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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 15

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE Jon York Slato Tux Exempt tad othcf Tu Exempt DoaJs piV mi sppnewtteea i w. Hunnis 6 co fto TOR MUNICIPAL BONDS TAX EXEMPT To Net 4.1096 Uli liiestsenl fcr New Yor. Sntofl Bioks ifl TmsiftJ O'CONNOR KADLER, 49 Wall Street, New York tlM fl.MO First Mortgage Bonds To Yicia 6 Secured ly property hairing title legalized and assured by FEDLRAL PROVISION, oa completed project which under State SuperrWion. WriU for Circular A'76. Dlakc Reeves BANKERS FUs Sm New Yst a Digolon Company BANKERS In.estnen) Securities 49 Wall Street New Yeti TJM rr Sale Central Trail Cammarcial Trast Psaals lasurence Wanted Casraat? Trad Mom (Fire) laavraacej Long Island Loaa Tract CIIAS.

H. CARRUTHER3 A CO. Ketleaal City Baa N. T. STANLEY D.

McLEAN Wembsr Consolidated Stock Eiehtnge N.T. tl BROADWAT, K. T. tTOCKS, BONOS A GRAIN aoojbt and told for ash or on margin. rniATifiim Af a Stni (or Special Letter on Pennsylvania K.

T. City Street Ry. Gat laaiea American Writing Paper Pfd. fc'atchfjter Llghtlnt 1st 5s, 1950 Central Union Gas 1st 5s, 1927 too Co. Elec Lt Power 5s, 6s PafpfCfin Cn BONDS uwu eyv.

(Im, Tsl UIM-1 Rerter leertlee Kaill tt BROAD ST H. X. 1 1 1 0. Craig Valley 5s, 1940 CCUIB53 Tern. 5s, 1922 Port Rsroi Dir.

5s. 1939 5ru. Rapids, Beldlof Sarioaw 5s. 1924 JW. C.


Sieeihk AM. See Pleas, Cat USBnadway.WcwYorkaty Capital, $1,000,000 1,500,000 Company transacts a gtn-kinking business, allowing Merest on deposits at as favor- rates as conservatism will fl Permit Sredil -nt- -mi tim Wcatts of deposit. MM PARC ffiJONAL BANK esi.a offered te firm lav. Importlag I Fulton Trast CO. Or NCW YOKK NASSAU ST.

on Deposits. Md mm u. VE.T,TLC INSURANCE Ufli, COMPANY Merest on deposits a ttowc bww. TOPICS IN WALL STREET. Rook lalajid Company eommon Block.

whlok wa tbo only atock to rtoo a wak co. whOa tho rast of tko markot waa uadar praaauro, rcpaatad the Inetdant yaa-urday oa a amallar aeala. On thla oeea nlon. kowavar, the eoatrary movamanta In Rock lalan4 an4 tho root of tho 11 were not la any way aa tk. were a week aa-o, whan tho cauia of tha market's dacllno waa tho extraordinary -pwiM moTimeai wmen waa taklna Maea la Rock laland.

Ml(h eail mostr rataa and Waahinctoa diapatchoo rarardlna; pro. posed rrasiaanuai suareaUons retarding new rauroaa enaounenu wars the (aetora which Influancod tho eourso of prleos yaaterday. Docllnea uneoatlif to aa nuoh aa I polots occurred la nearly an tho act-Ira stocks, railroads and Industrials sharing In tho downward movement. Tho sharpest of tho day's doollnos were 2H potato In Union Pscirio and ConsoWlated Gas, and 1 points In United Statos BtoeL Rock Island, which waa aacond In notlrlty to BtoeU ended tho day wfth a not rata of 1 point, while tho preferred stock of this company. foQowlaa; tho rest of the market, showed a loss of I points.

