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The New York Times du lieu suivant : New York, New York • Page 5

New York, New York
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LOCAL MISCELLANY. ij THE BOARD OF TOLICE. en PZAD-LOC BBOEE GOMMlBstOYEB TOORHIS ELECTED TBJtAACBEB A BEYf rui oe APi-ojicrrsa poucemes sua iUBCT.LVA.St.OVB BCSIXE1- nyer of th Police Il.pxrtaieiit, upon which lit puliM Commissioners hsvs been at 1mm slnoe Gen. Smith became member ot tbe board, tu definitely jnt'H yesterday by the election of Ceanmtsaiooer Tetchle I tbat eAoe, The board mot at 11 o'clock ytgtartaf moraioi all the Commissioners being Com mieel oner Disbecker offer a reeola-uea tolwbf tbe office ef Treasurer of tea board Trft, which roculatioa waa adopted, all tbe Commissioners voting la tha affirmative. Cemmleelouer Xnsbesker thereupon offered another roeolutioe, that Commissioner Voorbla ba elected Traaaarar.

This sntolution waa alaa adopted Cumaiiseloeera yti DUbecker, sod Smith voting la tba alarm a-Bye, aad Mr. Voorbi dectiolgg to vote. Ia accept-tug tba position, Mr. Voorbla aald that It waa not lla 4 mi re to taka tba ofHcu, bat ba looked ppon bia alacuVdi aa a nark of tba confidence that bia eoL learns bad Is Uo. At they desired tbat ba aboald tfc (aa office, ba would accept It, aod would da all si fowar to abow that their eoufldsnoe waa Dot jiipUoed.

Trraaorar waa tliea elected Chair-r. of' tba Committee oa Finance. Mr. Yuurbia vrfiletonce proceed to bv filing with tha Controller te boo da required br- law, and ee Monday will eater on tba duties of kla Dew po-aiiou. Tba laborers and employee af tba Strect-eleeslsg' Bureau, wao bare sot been paid for labor performed daring April, will receive their pay la a few dare.

It ia atated tbat Com miaa loner Smith rl4 ba Bade Chairman oi tba Committee on Hula aad Ptacluiise, which to at present presided ever by Mr. Tporhia, aod tba latter will retain the chairman-ibis of tba Committee on Rjptlrt end. Supplies. Xba following program ma, baring for lu object a complete revolution in making applications for ep-pauirioent oa U-a Police force, waa presented by Commloaioaer Suilth, aal waa referred to the Cornet's WBoles and Disciplines fir si Asv appUoant for appointment aa patrolman erne preeeuie te any Cotnuiiaeioner satisfactory cvtdeuee ef bis quallfloatiuna, capacity, aad bin una, to tierotae the powers and periorm the datiea of pttrolBiso may, by such Cooimiaaiiiner, be permitted appear before the Coojmitieo of Su eeoue for ix-aeiiaaUua aa to health, physical condition, and ability to perioral the aerriuee required of a patrol- fmwntt The Committee of Surgeons shall anbject the eundldetee toe thorough examination, ta.lnx lor their standard pet rect pbtaicai health and aa sihioiUon of anpeitor macular and physical oerel-aseieat. rrsctiDf 'l whe tall below this atandard, and holding all donbta In faro.

of tha ilepirtntDti tae candidates to measure five feet seven ei-d a hair tnebeeon aaked feel, aad to weigh 133 nonuda avoir depots, without oioUiinie, and to poeeess good tax aod soar rveaigbt and -porlect hearing, and be free troai functional diaordera and oooatttational de Bdende ld The Committee of Surjreona shall reject all candtoaiee wbe in auy respect fall below the staa-dtrd of the department aud stiali report the rreull ef the examinaciuoa to the Chief Cleik in writing. fourth Xbe Cnlef Cierk sball subject the candb daue report lavorably by the Committee of 8nr reons to a preliminary examination to teat their Irfal qnalincatioia, and to those who are found aler ewrpetent be shall deliver the petition prop. rif tilled 00 which prtltioo they shall procure the ela-naturee of five mpntaole oitiawia, when it saatl be returned to tlie Chief Clerk, wbo sbitll desig. aste which of the petitioners abali verity tae pvti by a indent, and shall require the candidate to rietsoaaliy swear by atttiiartt, indorsed on the peti-ion, to the truth of the allegations contained theieiu. fflThm eonfldentlal inquiry into the and associates of the candidate ahaii be then made by the bu polio tendon through otlicera apeeially detailed by hi in for ihat pnrpiei.

aat Tha Chief Cierk abali cause the Candida tae to appear before the toll board in aecret session, when 1 be board will decide which of the applicants shall be placed oa the roil of Candida lea to he appointed aa pairolnjeu as vacancies occur, aod place ee separate roll such aa may be deemed fit to be doerniea. eaotndt Appointments shall be made from tba roll of candidates in the order of tba dates of their seepectiva eoririral examinatoaa. Cotamieaioaer Hraith also cflured tba following no elation. Which was iikewi.e referred to the Committee as Rules and Discipline 1 JttnjTwrf, Tbat Rule So. S3S be aawnded aa aa te read aitbhewa: Kris 336.

Shields are te be worn without ehaine, aod ahali be eurefuliv aard, kept clean aod bright, end aa required, aliail be rrplaied at the coei of the aber. if tar iMMar ahail break or band, er eikni wsm change the form of tile able-d, he SbaU pay tba euat ef repair or fiirotsh a new may be required. If will be teemed uegiect of duty oa the part ef any umnier of the foioe to eareleaaiy lose hia ahield or ether lualgala ef enloe. er to Beg'eut te the eame aetenly te hie eluthtn. or to tfrleet to report aucb 1m haaieitiatety toerralter to the ofBcer is menund at bestaUoo-heuse.

ltaha.1 bathe auty ef Cantatas te uameuialel Diane charge aaaiust the ofttoerfor toe leg hu ahleki. sad the fart of toe loaa ahali be preeuuap-iaea eTMeaee of parole anooa. A eammunication waa received from the bfeme-rlal Cemnuttee of the tirand Army ot the Kepublio MqaMtiog that all veteran of tba lata wax wbo are low member of the Polio fore bo peruilttod to pared 11 a body on Decoration Day in connection with tha neeta of the Grand Army of the Itepublia. Xba request was CESTRAL rAJSK PR OBLEMS. tssrtcTJO-H or toe park bt tbk commissioners TUB TCBS WOBX A WAT BT TUB XNCBOlCHMKNTS Of VISITORS OSB POUCEMAH TO FITT AQBKd NO Clio TESTE P.

DAT EFFECT OI THI K. DUCED APFROPRIATIOM. tua rars cotnmiasionera, accompanied by Ifr. rtedertek Law Olmated, Architect of the De-bartmeot. riaited Central Park veateruav oa a tour af laapeonoa.

Tbo lake, walks, drives, ramblea, aad other features of tba landscape were viewed ia tarn, after which the party proceeded to the alto of tat sew status cf The Falconer," sear tba south oar at the lake. One of tbo moat Important subjects under consideration by tbo Commiaeioa ia the rraovatkiu and replacement of the dilapidated tarf both able of- tha mall, and upon tbo playground, the ball fro and. other portions of the fut which have witblo the past year or two been tbrewa epea to tlie public This turf, which a few ytars age was the greenest and freshest on the ialand, I gradually being destroyed by tbo encroachment of the public. Large areas are already partially atripped af crass, aad tba effect la not agreeable to the eye. The new growth of eras which spring no after the disappearance of the old, ia alwaya ephemeral, aad cannot compare in treehaeas or eolor to the ao-aaalated growth of years.

In the region to the north eaat of the mall aa well as in other quarters herw the eame atate 't affairs ezieta, efforts are heme asaie to rerbum the patches of ruined grass by Hiding new soil and aeeiiug, bat this process is The noe freih and elaatto tart which aeliKbti the eye ia eo many parts of the Park, is the growth of several seasons, and when de-troTd cannot be replaced at abort notice. Among the plana propoeed is the rurronnding of the areas to tba east and weet of the mall by light wire fences, te be removed as aooa aa the new grass attaina a sufficient height and strength. At pteaent there Is abeo ately no protection for the turf, the email wltce force barlnr beea a till further redoeed, ia tder te keep the depart ni filial aspenditurea within tee baiite the approprrauon. b'otwithatandlng the July weather and tba large nreda reernl vreterdav. no aiusie was prvriued.

aad baadrede wbo had eoine In rxvectaliou of tbia aciiuat-imed treat; went away disappointed. Too aetaoniiea in charge av tbat they cannot fnrniah aayaia uaui the pagoda for the band la repaired, and ant there la ne money in the treasury with which tray the expenses of such repairs. The allow Jc tlie entire department ba been cnt dowa from v.000, tSe amonnv naked, to 000, and with tote limited anm the Couiraieab-oeraldo not feel ile to prorido aa extensive a procTamme of' amuso-Kuhimi SMS V310S TIUXSFSH OF TUX ISlLLJi 1 to SALTl if Ji. A telegram from Baltimore, dated Hay 21, was publish in TBI Tints of yesterday, stating that at a meetiag of tha Caut-a Company a propoai-loa ef the lnmaa Line ef tears -ahipa to transfer aaT tun tbeur line from the Canton Compaaye harv (a fiat city to Liverpool waa accented, aod tat the pioneer sesael would arrive in Baltimore rthia thirty day. Mr.

John O. Dale, tke ag -ot of te lauuta Line ia this CUT, yeeteiday said he bad recelvej no iaforaiallon eo the pari of the com pa ay torua tbeir ateeoiera to Kulunere, and that toe retort vas probably Inourreok TJ1M L1QV0SDEALEKS' DSFKAT. Tba auxuber oXepplicAiiou tor lioenaea mad tba xeiae LVpartnuuit during the past week was lea largest mads wttbln any oa woek umu the orgaumatloa 4 the present board. Aa ex-h'anatioa of this uauaual ruah of applicants may be found ia the fjet that a large number of past posed a reewsi of their liosueea in the vain hope that the Legislature Would pas new law toor eonformaade to -their latereata -than tB present law, became eUsbearteued at the feel mf ill, V.MI wab im. The anh.

