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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 8

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

grt' gtciv-gajrh gTtmts, fltjttg ngnst 20, 1 880. JULIGER'S LOAKS OX BONDS rZV GOT FROM THE THIRD NA- TIONAL BASK. mTt DIUCIXXTORKe OF TRAHflACTTOmi lutonr nr rxMHMiT last one t. col- TfMf CARTE WHOJfcAf GO 5 1 TO HEW- Mil ico a aouk pxnfws tjti source or" 'iluau'i aurrtT or boxd as EX AMD ATIOITO AT. Iliohard D.

AlliRrr, when aakcd ywtcrday tar an explanation on behalf of bis brother, RUjah, an acraantwf whoae arreet for negotiating a to)n bjhJ: altered bond of tha Han- KIIMJUMini. 4arpa(niurqia ixrmreuiy was rmblUhed yesterday replied that there was nothing to My exorptthat bit brother wh ail rljcht Tb only thing? thai worried Elijah, ho added, waa that tit podJlration in Tub Time might glva tha guilty peron wanting, and prevent their captor. Irurpector Byrnes had a different story to tell Uat rning. About five week ago, ha said, Mr. Richard Irwin, senior memtter of the banking Una of Richard Irwin Xo.

23 Wilhara street. his aid to rocrrrrr a rejristiered letter which had been stolen from his porter. Th latw, who had in Mr. Irwin's employ for 40 year, waa sent to the Port Offlca after the letter arid got it. On his way brk he stopped In a store to purchase something for one of the clerks, and when enU-ring waa rudely tled by three MraujC'-r.

It waa only when he reached the office that he discover! "that bin ocket had Ixwn picked. The letter contained Me following wruniii: OrtlfkfiAea Htm. 7A.fVig and representing "bar each of I'emiay lva-nia KaJlmad Company xtorJi, made out in the name of Heweltlne, Powofl At Co. certificate io. M.H'J, reprweiiUng 10 nharv of nimilar itock.

in the name of John; Henry Wilkinson certificate No. tfifiTJ, reprewnting 10 shares of lllinoia Central Kailroatl Conipanystork, in the nam of toacauley Htuddy, and rertiflcatoa ym. 112ODand representing 10 shares each of similar stork, in the name of ll H. Niles. Tte rU-tec-tlres worked seTeral days on the cae, but wer unable to get any rlue to the thiove.

Meanwhiley however, Mr. Irwin hnd had handbills struck off and distributed describing the securities, and as a remilt received a notice from the Third National Bank that thT had possession of the two Uwt-nanied certifltte. He went there nnd was informed that they had liwn byothe-rated by Elijah Alliger. He called upon Mr. Alllgerforan explanation.

Mr. Alligcr said he grt them from one T. ('niton Carter, who had lieen a guext at the Windsor Ilntol, but who hal taken his departure for N'ew-Mexioo. Mr. Allifrer accompanieil Mr.

Jrwln to the Third National Bank, and redeemed the ccr-tiMi-MtHS and hnnded them over. This satisfied Mr. Irwin, and he -refused to j.roeecute the case. Inspector Hyrnt went to th Windsor Hotel, and there learned tliat no such person as T. Col ton Carter hal eTer a lslger there.

He an-onliiiRly placed Mr. Flijnh Alliger under dose wirveillnrice, but diccvered nothing further until Tuesday afternoon last f.t 2 o'clock, when Secretary Hilton and MiuiM-l ltwt, of the HannilmJ and rt. Joseph Ktfllrond Vnijany, called upon him iu reference to bond No. of that which had lieeti bvpotliecated by Alliper wiih Hamilton Bishop, as narratixl yesterday. Taking Itective herris with hiin, Inspe-tir Tiyrncs visited Mr.

Alliger's odli-e and de-mandeil an explanation. Mr. expreswd his astonishnient at the Intijiector's story. He was asked where be got the Ixmd, and answered that it wns Riven to him by one T. Col ton Carter, who had Ijeen a guest at tbe Winilwir Hotel, but who had taken his d-pnrture for New-Mexico.

He was asked what lie tnew atHiut air. carter personally, lie answered Hint he knew nothing that he had merely met him casually jn (able's restaurant on Broadway. Is tlist all the explanation yon have to offer asked the Inspector. That is all," he answered. He was taJcen at once to the Tombs Police Court and remanded until next morning, when he was aain' remanded until yesterday morning, and by undent rwpiest of his counsel, Richard liustoed, who hal an important case to try at (Jlen Cove, tlie examinRr.inn was then deferred once more until this morning.

hi Tuesday afternoon, after locking Alliger Ms'urely in a Central Ollice cell, iusector Byrnes rcturno to llamillon Bishop's rjllice, No. 1J Nassau -street, anil asked tlieiu if they held any other collateral of Alliger's. They answered Tai the uiliri native and jro-rriiced' a list of whnt purported to be 11 iecln in, bonds of the State of North Carolina, upon which they lyd Ixnthim Tliis class of North Carolina bonds Ls quoted in the market at SO cents on he dollar. 1 uspector Byrnes asked to see them. The jiacknge was handed to him, and upon exumiuatioii it was discovered tluit they were not sjiecial tax lx mils at all, but another class altogether which have no intrinsic value; and are salable on the market at two cents on the dollar, ilamilton At Bishop's clerk had not even looked at them.

In explanation, he that ho knew them to have bcn previously aoi-cpted as iollatral by the Third National fUnk, and suyjxcd them to te all in ronasquence. Acting this hint. Inspector Byrnes went the Third' National Bank, and isked them whether they were in the habit of lending money to Elijah Allijrer on collateral, lltpy answered in the affirmative. He asked whether they hehi any then any Hannibal and SL Jcweph bonds, for instance. They said yi, and prodmied iur Of Iwen O'Conner's stolen, with the registration clumsily obliterated by aciiU.

Tlie Inspector inquireli if they had any more like tlio-e. Again tliey answered yoa and prtKluced 11 ethers, all rif ti'Conner's lot. Theu the Inspector tfld his story. The liank's offlcirs were thrown Into instant consternation. They went through their books, and in a short time furnished the Inspector with a formidable list of loans made various times to AlliRcr.

An examination of the securities was then made, with th aid of experts, and the following were readily identi-fi-si as having been, alterod aud therefore probably tMen: EeU 10. IW-Loan of 1.000 per cent. Ixmds of tlie Burlington, Cedar Hapi'ts and Northern Railroo.i Nx. 1.15-4. lji 1.127, 1.12S, 1.1S, 1,155, l.i:A I.W7, I.i:A.

March 12, lvs. Ixvin of Two $1.10 U-ikU of the city of Burlington, Iowa, Nov. 1 TO and 17S: ten $HlCitv Hall lian bonds of the to-n of i'olumbia, Dhio No. 170, lty, ny, I V. 173, 14T.

171, Ht, 14.1. 143. April ISAi. Loan of firt mgAC Kinds of the Burlington. Cdnr avxt Northern Railroad ompany, os.

1.1?. 1,141, 1,140, 1.1.SS, 1.132. 1, LSI. 1.13(1. April 1V-1V0.

of Five Srst mortgug, lionds of the Burlington. Cedar Rapids and Northern Hailniad Company, N. J.7V,. S.7S.1, 5.7S1. 5.7SO, A.779.

April 24. 1N40. Loan of Five Hanuihal and St. Jiiseph Railroad Company's vnvertible first mortgage (stolen from Owen ti'Conner.) Noa 4lo. 4J44.

42.1. 4, 412. April So, ltX Loan of Five $1,000 lUunibaland St. Joseph Railroad Cmpany's first mortgage boixls, (stolen from twn O'Conner,) Nos. 3.4SI.

3,430, 4Ji2, 1, lSJa loan of $4,000 Four naf.nihal and St. Joaeph Railroad Company's ronvwtible first mortgage Unds, (stolen fim Owen O'Conner.) Nos. HI. and S.4; one $V10 first mortgage rni of tlie Burlington and Celar lUvvitis Kailroal Cominy, No. July 9.

