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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 12

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

(CJje llttaTorfi Simts, Sutsftarr, pril 27, iS7ii Critic iri. 1-0 LOCAL MSCEIX ANY. TU5 UNION ZEa'oUE CLUB FIRE. BCIHIS IX AJTD ABOUT THJPBCB3TED BCIUM MzrTixa or the cxccctitk com MrrrzK or the club a lwt or the) TAIXTINGS DAMAGED. Ths Union Leagu Clnb-boanf, corner of Medisoa I'MU and Twenty -atxt street, lre entea a dreary spectacle yesterday asorainf.

Th street ea ait her tids was littered with rnbbish throws from the bornlaE baildiar dnrlnf the fire, Dot with ths exception of the charred Muord roofJ tbe stern! appeareaee of tee baUdiag pteeealed so rvidenee of tbe recent conflagration. Tha 1 terlor vl.w. hra-svsr, rtry different. la ih a number of the babitnee of the elntt vera eeorref sted disensainc ths disaster. Thf bowhat-allev adiotnlac wee enciunbered with the vatoable.

which bad been oh exhibition daring tbe previous week, together with a Banter belonging to tba elab which bad beeh bsstily deposited there after It beeon certain tbst tba Are would net reach that apart mut. Ja tba Sopenatenden' office, adjoining thje billiaH room on the west, the portable farattuse wu plied in tba centra of tbo apartment, and Covered with tarpsaline. The valuable carpet aatsrmtad with water and eoiled by footprinU of -1 firemen. Tba rradiof room on the ground fl corner of Madison a venae and Twenty sixth sired waa crowded with paintings, statuary, and mime, which were covered with tarpanlina. Tl bjnleotne rreaeeed celling waa badly cracked ai tamed lth water marks.

The lambrequiae lace curtains, and the large pier gl of which there are four, were aainjnred. room provided tor checking hate and coal aod the bar-room adjoining, were catted by the II only" the outlines of the boxes and the clerk 'a heme risible In the debris. The celling of tl restaorant and private dining rooms on the eeeoi -or of the front bailding were badly damaged and will all hare to refi la the firmer apartment the furnitnre a ailver-nlated ware were piled in a pto- aiiaeaoua beapr The e'aeerea and mirrors untouched. Tbe picture gallery was entirely stripped of its furniture, and the ceiling and wa Us were blackened with soot. A laree pAHioa of the Boor waa destroyed, and the celling had en tripped off la the aonth-west.

corner of the apartment. The theatre adjoining waa uninjured, ajnd beyond a smoky eder which pervaded the asidito. nam there waa nothing to indicate that it had been so near to destruction. A number of doroesftes were at work preparing the hsLl for the perfomi-ance, wbirh took putee last evening. On the thsrd flour of the front building are situated the parlbr, reception-room, grea.rootu, and too grawl aalopo.

The furniture in torse apartments was uniulurtd. owing to the speedy action of the lnanraare Patrol, who bad piled it in the centre or each room, acd ooTered it with tarpaulins. Tba expensive carpets bad also been taken up, and they escaped Asipsrs. The celling were cracked and damaged ky water. The grand saloon wm wade the tcmpo-rsry tore-room tot paintiugt and atatuary from the tlcture gallery, and In one corner waa the laf oat of Daniel Webster, while ill another waa It lie fetoek of wood supporttSg-the absll from Fort Sam-ter.

presented to tbo jelub byt Mr. ti. Y. Jfax. Valuable paintings were piled lis beopa around )tbe room, but tbo only one injured waa tho largo painting of tho Battle of Uettyebarg." by which occupied a position near the staircase, whore wm exposed to an intense boat.

The color jliaa peeled off to atrlpa, leaving the canvas exposed. It Is hopelessly mined. The rooms on Itbe fourth floor were all badly damaged br water. dnt la many of them the lurnitare fcraa laot enously iniared, with the exception of tthe -carpets. Tba closets aad rooms adjoining the lo-stor and ataircase were burned from the tlret eor to the roof.

The library waa aituated near thetele-ator oa the same aide of the boilding, and) the tumitnre was badly damaged. The ceiling svae destroyed, and through tbo Urge apertures a mass of ruobish had fallen, covering the floor to the depth of several feet. Tho books were not burned lend were only alightly damaged by water. Tho two floor In the Mansard were entirely destroyed. I The Executive Committee hold a meeting ia (the greea-room of tho theatre at 9 A.

Mr. I'retler-ftk D. Tappea, tun President, in-the chair. CThe daembera preaeiit were at rears. A.

T. StewartJJo. loeph Choato. Carliale Korwood, K. H.

Per-'Via; Kamnei C. Keed. Charlea W. Uriawold, J. "Warren Uoddard.

Franeta T. Walkep, Salens! H. "Wales. John Kloaae, Hamilton 'isb, Charlea TVatrons, Charloa 41. ljuiglon, John A.

Weeks, Cbarlea Butler, laris, Jamea Koott, Toaeph Seligman. and Jackson S. Schalts. The! following gentlrraea were appointed a committee to 4ook aftor the lease and take action la regard to re-VBewiag It Messrs. gamm U.

Wales, Joseph H. Chuats, D. Taopeu, t'-hmrloe W. GriawoW, John 'A. Week, and tleoree C.Magonn.

Aeommttoeof three waa also appointed to look after tho ineanance n4be proparty of the consisting of Mossra. Cbarlea Watrona. Carlisle Norwood, and JL W. Goddard. The latter commintee accompanied the appraiser from the insurance companies thrhngh tba building, but will take no deciaWe action kin til the Utter bare completed thetr work.

Mr. Watroua iDfoimed a Torn reporter that tho wine in the ellar rained at waa not badly damaged.) The patnuvg ta water colors, which were on exhibition, and whlcn sea tain ed damage, were as follows I K. 6, -risers at Cape Kliaabeth." A. P. Befewa, r5.

12, Toacotd and Catawba." W.J. I.mton. altUt. No. 32, Study Aom Nsaore." J.

D. HrniNie, artist. Ka. 43, "Coast of Orand Mteoan." J. C.

jiiroli, antlat. ge. 6. Morning View ia W. Keb-kin i.

artist. o- afl, PondaLlliea.1' Miaa P. Bridges, artiat. Io. 63, Sunset," J.

C. Jtieoll. artiai. Se. tM, Caasdiaa hkelch." UUbert Burling, art 1st, 69, Artiste' Kslls Wilham Craig, artist.

No. 71. Roc ka way Beach, Long Frani ia A lira, artist. Vo. Duck road.

HeHand," Xrasemaa Tan 1 Utea, aruat. Ke. Morning of Uarket Day, Tangier Mo rnnee." B. Swam Olfford. artiat- 1 76, Cape Ann, Francis A.

Ikiiva, artist. 73, "The Sheep A F. Bellows, artiai XJM olacer of the Watercolor Paintera Sofciety well present to aeenre the insuraooe on such work aa might bo found to be in a damaged coaditiot. The principal pais liars belonging to the club which sun damaged by water were Thoeoaa Xaet's let are "Abraham Lincoln Jintering and ihe -Cpaaiah Nun Taking the Vowa." The aub-eoaimittee appoinbnd by the Executive CfnmKtee to. take into conai Aeration the adyiaablli- ty of effecting a new lease of tin club-house, bold a conference with Mr.

