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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 2

New York, New York
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C(u glefo -gjo (Sinug, gatarfrag, si, 1880 throats of all, except of Dr. York and the little rirt, had been cut, and the girl had apparently beea burled alive. Tha mvsterioua disappearances were now accounted for. Tha benders had murdered tne) traveler who stopped at their house, ttiipped them of money and clothes, thrown theta bleeding Into the well under the rear room, and taen buried them at convenient Una ia the garden. Description of tb fugitives were seut ail orer the country, and the whole land waa eenared for them.

Fartiee war organised ia Kinm to bunt tor them and week were spent In the pursuit, but the Benders bad too much of start, and their trail was lost. Four different men and women (apposed to belong to the Bender family have bawl arreatad during the last seven years, but they bars succeeded In proving their identity, and have bean released. If rlheriff Grerc's Enters prove to be Um criminals, the Judg-t that will be panned on them in Kansas be swift and terrible. -Fmmoxt. July 80.

A man named Hooflan, who formerly resided In the Bender neighborhood Kansas, and who knew ok! man Sender personally, was admitted to-day to the presence of tba prisoners, and identified the man as old man Bender. He la not so positive as to the woman. The woman claims that Mrs. Bender died in J87n, The whereabouts of Kate and John Bender, has been discovered, and officers are en route to capture them. The prisoners were to have met John Bender to-day in this State.


Hick, of Florida, last evening addressed the Seventh Assembly Dis Irict Kepublican Association on the issues of the campaign. The audienoa was a large and enthusiastic one, and included several ladies. Among those present were Alderman Morriii, ex-Henator Leut, Dr. John IL forn, CoL James H. Stevens, C.

Volney Kin p. Commissioner Van Cott, C. C. Waite, irof. George W.Clarke.

Dr. Ilercy, and CoL Henry I). Tyler. Mr. Hicks) who was introduced by Mr.

ltobert Curren, the acting Chairman, began his address by saving that he arrived in the City in time to attend the recent Democratic demonstration, and that he availed him-s self of his privilege as a free citizen to listen to, and. if possible, to inwardly digest, the ar- of the orators on that occasion. He was particularly struck with some very curious things that occurred at the meet-lugs and impressed by the queer sayings that dropped from-' the lips of the speakers. The olwequius of the late lamented Mr. Tiklen were being celebrated.

He the speaker had heard of a man attending his own funeral, but here was an instance of the dead man presii ling at his-fjwn funeral, and sptaking the eulogy. In Jrvmg Hall Bonn tor Jonas gave expression to sentiments which indicated one Democratic tawe of the campaign for which Republicans had looked in" vain in the Democratic newspapers. It was a plain, simple proposition, a proposition which might come from the highwayman when be meets his victim in an isolated place a demand on the jurt of the recently rebellious Mouth to be restored to power. This was the issue Republicans would be forced to meet Senator Jonas did not beat around the buidi his expressions were but a manly enunciation of Southern principles. He had coolly doclared that Haucork's famous order made him the nominee of the Democratic I'arty and the beloved choice of the Southern people.

That order, Mr. Hicks believed, was, if nothing worse, the cause of a terrible upheaval and bloodshed south of Mason and Dixon's line. That order, which as issued in Violation of the will of the people nd of the necessities of the times, made Gen. I Uncock the beloved choice of the South. One Incident of the Irving Hsll meeting, which greatly astonished Mr.

Hicks was the inexplicable hissing which greeted a kindly mention of the name of Gen. Grant. When he heard those hisses he forgot that he was in the oyai city of New-York, and felt that be was again among the cracker boys of he everglades. The speaker was gratified to. enow that the Democrat had set the example importing Southern mn to lead the political fhrht in the Jiorth.

He hoped that the National Republican Committee would adopt the (dan of sending political missionaries to the Southern States. In Florida, at least, they srould get a respectful bearing from both hite and black men, but it would not be safe io send them to States yielding Demo- majorities of 25,000 and over. Mr. Hicks devoted over hall an hour to a defense A the reconstruction system which Senator Jonas, saw fit to denounce. Brief speeches awe made by Mr.

Walter M. Chandler, of New-York, and CoL N. K. Sawyer, editor of the Daily Sun and Vest of Jacksonville, Fla. Tha latter gentleman, who was a member of the United States Grand Jury which inves- ti gated the Democratic election frauds of 1878, gave an interesting account of the means employed for the discovery of the frauds and the punishment inflicted on the guilty parties.

The Welshmen of this City are organizing for Garfield and Arthur. An enthusiastic meeting, which waa attended bv upward of 1UU Welshmen, was held in the basement of the Welsh Presbyterian Church, in Thirteenth-street between. Second and Third avenues, last evening. The Pastor of the church, the Itev. G.

H. Humphrey, called the meeting to order, and tha Welsh Uartleld and Arthur rampaign club was immediately Resolutions were pained pledging the hearty rapport of the members to the Republican nominees, and the following officers were elected Robert Lewis, President Richard J. Jewia, First Vice-President W. A. Roes.

Second Vice-President; Samuel Winston, Third Vice-President; Morgan V. Powell, Corresponding Secretary; D. Davidson Thomas, First Recording Secretary; Grifflth H. Parry, Second Recording Secretary Thomas Win- (ton. Treasurer; It J.

Lewis, M. V. Powell, Kvan WiUiamv Roberta, and W. A. Rees, Executive Committee.

The Colored Republican Association of the Thirteenth Assembly District held a rousing meeting on Thursday evening in their rooms, at No. 143 West Twenty-fourth -etreet A Gar-field and Arthur club was organised. Speeches were delivered by Dr. John T. Bagnell, O.

W. Stewart, editors of the kaxxiut, Washington, B. Keejd, and the President of the association, J. T. Peterson.

The Scandinavian Republicans of Brooklyn met last evening, and amid much enthusiasm ratified the nomination of Garfield and Arthur. The meeUng was very largely attended. The organisation proposes to fling out a large banker in a few days, and the members have in-licatod their determination to do all in their i power for the election of the nominees. Mr. G.

W. Hepburn, a life-long Republican, writaa to say that the report that be had an-aounosd his intentioa to vote for Hancock is sot true. TUB PTES AOREEIXO TO 00. Los Pbos Agency, CoL, July 30. Forty i jight chiefs and bead men of the Unoom-pahgre Vtes signed the treaty yesterday.

The success of the commission Is assured a doubt. Ouray assures the commission that too trouble will be experienced in retting the White River ana Southern to sign, now that the Uncom-: pahgres have agreed to the treaty. Instructions were received yesterday from Washington, informing the commission that lie reservation would not be thrown open for H-ttleuent until the Indians were removed and iroclamation made by the President to that ffToct. HzsrvxR, CoL, July 30. A dispatch to the IVttmne from Lios Piuos says the council convened very late yesterday afternoon, owing to the non-arrival' of the Indians, who do not appear to like the way the Soimuissioners talked.

Yesterday several chiefs opposed the treaty, land in severalty being the main objection. Several made such i rung speeches that was thought Um whole affait would be a failure. CoL Manypenay and CoL Bowman, of Kentucky, and Judge Russell, of Iowa, ieliverea argumente showing the Indians their desire to. do Justioa. Otto Mears uade a personal appeal to svveral rhiefs, whom, he had balriennwi, to lien the treaty, after which Saravanoa.

