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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 11

New York, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 PATH'S BfiAL FAREWELL Bit LAST XOVB 10 BS 11 yftfm i yr urn nrtufritmr -1 TBS THBOAT TMCSUrOr i abt texatbu rv lovdov'cum-h fiEAaOV raos- ru in lojaxm July MMsse. Pattt yesterday; I SlgBM eouiraot wits jawmo n. oswr tw wj MI-lMtf forty OBVOerl te th United TtaliiVMtMrt to to be (tres to November, 1893. and th last to tb foXtowlog May. Ouirf tMlaasS th COBtrBet pTOVidsS that Mate.

ptf tew shall snnaaood as her peelUve; farewell Vert America. Despite the pahUshed statoaMnts eeueernlsf fii eoodlUea of th throat of Mm da BwU I the tenor, to which It ni MHtMnttOt treabl simply the resoUef erenroik while la Aaaarlee, It to ruatored te-ai-bt that tte cea-. diOee et hi Um to eeriooa. Hta pbyaleteae, )t to stated, think that the trouble to either HHtf er a taster ut exprew grave ImMih tahto swing abto to slag agala. Tby positively iiiirt that be will at bo able te appear aeto' Tber vu a performaa at Blratb to-dsy.

Taaabioacr' win be peaformed to-raor-W Thereat! vol this rear In exalting much to lateral thaa heretofore, ae sow features being presented on the programme. The English paper, whieh to paat aeaaeaa dally dvtd taeh apace te erttfqne oa th performances, this year completely Ignore them. To-alght Barak Bernhardt made ker fare wan appaaraaea at the Boyal Kagltsh Opera House, where she appeared to "La Toeea," Her aaa-oa, aa a wkole. aaa beam pieapareaa throughout. Boaie erlttoa, wbfla admitting that Mm.

Berakatdt la aaw aa pepalar bar aa to Frame, aee atone et a eemtoc reaettoa. Thar daelar that aae aadertakea tee moan. Bealdaa appearing to almost alghtly abaacaa el bill, aae baa beea gtrtoc deabl performance ea Bator da. Baa kaa ale appeared at a large aamber ef baaaflta. Tbe B7al Italia Opera season, with lta per form aaoaa to ItaUaa aad Preach, alee earn te aa ead te-nlght, aad ea Hoadar tb Oermaa aempaaj win earn mease a eerlea ef rapreaeata- tleaa, wkleh are te be glrea algkUy fer at laaat ewek It la to tea dad te produce -Lb- keagrla aad tb belag botb laeladedta tae zeperterr ef tae Beral ItaUaa Opera, are, apparently for tkat raaaan.

net to be ktore tnaa one operetta enterprise la contemplated Xer tae Antomn. Attb Iteraltr Tbea- i a aaw prepneter, a eemie opera la two aeta bp Mr. Oetaford IHek will be predaeed early to September. Tb eotnpeeer baa written bla awn libretto, wklok to entitled "The Baroness." At Ceraat Oardaa It to a till la tended to brtog oat to October aa Kagllab waralaa of tbe King dea Han Peillal. tb manager ef tb Oermaa eempaap aew performing alternately at Corent Oardaa aad Drary Laaa.

baa arranged te pre- 4 aae Mr. Iatder da Lara' "Ugbt of Asia" ta a "lArmaa TereWa at tb Hambarg Theatre oader bla dtnettoa. win tae protogae abenaaed and wtthtbelaataetaad tb epilogue omitted, thto will kit, mmmmm am, ma iiktMlA, am opera than It possessed when It was brooxht eat at Ooreat Oardaa bait to opera, half to oratorio form. Tbeeeaemeof preeentiag a triple bill at tb Cbart Theatre hae reeelTed fresh impetas from play by B. a Btepheneea.

entitled Falthfal tm Vmvlia ill filui IX. wi a piaeia. ometwas waiter in a west ad hotel. II la Dieanomeaa the heat tains' he has oaev The lyesn ra Theatre, where Ma Henry Irrtnc as kmc beea pleytaa: Kla Heary VIIL." will Ueao ea July SO wltb a benefit te Miss Ellen Terry. Bbe baa been In health lately, and ess one eeea eat or tae mu.

it ta aot aeueToei the she eaflertna; with anything bat a tempe-L rary tadispeettloa. It was stated ta this eerie of eable letters last weex that Mr. Wilaoa Barrett Intended to make a war ino uuiea Btate. ills puna, aa aow arraaaed. are te oseai ea Mender at the Theatre Voyal.

Ketatngham. aad he will play In tbe reTiaeee nam jn la, wnea no wtu farewell performance at the Coort Theatre. urarpeoC Oa tb 19th of October be aad Ala ompaay hope te sail tor America. nor appearing with bla eomoaay ta all the amertoea eltiee. Jfr.

Barrett will preeeed eloae te Baa ITmBeiaoe to rolnll aa eneacament at the Bteekwell Theatre, where be will be supported wj a vauioraiaa company, nia own naring in lee meantime returned to Eartaad. All the old ateeea that hay pleased Eacilah aadleaeaa will be played daring this visit te Amerioe. aa weU ae two aeweaeawhlehMr. Barrett baa arranged te proa boo. oae ox tness aa adaptation by jr.

tiau unine aaa nr. uarrett ei xne uonamaa" the ether to entitled -Mr Pleaeaat Slna." Mr. Barrett bee engaged Joan B. Korera, baabaad of Miea Minnie Palmer, as bla mansxer. Wkltotb theatre to London are eloslng en au aaaoa, new Teanrree are ta Ta Criterion Theatre wlU open ea Wednesday wttb Meear.

GUbert aad OrossmlU's new ama-aieei eemedy. Bast toitbe Wedding." A. Vaa Bieaa wlU open tbe Prince bf Wales'a Theatre ea July SO with a play entitled The Broken Melody, la which be aad Mlsa Olga urea eon wui tace tae ieaamg parts, aae plot dssls wtth the aealneUoaoof aeertala lovely bat unprincipled Busslaa Countess, vhe en-t savors, aad for a Umi tueceesfuUr. to breed llateailea between an elderly oompoeer (a relish raragee) aad kia young aad bountiful wife. The broken melody represents aa Interrupted strain whteb the news ef hie wile sudden night prevents tbeatusiclaa from completing.

In the aeeead act Mr. Vaa Bleae, as tn era, ta eauea apea to perform a "reverie" oa vMsoaeeiie, aa laetrumeat wnMh ngaree anataaUy to tbe play, and eventually pre Tee means et Providian- a novel and off act! re dneaemeat, To Mies Oiga Brandon baa beea allotted tbe part of tae Countess, and to Mlsa Blsae so Borleok that of tbe oenddlng wife, while Mr. W. L. AMagdoa to to appear to bla Saattilar ebaraetor of tbo villain of ta pi see.

Tb Adelphl Tbeatr reopens oa Saturday beA wlU a aw masieal drama by O. B. Sima and Bebert Baehaaaa. Mla tease Bars, dauahter of Dean Bart of tuei. OaL.

who bee beea etadytag for several year to Louden, made a eueeeeeful debut to aoasart at tbo Peruana Booms ea Moaday. la a erltst'iam oa her programme tbe Time eem-amade her taatefal aad tatelliaunt singing. Oa rbaraday eir Arthur Bulilvaa direeted tbo eaeral rebaarual for the muslo festival at Tbia was tbo flrst work be baa dene hat niatii urn looted pal and weak. He Was ssvea a reusing roocptloa. Bamasteia baa denniiely eaneeled bla ooa-treet te make a tour la tbe United Eta tea.

Miea SUea Terry will publish in the Autumn a seek ea ailed, "Stray Memories." It to aa ox-paaaieaef tboarttoloa whloh Mlaa Tarry ooa-blbuaed eome time ago to to A ew Jte-Ww, aad ui ooatato auavtreua portraitt aad Qluatra-tWua. Mra, Antaale Kavarro (Mary JLttderaon) write iwimiTiii a letter ta whiea aha de-asuuete ae untrue the reports watch have beea jraueiisU) thaa she Intended to return to Navarre wUl pass tb Autumn i iaoa aaa ta Winter In Italy. mb. irxrxs roKsarza It many years alnee each a genuine aaeeees baa beea made at tola eeaaoa ef the veer aa that Hawxy B. IXxey aad tb xeeUent eempacy won wBioa a ins jet Aaua baa aarrouaded bbm htPulmeru.

DUev. Csmllle ITArvllle. VOliam eVaett, aad Pred Lea ex to Indeed a eoabtaa- awawaoaoatraagtb la aeldem matobod evea abstagularaeeeea. aad tbia, wltb the taet tkat Mseeot." wbOo oa of tb Tory boat Of operaa. baa aot beea aeea kere for OVur last wm 5aaeratloa et playgoera.

kaa res ol ted to a ere wood beueee wbieh preoUee a leng rmtt ir tee nnTSk perfurmnao of eiiaioal srea- vT- mmmm ajoiwuo VBMS tnxoy i7'. piceent renerauea, to woe mub wut oe apparent. but Tbo Maeoet" to the SilSi ZTT rPirity of tb paar wrwie -an ateaeefao aerer to revolve about r.a awaward eeare-TZTf rather, tb ekereeter ef Lerenso ZTU, Prraoa et Motabto, while aot meaatto et a5SJ2 Hi." ToW araee. Sb ji T. ra ei aiga he wne do so wttk-eff ending ear eeaen of taoarttsti preprle- it wam ie siaay akaraetor aa praaeatad by Free ok arista, treat them a aa leaned that the chara: wLS L22IiV.sV'-lm be portrayal of waioh essrsiasn aad bufooaery are out of hub eeeeiie neon tae lMonailii ei tm tale eeaatry.

but tb eerreiiasea ef aw lTSzS hway aeea attested by 'al aneeees ofbto Tea to re. IXis iMw, piui res poet tor tae ef tbe eh meter te veraha4w toaiv mil haawr that la eeetelaed to tt, aaa rather. by bcudred del toe tooeboa thav ar peculiar to tbe- aim bio-leered eomedlea. he en-aaace every art of wit aad make It appeal aa weu to oar lateuigeaeo as to ewr mil et tae bnmoreua. lit baa rested aa entirely new cbartrter.