Leonard W. Jerome la the toowling-alley of the club-house last evening, bht no decisive action waa taken. Tho committee have in "view several important chaagee ra the plan df the building, which can readily be effected at present, aa it will be necessary to rebuild thaU portion the tmetura heretofore occupied by the Art tiellery, levster. aad stairway and If the eontemalaled Improvomenta can be decided open to the aetiafac tioa of both parties, it ia probable that the lease will be renewed. I noyoss to the late as w.

faer. fcESOIXTIONe PASSED BT TUB BOAR OF IDVCATIOX THE SCHOOLS Tt I BE CLOSED TO-DAT. Tie Board of Education held a apeeta eea- alos yesterday for the pnrpoee of taking appropriate acMoa on the death of Commiasioner Jamea W. Parr. Preeideat JTeilaou.

in calling the meeting to paid a alh tribute to the character of the deceased, whose death, ha said, wa a severe shock tl him personally. It waa another admonition and incen tive to the surviving member of the board tol faith- ally perform their duties, not knowing bow the night might eomo when they could no longer discharge them. Commissioner Herring, at the con-eloaloD of the resident's remark, moved thejadop-lioa of the folio win resolutions: ftherrt. It baa pleased the Almighty Dispenser of evu4s. with startling auddenaeee.

to remove from our our colleague and coworker, James W. Fair, die-tingu'shed for a nuthrul servies of many years ta be-kaU of tho cause of pa bile education la thla C.ty teeretore Jtoivrd, That we have received the intelHgiee of the sudden eeasa of Commissions Psrr with emotions of profound sorrow aod regret, and that We feet br this aad event the Board of Kdnatiou ha been -mi prived of eoe ef lis meet nsefal and earnes wa-Wrm. aad the rnmrneu sebeola of thla City havoj lost a aaoet devoted frtead and aupporter. I ttroltl. That we tender to tho re la tires sad immediate friends of the deceased our deepee aymoathtea on the aad and afflictive bereavement which they have lMoirJ, That we.

the members of this Poena, will wsr the customary badge of mouralaa for tho se-rssed. sod that thla 6 all he draped for tabty eUns. ttrtott That heae resolutions be entered la full spew the minutes of the board, and that a ropy of tho asms be- euitabiy sncroesed. preperiy authenticated, aad traa mitted to the family ot the deessssu. Cemmiaaiouer Certinc, in offering the reaulUttoaa, remarked that a their President had fli tingty pnksn of their late friend aad associate, no words that he conidadilT would set ant saore clearly Mr.

Farr'a invalncsie services as an He a xnaa who, when he had immit-tod hi is self to a pnrpose. adhered taf that purpose with strict fidelity. A distlagsiahing cb.xrac Venal ic of the deceased, said the peaker. waa a lore tor school work aad a desire for close aad tneadlv relationship with teacher aad child, through which "bo tavariably aecsred tho confides) ns i-f pweata. la the dsliberationa of tho board fee 'hnnaed ostentatioua debsts, always conceiving fei daty ouickly aad performing tt without Jar or asiatvoet of his nliow-momber.

Other rolenatie addresses wore delivered by Com-sniaeioasr Weat, Matthewson, and Fnilert, after Bich the reaolutiooa were adopted. Tbo foilowing reaoiatioa, offered by Comnusaioaer West, wa also adopted JtrservrA That las schools ander the Jurtadietioo of this hoard be closed oa Tuesday, April 37 so a sieik of nKpeci to the aasmory ot tae sets BMsasr jsates w. ran. 1 Aftar (ha Ceowittao am Schools prepare for msnsorial eeremoniee to bo held at the formal College oa a daU to bo ret nssaed, the board adjourned. A FOUTICAX trtbute.

At a special meeting of tbo 'inth Assembly Diatrict Bepublieaa Aeeoetatloo, last evsuing. at tho Bloecker Baildisc, tho following preamble and reeo-lnttona, prapod by Mr. Xathaaiel Appletoa. tho Pint Tie President, were adopted, after IdTeesr by prominent member of too ergaDlsatkm rareu. We.

tho members of tho Kmth Assembly THesrtrt Bopuhneaa Aaaoeiattou hsvs learned with feel-tags sf tho asset prsssewd ssiinsss of aha sudden death sf our former Mend and aeanriate. Jsmes w. Fsrr, aad are seatraos of expressing our mill at the great loss anatained by as. ssd to pises npoa record a trtbute to his mesiory. thorefors.

be it BfBtmr, That in bis death wo hsvs lest one sf our net valued sad est earned members, aa earnest adve-eats of Uis principles of ear orrsnisstioa, snd ens whose leadership ws wars proud to follow. Be was most faithful is the discharge sf hla dutlea aaa Com-miastooer and Trustee of tbo Fablie Schools for msny rears, aod st tns time of bis decease a member sf tbs Keaeut Board of BduesUous sad by hia death the Fab-schaol evetrm of thia City baa lost awe of its warmest aad rmmI devoted aapportevs. sad tho eemmuaity aa hooorahle and exemplary ritiaeB. AtseteS. That we rrcpectfnUy tender to the family of tbs deceased our heartfelt sympsthy in this their (rest bereavement.

Aneterd. That, la testimony of our respect to the memory of our deceased associate, we will attend the fuooral services in a body. A HIQUWA ROBBERY IN DA LIGHT a lady knocked' down and robbed is ixth atexce ajr exciting chase after the robber his captcre. A daring highway robbery took place at noon yesterday at Klxth avenue and Eighteenth street. Mrs.

Ellen residing at the Pierrepont nouse, Brooklyn, while a hopping in Sixth avenue, was bra tally knocked down and robbed of her purse, containing $100, before the eyes of hundred of Officer Burke, of the Sixteenth Precinct who was dressed ia citizen's clothes, witnessed the robbery, and pursued the thief ap Sixth avenue to Nineteenth street and toward Seventh avenue. There are a number of old houses in thi locality which are tbo headquarters of the notorious Nineteenth street gang. Into these shanties the highwayman fled, with Officer Burke at his beela. In tbo alley-way through which he entered were congregated about twenty member of the gang, aod the officer, soiling his vrieoner. draw bis revolver, and threatened to shoot the first man who attempted a rescue.

He retreated from the alley-way ia this manner, keeping the gang of rnffiaa at bay. At the station the prisoner gavo hia name as Peter Rmith. but his right name was Breckinridge, -and he ia well known to the Police aa a desperate ruffian. On searching hi Mrs. Bishop' parse wa found in hia pocket.

The prisoner waa taken to the Washington Place Police Court, before Justice Otterbourg, yesterday afternoon, where be confessed hia guilt, and was held in ttf.500 beil. Mrs. Bishop is roach hart by the blow she received, but nevertheless appeared in court, and after ful'ying Identifying tho prisoner, made a formal complaint againat him. REDUCTION Or CANAL TOLLS. AX IMPORTANT LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE PRODUCE EXCHANGE TO ASSEMBLYMAN PRINCE THE RESPONSIBILITY OP THE LEGISLATURE.

The New-York Produce Exchange are determined to place the responsibility of reducing tho canal toll on grain where it belongs, namely, on the present Legislature. Early this session their committee appeared before the Canal Board and presented the subject in such a light that the board umcnmlously recommended to the Canal Committee a reduction of one-third of the present toll, being fully one cent a bushel. The Canal Committee have disregard ed this recommendation, and report to the House la favor of retaining the present toll. It must be remembered that tho redaction asked for would carry with It a further redaction of charge at thla port of one-half cent, aod of transfer charge at Buffalo of three-fourths of a cent; making a total gain of over two cents ia tho cost of bringing grain to Now-Tork that would be thus effacted. I a this view the fullowinE letter from, the President of the Produce Exchange to a prominent member of the Assembly will have especial interest Nkw-Yoik Proditx Exchange, April 17, 1875.

J7oa. L. Bradford Princa, Aiork Atttmbly Cham-brr, Aioaay Bxab Sib 3 We tmst there id. or will be, no donbt but that tho recommendations of tbs Canal Board relative to redaction of tolls on too canals will bo approved by tho Legislature. A measure of aneh prime importance to the commercial interests of tho State should not be allowed to tail, especially at this time, when it i fully demonstrated that if we should raise our salves from too condition of eommer-ial depression Into which we have fallen we maat contrive to reduce the coat of oar productions, especially grain, to such an extent that we can place our grain into competition with the surplus product of Europe.

The State of New-York mast encourage ssch transportaaton through her. canals, or else it will bo diverted bate other channels. This ia nut an Idle assertion, as I think yon sre well aware. Tba following is aa extract from a letter received by me thi morning, ia the wsy of business, from a prominent forwarding house ia Toledo, and will snow you bow we are now suffering from the effect of competition with these cities Ws canaer drsw eorn to your City tiniest prices liu-prore. Wo ara tilling large orders lur Philadelphia sad be i latere.

