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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 1

New York, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

'V- 4 3 NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1859. PRICE TWO VIRGINIA REBELLION. i. Jobn BrVmt Sentenced to Deata. Jfl Iddrtu tt Ike Out and Jury.

EDWARD COPPIE TOIKD GllLTT Cuiumni Wadocaday, Wot. t. 'VtMif. Bbmxu. nd ScimTT, from Boston, Cool TO brought bofor Am Mglatrte'i Court, wU wJrad a lawtworfam.

Ciiii'i trial was reammaJ. Wo wttnaaaea wero amIM tor fkm Omtewem. Mr. Ea(i open4 for Commonwealth Mam. Hon umI GartwoL foUowod for tho defead-at, aa4 Mx.

Hvwraa eloac4 for flaa proacaUoix. Tho 1 laffc woro ofmorkod aWUty. Mr. Gaifwou aaked for Tral Inatroctlona to tho ry.whaahvoio all (ruled by tho Coart, and tho Jvry retired. 1 larn thea brought to, od tho CoorWuwart wm hwBodUtety thronged.

Tho Court aro Its dodatoo tho aaotioa for an rreat of jvdfmeat, OTTmHa tho objacUooa nado. Oa tho objecthm that treasoo eanaot bo oommittod otalMt a lutf, tho Judge ruled that where allegiance la dao troaoon may bo committed. Moot of the Bute lave Booeed low agalnat treaaon. Tho object taeai as a the form of tho rerdict rendered tho Court alao re-gaHrt lawameieat. Clerk the oaked Mr.

Baowo whether be Wad osythlaf teaay why eenteoca abould not be pro-aoaaced epoahlm. Kr. Baow Immediately roee, and in a clear, dla- tlact rolca tald i I have, may lj P1 tho Court, a few words to say. la the first place, I deny oTerythin; but what I haro all aloaf admitted a design oa my part to freo alavea. I Intended, certainly, to hare made a loaa taint' of that matter, as I did last Winter when I weat lato Miaaovri and there took alares witbpat tho napping of a gun oa either side, mor-lag them through tho country, and anally leering them ta Canada.

I designed to have done tho oame Ubaf again on a larger scale. That was all I Intended-I merer did Intend murder or treason, or the destruction of property, or to excite or incite slaves to rebel-ttoa, or to make inaorreclioa. I hare another objeo-fkoa, and that is, tt ia unjust that I should suffer such penalty. Had I Interfered in the manner which I admit, and which I admit has been fairly proved for I admire the truthfulness and candor of the greater por tloa of tho wtteoaset who hare testified in this ease-had I eo Interfered in behalf of tho rich, the powerful, tho intelligent, the so-called great, or In behalf of nay of their friends, either lather, mother, brother, Barter, wife or children, or any of that class, and suffered and sacrificed what I hare in this interference tt would hare been all right; every man in this ourt won Id have deemed it an act worthy of reward, raiser than punishment. This Coart acknowlodges, to, as I suppose, the validity of the lnw of God.

I see a book kissed, which I suppose to be the Bible, ev at least tho Kr Testament, which, teaches mo that all things whatsoever I would that men should to sao.1 should do oreav so to them. ItteaehooJ me farther, to remember them that are in bonds, as bsond with them. 1 endeavored to act' up to that instruction. I say I am yet too young to understand that Cod 1 any respecter of persons. I belter that to have interfered as I hare done, as I have always freely admitted I have done, in behalf of His despised poor, no wrong, but right.

Now, if it la deemed necessary that 1 should forfeit my life for the furtherance of the ends of justice, and mingle my blood further with the blood of my children, and with the blood of millions In this slave conntry whose rights are disregarded by wicked, cruel and unjust enact-tr. I say let it be done. Let me say one word further. I feel entirely satisfied with the treatment 1 have received, on my trlaL Considering all the circumstances, It has been more generous than I expected. But I feel no eonsciousneas of guilt.

I. have stated from the first what was my hnarnUow and what was not. I never had any design against the liberty of any person, nor any disposition ta commit treason or excite slaves to rebel, or make any general Insurrection. I never encouraged any maa to do so, but always disoouraged any idea of that kmd. Let mo say also In regard to the statements made by some of those who were connected with me.

I fear it has been stated by some of them that I have Induced them to join me, but the 'contrary is true. I do not say this to injure thesn, but as regretting their weakness. Not oae but joined me of his own accord, and the greater part at their own expense. A Bomber of them I never saw, and never had a word of conversation with till the day they came to me, aad that was for the dutposo I have stated. Now.

I While Mr. Baen was speaking; perfect quiet prevailed, and when ho had finished the Judge proceeded as proaoujuse sentence. After a few prefatory re-marks, he aaid that no reasonable doubt could exist est tho guilt oof the prisoner, nd sentenced him to be henfl In public on Triday, the 3d of December next. Mr. Baoinr received hi sentence with composure.

Tho only demonstration made was by the clapping of the hands of one maa in the crowd, who ia not a resident of Jefferson County. This was promptly suppressed, and much regret Is expressed by the citl-nen at lis occurrence. After being out an hour the jury came in with a verdict that Coma was guilty on all the counts in tho ladletment. His counsel gave notice of a motion for arrest of judgment, as in Mr. Bsswa'seaae.

The Court then sxrjourned MAT TURNER, THE VIRGINIA HSRO. UCTCB Olf EXT. t. BBXLA The third lecture of the Aajis-jljriesas course was delivered last evening In tho Saitoh Church by Rev. J.

BaxXX Maartm of Lawrence, Mass. His subject was, Nj. Teams, tho Virginia hero." In com-manriing. trt 1 t.rnn the Aaeo-Ayv-ieon Jfsvestne for October, that In 1830 esnaaeipaUon had just eommonoed la New-York, and had been arrested In Virginia by Nat Tcaaaa and the Walker family. From 130 to 10 spirited dieeua-atoas bad been held In Virginia la regard to emanct-pafloav, aad it was lit 1H11 that an emancipation act tailed by one vote of psslag the Virginia Legislature.