aad, to view of tb many tempuv tleaa to deeeead to eosraenees or burieeqae, tee msek eredit eaaaet be giro blat for tbo good taste he baa displayed. uae or tne most eurpneiag uepartures aotea by out theatregoer wbea Ldxey made bin first appearanee at rauaera last Monaay aight was tbe "make-op of Lorenxo. Tbo atraggllag wblakara aad tbo aioataeaa of prevleua 1 sapor-sosatkoBS ware oaspiuoue by their abseaee, and instead one eaw aa aged aad frtvolooe aris tocrat wne wae none tae leas emetlve ae a comedy oreatioa aoeaaae he effected a eertala air ef seriousness, i Another aetieeable feature the performaaee was that Dixey did aot attempt te monopolize the etae-e, bat even let sev eral oppettunitiee lor aoiumg eantre aiip oy to order to afford better ebaaees fer effective work ea tb part ef aubordiaato mom beta of tbo company, aad tber wet aa abeototo leek of that reticenoe, aad eyea timidity, frequently abowa by the lesser lights a star orgaalsanoa, whloh uaually aaakea their DrodaoUoaa aoah eae-sldad affairs. it tais fairness and modaatv aa the part of Mr. IXxey that makes kia great uoeeee a auaeb tb more gratifying to bis Irieada.

while among tbe member of bla erraaUatloa be la loved aad reepeeted ae a man Who, net fearing tbe loss of any of his reputation, te aaxioaa to neip along rery one els to recognition aad applause, MtJSICAL A5IJ tRAM ATIC NOTES The length of tb run of "Tb nlral at tb Casino, baa not beea decided npon. bat wui probably be brought to a close late to September, wbea tbe next production le expected te be in readineee. The place in the caat made vacant by tbe withdrawal ef Km ma Han-ley ta aew being filled by Little LonL Wbieh tb two entertainments at tb Casino derives a benefit from tb other is dliBoait to determine, but the greatest overflow seems to eome from the roof gardea wbea the weather is propitious. lor then tae card en is aaehea to ui outer eagee ebortly after 8 o'eloek and remains so for four solid boars. Tne weekly haae or programme keep tbe aatertelameat bngkt end attractive.

Beat week's bill includes aew specialties by Btaiarille. La Graaadtba, LUxle Perioue Ualy. Mabel! Blnns aad Burns, Th Ulrarda, Bret. Beaae aad so a. aad the Baplaoea Ballet Quartet.

A ae- dance descriptive of the evolution of aklrt denolnx will be give by M. Edoaard. Tbe materiala of a new Busslaa balls recently purchased in by na-dolph Arossoa, have arrived, aad rehearsals are being held daily iuader the direction of Esptnoea. The ballet-will be daaoed tor the first time ea Monday Aug. X.

Tber la evidently to be a flood of plan and apologies fer play baaed oa th labor troubles. Homestead bea already beea Mlsed oa aad made to do daty la a melodrama. The aspiring play tinker baa qeickiy taolved la seme myste-rioss way, which le his owa eeeret, tbo problem which uev. rattiaoa ana the entire Anuonai Guard of have failed to solve. aad now comes word of a asw play called Ca-dergroaad." tbo work of Daniel; L.

Hart, a Wilkenbarre newspaper man. Mr. Bart's agent baa tens to tafona a waitiag world, that Ja-dergreuad" ta "aot founded oa' the recent troubles at Homestead "t-a fact for whloh tbe waitiag world 1 dobbtieea grateful "but rtaiaated from editorial a la ta A'sw-York papers rpalllag tor Congressional legielatlon against th Beadlag eoal oombiae," which may or map not be a oomptlment to th New-York pa pa re. Underground" ta to be presented at the Bliou Theatre, la Pltteburc, next moath, and It it proves sueceasful It will beprodueed at tb yeurteenth Street Theatre bard la December. i ii-.

i To-aigbt Mr. Damiroaeb wui rlv his concert oa the roof aardea of tne Madlsoa aquare, instead of la the amphitheatre. Tbe programme arraaged for thia eonoert Is aa exceptionally brtUiunt on. Mr. Jules Conut, tb young Kreaoli violinist and ooaoert master of the orchestra, who has erestsd quite a furor by bis masterly violin performaneee at these ooaoerta.

wui to-night play the violia solo in tbe largo by Handel. The programme for Mr. Damroseu's Madison Square Gardea concerts tor this week will laelade several i Haitian novelties by Balarikelf. Glaxunow: aad Sokolow, which have Just beea received. On Symphony nlghf C.

Vllilera Staaford' Irish Symphony wlU be revived, and Wedneeday night will be, a usual, devoted to Wagner, and Will Include Bieatf Choru of Peaoa Messengars." Tann-kauaer March," eiegtrtad'a Death and Funeral March." tb irelud to Parsifal." and Dreamt." played by- Mr. Ooaua. Thursday evening will be deroud to operatlo selections from Glock, Verdi, and Wagner. i New-York will probably not see "A Temperance Town," Mr. Heyt's latest play, next season after alL The i wonderful run of A Trip to Chinatown" has oonvlnoed Manager Frank McKee that lta popularity will carry It tbroagb aaother eeaaoa at the Madison Square, and the merry farce will go right oa without Interruption until tne public urea of it Mlsa Carolina Boclea took the place ef ilorenoe Cheat last week, aad Mlaa Orao Klnalngton is teeing the part which Gerald in a MeCann has been detng.

the latter being given a three weeks' vacation, whoa ehe is to re loin the eomoanv. Only four ether podactiens have ever oxeeoded tb run to this city of A Trip to China to wo." Tbey ar Adonis." Humpty Durapty," Basel Kirk," and -Tb Two Orphans," and Mr. Beyt expects hi farce to peas the elx-hundred-night record of Adonis before It to with drawn. Mr. Garrett P.

Berrlat, tb waU-knewa lecturer, lournaliat. aad ireologtat. returned to New-York last week after a two months' tour through th Tellowstoae lr and Paget Bound country, where he visited la the interest of the great spectacle The fruit of hie trip will be seen at Carnegie Muslo Hall next season, through tb latrda0oa of a spectacle Illustrating the wonderful natural phe nomena of thee eeantriea. In tb early Tall atr. Berries wui accompany uraata" to Boston.

PhUudslpula, aad TWaahlaatoa, where A Trip te tb Moon and The Seven Agee of Our World Tare to be presetted for the flrst time, with the tsme scenery aad mechaaloal aad light enects aa were usea at: ve camegie Muslo Ball produotHin last season. in sovemhrtbaw series will ready for repreeentatioa at Muslo Hall, UU eityj Walter Damroaeb aaa alreadr Manned an aetlv eeason for hiraeeif aad tb Symphony Orchestra ot New-York daring tbo coming Fall ana winter. During tui period lao coacert are to given in New-xerk and tb principal Kaa tern eltiee. These Include the Symphony and Oratorio Society pabllo rehearsals aad eon. eerta.

the youug people's aad Sunday night eoncerta anneuneed to tak plao at Carnegi Music HaU, talt city, and a eerie ot anbterip-tlou conoerta to Bostoa, Philadelphia. Washing ton. fTwvraeaee. ainrera, TTcnten. orana-e, Mlddletowa.

aad New-London. DUrrag April ana may, iwni, tn oroaaetra wui mate aa ex-teaatv tour of Canada and tbo Western States. giving concerts and participating la Important nuaaioai waovais in taw lanrer mtioa ea tn tour. Th flrat of tb theatre to open for the regular season will be th Union Souare, where Charles A. Gardiner wiB open Asg.

1 la hi new German dialect drama. Fatherland Tha theatre, which has been eloeed eeveral weeks. -aae oeea taorouguty renovaieo, aaa many improvements hav beeatntrodaoed by QreeBwaU ot reartona. it aew managers. ia rather-' lead a number of reallatio see aee ar proat-ieea.

amonc them a i waterfall in the TyroL Bight of th Germed singing eeeleUes will be repreeented la th whoraa, which will bo changed avery few nigbta. Mr. Oardiner. who ptaya the pert ot Herman Leopold, a Oermaa wide, baa lust bad a turcica! cneration oar. on bis throat, but he expects reoover tn xuu us i at voice aexore aaxt week.

1 Blabed" eleeed rbi flrst month at the a jdaa Theatre last night, aad te-morrow the aee- oeo eamon oi tae extravaawnsa wui do pre-eented. All the favorite faatare of tbo oriclnal fwiu do retainea aaa new specialties added. jassie ultra will sing a new comic eoac. oatitlod I want to Bo Somebody's Joha IX Gilbert has a aew topioal eeng. Be-oaaa He Was Old," audita aeeoad aot will close With a new hornpipe.

Mr. Beadway. tb lltu old man of th aaa, will drop "Peitry Xllna for Tha ltUn am. written especially for him, aad Mile. Paris an Miss Craake will do eome aew flsnsos "Bin- Da arawtag weu.

aad la expected prefltably through tae Summer. Tbceeeseaatthenrth Avoaao Tbeatr wfU pa Monday, Aug. 8. with tbo prod action, by Chartae Prchmaa'a comedian a. headed bv JTaeenh Holland aad Oeorgie Drew Barrymere, of Set- vat vt wran, en 'auaptanoa by William Gillette of a French! comedy by Alexandre Blaeon.

Mr. HoUaad'a character la said to have snore word apeak thaa aay part to th modern drama. Behearaal ot the aew play nave eeeai is prvcrwte tor eeverai aaya Tbe east toeladoa M. A. Kenaedy.

William Faver-aham, Joeeph Hamphreya, Cbarleo A. Abbey, T. O. Valenun. Agnee Miller, Srelya Campbell, aad Mtoala Tltt 1 3 Bobart MaatelTs aeasoa at Proetor't wfll bpen Aug.