Business with those places seems to be only limited to the ability of the railruada to transport it properly." Thia lowering of canal tolls I only one step toward areompiiahlag the reduction in the cost of carrying grain, but it is aa all-important one. New-York aad Baffalo will do their part. The requisite redaction eaanet all be effected at any oua point, bus every point mast contribute its share, as that even la drill times we may bo enabled to compote sneceaofnlly la the markets of Ureas Britain with grain brscght from Continental parte. The difference la coat of single penny In laying down grata at Liverpool may eotermiae the a.aestMu whether' andions of bushel shall be supplied by this country or shall be drawn from tbs ample field of Hungary aad Southern Russia Cnder those circumstances we trust that a measure or each moment to ear trade and commerce will not fail for want of Just appreciation by oar legislators. havetthe honor to remain very truly your.

PRAM KLIN EDSON, Preaideat I laaafasj THE TURF. TROTTTNO AT DEERFOOT' PARE. Tbo. first trot of tho season came off at Deerfoot Park, Parkrille, Long Island, yesterday, bat It only attracted a small at tea dan or, aa tbo horse were unknown. The' contestants were a black gelding called Hard Coal and a bay gelding named Skipper Boy.

The former proved tho vlotor after five bests. SUM-MART. Df.ebfootPark, Long Island, Monday, April 36. Match fc0. mile beat, boat throe la five, la har- M.

Groom's blk. g. Hard Coal. T. Mulleu's b.

g. Skipper Boy -TIMS. i. Quarter. First beat 4.1 Second ..........43 Third heat 43 Fourth hest 43 Fifth ..44 Half.

1:28 1:8 a.S5t 2:55 POOL BELLING OJf THE GALVESTON. RACES AND THE 2,000 GUINEAS. Tbo pool aelling on the Galveston Raeeo and the great English race the "Two Thousand," began butt night at the Tnrf Exchange aad at John-eon. Tho dispstches received from Galveston were imperfect and not much buataeso was. dons on them.

In the mile heats for three-year olds foar stables -were sold at the following rates 10 10 f5 18 22 Aakrev, i Spencer, Totals SUUt AXI A HALF. Auetm. Flyaway oe-weao ......10 Bis 5 7 B-iO The principal attraction of tho pool-room wa the betting oa tho Two Thousand Uuiaeaa, which ia to be ran to-morrow. No aoettoa pools were sold at tba Terf Exchange, bat to-agbt aa opportunity will bo offered the speculators to taveet on the re-anlt. At Johnson a several pools were sold, the haver of tho first choice being allowed the privilege of two taking horses.

The rates were sa loliows: I o-hi 8 Oarteriy BeU. 6 UU 84 4S Twlel0BUeaesesssuasMan.sseSHsaessas$3w stale Vp to 1 o'clock mat night the Paris pools iadicated weatr four tick eta owld, aa follows Cam hallo, Garter! Bell, Balis, 4 i Craig Miller. 1 Clare-moat, 1 1 Breechloader. 1 Sari of Imrtry, 1 Telescope, Makeshift celt, 1 Field. 3.

At Johnson's sixteen tickets had been sold, Camballo. 4 Earl IJartry, 4 1 Balfo. 3 1 Craig Miller, Uarterly Bell, 1 1 Field, WJTHDXJ.WJ.L8 FMOM IBS BOARD Of FIRM xrsDBKirznxBs. Aa adjourned meetiag of tbo New-Tork Board of Eire TJadotouau wa held ester dsy. tor tho parpoos of rrmaiilerrng a propositkm made a tho last regmlax asrlg.

to maks tho rstea advisory. Artar aorao cftaaasioa tho propeatUoa wa 4ot br tba fijgeoa. tl miirBaftan wore recefvsd from tbo following companies i Tbo American Exchangs, Ns. 141 Broadway tho City, No. Ill Broadway tho Equitable, No.

56 Wall street, aad tho New-York and Tonkere Company. No. 1J0 Broadway. There eimm to be no donbt wow that all the fire insurance companies that do a local business only will ultimately withdraw from the board. This will virtually destroy ail its In-floeaee as a hoard, so far aa fixing rates is concerned, or as a guide for other hoards ia other rts of the eonacrv.

It will, nevertheless, be kept existence, aa it is a valuable adjunct to tbo business, tbo reports of the Committee oa Rate and Servers being considered of the highest impor-taaoe aa a reference. The points sf difference that bare arisen relate principally to certain elaaaea of risks, which, although they may be safely taken In New. York, do not apply to other places. The purely local eompaneas who can afford to taks these hazard aad who bars no interests at staks out of tbo City, consider that they have a right to make reductions oa these classes, while the companies who are doing a large agency business oat of New-York oppose thorn aa tbo principle that if adopted by tbo board they will bo the cause of redactions in places where It is not safe to admit them. Even now.

in the City, the rates oa many tisks are lower than the eoaserva-trve companies are willing to accept. CEREMONIES AT THE CATHEEDAL. PROGRAMME FOB TO-DAY CONFERRING OP THE BERBEITA GUESTS OF THE OCCASION A SCENE OF ACTIVITY GREAT DEMAND FOR TICKETS. The ceremonies of imposing the scarlet br-retta on Cardinal McCloskey will bo began at 10:30 o'clock to-day. at the Cathedral.

The sanctuary wa enlarged Yesterday for the accommodation of the Bishop and cleigy who are to take part in the services, and all the preparation for the celebration of the event were completed. The following Bishops will be present Archbishop Jaaee Roosevelt Bayley, D. of Baltimore Archbishop John Bap! is Purcell, D. D. ol Cincinnati Archbishop John Joseph Williams, 'D.

of Boston i Archbishop James Frederio Wood, D. of Philadelphia Archbishop Elsear Alexander Taschereau, D. of Quebec Bishop John J. Conroy, of Albany Bishop Administrator Francis MeXeiry, of Albany Bishop John Loughlin, of Brooklyn Bishop Stephen T. Ryan of Baffalo Biahop M.

A. Corrlgan, of Newark Biahop Edgar P. Wadhaina, of Ogdens-burg Bishop Bernard J. McQuaid, of Rochester Bishop P. N.

Lyncb, of Charleston Bishop Thorns A. Becker, of Wilmington Bishop L. do Goes-briand, of Burlington iBishop-eleet Thomas Gal-berry, of Hartford i Bishop-elect James A. Healy, of Portland Bishop Thomas M. Hendricken, of Providence; Bishop Patrick Thomas O'Reilly, of Springfield Bishop William McCloskey, of Louisville Bishop William O'Hara, of Scranton.

In addition to the Biahop about 850 clergymen, from different parts of the country, will be present. The middle aisle of the Cathedral has been reserved for their accommodation. Scats will be set apart in front of the sanctuary for President Grant, Gov. Til den. Mayor Wickbam, Hon.

Francis Kcrnan, and other prominent men to whom invilationa have been given. The doors of the Cathedral wiQ be opened st 9:30 A. bnt no person will be admitted except those who have obtained tickets. The Bishops and A rcb-bishops will assemble previous to the ceremonies st tbs residence of "Vicar General Qui nil, opposite the vestry of the Cathedral in Mulberry street, and baving vested themselvea there will go to the veetry of the Cathedral. Here tbev will form into a procession and will enter the sanctuary In the following eider 1.

A thurifer bearing censer with incense 2. Cross-bearer bearing processional cross between two acolytes bearing lighted candles; 3. Assistant Master of Ceremonies 4. A number of acolytes in red cassocks and wbite surplices; 5. The clergy of the Archdiocese of New-York and clergy invited from other Diocese members of the various religious order in the United States 6.

The Assistant Master of Ceremonies 7. The Bishops, accompanied by their Chap-plains; 8. The Sub-deacon; 9. The Deacon 10. The Biahop who is to celebrate mass 11.

Tbo Archbishops, accompanied bv tbeir Chaplains; 13. Archbishop Bayley. with lr. Foley and the Abbe Valoia 13. A croas-bearar, bearing the Archiepis-oopsl cross 14.