1S0. Ixan of $000 one $1,000 Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad Company's rouvertiMe first mortgage bond, (stolen from Owen O'Conner,) No. 411 one A-HO bond of tli same lot. No.

4.0-23; two first niort-Caga bonds of the Chicago and North-western Railroad Nos. 2,051 one 1,000 consolidated sinking fund bond of the. Chicago, and St Paul Railroad Company, No. 1,179. Cincinnati City 7 ir cent, bonds, Nos.

1,685, 240. On some of those loans the bank hM other olisteral which is lielieved to be good. Inspector Httims doea not know what robberies the Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Northern, Chicago and North- western, tSiicajro, Milwau-waukee and St l'aul. Cincinnati, Burunicton, nd Columbia bontta are the proceeds of, but Ihey all bear evidences of alteration. Nor does tbe Inspector know what other banking-houses, if any, hava been ia the habit of lending Jtooner to Alliger or what collateral the same character they may have In their praatwsioo.

It is expected that the imblioatkm of the facta above given will elicit interesting infortuaUwi on both point to-dav. Tha following bonds stolen from Owen "O'Conner have not, yet com to tight: i Uenominatwn of Nos. 13. 140, 142. 14 144, 145, 41S, 414, 41S, 41, 418.

414, 421, 422, 42 494, 427. 42S, 4-, 43U J.210, 5,226, S.427. 8,294. K.vt; S.4e4; daootniaatioa of $SO0 No.

Th deeectiwa ara bontiBC tba sourc of Alliger'a supply. Inspector Byrnes says that it to one person, but be has been unable to catch him yet. FALLIXO THROUGH A SIDEWALK. VAflT UfiBI MXAEI AJD A CKOWO BTO fESLT PISAPTEARH. A einjrtilar arcident, happily -unattmrled-by loss of lifa, although a ntanlr of persons wers injured, occurred yesterday afternoon in front of the five-story iron-front building at the corner of-Worth and MuuVrry streets, which takes in No.

191 Worth-street and No. 20 Mulberry -street. The building, is of a peculiar shape, the front Iieing alni'wt semi -circular in form. The sidewalk in front of it is composed of blue slabs of granite. Between these slat and the steps leading to the.

store are tlie vault-lights. Thene are of Ironfitted with round glass bulbs through which the cellar beneath tiie store and the vault under the sidewalk are lighted from the street. The store on the ground floor was formerly a drug-store, but is at present untenanted. The upper fioor of the building are occupied by the New-York Surgical Instrument nnifwiny. F.

Emmerich, rna-hiniit, and C. Notsch, importer of fancy china and glassware. The liwmnt is o-cu-pied as a lacking; room by Notm-h's workmen. Immediatly teneath the vault-lifrfit, ut the main entrance to the building, four men are usually at work. They b.vl just gone to dinner when the accident ocrurrred.

For some time Wore the accident a young woman, Sarah Bovd, lay in a drunken stupor on the step in front of th" store. She had evidently been searching for a home, as she was surrounded by a number of bundle eon-, tain i rig wearing apparel. She attracted little attention until another woman came alon, and, picking up one of the bundles, di'Ub-eratcly walked off with it. The theft, was oliseryetl by John Horton, of No. East Fifty sixth -street, who summoned Patrolman John Shea, of the Fourteenth Precinct.

Efforts ti the drunken woman were Then Patrolman Magrath took charee of h-r while Shea; went in search of a hand cart. Shea returned ith a hand-cart soon afterward and backed it up on the sidewalk where the woman wi lyintt. A crowd of men, women, and children gathered about the officers while they "wen? endeavoring to lift the woman into the cart. At that moment a section of the vauit-lipht in front of the main entrance, measuring' 12 (et long and 8 feet wide, gave way and dropped into the cellar. 1'atrolman Shea, the drunken woman, the hand-cirt, ami s-nie 10 or 15 of the prea-ipitated into theopt-niiig.

The set-tion which gave ay f-ll in an inclined position, and most of the jiersons who went down slid down the surface of the iron plate, a distance of in or 12 fin-t. The majority of those who fell into the hole were children, the most of whom were but triflingly injured, and scampered home. Oiui-er Shea sprained his rijfht ankle. He was removed to his homo. The drunken woman was severely cut about the head and face, anil was taken to the where she was attended bv an ambulance surgeon from St.

Vincent's Hospital, after which she was hs-ked up. George llefller, a laborer, aged .11, of o. Centre-street, received severe contusions alxnit the arms and leps. Caroline Molinelli, aped 7 years, of No. 23 Mulberry -street, was severely bruised about the oS'k and shoulders.

William Oran, aped 45, of No. 02 Joines-street, riy'ived severe about the Iwsly. He as taken to the 'hambcrs-Stroet Hospital. Dermis Ryan, aged 11, of No. 22 Mulls'iry -street, was injured alsiut the hip and ankle.

Mary Moriartv, agJil 10, of No. 1U7 Worth-street, was severely injured alxmt the los. Several other childnn were slightly injured. The building is owned by F. Emmerich, who purchasisl it aliout one year ago.

It is reported that the building wa.s coudemiied as unsafe, the side walls licing only 12 inches thick on the floors. The structure was liegun aliout eight years ago, but some few years were occupied In its erection owing to continual litigation in hich the owners and builders were involve! 1. An examination of the cast iron horizontal bar which supported the section of the vault-light before it gave way, shows that it was of poor material and broke under the pn-s-sure of the unusual weight. The chimps which bound the Fault-lights to the pavement broke and gave way tieneath the struiu. REP AIRING THE TUNNEL.

TWO WEEKS TKT BKKORK THE BODIES CAN BE REMOVED. Work on the coffer-dam and caisson' at the point where the Hudson River Tunnel collapse I is still in progress. If. is now 21. days since the tunnel caved in, and the engineers in charge claim that it wilHie two weeks yet lefore they" can remove the boljos.

Two pumps are kept constantly at work hoisting from the cotter-dam the water which pains an entrance by oozing through the bulkhead, 25 feet in idth. This bulkhead is coraosed of pile, driven down at intervals, and supporting timbers laid crosswise, the interstices U-iug tilled with rrx-k and earth. The pressure from the river forces the water through this structure, under the coffer-dam, with so much rapidity that the utmost s-iwer of the pumps can only succeed in lowering it seven or eight feet, below its level. About one-half the work of building the caisson Ls completed, and it ill lie ready to sink the latter jwrt of next week. An air-lock will tie employe.

1, and a pressure of ome 15 to 1 pounds to the square irij-h will be necessary to keep the water out of it so that the men can work there. Col. Haskin expects no serious engineering difficulties in the way of completing this work, and still adheres to his former plans. Soundings have been made which convince him that the main runnel is still unharmed, and tbat the only injury to the work Ls directly beneath the Coffer-dam, where the collapse occurrel. This will lie repaired by the ue of the caLsson and the coffer-dam.

The silt will removed and the tunnelTit this point enlarged to the full size. When thus has been completed work will be resumed at the further extremity of the main tunnel, which Ls some Si) feet from the bank. Col. Mask in appears to be sanguine of success, and believes he will meet with no further mishaps or danger. Some engineers have lieen visiting the works recently, among whom was Mr.

A. Senecal, General Superintendent of tbe Quebec, Montreal and Ottawa Railroad; Mr. G. B. Labetto, and Mr.

Alexander Loiit.hood. It is said these getitle-nien approve of Col. H.iskin's plan of repairing the tunnel, recovering the bodies, and prosecuting-the wot Th only complaint Col. Htokin has to make of the various criticisms and suggestions made by various engineers, that they are made without knowing the precise situation of the work, and that the criticisms are unjust and the suggestions impracticable. When any one will com? upon the spot and offer him better plans than his own, he says he ill lie glad to avail himself of ELEVATED ROAD RRAKEMEX.

THK XF.KD OF ONE AT WEDNESDAY'S ACCI PENT KXFElUEJiCE OF FASSEMir.RS. Aroordint; to-communications addressed to Th Timks yesterday, some of the statements concerning tbe accident on the Second-avenue elevated railroad at the One Hundred and Twenty -sixth-Street Station on Wednesday morning, were erroneous. The assertion that the wrecked car contained no juLssengem is said to be untrue. One cor-resKndent writes that there were at least half a dozen persons besides himself in the car at the time, and that thev were terribly shaken up by the collision. His version of the accident ltseif also differs somewhat from the particulars gleaned from the employes of the railroad.

