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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 1

New York, New York
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"All the' News i JiT i- i- 11 i IT' THE TtTVy V.zv.iy tr 1 tr- ror WMtwr rejT-t -it to l.t Fit to Print" i ryoL. 22,424. I' AIMCAH.TROOPS BACKOBl 'Cavalry Return with Seven Cap: Yillistas and 100 Horses: After Running Attack.1; FIFT.X REBELS ARE LLEO 1 1. One Wounded-- Retire When- Safety of Et Paso Is Assured: INFANTRY IN SHARP BRUSH i 1 Wuhington Expect No Brk with Xa rranxau 'JX PASO. Texas, Jun 18.

All the Amtrkan troop tht participated In th puniUve expedition against the Villi rebel in and near Jut Ust nljht nd tcxjar i-wcro billeted la ''bar. ncM Wd CAnun. on the Amerioaii' l3i totdzht after twemtx-four boun pf eun4 pmnmf. Bevrn ragged prisoners were herded toward the Fort Blia stockade by detachment of the Cth CJaolry, Iille another cavalry detachment drove 1 herd of 100 captured. Mexican Ponies le the rernount station.

-irrai of flclalljT atated tonight at Kort miM that approximately fifty VUH foV lortrs were killed. On Amerloih of hU Tth Caralrr. Corporal ChtfcaA -waa hot through the lung by ia MXlcan r. I Aftr croaalnc'the felo" Grande' darlns th night, the caralry column, support- bT battalion of the 82d Artillery, tJvmced and! "at daybreak begin tfoutlng tour. Capturing theh kevn frlKonera bfor rcacMng the Villa tamp, the cavalry was enabled to pro- a ii owmounteii.

to within a ihort dls taace ef the adobe headquarter; when fighting was btgun by the Americans itandlng in water un to their knee. four Villa men were killed in the firat ''assault. The mt of -the rebel auraberlng I approximately 200 mounted and fled toward the aouthweat, "rith jhs Amerlcin cavalry troopi in pursuit. The rebels scattered into miB band, tbe )Sth -one Mft airty.five milts. -1 A Mvmmtr ItMal Charge, The 8eventh Caralry deployed to the aeutheast- and pursued another band.

-Troop. A and executed a pitol charge from the saddle and killed aumber of the rebels. i The artillery placed shrapnel directly ever tbe heads of the fleeing Villa force, and many aere'klUed. After -the pur-. the cavalry forces formed, al June tiot4 and returned "to the American aide or the rhrer.

accompanied by the ar- uiierv and 7th Engineers. Tbe scvea Mexican priaone'rs profeaaed to ettJw anser In the vallejr or Car- raiua soldier, none admitting i harlnK ln with vuu. On the return the cavalry brigade 'and artlBery croaked pear Tsleta, Texaa, miles southeast of here': 3 Alter the' rebels bad been defeated the American troops In a sharp en Csemnt at tha Juares. rac track In earlr morning, tha Vllllataa took tUaht, Amt-rlca cVttln-mcri pursuing. fcrpart from Bu.j.( right.

rarmentarr reports of the flgtitlng ue In from time to time. A reoont received: al military headquarters at A M. that flghUng was 'in prog, rem between United States cavalry un command of Colon! li. Ii. Wtlns a Villa dctachmeU Ih the ri Ihlty of San Lorenso.

opposite Valeta. Artillery fjro agauiat the Villa rebel tw0tn' Tuareg, was opened l- A. M. with the Battaljon of "id leld Artlliery firing shrapnel unta. hlch could be seen plainly r-om the rlw i mne from Jua res in the vicinity i -t aMiig near san jor At o'clwrk the entire '2d cWvalry ngadf cmpoxed the 7th- toil J-vaii7 Heti.neiiU: could be seen plaia-V aut eight miles ixiuth and west of 8 VU in hot pursuit of th'o villa rce whlcb.

were, engaged at; 'San "ttxo. Al 0 the Amerlcsn. 'cavalry ap- Jtrd to be gaining rapidly oij the 'L Whlc making 'a des-Mort to reach tha mountains, to aouthweat of Jnarea. The pursuit. JWca-tsrted east of Juartt, awmig to Ft and th columns could be seen a efoud of duet to the southwest be- 4 Juarta.

yy noon the two columns were only JalflHy; viaibie In th, uu and 7va to tell whether the iaTTt.Vl0? intact -with Ks.i,.g int riders: lkvMnlKf'It ftld tht American S'SUy iUd abandoned Iht.tliw and ftinoedjoi, fag Four, ISK." 1U.I IM lUMtri OI T. CUT. aew la vt, 1X Wy ritava ledigMtkaa. ASvt. border; REBELS DISPERSED i i iiiiiri 1 11 111 11 11 'ii 1 mi .11 i z.