His Eminence Cardinal McCloskey, bearing the crosier, and accompanied by bis assistants and the Master of Ceremonies 15. The members of the Papal Legation 16. Tbe train-bearers, arolytea, mitre-bearer, crosier-bearer, and' attend-ant. When the procession enter, the clergy will pans down the central aisle of tbe Cathedral, while the Arrhbiahopa and Bishops will take np tbe pieces assigned to them ia the aaoctuary on either aide of the altar. Archbishop Baylty will proceed to tbe throne which ha been prepared for him on tbo epistle side of the sanctuary, attended by Ir.

Foley and the Abb6 Valoia. Iiuring tbe High Mass the Cardinal Archbishop will remain at his throne oa the gospel sids of tae altar, where be-will be attended by Very Rev. x)r. Quinn. Vicar General'; llou-ignor Koneettio.

and the Ab-Legate, Very Rev. at her Preston. Dr. Vbaldo Ubaldi, and Count Marefosebl, of tbe Papal Legation, who will be dressed in the full uniform of the Noble Guard in the service of the Pope. The representatives of the various religious orders ia tbe United States, laclading the Dominicans, Benedictines, Franciscan, Jesuits, Redemptorists, and Paulists, will bo present wearing tbe costumes of tbeir respective orders.

Tho ceremony of conferring tbe berretta will take place at the conclusion of the High Mass, alter which the Bishops and clergy will return to tbe sacristy of tbs church in procession. During the services Cheru bini's Grand Mass will be aung by tbe cboir, asaistod by a number of artists. The clergy will bo located in the middle aisle, where hairs will be placed for their accommodation. Previous to the investiture of the Cardinal's berretta. Right Rev.

Bishop Lsugblin, of Brooklyn, will cruciate in a grand Pontifical High Mass, assisted by Rev. Dr. MoUlynn, of St. Stephen's, and Rev. Father Kane.

The Cathedral last night presented a scene of activity which can only be witnessed on tho eve of a high festival. Halt tha body of the church ws tilled with persona who remained while tho altar was being decorated. The material nsed la dressing the sanctuary waa principally crimson velvet, relieved by a chain-like net-work of gold. Behind the great cru -citix over the tabernacle there ia a ground-work of the name The Archbishop of Baltimore's throne is located on the epistle side of the altar, and the Cardinal Archbithop'a on the Gospel aide. The Pope'a representatives will sit near the latter.

Every niche of the altar will bo beautifully decorated with flowers and brilliantly lighted. Tbo statuettes around the sanctuary hsvs been handsomely adorned. There waa a great demand last evening for tickets to withes the ceremony. Tbe clergy were applied to in vain, aad those who were disappointed rushed to tbe office of the sexton, Mr. Hart, but were informed by him that be bad no posse at his dlapossL They were disposed to be angry until they heard that he bad no control over tne matter, ana tba a somcient number of tickets had been givea out to fill the edifice.

SIXKIXa OF A TlhOTBOAT AlfD LOSS OF OXB LIFE. Advices from Bermuda by the team-ship' Canlma, Capt. Leddicoat, give the following account oi the loaa of one of her aeamen on the oat ward voyage i Aa tha steam-ship Canlma was taking oa board a pilot, when entering the port of St. George's, the violence oi a aharp westerly gala caused a col-liaioa which resulted, ia the breaking of the pilot-boat' bowsprit, whereupon the crew, believing her to be sinking, sprang on board the steamer. Tbe Canima tbea ran alongside the boat, when Capt.

Perry, a passenger, and Henry Boujer, a seaman, went oa board with a hawser, and the steamer towed her along slowly. In about an boar after Capt. Leddicoat, finding her sinking; directed the two men to bo taken off, bat before his order could be carried oat the host foundered. The ship's host was immediately lowered, which, together with a tug from St. George's, searched for tbe two men, but succeeded only in rescuing Cspt.

Perry, Boojer having probably gone down with the pilot-boat, in the bold of which he had been, endeavoring to bail her oat. i TUB A XXI YERSAR T. Tbo fLfty-eLxrb. anniversary of tho foundation of tlfe Independent Order of Odd-fellow waa celebrated at the German ia Assembly Room last nighc aader the auspices of several lodges of tbe order. The celebration consisted of vocal and ninsica! exercises, and other social festivities and pastimes.

Teuton ia Lodge, No. 14, celebrated the aaniveraay by a ball at tha Tea-tenia Assembly Booms, which was fully enjoyed by ail participetiag. Several other lodgea of the order, Warrea Lodge. No. 34, Mechanics' Lodge, No, 113.

and Amarenthua Lodge, No. 165, met at Irving Halt to celebrate tbe event with appropriate ceremonies and festivities, which attracted a numerous attendance of member of the order. Addressee were deliverod by several members. ARRIVALS AT TBE HOTELS. If urat IlaUtead, of Cincinnati, and ITenry Adams, of Boston, are at tho Brevoort House.

Roswell Hart, of Rochester, and Charles Tracsy, of Albany, are at the Gilsey House. Bishop T. F. Hendricken, of Providence, and Tory Rer. Jamea Hnghea, of Hartford, are at the Grand Central HoteL Biahop B.

J. McQuaid, of Rochester Biahop E. P. Wadhama. of Oirdenaburg, and Major W.

B. Slack, of tho Catted State Manoe Corps, are at tho Metropolitan HoteL Archbishop John J. William, and Very Key. P. F.

Lyndon, of Boston, aad Bishop P. J. O'Reilly, at Springfield, Mass, are at the Everett House. Gen. B.

R. Co Assistant Secretary of tho Interior Gov. Hoary Howard, of Rhode Island Hon. W. H- Barnum.

at Connecticut Joha S- Blair and James G. Berret, of Washington; Harvwy Jewell, of Boston, aad Major Browse, of tbo Nine- Li: ta Kecjaest, cnuu Army, are at the Fifth yea Hotel. CITY SUBURBAN NEWS. NEW-YORK. The pnpiis'of Ward school Xo.

SO will give an entertainment oa Friday evening. The Mayor, Controller, and Chamberlain bar not yet elected bank for dry deposita. The Committee of tbo Produce Exchange on the Reduction of Canal Toll tarted for Albany last sight. Yesterday Vice President Wilson paid a friendly visit to Collector Arthur, at hia office in the Custom-house. Controller Green' yesterday commenced tho payment of tho laborers employed in tbe Department of Docks.

The amount of the roll Is 116,510. President Grant, Got. Tflden, and Mayor Wickbam have been Invited to bo present at tho. ceremonies in con section with the dedication of tho new Masonic Temple in Jane next, Commissioner Marshall, of the Board of Excise, deposited yesterday with ths City Chamberlain over tl 0.000. received with applicati one fur licenses last week.

Chamberlain Tappan reports that tbe receipt of his boreau last week were 1785,718 40, and tho payments $794,318. Tbe amount in the Treasury en Saturday waa fl.305.Sld 57. The Spring games of the New-York Athletio Club will take place oa May 31. Medals will bo offered for the championship of the club for running half a mile end walking seven miles. Inspectors Forbes and Costcllo, of the Board of Excise, last evening arrested Ida Thompson, of No.

123 Bloecker street, and Michael Geary, of o. 554 Greenwich street, for violation of the Excise law. The annual reception of tho Yountr Ladies' Christian Association will be held thia evening at No. 64 Irving place. Addresses will be delivered by Rev.

Dr. William M. Taylor and Hon. William A. Dodge.

I The Fire Commissioners will at tbeir nice tine to-morrow take action on the communication of Secretary White, explaining hia transactions with Mrs. Scott-Cda, in tho purchase by him of the patent of the aerial fire Margaret RielLy. while locked np in tbe Seventeenth Precinct Station for intoxication, yesterday, attempted suicide, by hsnging herself to her cell door with a handkerchief. She was cat down by Doorman Moore in time to save her life. A deputation of tbe officers of the Produce Exchange called at the City Hall yesterday to solicit tbe Mayor's influence to secure cheaper transportation on the eauals, but the Mayor was absent.

A match game of base-ball was played yesterday between the member of Freshman Class of Columbia College and the preparatory class of the School of Mines, which resulted in favor of the Freshman by a score of 33 to 19. Mr. William Wood, ex-Commissioner of Education, ia named as the probable successor of Mr. James W. Fsrr, deceased, in the board.

