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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 4

New York, New York
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if J. 6 JVM age, taatitn ib 2M4. WWW 7 l'n MuMl. tnf uy imi. Baal bUUMiMUM.

1 -Muoiai 7 Kun 7 SIMeUOflS WutUm I UMUl. lwbwK raranheS Iteaau Te LeA Jf.J Woods. STbe Tort Meteia 1IUSIIC113 this uisav ACADEMY OF MTJSICl Itth SAaae IrTTBg FUee -u-luk Oook. AMBKki. lsili lit.

aad Irving Piece Oemaehtes Mesa. AMeAICAM AHT GALLERIES. (iMltMIU- 0 A. te p. M.

pBtallBga. KH Society 1 red. iBB-jaDWAY, Broadway sad 41st Bt-SiOO-Tfc 1 Proais-al rattier. CA1N Broadway aad Wtk StSil-ThB Fane. j- )f eater.

ALY'a, vKktrtrul SOth St. SilS The Bmaeb i back. XDH-N MT7SER. 1M St. BUT th Bad i 0-VtNrUJMu-Wi works.

FIFTH AVtNl't, HitMl! u4 StSllS A reoL FOVBTE tKTM BTBEET. 14 th Bear le AT. TSiOO-The Eael-n. AKDEH, Madiaoa At. and 37tk St-SOO-BeoU eHwM 'eiKi opera house, sth at.

and sm sl- lOO-Th ScuaL BAULK HOUSE, 12ith 81 u4 7tk AT. :00 Cleopatra KABMlOAN'a. stta at aa4 AT. aM kf U1- aaa Oaarda' Bali. JCZkBalAMM S.

Hraa4ar aad SU i UiiUTlpott. tMFKBIat MUilO HALL. Broadwar ul 39U aKie-VaadaTUIa. JaaUata. A BIAIB.

tot. aod It AT. KM) vasoaTUia. MinaM. VTCM.VM, 4th At.

aad 834 Arlcaaa i Aaroad. KAUISuJT BQUABK BUh naar Broad var-SiJo A Tiia Ohiaaiaira. "XAWHATTAN. UUi kt, Mac Broad was -8: 00 11a Itla at Champacaa. STATIOMAI.

ACADZMT OF CXSIGN. S3d it aad I Ar.VT and aTaala Aotana XzhiMUom. rALMSB'B. JtraadWBT aad Mth raT. SS4 St, Croatr Fair.

aaar 6t At. SilS-Tne fl-rAMDABI'. Braadwar aad SM aa-Silft-Tb ai aaatti Jau. gTAJB. Braadwar and lltfe -IS-A root's Paradla aad Mr Wlfa'a Daatlat.

TOBY fA'TOB 8, lu St, batwaea ti aad 4ta A Tt. 8 iOO Varlatf umiun wtuavjis, lam bi, aaar Bioadwa siis Taraa. Ill WIT 7TH ST. Dar aad XTaatac PaJat- jaaa hi vrmipwra. to-dat'b Dorroa.

Saptiat raatora, Taeentacle Caoreh. 1 1 A. Itolhodtot Xialatera, Book Coaeera Boitdlaf. 11 A. M.

YwaYork Praabrwry. Baotek Cburoh, P. M. Trial et ttte Bar. Patrick Corrlf aa, Nawark.

IP X. Saaa XxaiMUoa. Alpha Dalta Pal Club. 86S afadk bob ATaaaa, to 7 P. M.

of Aaartaaa Arta, tookhaldara' aaaUac Opeaiac Ceataoeae Clak, 207 Bowarr, rraalan. liaak Faarya laetnra, Amarlfsaa So- aiatr, Olilekanac UaU. P. M. AaalToraarT kali.

Baaaar Brothan' am ploy aa, Baa- taeraa Maaaaaraaor IUU. AaflroWi Brotaorkood, 8k Cttrraoatoa'iOkapal. raaawood BaaaTniaat A Utletlo Clob eoataata, Proa. paot ATaaaa, Brookla, araolac. tnanar to If odorator William O.

Youaf kf Bate Taota PI Alamal. Hotel arlborouo. OTaolBa. Ckriattaa XadeaTor rally. Central OoaaTogaUonal i Beooad Flro ZeaaToe, SaTeatT-thtrd Bavlmant, aa aaal diaaer.

tiia Colombia. aTanlag. Boxiac. aaw Brooklra Atkletio Clttb. aTanlag.

kfoaday Wight Clak, Berkeley School parlore. Klags County prlmarlee, BTanlng. Twelfth BeglnMat aaaoal aaaa, aTealag. JTradaa TJaloDa Conreotlon, Claraadon Ball. Aaaoal etla Kanhattaa Atbietle Club, erealBf.

Paulareha' ball, Deliaonloo'a. i tERMS TO MIIL SUBSCRIBERS P0STP11 a DAILY. 17. iM.00 with 0 DAILY, 6 Boatka, $4.00 1 with S3-00 PAILY, moitha, J.00 i with DAILY, 1 month, without Sunday 73 DAILY, laoatn, with BttBday fUHDAT EDITION ONLY, 1 year. WKtKXT, par year.

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TIMES BUILDING. pie eoplea east tree. New-York City. S0I1CES. The Times dot not rtjtcttd mau- FHpUt The Times riUfat fo any addrui in Aoropc, foUg included, for $1.50 per fBOB tk.

Iki dat printed on tin wrapper of tscs paper denote the time tcken the inheorip-ion expire, The Daily Timks mi he had in London et daring Crou, Trafalgar pquare. lit tmlf mp-ioum office of The Times i at 'IfiQV-Breadieey. near lkirty-eecond Street. 10 ADVERTISERS. for publication in the Smn- eey edition of The Times be landed in before o'clock on Saturday evening.

jt Dkfo-gurh Citrus. MW-YOBX. MONDAY, DEO. 12. 1892.

