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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 7

New York, New York
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YORK TE.IE3. TUESDAY. AUGUST '2, ICO $15,000,000 DECREASE IN' TREASURY CASH III JDLY Disbursements Exceed Receipts by $1707,728 for Month, REVENUES ARE FALLING OFF Secretary Shaw's Estimate Need Revision. i uM ft. wl WA8UIKQTON'.

inr lTha Tnunrr Joat In available cash during, the month ef July nearly tI3.000.O0Q. tin r-ah balanc V)ftV At TVfi 1 a 1 fle AMI rr nun noia la round namoen 1103.000,000. leaving the so-called working balance f49.000,00a There were apprehensions expressed a few oT ago that th Secretary would make a call on the depository banks to strengthen th working balance, based on tha continuous V4 (Mux Ainuuimm over receipts. The laat few days of tha month an improvement In tha Traaaur7a cssn balance, tha disbursement having de- "Ja excess over raceipta having been cut down from upward of S21.000.000 IO flT.407.72S. Tha flret month, however, does not fur-nlah encouragement for a favorabl out- coma xor inie With a decreaaa In tha iwd principal aouroea of revenue -of vi expcnaitures I ff.oiA,- 027, and a deficiency for tha month of mora than $17,000,000.

tha aatlmatea of tha Secretary preaented In hla laat annual report will need revision. Exclusive of poatai raceipta. tha rarenua waa estimated for tha current year at 9543.000.000 and tha expenditures leaving a deficiency of $14,000,000. which added to an estimated deficiency of $9,000,000 la tha Postal Berries make a total deficiency of 123.000.000. In hla estl-mated receipts tha Secretary places tha cuatoma at $200,000,000.

which la only $2,000,000 below tha amount realised tha last fiscal year, and tha internal revenue at $240,000,000. or $8,000,000 above the amount collected last year. Tha outlook for realising that amount of revenue this year, with prevalent business depression, labor disturbances, and a Presidential campaign. cannot ta aald to be encouraging, while tha lndlcatlona are that even with tha -Traateat efforts of Treasury officials to repress demands tha disbursements authorised by Congress will continue on the as cending- scale. Tha sold coin held In the trust fund in creased durlna? tha month 2T rm nnn now stands at $521,430,791, all of which Is covered by certificates except $20,500,000.

that amount of certificates being held In the reneral fund. In addition to the sold cola of the trust fund there is held In the reserve fund $150,000,000, and In the reneral fund nearly $27,000,000 In sold. giving- an aggregate sold holdlns of $633,000,000. The recelpta for the month were mm wiuyAm with July, ,1903. The payment of about fSOO.000 by the St.

Louis Exposition, and of nearly $3,000,000 hy the Paclflo rail roads, orougnt tne receipts within $2,000,000 of the expenditures. The annexed table shows the recelpta for uwnui jui ciosea ana lor my, ivuii 1 190S. 1904. trt.141.50T $10,483,749 Customs I nternal vm Miscellaneous 21.W0y.T43 SO.Z34.0OS 8.800.425 T. 068,633 Total $44,780,887 The expenditures In detail for July.

1003 and HAM, respectively, are slvea below: Civil and J7 -r lT.VOd.OBa lS.484.284l T.fiTtt,04. 12, 18a, 664 Indians .1,070.804 S7.260 nalona 1X.0A4.B81 Interest Total 04. 194,114 The exoandlturea show an (dohii tnrmr July. 1UUJ, of $7,805,927. With the alnsxla exception of the Indians every Item shows an increase.

COCKRAN ON IMPERIALISM. its Worst Aspect Its Tendency to Cor ruptlon, He 8ava. BOSTON, Auc, Mora than 2.000 persons heard Bourke Cockran of New Tork address the New England Anti-Imperial 1st Leacue In Fan roil Hail tonlfht. The sjoran of Mr. Cockran.

as well ad the other speakers, was adherence to the Democratic pUtf orm. Consraaaman Cockran was erected with enthusiastic and prolonged applause. He said. In part: In this assemblage there are many men of different minds on various subjects likely to ba discussed during this campaign. lawj are au, however, unanimous on one question of surpassing Importance which this election must settle, and that Is, Shall Imperialism govern or shall democracy continue to guide this Nation; this Republic remain constitutional as Washington established, democratic as Jefferson made it.

free as Lincoln left It. or ahall tt give place to a personal Government which a atreauous boss administers which the trusts exploit and control which monarch and nobles have begun to flatter, and -wnicn, mereiore, gooa menana painots everywhere have begun to distrust. Imperialism and constitutionalism are both defined most dearly in two documents given to the world within a few months of each other one hundred and eight years ago. One waa the address of Napoleon Uonaparte to the army of Italy when rie took command of it toward the end of March. 17'J6: the other waa tha address of George Washington declining to be a candidate for a third Presidential term Issued to tha American people In September of the ea me year.

When Bonaparte, who bad been appointed to romamndthe army of Italy, arrived in Milan. In March. 1700. he ismied a memorable, order of the day. which waa the first note of ImDartalistla conaueat si dls- aaid hs you -are ili-fed and almost naked.

The Government owes you much, but can do nothtas: for you. Tour oatieno. your courage, do you honor, but procure you neither glory nor advantage. I am go ing to lea a into me most leruie piaws in ue world. You will there find large cities.

rlory and wealth. Boldiere of Italy, would your courage tall your In these brief words the whole doctrine Of Imperialism is etnbr-eced. The worst aspect of Imperialism is not the individual oppressions which It perpetrates, but the wholesale demoralisation Wrii hT the snectacla of successful cor ruption. It has already permeated our whole Governmental structure. "The lemoc ratio minority demanded a full examination of all the departments; that demand waa refused.

In the Senate Mr. Roosevelt'e personal representative declared that the majority would Investigate not when the welfare. of the American people demanded, but in its own way and at Us own time. What la this but a cpn-f esnlun that Investigation would be fatal to their prospects?" Kx-Oov. George Boot well.