Mayor Wick ham will not send hia nominations for the vacant Commissionerships to the Board of Aldermen until after May 1. At the annual election of officers of tae Hebrew Benevolent snd Orphan Asylum Society, held yes- terdav, Meyer Stern waa elected President Jesse Seligmsn, Vice President; S. T. Meyer. Treasurer; and Louis J.

Phillips, P. M. Frank, Henry Price, Isaac Hoffman, Monti Bindskopt, and A. B. Elfielda, Trustees.

At tbe adjourned annual meeting of tbe members of the New-York Dispensary for Diseases of the Throat and Chest held at the Fifth Avenue Hotel last evening. Cel. Rush C. Hawkins waa elected President, Mr. J.

R. Flanigan, Vioe President, and Clarence- M. Beebe, Secretary. Dr. A.

Rnppaner wa re-elected Physician in Chief. Under the auspices if tbe New-York Turn Terein, a meeting of the representative of different German societies and organisation waa held but night to discuss the project of tendering a reception to ex-Senator Carl Schnrx previous to his departure for Europe. A committee was formed to make tbo necessary arrangements for the proposed reception. Coroner Croker held an inquest yesterday in the case of John Glenna. who died from lnturies caused by being thrown off the platform ot a Second avenue car, on April Id.

The iury relieved the conductor of all blame, but strongly censored tbe railroad company for neglecting to hare the switch properly aecured. The Ilomeopathio Hospital Fair will be continued nntil farther notice, ths doors being opened daily st IF. K. The Twenty-second Begiment Baud will provide music every evening from 6 to 11 P. M.

Manyof the wares have been marked down. Mrs. Lester Wallack will pieaide at the Floral Temple to-night. The minstrel performance last. night st the Union League Theatre was a marked success, and Ages Ago" wiQ be repeated there to-night.

Mr. Edward Payson Weston announces that 'be will make a further aod greater trial of endurance in pedeatrianism. His programme is aa follows He is to walk 113 miles in twenty-four consecutive hours, 130 miles in twenty-five consecutive ho uis. 300 miles forty-eight consecutive hours, and 515 miles ia six consecutive days. The trial will begin at the American Institute on Monday, Msy 10.

The fire-story marble-front building, with plot of land on Biood wsy, north-weat corner of Eighteenth street, adjoining Arnold Sc. Constable's store, the plot baving a frontage on Broadway of 110.6 feet and on Eighteenth street of 138.3 feet, and tho building, covering ground, renting for 876,000 per year, waa sold nnder a foreclosure decree, yesterday, at tho Real Estate Exchange, for- (778,000. Tho property was bought by Sir Beach Canard, of London. The annual meeting of the Columbia College Alumni Association was held last evening at No. 8 Great Jones street, James R.

Adam the chair. A new constitution and by-laws was adopted for the association, and tbe following officers elected for tho ensuing year President, James R. Adams First Vice President, W. W. Lsdd Second Tics President, John Proffatt Third Vice President, W.

S. Millew; Secretary, Leicester P. Holme; Treasurer. E. L.

Elliott, snd Alumni Orator, W. W. Phelps, of 2f ew-Jerey. Coroner Kessler yesterday took the ante-mortem statement of Daniel Mahonsy, who waa shot on Sunday afternoon at the corner of Fourth avenue aod One Hundred and Twenty-first street by John Broderick. He stated that alter the.

dispute arose between himself and Broderick, they went into Kennedy's saloon, and that without any provocation on bis part, Broderick there drew a revolver and ahot bim. He added that Broderick subsequently expressed regret for what be had dune. Broderick was held to await the result of the shooting. The Methodist Ministers were to have discussed, yesterday, the subject of Dr. Wheat-ley' paoer on the proposition of tho Catholio Scb ool Trustees to the Board of Education, but, oa motion of Dr.

Crawford, tbe meeting adjourned to attend the funeral of tbe late Mr. John Harper. The only business transacted wa tbe acceptance of tbe resignation of Rev. D. A.

GeodaeU, aa Secretary to the meeting, and tbe election of Rev. Mr. Nichols as Secretary pro trm. Dr. Wheatiey, Rev.

Mr. Gerse, and others will speak on the school question next Monday morning. The Board of Ordinance have suspended for a week itoperatioaa ta the testing of converted smooth-bore con, at the Sandy Hook 'proving grounds, pending repairs to the bate which has been completely racked by the projeooles. Up to Saturday night, 170 rounds had been fired from the gun. rifled with the steel tube.

The results attained up to the present have afforded entire aat is taction. The gun experimented with doea not exhibit the alighiest sign of wear from the force of the discharges, and works with increasing smoothness aad accuracy as the test progresses. The case of Police Capt. Thomas Killilea, of the Eleventh Precinct, charged with having, while Captain of the Twenty-second Precinct, received money from Koch Brothers, proprietors of the Central Park Garden, came ap again for trial before the Police Commissioners yesterday. At the request of Messrs.

Fellow and Brooke, counsel for Cspt. Killilea, the case waa peremptorily aet down for bearing en next Monday. In the ease of Offioer Msher, of tbe Twenty -ninth Precinct, charged with having, while drunk, assaulted Patrolman Klinge. of tbe same precinct, the defendant did not appear, and his esse waa referred to the fall Board ot Commit-aioners for decision. The pay-roll for tbe Board of City Works amounts this month to $33,295 08, Charles WhsloT, aged fifty years, and haying no home, waa foand dead yesterday morning in the basement of No.

45 Doughty street. While at work ion Prentice's Dock yesterday morning. Peter CuJaton, a laborer, aged tbirty-sovea years, waa Instantly killed by a spar falling en his head. At a meeting of tho Board of City Works, held yesterday, seven Inspectors of sewers were directed to be discharged at the end of tha present month. Shortly before soon Mary Mc-LoughliB waa caught ia the act of stealing a piece of cloth worth 860 from the dry goods store of L.

H. Coley. in Sands street. She was held await examination. Friday next will be observed as a day of fasting aad prayer by many of tbo orgaaUations la this city.

Meetings will bo bold every hoar from A. M. to 5 P. M-, at tho ball of the Young Men 'a Chnstiaa Association. Mary Morris, a weJl-dreaaod woman, was delected yesterday morning by a clerk ia a dry goods tors at Xo.

123 Awiuc svestas, ia the set of steal- tag a earners hair shawl valued as 8140. Tha woman waa arrested and locked up, aa was also her confederate, a person named Catherine Martin. Thomas Manning, John Green, William Fa-gaa. Michael Ham, Thomas Jenkins. Thomas MoGaan, George Sweeney, and Jamea Smith were each fined $5 yesterday, by Justice Riley, for play-tng cards oa Soadsr afternoon ia aa ansecapted budding in the rear of No.

14 Clinton arenae. May 3, 1869, taxes on tbe estate of Mortimer and Henry Livingstoae, of Qaeeaa County, amounting to 81,401 SO.wrra paid to the thea County Treasurer, Charles A. Roe, bat were not entered on the books. A motion for aa alternative mandamus, with an order to ahow cause why a Ilea for the amount named, which tbo present County Treasurer, George W. Bergen, in attempting to enforce against the estate, shall not be stricken off, ha been granted by Judge Pratt.

The order ia returnable oa May 1 and it ia rumored that lares defalcations will be disclosed when the case ia argued. The annual convocation of the Sunday-schools of the Diocese of Long Island was held burl evening in St. Peter's Chapel, in State street, near Bond. Bishop Littlejohn presided, and made a short address. Tbe annual report abo wed that there were Vd schools, 3r-4 officers.

1.818 teachers, and 14,717 scholars an increase of no since laat year. Tbe total number of volumes in the library ia 37,407, and they are valued at 115.186. During the year tbe total contributions of all the panahea In the diocese amounted to 1 11.436 9a During the year there were 1,171 confirmations. A large number of promiaant clergymen at tea Jed the convocation. In the Supremo Court, before Justice.