29 with tb preduetloa of romantic orama, raaea jo xao la the MoallgbC which wUl be presented for a week la Buffalo before coming nerw. Mm Man tell to expected heme from Bnrep tbia week. Dariag hie ab-eeaee abroad be ha secured the American right ta a play founded oa a rem as tie story ef boot- naa ooraar uia. eome ot tne laoiaaata ot Whlub hr of hlatorioal iatreat, 5 1- Arthur Bob an. whb for aeveral vaara baa pt aee ted ten sueeeetfu) play ef Daly a Tbeatr -on tae le to mate a tour with Tenny son poetie piay.

tbo next eeaaoa Tbe play ta to bo preeented only to eltiee where a demand for It ta orideaeed bv aubeeHrtUena for eeeta. Th preduetloa wui th am aa. that at uaiya, xcpung. oenree. tb people ffaasVUe 3- i Ulliaa Lwto baaaadw play elbd Lady LB.

whteb ah will preeeat fer the first Ume at tbo Standard Tbeatr Saturday. Aug. 13. opening tne preliminary eeaaoa as saat house. It ta tb work ot Lawreaoo Mar tea.

aad th ceaea are told to Praawa, Bohemia, during the six week' war between Austria aad Prussia to 1S66, and lBclod a battle; Lady LU la a drcua Jane wlU opea tab eeaaoa at ta Standard. Sect Thia fare. Which aew runalaa- to Cbleego, hae beea played oeaUnaoaely alnee ha arat prod actio a by Charie Frchmaa last Bunuhi user at th Madiaoa ttqaara laeatr la thia ettv. 1 i i Emma Haalsy. wb baa beea aalected take the piece ef tb lat Eat Cactleaea 1 TXba.

Daitlar," played th media- aoubretto t(Qm for aaTeral aeasent to tb Caatao traveling paaloa. was with Dlxor oompaay ra idea, aad the last two oeaaoao pUyd ta lead- ins' oonnrotto pert ta A straigat xi yua Uaai T. Power. r. v.

Lafayette XT. Lavey. th weU-knewa aoenle- artist. has iuat eoaciadod a akstehlag tour to th CaUklHa. Ha has visited all the plaeee aa aoeiated wiU the legead ef Bla Vaa -Wlakl.

and wui bow point oiatortta acenory for a preduetloa of the play by Jeeeph Jefferson, lie will attempt ta repredao tb Catokul aoraat Witt i-r---i Helaa Barry to spendiaa th Summer at her Tee, Box" cottaao. Heliport. dividing Chef ume between banting the affile era ta tae Ureat South Bay. sailing bar new Boat, which leada the fleet to the bay, and erlrtantlng aag-toeetiona for tbo aow play which Paul Potter to rwriunc lor aer. aaa wbmb sue 1 to preeent mext sreaon.

-An excellent vertetv nrocrtmma la offered Kotter A Blal'a, Nada Keyval. tae Electric aeea," ha mad a bit to her "novel aot. aad Larour aaa itartioy, ta tneir aaacee. anv toooM very pepalar with th patreas 01 ta Louse. Tbey are to be eeea eeea la a French burlesque called A Village Wedding." Manager j.

M. Hill has completed his ea- kragemeata of tbo prtaelpal people who will up-bert Marie Tempest la Smith aad Keven1 Tbe Feaeing Master." They ar Mrs. Pember-ton Hlaoks, Grace Goldea, Mario Louis Day, Charie Byley. WllUaat Brodarlok. Jerome Bykea, Charles Hopper, aad WuUaaa Kia.

Ea tilth opera eoattaaea at the Oread Opera House. Philadelphia, where "The Hugaeaote" IwlH be sung thU week. At th Bijou, th only ktbtr theatre open In that city, a Tartety pr-loraaae I tii attraetion. 1 Earl Kiac. Treasurer of the Madiaoa 8quaro trheatre.

enjoying a brief vaoatloa atSarav- toca. Hia da ties at tne taeatre are oeiag attended to by Frank th baatnoas knanager. Tbo Little Tlppett oompaay ttarta oa lta aouraey to the Paoino coast to-morrow. It will fatara to New-York to begin a twelve weeks njragemeat at Herrmann's Theatre Nov. IS.

1 Tbe decorations of Daly Tbeatr ar being reguilded aad other tmprvvemeata are belag iuade to tbo interior of tbo house. Mr. Daly's heaeon will not begin until November. Evans and Hoer eeeured a conlarora eabt- ket while ta Buropo, aad will utilize its mechanical aoveltiee in the eeooad aot of A Parlor Match next eeaaoa. J.

P. SalUraa I to star next ssason In a romaatlo Irish comedy-drama by hlmsslf. tailed -Leave ot His tour will beglaAug. lft. James A.

Heme' nsw Irish comedy. My Colleen, will start ea a tour next month, opea-Ing to ClnclnaaU, The Grand Opera Hoass of Charleston. B. 0.. It to have a stock opera oqmpeny.

PLAYS AND IN BOSTON. BoeTOH. July 23. Another theatre eloeed thia reek the Palace but It will reopen oa Aug. 1 rlth attraetion yet to bo announced.

Purl tenia" will bavo it fiftieth preeeate-lon at the Trsmont Theatre on Monday night, the occasion will be oelebrated by tb dla-ributloa to the patrons of souvenir, each of rhlob wfU coat. It ta said, more than tbo price if one of tbo best reserved seats. Tbe opera tselt wui be Improved by the introduction of 1 merry, aew eeng for Mia Pauline HaU aad 1 tber aew features. Charlee Mathews's company will eentinue to 1 ppoar to By Proxy at th Bostoa Museum intu tb coming of Roland Bead oa Aug. 14.

Business le coed. Mies Leonora Bradley will ska the plao of Mis ueiea Kuaeeu ta tne oast exi week. Robiasou Crusoe eoatlnaei to tb at- actaon at tn Arena Gardea Theatre. I It la given out her that Lett wui star next aton under th maana-emeat of IX A. Baata.

1 The Maeon-Manola oompaay tor next eeaaoa ill be made np aa foUows: Joha B. Mason. Marten Manola-Maeon, Annie M. Clarke, Ed ward Temple, PoUy Winter, Hattle E. Bobalt.

lunlu B. Booth, aad James H. Bran nick, THE CHICAGO PLAYHOUSES. CatCAoo. July 23.

No novelties, either dra-atld or muaioal. have been offered to tb hloago pubUo this week, nor ar any promised tb coming week. Wltb old programme tbo wn-town tbeatr hav don a prosperous ustness. considering that tb weather baa beea hottest of the year. Next week will be the last ot Mia Helyett" tb Columbia aad ot Tb County Fair' at ooldy, "Jans" at tb Graad and "All Baba at th Chicago Opera House will bo wltb at longer, thouxh the rua of "Jane le limited to two more weeks.

The Bummer night eon- 3irte at the armory will end to-night. At tb Alhaubra tb Delange i Hlalng eom-iny baa given Th Mascot creditably. Next week ehaagea of bul wui be Umlted to the minor house. "Th Black Hussar" will be given at th Albaabra, LIOETNLNO'3 DESTROY DiQ WORK. TIB $100,000 DAMAGE DONE AT CON-j STABLE BOOK OIL WORKS.

Batoitr. N. X. July 23. Lightning can sod rer SIOO.OOO damage at the Tide-Water Oil orks at Co as table Hook.

Bayoaa. N. early, ila morning. At 1:30, a tow minutes attar a rrlflo thunderalap, th watchman discovered aok laaolag from tb paraffia wax toro-h use, oa tb Kill von Kail shore. Aa alarm waa eounded.

but before tbo Bayoaa Fre Department aad the oompaay flro tags bad arrived oa the aeeae the Immense three-story wooden structure waa a mass of flame. (Tb building contained over 2. 000 barrel of para nine wax, ready tor shipping, aad about empty wax barrels. Th strong wind favored th flames, and mad it tb moat baffling conflagration vr known at tbo company's writ jrb firemen realized at ease that all attain pta to ssve th warehouse would be rntlla. aaa tamed their attention to tb adjoining pier aad VBitaipus- fTho burnin- wax shot bp Into the air twenty feel aad the naming meases falling into the Kill voa jeopamitoq ta tblpplng 1 teres ta.

TWO: lone alar adlolnlns the werehenaa eaugnt nre. one or wnlth was completely dls- ww. una ae ewer waa partly ruined, tbo pier sheds were almost empty at tb time. A scow aad two pUo drivers moored between them were burned te th water's edge, aad it waa with rreet dluteultv that the flaaaa war preveated from reaching the Port Johnston eoal The ship Charles T. Bctnent.

aad tb Brlttsb irbn oO ships Glen Cev and Victoria Regie a. wer la aenoae danger. Tags attempted te tow them to midstream, bat failed, tb ebb tide leaving thaa stranded oa tb beach. Tbflr- wamaaaa piaadia ftgntaad laobaeded lb saving them, however. Tb keat around tbo burning building was In tense, aad tb smoke WM blinding.

At a o'clock the fireman had the flamee under control, it was almost a miracle that tb works were saved, Aa It waa th lose wui far eXoeed SIOO.OOO. Tb oompaay carries its own Inauraac, aad tb company officials la charge use to mace any statement further thaa that men Will bo thrown ant of work aa a raanlt the flra. 1 atehmea Den ton aad Corcoran bad narrow anee wnea tne are nreaa eev One of the oil tanka af aha Kmml Xe4. Company at Cavaa Point waa struck by a ausjus bbu eamagea kuw. July 83.

Th moat aever drttorta at the eeaaoa visited this seetioa algbt Th thundr and lightning began at clock, but It was aot unta near 11 that raihooa hardest part th atorm reached iwamisx naa nod aiatoat lacooaaatly. and the thunder waa awful. Lightning struck Augustus Bread house oa MeLaroa Street. It necked part of the weet ehimner off. splintered rafters aad Joist, and Phased down to the parlor, where it burned the picture molding.

Tae bead of the bod 1a which eiepaea voecowics. a boarder, waa Bleeping lhrhtl tunned. 9umumj' ooooowtas Was r-1-' 'Ti" Bc ar w- Chase, waed by Chaee. Commodore of the Neptune Yacht: Oub of the Hlghlaads. was moored at Ja a.

orthley wharf here. The electric fluid struck th yacht smoke tack, knocking It dir. aad also broke the safety valve and whistle. The rata fell ta torrents and was greatly welcomed by the farmer. The last raia at uru.

count fell oa July Late potato wr drying uu uw aitwB psvicaee were bis oelag ia-jured by tb drougbt Cora, which la Jntt bo- i'fMi avwor, weemiaw hi aa ot rainv UXABXTR.B. July 23. During a terrific thfnaerstorm that passed over tale city at 11 o'clock last algbt tb house ot Mr. Catbaria T. 300 Soatb Park Street.

