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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 3

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

POLICE CIVIL SERVICE SHE COMMISSIONERS PREFER WEIR OWN METHODS. A CaVDID KEK.T TO THE STATE OOJf-M last OX 1SJ KEFEKE3CCK TO TBS LAWt zrrxcr ox the force. Th PoUc Comniissio-ers havs Laagered for an opportunity of tiring ths Civil service Boar apiece or their tolnd, and such opportunity fu afforded yesterday when at board (neetlng the following letter to President French wssread: I MB called Hlil by the Stat Civil Bervioe ma mission lor advice as to the effout upon tn. polatlof niBcers of the operation of the elvilAervloe law In this city Will yon kindly give me briefly yoor opinion of the working nf the as applied to your department, and mnh oblige, yoare very Irmly. LF.K PH1LLI PH.

ftecretsry Mid Executive Officer. The tallowing reply was eectto Mr. Phillips: Sab Bi: The Board of Police here directed me te sckBowledge the receipt of your eommanleatlon of the 15(h insl requesting opinion of eervle system ss applied to this depariawnt. and la reply to tuu that tun of Poiioe U'tbMi onabla to discover la In working of tact eyalem any Improvement Bpon their wetnod of e-Bam nation Into the menu and qualinceuou of candidate lor appointment oa the polios totee. which tied been in nl operation (or many years at the time of Ihe introduction of the present civil eervms system, Aug.

28. Ins. id which heri-fully eeteblteand lie right to public commendation by lie good end evident result. I nder preeent oivil eerrlee regulation, tn the unwholesome end very narrow restriction of the Hoard of Police IB the selection of candidates fur appointment a patrolmen, aa also usder Die recently-adopted itstate compelling the appointment ot veter-an nf the Ut wr without regard to age) to certain position on lite force. It mey well be eela met the present system le gtwet'r detrimnntel to the efti.

eiency end well Ik log of the Police Department, end Ituitlt will be. In ll.e eeeee of thoee last mentioned, serious charge apon it snready iiv depleted pru.uin fund. The statute referred io (chapter 4o4 ot Hie law of 1S7) com pels toe Hoard I Foil. to prefer fursppointment (il on Uie eligible Let) doormen at 61,000 annum, and surgeon, at 1.300 per annum, from honorably discharged I nion aolniers and even though audi per-eons may be 6 years of aire, and who. under another statute, will bx liable to irrevocable retirement npon pension, for life, nf one-half the rate of their cotn-ciialion.

uioo arriving at the age of 00 vrarx. in Uie rse of eureoun the nenalou bcins- linntxl to l.OOw pr annum. It SeL-m hardly nocesnsry to cuiutamt upuo the apparent liiJuitH B. inconNinteu-ry. and luiuroprletr of that part of the prudent law so I civil sttrTtoe reqnirnmeuta.

Tader the Civil nerrlce reuulntlon. until Jan 3, 157. the lloard of Police wore reqnlred to fill vacancies by the nelectiou of candidate from an eltirible list containing tlrn-e uiiim for each vacancy After tnat date itvno that prlviiKe wa fnrlhor abndced by compeUlnR the board to (elect from an eligible list rontainiiiK Hie names of as many persons as there are vacancies to be fillnd. with the addition of two name for tu tirel vscaory and one name for every two vacancies in addition to Uie first. or example, an eligible list for 10 vacancies would contain but IS name.

This method virtually transfers from the Hoard of Police to the Civil bervice Hoard the riht and power of selecting proper persons for (ppoinlment as palrolmbn. from a very large nam-tier of candidate for tliat otlice. who have passed all examinations required uf them, and who have beon pror.onnood nliiu! tor such appointmout. therebr compslllUK tbs torn mission ers of Police to make ap-polutmnuie from I ho Try limited number placed before them. uutwttblaiiding the fact, hich must be apparent thausucb t'ominTsslouer.

from their of. firlsl pueition and vonsoqunut Umiliarlly with all of tbs rrnuiroinxnia lof the olBee to bo filled, are, or bonld ba. mors than any other board, oomraisatoii. or person, competent to determine apon the quallti-cstions ot uch candidates, being at the same time luld to a strict aoconuiabillly lor their apuolutment B4n the police forue. brief reference to the practical result of the resent system tuiachl be reasonably considered in Disconnection.

Hinoe August TA, lnbt. (the date -ion which the eivil service regulations went Into X.H2 persons have been employed on probation and appointed a patrolmen. The per-nus of dismissals and resignation while under sennas charges, for the three years and four month prior to that dale wa 2.81, a compared with the Ut4 force on that date. The percentage of dismissals and resignation ander cnargee. o( members ttt the forest who were appointed prior to Augunt U9, lBBi, bat where snch dismissals and resignation occurrod iuc that date was The per.

ceutage dlsiuinaal and resignailon under charge, of member of the forue ho were ap- rotated ubeqaentlv to August 14, was 5.68 mrlng the year 1H87 there have been if, HUH cotn- rlainu agauist patrolmea for all causes, of whu were against those apptilnted under the preeent civil aerrice system. The percentage of complaints, for all causes, against members nf the toroo appointed prior to August Vrt. ltH during tne year li7 was The iiernMitags of com. pialnta aganml meinbers of the tone appointed uader the preeent civil service system dunug the year 187 wa If this result has any significance It undoubtedly abews the greater edvaulages of the svslein of ex.

amtnal'on and selection or candidate tor aiipoint-Deot a patrolmen adopted by the 'ommisaioners of hoi ice prior to the introduction of the prent civil ervio rtem The ronimisaionrr desire to make no criticism ot the various terms and method of examination of candidates, and recognize, with some feeling of appreciation, the fact that they hare been firaetically embodied in your system from the orig-ual method adopted aud In force at the lime of the Introduction otUie civil service regulations, neither do thev differ as to Ihe ni.uiiunni figure ot merit established, bat they resiMcirall7 uhmlt that IheefH (Usncyof the PoUce IsnparUnant would be greatly enhanced If the regulations were so modified as give to the Hoard of Police the privilege of selecting candidates for apoointment on the force from among all whoniBv have passed such examination aa the Civil bervice Hoard may Very WILLIAM M. ll Chief Clerk. DIVIDING VP 1MB P0LICI COURTS. The Tolice Jasticet held their annual -meeting last sigbt atJeeron Market and decided at what court they would ait during the coming year.

The assignment seemed to he aatlafavtory to all bat Justice Duffy, who jrlll spend the year toe narlem courts, as far away from hi home in the Astor Bouse can be. Iarmg the Ort half or the year JusUie illlbreth, Bruith, and Kord win hold pedal eeaeUma. Jaatloe Power, Welde. aud Murray will look after the Tombs and i ortvlile Court. Justice White, Keilly.

and Vattorson will sit at the Jefferaoa and I.tM. JUarket t'onrta. Justices Iufly and Gorman will go to the Harlem aud annexed Clstrtel courts. The second half of the year Justice Ptnith win preside at fpwial Cessions, and Jus-lioes KilbreUi aud lower will sit with him. Jastioee Patterson, O'Eellly, and White will be the Tombs aud Yorkviue Courts; Justices rord.

Gorman, and Welde at Jefferson Market and Essex Market. Justice Duffy wiU remain in Harlem, and Justice Murray will be nn there with him. Juetiee Solon B. Hmlth was re-elected President of the Board of Justice, and George Oreeier fctcretary. Thomas B.

Dlnneau, apon Juetiee O'Keiliys motion, was authorised tn go before the civil service examiners to pas Ml examination (or clerk. AS ZXGIXE WXECKSa Nyack, Dec 27. Another bad wreck oc-nrred on the Northern Railroad of New-Jersey, bout eight miles below this place last evening. wlng to a misplaced or defective swttoh. When the trala due at Kya at 7 o'clock P.

M. reached Ksnyy, a little French settlement below Tappan, tb engine Jumpud from the track at the switch, turned partly around, aud wrnt over on It side, naktng one of the moat complete wrecks ever seen ou tbal road. The engineer, John ullivan. although not daugerously hurt. The fireman, who wa for that day acting only temporarily tor the regular man In that poeltion.

lamped and escaped without injury. The passenger cars were not damageo, but the paesen-wer PMlT WH shaken up and considerably frightened. The engine lay over the track terrtbla looking mass of Iron and wood, and the water running from the holier formed allttle pond beside the road. Travel for the night was greatly Impeded, trains being unable to pass the pelnt wbere the accident oocurred. Passenger lor both ways were obliged to transfer and walk lurougu the snow and over the ice for a long oistaaoe.

The wreckers were working all night, SI Sow Wa" 'Mill fast, adding to the discomfort of the travelers. ttCBOLAKS IS bBOOKLTS. When Zipp'a Casino on was opened yesterday moralug, it was lonnd that during the nlgut burglarg had vialted 1 and had goue off with 00 in cash. De-teetivea dlacovered that an entrance had been through a rear window. Tho burglar aa blown small holes around the edge of the casing or a small safe In which the day's re-v PL were kept, and after thus weakening it, kaocked tb door off its hlncee.

