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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 8

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i i 4 3 it I 4 I -'1 i I 3 i "'A BUKIAI OF SEXTON BROWN AN IMPRESSIVE CEREMOXT IX grace cmmciL tiorr tejsTLa act ai pall- tllAKZB A XAMirrSiCARKtT OF TOV-IIIEJ rAWMH CEDB MAKT KU1 pfc3T Or CO.TK., ATTtHH THE mrXRAI. SIJtTIOti. The funr-raJ of rvrion Isaac II. Brown. bVh took pUm'frrn.

Oram Church yetr-waa atteivled wiOi-a degree of pomp and cirr tmstaxkoe In with tba life and awr-rk of tb dflrmaand. Mr. Brown waa buried In a vnafftiiflTtit taskst of polUhrd Hpaaish (Ur, iockjeftd in, of mamiTt aixe, richly linml wit1! wUw eaUu, and urmrruntei with a pall of rtJj-TrlT't. JJaila, rwri, and han-dlxa "wara of solid" ilrr and tba fluent and moat el a is. ate workmannhip.

The. hndy waa attired in a faahsooabljr-mt full-Arrm mt of br fdr.loth. staixi up collar, and whlt naclrti. Tha feature wre pvWul. Ihirinr tha taut month hl eerbtfiil life Mr.

Brown Is aaid t-hare frwjnonaMj duxtwa-d 4 ll)p rubjert of hta approaching deni, and Kara particular dirVion that the raskt in which Im waa bnrWI should rjof Fpaniah Aodar, ha, from lonfc oonnidprins; that kind of wood to fpeciallyf ad.1ei for mortuary flraoa Church waa thrown ojxn fo the public 12:30 o'clock, and tha swale arai aisle rap-illy flM with ppctatorn. A Imtr number wcra small aerranU, and rrsons i from tba hunillr walks or ior wnom Mr. -hruhM a sincer reaper. A'hil niinUteriiiK to tha social wants of liisaweaJUiior 1. 'low-ritiwns.

waa ever notod tit charity and tbnroiah KtHi fMlowiliip, and never aeireI to ba rwiwItrM any lictUir than th'iae amonK whom he lived. Il waa a nei(hlKrly ninn, and ther-ver' fw of the modest bouneholdera of Eju Twpnty-Hrnt-atrert, whtw he lived, who were not Iimtent either in pcmon or by prox A till urer part of the audwnce ere Httir itrajiicers to firaoe Church, many of them evidently country people and visitors to the City, who had been attracted by themnnounce-Uieiitof thaaexton't funeral. Tbej- ntnnd at the titalned glana window a.nd iftcrafl ftuttes, and watched the operation of liKhtin the bancel with interna curloaity. The RatherinK raln-atorm overbnml made tle interior very dark, ao tliat on the put N-inj? lights, thn anartilinK cold and t'lPnnff marbla nf the richlv carved remdi iihone with t.he ntfnmt l.rUUAm-e. It wan iitmly hut.

and a limit of fan flutt-rr-d in tbe twi-liuht of the autlea. Most of the wealthier m-m-liem of the ronerettioii, whotm marriaKw and fcastii Mr. Brown had miperin tended for i-am, were away at Newport, and the IU-v. Ilenrv C. Potter, who always entertained Ihe warmest r)e-t for hi sextym wae atiMnt In Kurtijie.

mere wta-e noi wnuir Ujl di-stin(ruitliel niemiiern of 4in-e Church parish to pv the laet triliute to Mr. Brown'a tiwni.ry. The Hon. ClarkKon N. I'otter, Lloyd Aipinwall, H.njnniin II, Fiekl.

Bnjainin B. Wurman, Churlex Ijuidon, Tracy li. Kdson, Henry Irvin, James Itenwirk, (Jeorxe B. C(-o'ltiKlon, and -others, wit In a roinpiinioiui part of the edifice. A trn(r evidm.ce of the affectionate eMwm in which Mr.

Brown wm held by hie fellow-parishioner in dbowti in the fiict. tliat Iirmiii I. son-in-law of VoKtryman Hugh Aut'binclows aMKed aml t(tainM ermls ion to snriiikle the dust in the ser- I. dee unnn the dead sexton's coflhu J'recisely at 1 clock the luneral cortege drew up liefore.the door of tho chairch, the at- tclKlam JtiUionic uiiuiai it in njuinuij; uiii -forms and noddiiig plumes presenting a brilliant Siectacle. The procession formed in the ventihulo and marcheii up the aisle, headed by the inr.

Oeorge F. Nelson, Assistant Hector of brace Church the Kev. Henry 1 IbusU-ad, I. fof Trinity. Branford, Conn.

the Ilev. A. B. Carter. 1.

IX. of iirace Church, and the Kev. J. W. Kramer, I.

of the I'hiirch of Kt John the Each clergyman waa attired in full surplice, with a mourning saah girt alout I lis breast, and a lurge white rosette, with a bkck cross over it, tn his right shouklor. Then came the inder-tms casket of HjianLsh cexlar in size largo rnough for two irdinary men, and under tho weight of which eight stalwart Knights Tern-idar. in full uniform, staggered. The cockpd liata of the pall-liearers had lie-n placeii upon Ihecaeketand their large white OKtrjch plumm i wavel in mournful pomp over th remains. The members of the group were Mallory IJ.

Iiiie, Ucnrv K. llenry Mcter, If. II. Brtskway, of the Ashland House H. C.

AIwihmI, Ilcnrv Z. ichnla, James Ilin hanan, Balph An-hUiIdj. Henry Luers, I'lyxw IHker, J. H. Cable, and Jtseih Nrttlcton.

Misvrs. iSitbols and Netleton were from Pranford. the reniiimier from New York. In addition to tber pnifomia they wore chamois- i skin gauntlet reaadnn nearly up t- the el with g-ld and nl mwn on tlu-ir dilUKd haU. The caeket in front of cban-ccl, iiiiinolisti'ly before a fsui-A floral rtoM, Sl.

l.tet hljh. liearui tlie card of her James li. hanan. A tloral pillow, coiiiioaed entirely of the tnost ixmtly white uni cnlla bli-s iu he gift of Mr. tieorge 4 anil.

Id. Jonas Mohs. the llowcry undertaker, ml phew of the deceawti, was t'V the enil.Vni of a ilove hovermg upou its mt. in ivv. A floral stiuare and com-.

nss was the gift of Mr. ltennessy, who i.rllnaUsi as sexton atal muster of the ceromon- i. The turner. Mr. Ueorge btowo audi vife, William Jonas Stolta, anil Mrs.

Brown, sat near by. The introductory sen-tcui'm of the li rial ser ice were remit doring lue procession up the aisle and the so.einn clotpter from Corinthiana followl. The rhoir, consisting 'of Mrs. J. prano; Mr.

K. J. Baldwin, tenor; Mrs. Kennedy, alto, anl Mr. A.

P. Broudly, liss, song Nearer, my ttod, to Thee." At tho winls ilust to lust. ashes to ashes in the oiiiuiital n-rvice, Mr. L-wis P. Cliihls stepimi forward and performed the tuiu-hinortsl ofllcn.

of dropping a small handful of earth uism the roffln. After the other prayers had been re-oted, and the hymns, "Jiwus, lxiver of my rMiul and Kurk of sung, the Rev. ilr. Nelson advanctsl to the front of tlmchun-rel and said: "1 am reiuestM to announce that the btdy of otir dear departed brother a ill now lie accompanied to Unwiwixtd." 1'uose were the only words uttered outside the ordinary burial serva-e. The cotUn was again placed upon the shouhiersof the eight men and i-arried slowly- and carefully to the door.

No opportunity was giwn to view the remains After the ceremony, as had promised. I Hiring the service tears stood in the eves of many of Mr. Browir's humbler friends. Broad- ay, outkle and thrtstot's of th hotl nei-e thronged with siglitseers, who were with dilRitilty kept hack by the Police. AVhilethe casket was bcittg taken down the aisle the trgauist, Mr.

Meeker, played Pleyel's Hymn. The rlerry, islltearers. faiiuly, visitiiij; r.tifens of Branfoni, and delegations from Masonic Istdiea followed the hearse to (ireen-VkhI in the ruidt of a pouring rain. Among the delegation from Branford (to the. building whose Episcopal chaiel -Mr.

Brown gener 5uslv gave over f'-JW) were Walter Fowler, ose'ph Nettleton, B. T. Buell, John rianiuel Mitford, ChrtsUtpher Highelmeier, llenry Stoadman, Henry Z. Niclmls, Charles T. Kimberly, Frank Clark Aaron Lindsley, Charhta H.

lUontgomery, Riley. Smith, and ether substantial citizens. They wore crape on tlx-ir arms, and their grief was um-ere and manifest. The Masonic bodit-s participating were ltintan Lodge, No. Wr.

H. Naething, la1er; St Cecile Lodge, No. 5rVS, T. Jacoby, Master; Fhenix Chapter, No. "2, Roval Arch Masons.

H. P. Wilhams, Master; I'aiostine rommandery, KtChts Templar, Joseph B. Rand. Eminent Commander.

At the ImnaJ 1 phtt in tirvn-wood the rain poured down heavier than in New-York, and the statue of Pythagoras, Mr. Brown's a vorite ptiiUniher, fsirly glistnejl with tint wet. The masons performed their impressive ritual umtLstorbed the rain, not forgetting the touching cere--nioniaj casting the evergreen sprig into the open grave, Although Mr. Brown gamed whatever of fame and worldly wealth that pertained to him by catering to the rich, he had a thorough and aturdv American contempt for undue pretension of ail sorts. Many anecdotes illustrative of this trait were related at tha funeral Yesterday while waiting the arrival of the sidy.

A ladv, 90 Tears a merolier of Grace Church, said that he had often told her that if he were so minded he could write at book exposing the shams of New-York society which srould shale the town to it centre. For many of the shoddyite who paid him Urgeiy to superintend their feasts cherished the most taoroorh. and oftentimes xtntetnpt. lie wma particnlarry severe ipon the newly enriched clans who aped the manners'of London and Parts, and in pri-. rata conversation was never weary of 'expoa-, tbetr icnoraaea and anobherr.

