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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 1

New York, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

r- i i. Ev. lit? vvrr -I 'J I I lrr is VUL. XVIII JJi'O. 5310.

i- t. WE W-FORK, WEDNESDAY; OCTOBER Fonn cents; mm timmMmtim -r i j- ii -w ill vy i i i a i i wa 1, i I j. t-s a i 3 i I i-itf 7 'ledk i FORGES MS BY Tha Great Uprising of the Spanish People. Revolutionary Blanifrstors, ProeU-. saUons and Bnlletins How Qaeea Eeceired tlia Uevs of tie lUrolt.

Scenes In the Capital-Indiffer-' ience of th Population. Mora CompUmentaiT Speeches by Mr. RTr(3j Johnson. Tb tmihip Ilammonia, from Hmbarg SrpC 93 and SonthtmptoD SpC U. aod no, tram tArmtVOfH SepC 30 aad Quaiutofn Sept.

17. rrlTd tbt port mtfrnloc. Tbay bring two Saya' Uir aawt tbaa iu on buul tT fb CKy Tba Brititk JTedieal Jovrmal eoataias lb nbjQlnd Utamaat: reffrt to thM tt prrmph Ihi Lnert rMMotD( tb OI Bit Ma teat haa vary HUla fonsdatloiu Tba baaltb Of Qoara baa, vi bopa, raoatTad aoma banana fron fit auanse of air and aeana. and aat tram bar aoav- pnbUa duilea; bat wtula Har Ifajaaty vfll on tan, aa bnrctofora, to ragnlaaa pnbOa bnainaaa. tba Qnaaa will not, wa laar.

ba able to bear ttia BtticnlisK xettement of a lentbanad rcaldanea in Ixndon. and ua aantlBnad raoaptlona attaadant on anob alr- Tu ilnxieur, 8nt U. eonUlna tba foUowlBf an. Bovnoj-aiMi: ArtieU 11 of tba Cabtar daa CbariM nndar waien tba eoneeaatoa tor tartnc a 'aaacranb eabla batwaan Fnoea and tba' Tnltad tataa baa baaa gnntad to Baron ZujlKOEJb and Mr. Svruv Bstm.

bound tha eoneeaalonnalraa, under pacaltr of lorfaitara. to prora btfiira tba Utb of Sap. taaahw Urat tba tecal eonatttntlon of tba OoBpany a oarry oot tba oneaaaioti with capital of ST.MO.. 04C. (1.100.0004 aaoondlx.

tba anbaoriptlon of tbo otaJ amount of abaraa eorraapondlnc to tbla oapitaj. Tbaaa two coaditlooa bar In bea fomOad, tba eon oeaaaon baa beeoma dcfloitlTa. Tba Arakbtabcp of Prwna waa in opan oppoaittoa to tba new iitwral Conatitatioa of Anairia. In a pi oral lettar addraaaed to tba clergy of Bobam'a. ba Saclara tba law on etril marriairo to ba nail and Told, nod tha Stata to bar no rlbt to abouab am aeclaaiaatieal inatitaoon ba tbraatena with a- oofniniin icotion all wbo ahould dara to denr tba aae- rmm ratal character of tba onioc at man and wit a.

A lacUr troaa Berlin anDounoea tbatlba offar made by Mr. Skvud to tue hla good offioaa tor tna i n.wai of friendly relatione botween Mexico and Prnawta baa bei-n aooeptad by tba latter. ioairuo. noai bave aexrordinsiy baao a.nt to tba Prnaalan Mia later at Waabmgton to abtar into preliminary aw-iroitailona on tba HepU 34 tna beid a pobUa eooaietory at tha Tma to confer tba cardinal' bat upon Mod a. aaair ai and Danru.

wbo were created card mala on tar- is of Marco. After tbla earemony, tba eon i.t rUl a itocj" drbrerad aldreaea in taTor of tbo tmauAo iUun ot MaaA 1 caoa. A aaoia eoneiatory waa attcrararda held. herofn bia bollneee eon- Srmed tne appointianta of aavaral arobblabopa and b.bop. Tub Official Jrmrnal pnbll.hea a latter from tha Pope to Biabnpa of tba Eaatern Rite not in Mm-aautttnn tin tba ApoeuJle Bee.

Bia Holtneaa la. tne divlaion, and inTttaatba Bebope to the Kcauientcal Couaeii, la oraer to remoTe ine axiau teg dill rencca, a ad effect a anion alio Home. I'm In rela ion ti the arreat of tba Oreck tm loye in tba Uaited Statea eonaalate at Otii. bad bean aetUed by uia liUoration ot iba man, eav tbe deuand of tba Ataarioan Miniaiar at Con lUDcpla. THE SPANISH REVOLUTION.

lauaairraatioiaarir MavaiireetoM. TO TU CAraXAXa. "The following proclanutUou is wddreasedto tha InbabUnit o( CaULoaUi Catalaki: I bare psnotnally kanl tbe tmolnV aaeat 1 aava trade with yon. Bat even bad I made none 1 aboald, have eotne an tba aaoie, tdnoa tbe dynaaiyr reward leaa of pavtotlo edriea, far rroea to. eerruptiBg I a career ot unraorauty and bypoortay, areata tbe eonatry aa an enemy and vroclauna war mgminat M.

In tbe war of Independence ear mthera eMooiehed tbe worM by tbeir beroteca. Tbey were rewarded by bar-tiff to enSer tbacrwal and groteeqne tyranny FttnsisajrB TIL In tbe rnl war we ia. abed our Mood aecnraonr treedom, end throng eat Kurope there le not one people whoee rtgbta bare been eoooted, whoae lawa nave been trampled a poo i bare te not a amale nation wboee wealth baa been aquandered. whoae nobtrat eona hare been pro. eoneca, av we emate esuna aa tna cpanieh peopie ana ute oiu wi mudb.

To arute Catalaaal Tbo nation eaa no lomgei enaare eo maeb ecendal and infamy I To arme I Tee wilt be a-abort ana. Krary elaaa at bo maty baa by turn been loaoliad aud tnjnred in It moat eecrcd ttlereeia all wtU baaten to daasnd bain, aati Tiadlcab. tbatr boacr aad dinltr. Tn rau I But let ne pray to heaven that we may not aave hi uea laeaa egaraa our oretatea Ot tbe army. lkf OoTernmeat d.atruata tha army, and Joatly ao, ae ti lare, laal lalinfal to ita glerioaa traauttonu aboald lead an ear to tbe toisa of tba gallant eh tela wuo baTe aa of' en led it to notary aboTa all.

It taara that the armv ahbnld not torn a deal ear to tha votee of tbe country, which in tola anpreme crtala ealla on all ner cailorea to make a atreaaeaa cSort tor ber moral and poliuoal regenerauoa. Uaal mat be achieved. Catalaaa. we ahaQ de-nerve, we aaall glory la tbe name of ratal, wbton tyraoay baa applied to ua aa a augma I Xarly in tbla -eeiiturywe were eallrd rebea, when we protected egeiaat the igLooilntoaa tegaey by wbteh an Imbecile King leit tna nation to a toraiam nanrner u. ar ex which a lortugn army atrove to enloroa tba exr cuivo.

wa ware ueataa aa eonqoared rabela rebela we aball remain nn vio.ory, avenging oar noble aaeea.ura. aecuraa jorever ear iieaniiia and that at oar cu.lUren. Tuea we aball bow to tba law wbteh tbo taatioa ttaelt may pea the nation maet decide bar own Caw by turena ol axivetaai an race, through Cor tee wut ne eaiiea aajtwaynafm a title wbjcb baa le.t gioatoae momoriee amag aa. Meanwuile, beloved teuowoldtare. eolalera of freedom, wbeiaer yea oeiong to aha people or tbe army.

1 Bava noinicf to aak ot yon. 1 have; ao re. waroa to proml-a tfcoee wbo atll Sock around ate. 1 wea't aak you to be brave; yon are bat loo moeheo. 1 won't aa soa to be eobr.

to to patient oadar nard- abipa. for atau ive the example ot eodaranoa. en- yon are too boiiloaeaxted not to wiah to do aa wed aa a. 1 prvmiee yon nothing, for yon and I aarve no pee f. -muv.

inen private en era. we aarve the country, fct will not recoarniae tbe ra-wara ba- toard on tauee who bava longbt againat her. waea ntll obl.terate tba bet of the aalanad mtniona ot toe i.ynaaiy, wUl know hew to reoom. peaie uom wbo cbeeriolly lay down tbetr Uvea to rtadtcate tbatr mat treeuoaa aaM 1 dbouvre to the TopaJaHona that nrtvaa nronaetv aad tea eacraoaeae ot be dooBeeiio hearth abaii bo reataraoaaiy reepected by all nadar my at dara. I bona I abaU have ae paaiabmeat to bat it I bava I yoa my word will be exeeilarT Trva fa namea Jaoare-nf rtvaa let Certet I BAUlkUCa.

to rcopu or maobjix. The Bavoia tooarv Oommittae have pabMabed tba lotlowtBg precUatauoa to the fMOple ef Madrid! I Tbe boar eo uneutteatiy exr acted attawuMaa, Lttorij baa rmveo wbae waa bora aa tee btnalag of tarn center wnien tbo oen-lury ot brtaaian rcganeratien. Oar yal.aat laaman. wbu, on their retain ae tbetr aeon try, which lacy deleaved with ao muob aoaraara, tonnaf it lmpover-tebed aad asaiaved by maoleatand deaplcabae man tanat, nave, toaetber wkb oar brave eolalera. anil, ad wita tba people.