Bgned, and others followed, and when the Mimnittee adjourned. 48 pnncjjal chiefs and ea4 men had signed the agrteoient. CKSSUS OF ARIZOSA. Sju Fkakcisco, July SO. The census of.

Aiiaona gives the number of the population as 11.5W, Including 1,000 Chinese and 4.V& In-i diaaa, but excluding reaervatioa and Pueblo Indiana, who are not taken ia the census. FstLABKLrHiA, July 90. The oonv i (oAtees of the LeblsA and acharlkta Coal Ex-r ebaneve Bt her this afternoon, and screed te rwunewa mat so ctiaaae be nads In tbs prmot fitrdilar ies or Uk line and cttjr aadaareor trade 1 A Via the tSMi ot aasw A ST03IACH IN OPEN REVOLT TA2FXES DECLINES TO TREAT WITH THE TLUSQ. THE FaSTEB'S GAIT STILL 6LOW, BUT. QUITE BCRE DISGC8TZD DOCTORS WHO WONDER WKT HE DOES KOT DIE THEIR BATTERY DRAWS OCT OF LIXE TESTER- day's SYMPTOMS.

The predictions of the doctors, announced with such oonfldence on Thursday, that Dr. Tanner, was about to collapse before the completion of his fast, and would probably die within 48 hours, have gone for naught so far, and now appear liter to prove fallacious. Although- his paroxysms of nausea occurred at intervals, and gave the attendants considerable trouble, the fasting man was decidedly better yesterday morning, and continued to improve gradually during the day. Some portion of the improvement was undoubtedly due to the fact that the regimen of mineral water, which was substituted for the undoctored article on Thursday, was promptly abandoned upon the first intimation of disas-trous consequences but the greater part was referable- to the extraordinary self-control' and the almost superhuman obstiuacy with which he Kuppresse every unfavorable symptom. His paroxysms of naiuiea, crampst and vomiting nave been unpreoedentedly violent and painful, but, enfeebled as the man is by more than 30 days of starvation, thry have been endured without a murmur, a moan, or even a contortion of countenance anil through them all, urged by the physicians present to take some nourishment and end bin bufTeringK, he has quietly but decidedly refused, declaring that they are lem serious than he expected during the last 10 days of his experiment, and that until hiccough supervenes ho has no intention of alaudmiing lii purpose.

He assures them, at the same time, tbatjic bait no intention of putting I lis life iu Jeojwrdy, but that he known the limits of bis own endurance, and proposes to hold on until critical symptoms warn him that natural laws are not to be trifled with any longer. On Thursday the symptoms were so violent that some of the doctors were panic-stricken the battery was put in order for the resuscitation of the patient in cuse of syncope; brandy and lieef-juiee were procured, and Tanner waa uryed to submit to remedial measures lefnre it was too late. His confidence waa wholly unshaken by the intimation of half a dozen physicians of the retfular school that, if he persisted, he prol-ably had not 4S hours to live. He iiad, up to 111 o'clock last night, lived out 35 of them, and afternoon he reclined upon Uis cot within the railing on the main floor, and applauded tha vocal performances of a lady who had offered to entertain him by singing some ballads with considerably more energy than the physicians who had evidently assembled to witness his death agonies. It must not be concluded, however, that he is in no danger, although the physical indications yesterday afternoon evinced a marked improvement.

His attacks of nausea aud vomiting still continue, and should sound sleep fail to repair the exhaustion, his condition this mora1 ing will be extremely critical. At midnight on Thursday, wlu-n Lr. E. Kunze and Mr. H.

H. SiMSon relieved Drs. Donelson and Hoffmann, Dr. Tanner whs sleeping quietly, and gave no trouble until 12 alter tossing uneasily for a few moments, he awoke and requested the attendants to place the rubber air-pillow under his head. This was done, and he dropped to sleep as quietly as an infant, without taking his regular midnight ration of spring-water.

He did not. sleep many minutes before the gastric disturbance which had troubled him all day recurred again, with constant eructations of tras and eenerui uneasiness. This continued for about an hour, and, Unally, at 8:10, terminated in a severe paraxystn of nausea, followed by violent vomiting, which lasted two or three minutes, and left him extremely feeble. The matter discharged consisted of the thick, glairy. mucous secretion of the gastric lining, tinged wjth biliary acids.

In quantity it did not exceed two ounces. The diiturliBnce was at last quelled by givingthe patient about two ounces of ice-cold carbonic acid water, which relieved the nausea. In 10 minutes the patient was sound asleep with a deep, regular respiration 1 to the minute to which his attendants have now listened for so many consecutive nights. This time he slept uninterruptedly for 40 minutes, and the clock wis on the stroke of 4 when he roused himself for the third time since midnight, and asked for something to subdue his nausea. An attendant handed him a glass of carbonic acid water, and, liaving swallowed about an ounce of the liquid, he said he felt lietter.

In 10 minutes he was npnin asleep, and this time he lay 4j minutes without the least sign of consciousness. A. M. within five minutes of his regular hour he awoke, and fell into an easy conversation with Dr. Kunze.

His taciturnity had altogether departed; he was as merry and jocular as a man who expected to have his sirloin and coffee served for breakfast within the next few minutes. When asked respecting his health by the anxious attendants, he replied that the unfavorable symptoms had completely vanished, and he expected to pass a very comfortable day. Dr. Kuiize congratulated the fasting upon his recovery, and him laughingly respecting the anxiety he had given the doctors on the preceding day. Dr.

Tanner said there bad never been the Icaxt occasion for any real anxiety it not to le exected that a man should fast 10 days without gastric inconvenience, and be had actually suffered less from that source than he anticipated. He lay on his cot and conversed upon various topics for an hour and a half, his intellect appearing to be lucid and unimpaired by the violent strain put upon his physical endurance, and his remarks coherent and well connected. At 6:25, his clothes having been examine. 1 by Dr. Goodman, of the regular school, he arose, dressed himself without assistance, and took a few turns to and fro in the gallery for exercise.

He then laj- down upon his cot and soon drirpcd to sleep. Mr hen Dr. W. L. Tuttle and Mr.

C. A. Marsh relieved Dr. Kunze and Mr. Sisson at 7 A.

Dr. Tanner was still sleeping; but at 8 o'clock he awoke and was introduced to Mr. Marsh, until then a stranger to him. When it was to take his regular matutinal airing in Central Park, Dr. Tanner said he did not think he would venture it.

He was still a little qualmish, and riding was not good for him just now. His tongue was furred, and his step a little uncertain on the whole, he was in better form than his physicians expected to find him after the mortal prostration of the preceding day. At 8:10 he dropped to sleep again, reclining comfortably in his cot, and slept for 30 minutes. He then listened to the reading of the morning papers until 9 :15 A. when the mall arrived, and his attendants varied the rirogramme by reading his letters to him was nearly 10 o'clock when, having donned his slippers, he went down stairs and took his regular turns around the main hall, making 25 laps in 18 minutes with the ease and steadiness of a pedestrian.

He then swallowed about two ounces of carbonic acid water and sat down at the table and scribbled his autograph in several dainty albums left for the purpose. Visitors now came pouring in with presents of bouquets, fans, and other trinkets and from 10:30 until 13:30 the Doctor reclined upon his cot within the railing, holding a sort of morning levee. At the latter hour he requested the hall to be cleared, and lay down aud, went to sleep. At 2:25 P. Dr.