A fashion that ha particularly at-horred waa tha atlompt to rlva a foroisn duiaa to old and wll-i4 nanaa of Aniertcan ifrowth. A tier man who wets! abroad and came back with a Von tacked to hta naiua to hua an un ceaalnj; objert of ridicule. BRJOOKL ry DEER hex REJOICIXG. VtCT.nK TO UK OHAKTtl-THE LAW TO HK FXrOnCKD RIOOOt LT. There wu much rrJoicin( among the brewer and beer-aeJlera of Brooklyn yesterday over the decision of Juatice Cooke, directing the Excise Commtionrr to ffrant a lwr licenae to Fritx K'ha.

A number of those in-tereated in the beer btiftineaa were at the Police Central frV-e yvaterday raominK- A copy of the mandamu granted by Judge ooke liad tieen erveil on the Commissioners. After cpnunlting with the counsel to the lioarrt. the follow inn resolution waa aloptnd by the Com miwioneni Itprni by the decision of Mr Jus tic Cnoke. of the Suprme Court, filed Incase of PVIta Jch axainst the Commlsjiloncrs of En-t-e of ttie city of Brooklyn, on the Win dav of Auifust, lvfll and the writ of peremptory mandamus issued by the said Justice and eened upon the onimU sionors In thaif of said ch, tluit the law authorising the IsxuIdk licenses for the rnr of ale and beer in this State has not been repesJed. but Is in full force, by reason of which the 'ommlssloners are commanded forthwith to issue a li ene to the sal't KhU th-hs for the sale of ale and beer; and ys'hfrw.

It appears hat thf re is no objection to the moral character of the applicant, and that his applh-ation cornea within the requirements of the statute; therefore Itttnlrjd, That In obedience to said decision and writ of mandamus the Commissioner of Exrise do herebv de ile to issue a license to the said Fritz tx-bs for the of ale ajid heer Commissioner Jourdan nnnounced that the old rato of t-'iO would be charged for ale and beer licenses. Personally, he was in favor of a lower rate, but men who had secured nlc and beer licenses in the past frequently violnhnl the lit V. Iiv 1 1 rr In tm fttttift he said, the resources of the dejiarttnent would lie exhnusfu to tle violations of the law in thirf If the ii-r and alo Hellers should act in pood faith and strictly observe the law. Commissioner Jourdan thotight the fee would fie reduceil from l-VI to but if they attempted to sell liquors, the fe wiuld certainly he raiseti to There are on file 7(K1 applications for licenses, but the Commissioners announce that in no case v. ill the higher grade of licenses lie granted unless theapplicunt keeps a lsna fide hotel, with priijsr slwpirrp; accotnmodations and facilities for securing meals.

The thre-bAd pretense will be ignored. In any event, only those will receive licenses wtinse applications are indorsed by the Captain of the precinct in which the applicant lives. The Captnin must assure the ommisfsioners that the applicir.t is prepared to fulflll-tbe lnw in every articular, and Vl 1 1 I iW turn I in tVtA I in which the applicant to ojicn. LO VE AT FIRST S1GIIT. A BTTFAIJ OIKL ELOI'ES WITH A C.OOD IXKtK-i ING CAPTAIN.

Justice St.rcnc, of Ilnhokcn, was awakened about midnight Tuesday, and on going to the window saw a man and woman standing at the door. The mtui requested the Justice to come down stairs, as he had some urgent business on hand requiring immediate attention. On lcing admitted to the house the man introduced himself as William McManus and hLs companion as Miss Salome Peal, who. 'HW uiJ "ith her fathtT, rtewani hvu. a wealt ny resident of street.

Buffalo. Tho Justice tiuickly learnwi that the couple had eloped and desired to get married. McManus was not at. all reticent. Imt gave the Justice a graphic history of the many thorns and obstacles which had lieset their path.

Miss peal was petite, handsome, and evidently a young woman of culture and refinement. Hex father's wealth and position enabled her to move in the host circles in Buffalo. McManus is the Captain of a canal-boat hich navigates-the Erie Canal between Buffalo and other poii low ints. Ho is a handsome, manlv-lookintr fel- bronzed by constant.cxposure to the sun Ho and Miss Ileal rnet bv chance. It was a case of love at first sight.

They met frequently until the young lady's father discovered their intiimacy and riecame very ungry. He warned his daughter never to see or sjieak to McManus again, ami threatnel to shoot McMnnus if he jwrsistod in his attentions to her. The lovers managed to communicate with each other, and arranged a plan of elopement. McManus came to New-York, and she followed him on the carnal lioat of a friend. She arrived in Xew-York Tuesday night, and was immediately joiaed by McSlanus.

Fearing that the New-York Poli'-e had leen notified to look for the young lady, thev decided to proceed at once to Hoboken and get married. Justice Strong jier-fornrsl the ceremony, and the happy couple took their departure "for McManus's boat, on which they intend to live. TR1A LS OF SIXG GEE. TlIE ROW THAT IX ms CAPTURE OF A MISCniEVOCS ROT. Sing fJee, tho Chincs? proprietor of a laundry at No.

122 Seventh avenue, was a complainant U-fore Justice Murray, at the Jefferson Market Police Court, yesterday, against a young Irishman named Sylvester Mooney, who liven next door to the laundry. Sing Ctee, who has leeii in the United States for nearly 10 years, speaks excellent English. He sai-i that he had lieen greatly annoyed by the boys iu the neighl iorhoof, who amused themselves by throwing rotten apphs, tomatoes, and occasionally small stones nt his wiiiddw. (In Monday night they broke a pane of glass, and he caught one the liovs and lrnggfl him into the laundry to await rfie arrival of a policeman, but a crowd of "IiikkI-liims," with M-Kiiii at their head, broke into the plni-e and reloajvsl the caiitive. In the he claimed, Mooiu assaulted Iriin und him twice in the chest.

Sing (Joe bud no -ititessis. but Mooney pnsluced a num-lT of jstsoiis who ha.J itnessed the- affray, aud they all swore that Mooney -did not strike the Chinaman. They b-: titled thitl (roe and his con qMUi lotus dragged the lioy into the Imck room of the laundry and locked the iti sir. The mother of thn boy, hearing his cries, riuhed to his aid. The Chinese would not en the dKir, and the woman, throwing her weight against it, burst it in.

In endeavoring rescue her boy she came in contact ith Sing (tee, who rafSed a heated iron and tried to strike the woman with it, when Mooney in (s'tween them and preveutnl the assault. The witnesses admitted that Mooney tiad struck at the chinaman but did not hit him. As the preponderance of evidence wai 'in favor of Mooney, he was discharged. AX OFFlfKR ATTACKS A Il (Mf.4.Y. Some time ago Mrs.

Alice of Xo. 4 Hamilton -street, got, married and tmught some furniture on the plan of Henry S. Eisler, of No. 1 Bowery. She had paid fill but $21, when, throe weeks ago, this amount lieing overdue, nu agent, nanie.1 Philip Reilley, to whom Eisler hai assigned his claim, went to Mrs.

Brower and bild her if she did not tay at once he should bring suit against, tier for $40, the additional being for alleged wvar and tear of the furniture. The money waa not paid, and a proper writ in a suit was granti ui the Thinl Iistriet Civil Court and" haiiled to Marshal Iuis Mcltormott and an asse-taut namel Nicholas Conlin, on Friday last, for exenition. Tbey attempted to get jHisscssion of the furniture at the bouse, but were insisted by Mrs. Brower's aunt anil her sister, Mrs. Elizalieth MHtovem.

In the struggle that followed Conlin struck Mrs. MKiovern the breast and threw her into a fit, which lasted from Friday until Sunday. During this time the Marshal fon-ed Mrs. Hrower topav -V. J14 more than she owed, to save her furniture from seizure.

A warrant was proourvd for the arrest of Conlin, and yesterday he was erfaigned Iwfore Justi -e Wandell, in the EsoX Market Police Court, and held for assault. He was released from custody to await trial, Mr. Eisler becoming surety for his appearance. CLERK T0r.0, OF ST. LUKE'S HOSPITAL.

Henry 81 Young, the youthful clerk of St Lake's Hospital, who was arrested on Monday on a charge of stealing from the hospital safe -JW, wiis called for examination yesterday In the Yorkviil-PoUoe Court. He waived further Inquiry irto the c- and rv ball la fa.OOOto appear before tbe Grand Jary. He claims that the statement made by the prosecution decytn his right to have knwl-edre of the content of the safe It not the trtfth. All the money placed In the safe were receluted for by num. Youutothe brother of ao Episcopalian clerxTmaa.

and has always borue SQ excellent reputation. Tber are buuit who bv Liars that toe charge aeaisat hua is unfounded. rr NI01 MEDICAL SERVICE THE U'lirSJCJASS WnO WILL DO IH'TY. THEia kpURESHKI A5iD TnE PSECISCTa IX Jl( TUET AHE LOCATED A UAT OF HAMtS WOKTH FKfcfERVINfl HOW TIK RERVICB W1I.I. BE CTtt-UKO.

The registry of applicant for membership In the tew Niifhl Medical Herrk was closed lstt Dlglit, 4 1,1 Huparintendnnt WalUas received lists froui slip lie precincts eiospt the Kirst and Thlrty- sveoud. I These lists were examined by Tr. Day, Keglstr of Vital Statistic to determine whether the apfilcants were duly registered, and then returnea to the fiiinerintendent. A few names may be lidded in soma of tbe precincts, the lists are nowlso nearly complete thst they are here pub lished I I)r William A Ewlng, of No. aft est Fifty -si street, has been apisilnted Executive (ifilcer I the Nltfht Serrioe by Dr; Day.

or the reau of Vital Maristioa, and as sxn as the oertifl rates of llifiblltty of those who have registered are made oJt and given to the Captains of the different" precinctfc Superintendent Walling will Issue an ordfr pdtting the servi In active operation. Full li tails of the Mitht Medical Service have been polished from time to time In The Tines. and the remains little to be added. The act to organl a Night Medical Service in the City of New fk, and to provide medlctl assistance in riises sudden sickness or accident daring the night ie. was passed June 3.

lo. It provides that th 'artaln of each precinct shall register the names or oil in gfKid and regnlar stand- sr.aii mane application tor sucn registry 1g themselves to respond to any call tor II attendance. I'non nv-eiringa certificate and pi from hility Uegistrar of Vital Statistics of the eligi- bt the applicant. It shall be lawful i the apt at to employ such physician. Cpon the upif watton of any person residing in the pre- ci net.

tlie absence of any expressed preference, lain or officer at the desk-will select the i residinc nearest to the patient, and detail the Ca physlci: an otli br to notify him without delay of the appll- cnTion, hvery otneer thus detailed as messenger furnished with a blank certificate, upon will which 10, name nud address of the physician re- si nd. nfe to the call, and of the patient attended. and i-i i dale ana nour oi me visil, win oe wniien after! lias conducted ti physician to the patient nsiden and venhed tije application. no wiil entitle the ohvsician to receive the certili sum oi $1 trom the Board of Health, unless it shall ro pai tine patient, when the certificate must be retu led to the Captain. Certificates redeemed by the ard of Health will be valid debts to the amount named aitainst the patients or their guar- dians, apd may tie collected by due process of law.

