i.... to bo aa error.

Ws hope any anudpstious of evil arising from that error amy never be realised. Bat from the asms soasldereoone of dotr aa the nerrv aad as the aonatry which had aa ao tmplors tbsm not to carry tbetr opposition to Ma. in to the poUa, x- A y-n mam, in a mini to unity aad eooperstioa ia tbs cease of Otin. Cot wax aad Uaailisn. Oar doors mast remain ooaa for ail whs choose to come.

We may am hedge the way by hard ar humiliating Condi oca a. Wa meat etmclv tura oar barks apon the past, aad go forward to tae work aad duty of the future, htytag burdens ot bta-d ranee upon none, aad encouraging every friend of country matte wua as aanag tt a mfmrnm lflttnetulli.Utte XfocraBo victory, xhe miyHuirj fAaAxz aad T'i'iir merry, btit etid rnins to be. CerriX will be large hi this district. Wor ta thai do. fee amy sign af election ha tbs party ItaeU.

It a aa tnam ah ot aiaissi lanaia. It la no proeset against scry pert of our pnactpass or policy. Ins as, ibsra fore, bury all sbvwinaa, and go lutaatdatoama to tbs work aad dsty of the future. jTvat tar Teatd finan cial. OcL 14.

These who have read tha Cawasaerraal alaee wader I present management aeed not be tald that tie editor aoes not regard Mr. Aaaurr aa a eouabas aaaa te taareasot a district Cop gr as a. XLs reasons tor this nsw need not hero be detailed; eoffice it to asy that tbey are such aa ta control has matured Jadg mast, and which ba tee I a that ba bss no r-gbt ao uraore. however agrtaible or desirable oa many aeeoanta such a comae aught be. Bineereiy aa tor several years be baa done, that tbe eoantry, the diatrict and tha pery would ba better off wtth some one of Mr.

Aaaurr 's one hundred and Sfty thoaeand aoa atioienta in bis place, wa bsve not flt at liner. to eontnbute to tbe perretaarioB aad laeresso of tbe evtl. This miisltleiBisMi. sad act peraoaal feetnafps, as soms bsve acjuetly eharoed. baa actuated ear course.

There te not. nor bss there been, anything la oar personal rele liens wtta that geataeaaa that should fur one moment and Id tba way 01 oar sap-port of htm ia any manner warranted by oar acnes of pabbe duty. We are, on reneral priactoksa, la favor of a "free Freee," which we underetand to mean a Press open to tbe free iliai iiailmi of all qaeewona pertsiniag to public iaiereata, aanong wbleb we rlsss tbs Ataeas ef eandidstea for public cfnee; and wa have too much faitft in tbe intelligence of our readers and tbe merits of tba Republican iarty, to believe that either wtit be trjured by a tree examination of the ecte ef In at party. Wa do not accept toe pottey ot tbe stlry bird r-aicn thinkaaU at made sate when it gets tta bssd un der a last. Frse aovernment cannot rest oa any sucu basis, nor can a political party la a tree country.

Truth needa ao cloak or mnUA bat fares bea aa open hold. When a party gets into a ceoilliiuti that torbids fhs light and requiree darkueee. the sooner it gives plaee 10 another, the better. We aery tost each is tbe condition of the Republican Jarty, and whoever says it is, does It gross wrong. Jk Few Specimen Casnly Remrna Tbe Vote in Cincinnati.

Froea (As Cimemnutti Vesasaeecaal, Oct. 16. There is no reason to doubt thai Okio has gone Bepaolaoaa by from 10,000 to 16,600 majority. Tbe returna are too scattering sa yet to come to aay de finite conclusion aa to the amount of the majority. Last year the majority fur Gov.

Haras waa bat 3,983. The incomplete returna of the 00 unties heard from. however, show a failing off of tbe Democratic ma jorities of 1867. As a sample of the wsy it is going ws give the majorities aa reported from a few counties, sod the losses aad gaua ss compared with the voto 01 last year. Dent.

400 Gam. Ashland. mars. 30 AM Fran 8,300 776 384 816 Auglaixe 1.60U Guernsey 600 103 Ill Hadmoii ig 7 The State ia good for Gaaxr aad ColtaX by from au.uue to 36.000. The general result of tha election in Hamilton County, is the success of the whole Repuolicaa county icxnl, snd the defeat ot both our present members of Congress.

Job bTCwgasoM's majority over Cast is about 600. bTAasza's majority over 0 OLJtaToaT Is about 300. The Democrats generally voted for CaXT, bat be was not able to secure the support of a large number of worbuigmea. srolf owee but defeat to Republican veiea. lb Republican county ticket will have Bear 94)00 majority and we have ao doubt Gaajrr will carry tha county by 4,000 or 5.000.

HEBKABTTA. Tba tetory Conaplsxe itapabllemn Oalai tn Twelve mt tba klast Papa- leal Ceaatlas. St. Louis, Tharsday, Oct. IL The 2emocrat haa a apeeial dispatch from Omaha, as follows: "The returns from twelve ot tba moat populous counties show a Bepublican gam of over 800, while the Democrats have gained only aboat forty.

The entire Bepablicaa majority ba three counties is aboat 1,600. Twenty-tour interior counties are yet to be heard from, which will, no doubt, make the Bepablicaa maienty in tbe Stabs from 3.000 to 3900. Tba BepubUeana have elected twelve Stata Senators sad thirty-live members of the Assembly. Tbe Democrats have elected one State Senator and fortr Assemblymen. wzomm.

Hepnbllcan Delegate lee ted ta Can- sjrees. Ex. LotJis, Thursday, Oct. 18. A Cheyenne dispatch ears "lie tarns from Laramie city and other stations west eecure the else-tton of Brnra.

(Bepablicaa) Delegate to Congress, over BoaxsxoH, Tan and Joenxr, by sevsral hundred. THE JBoro Aejaiclngs by tba Ha pnbl leans. Ban Fnaaenoo, CsX, Tharsday, Oct, U. There ia great rejoicing throughout thai State and tha Territories oa tha Fadne coast, among tbe Republioana, on the results of the elections in Pana- sylvannt. Indiana and Ohio.