Tanner having finished his noonday nap and returned to the main hall, the physical indications were taken. The sphygmogrspbic tracings showed less force and volume than on Thursday, notwithstanding his extreme prostration on that day, and his apparently improved condition yesterday. The pulse was six beats per minute higher than the average for the last week, which has been Ti. His respiration was 14. The right hand waa tested twice witn the dynamometer for muwular strength, registering, respectively, TO and W) kilogrammes.

Three testa applied to the left hand registered in succession 7 78, and 80 kilogrammes a very favorable, showing as compared with previous days. His tem-iwrature was 9l" Fahrenheit, about higher than the average of the seven preceding days, and his weight 1J0 pounds, a loss of 8 ounce during the previous 24 hours. From clock until 5 Dr. Tanner remained' down stairs in the main hall receiving visitors and conversing witn them. His mind was apparently clear, and his voice full and resonant Feeling in better condition than for" several days past he concluded to take his usua)( evening ride in the Central Park, but the motion of in camagv maucea a severe attack 01 nausea eramca.

which tminttwi ta a paroxysm of vomiting. The partr returned to Clarendon Ball at o'clock, and at Jit, Tanner retired kie eoC. At 8 he had another severe attack of vomiting, wl ich waa relieved by a draught of carbonic ack water. He then fell asleep, and at midnight ras resting quietly, with normal respiration, ulse, and temperature. COBRT'Sl QUEER FiyASCIEBlXG.

X99UT30 BOXDS TO BUILD UP BUSntESS A5D REfTBISa TO PAT THEM. MeadviliIe, July 29. The efforts of the City Corry, in Erie County, to evade the consequences of foolish financiering on tie part of its mtinicic pal authorities in 1872, have proved unavailing, and by a decision of Judge McKennon, list delivered in the United States Circuit CouH at Erie, the city will be obliged to ie amount of 05,000, with interest pay bonds to for seven edrv and costs of expensive litiga- tion. It is ioubtful if a corporation ever in- volved iteelf In debt under circumstances quite so ridiculous and uncalled for as Corry did iu its scheme of 1872. the matter Certain leading citizens of the place were exceedingly Anxious to have Corry become the seat of man 'facilities of ti hfttcturing interests, tut as tne tliei place were not calculated to usurers to come here, there seemed duce inanufatt no prospect the city being selected for that purMe.

tries in the hanv. and Tii-re were two struggling lnaus- ace, the Corry urmture Uom- the Gibbs Hterrett Works. In 172 it looked as if their existence was short- lived in Cdrry. In that vear the idea was conceived by some of the citizens referred to, idU'Tments in the form of finan- or orrenng i clal aid to nxinufacturing interests to come to Corry. The city authorit Mea was approved by the then es, and it was resolved to bond tho city, and issue the bonds to persons who would estai isil lactones or any Kinl that might prove It was (lis- enencial to the city.

discovered that the Constitution of Pcnnsylvani forliade the bonding of cities in the State, exfeji for the purpose of providing for the pavn had no debt. nt or fun'linij of a debt. C'orrv ami th siheme of the flnancier- mg citizens sfeuied Iikelv to come to naucht. when the bn liant thought struck theiu that a fictitious del could be created, to provide for which the bonds couin i ismipo, inus coming sions of the Constitution. The within the pijovis rift it was crt iited.

It was placed at 135.00n. Bonds to tbs amount were issued. The first any of them were pnt use to Wh was to bolst up the (libbs Sterrett Company th of them, and to liture. company with aid the fu Persons fornied a manufacturing company for the purpwe lKnis. out securing the remainder of the life was- so short that it failed before the Treasurer could tvlss the Imiirix over to it.

even tho ba fhe crisis of followed. i.nd of several thousand dollars in flrst-clasR iu business seiirities could not Induce ventures itti reafter. Hterrett sulve- quently returned 2V0i ID of the bonds to the treasury. aral the furniture company paid of them. This left ttiS.OuO of tho securities in rehe hands of various persons who had puroha mem in irood raitn.

It was discovered 1 which the counterfeits that alxjut of bonds on ty had aid interest were and, jrartially on this ac-mninlv with the 1iopj count, but of evading the ground ie payment of the principal, on the bonds having been irregular- ly and uncoa stitutionallv issuexl, the coupons were no ionq honored. The National Bank of estHeld N. was a large holder of the txmds, and test their began suit against the city to valdity, Judge McKennon has de- cided that tin bonds are good. He holds that, art they weri issued In proper form bv tho legally const: the avowed is'not the ituted authorities of the citv. with purpose of providing for a debt, it mess of the court to consider what disposi they ware tion was made of -the profits.

If ontcfully used, the cityand not holders of the securities, should the innoceni suffer the fonsequonees. 'lhe bonds were issued to bea per cent, interest. This, tho was not legal, and the bonds court decides, must be paid! at fi per cent, interest only. N. A.

i'arker, Corry, announces that he can hours, the person who counter- produce, in feited the they are iu operates in operation of in the matte in Corry bonds. He says iiers or a wealthy cane that fpveral States. He asks the co-be authorities before he moves NAVAL INTELLIGENCE. Washing on, July 30. First Lieut.

E. 8. Prime has Norfolk, Va been ordered to the Navy-yard, The following dotachmeuts have Paymaster James Hoy to the i steam-ship Tennessee, and as lecn made United Stat leet Paymaster of the North Atlantic Station Lieut. -Comnlnnder Edwin White from the command of the Dale, Aug. 10, and ordered to resume his lufies at the Naval Academy Lieuts.

E. Dl F. Hvald, A. B. Spever.

and J. V. It. Bleet c-ktr, and l'assd Assistant Surtreon (Jcorge 1 Qumsd'-n from the Dale, on Auz. 10, end ordi fed to resume duties at the Naval Acailemy the Dale, an Director iX aymaster L.

A. Frailev from ordered to settle accounts. Pav P. Wallach from duty as Fleet Paymaster of the North Atlantic Station, and ordered to set Me accounts. The followi ng leaves of atence in the Navy have been granted: tor one month Lieut.

Daniel I). reccivmg-stiip Mate WUliai W. ims-k, receiving-snip abash Pay Dim-tot- A. W. Kussell, Chief Enirinecr Jchn B.

Cardente r. Cai)t. Bancroft Shcrardi. commanding receiving-ship Colorado Com- mander Modtg Boston Laeut. C.

Rusi'h Enlerger, rweiv- ice-ship St. lxuis; Me.Uciil Inspector Adrian Hudson, Bureau Medicine and Kureerv: Assist- ant burgeon James E. (Jardnor, receivinc-shio 1 A T' ranknri 1 Taylor, yard. Norfolk Passed Assistant Surgeon C. Deane Passed Assistant Engi-we.

Navy-yard. Washincton. and neer John Ldwe, IJcut-Ojmn Hydrograph lander Charles D. Sigsbee, of the ciinee. i-or three months Lieut.

-Coniniander J. C. Kennett. For four nionths-Lie elter IKty. For two Chuuncey Thomas, Nautical For six weeks Mate J.

M. months Master Almanac Ollice. Creicrhton. Exteusiond of leave of absence' have been made as foll.w Lieut James W. Carlin.

six months i Clxijilain J. 11. H. Brown, oue month iiieut-Ljoi miiiander Henry H. Gorrinee.

six uiiiaius, BUSINESS INTERESTS. MiNCISG-LASE MARKETS DCI.L GHAIN AND COTTON TRADE. Loxdox. July SO. In Mincine Lane thn nn- Itled weatfirr and the course of political events keep the marMets dull.

