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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 15

New York, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

16 HACJXG for the people JfEVt EE b'O RMS iRACK WOULD LIKE. stSOLMH CHARGES FOB PEOORAM KIS. REDTCE ItlTACKAVT PRICES, ASD BITTING RIWO TAXES. Kow that th jockey clnh bar fttartod ta for reforms on tb tnrf which arafortbalr twa taMttHftll a. tbe bene-1 th paella.

I would be very aeoaiule for them CO a (top further and do a little something whleh ball entirely for th hte3tof tit pabll. 0tenlbly those clubs ar for tko Improvement ef tbe breed of lionm." Aetually Hd practically they ar money-making ou-erns pur and sua pi, with a ceuiaUve atr techment, and durlag lb past few year they bar mad money vary rapidly. Easing baa become nwi wltb Americans tbat ts proTlnc a Tery costly one Tbat tber are a boat of Inaa-cUl wrecks airowa about I this rity aa a ralt of tbl eras la a fact vblob cannot denied. The gambling mstlnel strong la Americans, and tb Amertaa hasn't capital enoaxh to ladaljrelt In Wall-street and to ta neb aelf-respect to go aneaklog aboot la areh of tbe -prohibited jcames of faro. sale tie.

end baccarat, be gee to tUe race trace Bat oa-uoh be Mtki tba race truck to gratify this gambling loatlset there la no reason why be bould be subjected to all sorts of petty Imposition by tit racing associations. It tbe IB-ltoUlas tbat tbe race tracks should donae u. ebolUta tbey ar ngaged In tbair work of reformation. How enormously profitable a bit of property I rerr few people know. Be various club advertise wltn arc a flourish of trumpet tb fact tbat tbey give away sernral thousand oilers "In added mouey to (take and In parses." Tbe advertleruaiit la true enough In tar a tb giving of (lie muner to horse owaer teas, but tbe eiub In fl simply turn orer to lbs owners a largo portion of the money (boy receive for their belling privilege.

They give aetbing at all from their treasury. Tbe sale of tue betting prtviiea-o more tban " tb prize money. Club membership tees pay all tb runntna expenses, including fancy to tha otilocrs, tbe American Jockey Club net it now eredited wltu ibe leadersuip In tbl exrrava- fanoe wltb a pay meiit of alU.OOo a year to ll residua Julu Hunter, tboucn for a score of years Mr. August iteimoct served In tbat capacity wlthuat pay. Mr.

wit burs, wbo 1 tbe head and front of tne Meutnouth Park Asaoela- tiun. and repatel to uun of ibe best racing utnorltle lu tbn couutry, draw tbe aine alary tbat Mr. lielmout did notblnx tbouKb da lb work of bail dozen uieu. Th pabile ba to pay comelbluK urer $100, OOO a year lor adiuixlon to aeb uati of tbe lark' raeo track In ihik Tlirlnlty. Tbla In at tbe raie et $1 6t ter eaou person wbo vUlta tbe trat ettber for rt or for toe purioe of (ambllnc.

Tbe few axovptloa to tbl rule are tbe ueoile wbo bur beld ticket at 1. In addi tion tbere I to eob Tlitr a charge of lit leat balf dollar for railroad fare, of wbleb in houih Baaea a percottak'e Kot into the jot-key ciub treaaurr. If ibe nailer dwire te Into tbe addiinf paddot-k tiiere In a ebarce of a balf ciilar extra. lneae ebarea are all proper nouab. lor II one winbe to darion be must pay tba piper and tue organization wmob fiirninb blm wltb tbe oeuren- tenoe.