Enthusiastla msetmga have been held ta all Ue cities aad vlllages- BaXTThtoxa, Md Thursday, Oct. 18. A large aad enihuaiastic mass ssaatfng of Repab- aeaas wae held last night at the bow Assembly Booms ta this city, congratulatory of the recant publican aueoeaaaa. Bpsscihsa were aaaee by 1 Ad ia a Xmo aad others. ACGDrra.

Va Thursday, Oct, 18. Tha BepabUoaaa of Aturoaia aad BaUowell held a grand demonstration to-night, notwithstanding the stormy weather, over the aewa from Ohio, Pennsylvania and Indiana. The Tanners ware eat tn fall force, sad many boiidnurs were Olumtnated. Speeches were made by Seaator Mnaan.i, Ex-Oor. Con and otbera.

Bobtx, K. Thursday, Oct. IS. Tbe Republicans ta-oight rejoiced over the recent vlctori ee with a salute of one hundred guns, bon fires. Illuminations tad a tnrehligbt procession of the Boys hi Bine.

Gin. Baaatm, of Syracuse, aad others aiade speeches. Letter from Cardinal Barasbs te Arebv- bishop Kaartck. JVarn taa Chicago Jotm eoi. Oct.

13. The following letter from Cardinal Dashabo toArchbiahop Kxxaicx virtually settles the difficul. has that have recently sprung up between Bishop DuaoaaT, of thia city, aad asvsral of the Catholic clergy. It would "appear from thia letter that the highest Catholic luthoritira In Borne are disposed bo sustain the Biabop. Tbe following tt tha letter: Moss lXLTjexxious iro Rxvxxxxn Loan: The letter of your Grace of the 10th ultimo (10th of August) baa arrived, by trblch have learned the re nit of your inquiries aa to the accnaationa brought against the government of the diocese of Chicago, and tbe manner of acting ol its chief pastor.

It la pleasing to hear that most of those seensatioaa are contrary to truth a statement which has of lata been made to mo by persons tar above all suspicion. Such being tbe state of tenure, which a a cause of Joy to me, however, deem tt opportune to state that. If metropolitans were to show themselves a little mors ready in aocepung sad pay- tag attention to the cam plain ta which sometimes na mar ooeaatonaiiy maze against iaeir ihev would perhaps not so reality have reeaiaraa to -this sacred ocaigrewstiOB which coro- pla ata. sometimes tn reference so the quality ef there who apply, aad oat or tne soucuaae is ase rar 10a Cbareaes. it as compelled to receive.

Moreover, row will please not forget to mestioo to tha Biaboo ot Chieaa-o. that tha aacrsd ecangregatioa rejoices tn the fact that tba awiasatlmia brought agaiaat him have been toand to be is int. good will toward him aaa sot diminished. Thai at what I have to tear tareea. I orav ttod to uiaaarvs yoa long, ana nave yon ia Bis botr kssuao.

At Borne, from the eaered eon. oe r. r. wa or oteanber. 186a.

D. CARDINAL BABMABO. To PxxKh Kaitaica. Arcabiahop of 8C Ionia. Saaall Fsvara iCratefally toeelweel by be Albsar Dens earn aa.

Fran tktAZmnf Jrfm. OsC IA rVasa tha nsw was received last night that The Dsaaocrate bad aamad Fhtladalnhla by two tbOw- aaad aaajarity. slscting Mayor for the first tiata at msay years, aad that Scnaactt aad AAnXATT and ether odious Radical Coagn ssmsa aaa bwm asasassuwaaa that tha btaies ot peanaylvanat sad Indiana ware te aoabt. tbo Dentoeracy of Albany bt ought wot their eaasaa.aa4 Seed a aanonal aaiata ever tbs rsssst. Hearty cheers went up lor tha alorioaa Democracy of Pennsylvania aad Indiana aad Ohio.

Demoerata were not eon teat with the dlsnstohss that gave ooabtful Impaii to tha rerarae. Taey latt teat ta auca a apleaaid fight that Peaasylvaaia aad Indiana Dej-ocratio, sad the retaras at coma may yet tasar sxpeetstioaa. "Wads Hajrwrox. Ex-Gor. T.

Pxxjit sad ofhera spo.ts at a Demoerstie meeting la Coiumbat. tC, ea taraday. Sth fast. The ft ante ef alaee etyst The B43owrroor wwa very happy bte reatarks. sad waa rrequeauy areieaded.

He Oenooaoed snrpat-baggsrs and seals wage tn asaiaas nred terms. aaaarUng that the latier were wares, la bmoemioa. taaa Jaasa Isntneti bat that at tbey wouU toUow hie syiapls-htng tbsaiaalres ht might fetl riisjrrrt-r' to Mrgive Bep. Iiovs. 60 ao 60 778 l.uns 160 600 60O 19 ttjjt dn-gorK Cxm' Oriote IscsT TELEGEAIIS.

Tbe ldBinistnitlTe Onim Spxin finpport MeiuiThy. Religious Orders UnivexsaHy Denounced. The JLondon Press oa tolter ElrcUont Our Oc- Progreaa of th PsrsgriajMi Allies VictczioTis. Wt-T1 SPAIN. All tba Administrative Ceatree Adhere to Monarch leal Hrlnalples ttaliglans Ordeis Dcnnnncsn tteneevnl ot Bisav- Madmd, Tharsday, Oct.

IS, Forty-eight oitiea, being; aU the adniinistra-tive centres, adhere to the Junta and monarch ical principles. Seven cities denounce the clergy, and aU denounce) religions orders. The Junta has removed the Bishops of Eaesea andTjrgel, who are aocuaeu ox Having aided tbe recent Car list demonstrations. The meeting of the Cortes haa been fixed for Dec, 15, so that pTesentatirea from Cnoa and Porto Btco may appear. The Catalonians have petitioned against the reduction of the Customs' tanfl, The army will be exempt from the new tax about to be Joviexl.

GREAT BRITAIN. Tba Leadea Praaa mm Onr October Elee- ttnns 1st raaaiylvsala, afce. Lomoat, Tbaraday, Oct. 16. Telegrams from the New-York Associated Press, announcing the result of the elections in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana, were duly re ceived, and are commented ou by the Iaiwlnn journals.