It is pr Ided. however, that no prosecution snail itnd when it is satisfactorily shown that rnt is without means. Every physician tie Inst the ua thus ra led upon is required to transmit the Keg- 1st rar after full the board ilealtc. wunin nours shall have been answered, a accurate statistical exhibit of the case, orp itrinir onlv the nume of the patient. The phvii ans will be subject to call between the hours of 101 he evening and 7 In the morning from oo-Anrll.

and from 11 in the evening until 6 In toher td the. moining from April to the last of September. An appropriation 'J authorized tor Hie support or the svrvi rice not to exceed S3.ia year, fallowing Is a complete list of thitTihyrlclans The attachi I to the Nurht -Medical Service, so far as Kin bv Dr. Day and certified to by Sr.per-it Wailinc. torether with the boundaries of passed intenn the pre infts in which they are to be found: Fol-BTp Pre-isct.

Csnt. Tynan. The district on the south by Fulton street, rnnrilnii north to or street, and east, tliroufc-n I atnarine street, to Hlver: Bounded hr Broadway on the west the Vtu and lie Chamh. Knst Ktveroii theenst. ant.

William J. Hrammer, 'So. 20 New rn street; rreierleic .1. Hand, er s-street; George V. Hud-on, No.

li Madlson- t'hanil street Iwara o. lurrs. No. lfi i uiver street. 'HFciirr.

Ctt. Eakln. Thedl-itrlct Fifth by Wb tren Btreet. Hroaiway, i.aual street anl the North ver. c.

rouiiee, mi. ni Mnnson-street; Imln 1 Aldrlch, No. in W. E. Pni-k-N.

Hudsin street Henrv Theyken. N'o. lnirtmni Fra kiln Ktisvt Motulrk. No. Urand strert Clay Helmlek.

N. rjvy aual street Joseph iri-r." Nm. it lu-aeh str'-et. SKVK PitKriNcT. Petty.

Thedlstrirt hountliMl hy Idvt in, Catharine, and St a-nmel street aud Ka-t It 'Aw an. Jllchael llreen. No. lr.s Henry strret: Mwjer. No.

lo Fast Proadway; Tliu'olhy N. Wllliu IP.ld No. ir.i tasi uroaiovay; i-ranrM iuidit. no. 111 Has Kro nlway Sainu' I "1- No.

H72 Madl- son str yell I nomas i.i No. f.uters street Parsons, No. 'Jort Henry stre. Nathan S. Hotieri4 No.

Fa.t pfutwav. ritr is. r. M-PonnelL The district hv Canal Hroa-lway, Houston tns-t. hf.iin.1 and N.

Ulver. I'huf in. Alor.zo o. Chailry, No. 170 and 2S8.

imushv. No. 172 Sprlnn street Si.rhin V. Kd far' rl nl ForeT. No.

'harlton-street F.dward 1 No. rl Charlo Thomas tirennau, e-t street: F.dward J. No. Houston ir i o. Kreskatis, No.

se Varlek- No. 01 UK We stns't. Nivr Precisct. Cii.t. Tbilden.

The district hound- o.l l.y Kf.iirt. Carmine stei'l, Slxtn-avenue, th street, und North Ulver. an. Alonr.o HlniiT. lt.

No. west Twelfth- 11. Kane. No mi Won Tenth street; Francis M. Han No.

Jane-street; Frank 1). lieane. No. K4 Perr" Mr.i'l St ptien li. I lark.

No. 14 West Twelfth atii-s K. Latham. No. lrt." WiNt F.lev.-nth sir.

Iran. la White. No. 1 West Twelfth-street: Van H'Ui'Ti. No.

Text Prixis. Capt. Allaire. The district Ineluit- Iiift th north side of Division sireet to Norfolk. throiiK Nor! nlit to Stanton, through Stanton to Clin ton.

Ih west side of Clinton street, to Houston, through ilousti ery to to the Howerv, ana the east sMe of tin ikw- vlslon street. -Henry Krauso. No. 32 Stanton street: Ad'tlrl. No.

Allen strivt; Henry V. In.s- C-ii Hr- Thomas H.iseiie, No. 111 r.M-t Will. I. Kinll No.

Hlvincton- llsust. No. tv.i Henry l'J, i st ri Ivlward Frl.lenbern. No. AI ns.ln.ei; Duuton, No.

7J KlviiiLrtoii- Kl.rv rrt I'hK. rtT. -i "apt. Cherry. Tho district Slant.

and Clinton strtts. Aveuue H. ourt st r-H-t th str.ft. an.i Klver. (ioechals.

No. 3m East Fourth-lllinm H. Havnes. No. l.ii Coluinlila sireet: Pat.r'.old H.

Curran, No. lir. Lewis James Mc- b.iniu aid. li. No.

Fast Tenth street tieoive McDon- Fast Filth street A. Chur. h. No. IKi-' F.n.-i Elk'hth-stnvt L.

No. 2JMJ Seventh. stn-et 'arl Kroc, i. I'ist Fourth-stroi-'t Octavlu l.atkent. No.

l.lii Attorney filrn't. Twin rn Davis, The district txiund striM-t. hy tr' north side of line llundnsl and Tenth- liaraon uiver, ano Mxtn avenue. f'h an. iie-Tve t.

leury. No. hi'st ne Hun. all red t'lll I-Tw. tif.

tmrd sire-t Arthur II. Learv. No. one an.l KUteenth-street John 'm'i 11. F.l Fast one Hundn and Twenty- JlrsT sr loseph A.

re' -rs. No. Last One Hun-1 rity s-s-ond street Z. L. Inar.1.

No. ilr.ilarf unit Sevetite'nth street T. Frank-No Fast i me Hundred and Twenty eluhlh- llu Mn street 1 Yon lier Mnlth. No. 4-" East line I'uiitlri an-1 strei't Folerlck W.

i ritiien. No. Our lluiidn .1 and Twelftn Btreet William No. Fast tine Hundred and Tirerit Knst I'm I.I ui Edward F. No.

170 Hun.lrist and Twenty-si'vonth street: 3e arr. No. West ne Hundred and Twon- trts'l; (rt-nrRi' F- Morjfsn, No. Ou IlMiidr ind f.nirth Jaim. Nell.

Madl-e. eortier one Hundred and Thirteenth, nry r. j'rlrre. No. 'J47 Fast One Hundred and str-ft: K.lward F.

Arnoux. No. 5't East One and Twenty nfthstrts-t; Mos.s W. Mrooks. a SKt'f I ll lid I I a-i Huu lrcd and Twelfth street; Charles I'.

K.1- 1. No. 41 West line Hun Ired and Twenty churl It, F.llUon, No. Fast Otie and Iwenty-seveuth street; Freilerlck A. o.

pu; Last vine Hundred and Twenty vljchth-iHIjiiii ti'iionnell. No. li'IT Eai line Hundred elu-hlh anil T4 nty iliinl Samuel Aus-den Hills, No. ill Ka Hundred and street. Turn y.T'i I'kkcimt.

-CanL, CoiKland. The dls- trl.l 14 nded hv the east side of Norfolk strnpt to Stnnto and ihr south sldenf Stanton to FfiJJdycr, till' Sen i sine oi si nvi iu si-ammi, ll)rouKn si rti't to Cie Kist Hlver, to Ntrit4-Jisreet. tnA. -rrmk t'. I.ennfts No.

14 Surtolk street: Char! herman. So. ICi'llmon X-? Eat Broadway; W. A. James, Ni.

-I4S i-irand- Hlre.t M. Vanderif rift. No. onr.H--street, Foci.1 enth I'ttf. im t.

Vapt. ke.ily. The district In. un t.y Worth and Ftouiton strtMts. Uroadwav are! tl.

Howerv. oi.i. l'anl. 1 Prown, No. llnvituo street nt.

No. 1 VI Hester street Salvador J. Lahv. lohn IU N.t. 7 I nee stres-t Simon J.

Walsh. No. "Jt Motl street: Kit s. sfc rti'r. No.

HrHni street. I'tfTlt vth apt. Rroiian. Tho district houml west iy tho north side of Ifoiiston street, tli of Fourfh aM-mio. ihosonth sldeof Four- t-ent'h

and east side of slth avetine. i-h: A F.uii di' sit nl. No, West Tenth If red s. latis, No. West Washington place; rton.

No. East Nlni.h-stre.-t Mauri. -e street; 1. K. 4 No.

wiuaro; Clarence C. Rle, No. 5 place; VVillfani lseh. No. "1 Bond street; rhards.m.

No. West Washington place; c. No. tl South Washintrton-s juare; H. J.

17 West Tenth street; John V. tireone. No. Waverl W. lia I 7 i Tenih SIX i lMiiindi wei.t si Twelfth street F.

ilraham. No. 123 Dth streef; Nelson H. Henry. No.

14 East Sauolel II. Johnson, No. 17? Pleeeker- vth Capt. McFJwaln. Tlx-district hy the north sldeof Fourte.nth-stnvt.

iho of 'venth avuue. the south sldeof Twenty- ighl hth reet, and North Kiver. owl. -John A. steurer.

No. west Twentr- ie.yin reef; Martin Den nere. No. "bi West Tw-ontv. nrth -tf: et; iltirve tii'ei.

No. IV2 Ninth avenue. Valllailt, No. Sfiil West Twenty nfth street; Altenha.n. No.

A svt Seventeenth street -H. No. West lltla. Street Oft hi' Twent orse V. rnteroura.

No. 334 West Twonty- jiimrii. I Nagio, No. est sixth stns-t: F. i ward D.

Franklin. No. st 1ourtnth strati; John ft. Mcln tyre. Th mi West Twentv E-Tenth-treet Henly.