Tea. tha peoute aad the army, tea whole natioa baa ctana againat tba tytenny wh oa oppreaaea aa, tho tmmoradty whieb egradee aa, tba laeotanoa a hica bnmUUtaa aa. The Inhena. leaut at htaurtd will not no tea kaat to nee. tat tbey know aad tbey abominate tbo waweatay aad Ola.

honoring yox waiofe opprtma an. Baa ae not now apprei to your cenraga; wo appeal to yow pra-deaoe ajoae; be prevored tar tbo eombai. bat do not rovoaa it. y-areae wa abali have ne need acbt, be ranee tbe awleiaretn wboee aatdea wv hveare alee bberaa, boo ihay axe bat waiung tor the aooa-aaea to aule vtta tbe oeopM sad their broth' ra ba arms. (k ali.

Maralora, lor too inieua which near at band. Tna dawn of our trinmnn, whian wut be tbe trtamph at rtgat, af Jaetiee ana of bate ay. eaa aat a atanaar aaat anUj eaanatao at ear noiy reroiaaaaa aUega will boum epnaar. Jaw w'll abni BtMN prove that v- .1 robbero aad moeadlanea. In driving from thaeoaa- try tboea who exalte yonr holy inuicnation, yoa will at rba aame time ihs that yon neve all tbe virtua tnat beioag to baaoee which tova hberty.

Mean-j while, obeck yonr mdigaatioti, and do not even ex-j hlblt algae of Joy lor tbe trtampb of our eaoaej which la alreaiiy ear. If the Committee Awn I neeeeeary that yon abonkl abaage yoor peaceful at-btnde for one of raevfre. tbey will give yon timely aouoe. Walt, therefore, lor tbo eigne. Wa ahall not asva It By aa appeal Uka tbe preoeat, lor oar one.

to lee. or impatient or til- informed fnende may make ana of It aad proonoa a ereah which we wteb to avoid. It will be given to yoa eeeretly by tried frlenda. Diatrnat all other cotmaol. Prudence and Vnubeee are what ere required at preeent.

Tbjb Kat TiuaAJt coaumxa Mapam. to Tta Aiucr. Tba r-aria Gamlei publiabea the following fcato to tbe arm Omotu Bourraa Up to tha preeent time yon have Mnght agalaattaa hard axigenelea ot died. pUne. beoaaae yoa are not aaiarlea mlnlone yon mil a Oeneral more celebrated by bia aoortasan baae-neat than by bia mUltary aatlone bat many a Span.

Uh ctuaan aeea with pain that roar beyoueta aerva to prevent tbe popular indignation bdfotisg forth ageinai a OoveromaD wbieh baa pillaged tha country, which bee given np tha command of the army to the portleana of abeolattem, and wbleb bee atolea trum aa, one after another, the guaranteea and lib-erbee eonqaerad at eaob a greet piloe on the held of battle. Bat yoa will betray tba country and yonr oath if yoa do not raepond to the cry of hberty which baa been by the liberaliPronncee of Anrteltiaia. and which will very coon ba repeated by the whole of tha nation. Oar valiant nary, which baa given ao high an example of oonrage on tbe watera of tha Paolflo. and all tba tOToea of the army in Andaluela, hare tenter-a' aad with tha people.

All tofretber, tbey bava rsiaed the ataadard ot eoelel and political regeneration of Spain, which. In the has da of her mlaerabie governor, marc baa toward tbo moat abamafol rata aad degradatton. At tbetr bead are to be found the valfaat Sxn-BAjro. Ftubt. Duxes, and eeveral otaer iUuatiioua generale wbo are the aymbol of tha union of tha hole Liberal Party.

In each eapretne moment what ought yen to do fir main by tba elda of a Government aa much deep teed hated? Croae bayonete with your brotberat Jfo. 8nch conduct would draw down on oar country the greeteet of caJaxattteaclrtl war, and yoa are tta delfcndera, not iu hangman. Tha. men who oppreae, who' ineult, and oanee Spam to bluah, are not worthy to be da. ended by the valiant eoldlera of the noble rfpeulah army.

It reete with tbe Police, tbe worthy frlenda of auch vile Oovemmenta, to support theia. Ihey do not merit one drop of 8 pas la blood. And it will not be abed 1 What boneat man oould draw hla aword in tba defence of what offanda all the world, and hunuliatas aad make tta bluah There la, however, no pocafble reelatanee when tbo pallet) oe of a patioa ao reaigned aa Spain baa been exhauetod, are all Spanlab, aad wa all da-Ire tke triumph of Juatice and liberty. Officer ana eoldiera. to-day your eonraaa baa no employment, yoa have no enemiea to oppoae all ar frlenda, au are brother.

Tour attitude, firm bat piciflo, will Auflioe to aeeure the brlamph of a re vo ration the moot holy, the moat aeoeaaary aad the moat profitable ot which Spain ba over been tbe II aome regard It with fear, apprehenalTe that it may be aooompanlad by lamentable diaordera. let them be aeaured the Spanish army la laoapebte of committing orlmaa, or of letting other peraoaajpom-rnit tbem. i Ofhcera and eoldiera. Spain bleaeea yonr patriotic reaoiation I Wlthont flghting, aititoat effueion of bluod, end wlthont diaordera, we are about to ae-eompheh oar redemption, and ah ate off tbe yoke wbiob baa welgned on oa eo long. yjoam with the Government! Long hve the aauoa 1 1 lamg live aatiuaal eovereignty 1 1 A GeTcraeicnt fcrola aaat torn.

Tbo following proclamation ia from Marabai Coicii Masud, Sept. 31. hereby make known, that under tbe very grave etreumeancee througa which the nation ia peeking, tbe whole Kingdom having bean declared lb a atate ot atege, ae I am deslroua of conciliating the execution of the law with the respect due from me 'o leRul-mate intereeta and honorable persona, I order ee to Howe 1, From tbe pubbcatton of tbla decree there ahall not be permitted in the streets or squaree group or assemblies of people, no matter wnat tbe nam ber of Individ uala, and all tha agent of authority wl prevent euea eollectloaa wltn tbe yreateet urbanity, but under the aicteat reeponaibility, eo that the atoppagea aball be tranal-tory. Kvery person who resiaia tbe orders of tho polio to more on aball be inexorably arreeted and ptaoed at my diapoaltioa. S.

At the algual of alarm, wbleb will be a cannoo-ahot fired at my oommand, all tb inhabitaate who do not wiea to auffer the eon. seqoeneo of their enrtoelty or Indifference aboald withdraw to tbeir bonaee, ao a not to be mistakenly treated aa enemies by tbo 1 troop. Men of Madrid I I have alwaya reenected all opinion manifested arma. and I ba-ve the right to expect yoa to par au teation to thee dlapoeitiooa of mine which aprmg from my duty. In Catalonia I bava alwaya reetored order when it ba been disturbed, and neverthelcaa I believe I pceeeae the good opinion ot that udaa-brion people, beeanaa they know how to eeamaie the foroe of my obligation.

I bava a similar last on to tnllfU here, and I promise ruyaajf a Ilka ra-eeption from yoa, who may be eerlain that. It publio traoquillity ta distaxbad, I aball Immediately i i M15TIL OTJTirjiBiZ DI Li C03CHA, Bow tfae Iaiarrtetloa wa Co: teatoecTU yVest Lt Stick, pt. 30. i The eop do matt at Cadlx waa executed with a promptitude and derision which doee much honor to Admiral TovsTB. It ia he, sa we have said, wbo eemrneaded the Iron -plated squadron tn tb road off St, Fernando, wbio Is the arsenal aad sdranoed part of Cadis.