Tuey found helonging to the manager and 200. the prepem of Lixzle Bchultk, oqc of the singers la hs piace. PHee were not! fled yesterday of three burglaries committed between Sunday is! uiomUig. aud in each ease a salea were faruod open lu the same way in the one tn the Casino was. The prob-aoiuiy is that a gang of burglars operated various parts of the elty and chose the two aouu7 aa a suitable time for their operations.

4 JIlltM srrXXlXTZSDSXT SHOT. Wilxksbaerk, Dec 27. James watson, a mine boss In the employ of the Penn-TWstua Coal Company at ritutomwas shot and dy wounded at No. 4 colliery today br use, Both men are over years of age, ana the employ ot the Pennsylvania Jpsiy for over year. As far a can be t.

i ti mK ears. lax as can oe arBe4 thev have ba ai Tha kt f. nt either or them had any tll-sTi other. There Is no cause as-rf lor the shooting, except that McDoagall Ti insanity. MeDoogaJl Ul' of the boy wao shot and klUed 50' aoue years ago.

Jhs ahoeit of the Uagedy caased death of nor-s mother a lew weeks later. 4X0TBSM COAtTJ ACCIDENT. J.Brrow. X. Deo.

uttii son of rrTr Hs-vener. wbU eoastlng ea Fa-monl iato street ear. and was so taafTM Wiewed la hour. A "leed. Thsrardrrvsr asul saw sate te ate the ear.

alaMrjMagajejei i las uusjriiAJj ruifix a. iusw uayjs wojsder. i A LETTER FROM PRESIDENT MILLER M0KET TCRVEP IX TESTERDAT. The following letter has been written by President Miller, expressing his appreciation of the support given the Hospital Saturday and Bungay Association: NIW TOKK. Dec Tt.

1887. 7 Jtwtri. Morris K. nte, Oeerg Mitt. C.

S. At-Kirte M. Zdg, Jtkn A. tfteteart Corn. ut Btitt.

dm br. Wiuu Jamn. and etasrs Oxvn.rKrs I beg to acknowledge, and very sincerely ihan yoo for the letter yoa have kindly seat me sf press' ng yeur apvroval of the principles npoa which the Hoenital aaturday and Sauday Association baa been conducted, and the oonndence yon have In Its pnrposes and admlnisirstlon. It is as pee tally rrstiljiog that yoa write this as citisen of Mew-Vnrx. I have long recogntxe! that If not the very hirta.

the fostering and growth of thia work haa beeji draw- frem the peoolo and that it depend npon them Iff great measure for its future vleor and enlargement. Whenever There was famine in asy land, wherever there bae been havoc from flre or pestilene. the cheerful readineaa with which New-York ha bountifully contributed lor lis relief has long been the graclon token of, a true spirit ot religion among it people, practically and almost spontaneously ei pressing Itself upon great occasions of want or sa The work ot Utls aasoeiatiOB wa Initiated in the interest ot single hospital, and nnder the auapieee ot one religion denomination, but its promoters soon learned that the sympathy of the outside world, though in accord with its claims, could not be tally aronerd at the call of any particular sect or institution; and. taught by this, the work was widened so as to embrace, as it does now, all creeds and hospitals. Every year thia tact haa been more atrongly emphasized and better learned until it ha become plain thAt the true sonrce of the development and endurance of our work Ilea.

In great part, outside of where we first sought It or sop posed It to exist, namely, in the good will to their fellow-creatnrea which pervades multitude of mea not In other sense confessedly religions. Here, then. Is a field in which the representatives of all ear hospitals take common ground, and. working In harmony, may expect grand results, wltneasod already by the auxiliary associations established and doing such good work, lotb in the money ralaed and relief bestowed among many of the trades aud manufacturing establishment nf the city. If nor.

in forecast of such a result, certainly In harmony with it la the provision, which haa always existed in our constitution, that the general fund received trora any collection ahould be divided by a committee composed ot three re presents uvea ot the people at large, the Mayor, the Postmaster, the President of tiie Chamber of Commerce, with four other men, mow Morris Jeenp, Jesse Religmso, Kdward l'or and Cornelius vanderbllO representing respectively, as isr as mav be. different creeds end schools of thnnght. soil we believe impartiality at id fairness of distribution 1 tho abao-lut-ly secured. Thanking you again for your letter and it kind expressions of confidence and support, and lor the opportunity it baa given me for making a public recognition of wbere the original Idea of this aa'Oclation in its prevent form was drawn from, as well as what has been done for It by the charitable citizen of New York, whose most excellent representatives vnn are, I remain, gentlemen, very trulvrours, OkORuK MACCCLLOCH MILLER, President of the Hospital Saturday and Hun day Aa soclstion of New ork City. The following amounts were received yesterday by Charles Lanier.

Treasurer. 17 Nassau-street, on account of the Hospital Saturday and Band ay collection: Previously reported $1,631 65 CHURCHES. 18S8. $1,425 19 1S87. $2,425 78 62 64 68 65 30 60 93 00 13 00 10 00 10 61 6 00 00 Grace.

Sblsronal Chapel of 8L Lnke's RospHal. 61 SO tt James, Fordiiam, Episcopal Bundar school of Grace Chattel, pisoopal flt Paul's, Momsania, Episcopal Holy Comforter, Hungarian Congregation, Ohab Zedek. Pt. Matthew's. Episcopal Wilson union Auareth-1.

bynagogue. B'J SS 28 83 15 76 15 45 10 00 TRADES. Hendricks Brother. $100. Sisgel Brother and W.

Bank A 25 employes. 20 Thomas I'rosser A 1 Employes of C. fcou 35i Burt Co 15 Hcrriruann Brothers IWeld. Colburn A iibermeler 9B1 Wllrklns 10 Frazer Lee lOIWslterC. Hodgklns.

6 wOMAJI'a rrxtx Mrs. Ellen S. Auch- 'Sarah 9. Adams $5 mnty $50 S. 6 Mary Mildred Will- (The lines 6 lams SO! Mrs.

Fordyce D. Mrs. Morris K.Jesup. S5 Barker Mrs. 1 N.

Selljruisn. 96 Mrs. J. A. Kobimon.

6 Mrs. Abraham Mills. 10 6 Mrs. Bemon HANKS AMD BACKERS. Pretel.

Morgan 1 Henry Goldman $25 Co $1,000: PERSOSAt. A. X. Brown, through i William I Muller, El-West ITcsliyterian mns, X. $35 hurch $50i P.

De PojL 3 T. A. comerville SC. Beanmont 1 BENEVOLENT UjIXjEg. Independent Royal Arch Lodge, F.

and A- S10 Adolph Huebsch, J. O. S. 5 Friodens Encampment 5 Total up to date, $5,813 74. COWHIDE!) EI WOMEN.

A SCHOOL TEACHER PCNTSHED FOR DE-KAM1KQ MISS BAXTER. Geneva, N. Dec. 27. Christmas-tree exercises In the village of Lodl.

15 miles south of this place, were broken up by an exciting aud unexpected incident last evening that caosed a wide sensation. For over a month people In Lodl have been preparing for Christmas-tree exercises in a public hall In that place. Marvin Phillips, teacher of the public school there, was choeen to conduct the exercises. He is a popular and genial young man, son of a Poughkeepale retired minister and a Harvard graduate. few days ago Miss Jennie Baxter was chosen to assist Phillips In preparing the Christmas-tree exercises.

(She is a dashing aud attractive young woman and the daughter of a prominent physician in Lodl. Phillips said she did not have a good reputation and refused to act with her at the bristmiia-iree exercises. Miss Baxter was indignant when she heard of Phillips's words. Last evening the exercises took place at the hall, which was densely crowded. Phillips conducted the exercises alone, and was arrayed in a dress suit.

When the exercise were nearly over and Phillips arose to address the children of the Sunday school there. Miss Baxter, who was sitting at his rear, suddenly rose, and, throwing off her cloak in a second, ran upon Phillips. Before any one present was scarcely aware of her purpose she dealt the school teacher a powerful blow on the head with a short rawhide whip she bad the cowhide beneath her cloak. One blow of the whip was across Phillips's eyes, and he wa blinded so that he staggered sack only to receive more severe blows from Miss Lulu Young, wno Is a cousin of Miss Baxter, and who suddenly snatched the whip to help punish the school teacher, tseveral persons ran to Phillips's help and several others restrained the angry young women from administering further blows. In a moment more everybody in the hall was on their feet and there was a very loud dm of voices of excited people.

Many women screamed with excitement. Phillips was led from the hall to his room, where a young physician applied liniment to bis cat aud wouuds about his face, while Miss Baxter was surrounded by a party of girl friend with whom she left the haa She says she did not punish Phillips sufficiently for his reproach to her character. URlfBD TO DBA TB. CMStn, I1L, Dec. 27.

Word has Just reached here of a frightful accident that oocurred in' the northwestern part ot the county on Christmas Eva. Miss Bell auiltb.reaiding on mile the village of Chaunoey. was engaged tn sweeping around aa open fireplace, when her elothiog caught lire. She lost her presence of mind and ran oat into the epea high war- When lonnd. her bodv was burned to a erisp below the waist The deceased was to have been married on Christmaa Day.

LoristAXA. Ma. Ie 27. On Christmas Day two colored boys, aged reapectlvaly 6 and 7. living on the Kelly place in Calumet, about eight miles south ot here, were burned to death while playing too close to a lighted brush pile.