The Daily Sews (Badical) aays "If the Democratic Party had only remained pas sive. Republican blunders woald have given them power, bat the Dumoiraia have aa equal, ft aot greater, aptitude for error. The Morning Pott (Conservative) says 7he result of these elections baa decided tbe Presidential eon test, aad the alight interest where with tae Democrats sought to surround It hi gone. The Standard (Conservative) comments on the small majorities claimed by tbe Bepublieans, and thinks that tbe Democrats may have carried some of the States. The writer aays "If the Democrats are beaten, their friends here could wish that they bad been guided by safer counsel.

The ImlegrapK, (liberal,) while approving the result, ewCOny in it tho nun of the Bepubhcan Party, in which there are ao many wide differ ences' on financial questions. Hr. GlsMtstaae mm Venlnnlsan. Loanov, Thursday, Oct. IS.

Mr. GiAserosx made a speech yesterday at Iaverpool. lie examined -the questions of Fe- ytianiem and the discontent in Ireland, and 1 aigned the causes therefor. He spoke earnestly of the need of reform, and quoted and dwelt on tho words of D'Ancr McGex, a Conservative, on those causes, as a voice of the dead from over the ocean." Jobs Bright in Kdlnbwrgb. Amxarraoa.

Thursday, Oct. 18. Eon. Jo hit Bjught has keen tendered the freedom of the city. Tba Atlantis Cnbla Tariffs.

LoirooK. Thursday. Oct. 16. The Joint Committee of the AngU American and Atlantic Telegraph Companies hare decided to abclish, from and after Nov.

1. 1868, the sys tem of counting letters in estimating tariff, and to count only by words. FRANCE. Reported Red action af tbe Araay. aioanoB, Tbaredar.

Oct. 16. It is reported to-day that the French Govern ment haa furlooghed thirty thousand men from tbe army and navy. GERMANY. Kte tn Dreeden.

Tjinnrt, Tbaraday, Oct. 16. A tumult waa created in thia city by the eom- mUaionairea yesterday. The police arrested a number of the rioters, but they reeeued by the mob. The troops were then called out.

and the rioters were dispersed. DENMARK. Acply ef tbo KtgadaC tbe King's Speech. CorxxxAaxx, Tharsday, Oct. 15.

The Bigsdag, in reply to tbe King's opening speech, regret the failure of the negotiations with Prussia, in the matter of Schleswig Hol- tein rejoice in the unity of feeling between the King and the people hope for a continua tion of friendly relations with Prussia, and that the intonisUooAl differences may be easily etUed. BEIiGIUM. Latrge Viva at Antwerp. Axxwamr. Thursday.

Oct. 16. A great fire occurred to-day in the petroleum worVs of YntDBors ft in this city. The building, two thousand barrels of petroleum, and many muttons ot gaLona of naptba, were burned. The loss is very heavy.

1TAX.T. Vaiavlsi ta sxraptlan. FLomnoa, Tbaraday, Oct. 15. Uount YesuTius ia in an active state of enrp.

tion, A7TMTT? at. XARRAGTJT. Powers Treableel sksat His Have nss ata. Fasts. Tharsday.

Oct. The Baoqma thinks it likely that aome of the great Powers of Earope wiH soon ask tbe United States Government the cause of Admiral Fab- BAarrrs movements Europe. BOTJTH AMERICA. Progress mt tba rarsraayas YrVatawTbe Alltee la Pass a seta a mt tbe capital i rUfkt of F'meideat Xespaa. Llaaoa, Wednesday, Oet.

IA Tba mail Bteamer from Bio Janeiro beings im not teat tetsUlgaaas from the seat ot war on i aguay. Tha Paraguayaa rr'w at ths mouth of i Tabtcaary Blvsr had beea asksa by Preaidsni Lorxx. ef Paraguay, bad te YlOa thstetcrior. aasttandsd, absnd owing ths saptnal to the Ailiss. Two aboat to ascaod the river to Asuncion.

Tbe Howard far tbe ALaeeae mt Saa Tajla fraaa Drawatng. hniu, Tharsday. Oct. IA Eevrxal weeks staoe Eirx Taxeb, one of the Chlasse Xmbsasy. when ea a vtett to Bhte city.

Jan tate Xiagxra River at Tc from drowning fey a atUor i totaaTTTMksrlnksa. A I ay ar two aflerwar with TfltTtSD, Bwanf thai eity, said to aaaa 9ar Boron, nueetht 9br. tha bolder af lbs lettar sxpeenag It 'bsdrsasnt. Te-dsy Borrm turned amMhdBntdatXta yosnaV gad the Jtf sBsyiJl waada. and waa resound iisnitrt waoatitea JhOSCB bss aaaa aavarnana i owner oft terse ere ad the lsttss aws ii iHina, anal arthia the eaaaants knad te be a 810 green anek aada as da mt raanhs fnaaa Sat Iacbb.

Mx BitisW others wOl saske ap a paras tat Boron, Tba Distress tn Taastas Fiee Iaapwvts torn srT Ba-esvdstaats AMI aw set for at Short Perlael. WjsBisnn.ia. Tharaaay, Oct. IS. The fbllowmg has Just been raceived and trasBuatsd at the Papal laaaal ot Staas: Faajfcnaco H.

T. Baaaarmtz. the Ccsastitaaoeal Governor of tha free aad sovereign Stata of Yore Crua. steve- to im tahabttaamt Xaow ye. that through tbs Pepsi Imsnts at Sass aad Ireeaury aad Pubhc Credit, tba loUowing dicitsa has been oonv-mn nine led to me: Jnart.

CsaafifafisssT fraUemt mf (W rsstas Jfraarrta Stata, (e Otar iaAaettaata. Kaow Ta: That takiaa' taio sonatderatien tba aa winch exists in tba mate of Xncataa. to ba supplied wub la corn, because of tbe scarcity at taaa grain, tbe prise of watch haa risen ap aaach that it woald aot bo possible to tbo toorer classes of said mate to obtain it, and la virtue ol tha authority gt anted to me by arurie ana ot tha Caa oea aoaea orOinaaca, I have thought pro pes ta decree aa tol. Iowa: Abticxb Tbe impuitatiea af fore Km saalse frse ef al ealy aa perauual in tue Bert of Saaai. for cee-sumptioa in the State el aoattn.

darmg the period sf 1 11 1 ws months. Aar. i The uaporUtian. frse ef duty, ef three bar-! ef wheel Anm aie nivht of US inmiliu eaeh. SB S.SO srsstew tor 1 naav be mooned.

ponada af madias whica Aas. A aeertne the term sf fear months after tbs st-piraiioa e. the eonoeaaioB eoataiaea in this decree, the lutrocnctaaa mto aar saw btate ef assise sue Soar eonuag froaa asalaa an all aot be penaiued, bat eoa siaenag team as toreian artaelee. 1 bay aaeil ia aneb esse be eatjeot to pay the daty tin pose it oa each by tha 01 tae list et Jaamary, of thaa Tnerefora I order tbia to be printed, published aad cu-cuiated, that It may be only complied with. Piuci or xax Manoaai, GovaajiKSirrl bl XXI 00, the Uta ot bVptember.188.