To add to llu-e Buuret-j of tnooma tb Joakey eluiia rxcelre 41 15 a day eacb Irrnu Dr. lyituiaa lor tue exemie riKbt ef teteicraau- Inn to tbe pool room lu ibia and etber cltle tbe tarter and jockey in a raue and ibe ronulu et tb raoe run. rroiu juu to t-xuo a duy received for tbe bar au! reetauraot privtlece. Tb exeluaire rmbt to ll "tip' in tberiomtty of tb entrance to some trarkn brum a pretty penny to tbe treasury, and tbe programme privilege In aaotber aoud piece of plekin-. Coat room, barber aop.

candy auil apple ana, In fact, every ibinic toiiole auuu tbn trw is tnade tu mean of forcintf tiie nimlil peony Into tba cotter of Ibe greedy clubs. wUe trean-urli are. a a rnle. well UUed. and on vUoia well-watered tor'k liberal dividend aru paid.

lb ereal puolie pays all tbi. Ibe gentlemen wbo pane on oluobouee baUouira Willi niure or lea elaborate buttonhole bud: of oxldtxed liver don't do It. Tbe eyM ef the publi are arettins opened to tbee faols, too. and knowioa; of tb enormous profit to tbe clubs, and wbile raeiBK relorms are belaK aifitaled, lUt-y natural ly tbiuk a I refurai for tbe besfht or tbe people wbo support racing would very properly be lu order. A petty Imposition about wticb evry race- Kor emu plain la tbat of reiasr required to pay for a pruKramme of tbo r.isnn to be run.

Tbe t-barce is tnHitiif, lo criits, but tber Is no more rraana wby tbe mn wbo bas paid tor admission to te race track sbomd be forced to pay lO cents extra for a procramme tbau tbere I for hi heme com (wiled to pay lu ecu Is for a bill of tbe play niter lie bas paid for bis seat at tbe ibeatio. Tbe Jockey labs sbould abollHh tbla imponiilou at encc. Tue cluusean well afford to furnisb programmes tbe day a raclnic, for tue curuit now sid at tbe track eauuot cost, at a Hberl cttimaie, mere tban tbree-fourtb of a real cnrli. fiocramme bould be Iree. Tbul one reform tbe pnbtin nave a rikut to arm an il Most people start for a race track between tkeir breakfast ami Inuob bcurs.

A lute to eat at tba track is a neoeKslty. To club members a free luucb 1 furuisbed at tbe cluobouse daily, Tbe peopia wbo make racm prultioble te tbe clues nave te buy tbeir at tba uoually dark and sruesume restaurants provided. Caterers be-lux forced by ttie ciubs to pay enormoas suaia tor tba restaurant, bnr, and cifar privilege, set qsarn by souklUk'" Ibe public. 1'rlccs are always double, usually treble, ibose ckurgod In tbe city lor lood equally good, equally well and served luduitciy oener. len eenta f0 claw of beer whu is tbroe-uuarlcrs frotb la tbe rauv-track cunioiu.

It Is an imposition. A quarter ot a dollar tba cbartce lor a ln- at raudwlcb, and so ou atVturouga tbe lint of eatables aud driukaoles. IVopie crowl about It, bus tbey aiust eat and drink. Tbey bare a ricui to growi, asu a ricbt to de- luaad tbat tbe Jm-ky clubs bo a trifle less Itreedy In tbclr exactions from caterers; tbat bay taollb a fair oMe of uriees far food aud liquor Bold, ami tbeii tirt wbat tbey can for tbeir privilege from a caterer willini; to furniib IimkI and drink at tbe aculs eiabllDd aud posted conplcuasly for tbe tieuetit of racc- aroer. Ibis is a matter wholly witmu tbeoou- trol of tbe clubs, aud tbey atone ar to blame for tba exorbitant prices charted lorfeodand liquor at all tracks alike.

It is a rufarm toat tbe publo generally ctre a boap ni' re about tban It does alont tbe uiiane la tne forfeit srs tem, tbe restricnim of toe pew era ot starters. or cbanclog oi tbe scale at weiKbt for ace. Finally, tbe puollo wblcb cues to tbe track to ttae tao racer as a sjt-sns lor caublinc bas a deal mere luterest It. tbo bottiuc privileges, tban tbe (ockey clubs buve given them credit for baviog. Tae olhcera oi tbe clubs suar say If tbe people waut to nsa our catnblinK ma cbln ihy uiuet pay for tbe privilege." Tbat's allrigiit; tbey expect to.