The causes of its failure were the Invention of tho ootban gin and tho great demand for stares. It bad been said that Trass was a fanatic. Ho only Is a fanatic who Is opposed to truth. Wasanraeo opposed himself to the most powerful nation on earth, yethe was eoneklered a coavserrmtive. Now, fanaticism and eonservatisra had changed places.

The present conservative nas the former fanatic, and tho eoaservatlve of yesterday is the fanatic of to-day. No matter whether one spoke by word of mouth, as Tamo and Gaaaison or by the pen, as Biacaxa; or by the sword, as mot Bsows all these wen true conservatives. was strange, passing strange, that la ITT the amcrtcaa people failed to see tho power the lofte now need. It was not tentleism then. Me thanked God that liberty had always been radical, ad that no one had ever born la the army of free-, dem tho standard of fanaticirm.

properly so called. Vw end Socrates were sooral fanatica. Jesus -arat was a religious fanatic. Our oonservativr wese the Cerrit Smiths the Garrisons, the Fhlllips and the Horace Greeieys, the tallest of them all. Could he by Kks hand span a handle of fanatics, he would Rrsvs Cnoavs, with his Uule package labelled ruoerins' seneaiities," aad i'w ak Etsistt, who Etted so saask of Wsamn.

Cnoan rot his educa- in a DeaseeraUe oaueus, Waasrea la tho Senate. Svaajeyjm botaoftWin, This (xio were I rreaSest faaattos stare the time of Bssmwer abwoib. Frosn these be tuswed to the conservative of Vlrcinla. Navnasun. Tonstss was ton in tae eoonry ot soau-ampton, on the 2d of October, IsOQ.

Mr. Manna had no anciXul tales to relate of his precocious child- for he supposed ae ate, slept ana grew like otner boys. Superstition had attributed to bias supernatant powers, which had a great iafiuenceon his life. It had been said that Nat. Tsassa never had a dollar but he had many a dol lar which he spent for powder, too.

His misfortune was Be never learoi to sxeaj. tie was a great aip knnat. Here the speaker related several instances where Nar. Tensas had. by bis tact, shielded the slave from puniahment when their plana had been betrayed.

1 vasas'a favorite book oi toe tiioie was Rsvsiationa, and his interpretation of it had hidden meaning to his followers. He was always tiue, honest, sympathizing man. Nat Tcbskb was great leader. He avoided the difficulty of all Insurrections, viz. too much system and too much organisation.

It was not till 1830 that he unfolded bis plan to nny one, and then only to his most intimate friend. On the night of the 21st of October, 1M1, he oalUed out, with a few asxoeiate. to his work of insurrection. The party billed fifty-five white persons, and added to their number seventy slaves. The foray failed because the depredators extended their work of violence beyond the limits assigned them.

Tea-ta fled to a swamp and ere long was captured. When asked at bis trial whether he was guilty or not rilty, be said, I am not guilty of murder, but sm guilty of insurrection, and, so help me God, if I could Hre my life over, I would do the same thins; again." He was permitted to speak to the staves as Ae stood on the gallows, provided that he would persuade them not to revolt, but so scathing was his irony that the executioners gagged him. hi r. Mum then gave his views upon the late insurrection. He deemed the first reaulaite of such a more.

t-tnent to be a possibility of success. Had Jen Bun gone oown to soutn (Carolina, wnere en every plantation there are five hundred slaves to one or two white men, and taken five or six of these together, he would have been as fully justified as were our fathers in the Revolution. If he tthe speaker had the courage and martial talent, he would not hesitate to do just as Joan Baows had done. He would give his sanction to any movement that would break the chain of the suffering slaves. If It could be done by the sunshine of ptace, he hoped that God would send that sunshine but if by leaden bullets, let them be used.

Any wsy to let the colored man have his freedom. In vain he had waited for emancipation. Let the free negroes arise and help Old Jons Baows. He wished the reporters to understand that he was not speaking for the Shiloh Church, but for 1. 8xlla Mixria, and he cared not what it might cost him.

Now was the critical time, when, before Cod and all honest men, three martyrs were to be tried in Virginia. They stood absolved of all sin, as did Wauimtos, and it behooved all the colored people to remember that these men had jeopardized their lives for them. Prayer unceasing should be offered up for them, and if money was needed to carry them through the trial, it should be freely given. We ought to feel that Joan Baows is the noblest Virginian of them all. The lecturer thanked his audience for their kind attention to his remarks.

He was frequently interrupted by applause. LETTER FROM FREDERICK DOUGLAS'S, Caw aba Wxsr, Monday, Oct. 31, 1899. 3b tkt Editor mtktUoclmttr Democrat I notice that the telegraph makes Mr. Coca, (one of the unfortunate insurgents at Harper's Ferry, and now a prisoner in the hands of the thing calling itself the Govcrnmentof Virginia, but which, in fact, is but an organised conspiracy by one party of people, against the other and weaker,) denounce me as a coward and to assert that I promised to bo present in person at the Harper's Ferry Insurrection.

This is certainly a very grave Impeachment, whether viewed in its bearings upon friends, or upon foes, and you wilt not think It strange that I should take a somewhat serious notice of it. Having no acquaintance whatever with Mr. Cook, and never having exchanged a word with him about the Harper's Ferry insurrection, I am disposed to doubt that be could have used the language concerning me, which the ires attributed to him. The lightning, when speaking for itself. Is among the most direct, reliable and truthful of things but when speaking fur the terror-stricken slaveholders at Harper's Ferry, It baa been made the swiftest of liars.

Under their nimble and trembling fingers it magnified seventeen men into seven hundred and has since filled the columns of the New-York Htrmid for days with Interminable contradictions. But assuming that it has told only the simple truth as to the sayings of Mr. Coos In this instance, I have this answer to make to my accuser: Mr. Coca may be perfectly right in denouncing me as a coward. I have not one word to say ia defence or vindication of my character for courage.

I have always been more distinguished for running than fighting and tried by the Harper's Ferry insurrection test, I am most miserably deficient in courage even more so than Cool, when he deserted his brave old Captain and fled to the mountains. To this extent, Mr. Coon is entirely right, and will meet no contradiction from me or from anybody else. But wholly, grievously and most unaccountably wrong is 11 r. Coos, when he asserts that I promised to be present in person at the Harper's Ferry insurrection.

