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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 1

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

II sr. i 10 Pages VOL. XLUjO .12,890. NEW-YOBK, FRlj)AY, DECEMBER 23, 1892. PBIQb' TIIBEE OEym HIARN 2J, 94.

SB, u4 ItlTM foarMaath St. Friday asOsuaV Bargaln Day. -I A DAY that mutt im ta end of many trungB I IPECIAL OPFEmaS ALL DAT LOECr mt prioei tifct cannot fail 5 to satisfy the most exacting. pair Fls Cart alas, Sixty laohe wM. all tea gth.

copies Herts vn Gsnsv Folat Tauv hoax Ht Baal Brasssls-worOi $4.00. st $2.4 WeWtllSSU Saw elr RmI Luf CwiJm, BuiVMukt Tambour ul Irish Fatal extra fine meah vias or datsehsd Sgnrea rlee borders elegaat daalss-aatU bow $1LQ $7.98 WsWillBaU Ba rlstaaay Cbrallla Parti area, plain top hUb-art dado deep Mage aad threw over war -WewUlasIl Derby Maria Pertteros, Baasaoms eoioriage-wsrs $7.80 at $3.98 -WswlHssU Jate Veloar Table Cover, i IK yard square plain and easy Ortentsl borders worth $8.00,.. Ws will sen i Chssill Tabla Coven, 1 rarda square head-knot fringo-a hundred stylss worth $3.00 at $1.79 Wewni sell SO pieces Fancy China Bilks. Mt stylss, for Vestibules, Lambrequins, Pillow, aad all kind of faaoy work. laobaa wlda valus 78 at 49 eta.

WswUlsell 290 sad-palate Silk Lambrsqulss, yards long ail colore biased at $2.09 We wUl aeU 100 Uold Eaib'd Bilk Mantel 'v, Draperies all eolore $4x108 at $4.98 ire will aea Larue Failed flllk Headrests. all eolore entirely aew( worth $1.69 ire win ean Milt Bcarfe. with haad.palated and emb'd bolting eadat worth $9 eta. Ws will sell 1.1)00 Plash. Lealkef, Oak, aad Bllvar Boxes, lined with stationery or with Toilet ar aaioure raraishlair were $1.80 to $2.00 at 98 eta.

"We win eeU Tba Babree afSUll Flaar Ta41aC tjL aad Wark Bexae aTaaWarre aaea aad ether KorelUae that were aad $1.98 niien Other Haadaaaaa Caeee I aad Beta, that ware win eeU 300 mik Pleeh albaaia. with beat Nickel wording heavy paper were $1.89. at 69 eta. WewOleeU Plao Maal, Alllcater. Kaavaree, aad other (aaey leather Foeketbeeka eome with etertlng allTer oornere.

WewUleell Leather Wrltlm Tablele roUelse plain aad trimmed. We win een 10O Ladlee Black Ceoey Cape half Military length nneet Satin at 97 eu. 49 eta. Ilnlaxa at $4.98 WewlUeeU 100 Japaaaae KeaJ Uaffa, aUe Una Blaek for; worth at $1.98 WewineeU S0 Klne Black Hare HaCe atlk lined worth $1.38......... at 69 eta.

WewUleeU 20 Ihildrea'a White Thibet Seta, CoUaraadHoS worth $1.69 We wUl eeU 00 Chlldrea'e Far Sota. Opnaenia. Gray Coney, aad Baoooon. at $1.89 WewUlaeU Ladlee Japaaeea Seal Beoa. wtt bead and elawa.

at $X49 win eeU Ladles' aUoaa Start Bona. extra Abo with head aad elawa a $8.49 WewUlaeU 1.000 Ladlee Flma Cloth Jack eta, Wary. Tea, aad Bleak doable ereeet plaited or tUht haeki or with toll far taetnsa ere $1 $.00 ye $14,00, at $8.98 Vewfllaell St Ladleo' Kewnaarfcota, Fine Imparted olothe with aad wlthomi boode aad doable 1 or triple oapoa: were $18.00 aad 7.98 wfll eell 10 Cwakaaera Te Ooeraa. dark and light feather etttehed putted back and traaij were $7.00 at 1.98 WewUlaeU lbO Flaamel Tern Otwit, aaweal oil eolore trimmed With TalTeV ware $5 00 at 2.98 Yowmaan Klegut Dreea Hata. Wtoetabapae faaey telta.

with raata. rlaleta. aKrettea, aad ether etyaah ganutarea; worth $1U00 to $18.00. 8.98 trewmaaU S0 doaem Geatleaiea'e Neck Boarfe. -Teaka, Frnfta.

aad reu-iavBaada SaUaa, and Cmb'd Creeee new detgne aU eoiora. at 47 eta. wlHaaU 6lr Satta Saapeadera. aaadeatVd-eaoh claes eetd aadar at 79 eta. Vewuieaa Hea'aHaMklaeT JackaCa arnVd Heoea Ooata TOO $4.98 VewoiaaU amea Footer Laela Ol Ta.

bteda. Siata. aad atiai worth a 78 eta. vuiaan J'kBfea'eDoieklaeWraa, ittaepe Uleataaadae at Baaeei Tba-analaaa a U. vQleall i mt Calaankaa, amagitt .1 on Miaatraaia ffleen 2 Boaka-.

Ttaw Miai ri iimi $1 otaV efi." soelaltl saa bo oboiaed at eatraaee fcv. jossiiei BOUGHT BY BARONKEINACH jfOJ runiio MUt 'nrrozrMD iiti TEX FAXAMjL SCANDAL. FLOQCIT! DIB OF DTBftTItlll BVTS FOR FOLIT1CAL A.DYXWTAOB X. IK DKIBDX TILLS ABOUT THE 8K0RKT $BBTICK FDhTO A LIST OF 104 DEPUTIES SAID TO HATE BEBN BOUOBT. Paeib, Don, 3.

hL Floquet. President of the Cnaaiber of DepuUee, appeared for examlaaUon beforo the Panama Investigating 0mmttt today. Ho declared emphatically that ho had Borer rooolrod from the Paaama Company money for the secret aorrioo or for any other object. It will recalled that Boarler. lately MlnUter of Flaanoo, sUted ia his peeeh la the Chamber of Ieputlee on Taeaday that whea ha aeeanaod office ho found the Beoret Berrloo Fund depleted and had reoelred per sonal loan from friends to caablo him to carry on the business of tlie Bee ret Bervloe Bureau.

M. Floquet further told the eotamlttoo that whea ho was a member of the Ministry he had ordered that oertala advertisements be printed la Parisian newspaper. These adtertUemenU, ho admitted, had been Inserted, not from a business, bat from a politioal. point of Tie w. Tula admission 1 muoh commented on as being tantamount to an acknowledgment that the advertisements were but a cover under which the newspapers were bribed to support the Ministerial schemes.

