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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 2

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FALLING WITH IIIS HORSE MB. KBRSOCUANS HARROW nsusrjs ruou visa jji. A UKIOCb AOCXDEXT AT TBS ACTUM HCt AT TBS KOCKAWAT CTEEPLB- 1 CHAII AUOCIATIOH. A perfect day waa pTOv-itJatl for the opening Ue Aataaaa Beetiag tf the Rockeway ita. pif BBSS MHCMUW a MHnHM7WHU7, sat IB IN iiwnm a uiu twrw -www we eotaaUiag ta be dsslred.

TkiitmlMNtu goad, thwack aot waa bad keen expeeteo. aaa reawtltioa ef th erwwd wbisA saw Btelchsssa I I korUg la looked (or a remaining aaa af the matt, wkea there will be. fewer aeaata attractions ta aoBtaa4 wlta. wseagsedeae. The flat raeee vara far bttr Ua ara neoelle aaaa at a tneettng where Ua lateral alrd spaa tee Jamaiac, wkile eeek af Ua ateepleeaaeae wu a raaa beta atari flalab, Aa aaeldaak lacking a fatal molt only wm maw ngiracuurus lau, imtiiw a me apaalag ef Ua first ateepleekaee.

Tbe etert waa aaade at the aaat badge, ea the pologroaada, a4 aU four aoraea cleared Ua hedge, aad eeme oa wU together (or Ua watar Jump. If. U. LorUlard's Highlander waa riodea by Jx Keraoehea wk ltfte4 hla ever THI KSi ABB AUYBS1 CWUtt BUI ROOW however, aad taraad two empUU ao Bursa alts. Wbaa Ua here get ap Mr.

Karaaebaa waa lylag aa Ua ground, aaa Ua aorprlee vaa general whaa ka rateed kJmsalf a altUag posture. TkuvHMBuh aa ka waa capable of doing, aad ho wss earned oa etreteber to tbo arreod eland Dr. Weir attend bto and found taat hU riirbt log waa broken sbovs Uaaokia and tbat bi oollar bonlo waa brokan. At Orat tber were fears Ua fcia blp bad been crushed ad bia baok Injured, Aut Uoaa proved groand- Tba aealdeat kad Ua affact diminishing tba lateroatiatbo aost raco, wbleb Uatrtbuuon, with roiaaU Koaoa tba a add la. waa a bot f-ttnhi Jaaa aofora tbo raao waa called that T'lliekV tMU arantiamaa'a fatlutv a ua.

ranial akaaa, (orblddlac au aea to ride. Ao tooaa praoaa; wra Mr. and Mra. Band MusaiMM, Mr. aaa aira.

a. n. oiaTaaa. jwr. ad Mra.

luad, Mr. and Mra. J. Mr. ad Mra, J.

K. Cowdia, Mr. and Mra. K. La-aaoouMraa, Kr.

aad Mra WlUlatn namoiaa, Mr. aad Mra. Maiiua btorjr, Mr. aad Mra. Y.

KMhaad. Mr. aad Mra. P. If.

Callter, Mr. aad Mra. a. a. aaoda, Mr.

ot ar iiooawai laa aiiaaaa OMraaa, lxavitt. Worth. Leene, Walr. Robr, Laata. aad I'anrla.

aad Moaara. J. jruroaa, Morgaa, Jacob, Mr. Thorp, U. Merbart.

dgar toa Wloikrop. C. La MooUcna. Ibartco Uaokaahor, J. B.

flarrlBaa, Uawallya liord. Daa Lord, Lawraoea Tnraara, kupar- t. mi Tba flrat raa waa a aocpatakaa for pole eulra, arar aboal tbroatgbiba of a mile on tea tel. All ftvo enltiae alartad, the Rabdaab fclabU'a Jack Haifa, rfcldea ay Mr. Duooaa, 11-)n al fit to 10 lor Haauty.

rldde by Mr. Kaoaa, $10 for Pratrte Uoc, aad $10 for the Sold. eoBaietla of kollo and Drink Ileanr-Jack Knlfo did all that ka eould ea bia own cooaftt to Juatlfr Ua bellla eatehluf tlia lead and taaraaalac it anul wall Into tbo home etroteb, wbiab be enUrtd alahl laaalba to rout of (be olbere. Mr. JJuneea lei tba atbero rlu up tka gap.

bat bia borae waa ao apparent. ly aa eeay wiauar tbat no one crillalaad hta rid-laa. haaaa catbarod Boauty, who waa ewarln l-adlf. for a Bnal effort, and abaileofed tba leadrr, who lot kirn a by. Tka Incident waa irraeied with a mar af laughter.

Beauty raid il do and f7 Oft. aad Jack knife paid 5. Uar alnlamr waa favorite la tbo aaeond race, wblrh waa for ponioa, with ircnUemna rlUara, oyer about half a mile on Ua tat. He aold for Mary gutng for 10, and tba field, tnoludlng Hlul Tom and Orphan Boy, for gju. Orphan Bdy, ridden by Mr.

Koese. led at tao atart and tip ta wllbla a abort die-taoee of thtttaUb, whaa Mr. Marria aent Bar t-lnlatar no wfih aruah. liinau kIjiu luhiiui aad the three fonaha bard to toe flnUtt, wbleh waa la faror of the favorite by a abort half least Orphan Boy eeoond. Matuala paid 98 no and 97 6S oa Bar alataier aad 99 aa Orphan JJer for ptaaa.

A ld of nine eoatended In Ua third raoe. whleh waa for all aaaa. fur about Ave urlonae, antle-tuaandara allowed aevon ponnda. Paj LIt vor led at the atart, but Moearluw aoon aaowad la front. Pat IX war iMtaaed htm, however, and reUlaed tka Uad to Ue flnlab, Boaarluai aaoead.

and Oram te third. Uvverpaid 914 M9 aad 97 80 1 for pLano. Tba fuurtb raaa waa fur haraaa of all uu caatleaao rUaret about tbrae-qnartera of a tulle oa the flat, ftchoelaieeter waa tbe favorite, aelllog at $ii ta $10 for Clinker aad $1 for Ua field, eouiprlelag Taaao, Cyalona. and Tea, triluw. 'llw etart waa a rood one.

Tea fallow ettlna vff flrat. followed bv Taaao. with C'llnkar al hie aide and School maater aome- oroino. unnaer eaurut the lead in tba kollov, end bald It well luto tbe home atretch, when Imm ruabed Into Orat plaoe and atald tbera. Ka paid Ui4 90 and 9V 60.

CUnhar pay. Ilia- ad 40 for plaoa. 1 ha but of tba Bat racea broagbt eat Barge-taeater. ridden by Mr. Keene; Pal Oaklev.

wU MrliuBhlla npi Hllisard, ridden by Barrett, ad UfeaUa, by Mr. BuUor. Mr. Kaene'e niount ni aeiuag at OJO to aiO for lillatard and 9- for Ua Held, Burgonaatar won Jy two loglba.aod paid $11 85 and $9 15. Zilluard, who waa aaonnd.pald 10 80 for plaea.

rr tbe Aapluwall bteanaaobaaa. for whlok there were 1 1 eutrioa, only 4 oaaa to the front. 0 he prite waa a Puraa of $1,200, the teeood korae te reealva $250, nod Ua third $100, rn-tinmaa rldara a iowad aeven ponnda. overUe mmraa, three aad half talloa. Tee atarv ra were Canifno'a Teaneaae.

Cnao- c' 1y'a Jlnt MoGowaa. M. llfl UatBPataad BUbla'a MyeUts Boaa- lV. tnt Lotttlara'a Harbereugk. 'r.

J. P. Keraorkan'aTenneaaaa waa the favor-It at 930, wlU Myett. aao: MoOowan. 91ft, od llarborougb.

ia MeOowejt led at Ue tart, followed by alyatie aad Teaneaaea. all went well natll Ua water Jump, when Car-Uroua-h bad hie tumble. Tennoaaoa, kowevar. not a aood lead la the eeoond tarn end waa aol beaded, coining la two laoctaa ahead of MoUowaa. W)Ue third.