Hick Wow Toar Meaey, Can money was ao scarce on the Stock Exchange yesterday, tho first business day of tho new year, that some borrowers paid as much as 14 per oent. Erea at that rats thsy were not able to fill hi requirements In tho money crowd oa the Stock Exchange, but had la a number of inalaaces to apply direct to their banks for accommodation. Tha reason for this unwonted scarcity of call money, which drovo tho rate twice as high as was at any time last year, was tho fact that money which had been gathered for tho January disbursements, a large part of which were made yesterday, was not available for call loans yesterdav a year ago yesterday tho highest rata fori can money was only I per cent, but that wsa during a period of abnormal esse In money dus to tho fact that tho funds released as a result of tho curtailment In business which folowcd tho 1007 panic had not yet found their way back Into profitable employment. sailer Barplas of relkt Cars. Tho fortnightly, bulletin of tha American Railway Association, made publlo yea-tsrday ss of Deo, 24.

showed an Increase In tha gross surplusage of freight ears In tho Cnlted States and Canada, as wall aa In tha shortages, tha net result betas a reduction of 4.577 In tho number of idle cars, which now stands at 84.300. In the Northwest and In the South Atlantlo and Gulf State there ware decreases to tho number of surplus oars, whll most other sections reported ineraasea. The returns from tho Ulddle Wast Indicated some Increase In freight traffics between Dec. 10 and Dec. 24.

tha fortnight covered by yesterday's report Rallraad Mem at Wasafnertam. Yesterday's news of tho railroad Presl-dents' unsatisfactory Interview with President Taft recalls tha during tho Administration of hla prod a-cesser to bring about a conference on one of those messages which Wall Street had learned to dread. At that time. It will remembered. Presidents UcRa New-man, Ilughltt and Mellon were Invited, but dldnt go.

although lt Mellen. who had received a good behavior' YORK TIMES. TUESDAY. JANUARY 1910. TREASURY'S CREDIT I Ail Jricata from tha Administration, and tWhr Hughltt paid Cta to urt ef Individually.

Tha fan-LtL7TtriAr' "1 rwion to obtain ootart front Pr-ldent Taft e. dS 0." to who 00 tho weakness of tha mar- Merer sun Potent. Amalgamated raster- of weaknesa of prae- of tha Industrials was takings leVel Point abovatte THE EUROPEAN MARKETS. New Starts with Good Investment Bualneaa In London. to obtain nn hi "uppues wore easier rite? VkP.

to-dar. Diaeount to oh7.i- na supplies wore easier ratM "rsei lo-aay. Discount and quiet nd liahtly lower. PaHa rlvil. "weekly gold ar! nyais amounting wnhV EvMad tha year hoivU fr.0oiL,ton.' ehPr money.

rand lltiadS er which -TT. ra.n. and ln- strength In parts unproved, whil the diamond toreigners and AnaArirsin -v roHw tixra ana and ins7 at eiiu" sirenirtn and sell A 'racUonal decline at nooi v-" a period of dullness. tr.rk.' United States Steel and Mo cM for :hffi.W"U" rket threomonu." 1 Ior PADTfl as fl renerany tharr cenC tor Vonion- weacenea later. LONDON CLOSING QUOTATIONS.

La- K. T. ConwK Atchison UTU At. Paul iev? Ert. Paul.

Illinois Central. ..53 N. T. Frarlraala 70U IlKlln svi B-mtbem Padae.loC4 t'sion Pacific. ...21 U.

H. Siwl ppl V. R. Blmmi N. T.

Net Ctosw. Ch'a. i-ia Fab.aoct. lll'I 124 84 rr. 1254? 1TO-I 1T1 2 wi 1M 4- 2oji if "Mi FOREIGN PUBLIC SECURITIESj 0- Bid.