It had been previously agreed thai aa aooaaa the Generals who were expected from Loexlon and tho Canary Ia leads arrived, tbey aboald be received qn board the ships of tbo squadron, and taat betng folly prepared to bombard the towa, tbo Admiral ahould amxnoa tba Gov. ernor to surrender tbo oity. Tbla ax. scaly woe took place I On the IT at tbe break -ot day, the, tour frigates in tao pert, the Zntonre, the reraan, the TtUt Jfadrtd. and Xsa-eeba wooden ahipe of the line, prepared for ae-tioav Tbo two baste Hone niarinsa, formlns part of tbe garrteon, anpportad that moTeeaenC One ot them took np a position on tbe Corioduro, or roadway, wbieh connects tbe rock of Cadtawl tbe land; tbe other battalion occupied the a tat ion of the Xerea Hallway, and thus mad tbeiuselveo maetere of the exnnmanlcetlon with Seville.

It is eaued that the Governor, with maeb, tndignatioa, refused to negotiate, but, oa observing the etat of thiaga around him. be aaw plainly that tba soldi ere war beat tatlna; how aa act. Two bomb fired upon tbe town, on after tho other, aul-aotently demonstrated tho Intention of tbe Insurgents, and the Governor yielded. The taking of Oadia farmed only one pert of the nlaa agreed upon between tbe Generals. The result ot tbe ether enier-pnae to ba anaartakaa tn other parts of tho terrV tory waa awaited with mnett anxiety.

It wa very aoon learnt that Gen. Ezdurxano had caused a rising in nertlls aad nearly tao whoia of Andalusia; that Bil.nmfrm. having arrived from Paris, had penetrated into Cetaloaia, aad that AaMnrrr had entered Ara-gon by tha valley of Aran. Aa will be aeea, there to bare an aroa otrela termed eroucd the monarchy of Taaasii a. and wbiob, it the (a tea are propitious, will go oa eoautaetlac la etrenmterenoe toward tbe centre until is nprnecha the taroao bad deatroya tb Plrat Seralatleaary Bwlletlai.

Tbo BcToIationsry Comxaittoog first bulletin road v-, We begta, war beait fall af Joy, lb paobeetioa of tb bulletin, which will contain ao execs eeeeunt of the progress of oar revolution. It bacaa at Uedix; Hberty has res us dialed where lt was bora. A steamer left Cedtsoa the 8 tnaa, to tatoh tba Gen erale sxiteo at the Oaaariea. Two days bernre aaotaar asamer sailed xroas sSaaland bavtag aw beard Gaa. Pats! and but staff, frnxai sailed tor Cadis, where oar vallaat "aaat expauad htm.

He Bomaooned oa board on of tbe war oatp all tbe Generals who, with tb sailors, altered tbe Sre err of liberty, whach waa at once reported at Pedis aad Sea portaat ptecea. oar vaiiaat Bailors eat the telearaphio aommaaicatiaa with the powers at Madrid, bat tba aewe of their ranest suaVsed aa roaae to tbatr ssiiet enea aba porajauoa of Seville, wita the wools gam aaa. kUlsga, Gewaada, Xerea, the whels ot Aa dalwata did tba aame. All wa doae wlthont tCuaioa of bsood. with out obstacle, for there waa not to bo seand a singla Spaniard prom peed to OlohmteT htmaalf by fiahung tor what tba whole nation displsse.

At the atma tale hwlletta leans th wboae Beat will bar Sallewad tho example of tta biceheie of Cadia. The Government, peralyad by aa atmak a etroag aad ao aaaxuaeiea. oaratatry ounces Is the sad aaw It raeatva ttaaa everrwberei bat that ajsiesa will ao eValay tor a siagia day tsve triaaaph of a revoluacai teared only by tbo spol ators of ths eouatry. Tha troopa at Madrid anly wait for a favor able oncaatoa to ttatarnla with the people aad their entasis ta xaw aa awe watt tot wum tail eoavSit aaoa, aad with tha eeeacanee that no a tag.1T wtnesai im i i nah, 4 i si -i Qaeaai laaaollav Keoatwe tao VremfMwawsstoas frmm. Brj.

1 1 i Sao tunwig af Uo lata, and waa aooa apread llnawab ibi towai fso tsaabttasbj war ntaind to da deekad. ta say tbo aolors wbieh ao4 ku front tbo wladowo Asawom aaOneea as ta a eeaeetl. end tbatr islibsrsilnas btaasd aattt daa "ais BaAVo. 1 raqaire a it to aaa- farms at taeae areata aba a sa rosea ta ta a eeaaeH. end tbatr isliliatsilnas aataad tha Osi is had aald te.

M. flaw 1 1 as "la tao praasat mi i eases its Gaasral. laat aaaaarh was ooauraial ln him to give ia hla rvslrnation. Be understood aa aaan. and tbe Utrlater aoneer ta bava last- dia-Wy occupied tb em-el Tee wita the choice ef their enffceeeors.

indeed, at I o'clock tbey sect to the palace for Harsael Coscka. Marqais de at Havana, on behalf of tha lean, ao aaa mm to farm a Cabinet. Tbe Oeneral accepted the charge; out cn crm. ainou toot ceraaut pareoua. eepedaUr a.

MAarowx. cbiet major-domo, aboald be removed from tbe pal ace. On tbe monuc of tbo 19th tbe Mai quia le.t or asmi wrta m. tSAXBA, wbo bad reaigned tbo T.partment ef Marine. Before am departure tbe Minieter who retained tbeir portfo'ioe cntal the new Admmlwtrataon should be formed, decreed tbe state cf siege, and placed tba whole Peninsula under maris law.

Vest Opinion fTatumaU. Srj. tt- Miaisler Joes xs la Coscaa cent Mr. faaXASfAWOa to the 2een, to insiat apon her returning immediately to Madrid with the Prince of the Astoriae. if aha wiahad to ear bar dynasty.

Bat Mr. Saxamas. ca sxidud that it waa necessary she ahould separata herself from Maxto.i (the reigning favorite.l Her Mij.e'y la eald to have found taat eonditJon nnac oeptitble, and to hare replied that tbe Bpaniah people were a shameful people (ptttbU tadeonats.) aud that ahe waa not aaxtoua ber eon abonld reign over a nation of roOinrt and twatnti) Scens la the Capital. Madrid (SepC 31) eorrespondrmot rOte DaiTg JTewW. To a stranger there la nothing ta tao appoar- anoe of Madrid, or Ita population, to awaken on pick) a aa to the grave state of political matters.

Tbe Pnelta del 8ol, which I over look from the room In tb hotel where I am writing, ta crowded with per. one, some lounging about, other iandlcg talking together, quite regardless of tbe Ooveroor'a order, buying newepapera, amoklng, sitting round the fountain, in the centre, or reading the Gover nor's proclamation on tbe walla. Tbla Puerta del Bot la tha great centre of Madrid, from whence all the chief atreata diverge. It le an Irregular place, of somewhat oral eaape, eurrounded by large blocks ot build in r. prmei pally abopa, ealea, botela and Government olBcee.

of wmca the largest structure is tbe Government house, an unsightly, shabby building, with a clock turret, two long rows of windows with green Jalousie blinds, the lower portion le Just now crammed with soldiers; indeed, tbe whole city is rw arming with military aa well as with thousands of Guardiaa Civiles. an Institution somewhat corresponding to our Police, and of which tha country for miles around baa been robbed, to protect Madrid. Ibeee men ere to be met erery minute patrolling tbe etreeta in twos and tbreee. Tbey are a fine net of fellows, superior in appearance to the soldiers. Last night we wete awoke by a larse force of heavy artillery carriage paaeing through tha Puerta del Sol; but all day the troopa hare baen moved about in every direction, i Tbe cafit are crowded, the abopa all open, displaying jewelry and other costly artlclea.

a if their propMetora bad lit le apprebemuoa of any danger, though at tb same time there ia doubtless great abroad; and I learned thia afternoon, from one otlthe beet sources ot Information, that tha oountry ia in a moat critical state. All yesterday and part of to-day tbe weather was oertaluly ia favor of toe authorities, and nnpleaeant enough to aamp toe most revoianonary ardor. Tbe rain poured down In torranta. the wind swept with an almost icy blast throua-h the streets, the damp and coldneea of the etmoephere reminded me of London tn Sorember. As I looked down on the Puerto del boL it looked bke a moving maas of umbreLaa, and even the weekly bull-ngnt had to be postponed.

I hare been am need by watching the erowda collecting to read tbe severs! prociamstions of the two Governors wbo have aueoeaded each other la two days in New Oaatila among tnem. and also headed Bando," In large letters, la one from the civil Governor which has nothing to do with politics, but hsa evidently arisen from the Abergele catastrophe aad prohibit tha trananort of petroleum oil in large quanariea. Close to these on tbe Government Mouse, wbieh la a mass of mils of all sixes and ool-ore, are announcemenia of excursion trains, theatri cal pertormanoee, bull-ughta, destbs, religious cer-enjonie. the gngHah welches of Mr. SaTiix.

an enterprising Liverpool tradesman now tiaveling through Spain, and the wonderiul cur ot his Holiness tue Poi by Da Barry' lie Talents Araoica an advert iaem en wiiica see. lis to be conspicuously posted on the walla in every town on the continent. rrencl Isapertal ana Pspalar View of tbe Sltuatlou. Pkrti (Stpt. 231 C9frnoiiaVao of tke London Timn.