Hut tbey don want to pay exerbiianily for It If tbere arc a bun- ttrd bookmakers on ibe track paying 50 each dallr for iheir privilege, tbe public will get oeuer ocus oecnu ot in sirong com petition for busier- tbau tbey would if tuera were but 5iO beoksuakers who paid J50 eacn for tbeir privilege. Tbe booRtaaker is peine te tel all Ms suooey back for bis privilege paynient tbe first tbinc be does ana tbe public bas srot to pay blm directly, aud tbe ciub through bim, for tbe privilege el making a baok which tbe layer odds enioys. or assumes to en oy. It Is to tbe interest ef the patron direct ly, tnereterc. aaa jockey clua lndireciiv, 14 at tbe bookmakers sboaia have tbe privilege tb betting riag at tbe very lowest possible figure.

Tue betting racegoer, and that m- oludM tn every 100 people wbo tIrU tbe track, bas a right to demau.l that be shall be treatea fairly lu this matter sm lu others, and that Ibe elubs anall w.tMisb such rates for tbeir bottlosr privileges a will admit of tbe liveliest compe Ition, so tbat lae caiu-ltlttr may get Mmelbiu: Ilk reasonable od3 gainst his money. bo. too. In the French mtitua' betting. Tha recADt decision of tboilul3 In reiaitoa to tbe ale of tNsiUng privilege mejo.

IT it means anything, an atteii. in to re-rsiabilsh tta lVreueh nidlual plaa of betunz In so far a it can be den, botti straiL-bt and place, 'i'aa obiettKn to this Ttm Is lie enormoas perceatage charged oy tae ciuim for boidiog tue money ar tae bet tor. yve per cent- for HO mluimes' curs cf tbe Mvaral thousand dolir lata mu mwblues is very fair rat of interest, a elm the most veracious shark on Wail -street wiUadiuit. It ttan. sold tvpa.

charclug the gamblers In tbl game tor every tnev bcU wontier In tbeaa days of heavy belling, than, that the clubs dealra to force tula system ot hatting on all racegoer. If French machines ar to be used hereabouts the cluts should charge not mora tban 1 per rent, at tbe ex tre ate. Onoparcont. is ample la civo thena ineostt eoouth to p.vy th enui run- Sing xpeot-s ot a tract in a days' aueeUng. reap! ilrn us tao i reneb tnachioes have a perfect right to pro- teat acalnst tha A per cant, lax now lutaosed on tbeaa.

iby Harm a right to demand that tuo dab which owe tnnr existence to their aball treat thaai lairly in tb charge for tbo privilege of cauibliti In tb suachib. Ou par Ct-ot would baa lair tax per cant, all tbat should le exacted tinder anr t-ireuiu-awaaaea. Tbe machmoa are cheap atlalrs; club caa retail ther vtit at 4 UK) apiece, and tbey trill yay for theinsclvca In op day' racing. It oia little to ran the.m. and tb would be aiaooly enomiotis at a )xr cent.

tax. If tba ciub lustiluia a rod uc I ion in the tax levied tn tbo French mutual tuavaloe th old boxes auay beeoua totrte4 and sxianlbly popnlar wltb belt lag men. Tb ciub that uike such a laaovstion will aareJv it a paying investment. The vublic has a right la npfcl lair treatment I coaoeUou with these luacbiura ext saon. and tbet cIcm c-n lustitulr no naar popular reform than by giving it ta them.

Her are a law suggestions tr reforms tbat tha pablle want and that tury hve tbe right lu demanct as Ut rval utipatiera of racing. Iba port cannot I've without tbe Camblius arcontr paniosehT. Tkal tlse Jockey clubs all ackcowi- axiga. It won't bv very nut; it tbe racing aasn- cUtlons continue lao long their' present pallpy at rxtrweting Itooj tha govsa which is taytusT sTalaau egg for tiwtn avery thing asd a lai aVMM IAAM kdvt CAM bar. TU Jockey eiltb wm not InsOtnU saeb rfrtn hv eam aggvstaat a a lea soma oee aUa tsteir sitcuuu idiub Tk win iia aaMuniar reforuia wita lb jockey Ibs, beoao lby will lea.

their profiu profits out of mil proportion to tba SBOBey loveaMd. Bat tbey wUl reform wntch wlU bv tend en to make tb gam lMtlMgwr. Tba praaeal year's experience ha baam om tbat ha show rasdag ea thai tber waa tao much racing or to mac aqaeozfnff of tb pabltc Lat tho aaclUo adopt tb re- lorssa a are agjreaiaa ski puhlio. for whom tser allega tbey are catenae. and prolong tb year tn which there may oa front for them runulac racing mswUnga.

bar will be plenty of money loft tba club tor dividend. THE TURF COXGEESS. Th American Tarf Congres beld it laat session in this city at tb James Hotel yesterday, adjonrntcjt sine di. Previous to dJ- baudlag Mr. J.

