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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 13

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

It THE NEW YORK TIMES, FRIDAY. MAY 17. IMS. 'Ac- nilDSSERIOUSDEM "III POSTAL SERVICE Association Issues prt Result of Five Months' Investigation. TO oust dr.

luck from OPEN DRIVE TO SAVE PASSAIC STHCIM. RfiMRD ae wr ww. a we. a- w. ha ktHtiM nnnn 4,700 MBIKS HMK THREATEN TO STOP ALL SUBWAY WORK Major Says He Will Remove Ger man-American for "Un-Amer-, icon Utterances' -H I Dr.

S. Josephine Baker Urges Co-operation of Women in Employes Demand Advance of One-tkirdService Board A tits Estimate Board to Act. TO DISCUSS STEEL NEEDS WITH BARUGH 4w-4f IW 4f tte-t ir r.t rttxtit. 4 tae tw-taaoetj) lw tw. Bti'tl II Nation-Wide Campaign.

nf( fiat Km York Ttmtt. PAJWAIC. Mar li-Dr. Paul back, leadlnjr member the Ckrman- MAIL 1 3 DAYS FROM SOUTH Ariea. Alliance and Turn CRADLE DEADLIER THAN WAR IVerem and member of the Board of JEducatlon.

will be removed aa a roem-i Efficiency of Department Said to be Lsa Than People Hve Right to Es poet -Inquiry Asked. The Merchants Association of New Tork. through lu Director of lUeearcb, Fr! t. I Heard, yesterday presented In the Committee on Rule of the Houee rf rtprsntatlva In Washington a re-p- rt comprising Hie result. of a five ionht" Investigation tf the aieocietlon rf irell delays ever the United States.

1 a tie report, which haa bren approved tae Executive Committer of the asao-etatioa. It le stated U-t the efficiency of the Toet Office efflctale haa been materially leee Aaa (he people have a r'ht lo expect and that the delay In the tr sr. mission the mail haa caused -r' Inconvenience to bust men- from one end of the country to tne other. Aa Investigation poalal fr.t)e.U. with a view to increasing the m'rf-ncf ef the department.

Is oug- facta brought out by the i ae ohow a in the report. ae fallows: That Mill are net with i That tar are set twlty weraeg ta it le mmu'wiih BMiab atMfe lei Wf bmiu trm4 ini. ih l.tniinat eia fc th.r. Bielenally 0rl7f. i.i 1r MKariw mii.

ltb ea a.rn mm mum mm tr4. eair are ant a prtsclpel aMt ilo.i. ta M.ll bait that iirrwiMar In U. ef rail-r mrew Ibr ltk4't tnnu a ti'iTtae rvitM thraiMul- the nH iih, eixl rwtttlia ol ta T. ihmmsI ear.

tae i. (. iwe tae fiidltiuDe leieso. a e-it'tlonal cauaa. aayt rt.e rt-port.

I. taie of parmwiit tn the I-' 'rwale. wHl leads te th onetll1a ef ra: uion a leaaened nymber tr.lne. reducing the fre-n oner of ili.vnh, cauntng th deteu treine for I he puruoee of trana-frine n.iia sod everourdeniog atirase i au an extent aa te prevetit the I wording ef mailt In transit re- tn the dotentltm of aiKh mails In t.imlfial staikina TV. rrttd.m of mall service In New Tr I ni bame Itnewn last Imc'im hm the Hroedwaf AaaorUtlon.

i a sxrt.e ef teat letters mailed tn v. r.rta of the city, ahowed that r. far from regular even wlla-l fiif. front Waahlnaton, T. i', and eutlvtnaT placee, auch as 1 mlmo that aome i- w.jf wrong.

The Hroadway A i.nlnn Mre.Md a report to Post- 1 i fr af New Tork. and about Mint time the ilrc h.nla' Aaaocta ennotinoed they would rnake a teat i few the entire country. i. rr.nt r.port Is the outcome of it -t The Ineulrv waa orderxd by f-. lio.rd Plr.ctr of the aatocla- -n.

nj was mede hjr the aaaerlatlon's nmm.M.e on FMtal Arrairs. aia-Mxty tie K.eearch Bareau and a corps of Ttrmiih the American Bankers'' Aa- o'-itin envoinree were obtained cov- eH- me daulr moll for tn-tay i in i.Mitr-thrtfr riavnailna can tree. An enalv.ia was made of the postal r.fr1e sn twenty-sis rallroude to i op the and extent the to lime train. Anaiyaia wu tiM niawle te Wm from Poet Office re rre of the reductions In poatal car rvlc. I-i aildltlnn, about ten thmiaanii test tki or.

with return envelopee were In two arrie to correiPOtm. t'rd front one r-nd of the r-t4 bt.i.e to the other. In th fimt l-t en Utter ant tn the second teat tea Mtera at different hour were Ti.ile1 to pond e-nie daily for twelve tonmMfiT. dav. e-l'i-ire of Sundays an-t hoi tils y.