When discovered the bodies ware a charred mass and almost beyond identification. Wilkfbbakre. Dec 27. At a Christmas debauch last night at Exeierborough. near West Pittstou.

fed Mc.viullsn and Annie McMailea and Bessie, their daughter, became so intoxicated that they went to sieep. leaving Besaie's daughter. years of are, in the kitchen. The ehild's dress caught fire, and sbe tried to arouse the inmate, bnt failed. The house took fire and th child was burned to a crisp, th mother dying at noon to-day from her injuries.

The others were badly burned. DBMASDS OF TOBACCO GROWERS. traccse. S. Dec 27.

A nice ting of to-baoeo growers and others assembled at Baldwlns-vlUe on oaturnay night and passed resolutions asking Congress to abolish the war taxes oa tobacco and to revise the Sumatra tariff law ot lbt3. Kepreeeniatlvee were present from several counties. A non-partisaa organisation wa perfected. Iuche were made by Wallace Tappan. Tobm, N.

M. White, aud other. The growers requested Congress to protect them agalnnt foreign producers, and declared in favor of a duty ot 1 cents tier nuuad ou Imported cigar leal. HELD FOR EUSEZZLEKXST. Kew-Havex.

Deo. 27. At noon to-day a preliminary hearing la the case ef Aral V. JTyleo, ex money order ckk of the Bridgeport Post Offlc. accused ot embegxllag $750, was held In Caited State Commissioner Piatt ffioe.

Xylen ub atantially admitted hi gailt. Commissioner Piatt rouud probable raaee. and bound Nylea ever in SI. 1 00 bond for tbe next term of the Iislrict Court-which la head in February next. 1KXBSPOXS1BLM TOR BER ACTS.

CniCAoo, Dec 27. The Inqoen on ths body of WUUara Macauliey, was was shot by el wit Batar-dsy. wa held to-day and resulted la the discharge of Mr. MacauUey. The Jury found that he earns to his death from tnjarte unnoted bv his wife.

wh at tor hi? acta nt4r tnsaa and irresponsible AX ADD TIOJT TO OCR TJHDRRQ ROTTED CURIOSITIES. Bloomi ield, K.T-, Dee. 27. J. X.

Alten of this plsv while excavating tbe foundation for a mill, i truck tne dome of a cavern of immense pre portions, from which a strong current of cold air issued with great forte a ths workmen made the opening. Torches were procured, snd Mr. A len and Mr. Gain Hurst were lowered down by i leans of a windlass, it was about 60 feet from be surface to the door ef tbs cave, which the: found te be level and sandy as If tt was once he bed of an ancient subterranean stream. 7 hey followed tbe main avenue for a distance over two miles, and discovered an opening tn a el Iff on the farm of Mr.

Benfamln Wilson, an 1 a well-beaten path was easily discerned thi woe once trod by Human beincs, although i Is now In many places covered with forest tree i and undergrowth. Mr. Allen and Mr. Burst, after emerging from the cave, hastened back to the town and reported the result of their dii coverles. A largo party was at once formed, wi Uch entered the opening of tne clift on the Wilson farm.

On one the main avenues numerous evidences xls tec that the place bad been the abode of the cave nan, many relics being found In the shape of pottery and bronre, articles. A sepulchre also discovered in a large niche or avenue ai right angles with the main avenue, aud tn it are numerous mummified bodies. Three of tl lem bave been removed to the town and excite great curiosity. The formations in the cave are benutlful beyond description. Stately tcwers of stalagmites and beautiful pendants (j tranaluoentstalactites, suggestive of grotesque and unique figures, are encountered all along Ihe wonderful subterranean avenue.

There is i beautiful little lake with water as clear as er rstai, and, as Is nsnal in eave streams, it Is full Uuy eyeless fish. The avenues of tbe cave nil measure In all probability about seven mile, so that It mav be falrlv considered auotber rlk-al to the Mammoth, and cerialnlv one of thd many great eave wonders of Kentucky, the boon try ot eaves. BB DI. A II ED TBE WB0LB TBISG. ATXAjrik, Dec 27.

Mr. Taliaferro of this eitj Is an enthusiast npon ths subject of perpetual motion and claims to have solved tbe mystery. He was found at his home and talked quite freely about his Invention. The only model no existing Is a pasteboard elrcle, about seven tnct es In diameter. Around the periphery ot this are pinned small arms ot pasteboard, one end of eac i being movable.

On tbe movable ends, whinb, re those next the centre, are small whii buttons, such as are used on children's drtisses. There are pins projecting through tt wheel which confine the motion of the arms, i ma so arranged that on tbe side ot the wheel which Is going up tbe arms with the buttons taohed lie along the radii of tbe circle, but on the side which Is going down thi arms are allowed to fall a little beloi the radii on whioh their pinions lie. and the re ult Is tbat there la an advantage of leverage one side. That side goes down as soon as on of tbe arms passes through tbe lowest point, In Us revolution It falls back along Its radius, and Is supported there by ths projecting pin. 1 prevent having to start the machine there are I tine arms, (any odd number will do.) so that flv i must be on one side and four on the other.

This starts the machine. Tbe inventor explained 1 this, bnt unfortunately he had torn the circle into two parts, so of course the machine oonl I not be seen in actual operation. Mr. Taliaferro himself said that it would ga" -Just ti think- said Mr. Taliaferro meditatively, that little pasteboard circle revola- onizln lis wneld I ttiit le will A TT.

i "v- uv" over it lor a long time. That's miut uie roiwrier. usi it i aon't deserve one bit of tbe credit, said Mr. Taliaferro meekly. "I dreamed IV Yes.

I saw a ntar ihootins: around, and It got so It hauntd ffTlsV. Ull nn nUht star grew vas 1A S) VU so bright tbat I couldn't sleep. I arose, and without knowing what to do Dext, that circle, then, impelled by a I cue outj force that I coull not resist. I cut those arms, sewed those buttons on. and stnek those pind.

Then I called my wife, and the Stranest mart nf all Is that about a wheel perpetually revolving, ana as soon as she saw! that wheel she lnstantlv rtnrri 1rfVj fl tbe oi the bad teen in Iter dream. Yoa ee I had Utirfr rtf rtr.v nn w.v. .11 1 vr b.j su parts of tie wheel hsve the same weight. I ex- annA V. 1 i "y-mo mi lujsit; uiiursa not only oy this country, but In France, Ppatn.

England, and elsewhere the first oflits kind. roaiuve tuas my invention is WAS A SrHTERXAITEAX SLIDE TrtsSEYrV i-tLLE, Dec. 27. For 12 years past at irregular intervals ths peopls of this vie clnlty, wntuh is In Centre County, have been dlstdrbed by load and mysterious noises which cars from the ground between two mountains known as Thick Head and Sand south ot Tussevvllle. All last Mountain, week the times Ilk aud then heard in noises were distinctly heard, some- tne aistant rumbling of thunder.

the iIau r- uiuuuor the air close by. One day last week a resident when the inaco was ou i nick Head, rumbling began In band Mountain, Just opposite. ore i it wa ueep, nut low. In in 1 e.e tinttl it. ana Increased the turn a ult nfl nlra In J.

mountain t- uow a bide. The person who heard tbe sound says that made by ,.,7 um uuuui tasi tne noise was suDierranean suae or some great or Other ill tan 4 ll.J masa of rick down tbe mountain from top to bottom, in- creasing i uii -ou eifoeu as it went aown. and termmati uug in icrriuie crasn at the bot- that dlV the nnlsea hi nr ton- Blnde heard. wu one in this community can give any explanation iu UIUOUUU. BRDVGBT BACK FOR TRIAL.

NW- -HJkV 'EN. Dec 27. Alexander V. Kylen. a handsome young fellow.

25 veara old, was qound over to the United States court here to-dJy for stealing $705 from the Bnage- port Post Offlce, of which he was the money until July 2 last, when he departed order clerk nurriedly for Europe. Bonds were fixed at ST.700. as these be wa unable to rurniab. 'ylen sp elded to Just 10 days In Europe, when he le- ieturn to Bridgeport and make a full eonfessiorl un arriving in JNew-vork his cour-bim and he went West He visited age failed several cities and armlled for emnlAvment. at the banklqg office of 8.

6. Buah A Loniavill. n.y. xiusq A Co. wanted a recommendation, and with euro master Mi rising assurance Kylen wrote to Post er oi xtriugeport, his former em-Postmaster sent on an excellent plover.

The letter of (recommendation, which enabled the young miu to secure tbe position, but at tbe be secured a warrant for his arrest same time and made arrangements which resulted In bis being brought East. Nylon was brought here la tbe custody Of United Stales Marshal J. V. Ma. jjonaiu ot ihe Louisville District.

TROUBLE A if OK Wvrfv PiTTSBtRO, Dec 27. W. T. Lewis, Master Workman hi or tne Miners' Assembly of the of Labor, arrived In this rltv tn-dav tn Knights Inquire Into the trouble among the railroad miners in i estern Pennsylvania. The operators nay in the Columbus scale state that who are they will mu a.

mm srii aoi pay it alter Jan. l. as a large num- per of other operators refused to pay it Mr. 1 vil nn an tr 1 withont a -strike. The Soott Haven miners sar tbey will vus HHivn UIDJ IW PUD- THirtea bvl the Varinnl Amw nut nun mi nniesa tev are son.

tl A UUU among this miners Is so complicated now that It Is impoesiblo to surmise what the result will be. BA XtED B1MSELT JIT BIS HA KA New- BktrxswiCK. X. Dee. 27.