Tkt Woatker Bureau rertort iadtrs.Um tar U-dr, in tkit citg. fair, tligktlw colder momtlur. Jho speeches of Groter Cleveland and CaX Schcrx at the Reform Club dinner jn Saturday evening were of a character jwhich every honest American can regard with the deepest satisfaction. The Presi- dent-elect spoke with the utmost simplicity -s aum earnestness, in precisely tns same spirit as the distinguished representatire vfif independents in politic Both made kerjr plaia that the power given by the Siections of November carries with it a cor jrasponding duty, and that the real opportunity won by the victorious party is the bpportunity to fulfill a trust at oncediffl kult and noble. It is a notable thing when leader like Mr.

Cleveland recognises so 'distinctly the obligation Imposed by pop ular confidence, and when a leader like Ms. 8cHCar who, without disrespect to iths many able and upright men with whom has worked, may be said to haro done jmoro than any other one person to awaken jthat eonfidenee emphaaizea not the vi bat the. high duty given by the vic tory. There has been no great political jtriamph slnco the close of the war for the Union ia which moral forces hare been inora potent or their significance more frankly and sincerely acknowledged. The Senate is, as was to bo expected, 'liltJ uaiijmg wita Business, it gives but a brief session for four days of the week to its publio duties and derotos most of that to perfunctory work.

This week, it i announced that the Anti-Options bill will bo taken up, and the astute miller who fathers the scheme expresses himself con fident of its success. Wo doubt if his ex pression of confidence be sincere, and we are sura that If ho bo really confident, ho ia sadly in error. All tho indications of publio opinion oa this measure) since Con- gress adjourned haro been adverse to it. Not only is this the fact, but largo numbers cf its honest eannortAra have mrA their 3s, on reflection Jsnd pa observation of working of the system which it is la- Fs, i tended to Terttreir. Ths conviction is spreading that whomever the Wll iba benefit, it will not be the producer or eon-inatr, aad there general suspicion that it will be only ths class to which tli special champion of the bill oolongs.

Tb eoaslderatioB of the BpproprUtloa bills is proceeding ia the IIoum with taaeh dill fence se is practicable. The llil-iUry bill will Uken bp this week, and unless there should be nnnsosl obstrne tion. is likely to be sent to the Senate be fore the bolidsy recess. There will also reported at an earljr dsj aa nrf eacy da-fieieney bill eovering the requirements of the various departments that cannot bo postponed. Meanwhile, the Appropriations Committee will proceed as rapidly as poasi.

ble to (at at the facts regarding the condi tion of the Treasury. It is reported that the Hecretary of the Treasury is prepared to give them as ranch aid as he can. He will certainly not refuse Ho do so, for he cannot without the (rarest risk, such as Mr. Foster is the lastman to wish to incur. But it is not entirely certain that Mr.

Fostkb himself is as thoroughly acquainted with the facts as he might be. and the duty of the committee can hardly be con fined to taking bis statements or those of his subordinates. Mr. Can -non on Saturday in the Brussels conference expressed his surprise that the States of the Latin Union were not inclined to join America in an agreement for the extended use of silrer, of which they are the largest holders." It does not seem so Tery surprising. The Latin Union has tried the remedy proposed by the United States delegates, and found it so much worse than the disease that it abandoned it and is not inclined to try it again.

Mr. Cannon is also reported to have said that be thought that the proposed purchase of 30,000,000 ounces of silrer annually by Europe, pro- Tided, that it was an addition to the silver now naturally used, might be a bridge to join the metals again. We think that this must be an erroneous report. Mr. Cannon would hardly uae metaphorical and entirely incomprehensible language of this sort, and doubtless knows that the condi tion attached to the proposition referred to, namely, the continuance of our own purchases, is one that can not and will not be accepted by this country.

Of the few navy bills of a general charac ter which are well advanced toward enactment the one for the sale of surplus land at the Brooklyn Navy Yard is among the more promising. The House passed it at the last session, and the Senate now has it under consideration. Yet there is one hitch about it trjt may make trouble. The testimony of Secretary Tracy, of the commandant of the yard, and of other officers is that the land which it is proposed to sell is not required for any present or prospective uses of the Government, having, in fact, been long employed as a mere dumping ground for old material. On the other hand, since Brooklyn wants it very much for a market, improved annroachea will be made, the use of which is to be secured to the Government.

The trouble is that the House provided for turning into the Treasury the large sum to be paid for this land, whereas in the Senate an effort is to be made to use a part of it for improve ment! at the yard. This difference, however, should be capable of adjustment, as in any case the Government would receive the benefit of the funds accruing from the sale. One of the three artillery subalterns who have just received Captaincies is an officer who was made a First Lieutenant in the Fifth Artillery SeDt 28. 18G7. wbila his present promotion is dated Nor.

so that be served two months more than a quarter of a century in one grade. Such an experience is an illus tration, not only of how alow promotion is in peace, but also of how the system of reg imental promotions has worked. More than a dozen times Capt. K. Hills has seen union pass him to the grade he has now reached.

It is true that he had onlr been a Second Lieutenant about fifteen months when his rapid promotion to a First Lien tenancy came, and accordingly his average in the two grades is thus reduced to a little over thirteen years for each. But another point illustrated is the long detention in ar tillery promotions caused by baring 120 First Lieutenants and only 60 Captains in that arm, whereas half the former would be sufficient, as Gen. Schofield and others have urged. Capt I. Eastman, Second Artillery, and Capt.

8. W. Taylor, Fourth, also just promoted, had serred, respect. irely, since May 6. 1869.

and April 20, 1873, as First Lieutenant REVIS1XG THE PENSION LAWS. It will be remembered that at the close of the last session of Congress a commit tee was appointed in the House for the special purpose of revising and codifying the mass of statutory provisions relating to pensions. The committee consisted of five member, of whom Mr. Pearson, Ohio, Chairman; Mr. Martin, Indiana, and Mr.

lLSON, Missouri, art Democrats, wbile Mr. Flick. Iowa, and Mr. Watjgh, Indiana, are Republican. The committee has been pretty steadily at work during the recess.