Prices are generally rather lower. In cfTec. colory and Plantation Ceylon are firm; othir kinds are quiet, and occasionally Is. per lower. The Netherlands Tradlna: Com iany announce 1 04.152 baps of Java for Bale: on inff.

about the fame quantity as last Ariffiut, Several steamers have arrived from CJhina with new tea. Dlack and red leaf Cosou are weaker. Common to snedium jrradtjs declin Id to Al. per pound. Flne'Imlisn teas are stead r.

Rice firmer. In sugar, a small business! was done, refiners holding aloof. The beet supply pi omlses to be unprecedentedlv large. The stocks cane sugar continue to decrease. The falling of! as compared with 1S79, 1 now rather Important.

I eflned lias not cupported the recent advance, exc -pt Fent loaves. Kcrsped Ci-hin ginirer is ad? ncinx. Black pepper is firm, but a small was dona Other spices are unchanged; The Mill Gazfttr this morning S3v: "In Essex and nt, and adjacent counties bordering tli Thames, ie prtwpecta of the wheat crop have been dalied by heavy storms during the pant 04 hours. Jlesvr, continuous rain for nix hours this morning laid lundreds of acres of grain and caused irreparable schiof. The grazing lands between Pkaistowsmi Barking are fir or six inches under water.

iTbe rlhutarlrs also in many parts of the country have overflowed their banks, destroying the cot bay." I.lTFFrooi. July A leading grain circular sajrs: irain has been firm but inactive. A better choice eai eoes off coast indm-es a better demand, but Co ituiental Inouiry is still wanting -CHUe of- ship nents direct Much rain has again fallen, and th crops haTe been laid in manr.dirro lioas, and the -e is some anxiety about the harvest. -At to-day's irket there was abont the usual attendance. ticat was in fair consumptive demand at Tuesday's rices.

In flour there was a moderately good bu liness at unclianged prices Choice eaalitleS'wen veryanarre. Anwrican mixed curn was ia pood i upnly. with a limited demand and slightly ow Round core Was 3d. lower." This a-eek circular of the Liverpool Cotton Brokers! Assi ciatioa says: Cotton haa been In modenUe den Ana. and was freely offered.

Prics re slightly 11 favor of buyers, but with a steadier market hdar (Tharsdajr) quotations of last fdr st descriptions are continued. In American a fair bosineaa was doee at prevknis qootatloaa I a Island was in moderate reqaest, and prices a ghtly easier. Fmores were very eaiet throegliout. with trifltng Cactuatioaa On Thursday the tone was steadier and prices closed ld.e-i6d. ilgher." Mwk vaSoldv by Jum trine Blck A BUSY WEEK! LONDON TEE SEASON BRIQHTENINQ AS IT TAKES IT FLIGHT.

THE TROUBLES OF THX LIBERAL PABTT LEADERS POLITICAL A5TD ATMOSPHERIC DISTTJRBAItCES EDWTSf BOOTH FROPOft-DtO TO PLAT Ef LOJTDOS A ROTAL CONCERT. Lo.n'dox, Jul 16. A busy week all round, the one which oomes to an end to-day busy in Parliament busy in diplomacy, in society busy in the matter qf weather, and altogether a lively week. Mr. Gladstone is demonstrating to the full the truth of the oft-repeated criticism aa to his want of.

tact, temper, and administrative Judgment He can sway a multitude, but he cannot manage his party. He knows Homer by heart, but the House of Commons is too much for him. He starts up three courses" when he should only have one. He conciliates factions when he should stamp on them. He is fertile in compromises and barren in the resources of great generalship; For so intellectual a man and a statesman of wide, and varied experience he is singularly weak in the hard business of keeping a party together and directing a Government.

It must be admitted that he has a difficult team to guide. The Irish party has quarreled with him. The Whig Liberals have met to sign a formal objection against his Irish measures, which neithec satisfy the Home Rulers nor content the Whigs. Despite bis majority, he has. been once defeated on a groat division, and his declared supporters are continually in revolt Another Scene in the House of Commons is quite a familiar beading in the newspapers.

The respect that is due to senators and statesmen is waning: and every now and then the Speaker is treated with as much contempt as if lie was sitting in his pot hat and the mace had been "chucked under the table. One member has been locked upln the Parliamentary jail, and others have been bidding for similar honors. A few years ego this kind of Parliamentary excitement would have lieen called an Americanizing of our sacred and moss-growd institutions, but to-aay estnunster is noisier than ashing-ton to-day the British Parliament is the beargarden of Eurojiean senates. Some people see in all this the incoming of revolutionary changes and national troubles. The it is to be feared, requires a man with a stronger and firmer grasp than Mr.

Gladstone pisesses, and the difficulties at home are complicated once more with the revival of that everlasting trouble, the Eastern question." TRUMPETS, DRUMS, AND FIRE-DAMP. During tho past few days there has been much coming and. going of dispatches between Constantinople and London, and much conferring of the Russian Ambassador with English Ministers. The Turks and Montenegrins are fighting; the Greeks are ready to fly at the Ottoman throat, and, curious to relate, German influence is assuming weight and importance at the Porte. The Sultan, it is thought, hopes to create a diversion in the Mussulman interest by exciting jealousy and mistrust among the powers.

An uneasy feeling has once more sprung up on the Continent, and it comes at a time when we have much holiday soldiering and patriotic speaking. France has had a grand and imposing military spectacle in glorification of the Republic. Germany is preparing for her Autumn manoeuvres. Queen Victoria has reviewed a little army of splemlid troops at Windsor. In short, Europe and Asia both are.

parading their arms, blowing their trumpets, and beating their drums. It may all end once more in show and glitter and smoke; but one dav there will be a terrific falling in of allies ana foes, and the world will echo with the din of a mighty war. If science and philosophy had not long since excluded atmospheric phenrmna i oni tho calculations of political foreca-ts and national disasters, the sudden and strange storms which have afflicted the land during the last few weeks might have had serious omens for oracles and prophets. One of the debates in Parliament a day or two ago was literally stopped by the roar of the wind, the crash of the thunder, and the hissing of tho rain. At tho review on Wednesday, no sooner had the Queen got well away and the people started homeward, than a storm of tropical severity fairly shook the towers of Windsor.

It is hardly within any one's memory that we hnve experienced such severe storms as these which have fallen upon us this Hummer, destroying crops, flooding the hay, destroying church steeples, cutting down trees, and killing many people. It must be taken as an incident of this atmospheric disturbance that we have a frightful colliery accident in Wales, an explosion of fire-damp which has swept awav in fire and dust over 100 miners, a hideous heap of blackened and charred humanity. A busy week I said aye, truly for none so busy, for none so sad as tho poor souls in the neighborhood of the exploded pit Yet judging from recent files of the New-York papers, your list of dear! from sun-stroke rivals this awful tale of woe at tike RiKoa Colliery. Some of onr local wenther-wise gossips are predicting for England the wave of heat which they say is passing over America on its way to these shores, and one of the evVn ing papers reprints the official notices of precautionary measures from New-York. With laudable alacrity the Lord Mayor has started a Mansion House fund for the widows ami orphans of the dead miners.