LKKIIO eUABZZ. To tbe Secrets rv of the Treasury and Public Creoit, UATIaS RoMKXO. And I inotoas il ta yoa tor yoar Information and proper execution. Independence and bberty. BOXABO.

Mexiou, nspt. 16, 1868. Tbsrators I order the publlcatien and circulation through the Stata that It may be fulfilled. FBAKCISCO H. Y.

HBRXAKDEZ. Di GaTSK. Sacreisry. Ysaa Cacs, Sept. 36, 18C8.

VIRGINIA. Tbo Csnnerclsl Cssvaatlsa at folk tcatbasiasna Over tne Stem ship Knterprtse Subscriptions froaa Varlsat ssathara Ctttee. HotroLi, Ya Tharsday, Oct. 15. The Opera House was crowded this morning by the delegates to the Commercial Convention, and a large sud ence of clfcsea.

lien, maboitb pre sided, and In tones excitement was maalfested. Tbo Business Committee saabmlttsd a report, which staled that tha reeommendation, reapacaag tha Bristol Convention, held Jary 1. 1868. regard to direct nrssa oommun iwe tioa between Europe and Nortplk, sad tba MisaaMppl aad Ohio Yal.eya. bad been considered, and the recommendation adopted by the present Coavsatian, proposing a subseriptlon of 900,000, to be immediately made, to taoorporets the International Commercial Company of tha Otty ofKorfoTk, ander the act ot tbe General Assesrbly of train is.

The Committee's report ex pre pleasnre at tbe in re reel manifested by tha various cetera and Northwestern Bsttes la a water line of communication between tho Yak. ley of the Mississippi and tba Atlantte Ocean by way of tha Ohio, X-tnawha aad Ja Rivera; and in view of ita tmportaaee the Convention IwOked hopefully forward to tta speedy comple tion aa a great improvement of national importance. Various delegations from tho different Spates rep resented, supported the report of the Boslnaaa Committee, Including CoL Wit Tim Liars, of Fort Fisher oelebrtty, who said It wsa a bravo Federal General who destroyed hia first efforts at a direct trade te which thirty vessels bad been ar gaged, between the rape Fear River aad Kurope, by the capture ef Fort Fisher, although Brrrxjca tailed In bta at.empt to blow cat the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean by a pow der ship. Great applause. Tbe report srae adopted aa $105,000 were wuoecribed-HarfoIk.

MashvUle. 36.000; Peters burr, $10,000. Ac Xhe tobacco 1 teatere, attending tbe Convention, held a mass meeting to-night to take Into eonsidar- siion ths propriety ef subscribing $100,000 to tad enterprise. A grand firemen's procession took pbee to-day. A ball was given to-night, at Portsmouth, ia honor of the delegation.

THE TUXLT. Tbe October Meeting of tbe arrngansett Park Aseaelntlan. PmovTDKacB. B. Tharsday, OoC IS.

The order of exerdsea announced far to-day at Harragaaastt, Park, were serried cat with tha a aapnaa et the race Jbr horses that have than for a purse ot $760. which crowded out on account of the raoas which post poo sd yesterday, occupying ao mach ef to-day. The weather was very antavorable a sold, drbtx ing rain prevailing at Iniervals but the ait sn dance was larger than on either of tha previous days. Had the tther proved fine, there at ao doubt that from 18.000 to 90,000 people would have been pros tat. Ths track was in good ecadttien, not wlthstan din rain, aad tho lacmg was very spirited.

Mach money ahanrsd bands aa Aacy and Lady Tkmrm. Tbe second sea tnira reoee on yesterdays pro gramme, waica were poetponaa isat Bight, were trotted this morning, ue seoono raoa, tt which At area Prrry aad Hottpmr were the oaly remaining contestants, and who won two heata each yesterday. tbe dedal va Beat waa won oy tha former in 3:3514. la the intra nee, 01 wnicn tour neeta ware trotted yesterday, ana out of which Dmcktm h'd ons and 1 ewer one, the th beat waa won by William B. Tmylar tn 2:29 V.

Jhtduu waa second. rTanera Aaw. Tk. cenrasau Xitmgmtur, JacM Xewat sad America were ruled oat lor not bavins won one beat in five. Tbe sixth beat and the raos wa won by trillion a.

xmjtfrmisa. Tha first raoa on to-day's mograaaao was for aQ borsss that have never trotted eeitsr than 30: mils hsais. bast three la five, ta bare ass; 9300 to first. aad $100 to areoad, aad was won by imiia. Tbe tol lowing la the score Crrsaax.

niiilht J. K. Stewart, sf Basta rwid "w'pToVC 9 1 9 9 la. I 9 19 1 9 Stariurbt. ewaed by b.

Racers, af borth Rndsewsssr. Mass 9 9 9 bap, owned by o. J. jaesene. Freshing, i A xims tawH.

zai. x-aue. asua. 131 The grand race at tbe meeting, for all horses, mils heats, bast three in five, in harness. $1,660 to fi-st groo to ascona.

and 8360 to third, was wen by adr Taeraa. 10s muowiag as tbs summary: Ladr Thcrsa. i by XX PVsr, ef Lang wieera. a a a a Xeaer. ewaed ar a Do hie.

ef Least lalaad. A jX ee.eae aa oa aeeee eeeaeeea ee a ee a at Jj as SB SB Oserge Wilkee. swasd by W. Kiaanaa, ef baa-Tan Cits 9 9 8 8 8 atnoos laiaao, seusa ay iA. a see, et na.

Yee Orty 4 4 4 4 4 O. arse Paisasr. aaaid hr C. ffiamrlia. sf bew-kerkCitr 8 8 8 lima aaJia, luSJa.