Of whatever other imprudence and indiscretion I msy have been guilty, 1 have never made a promise so rash and wild as this. The taking of Harper's Ferry was a measure never encouraged by my word or by my vote, at any time or place my wisdom or my cowardice, has not only kept me from Harper's Ferry, but has equally kept nie from making any promise to go there. I desire to be quite emphatic here for of all guilty men, he is the guiltiest who lures his fellow men to an undertaking of this sort, under promise of assistance, which he afterwards fails to render. I therefore declare that there ia no man living, and no roan dead, who, if living, could truthfully say that I ever promised him or anybody else, either conditionally or otherwise, that I would bo present in person at the Harper's Ferry insurrection. My field of labor for the abolition of Slavery has not extended to an attack upon the United States Arsenal.

In the teeth of the documents already published, and of those which may hereafter be published, I affirm that no man connected with that insurrection, from its noble and heroic leader down, can connect my name with a single broken promise of any sort whatever. So much I deem it proper to say negatively. Tkt tim for a full atolemtnt of what I know, and of all I know, of this dtntratt Saf nktimtbi disinterested effort to rmmneipott tka alavta of Maryland and Virginia from tktir cruel tatk-mamtert mat not pet come, and may acecrcaatc in ine cental wnicn nave now made, my motive is more respectful consideration for the opinions of the slaves' friends, than from my fear of being made aa accomplice in the general conoovacp against Slavery. I am ever ready to write, apeak, publish, Organize, combine, and even to conspire against Slavery, when there is a reasonable hope for success. Men who live by robbing their fellow-men of their labor and liberty, have forfeited their right to know anything of the thoughts, feelings or purposes of those whom they rob and plunder.

They have by the single act of Slaveholding, voluntarily, placed themselves beyond the laws of justice and honor, and have become only fitted for companionship with thieves and pirates the common enemies of God and of all mankind. While it shall be considered right to protect oneself against thieves, burglars, robbers and assassins, and to alay a wild beast in the act of devouring his human prey, it can never be wrong for the imbruted and whip-scarred slaves, or their friends, to hunt, harass and even strike oowb the traffickers in human neah. if anybody is disposed to think less of me on account of this sentiment or because I may have bad a know ledge of what was about to occur, and did not assume the base and detestable character of an informer, be is a maa whose good or bad opinion of me may be equally repugnant and despicable. Entertaining this sentiment, I may be asked why I did not join Jean Baows the noble old hero whose one right hand has shaken the foundation of the A merle aa tin too, and whose ghost will haunt the bedchambers of ail the born aad unborn Slaveholders of Virginia through all their generations, filling them with alarm and consternation My answer to this has already been given, nt least Impliedly given. The tools to those that can use them." Let every maa work for the abolition of Slavery in his own way.

I would help all, and hinder none. My position in regard to the Harper's Ferry Insurrection may be easily inferred from these remarks, and I shall be glad If those papers which have spoken of me in eonnee-tm wha it, would find room for this brief statement. 1 have no apology for keeping out of the way of gentlemanly United States Marshals, who are said to have paid Rochester a somewhat protracted visit lately, with a view to aa Interview with me. A Governnsent recognizing the vaUditrof tho Dred Scott dedaioB, at aoch a time as this, to not likely to have any very charitable feelings towards me, and if I am to meet its representatives, I prefer to do so, at least, upon equal terms. If I have committed nny offense ag Blast have done so en the soil of the 8 tate of New-York, and I abould be perfectly willing laervto be arraigned before aa Impartial jury but I have quite insuperable objections to bo caught by the hands of Mr.

feces as as, and -kaffd" by Gov. Writs, For this appears to be the arrangement Bocaanan does the fighting aad hunting, aad VV'nts omgm the game. Soaao reflections may be made upea my leaving ea a tour to England, just at this time. I have only to say. that my going to that country has been rather delayed than hsileaerl by the In nv thai at Harper's Ferry.

Ail knew that I had in leaded to leave hero ia tho first week of November. tae arsi FREDERICK DOUGLASS. FREDERICK DOCGLASS IN RETTRXMENT. Bssrsn. Wednesday, Nee, a.

Fre'xsiCK Dors LAM was expected to lecture ta the Fraternity Course last In a letter to the Chairman stated that ha should not aiipear, not considering it safe lor him to be la Boston just now. His present whereabouts was not stated. i am Tho yonng people Troy have formed a skaUng-chsb, for Winter amusement. are admitted upon the proposal of the male awsabers, one of whom constitutes himself instructor, tf need be, of the ladypTopsssii. NEWS BY TELEGRAPH.

MOB HAW IN BAXTLMORK. Tho State Election Three Person Mortally hers Shot. Blabbed ausd Beatea Defeat of the Reformers. Baltmoxs, Wednesday, Nov. 310 P.

M. The State Election has taken place to-day. In an the Wards of this city mob-law was uppermost all day and consequently the reform vote Is extremely light. Indeed, so impossible was it for a man of respectable social position, or of known sympathy with the Reform movement, to approach the polls, that the Reformers are, perhaps, justified la their assertion that tbe whole affair was a burlesque of an election, and that there has really been no choice. The returns, such ss they are, had not been received at a late hour, owing to the number of officers voted for upon one ticket Judge Gilzs, of the United States District Court, met Sheriff CaiAsriz in the street this forenoon and told him In decided terms that he was to be held accountable for all the blood shed to-day.

As a Judge and lawyer he told the Sheriff he had the authority, and that it was his duty to Interfere. There was considerable talk of a Vigilance Committee on the streets. The First, Second and Fourth Wards were entirely In possession of the rowdies, to the total exclusion of all who opposed them. The Police refused to Interfere. I In the Second Ward a man named Chaixii BaxbV-abs was shot In the hip.

In the Fifth Ward the Reformers were driven off at an early hour. A son of Hon. Josaua Vassaitt was beaten for attempting to vote. A maa, same unknown, was dreadfully beaten. In the Tenth Ward, Thomas Miinr, the Reform Judge, early Intimidated and compelled to leave, and Mr.

was appointed by Acting Mayor Mats and rejected by the Council, was reappointed. The Reformers were entirely driven off. Jabtss Jamas, son of adibos Jirrtxa, was shot la the side aad beaten over the head by some Reformers whom he had maltreated. In the Eleventh Ward, the stronghold of the Reformers, Mr. Giozos M.