No. 1M Wrtl Tliomnk V. No. w.x. West Twenty thtrd-strvs't; No.

440 Wed aimi Kvail.l Hevdo V' sta arreft, N.i. 441 West Moeteenth stret: Jubii t. No. 'J-tS West TwentH str.s-t: Rotwrt CH rt. M.Nel, o.

ai. vt jstneleentti; Kalpb 3- Wo-it Twrntr UMi. -r Kl athlll. No. 31'.

WJ KihteoBth srrwt- 5t irtod No. Slid West Twenty fourth stros-t I'hyrU. W. Tflfy or. No.

27S West TwontT second -street Srvi trict wsl itni-l. b- wer rsciTH -Capt. MeC-ulUgh. Th dls- iiy iae norm ti.w oi street the of A venae B. tho south sldf of liunmnh.

nd the side of Fourth-avenue to (be Mm.Jamo A. Hathaway. No. 214 East Thlr- teenthkt reet; imam A. No.

821 East FiMirt.i thtrvet: Eiull Neuiner. No. ssv.nd- rs-t Rlchard No. 11 SscODd street Henry M. sll' No.

Eaat Third street: Gram D. Smith No. Ifihstrwt: Sylv- s. iiienrr. rt St reel Cepr Hrnrr J.

Khi A in 7 See rise; James Felix H. O'NVll. No, S12 East Tnrrlttb-streot: Vou Kamdobr. No. ll? Sevrmth street rolipfolrTor, No.

304 Slith st-eet; Krodork per. N.K tctl YMtt F.ienth-stroet; limtm srvni. no. nrst-stnsm; rrsns iserr. No.

street: Lonls Wry land. So. 4W St. Mark s- W'llltam Uiiaon, So. 1 tJwt Tenth street Shorter.

N.t. 77 Taat TontSstrosH; Joaenti A. Fi.l4nn KiusTtrcriM Fbscisct, Aspt. Cllnehy. Tbs district bouudf.1 by th north side of Fourteenth slrssst.

th sst slils of Fourth iniM, thst SOU lb side of Twsatr- ilihlhttreet, sad f.ast Rttsr. HusWiiu-eon ldltchslL So. ISO tut aovaa- townthistrMKi WlllUra M. Iwvslaaa, Xtt Ri lan Xln-tMBthUtrMrt- F. M.

tsuimssia o. lit it isrssy Walk strstsi f. atophosu, tto, 4 lilsrto avsansi a Cooatti, HA. I4S sst lUlilasslDtlHli w. l.

Ma ti fu VlooMtlkklrsssii V. vartxIltM, Itssvtor. Mit. 1-1 ftast FltlerolL slrrssi Orir Mil. Issin fWsHA, Va.

1M Fssl Twoaly arsislrx ti ft. nkln Ka. in iUst k-igtuwuUi strMi Tbs 4-r tV4e Ha. 4ot Kirs! anrawai Jsia Wllltsnw, M.i. SCTi luwt Twsnty third strvaii Kv4t a.

Wssraer, V't-Ml fast Twenty sltibslntel: t'lorrs Hoay. So. 144 1 sst Twsuly ftxtrtastrmti W. H. Ht.osr, Ho.

lilt Kaat Twenty se-n4 slretd; srrrtt k. b4M, Ka 76 Ul lazWia t'ttnis NissrsssTH PaaciscT Cant. Hooat. Th durtrlct A IL bouiuled by tli aorta alda of Forty ssoopd sirswc cast slda of Mstb svcBiis. tba sou I.

fa si da of ilfty- HVRHi Mean, san Raat nivar. Uvy. So. 1MI Bast Fifty 1 lib iret; Emanuel No. 7 Fast Hfly seventh stree.1 K.

T. Brnwa. So l.UAt baoornd araau( William Kslanatiaf'a, No. Tl West Forty fftksuwtj Hnnry fHiartsim, No. lOA-East Flfly sevanlb ur.sCi Charles U.

M.mre, Uo. lis k4Mt Fifty aevenlh slres-l; John H. WHinr. So. 8(aJ Ixilaiftoa avesuai Allies M.

Lena, Nu. IMS Fast If Uelh street; Jacob arl an a. No. lid East Fifty foartb street; Henry ft'Hran, No. 817 F.aal Fifty aevinod street; W.

H. Wallace, No. 14a East Forty -eighth street; Michael Flaneur, No. 217 Kaat Forty tirt b-streel; Charles Hllae, No. 134 East Forty fifth street: p.

W. Terham. So. fiSd Eexlni(VMi-aenae; C. H.

Meter. No. tX East Fifty fourth street: H. B. Ilu rton.

No. Sit Kast Forty sdshth-atreet; Itanlel Iwla. No. 147 Fast Forty fifth street: Edmund H. Mortis, No.

1.1141 8etsd avenue: Michael A. ratrle, No. 23.1 East Forty-sixth street, U. M. Schwelif, No.

East Fifty-set -on street; L. V. King, No. 3M East Flfly second street. Twssnii: Prrcisct.

Capt. Washhnrn. The district bounded by the north side of Twenty eighth street the south aide of Forty second street, tbe west sldeof SeTentb avenue, sad North Kler: Hunlsfleld. West Tlilrty-fmirth street: Aujruslus A. Moloney, No.

22 West Forty second street; Daniel J. Hrennao, SAM Tenth svenue; John O. Fraser, No. xi Weat Thirty fifth street; James E. M.

Lordly. No. sal West Thirty eighth -street; Aaron Y. Dalrymple, No. xa West Thirty fifth street; Jacob J.

Goodman, 230 West Thirty fifth-street; James T. Badham. No. 241 Weat Thirty ninth street; William M. McLaury.

No. P4 West Thlrtlelh-atreel: Charles A. Helnte, 217 Weat Tblrttethstreet; kohert A. Olassford, No. vift Weat Twenty seventh-si roe Alfred W.

Mamard, No. SM Weat Forty second -street; Rotiert CamnhelL No. 4.VI West Thirty fifth-street; Hantel H. Smith, No. SH4 Ninth avenue; Joseph C.

Miller, No. IvSA West Forty-second street; William H. Forter. No. 8.M Weat Thirty fonrlhstreet.

Twsttt first Cit. Ryan. The district hounded by the north side of Twenty -eUthfJi street, thesojth side of Forty second-street, the east side of 1-ourth avenue, and East River. vciin. lover C.

Arnold. No. 115 East Thirtieth-street; C. E. Bruce.

No. fil8 East Thirty nfth-street; A. S. Hurt, No. lxInKton-avenue; Erskin a.

Bates, No. 210 East Thirtieth-street; Geore W. Chamber lain. No. 15.1 East Thirty ninth stre; J.

J. Cis-irrave. No. 227 East Thlrth llfth street; William Flint, No. 124 East Thlrty-sixth-street; Martin Fleming.

No. VM loxlnton-aenue; John Olelscs. No. '33 East Thirty nlntb street; Hugh A. Oartlan.

No. 1S East Thl rty -third street Samuel No. 145 East Thirty ninfhstreet: J. P. Janlnski.

East Twenty-aeventh-street; Stanley Lyons, No. 5n East Thirtieth street; Fairfield Mortl-more. No. 211 East Thirtv ninth-atreet James Moore-bend. No.

aw East "Thirty-fourth street; J. A. No. STst I.xtnirton-svenue; lieorffo O. Munson, No.

S2H East Thlrtv-seeond sfreet; Fran-els .1. -O'Hare, No. pn! East Thlrtv-nfih street; C. W. Pfelffor.

No. riot Second arenue; E. Ramsdoll. No. East Thirty thinl street; Iwls W.

Schultz, No. 102 East Thirty -fifth-street: Samuel H. Smyth. No. 233 East Thirty fifth-street Ix-wts Hall Sayre.

No. U0 East Thirtieth-street; Mason Thomson. No. 18 East Thirtieth street; T. F.

Joyw. No. 211 Fast Thirty-flrnt-street; W. D. Sewell.

No. Lexiiutton-avenue. Twfntt-secosd Precinct. Capt. Ward.

The district bounded hy the north sldeoi Forty-second street, tho south side of Sixty third-street, the west sldeof Sixth-avenue and North River. raistotnrw. J. H. Brant h.

No. 414 West Flfty-flrst-street: G. Campbell, No. 422 West Forty fourth street J. B.

f'oshy. No. 110 West Fony eitrhfh street L. L. Panforth, No.

14 Wot Forlv fourth street S. R. Ellison. No. SW West Forty third atrcet; W.

A. Ewlns. No. WS West Fifty sixth street: War ron A. Fanning, No.

W5R Ninth avenue; Thomas J. J. Ford, No. 452 West Fiftv-flrst-Btreet; J. Henry Frultnljtht.

No. 259 West Fifty fourtn street; A. H. No. 2-a West Fifty second street; J.

R. JCnapp, No. im Weft Forty-fifth-street: Alfred W. Mavnard. No.

3.M West Forty second W. Moffat, No. 140 West Forty fourth -street; William H. Price, No. 420 West Fifty second-street; Moses W.

Waterman. No. 10.1 West Forty ninth street; M. Stoeckel. No.

3.W West Fifty-fifth-street; M. Auusbunrer, No. rWy Ninth STonue; l)W I. Mcflauran No. 45i West Fifty nrst-street; Anders n.

No. rsri West Fifty seventh street; H. J. B. ldt, No.

West Forty second -street; James Begen, So. 4tV West Ftftv seventh street Joseph M. Pvrno, No. West Fifty seveuth-street; J. Harvle Dow, No.

2H.1 West Flf'y-fourth street; W. S. Watson. No. lOo West Forty seventh-street; AlliertS.

Neweomh. No. 21It West Fc ty-second -street eonte H. Bwley. N.x lis West FYrtv-el(thth street; H.

I. 'an liaastHk, No, Weat Forty-second street: Robert Stewart. No. 21 West F'orty -aec-nd -street; H. Thatcher Si'nrs.

No. 2S7 West Forty eighth street W. P. lanKWorthv, No. West Forty dp vtb street; J.

L. Wilson. No. 3dl West Forty TwT.M-y third Precikct Cat.t. Kittihins.

The dls trlct lifiuudisl hy tho north side of Seventy ninth street, the south side of One Hundred and Tenth-street, the east sldeof Fifth avenue East River. ftiyiWon. S. Allen. No.

lftd Eighty Alfred N. Lloyd, No. 213 F'jist Seventy ninth-street; Korxrt Fsrrl'-s. No. KJ1 East Si-ventv-tilnth tret; Joseph Mcl)cu(rall, No.