AskM. Hrsaiaa Oovrrnmrat Ss f2U Se .1 CltV of Berlin 4a innv mv or Awibari wi raic 4 103 -loo 1011Z 7 ii iot2 1MU van sss niaasj Ssksj Clt VlMwt 4a y. Mtklraa OoTtrnBtnt sold Ba Rosslaa Oovemmcnt sold 4s siu au Prnch OovMnmant rants a bi-iuh crnifcn 2a 83H American Mining Stock In London. Cams 1 Tomboy El Ore .1 a a 4.1 a A KlMriatm a OiDolore. 9 SiHtrmttoo'a a 8 I Bonds- for Invosftnont We are always prepared and shall be pleased to submit lists of carefully selected Municipal, Railroad or Industrial Corporation Bonds suitable for investors, estates, institutions and others contemplating the invest-ment of their sarplus funds.

Our CireulMr No. 120 csntaina a brief descriptisn sf a number of issues of Railroad and Industrial Corporation Bonds which we are offering at prices to yield from 4 to 5Js. and which we can recommend as safe and attractive for investment. Copy Afsy Be Had Upon Request. Poitor, Ghoato Prontico Members New Terk stock Ex bangs.

BANKERS TeL S00 Bread. New Tork. SS Wall Street. Wisconsin, Minnesota el Pacific 4s Western Pacific 5 Wisconsin Central Qeneral da Wisconsin Central (Superior Da latlO 4 Coggeshall Hicks, BANKERS, III Broadway, New. York.

cexsiBoixnATrn oas roacPAjrr. Me Offay a Bad OTJABANTEED and AP-nTKO SS (a PRINCIPAt and INTEREST, and ENDORSED by the above. net aMily IV DominickSDominick 111 RROADWAT. WITW TORK. DE BUYTER M.


141 Broadway. N. Y. T.L HIS -Cort. WTtX BCT OB SELL International Traction, Pf -L Easpira StooL PfL -U.

S. Lient 4 Heating Ssgina w-Bay City Ry. ic Lt THE TRJ-CITT RAIL WAT AXD UOUT COJIPAKT. The aadaralsnad. aa Traata.

aBdw the Plr. Par Cant. Collateral Trust First Ll.n Wort-Saca. aat.d April 1st, 14. will tenders t. P. If. Id. It IS.

for tk. wl. to It of ISO SOS fae. i.bnJ aaod tharraadar. for aeeooot Pe.

at a prlc. not 1 PL SRfaal RMSWaul iiiivmi. IDS TTIlwepdi rtk Trnatiir WSNT, BrRW. sfORSE, Racretar. Dated Nsw Tors, Jaaaary Id7m COBATTSKITTADAS COPPERS, LDDO MARKET LI LETTER otrs sriBlas Stocks Tt Waoklr Rdwaror Erra a col.

u-is WtuS-Tsc. I COCPOW BONDS In use. itea, and li.soa, kfatartns In Ma. lia Sacaiad by tax anortsacaa aa taosms mai la tfraoKira, Rand for booklet Barlee XINOR COCNTT MORTOAOB CO Ia MoatastM St. Brooklra.

W. t7 Broker, te a.l stock in aa eatabtlahod Ant. noon, ja.naiac-iarins; ivdmij in Mi Tork CUT Bos A. B. Breadwsy.

SCH WAR2SCHIL0 SULZBERGER 6i, 1 9 1 6 DEALT IM MECARGEL BANKERS CO. 5 Nassau St. Now York Lettish VelW CsaW. 4a, atS rtaa. C.

tit. 4a. Ml loss Miraisaa iss aa, issv Pcnlnaton, Colket IIS BROADWAY. X. T.

mTBU 1. T. PHTLA STOOt ETCBAXOB. Cnrtlaadt 11S4-S. Am.

DtaLTeL ol N. J. lstfs.lt2S Kss. City. UsO.

1st 4s. 151 Piiii nd full fmrticulart request. Seesselbetg Banyan Phoao MIS Rmim a Wall SL. X. T.

at. rw. L. D. WILSON fik COa fanbare raaenlloatad CSSIM.WS ef f.