Conrad Klntnrr, German farmer, who lived at Mount Rose, heat tbe end of this county, was found in his barn Christmas night hanging from a beam by a rope I He had committed suicide, and the iftgned is that he was tn necuularv cause asi trouble oter a mortgags on bis farm. Kintner was 45 year of age, aad leaves a widow and three children. FIRE IX A CBXTRCB. FAi-Bunr IlL. Dee.

27. At the Christmas en- terta imenlt of ths First Methodist Episcopal Church a little cabla wa placed on th platform to take tbe place ef th pulpit It wa filled with presents tor 1 he canin. being built of cotton and malile material, took fire from the lisht the chlldreb other 111 and eanae1 a great stamped among tbe men. women, a. Hundreds were trmmnl 1 nnil and childr and a good knaay of them badly injured, some of them' tally.

The church waa aaved hv a nt probably effort, but the a-iadews were completely damoU shed. IRAIXFS sew GOTERSOR. ArorTi M. Dee. 27.

Upon formally taking th chair the opening et th session of tha ExeenttvetJouacll to-day Gov. Marble made a brief address. alludiBg feelingly to the death of Gov. Bod- well. He 4sld: I do not fail to realize tbe grave tie Imposed anon me.

but aided bv von. responsibi my consul tbe affairs cording to pee sis." stitatinnal advisers. I cherish the hope that ftt Slate will be ordered And directed actus law and tor the best Interest ot the WEPT XT A BVGB WA TE. HavaxaI Deo. AguadeUa, a email port of suffered like Baraona by a hage wave, hoasea were swept away.

Tbe wave Porto Kicii Fifty threi destroyed 11 bodies the aolld rnasenry in the cemetery and are vuneg su sea and lost. Many atom-bound. The wave, l'k the one vessels i were atBars-sui waa due te a -rthec TBB BAX FRAK CISCO EXCBAKGE. Sax FiAirctsco, Dee. 27.

Drafu eight, 17oasif saiecrxaaAc, t7seits CITY AND SUBURBAN NEWS -e--2e11 kMcSwyny was yesterday ap-pptated a watchman at 8i0 a year by Coilsckir Jaagone. The Board of Aldermen yesterdav adopt-Mnlnt 01 rTel mt Ue detn of sIlel wrna? IUlianChatn-24 BUMreet00 heW thu enioon at wrvices of Morey Hale Bar-IVk tneChnrcnof the fc'rknger. U1 tak to mreYJi1 Bering the precinct -S. k14 '-ke is of evtf resorts, S-ttna to forward ths reports to Polloe Headquarters, was sent out yesterday. Giovanni P.

Morosinl sent Cant. Peter Tnle of tb. Thirty-fifth Precinct 54 turkev. a. tbe ts rue" Im.Vlonrr TO Permission to the Captain to receive the presents.

of tha tearo8hip Chateau Jff 7 5- wninB number of Amis Twere willing ye hm bck- Collector Mag one. however, deckled that they must go back, as the Garden was not a boarding houeeT All the inspectors of election and poll nlVd bT Party's inspectors, were paid for their services yesterday. The Labor Inspectors refused to accept pay for raly one UZttSS' tnfmrr James Evans, while walking on the Fort" ielghts station. rTfn tantiy killed by south-bound train ho. 36 about 9 o'clock yesterday morning Not Jsmes Hanghran.

kged 41 was killed by a north-bound train while walking on the track at Port Morris. waaxing ladi. nd sentlemen is to be held by the Lawyers' Down-town Club to-day The Governors of the club are Chaunoey Del pew, WUllam A. Duer. John J.

iICookf WlUilS 1 Outhrie. WiUiam Allen BuslerVjr James MeKeen. Charles Henry ston Montgomery, and Samuel Borrows. The Polo Ground toboggan slide will be opened for the season at 7 "tfoloek this TveulnS aud remain open until Manager James Mutrie said yesterday that he proposed to lvt a series of carnivals thronghont the Winter, at which times the cronnds will be brilliantly Illuminated. There will also be polo matches AtAh election of Neboh Lodge.

Ko. -ot, me ioilowin officers ware hnn; master nenrv h. inrrm. bi Tiler; Junior Warden-Leopold Stern: Treasurer-W. Martin Freeman; SeWtary-W Enel' Trustees-Simon Adler, A.

8. Herzog, and JnUus A. Levy. A report yesterday that D. D.

Conover was tne head and front of a scheme to build an elevated road in Thirty-fourth-street and Eleventh-avenue, with several branches, was pronounced by those who ought to know nest to be true in all Its Interesting details save one the road is to be a surfaoe Instead of an elevated one. Invid of the Nursery and Child's Hospital, to be given at ths Metropolitan Opera House on Jan. 5. promises to be most successful. 'o pains have been spared by the committees having In charge the arrangement and disposal of seats.

Nearly all of the boxes have been sold. The front raw of seats on the second tier will be sold when all tbe boxes are gone. robbers, Andrew Roberta, Will-lam OBrlen. and George Williams, who made wr itn several packages from the publlo stores by means of forged orders, were before United States Commissioner Timothy Griffiths yesterday for examination. They had no lawyer and asked for an adjournment, which was granted.

The case will be continued to-morrow afternoon. An informal meeting of the Nineteenth wa Deld lot evening at the home of Mrs Purton, 25 East Thirtieth-street, at which a conversational debate of the international copyright question took place. Only a few members were present, among them being Court-landt Palmer, tbe Rev. Dr. Gotthell, Pearsall Smith of Philadelphia, Mr.

and Mrs. Putnam. Mrs. Barnard, and w. A.

Purrington. Postmaster Pearson has been informed from Pan Francisco that the Mariposa arrived there Saturday with mails from Melbourne of oy. 29, 8ydney of Nov. 3. Auckland of Dee.

5, and Honolulu of Dec 17, due here Saturday, Dec 31. The next outward return mails for Australia and Honolulu will close at the Post Offloe Jan. 6. at 5:30 P. or on arrival here of steamer Kepnblio with the British malls for Australia.

Jndge Lawrence has denied the application of Samuel G. Blakely, as the committee of the person and estate of his lunatic father, John Blakely, for leave to sell certain securities belonging to his father's estate. The application was opposed by the lunatic's daughter, Mrs. Ellzabeth Gulon. with whom her father lives, and who asserts that be has everything he needs now, and that it is not necessary to sell any of his estate tor his support.

James McDonald, tho owner of the schooner Robert Knapp, has filed a libel against the steamboat Drew, In the United States District Court, to satisfy a claim of 2.50O to his schooner resulting from a collision between the Drew and the Knapp on the morning of Nov. tt. The collision occurred off Caldwell's, on the Hudson Kirer, and the libellant asserts that It was owing to the carelessness of the steamboat people. The schooner was sunk and It cost $2,500 to raise and repair her. ndge Lawrence has granted Frederick P.

Olcott, the President of the Central Trust Company, permislon to become a co-plaintiff with Townsend Cox A Co. In their suit against Edward 8. the Bankers and Merchants' Telegraph Company, and otners, to set aside the purchase by Mr. Stokes of ths company's franchise and property at the foreclosure sale In the Bummer of 1885. Mr.

Olcott comes in as a representative of Townsend Cox A creditors, who would thus be in" II they should win the etui. Surrogate Rollins has refused to break the will of Mrs. 8arah A. Geddes, whose eon. John Geddee, asserted that she had been unduly influenced practically to disinherit hini.

Mrs. Geddes was the widow of John Geddes, tho owner of what Is now the Morgan Line of steamships. He left his property to her, and she, like ber husband, displeased at John's marriage, only left htm 300 acres ot wild land in Texas. Surrogate Rollins says that John bas failed to make out that bis mother was Improperly influenced against him. The following were elected officers of the New-York City Methodist Church Extension Society at the monthly meeting yesterday afternoon: President Bowles Colgate; Vloe-Presi-dent The Resident Blahoo of New-York; Corresponding Secretary The Rev.

Dr. M. D'C Crawford, (223 West Seventy-first-street;) Recording Secretary mes A. Heaman Assistant Recording Secretary The Rev. M.

F. Compton Receiving Treasurer-Thomas Crocker; Disbursing Treasurer W. H. Falconer. J.

Rhinelander Dilloir believes that traffic In Broadway below Chambers-street van he relieved if the city employs two or three strong men to patrol Broadway between Chambers and Pine streets, and assist truckmen in loading and ne "rot the Mayor a letter to Tu MTr hardly appreciated what the duties of policemen are when he forwarded the communlcaUon to the Board of Police, but he will receive from It to-day the suggestion that the letter of Mr. Dillon be sent to the Department of Publlo Works. Officers of the New-York Mercantile Exchange were elected yesterday as follows: Presl-nJ H- Duckworth; Vlce-Preaidenta-H. T. Nichols.