The 8iide say "The Emperor was doubtless on of the first persons Informed, for In tbe cffljial news, st the date of tbe that is to say, the very day on which Gossarxs Bbato resigned, we find Gen. di Castujiao paying a visit lo Her Mist Catholic Majooty. Gen. ra Castkxmau is Alde-de-Camp to tba En peror, and he went deou'ed by hla maater. It euo.d only be a nait ot condolence." About tbe condolence I ean say nothtcg, but it is true taat the Km peror waa very early Informed of tbe movement, and perbapa smiled ta hla sleeve at the preparation making for tho lnteicbaage of rlcit which be knew would not come off.

One ae-oonnt giren, however, is to tho effect that alrea en the 17th ins ant, before the toaurreoiion broke oat, wbteh occurred only cn the 18ib, Count harrxsTA. who had been the hearer of ah extremely warm letter ot thanks from Isabbiaa to Maiolkos for his good reception of Count sad Cout-eaa Onwxrrl, delivered to bia mistress an answer wbtoh Waa tar from being what ahe desired. It 1 affirmed that the Emperor therein said that he had giren tb young people the reception they deserved, that It was not worthy thhanXl seqt aq4 auH leas worthy that tbo Qnn tbonld take the tronbla tba propoBoa ol thanrtng him (ha members Of tb Soyal tamlly of Spain should be alwaya welcome whan they chose to risit the Court of Prance. Ne word was added about returning any visit tba Queen might pay. If thia eooouut ba cor.

ract, It would seem that the Emperor, while Tnius-10 yield to domeetle importunity, did not really in. tend to bay sa mterview with the- 0.uea. To suppose tbat be avoided It on the 17th on soeeaat of th aoAbreak at Oadia, wbieh was to occur on the 18th. would almost bo making bim aa accessory bet ore tao fact. Where now ts Siatar Paxbocxsxo Of what aae has been tbe taet of the Pope'e sending to IssaaxxA the golden rose, the emblem of virtue 1 What I Spain la Catholic ah has monks, biahopa and priest Innumerable, and rrwointion penetrates there ts ia heretic coon tries 1 Tbe fact is Incredible, and tba Queen did not at drat believe it.

boa tha intelligence arrived more and more siarminr. and tne reality forced itself to be st last credited. In these supreme -moments crowned heeds become flexible as reads. Ber Majaety, ae haughty and tmpetaoas. Is aow euttaned.

and willingly or unwillingly agrees to act. The Ministry mast be ebsaged, ahe is told, and at onee ahe enarree Marshal Cososa to form a nsw Cabinet. It la in that way that concessions ta saiYsin alwaya commence. The programme of the revolatloa ie perteciiy clear; it proclaims tba deposition ot tba Bourbon dj nasty, and thus utterly deatroya tba bopea of Dow Cantos as well es those of ths Infanta Masia Louisa, good and hooeatrelatrvse who ardently covet the sueceeeioa of Isabella, and would ask for nothing bettur than ta nail VP a Crown out of troubled waters. Afterward, Provisional Government la to be anbeti-tuted and a Constituent Assembly convoked, which ahoaLl decide finally en the oeatutiea of Spain.

1 bis scheme la a prudent one; aud we hope that all sensible men, all good dtistas on tb other aid ot th Pyrenees wbo tors their eouatry will support It. It la the oootrine of the Bpenieh revolution, of ths national soreralgaty, aad we sepeat that -it -at la not executed to-dar, ta will be to-soosvonv Tbe foroe of thtage ia what proclaims aad wlUa and not we. Tb Pan in aula baa two great taalte: first, ths monks, aa latolerant evergy, who careluliy abarish Ignoraaee. faaatssiam, aad tae most note, uious snperstitiona; eeeoed. aa anbridied aoldiary wsthont any eoaterpotaa.

These mast abeoiately be Sored or tbe patient will die. But ttauoua do not expire without taeir own consent. As lo tbo Boor, ban monarchy, lt la track to the heart, aad wa ana. earely hope that the present movement will rid the Peaiaaula af it, Thia -first step vU be Tbe principle obstacle will bo overthrown, lb re-actiea of wbieh tha centre Is at Borne had three haadquaxters Tteoaa, Nantes aad Madrid. The flret baa burst re bewda.

tbe eeeoad threw itself ta the anatatSinsiLDL and tha third is now going to aaisnctpsia ijott Irom Its hmg aaiyery. Owaeermlwg Proaota lwter-vew tlasi. set Is escnaai eVs CibU. StpL i Wohavoboen much, s-urprwed toseoalnrgo number of Sngnah papora baatootrig to protest sgalast any species of intervention ta Fraaea ia tbe oalT Power that soeud aibly in tart era. Now, Ptano aaa too eoodly pro.

anmad the principles ot nsiionalitieo Ho thlnx ot preyentlng the Spaniard from ahooaicg such form of govern men as may please them, or from in true t- Wa aid oaoe forcet the respee doe ta every aafaoa'e wtU, and we bed no reason to caav gaatalaio euraarves wpoa having a one ao. ioboay la Praaee, we ere fully persuaaed. wid eoooaave tho naiaaky idea of sending to Spain th soldiers that haveealjr toot retaraad nesa Mesaoay t-i--- (, 4 t-- i Xncllssi Oplalasis a taat Bos. JVwst fas London Tim, Sept. J.

ot Kothing naa at present teaaspired to make fkla country leal personal and selfish ia-torsst in this Bpaniah Xwayvmont. BI bwr Ecghak atatado a on hslarnauua. owos to tbo snasnt, as far as prseilesblo, of wtthAeleTtag tbo raflmettoa of a mare JSlBOlby. wwalA bo SM things 8. -way Us lao Uearaoto of this raaa it meat ta aa Janremteil at af a weak 8 ami naa torttlng itrwaee aad plow tor it ovortbrow.

or tao satsare of power snder it Govwrassont which aaatb seek deepnte)y to dlvwrt aba sttacks Of tao vanoas parties ia tha eoaaary tram tisaft so soon real etrjeas. Baa wa aaslrea ner Asaisaatisas aavw tbay ar now sbaosro. eoaaary are ooa weaUd be the fsoatn aeraeu. grvaa bar a satr ehsaee iiaaao aad a haar I wbea her rulers bare shown a nubile sptrit, rha prosperity of th aowntry bea ever rteea aa if by magic There have even bean permda nadar tha present reign at tb time preoedias. aov rnstanee.

the Morocco wai wbea tho -Kins, dora seemed ready to emerge aad reeusne tta nainial rank tmpai AWopesa Powers. 1m anosed weatta of malarial resources is ahundamiy tsrerieiaed. Bus a race with a history Uk ita, of sttiray rastsasnss at bom to forelgs oppression, and of eiabbornry paaped rradomiaanea. asoa spocb, abroad, mast have, too, a national apirtt lying somewhere bidden. We believe that turn wonld apoeer if dniy summoned, and when evoked woald prodnos ia So.

rope a different opinion of Spam irom say whicn it baa bean able to form Iron the Court of Qaeea laa. atriA If the pending raroiutloo only lorow this eptni to tne snrtaee, taer anil a eaaat fo fas Ston(Ui eftk Bourbon dtnoMtm. ENQIiANIX Host, nercrdy Jottnsoa at Leeds. TYcm (A London Timot, 5r. 29.

Yesterday, tho Hon." Rkvexdy Jonaow, tho tha new kUnistor tit the United Stales Government, who has recently arrived la tbla country, yisired ths metropolis of the West Biding. He bsd bees staying with Lord Hocohtos, at Tryston Hall, sod Lord sad lady Hocohxos, Bir A. Morcx. and ofbar dlstkn. gniahed persons, accotnnenied Els TCxoellency from Prystoa Hall to Leds.

They reached that town about 1 o'clock, and wore met at tha Wellington Station by Bir Aire it rw and Lxdy A. FATttmirnt (ths Mayor and Mayoreas.) Twenty-two gentlemen i tha Council of the Leeds Chamber ot. Commerce were also preeent to welcome the Illustrious American. The Major conveyed him in bia carriage to lbs Town Ball, where the Town Council were assembled. Having been introduced to the corporate body and cordially welcomed by tbem, tbe presented an address, to which Mr.