Jhed etaiemrnt cives the tranaaetioea of the Week Vtoodav. eirhtif-alX aldtcafoaa. deioaUed, liar. seToattr-eiKht applieatloas, araosrnt 94 3 1 'WedseedaT, stxtv-fowr appiicaOoaa, Mr g3.ee0 Tburaday, sixty two ap piMiatlous, laeui 1 Friday, aeveuty-four sp-plieasioaa, tnenat M.4TS batoroar, forty three aa-plloaUoua. ameuat ti.r.i tMad a am see aPpUcav iioaa OUT 1 bntsd aaneuat, Detweea htev 1 aud Kay W74, total amouat resolved oa applies, tows.

fJo.470, betvess blav 1 aad bfay ti, 1B72. t565, excloaive ef tMO reeHved on oid aeoounta for lalt aad prwrVms to May 1,1475, which, If added, sake a ttal of TUB 1XIKRXAII0XAL RIFLE HATCH. KVKXTH yglCTICI BT TBS TXAJg UJTPA-- VORABLS WKATBES RESCLTS OF TU SIlOOTIXa COL. BOOUta MAIU TUB BIO0EST SOORC Teeterday waa tha aerata, praetica-da tit Amaricaa team preparatory te the oootass la the international match. AU tbo members wore present ataa early hour, aad at 11 A.

M. eemmenced practicing at 800 yard distance. The air was sultry, aad the amok from tba bsrntng woods la tba vicinity of tbo town gave a hear appearance to the targets. The wind blew dowa tbo taage toward the tarceta throughout the day, but waa act violent at any time. Major Faito recorded tha highest aoore at 00 ynrda afty-eight out ef a poeaible aixty potnta, aad it was thought tbat be Intended to record one of bia ehamploa core, a started off with a string of tea bnll'a-yea.

but tha combined Influence of amoke aad beat prevented him from dcoompbabing tbo feat. CoL Bod in a abot with hie usual ateadlaee and precision, and though his scores at tba eaveral range war exreeded by other marksmen, he recorded the bigh-est score in tbe aggregate. Wbea the party moved back to the tbousand-yarda' firing point, tbo haay atwoapber waa mora disconcerting than at tba previous ran gee, and aa this ia al way the most trying distance to shoot at, there waa a general dia poet lion to allow aoma one slae to aboot first. Cob Gildersleere recorded hia Brat miss" ia endeavoring to gad the proper elevation, aad Mr. Coleman's first abot waa attended with a eimiler result.

Gea. Dakia eonaidered yeaterday bia "off day" aa tha only way to account for the small score, reoordod by him. Mr. Tale made the hlffheat aoore at tbo laat range 51 out of a jpuaaible 60 points. Following are the eooree ia detail 1 COL.

JOITH BODIKB. Tarda. Total. 4 3 1 1 1 i 4 3 4 .14441131411413 61 lUOU. 24483444444U9 4 tU lb4 MAJOR BE5RT PULTON.

800... ..4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 ..143433 34444444 464 ..3313434 3033333 4 41 IBS O. W. TAIJB. .1 1 4 I I 3 I 4 4 4 3 4 60 ..3 8343333884444 360 ..4 48S4488084444 4 1 181 600.

i00. COL. H. A.

OIUERSLSBTa. ..44 343 8 44 4 9 3 814 362 ..3 343434333344 4 60 ..0 4438448383 4 83 447149 c. co leu a. ..8 4003044444343 444 ..3 8U44433433333 4 4 ..0 844884844 4 4 3 0-43X33 A.

T. CAK FIELD, JK. ..3 044344333443 3 4-48 .333 4 3 3 3 38 3 4 4 4 3 3 40 00003343440 3 8 el 138 OEM. T. a.

Oltn. .034334 83 344343 448 8 3 4 3 I 8 3 4 3 4 4 34 .3 433O330O-4 0O38 433123 00 tfoO 1,000 800..... IX HI 800 BOO 1,000 1 M. BALLARD.

SOO. 4 0333333443443 8 43 SKHJ 83444304 4 438 2 344 1.0OO.. 8 3080048843003 02 117 L. C. BEDCR.

0 S003S38430SS3 333 WOO 8443388304403 44 1 l.OOO 3 4888888438333 8-43118 The number of markamea and apeotators waa unusually large. The Seventh Kegimsnt 'KiSe Club oontested tor the sheila, aad a party froaa the 8evea ty-niath Begimeot oocnpied a. target. Among those present at the long-range targets were Gen. Mese-tola.

Alderman Cote, CoL Carr. CoL Valentin, CoL Mitchell, H. 8. JewelL A. Anderson, B.

Burton. A. J. Roux Cant. Parker, and A.

J. Hermlon, Jr. The next contest will take place tomorrow. AN INTERESTING JEWISH CER-' EMONT. COItVZRSI02f OP A TOCXO LADT TO JUDAISM.

large congregation aasembled in the Synagogue of the Congregation Shaary Brorboh, ia Sixth street, near Second avenue, yeaterday afternoon, to witaee tbo reoepUoa of alias Henrietta Bald within the fold ot tbo Jewish faith. 'After tbo regular afternoon prayer the coo vert waa eon ducted to tbo elmemor," nt front of the holy ark, when, alter a brief invocation by the officiating clergyman, Kev. Marx Cohn, tbo following questions aud answers passed between the minister and the lady i Question My dear woman, what brought thee today to the house of God I Answer I came here today to become a member of tbo Jewish faith J. Whom dost thou aeekf A- I seek to eater into the holy covenant ef your anoeetore. (4.

Art thou acquainted with and instructed lu tboe aaored principles aud doctrine of the covenant which (fod hu mad with our fortfatbenf A. I am, and will and execute them with all my heart and acul, even at the eacrifloe ot my bte. Q. And now, dear woman, la eonformitv witb those doctrines end Divine precepts, 1 call on thee to answer trathfullv the following questions 1 What is the first fundamental doctrine of the Moealo faith A. Xbe brat fundamental doctrine of the Moeaie faith la this: Bbma Israel, Adeooj Elobeun.

AdonoJ Kciiod. Hear, oh Israel I the Lord our God, the Loru ia One. Dost thoa understand this doctrine, and art tbou convinced of its truth I A. 1 am, and Will protees tt all the daya of my life. Q.

And aow redte tlie Xeu om man dm en ta-(Tue commandments were recited Fleaae recite the fundamental articles of faith. (The thirteen ar-ticlca of faith were recited.) After some questions regarding the ritual of the Jews, tha ark waa opened by tbo President of the congregation, Keiter. and tba aalauter offered the following prayer in Sngllah "And now, my dear woman, since thoa bast willingly and freely accepted tne aacred precepte and truth ef Judaism, 1 announce, the name of tbo land, tbat thou art duly oonntmed ia the Divine eoveoaas, and hast entered the ssored fold. Mayeat thou leei tae great lanportanee of this hour. Head beloi the sacred sbrme tbat 1 may give thee the blraaing tb Lord has given into the hands ot Ilia servant, and maw tba Lord grant that It abatl follow thee ia toy Journey in life.

The Lord bless and guard thee. The Lord let ahine His eouatesauee upon tbee and be graciooa unto thee. The Lord lift ap bia lace upon tbee and give tbee peace. Amen." Tbo pus 1 last then made tbo lollowing prayer aod vow God and Father, from the depth of my heart 1 offer thanks for tha bliaeful hour I have en-Joyed ia 1 by house to-day 1 may Thy holy faith be impressed upon my eonl 1 it ahail be a lamp to my ten, and a light to my path 1 under Thy guidance, eb Lord, I eater the future 1 in 1 bee 1 trust, and 1 tear not. Aad aow 1 oee this solemn hour, with a heart lifted up unto Thee, imploring Thy heavenly blesaiBit.

Grant tbat it may guard me from evil and temptation. May these worwe ef my mouth be acceptable ia Tbv clonous presence. Aii.en.'-' Alter a bleaaing by tba officiating clergyman Mies field left tha aimemor, aad tae aongregatioa dispersed. THM OPtSA HSXT WJXTMM. Mr.

Adolf Xeoendorff, manager of tha Ger-snauia and Stadt Theatres, will sail for Europe next Thursday far the purpose of eeouring an ope ratio troop for tbo coming season. Hs ba already secured WechteL aad will endeavor to engage Mm, roocihha T.entner, For eocae time peat Mr. Xeuea-dorff baa held eorreepon dance to that and with Mme. Lsutnsr and her manager, but ha thus far failed to obtain a decisive answer, lake all foreign eriletea, the gifted lady hesitates to cross the ocean, and tiothiag but extraordinary iaducemeota wiii tempt her to visit this country, air. 2eoendortf beUeves that la a personal Interview with Mme.

Leutner. be will be able te overcome her scruples, witn mora satisfactory results to both parties than be could hope to effect through oorreepoedence. While in Europe be will engage a troupe wbich will render etScleal aupoort to Ibeeo great mrtitU. and will also carefully arlect good singers fur the chorus. ATTS3trTXI ASSASSOTArZOX.

Cbarlea Monkcd, the Chief of tba Guttentrarf; Jfira Department, ha beea Instrumental In snn-preeainE tbs Modoca of that vicinity, a gang of uosiiot aitoea. who had mac beea the terror of the good people bring thereabouts. Oa Friday night, while oa hi way home, tw men. who had been lying la wait tor bia, sprang out and seised him by the throat. He knocked them dowa aad ran.

He had not gone many etepa before one of the aaea Bred a pistol at bins. The ball missed Its aim, and aiisoer ahot followed, the bail thia Urn paaaiaft through his bat. Tha would-be assassins then fled, and ail effort to find tavern haa ataoe proved unavailing xbey are euppoewd to have neon connected With the gang oc -Modoca. 1 earn TBS TOSKSSS WATSX-WOSKZ. CoL J.

W. Adams, Civil Engineer af tba Brooklyn Water-works, haa examined the piaaa of the ssKineer employed by Us Board of Water Cesa-miaaioners of Tonkar for ehtalaing a aupply ef pure waier for the latter city, and approved of the aamet and assures the citieena that they may expect water from tbo Grassy Sprain. It to stTmJte. that the work. aeoeW At 1 a-ailooa uraerw yr rv tOatuoai auaaa-ueU.

ouaiaea, boilexs. -u wtu tns.lCL Meaara. Edward F. Bafrd. Orrta A- BTls, aad Thosaaa F.