President the Anti-Imperialist League, presided at the meeting. Other epeakera beeidee Mr. Cockran were Gov. Garvin of Rhode Island and Charles Francis Adams of this city. JUDGE PARKER IN VAUDEVILLE.

Moving Picture of the Democratic Judge Alton B. Parker made bis first vaudeville appearance yesterday, being aeen in a moving picture at all the Proctor variety houaea almultaneously. The camera man turned his machine on the Judge Just as be was bidding Mayor McClellan good-bye at the Roaemount pier th other dsr The Democratic nomine Tvart a UghtrVuU and shakes hands with tb Maro John J- Delany. and John B. li -Don-! a the three The picture created pVe Interest than the movtn rictures usually lo at yaudevui Keaf Vn the rnoof the audnce was entirtlv women they ttoie oniy a 'uiji; in the cihief Judge's move-t At lu-t the men axs-Uud iujr.

0NETUfE ON HIS FIDDLE. Hod Carrier GtU a Broadway Audience and Coca to Jail. A Ion fiddler strolled up Broadway last night and took his stand at the Hoffman House, where he steadied himself at the curb and played "Way Down in My Heart I Have a feeJUUV for Ton." The men IoUlag la the lobby of the hotel cam out to bear more. When 'the man finished be was rewarded with a efaower of nickels and coppers. He decided to play again, and started the same tune.

The coins were fewer in number this time. Btin be kept oa playing the same tuna It waa hla repertoire. The fourth, time he began the men in the entrance of the hotel threw other missiles than colas at him, and finally the demonstration against the mualclan became so pronounced that he had to move. Leisurely he made his way up Broadway, playing as be went, and singing every now and then the words. 'Way down In my heart have a eelln' for you." At Twenty-ninth Street he met a policeman, who listened and decided that a man who played a fiddle as badly as he did ought not to be loose.

Bo the unfortunate player waa taken to the Tenderloin police station and the Sergeant took his "pedigree." The stranger said he waa Philip McGulre, a hod-carrier, and lived oa Broad Street, Pater-eon, N. Don't you want ma to play you a tuna? he asked the Sergeant. The officer, not having beard hka before, consented. Philip stepped back to the middle of the station floor and struck up. After playing through his short piece once, he began it again, Hold, enough! yelled the man behind the deak.

Take him back." In his call the hodcarrler kept playing his fiddle. It could be beard in the front part of the house plainly enough to rack the nerves of not oversensitive policemen. The Captain had the instrument taken away. The prisoner wept and hummed Way down In my heart I've a feelia' for AMUSEMENTS LAST NIGHT. WWftSSSBBBSSSMMSBSBSa At the Paradise Roof Gardens Occar Hammer-stein has the came good bill he had last weak.

Pewit with the Mysterious Face and Spadoni. the juggler, are getting the most approval from the sightseers. Jo-tfphtne ftabel has proved a great addition to Pars' alia." Others on the bill are Hill nd BylvanL Charles T. Aldrlch. Rice and Prevost, ColUna and Hart.

Al Walts, Willy Zimmermann, Kleanor Falk, and the Oleaaons. William Bonelll and company presented The Milllonsire and the Actress at Proctor's Twenty-third Street Theatre. "Liove and War was given by Edward Pascoe and company. On the bill are Pal-ny and Barton. Ziska and King.

Lydell and Butterworth. Bert Baker. Yackley and Bunnell, the Kiltie Trio, and the Leroys. At Proctor's Twenty-third Street Theatre laat night James Murray- Allison's sketch, "'Llzueth's Daughter," was presented for the first time. Mabell Adams played the leading role, a gypsy girl, and aha was assisted by WUlIain O'Day and John fuiler.

The sketch pleased the crowd. The Irish' drama Myles Aroon, once played by Andrew Mack, was the attraction at Proctor's Flftn Avenue Theatre yesterday. Donald Brian led the cast: supporting him were George Bryant, Edwin Fowler, Dan Jarrett, Mary Bertrand, and oteera. Jones. Grant and Jones made their reappearance In vaudeville, and were welcomed with much applause.

Others on the variety bill are Bert Baker, Gregory and Llnd. Murphy and Nolan, Alexander and Hoffman, and the union Square Caprlae." the play In which made her first great auocess, waa put on at Proctora One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Street Theatre yesterday afternoon and last night. The cast Included Jessie Ixette, WaH lace Ersklne. H. Dudley Hawley, Al Phillips, Hugh Ford, and Verner large.

The Three Westons are at the top of the vaudeville bill. Robert T. Haines anl Laura Hope Crews are still the chief attractions at Keith's Union Square Theatre. They present a short sketch. The bill contains the Slstera Meredith, Mile.

BaHerlnL Arthur Whltelaw. the Welch-Montrose Trio, George Wilson. Morton and Elliott. Lyster and Cook, Jacobs and Van Trie, the Golubacks, the Electric Onartet, Farlando. Belclalre brothers, and Mitchell and Kane.

Concerts are given twice every dsy at the Eden Musee. The waxen figure of Judge Parker is featured." At the New Tork Roof almost the entire bill waa new last night. Rosario Guerrero ia the only attraction that holds The other performers on the list are the Four iAikens, the Orpheus Comedy Four, the Four Emperors of Musio, Keno, Welch and Montrose. Moa and Goodrich, and Zimmer, the Juggler. -Paris by Night is still on top of the Madison Square Garden.

The musical mixture wlU atay there throughout the Summer. Plff, Paft Pouf began 1U eighteenth week at the Casino last Dreamland, Coney Island, has a free vaudeville entertainment, which Is changed from week to week. This week aome of the performers are the Gordon sisters, the Golden Gate Quintet. Moa and Goodrich. VlUlars and Lee, and Do line Cole.