The train was on the down trip from the station at One Hundred and Twenty-sixth-street, There was no brakeman or other train -hand on the rear platform of the car which became derailed, and the Ix'll-rope, judging from the delay in stopping the train, appeared to be Out of order. So great, was the jolting after the derailment that everybody in the distlaol car found it utterly impossible to pull the bell rope, and nearly all were slightly bruised. It is this correspondent's opinion that the accident would not have been as serious as it was if a man had been stationed on the rear platform and the bell rope had been in order. The writer of another letter says that when the trucks fell into the street and the forward end of the car became elevated over the pavement, tbe alarm of the passengers was very great. After a few more serious accident, many people will, be thinks, decide to return to the slow but safe plan of riding in street cars to their places of business and homes, unless tbe lev ted railway companies adopt the rian of running their trains at a alower rata of sonad A'MffTIIER'S PITIFUL STORY THE CONDITION OF THE THOMP SON FA MILT.

Q3TE DAK.HTER HOFE1.KSBLT MAD A. WD THX OTHER TX A CKJTICAL COXDrTTOX THK TB'tr POLICE CHARGED WITH KHAME- FCnLT TKEATI0 THE rSFORTTHATE htr I.A The Miss Mi BeUevud yester self was A ragin veins at her 1 and Iallid ori a deep of mail any ex those i to have hallucin her -ell to then: 1JTES. onderful story of adventure which nie Thompson related to the nurse at Hospital on Wednesday was forgotten morning, and tbe story-teller her bs mad as a maniac of jlears' standing. fever hurried the blood through her In rate seldom seen in acute mania rge gray eyes were glazd irexpresMve, and ner iace, so the day preceding, was suffused with She was stupid and excitable by ler manner had the vague uneasiness iess, and her eyes, when they possessed iression at all, had the scared look of a bunted animal. He mania appears taken the form of a settled religious tion.

She called the attendants to oor yesterday morning, and delivered a wild exhortation" to make their flhsh. e(Tek ilrln peace i that pitjil at sort of lesson with In istant she wai finally duceithij A Iltt son call vestigatJ patient, The res the el mania, anxietv the pro cian Hu Wedn amiuod visit eoncnr remand is belle It mini asylum. bly be i the Th lew. patient diil n. badlv I avers til her coi inhuma until 1 upon th Mrs.

staying I wentj Inst rue Tbomp: would one con had a Alout ilton, a was ca conditi" appearSl tor a ferrel as th fectvl. related rroubleA Police ii In the of lrs. leading ter. An mid hi; some rondac her dii with Annie's a -ute f. Worn i no alt in the sane da hoping tend t.

Troy tt: they vice of in the li f-stt't over scandal of the Thomp iiavi maiiagi tunate took daught hen here, out to i them ei(vntr When to pine pit.ul. Khike Cuitjes violencd precipi moved Such. story, hesitate w-ioriien Police, has but ell but No. 2r them inform; sided iiJ A nnie vassers, ing of the are enr rest an' recover very pi left no daughti terical said mother lent. to the i mike ti inoval i ttabi f4 The from I Bark 14 tupe 17 or Du of Capd 11.

in She ha.4 since passed tbe man, of from that al Maria cocoa-i pieces A The Club, plai Yonkei anchor Main off Pu RjV: Sim yachts are a three were 2ti feed Nesbitt celsior feet the foot. UeL ith God, with pathetic earnestness, nld have drawn tears if Rellevue Hos-endants were not usually above that phing. She implored them to take a ora her. She was at peace God was all her troubles were ended. Russell to )aas while in the of this exhortation, and ariagwl to disperse the crowd and in-poor maniac to lie down upon her cot.

after 12 o'clock City Physician Jack-1 at the hospital and instituted an iu-on as to the mental condition of the passing ulout half an hour in her cell. 1 1 II tts ilfi mi 1 1 'li miii 1 ri uui mr 10 that the girl is suffering from acute roueht on by nervous prostration and He did not givany opinion as to lilitv of her recovery. City Physi- who was notified of the case on lay afternoon. has not yet ex-the patient, but is expected to er this morning. Should both 1 pronouncing her insane, she will lie 1 to the custody of her mother, who ed to lie in circumstances that render ressary to send the patient to a pauper This solution of the will proba-ived at in the course of to-day, aud ipsons will thus pass from public sirs.

Carey, her sLster, called to see the yesterday morning, but the poor girl ppiiear to recollect her. She has been uiwil and maltreated, nnd her mother lut the Troy Police nre resj-Minsible for htiou, having behave-1 with shtH'king ilV. The girl will remain at liellevue Hardy has promiunced an opinion case. homtisnn and the daughter Annie are lit a at No. 1KJ West third-street near Seventh-avenue, ons had leen conveyed by Mrs.

to the landlady that she see no one particularly no cted with a newspaper, as the affair iv u-eii given a deplorable publicity. iVlock 1'. M. Dr. Allan Mclane Ham- kvell-known expert in uervous diseases, 1 in, with view to determine the pi of the elder daughter, Annie, who, it has lieen subject to insane paroxysms nisidenible perlotL he will tx trans- an asylum tor the insane a.

soon ecessary arrangements can .1 per-To Dr. Hamilton the afflicted woman tlie story of tier journey and its Inveighing bitterly against the Troy id the treat incut received from them, ourse of an interview, by permission Thompson, Dr. Hamilton gave the farts of tiie story. The elder drtllgh- ie, he said, was suffering from mania, I evidently I een in that condition for ue. At Valley, in the Adi- region.

where Mrs. Thompson and lighters were spending a few weeks. he hope of re-establishing (Miss health, the disorder' developed an Jrni, and the girl liecame unmanageable. wn with constant anxiety, and seeing ion tor the letter from day to day girl condition, the mother and still lighter, Minnie, started for New-York, uat a return to tamilinr scenes might restore her. When tbey arrived at i patient had liecome so violent that re comiiellcd to stop and seek the ad- (physiciuns with a view- to placing her spital.

lier violent behavior on the liused the whole three to be turned the Police, and in th midst of the that followed the overwrought bmin linger daughter succumoeil, and Mrs. nersi-lt was near losing her senses. some little money wilh her. and to this City, Mrs. Thompson finally to extricate lierselt from the unfor-isitiou in which Kho was placed, and train for New-York With her two Irs, both sintering from ivute mama.

he arrived at the St. Nicholas Hotel, left them in tne parlor and went tain the assistance of friends to plai-e such custody as would screen fheir liehavior from further publicity, returned the uproar at the hotel had occurred. It was hr first intention Ann.e in Rellevue Hos-ui she upon the reiessary permit; but legal difr, and i rowsed ths imaginary Uim betea the club-house and stake-boat at tbe following time: Excelsior, 11:10:88: Pinafore, njl.17; Scud, Tbe start waa witnessed by a large number of spectators from the chib-boosa, and Mr. J. Jeffriea's ateam-yacht from Irrington, with a eompenr of ladies and gentlemen oh hoard, fired a aalnto.

Tbe Send withdrew shortly after starting the second time around the course. The Excelsior came home first, winning the race in 4:39:57. The Pinafore's time was 4 The judge were P. F. P.

Post, and J. Clark. A BEAUTIFUL NEW STEAMSHIP. ifctii revont'Vl. anil, in the meantime, the of the younger daughter had already ted the catastrophe, and she was re- a cell.

substantially, is Mrs. Thompson's to Dr. Hamilton, who did not to express the opinion the.t the poor been shamefully maltreated by the Of the history of the ill-starred trio it. tfn easy to glean any definite facts. gToe in describing them as eccentric people.

The Jandladv at M'est Tw-entv-third-street had known some time, but declined to give an ttion. It is believed that thev have re- this City the greater part of the time the last ten years, Mrs. Thompson and tne vocation or can-younger daughter giv- following and s-ons in music. irw mama is not of long standing, and hopes rtained that she may recover under enlightened mescal treatment. The of the elder daughter is regarded as blematical.