Pratt, yesterday, a motion waa made, through counsel, by Julius Credo, tbe Treasurer of the villare of Edge- water, Mtaten island, to compel Michael tjats, a former Treasurer, to show cause why he should not be compelled to pay over received by him aa Treasurer, and 825 a day fur each day that he haa withheld the money aince it waa legally demanded. After bearing arguments on both sidea, Juage Pratt decided that Oats ahould pay over to the village of Kdgewater the aum claimed, together with a tine of 875 and 810 costs. Tho defense waa that Oats bad paid the niotiey to the tUieritT ot the county, in aat-lafaction for a claim by that official the village. LONG ISLAND. The syqtem of water-works designed for Long Island City wa completed on Saturday, and water was introduced ou the following day.

Today water will be had throughout the whole improvement The Kelsey murder trial, which was to have began at Riverbead yesterday, has been postponed to the next term of tbe court, at ths request of tbe counsel tor tae defense, snd with the acquiescence of Gen. Francis Barlow, the prosecuting attorney. Facts have recently been elicited in Long Island City, upon which a suit will be commenced, to test the legality of the election of Mr. A. D.

Dit-mars a Mayor. It ia alleged that 160 persons combined with a matority of the tnapectors of election in two wards of the city to defeat Henry S. Do Bevolse for the Msyoralty by unlawful means. Disappointment in receiving promised official rewards, it ia reported, hss led to tbe exposure of the scheme. STATEN ISLAND.

Under tbe proposed amendments of tbo New-Brighton charter, the Trustees may compel back-drivers, butchers, baker, and street venders generally, as well as managers of smosements, to take out licenses. They will slo empower the Trustees to run a street thrsugh the Sailors' Snag Harbor property. j. Judge Barnard having decided that the lands of the Seaman'a Retreat, at Stapleton, belonging to tha State, cannot be taken by tbe village of Edge-water for the extension of Centre street, the protect fails until such time as the Lepieiatiire may aee fit to authorize it. Meantime some 81,500 nave been expended in surveys and fot ether purposes, and it ia a question whether the amount should not be charged as an assessment to those proteasing to own real estate along the line.

NEW-JEESEY. About 1:30 o'clock yesterday morning an unknown man Jumped from the Heboken ferry-boat Morristown, while she was crossing from New-York, and was drowned. The body waa not recovered. Tbe Order of St. Mary's, a Roman Catholio Sisterhood extending throughout the country, have purchased a tract of thirty-two acres of land at Totowa, a suburb of Paterson, and intend to erect thereon- a eemiaary for the accommodation of 700 young ladies, at a cost of 140,000.

G. W. Bumble, a young man employed as book-keeper by Henry Ch arch, a Newark stonecutter, waa arrested yesterday morning on a charge of libel, preferred againat him by hia employer. The latter charges tnat Ramble wrote letters to some of his creditors urging them to press their claims, as he waa about to become a bankrupt. The accused waa admitted to bail.

Three Frenchmen, recently from New Orleans, have just been detected in an attempt to victinrlie the silk manufocturera of Paterson, by a pretended chemical process for transforming flax, cotton, and other fabrics into tbe most beautiful silt. A New-York firm ia understood to have paid 820,000 for the assignment of the discovery. Certain Paterson manufacturers were preparing to in rest ia the business, when the alleged conspirators became alarmed and fled from tbe city. Winifred McHale, a daughter of Michael McHale, of Bull's Ferry, the man who cut hia wife's throat two weeks ago, has become insane. She at-tempted to commit suicide on Sunday evening by throwing herself into tbe river, bat was rescued iu an Insensible' condition.

County Physician Stoat examined tbe girl yeaterday, and pronounced her hopelessly insane, tt is supposed thst her mental ailment is tbe result of witnessing the terrible tragedy in her family. John C. Anderson was arrested in Newark yesterday morning on a charge of defrauding Mary Dunn, a widow, of He collected a bill for her and retained the money. Tbe prisoner claimed that be was entitled to the wbole amount for bis trouble in collecting it, and besides, he argued, the woman never could have collected it herself, so that it really made no difference to her. Justice Lambert could not fully appreciate the fores of tbo prisoner's logic, and placed him under bond to answer.

Councilman A. Meyer, of Union Hill, who was the Republican candidate for Sheriff of Hudson County last Fall, haa been arrested en a charge of attempting to influence illegal voting at the election thia Spring. The complaint acta forth that ou election day Meyer brought Herman Bier sc bant to the polls, and represented him aa a eitisen entitled to vote, when in reality he bad not beea naturalised. Meyer aaya that tbe charge is false and malicious, and waa made by tbe complainant, Edward Knack, in revenge for the defeat of some of bis friend on election day.AUe waa admitted to bail to answer the charge. Rev.

John S. Glendenning, the 'deposed Presbyterian minister, made a somewhat unexpected appearance on Sunday moaning in the pnlpit of tbe Prospect Avenne tChurch on the Heights. It will be remembereo thst the Presbytery before which he was tried deposed him from tbe pnlpit, and severed bis connection with the Church. Some of his congregation refused to accept tbe verdict, and till rallied to hi support. It was Intended at the last session of the Presbytery to present an appeal in hia behalf, bat, after a careful canvass, that Idea was abandoned.

He could not preach without tbe consent of a majority of the Board of Trustee, bat at the last election for officer of the church that difficulty was provided for by his friends securing the election of men favorable to Glendenning. On Saturday it waa agreed by a majority of tbe Trustees that Mr. Glendenning should be allowed to preach, and on Sunday morning, he occupied the pulpit with Rev. Mr. Moore, one of his warmtel adherents In tbe Mnch indignation is expressed by the memoers of the congregation, who believe with the Presbytery that Mr.

Glendsnning ia guilty of tbe charges preferred against him. A NEW ROiTAX CATHOLIO SOCIETY. A meeting of officers and representatives of different German Roman Catholic societies waa held at the Tura( Hall laat evening, when a plan waa discuasod to establish a central life insurance and benevolent organisation for German Roman Catholics in this City. The object of the proposed institution ia to effect a central organization and a closer onion of tbe German Roman Catholio societies in this City. A temporary otgauisation was effected, and a committee waa formed to prepare a plan of permanent organisation, to be aubiaittod at a luture meeting.

FVTXERAL OF CAPT. ST. JOHX. Tbe funeral of tho late Capt. A.

p. St. John took place yeaterday afternoon from bis late residence on Pacific a venae, Lafayette, TS. J. The body waa encased in an elegant ailver-uiounted rosewood casket.

The floral display was of aa unusually fine character, notieeabU among the designs being a beautiful model of the steamer Drew, which waa presented by Daniel Drew. There were also crowns. columns, arches, Ac, la great proration, the gift of needs and asaociste of tbe deceased. The funeral aenicea were held ia the, Laiayotte Reformed Church, ander the direction of Kev. W.

Duryea. assisted by Rev. Mr. French, of the Preeby ten an Church. Tae pall-hearers wore M.

AtUsno A. A. Harden berth. 11. ThealL J.

C. Hewitt, A. Van Santwood, J. W. Harcoart, A.

i'r. OlUert, J. 8. Bab-cock, Capt. C.

A. Wooleey, Willi sm Keener, and Job Male. The remains were taken to Albany last evening, and will be interred la tha family plot br tho aide of Capt. St. John'a first wife.

A large crowd ot mourning friends and prominent citixeaa were ia attendance at the funeral. fAdHTIiSQUMIut. The Days ass suggestive or ths Ou Sono of Pirs of May, Clear the Way but the glorious hpriug weetber lad icetos the period to visit Ksox's. Ke. 813 Broadway, or la the Fifth Avaano HoteL to get tout Mr Uax of the Spring ityk to ge year Fight ft Cata with Woorrrrr's Canaan uiiiiuiw mnia, si.

Bunuas ail pnyaienl peia fismmattonwuh WolcotTs turn Faun, arfawdard die, told everywhere. pints, SI. Subdue all physical neia or in- FASSEXOERS ABRITED. fa rhwavaam lii iLls T. Cwwtea.

Mrs. Cow lea, V. C. Bases, W. J.

Bay, C. H. Cutter. Mia Custer, A A Holt, Mra. Bolt, U.

Holt, J. Bolt aad auras, Miaa Robinson, Mrs. D. k. Stewart, Bates.

Mrs. J. HsskrU. H. H.