1 AA cat oa roller akatea looped the loop In Ring 8. rna Park, It amused the crowd Immensely. The attendance Saturday and Sunday waa the biggest two days' attendance this year. The management aaya that over 800.000 people went through the rates of Luna Park on those days. Threa hundred cltlsena of St.

Louis, will get to Cotvt Island to-morrow, to aee the wonders of Thompson fc Dundy exhibition, Bo stock' a show, though without CapU Jack Bona vita, la exciting enough to satisfy any ordinary person. There Is some new lion, tiger, or leopard trick added every day or two. At the Aerial Theatre, above the New Amsterdam. A LltUe of Everything" continues to amuse good-slsed audiences every night, There are fireworks at North Beach every Tuesday and Thursday. The beach can be reached by boat from Bast Thirty-fourth Street.

East Ninety-second Street East Ninety-nil tb Street, or East One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Street. "The Maid and the Mummy" began Its second week at the New Tork Theatre last tubt- Electricians and atage managers visited the Galveston Flood. Coney Island, yesterday, st the invitation of Charles A. Parker. manager.

They viewed the working of some new electrical devices. I NOTES OF AMUSEMENTS. Blanche Bate began her run In The Darling of the Coda" at the 8c Louis Fair Sunday rJght. The play will stay at the Imperial Theatre four months. Vligtnla Earl the lateat adl'Uon to tha stock company which will occupy the new ZJberty Theare tn West Forty second Street- She will play opposite parte to Fay Templeton.

The cast, so far. Includes Misa Karl. Miss Templeton. Peter F. Dniley, Jo Coyne, and Lee Harrison.

-N The Torkville Theatre, at Lexington Avenue and Eighty-sixth Street, ia nearly eom- Blete and will open on Sept. 20, M. R. imberg ia the proprietor. The centennial of Prebla'a first attack oa Tripoli after Decatur destroyed the Philadelphia will be celebrated with a special dtpl--y of fireworks to-mflrrow In Pain'e Amrhlthatre at Wanhattsn Beach On FtZtlay.

tt. Louis and the i'ais Wiil be i-ditUy honored, 110 BDILDIIiG LOCK-OUT, TROnBLE'S BUEimiG Both Employers and Vcrkmsn Ex pect a Big FishL STRIKE ON FULLER WORK General Troubl Averted Yesterday by Action Which I Not Approved by Employers' Association. Although a general lock-out In the marble trades. Involving 8,000 men. to go Into effect to-day, was averted yesterday, both the employer and the building trades unions admitted last evening that a big building fight Is Impending.

The trouble In the marble trade was caused by a strike on the Hall of Record work to force the discharge of a foreman who was being disciplined by the onion. The strike was settled through an arrange ment by which the foreman will be discharged tn thirty days, and strikers returned to work yesterday. Although this averted a general lock-out of marble work era. the Marble Industry Employers Asso ciation Is dissatisfied because the firm made a private arrangement to settle the strike, and It may formally disapprove of this In the meantime all the other strikes. Including the subway strike, were still on yesterday, and a new strike wsa ordered on the Trinity Building.

Ill Broadway, be cause Bradley Son of Brooklyn, who aupply some of the stone, is regarded as a non-union firm. This matter was referred last week to the General Arbitration Board of the Building Trades Employers' Association, and the board decided that the complaint had no merit, and dismissed It-The George A. Fuller company baa the general contract for the Trinity Building. An a retaliatory measure, the Boildlns? Trades Alliance ordered a general strike on the Trinity Buildii'g yesterday. The bricklayers and the Iron worker remained at work, as they are not la the Alliance.

A meeting of the Alliance will be held today, at which It la aald the strike will be extended to the following contracts of the Fuller Company: Timea Building, Forty-second Street and Broadway; the New Tork Hippodrome, Forty-third Street and Sixth Avenue, and the Taber Building, Wall and Pearl Streets. The subway strike and the other strikes ordered late last week were still on yesterday. A committee of the Central Federated Union has arranged, however, for a conference with General Contractor John B. Mo-Donald at 10 o'clock this morning. The Building Trades Employers' Association sent a letter of warning yesterday not only to the unions whose members are on strike, but to ail of the thirty-five unions in the building trade which come under the arbitration agreement.

The letter was not made public, Dut it was said that no mention of the open shop waa made in lt It waa learned last night that the strike In the subway was brought before the general arbitration board of the Employ-era' Association last week on a complaint of the contractors that, the arbitration agreement waa violated. At the Building Trades Club it waa aald that the complaints were dismissed on the ground that the arbitration agreement was first violated by the employers hiring non-union electrical workers. The Amalgamated Painters' Society and the Brotherhood of Painters arranged last night for a Joint mass meeting in the Grand Central Palace on Saturday for the purpose of ending the feud between the two union Dy amalgamation. CHASE IN HOFFMAN, HOUSE. Stenographer Objected to Theft of Urn-brella on Rainy Day.

A man who said he was Charles Sullivan of 401 West Thirtieth Street was arrested In front of the Hoffman House hut even-Ins; and locked up in the West Thirtieth Street Station on the complaint of George Burbank, the stenographer at the hotel, who charged him with having stolen his umbrella. Mr. Burbank left his deek for a few minutes, and while he was gone It la said that Sullivan told one of the other clerks that Mr. Burbank had asked him to get his umbrella. It was given to the man, and he started away.

A moment later, when Mr. Burbank returned and asked where his umbrella was, he was told what had taken place. He aald he had sent no one for If, and he and the clerk started to look oa the man and the umbrella, They found htm at the front door lighting a cigarette, with the umbrella under hla arm. When he saw Mr. Burbank.

it is said that he dodged around a large fat man who was standing there and broke hla way through a small crowd of men In the centre of the lobby, knocking two of them down. The bellboys in the rear of the lobby beaded blm oft and be started back toward Broadway again, running in and out among the men who crowded the corridors, pursued by a policeman and several employes of the hotel. He finally ran out of the Twenty-fifth Street entrance Into the arms of Policeman Reardon. INDUSTRIES SHUTTING DOWN. Cotton Mill Operative and Car Builder Laid Off.