Medicul examination has oubt, however, of the m.idnes6 of both rs and of the highly excited and hvs- onaition of the mother. Mrs. Carey ay at the hospital that both heV an-1 sister Annie were extremely vio- oeggea mat tnev micnt De admitted wards of Believue until she could ie arrangements for their re- a private eslerdi anH PItlFTISfi A RO VT AT SEA ark Thomas Fletcher, which arrived rerpool yesterday, passed the water-nd aKmdoned wreck of the British in latitu le 4i' 23', and longi- 5 The I bo ram us saile.1 from Darien ialk in April last, under the command Adair, and was abandoned on Mav itude 44J 44 and longitude 24 42'. drifted over 200 miles to the eastward crew abandoned her. The Fletcher large iceberg on the southern edr of ls of Newfoundland.

Captain Vshl- the steam-ship Pomona, which arrived rt Mann, Jamaica, yesterday, reports ut miles to the north-east of Port ie pa.sse;l large quantities of husked its bananas, deck planks, aud other wrecKuge. 1 Batiks fv street. -4CT RACK OFF YONKERS. second race of the Yonkers Yacht ir tlie Commodore's challenge cup, took esterday on the Hudson opposite The course was from a stake boat A off the club-house, at the foot of to aud around another anchorid Bey's Grove, thence to Thome's Dock at cnlkle, and then home again this course staled over twice, making a distance of iwing vo ine iaci uuu several or the hlonfMTiir ti- the club ft rv cmises, and the owners of others ay on vacations, there were only ie Scud, owned by A. J.

Iime, length 1. 1 1 irn-nra: I inaioro, owma dt lonn lentrth IS fpMt A liwhM siwl tl V- oj tuna i earsaii, iengn 2.1 Tbe time allowance waa 8 minutes to im Doata war riven a Dyinx start. WARD ME FOR HAVANA ACQCTRKS A FAtT ASP SPLENDID VESSEL. The steam -ship Newport, which John Roach Son have; just completed at Chester. for Ward's Havana Line, sailed yester-dajJmorning for New-York.

She has on board Mr. James E. Ward, the principal owner of the line; Mrs. Ward, Mr. John Roach, and a number of invited guests.

She will arrive here some time to-day: The Newport is an iron siTew steamer of 2.750 tons measurement. Her dimensions are SSfeet length, 88' feet breadth of beam, and S3 feet depth of hold. A long hurricane deck covers the vessel, affording an almost uninterrupted promenade of 32M feet by feet. Her rig is that of a schooner. Her owners have every', hope that she will prove one of the swiftest and most beautifid vessels afloat.

Tbe engines are capable of developing Ji.inHi-horse power, and were built under the spe- cial sirpervLsion of Mr. Henry Ivrat. There are Ci boilers anil 1H furnaces. The proportion of I horse pow er to the tonnage of the vessel is over one to the ton greater even than that of the Arizona, which is considered the fastest ocean steam-ship on the water. The Newport has two iron decks covered with planking, which reach her entire length.

She has seven water-tight compartments and a water-tight shaft-alley, which, iu the event of any accident to the after-part of the hull, would prevent the water from getting into the engine-room. All the pumps in the vessel can be used to clear the hull of water in case, a leak is sprung. These pumps are capable of throwing out gallons, or 3.300 barrels, per minute. Mr. Edward Karon had charge of the construction of the hull.

The first cabin has been built on a scale of beauty and luxuriousness which has never before been attempted in ship-building in this country. It is flnLsned in mahogany, Hungarian and American ash, maple, white Lolly, French walnut, ebony, and other hard wools tastefully combined and brilliantly polished. The centre-piece, half way up the cabin stairs, has been carved in white maple and set in ebony. There are several smaller pieces of a similar description. The general design is a blendiriff of the Queen Anne and Eastlake styles.

The cabin is lighted by a handsome dome and throe stained glass 'sky ligtlts. The mirrors are of tjie largest pattern, and ore so placed as to prolong the porso'irtive a strong light to apparently twice the length of the ship. There is a very large snioking-room, oval in shape, well lighted and ventilated. Mr. William Rowland plmnod and hod charge.

of the construction of the Newport's cabin. Tho state-rooms will lie furnished in the most elaliorate style, and will contain every convenient for ocean travel. The Newport will lie thrown open to the public for inspection some day next week, and will start on her first trip to Havana on Sept. 2. Capt.

John P. Siinberg, the Commodore Of Ward's Line, will take command of the new steamer. LOITER A URESIS. PTATTPTICB BEING-. PREPARED FOR THE GOVERNOR'S CPE FACTS TO BE CirVEX.

The ckrks at Police Head-quarters have been engaged for several days past in overhauling the records and compiling statistics in relation to arrests made by the Police force for violations of the Lottery law. These statistics nre rcipiired for the purpose of preparing an answer to the Mayor, who has been induced by (iov. Cornell's letter to ask for the information. He was requested to see that the proper officials txik tbe necessary steps to execute the provisions of the lottery law, and to the illegal business. A similar communication reached the Distri't Attorney.

The Mayor referred the matter to the Police Commissioners, and the Police were stirred up to momentary activity. Tho principal offices of the Iouisiana lottery were raided on warrants Lssued bv Superintendent Walling, and several arrests ere made. The persons arrested ere released on bail, and their casts are now aw aiting trial. The I'olice claim that they have not received the proper eo-otieration of the Police magistrates and the District Attorney in their efforts to suppress the business. They say that a great many arrests have been made of lot tery and policy dealers, many of whom were dLsi harged by the I'olice magistrates, hut the great majority are now on bail awaiting trial.

They also assert that there are very few policy-dealers who have not been nr-rested at ieiyt once and many oftoner, but only a very few- Lsolated cases have lieen brought" to trial. The jiolicv-dealers when arresfyd are usually retmired by the Police magistrate to give small bail to await trial. Tbe surety is invariably forthcoming and the dealers onr being released at once return to theirshops and resume business. To substantiate this claim on the part of the Police authorities the statistics referred to are tieing and will be placed in the hands of the Mayor for transmission to the Governor. The tables will contain the date of the arrest, the name of the prisoner, that of the magistrate before whom he was arraigned, nnd the disposition made of the cas.

To this. Superintendent Walling sent out a general order to all the precincts recting the commanding officers to report these facts to him for the period embraced lo-tween Dec. and July 1, 10. FATING TURTLE AWAY UT TOWN. breakfast and dinner of the hoboken club at macomb's dam.

The third breakfast and dinner of the Hoboken Turtle Club for tbe season of IKsO were given yesterday in the grove adjoining Case's Hotel, on Jerorae-a venue, near Macomb's Dam Bridge. Knife and. fork exercises" began promptly at 8 in the "morning, according to programme, and about 75 jiersons seated themselves at the tables, President Ched-sey Iieing in the high seat. The breakfast course eompr ised stewed eels, turtle steaks, blue-fish, and beefsteaks. Tbe liquid refreshments consisted of sundry pitchers of cocktails," with coffee at the conclusion of the breakfast.

When the club down to their 4 o'clock dinner, there were nearly 200 members present. The course was turtle soup, brandy "straight," and-lirandy punch. Among thoj present at this time were Nathan A. Chedsey, Presideat of the club, and John A. Cormack, Frederick A.

Ri da bock, John J. Levy and rabriel Case, all officers of the club J. Q. Howard, A. L.

Ashman, S. H. Hicks, Shepherd Knapp, Dr. Isaac I. Hayes, Samuel Mott; Aldermen Diamond and Lamb, George W.

Bush. Duncan Curry, George B. Dean, Richard Heather. William H. Kirby Columbus Ryan, Rufus M.

Stivers1, David Quacken-bush, Capt Ward, and George J. Hardv. Turtle soup, brandy, and brandy punch were in band for an hour or more; and when the demand had been fully supplied, the vegetable bouquet, falling to the largest number of plates of soup, was awarded to Alexander Eagle-son, Chairman of the Reception Committee. The number of plata was not given. He received the gift with remarks appropriate to the occasion, after which- there was singing by the Hoboken Turtle Club Quartet, led by Mr.