These various teeta and brnueht out the foHowlnx con- ef feet, which were embodied la the report: ri, ih.t mat. rial asd tn many raaee e.rii. la (h. tanmislnn of mulls a.nar.i throueot tw I lilted StatM; i. at mi mora haa 23 par r.nt.

ef roat.l trains anaSI Mrvtre bas been ati1ah4 ee cnmUy cumillad- third. nrAvM delare eervr in the ajamrUng en4 af matle In terminal 'tlon; t-Miri. avtne lo IneufTlvtaat paetai car ve ee Inmfdcient time for loading. t-. guaatitiM ef mall ant haiHtually I fialorms mt xeliKipatJ Stallone at nuiU rmilee from N.w York; a.

In. in.ani.nt of Important postal hae tun until 4a cwxliUiiBe tmpoaed- by tbe tm l'lr. Ipartmrrt aa ta loading and amaaVing ef malt at Important etalltma. The report rite, caaee of where letters beve been aa long aa from ten to days In tranamitaion between cities In bouth and New York. I ti matter of terminal delays, the ha this to say about conditions Xora Oty: I Is Ikls HT tarartnaj 4.1.x te tnfsrtor bui have eaan.

durtn. recant and pratongad. end great ao mu tone af malt bae r-ulled For weh. st ealy ware tae plalforme ai ire tarmlnal crowied to t. online.

et large etacks af aisll, prob-. n'linlMrUr aav.raj tbsuseal Backs. pi, ad In tne adjotnln araav. OTea to tv. ut wit boat prMertioe.

By reason tb. nt eecumuisUoa. ae space was lt fn. rfctn. and much ef th mall ae antaaw-had (or maay euor bIto daja.

It in a rM tbo turn pwst to kaa wa in larf. part dita le tie failure ot tn. sovartment te rompty wlib tbe feet a r.ant d.mai for more space. Tl i. at.ted that tfte oneelon.

after per-eiin t-n VMha eras finally cleared Hp b. a iteapers nme1. aaoenlv. bj shlp-ri-i. Ihe unweekeit eiall le tbe ef arlnat per week be etNer I ilea.

I te aanred aad forwarded. Wrai- bare freoaently at t.e Uraed Central terminal station, and m.ViMi eeteritloai there ef Inferior tr. ia le g.eKin the cauaea ef the delays, the reports aay. In lew ef tbe great teereeee In postal -a It m'ebt be reasonably exierted ittat 'he fr'lirM ef the department areuld b. baa terreaiuMinlvicIv expiinded te cope aria tne ttxreaaed bkMneaa.

This has aot Wea tMe. a the rentrary. br.reaaon of fin1 rbanae tn departmental pol-t b-T mwhods, peeia) faclltfe save been reii raducerl. with the result that the ef the earrpe haa bean asruniely tm The railway pnetal ear aerrlce lie in net seeenttai and servliwable faftne tn tite pr.rpt mvrament ef the mall ha been H.avltr niraled without auppl1ng aa a lnale Subetttui. The report cloaee with a recom- eodatln for a t'ongresatonal tnveell ef postal methods Csinp Concert it Mn.

Hammond's. The ballroom st the residence of Mrs. joM Henry Hammond, Eaat Ninety trxt Street, waa the scene yesterday eftemno ef a camp concert, given by Vr. and Mra. Rogre In aid of the Art Workers' lub-for Women.

Mr, and Mrs. itogwrs recently returned froiri a tour of the ramp at the front where they entertained the American ae well aa the men of the Allies Ther repeated their program of enter talnment for the aoldlere. giving amu.inr snecdotea. rocttstlona. and aonea.

The several hundred women aa- aemoled joined heartily In the chorus when Mr. Itogera sang Pack tip your troubles In your old kit bg." ber of the School Board by action of Mayor George XV Beger. who today announced that be would demand his rea- lgnaUorr "on the ground that his re ctnt utterances In the press were un-American." Ir. Luck, prior to the meeting of the School Board on -Monday e-vanlng of ihls week, whtm the Uefman language was eliminated from the High School curriculum, bitterly assailed' those who petitioned the board for lu expulsion. He, deelarejl that they were block-! and that the members of the local branch rf the American Defense 1 Society, who peUUoned the board, were i la a atatement gvn to reporters On Monday morning.

Dr. Luck highly praised German Kultur and the German Idess of education, comparing them wth. the American which, he said. ere not tood He declared that German should be taught tn every school in the country and that It should be made corn- Health Expert; Says 4 Per Cant. Dial In Allied Armies and 12 Par Cant.

In Infancy. F- TT High School e'actlve and nearly Sou studwtvJs took the subject. bcul y-cJtliena present at the board meeting on Monday demnled of the board that It eliminate the subject. Ir. Luck de- metlng.

hen William Vv. Welch, a Pasaaiu lawyer, said that the statemenU In the newspapers of Monday aftemon made oy vr. L.uck were more eedtttoue than tlioee luade by men iw tn Internment campe." ir. Lutk replied: "But you ran't Intern me; I am an nan cillion. wi nw' to that was that nis cltlxenshlp rapers could be taxen by Government, and that he coujd then be Interned.

to newspaper men n. Monday that a country that has fought the whole world for mora thau years must oe a wonderful coun-'r- n(l lh Unguae, of that country worthy of studying. Mayor Soger salt, that he had received a large numlier or rmm u. tens who demanded that Dr.

Luck ba removed, and that a greater number had made the same demand to him per sonaljv. I feel hs said thst the demand Is isneral and thar there Is a general feeling that tha doctor's utterances are o-ei4uricaA. Dr. Luck Is about years old. cHe was born In Germany and came to America twenty-alx years ago.