LOWELL, Aug. The cotton mills of the Boott Manufacturing Company here were ahut down to-day for one month, throwing out of employment 1.640 operatives. The shut-down will decrease the cloth output here by 2.000.000 yards. The suspension of work is due to the dull market and to a desire of the management to make repairs. CHICAGO, Aug.

Twelve hundred workmen at the Pullman Car Works have been laid off since June 1 because of lack of order. Vice President T. Wlcke aaya that unless orders come in mors freely the entire works may be closed down temporarily. Kansas and Texas R. R.

Operator Strike Sfrtiai ft Tht Srw Ytrk Tmms. DALLAS, Texas, Aug. All operators and many station agents who combine telegraphic and other work on the Missouri. Kansas and Texas Railway system went on strike to-day. The trouble ha been pending several months over hours and wages.

A grievance committee tried to adjust differences with the general officials of the system at St- Louis, and the atrike ia the I result. Letter Get Order Against Strikers. SPRINGFIELD. XU-. Aug.

Joseph Letter a coal company obtained to-day, an Injunction from Judge Humphrey In the Federal Court prohibiting union miners from picketing or patrolling the premises of the company at Zeigler, or from interfering with men who wish to work in any way. The restraining order la temporary and the case is set tor hearing Sept. 15 la this city. HARRISON TO SUCCEED HEARST SeSSBBSBBSBSBBBBBSBSSBBess, Murphy Want to Put Young Congress. man In a Safe District.

Following the announcement that Tammany had Issued orders for the turning down of William Randolph Hearst to suo-eeed himself as a member of Congress, It became known last night that Charles F. Murphy has planned to have Congressman Francis Burton Harrison run this Fail from the Eleventh District, now represented by Hearst. Instead of from the Thirteenth, which Harrison now represents, tn order to put Harrison In a certain Democratic district- There la continued talk about running Commissioner McAdoo In the Seventeenth District to succeed Francis Shober. a Hearst man. who Is elated for a turn-down, but Mayor McClellan la understood to have put a big spoke In any wheel (mended to be turned toward getting McAdoo out of the Police Department.

Water Register Joseph W. Ravage la also spoken of La connection with this nomination. FRENCH GOVERNMENT VICTORY. Combe Strengthened by General De partmental Council Elections. Special Cable te Tsm Nsw Toax Tntxs.

PARIS, Au. in spit of the preju diced calculation of the an tl-Ministerial press, the elections to the General De partmental Council held yesterday have re raited la a victory for the Government, This confirms what I have already ex plained, that France to-day Is untouched by political questions of a purely theo retical order and will certainly not sacri fice local and personal Interest to those of the Church. The Ministry Is strengthened by these electoral successes, in which no bis; political principle 1 involved, and the only really great danger ahead is the proposed wcome tax rexorm which M. Kouvler is to Introduce in the Chamber at the com- mencement of the next session. CHAMBERLAIN WINS IN HOUSE.

Vote of Censuraj Rejected Balfour Call It Most Foolish Motion. LONDON, Aug. In the House of Com mons to-day, the vote of censure moved by tht Liberal leader. Sir Henry Campboll- uannermin, a result of the prominent pact taken by leading members of the Cabinet in ths proceedings of the Liberal-Unionist Council. July 14, was rejected by a vote of 2KS tc 210.

It was during these proceedings titat a resolution waa passed approving the fiscal policy of Joseph Cnamberlan. Joseph Chamberlain, in def endlne? himself against the heated attacks of Lord Hugh tecw ana oiner tree tracers, oeciarea tne only difference between himself and Premier Balfour was that the latter did not think the coon try would consent to co- loniaj prererenoe. as it involved a iooa tax. The policy of reference- Mr. Chamberlain maintained, was more urgent than that or reiauaiion.

lYemler Balfour said he thought the motion was one of the moat foolish wVch had evor been submitted to Parliament. Ha detained to be a party to restricting representative Institutions ilka the -Lioeral- Unloalat Council. Hs had, said, always bven and still was a free trader, but it was the duty of the Government to see whether th evils produced by protectionist countries in neutral markets could not be restricted. DE PLEHVE WAS WARNED. In a Periodical Published In Parle Waa Told Hi End Wa Near.

Special cable to Trs Nsw Tobx Tntxs. PARIS, Aug. In connection with the recent assassination of M. Plehve it la noticeable that L'Europeen Liberal International, an organ published here under the direction of BJOrnstjern BJOrn- son. Novlcow- Balmeron, and Selgnobos, addressed just a week before the tragic Incident an open letter to the lata Rus sian Minister of the Interior signed by the distinguished Finnish writer Konnl zuiacus.

In this document de Plehve was solemnly Informed that hi end was near and that the blood he had shed was about to fall on hi own head. Br The Tssnnlstsd Press. ST. PETERSBURG, Aug. A report circulated to-day that the assassin of M.

de Plehve is desd Is denied on high' authority. In spite of the fact that the police say the plot which resulted in the assassi nation of the Minister of the Interior did not involve the Emperor, many extra precautions have been taken to insure bis Majes ty a safety. Hi personal guard has been As de Plehvea successor, M. Krlsti. 'Che Governor of Moscow, is now also proml- neiiuy nwniwnw.

M. Wltte, President of the Council of Ministers, nas arnvea here xrom Berlin. Mr. McCormlck Return to Russia. CARLSBAD, Aug.

Mr. McCormlck, the American Ambassador to Russia, suddenly terminated bis stay at the baths here today andr departed for St. Petersburg. WHAT IS DOING IN SOCI ETY. This week brings Mrs.

Ogden Mills, the Misses Mills, and Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Vandorbilt from Europe. They will go to Newport. The beginning of the racing season at Saratoga and tne first match of the two weexs- poio tournament at the Point Judith Country Club were the principal out-of-town event.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hitchcock, Mr. and Mrs. Foxball Keen a.