Jordan. This was followed by a song from George J. Hardy, and an original recitation bv Walter Cooper, entitled "The Last of Crockett." An adtlress was made by- J. Q. Howard, after which Mr.

E. Pettinger sang the club sons', "Hunt the Buffalo," and the party then adjourned to the hotel. Here, with the assistance' of a brass band and the club quartet, the night was made merry until a late hour. 1 BASKETFlTL OF CANDIDATES. Col.

E. B. Hart, a member of the Executive Committee of the Irving Hall Democracy, called at Police Head-quarters yesterday, accompanied by a messenger carrying a huge basket, which contained lists of Anti-Tammanv candidates for Inspectors of Elections and Poll Clerks at the coming election. Col. Hart called at the office of Gen.

Smith, but the General was out. and be was referred to Commissioner NR-hota, who happened to be the only Commissioner prevent at tbe time. Col. Hart declined to see Mr. Nichols, and was then advised to leave the documents in the hands of Capt William H.

Kipp, tbe acting Chief Clerk, but this fa also declinef) to da He left the building, carrying the lists wrth him, and will call on Geo. Hmitit to-davito oreaeat them. CITY AXD SUBURBAN NEWS NEW TORE. Crook's Amateur Band will play at the Battery to-niKht. Among the passenger of the Adriatic, sailing for Europe, yesterday, were Mr.

and Mrs. James G. Powers. Tbe Union Tabernacle Sunday-school will go on aa excursion to Oriental Grove. Long Island Sound, this morn tor.

"leaving tbe foot of West Thirty -fifth-street at Tbe arbitrators appointed to determine a Just basis of consolidation of the three elevated railroad companies exiyntned the civil engineers in the employ of tp companies yesterday. Judges Rapalio and Earl, of the Court of Appeals, visited tbe Police Central OfBee yesterday, and were escorted about the building and the various departments by Commissioner Nichols. Mary Williams, a young colored woman, living at No. 133 West Twenty-seventh-street, attempted suicide late on Wednesday nbrht by stabbing herself In the abdomen with a table-knife, inflicting a severe wound. She was attended at her rwldenoe by Ir.

Prescott. Commissioner Campbell, of the Department of Iublic Works, has had all the cross-walks on Madison. Fifth. Sixth. Eighth, and Third avennes and all the aoptYraches the down town ferries rroperly repaired.

The ork, which occupied considerable time, has just been completed. A statement is now being prepared in the Finance Department showing that propertyown- ers owe tho City for various public improvements. It is to te submitted at the next meeting of the commission appointed under an act of the Legislature to'rense or vacate assessments. Sixteen hundred and one immigrants were landed at Castle (Jarden during the past two days. yesterday arrivals tlnir 1.457.

The West- F'hxlia. from llnmbun. broegbt KM; the Ameriqiie. rom Havre. VW; the Scythia.

from Liverpool, 117; the Brirtol. from Hull, 39, and tha Rexbur Castle, from Bristol. 27. William aged So, of No. 237 Spring-street, was arraigned yesterday In the Jefferson Market Police Court for having in the morning attempted to steal teletrraphk' Instruments an1 books valued at SUM.

the property of Oeorge Thompson, from a schtxil-room at No. 20 Fourth-avenue. He was held in S'kXI hail. The coal magnates yesterdhy ordered an advance of 20 cents per ton on domestic sizes, and 10 cents per ton on manufacturing sizes or September. They also determined to work full time all through next month.

The new prices will be as follows, wholesale: Lump, steamer, and grate, $4 10; egc and chestnut, J4 20; stove, $4 4S. The two hundredth performance of Hazel Kirke took place last evening at the Madison-Square Theatre. The audience was large and fashionable. Kvery seat had been disposed of, and ptandicg room also vns occupied. Toe lobhy was decorated ith plants and flowers.

On an elaborate floral device over tho box-ofUce were the figures "200." An unknown man, apparently about 35 years of age, 5 feet 7 Inches ta'l, with dark brown bair, mustache and chin whiskers, attired in a gray coat and brown trouers. was run over and killed by a down train of the Hudson Hirer Railrcsd, at One Hundred and Forty-slxth-stroet and North Itiver, yesterday morning. The remains are at the Morgue. The arbitrators appointed to value the property of the Amerlon I'nion Telegraph Company, with a view to determining the proper amount of new stock and bonds to be issued to the Construction Company in payment therefor, concluded their labors vesterday. hut thev refuse to mke public their decision until after it is submitted to and ratified by the two companies, which are coin-posed of the same persons.

Mary Smith, of No. 120 West Tbirty-third-street, appeared as a prisoner yesterday In the Jefferson Market Police Court, on tbe charge of having, on the 17th broken Into the room of Carrie Tavlor, of No. 212 West Thirtieth street during the latter's 'absence, and stolen a silk dress and he-articles of clothing valued at f7r. A neighbor had seen Mary Smith leaving Mrs. Taylor's house wi'l-a bundle undet her arm.

Judge Murray committed tlto accused In default of lail. Superintendent Walling yttrday received a letter from Hay City, containing the information that A. Donnelly, a young min. was accidentally killed there on Monday by falling from a pile of lumber. Ills mother and is believed, reside in this City, but their address is not known to the authorities of Kar Ctty, who are anxious to have the young man's friend claim the body.

His brother is said to be in the upboLstery business in the Bowery, near Canal street. The 300 barrels of resin comprising the cargo of the lighter Clara. Capt. Anderson, which was run into by tbe tug boat Blue Stone, and capsized, oft the foot of Wall street, on Wednesday, have been recovered by the Harbor I'olice and Steamboat Squad. John Lockhart and John burns, who were tin board the lighter when she capsized, were picked up by a Ixiat's crew from the Harbor Police cruising in the vicinity.

The lighter is owned by Johnson Hammond, of No. Water-street. The one hundredth concert at the Metropolitan Concert Hull occurs on Sept, 2, and will be made the occasion of a gala night. The orchestra, usually composed of r0 performers, will he augmented, and a bra.s or full military band will alto be added. The programme of music for that night is now nearly completed, and is being rehearsed.

It will Is- the fiuest aud largest ever offered at the establishment, and will include a number of entirely new pieces, never played before in this country. Mjphael Miller, of No. 401 East Sixteenth-street, assaulted Mary Nugent, a child living in the same house, last Wednesday evening. When the girl escaped she ran to tell her and Miller left the neighborhood. The neighbors heard the story and watched for Miller's return.

He reached Ids house about midnight, and was stealthily entering the door when some person knot-iked hltn down wilh a hale-stick. He was taken to liellevue Hos A warrant has been issued for his arrest when Le leaves tbe hospital. A short time ago the Roard of Aldermen adopted a resolution requesting Corporation Counsel Whitney to furnish an opinion as to whether they had power to pass an ordinance prohibiting the overcrowding of excursion steamers. Mr. Whitney yesterday sent an opinion on the sublet to President Morris.

In which he' says that he is'un-abie to find any grant bv the Legislature of jiower to tbe Common 'ouncli to pass an ordinance on the subject, ami that it is within theexejusie Jurisdiction of Congress and the state Legislature. James McKennn, a lad of 1." yam, living at No. 50 ehrystie-street, was released in February last from the Catholic Protectory and emuloyed as a messenger in the Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank, on Chambers-street. The bank began afterward to miss stoniiietl envelopes, and yesterday MrKenna was arrested fur disposing of some of the stamped envelopes to Willinm Washington, of No. 824 tirand stro-t, who is aJleged to be a lottery dealer.

Justice Smith, at the Tomhs Police Court, held the prisoner for trial. It is that the custom or ftcslinc these envelopes has been continued for a time. 'Acting under the instructions of Inspector Byrnes, Detective McOrann, of the Central Office, yesterday purchased a lottery ticket at tho office of Simmons No. Broadway, from a clerk named harles Wright. After securing the ticket the detective arrested Wright, and seized a quan tin- of money and other tickets found in the office.