Ana tne House lias ordered the printing of such matter as is necessary to the preparation of the report, which, it expected, will be ready early next month. This is a very important preliminary work, and if, as we hare reason to hope, it is carefully and thor oughly done, it will open the way to such reform as may be necessary and practicable. Heretofore the laws governing pensions hare been scattered in many directions. It has been very difficult to get at a thorough understanding of them, and those who haro mastered them hare by no mean been the most anxious to see them fairly and honestly applied. These hare been chiefly of two classes the pension attorneys and tha officers of the Pension Bureau.

The former have bo interest in I the strict construction of the existing stat- utea, defective as these are ia many rev snects and confused and contradictory as thoy are in others, whils the evidence is verjr strong that tha oCcers of the bureau daring tas tern ox uaeiuson's Aamin-lstrstion have been much more anxions to armota tko business of tha pension law ysrV and agents than they haro boon to pTojtsst either the interests of tha Gorern- eat or those of the honest and deserving peisionsra It is plaia that the first requisite for tha enforcement of the law as it now exists is to fare a clear and logical statement of whkt the law is, and this is also the first recjuisite to any amendment of tha law. It is lot to bo expected that in the little tine arailablo in the short session any eot dderable amendment san properly bo accomplished, nor is it desirable that it she old bo undertaken. Not only is the tin too short, bnt the political conditions do not faror any such action. It would be too likely to be made the subject either of wrangle or of compromise between the two hoases of Congress. But if a fair committee of the House agrees upon a codification of exi iting laws, as we trust that Mr.

ear-so: committee wilL there is good reason to 1 iope that it will substantially be accepted iy the Senate. In that case the new Ad ninistration would be enabled to com mence its work with a rery fair chance of accomplishing wisely; moderately, and justly a reform that is greatly needed. Wei take it that honorable and responsible Republican members of either the House or the Senate are as deeply interested in the) fair and thorough performance of this work as the members of the opposite party can bo. lne abuses that have crept into the! pension system are, in part, the effect of lareless, hasty, and confused legisla-tio: for which neither party can be held ent rely responsible. In part they are the res tit of bad administration, which has bro light much discredit on the Republican Pai ty.

That discredit can be remored only by frank and hearty co-operation in the leg slation necessary to reform, and the first step in this is the revision and codification of the pension law TBE NATIONAL BANKS. Tpe report of Mr. Hepburn, the Control ler of the Currency, contains many facts of dec ided interest, some recommendations of imj lortance, and a little theorizing of no spe significance, the unsoundness of wh ich does not therefore require particular att sntion. During the year expiring Oct 31 the number of banks increased by 94, bri lging the total up to 3.784, and the capita stock by $9,112,800, making the total ne rly $700,000,000, ($693, 868, 665.) There wa i also a slight increase in the outstanding circulation, $247,588, making the total $172,432,146. The increase in net circula tion outstanding was larger, being 22 In the present condition of our paper currency, and considering the absolutely saf i quality of the bank notes, even this slit ht increase, following a long period of ste tdy diminution, is gratifying.

ijhe Controller is by no means inclined to acc ept the general notion that it is not pos-Bib to provide a basis for bank circulation that will secure its natural and wholesome extension and save the system for some yet rs to come. His recommendation on that point is as follows: In my Judgment the Government should laaile 2 per cent bonds, running, twenty, thirty. and forty years, and with the prooeeds parehass the) 4 per sent bonds outstanding. This would reshlt In a savlnjr et Interest to the Oorern- mekt. distribute the maturity of the bonds orer a proper period, and furnish the best coneeiTa- blel baala for circulation.

The Government ootid hardly bare floated a 2 per cenv bond bull for the needs of the national banks, and wltit liberal yet oonserratlTS lawa aa to circula tion it la possible that a bond bearing a slightly lowjer rate than per cent, could be placed at pad llhis is a question as to which Mr. Uep- bu in's judgment has authority, and we are glad to see it brought forward at this tiu e. It is hardly to be expected that the prosent Congress at this short session will hare the time or the disposition to mature a ijolicy of this importance. Yet it is not impossible, and It is very desirable, that the opinion of financiers whose opinion will carry weight shall be freely ex pressed. Of the ability of the Government to refund the 4 per cent, bonds in a bond at per cent, we hare rery little doubt.

ThjB plan of the Controller would, of coarse, be sensibly promoted by the adop tion of bis minor recommendations, thd reduction of the amount of bonds to be held by banks, (the requirement could with entire safety be repealed;) the exten sion of the right of issuing circulation to thi par value of the bonds held as se curitythe right could rery properly be ex to 00 per cent, of the arerage mi rket ralue of the bonds for each period of six months; the repeal of the tax on ba ak notes, which has no good reason for existence and is a mere vexatious compli caiion. The suggestion that the monthly withdrawal of bonds held for circulation sbkll be limited to $4,500,000 is of doubt ful value and more than doubtful sound ness The whole system should be organ izejd so as to secure the greatest simplicity arid freedom. Mr. Uepbcrx gives the total amount of pnper money in circulation as follows Ni tionsl bank notes Li Itsd States notes, 1 acke) Tr notes Id certificate fell ver eertlfieates Currency fl72.432.14o 332.0S0.234 114.067.423 IJO.255,349 324.552.532 (green- 10,550,000 1.074.437.684 i-nr cent, or national bank notes ..16.04 From this table there may very properly be omitted the gold certificates, since they are not paper money in the sense that the other varieties sre, but are merely gold in tbjo form of paper for convenience of circu lotion. This deduction would Imv th P4per currency at $954,182,335.

or in rokind numbers at $950,000,000. Itis inter esting to compare the provision made for the ruliemption of this paper in gold. The bank note are secured by bonds worth much more tnan tneir face value in gold. The Ututed States notes, or, greenbacks, have a rehervo fund back of them of $100,000,000 in gold, and rank next in the nnt. i sejeurity.