60 WALL ST, N. Y. lunar and mm aeia SM sasS as rKACTIOMAL LOTS' General Development Co, BOUGHT AND SOLD HornblowerSWceks IInbcrs ol N.Y. Stock Excbance 42 Broadway Anciieaa LlBbt Traetlexi American Gas A Elcctrle Denver JSa Elcctrle Cs. Empire District Electric Co.

An saarketabla nablle atlllty eoearttlaa Williams. r.fcConnell Colsnian Wall M. T. Pnoae MM SIMON BORG CO.

BANKERS. No. 2Q Nassau St, New York INVESTMENT SECURITIES Morris Holden BANKERS 3 Wan Street Talopboaes OSS ft ear? Yew York Ham OtvPSrME.1T BOXT AXO fOMalllCflL aAPXaV Receipts for December Exceed Die-' buraemente by WABHTNOTON. Jan. L-DmcibWi fiscal operaUons of tha National Govern- ment showed balance on tho credit sidt -he first Urao durtns tha fiscal year xmjw-u and tha first time slnoa the Payno-Aldrlch tariff law went Into effect.

The receipts assreaalad tsa.07.SSd end tho dlsborsexnenu laav-ln a balanoo of I2.J13.T11. Jtx elusive of tho dendt for tha nast als months on account of Panama Canal operations, amountlns to 1 14 511.878. and account of the publlo debt trans to in. Trranury tbus far thla fiscal rear le $23,619,010. as aalnst x.7taj575t for tho Same time last f- The Increase has been In customs recelpu, about Joanna tne calendar year lOuO tho aa the na.21.l4; for for the the rmuppine uovernment peSOs In Rnd for Ban Salvador (Htl.lfo pesos.

Uurlnr Derrnbor '27 knnka wWK a nt.1 capital of tl.500.ODO were authorised to be-rln bualneaa. of which fourteen had aa Individual capital af less than $50,000. the remainder bavins; an Individual capital OT that flfrira Ar nv.r Th tt.i hank plrculaUon ouUtandina; Boston Bank Statement Jrriol TU Ntw Yrk BOSTON. Jan. 8.

The weakly statemeat of Ute Aseodatad National Basks ef Boston paras as follows: HUDSON TUNNEL TRAFFIC. 190 Per Cent Increase Over December, ,19084,053,588 Passengsrs Carried. Tha Hudson TanneJ system during December, according to aa official statement issued yesterday, carried 4,053.586 passengers, an Increase of 190 per cent, over December. 1008. when tho first section of tho system, tha uptown tunnels, wss thrown open.

The average Increase each month In the number of paasengera carried line last Auguat has boea about 10 per cent. The company has been able to make this showing without the use of the stations at Broadway and Thirty-third Street and at Newark and Railroad Avenues. Jersey City, which are now under construction and which ara expected to ba completed soon. Morton Trust Cbmpan LEVI P. IXOirrON, President.

38 Nassau St, New. York $2,000,000 .1 8,000,000 Llanages Estates and Trust iWos 1 Capital, Surplus Undivided Profits at. ff. for Week. Jan "00.

fJ" "320 eoo 2O7.07fl.0OO Clreulatloa T.OM.0O S.lWt.000 tmmivm ono Iu T2.eO9.0O0 4.S25.0OO 'J. R. donoalta aoiM nnn .91 nvt 81. 144.000 S. 185.0110 t2.229,0OO 8.1K3.0O0 X2.2X8.0O0 035.000 33.60 S.S'il.fino S44.0O0 ll.8U8.Ono J44.O0O 8.

81 6.T3.2M 8,428,714 2.sa2.2ae Renarv. acta. KUHelKM Due from b'ks 5 fund Ltal BpH. Surplus H. T.

surnros 174.082.000 1.6M.0O0 S4.UT.0-X) 1.2',000 22.477.0110 4TK.0O0 24.OB4.OOI) a.4M.oqo 8.0OI.I. QUO METAL MARKET REPORTS. as me. Metal Kzehaage ysstardsr a heavy tana was shown, with business qulat, Cspvar wss easier at a slight cession la all dallver-tea np to March, while tin fill nearly ht armpathy with a sharp break In tha foreign market. Other prlese were nmhupd.