Waa amV a Utrbtaiag and badly damaged. The family were la bed at the Urn, aad the whose sleeping apart menu were oa th slds that was struck were stunned by tb sheck, wtttl tb other inmates rushed oat et tb dwell ing ib meir Birnt garmenu lata the raia. think- ta wbuuuik wa aOOUt COUaps. Daring tb storm of Friday algbt thefour-stokr brick building at 460 aad 463 Hicks Btrbet, BrooUya, was struck by llffhtnlng. aad the! plao caught flra, Befor th flamee wer xttngulshod tb aeeoad floor bad beea gutted.

Thto was occupied by 6 perry A Beam, maker mattreeeee and ekarah enahisaa. Vk. budding aad stock was $5 ,000. aad seven ty-flv wemea wa ie www uuvwb wat ware Beer Rate War Imeilatat: CkxcxaxsTi. Ohio, July 23.

Five th largest brwri at tb city bavoaatarodtotoaoom-bmhttaa to Mil br at 17 pr barrel Tb prlo bsrotoforo ha beea $8 pr barrel. Tbe lgbta other breweriss aot raelnded la th 00m bin regard it a menace. ooaeeqneaUy a beer rate War imauaaav THE NATIONAL REGATTA if2f WEO WUL' COMFITX JLX SAZA TO A THIS WEEX. tat ElOHT-OAEED CBEW BACE MOK. UU TO I BE TCXtaCAIXT rXTXatXST- JOSH" BABTWfBLL OF TALE COACBIXa THE RWTOU ATH- LETtCS TOIJTICS OP THE OABsMKX.

v. I Tbe ea tries far Baratega Lake aaxtTneedsy aad Wedaeaday. while act as anwaron as they bavo beea la seme preview years, ereea the whale ef a blgaar tb fgatu piwtnlsss to bs the meat socresifnl ever held ht thto ooBntry. AH the csasMttss have andergeae aoarerui preparatieB. aad maayof them have gaining eWcagtbaadexBeriaacc byoempettna or toes anereesfany tbo maay minor regattai Taertetheaeaeca.

TaoXatteaal tasnmsrioa of Amateor Oarsatea ef America baa for tat mala object tbe heidlag ef aa aa. anal rowing hamntoaahln mtstlss at watoktbe raost are opea to membereef aU amateur efasbe la the world. areyMed they tt aoniadlas. to tb aasoctatloa' defialtioa ot aa amateur, aad their entries ar offleially atgaad by tb club they claim to lean amateur, aocerdlag te the wordy taterpretatloa ot WhO SUSS BOt eatar ia mm i.mii mm lther a stake. pubU er admiaatoa meaev.

ar ae. tranoe fee; oomptto with or axalast a prettioaal tor aay prise; who has aever tenant, aarono a assisted ta tbe pursuit ot aihlett exercises aaa eaaa st BvoHhcodi whose memberahtpef aay row. tag er ether athletic club waa act brouxataboat. er does aot coattaaa, because ot any mutual agreement or understsnding. expressed er implied, whereby hie becoming or ooutthulng a member of such club would beef nay peculiar beneflt te aim whatever.

direct or indirect and who has aever bean am. ployed la any eccupatloa Involving any aae of ear or aad who shall otherwise conform to tb rules sad regalatleas et the assoctatioo." Aa amateur ta further Seflned aa "one who rows for pleasure or recreation only, and during hi leisure hours, and who dees not abandon er aegleet bis usaal business or eccupatloa Xer the purpose ef training." The assootatton has held a championship meeting every year at acme sultabls place, eoa-venleat te tbe oarsmen entered. The previoue national regattas were held ea fallows 187S et FhUaoelpnla, 174 at Troy. N. Y.jl76 at Troy.

i-nuaampiua, io77 at Detroit, l7o rk. If. 3.i 1B7B at Baratara. 1S80 at Philadelphia, 1881 at Washlnitoa. 1b82 at Detroit, loot at Newark, lews at Wat.

kins. N. Y.i 1SSS at Boston, lane at Albany, laaf at Jamestown. M. at aunburr.

Peaa.i lb8 at Pullmaa. 18M a Woroester. Mass.t 1H91 at Waahlnirtoa, D. a Thia year It will be held for the aeeoad time at Sarstoen, and the foUowiag areata will be contest SlngleeenU leeuiur;) aingle-aouU aba lis. (Junior;) double-scull shells; pair-oar ehellei four- sneiis, (senior;) lour.oar.ahalla.

Uunior;) elht-shsUs. Aiuolor sculler is deSnad aa one who has sever palled In a senior nor won a junior scull race. A junior oarsman la one who has aot pulled aa ear ia a sealer reea, er beea a wlnniae; earamea in a junior race. By this it le seen that a eoatest-aat may be a sealer eaxamaa aad a junior scnllsr, or vice varus. i Cballena-ecups and Plate ef the National Associa tion will be awarded to the wlnnera of the aaa tor slnais soulls.

the double sculls, sad the pelr ead four- eer sneu tnau, ttoinaut gota meuais win pe given te every wmalng oarsmaa er scalier, ead a handsome silk banner wui bs preeented to hie olub. AU the busiaess of the anaociaUoa is tranactd br aa Exeeutive Ceauaittee, eompoaed et twelve reprc ssatative oersmea. four ef whom retire oaoh year, aad are either re-elected or have other mea elected to their positions, at present the committee la made np ot H. W. Garfield.

Albany; H. si. Hfn Jhlladelphia; M. A. MuUln.

Newark, K. J.j Theatre Vaa Baden, New. York City; Cbarleo Ostun. Chioaeo; Walter BUmaoa. North Cambridge.

Oscar P. Schmidt Waahlastsn, D. O. A. H.

Sweet. Pawtaeket. B. Oeerne D. PhlUlpe.

New. York City; John F. soaker, Philadelphia; Prod IX, audita, Detroit, aad H. Peltoa. Brooklyn, easra.

Oarfleid, Uiaohman, MuUtn, aad Tea Bsdsa are the four who go cut this year, and there wui be ae election held at Sara toe July 30. te fill the vacancies ea the Executive Cemmlue censed by the expiration at their terms ot eervtee. The election promises te be interesting te oarsmen, ss it is understood that tn two esses there will be something ot contest between mea namsd for pesltloas. There talltUe doubt that Mr. Gerneld.

who hae served eeventeen rears as President ef the Van Baden, who ia one of the bett-kaown aad most popular part men In this city. wlU be re-elected. In the retss ot men to sncesed Messrs. Mallin and Hlnchmsn. however, the outcome is net eo In Philadelphia Harry MeMUIaa is named te rua again Mr.

Hiaehmaa. Tbe Quaker Oity has aae able representative in John T. Huneker. whose term does not expire Until ispa, and it la unfortunate, la the opinion of many prominent rowing mea in this vicinity, that ha cannot fill two positions, so that neither Mr. McMillan aor Mr.

Hmehman would have te be chosen. Mr. inch mea Is cftsa referred teas th "fire eater" ef tbe committee and a maa who la rowing la lacliaed toward the "collar-and-cuff" young mea ta preference to mea who earn their nvln by manual labor. Bis speeches et meet-lass ef the eoarauuee have beea s-ema ot yttterstts aad vtadleUveaeea. Mr.

MoMUIsn i known here by bis absurd rulings while President ot the Amateur A thistle TJnlon. If tbe arbitrator of athletic troubles A. O. Mills were to reveal the way Mr. McMillan "reorganised the anion under Mr.

Mills's plea ef covernmeat, the oarsmen might be apared farther trouble en bla aoeoont. Par Newark there le nule opnoaluea at present to Commodore P. H. Fortaieyer of the Pssssle stiver Amateur Bowing Association, although it le hinted that (Hurts will be made te have Mr. Mullia serve sai a.

Mr. Portmejer le especially qualified to eo-eupy a place ea the Executive Committee, by reason of years ot experience in rowing mature and aa ac quuBieneewtaBMMieiuw oarsmen et ineoey. tm committee le in need ef men who are In tench with tbe oersmea, and who are than able to lesislate la-tellleatly. Tbe leek of eathasiesm tn the ttttme Uoa sad the criticisms ef its rulings have beea ia a large measure due te the eootlBuaaoe aa members ef the Executive Committee ef mea who ought te hav been laid oa the the II severs! years age. With a tew more men like lit Fertmeyer.

George D. Phillips of the New. York Athletie Club, Theodore Vsn Baden, and John F. Huneker the assoeiettoa would be raised te a greater importance than it has ever enjoyed, and there weald be fewer attempt made to throw ea its yoke. It may be ot Interest te note what a few of tbe local oaremea who have entered for tae rosette have been doing ts mane themselves nt ts try lot iklnaaKlB nor toe junior siosie-ecuu wva taerv aew tmriona entries, bat as ia meet Junior events the mea have aot com noted ortea enough for one to form a eerreet opinion of their respective merit.

H. W. P. Cady of the Manhattan Athletie Olub ta a promising He rowed bis first raeel toe in a i leer- sis at the Loag I alas regatta en Juae ST. aad afterward made a good showing la the People's ramie at Phlladelnhla.

Hartley T. Beaton is ether junior from tbe Institute Boat Club ot Now. ark. He hae beea rowing for eome Ume, bat aa yet hae net beea very seeeaaataL Seventeen of the best amateur oersmea la the country are entered tor the senior eeull enemplea-ship. Among them le William Cagrey et theCree.

cent Boat Club et Bostoa, who won tne event last year aad the year before for the law rsnoe Canoe dub. Pred Bewklne of the Msn-kattaa Athletis Oiab is alas enured, but bis rowing of late has beea of eo uncertain a character that his dab has litUs faith ia his eaaaoes et eneosse. He -worn bla rase at tbe Pasaale Blver regatta, May SO. bat waa beaten by Xdwia Hediey at tne Harlem reou. aae tnu a ji animate wm mum lag Club will also try for hoaors.

bat ae nebas practically never wen anything, he can hero fy beoeasldarsd ia the same class as some ef the others. Aaother local eaauaaie is a. w. jaa ot tbe Statea Island Athletic club. He bsnsme a senior by wiaalag at the Bla tea Island regatta, and has since been working bard on the Kill voa Knll.

under the watchful ere ef Wallace Bees. Be com. psted la the Lena Island regatta, but had the mia-tortaae te meet wtth en aeetdaat. Chorion Bulger mt the Mutual 1.1UB jueeay ai aite a man who should aiv a unUtf alBvlaa. good sneoaat of himself ta the for the double sculls thers ar eleven eatrisi, to eluding that ef th Albeey Bo wins Club, which wca the eveat last year.