The Treasury notes issued for the i purchase of silver amount to $116,000,000 of these is the silver bourht now wpnu depreciation of $.4,000,000. The total coin air, of ail dollars has been $373,000,000 and the bullion in them eost $308,000,000 and is worth about 250,000.000, or about 70 per can! of tha faeo value. At this ratio the f32i.000.000 silver certificates haro back of them 9227.S00.OO0 worth of silver bull ion. This is not a good showing for a Government that is pledged. tho Gov ernment of tho United States is, to main tain all its paper money at par with.

gold. It is conclusive evidenoo as to tho repeal of tho act of 1890. ORGANIZING TBE BOUSE. Nobody has any donbt what tho election of Mr. Cleveland meaaa He has explained it too often and too courageously to leave any question oa that point, and he has explained it both before his nomination and since his election.

The people have accepted his explanation, and nobody ia in doubt as to what he means to do. Whether or not he can do it depends upon the tem per of the next Congress, and especially upon the temper of the next House of Representatives, in which all measures for raising revenue must originate. It is neither too early nor too late to say that this in turn will depend upon the organization of the House. It is a fact very well known to everybody who knew what was going on in 1890 and 1891 that the organization of the present House was arranged with one dominating purpose in view, and that is the purpose which has lately been brought to naught. It was arranged for the purpose of preventing the nomination and election of Mr.

Cleveland to the Presidency. This was rather a dlffieult matter, because the present House was chosen on an issue that Cleveland had raised and that Reed and McKixLEYhad emphasized. At the election of 1890 the people had declared by a portentous and over whelming majority that upon this issue they were with Cleveland and against Reed and McKinley. The partisan triumph of the Democrats was the personal triumph of their leader. So to deal with the victory that tho roan to whom, more than to any other man, the victory was due should derive no advantage from it, and so that his victory should be as much as possible ignored and belittled, was the problem that the organizers of the present House had to solve.

They did their best to solve it. and the organ ization of the present House is the. re sult. Tho choice of the Speaker, and all that followed it, including the composition of the committees and the whole working arrangement of the body, were directed not more at tho Republican Party than at Mr. Cleveland.

It was intended that his views on silver should be overridden, and that his utterances on the tariff should be nullified. Now the entire combination that resulted in this organization has been defeated. Iu spite of the combination, Mr. Cleveland has been nominated and elected. The peo ple know and approve what he means, and the question with the next House is the same question that has arisen in twenty other forms.

It is the question whether the people or the politicians shall prevail. The politician sought to know that, having been not only beaten, but discredited, it is the part of policy, as well as of fairness and honesty, for them to own their defeat and to let the people have their own way. Ihev show the most ex traordinary reluctance to do this, and upon all sides and in various capacities they are rising up and takiug the airs of victors. In this State we aro greeted by the spectacle of a tnan who used the power of his machine to prevent the nomination of Mr. Cleveland now endeavoring to uso the success that was his defeat to send himself to the Senate.

This is only a very marked instance of tho tendency that seems to prevail everywhere among the opponents in his own party of Mr. Cleveland and his prin ciples. It is illustrated every day or two by some statesman who assumes that, because he was made conspicuous in the last House by the opposition to Mr. Cleveland, us will be equally conspicuous in the next The assumption is not modest, and it is to be hoped that it may prove to be baseless. The leaders of the last House, even if they happen to have made sure their election to the next, are by no means the leaders of the victorious party.

If It makes them its leaders in the next House the politicians will again defeat the people, and the fruits of the victory will be, so far as the people are concerned, very largely thrown away. A Democratic statesman cannot after the 4th of March be in a position less calculated to enable him to express himself with authority than in that given him by the fact that he was a leader in the last House of Representa tives. INDUSTRIAL PEACE. xu. mo iviukuuu oi rteigium, wnicn is essentially a commercial and industrial country, and in which the mines especially require the employment of large bodies of men of varying degrees of intelligence, the question of good relations between the employers and the employed has been for many years a very difficult and thorny one.

it is very far from being solved. As Bel gium enjoys the advantages and suffers the disadvantages of popular suffrage, the excitements, distractions, and passions of politics enter into the treatment of this question quite as much as in our own couu try, and in some districts much more, since politics involves both the question of a change in the institutions of the country and the always disturbing element of relig ion. Strikes and lock-outs have been fre quent Riots are not unknown. The work ingmen have their unions, and to these are added in varying degrees at different times the influence of the International," the Socialist, and the Anarchist organizations. When, therefore, from Belgium we get an authoritative account of a practical expert ment in what may be called mutual organ ization of workmen and employers, with a view to harmony and common benefit which has been substantially successful for a period of four years in mines employing some 6,000 persons, involving an industrial population of some 20,000 to 25.000.

it cannot but have a great interest Such, aa account we have ia a pamphlet published, by tha house of GCILLAUXIX 4b 14 Baa Richelieu, of Paris. It con tains a lecture on "La Conciliation Inius- trielle at la Bole dee Meaeurs" by M. Jcuxx Weilee, engineer to tha Depart ment of Material in the eoal mines of Mariemont and Basooup, Belgium, and ia addition a report for 1891, the fourth year, of the Counsel of Conciliation and Arbitration ia the Beecoup Mines. The system as explained by M. Weiler i entirely independent of the State and is confined wholly to the establishment ia hich It is organized.