President Exonerates Vtanont 1 feu Trrrfy riw Hr KtqHAKD t. oruais. CoMTtflii. Hit, Tb Tart Tlnw CowpitiJ By WlnleM Th JCtw Toik- Twin', i PARIS. Jfun 15.

President Wilson hu written iote to Thoqjar 'LAJmontf exonerating hlra of any wrongdoing or breach of faith ln giving a -copy, of the. peace treaty Mr. Lamont ia now in1 London. -content of note nave not been dlacloswi: DUBLIN; LIONIZES ALCOCKMD BROWR Clieerjng Crowds Besiege Car at Station and Carry Them Automobiles.1 THEY GO TO L0ND0NT0DAY Alcbcic, Very'PpsivetNovv Vhat Flying Boats Are the Thing for Ocean Flights. V5 puBLIJf.

June, IS, Xjaociatd Press.) A tumultUQua welcome' wai given: Captain' Aicocfe and Lieutenant Brewn bn their arrival here( tonight. Whan the train entered th Brpadston Sutlon cheering crowds fairly mobbed the filers car, dragging; them out and carrying them on sturdy shoulders to waiting automobiles. American soldier on leave, waving the tar and Stripea. Wer a reatur Ot 'the! af a prpctsalon ira? (ormed and marched Alp the, malnl streets to a hotel where Alcock and Brown spent the night preparatory to their start for'Lon don On fh train lata today Captain Al cock looked remarkably welt and was In buoyant spirits. If I am due for reaction trom the strain and excitement of the flight, it Is a long time he laughed in maUer-ot-fact Then, he cribbld au autograph for a girl, On the other hand Lieutenant Brown seemed greatly fatigued, and frankly admitted It- The blegeat rtceptlpri the aylatort got along the road before UiubJJn- was reached was at MuUhrgar.

Where th oldlert from the garrison with a band swelled the crowd of townspeople, The outstanding -eonvictldn of the flight7 ImDressed Uoort Captain Alcock. aa be remarked to the 1 that, the' airplane In Its presept state of development la; hot, machine for a transatlantic I vpyage Th next time crosathe ocean, he ''It WiU be in a flying boat I foresee for the flying' boat a great fu ture, both as a passenger and commerce carrier" rlj' On side Lieutenant Brown remarked that the lesson' gamed was that marine navigation la entirely applicable tor airplanes. little element of luck either In the aucceaa of the NC-4 or aar fllcht. he declared. a Jweaither wu it could not nave been, worse lii our for after, the irst hour we were smothered in fog until We landed In TJe'vertbeleas.

wltb only a sextant and compaea, aiid ja Special device for determining the machine' speod and drift, we came through. jAml .1 am urt' wa. could '-iK It again, i Occasional glimpses of i the ocean through rifts in the fog enabled me to ascertain, how fast we, were, traveling combining; the got 4 dead reck onlngi At first I thus used giimpses of ice, wcicn was easier to maaeiom in tne mlt tlian the' I If was aDsoiuteUrJ' right early yesterTday. when I had td descend within fifty eet of the Watar. before being able to' see got th drift and hal made (observation It.

was easy' by calculation from the last position to get back on the LdiIii rrrs.rft. ruera. LONDON. June 18.: ((Assooiatfed tPreaa.) London' celebrated, todajr thi achievement of the two airmen who yesterday completed the first) non-stop, tranaatlsntie flight, meanwhile prepar ing for a formal roceptlon 'to th air victora. Captain "John Alcock and Lieutenant Arthur Brown! MeanwWla" the.