Another strong pair are George Kirby ead Prank Holmes, ef the Pawtaeket Boat dab, who will make their first appearanee for many vaara. Both were dieqaaliaed a long tune aad have recently been rein Mated to the amateur raake. Holmes was one of the pair which woa tee eoeblee at Phuadeiphle ia ltWO aad at Wasaiagtou in lanl. He alee woe the senior ala tie-sea 11 event et Washington in leal sad agala et Detroit la lHbX Kirby le alaeeonsidsreda very (est amateur, 'sue Don-oanne brothers, who wen tbe Pasaale regatta oa DeeoratMa Bay. will represent the Maahattaa Athletie Club la this eveeV This.

pair else woa the Albany regatta ea July 4 aad rowed eeooad te Hediey aad Parks ia tbe Harlem resntta. The New-Tork Atnletle Club will tend the lempey brothere to do the honors for them ia tbe Tbey formerly rowed oa a four-oared shell crew lor the Ataianta Beat ana. sad wer very aeceeafuL They first wore the Mercury foot In the junior doubles at the Dang I si aad Begatta ea Juae SIS. aad woa la eveat Tbey were sltevwurd IrtefseUd by Hediey aad Park at Philadelphia, Quill std Preeta will represent tbe Vaiana Beat Clubef Brooklyn. Quill has rawed dec bis before at the Passaic Begatta um TMik la a elaaie aouller ot fair sbultv.

He woa several prises at the Leeg Island Bs gat ta. The laatitate Boat Cleb ef Newark will eeedeireed crew In Cavaeeagn ead Carney. Caveaauh rowed bow in the winning junior doable scull race at the Titstli Begaita. aad Carney won the anar Mr-mils atngieeoU ehaapMaahip at the Matteem Begatta at Worceater ia lbWi In the pair-cere the A tales tea wfll be represented by the Lm brothers, who were btatre ia that eveet attheaetMaaliwgattalaatyear by the Darapsers. Their first appearaaee this year wa at Philadelphia, a here they woa, beating the loaapeir.

Huasker aad Heebt, the winters et the Patapsce rewatta. une s. Tbe MonpareU Bowleg CI a a has eaterad a seed pair, end three ether eta be will site be represented. There are alx er we catered fer the lualor taur-eared saeU race, meal et them eompoaed of untried materiel. They are those ef the Anel Bowing Ciub.

tdHua. Aarnrta tbatUC CiBtt. AStOfia. U. Li Inaatate Beet Club, Nowara.

N. J. Aialaata Beet Club. Toronto Boat One. Twreate, Argonaut Bowing Club, Toreote.

The only dun la una vtcta. Uy which has setored for lbs aealec raoracad aU race le the Atalaaia Boat Club, ead, jedxins by the crews asuauy tame out ey was wriiiniwi. lawrala mt bTaw.Tark are la worthy hands. laterectlBg aa these create ae doubt will prrre, th mala taiereetof the pebtio ta ceatred In the .1.1,1 eaeav whieh la tewed ever etnlghtawayeouraeef a mile ea a ball, the course tor au the ether cveate having coo tore. The crews a tared ere these et the Vew-TerB AthletM S-IT wZirtaas Knb mt VhlladclnbJai Atalaata Boat Clau, aad Mao hat tea Athletie dab.

Tn New- Yerk Athletia Club etrht, better known as tne Chippie Crew, which woa the eveat Met jeer, ta i il Jin Llit br "Josh" HartweU. tb rameu Oat. tain et that real's vtotnrfcanc Tele ere w. Cook scleras HartweU. ea et poaeaUef the rtaswntd "Peek 'etreka.

The ere IU Xe else lest his evens at Aipaayaau et we Pstaeeos regatta, at BaluoMrn, aad altogether has been great eiaappmnsmant to his former edmlr-mrm. K- Xiwio, of the Mstronolitea Bow- joo gTesndsd ariiaTty by Bv J. Ontantni. who "jaraeaaUh) knew mt ta prinetpiee et rewia by New-Kavea aad tsUi wtta I ale mea ea uses eject it win be raters ting te aee whet kind SI i orew HartareU will turn cut ta sprint tor a atll a hie own training has ell beea tor four. frawea, Tbm oarsman.

tT Lay be meatleeed. ta " ef Taie-e ebamnaan eight who will as rswt tae Tale boot twitw orowetta, melt Boat Club ta tbe toeteet CSilat Phllmeelphmhea ever haewuv- Tbo New. 11S71 ebeot tea feet ea the ream Juiv aah tbey ar aew rawing la sptaadld aoaoxann AxaMoe croa efclT, Wfcica i CSf.eU" ef last year's Career Zi crsw, will probebly row the et Vaiweretty mt tanvht br crew, wtu probably row the etrofte Kills Were, who, berore he came to Ue atannartsBa waa thatr coach at the University ef PeaneylvnnisL aad who ha beea carernUy Sratoaing aaoath; It la a telliac strokeef tnmy-elx tairtv aaveai ta th mama edvuntage there assy be ia th atember n.S5?wJ-t ethr for a tang ttm is eer-tsialy inttitttd by the A talents' eight etx ef whom Zill. Z.r7tvJ"T Teere, aad who wer ta tt wianlns boat la leaf aad I8a They have tately beea etfeactaeaed by the andiOoa wf the Law m4 reve atreac slew stroke of tairty-atx fl The crew le powerful aad aklUed ta watermsashlB, but le cevoUef nsrav KEW-ENGLAKD OaJELSMEX WILLIAM SAID TO BE KOWIXO tBBT, PAST THKIE DATS, BocTonv Jury IX Two oselsrs nnd four iunhar acauereamaa that have beea entered from New. England tor ths aaanal regatta et th National Aa- acciaaoa Anitteur Oartmca.

With tb txeeptloa at the senior SOBllersth Eaabrrn aiaui hav bat junior will be counted at tbo finish at their trial heat, for they bars ystteleera tb flrst artaetol ticwiaav i AJ1 lateiw to centred iathemovsmsau ct WiU-lam CanTrey. the present ehsuiplen, and Joseph W. Bergea, who baa developed late lle a racer. Cat-frey. ItwIB be remembstsiL is ths yeaag oarsmaa from Lawrsaoe.

Maan. who raa away from Pred Hawkins, ths Maabattss Athletic Gtab star acaUer. at Worcester ia 1880, winning the senior ehampion-ships easily. Hawkins claimed he was not tm proper ehap. butt after apanding a oauple et weeks at Lake Qmaalgamcad 1 taet oompaay.

ha started against tbe champion at Beaten oa Labor Day aad was rowed te a standstill after a desperate race all ever th two-toll course. On Jely A tost year, the aaanal regatta th New.Sngtaad Aasoeiatioa wa held at Lawrence, Mesa, at Cafireys home, end "Tim" Higglns of the Weebuectta Boat Clab nnd Jeeeph Bergee, Braulard Boat Club, both finlebed ahead of tb champion. At the aaauai cliamploaahip regatta held at Waahlag. Ia last August Caffrey wiped out his or vie as dof est by drawing sway from Hedler aad Higglns ta the final heat with the gresteet ease. One whole aot familiar with the uncertainties et rowing will naturally wonder hew it 1 that Caffrey to beaten by inferior men aad afterward distance them.

His sueoese la rowlag dees aot lay la his ex-pertaees. for he does not handle tbe sculls nearly aa weUss Bergen. Caffrey wae fully tea seconds slower than Bergen ea July A lSwl. but six weeka later he could give Bergea fifteen cocoa da la the same distance. Tbeeeerrtcf Caffreyt success has been ta bis fine physical condition, or what ta better known among athltes as "staying power." His tlx weeks' pre.

pacatory work tost aeasoa for tbe watieaal wae dea et Csnobia Lake. K. fine sheet ut fresh water about 6.008 feet above the see level He had a mea to do his bidding in all things-rub him down, and above all aee that he did not get overtrained. Tb reoult was he went to the starting line ae strong aa Uoa and ready to row for hie life. Oa tbe ether hand, Bergen, the Bradford men, had ample tins te row twice day during the enure swoon, ss his bust-Bees occupied his evenings, hot th air oe the Charles Blver et lew tide eeea tells ea a maa when trained down fine.

Casey, the PTofoaaloaal caramon, always rowed with Bergen, aad the result wae the Bradford men went to Waehlugtoa grUy svsrrsted, overtrained, and in shnpe for a three-mile race lastead of a sharp dash for half ths distance. This season things hare changed eomewhnt, as Cattrsy represent tee Crescent Bunt Club et this city, having severed his connection with the Law- renon Caoo Cms. On July lost he entered and tarted in th senior single scull race atLyaa. Mass, It being the annual championship of the New-England Amateur Bowing aesocisiton. aa Bargea gare th champion a defeat.

It wss a Bergea flay." tor the coarse was laid eat along the beech and a strong std wind created salt swell. Cat. fro Is. at tbe best, poor rough- water oarsmaa when pitted against each a maa aa Bergen, who hae rowed in that kind ef water ell hia Ufa. nnd belag la a atrsas bea else had moon to do with th result.

A huge tent in which all ths beau were stored blew down during the night and Cwurer'a boat wa badly broken ap. After this regatta Caffrey started In training from the Crescent Boat Clab In company with P. J. Murphy, the ex -amateur ohamploa. who wen the mach-eo rated title ea tbe Charlee Hirer In Is.

The only baetbuilder of note tn tbia oectlea Devey -has beea so busy on the Manhattaa Athletie Olub shell that cairrey'a single wae still oa the reeks tbe first of tbe present week, with eeveral big hole ta th planking. At best tbe boat can never be elsaesd better thnn a "head me down" craft wnlaas the entire plea kin it removed, aad this eaaaet be dene la time for the reee next week. Caffray ta net the man be was at Washington last statin, aad Bergen la much better, so the Interest from a local standpoint Is considerable. Bergea has beea training ea the Charles Blver. and bis work hat been maeh ad aired by tbe water men who have seen htm.