It is reported that the exact number of this last batch of victims of Fiery-coal getting is 11S1 men and boyj. EDWIN BOOTH TO APPEAR IN LONDON. The weather is hot enough to thin the audiences of the 1 ading theatres, and the St. James's closes for the season at once. Mr.

Irving takes his annual benefit next Saturday and on Monday the American season, so called, begins at the Gaiety. Mr. Edwin Booth landed at Queenstown, and is making a short tour in Ireland prior to coming to London. Meanwhile, it is a private matter here at present, but may be communicated to you in advance, that negotiations have been opened with Mr. Walter Gooch for Mr.

Booth's appearance at the Princess's Theatre. The proposition has taken this shape, that Mr. Booth shall open the newly-built theatre in October, and remain there for a season, only playing such pieces as shall enable Mr. Charles Warner to share the lead with him. If the terms can be arranted, the Princess's season will "open with Booth plavlng lago to Warner's Moor.

London will be considerably astonished when this leaks out ud more so should the idea be realized. In that case Warner will have the opportunity he sighs for, the chance of measuring himself against the great actors, past and present, in the classic rolea of tragedy and comedy! The 8avage Club has decided to invite all the American actors now in London to a breakfast which is to be held at one of the leading hotels. Mr. Berry Sullivan, an active member of the club, is to take the chair. It was at first hoped that Mr.

Charles Wckens, the Treasurer, would preside, but many memljers of the club think the occasion will be best met by having an a tor in the chair. Mr. Dickens; I presume, will be asked to propose the toast of the day. Miss Genevieve Ward has abandoned her projected American tour, in consequence of the litigation which New-York claims in the copyright of Fonret Me Not has opened. It is a pity for all parties that the conflicting interests have not been happily settle I.

Miss Ward would assuredly have reaped a golden harvest with the piece in the United States. As it is, she will have to be content with the modest profits of a provincial tour in England. She leaves London with her troupe in about a fortnight's time. Mr. Edar Bruce proposed that she shall return to the Prince of Wales's for next season, but no agreement has yet been signed.

It is highly probable that Mrs. Bateman, of Sadler's Wells, will send you out a famous phy, with her daughter Isabella as the heroine. This young lady is best known in London for her graceful and poetic interpretation of the young and unhappy Queen in "Charles MUSIC AND ROYALTIES, I suspect the press was not invited to the Grosvenor Gallery on Thursday night or else the amateur evening concert which filled Bond-street with carriage and the gallery with royal and distinguished guests was probably a private affair, from a journalistic point of view. The JCourt newsman, however, has chronicled it in a few official words, among a rvytu r-Tt-nm ox me weea. it was a interesting gathering.

The main, object was to aid the funds of "The People's Entertainment Society: the next, to add to the social attraction of the seaeoo-wUcb. haa been aa xceptionallv gy one. The Queen waa pres eat this week at a garden party given at HarW borons Hooaa. and her children bar been thevery life and soul of reunions In London ever since the now waning Mason set in. Sir Coutta Lindsay and his aocam- Eusnea wire, imj Lindsay, (ot rialcarrea,) sve contributed greatly to the social pleasures of 4he time.

The concert on Thursdav night waa under the immediate patronage of tne iuaea oi rxiinrjurgn and Uonnaugut 1 and their royal wives, and the Princess Mary of Teck, the Duke or Teck, the Count Gleichen, and the Countess Gleichen. It was held in the principal gallery, the other rooms being thrown open for refreshments and pTomenaa- mg. ine awning over tne outer portals ana the red cloth running into the street were sig nals me loiterers ouisiae unaerstooa, ana when one arrived ever so early there was a crowd to seethe Prince and Princess of Walea Their royal highnesses came soon after the concert began, and were received by Sir Coutts Lindsay and Lady Lindsay, who are especial iavontes at court, as well they may be, who are backed by blood, by talent by money, And by right gentle courtesie," ine company rose as the ITince and Prin cess entered. The royal pair had shaken bands with 8ir Coutts and Lady Lindsay at the door. They bowed to other ladies and gentlemen whom they knew.

Lady Suffleld was with the Princess. Sittine down with Lady Lindsay, the royal guests listened to the concert, wuich aid not begin until 10 clock, and it was now 10 Lady Folkestone was down on the programme to sing. An apology had to be made for her. She had been taken ill Her place was filled by the addition of other ladies ana gentlemen to the programme. and Mrs.

Ronalds also exerted herself to make the void seem nothing. Sirs. Ronalds is an American lady, who has made social con quests at home and abroad, in Pans and in London she has a rich, sympathetic voice, and sings delightfully. Mr. 'James H.

Peter, Miss Brough, Miss Wakefield, Mr. D'Egville, Mr. Wade, Mr. Bethune, and other amateurs of note occupied the platform and acquitted themselves with considerable success. Their efforts, however, did not excite enthusiasm, and there were no encores.

At 11 clock the company rose again to receive the Duke and Duchess of Connaught and at 11:30 the concert was brought to au end with Balfe's sparkling trio from "Fatetnff." The royal iarty, in due form of precedence, then left the concert-room to be the guests at supper of their pleasant host wheeler. It wos a calm, starlight night, and as iar as you couIJ see either way in Bond-street the lamps of society's carriages flared and glittered like lower sturs mocking the lights in the Summer" sky. The Prince of Wales is no mere carpet prince. A few hours pre viously ne was riding at tne Bead of his regiment in a mock eharee at Windsor. To-dnv he has opened some new sc hools to-night he is at a reception to-morrow, prolbly, he wUl be sitting on some important committee.

He docs ms royai worn neanny ana well, ana he has a. cnarmmg womanly helpmate in the King of lAjniuars jjopuiar oauj; liter. IN AN AUCTION-ROOM. It was only known to a few that the salo by auction, at Robinson At Fisher's, in Bond- street, yesterday, of original sketches by H. K.

Browne. illustrating Nicholas Nickleby," and the illustrations of other works of Dickens by Maboney, was a partial distribution of the art treasures of Mr. Fred Chapman, late of Chapman Hall, by order of the liquiilating lrusiee. i nere were aoout ijii lots of books, china, and pictures, and after them a curiously interesting collection of Thackeray's original illustrations of Mrs. Perkins's Ball." Thev averaged about 12.5 each, with the exception of a set ot luree one rrame jady Bacon, the Misses Bacons and Mr.

Ham, Grge Grund-sell, the Mulligan, and Mrs. Perkins' and on the back of them was a short manuscript story. The handwriting of the great author, accompanying his own pictorial work, excited a brisk competition, and the prize was knocked down for $100. The whole of the original drawings bv Green and Ma honor, illustrating The People's Edition" of The Old Curiosity tfhop," Our Mutunl Friend," and Little Dorrltt" were sold. They were 150 In number, and the artists bad received from tho publishers about $5 for each of them, for photographing on the wood, which is now the general engraving process.

In the old days the original drawing was lost, having to done on the wood anl cut away by the engraver. The 150 averaged about $5 each, which was considered to be a fair price, though "when the works come to he distributed about ami sold singly by the they will no doubt sell for five or even ten times these sums. It was interesting to see Charles Dickens bidding for these gems of art which had Wn inspired by bis father's genius. The Bond-street, Piccadilly, St. James's, and other collectors seemed rather stimulated in their biddings than otherwise when bey found who was opposed to them.