E. Brewster, Eectetary of tb Washington Tar Club at Chicago, wa elected President for ta year. 1880. Mr. B.

O. Brue being re-eleckexl Secretary, and Mr. VI Brad ley being again cbaaen Treasurer. Tb next annual meeting of tb congress will bo beld In Chicago on tbe se ootid Wednesday of November, 1WJ. As soon as tbn nuiform act ot rum aaa scale of weights has been prepared by tbe cotn- roittea or tue eongre-t in company wim tuo representatives of tne Kjntem club, members al tne congress mi niu a unuDK nail to consider tbo rules, probably accept tbciiL hour, and then ad out luem as tue rule under wbieh tbi clubs allillatcd with tbe congress shall race, Tb delegates left for tboir borne last evening, except Messrs.

Brewster and Clark, who remain here to assist In tbe com pilation of tae new rules. MIL DALi'S NEW MELODRAMA. SOMETHING ABOUT "THE TJXDEE CIB- IlEJf AT WIBLO'S. No jiliiyiioer wbo lias a taste for melo drama of lb best order will fail to wltnesa tb performance at Nlblo's of Aujrustln Daly's new play, "The Undercurrent." In tbla work Mr. Daly hss'returued to a field which be cultivated tu great advantage years ago, but which he bad sbandoued si use hi assumption of tbo mauagemeat of bis op-town theatre.

Tbat bo bas not forgotten fcli cunning as an original piavwrlght la amply demonstrated by "The Under Current." and tbe drama la plaeed on tha stage at Mblb In such a careful and tnorougn of tbe many strong features of tbe work. "Th Un der Current" presents a series af stage pictures of tba life of the lower elaesca of London. In wblcb tbe power of bam an passions uncontrolled by merai discipline exhibited In dra-matle action which is no rapid tbat the interest of the auditor never flag. The Play baa ttee.n stroDgly cast, and tbe "business, which is ibe Tery essence oi nieionraxua. is original wuu mr.

Daly, wao rehearsed the company himself, and took full charge of the production, the result being that the presentation la as complete in every detail as any work ever produced under the eye of this energetic manager. There are many features ot tne piay wnicu will attract the careful attention of a discriminating audlenoe. but twu of the scenes are re markably dramatic and mar be falny men tioned as a sample of tba character of tbe work which Mr. Daly has accomplished. Una Is tbe underground home, or den.

of the Italian padrone, in Wbltecbapel, tbat section of London which baa gained aucb a terrible notoriety recently on account 6f tbe nutnoer of mysterious murder which bava been committed there. A practicable spiral stairway forms a part of tbi iceue, and this form a very important feature in working out a uovel and strongly dramatic situation. In this den several pbasas of Loudon low Ufa are exhibited, and a pisturosqtie Italian dance Is executed wuiott never falls to "bring down tbe. boiue." Anotber remarkable soeuo is that on tba roof of a Londoit house, showing an original and highly effective bit of bualuea in tbe escape of the herein" ot toe piny. A very pretty eflect is scattered in this scene by the use of tbe moonlight, and it is applauded at every performance antll tbo audieuce fairly wearies ot tue exertion, ine inaou street ssene.

with its picturesque ooaraoter sucu as are to be seen aowhera but In tbn world's metropolis, I another bu of stage enact wnlch is worthy of being particularly noted, and Iba railroad scene, which Is transferred from Under tbe tiasllgbt." is as thrtlltag as it was in the old days wlieu gallery and pit screamed themselves boarse over It. Of the acting of tbe play it 1s enough in say tbat sir. Daly selected the company and re hearsed the members himself. Duininick Murray, in his qniet but Intense acting of the aue- armec father, call forth a good deal af well-mertle praise. Lizzie Uulnten baa made a happy hit as tbe rough aouarette ot the piay, ml Miss Ilaed cee.s some very dramatic work.