He has been a citizen. Ha is an eye, nose, and throat specialist, and is considered weu-to-do. He hss long been active In the Urmia n-American organisations tn jraeaaic. especially me Uerman-American Alliance and tha Passaic Turn eretn, and he was active in the big Oerman-Atistro-Hungsrian e.r Pund drive berfoia the L'ntied States entered the war. i Kven Dr.

Luck's closest friends were greatly, surprised at his statements. They say that they always felt he was loyal to the United Slates and that they never knew him lo'give Germany any praise. He wss appointed a member of the Board of Kducatlon a little more than a year ago by Mayor Beger. Ir. an effort to stop the spread of anarchistic propaganda.

Federal officials last night arrested Salvatore Sergt a barber of 112 East Hanover Street, Trenton, N. J. The warrant -was forwarded from the Department of Labor In WaahlnKton. Bergi came here In Jl? from Italy, and win probably be Kredertck Pedof and Tonv Tachin. convicted of nuking aedltlous speeches In Hayonne recently.

were yesterday sentenced to serve ten years In State's prison. John Sutxckl of 15? Eighth Street, Jersey City, a Russian, waa held in nan in jersey city yesterday on the charge that he tore up a aervice flag and made disloyal remarks about the Government. Oacar Matsoii. at Pinn. who waa found wandering around the Ptcatinny Areenai.

near Dover. N. J.i. with wood alcohol and matches In hia poaseaslon, waa arrested isi mgttt By army intelligence officers. No charge has been made aaalnat the He is suspect ed or raving rome into the country without going through the Immigrant inspection and.

If this Is proved, he win DRAFT BILL GOES TO WILSON House Adopts Conference Report Exempting Medical Students. WASHINGTON. May House today passed wltho jt a record ote the conference report on the bin requiting registration In tha draft of youths whb have become 21 years of age since June 5 last, Tha Benate previously had agreed to tha report, and after lu passage by tha House it was sent to tha President. As Anally agreed to. the bill provides that men regirtered It shall be placed at tha bottom of tha lists of those classes to which they will be assigned, and that students now in medical and theological shall be exempt from the draft.

me only opposition to the bill In the House today was on the student exemption feature. Kenreaentatlv MkWm.1. of Illinois, Republican, denounced the provision aa class legislation. un-American, and violative of the principle that all Americana are equal." representative Kahn of California. Republican, in reply, said It was neces.

sary to exempt medical students In or- per mat i ne doctors who lose their li ves In I he war may be replaced and the country saved from a recurrence of the prevalence oT quacks from which It suffered some twenty-five years ago. SCHOOL TO RAISE $300,000. Endowment, Planned to Aid-Daughters of Men In tha War. A campaign for a war service fund of $300,000 la being conducted by the St. Agnes School for Girls of Albany, to provide an endowment to be used In giving; free instruction and board to tha daughters of men In tha army and navy of tha United States, who are without means or are killed In service.

No discrimination will be made between children of different religions. At least 60 per cent, of the fund will be Invested In Liberty bonds. It Is said. A subscription of H5.uu will provide an endowed scholarship. 7Tx will pay for a student for a ye.

Including vacations, and (500 will pay (or a student for a school year. All contributions. It is announced, should be made payable to the St. Agnea's School War Fund and sent to Jonas If. Brooks.

Treasurer, 60 Elk 8treet. Albany, N. t. Amone; the patrons of the fund are Mrs. Wood row W'tlaon, Governor Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, and EUhu Root.

Accepting as- their Inspiration the slogan Wa must Hoovetise our children and No mother's baby safe until tvary mother's baby Is safe." the Health Committee of the Mayor's Committee of Women on National Defense met yesterday afternoon at the City Hall and officially opened the Federal Children's Year, the object or which to aid in saving- the lives of chil dren under 5 years of age In the United States. Dr. S. Josephine Baker, Director of the Bureau of Child Hygiene of the Health Department, who acted as Chairman, announced that to New Tork City had been assumed the (ask of saving the lives of babies under the sge of 3 In the- coming year. The meeting waa attended by several hundred dele gates from ai large number of social, civic, and neighborhood organisations.

In outlining the scope of the work. Dr. Baker aald that there were four casualties the killed armies out of every 100 men engaged In the course of the year. li "In the United States. 12 babies out of every 100 Mle In the course of the year," ahe added.

"So that oneway of putting it would be to say trial it Is three- times safer to be a soldier in the trenches In this horrible war than to be a baby in tha cradle tn the United States. "It not only a necessity but a patriotic duty te see that our children are well cared for," ahe continued. Ve are spending our manhood in the war but we cannot afford to lose Ine next generation. The children of this generation will take up the affairs of the world in the periwd of reconstruction and carry It on. In Kuropo they have seen fit to save more babies and to devote more time stid money te child welfare work than to anything else except fighting." Dr.

Baker declared. With reference to malnutrition, shut asserted that st the present time but 1. .) quarts of milk were sold in the city, a decline of below that of last year. The children of thj noor hnve almost been compelled to forego the u.e of milk front their diet and they have been given wine, tea, and beer Instead," she added, in New York City the birth rate baa already gone down since we entered tha war. The infant death rate is increasing and undernourishment Is increasing.