But the lot which excited mobt attention was the sketches of H. K. Browne Phiz Illustrating Nicholas Nickleby." There wore 37 of these. Some of them were enhanced in value by manuscript notes from the pens of Browne and Dickens. The auctioneer stated that since the publication of the catalogue tho Trustees desired they should be put up in one lot, in which case he should name a reserve.

Several gentlemen, authors, publishers, and to this course. There were many admirers of Browne and Dickens present, who only wanted a single example of the original work, and they considered it unfair that thev should be deprived of the opportunity which th'o salheld out to them. A dealer offered for the lot. The auctioneer said that was not near his reserve, and having elicited a bid he would now sell the treasure separately. Some of the sketches realized asimuch as $50, but they averaged about $15 to t'-tt each.

There was a large collection of valuable books, which fetched full proliably on account of the increasing demands for standard English editions from American booksellers, dealers, and speculators. A CHUIiCIl este'rtalxment. A very pleasant musical entertainment was given at the Union Tabernacle, in Thirty-fourth-street, near Eighth-avenue, last night. The large basement of the church was filled with ladies and gentlemen, and the performances of the instrumental and vocal musicians, all amateurs, were received with cordial applause. It was the first concert and sociable of the Union Talernacle choir, and was directed by Mr, S.

Turney, the organist of the church. Members of the Amatori Society, of New-York, and other volunteers assisted, and the programme was varied and carefully prepared. Among those who took part in the entertainment were Mr. and Mrs. John A.

Link, Miss Maude Mil- purn, airs. n. ll. Kmc, James Bec kett, and Miss Jessie Younger, a dnet, La Baland lUDWr. Mr.

ami Mrs I.inlr adnet, La Balandine;" Miss Milbum sane several solos, one of them Welcome Pretty inmrose: Miss ounger sang "Sweet Bessie, the Maid of Dundee," and Mrs. Link sang as a solo "The Blue Alsatian At the conclusion of the concert Mr. Mingins made a brief address replete with witticisms, in which be called attention to the fact that the receipts accruing from the sale of tickets were not for the benefit of the church, but were simply to pay for the ice-cream and other refreshments furnished for the occasion. If there was aiiy thing left over it would go toward the purchase of music and an ieeYoler for the choir. "This sociable entertainment was," he said, "one of several that woulf be given during the year." The Union Tabernacle was bought by Mr.

F. A. Palmer, of the Broadway Bank, a short time ago, ami was established as a church, free to all denominations, under the min.rtration of Mr. Mingins, about three months ago. It is supported bv voluntary contributions, and is quite prosperous under its new management nearly persons attending servn-e.

Mr. Mingins haa a Monday evening talk on social ami religious subjects, and "testimony," "praise," and other meetings are held during the week. The Sunday-school Is well attendel LOSSES BY FIRE. A fire broke out about midnight Thursday eight in the third story of a building owned bv the water Power Company, at Wetfleld. dam-? to the, amount of Insured tor $.1,600.

The upper stories were occupied by the llnmpdea hip Company, whose loss may exceed J9J.HW: insurance. SrxioiM The otner m-cmuon. were Dexter Avery's plalln and whbbutton works and X. T. Tyler painting works, th losses on which ajrjrrrcnte

partially Insured A Are in the building in Hay no-street near Blue Island-avenue, Chklaso, ased by the t'nited ste Hollin Stock Company as a bUrfcnnith'a and machine shop, at noon to-day. damaged the building, machiDerr. and stock to the amount of fully insured. It is reported that the Town of Yale, British Columbia, the head-casrter of the Canada Pacific Railroad, was burned on the night of July 2T. The fire was probably the work of aa tnem diary, several attempts bad previously been made to lire the town.

BuikUncXo. 61 Custom-howse treaty Kew. Orleans, oocnjrfed by Uarthati Ctett, notions, and Traao, clotaine manufactory, wit barned ra-tardav. THa kwa mImumI as ilOLOQO; usnradL ana nostess ana there was orrscntly a hurrying in hot haste to bring up my lady coach, his Grace's broueham. and mv nobodv's four- GENERALTELEGRAPII NEWS JdimESOTA'S WHEAT CROP.

STATISTICS LEADING TO XS ISTOCATE OT 44,000,000 BTEHELS AS TEE YIELD. St. Pacx, July 30. The Pioneer-Prtts wffl publish to-morrow nearly complete returns to the office of the Commissioner of Statistics of the average of the wheat in the State this year, and its yield and average ot last year. Last year's average was acres, and the yield 13,451,435 bushels, some counties being estimated.

This year the average is 2.959.663 acres. some counties being estimated. This an increase of 190,000 acres. The returns show a heavy falling in tha old settled coun- nwnere uie wneai crops nave been ulure for several years, while some of the frontier counties have been more than double in average. This ahif ting of production tends to raise the average Tne Pionerr- ress also prints estimates from nearlv all the counties, and opinions from competent iarmers wmcn jusury me Deuel mat tne average yield per acre this year will be from 10 to 13 bushels in the southern Dart of the State, and from 16 to 20 in the western counties and the Red River Valley.

It is thought the average yield will not fall below 15 bushels, which will make an aggregate yield of over bnsnoia. ms, ot course, is subject to accidents ot Harvest and errors of too sanguine reporters. WEAVER AND HIS SUPPORTERS, Detroit, July 80. The National Secretary of the Socialistic Labor I'arty, whose office ts in this city, furnishes the following to the Associated Press The National Executive Committee of the Socialistic Labor Party has received from Gen. James B.

Weaver, the Greenback candidate for Presi dent, a letter declaring his approval of the Socialistic land resolution adopted by the recent -National Convention of the Greenback Labor Party at Chicago. As the question of the indorsement of the Greenback candidate by the (Socialist ic Labor Party depended largely upon the position of Gen. Weaver on the land question, the reply of this gentleman is believed to be entirely satisfactory, and is like ly to give nun tne support or labor and land reiormers. Clarksburg. West Va.

July CO. The fol lowing is furnished bv an enthusiastic Green- backer: Ten thousand people listened to Gen. Vv eaver here to-day. It was a wonderful meeting in numbers and results. He made them all near.

GOLD jy XEW-JERSEY. i LAMBERTVTLLE. N. Julv re ported discovery of a oltl mine on the farm of lioratlo Ee, on the bank of the Delaware, above this town, has created much excitement Whiln there Is a great deal of Incredulity expressed, many or Eire nelfrhbors seem to believe the mine a valuable one. It was discovered by accident, and er of the town belleTe the material to be aokl.

imi iirjf Doner miisnea 10 aoiae ine aeclsion or the 1MDVAN In wl.Am I. u.muv.u iw, nuuui wilintll 11213 iu tut, 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 ai ransactlne their (rounds, and digging iu all the uuiH ure piaces, irimuur ro stnse a vein or the precious metal. The eommotion has called attention once more to the old mines along the Sonrland Ml ill MIlH I Id II n. 11 fcj riiuiM wiu UJJ1UO to have them worked, and the contents again assuyt'u. SI.VKiy OF A R1TER fSTEAHZR.