Teaneeaoa paid 97 A airalgbt aad plaoa aad MyiUa paid 29 tor Jilare. The gentlemen rldara kad It aU to Uemeelvee ta tbe aevenU raoe, which waa ever Ue Ureo-autla eoarea. Out at eiht entrlea only Urea atartara turned ap. Oleabar, ridden by Mr. JJuncnai Flamea, wltb Mr.

fiaraire ap, aad Big 4.hlaf. piloted by Mr. Morrle. Plamea waa a bade the favorite over Uleabar, BlgChlet eell. at 910 tbe othera, $lft apleoaTDurlng tba early part at Ua race Flauee Beamed a aura winner, at aaa time having a loag lead.

Mr. lHioraa. howevar. waa ridlaic hard to win and 1 Oolnbar paid $11 40 and 7 40; Yumeo, 9d S0 for plaoa. There wera 9 va atartera la Ua laat Waa over Ue abort etoepleehaee eoarea.

WU1 Davie waa Ue favorite, aad he eama flrat SbhT fl" WlU eeead. aad Tba uaaagamant kava daalded te give an extra daya racing en Wedneeday, tor which a rogramma at alx raeee baa beta prepared. hrea af Ua rare i will be on the flat kfntrlea for tkaaa raeee wiU eloaa al 7 eolook ea Tuoe- COXTMACTOXM IX TMOVXZJC. alokiur, AUk, Aug. 27Tha publle wu bade aware te-day at Ua Urowlng eat at a Bevaa-thotiaaad-ttaaar draft at aaataal B.

Beiloek at Kaw-Terk. eon tree tor a the Bleartlle Waterwarka kare aad alaa knOdora et waterworks vartooa elUee BouU aad Weat. aetae new aader cenetraetioa aad eoaae aompletad. The draf. waa dlaooan ted kere aad Urawa eat h'ew-erk far lack of rands.

Bellock A Co. are tnat foupletiiMt Ue work here at a aaat et $400,000, having ealy aaa week' work ahead beiore tarn-lag oa water ta all porta ft tka eitv. ItUboiiavedUalUaUa-htaeeeW tbe money by Ua recent failuraa at lvee oUrra, preveated tba contract ere from realtainaoa ibotr eoearitM. and haa eaaaed tbeir teaarHNwry eibarreaaieat. The Peoplee' 9vtne Baak kere, whtoa.

dieooaatod the emrt, ta aaa ply aurad ky a eoavey-noe protaoa a lino of eredlta. ameanl of 94.900 were "b4 property here te-4ay by luoal eredlt-re. Thera la abeat 94.000 due laborece. waoaa r' waa teay. They wore paid eortn, liuUock Oa.

kava Ua aa. of tea nu and tool for a weak, aad tbe laborer ran a per-eJ Uev wlU ah Ue woritiTt ATTX1XM IS CBZ3A. 8ax FBAXClaxxv Xag. 27. Tbe ateamahi BabnaarrlvadUia aftaraooa tram Hoar-Eaag aad Yokahama.

aavtac aanda Ua varan from Ue latter port ta 14 day. Mail adviaaa tram China auta that 9.000 aoldiara kava bona die-Fetched ta Join Ue Tartar GeneraT foreee ta Itt. a report havtag been made te Ue Urea Uat tbero war 10)00 Hnailan anldlera eei tbe rI7 at eaaaUarabl warn a Ua propoead Amertcaa-Chiaee aaak. rOatien for Uooatabl lahlag at Ue propoaoA bank are aaat to kavaaeaa euod.KHed'e.M? by cwaat MUkewieae aa behalf of a faun. raaicaie.

Ike eeplial te oae-kaaf ia ana. Amert' an. All OorernBiaai laana km jel be aaaxauated bv tbe aaak, aad aU pay. Urt1- pablkawrha.aad tor- wjC embeealae are to be maae tbroaah Ue baak by teea2Tirt aaeataaaUea.aad tba anlat la te bo aader vadtraM kaTi re pnvliaa tar tao eeodoot af a tiUpktna traalaaBOi.taa alaamit BoUla. hat wwaJA not A SAID 8UREWDLT PLANS ED.

tXTSAOKDISAST OUTCOMS Of A DI-ICKXT OV A BLISS TILL POOL BOOK. A pool room waa the aobject of a raid in BUaarUla, Long Ialand. raatardaT. which ream ted to Ue arreat af aa Aldarmaa aad 99 otherperaeas. Per aome time pool have beta eela an Ue koraa raaa ever Ua lager beer aalooa of ttlrhael Kearney, oa Greeapolnt-aveane, Vllaavlllo.

ewpoelta Calvary CoaMiory, to tbo treat aeaodal of tbe law-abtdln( portion of tbe mnnlalpaUty Tba pool aellera have boaated Uat Uay eoald carry ea their bualaeat wttk lm-pnalty, aa Ue city maynatea could not be ia-dord to interfere with them. Tble beeat name te tbe eere et Mayor Olraaoa. aad he blually Uild Preeldeat Hrary C. John-eon. at tba Polio Board.

Uat be waeted eitber bit reeigaatloa or Ua pool Mr. Jobnaun replied that be beu Id kava tba peat room. The Mayor drove down taBeckawey enPrlday wlU one of bia fast horaea aad left Mr. Job a-eon la town. The latter waa epprearhed by Aldarmaa Wlnana.

who complained about Ue violation af tka law which we roiag oa aad wasted te know what tbe CoBimleektoer waa aelnc ta do about it. Tbe Commleelener temporised and aald ke waa aoing up te the CetakUU Prtdav afternoon, to blina his wife beaa Tba Alderman wiabed him a pleaaaat joaraey nod went away. Mr. Jokaana went to tbe office of Corporation Cenneel W. J.

Poater and borrowed a vellee. Thea be weal dowa itnir lata "Tony" Miller reeUurant, oeuautloudy left Ua vattaa al Ua eirar reamer while be took a meal, and boerded Ue boat for York. Be waa followed by a man in the employ of Kearney to Ua Tklrd-avenoe elevated railroad atatiaa at Thirty on rth-trret, waa aaw blm take a train ap town, aad. betnc antlaBed that the Commissioner waa oa bia way to the Oaukllla. waat beek.

The Cammleelener did not go te tka rauklHa Da waat ap te PifUy-alatk-etreet, aad tbeara te tha Plfty-eeveaU-atreet eeort. where be aent a meeaoBeer to Corporation Ceanel Poreter, laatraetlaa blwi te have Police Captain Woeda and bia Serreanta await bia return. Then be went to bl bona after dart, (limbed over hi bark fence, reached tha Corporation CoudmI' ofllee, and by midairs! tbe necessary paper for tba mid-la of tbe poolroom were prepared. Then they waited. Mayor Oleaaon left Kockaway at 4 :30 A.

M. la bayry, and two boar later we at bia effle The atlidavlta were sworn to and tbe warrant alfaed. At 1 o'eloek Mr. Johnaoa bsd Urea carriage waiting oa Ue ouu kirta of Ua elty, with Capt. Wood, twa Serreaaw, and alaa men.

Tbev went te Kearner' plane, drove everybody In the ball-way ratal ra, and arreated 67 men. Among Uam waa Alderman wtnan, who waa found wiiaraurteg J. Murphy and Kaaraey la Ua room where tba telegraph operator was. la tha event the Mayer held eoort In tba pollee atatlea. Pel lee Juattee Delahaaty came In aad Murphy nnd Kearney demanded to be taken before tbe neareet magistrate.