VN are going through the same expeiietice of Europe only we are three years behind thoae countrW. but we have not learned our lesson. Ws are g-olng to need the wholehearted and vigorous saaistsnce of every woman In th eity. -We are going to hav volunteer doctors and we must have volunteer asalstanU to them, women who will work In the examination centres and who will do the follow-up work. In a week or two Teachers Colli ge will start a training course for volunteer helpers, anil; I hope many women will take the course." The five boroughs of New Tork City will co-operate In the work.

The Com mittee on Home Care and Nursing, of which Mtsa Lillian Wald Is Chairman. Is planning a house-to-house canvass In order that every mother may be reached. Meetings and exhibits will be held In all tbe borough, i In the course of the meeting copies of the President's letter inderaln ahe movement were passed areuivd. Volun teers were a Ken to sppiy to tn- Head-quarters for -Children's Year, lSSi Centre Street, i. i Health Copcland returned yesterday from Washington, and announced that he had established work-ins relations with the Federal departments.

He itald he Invited two of the sanitarians' from the Navy Department and the Public Health Service lo rome to New Tork In order to make a survey with a to aiding the Health department control those matters thst were of Interest to the Government. The Frdersl authorities will take no Internes away from the city hospitals or do anything to embarrass the city Health Department. Dr. Copeland aald. except in cases of stcfrj necessity.

Mrs. Laura. O. Cauble. Deputy Commissioner of Public Markets, called on the Health Commissioner yesterday, snd dtficussed with hint the problem of fur- nlshing the poor of the city with milk at low prices.

Dr. Copeland said that next week he would hold a conference with the city and State Commissioners of Food, aad with some farmers, and the question of the milk supply would be gone Into. About a week ago the man employed on tha new subways notified tha contractors that unless they received a S3 per cent. Increase In their wadrea by May IS they would seek work elsewhere. Tha men were asked to detsy action until the contractors could discuss the matter with the Mayor and the Public Service Commission, under the new law permitting tbe commission and the Board of Ealimate to abrogate present contracts and save the contractors from further loss due to Increased cuets of labor and mateiiala On Tuesday representatives of the contractors and the workmen discussed the matter with the commission, and later went to City Hal, to talk with the Mayor, but the Mayor refused to see tnem without a special appointment.

Yesterday tha contractors again railed upon the commission, and Acting Chairman Whitney wrote to the Hoard of Kstlmate, setting forth the need for haste if the l.uiu men employed on the aubwav were to continue the work. After referring lo the law permitting new arrangemenLa to be luade with contractors, the letter said: It seems Important that both the Hoard of Estimate and tha commission should st once declare whether tber propose to proceed under this law. It Is the opinion of the commission that such a declaration should bo made this time because both tha labor fores and the contractors should know what the attitude of these bodies will be. If relief la assured where It Is warranted by the facU It would undoubtedly stabilise the labor situation and help the contractors In fixing their policy. "The situation Is that the labor or have made a demand upon the commlaalon and the contractors for ths scale of wages now offered la slm liar llnea by the Federal Government In thla vicinity.

The declaration to the commlaalon bv the contractors associa tion is that unleaa relief is possible th. vim cannot be usld. On the other hand the officers of the labor unlona state that unless tne rnea are assured thst they will receive this scale It will be Impossible to bold them. To this extent, therefore, an has arisen which can be met only under the suthorlty granted by the Lorkwood law The commission suggrsu thst the Board of Estimate name a committee to confer with a similar committee of th commission to discuss the matter. The uiur aava a few monthi aco there matned i33.00o.OUO worth of work to be completed before worth of rapid transit lines could put Into operation.

But snout of work hss been done since remains less thsn I30.0tki.wa) K. mmnl.lMl Fsrt of the uncompleted work Is la the Seventh Avenue and Islington Ae-nne Subwavs. which the comml saton hopes to have In operation by mldsum mer. It waa said yesterday by repre sentatlvea of the contractors that If the tlmbermen. laborers, drill runners, and other workmen should Quit It would be Imiviadhl.

tn hire men to take their els ccs and that aubwsy work would be haltr-rl indefinitely. F. L. Crsnford. President of th fn eral Contrartora' Assorlstlon.

ssld th wss-ee, of the men had been Increa within two years by 7 per cent and If the present demanded Increase of i-i pc cent, were granted It would mean tra wages would have been doubled since Ih contrscts were let. Mr. Crsnford said thst one mornlns newspaper contained sit full page of want advertisements and that sjb.ey workers knew they could get employ mrnt Immediately at a murh higher tar Heads ef Big Concerns VV Hold Win-the-Wir Confer-ence in Capital Today. COAL PROBLEM INVOLVED Department's Requirements Canvsseed see the Peebe Output Ceneidered orth so there orth te A cn fa ew Te- T-. WASHINGTON.

May 14 ti eprewentlhg lb lai ete4 cnr will matt Itamard lecrfc air man of th a 1 td.e' r. her. tomorrow dtM ta way rtir'rol and th at! ou'pvil cf th. t. win th war All wiwe Ion.

Including Ih. poeelbt rMrtai.iee..t of laws essential Industrie. rl (Owdar tton and transportation, wt.l idec.4 tee.ernmert depwtabit gaged in war work wi uaet ia fe rn 1 1 t.llmalM and tha atari will lie rallwd upun for gur rapacity A loons' IhoaS aaked ta ''f-4 th ereiK-e at "tiarl. K-hiil- l. man of Ih Hoard of ai and Director of tl.