Jofotso replied aa fol- -owa: Mr. Mayor and gentlemen Tbe eommieeion oOTjf erred upon me byaiy Gorarnmeut will be productive to myself, nod pub, of that happiness which so tar has It. Prom the moment I landed apon your shores no to the preeent time tbe greatest possible kiadneea bss been extended to me. very much to my dellgbt and gratification. My country will conalaer it an esmest of tbe friendly feelings yon have for tbem that all Her subjects, I am glad not only to believe.

but to know. enU-rUtin toward me so gracious a feel mg. Applause. We are, in fact, but one poop). Hear, hear.

Our dispositions are the same, our re ligion ts the same. and. above all, aa the means by which tha others are bound together, oar leagued Is tbe lime. Hear. Bear.l That smgnaaa.

wherever apoken, whether by aa ng- nanman to an American or oy an American to an st once feelings of brotherhood rrom personal experience, h-om the moment I put my foot oa your shores not now lor the first tima I leit that, although in one sense I waa in a foreign land, I waa not a stranger. The shake of tbe hand reminds me of homer the kindness with which I sm met reminds me of home; the tbe personal similarity I ace around me reminds me of home; and, above all, your feellnge and aenti. meats of pclitloal liberty, which lie so deeply and ao firmly aathe foundation upon which your Government res fa. remind me ol home. lApplsnee.1 And I shall ever rejoice thst the Government ot my awn oountry baa conferred upon me tbe oppor.

unity of becoming mors acquainted with the people ot inn- land than I could have noped to be it cirenmaianees had beea ottjet wise. Thar are but few difftrencea existing new between oa; few in my judfment, and unimportant unimportant, because they eaa be amioaoly adjusted unimportant because feat ami. ccbie ttr juHutent stay es ocromplUhed wuhomt aaisawg to far oagltUH eegrs tne Arete? of toUotr aatam. It would be to me and to my Government a matter of ths deepest regret if la tae ssitiassuat which wa ars about, I hope, aoon to make another Government ahouid suffer in its own opinion, or in thatot ibe world at large. My Government will do nothing lo detract from its own reputation, I know: but I know, alao.

and with aa much eerteJnty, that yonr Govern ment Jl da nothing wbton can in tbe de gree tarnien ita refutation, uenemen, ail 1 can do. in cot-ciuaiOD, is to thank you eollacuve.y sou inui-nduaLy for thia mark of your respect, and to aasuiM yoa that in my negotiations witn yoor troveinment, it will be my earnest dealt and I bare every nucon to believe that desire will be fulfilled not only to mninialn, but to strengthen the rnenuiy relatione which have eo long happily ex eted between ibe two notions. With my bet tuauka to yon, Mr. Mayor, and to all present, I for a time bid you edica. Three cheers for th Unltsd States were called for by the Mayor aad given heartily, after which Hia ExoeUcncy waa conducted over tke Town Hall and to tho Pine Arts Exhibition, where tbe Execut.vs Com mittee him with sn address.

In reply lo blob Mr. Jusnsca again epulis in a friendly strain of compliment. GEORGIA. Tfso BJeotlota af Colored Keen were Prows xfaa Aat Appeal ta Cast-cress war Ked rese. Tho roOcrtrmg tnemorial, intended for preaen- tatlonto Coiigress st ta Septan btr acttloa, but, owing! to tha.

aJJouromeni, sot nraientad, It pub- hahed In (be Washington Oretiiefs to OU Croft Vnitod fttaJt i 1 undersigned. Boon blicxn members of tba Lesnelatnra of Georgia, duly elected by tbe snffrag.s of tba torsi voters ot the State, beg leave to invoke the ata-otlen of tbe conrrese to tae state or umgs ia, Oeeral aad ta ths unwarraatabie nenrpetlow ef tha Demoore'lo member of tho Lrgltleture of tta Stat. I ur memorialists, rcpreecDi test tns.xgi.. lain re i was organised by. Major-Gen.

G. O. Is BSD aa Mili ary Commander ol.the Third Mill, buy District, and all pars ne who- bad obtained tbe highest number of votes, and wbo- scnsaied to be elected, were awont in aad permitted to take their seats; in tbe number were three persons of enlor in the Senate and tweotr-niae in tbe House of Bepreoentativee. Gea. Mbapb, after tbe organiss.

Hon In tbe manaer sbove specified, oriered tbe two Houses to purrs themselves by tbe exclusion of sll parsons tnaiivltre nnoer constitutional amendment known ss the (Fourteenth Ameadment. After the appointment snd report of com. mn tees, both Homes pawed! reeohtitons de. elartns all silting members when. tn fset, taera were a number of nersone holding aeala in both branenee ot tn xgteiatara taat were and ars aot eligible under said oonsrltorioaal amend ment Upon tha action ot both Borneo being Cer tified to Gen.

Mbaib, be recocru'xed them se finauy aud fnliy organised, and sea-miued tbem to proceed to bn sin ess. ror a tune no assaults ware maae a pen tbe risk a ef members wbo held seats. It ns how ever, aeon discovered that the profession; of kind. expressea oy ueroocraoe members, wnen taev were oa trial, were mautoere, and mats only tor effect, as resolutions were introduced snd have been passed in both Houses declaring all the colored mem bers ineligible for no other -reason except their color. But the wrong did not atop.

here. Not only were the colored Bepreseatativea and gen tors expelled, but tbeir Democratic eppocen's in tbe rare, who received tbe next highest -vote many of them received very small vote, some leee than one hundred, and part of tbem dearly ineligible oa account of participating directly or indirectly tn the reboi-hoo bare beea stale. 1 in place of tbe colored niaea bare expelled. Not only has ao beea made into tbetr eligibility, but one of the Houses ex preealy refused to Investigate th matter. Now.

yoor memorialists iu Dm it to yonr hOBoranie body that, tn oaoe th colored members ars aad war Ineligible, and ail who sad witnia tba scope of tao probtbitioa of the OonstltTitioasJ smendment wars xemded, no legal action ha been taken upon th constitutional amendment or any other question. In view of these facta. yoor memorialists respectfully ask tbat -court or eommaaaaon ba eslslaishsrt by Coagrees ha eocoroaaea- wita tha- plenary noaoio siren- to Ooegreee by said amendment to inquire into and pot npoo tb eligibility of such members of ths General Assembly, aa well aa each other oXucer whose right suay be quae tin cd on account af at participation as ths rebellion, end that the Judgment ot said court or commission, wbea rendered ia each ease, be final and conebxsive ss to tae right of sues person to hold coos. After the paraasioa of tbo Boose has been bad. yoor maasonaliate aaa that all per.

eaas duly els eted to tee Lespsiatura. aad aos toels grots under tao eoaetl rational amendment, no allowed to resnmo tastr seats and retain tbem till they ar rejected by a BUr dsoleiaa of aural legta. latloa. Tons memorialists arcai further retawsaa to your honorable body that wtaoa tba ecte above poenaa ensealed, tb So of Bins eeenlal use bar psssul btt' the right to art on ta jury In ear State. yowr raenaortadBtavaseo raspea-fatly submit to tbo swclstrs Mt Ooagzoao whether the snssillaatasl smeodsteot bes aeea adowtei by the Legrssware of Oeorgia, aad wwethwr further legislation bt not aeo.

saary betor th State eaa legacy resoms ber aUafew aa a Stata in tho Caaoa. eaultla te all th armies of loyal 8-at. i- i Tear aasannlsKsIa snseat these tacts ta TbebshT of tbsmaslre aad over six hundred gad Bity thoojaad loyal emsaa of ueorgia, and crast tbetr appeal wm XL tXLxLal. Pristiieat tee Swete, VABCJU, Hllil IBIS J. urtam r.

6 ear eae atan vee. an sixvy AXXAStXA, fS AS, A. iA, iUi. TfaL OoTaiirtTni lfffswr ftf Ban CiTi fnrfl-TUm pabUcaa taua Cankral Coraatitl, tsJegrtpbed to tb Palladatchai Oea of Bey est raaraday aagatr Sea li aa als is to tao rwlieaevpaai vaatVat ta Base ea Xbarsday aagatr Teat Ihna sS aoMtore aad sailers att has aa stiamtl taaigat saad gr at tag ta tbetr- htotaisa as. Patadelpaaa.

Be ef gwed eoeari Cahlarals wail grv GAAS-r aad COsswut 10A nstj tan 19 TELEGRAMS. Pcillc Opinion la Faror of a Re- public fa Spain. AaTaxslial Serrano at the Bead of Dlstrrsslnc Disaster Ontario. on Lake A Propeller arid Four teen Lives Liost. Tta Connecticut Section Large Eepubli- oan.

Gains. Xtarsnal Serrano at ttia TTead of AfTalr Tri Cablsct. laeoaa plate Tate Peo ple tor a ftopmhiile. Madxtd, Monday, Oct, Tho Provisional Jnnta has requested Marshal Bcnaufo to take ehargo of afTairs until tbo meeting of tbe Cortes, snd bo has consents! so to act, with Gen. Pxtjc and Oloxaoo aa his col ls ag-ues.