M. Bourgeois appeared beforo the committee, after M. had testified, to explain the aelxura of the counterfoils of the Thierreo checks. On Monday, ho said. M.

Thierreo admitted to the examining magistrate that these were at hie bank. The magistrate than accompanied M. Thierreo to his otlioe and aeeured them. M. Bourgeois promised that the papers of the Dynamite Society and other important document recently seized should communicated to the commission.

These documents, however, must be handled with great caution last their oontenta should bo used for purposes prejudicial to the prosecution or derenee. M. Brlsson, Chairman of the commission, pressed M. Bourgeois for a more precise pledge as to the delivery of the dooumente Into the hands of the commission, but M. Bourgeois reiterated a rather vague promise that he would help the commission by all possible means, although his power to do so was curtailed considerably by the examining magistrate.

M. Andrleux. ex-Prefeet of Police, was the next witness. He said that he had a photograph of a statement and aeoount written by Baron do Eeinaou. This showed the names of the payees of checks drawn by Baron de Belnaoh.

M. Andrleux wrote a list of names on a pleoe of paper and handed it to M. Brlsson. saying at the same time that four other names, one of a very high personage, he was prevented from mentioning by the dictates or discretion. Dr.

Cornelias Hen had shown him a document bearing the names of 104 Deputies who had been bought by the lobbyist Artoa for a total sum of 1,350.000. M. Andrleux eould name most. If not all, of the men mentioned in this docament Proofs of the culpability of many men named la the document had been promised him. lis would try to obtain the document from Dr.

Henv Ho wished It to bo understood, however. that ha oould aot arnaraatee abcolntely the ac curacy of the document or Baron do Relnaoh's statement Ia his opinion Baron da ReinneVa ord waa far from unimpeachable. To I cnowieage Kelnaoh had began to pay personal debts with the money of tb Panama Canal Company. When asked to explain a passing mention of the payment of eheoks to M. Floquet, M.

An drleux explained that FeUx Cottu. a Director of the Canal Company, had told him Baron de Belnaoh onee spoke of Floquet'e needing 750, OOOf. for the Secret Service Fund. Cottu had re quested a conference with Floquet, and Reinach had agreed to arrange for one. Eventually, however, Belnaoh took Cottu to see Clemeneeau, Floquet waa too busy to spare time for a meeting.

Baron de Keinaoli had added that Albert inriatopnie, uovernor or the Credit on our, who waa oonoerned in several projects In eonneouon wnn me canal, might be thrown over, although, through the Govern ment, it might bo possible to seoure the lnQu ence of the Credit roneler for the canaL nen lohu met ueocaoesa tne latter confirmed the atatament aa regards Chrlatoohla. but did not mention the money question. Cottu naa been rendered so apprehensive by what he heard that he had consented to give the Gov ernment the VjO.OOOf. required for the Secret Service nno. Lotto awl tola Kelnaeh, bow-ever, that the whole affair waa a blackmailing swindle and might create trouble.

Keinach had responded: -AO, no. none at an. can say that I received the money to pay advertising expenses oi tne company ananoooay wui Know tne aitler-enee." Subsequently Keinach had said that Cottu was too thin-skinned. Cottu seized Keinach by the beard, dragged him from the front room of the bank Into the private omce, and, after calling him an embezzler and ooward. had demanded back the check for the Keluach declared that it was at his house and succeeded in holding off cotta until the final crash cam.

overwhelming everybody. But a part of the amount naa neon paia ever to the Uovernmenu BaxUiou of the commission asked M. Andrleux why. If he knew Kelnaoh to be so dis honest, he placed any reliance upon Relnaoh's charges that Deputies had sold their votes. M.

Andrleux replied: "Although dishonest with others. Baron de Belnaeh had no reason for making oat private memoranda and counterfoils M. Baclaa, advertising agent for the Panama Canal Company, teatiOcd that the sums paid to newspapers tne company ranged from 4UU, OOOf. to for eaoh laaue of aharee. Count Caflarelil, Monarchist Deputy for Alene, told the commission he eould confirm the report that President Carnot had a list ot Deputies corruptly Implicated In the Panama Canal lobbying.

The Hat, he raid, coin prised many Deputies whose names had not yet been mentioned in connection with the scandal. M. lVee-Guyot. formerly Minister ot Publlo Works, has been summoned to appear before the committee to explain the statement made by him that a full list ot the names ot the men compromised ia the scandal had been seen by President Carnot. 2 he committee desired to bear M.

Yves-uayot to-day, but he refused to appear before the Investigators, baaing his refusal on the ground tba the statement attributed to him had been distorted by a spy. He did not wish, he added, to countenance proceedings that mingled President Carnot's name with the prosecution ot those Implicated lu the anair. The newspaper La Lanterne says that the ra pore discovered yesterday ia the examination af document belonging to the company that suppuea aynamiie lor tne wors on the fauaina Canal show that DeputieaJiauget, Laguerre, fet. Martia, and Laur had reoelved sums of money from Artoa. the gooetween la the corruption, tor their votes In tbe Chamber.

M. Joseph Albert auget Is Deputy for the Heine and la a na tive ot Vauoluse. He Is a dootor and he is the author bf a number of Important works on eetootlflo subject. He waa a member of tbe National Assembly In 1871, and waa afterward elected Deputy and Senator. He was one of those active In curing the passage ot the present.

divorce law. He took the side of Gen. Boulanger and was both a champion and ad leer of that leader. Ueorgee lAguerre also represents the Seine, and la about thirty-four years of ago and a lawyer. He 1 on of the best uratora la the Chamber.

Ia iy7 ha became an ardent partisan of Boulanger, and haa been editor of Zi ivesee, organ of th National Committee. Ho sits oa tbo Extreme Lett. riL Martin represent Indra and 1 about sixty-one years of age. He Is a farmer and a proprietor ot land aad haa been a Revisionist, with Union Conservative emlatione. The Jfafits aay that fifteen mora warrants kavo boon prepared against senators and Deputies, and that Publlo Prosecutors in the country distrlots have bean instructed to search tbe residences of accused persons aad examine witnesses for evidence In relation to the CoBtUuad on Pac aBMsaaa.aBBUnBBBBmw Tea Win Hot Fool Tho effort of buying a Hardmaa piano by the conveniently-arranged payments offered by tbo muf net uxors.

Uardman, Pack A 19ih Cl aad 6th at. Ada. SYMPATHY WITM SET ILLS. ACTIOWjOB; A OV CLUB f4 OK CBAXOBa. De.