Tbe cast Is well and evenly and tho result is a strong perfortnanee. Tbe Under Current" begins its second week at Nlblo's tomorrow evening. LITTLE CRILDRF.X ADRIFT. Littlo Miss Aguea Hall, aired 0 yearx, with dancing eyes and checks as red as uw apples, at on a desk at Castle -Gardeu yesterday after- neon the centre a circle of admirers mostly eoaapased of Cattle. Garden officials.

Tbe little girl waa In a perfectly delightful frame of mind, and did net scam to care in tbe least for ibe fsot tbat she and ber two alder brothers bad been detained by th landing Bureau and ware to be banded over to Collector Magona far bis decision as to whether she was to be re turned to England ar not. Agoe had arrived on the steamship Laice Superior alter a -stormy voyage, which bad not tho slightest e9ect in damping bar spirits. The objection urged to her and her brothers being allowed to land arose from tbe foot that tbey bad all been inmates of a charitable Institution la Lancaster, England, and. unless- taken rare of by some re sponsible person, might soon become a public euurge in tuis couutry. it lurnea out, now-ever, that tbey baa intended to land at Montreal, tbe Lake Superior being driven to tbii port by strees of weather, aud tbeir final desti nation was Dr.

Qutbrle's tndustnul school in London. Canada, lhev were in the rare of another p-aassuger. Mr. Ulbbau. wbo was to take them to Canada.

Undor these circumstances it is very probable that the Collector will allow them to land. a poi'vlak xairiTioir. From the exhibit of household goods in the hall near th entrance on Third-avenue to tb steam pump, hoisting apparatus, ore crushers, and woodworking machines on tbe Second avenue side of the A merles r. Institute Building at 81 ity-third -s tret there are many valuable exhibits at the fair. There are new varieties of bsh In the aquaria, and Ibe pretty geldtlslie.

swim up toward the eiactrlc hyht in the tang and butt their noses against tbe wire; toe Utile salmoo are swimming aiouud in the batshing boxe, aud tba carp, now over 4 years uld, uttract attention. TuvieU concentration of power and becnty of action in tbe Corliss engine, winch speaks frr iUcir. Tbere are solid preofs of patient enterprise and Invest ion in tbe multitude of exhibits on the main floor and artistio productions everywhere, lbea ther is good music during tbe alieruoon and in the evening aud an attendance at fash louabin people tbat tells bow strong a hold the American Institute baa on th of the publio bow year after year tbere Is some thing worth seeing. And tb trier of adiuiMuon Is lid sen la. This also 1 worth remembering.

aad the show of chrysantkeaauma Is aa addi tional attraction this week. SHALL L1TS STOCK N. Nov. 17. A number leading fowl and small live stock dealers of the Hudson Kiver counties assembled here tooay and formed th Hudson Kiver Poultry.

Dog, and Pet Association. It was decided to bold en exhibit in Xcwbrg next February, tha date lo be decidod at the mealing of tb Kxecu-tivo on the UTth Inst. Loiters were received oflenu speciwl premiums from David A. N'ichois. Monroe.

and F. II. Z.imer, bchentctady. Among tha 6U in tubers wco Joined to day wm ills Nellie, daughter of liorUen. L.

D. llegna of Mouroe waa eleeted Prekie.ut, and taa Vice-President are CoL D. Dickey, ewburg; tbe Hon. Augustus Denuis-ton, Washittgios vale: David A. Morrison, Maul-gomery; V.

Irua. PoughkeopHte; w. tj. r.iu-turn. Amity: J.

It. Sparks, Wasbliigtouvtlle; Mallland Armstrouir.Marlborotigh: W. LDaruy, bauerttes; J. H. Xbompeon, Pataroa K.

lraway. t-ioj (slug; William P. Fretelgh. Coxsackia; IV. P.

Legelt, Salt Point; Wlluaiu H. tba iluu. J. Adanas, Newburg; Satretary l.