James R. Keene. Mr. and Mrs. J.

Harry Alexandre, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hsstlngs are among the recent arrivals at Saratoga. Craig Wadsworth, who 1 attaehed to the American Embassy In London, will arrive this week from Europe. Mr.

Wadsworth has been abroad for two years. He baa come home oa a vacation, and will visit Newport. Mr. and Mrs. E.

Francis Hyde, who have been abroad for aeveral months, have aailed on the Baltic and are expected In New York thi week, Center Hitchcock baa left London and aailed for New Tork. He will spend the Bummer at Saratoga and Newport. Hla health is much improved. Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Bchell are to spend August at Saratoga at ths United tales Hotel, and will spend September at Birnam House, their country place. In East Northfield, Masa. and Mrs. William Massena Benjamin are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter. Mrs.

Benjamin waa Miss Charlotte Prime, daughter of Mrs. Edward Prime and niece of Mrs. Jamee Bcrymser. Her wed dir. was an important social event of June.

1903. Mr. and Mrs. R.n1min'i home la at (Jerri sona but last Winter they bad a house in East Beventy- secona estreat, wnere may eniercsiueo. Mrs.

J. Montfort Schley and Miss t-'- rlne Beckwlth Schley have gone to Loon XjSJte, in tn The Misses Edith and Louise Holllns have gone to Bar Harbor, and are at ths Belmont for the -e- Mr. and Mrs. James A. Burden.

Jr and their children have arrived in Lenox from Newport. Miss Maude C. Folaom, who on Aug. 20 will be married to Clark Voorhees. will have her sister.

Miss Constance Folaom. and the Mlaaea Emily Gruran, Emily Bacon, and Mary Green wood yoorhees, a sister of Mr. Voorheee. as her attendants. Charles H.

Voorheee will be his brother's best man. ana the usners wiu induce fid-ward Delafield, who will marry another of the Miseea Folaom next month at Lenox; Jamee D. Pell. Joseph 8. Stout.

ZL MciC Kirkland, and Samuel Frotatngham, ee Fugene HIggtns will start on Saturday from Southampton for this country on the Varuna. Th yacht Is now being fitted out at mat port. Mr. and Mrs. George T.

Maxwell are n.ni1lnr tha Hummer at Waka KnWn tvi- Oyster Bay country place. ew Mr. and Mrs. F. Ambrose Clark arrived cn Saturday at Saratoga.

-They have taken Lawton Villa, on Clinton Avenue, for the Mr. and Mr. William J. Bchief fella left Bar Harbor yesterday for Richfield Springs to attend ths Vacation Cobgreea of Protestant Episcopal Workers. and Mrs.

Louis Clark are at the Oriental for the month of August. Engagement Announcement. Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes of Eightieth Street.

Bay Ridge, announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Florence Dean, to Ward Willard Claflin of Berkeley Place. Brooklyn. The wedding will take place in HOU YEIIEZOELi SEIZED ASPHALT C0IIPA1IY LAKES Bowen Says Ernbiirc3 Was Laid and Defendants Not Notified. UNITED STATES WILL WAIT Wants to Learn Further Detail of Venezuelan Law Before Forming Opinion on Merits of the Case.

ASHINOTON, Aug. The first official account of the action of the Venesue-lan Government in respect to the seizure of the properties of the New Tork and Bermudas Asphalt Company. has come to the State Department la a cablegram from Minister Bowen, at. Caracas. wan says that because of the company's falluro to.

carry out certain portions of it concessions, especially those requiring It to dig canals, dredge channels In the rivers, and export other products than asphalt, the Venexuelan Government asked the court to order an embargo, (corresponding to the ordinary American Injunction.) and to appoint a custodian or receiver. The court laid the embargo and appointed A. H. Career as custodian. He sailed on a Venexuelan warship tor the nearest port to the Asphalt lakes, and reached th properties before notloe suit was served on the defendant company.

Minister Bowen explains that while th statutes of Venezuela authorise embargo proceedings In the case of laaaea. this would scarcely apply to the New Tork and Bermudea Asphalt Company properties. which are held under concession, i While the New Tork and Bermudea Company is aa American in corporation and moat of Its stock is owned the bonds of the company are held to the -extent of about a million 'dollars la England, gtvlng the British Government the right to inter vene to protect Its citizens' interests. Mr. Bowen has already been authorised by the Stats Department to pi 6 test against 'the retention of th property of the asphalt company under the court' a ordera.1 AS the State Department is anxious to secure some further Information as to the complexities of Venezuelan law fitting this it probably will await ths mails, be fore moving further In the case.

DENYy VENEZUELA ULTIMATUM. Germany Haa Not Demanded Immediate Payment of Indemnity Interest, Aug. The" Foreign Office here denies the report from Caracas that the German Minister has presented an ultimatum to the Venezuelan Government. There has not been demanded th Imme diate payment of the interest on the Indemnity stipulated In the protocols signed by Herbert W. Bowen.

representing Vene zuela, in iwus. unaer penalty or the withdrawal os the ueramn aumater on Aug. a. IN THE SHOPS. For a birthday book for the dearest girt In th world.

Whether big or little, there Is one, perhaps three Inches square, with a fine red leather Inside is a history of the nam of Margaret, Gertrude, Elisa beth, Alice, or or which ever It happens to be, from tha earliest time of Its use. It meaning, derivation, o. That occupies the first few pages, and the remainder of the book la given up-to dates, with m. soaea undu uch which mar ba used for the names of tha girl' a friends, or it may oe usea as a memoranaum dook. ai the head of each small page la a verse.

All this zor oniy eu cents. For 23 cents are pretty plate with decorations In pale green, the scenes showing different interesting buildings and scene la New Tork. Two of tha prettiest of the plates are those showing a view of the Speedway and another ehowtng a acene in Prospect Park. Brooklyn. Others have regular city views.