I.n. i KIm 'or iit a' tun ths I Hoard: II tlsr i.irm of it. 1 anl of tb. I Iteration. J' A Tot-n ih' Hoard of the a V.

A lark. the 1 kaw anna rVl I Iracw. of tl. Slecl totnn) A t'am(t-ell Of fit of th flheet Tub Company, and A iurWn I t.l en of the inlet. Iron tir.i-r) lly some who ar In Im ImKh tb steel situation It hss rM ci tl aolutlon of tbe proMem rg th Ceuernnent larg.l; dvd.

uit means to Increas. 1 1.. aot better the tran.portatloa f.l.:t.e IUI liter will te no Uxt of ctmdltlone of last Wirier In connection with th output of It has un arfue-4 that li be aufficlent for i-vt trier Ui a a-4 th ammunition and g-jna that an Ix transported wllhou' lotting dvan roaat less eesenlUl Industrie lu a pwM I. 'vat would mean practical SMtprnalxt Much a situation. It haa fc.

il 4 not call for tnor controt of lb las than IhuM wtl.h tea. alr.1i been taken A Stir haa been reused t-T (roraai Cut the output of ti.lanw to per ot it of nom.a. a.d trawl (4 a no Industry In a mt ar Arguments asaln.t surti aod lo ssoMad a program of dru 1 mart Irvdjetne. It la bltvd that a btlee IV v. step. to 1 kp IK. war proa-ram will V. mates show Ins the tueti cf It ar and Navy I t-art n.Mi r-l loard. ax pr.n.d Ir. rwi It can then det.rmttvM mY Iw4i of ctwrt meett wt.l re the us Of steel bl oirev le.d m' any renelderaUe c.i.

ad ta prartwaba I attaenpd a large -creas In the j'pvit sr Th plans of tt. irt eapaaaton af its (f e-ai In brfnging tbMi is pt Ttie hblpotr-g .1. enough natt I t. rte IOOj.i isbi tea rf s.i e.lti rr of th steel la4.MrM tk. li amount ran be le.

a.ijv. i lb recjutrnnt. ef i i army wltSout rwtiiag ff I i. I.e. ewaeciial COULD BLOCK PUBLISHERS.

Suggestion Thst Mve te Cesa tt Aed ftstes Wswig St Vst tee ievl i. rw r-ex. AaillN'iJTuN bl.r T. thai r- a. tce-.

I ni Per MONTH on JO PLEDGE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY T1I PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY OF NEW YORK Application for loaniof large amounts will considered at the office of Fourth Avenue end 25th Street. MANHATTAN FeartV car. 25 la Street Ekfcidee St, cor. Riviaeto St. East Houston St.

cor. Essex St. Seventh Av, beL 48th 49th Slfc Lcxiastoa Av, cor. 124th St. Crsad St, cor.

Qiatoa St. 72d Si, bet. Lexington 3d Art. Eighth Av, cor. 1 27th St, BKONX Courtlsndt Av, cor.

148th St. i.Y BKOOKLTN Smith St. cor. Uvincttoa St. Graham Av, cor.

Debevoite Sb Pitkia Av. cat. Rockswty Av. HEALTH bRIVE OPENS MAY a6. Will Aim to Rid Qty of Dump Heaps and Piles of Rnbbiah.

Health Commissioner Copeland. speaking before the Civic Club, 14 West Twelfth Street, announced last night that the health drive of his department would begin on Sunday, May 26, and would last 4. week. The purpose of the drive will be to rid the city of the dump heaps and rubbish piles and the Insanitary accumulations due to neglect and carelessness that contribute to disease, if Dr. Copeland said that It was hkt purpose to further the work of the Bureau of Public Health Edg atlon and not to disband this activity of the department.

He also declared that the Bureau of JChild Hygiene would devote Itself with even greater energy than In the past every activity of the Department of -Health thst had to do with the health and development of child life in the city. The Health Commissioner annewnced that the faculties of the Health Department had been placed at tbe disposal of the Federal authorities in tha ef rort to care for the soldiers and sailors who visit and pats through the city. EWSj RAISE $2,786,400. i War Relief Committee Estimate Year's' Need at $15,000,000. It was Announced by tbe American Jewish Relief Committee for Sufferers from tha War yesterday that $2,786,400 had been collected for the 1913 fund of the organisation br appeals sent to Jews throughout the country.

It was added that to roett increasing demands In providing food and clothing for the Jews Id Europe It had been estimated that the American Jewish Relief Committee must raise a fund of $15,000,000 this year. Recent cablegrams tell of Increased suffering amon the three million Jews tn Poland anil Eastern Europe, It was said. According to an officer of the committee, Baltimore raised ItaO.OWK while Wilmington, Is nesting the close of a drive for S100.000. Clarkadale. with a Jewish population of thirty-three families, led in per capita contributions, raising 12.0W).