Tho prisoner was arraigned before Justice Smith, in the Tombs Police Court, in be afternoon and held for trial in default i bail. The money taken by the detective was all returned to the prisoner, the Justice declaring it should not have been seized at all. Thetxlore Zschoch. of No. 11 Nassan-street, was arrested on a sltuilar charge, and also held for trial.

BROOKLYN. There will be music in lYospect Park to-morrow at 3:45 The Twenty-third Regiment will celebrate the anniversary of its organization to morrow by a trip to (ilea Island. The Commissioners of Charity have appointed Dr. Thomas C. Callahan Assistant Phyrieian of tho Flatbush Hospital fcr Incurables.

A little girl Mary McCarty, 3' years old. fell into the.river at the foot of Columbia-street yesterday and was drowned. The body was recovered. Herman Noterup, a druggist, at Tompkins-avenne and Hart-street, dropped dead while petting up a prescription. Death was due to heart disease.

Westing Hofer, of New-York, yesterday filed a mechanics' lien for against the Long Island Historical Society's building. The lien is far Iron railing, gratings, it, furnished by the linn. The "American Salvation Army," which has been holding religions services for the past two weeks In the Saviour Chapel." on Bridge-street, was attacked on Wednesday evening by some unknown person in the crowded audience, who pelted the members of the army with decayed fruit and then fled. Tlie Police were notified, but made no arrests. Dr.

P. L. Schenck, Medical Superintendent of the Kings County Hospital, at Flat bush, has just prepared the anuunl report of the institution for the year ending July 81. It shows that i.84.5 patients were treated iu the hospital: of whom 1.7U7 were males and l.SIH females. the number admitted L77 were discharged cured.

47 went away improved. 71 wen nent out unimproved, and JWu died, Tfce number tuths hospital July 81 was 1M0. Mrs. Ellen E. Peck, woo waa prominent in tha Pooe Court! a few yean ago aa defendant In tha ehargea of Mealing fW.Ado from Mr.

John I. Gradr sod of wladlinc B. T. Babbitt oat of for bartnei em. yesterday bad a Fultoa-strw charred tar 12 ner cmt btmut a Imh tA vat In TW un a-u a -u Peck demanded tha privilege of looking over Jlew-' man' bonks, and was refased.

Mm then obtained an order from Acting Mayor Blaek eallln opoo tiwf and Mrs. Peck had htm arrested for violating the. we. iuc cjise is suit pending. ii LONG ISLAND.

Augustus Wick, 'who wm arrested by Detective Stephen Payn, of Baldwins, oa a charge of theft, and who in turn canned Pars' arrlst oa a charge of attempting to levy Mack-naiL has born discharged by Justice Losee. The charge against Payn has also been dismissed. In January, 1S7T, the will of Hannah Tobiaa was presented for probate in the Queens County Surrogate's office, at Jamaica. Informality of execution, unsoundness of mind, and undue mflueneji were raised In opposition to probating it. Surrogate Hagner took a large amount of testimony bearing out these points.

After Mr. Banner's death the contest was continued before Garretson. wbo has finally decided In favor of admitting the will to probate. The Surrogate failed to find any ground tor the allegations of undue influence. Improper execution of the paper, and unsoundness of mind.

Mrs. Tobias died in Greta-point, and left a large estate. STA TEN ISLAND. Capt. Devon, of Port Richmond, claims that he saw one of the escaped sea-lions from Coney Island, off West Brighton recently.

At the last meeting of the Richmond County Board of Supervisors $115 for fine waa received from Justice McCuHough. of Mlddl-town. Tht is more than the County Treasurer has received from the majority of ail the other Justices in the county tn a year. The body of Barney Morgan, who mysteriously disappeared from his home, near Fort Wadsworth, Clifton, last Friday night, and which was found on Tuesday in the water off Manhattan Keach, was yesterday buried in St. Mary's Cemetery.

Clifton. NEW JERSEY. Tbe men who have been on striki at Banister Jk Tichenor's shoe factory in Newafk. returned to work yesterday, after effecting a compromise with the firm whereby they obtain a small increase of wages for certain kinds of work. The Hackensack Water-works, one of the corporations In Hackensack.

N. operated and finally mined by Congressman Voorhls. was sold on Wednesday to Bacot Ward for $2,500. under the direction of the Hon. A.

A. Hardenbergh, the Keceiver appointed by Chancellor Hunyon. The purchasers assume the concern's indebtedness, about tbe legality of whicn there is some dispute. NEGLECT OF HER CHILDREN. Mrs.

Catherine Erickson was arraigned in the Essex Market Police Court yesterday, having been arrested by Officer Chiardl, of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. John Erickson, a clerk, of No. ate Chorry -street, who is her husband, charged her with drunkenness and neglet of her children. The prisoner has been rere.atedly arrested on similar charges. In April.

lsTW. she was sentenced to the Penitentiary for three months by Judge Cowing, in the General Pessions Court, for causing the death of her 8-year-old child, by throwing it in an outhouse In a drunken fit. The infant was suffocated before its liody was found. After her release she caused trouble in her brother's household, and was seat to the If land for a month. Since then ehe bas passed most of the time in prison for Intoxication, hhe came from the Island a few days ago.

and while intoxicated created such an uproar ip her houe. thst he was compelled to hare her arretted. Yesterday Justice Wandell sentenced her to the Island again for a term of six months. 7 HE XZW PLA.Y OF WATERIXG STOCK. Tbe stockholders of the American Railway Improvement Company neld a meeting In Jay (t uld's oftVe yesterday, and ratified tho contract made with the New Orleans Pacific Railway Company for building that road from Shreveport to 110 miles, by Aug.

1, 181, and thenw to Now Orleans as fast as practicable thereafter. Tbe company is a new organization, composed of Jay tfould and company, on the plan of the Klevated Railroad Loan and Improvement Company and the American Union Telegraph Con-si ruction Company. Iu officers are (i. M. President; James P.

Scott, Vice-President; F. W. Bnldwln, Hjervtary: J- T. Granger, Assistant 8ec-retary, and C. K.

WoerishoeffKr, Treasurer! The Directors are: ii. M. Iodge. Sidney biUoji. G.

P. Miinwnl, and E. H. Perkins, of New York, and James P. Scott and Ueorge V.

Tyler, of Philadelphia. AXOTHF.R PA I.V.VJGRAXT Johannes Fischer applied to the Commissioners of Emigration, yesterday, to be returned to tier-many. He said that the authorities of Grafen-berg supported him for a year by paying 0 cents a day for his board to Frelderich Eichnor, a farmer near that place. Then the Mayor made hirn an offer to come to America, which he accepted. The Mayor paid Hit marks to an agent named Msarer.

in Neckarsinglingen. for a passage ticket, and gavn this, together with 48 marks in cash, to Fischer and put him on board the uteamer Olympus. When Fischer arrived hen- he had marks left. He boarded three days in the Stuttgart House, No. 24 fios-nwich-stroet, and obtained employment with a farmer, but fell sick.

He says he has a daughter who is servant to an Italian nobleman, and two others who reside in Vevay. Switzerland. He will le sent back. VT0LATIOX OF THE REYEXVE LAW. Robert Jackson, a manufacturer of tobacco, was arrested yesterday by States Marshal Duetiert on a warrant chanring him with violation of the in'emal revenue laws.

The complaint was made by Internal Revenue Agent Kel-' who charges that on Nov. 8, l.S7!. Jackson bought, and on Nov. 17 sol 11 cases of tobacco without making any entry of either transaction In his books, as he Is required by law to do; also that on Feb. H.

Jackson sold 2.iil pounds of leaf tobacco, and fallett to enter tbe sale on his books. States Commissioner Deuel, before whom Jackson was arraigned, held him to bail In $3,000 to await examination. Jackson is tbe man who recently caused the arrest of Revenue Inspector Stinson on a charge of stealing f2Vl from Jackson's safe. Stinson was honorably discharged by Justice Duffy. HELD FOR KH IX (i A SAILOR OVERBOARD.