U. lreveustel. ashlngton vilie Ticosurer iiairy M. U'ariag, Mewburg. hErniya Down flovr mills.

Bt efalo. X. X'ov. 17. At a meeting of KuSalo and Niagara Falls millers it wa decided to shut dawn all mills al plkces.

This mov wa made nccesaary by relative diffrnce betwrea th cost of wheat aud tbe price Hour. Flour cannot bu mauufacturo4 at (jactations, and there la so hopo of an advance in pricj as long a tha market In this country remains overstocked and da-maud continues aa tight a at prrseuu tit. Lout. Xilwaumee. and itschester bava shut down, and the grvat Jtortbwiwier mills will do likewise la a tow days, fha mills al tba Fails and one or two in Luda'o slopped ruaptus; on Wednesday, but al tb treeting It waa also agreed by Uieee mills lo ciose lor three week next uictth.

It this doe hot have th desired, effect in reducing tha visible supply of flour tb tin. will be extended until a better stale affair, from tb ssUicr tvoint of view, axlai. The mills bava ale reduced lb jrritfa ot wheat cat a ban. SOC1ETT TOPICS OF'lHB WEEK. After Ittloi rest the aociety worMhn retarnad refre tiJ to the plaaaare oi lac eity.

and wblu tbei ut ba bo formal opening ot Maaon, ni lc the Harry eaaaed by th Bora show nay rooildered och, bav bena gradually and tber 1 a res era! a Una phera of bf aansoal so arly ta tb year wblel i promises a cay seaaoa to com. Wedding bai beea uaonally pleatlfal, and tbera la hart ly a church la town or auburn which baa not been brightened during tho wec past by th fa nUiar train of bride, bridesmaids, and usher, a Hi who walU Bar aot Beard th old promii a to "love, Bonor, and bey," la tb city tbe el arming monotoay of married eel-bratlons hal an agreeable and exeitleg break la what waa IrioaUy an elopeineut and which ha set i gossips' ton cues wagging at a nrtoi i rat In I fact. Tharday, rainy and a reary day a it waa, brought aa excitement and interest to New-iork society which compensaied for tb bseaooof tba bright si which la acppoMd to blesa a bride. First rame tbe beautiful wadding Mr. Btevea ind Hiss May Brady at Trinity Cbapel at rnxi and later tb exceedingly quiet aad unattend 'd nuptials af Mr.

Sidney Harris and Mlis iryn Brady, the yoancer sister or the morning' i bride, at Dr. Hoagbton's church In tbe after, iwn, the news af wblen elrcalated into tbe elubi early tn the; evening, and waa there riisensstol. nrobablv before Judge and Mrs. Brady, le parent of tbe bride, had heard of it. It seen titling In one way that tbe son af Mlraim Co es Harris should have brought ber a romantic lsode of real life quite equal to any of those a-nicn sae nas pieiurea so wen in ber books, an 1 it is convanlent ter an authoress to be sbls to eenre a plot front ber owa family.

Tber are air 'udy dissuasions as to whether Mrs. Harris will it wri'e a novel.based on her son's rosuantio we ding with some sucb title aa 1 bey Stole off at Duk" or "Tba Daughter of i Judge." It uld certainly have a large sale and might pro vi kneiaer Kutieuge, judge uraay imdji hav viewed tbe matter judicially, and told tbe repc rter tbat there was a little romance abou i that wedding." and nothing besides. Some surprise bas been occasioned by Mrs. Hams' beliar married in Dr. Hoaghtan church, as atie was born and brought up a Roman Catbllc, with a brother now dead.

Miss Mht liradrJ tha eldest daughter, now Mrs. Htevess, having been educated in the Episcopal f'hnroh. It a stated or mends or young Mrs. Harris tbat there was no time to wait, and that in consideration of Dr. Houghton's well-known ritualistic priscilvities ehe selected tbs "Little Church Around tbe Corner" as the next best thing to a'Csithollc ohurch.

Kow tbat the deed is done evert one is eougrutuiatiug tne parents of the vounclcauple on both sides, and tbe fact tbat the engfgemont wa approvea or ana tue marnace only deferred because Mr. Harris waa rich only in abaraater aca a millionaire oniy In brains" has miucatad to some extent the Kbeck that the hasty nuptials caused to rela tives and fripad. The marriages of the week which were con ducted acceoding to tbe social Hoyle were those of Dr. William May of Washington and Miss Amy Drape i at Bt. Thomas's Wednesday after noon; ot Mr.