On th. Metal Exchange la London reaV-nlay spot copper suffered a decline of la 8d from tha Coal quotations ef Friday, the openlns price, however, ahowlng a decline of a 84 from Friday's last; futures likewise reeled la 8d from tho cloee en Friday, tha initial price of the day belnr a drop of 6s from Frl-days final. The market finished easy, closing quotations ruling at: Spot, 61 13a 8d; futures. 62 13s Sd. Pig tin ended weak with spot and future deliveries down 1 6a.

to 151 and 152 respectively. Spelter continued steady and unchanged at 28 2a Sd. Spanlsn p'g lead waa steady and anchanred at 1 11a id. Cleveland warrants were quoted at 31s The elaetng bid and asked prices tor copper and ether metals for spot delivery on the New Tork atetal Exc haste yesterday compere aa follows with those of Friday: Monday. Friday.

Standard Cop. Bid. Acked. Bid. Asked.

Spot 18 2S 18.40 13 7 January 18 2V 18.40 13 75 February in. 40 13.70 18.40 18 KO Marob 13.40 13.70 18.00 13.80 8pelter 0.10 R10 6.30 Lead 4.67H 4.724 4.C7H A72H TU U.UU ba.Hit 39.141 S3.60 $650,000 United Electric Company of New Jersey First Mortgage Four Per Cent Gold Bonds DATED JUNE 1ST. 1800. DUE JUNE 1ST, 1040. Interest payable June 1st and December 1st leased by the Publlo Service Corporation of New Jersey for 000 years from July 1st 1007.

We are ndriBed by our counsel. Messrs. Shearman that under the terms of the lease, the Public Service ol New Jersey aaa directly assumed tha payment ef the Interest on taeae beads, and has agreed to provide lor tlie payment ol the principal at maturity by extension, rcfundine or otherwise, and that the obligation as principal debtor Urns assumed by the Public Service Corporation ol New Jersey la mere direct and desirable than a aiere guaranty by eadorsenent TROWBRIDGE BANKERS Members New Tork Stock Exchange AND STOCKS FOR INVESTMENT NEW TORK 111 Broadway a.TVV.V. 134 Orange St Executor Chartered 1822 Trustee The Farmers1 Loan and Trust (tonipaiiyij Nos. 16, 18, 20 22 William Street Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenne, 4 New York.

KWDOU, 18 Blahopagata St WltMa. PABI8, 41 Boulevard Haufjmasa i TaTele8, Letters of Credit. Foreign Ilxchange, Administrator Guardian The terms of the FRANCHISES under which the Company operates are liberal, and IN ALMOST EVERY CASE PERPETUAL. SECURED BY A FIRST LIEN ON ALL property now owned or to be acquired by the Company, subject as to part of Bald property, to $705,000 prior bonds. Year ended Not.

80th: 1909. 1008. 1907. Net $1,761,00 Sl.539,080 $1,510,237 Bond Interest excluding- rental 770.31U 770,623 Surplus $730,600 TAX EXEMPT IN NEW JERSEY I1 Pnce and desenptisa onapplication. Yield about CLARK, DODGE CO.

BANKERS 51 Wall Street New York Bonds for Investment We own at all times an extensive list of conservative bonds yielding as high a return as is consistent with safety of principal. We invite correspondence and shall be glad to furnish detailed informa- -tion in regard to the following, or over two hundred other issues of bonds for investment: Municipal Bonds $100,000. New Yort State Highway 4s (Tax Exempt in N. 100,000 Westchester County Sanitary Sewer District 4s (Tax Exempt In New York) 75,000 Jersey City, N. Hospital 4s (Tax Exempt in N.