Juatdee llahaaty (heated ont: 1 ge te tba City Halt All Una that waat to tlv bead, follow ma." Tka Mayer ald that ha wa tbe aeareet maitrate, aad a Justlee lelahanty persisted la makina a nolaa he laatrnoted tbe poll to arreel him. Urn wa permitted to wa out, bawavar. Alderman If loan was flsad $3 or five day In Ua couaty Jail, and Murphy, who I believed to bnv some Interest In tbe pool buslnees, aad Kearney ware beld to ball for tbe Grand Jury. About 9100 In One was collected from tbe men found In tbe rooms, many of whom wer dUrbsrjted because Uey swore they had not bouirbt pool tickets, and tbe money found on them, raajrinc from 19 cent to 91 00, seemed to warrant their assertions. PREFERRING THE STAOE.

WOT MRS. MARSHALL WILL KOT BE-TL'RX TO HER HUIBAXD. Aa imposing brownstone front at 206 West Twenty-foarU-street ta the present bom of Mra. Eugenia M. ManhalL whose husband.

Thorns B. Marshall, la a prominent merchant of Columbus, Ohio. Dlspatchea from that elty Prtday night auted that Mr. Marshall bad filed a petition for divorce from bia wife on Ua ground of willful absent and negleot of duty. Tba substance af Ua petition la to tha effect Uat Mra.

Marshall left ber husband three year ago to go to Mew-York and study for tba stag; also that her husband furnished ber with nearly 90.000 for ezpeusea and wa compelled to morta-ase hi business in order to do ao. Last una he asked for mora, but be refused it and came to this city, only to find that aha bad never tudled lor the stage and that ho intended to live wltb him no louger. I only beard of these dlapatcbe a ibort time ago and am completely taken by Mrs. Marshall said last evening. It waa tba first Intimation I bar bad of any aucb action on my bucbaad' part.

No pepera have been served on tu aa yet, and I am almost inclined to doubt Ua truth of tba report. In view of Ula uncertainty, I really don't know what to say. It la true tbat 1 left Columbus three yeara ao to come aero and atudy for tbe tse, but it waa with his full consent, aa can be clearly seen by bis atatement Uat he expanded 90,000 on nie for Uat purpose. However, be did not apeud that amount of money on me, nor anything like It. So far aa hla charge that I have not atudied is concerned, I enn only say tbat I have abundant proof- Por two year I studied Incessant Jy under Mr.

Emma Waller, of 861 weet Twenty-nrat-atreet. I can also refer to both Mr. Palmer and Mr. paly for an assurance of mj abilities and bow I have worked and itudiad. I married mv km-band when I waa vary young.

Ua was 25 years older than myself and a widower, and had a dene-hter about my aire, beeldee aeveral other onlidrea. My married Ufa wa by no mean a happy one. If any woman aver kad cause to seek tba stag aa a maaoa of Independence I am euro I had. -J Since last June I have supported myself, and durina; all tha time I have beon In Kew-York I bav lived bare wltb my parenta and brother. I kava never gone out and bava always been azeeedlndy eareful Uat no breath of acandal should ever attach to my name through any act of my own.

If it turns out Uat Mr. Marshall has asked for a divorce from I shall offer no opposition. Drovldlns' ba kaena within hnnnri. see, I did relus to return to Colutnbua with my a us band, for I would not aurrender my chosen prnreaaion arter bavlng worked so bard." Mra. Marshall baa adopted ber maiden name, Eugenie Tabor, as ber stage name, aad by tbat i known to Ua member of the profession wiU whom aka haa coma to contact.

1HJB WEATHER, Washington, Aug, 28. For Maine and Kew-Hampshire, fair weather, westerly winds, becoming variable, stationary temperature. For Maaaacbnsatta, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, fair weather, westerly winds, becoming variable, stationary tempera tore, axoept in western portion, slightly warmer. Par Aaatera A rw-1 eric, Katltrn ttnntyltanui, AaWeracy, und Dtiawwr. fair weoAsr.

tight eAaage i tnnverwrttrs, sxcrr4 in AortAene Ac i mnd- pmmJl liokt wnd rortaW. Por tha DUtrlct of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia, fair weather, aUghUy warmer, northerly winds, becoming variabla aaat Virginia. Western Pannaylvanla. a eater. Kew-York, andYarmont, warmer, fair waaUer.

vartabl winds. The follswinc shows' the change ta tha temperature for the paat S4 hour. In comparison wlU Ue corresponding date of last year, a Indies text by the thermometer at Undnut's pharmacy, 214 Broadway 1880. 1387.1 18R7 9A.M H' 7 78 A. M.

7S 9 77 6o p. 1 Average taaipsratare yesterday Avacage temperature lor aame date last year 'lai 18i(. "iM87. AvrgfarUwe 7a-7 7a-7 riMsoiUL jyTXLLiesscs. Gen.

Stephen V. Benet, Cnief of Ordinance, Cnitad Btatea Army, la at Ua Graad Hotel. Mra. Henry Ward Beacher and Archbishop P. A.

Paahaa, at Chicago, ara al the Everett Count de Diana, of Havana, and A. A. La Riviere. Provincial Treasurer at Manitoba, ara at Ua Victoria Hotel. OBITVABT XOTXS.

IX A. Hawaa, who tor SO years bad been iden-ttaed wttk Ue wholesale anilltaery business at Okkage, died yesterday morning at the age of 18 yeara. Isaaa Dteal. eee of Ua wealthy aad prominent altlsea of Aitoona, Peas, died yesterday ot lansav mattsa af the etsaaarh. Be was largely ts tares tad ta tbe coal aad lasaber baaineaa.

Mr. Nancy Jackaoa Parwall. mother ot Valtad atasas Bsnssor Charlaa B. Parwell aad Joha V. rarweU.

dted at terUag, in. ea FrMay. at tbe age ml 0 ysu. be was a nUva et Msw-Yark asate. aae was a weaaaa vlaweaa lalallsia ud ked erurlaaUty.

CA BA D. TH I 9XASOW OPTRB TIAR sstaatsasaias4OTtaease tbe wall kswwa rartsbad Bprwusi Watec t-usre In MIrM it aaa beaa acaawleUrd by ta niiinal taealty be las beat aa4 asset effective mural waW tor all au-" Ua liver, catarrhal aSeoUoaa af Ue etossaca. btie. bile pisnaeak aaiiatenea, taaaparary aad habit. wal eeskatlaauea.

Ao. MUlleas 4 ppl aB ewr the werU have ba this artag, sad It 4e-aarves le be In kaowa is ail salarlas irsnsi abare i i asad II bWura. TweteUre tsatblertale aheald be Jake la tbe aaaraiag befer breasfast. aad two er rg tbe Say. It acta mildly viUmi paia.

regaiatea tbe averstteas et ta steannb. 11 a enwag pargaUre arM ta aeaind a laa.ewaafnl of aa iCartsbad apraaM nan ebsaus be sorted aatawblartaiet tbe water aad lake tataeawra. vbe raranse taaparted water aad salt baa tbe (Masa. wsisais ss jfrfo-ggrl tgas, OYER EIGHTY tniTE WIXGS BAIL IN lit! BDLL 1ACHI CLUB BEQATTA. CAPITAL 9TABT Wl TH AS SXCXLLXVT WIID, WHICH DI MOT BOLD OCT TO TBB FIXISH.

Boarox, Aug. 27. Tl Hall Taeht Club open regatta started a ider meet favorable aoaptoaa this afternoon, ith a set breese blow log from Ua norUwitt, which promised fine sport Kinety-one rachts kad entered, aad eat of tble Urgi number aver 90 started, whleh I the argeet amber ever tsrtlng In a HoB Clab rgatta. Tba regatta baa always been a pop alar event with tbe yachtsmen, aad great spa rations bad been mad for to-day's even The steamer Bos Steadies kad bora eegagi 1 to follow the yachts, and sha waa crowded wi eluo members aad Ualr ladles. A Ue bear for tbe itsr aeared, the eondltlon grew mora propitious.

a wied freshened and tiny white cape ruffled te water off Peddorb's Ialand, where th atart i aa made. Some of tbe smaller yacht took In single reef, bnt tba larger boats carried Uali topsails without dim-cult y. Tbe yachts wera dtvidi Into classes, as follow: First class, eentn board and keel yachts measuring SI feat and In a than 40 feat sailing laogtk. Second rlaas, en tre board and keel yacbta 24 and lass than 91 feet. Third class, centreboard and keel yi ohts SI aad lees tbsn 24 feet.