Tho formation of th now Cabtnot has not yet been oompfetod. Gen, EscALssrrA, Democrat, has been plaoed in command of tbe National Guard. It is daily becoming more and mora evident tbat the great majority of the peo ple axe in favor of republican form of govern ment for Spain. Tho Daka of Tittoris snd tha Count of Cheats have declared that they will support the existing Provisional Junta. Arrival and Keceptlora of Ota.

Prtaa la lladrld. MAXtain, Tuesday, Oct, d. Gon. Pant arrived here yesterday, where he was greeted with enthusiasm. DETTMARK.

Addreee toy tit Klag Paste Desired With friaala. CorstSBAOxn, Tnesdsy, Tb King delivered a speech yesterday st the opening of tbe seaaiona of the which he said that the negotiations with the PruagUn Government in the matter of Scbleawig-Holiitein bad been thus far without result. It was the desire of Denmark to (reserve peaceful rela. tiona with Prussia. Tito Sails mt Weac Iadla Islastds ta th TJatted States.

CorcxaAoas. Toeadsy, Oof. S. Tho ratification of the aale of St. Thomas and other islands in tbe West Indies to the United SUttea baa been postponed by the Bigsdag for one year.

SOUTH AMERICA. Progress Parafaayaa Wats i Pasis, Tuesaay, Oct. 6. Later, dates from Bio Janeiro report thai President Lores had arrived st San Fernando with (en Uioussnd men. Twenty-eight Ihooa-' and of the allied troops bsd occupied Pilar, th chief port of Paraguay, to form a base of operations against tbe Paraguayan position at the month of the Teblrraary.

It was said that the Brazilian iron-clada had gone to bombard the Tebiguary position. 1 GREAT BRITAIN. The Hawaasrkat lUiirfioir, Tnaeatly, Oct. fc The second October mosifna at Kewmarket commenead yesterday. The principal race of th day was a SweepsUkea of 800 sovereigns each, for two-year old 8 11 lee, wbiob Closed with ssvea sub crib.

re. Mr. W. 8. CatwssaD'i ifmtkrr BU was tb win ner, beating Lord Glasgow's brown fidy by swag MeUxmrnt, second, ant Mr.

htaaax'a cbesnat ally, by out of Sumjlomtr. third. Th betfug at the atari waa thirty to on again 4 Homiurr MoJ, two to oue against Lord Gttseow'a AUyK aad three ta one againat Mr. klxaax'a fitly. la two ol the raoes to-day her was no oon'ost, Lord PALMotrra's bay filly, I'mrijcalhtr, ws ked over in tha first race, and in the thira rsoe, a aweepataxes of 800 sovereigns each, Mr.

Musi's AbMuuno also walked over. ANOTHER LATCH DISASTER. 1 A Propeller Bat rated em I.alae Oatsrlo aroairtoom Lives fuosC i -T-" OswBoo, Taeeday, Oct. S. The propeller Pcrroeranc, Capt.

Jotcf Frzs eissoaa, of tne Wetland Bail way Line, took are fit. teen miles oS PnltaeyviOe about 1 o'clock tola morning and burned lo the water's edge. The fir wag tret dlacovered by tbe engineer, who showed ft to tbe first mate, be being then on watch, and almost betor they could realise tb appalling feot, the pro peller was completely enveloped in fl imee. Two ef her boat were oa before they eoold bo rssobed, but ths third was launches and pat ell with th two sUAiee, two men sod a boy. Thar war nineteen person aboard, fourteen or whom, in elud ing the Captain, perished in tho flames Th propeller BMsrprtsc.

of th asm Bn, was shoot fines miles astern of tho eeisata, snd ah picked np the host containing tb parsons above named and arrived with tbem at this port thia afternoon. The sTadrjjtfat remained Bear tbe burning steamer until daylight at which time th wrack waa still stoat. Tho Captain's son. who ia first mate, ia among the saved. The cargo ot Ot viaseuaao consisted of 30,141 bushels of coca abr T.

S. ltorr. of Oswego, aad both' boat and eirgo wsro Insured. Ths Jw it swats wa a first-clans propeller, and was employed whoBy In I grata trade betweea tn Wetland Beltway aad Oswego. This ia on eg tb mast aasrtreadiasT sscl its thai bss over occurred aa Lake Ontario, aad bss seat a gloom or th whole community.

Orpt, Itxaoxnnoaa formerly resided ia Last city, snd waa wed kaowa sad mach reepested. Th aiUowisg at a names of tboee loati 'oan Pitxmbboos, the Captain i Michael TUm- gibbons, the steward, and scat of the Captain; Alexander MeArtaar. first engineer; chartee naa seginsen Axtdrerw aad James rairlcx. sad Henry Scott, firemea; Doff Biene. li eel suits tour dock hands, with unknown lrnea aamas, and Mis.

Aievis aao Aai aissi Mome Jntxenhaoa, first aaat, aad soa of ah Cantata Wikuam Than, aaoond asatei Petar Legb. wheeiessaa: a deck bead, aaaw aaJtaown, aa a raarica jyncn. the porter. Amottssr Clrd Jteaaavar Twraied Oot eg tho UgUlalart iaiavt AsJanraaaeait. -j -x AT3a Ga, Iaasdy.

Oot. In the' Legislator, to-day, the Hon Coxa- mi ttee to evsmtwo ta th Cglbnty of stavaan, and Davis, reportsd that tbry, afUr a fch mvaHaaOoa. sooad Baaasi to eighth adopted, wnerwspoa iwsotsooai was be aatlartd taatlgibi toeosalt wbioS was at aUUsdgeeTsa, walem was defasasd. Tbo ipaay was pasoed. Anar pnanss bCM of a local la tarsal aaly.

tea Gaaaral ImeinTT laJearasS sans i I auHsaltJ ear aae sx-raoiiaary leaeh-havs kaowa batter. We i ba hi veeno aigte hleod. Ta report was tssHage war emhtiiavaa i sags af theee wa sbowla and oomavea later seas. TJeeaa aot as she seaohasgi af tao sn aos I Manner, ea. That la oar Bsisiaiasatf let as eerrsot the evils that assy exist by api to the sttiiliaiaci tad wisdom ot ta aenoa.ei to ik psoslnaa of tao aaoo.

Lrt our r- Wtedosa, Jasttoe aad Mnrtsrstsoa.r.aad sll WIS I well. Ths Assembly wm reaeaemble ta sarawry. Own. afkAfia rartewed the gamsoa at this stty today, eompriatng slsvea emwpeale ef iastatry, saw. oral of oavalry, aad two of srrUlery.

conrnEcricxrr. Tfatrtfasr St tw rat stff she Tow at Stls alam Latrajo Thrwwhw taio Stat. Ostlaio BAfrrroan, Conru. Taeeday Ooi. BetTmiaJTomabotU two-thirds of the Bute, abow brge Tspbtlcn gains in tho popular vote.

The Baoahlioaaa bar lost one town, bat gamed three, ead two-are divided. OHVeial returns from 119 towns foot wp is followst BepabUean, SS; Deatoorssia. ft; divided fc Of tbe BepnfABcaas gaht to, sad ta Dsmocest 8, trout last year. Of tb town that were wholly Bepub- Bcan laat year. 1 ta dlrided taio Tear.

Ot which wsse waolty DsmssraMe. 8 are dlrided. Granby giraa 34. Bepnbllean gstn; Bunsbnry, il; 88; Enfield. IS; Hun Ungton.

Ift Bubal. 18; Bidasfield, 39; Xllungly. 350. Msnw, ohr towns show pro por lionet BepabJean gains. There are towns yet to hear from.

THE INDIANS. i Attaets aa ffaa Apachtt aad llpant 1st Texas 1 tale at rrsacrty ftseeveged Tta Waf ai ths Plalma. 5 sf-vi WAsaxKoros, Tasedsy, Oct 8. Brevet Msjor-Gen. HsAarrr, Ninth Cavalry, commasdlng at Port Davis.

Tease, wader dssa Bepc report tbat Lieut Ccsacs. of tbo Xmth Oavalry, who was sent from Port Deris with a tachment of sixty men from Companies 1 sad X. of his regiment, and voloatoer party of Msxlosaa, te reeaprar tho atock reeently atosea by Indians from a tram near Port Stockton, overtook the Indians (Apaches, aome 300 strong.) about eighty miles east of Tort Da ria, attacked tbem and killed ha arunalng fight extending over fir mfiee, becwes twenty and thirty of them, and wounded at aa many mora. sod took from them all tbeir stock, over 300 heed of moles and horaea, besides some lew cattle, de stroyed ths entire camp, la eluding taan Winter store of meats, berries, ata and recaptured two Mexican boys who bad been in captivity scene four or fir years, Tha loss to tcXAOx's command was tw soMisrs, verely, thong aot dangerously, wounded, and two horses. Boms Government slock araa stolen from Port lauaosstor and other points by ths Indians.