100,000 New York City 3s and 3 (Tax Exempt in N. 5,000 Wilkesbarre, Pa, School District 4j4s 75,000 Franklin County, Refunding 5s Eilis County, Texas, Road District Ss Tleldln About 3.45 3.85& 3.857s 4.00 4.00 4.35 4.70 50,000 65,000 100,000 200,000 100,000 50,000 90,000 50,000 50,000 100.000 65,000 40,000 150,000 250,000 150,000 100,000 3.96 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.15 4.25 4.297 Railroad Bonds Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul General Mortgage 4s Chicago, Burlington Quincy, Nebraska Extension Chicago Northwestern, Peoria N. W. Pittsburg Lake Erie First Mortgage 6s Louisville Nashville, Paducah Memphis 4s Southern Pacific First Refunding Mortgage 4s Atchison, Topeka Santa Fe Short Line 4s Chicago, Rock Island Pacific Equipment 44s 4.62 a Corporation Bonds Laclede Gas Light (SL Louis) First Mortgage Ss 4.507o New York" Telephone First and General Mortgage 4.607a Laclede Gas Light (St Louts) Ref.

Ext Mortgage 4.857 Kings County Lightinf (New York) First Refunding Mortgage Ss (Tax Exempt In N. 4.907 Utlca Gas and Electric Ref. Mtge. Ss (Tax Exempt In N. 4.957 Union Electric Light Power (St Louis) Ref.

Mtge. 5.07 Seattle Lighting Refunding Mortgage 5s 5.1 57o Southern California Edison General Mortgage 5.15 Dominion Power Transmission Co, Ltd, Ss 5.25 VJ. i Harris Company BANKERS cJl" HEW YORK Tax Date January 10th Guaranteed Mortgages Netting 4 or TAX EXEMPT LAWYERS MORTGAGE COMPANY RICHARD M. HURO, President CAPITAL A 8URPLU8 130.000,000 59 Liberty Street SAVINGS BANKS. The Bowery Savings Bank 128 AND 130 BO WERT.

NEW TORK. Dee. 14, 1M A seml-annnal dividend at tha rata ef THREE sad NX-HALF PER CENT. Pr annum has been declared and will ba arcdlted to depositors oa all sums of $3.00 sad upward and not exceeding 83.000 which shall have been depositee at least three months oa the first day of January next, and will be payable on and after Monday. January 17, 1118.

Money deposited on or before an nary 10 will draw Interest from January 1. 1910. HENRT SCHEXCK. President. WILLIAM E.

KNOX. Comptroller. JOSEPH O. LJDDLg. Secretary.

Metropolitan Savings Bank 1 4Uia third Ave. (pp, cooper ItuutvU.1 i-T a nen-e-t nan 113th DIVIDEND New Vork. Dee. 14th. lOOa INTEREST POR THE HALF TEAR ENDING UKC.

BIST, iww. at tha rate of Four Per Cent. Per Annum will be credited to depositors entitled thereto under the by-laws of ih bank on sums from S3 INTEREST PATABLE JANUART 10TH. 1910. MONET DEPOSITED on or before January 13th will draw Interest from January 1st.


T. TBS Trustees have declared a dividend for tha sis months ending Dec Hat, IMS, st tha rata of FOUR PER CENT. perannnm. on all snms from 1 to 9.000 ersvUed thereto under the by-laws, payable oa sad after Monday, January nth. 1910.

Deposits made on or before Jan. 13th will draw interest from Jan. 1st, 1910. W. H.

B. T0TTE1T. President OEOBOE B. DUKMXG, Secretary H.X.TEXEH.Jr.Chainnaa of FlnaaoeCommtttes Chicaflo, Rock Island and Pacific Railrol Comnanv FIVE PER CEOT. I GOLD BONDS OF 1913.