22. Col. Robert Seville, who slappedTMr. B. B.

Howland la the face at the Madison square Garden and waa fined for that mlsdsmSanor by a Polls Jastloe, has, ac cording to thk tvtnlng A'etrs. been reprimanded and saspenddd tor two week by the Board of Governors ofjth Metropolitan Club ot this city. It says: I Mr. 8. B.I Howland brought a aumbor of eharge agal tat CoL Neville, and endeavored by every an In bis power to have him expelled from is club.

Ho recited, It it-nratood. thit CoL Seville waa not a proper a oolate tor gentlemen becaaae of hi eonvlo- luu In a pollSe court. The Governor dismissed this eharge aa frivolous, because Mr. Howland bad caaaed seh a atat of affaire by calling oa the law to raScnt an Insult ottered him person ally, i It was necessary for them, however, to take cognizance ol the assertion that Col. Seville, In wagering $iO on a horse race with the lata Percy Drayttan, bad bat a greater amount than tba dab rules allowed, aad that had also overstepped the rigid llaee of olub proprieties by making publlo the correspondence about the Drayton affair whlob bad taken place between Mr.

Howland and himself. For th tint offense, therefore, he hwaa reprimanded, and for the see- ond he was suspended. The sympathy ot 1 tna elnb la all tar V- Ville. Mr. Hdwland' a vla-or la tha matter haa caused him to be virtually ostracized in tha Metropolitan at well aa In tha N.w.Y.rk nlnhi of whioh he 1 a member.

He le also greatly chagrined ovdr the conclusions reached by the Of Governors, and It la aald ba will bimibiI tbe Winter lnfretlrement because of a general dlapoaltloa shbwn to make things unpleasant for him. Theilalerest taken In the matter le not con Bed to clan circles, by any mean. Society people generally express themselves freely oa tne anair ana do not hesitate to say that Mr. Howland has aveted In anrthlna- bat m. nniu.

worthy mannkr from first to last." THE UPPER UVDSON CLOSED. XAVIQATIO FOB THIS TEAR AT Alt BHD AT SEVERAL POINTS. PocGHKEEFfciE.X. Doc 22. Reports re ceived to-night from the upper Hudson say that the river Is freezing at all points and that the end of navigation is elosa at hand.

No able to get through to-morrow. Ferry boats ak Hudson, Catsklll, and lihln beck are still running, but have a bard time of it JfKWBURG, If. Deo. 22. Tbe steamboats of the Kewburg and Albany Line have eeased run ning on account of loe in the Upper Hudson.

Dec Citizens' Line steamers closod navigation from this point to day, tha steamer City of Troy making tbe final trip at o'clodk this afternoon. This Is one day earlier than at seaaou. Dam ia 'lhe Hudson River above the Btkte frozen from shore to snore. I Icemen In tnis vicinity are preparing for the Ice harvest, tbje prospect for which now 1 good. Above the tjta Daui the Hudson River I froien from shore to ihore.

the Ice being nearly eight Inches thick, lhe men were cutting Ice tnis morning from the canal baaln at West Troy. Albakt, N. i' Dec. 22. Observer im of the local weather bureau says if tb present cold wave con Udu the season of navigation will end this week.

Tl river last year froze over and waa closed to lavlgation oa Dee. 24. During the past season tbB local ateamboat Inspectors commissioned ten new vessels aud condemned two. The steamei Drew of the I'eople'e Line made her laat trip the season to-night. FIRST NATIONAL OF DEL NOR IE.

ITS FAILURE IS COMPLETE, BUT THB DKPOS ITOB3 MAT BB PAID. Del Nohtk, CoL, Deo. 22. The flxs of tha First National Bank ot Del "ort are Just beginning to ass ime shape, so that something ean bo told abou the outcome. From all Indications tha failu la complete, and without hop of recovery.

score of attachment suits have been com men much property transferred, and Preslden Cochran ha assigned tbe remainder to K. IL Bayre. Tbe Del Norte Flouring Mill and el ectiio light plant and many other enterprises wll be drawn into tn failure. Mr. Cochran say there are in notes In tbe lrst Ni tional Bank with which to pay depos is.

He places the gllt-edced paper In the Crci de Bank at deposits. $13,000. Mr. ochrau still Insists that the depositors will lose nothing. All his personal property and tat of Representative John Cochran haa been given up.

and there Is a general scramble amos)g creditors for safe ground. Until suoh time a the Government Inspector look over the ajtlalrs of the Del Norte Bank the atatament of te President la all there la to go by as to the final outoomo. CHRIS IMAi FOR P. HUNTINGTON. A WEALTHS MEXICAN SENDS HIM A FOUE-THd K7S AND-DOLLAR NUGGET.

Dcuaxgo, xlco. Dee. 22. Maximilian Damm. a capitalist of this eity who owns mining properties of fabulous worth, haa sent to P.

Huntington. President ot the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, as a Christmas present, a natural nuggeti ore. IJ contains SW.OOO worth worth of gold. of sliver and 1 Mr. Damm ent i to Mexico about thirty years His mining DroDerties ara ago from i Germany situated near Mountains.

He Is a firm this crty in the eierra Madre friend of Mr. Huntington, and Was largely instrumental In having the Mexican International the Southern ilroad extended to Durango by lclho Company. Fatal una way Accident. N. Deo.

22. Mrs. Ellia-of a prominent farmer in the PorGHKEEPKIE, beth Barton, wife town ot Stanford. Dutches County, waa killed yesterday In a runaway accident They were preparing a Chlrlstm a entertainment at their bouse, and Mrs! Barton drove to the village for soma artiole to put on the Christmas tree. On her way borne the norse oeeame frightened at a ran away.

Mrs. Barton waa passing train aa thrown from die wagon, ner neaa atriklno' a tone. She wad Kuiea almost instantly. Tbe Id laho Diamond Flclda. Boip, Idaho, Deo.

Kunze, the dia- mond expert. hrho has been examining the alleged dlamo fields here, ha goDe to Chloa-him several specimens. He go. taking wl said "Tbe geology of tbe country around tha dla-eoisely tbe same aa la the Pouth and not unlike those of Brazil. moon neid is of Africa fields.

The only dlfler4u ne is that theae are not aa much broken Albany Dn k-lea Her Deid Firemen. Albany, Deol 22. This afUrnoon the four tbe pier lire last Monday were firemen killed buried. A pubi le funeral was held from tbe City Hall at 3 o'clock The entire Fire Department in uniform, the exempt firemen, city oftiolels, and the Com Coiuiiil attended. ernins- tht.lng friends aod citizens lined the streets through which he iuuerai coru-ge passed.

Forcer Dst Idaon Starts for Toronto. ClTT OF Ma ico. Dec 22. J. W.