Pourth class, t-rtgged yachu 18 and Uan 21 teak th cla. rat-rigged yacht nnder 18 feet 81: th elaaa. Jib and mainsail yachts, less than 21 el aaillng length. Thta rlssslBcstlon placed ucl boats aa tha Coyote, Victor. Zoe, Em-Ell Eye, i od others, whleh bare a big advantage over tl le ordinary eatboat in light airs by reason of in reaaad sail spread.

In Ue sixth class by themer re. The atart was onulde 1 ull Ont, off Peddock' Island, and Ue finish Inside, off tbe clubhouse. Promptly at 1:30 th whistle was blown for tbe first class to get si ay. Tbe course wa down tbe Bhlp Channel, out round Harding' Bell Buoy, the Uravea, Lovell'a Island, and Port Warren to Ue finish 13 miles. Ptve minutes later the eeoond, th rd.

fourth, Oftb. and sixth elaseee got their signal and started together, tbe two former going out round Harding's, 11 miles, and Ue latter In through Ua Out aud ever tba us us triangular course, 7 miles. The start waa one of tb i most beantlfnl sls-hts sea on the wetar this Summer. For a full half bour Ue yachu bad beenisklmmlog through the Ont, dropping anchor in the appropriate places between numbered flag! Everything waa In readlne, aad when tbe nal aignal was given tbe cables were slipped, sails broke out. and tba fleet was anaerwsy a If by Magfe.

Bo even was the start that on tb Judge's boat II wa almost Impossible to tell wbloh host. If any, bad tbe advaotagi Tba Shadow, which was sailed by Aubrey Crocker, shot out of tbe bunch of flyer and loon had a good lead over the rest of tbe fleet Tbe first part of tbe course wa a run nearly lead before tbe wind, and spinnakers were usee to good advantare. In Ue eeoond elaaa, eei treboards, the Atlanta took tba lead, as usu il, and, although at times pressed rather bard by the Era and Syringe, sncceede I In coming In a good winner. In tbe Keel Ue Echo got tbe better of tbe ti rt. and held ahead until Harritng' Led re iuoy, when she was passed by tbe Prince Kar the lone being third.

These position were bel until coming through Hull Out- at tbe finish, rben tha wind almost entirely died out and tbe one drifted into second position, but lost it i i the Echo, as did Ue Prlnee Karl, by time alio' ranees The third elaaa had quit a field of entries. Including many fast ones, Tbe Black Cloud, a frequent price winner, an in took the lead In tbe elaaa and beld It to Ue) finish, although aha came very nesr losing several time to th Expert and beoret In tbe keel ot this class Ue Witch and Kitty msde a very close rare from start to finish, with the Vesper and Fearless fighting for third and fourth positions, 10 ilnute behind. In tbe fourth class the Tartar got away well In the lead, and beld It througbc ut In tble class, for a time, was to be seen some of Ue prettiest racing of Ue day. Tbe race s-a very rloae while the wind lasted, but wben the nreezeklled out tbe knowledge of tide and -nrrenta came In, and the ski Drier knowinr thi as the nest snnoariaui in getting their boats acrbss tbe line while the other were waiting for a breere. It was tbe me way la th fifth andlslxth clasaes.

Nearly every boat In Ua class waa at some point la Ua Tbe elxU class wa prictleallr a new one In these water, being eotnrjosed of email jib and mainsail boats of tba Cruiser styla Heretofore they have been allowed la tha other eluaaaa the same measurement. lfat it was decided to try ik-iu uj a separate oiaaa in in is race, me scheme proved a good one, dud It will probably become a feature hereaflter. In tha sixth class the Coyote, a Burgess boat although settlne a poor start, soon went t4 tbe front, and while tbe wind held con tin noil to gain. When the wind died out she waa let leaat eight minutes ahead ot tbe Era-EU-Ere. but rot into tha tide and tbe Em-Ell-Eye passed her and aba crossed ion tine some aisiance Deatnd.

Had the wind beld ou at tbe finish as at the start Ua raoe would, without doubt, have been iue most succassiui evar saiiea by Ua club. cwuvnuil ts iug summer vs. jriBST CLASS CKTaXBOSJtSa. BaUuid 4 dual ttngUil Tim. Tim.

JTesss. ml jf. jr. it sr Violet. .83.11 I 3 4 39 08 27 .84.10 1 1 so 34 1 Vl i 3 OS I 00 15 I I) 47 FIA8T CLAA .83.04 49 03 3 13 41 (xooxd class ckjrrniBOARD.

Atlanta 27.10 Era 88.07 Syringe 24.11 66 00 04 07 06 2 89 S9 67 16 11 84 25 29 84 05 07 80 Polly 26.08 2.08 B4 ueiea Our (scaooser). 29.02 a 42 02 sxcoxd cLiaa ukia. KehO lone Prlnee KarL Tladetta. Thialfi Majel Optle. .24.09 10 19 SO 01 40 11 69 28 29 81 86 88 -89 46 69 23 .801 .29.01 .25.08 .28.09 ..29.11 .27.00 .80 O0 ..26.03 THJKD CLsM CsWTEXDOARDS.

BUck Cloud 23.07 sa 33 6s 19 66 04 12 16 16 46 84 69 65 66 09 09 11 IS 16 16 80 Kxpert- 230J .22.06 Sea Bird Etta May Ariel Osceola Slice ....22.08 ....21.06 ....21.09 ....83.09 ....22.10 THUS CLASS UIls Fearless. 11 sii 23.04 3 87 44 8 84 69 61 44 2 68 19 8 61 41 1 63 41 8 OS 03 00 tl 01 43 11 03 13 08 13 37 IS 99 17 88 23.06 21.00 21.041 22.01J 3i.o3 ai.o-4 VOCETB CLASS CATBOAT. Tartar. Mabel. Myrtle Tom Cat-Pet Jester .19.07 .19.11 0J .19.01 13 26 87 13 68 14 67 66 00 43 02 87 03 84 05 17 0J 45 48 06 10 16 29 31 31 11 84 04 84 45 85 41 87 62 88 10 .19 0 .19.07 niTH CLASS Wildfire.

17 OS CA TBO ATS. 8 07 14 8 09 00 8 11 25 13 18 8 18 10 87 07 14 41 37 4.1 42 47 37 riora Lee 18.0(1 Niuage 17.0J MaauoL 1701 Konpart 18. Id SIXTH CLASS JirJ AXD MA IS BAIL. Em-En- Ky 19 08 8 09 48 1 43 87 44 39 07 09 83 17 88 06 9 42 47 03 49 14 20.01 11 12 33 47 01 09 08 13 08 42 12 44 80 40 -wniis wings 2O.0 Zoaw la.o nry le Id lHadeav 18 01 zeita Hockett 16.0i nun wuuiara. SO HORM BOYCOTTS.

Chicago. Aug. 27.4The reign of the hv. cott ta over, ao far aa Chicago ta concerned. Tbe time waa wben Ua Executive Corn-Assembly So.