There la much mere Ufe tchls stroke, th catch being firmer, aad the aae ot bla slide ia the proper way add much mere evenness to the speed of the beat Bole 'finely-built young man, stands 6 feet 11- inches high, ead weighs at preeeat IMpeunds, which is eigut Boon da more thaa at this time last smsaa. It matters little to him wbettbsooudltlouef the water le. fer It the sbeU will fioat bo caa row it ea an svaa keel aad give it Ills. CaOTay Is considered in first diss condition and towing fast. His friend claim teat he doe not need to bs 1 fins shape to win agalast such mn a he had far competitor last eeaaoa.

but they do not lose eight ot the tact that Hediey et the Vesper Boat Club and Hawkins have beea in pro via g. Whether the Executive Committee ot the National Association ef Am steer Oaremea will make trouble for Hawkins over his recent scull race is the sues. Uon asksd ia this vicinity, and maay think he will not be allowed to start AU agree that eome tan si. ale evidence should be sseursd before dWprivlag a msa of his right to row. ss was the case with ths atannsuen maa lass year.

It is said that Edward Durunn. who hi catered from the Saaayelde Beat Club ef Toronto, wlU make the winner row for his life. Durnaa is a nephew ot Edward salon, the professlcual oarsman. His record of four wins this eeaaea places him as a Brat, rale Soulier. Tbejaaior race lean unknown quantity, and with the exespUoa ot Thomss Phllbln.

formerly of the Pall Blver Boat Club but now entered from the Creecente. little is expected. Next te phUbin comes Michael A. Sullivan ef the Central Boat Ciub of Houiit Bo tea. who made quite a locel reputation (or hia up-hill race against CosgTov at th New-England Spring champloashlpa.

where maay think his ebaooet et winning wer good bad it aot beea for a sailboat getting la kit coarse Bear th finish. Phil Si a to a good rough-water oarsmaa. aa waa proved last labor Day, whea he plowed th rough the rough alar la th Charlee Blver as finished first is a bla field et fast seuUere, but aid net get the prj a beoeuse he turned the wrong way. H. a Blacklntea et the Narraganaett Beat Club of Provldssce is a familiar figure In regattas.

He ess not, however, keep Phllbln er Sullivan warm. iW. Beealey of the Pawtaeket Boat Clab Is act ae-rioualy regardd ia the race for high honors, and kr be rows the eatire si tisane without aa apse he will led elated, i It will be a splendid elfht to see the eld-time rival. Kirbv aad Holmes end Menahen and MuieahevT row. lag la th double-scuU reee.

Holme. It will be r- memoereu, wae caeca eaampten, ass was ulaouau. fled aererar years but was rtinttaled last Winter, aad to at th old asms again. The Sunnv. aide Soubte.

Imrnham and Ryan, should be well up et th finish position Ms i and Mnloahey are no-ana to ia, win er iota. It weald make the "endnote "crew of th New. 5 ark Athletie Cleb a trlfl envious it taeyceuldeee ins cedar eightcared shell that Davey to build, lag for tbe Maahattaa Athletie Clab. Tbe neat is ea the seme lines as Harvard's victorious '01 aneu, aad ta a beauty. i An erect et the Atalaata Boat Club ef Hew Tork baa beea negettetiag fer the purchase ef the Harvard vO shell, bat as yet hae ao beea able etaee a bargain.

The Bradford aad Columbiana are also trying for tae I i LACROSSE CHAMPIONSHIPS. MEN WHO I TILL PLAT THE AM- i ATEDB; ATHLETIC VKIOV K7UES. That the eld India game of tocrosss ta growing store pop alar with the athlete of thia country le evldeaead by the laoreaae ta the number et elube playing the gaase. aad the bold tt has taken ea the collage world. Witt ta general public It has not yet com late favor, mainly ht scuts the number of players, a compared with those who dsvot their energies te football heishsIL are few.

Besides this, the finepolnuef tbo game are more abtt and more dUBcatt aaderauad by tbeec who do act actuaUy play them sol res thaa to ths store; papain outdoor a latest any maa, evea though he eanaet see er appreaead th fin point la a scihntlfie game ef foorbaa, ta taterested ta end admire the beer strength wtth which one rush llns "bucks" saneasafully against eaother, or th agility with which quick-witted "back" dart he eanaot anderstaad the skill requires at evea pick up leerease bell with the "tuck ar "cross' when the former 1 lying auU apoame earning legreuad. let eloae to catch tt la the air whea like ballet (rem another aajok, er te coda aneoeaafuUr half epaonenta. all beat oa dis lodging the sphere front the fiat, shallow anrface of the "creese, i luaeroae tt ees of the maay sports which come under th supervision of the Amercer Athletis Union, aad ovary year a series et games is bold for the championship ot the Welted tolas. Per eon. venienee it wss decided thto year I hat th teams ta each district et tbe salsa ahoul first nettle fer the district champMoship, aad that the ratmplts team ef each district should thaa play ta aaother eeriee Testerdey afternoon the eeriee for tte Xeurepeu-taa district cnampieaehSp eemmeaoed: pour teems are catered, ead whoa tne schedule has been played through eachi wtu have played two sseteUes with every ether, aad tbe wieners et Ike gieeiest aamber wlU be decisred the champion.

cf tae tam ta thi vicinity th most coesptous to the New-Yerk AialeUe Club team, Ue preoeet holder ef taei Amateur Athletic Valaa Champlo-shla. It ta eCmeeaed tarn year almost entirely ef young metertal. maay ef tee members having played ea college teams lest Bpriag. Tbey were take hetd of as individuals aa wetoea ibio a mam oy a. PlaaaarT, whs Ma veteran nt the apart sad a he waa I abort ago tb net akllirui aaadleroC ta atsek la thia country.

He was a wsu-kawa mlararia Caaaoa tar ataay year, aad tor a leag Um wee Captain et the eld Brooklyn LeiirnmCmu. About all that are left ef leet yearo team are Beat Bed Berne. Tbey are bath coot, rrbabie player a. They were aaoer plaaaaryee the Brosklyn teem. They aaa both play aa aphill gam whea neeeaaary aad aever toee their heads et critical momenta.

la eld a year beeumeene ef ths Be played iaafi Xa eardkovaamet the Ooaegeetrhe City ef Wew-Terk end helped carry ta laraaaar te victory ta el-Utast ywry gat ptayd ia Spahr, aaother cttr College maa, to a good stick beadlee, bat to a bit tee light te play acalaat mea wae go ta shocking. The Uuats brothers. WlU-mm and Hirwss, ere beta frees Stevwae I aetata te aad play la this raafs laitrenlleglat ohipioa osasieem. Theturssar te the saw eod atoroes. lmleueod, bat both have had oxueUent mlniacaad one thing, pnpe a Cneadiaa player ef great ability.

He is suck aad aceerat thtewe bat i apt piay ringh gam wbea stalled. MoOard ead Coyne are twcUssere mea from bojf? byaueeetoaiagehtltty. end the lauer aa aa laMe repaietioa ae a goal keeper. Cesieroa red attack ea the tamee 1-ruld twerve. which to high aa heeer ae a himui snaa caa acoair.

atari as hi Wtitine utro ale nu at aaa et New. York, aad first olMUnn-uiahsdmeslf la a hard-fwaght match agalast the Uormthiea Alhlotie Clab ta the Winter et KM at the Tweuty-eaceml Juwintoet Armory. Heniayed last year with the Statea Ulead Alhlotie Club. Ttem these aadafew br geed player Pisa nary wtu pick the twelve whe wui wear th wlaged feet ta th cbnmpleaehlp aenee. i Th Btatan Uiand Athlati ciub startmi the with very poor prospeota et having a ieoreese orreaMeiy tor them, however, they neve bona tateroed by number et last year's cammpioaehip tsam.

wae bed left Ue New-i orks oa aecocateta Bttaenaerataadlag. They are all eld players, ax-ntombers of tbo Breokhra lacrosse aabTaad, with a few ef the eld statea Island players weo are toft, auake a team which it wtu be bardie beet. Owing, however, te a dlgsroece ia the way the twe parts ef the teem heave beea suthiid it lacks tbe unity which baa always been sue stroeg ntautr ef tae toleao-rw play. Miller, aevertbelees. has aad them ia hand, and although he aever beast et what hia team ea do ttere tt little doubt that he thinks they wiJi "Jli.

hr" hlready thia eeaaoa met and defoeted tbo LoriUard AUlotle Clab aad the Maahattaa ihtetlo Club; th lattac tn a maioh tue Uie ttiiioua (MrKiMCataUauUa Uxobaaiploa, shlnef the Battsra Lacroeee Loagn. sHeiea Iaiead bertha Amalout AthletM dab ohemptoashlp lor Non of the toUBdera is mere worthy thaa their Cyras a Miller, in spit mt eli Blade et hae worked up a good team every eoesea lor rears, and hae beea able at different timee toi take Ue scalps of the best players ta the country, Including tb ft me a Druids sf Baltimore, from whom hie team first captured the Oelnobs Cop. Personally, be le a first cites defease men, rarely faiuteeomc cut eta aertmmage wlttoutihe ball and plays aa well when the soars Is 1 goals tol agalast turn ae he does wheahla team hae half a mlaate la whieh to tteitaeppoeant A. Bichis ha played tarross for tweaty-oee year, aad has retlra from tbe field regularly every eeeaos Uia last ten. He waeerigtnady a member of the Lacrosas cWb.

and wbea the AU-Americaa team went abroad some year ago he "smber ft it They made a tour at Kagland, fsostlaaui and Ireland, winning twelve eat of thlr. to aurtches played aad tying the escre in tbe other ee. It. C. Cbaptn.

aeether member et the team, ia a wiry little attack man. whe caa dodge like light-aiag. but is toe light tor much hard playing, lie formerly Was a member of th Cor in this Athletic Clab team. WtUiam Mehnrg ia aa exeelleet attack pieyer. aad A.