153 East Elkhtleth-street; W. F. Greene. corner Etchf y-seyenth-street and Lexington avenue; Baldwin Oar-dluer, No. 117 Fast Nlnctv-first street; J.

('. Ford, No. 833 Fast One Hundred and FViurtb- strect: Dortn, No. 2ol Enst EiRhty-seennd-street: Panlel Duncan. No.

2.t East FKhty-aecoud street: Wooster Beach. No. 115 East Eighty ninth-street; Welcome W. Sprasue. No.

14H East Nlue.lleth -street: J. Bradnach. No. 1,12.1 Fourth-avenue; J. J.

Delanev, No. .108 East Eighty first street Charles S. Allen, No." 1.307 F'ourt h-" enue. Twhstv si-vfvtu PHKcrscT. -Capt.

Saunders. The district bounded hy Hroiidw ay, arreu -st reet. Bat-terv-place, nnd North KIvit. rii uin.s. -Otto Dnsseldorf, No.

mi Cedar street; AOIson J. Plossv. No. 147 Ureenwlch -street; F're lerlck S. Merritt, No.

2o (Ireenwlch srrei't, Twkntv EioMTH Precisct Capt. Gunner. The dls trlct lioundeil l.y ihe north sldeof Flfrv-etghth-street, ineoaHi siaeorsixin avenue, tnesoutn siaeor seventy ninth street to East Klver. i Vivictiins. William F'.

Redman, No. 1.441 Recond-, avonuo: tiis.r-re Miles Arnold. No. 10i Fast Seve'i ty-I first -street .1. H.

Prlfrjs.No.241 East Flftv-elghth str-et; Stacy. No. 14:1 Fast Flfty-eWhth street; 1 Welcome F. A loxmidT, No. avenue: Allen S.

No. HI East Seventy fourth streot; Hndolpe Touszky, No. 21 1 E.tst Seventy seventh street; Asch. No. 217 Fifty L.

I Praisliaw No. l'U East Seventy fourth street; If. (iunnlng. No. 24 Sixty fifth-street A.

B. IOCk- now, No. Madison avenue; Jesse L. Morrill, No. S''l East Seventy-second street: Ilavjd H.

IlnA-lson, No, Seventy eighth street James Terry, No. iJ8 I Enst Fifty ninth -stin. wF.NTy mvth 1'Kr. isiT Berghold.

The dls-j trlct bounded tiy the north side of Fortv seeoud-,the north sldeof Fourteenth street, the west hiueoi rourtn avenue, east siiieor seventh-avenue. 'Iitisiciaas 4'harlea V. BufTi-nn. No. 12 East Twenty-rlKht street; F'raurls H.

Murfcoe. No. 20 West 'Ihlrtleth-etreet; All-rt H. Little. No.

L'sS We.t Tweutletii-srroet: Charles H. Brown, No. 62 West Koliert Tavlor. No. 1H7 West Thirtv fourth-street; B.

Clark, No. 117 West Thlrtv-fourtn-street; tirors-o F. Bates, No. I'll West Twetity-thlrd-street; rank W. Klnir, No.

53 West Twenty fourth-street Maurice X. Miller, No. 1K1 West Thirty third street; Charles W. Torrey No. Ill West Twenty third 8' reet It.

Iiomrlass, No. 22 East Forty second -street; Charles R. Weed, No. 42 West Twcnty-stxth-street: 8. Cyrus Towasend, No.

142 West Slxteent Valentino Mott, No. fi2 Madison avenue; Samuel W. Smith, No. 4o West Twenty fifth street: X. Clements, No.

Hi West Thirtv-seoond street Thomas Peddle. No. 104 West Thirty ninth-street: Mathew P. No. 14 West Tweuty-elhtb street: Andrew H.

Smith, No. 22 East F'oriy-secund-stosst Walter I- Kanney, No. 14 West Thirty-socond-street; G. W. Rrx.ks.

No. as West Thtrt v-socond-street; Ooors-e F. Botes. No. I'll West Twenty thLrd-strect Charles c.

Bovle, No. 11 West Twenty ninth-street; Joseph Anevav, No. 12 West Thirty third street; John E. Allen. No.

10 Ft Thirty fifth street Henry Sche-velg. No. 2 East Twentieth street; R. Chambers, No. 7u West Thirty sixth-street; Gldlon L.

Knapp, No. 32 West Tw-edty elsthth street; Washington J. Well-man. No. 27 West Thirty tlrst-street; John H.

Wheeler. No. West Twenty-eltrhth street. TiitUTiETH I'kecisct. Capt.

Leary. The district by one Hundred and Tenth street. One Hundred and Forty-second street. Seventh avenue, and North RJver. Lybolt.

E.ghth avenue and One Hundred and Twenty sixth str'-et: Judson C. Brown, No. son West One Huudred and Twenty fifth street; William A. Iiavton, No. 1.11 West One Huudred and Twenty fifth street; c.

M. o'Loary. Tenth avenue aud one Hundred and Thirtieth-street. Thirtv-first PttFj iM.T.-C.ipt. Murphy.

The district lioundeil l.y Sixty third street, avenue, One Hundred and Tenthtreet and North Klver. Francis A. Ctter. One Hundred and Sixteenth-street and Boulevard Charles A. Nolden, One Hundred and Hrst street and Iloulevard.

Thirty-thirii Precinct. rapt. Killelea. In tho an-nexed district, mnn'ng north to the Bridge road and Including the Towns of Mott Haveu, Morrlsanlu, and Melrose. I.

Alexander avenne. near on- Hundred and Fortieth street Nathan s. Mng. Alexander-avenue and Hundred and Fortieth street; chirles It. Sprague.

Wushlngton avenue, near i Hundred and Sixty seventh street C. Alfiho-iso Tinker, Alexander avenue and Oue Hun-nred and Thirty ninth street: a. H. MoF'Irov, one Hniidr.d and Forty third street, hptwt-en Alexander and Willis avenues: F. M.

D. Hylton. me Hundred and Forty sixth street and Wlillg avenue; H. H. Tinker, Washington avenue, near One Hundred and Slxty-ntnth streid .1.

W. Huppeld, Willis avenue and One Hundred aud Forty third street; .1. J. Williams Willis svenue and one Hundred and F'ortv fourth street. Thirty rot RTH Precinct.

Capt. Bennett. The dls-trlct running north from High Bridge road to W.xsl lawn, and including the villages of Tremont, F'ord bam. and West Farms. Pratt.

Boston road. Fair mount avenue. West Farnts; C. A. Becker.

Tine Hun dred and Seventy fifth street, between Washington and Raliroa.1 avenues; yanveckten Eltlng, ltalirw.1-avenue, near 1he Hundred and Sev' enty -fifth street; R. A. Joyce. Waahlmrton-ave-nue. near One Hundnd and Seventy fifth street N.irman K.

Freeman, Main-street. West Farms; John H. Eden. Tlebout-a venue; Fordham: Ralph K. Swln hurne, Berrlan lJtndlng road, near Joroine-svenne.

Tmarr Fin-i Yule, The district north of Spuyter Imyvil to tho boundary and Including the towan of Moeholu. Rlverdale, and Mount St Vincent. r.iisi.-i.ii,. John Parsons. Ring's Bridge station.

This cives a total of 329 physicians who have been so-pied for duty in the nieht medical service. Of this number. are not urxm the registry of the Boani of Health. This fact does not affect their standins or eligibility for the service, but they will he required to register before a certificate Is issued Py the Register of Vital Statistics. Of the entire number of names registered with tbe precirh-t Captains, only one was struck off by Ir.

Day-that of a phrsioUn who was i.npiicated In a recent criaiina! prosecution. TWO CHILUF.ES KILLED. A group of children, among whom were Edward Chishohn, agei years, and his sister EUen, agd. 30 months, of No. S2 Smith-street, Brooklyn, went to play in a vacant lot on Court-street, near a large oaken ic? box, such as is used by butchers and grocers.

While they were playing, a grocer's wagon, ownei by John Hogan. of Xo. SJ Court -street, was driven from a stable into the lot, and run against ona of the sidos of the ice-box, which was detached from tho other parts. Tho hoavy timbers fell with a crash upon the Chisholui children, and tbe little rirl was killed instantly. Tbe boy had his skull fractured and waa Internally Injured, and on being taken to St Peter Hospital, disd In a tew hour.

John Callahan, th drtrer of ths wagon, wu arrested and bead, to awsit toe action of tha Coroners CITY AND SUBURBAN NEWS NEW-YORK. TA keeper of tbe dog pound baa reported to tha Mayor thai doc hay boeo drowned slnoa Uta bulldlnff waa opened and III redeemed. An sVarfgnjnent tor tbe benefit of creditor by Jesse Beaver to Raphael TisbUs. with Jt-H7t prefereinoas, was filed In tbe County Clerk's ofnee yesterday. i Tbe acting (Secretary of the Treasury yesterday instructed Assistant Treasurer Hilihoose to pttrehaae t.S1 L000 Ooyernment bonds on account of the aiiikinfc fund.

A speciai moonlight excuFsipn to tbe Lone Branch Iron Iter will he made this evening by tbe steam boat Grand Republic, which will start from Mer No. 1 North River at 8 P. St John H. Smith, the proprietor jof the Port Cheater marble works, while riding! ont with his family on Tuesday evening, was thrown from bis seat to the pavement, and his skull Whs fractured. He has since lain unconscious at bis home In Port Chester.

The old school-house in Stone-street, between WhltehiU and Bearer streets; was ordered by the Sinking Fund Commissioners yesterday to be sold to the Exchange for the property being required for a portion: of the site of their new Exchange Building. Judge rendered a decision denying a motion of counsel for the plaintiffs' in the Killona Plantation case for leave to file a bill Of exceptions. The suit was brought agidnst Gen. Sheridan for the recovery of damages, and was decided atntinst the plaintiffs, who were denied a new trial in 1KTTJ. The fiteam-boat Grand Republic will to-day convey sewing, girls, free of charge to and from Rockaway Beach.