Murray, Chief ot the Ontario, who eon In Juarez, Provincial Detective Service of recently arrested Charles David- Mexico, for heavy forgeries com' mined In Toro nto. left here this evening with his prisoner for rrjanada. His route Willi be by way of Vera Crux, thence to Jamaica, itience to Southampton, and thence to uailiax. N. 8.

$20,000 to Sound a Training- School. Hartfobd, Deo. 22, Applctoa B. HUlycr and hi lister. Mia a ara HlUyer, have given $50,000 I to th Hartford Young Men' Christian Association for a tnanuai training 1 stituto, to be called the Hillyer Institute, in noner ot their rawer, the into Gen.

Charles T. niiiyer. Joetlci Atlasta. Gal Lamar Quite 111. Doe.

21 Associate Justice bar to-day en rout to bis Lamar rsaebedi bom. II became to sick to continue his Journey, aad la Suite 111 at tbo bomo of Hoka fcmita ot this CI Ffta atlea af Oeed Fellamhl Try Evans ak Bonl ladla Pais Ale aad Brown a tout Tes. cor. lower a curious action. "WHAT HIS RBAFPOIXTMBBT OF JUDOaV MATNABD BBALLT MEAHS.

AxBJurr, Dea, 2Z Oov. Flower's annouase neat yesterday that he would reappoint tba discredited Isaac H. Maynaxd to the Court at Appeals la plao of Judg Andrews, who oa Jan. 1 beoomss Chief Justice. 1 regarded bora with astoalhmat In th light of ssrtaia atata- msnu mad by Mr.

Flower soon after had designated tha parlolnor of aloottoa retaras a a member of tha court of last resort At that time tba Governor said: "I never would hav mad th appointment bad I sup posed it would klok np such a devil of a row. IT I bad tb thing to do over again, I should not very differently. But what was I to dot I was aeked to make th appointment by every member ef tha Second Division ot th Court of Appeals, aad their recommendation had much, more to do with my action than did anything else." la alleged to have said more recently that he also received a request from all tbe member ot the First Division of the oourt for Maynard'a appointment. Thla la hardly probable or possible, for it was common talk here laat Winter that two Judgee of the court threatened to resign from th bench rather than sit with a man who was eonfesaedly uii.i ui a crime attains too laws ox ia e)tate, which the most disreputable of Mr. Hul'a ere would not have dared or leaped to eommlt zt ia not surprising that tne Judge of th beo-ond Division ot the court should hav naked for Maynard'a eUvatlon.

Tbe member of that court owed their appointment aad temporary increase In aalary to Gov. Hill, and quit naturally war willing to do their benefactor a tavor. Bald a well-known member af tha b.tiui- a Democrat, by the way, though aot ot the Hill echool of polltlee: I consider Gov. Flower's announcement of bis Intention to reaffirm his blunder of a year ago, into which he was led blindfolded by Senator Hill, not only a an Insult to the New-York Bar Association, bat to every reputable lawaer In tbe HtaUt and tn tha Judiciary. The worst of it, there is nothing left for us to do but to grin and bear it We have oesn congratulating ourselves slnee the Governor's manly course during the Buffalo strikes ana toe ire island episode mat he had eseaped from the thralldom of th machine had thrvwa off the Murphy-HUl yoke and meant iw- eraor da facto, but this eravea submission to hi oiu mentor prev that he is still bound to them by th old tie.

I atd convinced that he regretted the appointment of Maynard originally, aad thla step therefore seeme ail the more remarkable." VERY PARTISAN DEMOCRATS. CURIOSITIES OF THE VOTE FOR CHIEF JCDOB OF THE COUBT OF APPEALS. AlBa.xt, Dec. 22. Tb failure at the Democratic State Committee to nominate a straight-out Democrat fur Chief Jadge of the Court of Appeals last Fall gave offense to a great many dyed-in-the-wool Democrats.

TUer are those Democrats who boast ot having never voted for anything but a Democrat, and who would aa soon think of cutting off a hand as to oast a vote for any candidate but a Democrat Out of the total vote cast for Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals. 1,252,903, there were 8.U83 blank and scattering returned. A glance through the votes cast for other than the party nominees will convince one at sight of the truth of, the assertion that many persons never vote for any but a Democrat Rejected" reoelved 3 votes: Deiuocrasy." 1 Objected to." "Vote Lost," Cleveland. 1 Hut us W. Peck nam.

23 David Hill, 10; Ike Maynard, 1: Isaac Maynard, John A. Nlohols, 1. The several Deniooratie Supreme Court Judge In the btate also received com- llmentarv votes. The ludlorouslnolud theee: ienry Clay, Cbauneey M. Depew.

'I had K. K. Buraham, (formerly Superintendent of Public Bulldinga.) 3: Henry George. 5. Ono vote waa east for "Judge Kuger." deceased.

Of the Judges of tba lata Second Division of tbe Court of Appeals, Albert Halght receivea ana juavia i ouetl l. w. 1. Ko erteon was gtvea 8 votes. Tier aa donbt- that a large number of, tb "Maturing were used as a means ot Identification of floaters' votes.

The names of aneh will have to go on the records along with' the euoceearul candidate and th regularly nominated candidates who failed. A BIO CONCESSION ABANDONED. LOWER CALIFORNIA GIVEN UP BT TDK ENGLISH STNDICATK. San Francisco. Deo.

22. Private advices from London state authoritatively that tbe English syndicate of which Edward Jenkin-son. K. Is President, called the Mexican Land and Colonization Company, has decided to abandon Its vast enterprise In Lower California, allowing a concession of 18.000.000 acres of ferule land to lapse to the Mexican Government This syndicate, composed of wealthy Londoners, lent several hundred thousand dollars to tbe original oonoesslonnairea, taking an asslgu-ment of the vast land franchise. To hold the land it was only necessary to build a railroad from San Quentln.

Lower alifornia, to Yuma, Arizona. 30U miles, l'art of thla waa built aad the whole route waa aurveyed. An irrigation ars-tom was planned and considerable laud was sold. The steel rails are covered with grass, and the construction locomotives are rusting away. An officer of tba syndicate now here says the road would have been completed, though tbe coat would have been heavy, but for the Baring failure.

The concession thus thrown away waa to have been a principality, with an autonomous Government, and there was more than mere rumor In the recent story that It was to afford Lnglaud auother naval station on tbe FaclOa It ia reported that C. P. Huntington Intends to take up the great enterprise. WILD WESTERN COLLEGE BOIS. THE REMOVAL OF A PRESIDENT CAUSES AN ATTACK! ON HIS SUCCESSOR.

Ppokake Falls, Washington, Deo. 22. A soon as Regent Bmlth of tbe State Agricultural College reached Pullman yesterday the college boys had a conference, and when the Regent, who was with the new President of tbe college. J. W.