Gni, made a speech at noon announcing the withdrawal of Mr. Thomas, the Reform candidate for District Attorney. Dr. Roaixson, of the Central Reform Committee, came to the Eleventh Ward polls at 3 o'clock and announced that the Reformers had been driven from every Ward except that and the Eighth, and counseled the Reformers there to withdraw to avoid further bloodshed whereupon Dr. Thomas, Reform Jndge, retired, and the contest was abandoned.

Previously the Reformers throughout the city withdrew, leaving the polls In the hands of the dominant party. In the Twelfth aad Sixteenth Wards gangs of rowdies from Washington, fully armed, were on hand aiding the Baltimore roughs. In the Fourteenth Ward there is a desperate struggle. The Reformers resisted with arms. Josnsog, a notorious rowdy, was shot dead with a pistol ball.

Two other rowdies, named Habbis aad Dvrrr, were shot ia the legs. Haaar St abb, a Reformer, was shot la the leg. Wav Bmxs, a Reformer, was shot in the arm and leg. In the Fifteenth Ward, As AM B. Kris, merchant, Ko.

SO It ii in the temple and was carried home In a dying condition. He was reported dead at fi o'clock, but lingered until 9 P. when he expired. Gbobob Kru, who came to tho rescue of his brother, was shot dangerously. A boy was also shot In the breast and mortally wounded.

In the Sixteenth Ward Thbobobb Wooball was badly beaten. Dr. C. Ricbabssos, a Reformer, was pursued by the Captain of the Thunderbolt Club, with a drawn sword. Dr.

R. took refuge la a store, when the rowdies broke in the windows and tried to capture him, but fortunately they were not successful. In the Seventeenth Ward the American ticket has an average of 660 votes, and the highest Reform rote is 24. In the Eighteenth Ward the rowdies took possession of the polls, and gave the Reformers notfos to quit. Fxuz MoCvauT, a Reformer, was badly beatea.

In the Twentieth Ward tbe rowdies knocked down and maltreated whom they pleased. They had a swivel on the ground. There are numerous reports of minor outrages on tbe private rights of citizens in several Wards. William P. Pbibto, Democratic candidate in the Third Congressional District, is lying at Bamum's Hotel badly beaten about the head with a billy.

The most reliable account ia that Mr. Pazsron was assaulted at Gowaastown, in the Ninth District of Baltimore County. One account says he wis beaten by an Irishman. It is difficult, in the face of so many reports, to arrive at the truth. The streets are nearly deserted to-night, ex rept by the victorious party.

The stores were all closed at dark. The proprietor of the Racks-, having been threatened with assault, made a demand on tho city authorities for protection. Baltimobz, Wednesday, Nov. 1 Midnight First Word American, 078 Reform, 8. Third Ward American.

1,491 Reform, 2S2. The returns from Havre de Grace show an average American majority for Congress and the 8 tate ticket of about 60 a small foes. BALTtMoaa, Thursday, Nov. 1 A. M.

Fifteenth Ward American, 640 Reform, 100. Birth Ward American, 870 Reform, 320. These returns are the average vote oa the tickets. Balyxmobx, Thursday, Nor. 32 A.

M. The returns from the different Wards ia the city will not be in for some hours yet The Americans have, however, without doubt, carried the city by about 18,000 majority. Three Preemcts from Hoffman County give Hovr-mah, (American) for Congress, 22a majority a gain. Two precincts In Alleghany County give Rdsixb, Democrat, for Congress, 138 majority an opposition FSOM WASHINGTON. Americans la Mexico Itfarder of rate ad ChaseThe New-Ormead Treaty.

I WAaanrares, Wednesday, Nov. 3. Mr. Cousin, the United States Consul at Ma-zatlan, is now here. He has obtained fronxihe Constitutional Government several concessions of a commercial character, one of which Is permission to run a steamer on jthe Mexican Pacific coast under American flag.

He has partially made arrangements wtth one of the steamship companies to connect with its tine at Acapnlco, thereby affording a direct steara communication on that entire coast twice a The dispatches from Consul Bud to the State Department show that Obmohb Chasb was 'most stro-doasly mardered in Mexico by officers belonging to the Chcn-eh Party. AD that was in. the President's power to do will be or has been done ta view of that crime. If more than this Is necessary to protect the Uvea and ptopeitj of American citizens In that country, Congress mast provide further means. There is nodoubtbut tho President will prominently present tatesabjeet ta his annual Message.

The friends of the Constitutional Government think that it la highly essential that SeBor Lxzse should Immediately return to Vera Cms, la order to exert Bis Influence toward the eoasnmmntton of the pending Gen. Hsbbam, Minister from New Granada, is ia the city. The prospect now Is that the Republic will ratify tho treaty as amended by the United 8tales The Granadtaa Congress will not, however. till aext February. f-, Tho Pesxmss Oeneral teft kore te-esy oa a brief visit to Charleston, Therefore, no definite action oa the bids for carrying the asails between Portland aad Nrw-Orleaas will be aaade until his return.

Judge Buck's rejoinder to Senator Dovauis' last wtH appear ta tbe Constitution of to-morrow morning. tho Bark Drmaeaw Pbovtbshcb, Wednesday, Nov. 2. Tbe bark Dragon, CapL McFauaup, of and for Salem, which sailed from Zanzibar, Aug. 31, got ashore on a reef about 40 miles south of that place, aad remained three days, thumping heavily.

She was got off and towed back to Sept 4, by the British shtp-of-war Choc Her keel was broken, stern-post started, and she was otherwise so badly damaged that she was condemned. The CUoo was awarded $3r0 salvage. sTtre. Pxsvidbkcb, Wednesday, Nov. Tbe lumber of Asa Pixa fat this any, together with three or four small buildings, were destroyed by fire this evening.

Loss about i'MftOO. European Steamers. H0n-AKK IVAI. OF THl AMKBJCa. Bali? ax, Wednesday, Nov.