It is a low price for a pretty ana interesting -souvenir. Other plate which are higher priced, and which are Intended for house decoration, have also green tones. On each Is a Jock-eva ace. more characteristic than beauti There ia an attractive border done in sreen and red. These plates coat 63 oants.

For the baby, when papa and mamma are driving there Is a strong and comfortable seat to place la the front of the carriage. The frame of this is on the principle of that of the simplest possible folding chair, made of strong but slender Iron rods finished with black enamel. There is carpet stretched across the top of this, making as comfortable a little aeat as may be. It la sold at the harness snop, ana coats si. Some excellent shirtwaists are selling up town for 73 cents each, couple of the are made of fin white lawn, on with a blue and whit embroidered front and stock, and the other with a broad piece of the blue and whit embroidery down the front and Stock.

A third is of a heavier white material, with a round dot. which has something of a satin finish. There is a oolored band down the front in a eotton resembling Eastern embroidery, and more of it for stock and cuffs. Still another waist ia one of the wash' etamlnee with cross-stitch embroidery. Tha waists are very good value for the money, but in raxner large sizes, es, vj, ana inouga there are a few smaller.


At the lawn party at The Elm next Saturday a number of novel feature will be Introduced. Mrs. Stuyvesant Fish will have charge of the fruit booth, arranged In the form of a Chinese pagoda with thatched roof. Mrs. Fish will have to assist her Miss Janet Fish.

Mrs. 'William Cartsr, Mrs. Philip M. Lydig. and Mrs.

J. Ellis Hoffman. Mrs. E. T.

Gerry. Mrs. Charts M. Oel- rlchs, and Mrs. Peter D.

Martin gave luncheons to-day, and Mrs. IL Mortimer Brooks. James T. Woodward, Mrs. Benjamin Thaw, and Mrs.

B. T. Wilson. gave dinners, Admiral Rivet gave a reception to-day on the French cruiser Duplets to the members of the Alliance Fraacsiee. Including a number of the Summer residents.

Ths ship will sail Wednesday for Boston and Bar Har bor. To-morrow Admiral Rivet wiu call upon Mra Harry Hamfin, who is a Vice president of the Alliance Francalse. The annual meeting of the Casino stockholders was held this morning, when Messrs. Henry A. Taylor.

George Pea-body Wetmore, and George L. Rlvee were re-elected Governors for four years. Mr. and Mra. Cornelius Vanderbflt are expected to arrive at Beaulleu to-morrow, and Mra.

Ogden Go. let will give a dinner to-morrow evening in their honor. Alirea u. vanueroiu rexurnea xo-aay from New Tork la hie steam yacht Adroit. J.

Borden Ilarrlman la sruest of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harrimaa at their eottage ea ieuevuc L-wurL A. Jenkins of New Tork la anest nf Mr. and Mra.

Charlea Astor Bristed. R. U. Susseii ot iew xoric is guest er Mr. and ra.

Harry Payne Whitney. Henry Mar-auand of New Tork la guest of the Rev. and Mra. Roderick Terry. fra Nicholas Fish ha returned from Hew Tork, and is at one of tha cottages connected with the New Cliffs Hotel.

St. John's Guild Need Hlp. Immediate help la wanted to continue the work ot the St. John" a Guild hospitals. The Seaside Hospital of the guQd already this Summer has treated as many patients as were received during the whole of last Bummer, and there have bees more cases of very "severe Illness smong the children than ever before in the history of the guild.

The wards of the iloatlns; Hospital are crowded every dir. Contributions should be rnt to Isaao N. Sellgman. Treasurer. 601 Fifth Avenue.

KW PCBUCATIOX. TOE-WOMBS WGM EXPOSITION NUMBER" Will, be Sa unique American magazine the first of its kind. Ready August 5th. 50 cents. DOUBLED AY, PAGE NEW YORL NO JOKE TO GET MARRIED.

Newark Couple Hav Troubl Finding an Obliging Preacher. A man and a woman cam to New Tork from Newark yesterday to get married, and they had a aad story to tell when they met Mounted Policeman George Wood at Fifty-fourth Street and Fifth Avenue at o'clock In th afternoon. Officer, want to get married." th man said to him, and we can't get anybody to do it- Can 70a tell ua where to got t-- Whafe the matter: aget asked the pollcemasv solemnly taking note the mans heavy, half gray mustache and the woman mature expression. Not exactly," replied the men from Jersey. Cathollo and Tm not.

Everywhere we go the priest refuse to tie the knot. Tve been to seventeen churches and parsonages. Tm. not married yet. and Tnx getting tired.

Til never hear the last of It If go back to Newark without getting married. "Well. advised the poUceman. the best thins; can tell you to go to th 'Little Church Around the -Where' that placet Never heard of it- c' The policeman' disdain was overwhelming. He told, the couple how to set there, though, and' saw them take a south-bound Fifth Avenue stage.

The Rev. -Dr. Houghton said last night that no such couple had reached the Church of the Tranaflguration. 5 Pre married three couples alnce he said, -but none such as 70 describe. However, It's along way from hare to Fifty-fourth Street' They may 'reach here yet-' DEATH OF ROBERT PATTISON.

1 Former Democratic, Governor, of Penn-: eylvanla Vlotlm of Pneumonia, r. i PHILADELPHIA, Aug. Robert Emory Pattlson. who was twice Democratic Governor of Pennsylvania and twice Controller of Philadelphia, died early to-day at his home In Overbrook. a suburb of this dry.

Pneumonia, aggravated by heart trouble, was the caua ot death. He waa fifty-three year old. Mr. Pattlson wa a candidate for Governor on th Democratic ticket ageinst Gov. Pennypaoksr In 1902.

and had not been a well man since that laborious campaign. Mr. Pattlson made a speechmaklng tour of seven weeks covering nearly every county la the State. Hla last appearance In politics was as a member of the Committee oa Resolutions ot the recent Democratic Convention at St Louis. The arduous all night sessions of the committee were too muck for him and he remained In 8t Louis a' few days after th convention to rest.