836. lWa. aaa. Tha rsetag will ba roai tinned to-aaorrow. aad If tho waathsr is aot abaolqtcly unfit, the raerag hare will he oondaded for tbe season.

Ovatlsa ta Gran. Kllpafrtek 9a Bosror, Thursday. Oct IA The BepubUeana of this city gare go erstsoa to Oea. ArutTaTCg this samg at FaaaoSl SaS, which waa densely crow dad. The General to the atsitnWtan by Fr said sat af tha Grant aad Oatnox Chah ef sVs Xlsvaath Wand, aad re.

He half wpoa tl followed by lion, JL If.DaSa, Ir to a strong 1 At the eoastiaalea ef 6av Xri4s3njcxB see raealvefl at she deers ef She bad by terra prnntaaUni af "Boys eandda sf wtdeb a surge aralsMade was I a respaaas to the Be stamp that suts. rsa Bam aTraaeUee Sattaysf CeeUat mm SblpbaarnU Sax FaanoscQ, YtenTsday. Oct. IA. Tbi jtammiuk reporm tna a bark, name taa.

smews, bed left Calas wtth stX7 Csartes. $3(1000. aha owaer aad servant abaaxfL The nd kilted sa ti dTrided tha to aavlgBte tae ahtp te Chins, which be was to da. Thovasaat salted TXortb aad tbs Xante Islaadg tn May; got mto the Atie4 Into th OahobU Bta. wham the em si si ad wxtb katd I other way ia snails ha sama to she balssay firnt flay sea ahe I Ceahea are tl uteri easy and told the s)il sa beard a whsls ahtp.

The test aaaa af tha berk, abs was iblag bar way Swnabatst. Tba isnil I aitns Maautia ef thle Basn are now hoUmg a saatsao tatkaaetry. 9ar reaw-Tsrfc Tta Crates'. BVsBmbikann Dei 9a Bafsla-ts laaans anal Siraat Dlsailaw. The grand Ipxiblicaa to-day ha this stty, waa large aad snthasne-ta.

crowded with "Boys ta Bhas aeighbortng eoojoes ta Wasiara Sew-York aad Penntrtvaate. The meats tor afternoon aad ewaing pobhe spsaktng, saw ware adathrahty Aboat 3 o'clock taaa aaaa waa wader ntarshfng through the pnactpal strnat. She mat wonahifsd of bxfaatry, savarry, maatcvi aad abowt two aad a half aaOaeof wsgona, bsartwg ambtsaaa of tba stations, Ac. Tba was aaa hoar ta tiaaliig agrven point, aad aambated (.000 persoaa, belag aboat Soma af tha trade aad vary striking. A hsndscanety oacocetsd wagba.

eon-bnamg sa aUagorioal rtpraseafatloa of the Staise. accompanied by Watdrlcha battery, attracted mach attention. There were several sngtaat tat working order tha proceaslon. All the maauxaciarlng ssialiseli nadsr tba oca. trot of Rpab Ureas, ware tin sad ta tha aaniaaoa aad tho employes Joined the prortntatat.

The streets were liaed with speotslora. Laasr aa tha aXtsraooa a lsrgs srowd ssaembied ht the new skattng rtsk. which was opened for the first tlava. sad addresses were made by Hon, Roeoox Coxxxxsa and Hoa. A.

GxiaWOLJX. At Bight there eras a grand torch light procession, which made a brilliant display. aad tha rink, which 'la tha. largest pabno hall ta America, aad win accommodate aa audience of 13.000 persona, was bnlbaaaTy Cham lusted, aad addresses were delivered by Msaara. Dxrrw, Ton, Towwsairo sad ExwoHaJt.

Dr. Jrasnaai EcHtnrrx. of Kaw-York. sddressed an auJienoe German st the Opera Eoaas. At a lata hoar the grand display waa over, pextaot ordsr having maintained throughout.

Conarreialannl Msalaatleaa. BosTon. Tbaraday. Oct. 18.

The BepublkmM of the Second District have rttrmmnn Qaxbs Ahxs for reelection to Congress, Bocbbstbb. K. Tharsday, Oct. 15 Tbe Democrats of tbe Twenty-eighth Distnot, ca priatag Monroe aad Orleans counties, today notnl- asted Hon. Jains M.

CoarvnjL. of Rochester, for Congress. Tbe Democrats of tho Twos ty -fifth Dis triet acminaied Hoa. L. B.

FATTtana, of Livingston, for Consraes. WoacasTBm, Tharsday, O. IS. Tbe Democraas ef the Xighih Congroesioual District Convention -to-day aorninatsd' Hamrr H. Bra vans, of Webster, for Congress, aad CoL Lxvr Baaa-ra.

ef thia dry. for Preaadannal sTIsolw. irge' Ropablteaa Ha Jloottasx ta Aabara, n. A uh Trail, S. Tharsday.

Oct, 15. A large Bepubliran mass meeting was held aity to-day. Over 800 boiaamaa wore la tha procession aad aboat 800 carriage. It Is aatt. mated that 26, COO people were at tha Fair Grounds to hear aa adrlraaa by Hoa.

J. A Ytssoa, A grand torchlight procession lakes place to-night, after a speech by Hon, T. G. Axvoan. Jabs sAatlaew Adnnaa ta Caarlestan, B.

C. Cxixurroa, S. Tbaraday, Oct, 18. Hon. Jom Quuicx Adams has accepted an in-vUation tram the Democracy of Charleston to visit this dty and address them.

Ha tt expected to-mor row night, Atteaspt af Riaa ana Aadartsa Break Jail aa Windsor, Canada. Wiaaaja. Tharsdsv. Oet. 15.

awaiting tho result of a second trial for extradition. endeavored to break jail to-day by getting through the floor, bat were frustrated ia tha farther pro seen tton ot then design. Too attempts were shade within aa hoar to-day to snoot Detective PraxKxrroit, who is working ap ths above ease, bat tbey fortunately failed. An na 1 beeelan af tba Old aehnal 11 ss- by tsrtna Synod af Albany. Saaarooa, H.

Tbaraday, Oat. 18, The Old School Preebytenaa Bynod of Albany bald their aaaaa sssrirtn here today. Aboat eighty mmistara aad eld ere were present. Bev. Dr.