Moma, Cam I eel a era appointed by the eeort to award damage lor mad taken, aad de prrvatsea of water la the matter af oouetructiag the Misers oirs, have awarded 1473 per acre for mad aud the liepriraaoa ot water oa tbo Grassy boruia, making an argregate eg 363, 323. aad aa the bprata faaJ51 tor the deprivation eg water tha total award amounting to THE SILK SMUOGLIRS. ABXE8T OF AJT tMPOKTEB ITEAKLT HALT A MILIAOIf OP PBOPTT8 TBACXO TO BUM BAIL FIZX2 AT $20,000. United State District Attorney Bliss, ta par-swing bis lavestigstloBa tab the ailk-avugxUac frauds eotnmltted by Lewrenoe, De Aagea, Graff, and Ball, traced checks tor 400,000, (paid by the buyer of Mr. Horace B.

CUflio, to Graft, through Ball.) to Jaatialaa Hartley, of the arum of Doprea, Hartley Co, Ka, 24 Walker street, who are Importers aad eommlaalom merchants, having, beside their store ta this City, a large eeraMiahmeet at St. Btlenae. fa Prance. Although the checks had beea traced to Hartley, ha himself eoald not he found, aad It was ascertained that was passing under aa assumed name. By a series of very clever ruses.

Detective, John Boland succeeded la finding Hartley, aad ob' tainlng an admlseloa from him that bia real same waa Juatialaa Hartley. It seems that Hartler, who baa lived lather fast lately, wearing very valuable diamond Jewelry and driving laat horses, wao tbrowa from hia carnage la Central Park, and somehow his surname, "Hartley," waa published la one of the morning paper la cos section with a abort report of tbo accident. Tbia canrht tbo eye of iJoIaad, who forthwith eaacted the roll of a reporter for the piesa, and biaUtnted inquiries ia that character, re-aulting la aatisrylng him tbat the Mr. Uartlev throw a from the carriage waa the Justinian Hartley hs wanted. r.

Hartley unguardedly admitting to the reporter hia full name, but Immediately afterward aeeklng to have the publiostion of it ran-pressed. Mr. Hartley was arrested by Boland and Deputy Marshal David Crowley oa a wit rant issued by Commissioner Davenport op aa affidavit made by Diemet Attorney BlLei cbarrto Hartley with being ooaoerned ia tbo ailk-emuggling operations, on tbo gronnd of the tracing to him of the mouev paid to Graff, through Bail, by Mr. Claflla'o nver. Hartley to a very fine-looking, riohlv-dreeaed man.

He wee accompanied before the Commiaalouer by bia eoonaei, Mr. Kidney Webster, tnroicb whom it waa arranged, by consent of Diatriet Attorney Blla. that Hartley should be allowed until Monday morn ing to give permanent bail, a oerttfled check for tbo amount of tb bail being accepted aa security la tb meantime. WIFE-KURD EB AN JERSEY CITY. A HU8BAXD BEATS AND KICKS HIS WITB TO DEATH HE IS ABRE8TEO AND HELD BT TUB CORONER.

Between 11 and 12 o'clock oa Friday nigLt. Patrick Kaboe aad bis wife Catharine were beard quarreling loudly ta their apartments in the rear of Ho. 354 Third street, eraey City. Kebee waa beard te say with a oath tbat he would ret rid ot the woman before morning. The noise of a ecufile en.

aoed aud the sounds ceased with what seemed so be tb heavy fall of a body to tbo floor. Not many minute afterward. Fetor, the ten-year old eon of Kehoe, went to tbo room. He waa beard to ask, "What's the matter with mamma and hi father to reply, Hash i abe ia all A few minute later Kehoe repaired to Coroner Lvech'a house, and stated that bia wife had fallen from the lounge and killed herself. Coroner Lynch accompanied him to tba bonae and a horrible scene of blood waa presetted to bis gase.

The deed woman lay upon a lounge saturated with blood, h'ear aa old etove stood a pail of bloody water, la which a piece -of her wrap-per, which bad evidently been tore from her body, aud which waa also covered with blood, lay. Another piece of the bloody wrapper lay la the aenttie. Great clots of blood were on the carpet, and a pots of biood disfigured tbo wal a. There were evidences that Kshoe er eame one bad attempted to waab the blood -etaiua out of the clothing and the carpeta. The Coroner charged Kehoe with having killed hie wife.

He denied it emphatically, but the Coroner took blm Into custody and bold bun to await tba result of bia inquest. Kehoe waa arraigned before Justice Keeeo yesterday morning. He refused to say anything else than "lamnot goilty." Kshoe' biUe son say that his father knocked his mtber dowa with a blow from bia fiat, and then kicked her. Whew he appeared in eours yeeterday morning hia el thee were etained with biood. first be said tbat he had got tba blood upon tbem whil he was wiping the blood from hi wife's facet and, afterward, while he waa trying to waab the blood out of ber clothing.

There were stains of blood also oa the clothing of the prisoner. He offered no explanation aa to boW they bad come there. Several of tha neighbors stated that they had aeea him at tbo hydrant la too yard endeavoring to wash tbe etaina out. The body waa removed to tbe Morgue, in Jersey avenue. County Physician Stout and Dr.

Bunt, hia assistant, made a poet-wortem examination of the body yesterday, and eonoluied tnat death had re -salted from iuiiammauou of the brain caused bv kicks aad blows. Coroner Lynch impaneled a Jury yesterday, aad will hold aa wadset oa Monday. ROWING ON THE HARLEM. THE ATHLETICS WIS THE CHAMPIONSHIP OF TUB RIVER BT DE7EAXXNQ TUB MEW-TORE HO WIS CLUB. ht may be fairly called tbs proper open-lug- of th rowing season oa tba iLtrlsia Birr was the match which came off yeeterday bet ween tbe New-York aad Athietio Bowing Clubs.

Heretofore the New-York Club has beea victorious, and yesterday tke aha noes appeared to be so much la favor ef a repetition of its success tbat 1100 to goO waa freely offered on tbo Issue. Tbe boating men of all tbo dobs were preeojt ia large numbers. Two steam-era, tha Seth Low and the V. Seymour, accompanied the race as far aa possible, but pa they were not able to get above Maoomb'a Dam, la eon Sequence ef tbe work which are being earned oa there, the first part of tbe contest waa lost to thoa oa board. Tbe race was from High Bridge to Mjrrie' Dock, a distance of aboot two miles.

Tbe crew of tbe New-York Rowing Clnb waa by tar tbe heavier, the mea averacing 115 pounda each, while the Athletics only averaged 140 pounds. Tbe crew or the New-York Club were Messrs. Timpeoa, (bow C. (No. Cornell, one of tbe vbitorioua Columbia crew at Saratoga, (No.

3, and F. A. Leyiand, (stroke.) Tb Athletic Club was represented by Messrs. Rath bone, (bow Mack. (No.

3 West, (No. 3,) end Coae, (stroke.) The issue wsa never lu doubt, tbe Athjeiice winning with comparative ease by Eve or six iengtha. The lodges were. oners. Kivos on tbe part of the New-York Club, and G.

C. Harnett oa behalf of tbe Athletics. Mr. Ganster waa Judge of tbe finish, aud Mr. Prank Bacon, of the Nassau Club, hVferee.

The starter was Mr. John C. Baocock. Toe contest was tor tba championship of the river and a est of colore. JLEMORIALl SESVCS TO IBM SCB1LLXR At tbe St.

John's German Lutheran Church, in Christopher street, a large congregation assembled yeaterday to attend the soil loos held there la memory of the victims of tbe Schiller disaster. In-eluding many friends and relativee of persons wbo perished by tbat shipwreck. An impressive sermon waa preached by He v. Mr. Held, tbe Fast or ef the church.

IBS SE1SSIB SSaiUEST PRXPARIXO TO Y1SIT BOSTOX. The Seventh Regiment will attend the celebration of the centennial anniversary of the battle of Bunker Hill in une next, leering New-York on the afternoon of Wednesday, Jans 16, by the steamer Newport, which has been chartered for tbat purpose. This is tha first visit ef this regiment to Bus-ton ainoe the tnanguratioa ef the. Warren status at Banker Hill in 1827. It will be recollected tbat the regiment, a it marched down Broadway ea route for Boston oa the lSth of June, 1857, waa detained for aomo time at the City HaU by Gen.

Sanford to aid In quelling the "Police riot." Whil at Bunker Hdl, on th 17th of Jane. It was ordered to immedUi ately return to New-York ea account of tbe eon Inn-en of tb dletnrbaanaa, bat before tt could reach tbe train tbe order was conn term ended by Gov, Kmg. I The Seventh Begiment while in Boston In June next will be euartered at tbe Tranent, Bevere, American, and United States Hotels. CoL Clark has aocepted the escort of the Eighth Meeeecba-setts Beclmeat for the 17th ef Jane. Thia regiment left New-York pnder Geo.

Butter ea the 19th day of April, 1861, a few boor before the memorable departure of the Sereath Begiment fur the rescue and defense ot tbe National Capital. Tbe two reel-meats met st Philadelphia aad again at Aanapolie, aad together mads tbo famous march from 'Aanapolie to Washington, which brought relief to that eitv then ia great danger, aad opened tbe common-cation between the North and the seat of the Kanona! Government, A otronsr attachment between the edBoers aad members of the two regimenta was tbe natural result ef tbeir Intimate association, and tbe first meeting ef the two organisatiooe since 1861 will be at the Banker Hill oeatennisl On Friday, June 18, the ameers end members ef tbe rjeventh will be the guests ef the first Carps ef Cadets ef the City of Boston. On the aiteTueoa ef that day the regimes will be ooouitod by the Cadets to the Commas, aad wiU be reviewed bv tbe Governor of Maaaachasetta, aeet-mpsnied by the Mayor ef Boston. The regiment will leave Breton oa the events of the 10ih ef Joae by tbe Fall River Line, and reach New-York Batnrday Tbe Ssrveety-firet Begimeat has teadereu to the Seventh an escort upon Us retara as New.Ybrk.but tbe nnoortataty of the hour ef laypoesibly prevent fhe acceptance ef this Seventh will aumber aaout 700 awa en it exenraioa to Boston, aad arruagemeuta are betur rapidly perfected te secure the eoeafort aad lee sure of all who areae tbrtaaatea le participate. THE ERIE 'RAILROAD.