fayaltori tired but happy, are on, their way to i London and may-reach her tomorTowJ; Bpth ar well, but Lieutenant Brown the naylga- tor of th. plan, auffered brula on the nose and fuc when the machine landed In a Tbe biplane was! badly Jam-aged Jhd may have to dismantled. The Aero Club is making for. a reyeption and banquet for, Akock on bis' arrlvsl in London- It Is Upcttcd that he ma)' rtlipt5 In ths Victory Aerial Derby arohnd London Conttaaetf i I'sgel rive. rT US i-P litT (tACtllliN fSJiL HO.fc.U AUU 1 Alton, Mf anil Mtt-iKwiaiaa, a-u.

v4un FALL MALL rAMOUS CldAKCtTZS VviM. aa fiaia ainaa An. NEW; ji 'IiLEGISLATDRE anirnou js Given jfor IFIiF Seriatop and VI SIXTH: STATE TO RATIFY i .1 Session Called for. Special PurpQie, Beganj Early jn the Eveniing SMITH, PROGRAM Housing Problem li i Alto Laid Be- fore by Oovernciri v'-- -) Special to TKe tork Times." ALBANY. June.

dla- sttotlng vote, the In ex- trjaordinary aeaalo'n. lata tonight adopted concurrent; resolution- ratifying, the Ppderal suffrage amendment. Tha vote In. the Sena te? was, 44, to, and Id the Assembly lit 'r'V, The Assembly passod the suffrage amendment beforerthe8ehate acted. Ida B.

Sammli; one of th two women members, 'th flrt- peker, f. SahTtnXs, reprsenta Suffolk. a -Republican. She outlined the his tory of the struggle women hav mad for the v- AU partiea united In favorihtf th measure, and Mr. Mint Democratic- fnember: rorn is'ew iCity.

Joined' with, the minority Don- aae, in support or tne amenament. -v 'II I nm proud of the meo of both domi hant partlca In this Stat." said lira. tally, but more particularly proud of the It a XXmooratic that suffrage was granted to the men. tf v-'b bUcan speakera ixook laxue wlUi statement, iv Tremalned for the Socialist leader," August: Claessens, to criticise both parties or not having gi ven the. vote -to women! year ago.

Political' la a- ho said. Wornn all over th rld want larger suffrage. They want a voice In the induntrlr.1 life of this nation, and you won't hav democracy uitll that right 1 grantp them." IpMdi VM. la the senate. The ajnendmeotL'wai! earrled on 1 quick roll call-- It wu xnt ever to the bnat from the Assembly, Immediately Its adoption there, Whkh was.e ft-fcted under So emorgency measase frpm Goverhor Smith' to 'tounteract the ctiaistitutionslpi-oviso legisld tire measures to 'remain three oh the desks of1 members before being taken up for 'final action.

51 5 President Pro Tern f-wslter of the Senate Immediately mocd the adoii- of th feaulutton-tei ratify, and thje Mnate-derU prepared for what 1 -known as a quick. roll cJlo-i c'i Senator Henry Sage! of Albany. cobsistent Opponent of woman suffrage, demanded, tlikt his 'biB called, as tie desired uj explain' hfa action. L. 1 enitor -Sage took" fie i Governor: for calline -the Legislature into ex -tn ordinary Iscmilon at considerable ex pehse to the taxpayer When, nothing 'f 1 Be assailed the statement made by the Go vemo'r In bis proclanktlon "calling th ex ra enslou which had declared that ra iflcation was 1 essential In order tlia i wc men in a ime other might i ab to vote I the' Presidential prlmarie i neUfcprlng.

Senator" Bag said tht this could bi accomplished by adoption Of the ratif I ca ion resolution early ilexl January. Saaatar gage Exeaaed' from. Vetlag. At th conclusion of h4 remark Sena tori 6g latejr asked to relieved front voting- on thie. as a aid hi did not care to vote aglnit it, and could not possibly -vote to ratify, This ire eat was granted I- Thls la nierely another mstahce of a Sertaln number of people Jn-tlie Btat of Wew Torlt trying, id." font their- wii; oh, good many' other people In othei St4te who nave not accepted woman suffrage, Judt a we fiot lacctptcd prohibition when' the Federuliamtnd irvebt came before tj Senator-'1 Sag declared.