30 P. M. There are as yet no signs of the steamer Anuri-iea, now due at this port with Liverpool dates of the 33d ult Weather very thick. AILUO OF TH XTHtOFA. Boeroa, Wednesday, Nov.

2. The Royal Mail steamship Europe sailed this noon with 71 passengers for Liverpool, and 14 for Halifax, and 300,000 in specie. The Msssaehasetta Liquor Agency. Bosreir, Wednesday, Oct 3. Hon.

Jacob BLlxrxn baa declined the Liquor Agency tendered hisa by Gov. Baits ia place of Gaosoa P. BoxasAM, resigned. Fire- at Llneera, Mass. Bostom, Wednesday, Nov.

3. The Orthodox church, at Lincoln, was totally destroyed by fire last night Loss $4,000. SPEECH OF BON. THOMAS CORWIN. Doctrines of tho Republican Party The Harper's sTerrj Trwnbleo Tarerraptteae and Replies.

BROOKLYN OUT IN FULL FORCE. An audience numbering nearly two thousands persons persons assembled in Musical Hall, Brooklyn, last evening, to hear an address from Hon. Thomas Cobwts, of Ohio, who, it was announced, would pro-sent his views upon ths political issues of the dayand more especially upon the doctrines of the Republican party, and the recent occurrences at Harper's Ferry. Precisely at o'clock, the meeting organized by the unanimous selection of Mr. Jambs HcMrnasrs as Chairman, upon the nomination of Mr.

Sin B. Colbs. Mr. HoMpnaaTS, oa taking the chair, acknowledged the compliment briefly, and forthwith introduced the speaker of the evening, who was received with vehement applause, including three lusty cheers for Ton Mr. Ceawrs said he perceived that there were a great many who would be compelled to listen to him if they could at all under very uncomfortable circumstances.

But he was very sure it they were sympathetic men they could not feel much more uncomfortable than be did himself. I Laughter. 1 He had been accustomed, as many of them might know, to address popular assemblies for about twenty years of his life, and they must recollect that the audiences which be had been in the habit of addressing la the Western country, were composed of the most refined and polite inhabitants, laughter, and he felt a little awkward In addressing himself to the barbarians af New-York, Irene wed laughter but ha must try and bring himself down to their comprehension. CContinued laughter.) He felt disposed, if they would tolerate him, to lay before them what he understood to be the doctrine of the Republican Party. He did not know what that doctrine might be in New-York, but so far as he bad been able to inform himself, the grand fundamental doctrine upon which the party now rested before the people for Its hope of success was very much the same in every pc rt of tbe United States where they were tolerated at all.

The geographical divisions between the North and Botitii were not in accordance with the ordinary rules ef geography. They comprised in the word North every State that does not tolerate Negro Slavery, and in the word South those States where Negro Slavery prevails. He bad seen something of the origin of that peculiar class of politics denominated Northern and Southern. He thought he was at the birth of that unhappy division, in the councils of the country, filling a numble post, as a Representative in the Lower House from the State of Ohio. They knew that the great constitutional truth, which was the great fundamental idea of the Republican Party, was at one time the admitted doctrine, and the cherished policy of the men of the South, as well as of the North.

The doctrine had now been advanced that si are labor would stand absolute, and that there was a difference of interest between the labor of a free man entering into a compact to perform labor by himself, and the labor of a maa who was serving as capital In the hands of his owner. The idea originated in the increased value of negroes. If it had not been for one Yankee, this idea would never have arisen he meant the inventor of the cotton-gin. (Laughter. Tbe consequence of that invention was a rise in the value of negroes from about asoOeach to from tSOO to 1,200 each.

From 1H33, then, began this conflict, which. If be might be supposed not to intend treason, he would say seemed almost to be an "irrepressible" one. (Laughter. He hoped they would not understand him as having any atniiation whatever with Joan Baows. Applause and laughter.

He had none. He remembered at that time that the people of South Carolina abandoned tbe ordinary way of carrying on their Slate government and called the people together to plan a convention- Their conviction was, that the law of tbe United States, then called the was unconstitutional and they had resolved that the Constitution of the United States was a compact between sovereigns a treaty that whea the stipulations of tbe treaty were violated, each sovereign had a right to determine for himself, and withdraw from the compact and assume the right of independent sovereignty. Then came the question whether the Government of the United States could continue to collect the revenue within the limits of South Carolina. Their opposition rested on the opinion that the law levying duties upon merchandise, the chief part of which came from Great Britain, operated unfavorably upon the South that it was favorable to free mechanical labor, but unfavorable to the slave labor of the South. That was the argument when it was considered a question of policy and justice.

But the Constitution had another way, and taat belonged to the Courts. He thought this was the time when tbe irrepressible conflict began. The Northern men supported the idea that it was better to advance the late rests of the negro slave labor of the South, than the white labor of the North. That was tbe trap into which the Northern Democracy had fallen. It was a conflict between slave labor in the South and free labor In the North, at that time they knew what it had arrived at now.

Now it was said that the Congress of the United States had no power to prohibit the establishment of this institution of Slavery anywhere, but that the States ia their sovereign capacity alone have the power to prevent that Institution from taking root anywhere. He was one of those who had soma reverence' for the Constitution of his country be was one of those "old fogies" laughter and applause who did believe that the founders of the Republic and tho makers of the Constitution instituted an or- Santsstion which they presented to us and which icy understood quite aa well as we do ourselves. Although he had considers hie self-sufficiency, be bad found that there were other Sben ho had brain as well as himself (laughter none of them quite as mnch, renewed laughter, Mill, when his modesty was brought out, he as vtiLing to tell them, as the expression wss in Arkansas, that they were some pumpkins." Continued laughter. He therefore relied upon what was called "long It would be found that the very first law after tbe organization of the new Government ia 17M, was a law: that was entitled For the Protection of American Manufactures." Whea they told him that that law was not founded on the Constitution of the country, he wouki tell them that the gentleman who wrote that Coostitu--tioa was a member of Congress at the time the law was passed. He who made the Constitution read it, and wrote tt, said that that power was la it Now, the question was did not the author know what he meant better than any one could tell by reading it He was not acquainted with the honorable gentleman beside him, (facing that much embarrassed peraooaga with aa humorous facial expression,) tut suppose him to be the author of the Constitution, would he (Mr.