It is, in effect, the spresentative system advocated by Mr. Charles Francis Adams, to which we have already referred, ia connection with the railway service. Its essential purpose to secure the most complete possible un derstanding by the employers and em ployed of the real interests, views, and sentiments of each by the other. It aims, therefore, not so much at the settlement of disputes as at the prevention of them. The basis of the system is what is known as the Boards of Explanation.

One of these organised in each branch of the busi ness, and eaoh embraoes a group of work men having substantially the same occu pations, working under the same conditions. and likely to have the same obligations. compensation, and causes of complaint or satisfaction. This board is made np of equal numbers of freely-ohosen delegates of the workingmen and of representatives of the employers chosen from their salaried and relatively permanent staff, such as engineers, superintendents, foremen, inspectors, cko. The board is, as its name implies, intended solely for discus sion.

It makes no decisions and takes no votes, but each set of representatives brings up any matter connected with the working of the business, and it is freely xplained and talked orer. The purpose is to secure, so far as possible, a clear comprehension of facts on both sides, with a riew to any action that may afterward be required. Next is the Board of Conciliation and Arbitration. This embraces, as we understand it, the affairs of each mine all its branches. It also consists of an equal number of representatives of the men and the employers, the latter, of course, of the higher and more responsible grades.

This board has cognizance of cer tain matters defined in advance, and which come up in their regular order, but in ad dition, it may also take note of anything brought forward by a representative of either side. There does not appear to be any rigid rule as to procedure, but the custom is to proceed slowly and thoroughly, explanation and discussion preceding any definite proposition, the essential pur pose Ktill being to get at a general and common understanding of the fact a Then the proposition is made, and after such de liberation as may be agreed upon, a vote ia taken. The decision thus reached is ordi narily, but not necessarily, final, each side reserving its liberty of action. So far there has been no decision that has not been accepted by all parties. We msy add that there is a system, not clearlv ex plained, for providing assistance and insurance to which both classes contribute, aud which forms, of course, a tie of greater or less strength.

The most interesting feature of M. Weiler's extremely simple and straightforward statement is his account of the relations of this system to the leaders of the workingmen. M. Wkilek, bo it remem bered, is not a theorist, in the bad sense of the term. He has a theory, of course, because he has a system and reasons for it He is alo a student, not from the outside, but a student as every man with a complicated and extensive work must be, of the problems he must solve and the means available.

He is convinced that leaders are necessary, not to the men only, but to the employers. The number and organization of the workers on the one hand, the substitution of corporations for individual employers on tho other, require that each side shall deal with the other through agents or representative. These are easily got by the companies. They must be had from the men as welL The question is how to get good ones. The first condition, according to M.

Weiler. is that thoy shall be actual workmen, chosen from the ranks of those with whom each company deals, since thus only can they have at once the knowledge required and interests in common with their constituents. The second condition is that they shall have authority with the men. and for this purposo they must be freely chosen, and naturally as freely accepted. Here, undoubtedly, is the most difficult point in the working of the system.

The natural leaders of men are not necessarily the wisest most reasonable, or fairest In M. Weilek's experience they were quite the contrary. He confesses it with the utmost frankness. The workmen's leaders who were elected to the counsels at first were precisely those whose influence the employer had. with reason, most dreaded.

nV says M. WaiLiR. "strange to say. nanny naa we come in contact with these men wken we were obliged to abandon our preconceived Idea of them, and to recoc-alza in tb greater somber uf these terrible adversaries not all tke qualities desirable for then they would not be workmen, aor employers eltkar, butsaiau to aet In alohas -not everT narfae- tloa, I ssy, bat an amount of Intelligence and goon raita that rendered them most apt ia fulfilling the faellons intrusted to them. Voii u.

gentlemen, I insist on this, these qaslltles had lor us oeen prertously completely in tha shade; we had soon only their faults, and these througo a magnifying glass." We have not space to quote from the de tailed report given by M. Weiler of the proceedings of the boards we have men tioned. We must content ourselves witl saying mat tuer embrace a variety of questions, great and small, and th they were treated with much patience, fair ness, and good senso oa both sides. 1 I'll .1 una ii i ciaiin io nave found a panacea, or even an iufallible specific. He has, however, certainly made trial of a radical change of system, which, for four years, under some difficulty, has worked extremely well That is much.

Art la PUUdelplUSL. Ttem the ftuiaaelpkia Mteer. Aa exqulalte paper weight designed by a Fhll-aerappl flrm "PrseU a slice et Med UAXDZVS -SAirsOX I2T CUV2CEL TBI OKATOUO I UTS THB rXJTTTAI. OF IT. ikWfS CHOIR.

At the oreasoag servtee ta tl Jaaess Zeis' sepal Ckareh, ail 1 sea Aveaae aa aeweatry first street last night Us aattesa was sa la- Bieslyeonstraets4 salesMoa from Headers BaaaeoaV oavartag a lMUe ever aa hour in Ms performance by the ekelr. of' wklea Ma Alfred Stabba Bake to the ergaaist aad ai osteal reotor. This was tha tairty-tru la araev ot the kelr festivals for wkiek the Ckarea of 8t James's has earned a flattering repeUtlsa. The feetlTal deela-aatlea dla not. hewerer.

icmm tho programme, aa omlaataa amply Banned, oibow laeae stataa aaeaiaiy powormaaesa. ir the ar to be aaaald properly some ader the head of aaeaad eeaoerte. Samaoa ta aeaeatially a dramatis oratorio, and Bttad rather far the stage or tke eoaoert hall than the ekureh. Not eeaa the faot thai the eompeeitlOB was a great favorite with Handel, aad that be ia aald te hare eaaeldarwd it so early eqmal to -The Meaelah- that aa swale not determine wklea shaela take preeedaaee of the eUer, adapts It to the purposes far wkiek It was employed by tke choirmaster of Bt James's on the eeaaaloB under Botiee. Asa vahlele for the display ot the voeel ability ot tha eololata at the sholr Its patting forward at thle partioalar period Inaamuen as It has ae parttnoaoy wbat-eror to tha Adrent season may possibly ba ex- Stained.