it- il Thto ourDbse of calling an extraordl naily seaaion was merely 'jto iiurry fa vott with the woriien, whd Cjow Lave the bal lot In' this ft 1 4- Soma da-jtheIcglilstors of Bute will find' out thai women iar' think ing human beings, whei do net want to be treated children, and who do hod wahl gallanlry -broUjehi' into play fori their speclai benefit.7 but. Want morely) Senator John J. Xkiylsn -and Senator Cntled I'i Xl. litrKMAL, CBANTM pflar with water) Sleie ia lnvalu0l (or te the treat neril sf Bumniier' Dlrrow Aovt, CAi-nx tooth irowpn IS Pee, Wuitei rrr YORK, TUESDAY: JUNE 17, AlUes tsGiveaHezTuiz to Turkish Envoys Toil ay Jun (Avtoclated Council of Premiers and Foreign Minister will hear th TurkJah delegation at the Foreign Office tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. Thls wiH bo thejflrst reception of repreaenlativea' of an enemy 'power lik Paris alride the armistice.

At TO RETURN WIRES House Interstate 5 Commerce Committee Reports Bill.Which a i may ve aKen up tocay. RATES TO GO ON SIX MONTHS Senate to Investigate Charge That Government Money Being Used to fight Strike. ViCpeciol til Thi 2Vto Tot It WASHINGTON. June llPpst, Office DcDartment of flciala appeared today to beiiovs that tension in the teieeTaahers atrllta Kit aM ml lmmiMl b. th.

1 Saturday night i order of the Postmaster General, conceding the demands of tele phone worker's' for th right to organize and bargains collectively. But tn Capitol preparations were Continued id retn-trve the land wire from the control of the Postmaster ani moti wa mad toi investigate tha charge by th Commercial Union I that Government. funds were to- xignt tar. striae. i i iteleiihonea toithelr owner waa reported I by tlx House Interstate Commerce Com- mittee and may be taken up tomorrow.

I TV.lhlll which -ia virtually the Kellogg I provide, that the wirea shai, be r- tumd at tbejend of the montH In which IM JTtuaenvwin. ww m.mlnl to extend the Draeent Increaaed ratftk six months Instead of ninety days aa hi the original KsUogg bill. Senator Watson of Indiana gave as suranoes to a. oi tne Commercial Trlcgraphera" as soon as possible the charge 'that Govern men money was being employed In th i Postmaster General liurteson today la-i aued an orders supplemental to the order Of Saturday night. This new order, No.

ia rltrectMl; telpnhone comnanles to designate official, to whom complaint mT i b.i nresentea py employes, i ina order reads: -i llepresontations Thave been to the 'Wire Board that employea I Ih 'niiM A grievances are whom they should be ptes'entfd. Each telephone company shall at an-officer. or officera of KCB ton.ii.Dti wuvu. ho nWhtM and itliall mike aucfrtlec. tloa known by placing n-Jtlce on It.

huuetin -boardj, giving the name or nmis of the" otlicer or, officers so aa ae- pbiniied "by the company shall careruliy mak. a potation or all cnmplalrt pre- acnted and -the -hour and When a a ricelved. and ialso -the action -taken on cachi complaint. This is necessary In horded to avoid" aay tjphtrovaray as to viiiMtlnna nf Ortler Ko.5 3200 wilt be strictly en 'IJ- i General." i Tbn i'assertiop (was made today that th 'postmaster General had said bis order: of Saturday night, would Include telearaoh eompar.y employes. At the Post Oiflce Xopartment no confirmation Of thU statement ould be had.

The publicity Bureau bf the uepartmeni i ji I I nawy wuiru nav. ivnau fa stutement. jlNotlilng wa announced at the Post Office Department regard ing further orders. bhWh Frank Morrl son. Vice Prealdent iot the American.

Federation of Labor, predicted would be l. nail i i H. Mn reeiallaee- I vt the Railroad Administration, denial Wa that, an reoueet had UiMda1 br the Poatmsster OeneraJ to li- rcctot General to dismiss railroad teleai'sohers wbo'relfused to handle com- messages. So sttch request had been made it wks said. si Thai report, niade- by tha Uouae Inter-elate Commerce Committee Upon the bid elate Commerce Committee Upon the bid ITreiurn.the Jtraph and telephone, -j.