Notice of Election to Redcea an Holders af abevs Boaoat CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND AXD TACOtS An. ROAD COMPANT (aa Iowa sorparae Uon), ha vine elected ta redeem tas astM; Issu ef 1U aforesaid nTI PER OOLD BONDS Of 1S1B. a. a. Mhli''at two and a half pr east.

H) and ssirssl" te teres t. pursuant to tho provisions af seen, tloa af Article Tour oT 1U trust asvwsmASti: With CENTRAL TRUST COMPACT OTj' KEW. YORK, Trastee. dated May 1. 1HL1 seourins said bonda BEREBT GITES WOW' TICE that It will, oa rEBRCABT ItttJ' redeem ths entire outstanding- amount at said bonds at par.

with a premium aC tvrs) 1 and a half per cent. aad tha sasw4 Intaeaa am ..14 Am A -a demptloa sbov deatsnated. Tas lUUaBae Company requires that, aa and after said Taef demptloa data, aald. beada aooompanled all appurtenant unmatured saupoas, svei seated for redemption and payment at thai', efflce of CENTRAL TRL8T COMPANT OH KEW TORK. No.

i Wall Street. Borons sill Manhattan New Tcrk City. K. said faf Jf flea having beea designated tha ageaay'-ef th said Railroad Company for ths. purs ass; of ths sforeaald redemption aad parmeafc! Interest on all said bands will ssass tsoeaj and after said rebraanr la, Chlcsxs, Ksck aaa PaclRe aUnredaT Csapssy.

Tt nvAoo at Daia e0eeTsa Twmmmmwkm SEAMEN'S BANK FOR SAYINGS, 1 aad 1 WaU Street. THE TRUSTEES HAVE ORDERED THAT INTEREST be paid to depositors entitled thereto under the by-laws, and in. accord ance with the Savings Bank Law. for tha six months ending Dec. list, 1S0S.

Oa accounts not exceeding three thousand dollars at the rat of FOUR PER CENT, par annum. i Payable aa and after Monday. Jan. lTth. 111.


Ksw Tork. Dee. 13d. 110. Deposits made oa or before Jan.

19th will draw Interest from Jaa. 1st. Report o. the Condition of the MUTUAL ALLIANCE TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK. on the mornlns of the first day of January, 1910.

LIABILITIES. RESOURCES. Beads and aaortaaave Stock aad bond Investments, Public securities, (book. Value. iTOO.otxj.) market value Overdraft.

Real estate i Due from trust companies, banks. and bankera Specie LaJ-tesjaer notes jm Botes ox National Cash Heme r. Accrued Interest mot entered fl03.eTB.00 wa.ooe.oo 9. SM. 3A3.4S Xa0.4X5 euo.bTT.e T8S.lNrr.oo IS Total.

H4.S10.1S1.BT Capital stork Surplus including sQ. undivided profita Pref erred $3,668.40 Deposits (not pre-' erred) 1 1. 063.060. 03 Certificates of deposit (not preferred) 1S7.839.00 Due trust companies, banks, aad bankera 1.512. 4M.23 Total deposits Other liabilities, certified checks Reserved for taxea.

$700,000.60 Total U.T1S.41T.S4 S0S.49TM tsT.aa $14 10.11 5T State ef New Tork. County ef Kew Tork. miS3- rLOTDi and P. V. BALDWIN.

Se-r-tirv. of The Mutual Atllanoe Truet C-mnajiy of New Tork. located and doing buslnres at liajiover Square, la the City of New Tork. la saJd cwuaty being duly eworn. each for Myself, saya the foregoing report orrect In aU rejects, to the bear of hie knowledge and belief, and they further uf.aJbMl?" "aid truet company has been transected at the iooatloa re-fv l-i' Jf.

a of the Coaeolldated Laws.) and not olsenrhere; aad that the above report le la the form prescribed by the guperlntendent of Banks, and ie made ta compliance with aa official aoUoe reoalred from him deelgnatlng the mornlns ef ths first day of Jaasary. 110, aa tha day of which such report shall be made. WEBB FLOTD. Tloa President-. V.