Tke oratorio eeatalae eoaaidarablo ram a tie musio, but bayoaA the Israelite eboraaoa "Than 'Roaad A boat tho Starry Thro ae" aad Let Their Celestial Ceaeerte Ail Unite "and the walVkaowa air for soprano, -Let the Bright Seraphim." it maalo whisk is essentially Pagan aad not at all eharehly. Tke bast work of tke ehotr was aoosmpllshsd la the ehorusee of the Philistines, aad notably la the usees of exaltation rreeuac the rlatory the heetnea deity, -Uretl Dacoa Uaa Cauda ed Oer Koe." ktr. Frank H. Potter saag the music ot Bam son with careful precision, aad gars aa effective. If somawkat seBtlmentaily-sxaggeratad.

rolelag of Total Eollpee." Mr. A. 1. Petersen was fairly eueeeeefal with the tremendous Hoaer aad Arms," aad tha small portions of tho oratorio allotted ta the ban tone aad the soprano were eapably eared for by Mr. Wllford Walters aad Master Aaguat Stoat Mr.

Baker's arrangement of the oratorio emitted the Let tha Bright eeraphlm," aa amiaaloa which sensibly detracted from the complete aeea of the work and the enjoyableaess et the per-formaase. 2iO COUNTY SEAT WAS. THB TROUBLB FEARED IX KAXSAI ALL BLOW OVER. Liba-bal, Dee. 11.

There will be no county seat war. The people of epringdeld. while being greatly ohagrined and disappointed at the result of the election, will make no en-dearer to prerent Liberal enjoying the fruits of Its Tlctory. The party of Liberal men that went to Springfield yesterday to witness the canvass of the voU.and to see that no Irregularities should take place, returned last night with the news that the canvass of tho returns showed that Liberal bad been choeen aa tha oounty seat There waa no disturbance during the canvass, and the Bpiingtleld people submitted quietly to the Inevitable. At the conelnslon of the eanrass a eourier waa sent to Arsalan, where it had been air an red ho was to meet the other party which had geerar from liberal, and where the county records were stored, to Inform them of tha result of tha can rasa When the eonrier arrived at Arkaloa aad told the Liberal people that their town had boas notorious la the aleeUon.

they Immediately took poaaessioB ot the Bounty reeords, loaded them on to a wagon aod remored them to their place. io trouble is anticipated. Dr. Park It rat's Work, To (A MdUor et tK jrtw. Tern Time It seems to me many thoughtful peepls will sgree with the editorial In this morning's Tuu In It you clearly outline tha difflouiaes of a work that all good mea most wish well to.

It expresses, doubtless, tha feeling of many who are most anxious to aid In all moral reforms that do reform, and who are moved to admiration of Dr. Parkhuxst's self-daaying aad thankless efforts to ecoompllah a desperate task, hewerer seriously they are forced to disagree with the sups he sometimes deems It right to take in seeking this end. Now, surely almost all as to eertalnpola.ts. First, the business of our polios force is to enforce the law aa it stands, not to play with it Beooad. they should enforce it without faror or partiality.

Tha people do not make laws In order to bars the police Interpret them. For this par-pose we create our courts, not our polloemen. Now, aa matters stand to-day, the law docs not voice publio opinion In reference to the liquor traffic er the evil of prostltutloa. Certainly In the ease of this latter, a universal ealoroe-ment ot the present law woald bo little short ot a publio calamity. Aa has been pointed out some time ago, to drive prostltntion to sock a hiding place amid the deaeely-erowded parts of our city would be an act of almost aa au-preme folly aa to treat typhus ferer in a similar way.

All wa can aim to do is tha poealble; we have no right to aim at the lmpoeelble. To do ie but to waaie so much preoloua eaergy. udor tha present olruutuatanoee of our olTil-Uailoa is It posaible to destroy prostitution I Howerer mum we may deplore it, there ean be but one answer-it la not poeeible. I repeat, therefore, that actiooe hariag this Impoaalbia atna as their end are not timely, nor are they wise. At beet they are waavelal.

la the oonunuauoe of tlie present state at things, then, the best we oaa hope or strire for 1 think It Is aot by any means ths best To say tbs least. It Is to pat It In the power ot the police to ore snUe a very thorough system of blackmail, under the name of protection, aad I thiak there Is no moral doubt, however difficult it may be to prove It, not only that such a system exists, bat that It wUl, unless peremptorily cheeked, spread and strengthen Its kola till it become as intolerable evlL Already It baa extended Itself to things aa seemingly Insignificant ss the fruit vendors' talis, jtven each small fry as these pay illegal toll. I agree with The Timks that had Dr. Park-burst a society been able to prove that Police Captains took bribes for allowing dlaordarly resorts to be maintained within their precincts, sueh proof would ba a real victory for a body of pabue-splrltad eitUeas. Further vhaa that 1 believe It would have bean a great gain to our police force ItselL It weald have dons mack to strengthen the hands of the large number of trustworthy, slear-headed mea within that force who resent, as honest men mast, the black slur on their body, and the eoastaat and grleveaa strain on ths smoleney which each a compact with lawbreakers Implies.

This has not been done, and at present it seems as thoagh we ware as far from achieving It as ever. i et sorely the strong expression of public feellna in the matter which lr. l'arkbursfs society has done so much to call forth cannot ba without result. It to enf ores the present law Is but to spread the evil, to license tha evil would ba In a measure to seaotloa It, or, which the same thing, would ba vregarded as la part at least a moral saaetloa. This, toe.

quit out ot the qaeetioa. Caa nothing, tbea. ba daaa to restrain wlthlu least posslbls limits this shame of ear modera ufel bomethlng would. I think ba aklBg oar municipal authorities feel that they woald hare the moral support of the eoaunanity la locating, ao far ss possible wltaia certain dlatnots. houses of ill fame.