24 tultte of DUtnct considered It Ita blonndaa duty to la- aua at leaat one boyebtt a week. Ita office waa filled with circular! containing manifestoes against manufacture 8s and dealers wh bad dared to Inane tha in .11 tbat aeU-eonsUtntedl Judas anil tuir su mis cbanged. 1 revolution In Uedie-Ue moat pronounced trtct ousted ssveral boyoottrrs, and Ui others sm la check bv a wiiolesome reepect for twa laws tht passed Ue receut Btata Lensiatnrtv Tbei are known a th Mer- Tb. aop tn aan boycott law. anv boveofts ki.w lata a rnmlbil nflana punlahabla br $2,000 or Imprisonment a term Af Ova la th penitentiary fork beta.

If thU law tav bke been viulated with- ta tn last tbrea moaUe the guilty partlee hav been eoadBcUng a reaarfcablv cret borrott. boycotts have receaUy Ions list nt tK. 1 beea removed, aad tbe SSBSShI I ksaaoalag litUs troabl fur tba Islanded viousni COT. sTAKTLXTT ISSAMIS9 MATS. aUa PaAJsasco.

Aejr 37. Gov. Bartlstt eosv-id his atteaAaata baUev ttoasa a grew weak hi LA will ae4 lest 84 Smfcm, August 28, Sg TEE THISTLE'S ADMIRERS. A KXCXPTI0X TO EEB OyflCIEJ BT TBB SOCIAL SOX8 OP 8COTLAXD. Tbe Captain and crew of the Scotch yacht Tbistlo wera given a reception at Martlnelira, in Bowling Greea, last evening, by Ua Social Son of Scotland, There waa a complimentary dinner, speeches.

sung, reelutloas, readings, aad other edifying and amusing feature lacldeatal to Ua occasion, aad altogeUer tbe evening was a marry and enjoyable oua for every body fertuuae eaoogb to to be faTored by aa iavitatlen. Of the Thistle' crew there wer pre at t'apt John Barr. See. ond Officer Iaulel Mcalenzle. Steward William Wright.

Alexander fllll. Arrnlbald McMeoll.Joba Craw font. Seaman John Urakaoi. Bailmakar John Graaam, Jeuie Hughes, 11 ugh Hawaii. Daniel Mi Kellar.

Jama bbedilau. William Uriffllh and nla a. aad Angua Kennedy. The elub membera Imluiieil President Jeba Pyfe. Viee-President Kl hard Gaeter.

Secretary Willtani J. Kobb. Aa-sistant rtary Gaorga Brown. Traaeurvi 4 harlea Coeklar. and Cemmltteetueu Jama Iun-bar and A.

Hendry. In proposing tke toast for the evening. Tbe Thistle, her amain aud Craw." President Fyfe aid. among etbar sulorlstto rtmarks: We are r-cotsmen aud nothing if nut elannlsts. We are Americans aad revere our adopted country.

It would, therefore le pardouatile tn us to stand aloof, with Judicial Interest. and a rarer tbat the best boat may win. ut wben tba vislou of Ailta Craig rises be ere us, wben wn wander in fancy o'er tne mighty Bens by the Clyde, ttie Forth, the Tay. tbe lee, tbe Lion, and tbe Esk, the prowess of Auld baolland la martial deed tweejw o'er us, we again hear the err, 'Shoulder to tbe bills resound to the pipers' eot up a and tbe torrent Is Irresistible. 'Hurrah for tbe we are compelled to cry.

Give ber a wet shest aoda flowing sea, and may be show te all competitors the proud motto on her graceful stern' Nemo me lmpune Capt. Bart's face was as red aa a rose a be modestly responded to some very complimentary words: "Gentlemen, I thank you very much for your good wishes We will try and get Uat cup if jrfWsibie." The Thistle lay quietly at anchor yesterday off Tompklusvllle and did not accept the Invitation of a pleasant breeio to no out for a sail. Her sail were hoisted aud allowed to flutter in tbe wind In order ttiat they might have a good drying. Tbe yacht 1 not likely to go out for a spin before to-morrow and possibly not before Tue-dy. TO CONTROL ITS REPOR1S.

A NEW BULB OF THE CHICAGO BOABD OF TKADE, Chicago, Aug. 27. The Board of Trade to-dsy gave It Director undisputed Jurisdiction In the matter of the collection and distribution of its market quotations. Section 20 of Ue role ot tbe Board now reads: Tb Board of Dirsctor sriall hare powar to organise a department of market records sad reports and to appoint the necessary olScers and employes In connection therewith, to designate the work to be performed by tbe said department, and to make all needful rules aad regulations to govern ihu same. Tlie records and reports wtiicU nisy bs prepared aud compiled by said department kIibII considered and treated aa portloaa of the oWclsl records ot th association, snd th said records or parts thereof may be disseminated In such manner snd under such coo-dltlons and restrictions as may be prescribed by tba Board ot Directors." Tbe original rule specified that the Directors should proVido aa efficient ourp ot market reporters, whoso duty It should be to ascertain tbe current market prices of such commodities a are dealt in by memliers of tbe aorlatlon, and to authorize their prompt communication by telegraph to Mich approved correspondent In the city of Chicago or elsewhere a are willing to pay the coat of compiling and transmitting the same.

It also specified tbat a list of all correspondents to whom such reports were sent should be kept on file In the office of the becretary of the board, subject to the Inspection of all membm at their pleasure. Under the nid rule the of Directors bad to bear the burden of proof tn discriminating against any applicant for quotations. Tbey were obliged to furnish quotations to any persou whom they could not prove was not entitled to them for the mere cost ot transmission, whereas other associations gained thereby a snug revenue from the telegraph companies. Tbey were also obliged to furnish any member upon demand with the nauiea of all oolTeepondeuts, which they found to be a source of considerable annoyance. All these considerations operated serioualy against the Directors tn their efforts to stiu'.

off quotation in any direction. Under the new rule, however, they may not onlr eleot on their own re-soonslbillty who shall have quotation and who aball not. but tbey may also decide whether quotations shall be collected ordlstrlhuted atall. Tbe board also voted to-day to strike out thai part of Ue rule relating to the putting np of called margin which provide that when Ue call Is made by 11 A. M.

and 1 P. M. the deposit shall be made before 2 o'clock or the same day. As the rule now reads tbe security must be deposited witUin Ue next bauking hour after Ue call la made. U0N El IN A ROUGH.

A STAOB lUUVEH'S RICH PIND IK A MASSACHUSETTS BARN. Dedham, Aug. 27. Theodore Col-burn, a young man employed at a stago driver by Frank Fisher, of West Dedham, made a rich find yesterday. Mr.

Fisher's father, who was an eccentric man, died a abort time ago, leaving property valued at several hundred thousand dollars Yesterday young Colburn, in company witn David Haley, went to an old and dilapidated looking barn on Uigb-street, directly opposite tbe handsome isle stable Uat belonged to Hr. Fisher, for purpose ot removing some old rubbish which bad been accumulating there for years. The barn waa tbe property ot tne grandfather or Frank Fisher. After removing considerable of the stuff tha men oame to an old trough, formerly used for mixing feed. Young Colburu went to work at one end of the trough, removing the article that it, contained and placing them upon the floifr.

He finally came to a box which contained two or three bundles, besides other useless things One or Ue bundles wss done up In paper and carefully tied with a string. Curiosity led tbe young man to examine Its contents Breaking the string he undid the bundle, and waa almost dumfounded to have discloaed to bia eyes a large pile of greenbacks Tbe pile made the largest lot of money be ever saw, Colburn tay. Ue carefully rolled up tbe money again and annouueed the discovery to bl eompanion, and also to Mr. Fisher and some of bl neighbors, He will not disclose tbe amount of hi find, but be ssvs tbat it was a big pile. Ha waa asked if there were several thousand dollars In Ue bundle.

Yes, there was," he replied. How the money came there Is a matter that has not been decided, but tbe most generally accepted theory Is as follows: Mr. Oeorge FUlier, who died suddenly, rarrled at times large sums of uioner. He died ot apoplexy. He went to bed In bis usnal health, and tn tbe morning bo was found dead.