H. K. Thurber, E. Williams, David Hunt; Treasurer D. a Halstead; Executive Committee F.

A. release, William V. Martin. F. W.

Palmer, James H. Snyder, Julius D. Mahr, John C. Hueer, W. G.

French. Edward Cornell. G. W. Ollvlt; Inspectors of Election William Jeffreys, Chairman W.

6. Temple, E. T. Du Bois. This ticket was almost unanimously elected, the total number of votes oast being 162.

BROOKLYN. Three hundred Brooklyn school teachers went to Washington yesterday to see the sights of that city and to visit the President and to see the President's wife. Ths party will return on Friday. The letter of the Rev. Charles A- Berry of England declining the call to the pulpit of Plymouth Church will be read at the Friday night prayer meeting.

There will also be a meeting of the congregation to call Dr. Lyman Abbott as temporary I'astor of the church. Richard Helwig. a well-to-do druggist, of 344 Marry-avenue, Brooklyn, commuted suicide on Monday night by taking a dose ot cyanide of potaesiutn. Helwig was a son-in-law of EB.

Bcharmann, a wealthy brewer, and had been insane for tbe past six months. He leaves a widow and ar infant daughter. Annie Martin, a nurse in the Kings County Hospital, in Flatoush. died there yesterday from smallpox. Sbe contracted the disease from a patient whom she nursed.

Two more prisoners in the peultenilary were found te be suffering from the diseate yesterday and were removed to the Flatbush Hospital. The Discipline Committee of the Kintrs County Democratic General Committee, which announced with a loud blast of trumpets that It was going te oust the traitors of the towns of Graveaend and New-L'trecht for treachery at the recent election, adjourned again yesterday without taking any testimony. The committee mast have a report ready by to-morrow night. The present Brooklyn Board of Aldermen met for the last time yesterday, and after adopting resolutions complimentary of President Olena and themselves, they listened to a speech from Mr. Olena.

in the course of which he rather astonished them by alluding to them as the most honest Aldermen the city has ever had." The new board will meet on Tuesday next to receive Mayor-elect Cbapta's meeeagsv WESTCHESTER CO 17A TT. The New-York Athletie Club has pnr-ehaaed Smsostt laiaad, at the tersBlsa ef Pe4- bjsmdaveane. XswRoehene. There are 25 acres in It. and tha seventy-five uw lr-eJu bh eu' they will ta athletie sperta i -Il e-crlptle.

This ialaad is only a Uv Sonnd. lAlsnd. iB Lon, i.Und xewSkrsey. rtlL RoWt the Penntylmnin RiUlroad Company yesterday sent a Jly Bomjd Works, stating that the company had decided to change the Bcatlon of the supports of ths proposed elevated road at the street creastngs so as to avoid the lowering of the grade of the streets. This Is tn aeeordanoe with the stir rest ten made to the company by the Board of Works.

INSTALLING A PASI0R THE CXTTT CONGREGATIONAL sOCIITT'S XtW RB ATX Merle 8t. Croix WrUht was last evening installed as Pastor of the Unity Congregational Society of this eity. The ceremony was performed at Arthur Hall, oa the west side 3f Plxth-a venue, north of One Hundred aod Twenty-sixth-street, and was witnessed by several hundred people, among whom were George William Curtis, Dorm an B. Eaton, Prof. Epbraim Emmerton of Cambridge.

Dr. Frederick A. Farley, Prof. Robert Poster, the Rev. Daniel W.

Morehouse, ProL G. H- Palmer of Cambridge, the Rev. Stephen W. Camp, John H. Raoades.

and the Rev. J. Leonard Corning, who attended by Invitation, and Edwin T. Rice, Stephen M. Wright.

Crawford Douglas, George H. Keith, John Wall Wilson, RosellL. Richardson. Charles H. Pink barn.

Charles Francis Stone, Dr. ohn W. Gllmore, Thomas Wllstin, Nathan Betts, and Percy D. Adams, who are members of tho society. The sermon wa preached by the Rev.

Dr. William Henry Furnees of Philadelphia, who, despite his 96 years, for over an hour held the elose attention of his audience, his sonorous, well-modulated voice reaching aU parts of the crowded halL The invocation waa pronounced by the Rev. Edward Hale of Boston. Ihe charge to the Pastor was made by the Rev. Dr.

Charles Carroll Everett of Boston, who Impressed upon the young minister the necessity of making the love of sonls the one mainspring of his action In and out of the pulpit, and warned him that though the spirit of tbe times was doing a great deal to destroy superstition It could not be relied upon to do all, and If not restrained might earry people further than was advisable. The Rev. Robert Collyer of the Church of the Messiah gave bis new brother tbe right hand of fellowship no less than three tlmea during the part of the ceremony which he conducted, and the audience was delighted every time that his cheery "Let's grip again" broke the current of 0lind sdvloe and cheering counsel with wnich he welcomed the new comer. The Rev Theodore Williams of All Souls' Church delivered the charge to the people. -rVWrt51-" who 0,, Jndge Edwin enters the ministry after a brilliant college career.

He wa first man of graduated at Harvard In f. FJ two he tQnt in the Harvard Latin School, and after some time spent lu travel he entered the Harvard Divinity SchooL where he was graduated last year. LOUISVILLE JOCKEY CLUE. ADDITIONAL STAKES FOR THE SPRING MEETING. Lexington.

Dec Clark and Secretary Bruce this afternoon fixed the following schedule of additional stakes for the Louisville Jockey Club's Spring meeUeg, 18S8. May 14 to May El, Inclusive, stakes to close Jan 15, 1888. namely: The Hurstbonrne Stakes, fora vear-old fillies- 10 entrance to accomnany nwnlnatlou f40 additional 1-tM sdde.1 by J. Harris, of which 9200 to second and $100 to third; maidens allowed 8 pounds; five furlongs. The Alexander stakes, for 2-year-old colt flO entrance to accompany nomination: fsO additional to start; $1,000 added, of which to second aud film to third, maidens allowed 5 pounds: Ave fur-longs.

Hnnnrmede Stake, for 2-year-old and to accompany nomination, with $40 additional to start; tl.imo adued, of which to second aad $100 to third: winner of Horstbourue or Alexander Lakes to carry 3 pounds extra; maiden that have never started in a tace allowed pound; those who have run and never placed a race allowed 7 pounds; three-quarters of Ths Kentucky Handicap, for all ages: a bandlun sweepstake ot $loo esch. hair forfeit, and only rJO if declared by April 1. with $500 added, the second to receive $f00 of the added money anil 20 per cent, of the stakes, and the third 10 per cent of the stakes, weights to be aunonnced Marco 1- winners after publication of weight of two raes of any valne, or of a stake of $1,000, pounds extra, of two of fl.OOO or one of $'0O0 7 pounds extra win. ners of $3,000 tbe aggregate tLis year 7 pounds extra. Belling race not counted; one and one Quarter miles.

The Merchants' Hsndlcap, a handicap sweepstakes for S-y ear-elds and unward; $10 entrance accompany nomination; additional to added, of which fJOO to second and $100 to third: weights to appear two davs previous to the race; winners after announcement of weights of one race pounds extra, of two or more 7 lounos one and oue-eigbth mile. The Eimendorf Handicap, a handicap twerpstakes for year olds and upward; $10 entrance with $40 additional to start; $1,000 added, of which SiOO to second and $100 to third; weights to appear two days previous to the race; winners after announcement of weight of any race to carry 4 pounds ex-tra. of two or more 7 pounds; one and three eighth miles. The Champagne Handicap, a handicap sweep. "Vke 3-j ear-olds and upward; $10 entrance $40 additional to start, with $1,000 added, of which $200 to second.

$100 to third; weights to appear two days previous to the race; winners after an. nonnceinent of weights ot any raoe to carry 5 pounds extra, of two or more 7 pounds extra; the winner to pre tent the club with five cases of wine; one aad one-sixteenth mils dash. POWERS OF C0VSTT BOARDS. Trot, N. Dec 27.

Justice Ingalls to-day handed down a decision the case of the people ex reL the towns of Blenheim. Gllboa, Middleburg, and Schoharie against the Board of Supervisors of Schoharie County, directing that a peremptory writ of prohibition be Issued against the Board of Supervisors to prevent the board from levying taxes against tbe towns. The aotion arises on a temporary writ of prohibition against the Board of Supervisors to prevent the board from levying large sums, on the ground that the board for a number of years has imposed by tax upon the county at large expenses for the support of in-dlgent Insane persons not paupers at asylums of tbe State to which they had been sent for treatment from certain towns ef the county Tbe present Board of Supervisors resolved to change the rule heretofore enforced, aod to charge the towns from which such indigent Insane persons were sent with expenses extending over the six years last past, and to credit the towns from which no such Insane persons had been sent with the amount which such towns had paid toward the expenses ot such indigent persons. Justine Ingalls. In his decision directing a writ of prohibition, holds that the Supervisors are Justifiable In changing tbe rule for tbe present year, but tbat they are precluded aa to former years by the action of previous Boards of Sur-vlaors and have no power to investigate, change, or reverse the action of aucn previous boards during such years.

The case is important and tbe decision affects several other counties besides Schoharie, wbere similar action bas been taken by the Boards of Supervisors. TBE WRECK OF TBE CORDELIA. Gloucester, Dec. 27. Capt.