Hs recuperated i somewhat. and. retarslag heme resumed his business, dividing bis time between this city and New Tozk, Pneumonia developed oa Friday last. Tes-terday his condition was encouraging, but late last night Mr. Pattlson collapsed.

Saline Injections were resorted to, but th patient sank rapidly and died ahortly after 0 o'clock this morning. Robert Emory Pattlson. eminent as a lawyer, and tn politics, was the son of the Rev. Dr. -Robert Fattlsoa of the Methodist Episcopal Church and waa born on Deo.

8, lbM at QuanUco, Md. He waa educated at Philadelphia, where he studied law. after delivering the vaiedlctotv address at the High School, in the office of O-n. Lewis Cassldy. Admitted t- the bar three years he practiced hla pro.

ession until 1876, when he appeared tn politics, using his Influence obtain for Henry S. Hagert the nomination for Clerk of the Quarter Sessions. He came Into pron-inence as a politician, ardent in the cause ot decent Government in 1877, when was alected Controller of Philadelphia by a majority of 10,762 over the Kcpubltca i candidate, J. W. Bayra.

Hla administration of the office was of such a character that when, in 1880, Philadelphia gave Gen. Garfield a majority of S0.b83, Pattlson wai re-elected Controller by one of 13.SU3. Hie popularity waa shown in 1882 when he became Governor of the Commonwealth- the youngest ever taking the office defeating the Cameron candidate. Gen. Jemee A.

Beaver. He waa again elected Governor in 1890, defeating the Republican Quay-candidate, Senator George W. Delamater. When Pattlson retired from service at Harrisburg the second time, a leading ie-publican newspaper ot Philadelphia said ot him: The people admise a man of brains anl they are quick to recognise aa honest official. Gov.

Pattlson fills the measure ot these Qualifications. He will be heard from In the future." Gov. Pattlson, after his first term as Chief Executive of the State, was asked to become First Auditor of the Treasury by president Cleveland, but declined. He was appointed a member of the Pacific Railway Investigation Committee, and held offlcea ot trust in several financial institution a He waa spoken ot aa a candidate for the Presidency during several caanpalrna and recently at St. Louis, where hla 111 health forbade the consideration of his name.

He Is survived by hla wife, the daughter of Edwin Smith of Philadelphia, and three ehildren. DEATH "LIST OF rV DAYjT i- Henry 'T. Henry T. Nash of this city, formerly wetl known In railway circles, died suddenly ia Seattle Thursday last He was sixty-seven. years old.

For nearly twenty-five years he was Auditor of -the -St Louie, Alton and Terr Haute Railway, and was afterward Treasurer ot the New Tork aad Ottawa Railroad. Of late years he had been connected with the banking house of N. W. Harris Co. as railroad exiert and ac countant Th funeral was In St Louis, his former home.

Mr. zash was in the civil war, entering the set-vise with Company EJaety-fourth Ohio, aa Second Lieutenant. A widow, four so as, and a daughter survive him. John IV Taylor. John DV a retired lawyer, died yesterday at bis residence, East One Hundred and Seventh Street In his seventy eighth year.

He was born ta San hern ton. N. XL, and wa graduated from Harvard In ISO aad from the Harvard Law School four years later. He waa executor and trustee at estate and Director of aeveral railroads. He waa also aa officer in various manufacturing and mining corporations.

He waa a member of the Harvard Club, the American liar Association, and liarvara iw aiumni Association, in funeral will take place to-night at o'clock from his late residence, and the interment 1 will be oa Thursday at fcaaboratoa. esSSBSSBSBJBSBSSBSSBSBlSSSBaSBSSJSSBBSBaBaSSaBBSSSBBBSBBBSBISSS Methodlrt Ratify Sunday Train Plan. jfsiil a Tb Km Tsut OCEAN GROVE, Aug. Bishop Fits Gerald. Secretary Bklrm.

and Treasurer Andrus. representing the Ocean Grove) Camp Meeting Association cf tr Methodist Episcopal Church, were present to-xy at a conference In New Tork 'wnh: the of ficials et the railroads operating the Tork and Long Branch Railroad Company, when the new agreement permitting Sun day trains to atop at the North Asbury Park Station, was discussed and ratified. The Sunday train arrangement will go into effect next Sunday, ktzxt prruciTi; WAGES AND COST OF Labor Bureau Figures Show Inert a 9 Both 6lnc IS? 8. Aug. LCslt r.

Wright Commissioner ot Labor, la t' eighteenth annual report of the bureau, give th result of an Inquiry Into the of living sine 1S98 and Into th avers wage rat during those periods. An vestlgatioa ot 619 occupations sixty-seven Industrie In S.429 separate establishments shows an averag lacreue 1 wagea durinr this period of per cer The inquiry into the cost of living sho? that for worktngmea'a families having ti--der SL200 income per year there waa an increase or ISA per cent during this period. In order to arrive at this average tncrea- the Labor Bureau ascertained th Income and expenditure In detail of 2,587 In thirty-three States, retail prices -taken. The statement ahowe that tL XWt families consisted of an average cf 6.81 persona, and that the average in for the year 1901 was S27, the trersn annual expenditure for all purposes Tc aad the average expenditure for food tZ- 1 per family. The lowest average price' of food fr'-i 38dO to 1803 waa In 1800, when it wa.

per cent of the average price from ltM I8ua The highest price waa in hfn orth 1pirtodT' ent tn Tra price MONEY FOR CONSCIENCE One Whose Eyes Were Opened Paye an old $10 Duty. Collector Stranahan yesterday received the following letter." with a 10 bill inclosed, and signed who has sought tha Truth and la grateful that he found ttT, herewith raelose tlO which pleei d1 to or forward te wmdmct road, caliL Wy rri hav. bera come te th. Troth, aad I kv. Une4 that If w.