THE SrOCt-ilOLDERS PROTEST AQARfBT THE PTSAKCIAL POLICY OF THE COMPAHT. A meeting of tba stockholder of tbe Erie Railroad was held yeaterday at Dei neon Lne'a, Beaver street, tor tbe purpose ef taking late panels' arsti on the most effective meaaa of relieviag the company under Its present ombairaaament. Tbe eaaion waa bold in private, Mr. L. BrowneH, ef tbe Stock Xrebaage.

presided, aad after aeme dtsrusatoa the following resolutions were adopted i Whtrmi, It say tars ftem the report ef Pieotdett Jew ess aaa sow aeeeeeeeayiss; taste sass om see ee 94 the Erie Hallway company rail abort ef ita is assets sor late lost oa lis eenoea ana Hooting sea aaa tor Its Users by nearly a vari and ITaeroai, It appears that tbia sVieleney bae beea goUg ea Car several rears, as Is shoera by tbe fact that funded deot haa Increases at tha rate ef a least 5.UUU.UOO a year ear the last four years, wrtbaet any eomspoadlag leeeoaae ia the eeuipaaeot ef one read er bee ptopei ty of tbe coosnv i end irserese I woold eopear hat for the laat aionevs bor-rewed ta Kumpe tbe company leaned sevea per cent, gold bonds at the rate ef about forty eeate eo the dct-lar aad trams. Ia order te raise money per tbetr June Internet on thees same bonda eo eold at forts eente ea tbe dollar, the Erie Eailwav fownanv te about te hypothecate ita only remainlnr aaeet. a mely. Its eoal musts, te tbe Delaware aud HuUeea aaa the lie la ware. Lackawanna and Western Companies, on terms which will Inevitably involve the eaeriaoe at far ieaa than tbeir valae: aod i a si rest.

An adherence to tbe floaneial policy heretofore pursued by the Brie Railway company of borrowing money te pay their interest by the ssls of bonds at forty seats ea tbs dollar, aad ty tbe sseridee of vaiaa-able eeeete a far lees truw tbeir value, must Inevitably lead te the bankruptcy vf the Oampaay at aa early sale: israoleeif, That la our Judgment, If tbe company cannot avoid pa, ins interest oe the benda late.v sola ia Europe, aod canuot earn money to pay tbat iaterret, sound police wouid require tbat tbo money for the purpose should be raised ky so aaessioeut ea be etoek. Jtcaoterd. That so reeommeud tbe Directors ot tbe Erie Rail way t'ompaay to om-n hooka of subscription at their effisw, and to iuvite the atockboldere to eo.itrib-ute voluntarily a aura ef (amouut to be agreed upon) per share, to prevent the company going to protest. BANKRUPTCY BV SI ft ESS. During tke two weolu entliug yeeterday, Herman 8.

Caimeon, Margaret Bias, Edmund TJnkart, Jacob H. Henschen, tchael S. Buasell, Nathan Harper, "William M.Hoge, Jacob Brouwer. and Alfred C. Smith, fi ed voluntary petitions in bankruptcy i Benjamin L.

Soutback. Amos M. Lyon. Robert alii bank, EmU C. Calm, and Walter B.

Whiting re- reived discharges in bankruptcy, and Benton H. mil nee, ttartholomew u. AMtii, ana William JM. Throekmortoa were adjudged lavoiuatary bankrupts. CITY UEAli EJ3TATK.

TUB NKW-YOHK AND MING BRANCH Kallread (Central Kail road of New-Jereey) will be running ta Loaa Uraucb Jane 15, thus giving frequent and auperior a'0-aa by ad rail Inaxi tlttou to the beudv Hoo route. For the routing of cof tauee esrly application anouid be male te V. O. A O. M.

Brow ho. tfO Broad way. where catalogue of cottages eaa be had. Fi OK HALE-WITH OB WITHOUT THE 8UPK furniture, or to let furniahed. an eieeantlv bnllt.

tlaianed. ttniahed. and looated medlum-etsed hlgb-stnon browo-eteue oa 6lb at. near 6th nr.

Prloe or tent low. Clfllot-a. Mo. 11 Pine at. or No.

33 Eaat 17th at. V. BTKVBNSOM, Jr. fltO BEHOLDATA ABU A IN A BEAUTIFUL Xfnur-atory brown-atone twenty-foot bonae, near Madison av. and 34th elegantly fitted up by Better for tbe owner, wbo ba, no further use for it, having bought a larger bouse i term liberal.

P. htl. EaVOWE Ko. 90 Broedwav. ALU TUB ElaA5T HODiHS.

HOB. ft end 7 West 67th et, tbe ferracr taU width and the latter SO teet wide, with dining-room ezleuaiona i these houses are built and anisbM in tne beet manner, and can be bought reaaooebly. H. LDDLOiV A ho. 3 flue and No.

30 Eaat 17th at ffltVBM IKTll HT JCST VVK8T OK STII JL 'or sale, a aree-elaaa four-story house, twenty-fire feet wide, witb extenaloo in rear pries tow. V. U. a a. BKuWrx.

Me. OO read way. A TgRk FI.NK HOUSE FOB HALK OHOH: loeatiou, 4wtb near 6th four etory. brvwa atoue, high atoop, hard-wood, plate glaaat good order; can be bought at a bargain. WUil S.

I bAKk, Broadway aud 17th at. CH3MU1NATIUN COO KINO AND HBATINI) UAJilihh. Also, lauiidry ranges that beat tbe rooms above. HULL, GElrVli.f 3d a above 33d it- few-York. COUNTRY REAL ESTATE.

B. HALE OU Til KENT A LA BOB AND tirat-claae restdrnee, (fbrmeriv owned bv EIv Whit ney, aituated oo auburbaa SL, betweea bitay av. and New-Uaveu, Coun house heated by eteam and ether nsoderu eonvenienees eeeut eev. a aoreaof land, variety of fruit and ahade trees, iarae barn and earring e-heuaei high ground and very pjte air. 1 Also, a large, flue bonae en West Chapel Vow-ilsven.

luirmeriy occupied by Benjamin Neyes. witb barn and earnage-houoe lot tiji 1511 feet I would sell vsrv low or eauhange tor boaiieae property in sew-York City brokers onectiug a sale allowed a i ilinnilssion for terms, further parttenlara, tie, address UKU. W. GOOIfeBMi, Feat Uffiee Box No. 1.655, Xew-iisvea, Cnun, Eefar te A J.

hULBAWE. 70 Madlaoa at. New-York. TOBl HA LB AT WBsrT PAEC. Olf TUB WEST etas ot the Uusm Klver.

eppaaite Hyde Park, tbat beatirul realJanee and farm furmeriv owned and oe- eupted bv Hi lien Le Boy, ubeeaaeotty by CoL J. p. B. Doilge, eonsauing of about ISO acres, moatly improved land. Tb building consist of tb family mansion, two cottages, eooserratory, hot-bouses, aereral barns, ben-bouaee.

a new ten-nin alley, Ac, ell eomptete ewd us geod order? and ens of she Soest gea-tieman'a reaiileneee 00 the Hudson. Tba view of tbe river aad eutvounding country is unsurpassed. Any one desiring as eligible and healthy country bnme at a price tar below Ita worth, with but little money to be paid, as esventy per cant, esn reaaaia ea bond and mort-gase. eaa apply to tbe nnderelgned tor further partio-ulara. HUGH CA Jr.

No. 133 Broadway. ABC BED OP gUftiUlOU UA LIT nrobablv tbe inest In New-Jersey aa to Quality and location, wt.h direct: frontage on rhilraad ami la the heart of tbe marl diatriet. containing etxty scree of pore, solid marL free ftoui tambraaee, for aaie. The building ami completion by June 1 of tua New-Tork aad Long Breach Baileed, via New-Jersey Central, makes an additional ekteasive opening for she market-inc ol marL Thia ia a moat favorable opportua.ty to eecore a val able property for the sumiaUoo of stock eompaay.

Good real aetata tn thia City will he taken la part payment. Full particular from V. O. BROWN. No.

90 Broadway. AT, N. J-ONB HOUR FKOM NKW-Torkv For eale or exenange for City proeertv a large mansion, aituated in eleven acres of ground, beautifully laid out, containing fruit and ahade trees ia abundance, stabling, ice-bouse. Am msnsioa eoo-talna twenty-foor rooma. hot and eold water, furnace, fraspiiiee, ia if deeired will be diepoeed of with borm.

earriagea, and furultnre. Apply to GEO. MANLET, O-i tbe premises. I7ORHAL.BOU TO f-ET, FITHMSHED. FOR TUB bKASON At brisrc lffi Bfiees minutes' drive from Bosreerw' atatiou.

and twenty minutes from ef ng H.ngi a large and fUlly-fnrnlehed bouse, with stable aad tea aeree of land, with an abundance ef irmtt bouse contains eleven bearoouis, elevator, parlors, kitchen, fcc, and ia in fine order. Apply to BKXJAUIN kMOUAEDit, Je Noa. 8 and 10 Pioe at. IOK HAlB OR i TO LKT-fTRNIHHKD. etaten laiaud, on! Greene's Hill.

adiniiig Cunard property, twenty minutee from Tanderbilt Landinv, a furnished house, wlta nine acres ef land, stab. he; beautiful view aad healthy location. Apply to B. Bleu-A EDM, Ja, Nee. 3 and lu Fine st, N.

KW.BKIUrlTON, BTATEN IMLAND nevernl hrot-oiaee bouses with all modern iuiDrove- mente, and la good order, for sale and te rent, fur- hisneu ana unturnioeui neaituy meatioa; exteoaive grounds; delightful views: reduced rents. Inquire of W1NANS DA IBS, Ke. 13d Bowery, aad W. V. CABB, at landing New-Brighton.