The first landing will be made at the foot of West Twenty-fourth treet at 10 A. tbe second at Leroy-street JO minate later, the third at Pier No. 1 at and the final landing at Jewell's wharf, Brooklyn, at 11 A. M. Seven Btoam-ships landed immigrants at Castle Garden yesterday.

Of this i number, the Wisconsin, from Liverpool, brought the Bata-vta, from Liverpool, 71 the mm Havre, 679; the ThingvaUa, from Hull, ejr.i the Gcllert, from Hamburg, 7V4; the Gloucester, from Hull, 27, and the Pennsylvania, from Glasgow, Among the leases recorded in the Register's office yesterday was one from the New-York, Greenwood and Coney Island Railroad Company to Edmund R. Terry. Kor an annual rental of SiS.OOO It gives to the lessee the road.irolllng stock, epots, Ac. of the railroad company, be, held by him during the continuance of the charter of the corporation. i James Smith, of TipjieCanoe, Ohio, stopping at French's Hotel, was yesterday swndlid out of 90 by confidence operators who gave him a spurious check for $SM0, aud asked him watch their baggage, which they said was very valuable.

The swindlers, of course, had no baggage in the hotel, and Mr. Smith, of Tippecanoe, Ohio, Is now in consultation with the Central Office deteetives. Dahiel Delany, an old man, who arrived at Castle Garden in the Batavia yesterday, complained to the Commissioners of Emigration! that he had been robbed of 17 sovereigns by one of his fellow-passengers, whose name he could not give. He says that the man induced him to give him his money for safe keeping after landing from tiie Ba-tavia, and then disappeared from the Garden. The Commissioners of Arbitration appointed by the elevated railroads to settle the terms upon which a consolidation of the companies should be effected, held a meeting yesterday In the office of the Manhattan Company, but settlement was arrived at.

The session was taken up by the examination of engineers and oiflcr witnesses, as to the relative cost of the cotistructlonjot the roads. Another meeting will be held to-day. i Quong Chung Lung, tho owner of a laundry atN'o. 1,115 Second-avenue, was robbed of $30 ou Monday by two white women. Thomas Waters, who was In the laundry at the tine of the robbery, and insisted upon getting a shirt which another had already taken away, took hold of the Chinaman and prevented his running after aud capturing the robbers.

For this Waters was arrested and held for examination yesterday by Justice Flam-mer in the Yorkvilie Police Court. About 10 o'clock yesterday morning Robert Barth, of No. SKI Clinton street, shot himself in the right temple, dying instantly. He was born in Germany ts years ayo. by profession was a tailor.

ome time uo lie gave up business, 'having means enough to make work unnecessary. For several years he had Isen a trequent sufferer from severe attacks of lic-doulotireux. and had more than once threatened to take his life when a violent attack had seized him. Yesterday morning tie had a more than usually painful attack of his trouble. Capt.

Cherry, of the Union Market Police Station, with a squad of officers, at 4:30 o'clock yesterday morning made a raid on tramps who u-d as a sleeping place a large lumber-yard on the Kast Kiver tront. between Fifth and Seventh streets. Thirty-two melancholy sscnn-ns of men were captured. They hud given great trouble ly stealing lun.lier, and robtdng th" office in the yard of coats and other articles. In the Kssex Market Court Justice Wandell seut the entire lot to the, Island for1 three months in default of, the payment of fines.

Messrs. Fisk Hatch, the bankers, sent a communication to the Board of yesterday complaining of the nuisance arising from the odors of acids, Ac, used in the Cnited Stutits Assay Office. A similar complaint against the Asjay office was made about a year ago, and was Investigated bv Inspector Traccy. who made a report recommending that certain changes be made in the arrangements of the ofiioo. A copy of the aew complaint was sent to the officers of the Assay ifiice yesterday, wilh a ropiest that they make changes suggested in Inspector Tracer's old rep.

-t. James Irving, was brought' tiefore Justice Murray at the Jefferson Market Police Court yesterday afternoon, charged with "violating the provisions of the lxjtterv law. Warren ColwJll, of No. 34 West Twenty fifth-street, alleged that he entered the officii of the Kentucky State Lottery, at No. 590 Broadway, yesterday, and SI purchased a ticket from Irving in the: drawing announced to take place on the 31st in- The Tatter pleaded not guilty and was required to find $3tl nail for trial.

Joseph Meier, a dealilr In artificial flowers, at No. tvti Broadway, gave the required security and Irving was released. Anthony Slavin, a good-for-nofhin fellow, whose family live at No. 333 East Thirty-fourth-street, was held for examination yesterday in the Yorkvilie Police Court, on a charge! preferred by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, of failingto provide forthe support of his five children. Mncu the death of the mother, two weeks ago.

the children have been supported by the neighbors, while tho father spent alf ho earned in liquor stores, officer Wilson, who represented the said that the mother's deuih was the result of overwork and trouble of mind because of her husband's abandonment of her and his family, A number of merchant and iothers interested in securing the passage of a jhankrupt law which shall meet the wants of the dountry called at the Grand Central Hotel yesterday to take part in the convention which hail been calied to meet there, and of which some mention was made in yesterday's paper. The proprietor of the hotel knew nothing of such a convention, and was positive that no rooms had been engaged for it. It was said thit the scheme originated in the fertile bnin of G. W- Clarke, and the meeting was Intended to be hi-ld under the auspices of the so-called American: Chamber of Commerce. 1 While a gTOttp of female lunatjies was enjoying the cool breezes on the easterly shore of Blackweli's Island Tuesday afternoon.

Alice O'Brien, of Hall No. 3 In the asylum, beting under a sudden impulse, sprang Into the water. When she rose to the surf William McSf-thaa. a convict, who was employed in the rjeighborhood. lumped into the river and rescued her.

Dr. Frank Iln, the Medical Superintendent at te asylum, reported the facts to the Charity Commissioners at their meeting yesterday, and amotion was adopted directing Secretary Britt. in to endeavor to secure McMahan's discharge, from custody as a reward for his heroic conduct. Among the steerage passengers on the Wisconsin, which arrived at Castle Gardim from Liver pool vesterday. was John Sug'uraw, who brought with him a daughter Si years of agfi.

who has not grown an inch since she was six months Her head developed steadily and is that of a full-sized woman, bur the rest of the body is that of a baby. She cannot make the least noise with her mouth even when in pain, but seems to understand ail that is said around her. She eats but little, and milk is her principal food. The father attributes her misfortune to the influence, of He went to M.tlianoy City. yesterday, where be intends to live with some of his other children-Jam" F.

Kee-san was arrested in this City on Monday night on a warrant issiied by Judge Garrison, of Jersey City, in a criminal suit for liliel. He was locked up in the oak Street police station, where he remains awaiting extradition. Keegaii was formerly connected with the Jersey City press. The charge against him Is that he maliciously fabricated a statement that Mr Charles Wintield. a Jersey City lawyer, was improperly interested In the Lewis will case, in which an attempt was made to defraud the Cnited Mates Oovernment out of a large legacy.

A writ of habeas corpus to bring Kee-gan before Judge Bench. In Supreme Court, Cham hers, to-day. was obtained yesterday by 1 humus F. Cottman. i At the meetiusr of the Dock Commissioners yesterday a communication-was received from tbe Board of Health, suggesting that the work of dredg tngoutthe slips at tbe foot of Twejnty-third and Twenty f.uinhi streets.

North Itlvsr.ibe postponed until cooler weather, as excursion steamier" are landing passengers at tbe slip at Twenty fourth-street, and the dlsturtssQee of tbe mud during tha warm weather would be offensive to a large number o(wraon. The Ivsrk IVpartmem has already awarded tha contract for dredging tha slip. The Eagineer-ln-Chtsf was directed to confer wtth the contractor and ascertain If the latter Is willing to BoattHMM hta work until oooler waathar. tit i eootraotor eiKta to a poafoaasneat, tha Dock Cotnmksalooers will not latrfer la tba natter. BR00KLYX A number of 'songdioracnaa attasmpted on Tuesday to prevent it Dnn-onloa mag from unloading the ship Camorbaa Castla.

at Rartlett Ore os's stores. Tba men worked yesterday aader tbe protection of tba Poilee, ani no attempt waa made, to molest them. It is said that nwohitioa will bo introduced 4 the next meeting of th Hoard of Saporrlaors, tn September, requesting Gov. Cornea to reenove shore Inspector Hopkins. Home of tha Supervisors say Mr.

Hopkins Is not autUcteaUr vlgoroas in his opposition to tha dumping of garbage tha Bay by Capt. Williams. In rxhar quarters It to said that Boas McLaughlin la opposed to Mr. Hopkins, and that tbe resolution referred to above. If adopted, will hava been inspired br him.

In the matter of the application of Henry Wiggins for an order to show eause why the letter of administration granted to tbe Public Administrator In the matter of tbe estate of his lata wlfe.Jane E. Wiggins, the Surrogate yesterday set down the bearing of the case for Sept. 10. Counsel for Wiggins said that he had endeavored to And Mrs. Wlg-glns's alleged first husband.

Henry Phillips, and her son. lr. Phillip, to serve on them the pssper tn the case, bat that he had failed to do so. Counsel for the PbUlipses said that the Doctor and father were temporarily out of town, and that they would return in a few dars. XEW-JERSET.

The Orion Boat Club, of Hoboken, will hold its first annual regatta on Saturday afternoon near the Hysian Fields. John Murphy, agd 40 years, of "West End, Jersey City, fell from a political banner pole, opposite the Court-house, on Newark -avenue in that city, yesterday, and was fatally Injured. Ho was removed to the hospital. William Briedenbaek, of No, 143 Springs-field -avenue. Newark, was thrown from tha platform of a Newark train as it was passing Com-mnnipaw.

in Jersey City, at 4 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, and received a fatal fracture of the skull. While Graham Hood, aged 13 years, of East Newark, was at work in Clark's Thread Works, in Newark, yesterday, his sleeve was eaught In tbe belting, and be was hurled around the shaft with terrible velocity. HLs left arm was torn completely from its socket and his face was horribly cut. Dr. William Smith dressed his wounds, and the snfferer was removed to St.

Michael's Hospital, where be Is lying In a precarious condition. Mr. Isaac Jaques, aged 89 years, the oldest resident of Elizabeth, died at his home, on Elizabeth-avenue. In that city, at 1 o'clock yesterday morning. He was born at Woodbridge Neck, N.

and at an early age learned the tailoring trade. He accumulated a large estate, and Interested himself in religious and humanitarian projects. He was the first to organize Bethel meetings" for the benefit of sailors on vessels In New-York Harbor. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and was universally esteemed and respected. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS.