A spirit of co-operation between Jew and Gentile In the cause of war relief work wss displayed i throughout the campaign, said the committee's representative, us many contributions were received from non-Jewi. GOETHALS EXPLAINS PLANS Tells House Committee Hew Sup piles Will Be Shipped to Army WASHINGTON. Msy lo -Th Gov erament'e freight dlvwrslmt plan, a a plained to th House Military Com mi tee today by Major Gen. Goethala. act-, Mwit.w.ft.t, Ing Quartermaster General, contemplates M-ue.

t. shipment of supplies to American troop. ( It. of ptMki 4.n-.4 aa follows: From New York, to rttkt too af r.t.

it Baltimore and Norfolk. 10 per cent, each, and Philadelphia. Charleston, and New Orleans, i per cent each. Major t)en. Black, chief or ergt-neere, told the commit! gao.Ono.ono waa needed for cantonment construction In France, snd asked for J.V).

mora for the purchase in France of surpl; other than railroad materials General Goethala said terminal storage depots at the varloue ports would be of a permanent character. asked an additional l.un.iasi for their construction, which will make a total of J.kiwMM"! Asked If the large amount of Irelcht Intended for shipment through New York would not add to the congestion of the port, timers I Goethals said the Alllc. were arranging to move a large part of the future supplies through Southern ports, which would relieve New Tork General Goethals said the Brooklyn terminals would not be abandoned in favor of a proposed location In Jersey. Tbe committee will report the army bill, on which today's hearings were bssed. substantially In accord with th estimates already mads public, totaling tll.T71.nrtn.H4S.

About M.ono.ono.ttO for heavy ordnance and fortification will be recommended In addition by another committee. which sr- attract I'toet I "flic I f. rr. id.i matter wa rro.4t-t rottniasirr faJ fc no to m.ii ii ifkea i a has chart, of t. ade.

e.i-ie I si rate. uH tt i a mined lb tn-p-i t. (ai- what th w. w. 1 new eeMMw) On e- 0 awW 0M MeW it(t i 1 1 a.

ii. i a. till a. 4aS tt a a o- ii- a. nm we a- i.nti e.

ai a a. at MVaov Uhiw a.l.i. we i tw-. a. a- lr, i Bl.i'l tJ .1.

at. oiie. t.rrte 4 Ii i. aa a. i i.wi St SO a a.

tan at. OM-. i .1.. -t. W-e t.H tM i.

r.i.w i ift.Mi, wii, tt law I. r. a t- a l. ta. lwM lM ie.

o. at. 'te aieH a a -ei i tt ia.t a fco a.eil. tl. i eta.

I Ito ct tr OS. ba- 1 "ieit ra we 1 1 iKi-r rw tww 4Mvl I aaeo. aia a Owe- laa. i.i i i. 1 1 i.

II i. mtn w. o. e-t a- I-, IhiOv a.a kiar. .1 at-.

aaa ma rn.ii' tMna. PS9 tit ttl a. a ut t. a. OB iimm to uai eliaoe kM.

tea te m. at tsii.aa.ii.s o.n wa 4a r.o-i r-e-e littawat IK' in wm Mw-a. aw. aw lM IIS I Bill Ht4 t-. "a--e at It.

I r.14., i at fc m. a-. i.i.a i a. HI I (j tl.WM.lio, .1. MtlllHllM.

it i a. i a. 1 i. I. at- i.

i (.. tn.ea. a. Oi we. W.

oKMill.l. tM ar Mi t- taw. u- KMiieM. I i. aa.

4 as. a III. ft MW Bl II tWti bt t- v. IwCvwl -I. -m aa i-' eNHtisiMt to sV twaawt twba ti aaija fW a ss rwattf w- ta a 1 1 i to 4 i i t.

at-. It own, rv. It a I iwaxw, i.t e. a. i a i.

t. -i eaa i in It in.i i. i. te ismim iaev, UMie'l. list tae IW a aoa aw.

a. m. w. w-mw M.ioa. IT aim a.

ex aa Wei it 14 la i. ae M.M 1 1 t- mt a O. i tl ave t.a. -tntwa '( 1 a i a a V. I a It ts 7 a et.t lot Oiwm- tt It tl' t-ea a t- a a.

ta. i t- i f. ao lw.u -t e.a ta.a,a. Aila-t o- aaaaVtew a a aaaaaa. ata 4m'm i.o wa.

'a lai Oaa a. a ta- oo. ia- t.a.H at. I. a.

I a. I a1 iit-l la. 1 1 j. i.M.t W-a St a.a taa.MKaa. vaaa I i a a av.

at. ta. i 4 a at a at. 1. eo.a.

a a 1 a. 4 I aa aaa a 4 11 w- a -aa a- a-. ta. aaa, awwta.

c. a a a. a. e- w.a a -a aa- 1 aa a- eaaaa aa. Oaaa.

til.t eS aa tt rx a a 1 a.a ia o. a. -ar 1 hki.i i.a aa aw tuaa 4 a. ai. a.

a t.aata eai. a tt a.i a. ,1 a. a a. a Kaata aw i ta t- a o- a aaa a.

,1 4 (aaw. a a-ia. mm ooi ai. l. Oie.