1 Ar nn llr. forente 'of opinion on tlie eomn-iltte that Congress thortty Project tike Fed M.Min.lil. iutHiul lint monUi. Into th future, even though period terminated beyond tha proclamation peace." Corigroaa In legislation enactod during th war and ever since Ihe i.rmisUce. has frequently exercised AttH uutluirlt i- H- your committee'" believed 1 that the pericKl of ninety days as contained-In the Sl'nkte act; was too short to permit ctlmmisaions or rt-irulatory bodlea to paaa on the hundreds of applications i 1' Csntlnaeil Page Klgbt.

MAU.NIiti-b Different Cigar, Mild 9i (ragraiiL Mmvfaitiirw In Xrf.Wtat. Lte-WlltU. at. U.MTliD Utiag STtUtKS. adyt.

IT TQV HAVE A BACKWtKD CHlLO HOIS i ae edverUaemeat oaf age Adrt, 1919; PAGES. WMMl 7777 DEIH: OiE L'Kffl An Original Treaty With Ink Revisions Handed: Ovr; w- NOiTIME TO PRlNTdlJEV ONE 4S Germans Must Make Their Own Copies from the Sole Revised tr i F0CH "AT COUNCIL-W rcTiwri IIIU i i Hears' German Protest Over Shortness of Time (Printing Will Take i PARIS, June 164 (Associated rreas.) The reply, of Ibe' Allied and Asso elated Govemnients to Germany's counterproposala to Peace Treaty and roviaedl copy of. the Peace Treaty art in thVhands oi jscmntvonlTalk on Knox Resolution Begins Brockdorff-Kantsaov -w ho la on his I way to Wtlnw, there to present to final word of th i victors in the war. Few hav been made In the revised Peace TreaVy. The i'orlstahl contention of the and 1 maao rlated been maintained tntatt.

Itltnl 'aa. i I' rerm eontalnlni lnterllneatlona red IB," chanre) had ben made In 'It. was a covering, not.4. rltten by! Premier I crietnancau. ident of r-w I Conference.

It li to In time for lta pre. entation today. I eoverinsr -eveylcastigate. Germany for protesting agalnstl the "cuu circles, has como! from' St h'aaty on the grLnd that it.conhicukoui. I with th terms At tha armlatlr Xf I r- wnnceau aayapermany falls to, un- uerauviiu in position sne occupies to-1 day in estimation of the! world for betas; responsible I for a war Which! waa the greatest crllme against! humanity and the freedbml of the people uthat any nation callirig Itself civilixed! has i I rarasalit laa la the Preaeaiatieat.

Ns reraaalftle. Ia ostentation Paul Dutasta, General SecretarV of the Pteace Con- ferencc, at 0:40 Ib'clock. this evening Placed therevised draft Of the treaty and, the note tn tlio hands of -Secretary Simon and Baron von Loersner. of the German deleraUon with wham Vf DutastA held a Un.r,ti lai for. several minutes, explaining nature of' the instrument and the jur-iae uer- mans to reply.

Ilerr Slmoni protcated against the short time given! Germany to make known ter intentions. -i arrived In Vernalll.av automObfle from Paris at 6:20 o'cloclt: carrying the mon entous documents I two wrapbed in proaalo brpwa paper. He waa received by Colonel Henry, oft Ceremonies at, Ver sallles. and officehi of tbe allied mis. sions and conducted to th reading room of the Hotel dea Reservoirs.

I the German hcaduarW llr tvtrtv Waa rm.m' alU f-fl 1 one side of the niom. In front ht it. Dutasta. a' large marbl-tOpped taoio. upon wnicBJ tne documents were I placed.

In two There waa con faiderable wait berpre Secretary Simon i Baron- von Iioeraner arrived, i ee I 1 corted by two French officers. The Cermansi took their places oo th ukuci aiue ui uiuic. At o'clotic Herr simod In- formally reached acroea table and took the documents. and handed them to Baron von Loeraner. thlej rxrtually constituting the ibrmal receipt of the ia a.

a il treaty ana xne a. receipt from the (Jertnaita for" tbe document was required by li. Dutasta.1 i Tho inte'rcoursi between the ti groups; was rathef confused, i No pro- Vision lor an lr.itcrpreter had been made. Secretary! Dutasta spoke i. in French, and HeiT Simon' replied; In Vfrreltbef of Ithe principals I i part; of apparently wag aware of Ugln Sen4te tomorrow, and th has full au- other Said.