Jeston, attempted to look over the building, all the student came with baskets of bad egg and drov both men to their hotel. Tbe town was wild with excitement, and many cheered the beys as tbey chssed Regent Smith and the new President several blocks on a wild run. throwing egxs with each leap. For several hours both roen remained In the hotel, while the boys waited outside with a fresh supply of eggs. The cause ot the outrage Is the removal of Prof.

Lllley from tbe place of President. Citizens are looking for the ringleader, and have held an Indignation meeting. A Gold Pin Found In a nail Pooch. Rochester, N. Dec.

22. When the mall pouches brought by th west-bound flier on the Central at 4:30 o'olock were opened tn the Post Office ber this morning a gold pin with a diamond stud waa found in oae of the pouches. One stone Is aa larre aa a pea, and la pronounced a rare gem." There was no address nor was there any evidence of any envelope having been torn. A Leading; Physician murdered. Dee.

22. Dr. J. J. Worsham, a leading physician of this place, was shot and killed last night by Dr.

J. B. Hickel and Dr. A. B.

Hlnkel, who ar father and son. Dr. Worsham was a witaas In a case against the lilo-kels and th murder resulted from that caimr. The Hlnkela were arrested aad narrowly escaped lynahlng. Gen.

Stevenson'o Son In Tcxns. San Arroxio, Tsxss, Deo. 22. Louis G. Stevenson, son of Vice President-elect Adlai Stevenson, arrived here this morning from Bloomlng-tou, 11L, to apeud the remainder of tba Winter.

He Is In very poor health. During bis stay here will be the guest of Thaddsus Bell, Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue, who la his cousin. What la It that create to much talk over tb Admiral An inveterate cigarette smoker answer: "They ar mad from oxeeptlonally high-cost took, with which la used an tsusually fine textur ef special paper, th combination resulting In famishing th highest grad oJgar-tte rr bire planed on tb market uldc A WOMJLN.IN GftEAT'-PEBIl 1st, LLOYD U8 TIN WALL'S MAR TEL- OVS ESCAPE THOU DEATH, 8ATBD BT HIE OWI 'pABIB AND COOL- NEtS DBITBN FBOX BIB MOUSB BT FIRE, SBB FBBCBED OB TBB BOOF OF A BAT WINDOW HOOK AND S.ADDEB MEN TOOK BIB DOWN. raised havoc yesterday fernon la tba residence af Mrs. Lloyd Asplnwall.

at 100 East twentieth Street It waa aU so uddaaad swift that Mr. Asplnwall aad two maid aorv ants had narrow aad thrilling esse pas from death. Mr. Asplnwall' residence la a flna aid knn. ston.

lost wast of All Soul' Church aad overlook Gramerey Park. Tba Asplnwall hav occupied it but a short vim. Yesterday mera-Ing at about 9:43 o'clock, whea the fir broke out, Mr. Asplnwall and bis youngest son wsr at tne brakfat tabla on the first floor. Mrs.

Asplnwall was in hsr room on th third floor. front; Annie Bergen, the oook. aad Anal Griffon, th chambermaid. wr busy oa tb second floor, and In a roar room oa th third floor waa Mary Eolen, th nurse, with a young child. Tbe front of tb first and second storl of tbe building I about half taken up with a bay window.

It waa built mush later than th reat of th residency, and ha a steep gothl roof. Tba window of Mrs. Asplnwall's room, la th third story, open directly upon thla roof. Jnst as Mr. Asplnwall seated himself atth table the nurse girl discovered flame Issuing from th dumb-waiter abaft in the rear of tbo third floor.

Tbe girl alarmed the household with her cries, the pleked up the child and ran down stairs and escaped by the front door. After tb manner of alrsbaft Ores the progress of the Barnes waa extremely rapid. Down stairs the rooms qnlokly filled with emoke and the third and fourth floor were soon in flames, lhe two servants on the first floor opened the window-over the front eu trance and prepared to Jump. The cries ot the spectators prevented this. A short ladder waa procured from the church next door aud the girls were brought down safely.

When they were out. all the inmate of the bouse had escaped except Mra. Asplnwall. Justaathe girls were reaeued she raised tbe window overlooking tne steep gothio roof. A cloud of smoke rushed out aad enveloped ber.

one thought she waa going to Jump to th ground below. Warding shonu were raised. Calmly and with extreme care she stepped uiion tbe roof, lhe pitch of the roof would make It impossible to obtain a footing except for a raised gutter at the edge. Mr. Asplnwall braced both feet arainst thla gutter, closed the window, grasped the window sill for support, and half reclined along tbe pilch ot the roof.

Lvery moment her position became more pre-curious. A trained athlete could not retain that position long. There was frantic running about lor a long ladder, and atlll more frautlo directions given to tbe Imperiled woman. it seemed hours, but it was really only a few minutes, before the fire apparatus came clattering down the street A long ladder waa put against the eaves or the little roof Just aa the flames burst out of the window behind Mrs. Asplnwall.

At the same Instaut Thomas Coleman of Lngln Company No. 14 put a couple of scaling ladders In place. Thomas Glbney of Hook Ladder Company No. 3 rusbed up the long ladder, and Coleman went up the scaling ladders. Glbney reached tbe roof nrL He picked up Mra.

Asplnwall in his arms and passed her down to Coleman. The latter carried her safely to the street, where she promptly proceeded to faint away. Mra. Asplnwall waa carried Into Mr. Bwaln's house, at 13 Gramerov Park, and nnlflklv vlved.

bhe aald ahe had stopped la bar room to save ber towel, r-be had loaded hr nnr. with rings and bad put two or three valuable packbtcea axouml her neck. had to leave. iM(vinot jgwvir; uio room. Aneywereall reeovercd after the nra waa extinguished, i-rofeably will fully cover tbe lose occasioned by the Are.

lo.OO being on the mruitura aua on the building. The fire is supposed to have originated from live coal tailing upon the carpet from an open grate. FEDERAL SUPERVISORS AGAIS. TROUBLE THREATENED IN THE RHODE ISLAND CONGRESSIONAL ELECTION. Pkovidksck, U.

L. Doc. 22. If th first aot of th Democratic Congress is to abolish the otlice ot Federal Supervisor of Elections, the hearty thanks of the Democrats of Rhode Island will be extended to the statesmen. Up to to-day.

ciuletness reigned In political clroles here, but Chief Supervisor Blodgett ha started a discussion, lie notified th Chairmen ot both political parties to-day that when the adjourned Congressional election takes place he proposes to give Instructions to strike from the Toting lists the names ot all naturalized voter whoae proof of oltlzenrhlp is not forthcoming. Registry voters here are compelled to register annually before the close ot tha year lu order tnat they may vote the succeeding year. The city Clerk says It Is not his business to look over naturalization papers, and the canvassers have heretofore taken the lists from the City Clerk. Mr. Blodgett anneunoea that be proposes to make a list ot the naturalized registry, voters, aod advises the committees to tustrncl their voters tn bring all their papers before the City and Town Clerks.