Perry H. Smith, of Chicago, is at tho Hotel Brunswick. D. B. Penn, of New-Orleans, is at the Hoffman House.

John L. Thomas, of Baltimore, is at the Everett House. Ex -Gov. Joel Parker, of New-Jersey, and August Wilhelmj are at the Westminster Hotel. Assistant Postmaster -General Thomas J.

Brady, Alfred Gaither. of Cincinnati, and John C. Noyes, of St. Louis, are at the Gilsey House. Col.

J. A. Brid'land, United States Consul at Havre; R. R. Cable, Vice President of the Chicago.

Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Company, and H. Uevcreux, of Cleveland, are at the Windsor Hotel. Senator William Windom. of Minnesota; the Hon. John M.

Langston. Cnited States Minister to Hayti Washington Booth, of Baltimore, and ex-Gov. John Evans, of Colorado, are at the Fifth-avenue Hotel. PASSEX0EUS SAILED. In steam sAi'p Oity nf Vera Crux, for Banana and Vrra Our.

Adolfo Bosque, T. Sc. ifamer, K. Fuentes, Felipe Hernandez. Rafael Arrue, John (ilndlilll, Walter Betchle, Mr.

and Mrs. J. A. Garcia, J. Kavensbuag.

John Uombay, A. Rodrlsue Martinez, SPss E. Bums. Arrue, Miss A. Clark.

George W. Cole, E. Little field. O. P.

Slloa. Mrs. F. Hernandez. Mr.

and Mrs. M. elsh and child, H. fMashof, Alexander Wallends-e and son. Miss Sadie Fay, Miss T.

Rnblo, A. K. Owen. Gen. Forber.

PASSES GEIiS ARRIVED. Tn steamship GfUrrt, frnrn Br mm. Mrs. Wllllara JacnbsoT, A. Levlns-ston.

Henry Fay. Capt. Jltergmann and wife, Mai le Sutro. W. Watmer, Edward Hauck, Kiehard Schober, Herman Jury, Mrs.

P. Hawley, Capt. A. Menslng and family. Miss Sara Porter, Brlefo Btrupp, Amalla Stnipp, K.

KrcLcschmar, J. Han nach, Robert Herost, J. J. Fischer, Meyer Auerbach, J. T.

Lefens and wife, fcybll-la Orb. Mart-act Oartenmann. s. Hlrseh, F.llas Rosenthal. Mathllde Teller, Joseph Hernsleln, J'lllus C.

Ross. F. J. McCarthy, A. Ducoste.

H. Mereler, It. Burfol'v, V. Thomas, Rameiu, M. Ruslander.

WUhelm Seal. Minna Krledrlcha and children, Louise janaaen and children. Dr. Emil NHp, Franz Kelp. Louise Thum.

WUhelm Thum. (ieora; Tnum, Juls Like and wife. T. yin te-iirh, C. Lienau an.l family, tsone.

Simon and child. Peter Hay, Dorothea MoIIt, Kud Rode. Paul Weldner. Berha Haiuies, Kautzky, pr. Juls VVetscheck snd family, August Prayer, Oeotg Dol ling, Caroline Kerras, C.

Boefer. Robert Llher, Kr-de'Ro Zlmni. rmann, IXirntbea Rayer. tt Ztmmerin.inn. Morltz Pohlinann, A.

Kabn, F. Zlnitnermanu, Muthllde Kiuvera and child. Louis Lewln. u. C.

Rletzlcc. Morltz Froy. John Saner niann, Mcnnlcke, John R-bert, Alfre-i Dn.le, H.ibert Sclittlbauer. 1). Rsendrf ami son.

Elizalieth Walther and eldldren. Charles Fried Tlchs, F. E. Haas, H. Harnlsehfec-r.

Charles Rally anil family. C. C. Schunk, Ellse Kett, M. Uliensleld, -Jacob Iscnberg, M.

Salxenstcln, Joseph Jirern, lielne. Caspar O. A. Bass, H. stocwe-and.

Emil Flesch. L. Scbltf. T. Rndie.

Mrs. Ells snd son, I.uise 8tudemann, Aron Spier, J. i Mackrslt, A. Fred. Llppold, Ueorge Rrundauer, 1..

Itelcbeuocrger and family, plna Rosen thai, Mrs. Edward Hills and son. Edward Hill. Joseph Metzner. Henry C.

Bet-RhofT and- family. Marie Klein, lieorgi) Kuck an I wife. Charles Vlx and wife, J. Heine, Louis Weitzeiihauaen, Wliuam Dclms, Heurlette Muller. In 8tim sa ip Bataviajrom Wrerpoo.

Joseph Rards-ley, J.H. Ramm. Mrs Harron. J. E.

Uartlett, J. P. Riddle, Judge J. N. Black, Mrs.

lilack. Miss Black, Mr. Bromley, Miss Rmmley. Mrs. A.

Brown. W. Rmwn. E. Rrulf, Miss Brutr.

Dr. L. Duncan Rulkley, lr. Buhy, Miss C. Buxshy, W.

J. Carroll. J. Clark. Mrs.

Clark. Mr. Clark. Mis T. Clark.

L. Clauss. the Kev. Lavld Corsar, Mrs. Corsar.

Mr. Crease. H. J. Davison.

J. Davison. Miss Iiavlson. Miss Maritaret Deane. Mlsa Maude Deane, Robert Kerrler, Mrs.

S. Fisher. MissC. Fisher. E.

Fisher. H. KullerUin. A. tioMsinlth, Miss Iall.

A. L. Hallldav, the lier. a. ffannay.

Mrs. Ha.iuay, Mr. Hargreaves. Thomas Hunter, the Rev. M.

Jackson, Cbarles W. Jefferson, James Jennings, Mrs. 8. A. Jen-nlnss, Owen Jones, V.

O. Jones, Mrs. Watts Jones aud four children, Patrick Kilrriv, Philip Kllroy, I. snpol.l Lovlnger. Ainassa Lyon.

Mrs. Lyon. Charles MarshaU. W. McDowall, H.

Morrle. Mrs. Merrlc, Cliarlisi Mulholland. Thomas Oitston. Mrs.

Oksiod. J. W. Peanre, Mm. Pearc Miss Jennie Pearce.

Miss Leora C. Pearce. the Hon. F. Pctre.

Walter E. Phlpps, William Pllcher. Mr. Mrs. Potter.

J. Ioiiila. Robinson, MLss Katie R.s k. Dr. Charles Roners.

Mr. and Mrs. Rot-enwaU and infant, Master E. Roanwaw, Mrs. 1.

Rosen water, Mr. Si-hmldt, James Seott. tieorite E. Sharlaud. Mrs.

Sharland, O. V. Shiner, J. S. hhlner.

Mine. De Smirnoff and child, the Rev. J. H. Smvthe, Georns Staltord.

E. Steward-ion. Nathan Stlx, Mrs. Stlx. Miss Ktix.

MatiterStlx. MLss St I Mrs. Sutton and child. Georr Taylor, An drew Tod, Mrs. Tvjd.

Mr Tod. E. C. Walker. W.

N. Waller, Mrs. P. B. Master W.

iVearo. Miss N. Woare, West. T. R.

Wybura, John Wyburn. Mra. Wybum, Mrs. Rider. In ttiam tthip France, from H.iny.-Mr.

Martin. Mr. Hainon Mr. (Mler. Misses Ols'a.

Mlna. and Jeanne Odier. Mr. Valadler and three children. Mr.

(iorel, Mr. C.ultteraz. Mrs. Cartava, Mr. and Mrs.

Mar beck, Mr. Mr. and its. W. Wentworth.

F. PelU sler. J. Diiranu. Mr.

and Mrs. (iassolin and two children. S. I. Benjamin.

Alirahim Benjamin. Mr. and Miss Plondeau. W. lietscoberger.

J. A. Pridcland. Mra. Carrey Mrs.

Heckwith. the Iter, pere Cuslnl, Em nanuel Ixins-liil, Victor Perard. Mr. Waltich. Jr W.

March. Miss Eddy. Miss Lyons. Theodore Rev nolda, Mrs. Reynolds.

Vincent Crcttyra. Mr. Jucth, Mr Justh. Sirs. Llrhauf-r.

A. Seolllot. the Rev. Pare Hecht, Mr and Mrs. L.

Mever and two children. Mrs R. Meyer and two children. Miss Caroline Herrmann. P.

Ancelle, W. P. Moore. Mr. and Mrs.

W. J. Keer, Mls J. Kmshelmer. SIlss E.

Abraham, Mr. and Mrs. Loun Letch. Brossft Hei kel, Mr. Lnffln.

Emlle Jollv. Micnel Hirs-h. Mr and Mrs. I.urkney. Mr.

de la Lande, Mr. Charlyier. Mrs. Rercard. 7n tmm snip ntv 'if TtixUn.

from JackaonriiU T- 3Jra. wailam Lav tey, Mlaa A. Ellae Lawtey, Phillip Lawtey. Mr. and Mrs.

J. H. Mr. and Mrs. L.

C. Wlswell. Juile Charles Bucker, Mrs. J. B.

Steel-Jan. R. DeLaney, Edwanl Fuller, John Esperto Jr J. K. Kuchler.

S. Walter. A. Falrhrother. L.

Pair-brother. Mrs. William Thompson and two children W. M. French, Miss Ostrander.

Mrs. E. Funke. Hlaees Emllle and Julie Fnnke. Johann and Julius Krinke Crhaln Dart.

J. S. Raffo. J. M.

Lewis. Mrs. J. F. M-'-Orejior and child.

Miss Helen Mctiregor. R. P. Uood hue. Magnus Pearce.

Frederick Brown. Franz Funke. In tteam thip Tirifa, from Liverpool. Otto von Bar gen. J.

Bone. Dr. Caldwell. Mtsa Carpenter A Corre-ven D. M.

Crlchton. J. W. Dennlson. Mr.

Oranger O. Magan. V. Major lien. Sir H.

LalTaa Mr. Parker. Mrs. L. M.