MEMrnis, July 30. The Anchor Line steamer City of Vicksburg, on her way from St Louis to Vk-ksburir, while lyimr at Ash port, li miles above Memphis, at I o'clock this morning. was found to be In a sinking condition. The boat was about belnz backed out from the landing, and time was barely (riven for the passengers to save ronunateiy, however, all escaped, at thouffb he sunk within 10 minutes. It Is thought she struck an old stumn while mnklnr a landing which crushed her hnU.

she lies close to the shore witn ner larnoard side under water to th hnrrlcsnA aces, i ne ooat ana cargo are total loss, hbe was years oia. ana valued at; she Is uninsured. Tier passengers were brouirht to MemnhU th steamer Golden City. Her frelsht consisted of r.iw oK i.4Kcs ursTinni iu jarmpnia mercnants. De-sides much wavfreleht for points between here and Vh-ksburg.

It Is rumored that two or three of the deck crew were drowned. A VICTORY FOR LORTLLARD. Lojtdox, July SO. This is the fourth day of the Goodwood meeting. The race for the Molecomb Stakes, for 8-year-old colts and fillies.

wa won bv Mr. P. eh. f. law Paw.

The second nlace was secured by the Duke of Westminster's ch. f. Metoora, and the third place bv Mr. Craven's b. Capuchin.

Sir J. Johnstone's ch. o. Chehwa and Mr. V.

J. Curtis's b. c. Elfe also ran. The betting just before the race was five to one against Paw Paw, ten to three against Meteors, five to four Against Capuchin, eight to one against CheUea, ana eight to one against Elfe.

Capuchin and Chelsea ran side by side to the distance pole, where Paw Paw came to the front, and won by half a length, with three lengths between the second and third hores The stakes were 50 sovereigns each, half forfeit, with aw sovereigns added; subscribers. CL EYELA XD TR TTIXO RA CES. Cleveisd, Ohio, July This was the last day of the races. The weather was fine and the track In good condition. The trot and pacing race were esclttng and well fought contests, the pacing race being the beet on record for its lengthseven heats inside of 8:40.

Between the heats Maud 8. gave an exhibition trot -of half a mile; making tho first qnar ter in and tbfi half milo In i -iuu The 8:33 trot was won by Wedcewood. win ning the last three of six beats, over Kentucky Wilkes. Ilick Wright, Kitty Bates, Palms, Anil TI a In the paring race, "free fur all. u.

uikiuk me iuuqu, iiui, auu seventn heats. Rowdy Boy took the third and fifth i ri 1 1 1 A.iii:. a.ijt- o.tjf,'. The 2:25 trot was won by Hattle Woodward with ease. In three straight heats.

Time 2:23. KILLED BY A FALL FROM A BRIDGE. Milford, July 30 Theodore Shoe maker, a prominent and influential citizen of East Stroudsburg, was instantly killed a day or two ago. He had been In tho employ of the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company fur several vears. and at the I Imp of th be was eugaf ed In rebuilding the Changewater bridge, near hast Stroudsburg.

By some accident he Slipped from the top of the bridge and fell to the ground, a distance of 30 feet, and was instantly killed. Only a few months airo a son of that ceased man lost his arm by aa aooldrnt on the same road, and about a year ago another son, whilo engaged on the same road, waa literally cut to pieces uoiii l3 Over mm A AXGS SCO THER1XIA W. Philadelphia, July SU This morninir about o'clock Michael Maheddy visited the house of his brother-ln law, Anthony Mallery, at Jfo. 619 Alaska-street, and the two became 1noivol In jy, II. 1 lery interfered lor the purpose of separating ikii juiic-mj pic sea up a hatchet that was lying in the room, and struck It IN nn I hj.

hiuiil i 1. i niui TT II luiiea. aim aIkt. slpnlr Mn ddlA. a L.

i sensible, and then succedd In escaping. The Mutuu niau ni 1113 who were removeu to liotv rid. Maheddy was subsequently taken Into cus- GEXERAL RAIL WA rXOTES. North Trot, Vt, Jury 30. Bradlev kw.

President of the South v. Just secured a charter from the Quebec LeirUUture 10 oousirun a railway irom to Potsdam Junction, V. The necessary funds are reads and the work will begui immediately. MORTBE4U -my au. ine t.rand Trunk Railway receipt for the week ending July 24 were tauS.W an increase of I'AIW nm tit nraun.n.uTT...i: ncCK last year.

The aggrfg4te increase for tne nart four was ISLAXD HEIGHTS CAMPMEETIXG. Isijsd Heights, Julv 30. H-ri were continued at the Island Heln-kt in yeterday by a sermon by the He v. William H. and faster Lizzie Smith conducted tho prarer and experience meetings.

The itev. Ir. William P. orbit, of New York, and the Rev. C.

Lame.of the Newark I onferenoe, will preach next Sunday A WEALTHY STOCK-RAISER DEAD. Red Bask. N. 3.. Julv sn n.

few sn44 ford nulick. ono of tha hirrajd 'eMtn Soaoty- die1 suddenly this morning, at Burrsville. at th r. nuuii rwise oi oisaeata. iXQVSSTS IX AID Or CHARITY.

Bosto.v, July 3a The will of Amelia eea Wood, wha AA Mmnii AUmm 1 te pay to the Channlng Home, Bosten. $8,000, aww ue jaassaenasstta Homeopathlo Hosc'taL the rpmt Ken's Cnrtrtlsn UntoaVtha Trm VXZ ntal for oaaa. tha Ctaidraa-i ltiaaloa ta rhtirfM. the Destitute, the Amerteaa rnKarlaa iZT- tion th 8ocWy, $1,000 each. veouoa ox troeity Wattstowk, N.

Y.t July Sa-Oeor; nl marsh. 14 years old. waa drowned biBUekaS last nlcfct whua bathJn. PBovmaaca, B. July L-Jaaes-L, Bw L.

haa a fish-market In Bristol, waa found ttow? he dock near hte shop this atornhig r.T1 fed ia while fetUnx a bucket of water, mown man was wall, this morn In ras found in tha H'wl is. Jfff! J. to the wS, a little last in his auppoeea to hava of? the Sight ItiaWkt. John is pocaeta a paaaage ticket of thatbott iT RHODS ISLAXD XIlTAST XTCXIOX i Pbottdknck, R. July Sa-The of Gen.

Stevenson's brigade are holdlaf a iZlr" at Kocky Point to-day. The Forty-fourth MaasachoselU- Reglmenu ar roodorena' The KUthTu2.r w. uu iwi arp proacat. i i iJi.j.u a i una. aUADBIDg.

i Blcokxgbcho, K. July Ludlum, tl years old, son of John T. this village, was found deaa the pahllo h'sh a short distance from his home, Taewiav posed that he fell from his wagon In a fit i-T! he was subject. i "wUg THE WEATHER IND1CA I WASHisaTOir, July 31-t-l A. 11 pL1 South Atlantio States, lilear or partly HoS-weather, easterly, veering to southerly, WWa.

nearly stationary temperature and bsjMDeterJ For Xnt-England and th4 MiddU Atlantic LstotL dtaror partly efotirfy venthir, $outh-ntf tesiewjl wi vindt, ntarty stationary Umptratvrt, fk or Imeer barometer. jT For the Gulf States, clear or partly eloadywcatL' er, southerly fwuKls, nearly stationary temnaraini and barometer. iTV For TeMiessee and the Ohla VaSey, teetetas. cloudiness, possibly oocaslonal rain, outh-wterl3 winds, nearly stationary temperature, stattoaarS or lower barometer. ry For the upper lake region, partly cloudy wiatw occasional rain, winds mostly from south ta wi" tationary or lower temperature and barometat.

i For toe Upper Lower Mtoearf Valleys, clear or partly cloudy, weather, pessitaW preceded In the first district by oooaslonai rsla. southerly winds, stationary or lower tempsnuua and barometer. Tii For Oailfomla, clear or partly cloudy weatier For tha Northern PitrAfln rmut. nwimi cloudy weather, occasional rain. SiT, ine iced ana Arkansas rovers will continue rUa The following record shows the changes iatW temperatare for the past 04 hours, fn eomsrlssa with the corresponding date of last year, as IscV cated by the thermometer sit Hudnut'e pharfiser; la.u.

mm. U7Bi 1Mb. 8A.M.. MC :80 P. A.M..L 75 NT P.