He says he will havo bis assistants examine the lists, and all those who havo aot complied with his request will be uuable to vote. Toe alleged rueaou for this action Is that ho claims to have found that a number of foreign parsons who had taken out their first papers only registered aud voted in the Presidential election. ir thla programme Is carried out there will be a Democratic wail ot woe. About four out ot every five naturalized persona ara Democrats here, and this movement would elleetually dispose of any chance of tho re- election of Congressmen Page and Lap ham. Thousands have already registered for next year, and they will not deem it nereasary again to visit the City Clerk's office with their papers.

The Congres-slonal election will take place simultaneously with that ot the State contest on the first Tuesday in April. TO ABOLISH GEN. PLUME'S OFFICE. MOVEMENT AMONG NE W-JERSEY NATIONAL GUARDSMEN TO Tn AT END. Elizabeth.

Deo. 22. It Is rumored in National Gnard circles that a determined effort Is to be made at the next session of th Legislator to abolish the office of Division Commander, now held by Major Gen. Plume of Newark, and to have the Adjutant General Instead transmit all orders to tbe Brigade Command-err. It Is claimed that this plan work successfully In New-York State, and there la no good reason why New-Jersey should not adopt It Gen.

Plume's office by thla scheme could be rendered wholly superfluous, aad bis retirement would follow as a matter of course. There Is much hostility to Gen. Plume among many Ilicers ot the National Guard on tha ground that he Is too domineering and pompous, and they will gladly hall the ehauce to clip bis wings and lay him on the shelf. The project has been secretly discussed for some time, and now tbe advocates of the change feel strong enoach to lay the matter before tbe Legislature, which, it la claimed, will not be uafavoraulo to the proisrt if It can be shown that the National (iuard will not be Injured In Its discipline or workings bv the abolition of the ollioe now he id by Geu, Pluuiu. A Wealthy Merchant Aaaaaalaatcd.

Bikmixghax. Dee. 22. News reached bore this morning ot tbe assassination of K. P.

Hariston. a wealthy merchant and planter, near Eutaw, Greene County, last night While going horn from hi store about midnight be was shot to death from ambush by unknown asso; sins. H'a body was found this mornlntf. Th killing is snppoaed to have been for robbery, aa Harlatou is reported to have had much money. Officers with i loodhonnds have gone from here to trail tbe murderers.

Haristna was highly connected and a prominent political leader. Monday a Lrual Holiday. A LB AST. Dec. 22.

-Deputy Attorney Gs serai Ilozsn gave an opinion to-day that Monday will be a lerel holiday under the statutes, Christinas falling on Sunday. The Western Kxpre aad tba Pacific Fx area ot the Pennsylvania Railroad leave New-York at xo aad P. at. tor points la the West They axe old trlaads of lite liavauag publlo. 1 1 1 i i THE HA WAJIAN MIXUIMY, INDICATION TAT IT CARIES JtlLXf TBOCBLBSOVI AJTD BBIEX -Ucmauruo, Do.

Tb Klalatry la mav upwrlaacdae; somo troaBUwltfe tbo visrWa political faettoaa, Oa Dee. Just after tba teamer Australia toft vert, a bill aatkerlso tba Minister oeatraot a Bailee el loaa la tha tn of $200. OOO for tb eoanmaaeeaaeat a railroad oa tbo island of Hawaii, aaar tba port of Hlle, earn for ooaalderaUoa. Tne Mil la tb oa projected by 9bl J. M.

Honor, who 1 ale the father of aa act to laso 1000,000 psper sarreney for Hawaiian use, Tb Minister of Flaaae aaaounoed that it favatwd ra-farrtna: tb consideration of tba loaa bilL A metloa to table tba bill was loat br a vote of SB to 18, tb Ministry vtiag with th minority. Oa a motion refer to a oomavlttoa to report la 1894. tb Ministry changed taetioe aad voted with th majority. 28 te 21. six members of tba Hons being abseat Oa Dea.

14 tbo Ministry was again trted a tb question ot tbo Leglslatnr passing tbo salary ot th Andttor Genaral at tb ansa rata as that ot tb Cabinet Ministers. Tb member desired to pas th amount at such a ttm as they pleased. Tb Cabinet, through tb Minis tar nuance, stated that they would uphold tba rate at Cabinet figure. On a vote thy wer defeated 22 to 19. Tb bill will com ap a-ala Deo.

17. Tb Klalatry, la aatlclpatiea forthar defeat baa oeaaod pushing tbe Appropriation bOI toeompletloB, and it la yet unfinished. Horaer leaff-talked-Of bill to establish tb National Bank of Hawaii cam ap for oaldratta th morning of Doe. No special aaUoa waa taken, a motion to eoaslder tbe bill aootioa by eeetioa occupying the lions until adjoaraaeat Tho bill will eome up again, and aetloa tbereoa will probably cattle tb fat af tb present Ministry, a th member have expressed tam solve willing resign If It passes. Tb Queen to-day need her prerogative ot veto for the first time, on a bill to regulate tb hours of labor ot oertala Government employes.

Represents tlves in tb Legislature mad aa Sort oa Doe. 12 to raise their wa salaries, but the matter waa finally referred to tbe Judiciary Committee. Von Wertbera haa presented a petition to tbo Legislature for the payment of S7.000 damages sustained by tbe fall a of tbo late King Kalakaua to appoint blm Instructor to the royal guards. Von Werthern claims that oa the strength of the King promise to make each an appointment be caused hla- wife to sell out her millinery buslneaa la Saa Francises aad remove with blm to Honolulu with eeaaeouent loss. W.

E. Simpson, manager of tb Puget BoVnd aad Hawaiian Traffic Company, baa auoeoelhrd In getting the Legislature to grant a aubsldy ot (Soo for each round trip made by ble veeeel between Tscoma aad HUo and Honolulu. Th I ailed states steamship Boston gave its men a drill on shore on the Stb Inst, which was tbe first one for some time. Tbe steamship China arrived here from San Francisco Deo. 11.

making the trip In 5 daya 17 hours and 32 minutes, the fastest passage on record between these ports. HARDEN UNDER SUSPICION. IT IS THOUGHT HE MAT HAVE TAKEN THE $35,000 EXPRESS PACKAGE. ClscisjiATi, Ohio. Deo.

22. Charles A. Harden, tbe Adams Express messenger, suspected of tampering with tbe package of $35,000 seat from New-York to Galveston, via Cincinnati, reported for duty to-night to go on his regular run from here to Nashville. Ha did not sleep at his regular place last night Tbe failure of Lew Weir and th detective to fled blm gave rise to the suspioioa that ba bad ran away. Mr.