Brnoae, ef Byracuss. waa chosen Moderator. A reso ration ta favor of the Union of the Old aad Xew School was adopted unanimously. Tha Fatal hsstlsg 9a FbllaelelpM1 PannrTJwia. Thursday, Oof.

IS. Tne Goroner has commenoed an mquest so the brothsrs Brajts. who ware killed oa Two witnesses lea fieri that Saarcrxx Hon. a etherifr'a fired at the dee eased, aad afterward boss ted of having put two ef them out of the way. The Coroner's Jury wfJl mast again en Saturday.

Mlaeellnteseae Telesrrnnes. BAivrrMoaz, Oct. 15. The twenty-first annual ezbibttioa of the Maryland Inatltata. exhibition which opened en Tuesday Bight, hi ana af tbo most aunoessnii exhibitions for many years.

It will aot tinne daring 000 month. Waaaistfros, C. Oct. 15. Joww tan-jia.

eantly a clerk in tbe Freedmea's Duiaaa hara. and lew says slacs discharged, eommlttad sotoido thte a ternoon by eattlag aa throat with a rasas. Ha had eaa depressed in spirits by ermk. Bcnrom. Oct, 15.

Ths Govoraor aenornta Wow. eg inanxigivtng nay nassai sssnrts Pirrr.inrirHia. Oct. 154 aTw-Trrrar Jsaaia Rasas, 00 a vanl to a friend to this ettv. to-night ia a street onsxrel a ear Bill mm.

ana wwanoeo man waa tacan to geon, by whom tbe ball was veit The snooter is mot yet srrestao. womcxarxa, Msss Oct. IA Tha bodies of five of fba msa who were burned la the eentral shaft of tho Atooaae a-onaei were recovered to-day, placed la wawn EUVUrxAB. Ga Oct, 15, The Demeeiraas hebt a Pubiio maauag hero to-night. Hon.

A H. sa asasrs mm speeeaea, Dwraorr. Tharadar. Oat. IK rant rama 1 or the tog gnasniat.

Was murdered at Amhsrstborg, wnora, on Aaaaaay aigat, while aa has way to hia any chargsd with swing -Tiltlf1 the deed. nx. Lotjis. Mo. Oct.

IB. The brick wane new bnilaiag on the corner ef Fifth aad Webxet streets isii to-aay. uao mas. aamad Edsiid tio. Bnuxicx, was aniso, aad seven others were lwo wid probaory die.

aad two others ba aa a critical condition. GEN. BTiATH A Deaaoaratle Bsvlsw as Blair a bestd aeateer. S. lToagTs, of JJiacaa.

fear mtmy years a promlneat DsmirTsi ef that stasas, sad fiamaili a of is 1SB1 tbe the elghUef thai le T. P. Mtmtr, Jtj Sxai la closing that I pal forth ta the Bew-York Coavsat disregard a saw ef A la a nrevionsl Mr. HaaawiAab annoy af i throwa By tbo i ru i.T- 1 Lmm The Xsw-fork Obat naiBg at, at Betng ta hia sal ma ata ba te to i With i It Xbsrotebaa I ate OoBsbtntma, and Yoa speak a aay they ata petled" to undo ita naarpaitana aa the awcth, ib eirpovhtg Girvaasisa i Paaxra-BoaA aavisd avwraaad bo-daj. nnnetrntloa taw aatbertar Burraao.

Thai 1 taj, OcL T9. dawtonatrattoa which soma two weeks ataoa. as ha bald nd'ated (tvo sxtraote test aomrsanlsslliwi to yea. I ahonld tnaalaforiSsr tbo doetriae aa JlrndbBBd tetter, and saililail by fiuiJ to rati am that aisdga. sasar ts yoa I quoted front bo words "tt" fbhe re ranrtey mt the Mark I Fee.

air. MoaaL hot overthrow" alssys a rsTnlaSiaaa word wben apphnd to She aetloa cf evwrnmania, TfaeFr tilialteto "ownithiwn' ie kna, yea aan snd that to tba oabr- msiibj te L. sarwocut wbenns im rate power 1 Ton tail as piaaary here ra aaaaa wej ssiuannoa. Yea piutiwi to rsea tbo red Sag af sabirtliia agalaa aaa tewtoQy waaats. tntsd ssnsioruasa, and yet yon aak nto paapto to tros yon With aaaa I Imtavsmpteta sf aaa ass aarwet si Seeterad sham ara -roaof- aad Baeeaed, tart ansa ad them.

that te tor tbaPensioeat eteetto samara ft in ease Ball snd void, sin net toe army Mandates asarasanaa at tha Sonta, uiapares tha uarpsi bsg Staas GovaniMueols, aLow toe ara.ts peopte to jtlaet fhstr wwa Omai smalls, sail aiast Xaara is tha wsm appalling sehwate insautud ta tew words, which, yon sen ue, tlnr (he "anly" way tha tasrsrament earn ba isatoe -rt. taa acta of Cnn grass baag voto" Ba overthrow a tbe erary "wa saaaannBBaBBBBnBaBBBBnBBBBSBBBBBBewSBBBBBBBBBBBBBnnSg whters aitowee to weiraalBs tbetr own Osweis ansnea. 1 trrn asj ma -sarin batiln lasamnssg shall be Sanrallaai 1- lab' at taa bead ef a swear a Ufa, to Step. -est ibem. But.

no; If they refwao to soiajilnrUy ata ue theer anthority, the FrsstrHat te to tarn Onw eu, and 41 ay area tbeea, Tha XsavYjrk Coavearusa; says earn to Stt, Mx. axnoca ears he is todoiM -Too my he at to do 14, aad la aaa three soncarrrt, t. saaortiies swule tbe petet. The set Is te fee nsrformsd la the tits a Bar yea patatoat. fthel is, br fcjree.1 whea yoa get iota poerer.

AJ doubt, aavih' bagait aa te Bow yon are ao part eras U. te ismniati. i la ease tba eoantry tresis yoa at. yoar friends ics ettmintairatloa. they aui' prepare tor the reeait.

la etxty days sgtsr yoa saw aowsav if yen are asaasa aaa aaaaa as da vtn yea say. war-fires will be biasing all over tea atepsh-be. loor plan, rede red so pteia Eagheb an tmi 1 a 1 aim stmpty thta that tba Piaaliisob cleat as te ertva by tores the kiortbera aeoala eat -eA tae Boauw taka tha power front Oaten msa. wataa grsej tt eaoiaaiTalT as lebeaa. aaa nreatuwa aa yoa nan the eat snareJt tha 11 aaa massy oft the Berth sa aha rebel steak sf tbe bosun, hta anchor, aot sad, sad take the Oovsmment to destrue- tioa aa ant sa aoasible.