Ceswts) not feel embarrassed to look him in the (ace aad say, Sir, you are such a stupid ass 'suppressed laughter that you do not know what you meant by these words as well as i know by reading Roars of laughter. 'They would not think that refined manners. Renewed merrinamt Yet that was illustrative of the very controversy between parties upon that very point of the Constitution, as to the power of the Federal Government to ootstreirh its arm over the territory ef the Government toestablish this institution of Slavery. Every eapositkm of the Constitution, from the aatabtihment of tbe Federal Government down to the year Utt ex hibi ted but the one result And now they wore told that that CoostJ-tatket carried rta peacaly of nrotoctk over Slavcry la every foot of territory belonging to this country, where a State Constitution did not opposo Its sovereign power. Did he who made tbe Coastitutioa think that Congress had power to make roles concerning the territories They had perfected the great work of the ordinance of 1787, and they recognised that ordinance in a aew constitution as a binding obligation oa the new government.

What else aid they do about that time Indiana, then a Territory, (ta IM3 or 1S04, or somewhere about that time,) petitioned Congress to modify the ordinance of tore-lax its vigor, aad allow its people to have slaves, because, being a new country, it sufiered under a scarcity of labor. What did Congress do It declared Itself unwilling to grant this relaxation of that ordinance, and one of those petitions waa raferred to Joan Rabslh, of Roanoke, who answered Uses to the effect that though they labored under a diaadvaa-tage, it was a temporary one, for, their Territory being free, emisration would soon raatu.a the naceaaitv of employing aiave taoor. lieu ai. avaaaoasi a Dooular aoveraUmtv man. he weald have I dare not Interfere with tbe leaialativa nowara of the Territory.

But Popular Sovereignty was not bora then. (Laughter.) Had he been a Southern maa of the present time, be would nave aaid The Coatatitotioa plants Slavery in the Territories until kt ta enclnded by the State Constitution. This Constituttoa, ho thought, bad been presented three times by the people ot Indiana, and as often had Congress refused their prayer. Ia the year IfUl Missouri, a part of the Louisiana purchase, asked Congress for a Basts organization. Con greas said to it Go homo and expunge this institution of Slavery." But the treaty prescribed that the territory transferred to us by Franco should be admitted by us as tbe other States had been, nad so was Missouri admitted.

The reason aorta of the northern line of Missouri, 36 SO, was regarded as territory, and waa thought by this Congress in the year 1621 to be within its jurisdictional nd they concluded that it never should have Slavery. We know the history of that law. Mas bob, a Virginian, and a alavehoider, was then President, aad he was eotemporaneoue with the men who had founded the Constitution. J. Asams was his Secretary of State, Caawroaa his Secretary of the Interior, Cauwi his Secretary of War, Wist his Attorney-General, and Sovtbabb his Secretary of tbe Navy.

Tbe very question which was new decided with such flippant indifference by every young lawyer of the country, and especially by every aspiring politician who had read through Ball a volume of Mlmcistone. was submitted to those man, and they decided that Congress alone had the power to make laws for the Territory of tbe United States. Applause. Now, he would ask his fellow-Democrats whether the people ot a territory had aa inherent right to make laws la defiance of Congress, or if the people of 18M understood tbe subject better than the seven men who gar their advice to the Government of Monaoi's day. If there were any such maa living, he was past praying for-( Laughter and be would have nothing more to say to nim.

If be differed with them, be must regard them as stupid arses-(Laugliter and believe that it had pleased God in these days to raise up a maa Inspired to know more what they vt no wrote the ixmstltuuon aid than those writers did themselves. We had much of the march of the human intellect, and-he (Mr. supposed that most of his hearers believed in the Scriptures at least ho hoped they did, Laughter) and we were told therein that miracles should cease. But if this Popular Sovereignty doctrine were a truth, if it were true that aader the Constitution, the emblem of our glory, we were to take a nigger under our arm and carry aim around, Laughter then God help us The New Testament had failed. Miracles had sot ceased, because that discovery could not be reached by any process of ratiocination.

It was not to be attained by reason, but by inspiration. Congress went right along creating new territory as the tide of population rolled west ward, and reserving to itself, in every ease, tbe right if it disapproved of the Territorial laws, to declare them null and void. In 1848, when Mr. Pou, a Democrat of the Democrats, was President and when we organized the Territory of Oregon, he signed the bill with the WUmot Proviso in it During ail this time of which be had spoken, that Is for full years, all our Congress and ail our tribunals, fettate and Federal, never did, it wss now assumed, understand the Constitution, and it was reserved for the year 1844 to make out its true purport His notion of tbe benefit of a written Constitution and it must be observed that written Constitutions were an invention of was this, that tbe Constitution, being written, limited the power of the people of every department of the Government whether executive, legislative, or judicial. The intention of a Constitution was that there mightbe a fixed and stable rule by which the Government might know its just limits, and the people might know what they to do and he maintained that whea the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial departmentslhad for a given time, eeskcieat to make it a praoadent, declared in what way mmr r-oiat.

waa ta a fc. pre ted, their Interpretation was not to be set aside, unless the people arose, and by their votes announced their wishes to be contrary. And this being the ease ia regard to this quest ton of the power of Congress over the Territories, he repudiated this aew-fangled doctrine of Popular Sovereignty. Whatever might be our belief as to the continuance of miracles, humbugs like this would never cease. Laughter.) It was not popular sovereignty.

Why abould it be called by that name Why, if a man were to strike off another's right arm, and tell him he had prepared him for battle, it would be more reasonable. If one were to cutoff the wings of the eagle, point to it its bleeding stumps, snd tell it to soar to the sua, he would not be more unreasonable than he who gives to this doctrine the name of popular sovereignty. Mr. Coswnr continued to argue the right of Congressional interference in territorial legislation, and proceeded to Inquire what were we to do with this new-fangled doctrine that bad beea got up by tbe South Was there a Court ia tbe United States that bad not declared Slavery to be local Never. But it was said that we had a.