BALDWIN. Secretary. swearaay sataam.a aad awera to by botk deponents the 84 day of January. 1U10. safer awa.

a. A. nruisriiT Kmn asikli si siaw Cesaty. HEW Y0RLSA1G8 BANKi w. w.

Car. 14th St. aad Sth Aveaaa. Jan. 1.

It 19. dividend at tha rate ef FOUR PER CENT. per anaum on all same from tt tt, IMSt eatltled thereto utder the by-laws. DEPOSITS MADE ON OR BFFORB iAW. 19 WILL DRAW INTEREST ROM JAN.


Treasurer. ARCHIBALD M. PE NTZ. Secretary. Soulbera Pacific RillrojdXi i First Refunding Mort Cold Notice is hereby riven that, pursuant tajm prorl.lons of Section.

10, Article Fourth. the mortgage and deed of truet exeoutedW ima noinimuy 10 id. 1L QUI La Die Trwt. COCSy pany of New Tork. aa Trustee, dated Jaaeary Sd.

1909. to secure Its First Refunding Mert gage Oold Bonds, thla compear baa sec apart out of the net Income, derived by It trees the lines ef railroad eubject ta the Sea ef said mortgage aad deed of trast tha aaa af $Os' 000, in ths year 1909. In trast, ta ba need te redeem' said bonda, and that bonds wtU te redeemed therewith. Bids are hereb lawttad i for the surrender of such bonds at prices ta he named by tge bidders to the amount ef $12,809.40 la th sinking fund. Such tads should be presented, te this company at-It office.

120 Broadway, la tha City and Stats -New Tors, on or before the Slat day af Jasv uary. 1910, af 13 o'clock noea. aad should ba endorsed Bids for surrender of Sowttura Part flo Railroad Company's First Bafuadlsa Mortgage Oold Bonds." Dated December S7th. 1909. i4 3 SOUTHERN PAOFIC RAILROAD 50V I By O.

KIN (a. Secret i EAST RIVER SAYING BANK (Incorporated lttt) as BBOAiwar i rHAMBrss ST. rtw VOKJi. SUBPLUB 0TEP. J2 THE 123R3 SEMI-ANNUAL DIYIDEND has bsss Sedarsd at the rats af FOUR PER CENT EL Made en er BsTere Jaa.

lta wQl Inm lot arret tnm Jsa. let. D. S. Pres.

C. A. WRITNXT. Ssa HQ wsT. Union Dims Savings Bank BROADWAT.

SID ST. AND STB ATEKUB, OREZLET SQUARE, NEW TORK. Interest four Per Cent. PER ANNUM, from $1 te Il.tOt. Credited January let.

payable Jaauaxy. ao. Ilia, er any Urns later. Money deposited oa or before January 1 draws Interest from January 1st. 11.


BQfJ. bearetaxy. Just Oat, THP- O'dyhanU 5LKVICE Deetmptr Edition. A vsJaabl aid te Baaaera. tinkers.

CevpeeaUa and ladlvfdaal, Casprrt Cp-t-Data Full Russia. S1240. SEND FOB CTRCCLAB A. aVlootlx MbbubI CompeUTXs'. 33 Braaaway, ATTnO B4WK1.

XUtk St, aad Lexxertea Ara. SI El" 111, I' THS TarSTEEe BATS PBrLABK) 'A BXatli AN.VUii. IITUILVO AT TH JUTaTOF I aeraed tbereia, aewaw le. (be br-lawa. Ires i le tl.Se.

Ub snd after htoti Ur. JV 17th. 11A Meney as seeUed sa ar before Jsa. lata. llt.

tn aVaw t. terast trea, Jaa. Uk. WTLLIAM E. TROTTER.

President. -r muau A. uud ssli sieM.

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