Stephen Donnelly, mate of the schooner Adum Bolby, was yesterday held by Cnited State Commissioner Shields to a wait 'tho action of the Grand Jnry. In July last, while the schtoner was leading the harbor of Nuevitas. Cuba. Donnelly quarreled with an old sailor, and kicked him terribly, and with the last kick given knocked him overboard. The kicks so disabled the old man.

whose name as Augustus Wilson that hie was unable to make, any effort to save himself from drowning. Although a boat was lowered by some of the sailors on board. Wilson sank before they reached him. Donnelly's ball is fixed at fi.U00, but be Is at present ia Luiilow-street Jail. ARRIVALS A THE ITOTELS.

Moncnre D. Conway is at the Windsor Hotel. C. H. Northam, of Hartford, is at the fit.

Nicholas Hotel. Clayton McMichaeJ. of Philadelphia, is at the Westminster Hotel. Mayor Frederick O. Prince, of Boston, is at the Urendon Hotel.

William Stiekney, of the Tinted States Indian Commission. Ls at the Metropolitan Hotel. Count von Lippe-Weissenfeld, of the Austrian Legation at Washington, is at the Albemarle Hotel. Surgeon T. A.

McParlin and Prof. C. W. Laired. I'Llted Slates Army, are at the Park Avenue Hotel.

Congressman Amos Town send, of Ohio, and F. iordon Dexter, of Boston, are at the Fifth-Avenue Hotel. Kurd voii Schlozer, German Minister at Washington, and Pay Inspector G. R. Thornton, I'nited States Navy, are at the Breroort House.

Speaker Samuel J. Randall. Senator B. F. Jonas, of Louisiana, and Gen.

William H. Emory I'nited States Army, are at the New-York Hotel. THE CALIFORXIA MIXIXO STOCKS. Sax Francisco, Cal, Ang. 19.

The following are the closing official prices of 'mining stocks to-day: Mammoth iu BechUL Ueieher Bidvidere hrrt and Br U-her trillion Cht.llar Martin White. 1 Mexican 3 Mono 2 Noonday Northern Belle. ti ttpttlr 3 jOro 24i Ovrrroaa 4U Pnlil tuiuHjuusm Virginia. 34 luvags Crown Pnlut 3 Lureka Cotuolldatvd TId Too "cfktsjurr 214 Cnkm Consolidated 20 wuiu Km urrj 3 Grand Prtic 2 Yellow Jacket TH Hale and ,0 I 12 VM 1 1 8J 17 7 efcnai ia hlu. M.m.-1 fraii.

mtm K4wwa PAS.SEXGERS SAILED. In tttamhip Sarntnga, fur liavnna. Franciaco Do. qnne, Oovtn. Mrs.

Cariorta Oo-nn, Jose Lucas Dlmz, Mlaa Helen Caxruunon. Mias MelU Richmond. Julio r'irR-. Ignaclo Caa, Florentlno Blanco. Ra-k ltegt Abru.

Jnae Trrmnlla and two children. Mltut Tretuolui. Javier Retrurra. Fraelr Mnralaa Lotwf Mrs. Lopea and four cMltlreo.

Mia Elolaa MoraifW Ixtpea. Mlaa Lnraua Garcia, Jaaon S. Prl lo. Charles Jujbeen. AiezaiuWr Armatrocg and etlltl.

Ajftutui iralea, Alberto Kpada. Jom Karl Ducuaa, CowtanUDo PaUclo, Ramon I'gane. dlx Obeuo, Braardinoi OorsvU. baaixl Wataon, Jamea DoneUy, Icnacto LotIo, Santiago Tartcbe, Lsla Kanlaea. lii aba.

Mr. aa4 Mrs. rraraaeo Vtoeua Soto a4 Aaaamkt Uim, itaaVni 4 otthta a 5swiT2k reo marmttm an rissxsetfs Axsnatl panai aai WiafaanWn maun. arollM StettonlwtW AnlfiLJSTl: A araN i nvnanra norm. Mart RrllanfcuK.iT.

tn ja and wlfa. joaf Cnrfetttea mr. Jnoann "rar. R4 Maalll' H-nry BJ.WW and famltTTaaa and Jaaob Lerraw. Jama a f-mlly, Henry nAX0Cjr i- v.

raw, winian Mora. mL. F. a. Luhmaaa and rmmlhr.

raoUa BuMjiJW Peaold. Car-tlM Uenlaw? flottMb Sriiur1! wek. Carl AQfiS Scluiem. Wuilaaa Hnnato-5 Krapp and raouiy. HtHwV Vcrra.

WlZI" Jonaaitner. Heory Tamt Hujo rertlrT TT-Veaaermann and rhlld.7. io.t, WHaiT Philip Fran I ma nd fnr and -Tf RTi deadort. M-av Levy, a. F.

ClaM. s-. ItH. Salomon A-her rfnrm Gold, A iiJ-Daanenhenr. Jallua PmnaTvCllbelni KlnkrU Roan Hamburawr ukI child.

LiUa Anna Beat bom aadeklltt, Pnnl OeoriT Leih Paulel I Ooldmncher. Jtavyh JwU to Clara Opuermaon, Aaaa MWkaeber.!!' 7a afMa-aAB Clvd. rVnta 4maH. H.

W. Matthew. T. Cld-4uTU7 lwj rai'J'r vols, d-HallTrtn. O-w Torrii-iTrVlti" Henry Naahan.

Carloa Kurslnmm. MiV child, Mr. Kchnok. Mr. ad MrVl Hanhnrd.

rreL wmi iss Frawley. Pedro Montmae, a. Matttoen, nnd Mra. Tnomaa am iiun a. -w ii WESTERN CVfOX TtMt BAlt Kiw-iuu, ia-iH hmimi LOloa tlaaai k.a was to-day dronMd onrreetlv.

JfJXIA TTSE ALMA XA C- THIS DA Ti sob rises 6 15 I San sets I Moo mb ATca ran bat. Sandr Hook 7 40 Orrw. UUnd tu ReU aatlaji MARINE INTELLIGENCE. KZW-TORK. Ata CLEARED.

Steam-ahlpa Manhattan. Kelley. Norfolk, ana KlrDmona. Old OomlnHm Htenm ahlp NetrBOa, (Br,) Braes. Olamrow.

AusUa BbMwIb Oat Crane, Low. J. Tucker a (ml rnala, Mrref Rerrv. Boston. H.

F. rHnvo-k? Hamburg. Mr month, and i'berbonnrTknnhardt in'i j. w. ini: oaaarfA London, F.

W. J. Harat: (llMfaiktea rtvuraiBMer, Heeley. London, F. W.

J. Harat; r-ara, tyontion. ot'nueraoB nroa. i i jiunm. iv3iu3rtiam, neae timawr "Mart, (Rr.J 'Moi.

gan. Belfaat. Ireland. Searer Mahel, Bnau flow, Rotterdam. Mather Curtln Co.

if Antonio. Rurrow. Galrealon, C. H. Mallory Cn.1 T2 Jennlnaa.

Uterpool Tin OuwaiUin't --ortii saratoRa. Havana, Jamea a War A Slrlua, LlTemnol. Buk A Commonwealth. Vau Kirk, r'lilladetrhla. J.

a Robrru! Cow Prlna WUheltn Itkr i kin. A Uartba Stevens, Chanc. Baittmora! jT krema. i Rarki Maris I.nlfla, (Itat.) Savareae, awaaaea. (low.

patl Co. Lula-l Pnunnda, Follleh. Trinu. Slocorlrh A Co. Alemarla Vlctrlx.

tDntcni MtMara! Rotterdam. Funrh, Etlya A Mary Wtira1aa.k 1 Wood. Maraelllea. J. if.

Parker A (Vi PSoUna iL ftm.y Newport. F.n.. Senger Idna4 Tobias A A. 0. Ikn.

Youna. Bueaoa jonn Norton a none ARRIVED. erenm nip i lyne, norton, Asplnwall lor. lftJwhV rat mu rtieam-aDTp GO, Steam uhloCArondclet, lleck, ttnlveaUHi Au. lit Tta Key Woatllth, with moan, and aanser to fc.