Yoar ladignatioa. OeasraV. at tba maaaar ta wnlah risjiin has naanS aeV' aoath rant ta a titsfai belgha. We yea say. "have a Preeadeal ska win will of tho Beepta by arampliag late da Tow were urmn iy ovarflowlaa mots yoar ssisar.

wna aaty reee ar To treat sa aver 1 baser oat tews la a novel way ot dtepoatag mt yet ail doae by a oaaairltta tar Ytas Prasidsat, aad the Coa vention whioti netaiaaiad him. aad by tha Fraaadea oal candidate I Te what have we eesae Are tie people, are thb Pamncsata alespiag at than patl Will tbey safir thamsarrse to sndastged to tbe tear fol precuniee snd made la Jtimp ever Do they realise what ta laid apin store lor tba sowauf Tbe -Presidsat ateet to epaeiysat thelawsl- at denanoe trample tbem ta the Sast," I By what autheriry ia to be eons lat sarwer aaa bets sworn to -sneiala. nphold aad -tend tba foaaniiiihwi Yea, and ha at also swe-rtt to tuthiuily iexeouae tha laws, That yoa Sa tail. an, hot yen ssw aa aa to lodge af the eoneTtisiionalny af a tew, sad if he thiaks tt aaaonautsuaaaal be, is treat it aa -aail and void." So, Uteanse, safl ts bew-York Con van bea. aad says Gov.

Ss-raaoaa, There aanaot be sound ht the whole history of aaea-tlva aotioa lh tbe United States a esse which ev npproaimataetatlunht boid. naked outlawry. lassie tarn siataaisnt aad ehalbwrige ran ta diapswva tt. What have rebels dona fur peace, for good govern ment, for tbs ICalotv, tor the North, that they sboaitf aa this uproar, Bsve ine aaers ef uitng tssn. down by a President sisot.

and etaiox the acuve sympathy of pairtotsT, Tea, what hem they done 7 any one et yoar aaw aasaa. friends anawojrr Ah I thsy have done smnalhroa The Jiew-york Convention ssvs ia one of its taey were "a asoet aallant and AstmaiBiit foe, wtuie li paid no such eomphmsnt to ear ewui men. Rut Uuis baudiul of ths delegates wwaasvng; pre.ent.U le true, to see west kind ef -too- they war, bat tbey eool4 compliment taeav Thta te one thiCst claimed for the lasargeaia. Libby aad sVadnraotv nils. I suppose, furnish tbe evidence of thatr rV teatry," and that as something ta teat? tevor ha tbe estimation ol; thatr northern trtsoda.

Bat yon a1- tad me they (SI more to sutius tbemservee to northern respect add Northern grati tarts. Tas. yea, then loaded na with a debt of three taooaaad sailboat of SuOare buried a half milium el ear young yssanari-a ry who ocis destroyed nan never ba sapphsd. rtflsd oar Woatmeree, burnt oar ships, ilb-salted oar Ug, strngghtd for tour years so break ap oar Govern merit. SUed too land withy widows aad Orpasna, aad aasaisiily bow sropuaa unaiBw ereil pawar, reduce year Barbara Bit--10 obedienea hgsia, aad pa mil tbe aaaa who saved the Unton soi be beware at wood aad di ewers water for thaml What a -moat raliant set th?" are; aad tor their benefit yoa tarn the Bsw-Xorb, batteries apes tho North to ley as a ormq oared batore onr rsyilars and marasrsra.

If we mors sen-respect thaa to submit, we deserfs to bg sisvsa poor, misaariea, daba'aitl 4ad eeward aiaves-. aawertay tha ascent reasaot af mankind. 11 1 tba ndioaiooa, aoneease aboat SOatbern I slteaii The Bs- and bwatbarn; entvaJry- bad York CcsrvaatioB went osBbsrsiery to 1 taa old annroa of nootaara saen bvappiyiac ta tbemj. the thmaobatp eosnpument, aaoat gsileat. lie.

Morth took th gaiteatry sairiy oat sf thaaa anrieg -the war, aad it would bo good policy for tbeat to b. have tusmselves a hula better hi the futare. Thstg friends te the Morth ara spotting aad Yea asdK Geaaral. are doing treat deal toward bV oeuer aavisa tbeta to get on their tiel id sjaa aot whs a UUJs common sense. Aa it to, yoa are ecu? bnat; lag on themi more soiiow yoa are sttrriBg' another war.

LB. MOJUUaV-' QuiBCT. SepL' 38, 1868. sw-werwey anlltienl Its ana. rV Gen.

KrLripucg haa made anomtinents id apeak tn Xsa-Jsrssy enrmg the aalsacs of Ibajssite'-; waas as tollowii KnrWweod, Oat. ITi Morrlsaawa a maea meeting. 96th: Bab way. 90th, Atnrnlatassaia are also being arranred tor htm at Patsrson. Ksy- port, Trenton.

INew-Brtroewick sad faaiilaa is Bon. Eomrria Coltix. tt te raoeotad, win snsefc I we wswMnp va rataraos ana sersey uiry. any Hon. K.

P. Rasas aad Major A M. Bow ana el Bunnora. will spesjt tbe Jersey Otty Wig asm enf ths ovaalag of Moadav, Oct. 19.

i.iir Hon. Maanvoei Catencm, of Ohio, sad Frof. St mU Hawxaxi. ol Bsw-Jsrsey. spoke ta Jersey CUy tea night.