.1 aa. ia aa a a wet aaa. ii a at a w. aaa a mtmm v. a.

ta a aT- -w- s't i-si-r ft mu s- ibwwbb eswxia "-a laaViw aaa lw, iH'M. aa.aS a ta -f a a It aaa 4. a' I f. a Ota a- a. a a a aa.

a aa O.ta.- tw ta- a .1 11 a- a. a-a t.a -a 1 iwai 1 nin. a -t a. .1 1 it ea.a-aa- Oi a)a a wa' 1 oaVtta aaa 01. ita.j aa a.

ai 1 I a la a. -a a. .1 Ml a. a. 11 ji a 11 aa ta a-e a a a a a.

ao aaoa i a I- -1 a o'-'o at. Wa- t. .1. ..,0 a- ma elu 111 a a. e.

a.aa a ta a at a a. a aatat aaa. a. aa. I a.

a 1 at. ava. aa a. a.J aaa a a-4a a a. a a a ta.

a-a wa II I -a. Haa. a a lt.t"t a a. a a Wo aa a aa ay a a tm.ii-t ir 4, aaa. a.

iilao -a- aa.t. '-a aw a-a. aaa. aoa a a lM, a-. tia-a a -aa 1 r- -a w-w aaa a a- a aa a a una tt 1 a.

ia e. aa- a aa a a- t. a aa -e-a a. aa, taa. Oa- wa a v.

tkatln aa- aa. ai at I .1 4 a. ta ii a a oo- t.a I. aaa ea-a ar a aa a a a- 0.1. a at a.

tt. o- aa. a a. aa- a a-a-aa a--a a. 1 aa a.

II 111 1 1 fa 4V Li 1 ta. la aa a -rt -ma i 1 1 lu aiat. a. a a a a 4t at4 aa) a 1 1 aaa. a-- aa.

t. taw. a a a nattaa to ao eaaa wi ao 1 u. 4.1. a 1.

a a av. 1. -1 'a a iaa. 1 -aa t. I t-aa.

aiaa e.aa a a eta aa- taaa a tai .4 a a a e.a a. 1.. An in a "V-t -a- aaaa I said h. co-e4 r-l a aj 0, wa- a for th rf a. too, a ba 1 rr.aTT eral for lb.

a. or-. ji v. a. Jl i I I rat Ion pn t.

a a. 4 a -aa wwaaa Ilea of mot ir thn. I. a a "-o In adanc of 'an, a. 1 1.

1 ta SI -11 iui im 1 the depart men b- a. matters ax so e.i, 1 v. a .1 eo.a-. -ra a. e.

toaui-icuniJ! Th pootal ran ta avra: btttrj.r a a a as Iwao tM charged by j-at .1 coot a to a aa tMta mt aa to im a. a ww tai.w taa av aa LEVI P. MORTON 94. r-o rmer Vice President Celebrates His Birthday In Washington. In excellent health and keenly Interested In affairs, particularly the air.

Lvl P. Morton, once Vice President, yesterday celebrated his ninety-fourth birthday. At his home, tin Psrk Ae-nue. It wss said that Mr Morton had not yet returned from his usual six months' stsy In bit thatV.e Intended to do so In a couple of days, preparatory to pssslng the Summer at Ellerslle. his I.Ouft-srre estate at Khirve-clif f-on-Hudson.

Mr. Morton wss born st Fhoreham. on Msy IH, DC4 He had retired from active political life when. In 1 he accepted the nomination as Henjsmtn Harrison's running mate Two years after he ceased to Vice President he became Dovemor of New Tork. 1 IbM to 1HM he was Minister to France.

RELIGIOt'H Miss Mary W. McBurney a Bride. The marriage of William Howard Gardiner, formerly of Boston, but who haa resided for several year In New York, and Mlas Mary W. McBurney. th daughter of Mrs.

John W. McBurney. took place yesterday at th residence of the bride's mother. lis Esst Fifty-fourth Street. In the presence of the members of the family and a few close frtenle As Mrs.

McBurney Is In mourning, the wedding was a quiet one. and the bride had no attendants. Mr. Gardiner's beet msn wss Candler Cobb Mrs. Gardiner la a niece of Henry Kldrldgr.

her mother having been Miss Iule El-d ridge tlona. and. aim If that we-ro practice, t'onttatl rea afaad'! '1 a manner to ctlrn up with tb rct al rangeten and it e.t.r. About tan year ago a ostaon um a. to th treatment of iur f-ub tn Canada Th Canadian postal uikati Ilea look tie piaition that tb; c.J net carry our and at Hi eoc-ond-cia.

th 1'nlted and 1 i Sa Intention to mil aa-l The 1 tilted Mtates l-at rr.r. ant sent Recml Aa.i.!n: of tianarai Hha.ei.rara'r arv.1 VI. la. the Ia Clerk of si: at that time, to mill at-. nt to the eil.Mnjr pcat.i wh.h lb.

rromptly adj I). both e. aril 'h. t--.

t- a-. a In th -rean! rata tit. he ao ew.llv ant to arrt the ac r.f. a llitfrnnian! rrr.r.. to c- leart them woill i.arj., rr.aa.

way long K. f- 1 howeer ha. lard') rome to tent. on of offlc-alt tare tn IK. it.pttt men! ronfeea a.

a 1 to mr atlentloi, I 1 rot r.oi -t tl. The t.lan 1 u(a t. In many taaa. lor the p- ii.ui.a. i move prin'eO i bi or etprrss tn bu to cai Canadian point, maiti-s I others th prinlln.

cra.d art, t-done In Canada Tn a. -nes of i-rintlns the for some of our lotu. -4 ta a nUc Ua.k. lr. at cafl' iKat cmal4 .5 In of tt.e ctlon of bcth i am rata.