These places will exist, but their eril Is minimised If all cltliens knew where they are for (1) approach to them cannot then be as secretly made aa is poealble at present. 2 The inmates are more readily dealt with by those v11? and able to suseor aad reform all desirous ot learlag eU Urea (3i The temptation offered ta oar police te "protect" reduced to a minimum. Ido not of ooursa, offer this suggestion as affording at all a radical car, each euro ecu only eome slowly-ss we all feel more deeply our duty to esch other and ss that growing seasoef brotherhood iadoces all ceod mea and womea to bend tbeir energlee to tha better oda-eatlngof the children of oar land, to the shielding them from the many forms of temptatloa specially Incidental to growth. Krery kindergarten established, STery pi ay ground or bathhouse opened, every llbrery. park, or free church supported where our people live thick-eat tend to cutoff at Its scares the fountain that ineoay when such a class will disappear is far off.

bat nothing Yea beaten Its advent bat the kinder, jailer dialing Un appliaatloa to all Ufa and aUdeparimeutaof lifeol the law of the fcoaVf ST. OBOBQB'S KkCTOBT. SOaftsTLXTH BiasgT, Uaa 10. 18-J2. 111 Raised to the Hank of ntnilissr.

TBJtKTow. JT. Dee. 11. -The Bight Bar Bishop O'rarrel has honored tke Bev.

Thomas K. Moras or St. Paul's Catholle Church, at FrinoetOB. by having him elevated by the' authorities at Kome to tha rank of Moutlgnor. This will entitle aim to wear the parple cassock.

WgT. Moran la one of the oldest priests of r- inuwi. xi is a warm trnA A wCesh. 'smerIBdot ceivod drgnUyiK-takep'u'tkenaa; Aperhe "KU Doaertod ky III. xrif.

El Paso, Tsxaa, Dee. 11. -Tha rllt of Kid." the notorious raf.s.a. returaad to tho Baa Carlos BaaervaUea aad surred.re4. 1 rom her it Is learned that -KM- committed aiaay murders that haro been charred ta others.

Ha, with a email aaauTu raiAa nVLiX. a cncscn cosszcsatzd. XAXT BUB0F1 AID FEItlTI TIKI FA1Y IV THB CXKXafOXIXS. Boa walk. Cona Pee.

11-Bt Mary's Ckareh was oowAoorated this atoning By the Bight Bar. Bamael MeMahos, Bishop of the DUeees Tef Hartford, assisted by the allowing prUeU: Deeeoa of eoaseorettoa, the Bev. John BaaaaU. Kew-Bavea; sah deacon, the Bar. Back Traaaor.

Watarburyi aeeoon et aoor aal sas Bodies) of holy alia, the Bev. M. F. Blgaoy. Corn, wan BrlSge; cesser Bearer.

'the Bev. Frank Murray, Bristol; areas Bearer, the Bev. Joseph Bigaay.Treatoa. X. J.

emateeiaaa of holy relies, the Bev. J. a CBrioB. Bridgeport; ths Bev. J.

J. Curtis. Kew-MUford; the Boa. F. F.

MsAlse way. Bferldem, end the Bev. B-CTB. Bhortdaa, Middle town dlreetor etshaat, the Bev, Taltet Ehealey. Hartford ebeatora.

Ue Be. J. Oalna. CoUlnsrUle; the Bev. Henry T.

Walsh. PlalarHle, aad tee ker. chartae Ms tire y. Btrnalaa-Bsss asters of osromonUo. tee bar.

T. M. iBrtea. Aerwalk. aad the Bar.

X. Crowley, Thomas ton. After the eeaeeerattea a selsina high os ileal mass waa sole bratod. with Ue Bight Bar. Matthew Harkiaa.

IX Bishop of tho Dlooeeo ot Prorideaea, as eelebraat, Tha Blgb Bar. Bishop MaMahoB. attended By two eaeplalaa. assisted as tho Borneo on his throne. Ike earns oa was dsllTored by the Bight Bar.

Thomas BeaTlaa, tk IX. Bishop of the Dlesass of fipriaa Bold. The aentlfesa vespers were held at 7:30 o'clock In the OTcalsg. with tho Bight Bev. Bishop Me.

Mahoa of Hertford as eelebraat Tha ear me a was preached by the Bar. William crBriea of Bt Francis Tartar's Church. Kew-Yerk City. His subtest was -The CaiaoUe Charah aad tho Holy Barlptaraa." St. Mary's Church to a haaaaaane Oothlo stone structure la the ashloaablo part of tho town, oa the eoraer of West A ranee and Chapel Street, and eost In the neigh bar hoad of The structure was begun la 1887.

aad was dedicated la 1871 by Bishop MeFarlaad. In 1846 the steeple, hall, aad clock ware eddee; la 1988 tho great orgaa. one of the flnostla the diocese, waa placed In poeltioa; la lewl three, baadsome marble altars ware erected, and this tsar the work waa practically completed by Bring the edlfloe baadsoaaely frescoed. A LOCOJIOTirJt MUX A WAT, a Bxcrrnro xvcidbw tkstxbdai- BEAK HAXLETOV, FEXX. HsELBTO.

Psan Dee. 1L A freight train eav the Peaasylreale all road was wreaked at Bl rer Brook this aueraing. The trala parted, the adraaeo portiea, with tha eaglae attached, running far ahead of the rear. Oa appro aeh-lng BUrer Brook the red hoard was turned aad Engineer Dew aid reversed his engine aad applied the airbrakes. BjJnstthsa ths other portiea the train was heard thuadering down the mountain.