,,11 lbs Demociata ef Bordeatowa deooratae sad ttently hgbted tbetr wigwam an Tasaday sweatee aad in riled all their friends ta scans aad hear tha returns ef thai eteooaas held la Peuneyrvaaia sacf 11 other Ststss sw that eny. When tho Santas over tha wires the Demoerata took sail dsn ly saekj. i tha lights waH put out at oacs, and Hi sis a tat am closed tor tbe tneeon. y. A brgs Bspnbliosn mmlsg was held at Msatohmv 1 Tuesday even tug.

which was addreesed by a. Hxaaat Wir asmaa and W. Taaoenoaaoab The'-1! retarna froaa be Bistss were rtsstasd with itiaa i- Whea the season 4 ss or is Hons of the Blath sasl-'i' Third Wards. Newark, aassmblsd for parade on day ssvs a Jsrsey City paper, tbey ware-'! troubled tor aarhlM by finding the door ef tasMT quarters Is ths Kreoirin Wmldiasa looked, and tber ma "Tbeea -run in 1 aa sst, la wmd- found also tbe aarchas had liimimmiad ander: aa attachment for debt, j-. do moto areakiBg ta blew Je-aev If they saw aaaaaadsc bat tbey think the ntata safe lor a good saajarity aoa" ansa and tint and Joan A Bhera, watboat' rhatone, Cot, e.

w. Funs at speaks st XVaehertewn Oct. tSi at Hswvon. sstbi at Boa, WTiJ.iaBT Bbosbl Bnots sad editor of the Coinage Tiilsnt, tae jersey wry wtgwmn. ueimiiay evsniag.

Oea. 94V. i' tm It Hi lift WUne Mnetav IW 3 Hon. 1. WarwicA.

of CalllorrMa: Jodsn W. lr -t Gate, formerly of Colorndq, bow of New-Jersey) John -3 L. Thomas. Moteei Bee. X.

A Btyaas, af Sams'- Cooatv. K. J.t aasaa. T- B. Yaa Bursn.

U. Tulsi i aad Joseph Jackson, of thteelty, srs working oof, the salvaaioB ef Mew-Jersey by good sraraav la a list of abent 160 msa legs, aowarraagad tar ta Bsw-Jsrsey, may bo lonad toe follow-mg array ot- susaisrs: nau jom x. roster, a-ror. n. aa.

iiaaastl. 1 xi on. eoaa aamaaon, tjass. a. a.

laoaa, Dixoo, Voi i. Lewis. J. Blaachard Kdgac, Dr 1- st. b.

Oiibert, Ji U. nailaon, fjoartlaad rarxsr, AW Q. Xaaaby, Bev. Dr. Tifiaay.

Hon. A O. OatteU, Hen. -krederick T. FrSiiashayeeo, Boa.

John HilL Hon. George A Tills ay. Hoa. Joba A B-sir, eodge Charlas H. Yoorhias.

Jamas Hays, Thorn aa Potter, i Hiram Walbrtdee, B. W. Ihrockmertaa. Cbsrus Mesa. CoL Oakay.

Dr. A H. Bobtnaca. Hon. SL i Oris wold.

A W.jjavenport, W. A Bagnrs. Baa. AW," at at or Jamas ttaggeny. uea.

asaasl i Bpaar, Dr. David Bali, Oapu W. ST. Grace, Cant, Sue. rase trshaa, ttoa.

jos-pn n. xtswasy, fawa.Arv Ban. M. teaartt aattsaws anaatx. ta arias ii Ja.St.Ciar.

Moav X. BatAtrg. Oracgs en tht 98.A aad at Rahwsy aa aha Goo. W.i nnrw, et sussBrnaeine. UewTs, of astral, tormerty ef li sad area.

A HslA, mt also aboat to saasr tba fieiL. H. Cairni.tra. of Ttrgtais, irioaea teat aighL aad will apeak at Mat 17th. Bon.

B. F. JeeWaosT. ef Charleston. tQ.1 ar af the Inwnhwnrs af that Staat, ta ateaag a rork.

He at Lastyette en the lata, at Ira aes vAlwlSta. boonioB Ilia, atPlitelon 19. at bayenna SOta. at aatSaid; Jh. CITT aaaTrTS.

Ttaxs TgSTXJrrAi- Vary earty ysstsrday aaoraing a fire etMtiied ea tha roof ef Joan Wn'. i eoaTs baksry, Xo. by the Fwt i dropping a Bgb ted fev the Pause with slight X9i4S a fire broke oat ta toe newneiaa oonbhen- i tt ef a A rrttri a cewat ertgiaattag aae extiugajsh tha fitmes they had sseaaiooed a teas of $A0o0oa stock, severed by faasarsnse. The prtmisee BSSnpUfl MB. nam, waa snsmmea onrni water i ruirj Insured, 8 P.

M.e third -r 1 ta toe dry goods store aaaaa aaaaa- ibiVL laatnaos-r, waa sasainsit 4aa aawis as taa iisn an. ahar ware eaulnaniaaad by tbe Police iieaniaaate lir'-T Are sceeorred ta tha brick heuse. eomr ef leath-aireea aad lrbtaave- 't ei tOikJ P. at eansso oy a eaxecuve coimney. and she fiamrs wars aaaaguisAad by taa Poiiea wua.

Q3iiXTiST-Th LorrC'-J all? wvst loarad- frsta the lower bay to her dock at AH iniibT sn-ot to Obsess tiBi will at Sonrrehe beerrtsS St aaauua. laad. Ysseeis rr-a dmssue pcana aoath ef Cspo Eniopwa will bs viauaooa by tae Batua "i' I tsptoi.y. a. tlcaxrao'C irxaAiv -A law miculea before 1 er'esoek CUs mo a.

AdtaBsymv roastta, a saaadard, I efgo. 41 TZir '-street. ernarrrtua Wttrimr Xu't, of hix tl i Hi-s-reet. the At tsus bote! ia tae new fcoeary. wrtea as subbed Lhasa la the i band, taaugb he evkisst'y in ten lad wee aim atoto Ins seal tat was arreessd.

Lrvriyo-ilACsrrs CrrAiToxa TJxios. A rzs- aer af aowtng nomsa mat at ICo. 88 Lasi roejwy, laatniF't, tor the fwrpuee of fantl-n WJ. to be eaid tha Bewvt 2-aicntae Oerau Ij it as inieajad that from this body a Bum bar ct ccCa- eraQve aoeiotias eonid ba lnnal lotir tih" iig-mschiaas, eiuar in Olaarwiaa. taasry ware oi Per base yon asav be thing ease 1 id -aasmpv: tbsaato isug" ended to bev KsjovK J.

WaswsaU assBasSSsfrUr' aAaase, asw '1 a. 1 ft.

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