I rtintiiri w.a-.a e-uB 1la a f'a Vaa aa ba aa -t fro- Haa at. a la. I aa ana ia t. at a a a j. a--t Ml.

aa l-i. a aaa atr tt tl a. a nit. aa at r-v a ta a at IV- ta a. b.i a.

aa a i Wat: III. at a. to. a a i ,1 4. 4 I 1 ar a.

at a. a a atoaa I i. a- i.i tm I a w. Hull t.a aa e- i. a- e- a.

ii I w-e I mj a w. e. mm, 4 a-- tK gt la- 1 te 1 1T i 4 f- i 4V a a- tI akwtw I I ia la.ya aVW 4 S. a 4 a rw t-t t-sbt a-1 tv ftn. 1 a.

t. -t a f. 4 -a. S. I 'Ibf'l I ate a a I 40, t-m ad a.

at. 4 ewfa- l.ateate- -w V-r tee M. A. B0 -a- SSI Sttt. wtM (W IM IK rVwait 7 CMbwtt-t Tsawapwa Af4JT rmtu tW 4.

t. tnfmitiw- spues i niiast 9 twase 4 i aa ap. a I latls ao et oooawt tjaew tm mm laattO'tt asa I II I ii Hi SbM aM. dbt aa4tiW p. eat tj 4 4s.

4d ssrM OsssPt oe- tMptHW 4e a a ait a 4. a vaa iQal.ol a. oat pan-tltttirw la ritkeat action of ana ttoeetbl. It Canadian nuill n.ati.r a vii rr.a a a taaa 4) Miss Patterson to Wed Tomorrow. The wedding of Mia.

Emily Marl Patterson. grsnddsughter of former Cnlted Ststes Marshal John Vlr Jacobus and Mrs. Jscobus of thia city, and Charles Benjsmin Brush will take place tomorrow afternoon at 4 at the Central Presbytertsn Churrh. Fifty -seventh Htreet and Madlsor Avenue. Miss Patterson has been at tit.

in Bed Cross work. Aarnal 'a ba Inr I a IMIll.AlKl.l ll! a-en. a. I'lac-tjsalr. tr.a tK4i 1 ran rnaftlln.

paiUl.iNar. rr. jf fi- .1 prufltab. to laa atVaia.a Ire 'anaja offare.1 tj Jttia l'ot. reel or -f tb.

at aisory tUward at a ai.titn New Twt. i i rui I 1.0 a 1 the t'urtt I 1 aald If the (all. a KoC their ill li' i.ait tt. ui liahlng bu.lrvr-.a of ir. It a that, la d.peratH.av.

Ibai t. a to tak torn. a'aj. In tb. f-: provided ther ar cettawad Uvea, i be no chaos for tt.

a.t atlon In th. ir.a.r.1 .147. -a a lb. -ropa'' l-tri a. to to t.

warrant furtt-e tt In ttf mpiism es- ia Mi mmmm es. iHtit-e ssw a sr at-aa e- te- sat altar feu', ait ti aa 1.1.11 aa aa- -oa a a a otei-a tea tw tl it th aa 1.11 i.ii .1 in. ta. 1 a. a a n.

piaaaai a ai a.a. 4. a 1 1 1 a 1 a aa. tm 11 10 toaaj a a. atua a.aa.

a at THR JEWIMH CENTER, lilt West 14th rt. Shaboot Services Frldty Morning. Msy 17. st RABBI MORDECAI M. -TUE VOIt Or HORER" Fridays Kvenlng Services at Habbath Mornlnr.

May 1. st BABRI MORDEtTAI M. KAPIJiM THK EKD OF VISION." Everybody Welcoma. Miss Falson Wed to Lieut. Morris.

Announcement It made of the mart las on Wednesday of Lieutenant John l-ans don orris of Boston, who hat loti to aviation duty at Wlrnlta snd Mlas EUxaheth Falson. a daughter of lr Falson tnr Mrs Falson. at their residence. 43 Olenwood Avenue. Jersey 'lt.

The Lieutenant snd his bride will go to Wichita. to remain for the preeeaL George 0 0 in- At; r.a. cf of the H.r'.irslcr Harris Suffer i'e I a A- a 1 Mi la 1 ral TaaM a evtol L-aU. 7U laa wtaal 1 a a-. -C mor I-" 1 1 a- aa.

ler Kt trU-t 1 11... Mama it a 1 hi ago and rc York I a at Ma 10.4a 4. Harna baa vt- Burlington ro4 ft two 1 IS i4 er In lep. be r.a.aa4 fa I ha Pr.d.rcT a ik ro4 jt.a I tars la that I aa. oad tin 1.

Itaoaa loaaV eoiaa ta. 1 a. ta. a a- sb tw aaa -V aVliiardj- tlettWts eatf ISk. J-CW, 4 tl LWeaa awa-U.

tm mmi eaa -a-aa tiattut eaaalfla. tbaKCXtltta UaJKl t.aa a. tto ee. tataae e. a a nun a a-.

arf awtawft 1 ttaaa Jasitat twiOS taa o. I aaaat. tt waa. Wa aa.

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