Doualaa, a taadlaa from Toronto, la aaoiher.1 E. Ueeter. who plays ea Ue defease, welgha 185 pousds sad usee ms body wllh great cf-, 'J Curry sterted to piay Ucrotss at Ue Cot. lege ef the City ef New. Tork, and for years waa the Captaia ef the Varsity team.

Be plays inside hem aad le wonderful handler ot th turk. Curry ta a Jlacky follow, in a match at Mpatolair. N. iZ. Iat all.

after having bad hie left cat cut eomptotoly le two, he got it wed up ea Ue spot aad played the gama through ss though nothing had happeaod. Ltonoi Botes has played ea ths tesa tor years. He plays dot ease, and lim good attack maa whe wiU get pset him. William Pest and Dean Nelson ere alee good defOacs men. Tbe 'armor la aa old wtsvene end the totter need to be Captaia ot tte Clry College team.

Nelson handle htastlok wea but nntU lately played a grand-stand game, whieh doe th teem ta gr serai little good. Green, beam and Olasbnrg beta belonged to the CoUoge et th City ot Now. York teem of this year, the former betagUe best Captaia It ever bad. Utstburg Is aa awkward player aad corns what alow. He plays a pretty good defease game, however, nnd at one Ume kept goal oa Ue City College team, rmyle.

McCaa. Boberta. Bash. GUmoro, mod WHrlmm have eU boon members of both to old Brooklyn IcrosaoCtub aad Ue New. York Athletie ClnbTaad arost of thsm helped to via the championship last year.

I f-Do1 ta tried defense maa. probably as good a cos aa ttere ia in the country. CtH. Boberte else plays defense, aad le very i peraieteBt trainer. He rune half a mils aad take a long ewlm every morning before hi breeklsst.

O'Brien a sturdy attack player, ae la Embury McLean, whe formerly played et Stevens A. Bash Is llrht, acilvs fellow who plsyt hona. end ta noted for his rapid aad aoeutate abota at goal. G. W.

GUmoro, whe plays goat, lee minister from Prtncetoa, whorc he else played goal ea the Iscrosst teem. Bam King la aa eld player, aad a Bret-rate attaok. Um formerly played with the Oreaeeem et Montreal. The Maahattaa Athletia Clab liaa rha aaat i it baa ever ituraed eat. It gsvs th Statea Island twelve a close game twe weeka ago for the Oelrteho Cup.

Barry Haoa. i Ue Captaia; la aa exceUeat player, from tb Bod lord o( Brooklyn, aad he and Thomas Marston ar largely re possible tor the good shewing ef Ue men. The Do Caaaaeva brothers have beea with th team etaee 11 started, and are estiva all-around players. William Liarls is see the best attack men in Oe country. Anderson, who pis ys goal, lea feae maa from Canada, bat Is sometimes give to rough play, Telfer 1 another good defense maa.

He alee came from "ass-la The LcrUlard Athletic Clab has a team which has gmatly improved of tot under tne maaagemeat ef Camaol lete end is playing a better name this year than eve before. The team has recently beea streagtbeaed by Ue eddltion et several 'tiMlis player, aad their eoatre, Kelly, I a maa Who could easily get a posltloa ea nay teem, Th nlayers ef Ue Athletie Club Of tae aehuytkm Nsvy have been praottoleg nine sarty hast Bpriag. Tbey recently played against ta Manhattan au-letie Club teem, which they defeated by a eeer ot tea. TheV hav Just returned from a trip through Caaada, wber they hav beea picking up expert-eaoe from the Canadian players, and having more er tote sucosm tn Ue meantime. They wrta 4 to I by lb Tor antes ee July 1.

aad defeated the NW agaraa by the earns score on July A They ere ptay-tag a splendid team gam, aad stand a good caaaoe oi wuHint we vnaaipiowaaip. The Philadelphia Swtmmiag Club, the Philadelphia Young Men's Christian Assoctatioo, and on er tw other avraalaetien hav also aterd stlnor NATAL ACADXXT 2S0TXS. PEACTICUro' I WTTH SMALL ASMS A MEW OrjrBOTJSE, July IA The Bprtng practlcs with rmeat the new firing buus. Naval Aoademy. which began ta Marsh, ta now nearly the cadets are closing up ths Summer practice.

Tbo Spring congest wa preliminary tb Summer eom. paUUoa of eeooad else. Whea the praetsosbe. aaa tt wss bitt Ue third class, aad en tbe td June this class bicame the tooond class. Tbaooatejrt with rinec began at loo yards, each cadet firing! not toe thaa tea shots, ta string et five abota, te be fired ta three mlanta.

If oadt mad Per eeat, et the: maximamwlth at toast sns string at flra shots, he wa advanced fir tbe SOQ. a 6jUO-Vrd van. rally tmes Ue eeveral raa raa ar ta ahant a match, aad oe anting the revolver sear a half Ue rifle, the best marksmen ta te be awarded the Naval Academy Gold Medal lor marksmanship. Naval Cadet Blmo P. Pallia wider of Mhwouri stands ee far alone a having sooctssfnUy rtansc i Ue peroeaatge required in ue coO-yard raage, aad it a ether candidate attalas It, will be awarded the Bold modal.

The following cadets are new engaged la shooting their scores in Ue COO-yard raage. with a pessibulty ot being Cadet PuUiawldere eompoU. tors fer the medals Thomas G. Boberte ot Alabama, William P. Bobart ot Mississippi, Paul M.

La bach Of North Dfitet. Hutch Co a ef Plorida. Walter 8. Turpln Maryland. Prank Lynact hntueky.

Leiaad P. Jama of booth Caroline, Walter J. Mao-tan at I online a. Baadulph Bidgoly, Jr. et Georgia, Krnest L.

Benaottof Mssssehnaetta. Clarence bag-land of Arkansas, aadCjaade W.GsimUof Msryland. It is serious to aot that of the thirteen beet marksmen in Us Seouad class et naval tt-'tH gists from Uo Southern lotos. Tae workmea who are engaged apea the altera-tion ef part of Pert Severn Nnval Academy tat bathhouses are esthnsisstle over the superior werk-maaahlp fean ta th old forUnoaUoe. The clay between the jouter and lanar walls shews splendid poddling.

aad cuter wall ha magnlfkent ee-faesion. One ootid piece of eoaerste masonry, by 10 feet loecwlu socket tor eneet theeaaoa ettnetert, Waa take outotta -walla ae a whose, audit le expected to est Uie memi eta of past arV-neering npia Ue Aaedemy a itoaiistlun Ur eee ot Ui practice guns ot the Dspenmeet ot Ordasac aad Gunnery. The stranger at twilight to th Academy grounds would startled by the tollioget a beU at abort ta. tervala far np ta a maple, followed by the sharp clanging ef goag. Those are te drive away the count awaiiawe that esatrsgats every awning in tea ra iowra uo euponntanesere nooeo aad tbe etea.

Porsserly hssh no abet wore -t mnTh nans muss ilea it wee abendoasd rear see. A gunhouoe 20 by feet to beta gvcted Bear tbe see waa ta the rear ef Ue gaeheaac- Work le else In progress upon the breakwater near the Santa. Thia ia to protect Ue steam launches from Ue chafing Incident to ttem exposing te a ee when th wind to south ead blows without cfeetruetton tor tea Bailee, ever jthe Cbrsapoaka- Part taoeidgae. beusa, pnrehaosd tn tbe recent addition te the gr on ads of the Academy, at batngtcra down and ta aiding In filling up Ue ehailow water te Ue era waU. The seighbertng hill, inciadod la the acme purehea.

furnishes Ue senh that dowaahe rough by th bricks. op'FPAlir Its Northerm IToxleo. OALTaWg. July 23L-Aa Eagl ps CTsxas) special to tfi OalTSstoa JT sayt: "Nerthera Mexico to sjgala eoafroated wttb si total crop failure. Bujmnier rains, which bavo been anx-tonsly axpefetod.

with, whlk lata repe might be barvested. iavo aot eome In spot there hnv beea good KaiafaUn, both to Derange. Coahula, Chihaahua.1 aad Nnov Loon; but they bavo beea isolated aad tosafDetaat. Peer years' eoa-aooullve crop railoros ar unpTeeexiested. evea la droughty Mexico, aad a large number tn-h abtt an are onfroated wttb grave eoadittoas.

Farms la the beat districts et Mexico are lyiag idle, aad laborer who depend apea aarrV culture for existence are with oat em ploy meat borers flra workitig ea aow road la Maxioe at 60 oeato a any. iual to S4' coat la Amort, oca anon y. And with this amount tbey lead themaelveaJ fart, thalr niuiiwi food, coats them 42 cent per peak. Many of tbeec laborer bar large ami Use ppart oa tola moegr salary, and tbey are ewaaldered zortaaate ib Ming aai so cux) mploymeat ntnnyprlesi "Ik sam eondittant preraU fa MOfitlos Tsxaa this aid of th Bio Grande." Mr.j Clevelamd maefiUatlagu Mrw-LoBpoB. Coaa.

July 33. K. Ckft staaifl yacht Oaoida, wltb x-Iraldnt Jtavaiand fina party heard, arrird tbl aftraa off Plant Island for a few days blue-xiehln. Tb fish ere blUna- SDieaduliv. aad thai ax-lTseidoat will hav ae aad ot sport whil rass aia ra taa aaiflnajrxtmdi al Plaxsi Oavt, met oai ior tnis year, at leaay the shsmpisnthlp la out ot their reach, ij.

i CADETS AJrasPOUa, taaallai jm range; cv per vent, cr ue soo-yurd range advanced the cadet to Ue 400-yard rangei 80 par cent, ef the 0O to th SOO-yard raaraTaod 8d par coat, ef the, SOU te Ue 600-yer range. These who FOKAKER STILL SULKEG CMISOCM division ix omo rr- rVSZICAjr. SA2TKS. i KO CAMPAIQV WOBX TIT DOM UTO THE XIQiOID IX PAC- XZOXAV 1 DmEKSIOXfrLSTELAND 0W. ITBOSGSB THAV HE XTIB WA XV THE STATE.