It is Uought that on that night be had a large amount of money about him, and, being afraid of burglars, as be bad been troubled by them before, be placed tbe money where It waa found for safe keeping until morning, when be probably intended to deposit it in bank. DRIVES OFF OS TBB ICS. Halifax, Kova Scotia, Aug. 27. The first Intelligence from Uopedale.

Labrador, and it vicinity since last yesr has Just been received at St. John's, Newfoundland. The weather was extremely cold from December to aua 19. Imrlng that time the thermometer registered fi. ra 'Ju to 40 below teru.

A great many sesls ware chum lit. but fur wss scarce. In March two men were driven on" on the ice from Bagoak. Tbe people on su. To could see them for aesrly a week, but could not help them.

Th-y bad their dogs and kahak and had a snow house built Tbey subsequently disappeared. LlTer Cosilalits, "AS. PAXnrB bl tb reanN of tbe best eSnrta hi isspreui PbyWrUns are. 10 stee cmb- taaaT irBB fas oa applicatioa. Tha Daaan gfs-.

Co. Olmitadt. Tesvr X. WONDiatFUT. OCCTJRETNCE.

"wo Jersey was jmastoswd to ass sf rSxlas I suffered a4oMa -to eortors' res sad lor ssedt. fi 1 ee say sns4 of (sod. ssts sntml sLZrbssBansfasas TXASB tJ ad l-wtsa la if NEWS FROM FATHERLAND THE SCHEME OF THE GREAT SPIRIT MONOPOLY. LITTLE LIGHT OB THB POSITIOJf OP TBB BCLOABIAB COBTBOTBB8T BMPEROB WILLIAM'S HEALTH. Copyrtysc, 1SS7, ay Ue Sew- Tort Auoeiated Prsss.

log. 27. It ia becoming doabU fal whether after all tha Government will present to tb Balchstag a bill raising Impost duties on cereal. Tke official press points ont that aa Increase of duties might destroy all hep of getting a fsvorable tariff trsstr with Anstrta-Hungary, for which German manufacturers are clamoring. Tbey want fairer term for manufactured article Imported from Austria, but then AustnaHungary Is aandlna a large amount of eereal into Germany, and If tba duties on thee commodities wars raised.

Austria would retaliate upon Germany. If tbe Government sueceed. howevar. In arranging a treaty with Aostria on term per-mating Ue paaaag of a cereal bill, sueh a measure will still be introduced. Tfc laader of tb Conservative, Pre Conservative, and National Liberal group have formed a combination in favor of an lucre see of the duties If National Liberals followed an Isolated policy tbey would contend only for further protection In favor of Iron and steel and tha manufacturing indnstrl, but In order to obUtn bin ber duties In their own Interest tby hav bad to combine with tbe Conservatives to obtain Increased protection for tbe agricultural Interests.

Tbe whole quasi Ion is thus one of political tacttea and revolve on what tha results ot a cereal bill may have on tbe manufacturing interests. Trade petition are being sent to the Buiidesrnth asking tbat the rise lu tne duties be from 3 mark to mark per double hundredweight. The event of the week of tbe greatest Interest both iu fiuaonal circles and to the general public has been the reported formation of the great spirit monopoly company, lucre is doubt, however, notwithstanding the confident assertions of Interested parties, whether the company really has been formed. Home of the leading bankers, among them tbe Mendeloaobn and Bleicbroder. have refused to share in the enterprise, and It is also threatened that a counter coalition to tbe company will be formed which will seek to bind all spirit producer to sell it at contract rates, retail price to be fixed at tbe will of tbe company, which will thus become the focus of the enure domestic production.

Many producers have already contracted for 120 marks per hectolitre, deluding the taxes for do-mUe produetioo. As an immediate result of these rumors tne shares of numerous spirit distilling companies bave rushed up seats 33 per eeut. Pew voloes are beard ehaiapleuing cus of tha consumers, who dealers Uat tba monopoly will lamentably raise prices. Tbe moneaollata further aim at the exportation of spirits al sueh prices st will destroy competition throughout the market of th world. Tke capital of the company, which it waa st first proposed to fix at 30.0iKt.0OO marks, haa now been Increased to 50,000,000 mark.

A third of tba entire number of shares bave been reserved for the distillers, who will have a proportionate representation In tbe Board ot Directors. Thrt prospect of a settlement of tbe Bulgarian Imbroglio is more bazy than ever. Nothing definite Is known as to Prince Bismarck's policy. It Is certain that official circles retain tbe absolute belief tbat whatever is happening the Austro-Osrinsn alliance remains intact. It Is believed there Is a belter entente, but no apaolal rapprochement, wltb Kuasia, as a result of Prince Uismarck's desiring to co-operate with tbe L'sar in bis prut policy ot securing respect for tbe treaty of ttorllu.

This bs been Bismarck' persistent aim, but not Kussla's The vhauge lu tbe relation between tbe two UoverntueaU i due to tbe effort of M. de Ulert, who, freed from tbe oppression of the I'an-biavtst Party since M. KatkofTs death, seeks Germany's co operation within tbe limit of tbe Berlin treaty. If tbt friendly attitude continues the mutual national aversion may abate. Meantime the German press show no peoial confidence in Kussla.

Th Boerse has taken advantage ot the changed situation to give a steady rise to Itutaiao securities from the low level to which they were forced two months ago, though the rise is nothing more Uau what tbe speculators regard aa the uortnal values of the securities German bankers will viot take part in the pro Dosed Russian loan. The best proof of tbe full restoration of tba Emperor's health was his appearauce at Potsdam yesterday at the manoeuvre of tbe cavalry division of the Guards The Emperor watched tbe evolution from an open carriage, wearing a helmet Instead of au undress cap. the use ot which Is a certain sign that he Is ailing. He remained at Potadam two boura, and when he returned to JBauelaberg be vaa cheered by Ue crowd. Preparations are being made for tbe Em-perors reception st the Koenlgaberg manoeuvre.

A great pavilion is being built of wood. It will be lined with tapestry and will ba divided Into two apartments, one for tbe Emperor and the other for bia suit. Ir, von PuttVamer, Gen. von Bchellendorf, and Counts von Moltke and Waldensee will attond th mauueuvrna. The reports are now more credited that tbe occasion will be (Ignaliied by a meeting between tb Csar and Emperor William.

The Empress goes to Baden before the manoeuvres, where she will be Joined by tbe Emperor about tbo middle of September. Prince Bismarck's life at Elsieogea Is described Id the Muaiicburger Zeitung. The Prince occupies a number of rooms la the Bchloss, which are furnished sumptuously and contain valuable paintings, rare old carving, anil costly tapestry. The Prince rarely rise before 10 o'clock, hut he works nightly until 2:30. He maintains his regular course of diet and habit, and pavs close attention to Ue preservation of bis health.

The Jubliilum Prels, the most valuable racing prize contested for In Germany, wa won on Thursday by the Hungarian colt Bulgar. which is the property ot Count Festetlcs. The races brought together a great gathering of German and Austrian turf magnates. The Emperor and Empress of Brasll, the King and Queen of Naples, and ev-eral Bourbon Prince were present-The Jubilee Prize baa no connection with the English Jubilee. Tbe victory in thia popular contest has hitherto been won by German, English, or French owners, and this 1 the first time a Hungarian has ever succeeded in securing tbe prize.

In yesterday' principal race, the St. Leger Handicap, Pumpernickel, a colt of Ue Prussian royal stud at Gradiu, finished first. The A or (A German GaxUe declares that the attacks on Denmark recently published in the Kreuz Zeitung and other papers are totally foreign to tbe policy pursued by Ue German Government. The reports Uat phylloxera bave appeared in tbe vineyards along the Rhine are untrue. The JeutscAs Wein ZeUung declares that Ue coming vintage promises splendidly.