Dred Scott decision they were mistaken about that He was something of a lawyer himself and would tell them that there was no such opinion, and that the Supreme Court of the United States had decided no such thing as was represented. The Court had talked about it but the issue involved no such thing. The question waa whether Dsns Scott was a citizen, it waa not whether Congress made law for the Teriloriea What was to be done with this Popular Sovereignty Did they desire that tho Legislatures of the Territory should be subjected to the veto power of the man who was appointed Governor because of some miserable service he had rendered, or of the President who had appointed him God help us If it was so. Would they allow themselves to be controlled by any such opinion as that It was the strangest Idea that had ever entered the head of a sensible man, it was the offspring of a distempered brain. Ambition had sought it out as a mere spring-board by which it might leap to the Presidential chair.

To his brother Democrats, he would say that the Popular Sovereignty doctrine was about as ugly ss the ground-hog was to the maa out west who waa laboring under hypochondraama, and believed that he had given birth to it; ia regard to it said that as long as it was his, agty as it was, bo had to love it Popular Sovereignty, In exercising its powers in Kansas, had resulted la four years of civil war, out of which came that spectre of insanity and treason. Jobs Baowa. He would ask his Democratic brethren whether, from tbe beginning of human history, they aould point to five States colonized happpuy exibtu, log such evidences of advancing civilization were those, which under the ordinance of t7 were constituted out of tbe fsorth western Territory, and to hich Freedom was from the first inaugurated. Cheers. That ordinance of D7, by which the foot of the slave should never tread on that Territory, laid the foundation of their prosperity and progress.

The people of Ohio had had tho sagacity to send him to Congress, and with God's help he would establish that doctrine of V7 there. (Laughter and applause. He wouid sec a re to the South all their rights under the Constitution, even to the returning of a fugitive slave, because be would have to swear to sap port the Constitution of the United States. Tbe fugitive slave law was not as bad as it was represented to be. It was not a good law.

A Voica i ths Caewn Are yon sure of that Ma. Cobwih I am sure of it Sir. you bring in a justice of the peace I will swear to tt Laughter. motbbb Voice He is a good Republican. Mr.

Ceawm There was a law passed In 1793 exactly like that of 1MO, with this exception, that the latter provided that there should be Commissioners appointed by the Circuit Courts of the United States for every county in the State to judge as to the nutter involved In the ease of fugitives from Slavery, but he (Mr. thought it would have been better to have let the power remain as under the ok! law, with the State Judge, who, on sufficient evidence being given, should say to the master You have a right to your servant" But I say that if the Constitution allows this to be. done why then It ought to be done. (Cheers and applause. Mr.

Coawia continued, amidst repeated Interruptions, which he answered with geod-huaiored promptitude and no little effect to discuss the Question as to tbe obligation of obeying the law, even thoughts ere art FnxMoaa, rotable tmnsirlrred signed the Fugitive Stave Btll i andtpald a high tribute of praise to Clat aad Wbbstsb. for whose memory ho invoked the ad miration of their countrymen for all time to come. It was almost 10 'cloak before Mr. Cobs is concluded. -j a- v.

oblrssBry. MATH OF BOX. BAXIXX CAST. Hon. Dilitl Cajt died on tbe list Octooer, at his residence ia Johnstown, N.

aged m. Ha was one of the oldest lawyers in ths Stats, having been admitted to (be bar ia 1795. He; served in Congress during one term, aad was elected a edge of the Supreme Coart of Otis state to 1847, bat resigned la 1830 ta euasrnnrars of avereaatag The Al bany Cventng Jturnml, alluding to the rircnatancs of his career, says: 4 For tldrty years prevtoas to taklag bis seat in tho Supreme Court and Coart of Appeals, ho Stood ta ta front rank of the bar of this State ha abstruse learn tae relatiagtothe law of real estate, and ia trials of actions ef ejectment he had ao superior Indeed, alaootnn-pevaries of twenty, thirty, aad more years ago. vie Id ea to wlm kctw imiiw uua uvaaca OI taw prol la the departracnt Eof aoeaial ha aad lew Igllive emvw AjWW. ctv (unicwi iw mmm as President from the charge of being fa- to Slavery, Because, as ooeuience to waat no to be the reouirement of the law.

ae had Hi tt -IS Ms Pslta aasUMi New Prlarfplee Rewnwmy Oreat Eastern aad Celllaa ul tker Bhlpn Caspared Priae, Albert TUit PrebaAle Move ease mf ea rrom Oar Ova Oorrsspeadeat. Loans, Tuesday, Oct, 18, 185. My lettera about the Grtai Estm' trial trip. I fear, have been too technical in their criticisms ronclasif a to bo popularly interesting a psrsima bis error, 1 hope, In a matter almost wholly I would now simply, submit, at review the whole matter, a few plain reasons why the 6rtmt Jsahiia thus far tails to establish any. new and, momentous facta In the philosophy of Qceaa Navigation.

The coet of locomotion depends npoa twa principal conditions. First The amount of power required or, ia other words, the eaaa with which tbe vessel moves, depending upon the shape of the hull itself, and upon the speed. The measure, or rather tho name of this condition, Is horse power. Second The economical feneration and application of that power, that Is to say, the ooastt action of tho boilers, engines, aad propellers. The measure of this condition Is the number of pounds of coal per hour accessary to maintain each Thus the other causes of resistance to the ship are expressed ia horse -powers, while the economy tor each of these horse-powers Is expressed in pounds ef fuel.

First than, bow mack boras power dons tka Croat Maotti a require at various speeds Tbe trial trip proved that at 14 knots this could not have been far front 7,900, Tbe speed during this exertion of power was 14 knots, but tbe sails are known to be accoan able for at least three fourths of aknot. Now tha Persia, tbe Collins ships, and all vessels of their slasa, use 1,000 horse power for the same speed of 14 knots. The midship section, (f. s. the and area the ship would pretest to the water if sawed In two in tho widest nart.) tha aactton of tha Grant ITasf.iH was at tbe tone not leas taaa 1,800 square feat, which gives a little over four horse-power per Coot of seetioa.