Bndeman. P. BridfMua Joel T. Falea. Praneta Falea, Willard Falee.

at Mor h. Brown, Burns Hatch. Miss hatch. Miss Woodruff. A D.

Chandler. G. M. Thompson, Mra, ti. AveriU.

Kt ArertlL EUa Avenll. Hattw Avenll, Ethel At en 11 and nurse, Mrs. J. -Clark. A Tk.

h. P. IT. 11 Mrs. Cornell.

Eilaa Tayior, O. HoOtt, J. -Charts, 1 HUSH omuL fa ateaai-aMs Btmrf Ckwmnerw, fr9m iiiasusH. Hi-err itetmilirr. Bramhall sad wife.

H. Hnsinc. A. Husiug. C.

B. Held aad wife. Dr. J. 0.

Keyser. Kir hard vriiims, tpi. bv-b. stannaru. win.

aad child, n. J. Benafleld. Georn If. Mitehel and wife.

Charlea Haiaht. K. H. Baynor aod wife, H. Herman.

Mrs. W. Wtnter- sonom ana emra. w. H.

urrr. II. H. snitn, capt. J.

Motrin, Matthew Cnerhina. t. F. Harley, H. H.

Cutler. J. D. Babeoek, M. MeClusky.

E. Baoneld, wife, end three chlldien, Chadr Flane, Scbuworth. Dr. B. Bissell, B.

Dirnier. S. Barrett. E. Ward.

M. Clark. Alfred Oehmirkea. Henry Uoemau. Robert P.

Heilgar, Pomeroy, Halrador Ordoner, K. D. Adams, Joha Wilson. K. Kguaabaw, W.

Krua taw, Capt. Beogat aad wife, Mrs. ti. U. Fryer aad chi.d.

M. Cuanlnghaaa. MIXIAICHE ALU AX AC THIS DAT. Bun rises. 5:03 Sun sets Meoa rises-12: 50 men with-rais pat.

Ssndy Gor. Islaad.LOS Bell Gate .2:31 MARINE IFTELLIGEXCE, KKtr-TOBK April 2d. CLEARED. Steamers Vesper, Davis. Wilmington, Del, A Abbott It Co-j Philadrlpbia, Itarls, Fhiladslphia Sleanora, Johnson, Portland.

J. t. Amea. Barka Casee, Penny, Bio Janeiro, T. 9orton k.

C04 Pera Prndo.Cork or Palmouth. lUororich a Praepero, ltaL. Kepetto, Cork for orders, A. P. Agrests i Aeolus, Herding, Bremen, Dill Kadmuiai Elba, Mover.

Uavaaa, J. JL Ward A Clara Kilhaiu, Sproul. London, B. Boyd k. Hiaekeat Casro, Penny.

Bio de Janeiro, T. Norton Co. Brig Beaside. Dodd, St. Johns, S.

Heney tt Psrker. Mchrs. T. White, Smith. Jaekeoarule, Tan Brunt Ueorgetta Lawrence, Brewater, Jiew-Orleaos.

N. H. Brtgbam Mary Helen, eanborn. Kt. Martins and St.

Kitta, Chase. Talbot fc Col; M. B. Hickman, Robinson, Norfolk, blacht k. Petty Riverdale, Browa.

Province town, Ave, Kisher Welcome B. Beebe. Loaier, Sarannah, Evens. Ball k. W.

H. Kenney, Brora. Cardenas, Van Brunt fc Cambria, O'Keefe. St. John.

M. P. 1. Beriua A Son 1 Charlie Stedman, banloa, St, Ann' Bay. Moses fc Coha.

ARSIYED. Steam-ship Geo. W. Elder, Reed, Baltimore, with mdse. aod paasenicere to Old Dominion Steam-ship Co.

Kteam-sbip Caniiua, beddicost. Bermuda Apr! 22. with mdae. and passengers to A K. Outerbridg.

Staam-shlD Ueorr Chauneer. Katbburu. AaninwaJl April 17, with mdae. and passengers to Pseule Msil Meam-ship Co. April 2u, off Caps 61.

Antonio, picked up a boat containing Cant. Whtttemore aad crew, six iu number, of scbr. Island Belle, bound from Jamaica for Mobile, with fruit, which 'muodered In 1st. 21 Ol, loo. H3 33; 2 1st.

off Kouibrero Light. Cans. Wbitlemora aud three of nia crew left ship iu his boat bound for Key West. The H. brings 55 caoin and tt ateerage passengers.

Stesui-ship Chesapeake, Mangam. Portland, with and passengers to J. Amea. Steam-snip City of Austin. Eidrtda-e.

Galveston April IS. and Key West 22d. with mdae. and paaaengera to Charles H. Mallow fc Co.

Bark Maria lotilde, (ItaL,) Digorinde, Marseilles Feb. 12. with mdae. to Jamea Henry. Bark Lameck.

(Anst) Cobojerfch. Limerick 49 in ballast to Beaham. April 18. off Cape fciatteraa. poke ship B.

F. Metcalf, from Liverpool, for hew-tork, Bitg Beaver, (of 8t Cook, Gnantanamo 24 via Sewport, with sugar to Brooks fc Co. vessel to P. h'evius i Horn. Brig Virginia.

Rose, St, Pierre, Mark. April 2, wtth sugar to Reynal fc Co. Haa been 9 da. N. of Hatteraa.

with H. W. galea April 18. las. 85 so.

Ion. 74 SO, bad hurricane from M. 10 lasting 12 hours, split satla: 23d. bit. 35 40.

Ion. 74 SO, passed a Urge ran made of spars, having a euautity of old sails on it; 24th. 30 miles K. from Chlneoteague, spoke Ashing sehr. J.

H-Wuiard, (of Portland,) fishing; lea in port, brig Suwanee for a port K. of Hatteras, Mg; achra. 8. W. Smith, for do; Pints, tor New-fork.

sM April i Brig Thorass Durull, (of Hew-Hsven,) Thompson, ponce, P. 22 with molasses to W. Armstrong. Haa beea 12 aa. H.

of Hatteraa, with strong ti. W. gales lost snd split sella. 1 Scbr. tar light, (of Bath.) Reed.

Baraeoa 10 d-, with fruit to J. Lluhl fc Co. vessel to H. W. Loud fc Co.

April 25, off Townsend's Inlet, spoke sehr. Sandy Hook, from Virginia, for New-York, with 4 leet water her hold 1 four other achra were alongside, and wanted no assistance. Scbr. Dsisy E. Parkhurst, (of Boston,) Hedgdon.

Matansaa 13 with molasses to B. H. Bo well. Sou fc Co. Sehr.

Ross Eppinger, Bsylls, Jacksonville 8 da, with lumber to Bppinger fc Russell vessel to Van Scant fc Bra. Scbr. Ssrah J. Fort, for Kew-Haven. April 24, off the Capes of Delaware in a gale from K.W., lost foresail.

Sehr. 8. Hart, Kelly. Georgetown. D.

Pchr. fc M. Rogers, Cnbberly, Vuginia. Sehr. John Lenthai.

Martin, Virginia. Sehr. Joseph J. Pharo, Sopor, Richmond, Va. Sehr.

William H. Van Name, Holmes, Virginia. Sebr. Alabama, Ross, Virginia, for Kaw-Haven. Hchr.

Maria Elisabeth. Super. Virginia. Scbr. Siduev Doolou, Smith, Virginia.

Sehr. IX Everett, Saunders, Rockland, wtth lime to J. K. Sehr. Almira M.

Cloutman, Ball, Rockland, with lime' to J. R. Brown. Scbr. AUie Uskes.

Oakes, Rockland, with lime to master. Sehr. Florence T. Turner, Graves, Rockland, with lime to master. Bchr.

Mary Brewer, Saunders, Rockland, with lime to J. R. Brown. fchr. Carrie L.

Hix, Hix, Rockland, with lime to J. R. Bcpwn. bebr. Weehington.

Hartborne, Tbomaaton, with lime to master. Schc Veto, Harrington, Thomas Cos, with lime to J. V. Rariland. Kchr.

Mary Sett. Rett. Stonington. Sehr. Fannie Haamer.