8o, lt.Semd fortunat dUcuaaed at a secret eonfer-eaceeuinT that the detaJU tt to'itbe period al- 0f aevepttien Senator, held at th lawd and the nature Of the reply CX peeled were; Indltmted clearly In the rnvertntr -I' -I Th Cermans plainly Intimated their Intention to derating ah. Extension of I time. On recehiag the treaty, llerr Simon said: must cbsen'e, ocj bhalf of 'my Ceattaaed -m Page Twe. When you tlilna-et rain I i Think of WHlTl.a.--A4rU gix mot wati raueve iJuon. 44it 1 1 Vv Stern Peace" QrJy Alternative to I.Iore Uar, Says Bonar Lev, Adding: "It is Uct All Over." Juce 16The peace tcrrna resented to GermanV 'todajr are the' final reply of the Allies, Andrew Bonar Law, Govern ment, spokesman in the House of Commons, declared in opening tlie Victory Loan campaign at the Guildhall today.

The speaker said he hopeti earnestly the Germans would sign the terms. i It i for them to -choose within five days. ilr. Bonar Law addeL They must siirn or the be a just peace, but a lust ceare mast he a stpm i The speaker sold that the chief of the Staff had declared twenty-three different wars ware now gting on, and added: 1 4 not all over. It is quite possible br want nf wisdom, hv absence of restraint, by disunion home to lose, not the victory, but the til force of the victory which has been boueht so dearly." WILS0H1LLT0DR NATION FOR LEAGUE Announcement Almost Coinci dent Witri Notice7 That He Transmit Treaty.

OPPdNENTS ALSO TO STUMP I Today- Renewed Rumors Round Special to Tk ptte yeVfc Tim, Jun 15. President iVUsoa. ia percUag -plana for "a tour of th United States, soon after his re turn from Paris, so that he mar ereaent the esse of th "Lttu of aUoti to the American people; A teniaHv. Itinerary ha. ajread-r been nm, mnji submitted to him.

i Th.M h. or vie -resiaeni on July 4. and tn-latent call. It wa. intimated It I i ot the 4th or; noL he ekpecu to.

visit as weu a tne homes of many "epubUcan lenders who have been atrong In their opposition to tha League of. and are now trying to force a -vote on the Knox resolution to separata the covenant from the Paace lie is expected to appear in several of the more Important ri and will carry his message as far as the Pa elf lc' Is especially anxloua. It ia lieported. to apeak la Calif the name Of Senator Johnaonr In ton, which sent Senator Polndexter. I another opponent of th League, to th I senate, and In Idaho, Senator Borah's 1 State.

Lncertanty a to.rrerident plana was ended today when a cable- nun waa received at tile Wmte iioiim was tnlin; rrnlv In an Invitatlnn evtr-nilid fcv 1 i Senator Swaron of Virginia to attend th. tercentenary celebration at Rich- mond on July 30. In effect the Prtsi- dent said that did not know how th date of that celebration would work out to with the tenutlv I lArl tit aa SST The Prcident Indicated that he could let attendance at th tercentetutry I celebration' Interfere with the opportu- city of seeing that the American ptople obtained a proper understanding uf the "face Treaty and the League covenant. President; to 1oul I f. llvaa In hn rll TV.

11' ''J( V.M. mhUh reached fha Whit houm today stated that, the I would leave focBelgiuro tomerrow even lag artd return to I'arls Trlday. The cable advlcea concerning tne i rtu- dent'a ourbose to make a a Uon -wide Paklng tour served to stir today. They decided upon two plana A determined effort will be made Mo ODUIIIl wax vm within ten and In tb event or failure: it 1 planned to draft round robin, aubacrlbing to the'propoaala aet forth In'the- Knsx resplutlon to separat th treaty 'and th Leagtt covenaht.