OR1U8TOWN, N. JFOIt BALE. PiaST-CLAHO house, new Btleeu rooms, hot and eoid water, batb room, gaa, ho. 1 lot luxSJO. eix miuutea' waia to depot 1 high grounds beautiful view, very cbeap 1 terma easy.

Address J. A. DEAEE COU, Mor-riatowa. H. J.

TOR 8ALK OR TO LET FURNISH KD UK UN-V furuiehed. at i Ultou, N. J-, Erie Eailway. one hour from New-fork, fronting on Pa-sale Elver, twenty-eight acres with large hones, eoctamtug all Improve meats) joe house, boat-house, abundance of fruit and ahade. BBLLAMI BEunV, hs Fine st.

OBANGE, N. J-OorNTBT HUOBES. LANDO, sod vdlags lots fur sale 1 a artel variety. A too, ferula bed snd unfurnished house to let for eraeou er year, bv h. SMITH, tormeriy black well Baillb, Grange, corner of Main and Cose ate.

bllREWHBCRV RIVER, M. J. FOB BALE TO Pcioee up an estate, a eouatry house and thirty-six acres, eras Brown's dnek: boating and flabingi two aad a half hours Cram New-fork. Apply te A W. BFE1B, No.

49 William St. GREENWICH, RIVERSIDE. FtTBSISHKD bosses, BtiO per mouth upwa 1 unfurnished, BloO per year upward 1 asany eeaatiful places ter 'sale. J. W.

ATWA fbhy Elveraioe StaUon, Conn. OKA.Mil N. SALE OE TO LET LOW, tha Central Hotel (about fifty rooms) aud stables. with good-wiu of sb estsbPehed sad proat- anaineee. Apply to WAI1T1S n.

BUI in, urange. 'EtttM si A LB TO CLOSE A.3t ESTATE EIGH fT- A ail aeree with ail aeree with good buildings, two and a half mUee frora Tarry tow tweocv-ttve uiiies nrem new-1 era. WILLI AB T. UBAFr. Kxocur.

No. g9t Broadway. HALE OR LiET 'AT FAB BOCEAWAT, L. eottage eievee roeea 1 noon. S.OOO rent.

lb.U aenen, Bo, fena ac. nreekiyn, a. w. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. brkimb court s4ijktItmju JOSbfU JWeUCIKK.

AL-CTTOxCiii, will srll eaetiea on TTESDAVt ''AV 'IS, lhi74, AT OTTCK. NOOK, AT BXCnA.NOB SALESKOO JtO. Ill BUOAUwAI, HkW-IUaa Clit, by order ef the Supreme Court, under direct ef William-iiclair, refccmee. 9IONROB STHEtT, AO. lhV Tue vuinbie lot of land, with the turss-etory beueo front end brisk stable a rear ef lot stae lot i4x 100 fees.

MOM at OK STREET, NO. BO The valanhlelot. with the twe-etory brtrk stable covering bet eise Eo feet ta front by 1 10 feet ia Septa. MAP and JAKTIl I LARS at tbe effioe of ASUSLUW ii. CROPEi, kse plaintiff's attorney, or JACOB A.

fciROso. Be. 8 Caawhera arrival REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION, FISHER'S ISLAND. This magnlniant property, cempriaiag aa area ever tfiOO scree, aituated at the head ef Long lalaa onnd. and eopeette Eew-Laedee and Btonlnrten, wUl be offered far-sals sa TCE3DAT, Jane 13 lS7i.

Tbe nuproveaaeats are maay sad Brvt-eliss, ever B2O0.0OO baviag bean apsot Ibsrs an. gsed tee da, Ibaces, and gates baviag been built, aad there arc seven dwell-ng houses, ten barns, a tram grUt-mlO, store, ware-bouaee, Uacksasiths shops, eera oriba. Ice bens ee. stables, and csnVwuildlags of every deeeriptiea. The ao0 is meat fertile, aad the supply ef freah water hbun east and anfailinc.

As a ptaee ef Bummer reenrt It eoold not mil to be a mun, heme of easy seeeee from both New-Vrk aod Bosasu. Tbv re sre ninety aeree ef water eurmr from wnteh the beet enality of tee eaa he 1. TW. 11,1,1 tone, wen Id be ample enough to warrant the eatabilsb- ng or tne mo ee-daees, sue the me can be abippee directly from the Uaukd There aa laoxhsustible supply ef beet brick day aow beiee saeeeeafully worked. Aay peedues ef thte aatttsss eaa so grown le n.rfeetlon.

Tbo warmer la winter and cooler in Bum mainiann oy an averace or rf. sun and attil walar batblae ana avaalWaiS Sab. imiHKie iiL inepreperty ia peeunary aositeai the raistttg of cattle. horaM er sheen, being covered with laxunant grass, aad ahuadantly watered by lakes. ponsa.

ana epriugs sc iresa water. This spiat-Uid es wropenj as us tass uooerr h. res. will ae sold by order of tbe Burrsxate of buATelk County, New. on the aoeve-uientieucd dnte.

It will be offered Brat ae a whole, and if the ap-eet prie 1 be not bid. Beca me poTMoos win aaea eo put an, 11 aaa beea eivuieu Into afteea tarma, varying ia aixa from V13 acres to 00 Tha Executor reserves the privilege af withdrawing any portioa in which the bids may not be oetifeetory. For farther Information, mane aad deeoriptleu. and permiaetoa te vieit tne bland, apply te the hxeoater of the aetata of Bobert B. Fox, Joaepb a.

Fay. Ban-. No. 13 Rxenaage Beatoo F. A W.

Cbsppel. Bew-Loadoa, Cs. or so Henry H. Parker. el burner aad eeua Belor a law.

No. I'JO Broadway, Nsw-Terk Citv. BlJAJuESJrf. MILLER. TUKsDAY.

MAT 35. at 12 o'clock, at the Pxohange Wales-room. Be. Ill onvaaway, by eraer er eenara. Krueet htdlet.J Baxtoo, and Alfred Dirk I neon.

Executors of Henry boa. lift to 141 Bart Birr sr. The nine fours Basemen ana sella hrewa stone lent ho SlsoTxlOUS. -'d sr. Mouth aide, eommencinr 80 ft.

east af Lex-mirtea twelve kite of land, eaeh.20ilou.ft. 7oTS sr. North kids, eommeneing 7ft (set eaat of 3d one lot ef laud. Buxlo? 1 lftra sr. North sde.

commencing 17ft met eaat ef 7th A lots of mad. U6xluu.ll. vX.11"!;-ootn aide eomnwnemg 17 teet east ef awue vt us asm, OVA 1VW. A Ea IStrra sr. South aide, eommeneing 129 feet faa, eat Boulevard, we lota of lane, each 20 190.

1 1. 130TU ortb aide, ing 62ft feet west Boulevard, two lota of mod, eaeb 25xba.ll. Ba a v. hoe, LAal to IJSw The ve four-etory hriok bousre. l.axiaoTon av-Bcs, 781 te S01 Tb six rnnt-cterv, baaemeut and cellar browa-etone front hmisee each 20xAOxrM).

LaxiaoTon av-Voa. P8 and 810. Tbe two three-story baaemeut aad cellar brow a-e tone-front houssa. each xuxbuxrSO. lira av.

-North-weet comer 81st st four lots ef laud, each 25.6xlOO. Foav HauiLToM. 'even lota ef land, nerth-eeet side ef Lafayette av 900 feet eaat of United Otaoas av. NUB I HOBOEBN. One lot west side ef Feliaade sv 75 feet north of Columbia st Tare iota, south aide Rata sL, betweea Hudson aad FortLeeeve.

ALSO, About 280 aeree Heneocx County, Iowa, Bale poaltive aud without reserve. Book.aiapa and pel Ueulara at the efflea, Ne. 1 Pine at, Jaaa. loarsoa, A aeUoneer. SUPREME COUUT MALE IN PARTITION.

Calvin L. May and Mary W. Way, plaint Ufa, against Anna i-on 8tevonsoU and others, de'tendanta. -Ward. Jouea h.

Whitehead, Flalntius' Attoraeya, E. Louis Lows, Beferee. Jr.EE. JOUNhONJa wUl eeO. at auetlen.

without reserve, at tbe front door of the Eiugs County Court-bouse, ia the City of break! vs. at I'd o'clock, ea TtiUBMD.tT. Jdsy 27, 187ft, valuable loth. Bltuated en Union, fnelossi, Degraw. Carroll, and Crona Frauklia aad C'laaaon all itif 1 Meet Fark aad Washington av.

Ales, 80O DEslEAeLE BUILbI0 LOTS, nituated lu the Tewa ef New Utrecht, Between Both and bVtth 3d and 6th ava. Fourth av. and both sU are both open aad graded. Prooerty Is oa horse railroad, aad near Fart BamB- 0tf TALCABLB BUILDIXO LOTS, Situated fas the Town of New-Dtrecht. Betweea 83d aad peuseu end ltfth aad 15th ava.

Eighty-aixth at ia opea and graded. Property lose thaa half a mile from the Brooklyn aad Ceay island steam cam, and near Dyser Basin. As the whole of this valuaola property wiU be sold seen, muiosi reenrve, a wo Sims ana nines nr enM. In plots to enit pnrehseera. tne aaie to worthy tbs attention ea eaptiaiieia, ensnninrore, sue an leni see uut deai ruble For mape and further particular apply to Messrs.

WAED, JohEB A WHITEHEAD, Plaintiffs' Atteraevs, No. 61 Wallets New-lurk I B. LOUIE LOWE, KefereeT Rortltt William sL, New-Tors, JEEB. JOH5BOV, Ja No. 21 Fark row, New-Tor k.

Aoaise H. Moixaa, Auctioneer. EXECUTOR'S HALE ef the plot of land with brick buddings! BOB. 61 ABO 63 MULBBEEI BT to be sold at section en THCB3DAT, MAT 27, At 12 Csleek. at the Exchange Salee-reem, Be 111 Broadway, BT OBOEB OF THE EZEC0TOB OF OATBABIEB WtLEINB, deeesaed.