Mc-Kinnon of the schooser Ada M. Hall, from the Grand Bank to-day. reports that on Dec 7 be boarded the schooner Cordelia, dismasted, waterlogged, and abandoned In latitude 43; 16 longitude 61 18 By the aid ot a boat hook one man waa fished from the cabin in a decomposed state, but wa let go. tt were tbe hrst letters of the schooner's hailing port, and she is supposed to belong to Sbelburne, Nova Scotia, as a vessel bv that name -as lost on tbe (irand Bank in me gale of August last, wltn all ber crew. Tbe current appeared to carry the wreck eastward.

TBE COST OF A STOWAWa. Bostos. Dec. 27. The steamer Roman, from Liverpool, which arrived here on Thursday last, brought a stowaway, a boy of 18.

and permitted him to land. Commissioner of Emigration ucoru lias ubsi uie noiuiavny vl.lHMl. he la detained in port until the stowaway Is nroduced or ths hoe paid. COURT. CALENDARS 111 IS DAY.

errxEMB ct-cT chambers. Htid bx Latrrsncs, J. No. 38. 48.

72. SS. l'i. 96, 115. 118.

117.11" IIS 130, 141. 14U. 177. iS, 191. m.

IKS. lHft 197' 211 21.. 22 234. 243. 244.

258. 2i, 26 2os" 471. 87. a-78. 77.

278. SLPEEMS COrT-FCIAL TEEM FAST HtlA IHmeRut, j. IS day calendar. truMtrri cocet. Htl ly ItolUtu.

A Will of Sarah EL Psek. 12 M. Will of John Me-X, If. srv-ioa cot et rctt, teem. BU rVuajL, J.

day calendar. COMMON F-lAS SrECtAX. TEEM. U1A ojr rea Boettm, J. Kb day calendar.

cur corxrr 7EI-L teem paet n. MtU Is JrswiM. J. ere, ansa, sua. COMMERCIAL AFFAIRS.

Wiw-TOSK. Toeedev. IT. IS ST COrTXE Heerteaed la price ia Bnvats srade. (partly ra sympathr with th boeraary la taeeptiea line.) aad met with good demand, with fair taK Rie quoted ap ta lftc.

aad rood Carats at 18io- ess braced bags Hie. te arilv. ofwhleHNo. at 18 aad NaTs at 1,50 picnl intrrtec frwea i seat ber sale, at 21 Ve, 81. bags Maraeaibe at 18 and 4tj bag 1a Uoavra oa private ad la the epUealiae Has CoS enht to the extent ot 74.740 esvgs.

and. oa a stronger, though variable, asarket, valne were farther advanced for tbe day 134 23 points, leaving of about steady, with flocr ruber closing si 18 7o S) HHOc. Jannsry. 1K88. at lS.4iclb.0.

February at l3Swl40. March at lS.30e.-ie April at May at 18.20v.el8.aSc., June at l8cl.06e.. July at le.7Se si IS OOc August at lSOc.nii.40c-. snd later deliveries, to November, 1888, at 14 T0e.J (ssust a year agi a range optloaa Iter of 12.fl0e Havre cabled higher, ttotigh Irregular, Hamburg also of as advanoe. Week's deliveries from warehonse here, 61.618 bags, and at all distributing points.

68.133 bags, against 4VM17 bags la tbe preceding week and 40,404 bag la the corresponding week of last year. Cables from Rio Janeiro were of flruaess. istock given aa dewa to 235.000 bags 160,000 bags la first hands after norcnaaea tor the United la lea last week of 13.0HI bags, against rsoelr-ts of S0.0O0 bsgs: and at Santos, stock In Srst hands. VltO.OOU bags, and ia seeoad hands. Sn.uoo bags, with purchase there last week of 23.000 bag fur th Called etste and receipts of 24.0O4) hags.1 tvOTTtN A restricted apecnlauv mnvrmenl was report d.

bnt at atnnewhat flrnior prices, Iee Defend January gaining 2 points, and later deliveries holding their own. brlnsing fieeember to l(V4Sc 10.VK:.; January, le2c 10 February, lO.HScftjo 4c; March. 10.74r. 10 75ct May, 10 P2c.w 10.03c a-wl Augnat 1 l.Ofr ll.lOe Cables deemod favorable Mt'M here. bales, all told, on options.

for prompt delivery spinners eengt.t 61 bales, at unaltered agnres. Low Middling standing at lo loc. ano Middling at Port receipt inoderaWt, (for the day. bales) FISH Held to lull quotation, though compare-tirely dull. FOCR AND MEAL Wheat Floibwss In fair demand, mainly for home trade areonnt, aad gen-ally at Area price.

Spring Wheal Extras, especially strictly good to fancy Patents, attracting chief si-ten, loa here smoe noon of Pridsy. J0.57S bbls. and sscka. and slearanoea henoe. S.021 bbls.

and 56.314 sacks. reported here to-day eqmal to 24,47.1 aaeks and te arrive aud here, aboat 7.8O0 sacks and bbls credited to shippersof which 1.S60 aaoks and bbls. Lew F.x-tra at $1 40; shoot 1.S00 aark aad bbls. 'lty Mills Extras, of which hnlk for West ladies, at $4 46 $4 77s. aa to brands aod pks raainlr 76.

and Patent Kxtras. in sack anil within the range of $4 45 5 10; about 11.200 sack and bbln. Spring Wheat Kxtras. of which about 7,100 sacks and bbls. Patent Kxtras, to arrive aod here, at $4 40S.

in great part at $4 7535; and fanry up to $5 io, and about 2 7K sacks snd bbls. lew grade at $2 63 46; and Rve Mixture and Clear Kxtras at S3 854 25. aad about 1.40U sacks and bbls. Straight the balk at 44 45. though choice to verv tanev went, tn at $4 60S4 gs, about 7.40(1 sacks and bbls.

winter Wheat Kxtras. to arrive aud here, of whn bulk Clear and 8inght Kxtrsa, at $3 HSSS4 65. la good part Straights at 4d. and low grades at $2 Sires 45. and Palest Kxtras.

poor to taacv. at $4 35a5; about 1.100 aacka and bbls. Boperfln Spring and Winter at $2 4i 05; abont 1.436 sacks aud bbls. Pin at $2 10 $2 85. mostlv a $2 25 $2 60; sliout 975 bbla (Southern Kxtras of which bulk Clear and xtraight Extras, at SS 86 $4 50, and Patont Extras at $4 60 a $5.

and b7 bbls. Rys Flo IB at $3 4093 76 for ordinary to strictly choice, and up to $3 85 tor etncUy fancy An pern In odd lot Cokxesal nncbsnged, on Slight business, includisg Brandywme at $3 25. FLOlb more active, but rather easr in price, ranging from $2 lb oil 30, chiefly at $2 20 $2 26. (90S bags received to-da. and 2.770 bags last week.) Bi hsld steadllv at 80.

(a carload sold st 8fiC) Fsen wanted, at full prices for Bran, with 40 lb. (as most songhtafteri at 81 06S $1 in. from mill and track, ax to 'jualllv. it carloa-i heavy, to arrive, sold at $1 id. I and 100-a.

and fehsi ps, (aa in lea favor) at $1 17 WHEAT Winter Wheat was more active th pecnlauve line, and decidedly bnovant throughout, (favored by more umnlaling cabiea.) renultmg lu a farther rle tor the day of abont lc. a busbel, whll for early delivery. Wheat was in increased faror, great part for ihiproenL (depressed freight contributing to quicken export purchases.) with values quoted np abont (bringing No. Ke.1 93 with the aggregate sales of beat reported on options reaching bushels. (of which tt.5lt.iHKJ bushels for May.lau for early delivery, comprising abont bushel, (of which latter about 124.

0O0 bushels crediteo to shippers, lnaddltl to which a Liverpool firm, with IN w-Vork onnections.waatd to have purchased 10,000 bushels of California Wheat. 1 against receipts here since noon of Frirtsy last of b4.U ni bunt. els, and clearan-es of 123.375 bushels. Mock In arehouse hire decreased for the week 28.17M bushels, or to e.766.815 bushels. t.dfifl biiahol con tract gra.1 01 Red.) and stock afloat decreased to.oon bosliris.

or to 224,000 liushcis. whilethe grand an gregaU- in s.ght wss augmented to 1.01H.ti25 bushels, or to 7 -oii4 bushels. ou tbe option list the msrket closed here tlrmlv, with 2 Ked. lor Iiecemhcr at H2c, Jannsry, 1HH1. at 92 February at MSt, March at 94 Sc Atirtl at lsv at fWc, (having raneed from 95 Hie.

June iliib and December. 1A. at 9hc And forearlv deliv-ery, Xa 2 Red Wheal, afloat, went at 9c. mostly at PSUc, aud In store and elevator, quoted at and No. 1 Red, in cl.

-valor, at and No. 1 Hard Spring, froe on from store, (84.0(MI bushels on batnrdav for export at eqoid lo 95'4c. and delivered. I 8.000 bushels to a local miller. i at aud lied.

Amber, and Upriiig Wheal at as to and delivery. CORN-Had increased attention for prompl ur.d forward delivevy. and hardened in price -on t-srly deliveries "ar. a snd in (lie option line closing stesdily More export Inouirj- Mock In warehouse and el. valor here Inrreased within the week 23.47 bushels, or to 1.744,-5t bushels.