W. Ss hroeder. WESTERX r.VO.V TIME HALL. fsw-Voas. Aug.

25. -The Western Cnion tlma) ball was to-day dropped correctly. MIXIA TVRE A LVAXA C- THIS DA T. Snn rises 6:21 I Sun sets 8:2 Moon rises o-M Hina waTca this pt. Sandy Hook 11 I dor.


li. CLiA RED. Steamships Hstteras. Rosa, West Point. Old Dominion Sleaia snip Pomona, Kahlnian, Mon-V'K brtac BeU.

Hiilphers. Nor folk, m.i Dominion Mr.m ship Co. Hen Loioond. i Rr I BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure. Ud from Gnpt Crara Tartar.

Ko otbmt prepar. OoruAa ciMki Ugtu Aaxj boi brttvl or luxurious try. KaVTIkaTa a4yK aaaeWW-iaai a. Js i 1 Masi fttmrm ia irorai, cucr. utj xrcoctAa ROYAL rsvi tl ii BnHssoa, Irfaadaaa, F.

W. arm Craa. sw bsvmaa aavl rat! Atoxaaslraa ansa, Srisisi Fal arts, a o. lilioZJ-, rTvasQsiswsauaa.Joaaa.lLriv:?'- (Brj Laaneliva. TjT eur.

(Korwi Frrvoid, la --''Trraa. VrT' JifMoa, R. P. Batek Cow fiorndea .11 Poer.cVrraamrt.1 Cork ar ralaaoath fiV K1- vie A Oo-I Cealassv iuU Panto. ASSiriD.

SWraahlp StaU of Pasxnayrvmnta, (flr OUumtow Ao. 18. vte Larne lith. srttV aadaa. aenirers So Aualtn Raid la a Cxx JL and Havra ista, vtu msa.

a4 meauB-aaiD ue.iie.rt. ifass- if si i hardt a Co. oKsa. Mean-ahlp dt; remand la Co. asssaaa-Mfs toe, S.

lsaiior; axlse. aaal BssaaBfs aa C. R. BaeaunsmhlB ltiialliaa Vxeaaw Snew 1 aaI paaaenaera to J. F.

Anas. T- Bteam-ahlD Tblaarvalla. iDasL.1 1 olsea. -teilSaS auv. sad Keweratis lltk wtth i to Punch.

Edra Ca. Steam-ahlp Cloaeesser. fBrl Petsta. Bristol a-I wtth nxlae. sail eaaanaaan to W.

D. MnrsaaT TT sipa. area iota, rat ao I lath, with sndaw and I In ballast to J. 8. Tocker Co.

Bvsam snip Batarta. (Br.J stola4. Lrea, 14. sad Oueenatowa lSth, srllh aartT SZ? Steaunsshlp Franoa, Trodelle, Bstt Aai with andae. and caaa angers to Umls la rVhisa.

Rteamahtp nty of AJexsndrta. PaaJteaTvars ca Anx. 12. Campeacbo Uta. Prwreao lOthTiad HsJ! tlst with mdae, and paasanaers lo; TuJg Meam-ahtp Victoria, fBrt Williams, Lcndoa xi with mdae.

and raaaenxers to Hendera. Brea. Ship Samorl Watts, (of Thomastoa.1 LanoanL werp da, with aidae. order vsasi to a Wilp Kate Davenport, (ntVata. Ks.) Xaatla Aara IL with suxay and hemp to order vassal lo well a Co.

Bark Herman la. Schaltea, Anuterdan ay a. with Ima and asphalt to order vessel TaausW Rnrer. Bark Cato. Waa-.

Lcsndoaderrr as tsallast to Bis-kmann. OerV Co. Bark Artlere Gtofrannl (Anst-.) IraBcteh. Kavr at la ballast to BlocovKa i Co. Wf7s Bark Ann Elisabeth.

Phalan, Mataasas talltats uajar to order vessel to J. W. El well Co. Bark Dnasan. Andtianlch, Marselllsa as a.

antn maae. to TDeodore Michel rt aaal tn Vf aaal tn Biassee Bark Moraine; Star, tof Turk's Island,) Slasoa. la Jaxo July 3S, and Ouantaaamo Ana 11. wtth tonr il J. 9s Rivera ft Waydell ft Co.

Bark Vecar. (Sorw .) Netana. kaceto July sm aurar to K. D. Moms ft Coe-vtaai I to an as tar Brig Clara J.

Ad. ima, tof Labee.) McFaddaa. Iswrss Au. IA. with sugar to Moaea Taylor ft tiTli Jed Prye ft Co.

i Brhr Henry T. Wlnx. flntall, St. Jsro Jajty A aai rtuantanamo Auc with aaurar to Brpoka ft Cow vas. atl to Swan ft aon.

i flrt R. Oora, (of Camden.) Rodcmaa. Pnasaosa 82 with lumber to Horn Ion ft Hotvesaal to tons ft Loud. WIXD Sunset at Sandy Honk, fresh, 'KXi ekaos and foggy i at City Island, fresB, clody. SAILED.

Steam-shins Rotterdaaafor Rotterdam: Amartqa for Havre; Scrthla. fur Liverpool Pnmona, for Sa tego Bay; Ran to Doming-, for Saa Dnmlaea Chrt Had JL for St. John, P. i City of era Crus, for Ha vana: City of Columhua. for Savahnah; Morro Casus, for Charleston; Hatters, for eur Point, Vaitsaaa Bell, for Norfolk Breakwater, for Lewes; ship bells Morse, for Bremen: barkt Caterlna tor baaklrti Inoocenta, for btira Marl Frlsart.

tof Constantinople; fTanclsco, for Ponoe, NOTICE TVMABIXERif. Xsrw RocsfxJ-E Haaaoa Rock Rorro A Maea spar buoy has been placed In 12 feet of waaar ca aaaik the rock off Glen Island! New Rochelle Harbor cently strnck by the steamer Ersstnt Coraiac. Tht magnetic beatlnxs are: West end of Dsvanport laU4 N.E. by flag staff on Daventort Islanfl, B.E. ED.

T. KICH0LS, Rear-Admtral Cnited States Hary, Inspector Third Llcht hoeae DlsUlet ToxntinrrnxR, Slat en Islitul, Aug. 26. 1SML RT CABLE. Lovpow, Auk.

tSi-Skt. 20th rtladclfta. Malt anna KVl Acre, Capt. Hozraaai Anaat Maui, Dlvloo. Soatrena.

for New-York i Hexla, Adu -nletta Coata. Ems, 24th mst, Adrlaaa PetroneUa, for Donny; Amriika, Capt. Nellaea; -Avante. Crsla-lndartnch, for Philadelphia; Kstlllt Marie, for New-York; Oalveston; Hersaranl, Capt. Svendaen; Hertha.

Kong- Carl, Capt. Hearlrk-ai'n. for Baltimore: Magdala. Capt. Jones, fnr Itew.

York; Sovereign, Capt. Putnam; Zarttsa, for Near. York; 2-Sth Inat New City, for New-York: 8)mtroa nlreu, for New-York; St. Cloud, for Delaware Break-water. Arr.

10th Maria Adelaide, Capt. Vaccarrl; Sat lie; Sf2d Alpha. Capt. hergar: Peru. Pentland Firth: 2Sd Inat, Lady Dulterln, Vladimir; 2tth Collmar.

a. lHni(en; (eoldea Hhaat Hrrat. at Folkestone; Robert, off Sclllv: Htadaeoaaj -2Mh Daa-mar. Capt. Lundelln; Henri fc lbaex, Norma, Capt.

Bomai. The steamship stlnaaaota, Cap. Oleic, frasi Boston Aug. 15, for Liverpool, passed Crookhavea tart ay. The ship A lava.

Cant, de Longs, feaaj New Orleaoa Auk. baa arr. at Liverpool. The steam -ship Border Chieftain, Caps. Ntsn, from mora Aug.

has arr. at Liverpool. Tbe ktcam ship Morea, Foalstr, from Bain) more Aur. in. has arr.

at Liverpool i The ateam-shiiat Anst rattan. Capt. Randrey, fmsl New (irleans Aug. 5, aad Bed Star. Oapt.

Thoanpaea, from Montreal Aug. 7. have arr. at LlverpooL Tbe steam ship Camellia. Cant.

Smith, from New. York Aug. via Halirax tba l'Hh, has art. at Dunkirk and dteam ship Cordova, Capt. WUUazas, from New Orleana Aug.

haa arr. at Kotjen, OctEssrowv, Aug 25. The Cnnard Use ateas-sht Atlas. Capt. Hoaeaaon.

from Hoaton Aug. 14, fur Lra -erpool, arr. here at 11 o'cloek last night. LivKarooL Ad, 'ih. Th" American Un teamsfet -Indiana.

Capt. Sargent, from Philadelphia Aug. arr. here to-dav. The steam -ship CHr of Chester.

Capt. rooks, sld. hence to day from this port for New-York. Han-Bran, Aug. 25.

The Hamburg American Lfaat team-ship Wleland. Heblcb, fratn New-York Aug. 12. arr. here yesterday.

i Sot-THAHi-ros. sui. 24. Tha North German IJnyg stavam-shlp Mosel, Capt. Neynaber, from Naw Yrnt Aug.

It. for Bremen, arr. hare to-day. INVITATION TO STRANOEBS. Stmngers in -New-York are invited to visit tho establishment of TIFFANY CO on where th opportunity to inspect a large collection of rich goods from every part of the world will well compensate for the tlme spent.

Visitors need feel under no obligation- to make purchases. I TIFFANY Union-Squab, Xew-Tobk URN'S Philadelphia BET TEH AND CHEAPER THAN INPORTTD. 14 Ceota a Poaaal aavesl la Daty. li. and 1 Tina Grocers and Progglsts aafl FOB THE CAMPAIGN.

Dnrln- tha ensutnr Presidential campaign and fullest reports of meaytlaa ooass tiots. and ouier oocurrnaces of polltacaltBterast wilUas utual, be found la Tnra Ttaaa. This rdltion PREP ABED WTTH THZ GESaT E5T CARE, aad THE JtOST EFTKTIVI VOO 1jJENT that ran be placed in tba hands of to1 In order to plar TIIE WEEKLY TWZS thii reaeb of the greatest possible Bomber of raadsra It will be gent the Bexi three months. irrBia entotr os or am, FOR 25 CEXtS PER COPT til tiT Liraa. IUsirdMs.

fa "ca, Fdlw sTfivV GOLD MMMm.

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