Among that captared ia soms of tke mall stooa, lost a short time sines at ths Havesto. A large quantity of akin a. robes snd other plunder wss taken. Great credit 1 due Lieut. Cubacx fhr th able m-ntm tn which ha eondocted tha expedition.

Ea nfir-Tr 1 almost the eat ire dieteace by night, tying by 1 tba day ia order to surprise tbo Indiana, which ha suc ceeded In doing. He speaks highly of the goon eon- duct of his xoea. aad sashes special atoatla D.geenweddie citizens. Volunteer snd Tigilsnt Gun ner Company Ninth Cavalry snd ether enlisted en, for conepieooes gallanti dartag tbe fight. Th Indians were Apaches and Si pans, under Aasabto, who hss tbo reputation of being desperaia tallow.

snd never at pesos, either her tn Mexico. A Megrsm to tho Indian Office, dated st CbJaon. Xacssa, Oct. 8, fretn the Clerk of tbe Ventral Super- intaodeacy, ssyat "Gen. HAXxa oiiaai from Port La rued mat tho Xiowas and Comanche, who wars upon th irtsnsas Blver.

hare, without denbt. Joined iba Clicyennea sad Arapahoes ia tha war. Super intendent Mtramv is tt Council Grove. Tfh aflssloa of Cel. Baaoot tit Chce taw aad Cfaickasaw lad lams.

WAasmoTos, Tuesday, Oct. A CoL S. 8. PhtooT, Special Indian Agent, ar rived her to-dry from th Choohtw and Chickasaw ooaatry. er.gat days turn Port Gibson in th Cbeg keo Nat km, whither ha went by direction of th Sec tary of the Interior tot tho purpose ot paying to thee tribes 1140.000 da them aa loyal India lor prop.

erty destroyed during the rebellion snd appropriated by Congress, tn Jury laa oat of Choctaw aad Chiek- mv fa ads. CoL Satoor was sec ogled tea Lsevt worth te the Indiaa Territory by a sqaad of United SUtee eoldiera. This waa rendered ssoaaoary es ee- s.sat of tat Isrwe trsa of ntonsy la hit tosaattloa. Tho' ressoa for stadtng a spostal agent to pay over this amount was. beoaaas af a stovisioa ia tn law rcqutrtag it to bo paid to claimants ta parson, aad not trough, aUornsya or assign-.

CoL Bxeoo I an interview to-day with Secretary Baowaxs sad act ng Commissioner Mix oa tho snbjaet ef hie mission. THE AMERICAN BOARD. Tsalworsarp of the Caaaaleslar sroretsrai mtsaiaws at asrwlea. uata Proceedinns of tfao PlraS Sap. 1.

Ncawicw, Taeeday, Oct. a -The xlfty-ninth aiiniveraary mooting of the American Board of Ctrmwi Issioasra af Tareign Xia-sions oommeaoed at tbe Br ead a ay Churah ta this Oity this Blafrnoon. A number of bers were preasal. aad it ta believed 3.000 ar present nt ths tatty aad Vicinity, quartered la privst residences aad pabli tuildinga. Th sbarch was well sad at 8 oeioek.

wbea th moraba President, Mabx HosbTws. D.D ef Wilnamatown. Mas, called tb meettag to order. Prayer waa offered by Bev. Dr.

llxcatox. Si Btrmn, of Cbtoago, wa aspetmed Asaietant Beoording Sewretary. Th mlaaxe of aaal masting ware then read ay tha Beoording tro- ratary Bev. Jowg O. Mxaws, of Boxbary, Mass.

The President then appelated a somwitttss te eoainUtoes. Bay. BxxasI B. TxxAT. of Boston." Corresponding Secretary of tbo Baaa Pcgartmcaf.

read ths sai Ths resort eoutaine ebttass-y svo'teee of six corporate ssembsra ef the Board wa had died stweo tbe last mee'ing WrtxiAst Axxaw. D. sleeted ta 1830; WrzxiAM B. Dxwirr. D.

Dv alerted nt 18SS; wrxxxAM Jrssxrr. 1 -1 t.te ha iseo, sa tut seven year Tiea-Preaidaat ef the Boar 1 BsTuaaa HU WAXWoavaT. uj- eieetsa is isev: sonx, u. Lr xxx. D.

elected tn 1849; fiiaos EtntJaars. Xtq elected lsts. Th report detailed repott of Miselisisrieo Seat and ths Sssaetel history ef the year. tary also gars eta ae stent sompastag th 1 ef the poet year wltn those of IStT. sad th 1 dtnoaer r.

aa tut. gataed tn 1S68 ever tbo pravioo year. lows: hiaias. tweaiy asvea per seact shir, thirty per Tamaoat. thirty -six war ssni.t Msssaeriassrie.

taarcy-aaar pa aiai.i anene isiaaii. tweaty-foar per oani. (loaatatieai. twenty ess per. -I Jttt-inx, twenrr-w par cast.

new tgaty-slx ceaC; Paaasylranis, iwntytx per eenCi Ohia, thirty eavaa par Imams, tatr y-eexbt aw Miebiaao, ntntsaaa par Mia. asasav tfalrtg per ceaCl lows. jst. Wisconsin, twealy-oa per cent. The reoort of too Triasaiir thies She sens of te yaw, ae follows; Pram diiaaitaae.

TT: troaa legacies, ts vos as; xram stawsnuvsi. a (14 T4; total. SAsASsa the tarwewt seua vat as say saatrai naeeiaasj mm ta aoaruv ia exaeaditures were ss. The year opoaod wita a bateaoa of 1A43S 44 against tb troasnij, and clriil wkh a bstsae af tsao fM is taror. ilZlBaetae aambw of sstaalisis ef tee Bosnt- aad the etty is aow oversowing with clergymen, who a tbo hoepttaii ry ot cwzsns to th mil I meat.

Taa eharrh was rewdad tm the evening. Asa. BL. A. Kaxsost.

D. IX. of 'Tlaeanaau. smsli it an sav oaa srosa sea x-u S3. Thssisismas was sai.

aad ooHinunriod tho amest atasnnon th aadltory. i i Ta Boars wxnaid tare tiailims si ia! sas aa aawow. sad eveaisg Snuiliail aaeatsages as a itthsis anbse aa StSS a'slsok. A. aad a eal area's asset bag at o'clock P.

M- at whavh Bev. MA Jam trt of Syria, aad etaar muwdoaartsa, wtU Tit West era liwterk v.t i etatteau rxrrAXO, X. Tsssdsy, Oof. The sixth anneal Convention of the astern BVw-Terk Dsasal ineilillnn oroamoi ettp this favafanaaV Mr. J.

Waxtsa, ef Lsetpert. I'reeldsal. The reporta af th aecretary sf ths Tree. 1 Coatmlbee. i of ta ktU Dr, adoeod, Tb tcrtowrag asa, 1 iimn ras ra awn 11 1 adaatt OxxTxn, of Bvaffslo.

ware I-atlyastBrta latsteg vrr rreeldenf. jr. OC Daboxx. ef TfufWa. TW-Prwa.

eat Dr. W. O. Bwaas-rSi ad Wat ran Seers Sarvt aa laa, af Album, Ti casus as. Or.

Wsas i saeartaa tmi i Ba Banaia, eaklbaae spsslann of I. i in.L iMjarhrti asaiaeaa teeta. Xseey war BwwTJw IZV Baam, ead Dr. nghM nadrsst Doatal Coaveattoa shot te alfbt asal 1 BMm ft 'V'f 5- Tfao I SO ptlowt ar Oast. Tn.rr.llaai la i rsTfrsTt.tmiA, Tate is.

osa 8. -The progrnsTuse of Gen, KcCtaxtAxTa iecwp 1 Hoa la this stry sanouaees that the sia will savatoaflsl snail Of aonori aoUW 1 organ laa tlona troat diataal titles and tb 8 teas ot lanssytvsaia, sntslde of Pklladelpkta; soldiers and sailors of Philadelphia; llrtr Departmears atria -easbst airtssas anorsOy. fl r- Th Batiaitow OommltteS Is aomresil etghlesn OanaftJa, The tWlowtas to as ntMfna rha nra. ST als oarvrrtnt potitteal devtoesv bueriplloos at ssnblsata Wttt be permisted tn th Baa. -i Th Pennsvlvanla Ceofral.

Philadelphia, WITmlar. ton pad Bxltlmor. Camden and Amboy. Xwik PsnasTtrania. Philadelphia aad Beading.