Weir aays this complicates tbe case and renders It very uncertain aboat Harden being tha guilty man. However, a la under detention at jreat. and will be exanv la4 eieaely by Mr. Weir and tao deteeU-e. Ills appearance for duty to-nlajht.

aad bis manner nn met by Mr. Weir and tbe de-toctlvea. made them almost rerret that they bad suspected him. There Is every disposition to do Justice to Mr. Harden, and If he abould not be proved gnilty.

to make all proper amende for the possible lnlurr that this aasnialon ni have done blm. On tbe 20th day of last month tha Island City Savings Bask of Galveston. Texas, received by the Wells-Fargo Express a package purporting to contain eUO.OOO, from Kountzae Brotbera. New-'York bankers. It contained only brown paper ent to the alze ot bank notes.

On the morning of Nov. 30. Ball. Hutching A bankers at Galveston, received from the Wells-Farro Ex press a package marked toooa-tain sent by the National City Bank. New-York.

This, too, was found to contain only brown paper. it waa found that both packagea had been opened and carefully reaealed. The Wells-Fargo Company put detectives at work. To-day tne officer of the Adams Express wsr thunderstruck by a telegram from the Wells-Fargo headquarters that tbe Wei Is-Fargo Company would hold tbe Adama Expreaa Company responsible for the abstracted from tho 'two packages. These packages were carried from Cincinnati to Nashville by the Adams Express Company.

Charles A. Hardin waa tbe messenger of the Adams Express who bad charge ot these pack-ace between this city and Nashville. BISHOP O'HARA'S JUBILEE. A PARADE AND BANQUET PROVIDED FOR THE ASSEMBLED PRELATES. Bckanto, Dec 22.

Fifteen thousand persons paraded to-day In commemoration of Bishop O'Hara golden Jubilee. In It wer marching clubs from every city In the diocese. The column was reviewed by Cardinal Gtbboas. Archbishop Ryan, aad tbe visiting Bishops aad elargy. Bishop O'Hara received a cablegram conveying tbe Papal blessing.

The banquet ot the laity to the Bishop aad the distinguished prelates of the Church was held this evening at College Hall, where 400 persons were seated. Jadge Gunster waa President, and John T. Lenahan was toastmaster. P. P.

Smlrh presented the address of the laity to tbe Bishop, the latter responding. John Barrett of the Seranton ruth read a poem entitled Tbe Double Crowning." Lieat Gov. aires re-spoaded to the toast The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania." Cardinal Gibbon, waa obliged to return to Baltimore early In tbe afternoon and Bishop Mcvuade responded to His Holiness Leo XI II." Archbishop Ryan spoke on "Golden and Silver Jubilees," Bishop i nlted States of America," Bishop Horstmaa oa The Catholic Caurea In America," I V. Powdsrly on Columbia." A Loving- Cup for Coarher Crosby. Axai-olib, Dee.

22. A sterling sUver loving eup has been pro seated to Coaeber Crosby by the Naval Academy officers and cadets, ba having coached the Annapolis team to victory in tbe game with West Point The enp Is about eight Inches high and bears the following Inscription: Benjamin L. Crosby. Jr. From the officers and eadeu of tbe United Ftatea Naval Academy, Nev.

-jti. 1892." 1 he cap was mads by tha Gorham Manufacturing Company of New-York City. The Screw Works at Hartford Bold. Haktfobd. Dec 22.

The old Providence Screw Company' works In this city war sold to-day for $100,000. Ira Dlmoek, tb Massachusetts stlk msnufaetarer. purchased the plant He will establish a silk twist factory hero. amplo)lng 20O hands. Mr.

Di mock purchased the Cornellua Vanderfellt residence la West risrtf ord half a doxea year ago, aad baa alno lived there. Col. Shepard'e Scarborough Slleefan. Snro Pino, V. Dc 22.

CoL EUlett F. Sbepard. who has purchased a large tract of land at Scarborough, the southern eabarb of tbta eitv, has put men at work traaaforming tbo old Van Vslsor road beats lata a missies, where tho Ur. Dr. Blessing will havo charge.

There Is a large field there for blm to cultivate. Outdoor Rosea In December. Pi.ilHELD, X. Dec. 22.

Gust a Eatt lin of Greenbrook Road. North PlalnBeld. wall trimming a mas ot closely-grown trees aad shrubbery en ble pi ace yesterday, was sari to naa oa oae uuaa two inu niowa rose whlek the frost bad aot yet Injured. Taaasr Raaylle'a rs- Palleta. Poteat laxellsvlag Irritated throaiaw da.

DKCEpAliTS OF PILGRIMS JJLMT DJMED AJtD HXAED XSJLlt ASCESTOXM MVLOQLZtD a2st iaamrsix8TicjLiXT euro -the SOWZSX." IXV.WA$ AsTTVAX. raTTTAX, -OF TBB BB WBBOLANO socxarr pi, biw-toex bs-waed TEBBTT XAXB ATTEMPTED XIMICST ABB WOI LOUT APrXACSB OXB OBATOR WHO POKB IN BBTTMB BEABLT FOCB BTUVDEXD XBMBBB ABT OUBSTa. BACH OXB OF WBOat XXJOTBD HIMSELF A FLBA FOB TBB XABIES. Tba Xw-Tag1aad Boater la tba City of Xw-York bold it eighty- voath aaaaal festival at Sherry last night, Tba at pay. Hams a vb oonld proda Batlsfaotarr $Tidsax that their ancestors wr aasama; tho aaosl AMirabl tmmLxraate who asm ov- la tb Mayfiewsr aad other Puritan was-' sals, aad tbo prmig4 friends mi aa eh fortunate genaVamea, la all aamharlaa nearly 4O0, first at a vary axaaOaa rar.

drank soax vry xUnt wlaa. and talxod amoajt thmaalv, aad-then, with vary axosV Uat cigars alight aad with appewolattoa asad a thuslaeaa oa tap, Usesned to tba words, gravo aad gay, Utlaaiabal oraaora. It was aa xtraoly ayabl aad, tbarofora, a suoeessful feettvsX It la tras that If aay mt tb ancestors happeaod ba nstenlac aad beard the songs that war ua- ta tbo oarly part af tb ovenlng- Uy paav aot bav cadai stood thn. at toast, af tbsav Aad wbaa tbey beard that they donbtiae eoaaladod that at laat Amsrtea bad a aoasT wrttor ot who popularity there eoeld ba a obosUob. That waa "Tb Bo wary." Tba dsseaadsita tb gsatlsmB who landed aa PlyasoaUl Rock sang Tba Bewery." They aaaT at one, bat flv ttm.

each tua wtta asare a tha slam aad unanimity, aad wba tbey atappod lnglng It to resum Unc tbsy applaadsd thmselv vociferously, and woadarod If tbsdr aaoeetor bad board thsm. It was evident at tb first rendition that ad tb dlasra war aot familiar wtlh tba varda of tho song. Bat two or tan sadly degwaorata ones knew th chorus, aad whan It bad boom repeated two or three time all bad loaraod tt, aad thy gar It with much TOlim. -Old Blaek Joe" aad -Tb Bweet By aad -By war also sang, but net with tba waste-: aoaled abandon that characterised "Tba Bow ery." Tb banqust was served la tba whlto-aad-gold ballroom. Tbo seVsa table at wkleh tha listeaers sat raa north aad seat, and tba tabla under whose eloth were th feet af tba President of the society and tbo orator was plaoed sst aad wast Back ef th presiding efflosr waa tb society shield, surrounded by United Btate flags.