Tbe Persia baring about IX times leas area, has little less than IK times less horse-power, or altttlo taaa four boras power per foot of seetioau So the size of the Qrtmt Eastern does not diminish this remorseless call for sewer not a pound. No matter bow large or bow small tha scales, the power required Is exactly la proportion to the section, the shape, or the angles and curves of tho hall being the rims This is too general a rule to require further lustra, tton. But the shape there is the OreeS ulna's advantage," says the enthusiast. Her shape is vary like that of tbe Persia the Orsa fascrrais 8 Vi lengths to breadth, the Persia 8 lengths ia breadth. Tbe tinea of the Creel KasUru, however, are tho beet, aad will give ner a fractional advantage.

There are Boats est the Channel of exactly tho same shape as tho Croat Eastern, and one-fourth her size, built by Soert Rrs-sku. At a speed of 14 knots, their respeetlvo eoa- sumption of eoal is very nearly In proporttoa to thaw areas. And, there have beea sharper vessels thaa the Creel Eastern, so that she does not represent the most advanced practice. -i Secondly Does the Gnat Eastern show any loU proveateat bt tho other condition of eoooomy in tho1 cost of fuel for the production of this power This' being merely a questioa of engine aad boiler eonetrwe-ttoa, without reference to tha number of hoses psasis required, or to the shape of tbe vessel, tbe simple fact that tho engines of other steamers have ran wtth less number of pounds of eoal questioa also, aad proves that as-great ship has struck out no new economy In this line' either. Why abould shot Her engines aad boUorS are exactly at the old sort.

It ia tuictkat as nearly aat was ascertained, ana aaiismiisil but Vo 4 poo ads per hour peg horse power, which Is less than the aoeragt of ocean ships. But It la not toss thaa that of certain specially economical ships, and it is a far higher consumption of fuel thaa Is now eoawawa iar the best stationary and locomotive i praetieev 130-pounds being considered an ample altowanco In these a eases. -t Bat the Crest Eastern Is so long, and aa this, and the other, (hat she will run far snore anrsaomanalls' at high speeds," say the believers la mere size, fa-re- spec Live of experience aad science. I would laci-t dentally observe that she will aever ma at ail at kigkv sneada without soma tmnrovamaat ia- bar stiaia geaerating powers, for she caa now make oolyi three-fourths of tho pressure required at leas tbaai three-fourths of bermteaded number of revolatieaav' with economical firing. 183 tons per day, at 18 kaota aa hour, ass beea repeatedly published aa tho Cvaat' Eastern's allowance.

Sine ska burns M0 tons at 14 miles, this hope mast bo somewhat dampened since the trial trip. At all events, It Is popularly suppeaval she v. ill not burn much over sua to toe tons at isaaitoa, There is a very general impression that she will sQp along a couple of knots or so more ia tha hoar, wheat she gets This is a fatal mistake. Todoublan the speed of a ship requires not twice, but eight Unmee-the power. fuel and tka same peoporttonatoi increase to necessary for each addition to, the speed.

"That's mere theory, and wo don't believe If say the enthusiastic. Let as see. These same little channel boats referred to above, the models of the' Groat Eastern (Out eaa aad Deepo, oa tha New' barea and Dieppe line) require by actual maa sure meat 11 tons of coal at UH knots, IA tons for tf? knots, and aO tons for MH knots. And agatai Tho' Collins steamers of S.000 tons require tU tans of coal for a speed of 11 knots an boor, 60.4 for knots, and 138 tons for 14 knots. There seems to bo ao groat difference in the rale between steamers at M0 and 1,000 tons, why should tho Great Eastern be aa CX- eeptiont If she Is not an almost miraculous exception, the will require lfiOO boras-power at 18 kaota, aad will therefore bum, not 183 tons, but over 000 ton 1 of coal per day.

I TtlA 2mmjm riMI W.Klt.a BV 1 tous priadptos that have not been the bases of to-r praettoe. On tho contrary, she does not enrbody soaay aew aud Important principles Which are- el- ready prominent sources of economy. That see will ioahttU better thaa other ships of tho same class of hull and machinery, may be safely taforred from many' comparatively little eaoss, the roentioa of which doeel Bot form a part of this discussion. Lastly Her sails, though nt larger proportion thaa those of eossawnt steamers, win not- help her as much as If she were a screw steamer wholly, for It will, tnfnlne cases out of tea Interfere wtth her paddle-wheels, by rolling tbcaa outof water. We all know that a steamer's sails all of them- are very rarely used in fact, never, save In case of a gale aft or oa the quarter, nearly aft.

So her sailing power will seldom help her at high speeds. i Nevertheless, as I have always salt, the. great ship fa? lo a certain extent a machanical suoess and ska can ooJUlM on long voyages she cannot fall to pay. Or if, as ia likely, she would attract a vast passe a- 4 ger traffic, by reason of her comforts, between hero aad tho States at skw speeds, she would hardly thea sink Bsoney. The interval between two ataus to Amer'ca, your readers kaow by this time, aAVirds aarpleepportaat- ty for- a 'revotatton ia tka prospects and probable- movements of aiesblp.

At the last ojfteimt account; I Ummt A mmrixm Mmm' mem abould be informed definitely on Saturday last Now, we are to be so Informed aa Thursday next" This.1 awning's Nesrs says tho ship will positively leave within three or four days After Oct Si. Tbe Tun, on tho contrary, Is sure that tbe Board of Trade wustl grant her a certiSeate, so that she eaa well de part oefmro Bnrinf. TaerOMeertaury eemdersUe amount of work to do, which would me a fort- might if tka operations on board were not trammeled eontiaaaByby swarms of visitors. The ahJp wonkl hm uiivai si and tho 'roll of sight-seers would be largely lAoehnad B)S snip were eoaav -xais nuns Is called very bad polieyv Tbe wages of hea who caat get acaaace to work most largely reduce the profits of the show. Tbe principal tilings to be done appear to be.

first tbe Ulf in some docker rumP aad not the rebuilding of tbe main ensia forts sake of gettiag water tola the Boiler. If they eaat snake steam pumps here which will 1 work agnlast 1 poanda si tnsurs, jet them save time Vyseadia to New-York for a set. Second, toe latro- dscttoa ef warsang apearatua into the sinews not long job, certainly i aad third, the rcfiuing cf tho TH OMIT.

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