West aiaotw ana Media Bslroed Companies have agreed transport soldiers and aailora' organiaatioos to and from Philadelphia for tho reception oa Thar, day at exeoreaoa rata. Ticksva of the T.h aad Bth of October, wood ta tatara the tta. ar lo bo supplied at Us rates paid by tha soldiers sad aailora wha atieadel tba Qumil. -4 the 1st lost. ii" Oeau HoCtxtxu wiTt srrtva at tha aorta ni Bread-etreet in the train iidoe here at M.

Thursday. He will then ba eeeorted from the potnl where tbe eoaneoaar railroad eroeaea Broads swat. down the uttr reet to and tbsnoa to Independsoev Hal'. Kseap af Cemvletsillra Ttrglntsv Ta ktlohtaaaavd City fSaaall mmlu- Btcnatoin, Ta. Taeeday.

Oat, a To-day, as forty negrqj ponftontlary oonvtota. hired oat to work om the rhsapsk and Obi aUai. road, were going on ths Central Ballroad to Govts Ion, they overpowered th jtnard four miles bey oat GordoBSvuls. and tweaty-soar of them leaped wbilo tta' train was going at frv -ei Two wwrw UstaeOy kmed aad three tkh-rs badly wonaded. Th Other wbo hwped eg eeraasd.

P. B. GaATtAS, tta oflTtclsl attorney, to-day gave' an opinion to th City Coon oil that the oity sraiH note issued daring the war, amoua'tag to quartw of mllltoa dollars, oeaaet be paid wail ths aBdrta Constltutloa Is tn foroal ss it fortada Darta any debt Incurred to oarry on tbe war. Jon Quiver Anasts, of Utastehaseits. arrivsd here to-day, oa has way to Sooth Caroliaa.

i sw- noTsTsorr 1st St. swt Praeerwavtloa sX ths Past as Pwilts! Oat la art as; a. Xswn. Tnesdsy. Oet.a AfTisTxm Cnssxi, ef Paxkmbarg, Ts wmld as sep ta ta parlor of -tbo staters Heoee a day, Iras robbed of fSOO tn rrenbaeka and (17,001 in ote In view of the peHHeal dentonstratinas which Wtt tak plaea this weak and the possibility of a dlstnrb.

Mayor Txcoatas pabUakes a eard reciting th Blot set. stating thst ba shaft be preeent at alt mast. toss, aad Is determined to enferos th law, wlthont reratd to person, poUtios, religion, aanoaanty color. i Tfa RtB.tarseCai la Tareate. t.

Tesxnrro, Osaada, Taxed ay, Oct. In the Beno-Anderson esse to-day the Chief. Jus lee delivered a very lengthy judgment, dactdina ta ttvor of the Crown sad lb piossuallon npsa all the polnbi raised, aad formally eomnrHttng the pr. to tail, so await th warrant ef tho aevamwJ General for their sxtradlMwji Tho a suras thlevasv nv. n.

stoama ana u. i nostr-w. war rearwa aa tram erternooa. Thar will aw wtcra aanawtnb nighty aad be brought b-fore; Magistrate MoMscatsax. Tta Pacld Caaat let far IbePeravlsa Sattortra.

nsji sasoisco, stoaoay, uai. a. The eriDoatUon atamor-Orwoniam sailed tor Panama to-day. with 190 tons of flour, for sTsw-Tor Tu" Tho Commitsse appeintod as Meat aid tor th Pa- 3 urlaa saffarera twport that they aae aetlweieil tit 000 thus far. Tba Ooanlfst will remit to lbs Americaa Ooasai tl Xlaa by to asortsw 1 Arrival at Ctoau arfa smsgtrihl Mxartils.

Tattlay. Oot, Gea. Goanos GsAnesnj axrivod last night, will cstaoHah th sMadqVjartara of the Depart. most of tha CtmbeThna ta thia etty. Arms deatlsed for artfAnaaa, la eoaasonaaoa of the refusal of all etoemera to take tbaaa, hav beea store her to await ardor front Lt'tle Itock.

C1B at the Iaraettnal OrtohoS Mate hi at Pwri.ariBi,rriA.Taiiasr. Oas.a' The match betwwen the AnTorican aad XcgUsb profsaatooslo Urmi noted thia art taat flis Isttsw. aiik-lea ariaasi sa ewes a. 1 Tsia we the eriesetU -ft ft i 1 Kleetloa Bills Psterd by the AlaThasmat Lgttltt4r -MtisasusiasT. Ahv.

Taaedsy. Oot, a The Govornor has signed the lUtiartntsoo bU which was passed by tha Legislatara. Botfa- Houses bava passed bills prerUUng lor aa sitsrloa, i By th Senate bill Is arovtdsd taat thaPinbsIs Jada ef each ooonty ensB deaignrts any nnmbev-oC 'j a 1 wu -w tba voting at tha To troagly ppeae the Begistratlou snd Election bills." nt Card Vroaa Mr. Gsarg Preattee i .1 t- -LcernrrTZAa "xswooay, wet, a. -i Gsoms V.

Pssstms puUinhea a eard In the a Lonlsrlli Jsarael. la which he says bai Bissnspie friaada hav ttOea mtoaawrlons srray ragardiA 'M Bias, na smug suwr tnjuatiow ra mm ataawiai. .4: Mesayta is not poors oroxsa aowai an taa his personal relatione wltn every on of bis isso etsfsa ar perfectly kind. Every Issue of ths Jounml an tba ases Ira weeks hfs eontamsd matter of his. aad It Is bis parposs, God wiUing, to Svo aad woes, story.

Wialt mt Vtlow. Ptreaaem ta iskars. T. Auncan. W.Jm Tassday, Oot, a -The flraman of TJUoa visited this etty to-day.

At trial betweea the TJtlca stssm are sa-ta aad -the Auburn wtaw-eetka. (Hotxrs patent,) the was ent diataaosd by tftosa iPtt, lhroe atraama from tba bydrant wert oa. and the votnme af waterfront them waa sas-ftlrd grmlw then Sbe- ira. Thews 1st owta wwr two mils dtsttnt the kyttraats, wvth no rh e-m list powers. -1 TTv.w Vniliif (, rr.

thaanamfa. fa 1 tuw worn wHinnofi the woxklAg ot tho Mlecsllaasama Telegraaaa. tog oaglBisTB. wee pre) Oeweatl. grvnag tbetr ettaaana to wa sr-wants mmsiairy.

Tbot. S. Oct. a Tho (hncannstie beat the 1 Bayaaaxere la aha game of sees ball hew ee-eVty. tdloA I -a-j Oot.

tV-sMrs, WAsTTm row. of Hunttagloa. ft ywre-otd. ww warned to deesh Snaday aaoratag, bar Iwhiag' aarmg aaaght rom th kite bea see. X.

H. Oot. A In 1 eoasBTOsae as ta i It t. nacxaeeted by large arrival of srtlotee tor tbe Msehaa. te sUhitHvtow, th formal cpaaing wiU not las pleae nam to-merTow evening.

Maes, Oet, A. riajss X. Lewis, eg Wins Sea Son, was raa vw to-day by tb Baste ttapoam aaa xaasaaiiT- w. Oot, A Th iJemocrsui ss taa lasstaa District, have aa mines Avxav. of Beaiatree.

tug Con rr was, Isrw-aao. Oot. A oraA at ta trsnaru asks. i en tne Oswese rsredwaaaShaa. win pee to-etsat.

awrVAXCL Ooa A Xa twewjaera t.w ISo the res aril Bepdsta ot Kevt Amesaea enea heso this aftrmou. Ber. Dr. CouT. of UmmtrnrXo-- Pna preaeaed th paing servtoejrrnai mreo to lour bandxed deuvratee are preeent ftuan diffarant i rr-tst ef ta sous try.

xsaga wut mm a aaasnae 1 eeilsg le-mor-ow. tmtuA. Oot. A The amoral nulnr ef prosnW neat broker 1 una auy ts Kovsaent oa street .1 Warn rXAxrm. tsa.

a-nHwi, ta paaaatrr. 17 I aooa A.A artp suaa a I miMO ta xl keen at a e'cioc aoia aneratsa. Ae aceo "-ineA kiat-vtMiD'l stadhsnr fa'sote. ssihr. 4 aadldml OS IS sours jj Las llineLI astaatae a reeling.

kit hio tt U4P. nt. as aotai t4 awtatA taf laws stwnxsJTBv TV- Oot, TbSaiA's bC Caw stress laie ptsoa. was daotswyod by Are VJ ss Iss, Taaaatohtaataiaa. 1 w-- i i -1: vl: '-( i v.t-t i i.

i l' f) i i i i -if-: i i t. ii it i- tii rti mi i- -i tj -) t. A is 'A r. 'i; i r- j5 s-'-i i. 8 i -S -1- -v li' i .1 X.

l-t I'M t-1 .1 '1 Wi -i t. 4 t. --1 mi i t-a t-t a 1 ti.

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