Hanmer, n'anrueket, with- fish to master. Sehr. Mary E. Mason, Sullivan, Providenea, for Virginia. Scbr.

H. H. Bethel, StiUmaa, Providence, for Baltimore. Sehr. Hase, Robinson, Providence, for Trenton.

ftelir. Fakir, Watson, Providence, for BHsabethport. Sehr. A Tirrell. Fiaher.

Prvvtdenee. for Fttaabetbport. Scar. Anadir. Cor win, Prorldenee, for Eliasbetbport.

Sehr. belle R. Hull. Bush. Providence.

Sehr. J. T. Wortbingtnu, Fitch, Providence. Sehr.

Jticana. Hogan, Providence, Kchr. Amoa Falkrnburg, Tirrell. Providence, Sehr. Saratoga, Weeks, Provideuce.

Srhr. Belle Soaiuan, Hearasn, Bristol. Sehr. H. 8.

Smith. Know, Bristol. Sehr. Fair Wind. Fnabee, Fall River.

Sehr. Wm. F. Parker. Beebe, Fall River.

fcehr. Phil Sheridan. Murphy. Fall River. Sehr.

Robert Center, Hnlse, Pawtncket. Sehr. Ilattie 8. Cnllina, Dickeraou, Pawtueket. Sehr.

Margaret Jane. Kennedy, Pawtncket. Sehr. Frank Newman. Xevmau, Watren.

Scbr. S. tX Foater, Kldridge. Dennis. Sehr.

D. Sturgia. Chase, New-Bedford. Srhr. Gentile.

Rldridge, h'ew-Bed otd. Kchr. Josephine, Hull. New-Bedford. rVhr.

Ellas Ross, Lewis. Jchr. M. Vassar. Kelly, New-Bedford.

-Sehr. Frank Herbert, Crowell, New-Bedford. Sehr. Ueorgiana. Todd, Kew-Bedford.

Srhr. Kalad Vueen, Chase, Boston. Kchr. A. C.

Nores, Baxter, Boston. Sehr. Lolia Rich, Rich, Boston. Sehr. Clarissa Alien.

Crocker. Boston, Hchr. Hannah Willi. Dollridge, Cotuit Point. Sehr.

Geo. W. Cummings. Boult, Coruit Point. Scbr.

Reveuue. Pinny, Cotuit Point. Sehr. Sylrester Hale, Coleman, Bridgeport, br. 8.

K. Lane. Fuller, Yarmouth. Scbr. hureka, Clark son, Gloucester.

Sehr. Geo. Freeman. Mason. Gloucester.

rVhr. Madagascar. Holmes, Gloucester. Sehr. Ssrah Elisabeth, Burns.

New Harea. Sehr. Liberty, Lynch. New Haven. Sehr.

Niantie, Turner, Taunton. Sehr. Ida May, Ryder, Portland, with lumber for Boa-dout. Sehr. Alida.

Knowles, New London. Scbr. Elm Citv, Kelly, Hyannis. IX Sunset, light, clear. I SAILED.

Steam-ship Albemarle, for Lewes; barks Joastbsa Chase, for Aniirrs New Republic, for Yokohama 1 Shew, rout, for Trinidad; Casco, for Rio Janeiro; brigs Hattis E. Wheeler, Henry B. Clesvea. and Five Brothers, for Car-denaa; Ellen Maria, for Pensacola: sebra. Charlea B.

-aooay na ucean reari, tor nsracoas Annie A. Booth, for Mobile A Korea, for I i A FOUEIOX POSTS. Hum. April 20. Steamer City of Mexico, from Kew-York arr.

here this morning. QrsiuisTowK, April 'JO. White Star steamer Baltic, from New-York A pril 17, waa signaled off Fastaet at 7 o'clock this ereniQg. LATEST SHIPPIXO XEWS BT CABLE. Lojidox.

April 26. Sid. for tba Co ted States, Rothle-niar. William Owen, British Statesman, Autocrat, Maeie Brown. Fremad.

Crown Jewell, Tordenakjold. R. H. Firiugtoo, and PearL Arr. from the United States ea the 2a Inst.

D. H. Bills and Helen. Arr. en tbe 24th Fetisch Agra aad Southera Ricbts.

(the latter at Elsinore.) Arr. ea tha 25th Fntch, Austria, Frank and Charles Meadewa. Arr. ea the 2th Lnrien, Oakland. latter at Warerford.) Lady Bird, aod Tell.

BaisTot, April 26. The steam-ship Arragon. Capt. Symona. from Kew-Tork April 10, arr.

here today. WraKvsvows. April VS. The Inman Line steam-abin City of Richmond. Capt.

Brooks, from New-York Auru 17, for Liverpool, arr. here at nooo te-dsr. Livaarnox, April 26. -Tha new White Star Line a team -ship (iermanie arr. in the Mersey to-day, bavins made a very satisfactory trial trip.


Tha Foreelaia la aaaaaaled oa bard metal, aad CA530T SS0KS or CaACUDSXEOCOa CSlGft. TIFFANY CO. Storage and IiLSTiraTice f-Jewelry, Plate, PicW -Laces, and other Valuable, Facilities are afforded fc-opening of packages, and occasional removal whole or part of contents. Our Factory on the prtn ises enables us to clean tj in- perfect order Plate, if afaAQl-rtfwl Packages and Articles ifl be sent for and delivered our own wagons free of char( THIRTT-SLX FIRST-CLASS 3tEDALT AUSTRIAN BENT-WOOD FURNITURE, NO. 80S BROADWAY.

XOl P-x-q w- Furnitnre of an kind for PARLOR, BED, sad DIItM LIBRA RIBS, COTTAGES, IZSTiCxim, OFFICES, Ac Rich assortment of FA5CT rlUllTL'SK, lOCCSa CHAIRS, CHAIRS, EAST CHAIRS, CROrOs CHAIRS, SOFA BEDSTEADS. TOILET TASUL FLOWER TABLES, FLOWER STAEDS, aa CHILD REIT'S FCRyTTCRB A SPECIAL TT. I 1 Caned aeaU are by far ths bast of an. asKhat as oft nor toe hard, liht and cool ta Suauaer, and nr? healthy. BRONZESCLOCKS A.TD ORNAMENTS.


Walnut Chamber Salts. -Silver Mania Chamber Malta. Jtlaple aad Rose weed Chamber SeJavB Faratrare In Fasflahes Deal ess. Parlor. Library, aad Plaraareeaa ta Ore at Variety.


J- A choice aAsortmont of new snd elejtat signs in Sterling Silyer. BLACK, STM BCCCE8S0BJ TO ball Slack Ws. ajd aer broadwit. MaaaaBBBTsJ PIANOSJ; XILSSOX. I shall talis every ornrtsattTj rrmmmend and srstaf year Benta.

KJILXOGG. Eor tbs last six rears yonr fisnei beea my caste snr tae LCCCA. Tonr Iprights are svrraordarlBn meets and deserve tbea- ra" oms. Mr A 111. 1 naro e'en -mm rwr.

Mrr a I STRAC6S. Tonr Piano astonish ne.o"j I yet seea sss oss rl WEHIJ. Ke.PareTUeayeorr--,i in the Called States. UTZ1 1 Thar ha0 I aisyissrs. 7 Prices Reasonable.


Ml ttk av aiJ Broadsrsy, ADA MM Have eauelisaed a Branch office la tits los. So. ia West 23d also ia the Greed pot. 42d both of which will be fossa see to toe reataenu sss ous tbe upper ssrt of tbe City. -an Paekacee aad freivbt arrrvtac rroat tba I promptly d-brered direct froei tbe sbeveelao t.

a wi.ii emoipt ADAMS XP ts J.t Priaetpel Ja nraaeh. iims is Sartac aad raaas SAFES I BE FOB PCRCHASiO. KIsV.S A Patent Welded Sleet and Iroa Firs sad 1 Seise. vastlT ennener aad Srty per era. ws aar asm aa tbe world.

A large stock sst a -ea hsed also takes ta oveOaace. TEEW1LLIGER LOCKKOOO. S4 atsidslsj bttweta aaasaaaaa rt.iiinai Brook's 1.

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