CoixxBci, Ohio, Jaly Sa-Tb latest aad lost Uglonoas dsreat of ax-Oer. Porakcr'a BOP, tb deatll Of th Water.wrVa arVawia at naclBaatL waa saeb a oempleta vieterr fer hU oaeaxlM that they ar ngngwd la wondering whether bs has at tost uecumbod. Tne sobsm ttbrd br Poraxer and waa vatad nnon last Vedneeday; wlU the reeult that it waa de- eesmu ay to large majority i iogo which is a aaasaai flgur for vea Ctoclaaatt. This oanact bat aaatof tb Democrats to fixur out a ueereaee that may gat balow the low-water mark aad give theBtat ta Mr. Cltrt.

Uad, for ottabur to so rasb as to fiatnm th rorakur will agng la too dastpalga permit bid follower to do: tn any NT thaa ai neAfuaenarv nr. with hia orator United to a fw agagesaeata. Hia dUUks ot Mr. Harriaofi and aU who Supported btra i a Ohio a, tespt to conceal it, aad hU numerous defeats turn in party nave eootoa at ardor at a partisan. i Ta Domowrata will argaals aext week la totaclty tor a eaatpalga that ta aot to bo ought out a verts trying to win.

with mm-wvmmwm auvooaa. Mr. Hnrrtaoa' xtreme uapopuiarlty i and tbo Porakor diaaffeotloa, wttb the uncertain veto ot tha Poeple'a Party aad th pTOhibttioaiata, ere destined to work aaoxpeetod ehange ia the eleeLloai niiiiai i Tim. mhii a. 1 1 wu wve wrw fcun hisbwh ftfoabl among tbo lmewrau ta oraaaUUg and deing eome thia dellaito at ia tht wmj wu ww yittitti ewatruat wita ta 1.0- SUbUeaaa.

ak. hava aa (u fallal ta aM of eetaat ettempu ar eo frequent a to giv tli rinn.i.u wnnw ti a pereawiat joae. Ihls week Judge Oeorgo hw Nnab, a former wBn fiat Sea A a. a. I TAaam th.

committee agal ndjoarned without onllgbtea- lnS UlltWlM lahlU aail aa 't A evening thare will be a mooting ef the fall ix- -couve Commit. Tb room ar pea. bat ao-wcrk to being dona, anil nenaiwlll nnril s.a: i. meantime th attmerou applicants for tbo Um lted number of clerkahlp will vegstau la their temporary reetin piece. Again, there ta a rumor that Oov.

MoJCIaler httidi tdMtiMrMMiii.i.M.f..M.M. Mwaa aawK imv WD S' -cfifomaa Henry L. Moray of Oov. Campbeli's uietriot Is to tralnlna; tor tbo Oev-eraorshla. This rumor baa mo trlfl stals, but It would aot urpria Ohio people tf the Governor should decide that la oao term bs bad enough aaaoyaaoo aad orlttoieat to rt anaa a luetinso.

or. Me- -lnly has. net beea a success wltb tb politicians, and aaa, hardly recognised tn recom-mendaUoas of I th various facUonS which mmum uw piHt.1 ntSM aeemtagly preferrod to exerel a little Vastus Judgment, aad he baa aeveral timee gwao oat ot the beetoa patba ta dad some more or toss conr- am in toe rttn CoasldftraU teres la flt by tb DemoraU Ver the nmlnnaail abaaaaa a i ex-Mayer et Ciovetaad. wh waa il t-xooutlve Cn airman by th eommltta aoane tlma am tt'Talala mm 1 bom wbea tb committee But, bat was at hi Summer home joa Oeorgln Bay. la Caaada.

-practically out off from communion tlen with itnttni some wae talBK that kfr FuU. mmtn aa. I 7 "TT un wowvesiesit to aooapt, a he is admirably octal ed for the Bummer. Tber baa beea ne lntlmntloa of air eharaeUr from Mr. Parlay, who to aow, oat of Vaaah.

hut It ia hnaa Ka dlecovered by aext week, aad that bo will lend his moot TUctaataaryloe to tb aaa Th Democratic Commit rooms haw been fPn aU Winter and since tbo MoaUniey-CarnB. beJl Ouberaatortal fight, aad the pvty to lnax-eelleat tries, with a splendid eomraitto aad force hi ted. Tbere are no faettaa aa ia the Bepublleaa Party, for aoao of the oaadldat OB till DtnStMMa tl.ll.1 a a-- tilled in any Way with tb unJortonate fight ngataat us. Campbell la Clndnnati. aad ty are.

there fore, etroaa- oaadidBtas apost whom all Democrat eaa unite. 7 It ta eoafldeaUy beUeved that Mr. Ctovalaad Ttrtt. to Ohio as to-day. and that will get a large tadepeadeas vet aad, Brefit by the apathy la the BapaMloaa raakaT CUTKLAKK Ohio.

Julr 29 TTaa find dsierntloa of tha Porakar tlttMBl ta a BepabUoaa Tmrtf to Ohio to shown to a striking weyby aebrn tbAtbajoatogn to llchfila tblaityj (r. Tb part take bp Congrwasmna Ttoosat A. Tnvler. tha anHnaltv Ill'T. I.TTS?.

ttotb District la tb Senatorial eraustTwhenhe championed Porakere eauao with a -i a maita It. a7T aationCaad ho atontha ago amnaed tbo aaaoaacina' that for hmainaaa paAUeby he could Ml aaaaaa ta a.aa the disxriot In 1 which be baa beea placed by the prrymander la Be publican. Ha aad hia nwnusN, a)wvr, to pravant tha Batreaajra af tha A mf ZT uwe 1 01 1 ma; VMJmw' U. hands ot the Sherman anaa. aad r'-ntt suid tagiy.

1 1 j. Part ef OeveJaadtreet ef tn. rsivahaaa Xlflaa ai it VtBt d. JHUTOW OC PaUesvUle and i M. O.

Bortoa of Cievelnad were leedlax eandldatae, Botb ar mea, aad Barrw unsucmearully ocmbataed 1T5 T- TATlor ewtewie backed Millioaaire Whit at ebewtBg-gum taaso, end he has gone into tb field with a vim aad abrawdaaa that baa Oiamayed hi pTarru. Now it traasplree that the acheaao is to aim, aat Whit If poesiua than to throw the Tweaty-first District, la which fmnrTimainsii Toss Johnson, the tent DemocraUo Beruw-scdUUt. rosides, to to Amy. Tata would Civ tb Taylor rang all tb patreaage thro eounttee aad that of thi easy. Ib alaata mad tsnir efaeeompllehnsena, ta evwa of Wblto' aomlantloB, by the great popeUarlty of Jchnsoa aad the geaeral dlagaat with Hnr-rlaoa'a appointments hare, which, wttb bat en exoeptlea.

are rank a tby wU could be. The Tweaty-first District hi 2,000 IiopeUilleaav but Johnaea raa that maeh abood of bla ttekt tw years ago, aad it the Taylor gang loin bands with him eaa undoubtedly so r'i with great ease, i Tb discovery tbo ebaM ban alarmed th' Ebermaa msa aad greeAly tooroaaad tb bttto fAU0BalXJlfi(tofAl tOJS OLD SLUM LAWS i i i- A MAV AEEESTED POX BID 1X9 A BICTCLE 6v THE aABBATH. I -BKmoKroar July 2S A eaa 'full'ot totarast to wblma to that or tb Stat agaistt Jrotib B. Oabora. aanambr at tbo firm or the tt V.

Btortlng CmpaT pf this dty aad a wau-kaowa reldatot ftowtbport. Mr.iOebertie travU betweea Bouthport aad thi oity oa a bicycla, aad aa Suadaj-, July 17. mads tb trip oa bis wheel. Xast vala was arrested tok bwfor Jostle Joha Morehouse oi latheeomplalBtlt Is barred that "to tb town ot Fairfield, th day being, July I7i tbo Sabbath mm Lord' day, aald Jeremiah B. Os-bwrao.

betweea sunriee and eaaaet encaged in the vain sport aad rooreatloa, by taea and tbere vtrtlaa aaa. au a wm-mm a twntll VOOICIO, aa aa dkicm, tm aae gieai aieturoanco wt good people at the fetate, aavd against the swaa Tfi uu.1 aamfsaew h. Aa a a. a the la IK. tf, a.

a Ma, a such cases made and provided." i Thta ta earrvtaa' XhM ta aafaaaa tha iat Ki na laws" beyond any point ever known la this vicinity. Tb complaint 1 signed by Orand Juror -J. D. Tooiaey, one ot tbo beat-known atee of tb town of airfield. The raa to Pairfleld le a favorite eaa fer wheclmea of this elty.

The read are exec Heat aad shady, aad aiindare there are hundreds men aad women wheeling through Ue vtllage streeta. 1 Tbo arrest will ereat a cessation amoar wheelssea. It la understood that Mr. horse will contest tb eaa te tbe bitter end. Tbo preliminary bearing will bald text Ueaday.

WbatJustteeMoreboaso's declaiea Willi bo the great uueetlca. ta aa nthuauati wheelmen aad rid a wheel Bandar, but aow 7 rT v. os taarca aaa taea to A Btc tole er Bajaehv Preprty. LAfiAanx. WyemlBc.

July 23. Out af th biggest ranch deala ersr made In Bla to It aboit to bo oontoni mated, A contract ha beea entarod tot bitweea tae Douglas wmiara Ear tori Compaajf aad aa lUteUab syndlcat by wbleb tbo exteamy ranch proportlee of the fersser. about twenty raUe west of tbe elty, oa to Little JLaramla, wlU bo traaaferred to tb latter aad aaxt ssssoa wlU be occupied by largo -acettaabp colony. Tbe eoasldoratloa ir aid to be ever $1,200,000. The transfer wUl be niadULotideaUaahcrt Um.

1 A Itiattri'id Vwek' ltofm'isvj Ttra.ATtrxtnu, inly 231 Bebooaer Talcfa treat Kanacbe repart that a July 19 nt P. iC. tm Latitude 40 3 Berth, loagltttdo TV dO west, sbe sighted a nearly submerged wreck, apparently a bark or ship ef 1.000 te XSOQ Tb for aad atato yards wer sUwtng ttoa rset Ul water. Tb eaOtead and aaeber aid wr mil. Ike copper thbewm waeraTX4aad tb bull blsri Ta "7 1 i.

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