U- a- -f f. fa 72i3i.M jtrrl average temperature A reran temperature for same-data last ATTEMPTED HIGUMTAT SOBBXR'f. 1 The secluded avenues in the suburbs of Tie. montand included In the Thlrty-fourtli Ppsciix of the Metropolitan Police, -offer great faclllpVs tai the tramp, who at this season of tbs yearU4j field In such localities. The precinct Is a very mrft one, and the force Is entirely Inadequate to sir that security ia a sparsely settled oomiioojt that is found in the more thickly Inhabited portion of the City, and while assaults on the hlghwara have rot been of frequent oocurrenoe, ther hirv- not been ehtirely One of these occarnt abont noon on Wednesday; was I rostrated by t2 bravery of the woman upoq whom it waamade.

and yesterdav morntnv the aanailant and brought into conrt. A noon on Wedessda Miss Mary A. Wolf, of Wakefield, was walkint alosi one of the avenues leading from Tremoat to thsl place, when she noticed that she was followed hi what seemed to her a repulsive-looking man. aal she hurried along. As tbe did so, the man sprang after her.

and, seizing hold of her, aUetnpuS ivf ivu uct ui uor wkcu ana onam. Mum WOH I agea to free herself, and picking up a stone traak ner assailant full in the faoe. This stubbera re-sUtance and the repeated cries for aaslatanos eansal the ruffian to -make a summary Bat the effort was too much for the yoonr wpmsa who fell to the ground nnoonacfnni. i ui it was in this stata mha vnui fonna Pr.lLua Realey. of the Thirty-fourth Precinct, and taken ta the station.

When she recovered oooacioasaea she told the story to Capt BenneU as given abort, and was then sent to her home. With a destvip. tion of the man, Capt. Bennett started in pursou, and at an early boar vesterdav tnorntna- a mu swering his description was arrested near thesrersK of the assault, and upon being taken before vwmo iiuii mruiiuni nj nor. ne BJV name as Joseph Clifford, and was taken before Jif tlce Bixby, at the Harlem Police Court, and he'd hi $1,000 on a charge of attempt at highway rojjberj.

A TRUCK-LOAD OF GOATS AXD GEESE, For several hours yesterday afternoon: then was wild excitement among, foat -owners an tbett sympathizing friends In the vicinity oft Atf nue A and Seventieth-street While, herds of goats that roam at owf the hUls in that sparsely-settled district were quietly browsing as usual, a squad efiPotka ofiioers in plain clothes made a charge npo then and succeeded In capturing as many aa they eoski conveniently take charge of, though the Ilaorsr nu i.ber scampered off. and out of sight on being' pursued. A two-horse trurSt was soon filled viti, the animals, and about It gathered a large crowd of indignant squatters, who were lond In thi Sonne. clatious of these "opbressorof tbe Door." HThsn Police." said one woman, "Is all Amerlcani whS their hundred dollars a month and their peotadiU collars and wholte neckties! chaaln' goats. Tha capture of a flock of geese at this mbmes fanned the flame of popular' Indignation sal the crowd groaned at the officers.

Some wdmes were very loud In making threats, but a snow oi foroa on the part of the Police soon onletad them. Twenty two goats were oonuned on thr truck, and the geese were packed in so etosell with them that everv mnui ennervt tt have at least three heads. Some of the goafj wert standing np on their bind legs or want of rooay while others were trampled under foot, The trnrl stood filled up in this nanner a long tune ia tw hot sun, but no one appeared to notice the laffe lnc of the animals. i i I THE POPCLATIOX Of GHARLESTQX. From the CKarietton.

(S, Alruw. July ti We hope that errors enough will be discov ered on the final revision bf the Census Borean make the popuUtion of Charleston over 80.090, bin placing It at the present figure, 40,53, (21,005 whitel and a.9M colored.) we finif that the exoess of ored people over whites ia onlv 1JB. instead el 4.0C or as was expected. The total euahri pf white voters, as shown, is 6.639, while tbe ease ber of colored voters is 5,048, the colored majoritf being ouly 314. It was supposed to be mom thta twice as many.

There are so persons In Charles! oe. between the ages of 80 and 90. of whom 4S ar white and 42 mlnml-. to nnm MM the ages of 00 and 100. of whom an white and IS colored, and It persons -over 100 years of age, all of whom are womes, eafr one of whom is white.

Of the persons betwei the aaes of so and iw three-fourths are women, aid between 90 and 100 wu-thlrds are women, while over 100 all are women. Two black women are registered aa 115 years One of them told tbe enumerator that be coold calcalate ber asw from the followitur data: Tha nUsnnu said, that 11 years before the war her good old maoss gate her her that is, Immunity from wort and the freedom of the kitchen for the rest of ber life. She was then 80r years of agajwhlfa won hi make her" now in net 113th year, tad sU Jl A WOMAXa PRESEXCJS OF MIXO, From As Si. John (X(-Brutitk) CloU, My As the picnic train was passimr ovfr.ue bridge near the Flve-MJe ponse, this inorilnta middle-aged woman approached it from ti4 oppo site direction. She was walk lug pretty rapidly, and seemed to be ana ware of the proximity I of t4 traiu until a whistle from tbeengtneer aroused hej to a seuse of her danger, hhe was then bet distanf from the train, and, UutKaa oi throwing up her hands in despair or Juuipli.f off al many iKther one would have done, she very litera telr lowered herself between the sleeper, and hong on with both hands on til the trala-ha4 Murdoii.

Whoa all danger -was orer abe raieee herself up mis. and resumed ber JonrneV sail noUilng baH happened. Sunn presence of mina thl Is seldom seen, and it was no wonder that tne astonished train hand ran tbe hrara wosoaa a cheer as they saw ber arising from ber dxnferupJ- positioa ill i I THE CAUSe OF OTTAIt'S TSKPIDAflOV. From th Toronto Gtobo, July V. I Two large cans of nitro-irfycertne are buried in tbe vacant lot in Ottawa Where tt ia yropossd ta oooetruct the new union depot They were f4aoe4 there for safety at the tune When tha water jawM-aqnedart was being oonstrooted.

and were neves used. Tbe precise locality ta which tteyi were buried has been The problem now it how to find and earrv awav tha rircenne witboul csoauis a sniaii vuiqaaKo.i ,1 II: Three small frama building, with most of their contents, were destroyed by fire at Stafford- viiie, Wednesday aight. all ware oecajx a storea, with dwellings oeertiead. Tbe total loss aa tbe miuk etook will mmtrmoi to nearly 11,000. Aadrea Ooedeva had aa lasv ranoa of 1(300 oa one store: tbe ethers wereaa-lo eared.

Ibe fixe Is numoerd te be tta wor ht; iaeeadiacir- 1 va 5 i.

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