4tr to follow we ea enly do se by Mas honot In ef Ufa "Qlv. onto Cr ttte thlnss thst ar. Caesar's, aad unto God ths thiar that ar God said our eeleved Master. Ybertfor. I wish to pay to the United States Oov.nun.nt th.

aty do. mm a Bum bar of arUclaa which a rl-n Srousnt from th. el4 country imral y.ra aare. Oalr thus eaa I at th. same Um.

tqua-. any account with Ood. for sta Is not tortWn tu.l aestroyed, until the last farthing Is paid. -r THE WEATHER BBBBBBBnaMaaBBBsasBsas WASRINaTO As. Local raias hare eecurred ta th Seat aad Sooth aad fair weather has prevailed tn the North aa Nona, west.

The winds along the Atlaatio Coaet will be light to fresh southwest and west. g-teamsntpo departing te-caorrew for Buro-peaa aorta win have light te fresh west wiadg sad partly aloedy weather to the Oread Baa a. FORECAST FOB TO-DAT AND WEDKESDAT Xastera Peansylvaala aad New Jersey, partly ehmdy to-day, with local rains "Winiiy fair aad warmer; winds mostly frea New Enrlaal. faUr snl cooler to-dav; Wdne.d.y fair aa vumwi frat wet win N.w Tork. partly eleody to-day wn i leeal ralnst Wed need sy fair aad warmer; fr.i west wlada, The record ef temperature for th twetity-f'-'-r lieurs ended at sitdhlsbt, taken from Thi TOKK TlM SB'S tlianpometer and front U.

tn--. monieter et the Weather Bareen, Is aa Weather Bureea. Iiv -i. iaa. i M.

....63 TS A .61 T4 1 1 A ea 75 -r p. P. 7d 4 a P. he THS TnrBSS tnermaeaeter Is feet above Btraat that of the Weather Bureaa ta feet above the street level. Average tamperatures yesterday were aa lows: Prlntlnr Heose WMther i Oaerawpostdlns; daste 1901 Correapoadins date for last tweoty-flT.

2 At I A. It yesterday the thermometer Trr'm tered desreee aad at P. M. th. masJnium tanp.rator beins- S3 derrvs 1 P.

ht. and the soinlmant TS desreee st 4 P. At I A. the pereestage et humidity was li and at P. at.


B. a w. MARRIED. OrLMAK WATTEB. On Mondav Ana-.

1 tt. 10O4. at Pean Taa, K. hr the Rev. L.

Palmer. SUiitabeth Wrisht waiter, Mrs. Ella R. Walter, te lAwrenoe wauLa ct htv Tor City. DIED.

ALEXANDER. At Tk. afohonk, H. cn r-rtday, July 2 lia. Andrew Alexander.

i- his 1th year. Poneral settles at hie 1st. residence. 1 1 Wcm 47th oa Taesday. Aug.

st 12 o'clock. laternent at eoaveaienc ef larcu.y. HA NLKT. Ob Monday. Aog.

1. Martin IT. HanUry of 83T East SSd Sc. son of lave Jamee and Mary Uaaley. Notice of funeral aeraafter.

EXD ERSON. On Stmday, July Jlst, 1H. her la l. henta, IS Clark Pu. Newerlc.

N. imm a sejovea wue ml a5d rears. rnneral private. ZNGAXXA Elmer P. Issalla, Aos.

1, i904, i of Harry Q. mm SMaii lit aeoo and dara. Paaeral Tuesday vealac. eeIoek. at ri- eenoe, ee iirao caret A v.

in! Rural Cemetery. Wednesday. Interment at Allfc Troy (N. T. papers pleas, copy.

KAHWTNOOn July tl, 1904, at ITaatiarlon. Ixms lalaad. Darld Mannlns, ae4 kMX loUrmeat will he at Calvary Ceaawcry, Tuesday, Aas. Id. SLACK.

this city. Anr. ef tcberr-a- lar ntenlc-itle, Jofca bofl 4 ef Prance. Terry aad le. kJct.

th bU Is, Slack. Paaeral erlvata. Interment Athene Tu-rr 'Cemetery ca arrival of trala UavlDg btai.i Ceatrei StaUan A. Wadtiesrtay. TATXOn.

Aug. let. at P. enteewt reet. John t.

Tar toe. in feU Tsia yeex. runerml servte. from hla 1st r-' Jiee. Tmmt 107th St, Tassday, Aue.

J. M. Iu- terment at Ka shorn ton. K. li.

WAXJfWIUOHT. At Waahlneton, TV C. Monday, Au. 1. 14, Vlreiiu Ao4a.

ef the tot Peter WaUrwrlant and -ttortur th lata Conunodar I'tehaU A. Paraec; I Vetted tate Kavy. t'unerai aervle at th reeHeBC ef bfuther. Omm, tnrerfleld Parser, 1 dotta. at eeleeS P.

Tiiea.ny. AOW. lataiusaut la phlladalphta. TATES eddea)y. mm Prtday, July iH.

at Lake htinaewaak. N. Joph w. -J. mt PlalBfteid.

H. J- ta tb reth r' ef t'i a Serines at his hom. ta li. Taesday. Aug.

94. at 1-30 J. li. and Death Nsllres tneerfei TPS VTW TORJC TIM T'i mxil, mtm ert'o. srr7' trnom9.

wiikoml ee(r rMrji 1 sU mt t4 fyiumt0 aaeJ imrni miLD. 4T1 i vir. i UND H.ATV I a I 1" n.AH.iL!' li ui T.i:nn:!!jitK:r, t-iri- 1 ir-ovr vn: IT. I -r IC. PAVL.I-I--V i'A: KINGTON I-Osr.

MjwUws Ci ttr. t- Fn r- "re l.m.0 1 1 li. Jil-l i.

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