Ba-fore blm waa a baak of rosea, aad row at fern raa dowa tho centre ot all tb tabla. war niy decorations, except, at the decorative periods ot the raters. It was essentially aa eeeasloa of good feellar and ss Us fled content All af th Joke of tba speakers west vU. Tha asrions-mtadod aad vanerabls Edward Kvarott pal aaad aa law, stantansous bit whoa be BoaewhsJ diffidently vestured to aasum tb rote ot a mimic Giving ta bis vole tb nasal' twang oommoaV atuibuiod to Nsw-Englaaders whoa hsvtng spoasn or meeung Yankees la dlataat laada, and saying, And they eould talk th Tanks dialect as wall as I ean talk It myself," aa caused aa outbreak ot laughter aad appUaeo, Aad whea ba referred to Dr. Brtggs aad hla persecutors bis vole was drowned by a shsar before be oonld make tba correction, I aaoaa prosecutors." Mr.

Mardsn's rhyme wsr a novlty la aftaa. dlnnsr speaking, bat tbsy wr highly aoasa rod. aad Chaunoay M. Depew and tba otasw spsaksrs had no diffloolty la aronslag BnarrV. uient by their str1.

nssjrn- Tbe member and Uelr gnesU started la oa -the material part ef th feast aoea after '0 P. tha hour aaaoaaeed for Its bartnaima'. They devoted themselves to the daUeaoloe aalU o'clock, whea Prastdont Daalal u. RotUn stood np and rapped twice sharply aa It meant It Voaouneed that ta order to osoar aorfoep 1 'ho attandaats weald leave tao rowan, wasyfl tha atteadaata dIA The sllaaoo aot oont-lag at one. Mr.

Rollins mad aa appeal for it, promising, aa a raeom pease, that taorowoall presesUy bo abundant aad seaathla eaoao ls make abnadant aad aeaaiblo aolso. Thra. after a atatament as to tbo a of tb society and a brief review of Its general axes, lence, Mr. Rollins pros a ted Edward Everett Hale, to whom wasgi vena hearty reception, Tha him lluf. w.Aw B)W all wfeA m.wvmvmia, mien STSrj DOOy sBSSTa ldW EDWARD EVERETT ILUJE'S SPEECH.

Dr. Edward Everett Hal ef Botearpoada4 to th toast. "Forsfatbar mwIbst la part: Nothing is mora lnterssung than tha way la which from tho vary begiaalag tha maa of tba old eolony-a we still fondly aay ta Massachusetts and tb bbsb of tbo Bay Joined hands with each other. They wer aot tbo same aaaat tbaU history was aot tb sams; their tadastrto war not tb sams; their ancient atom war aot tho same. Her at Plymouth was this Urtto group of Eagllah artssaaa, msa who knew how to Judge wool; man who made faatiaa aa If II pleased God that tb dignity tb aaaatoal arte should bo alw in tb very piaattac of aa empire; and bar in tbo Bay wer greaped asam whm tn England tbey would bar oallod another class; poople who bad been laaairar-sttioa.

people who bad booa la th Court, fsspl who had friead at Court aad perhaps not on maa of them ef tb colony, la tba Old World, bad seen on maa of tba tar eoteay. Bat thla difference of th man la simply axtaraaL Whoa they eome to their saw homes they bar oa Ufa. Boeaas they have oae duty. Aad yet. with aU tals contrast of saoa aad eircumaiaaoea, tb two coalesced frosn tb very bsgiaalag.

Tb pilgrim at PlynMutb. swat hi doctor to heal tha eick la tao bay. Tao Goo. ernor of Maasaekoeette goee dowa aad Joins la a prayer meeting with the people at Plynaoata. rem that hoar to thla there has a booa ta first shad dirrao btwa tbstw.

Fro at that hour to this hour the tw Stakes hsr aoea one State, their leaden havo booa frteada, tasir dssttay haa boob the same aad taolr dignity aa baoa tba same. Hw do ro aeeoaat for this Why la it that tho Btate lying side by side ar aot quarreling together aa tney alway 4 la feudal lastttutiOBS or ta Earopeaa history Tb differeaeo Is that tha foadal iBstltatloa dte withiB fifteen miautes after tho Immigrant lands la Amorl. Tbo word foodal I a good oa, ba-eaoa it desciibos th eternal war which exists botwesa the maa who are edarated ta that ooav Ilea ted social aystsm ef top, belts' as. aad middla, he feudal eyetom portsho ss aoo as evsry maa understand that a ta his brother keeper, aad la th company of saoa who knew that tbey live together for tb greater gkvr of God. What I tho chief sad of maa I rltae of yew ware aeked tao qaastloa la oar eatesaism.

aad however yea blaaderod In tbo rest of tho catechism yoa were aote tossy la reply: The ehbef nd ef maa Is to glorrfy God aad ar lllm Tbr to a slatsmsnt oa which Dr. Bris- and his parses a tore 1 snsaa h.s pro tors wul asrroo: tbor to tb state-msat which thoaaaad of msa aad wman haadrada of tbaaaaada of Baea aad weavaa have bolteved. Massachaaetts Is Maaaaehaaatto aad Naw-Englaad la Nsw-EsgUad, It Is oa thlBE for a maa vs awaka la the morning, mssa lag to tiv for hU owa eomrort. for hi owa pJ- ate. for hla owa want, for am owa baaao.

for am owa baak sressit, for ale owa ram, aad tt to quit aaothsr thlag for a maa to wake ta tao meralag aad como to tb cease loasaea that that day ho la to live for th (lory mt God. Boaaehow oUor these stmpto aaoa aad womoi, trained It yoa plana la aaoa! of wast pouoeopaer earned to bo ha xeellent health. He spoke wltboat apparent effort In a vole that was rather hick, bat i TV.

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