Second, arrangement, will be made to send before the pcopl speakers, posalbly Including Senators ixwge. uoran. and Polndexter, wno. wu ai tuck the covenant A conference of. the opponents of the League.

will be held aa soon as oewuie lllli nlan. fnr the ITesldentS KnM -sohitlon- wOl I llht. f1T IM aOOt rcauiuuvu I home pi Senator Urandege yt-sterday. wlU be developed, The detalla, of th.U conference are not made known It is stated, however, that Senator Knox will adtlreas the Senate tomor row. Administration supporters will be represented In th debate by Senator sheppard.

feenator Republican, who is backing the Lengue, also hu announced that he will apeak. Op ponents of the League will employ every urn ia at ax UAL or raATEa. sov i i i Coatmaed en Page Tar. cents l-Z' 4 2 If armistice la at among the Allien, and by want of GERI.IAII CABIIvKr TO: ACT; QUICKLY i i. Awaits Trcsty zt Weimar, with Eccncmb financial Advisers" kl Hand.

I TO REFER IT TO Latter Expected to Cot Cabi Inet's Decislorf Berlin Predicts Rejection. J3ERLIX, June Vi) rrtif -Count von Dro. kdorff-riantxaa-l. lr i formed, the LcrUa" OOverument lliat iat- medtettly after rceivirr the allied reply the German, counterproposal ha will start for Weimar arriving TuesJay aft ernoon. This Information has been j-a-ceived rrom official sources.

Immediately after the Count's -arrival at Weimar the Cabinet will hold a meeting and. th term will be sent to financial, and economic experta, who will report to the Cabinet; Th situation will be laid before the National Asaembly oa Wednesday and will be dU-cussed, so tht tbe Cabinet will be able to ascertain the state of public- ntl- 1 With th expert' opinion and the Assembly's attitude-before It. the Cabinet will bold a -Xiifai! meeting probably on w. Ill I 'Wi am a ui ruurnii tne irerman an-swer to tbe National Aaaerably, on Saturday for ratification. A.

canvas of thoa Qualified to apeak for absent Government officials adduces the blunL positive statement tbaf on-less th revised proposals of the Entente nation, contain -meat radical modification in' spirit and in letter, Germany Will not sign the peace treaty. Alleged modifications In th -draft, of the treaty, aa retorted to Derllo through neutral news 'sources, are re jected In official quarter her as wholly insufficient to warrant th prediction that the Government will be Inclined to subject them tq doner acruUny. Emphasis is also placed 'on the tatement that the which, ia now fully represented at Weimar, is absolutely united In Its attitude, and that there is no prospect of aa Internal which might break up the present Government and produce a. new Ministry. IHL an tatter aeciarauon appears te been prompted by recurring reports that Mathlas Lrsberger, Chairman ef the German Armtatlce CornmLsalon.

-waa wining to. take over the jcb of con eluding peace. It alao pointed eut that the Peace Cotpmiaalon of the National Acmbly. whloh took an active part rn the formu-Utlon of the Germs counterpropoesls. mMiuir oacaipg up tne uaoinet Its determination to refuse to sign any compact not renreaenting the areatest poaaible divergence, from the original lit leal onlooker, here are uaable t.

m. ure out how Cnbcrnr can poaaibly ere- ate -an unexpectetllv new aitu.tlnn LYsberger has been brushing t.l rumors, disposing of thent by referring to tne raci mat the prcaent coalition uuiuriimnni a noi only intact, but holds an undUputed mandate from r.e. man people and from the National as- aemoiy wmcn is tnoroughly representative of the people's rill. On n.e other naa net as yet mud an un eoulvocal denial of the ratnor tfv. I h.

la coDirmnuuiur auiitine r.kii.i nor has he clof.nltfly dfylsre.i .1 in complete harmony th Cabinet i i Sekeldemaae Praee Prapacsaeal OiernSbc WIS. br Tba Xia Tark Ttaw Ceaipaar BpfdU Caul te The Niw Yut Tiwrs. BHRXEX June 15. The Bcheidetnann Government Is- a propaganda amootf the German -pecpl, explaining that owing tha i hatred against Germany, in tjlie eUJed countries there' ia no hop of obtaining- lea atringent peace enndltlona. and that Ger many must wait until the time h.a pesed the rest of mankind better toward her.

If Germany does not accept the terms, the Government spokr-mAn inslil, the norrors ot nunger win aurpaaa anything yet experiencea. tne i'olua will the opportunity of occupying Danzig. i Thi. propairanda la almo.t entirely oral and ia bving eari-ted on now In all the German conatjtuencles. The -xlirg In Germany, thertfore.