The trala hands lumped for their Urea, The engineer started ent but the terrible spaed of the approaching ears was too great A collision was inevitable. After re re rs! rig again, the engineer abaadenad his trala. The momeatum already gained pasbad the eaglae slowly down ths grade. Ths cars had aot gone far before ths crash cam a Serea ears ware smashed Into spUaters, but straago to say tha train agala parted and the angina, with tha remaining portion of tha trala, continued down tha mountain as an laereaeed speed. Ths brakes had been loosened by tho jar.

Tha Philadelphia express was than due at Delano Junction. Maasagea were sest to that point to aids-track tha freight and threw tt eft the track. Tha operator, however, misinterpreted his orders aad merely pat oat the stop aignel The riderless aaglaa rushed by. Seeing his mistake tha operator Jumped for his lnatrameat. The express was than approaching New-Boston.

The Instrument oileke4 excitedly. New-Boston answered It, 'For God's saks get tke express aut of the way I was tba response. Tha express waa hastily side-tracked while with breathless axaltamaat tha runaway train was awaited, It did act coma Trainmen who started up the track foendthe engine oa a curve at a dead standstill. The reverse lever waa still ia pleea, bet clean had become axhaastad and the boiler almost dry. Tba Sre was drawn aad tha oaglao aad oare Placed oa a side track.

Tke tracks at BUrer brock were torn up for a distance at 100 yard a Trams was suspended for several hours. About ths same time another wreck occurred oa the same road at et Clair. PR0B1BITI0N OF IMStlQRATIOy.y OPPOSITION OF TBB STB A.MIH1P COM FAXIBS TO THB CBAXDLBB BILL. WASHrxoTO. Dee.

1L It la plain that the ImmlgraUoB Prohlbltloa bill, which Bona tor Chandler Ji. Introduced at tha beginning of this session ot Ooagreea, will meet with talent opposition. The foreign steamship eons-panlaa may be expected to antagonise It, through their agents la Washington, to the extent of their ability. Several reports are currant eoaoomiag the probable action of these companies tsfsld tho bill became a law. One is that tha eampaalee have recently perfected aa agreement to tho' effect that It Immigration la stopped for oaa resr.

all the steamers which I her eoatral will iivib sDfrwu porta, la action with thle report. It la aaaartad agents of theeompaalee have already made surrey or tha harbor facilities ar the pert ot Halifax, the Idea beiag to make that thaweet-era termtaas of the steamship liaee la rats tho Chandler bill becomes a law. It la elaisaad that the companies boilers each a step would soeed-lly reeuft la the abrogatloa of the law. Poeelbly the full extant of tha oompUeaUjas that would fellow a mora of this eharaotar bbt not beea fully considered by the geatlama operating the dlffereat 11a sc. Lately the oppa-bobu at the bill have bogus to call attaatloa tha alleged Interactional eompikcatiens which would follow tba passage.

It is declared that lu provisions are in direct violation at ail treaty lights, aad that European UoTorameata woald resent nay infringement of their terms. The fact that cholera la almost eertaia te enter uaipea ciates ue coming year, anlacs the niniiaiHIUIUNI BTC BUOpted to kOOP oat, la etudioualy aroidee by thaeo who oppc It oppoao ceeuga ia tig attitude oi the country ward Immigrants. THE ROCK ISLAND STRIKE. IT INTERFERES MOEB WITH TBLB-OKAFHIC THAW BA1LROAD ffCsrwESa. Tofeka.

Dee. 11. The strike of the Boek Island telegraph operators, aa far as It concerns tho Chieas-o, Kansas City and Nebraska Hallway, or the Kock Island In Kansas, la aot rery effective. At all tka larger stations tho peopie state that either the old i have gone back or that new mea have been ue au-iaera piaooc. At many small stations ia Kansas, ha ins road has been a sable to nil tba Tans aulas werer.

7v" lllaL Tllu Principally to fhe fact that eaiartea ara mall, that the towBS are loo small for ambitious men. aad that the prejudice agalnM those wao take atrikarc' plaoeaie very great. The sympathlea of tho townspeople are usually with tar strikers ta such an extent lhal new man ara wholly oetra- kaeffeet of the strike npoa tka boalaees of IT eeem to bo vary great, of the traiaaarrlTlns to-day were on time, enact apoa the telegraph bus laces to Moot The aoro "cetera iniea rerelres aaeo u'- subject te ladeSnlie delay, aad it to Impossible teVet palate M' 4ipa- ee A $400,000 Hallraad Fire. Desteu. Col.

Dee. 11 special to the Me-pMtUiemn, from Hall da. CoL. say "At 8 o'clock this morning the Dourer aad Bio Grande teuwey roaaaaouso was disco Tared fire, and despite tho efforts of tho mea. tba names, after almost fcsatmll or 1 oa nre- borav building aa lu ooaUata.

spread ta tha machine atann huk 17! Q-trfL aarsaioae Want were bemad la tha roandhoasa. it a-lnT lZZ MbU neesc of thtraS saetivei'U1- ses5 -Je'V 08 alsss. mar binary, roundhouse. hts estimated by Ue amelala at BAOO -OUO. but jaat haw mach tha la.araace to toaet knewn at present.

Tke auraiageftaa aAope throws IOO man cat of employment- The ralir.rmla Beatntoralslp. Ba Fbactsco, CaL. Deo. 11 The California Lexis lata re, which meets Jan. 2.

will aot alee a United states Beaator te sueceed Charles X-Faltoa. Tha People's Party holds tho PCW sr. and Bledraa wa balance of yesterday r-- yroBOBsatiTea ra lb ea.d?damn.u.;A rpu-i ibiy anajerity OI theea alrht WtoiaAore i see Uadted to again Pinsf aga rr ttte Brltlahv. Lowdob. Doe.

IX Tha CkrenUle says that the British Oerernmeat has areettaaUy ea jte adept paaay waeUge thrwtghowt the.

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