(1.2j.5."0 ouxheis contiact grade.i and. afloat, unchanged, remaining at 8.30 hush Ms. and grand agrregateof Corn insight lucrca sed 9K busheis.or to 5.759.407 bushels tere since noon of Fndsv. 84.700 bns.ieis, aud clearances hence 115 bnshi-is 695.00 bush- Is. isbout 1 23,000 bushels for dellverv.

of which about bnshela to ahiptxrs. including Jio. 2. elevator and store, at 61 Sc. closmg.

in elerstor. at 61 'c. bid ilo afloat, at 82c. 63c. av-ararr Mlie.1.

In elrrater, at H3c. asked, and free on board, fioiu store. 44 OIW buahels at equal to 62c; low Mixed, in elevator, at 61c; Xo. 3, in elevator, at oS-y aiur clostnt- at and nn graded Mixed and Yellow snd Wl.lte, to arrive and here, at 6t)r. a624c.

of No. 2 Corn, for Js-jnsrr M.OOI) bushels, at l.rfr rlos.Bg at 62 ssked; February. i-'H -0O0 bushels, at l-4c cl.ieins: st 62 W-'-March. 16.0OH bushels st 621.. closing st 82 Vr snd May.

24000 busheU. at 6i'4c. ad Sc. cloning at B.i asked. OATS Were more freely dealt In.

chiefly is the speculative luterml, and advanced for the day a trifle, closing firmly ti in elevstor aud warehouse here decreased within the week 111237 bnshela. or to 1.9211.615 bnshela. (of which 79 0,9 bushel. No. 2 White and 761.

14S bushels o. 2. with Si'?" nd rDl1 aggregate io sight decreased 232.085 bnahel. or to 5.6,11 bushela since noon ol Friday. boahels: rleaiances hence unimportant Sales lo-dsv 531.000 bushels (1.

bushels tor early delivery.) including No, 1 White, in elevator, at 41 Sc. No 2 White, in elevator, about S2.0O0 bnshels. at 4ic 41c. closing at 40ir. bid.

I against 40c on Fndsy.i Jsnnsrv. 40. IKK) bushels, at 40Vc closing at 40' February. 20,000 biWii-u, at 4 1 ac a 1 clos-ingat41Vc. bid; No.

3 White st 3Sr. a HXSe. No 2 in store and elevator, about 44 ooo bnshela. at 38 cioing at 2 (against 3c. on Fndav i No.

3. in elevator, at ungradwl While, to arrive and here, at 39c. attc. and urgraded Mixed at 36c of No. 2 Oats, for Januarr, 1:441 -000 bnshels.

at Sftc. c. closing at Feb-rnary. 6.0OO bnshels, at 39c. closing at and Mav.

200,000 at 40c.401c.. closing at RVE Held extreme figures, bnt dull Ptocg in warehouse tiers. 6.799 bushels, aad afloat, none and in sight, 274.077 bushels. BA K1.EY In demand si firm prices, with So, OOO bushels two aud four row tu reported sold on private terms. etock in warehoune here.

109 465 bnshels. and atloau 367.400 bushels, and In sixhl. 3.676.H55 bushels. EAK1.KV MA LT Further sales reported of ion 000 bnshels Canada, city riiake. on the firm b-! of $1 15-1 20.

KM Very dull but otherwise nominally nn-changed. MKTALS- Were lightly dealt In as a rule, and or le" "regular -At the Exchange 00.000 m. Ingot Copper January to March deliv-eries. sold at 17.55c. 17.W)r.

NAVA ETORE8 Spirits Turpentine in more re-queat and quoted at Resin held to former -fJTi-T1 ioo.i etraned quoted at $1 051 10. bnt in light sale. PETROLEUM eruflr.aies ot rod Petroleum were much more active on a haoyant. excited, and sensitive market, (extensive covering purchase rr-lwrted.) and price were advanced lor the dav fully 4. Closing opening price.

ias ofUclaliv reported. 1 84 range for the dav. cl.s lng at t8 bid. 'against t4 on baturdar. 1 Sales to flay.

5.456.1HH) against 1.95i.lrtMj 1,0:1 on A alow movement was reported In Refined Petroleum, which was juotd r.ere snd at nearby ports up 7S Refined Petroleum In taaee, here, st 9S for SUndard bisnds. Hade tests ss before, save for 110' test, winch was np to S'-York City, 100" tlssh. to bbls LbU Naphtha. In rnoviSlONS-Hog products stronger in price, though without remarkable ax tiruv POhE lr.M-m,Jl'',rtlr "uPht after, and sold to the extent of 2M bbi st $16 tor Mess of laet eoa- parkins ft 5 lor Clir. and I7 -5 lor Family Mess, aod Siv 50S: 7r.

lor extra i-rime A go.1 Hemsort noted for I'KKeett. ru'ed stronger, wltbcity 7c 47Sc a. to meirh'ta. -An-irals at Interior polnta. 7J.71 heal sine-our last a light business reported In tits at lirevlou.

price- with Plckle liellies. 12-lt al 7 bhooldemai 6c. 6 and otueY claeses' asbelore neglected and non ilia, hero rstern Stm Lakp was quoted higher an I met P'-!" delivery, closing al $8 10. (400 tea. sold at 05 di 10 7And of Itv Lard 1 JO tc.

went at $7 ei. 7 76 on Friday, And in tho ojtion line Western lnfr? tJ" extent of 8 OOO tee and rallied for the day log i2 io-ing stea.j. l'K Kr'nr xarcb at -J5. April at 6i aj. Mav at ts Jans st 45.

Jnlr at Ss 50. sad August at 57' Lar'1. and BKrr and Rksr Hi.i In slack reqnesi at ncaiiered price, BLrrgs quoted up air. on a far local trade cad for the finer makes. ci-s demsiid.

with best Factory at 11 v. a. 12c fr'T CVTK- 'th bet domestic qu.jV-d at 2c. o.oc. lor souUiern.

Western, aad -atern nd Limed at 15 Sc. 17c. Of TiOi.s iV) ZrV 1-. eusiiag at 4 S-lHc. TIAKISB Choice city.

In gnotedat tSc 6c mode rate! opf'ft a'ier and held to fnU flgrea Cottoo-seed OU. 10O bbls. erode went at 3.. with prime to choice summer Yellow quoted at 41c c4re And of Menhadaa ftL -0 bbla crude at 2 'se aVi.01.."0 T001 OU- U'B -Tloa reported fL at $5 6u Weeg exports rts iwmpriaed i.6 bbla Lsrd. and 8.h..76o fh Uaeon elUng slowly within our prsvions range.

rJ-? moderately aonght alter 8L AK Raw held hoesver a light movement, embracing 112 hhds. Mnsrovaito Ifi' term: jir. Rrexii. hoe- test. Mlt' Prtv.t.

V-f5ne1 "nfhaiige- bet A mevemoat wa re-forxedsia Berth aod chart one tr acta, uartiv la the ratesoo Grata r7ng tr wae staorwie aAewlag utise ef rsceat S-saga. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CsrA4K Dec 17. Only tjOOO ksad sf CatUs arrived at tha Chicage stnek yards tavdsy. bet enough Cattle remained ever tress Meadav ta-ereeae las offerlags te liberal preportioaa.

TVre waa ac a good deaaaa d. hewewar. that a sines market was exBeriea ced and all good Cat Is sold fully as high ss late last week. In the as-aeee af extra choice Beeves Bayer had ts vat ap with aosBBxoaax stswr is aairea lastaaces thaa they wasted, lor there waa a marked scarcity af the glass sf Beeves that sold ao extensively dartag ths latter pars ot last week si 65865 Shipsr' parchasee ranged at $3 20. chiefly at S48A.

wbile hot leers sold a $3 S4 B. a Lerkevs aad fseder were onlv moderately active, but price ruled 6 rax. Range Cattle were carce aad largely aomlnaL Prices closed aa tollsws Eaaey Baevea. S5 SO ttt 80; eboMss shipping ateera, 60 1 good tat ablpplag Steers. $4 80s 64 SO, fair al-ptng Mteera.

94 $4 60 coramoa to lav dresed beet fleer. 6 S3 emaei tasx-y Bella. $1 SO fanry wa, $9 St ASS 35; gs4 choice Cows aad Heitrra. S3 76: peer to medium Cews, $1 40 1 Texas aad Indian Steer. 10; Texas Cewa.

81 8063 tl); slackers and feeder. $2 IS a-63 4 6 Only 10. ooo Hogs wevs received. Bat aa saaay remained ever tram Moaday that tb so ply was at least fair. A few lota ef prime heavy Moss, weigh-ing34 to3t6 changed beads at $5 70S $5 7a.

or 6c 4 1O0 higher than at tbe loss of lest week, bnt the general market waa beater, la fart. light Hogs, which romnnaed a great share ef te oSeringa. war hard le sell at earraal pi I in I alar iu me ai oce ui ProviaKSBS BO-aced. bnt it failed ta create nock a boom la Hng. Sale were made ef mixed Hews averaging 170 to 250 ft at $5 05 r5 46.

heavy Si ag averaging 2S6 to 400 IS. at $6 806 76. light weights averaging 140 to SOO m. at 64 26, and Pigs and calls averaging 1O0 ts 170 at 8 60 $4 75. Fourteen city packers were operating.

aM altogether 14,500 Hot and Wgs were Bought te alaughter here, ahippers securing 6,000 head. IHE FOREIGN MARKETS. Loxtvos. Dec- 274 P. raited States 4 4 cent bonds.