Advice from Tilsit state tbat tbe emigration of Russian Jews to America has been resumed with vigor. Large trains pass Tilsit weekly on their way to Bremen and Hamburg. Baron Nathaniel Rothschild has been ordered to leave Vieona for making insulting remark about Ua Archduke Charlaa Louis, brother of Ue Emperor. Bishop Kopp, of Pulda, will be ooneereted Prince Bishop of Breslau at tbe end of October. The International Conference of Astronomers opens at Kiel on Monday and will remain In session three days The two authors' ocletlea, tbe Bchrtftateller Yrrbaud and Bchrifuteller Vereln will meet at Dresden in September to arrange for a fusion.

Tbe Germau committee appointed to prepare a new civil code will resume iu sitting on fieut. 8. Tba Bavarian Minister of Worship will open a school for the teaching of the Volapilk al Ua Luitpold Gymnasium In Munich. According to the Kreut Zeitung Dr. Arendt, German Consul at Zanzibar, will not return to Uat post.

TIIE PROCLAIMED LEAGUE. London. Aug. 27. In the vote of Mr.

Gladstone' motion In reference to the proclstna-tiou of the National League in tba House of Commons lsst evening, nine Liberal Unionist supported Mr. Gladstone, and seventeen other members ot tbe party wera abseut and unpaired. Mr. Gladstone baa gone to Hawsrdeu. Tbe Standard aays it Is well that It should be known throughout Ue land tbat tbe Government were resolved to proclaim Ue National League, though Harrington and his party would bave preferred a different course, and that the Government had not thereby lost hia support or confidence, but bad established a fresh claim to bis respect Lord Hsrtlngjon lu a letter defining hla political position denlea Uat he regard borne rule" as practically won.

The depression which seems to exist among the Liberal Unionists, be declares, la cauaed chiefly by the impression which obtains in some quarter that GladstoLe ba made larirer concessions than bave really been made, snd be knows of no reason why Ue Unionists should relax their efforts Under Ue auspice of tbe Liberal League and tbe Ksdlcsl and Irish Temperance Club, a procession, containing IO.OOO men. marched to Trsfalgar-squsre to-ntgbt to listen to speeches In denuncisllon of tbe Government notion against th Irish National League. Pour platform had been erected; and from these four epeskers addressed tbe multitude imnltaneonsly. Among the orator were Messrs Biggar. Nolan.

Quinn, and Shirley, mem-br of Parliament, and Ue Socialist leader, orris, a resolution denuonrlag tne proclamation of the League waa carried by acclamation, large budie of police wera present, but Ue crowd wsa perfectly orderly. Dcbltw. Aug. 27. The Frrrwui', Journal, commenting on tbe defeat of Mr.

Gladstone motion la regard th proclamation of th Laaarae, asv: The division la Ue House af Comnsoos last a lent will aadoabtedlr acourg tasi Govern men 1 1 carry oa th warfare, and if JL we aaticlpsta troo blocs time (or them. Ta paoyle were never batter ir pared to stub bornly resist tyranny Uaa Uay ara at Ue present time." The Goverameat bsv summoned John Man-dville. Chairman ot the Mttcbelatown Board at Poor Law Guardian. lor making a speech Inciting to violence on tb oeeaaloa of Mr. William Brian's vlsi'.

ta Mltebelstown. Mr. MaadevlUe lead th plan of campaign movement la Coanty Cork. He la a nephew of CoL tTMabooey, Ua late Fenian leader tn America. It la expected Uat Mr.

Coadon. member of Parliament tor Eaat Tipperary, will be prosecuted simultaneously wltk Mr. Mandsvlll and Mr. O'Brien. EMIN BEY 8TIU, UOLDIXO OUT.

Loxdox, Aug. 27. Zansibar dispatches aay: "Messenger from Uganda report Uat Mhweaarv Maekay baa obtained tbe permission of King Mwansra to retnra to tbe roast. Here-port that Emm Bey la well and still holding ont. King Mwanga basorganiaod aa expedition against tnyaro.

THE CZAR SPEAKS PLAINLY. Boris. Aug. 27. Prince Ferdinand haa re-calved telegrama from both Ua Sultan and Ue Caar.

Tke message of the tultan I moderate In tone, bnt state that tbe PHnee'a assnmpttnn of tbe Bulgarian throne waa an llleral act aad oonsii-tutes a breach of tbe Berlin treaty. Tbe Czar' communication ks decidedly Imperative. It declares that Russia disapprove of Prince Ferdinand' action and deems 11 a gross violation uf Ue treaty. CURRENT FOREIGN TOPICS. London, Aug.

27. The English fish market are gutted, owing to tba trouble at Oatend. Tbe tension there still continues. Count Herbert Bismarck is In England, Ua guest of Earl Rosebery. At Malta during tbe past 24 hour there wer 10 new case of cholera and three deaths.

It Is reported on the Stock Exrhanre that anew Rnaslan loan of 0,000,000 has been negotistad in Paris. The Secret Stevens, wss produced at the Opera Coralqne to-nlgbt. They play ba a good plot and abound In Dorothy Dene aa Ulga and tb author aa Ivan wer excellent. The play 1 considered a success At Catania during tbe paat 24 hou's there were 10 deaths from cholera and at Palermo 13 deatba Tbe railway station at Tavistock, county ot Devon, has been destroyed by lira Romb. Ang.

27. The Pope has rraolvcd to appoint a special commission to consider tbe reports made by Mgr. Fersico of hi mission to Ireland. Madrid, Aug. 27.

Dispatches from Cuba aay tbat popular demonstrations are being held to express Indignation at the Government' action lu dismissing Gen. Salamanca from Ua Captain Gensralay. Riot are feared. Paris. Ang.

27. Tbe Ktpubliqu Fraaeaire says Ua mobilisation schema bas been spoiled In consequence of the Fignro't indiscreet and premature publication of Ua number of corps elected. The fttit Journal ay that another corps will not be chosen for tbe experiment. Tbe national say tha inquiry tn regard to the disclosure of the Government' plsns for th mobilization experiment baa shown tnat the Information was divulged by an employe of the typographical department of Ue War Ministry. The press demand Uat tb culprit severely punished.

A RIOT CAUSED Bl RUM. A BACB WAR BETWKEX NEGROES AND WHITES IN GEORGIA. Atlanta, Aug. 27. A riot waa precipitated in Decatur this afternoon at about 3 o'clock.

A colored Sunday school celebration wa In progress As tbe hours wore away It became evident tbat there waa liquor bidden somewhere. One negro went tnrougb tbe crowd of women and children flourishing a revolver and firing it aft promiaeuoualy. The managers sent for the ottloers. and in response Mar shal Heard, Hberlff Austin, and others made their appearance, when Ua boisterous negro fired uiMiu them and ran. By this time hundred of whites and black bad assembled, and a general fight took place.

Tba otHoera, accompanied by others, put out after tbe fugitive, and after about an hour" chase brought blm to bay in a grove. They men ecaiterea ana ciosea in around tne desperado, wben be reopened fire, other negroes closing on tbe whites from tbe rear aud firing also. On negro got close np to Heard, and, putting bl pistol to th small of bl back, fired, killing him insuntly. Tba negro, whose name was not known, waa shot dead in hi tracks. Than a fusillade from the negroes wounded Mr.

Tom Hblrere, a popular npglneer on the Georgia Road, from the effect ot which ba 1 now dying. There are many wild rumor of other death among the negroes, but tbey bave not been verified. Decatur I In arm to-night expecting a midnight attack from the blacks, Tbe ill feeling which was created by tbe lynching of the negro at Redan a few week ago had much to do wiu melting Ue races against each other. A BOW BSD3 IS DEATH. Baeatooa, X.