Mane at efhee of aDUUI H. MCLLKE sot, AaUonMn, He 7 Pin st. K. A. Livasscs, Anettoneer.

SCPRBJIE COL it BALK IN FOBBCLOSVBBv K. A. LAWKE.SCB CO. will sell at public auction at th Bxebaago Bale teoss, he 111 Broadway, on TU aitDAT. May 8ft, at l'ie eloek, tbe valnable lot, witb tbe four-etory brown -etoae house, he 113 bust 71st st- lot -JOxlOiSj ia flxst-elaes er-der, and eold witaoat reserve.

DWELLINGS TO LET. TO RENT CHEAP FOR TUB SEASON OR year, a cottage narttally furaiabod etahia tor tbrae horses, eow-house, snd hsnnery, with two aeree of garden and lawn 1 ahade la aouananoa 1 toe-hvuae Bllsd 1 plenty of small fruits he with beautiful aurrouad-fngs good well eiatern attached to tbe house sbfirt dutancs from the beech 1 one mile Itom best binding at Ureat Beck, Leu Island, two from depot, BAit'L T. BBfcJjB. No. k'd Ferry ef.

LET torlhc3uiauier FurnUhed manvioas ejnvealent te binding; ample grounds, atabloe, irulta. beriiee 1 every-thing eompletet extensivo via we of river and moun-salna; one at the Bneet ataees at Cornwall. Addreea Mrs A GILL IS an a'Mve, or Inonlsn of xoBKg ttu LIB, Bt. James Hotel. New-York City.

mo LET TUB FOCB-sTOBT BNOLI3U BASE- At meat browa-etone bouse, eoutainlna elrbteen ai, with ail lnioroveinei.ts. No. 61 Weet 1 2th et aw undergoing extossivs reaalrs will be eomplstely atted up in a Brst-claas atvle and ready fnr oecupancv by the 2tb inaM rent $1,600. Apply to A BoUUI-BOCS, Ko. 2A bth av.

WASHINGTON nEIOIITel. NEAR THE sunerb estahliabmenla of aleeere. Chariea ti' Conor nod James OordoUcBeonBtt. only forty minutse te Wall St. Blegaot modern and double mausiou aud grounds lor sale or to let very law.

umoee, ne 1 1 nne as. No. 33 Eaat 17th at. v. a.

1 Jr. AT RICHFIELD SPRINGS A BBW AND neatly-fUruisned bouas to let for tbe summer eight Biesinng-rooms. double nnriora, hires dining-room 1 every eonvenienees pleaaanilv aituated ea Church aC Inquire of W1LLIAB H. TU WSSaJIU, ha. 1UB Weet 34th from 7 to o'clock F.

M. Lli.Nti BRANCH. MOWBOUTH BEACH aad BBABEIOHT OOTTAOEE to rent for the Bummer. Catalogues on apptieetioa te E.

BROWN. Ne. fcB Breadwuy. fllO LET HALF OF FVENI8UBD COTTAGB OF JL nine rooms te small madly of adulta, at Fort Lee, B. J.i in a healthy, quiet, secluded location, ea high grounds, over looting river terms BJO per month Jut aenaon.

Address ZWas sttes. TO RENT TO QENTLEhUB AND WIFE, OB party of four, tae children.) French flat. Brat Boor, nine rooma. completely aad elegantly furniehsd 1 loca tion nnnrpssei 1 tarme eiou per JAMES HTXJW, MetrepoUSaa betel month. AAdxese ftOUKTKT REMtOENCE TO LBi-AT POBT vCbeater.

on Eiux street Hill 1 house tuirteon memo bara and staole, with one acre of ground i well sbeded with fruit trees. Conn. Address J. Ia MoaUEB, VlenruU, mO LET FCENIBHED, (PIANO.) THB THREE- ABTOnf bnea beuse. north-eaat 1 ef Bt.

Ntebe- 1 1 v. or BoXM for yeas. Beaebod by ateatn-eors from jot ml 80th at. la eighteen miautea. aad ey 8th av.

boras cars. fM LET, WITH IMMEDIATE PO.tcBH. M. BI0N, neat alx-reom eottage gas sod water. Alan, two-story factory, Bt far lauodry.

cigar-maker, er aay parpuss requiring rooia and light, he. 420 West TO RENT. CRM WHET. AT ABTOBIA, LONO Island; three mi au tea' wal a from stsaas-boat landtag 1 a mrge and fully furnished bouse, with tare aeree ground, stable, enmaga-nooee. an.

Apply te BEBJ. EICUAJUNt, Noa. 8 and 10 Fine as. LET. rTR.M4BED-FOE SIX MONTB8 OE a vear.

at Bueelle. A forty-Eve minuaaa from teat Liberty st, a three etory beuse. with grounds oOi'JOO feet) rent 7ao par year. Apply te et address E. B.

he 401 Bmadway, lower floor. rpOUriJI MONTCLAIR N. FuB THB A Bummer, lomishnd heme, earreuoded by fruit and abede trees perfectly bea tay, aad just tbe piece fur children. Adurees foetailhoa Box Bo. 43 bloom Held.

AFIR-IT-CLAMH COMNER FLAT TO LET very taw. ae the occupant la ebtured to go te tbe eiMiiitiy; ear, eta eaa be bsnght'rhtsm Apply at he. T4 sV' set 63d et, ss I aad Bear. tlMi LET TdB THBEB-sTOET BEICK DWKLUnO-J. houee Ne.

131 Weet 12th at, betweea 6tb aad 7th' ava. la good order. Applv to B. BiCH ABlMt, Jav. Bee.

aad 10 Ptne St. rnOLET, FL'RNIstfl EO A FAST OB WHOLE JL of a aeatly-furuiihod aigb-etoop brews -a Ums bwuae, convenient ta 4th av. er 3d av. eera. Tarme easy.

Ineaire et ee, tl Beet edth at, STORES, TO LET. OFFICES TO LET IB THB TIUES BUILDING. OB THB EBCOtD FLOOE. One 32x30 feet, One ofAee 33x9 abat, OB THB TBTEO IXB, One emeo Six kat, arc desirably IneabaiL arc hi good 1st, aad will be partittooed te suit teaaata. Apply te GXORGja JONCtt, rrvt let with 01 without steam fooeb.

-a. trut ana 1DU weet Heuasen CM Brut am eeiiar. OWXWA IO LET TBE TBIBB LOFT OF TBE STOBB BO. IS 4tb av xor Btoraaw re swalneaa 1 onti uuwuga us slots i rant low. Aspty ea tee nOUSES BOOMS WiLNTED: ANTED.

A SECOND OB THIEO-FLOOB, US. rurnisnee. tor ngbt heuas tcetna; by a email ant. Bex Be. 173 T1ME4 LF-TOaVB UFFlcB, BO.

LE67 wiirnii, WANTEO FOE THB 8BASOJ BI A SMALL FAH-' Uy, a furnished sountry-henas er mrm-housa. bv a take er ner. tn No ew-Iork. Teroaout. Msasaebnaotta.

or st. Ma Uonaeettcat 1 muet be moderate. Address, with sawtteuiara, BKLOEN. Bex Be. 113 Twist Ouloe.

OVa GENTLEMAN AND WIPE. (NO etner ramiiy.t wanr to rant a email furnished ew-Torkt rent not to exeeed aauO a yei Box fa 1M fwaas Oaten. And! SITUATIONS WANTED. KKMALEM. TBI CF-TOWN OFFICK OF TUB TIMES, Tbe up-towa efBea of TPS TTBTK8 ta located at Ne.

l.aST Bresvdvruy, bet. Slat and 3Ad ate. Opea daily, Buadaya Included, from 4 A M. to F. M.

Bubeeriptioaa received, and copie ef THE TIB KB lor aaie. ABTEBTMBBBNTB BECEITEO UNTIL F. M. AN ENOLItstl LADT, RESIDINO NEAR London, wiebee te ea the continent -with a fSmUy er iadnmi bt aesjualated with the different ouaa taateai is aesjuaiatea with tne cmrie teeka Fiench, German, aad ItaUaa, and artiatie aeeompUebmeotst too tries 1 speaaa muateel meat must be suitable for a nitanm inr a I ev ana owe il terms wits, the nnrtv 1 tie ia equ salary required. Address Box Bo.

13d. Btatioa Bewv fork. AT THE PROTECTANT BKEFAfTe BCBBAD, aa-iawjiiiee. noteui. noa ocnere.

esn get enpaoie. reiia- Sle ear rant a (aula sal Srmaleil used cooks, bean workers, Uerman rirle, and all otuer kinds 1 for City or evanurv. as see nuns mm. eta ev.

A TTKNTIONeBRVABTa, OBBBAB, BNOLJSH. aVlrlsb, Keotah. Bwodiab, f'r City or country, now waiting for situations a CAEFENTEB'S, He. 133 West tits corner 01a av. A LADY AND HER HUM ft AND.

WITH BEST xVreferenuea aod no children, wiah te take care of nouee tor one pom tier, witnout 1 inenaateiB Aeerese Fldedty, Box No 214 Htn Uflg a. CI nAVlBER-M AID AND MEAMHTREHS. OB aa Companiou and Burse te au Eiderlv Lad v. Bv a young rrntoorans irtan gin wouia prefer toe eeoetrv. Can be seen for three daya.

betweea the hours ef 11 aad 8 o'clock, at he. 18 Lexington av. CtOOK. cVev BT A HIUHLI EEBPBCTABLE BhO-lieb poison 1 Is an sxelleat eoak and msnsger to kind and ebitrinr; ean take eutlre charge, iddrass for two days No. lib West 16th st.

IIOOKBT A FEOFB80IONAL OOOKr CAE BE highly reeommeuded. Addreae A B. ix No. 373 TIMaB Di'-TOWN OFFICE, lu. 1.2&7 BBOA0WAT.

IOOIL BT A VEkf EBsPBCTABLB OOLOOKD Uvonts as Bist tlass cook hs a bearding-houss. er will do Isuudry-wor. In the eon try will goimme dately. Ill be seen at dimmC select Agency, Be. B4J otn tl.