12N: do. 4S, 110 taasdiaa Pac-le. MS; Erie second coaaoLulated. 8V Meikss 60S: bt Paul common, 77 New-Torn Ceatral lilt): Beading. Si.

Canada KerthweeS and ompany. XV: Hudson Ray Company. X2 Rar Silver is eneted at 44 d. 4 eaaca. pane advice quote 8 cent henles al 81f.

15c for tb aoooant. and change ea Loodoai at SSL 3i Sa. to ehetks. 4 P. ML Prodnce Calcutta Linseed.

37a SdJ Snarter. ReOned Petroleum, 6 7 led-V1. gal-M. fpiriu of 1 urpeeUn. 2M.

ftd 4 rW 1JVSBPUOU Isc 274 P.M. Cotton rttxres closed steady; Cplands. Low Middling olsase, T. eetnber dellvary. 6 42 S4d.

value 1 Deaber aad January dellverv, a 43-64d. aellera; Jaanarv aad Febrnarv delivery, 6 42 6sd antlers; Febraary aad March dellverv, 6 4S-n4d. sellers: Mareb aad April delivery. 6 44-4d. buyers April aad Msy dailvvry, 6 48-64d.

buyers: Mar and Jans dellverv. 6 43-6 1. buyers; Jane and July dellverv. 6 60-844. buyers Julv and Angnst delivery.

6 63-84d. payer. MAScMBarts. Dee. 27.

Cloths qaiet. wlthsstl quotahle change in prices. Yarns quiet, without quotable change In price. A.VTWBBr. Ic if Wlleov Lard closed at 64 f.

50c 100 klloa. Petroleum Fins pale Aa erica lrif. 12 Sc. paid, and 181. 37' aellera.

Hkxmkv, iiec. 27. Petroleam. 7 marks 80 pfealga. Havaxa.

Dec 27 Spanish gold. 23.Hw240. Exch nge quiet. Sugar quiet. OUTGOING STEAMSHIPS.

TO-bAT. (WKDiraSiiAT.) PSC. 33. Mailt Close, VeoU Sss. F.

3 00 M. 2 OO P. M. 3 .00 3. M.

A tier. Bremen 12-00 ML. britannlc Liverpool 13. -O0 M. Finance, Rio Janeiro Xneoes, Oalveston THUBA DAT, I'SC.

29. Cltv of Angsata. svannah Manhattan. Havana Rnaetia. Hamburg Plate of Georgia, (iiaegow.

Valencia. La Uuayra 11 -00 A. M. kip AT. MC.

SO. Cherokes. Charleston Cay of Antonio. Fer- nandtna El Cailao, CluJad 1 00 P. M.

SATl-BUAT. I'r. SL A 1 vans, Carthagvna 11 Ou A. l. Reigenianil.

Antwerp 3 .00 A. 31. Chatean I Cltv ot Chicago, l-lvcrouoi. City ef Para. Asplnwall ...10:00 A.

M. Corual, dalvesuin OO f. -00 r. m. 3 6S P.

M. 3 80 P. M. 1 Mi T. IMf.lf.

3 rOS P. M. 3 t0 P. ML. 1.00, 6 rOO A.

mt. 12O0 M. 3 -00 r. M. 80 A.

M. 8 A- H. (00 A.M. A M.

8 ob'K'jt! 6:00 A. 3 KtO P. :30 A. M. 8.00 P.

M. Fnrnnssia, lilasgow islaud. Copenhagen Gallia, Liverpool Hudson, New-Orleans. Ia Chainpsgne. Miranda.

Halifax Portuense. l'sra Rotterdam. Rotterdam. Karstoga. Havana sorrenlo.

Hamburg OO A. M. 8 00 A. 3L 8 00 A.M. 3:00 1 00 P.

8 (hi A. 1 CO P. M. M. M.

Tallahassee, eavaunah TVSSDAT. JA. 3. Delaware. Charleston Monlsuk, Lelth Nevada.

Liverpool Ule of Trias. Florida OO r. 3 00 P. M. INCOMING SIEAMSHIPS.

rv to-dat, wgnitrsPAT.) fsr. IA Alvena, Port I.imon. tec 17. Monarch. I u.ion.

Don. 15. Ft Csllao. Rolnar. Dec.

IS. Flamhomugh. Iec 15. North Knn, liibraitsr. 11 MB THtasDAT.

bgC. t. Alvo. Kingston. Iec.

21. City At antv Havana, Dec 94. Mcxiro. Havana. Dec.

24. Wa -aland. Antwerp. Dec 17. rfk vbidat.

pbc. 30. Pnlda. Bremen. De.

21. l.errusnic, Liverpool. Iec. 21. Polaris.

Hamburg. Ixc 16. feantugo, cirnluegos. Dec 20. PCS SATUEtiAT.

PIC 31 Oreeoe, Ix don. Dec 18. Prninanla. Hamburg. Dec.

17. Schiedam, Amsterdam, Dec IT bis subAT. Bsltic. Liverpool. Dee.

22 tmrla Liverpool. Dec 24 La Hrrtagne, Havre Dec. 24. Trinidad. Bermuda.

Dvc 29. i koiDii. jas. t. Alps.

Port Lire on. Dec 24. Colon. Asplnwall. Dec 25.

F.thiopiA 'Uagow. Dec. 22. Moravia. Harre.

Dec 21 Venice, OibralUr. Dec 17. TfkSDAT. JAS. S.

Brooklyn City, Rrletol. Dec. 15. Bolivia. Mediterranean Port.

Dec 19. I.migate Hill. London. rec. 21.

Philadelphia. uracua. Iec -d. San MaiLOs. Havana.

Dec 29. UIXIATVRB ALU AS A CTBI8 DAI. Bun 7. 23 I San eu. .4 :39 1 Moos HIGH WATER THIS DAT.

r. M. Bandy 6.3 7 1 Gov. 26 I Hell 7: 4 3IARIXE INTELLIGENCE. N-WYORK TV LSD AT, DEC.

27. ARRIVED. Bteamshlp Nevada. -Br .) Douglas. Liverpool aad Ui.wu,-,o 11 10 with ludsr and pa eusers ta A.

M. Cud. Co. Hudxiu. Fr.eman.

New Orlratv 5 di with mdse and passengers to samuel H. Seskraan, k-ineka. Uui-k. -Nsw-Orleans ds with Bdw. to J.

hu-a-i. Breakwater. I'ole. Newport Kews sad Point. a with mdse.

aod passengers te Old Dominion suamship Steamship Furoeesi. (Br .1 Hedderwi-k las row and Movilie with mdse and passenger ut Hrndeison Bros. steamship Marengn 1 Br .1 Irwin. London 18 wiTb ludse to ssnderson A Son. steamship N'aooof nee.

Ke Savannah ds with mde and psaeengtrs to H. Yonge SleamsLlp tiallia. P.r.) Mnrpby. Liverpool 1 lrlSw to Vernon H. Browg steamship Oa Stream.

Pennington, ileAingTo- with mdw and passenger te W. p. lyne a o. Gnffitht. Uverpool asl 12 da, a 1U1 md and passengers V.

Bandy nook. llghV K.W.s thick ha.e; at Llty Island, light. K. clear. SAILED.

teamnhips Marmion. for Booo del Tore; Olivette, lor Hsvana; cnaimette. for Carom, tor Fcrrandin. rtoanoke. for Richmond flip John c.

for sae Msry Haat-iouck. lor Bristol; Bhai lor Demeiara. 111; SFOKkX. 8hii. -of P.ath.' from Kan New 1 ork.

Dcj lid. Mv mile. from altera. UT CABLE Lofo Dec27 -Th Inmaa Line steamship Ob 10. fiji irn from New.

York Dec 17 lor Live? pw, pa.sed hrow Hesd at p. to da- 1 he KLate Line steamsiiip State of Nebraska, (i.i AfT vee'r daV' Yr Tbefctete Line steamship etate of Nevada cart, e-'iT- wYoTk-? fT- from 1 Nov f. for sue, nd New York has srr at shanghai iu, her sura pit and prvtUag po.t broken. win into dork rhe sumh'p Rsynlaad, rapt. J- 10' air al i ius-! roV.e?7e.Pa5I Wd- ailVroaTpm.

oTi The steamship Exrter Cltv 1 Cant. sldr5.wc.Ue for N.w fork fi- 1 lKnsn. Rr. Cp sfcKe tr-m XewYerg lv 4. IsT II The stoamsh tarTt.

T1imiili, 1. kttlr. Ospt Brarens. tro ork Lee arr at Aalwer, Voc A DISBOXEST AGEXT. lyv TJr eoT.

5. re it W. rv for MeCVkHarvit-T ih Py of Ct here. sr- rc-lvtg with aPBrounaiiee TL caarged 'l.

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