Ang. 27. Capt Joseph A in law, of Ue canal boat Angelina Aliore. hailing from Crown Point, became Involved In an altercation last erentnir, near Comstock. on the Chatnplatn Oanal.

with John Harvev. of Syracuse, a iio driver iu the employ of the New. York and Lake Cbsmplsln Transportation Company. The row culminated In the ileatn ot Amis', uarvey went to Whitehall aud surrendered himself. He made the following statement: The boat started south from Whitehall shortly after noon, leaving tl apiaia In that viilsge, near Comstock'.

Auilaw overtook the boat with a boras and was-on. He was under the IdSubqm of liaaor and abusive, and beasn to abuse me. I remonstrated with him. but in vain. 1 was about to strike Amlaw with my flat, wben tbe latter put np his hands to ward off tbe blow, stepped backward, aud fell dead." DEAD AT A GREAT AOS.

PtmtAst, Ang. 27. Mrs. Paradls, a Frenchwoman, bring tn North Oroavenordale, died yesterday st the age of 110 year. Sha waa un-poeed to be tbe oldest person la these psris.

MRS. LANGTRY'S LETTERS. the TO TRB aCTHIELAgO BIST I US: I hSTS nseri your sstonisb st the rapid gr Ua ut mv hair, it Is the It and recommend il to say friends. Yours failbl Uy. AfO.

6, 187. FUH SALS SEVEN SUTHER Parlors, 18 West BVeaaa, rkilsvAelpals; WTasre the Bl lUce aiper kettle, au fat. Per sal at ear par MANAGER HILL'S CONTEST. TRADES CXIOSS YA1KLT TBTIYG TO PBC YBSfT niS IMPBOYBHKXTS. Extensive improvements la tbe Uniotv Sonar Theatre wr begun aeveral waeka ago.

The changes included new floors, new freaoeas, new chair, aew carpets, and new boxes far tba. auditorium, aa enlarged vestibule finished ia. marble and tiling, aud tha cubstltntioa of a rl. vet curtain far old drop renreseattng tbo Roman arena. Tb alteration will cost ttW.fKKX All tn work was to hav beea done la Um for taa taeatr to apea tomorrow night with ta play ot "On Again! Many" and th first appears bcs ot Joha J.

Burleigh. For Urea w. however, there haa been tenable with tbe labor unions about tbe work. Crowds have gathered about the building and violence waa I pec ted. Walking delegates stood yesterday on tb sidewalk aud scowled at oon union men busy la vsstibuie, but there waa ho personal Interfere nee.

Manager Hill said yesterday that in awarding th contracts th marble work tell to Varley At lis "Their wrk waa advancing," be said. wben two weeks ago five men who represented themselves aa wa king delegate came to me and wanted to know tha nause of the aeveral contractor. It em that Vsrlev A Co. are aun-naion turn, and I was ordered to annul my contract with them. I refused, a tbe contract wsa signed, and if I broke It Var ey fc Co.

would hold us reapoonibl. I also told them that the marble whlcn hail been de llrered as by agreement wa fitted to the building, and would be useless If left on tb contractors' baud. Tbey aald tbey would aend ran a man with whom 1 could make a new contract, but I declined, and tbev tbeu said It I persisted they would close uie ont, or. at least, prevent tne from celling open on Monday. iiul last edaesday I beard nothing further from tbem.

Varley A Co, bail completed their Job to within half a day. Thursday morning the painters, carpenter, and til tuea were all ordered from the They were of rournn all onion men. Tbey obeyed ruluctantly aad went out protesting. Tbey were tmmrdlatalv replaced by other men. wbo were similarly no'lltlsxl and (topped work tbe same day under tn rents, their plane lielri supplied by other men a faas a I could gettucni.

I Informed these men thai I was io no way opposed to the labor union, bad. not tliousht of unlou or non-union men In giviaa out my ron tracts, but I would not break a contract or compel another man to break It, and I proposed so long a a workman stood by aad did bis work well to stand by hliu. "These men In endeavoring to punish Mr. Tar-ley and spite ma hava simply made their own men suffer. Mr.

Varley bas completed hie work aud moved out ot the building. It la Impossible to reach him through ma But tbe contractor who is doing tbe cherry wood front and plate glass work bus a contract for 1,310, wbloh bo Is to receive If tbe work la completed In time tor me to open. All thta woodwork and plate glass is cm to fit tb angles of tbe veetiWe, and If left nnou tbe contractors' bands by nonfulfillment of the contract Is useless. I hava notified him that It tbe work Is not finished a by contract I will not accept ft. Ha I thus compelled to look to tbe union turn wbo aro hampering him.

A further strike was ordered this aiornlag of Ue paper hangers, wbo are also union men. "I ani also informed to-day tbat ray regular orchestra, engaged tor the entire season, will bo ordered from the building Monday night. I am not fighting any body of men or interfering with any honest endeavor, but I am ordered ta do an Impossible act. and tailing am compelled to cq-gaire an orchestra of nuu-nnlon men and throw my leader snd bia bund out 01 a aeusou's engsg. ment, I have a sufficient number of artieta ea-gaged to complete my work and supply an orcbrstra, and llie Union-Square wall pos lively be opened on Monday night Neither now Dor al anv time will I discharge a man wbo baa served me faithfully because he does not belong to the union.

Whenever I am compelled to aneb a course I will go out of the businms and work a truck term myself, with ou non-union Jackass," CLOSED BT THB OOTERSMEST. Tacoma, Washington Territory, Aug. 27. C. Frost, Special Agent of tha Interior Department, arrived here from the aecade Branch of tha Northern Pactfie Railroad this afternoon.

He reports havlug closed down ven saw mili that were cutting tltnr from un-urveyed lands claim that these null are rutting Government timber lulu building and other material, not for uae In the original construction of tbo railroad according to the terra of it charter. The road 1 permitted to make use ot the timber along its une wnere lands are unsurveyed, wbetber upon its own or Government landa, for original construction of its roadbed, but for no other purpose. Tbe claim of the Government now is tbat traina are regularly running over Ue Cascade Divlsfou. an-1 the work now being done doe not come under the bead of original construction. The mill bave been cutting the lumber for tation, enow shed, and timber for as In Ue great Cascade Tunnel Closing lb mills will stop work ou the snow sheds, the Ken ue wick Bridge, and In the tunnel, until timber can be prooured from Tacoma.

1 11 tbe mills closed yesterday bet weeu 3O0 and 875 men were employed, and tbose to close on Monday will throw aa many more out of employment, AS OLD COM DVCTOB DR0WSEP. Bibmixoham, V. Aug. 27. The Coronet' lory in the case ot Joseph A.

Southwlok. the oldest conductor on the A mboy Division of the Pennsyl. vsnta ttallruad. whoso body was found Bear srroalc in this place this nioroins: auu bvrs svideucea ot a violent death, tills afternoon rendered a verdict that (toothwick cam to Ills dettli from accidental drowning In the ullll pond at Birmingham. Tbe doctors say that bruises on bouthwlvk's sv rosy been caused by tailing agaiuat tb boat in which bs bad bean rowing.

LATEST ARRIVALS. Steamship Pmbria. Mcaflcfean. Liverpool an-t tjueenstown 7 its wits mdss aod passauaars Is Vernon H. Brown a Co.

Steamshlo La Oasonnna. SantellL Havre 7 with mdse. and passengers to Louis De Beblaa. Steamship Caracas, Hopkins. Ia Uuayra vis Cura-hltssVpaU 'it -ua oassenger to Bool ton.

LATEST F0RKIUS SBIPPIS0. LoimoK, Aug. S7Th Cnnsrd Line stesmshts Etrurls. Capt. Cook, from Maw York Ang.

91 lor Liverpool, passed Fastnet to-day at P. MT ft Hair Grower for ab-mt three month aad am rsaTrv best touie I asvs tnsd. aud I shsli etlnas to ass LILLI1C JL-AXQTltY. BT TUI LAND SISTERS. 14th-st, N.

aaw Wasblssrtssi Bawsaat tors caa sasav tor aad aa draggUt'. ar ssat ra receipt af.

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