Is that lirix-k-dorf f-Rantaau haa boen inatructed accept the term a. In b1ss (kivernment inl Hrrles-the Impression also prevss that Oermany win aign. Kenvembee TrOCA Itrre Parana Cf-a." Jtcra.tclxr 6oe Ectt.r A. L'LtuiiL I Lii 1. tiiwu.i i Covering Letter by enceau; Recites Foa's Wrongs to World.

TERMS DEFENDED AS JUST vShcWcisiJcf th3 Ccnditions. LIMIT IS Berlin Government Will Hava Until Monday to Decids 7 on1 Signature. CermsJis Get Two Days Here Avtr "Yti" ct "il PARIS. June 18 (Associated Press.) Plv day was th allotted period origlnajly fixed for the to answer. or Ko to the demand of th' Allies.

But two additional-have been granted because of the Insistence of th German that net sufficient time had ti 5 for freer con? r' i t.rn.a. a ,.1 If.e tl-ie limitation t-- liy, ii. If GrTmenr's the treatj wiii be lmmeJIt-'r If Germsxy declines ii ccJe to the :lCT.i.nda the will be automatically teminated. and the armed 'forces will teke steps they deem rtqulslt to tb eocasion. PARIS.

Jon ia The final repty of the allied and associated power on tie conditions of peace banded to the Ger man at Versailles Msy 7 was delivered to th German delegation today and mad public soon afterward. 'The principles of the' original condi tion have, been rigorously uphold as establishing peace of Justice, but certain modiflcatlona tn detail and macy explanation of the fleet cf Ui eica- Uon of th terms are made. Th rrj-iy ia in two parta, a general covering letter of about 4,300 words, and seriatim ul- etaMSkons of the general counter propoaaia. The change include: A plebiscite for vpper t.jx guar an tbe a Of eoal from thaj region. I-Tontlcr recUficaUons In est J'rua- sia.

The omlssioe, of the third sons rata th Schleiwlg plebiaclte. A temporary Increase of the permittai strength of the Germaay array frca ioo.oik) to 4eclaraUon of Intention to -ubcit within -a nooU) the treaty'a alg-nature a list of those accuel of vlolailoa cj th law and Customs of war. AS offer to ee-operate with a German Commission on Reparation and to r- cetv aogreFllon ir th llgatlon: 1 Certain detailed modification la Ct financial, economic, ports aca waterways ciauaea, Including the sboU- tlon of the proposed Kiel Cca-mission. Jkaaurance to Germany of merabenti In tbe Lcsgue Nations In th early future If i she fulfUi her Text el Ceverlag Letter.

Th covering letter from XL Clemen- cean, Preeldent of the Peace Conference, to Count Von UrochOorff-Kantiau. ltesllcnt of the German reads: jfr. Preeideair The alllod an3 asior.lated tism hav given -the "most earnest con deration to the observations of tha drates on the'draft cf th; treaty peaoe. VI "The reply protests gain it the pcac on the grounds that It conflicts with um upon which tne amlatto of tba liUi of November, 1JU, was and that, it a cf V.olrncs and aot luatloe. Tbe pretest of tbe Gar- B.aa delegation shws that they fall Understand the In which Gar-" many today.

Thty seem to 1 tiat Qermany haa only to 'rak sacrl- floea in order to obtain aa if were but the sr.d of some mere strvft for tenUcry ar power. V-Vi ar i aaaoclated powera therefore fel it nao- ssary to begin their by a drr Stitemer.t tt th cf th Which haa been forged by- prac-tlcaly th whoie-of clvUUed In the view of th allli-d anj s-claled' powers the war wlit.S ttrn cn th 1st cf Auf--1, 19.4. wrs est crime sgalnat and tie freedom of tb people that any-rati: eeloualy committed. For maay years ruler cf Uerniar.y, trve to Tr.5' traditlc-n, sirove-for a cf c-rJ-nance In Iu rope. They vere col ia: fled with that rrcl-T '-y i-i 1 1- Xt G-rr any -litt-'l.

and -ablrh oii-pr w. t-. a.e'r t. Iree 1 ei' "Tr-ey II:.

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