Between oan snu oou lia. pOOR, BT AB ACTTVB TOONQ EWEDIBnT WO-Vymaa. Protestsut understands ber buslnees la every pamar et tj crapwni, canottt, wn ooilging beet of references. Call at the Swedish Oniee. Be.

303 Bast a Ui sa. lOtlKe-BI AN BNOLIBH WIDOW, AOB SO, IN A Vprivste family, or housekeeper to a widower haa good reference for cither. Cad et Be 434 East 78th at. DRKM.MAHER.-i tiOOft DBE94-MAEEB weule go out by tha ds te ens and i 1 nnd da nltsr-rur end reilring best ee rea-rsneo given. Address Mrs.

Mao. sa 71U 3d av top Baor. front ream. UutoDiiuaiir-iii ivvdu aitwauita girl for general work i la a good plala cook, waslier, aud troner opeaka English keeps her plssss by faithful attendance to work 1 honest and sober 1 City or country. Call at Be.

lOd 6th between Bth end Bth up staira. HOI hK-WORK, BI AOKEMAN OlEb TO DO gent-ral houae-work 1 City or sun try. Call at Ns. S47 Bearery. nOCSEKEEPERBT A LADTi BEFINED AND relinole i would like to superintend a booeebold, or to sttend ae iavsiid or ehiMraai eaa apeak Fsoneh 1 would prefer to return borne ak nlht.

Adilreae Ooeu-pstloo. Box No. 2bd TIB KB UP-lrOB OFFICE, NO. BEOADWAT. Ha CKB.KEEPER.

Ac hi A FBkNCU LADI. well educated, speaking Bngllsb, and aa expert-Booed house-keeper, a posltioa la a gentlaman's ntmiiy to take care ef home and children's education bigheat refereneee. Cell er aduiees Mme. Be, 187 West Baltic Brooklyn. HO OE KEEPER AND A BIOH-ly-recem mended and miodie-acnd widow aa heuee- keeper or to take chirrs ef growo-up cb.idrea 1 eaa ptsk Krench aod EugUab.

Call, from 13 M. te ft F. 16Weet3Aib tt HOUlriEKEKPEaU BT AH AMB1UOAN ABHOCHK-keeper for a Summer hotel thuraugnlv capable and competent i beat City tuloronoo. Call all tha week at Ne bit West 40th st. ADYM MAID AND SBA.WHTRHMH BT A AJoouiiieteat youug wuaiaa aa ladr'a maid and seam stress would like to travel for the Bummer moatbei ran be recommended from her presest employer.

Ad-dTvaaXady'a Maid, Box No. USd TLUhd UF-TOWB OF- AO OR Kf8. A SCOTCH PROTEST A AJtftri ae Brnt-etoss htondreae i thorourhlv utaA etaads ber bn.luest oa the Hudson prercred excel lent rrrerenee iron last employer. Apply at No. EastiUMhst, NS CRSB, Ac BT A SCOTCH FEOTEST ANT aurse aad aeamstreset la eaoebla eF taklna lull nharre of a babv from its birth eaa brine it up with the bottle nenUjeetioa te the eouatry i haa good refereoee.

Apply for two days at Na. 713 Bth t. batwaes sOth aa 4 let stav. miilluar'a stare. teatel to California bitheb aa nuree to children or aa Invalid lady, by a Tea pen t-abie aad experienced colored lady.

Inquire for W. thiae dava. aA sa 14J Waat 3d at ana aooa fr Btb av. NCRStE BT A BE8PBCTA LB FEOTESTANr womaa aa infant's nurse i eauahle ef takiar oee from birth most reliable role ran oea. Address for twa daya, 1X11000 fruit atom.

No. 1.143 Bvoaaway. (IBeBa-Bf A OBBMAB OlkL; Id A VBBT UOOO very geutoel. and nail reoomme would ae te tbe country. Caa be eagaged at Jsoquia't German bureau, la oOa Bth ev, betweea 35th a al Both ale.

NCRSB BT nuree, at pr AB BEPBBfENCKD SOITHI.T 11 mif ae at onasal dlannrnena vriabaa an mama few eagagemoutsi best ef ratarnaces from ladlea aod dootore. Can be Been for twe days at 301 Weet diet aA JtlRMFU BT A VEBT UUUO Xl)UI ONB OB I twe euxaa-smeata i can be well recommended taime moderate. Cad ea or aiiilroaa Mrs. Marley, Bo. 1m West 3oih et, eornor 0th av.

lrtTLTRME. BT A FEorEBTANT AS COMPETENT Al nurse er rears' rerereuee from tbe aha la etill with. Apply at Be, 337 Weet 44th SC. preaaal esa pioyor'a. VCBSE.

BT A rTBST-CLAIIS INFANT'S BCENE 11 aad plala sewer i seen and highly reeem mended at ber preasnt employer's. Call er aililrsae Barse, Be, 1.833 Broadway. SEA.n8TRE.HH, sfce-BT a TOCd wouia like to go out oy tbe day to privet OIBLi I use understands Wheeler A Wiiaou'S machine, aad baa good knowledge ef drees-ataking. Addreae A. Box he.

304 TIMES lif-TuwH OFFICE. 1.U57 BEOADWAT. tl8TRE'V BI A FEOTE3TANT TuUNtl 17 womaa ae aeaaseatwas ana to aacst wua grewa chile drna, er chamber-work i City relaranoee. Call Monday, at employer-e, Bo, OM3 bth av. A BEaPBCTABUt WIDOW Owoaaa.

ia a prrrato mmlly, aa ssbwibhsbs aad sere grown children, ee light eh a wiser-wars underatanas ail kinds ef sswing aud dreee-asaklng and kraltr A eriisoa maeninei an wnenua ta tne eowairvi as City reiereaoee. Can he eesa trem 10 te Weieeh no. miwmi 4ta pieeeat rm ploy era. AN ABEBICAB GIRL AS aJoreBistressi eaa sat aae make ebiiurea'a ebMhlag; aim oo au auioe et larany aswiog wuung te aaalat bouse work. Address af.

M. H-. snaaislissa. Be. las neat preeani employers.

VAHIBts-BT A dhXlABLB WOMAN, BoLiCITB 17 wssniag at ber ewe reeidanee. or will no oat bv the day terms atoderete, Cell or trlilmst Sncab Ceuk. Bo. 312 Eaat 33d at, utrr AHtrrvn. wtt nrn rrjivrvn ivn nw.

It hag. Loots SuU carvataa nans up eual ta neev1 pncea very moderate. Mate. Jbwthe, Be. lad Weet 31st CM aeeifB.

TTmNTED TO TAEE CHABOE OF A BOCBE FOB vv tna osunBter aeoataa av seiaiMe party reiereaeav Celt for twe days at he. ISA Meet 37th ev. neom no. at AY. ANTED BT A EKaPkVTABLE WOBAB Ak daaghier te tate cbarre ef house fu a art.

eta taaady Oaring the Summer have tbo best Cttv rsh-s. sm taeir mst ampinyes. tnu a Be. 33w 7th ee 3det. V7 ANTED A FOalTlOS BT AB Ah BEMOAN widow ta a email Chnetian family right worh and fortable heme more te be desired thaa huh Address S.

Bt, Bent he, 117 Ties Uflka, MALE. AREMPECTABLB MAN AND WIFE WJHH as take eaarsa of a anait for esisuw montbe beat Cityrateeanee. Coll at Mrs. Uearya, 413 heat 17th a HM)K BT A OOOO FBKNOl MAE COOK A Hit Vpearry fat a private famtiy I gnnor retrretieea. AsV dreaa J.


Vyantaaaat there ngbly underetnnde the preoereare and auaaremont cs borase sad eanisres i lived Se years in kal piaee left ea sersaa of tamily gatng te Eaeanei tlty er eouatry. Aay gsnUeeana wWhmg mr eatsiaec will Ball an ew addreae A AL, Be, lis haa 41st st. art rata stable. VOACII AN BT A EBFbCTABLB BINULE Etnaa, wbe trreuhry understands ha buetneee. tbe prSdsr ears and treatment ot Snrtm alee ganleaiot; eaa ntilk and tneka hlmeetf gwaerelty uaafnii tbe beet re reuse- Addreae.

-av fwe dare, K. C. Box STlMEe LF-T0WB OFFICE, NO. BaOAtr- rtOACHHANe-IT A riBJT-CLAa FBOTfcarAB a-stynah. and sarsrul ttty urlver i ea eel loot srsrae i understands care esnisgee er read hereon, Any tody er csnilamaa srnnttng a Bret-elaae enarhraaa adilre.s, for three days.

A W. Box He, VT73 TIM ha) b'F-TOWB OFF1CA N0.1.U37 BBUAQQ, AT. iraOAC'HMAN AND liKOO.teII A FEOTBi f-V'nat alucls msai eaa miik aad be gasM-rsJly-earful bae very goad nty tsftmaia, Adilreae O. AL, Bea he, Iwaas office. WACHNAN.

BT A KHJS OtlLtlBEO MAN dd Vcaaebs at gieam; tlmeagbly saStiBt.e le his 1 1 una give bsat reforanee ream toes employee. A At, Bsewetev At Oe, A44 te IBS Beet Both st. MIACII.HANe-BT A Si SOLE AN OF EXPKKpr Veuee end enouhtlity i sneer, trustworthy, wilhuS, enu eougiag i six yesrsr gone nt lures sane Assists ee. tot West Idtk st. stable.

g-OAf II.HAN BT A TOCNO XUBkD MA Veoechmaa Bnl-eUas City rsfsrenca, Can be at Be. West 84 th as. i AN Ad fMIACIIHAN AND UKOOHe-BTtA Iul.NO V. Wits aa Stat elaaa tsaahstaa aud groom ae ehjoe-tlou ta adit a eew. and will auks himself aaefuli good reterenee i CSty or eouatry.

Addreea F. bmi Ns. E70. TIMES UF.TOWNorflCE. BO.

lJa7BEOAllVTAI. yOACHMAN BT A rOOTVHMAB, BISULM BIX," Ves to a thoewnghly experteaoed enmnstsnt ooaeh. taan i oty drleuv i to so weevtaMe gnrdeaar. reo aired i alga recommended. Adilrsts w.

aoa a a. xit xtaus ooiee. gMIACHMAN. BI A BEVTLBMAB. FOB HIS Vyeonehmeu, aa iuirlras, wbom he highly reeaea.

meode bt every CaB en er addreae Jaaaee T. Shew, Bat Weet both st. ACHJtAN OaL WA1TEM BT A EEaFECT- fi nel nele ealorad mau aaseisliiene mm nmltar ia nrlvata family la tha eoentry. (b ee eeee Bar twe days at has employer.