H. HallorT A Co. i (eam amp Wlatol, Smith, Brlatol. 1 Ida, with Biilur and paaarnirent to w. I) Mttnran.

i 8team-ahlp North Ilrltaln. Owena, ShleMi Ate In hallaat to Oeoree F. Holley. Bteamsaipueneral wnrtney, Hallelt, Bmtoa. wltk mui peonv-naera ut X.

ItimttCS. Ktram shin Pomona, Mahlman, Port auk. ix, wirti Ih rait and paaaeneen toOi WeaaaiaT Steam John Olbeon, Travera. nenra-etown. no Aiexanana, wirn mum and nnaeenaeia tai Pi RtHme.

Jr. Nteam ahlD Old Pomlnlon. Walker, Olty Point, and Norfolk, with radae. and paaaensrri to Oli uoiiuumq nwvunlin) I A I Kteam-hli New York CiltT, Evann. BrUtol wlih mile.

toiArkell A-Co. i 7 stnam-atilp Uatteraa, Boaa, West Point, I wltk mdw. ami pwaeturera to ttlJ Dominion Nieain ahp Co, Hieam tilp Caledonia, Cringle. Barrow AUfr. 4, and Dublin Hh.

with mdar. and paasenirers toiHea-dfraon Hros. 7 Steam -h In Aadruhal, lArttn. Rmllj Jnly tL Meulna Stitl. Palermo 24th, Rorrento artth.

MaJaa Aax. a. and f.lbraltar lh, wlOi fruit to LawranveJUue A I raul rt h. A. 1 Ship Leviathan.

WiaaMeld, Havre; 47 di, ta 11.11JU11 wi jnH-Kmaiin, ttertfjin ta o. 1 Bark Aildle sleeper. (. RorkUnd.i Weeper, tlTen. pool 44 with mdae.

to drder-Teaiel mar. ktcatf A l'o i Bark Thomas Platcher, Pendleton, LlTerpohl 4R da. with mdae. to ordtir veaael to E. L.

Wrtuht A CoJ Bark Nornen, Qlaen, Bremen June CI, Tin lelaware Breakwater, In hallaat tn Ben ham, Ivkerisc A Co. I i Bark nuaanne. Aamaea, Antwerp daj wltk old iron and empty barrela to order Teaeel tol Bra- ham. Mckrrlnu A Co. i I ara ATonpori, lor mator.

s. porter. Water- lorn .1 in naiiaat lo w. Itertauz. I Park F.uill Julliut.

Oer) Jontenaen. ObnrtOda. with sua-ar and hemp to Ruya reaael to TpMaa A Co. ,1 Mark I'Jlra Ranw Hollta, ot aad from Rene id I In tuillaat to A. E.

Tucker. Bark Pido. iSorw.j Hu, Tower 43 with 'ala clay to H. Wolf- viawl to Punch, lidye A Bark Mareaca. Mareaoa.

Uahon July SL "Ilk aalt, eork wood. Ac, to ortfer Teaael to Beniiam. Ptrk. eiina: A Co. Bark M.

Petersen. (Xorw Erlkaen. Ifeweaalla rta with eoal to order vessel to Funrh. Edre A Co. Bark Prtmo, 1 1 tali DlKheJm, Cork 33 In ballaal to A.

P. Aanttta. i Bark F.iha. Power. Havana July 2i.

and Sacoa 11 with uar to order-Teasel to Ward 4 J.T- co. Hark Harfartrer CVorw I rnndaea it da, with auear, Ac. to- Charlea M. Fry i Tumrt Kuneh. F.ilve ft Co.

BrU Oaaeo. Petersen, Provtdenne, tn ballaal to Baa. ter Rrtk Jeremiah Ford. Little. Curacao ia da, wttk iraano to F.

Folaom- Teaael to R. P. Buck A Co; Will tir. at Port Eltxaheth. i BrUr Kotheeay.

Munme. ot and from St John. Jr. 10 with Ice and lath to order inwI to fcraiuaell Bnxi. li, WIITD Knneet at ndy "H.v.

Ilalit, WS.W.; cdoodri at City Ialaott, llwbt, a. W.f cloudy. SAILED. Bteara ahlpa Volmer forHavre Frlsla, for Hamhorrt Adrlatle. tor Liverpool; Mahel.

for vueetuttown: Aiiaa-for Klnicaton, Harat ea. for Havana; Oaif Stream and Charlraton, for (Aarleaton Manhattan, fttr Norftlk; ahlpa OoariHi H. Han halt for ABtwarp; MuQAter, fur Llreunol; f. i. Thaver forKaalraa.

cinco; bark Ada OtMild. for Sertlle: Llbrrte, lof Ultra: Rid tic, fur Flarnnrwr-ftrahara'a Pollr. for Har: Fraternltaa, for London Benry Knurbt, for Kestleaa, for llelfut; for Pellae. AIfo. ateam-ahlpa State of Nevada, for Gtaarowt Canada, for London; Motdart, for Relfaal; Nara, Harriet Hickman, for LlverpoiL Alao, via Long Island Soun'l.

ttteam hlp EleABOra, for Portland Serein, for Ruaton; achr. Calvia. for oi. wooq, r. SPQCEX.

An. IS, Int. 40. loni 8 from Rath for Bait I bark DeTnhaakrr ITtk- BY 0ABLE lyiTPOT. Ang.

ixth RkaresTomi Atlttlf. Emanaele Atvsanje. for FtaJtlruora: ft 1 Indepenilenaa. for Philadelphia: ollvarl. 0y; in apt.

Klemlntr. all for Colombo, for boaton: Ecuad-jr, for the Delwari Fllza a Mllllgaa, Prnery. Maaaone MrhM, Capt Jorxenaen; HloljodaiTmmore, for WUroloa-toa; Lnh InaL, Bean Monde, iron Croaa, John Walker, ittr nan macvw: eii. j. i A rr.

12th Coucurretiton, lrt; 17th mati, tiw" ParodL off Folkeatone; uflr; lih Hern, iati Oalltno. Tne ateajn-ahlpa BrltUri Crown. Cat. UcMa. from Philadelphia Au.

and Lake -J Capt. Sctjtt, from Montreal Aug. 6, and guebes have arr. at Liverpool The ateam ahlp Olamoriran. (Br.J Cap.

CeBrf, An, haa I The ateain-ahlp Prior. iHr Capt. Brown, frtUB York July 3L naa arr. at Rorhelle i I The ateam ahlp Whltbuea, Capt ITyTnAa, ifwta Baltimore Aiib. 8, haa arr.

(it Rouen. I I The ateam-alilpa Canonutv Capt. tad Bulgarian. Capt. Traot, aid.

from Liverpuel 19-day for Boaton. The ateam-ehlp CapC Gluaow to-day for Bnatoai I The ahlp Nando. Capt. RUovelt. frrm F0 delphU July 17.

for Waterford, grouBdMat fbe port, and ta dlttrhanrinc-. 'I. Hambvbo, Auir. lit Tb Ham bury A imertraa IJnj (team-ahip 8 tie via, Franxen. frua Aug.

6, vta Plymouth haa rr. here. i Ocicttoth, A or. 1 The Onion Una atfavB'' Wyomlnc. Capt.

Rigby, tram Kit York Aac here at o'clock thla evening, on her way to 4 pool. I The Goloa Line (team aliip WIeonln, Cap Beewy. from Liverpool for New York. aid. bene al 10 o'ttora on the morning of tha 15t mat.

I I 'run FOR THE CAMPAIGN Dorics the ensuing Ftvaklential campalgm ear'iejt aad fullest repoirU of mcettoaM'wf tkiav kod otuer oocuftebce of politic! Intfre ttsraal, be found lq Tj Tnes. I Thta editton is RETAILED WITH THI jCSKAT-EST CAKE, aad ia THE MOST E1KECTTTE tfOO ViSXST tlut can bepU'-rd In tbe hanl of la order to pUce THK "WSEKLT TIMXS reach of tbe nre at eat poniUa nmnber of hbVt it wm be aent the next tiree montba, rrnnra anratr oa rx am FOB 25 CENTS PER COP! till rra timxs. kw.t-ii cicts 1.

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