Be 141 Weet 44th et. OACTI.MAN-FOE MX UAH. WHO tlAB BKKVEU Kjm fattbfuily we years, sad beers tbo blgheat tee-timooiale from previene employers i sm parting slid blm eo account of gotug te Europe i shall teal happy if ho gete aa goasl a plaoe aa he dsssivst. Andreas A. MM he.

OW Waat loth et. COACHMAN AND CSROOMBT A FEOTEST. ant i one child nine years eidi undrrstauds tha buaineaa ba every partieular I ecu milk i to willing to be u-eal in every wsyi ttty or oountryi exeeitont fit eat -seen. AC4ee W. Boa Na.

943 Ttawe Orhee. CHI A iaer-o'uAnai txiAt'UMAN i aaa be bad by applying te a ratlemaa wbom he haa earvod several years. Call on A. B. Matthauc.

Medtoon Bejuars lioaaa, ssreee Slot sa. snd Broadway. ryOAt'IIHAN AND (IRfMIM-BV A Tlloa- Veughly expertenred ataa with the vary beet refer- cnoee from lest ptose. Address A IL, Bea Be. Address A If-, 3114 llae uraae.

THOaUlUOHLT UMIBBjiTANid Vt be buslnees wfluagaad euligiag i ao enjeetiou to sasitt la gardes if ruired i gwad ndcrtnee. Addreae BL, Box Be. 1131 IWs lOffloo. fMIACnMANe-IIT A BINOLE TOI7NO MAN A Eseaeehmaa tat groom I Bred four years In bia laat Sitastioo i has arat-elaea City reference from the was employer, vau or aanrsss r. au, no, lltf neat aye au A BKBPBCTABLE, yFioteetaot i bee nine years refereaee from present lover.

iu or address 311 4th hsrueaa stsre. a tOACHMANe-BI A COLOBKO MAN FKOM BAL. Vytimora. as flret-etosa noeohmaa i beat City rrrerenee eaa be given. Call or address a.

lU7 West 30t aU GROO.H AND COACH By AN hN! liehetau usarrtod aae child wtm wouht aasUp ba tbe houee a steady piaee ea fair waeee lu thp ocwatry praterrau nras-siaas lltv fefereaao, address Csssbsaau. Ne Bit East lAth sa, ARDENER BT A TOO NO MABB1ED MAE. BO laeumhraaee uuderatnnda plalu gardanlag i ean wwasnnua uiaiu gnrueniag i enu horses would prefer a sottagei take care ot nnu enve noreee wui ren re. Addreaa V. good relereoee.

box ne. aeeitsina UP TOWN OFFICE. BO. GARDENER AND DRIVERe BT A roUHO Oerasan, with asnod Osrmssi gt li thoreugblv is, derstaada tbeir buainessi best reierenoea, Addreea Be. 13 Aaa at, 17ARMBR, cVe BT A MAN ABU WIFB TO TAB a) charge of a ae roaebmaa 1 tbe wife nnder steads household tbo man tboveughly nnderetsnde farming and the ears of horses.

Apply at Ne 343 Bash 31st st, between 1st aad 3d ia greeery stars, TANITOR BT A SMALL COLOBKD FAMTLT A laaitar'c poeitloa tn a bna'aaas hudotng er Frenebj ia Sail I poeittoi give goo 87 Tut Bex Bo. 2 wub till itTir-ivMvraa AB tStEe rwatj gsai Wfi KB UF-TOWB OFFICE, BU 1,347 A .1 BEOADWAT TkTURME. BI A TiluBOUOHLI EXPEBIENCBU) Al male nurse, msdleal or euigieai, tbe aare af aa Invalid: beat refereaee ea te abitatv aad ahameter. A. I.

drees A AL, Bt, Luke's Uospttal, earner btlh sk end blA er. IlRATBI.INfsaMERTANT OR Aft P1RHTW. Waltsr-mau. By a twite, ecsd thlrty-tvei well experienood. and haewt all parts of BuroiMi.

Ada drees A. H. Box No. UUl TIM La UP-'TOWM OtfPICM. BO.

l.67 BBOAllWAT. TT8Eri, A TOUNO ABLE FBENCIt mau yeare eld, ae useful mea la private family hotel, or busiusoe bouse eaa reed and write united. mag. eaa ones a areas eaa aleo as ganlea. ax 1 to will! ux and obUriaxi beet Aaoreea ir.lsml eil.7le.

1st West 34th sU rALKTebV A IOUNU BNtiLlbHMAN TOTBAVKb with ayoung or ekt gentleman as valet 1 good City Address er aoaiv Sue two Aava as ae an Wast Ittta sw TTTAtTEK, BT A SWEDE. WITH THI TEKT BEST 1 1 Uty relrrenca. at a flnt-elxaa waller 1 is a wLlior. a bar. asd tndaatrviws Bias 1 tieaka Enxllab.

Caa be eeee at the Swediah hervante Othoe, he, los Bast 37tn et near 4th av. ATTEU, Ve-OOOKy-BT A COLOBKO MAE' Suit wile 1 ataa ss waiter er eeacbmaai cook, er cook, washer, aod Ireuert with ex reliant references front last employer. One he Been at SHmme Boa loot Agency, Mm. 344 ttth av, betwe ta Btfd and Bad eta. HELP WANTED.

ANTED FOE THE BUM MSB AND FALL tbe eouatry. a womaa ta wnah aad lion, and de parti trees Of tneeeoaingi aam, a eunmooemaia una tenia. 1 1 muet ee Erebelase and willing wae-ee accord. lug te ability; Frotestaats preferred. Call on betweea 0 aad 13, at Na 47 Bees man at, Bret Baor.

AVr ANTED A COnPBTB.1T- blNOLB TOUNO Prstsslaat Beeeah man aa gardener en gsntte- atsare piaee. Address, with full particulars as te raise. W. Hoi mm. PUS roet UOta WANTED KIBhT-CLASB DBBAa-MAKBBB, ALSO ea epprsBttae, cue tbat will be enefuA around the bonae.

Apply at No. 33 Cnlou square. ANTE I)-K1B bT-CLABS bEaad-MAUKa, A BO. arsiswsy. "WANTED A WAlTMKae ABO TO AaNIST IN THB I waablngl a abort dietaaee ta tba eountry.

tail Saturday sad Monday at Be. 133 Weet 31st si, freen 13 toaeeleck. XV ANTED A PBOTBBTANT WOMAN AS FlaJtr. I Blase launCrsee with use City rvreiesM laat employes. Apply at Be, IB Eaat both a FURNITURE.

TEAK-WOOD FURNITURE. Be 693 Broadway, aad at 1,404 aad 1.494 Bread way, have received tbe largest and asset elegant eeeortmeut of Chinese Teak-wood Feral tan ever imported te this eouatry, ta CaMaeta, Etaewroe. Teniae, Chnlre, Btoole, As, bs-4 ea exhiualoa and for eaie In our epaetana warsrnoma. mm. swj itraeaway.

nraneu, Jlae. j4a4 aae LAiM Broadway, betweea 44th aad 4th eta. ANTIQUE FURNITURE, 6tO. hTFIlKB As CO- Ia S93 Broadway, aad at hoe. 1.4 and 1.49S Bread.

way, betweea 44 tb and 46tb ate, Dutch Inlaid Furniture, Buhl and Maeoaatrta tanL sure, veessma isneen nnw mi rare slnnee. Iratea Musical and Aetnaantoe HaU Ctoeaa, Fveaoh and Jnpniiesepii eesss. Be vree and breedee China-ware, Vane. tiaa Mirrors and Chandeiarra, Old Bterrlng Silverware, Branch, haa. an l.ttfd Breed way.

I FRENCH TARNISHINO DONS BT A LADT. Furniture and all kinds ef wood-worn, la er out ef the boussi unit work rboap, and fall eetrntnettouj given. Call on er address Mrs. tlBKEB, Be 3d 3d av. MISCELLANEOUS.

FtAFECTIOai BORER'S BITTERS. Beware ef Ceuaterfelte aad Iatltntta AUCTION SALES. HERIFP) 8ALB OP fllMtlERT, PANCT tioulid. he Bv vtrtneef saexeeetbsx, 1 will sell at puhbe aeetloe WEDNKAiiAT, June 2, a 11 Cstoek. a lbs salee mm he.

13 Bowery, the entire balnneo ed etoekaf a jobber, namely, of est is eg ehirtn, Urswara, nnneaeiejera, eaaeewa, weawsja, Baaos. ssauwa, large lot et other morebandiee too tnaimi I pteethah Bale psattlve. iMulerc tori ted. WILLIAM COIAaB. BberlC Wiuxan Bwann.

DepsBy. Cstatocues and good, reedy en meiulag af able. Gneaea J. tarru. Antiensv.

be. 1 1 ham Wis re. T)V IIUTIB OF TDK FOKEC'LObl HE OVA J) chattel marxmge, I willerU ea Moneey. Marl'it, at 13 BU et aorth-wost corner Cedar aad ha Charcb sta, tae enttre Bxturae of a f-11 tmss bes reoav tt. A SalTbLA ttoruay tor Morgagea, PROPOSALS.

rpEMPORAKT OFFICR OP INDL-TRIAI. XnJfHlhMXivh COatFASX. Be, b7 tatvertaty ptooo. kew-Tnrn- sslrd piniisssls will be reeerved at this emcc for axeavatlag ltUUQ ruble yarns of stems snd tesaevuig Ihe isms car teietarn on tnunTenadaB sunk anltahia te bv need ia bmndntiana. Fssasa ibt wilt be eoeaed OU tbe 7th AaVBfJwMt rw.

stoat be prepared te 00 mi sue week la ten days taerralter. The emauot of seenrit will be Sted. by tb camfaBy.

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