Benjam.n Chlabolm and Miss Kboales on Monday, and of Dr. John U. French and Miss Kaile Cochrane on Weduesday, both of them bouse tveddlugs: of Bonor Holer and- Mla Kale. Uowa'd at tbe cathedral ou Thursday night, and Mr. Stevens and of Mis Brady, which took ilaae on Thursday noon at Trlulty CoapaL Th baa eertaialy been a matrimonial programme! of unnsaal length aaa orilllauce.

The last wadding attracted tbe most fashion- akla throna. despite the heavy rain, tbat has probably evktr assembled at a ohurch wedding tn New-iotk. MIhs Ilrady. who baa been retguing belle from ber dauut two year ago. and- wbo certainly Is one of the han'dsamest girls that ever danoed In Delmoniea's ballroom, made, aa was expected, a bride ot rare Beauty.

For nce ber costume was ef less I Importance even to feminine eyes than tap bride herself, and as she walked down the alsie afr the eeremony murmurs ot admi ration were beard nn all sides. Phe carried berself alindst haughtily, and. with ber exquisite old lace veil and a diamond crescent flasbing In her balr, lodged tike an Kgyptlan Queen stepped out of some old and forgotten canvas. It is needless to bay that tbe Billions on one side and tba troops df frlenos on tbe other of tbla much discussed matrimonial event provided an array of present that woaia have been tne despair oi many a jewelry ana dry goods store in tne country, 'ilhese were not shown, however, ex cept te a fairored few, and perhaps their glow lng descrlntions of the Aladdin's palace In which tuei presents ware displayed most be taken with some slight allowance for tbe cm aggeration caused by tbe excitement of tl ie scene and hour. Miss Draper's wedding Wednesday was also an exceptional ie in every particular.

The couple, aa bolh aud Mrs. May are unusually tail and of I Hue physiqne, was a striking one. Dr. May bad selected Br his ushers Lis per sonal friends, rery scnstbly disregarding the fart tbat one or two were married. This produced sum commout, but is to be recorded with approval sis a step toward the breaking down of an absurtd custom which would deprive very often such Double widowers aa the Hoc Joseph baaiberlaln, for example, from bavinc any uahora at all, a elderly widowers are Very apt to Und tban all their close friends are either married on widower like themselves.

Both ot the bouafe weddings of the auk alluded to above were pleasing and pretty affairs. Mr. Chlaaolnt is abrotber of Mrs. Hooker Hammers-ley, and Da. French, a young physician wbo has won much reputation, is a son ot Mr.

Bath IBarten French, formerly tba in timate friend of tha lata President Arthur. The marriaka of Miss Howard, tba daughter of tbe well-kiiawn Joseph Howard, to a young and wealthy Cuban, which took place lo tbe cathedral (an Thursday night, the bridegroom being a Catholic, was a beautiful scene, and to all appearances no one ot the hundreds ot tha guests assembled enjoyed the details of lb beau- tnul scene the many-llgnted altar, the music, the flower! tbe handsome bride aud ber boauti- ful robes more than Mr. Howard himself, whoso marked attention to tbe religious service waa not less noticeable than bis perfection ot ar rangement ana lis courteous recepllsu bos pitaolo trcatnent of tae guests afterward assembled at his bouse. Tbe comiug week will bring the wedding ot Mr. Charles HUlhnusH and Mias Oeofgie Kemsen.

on Wednesday, which will doubtless be a crowded affair, and which is attracting) luterest everywhere froia the popularity of ttJe bride and the proverbial hospitality of her lasuiiy. lne tnarnaga will be not only a aocial but a cluu reunion, for Mr. Robe it Li. Ueinsen haa for rears been one oi tha uiusjt prottiueut members of the Uaiou Club, and fctr. Hilihouse bas been tbe Governor of the Caiamet Club since Its organization.

Tho beverage too popular uutong etuouien aud in veiitea di a meiuoer ot tue lauiuy, known as tho Keajaeo cooler, will probably be a feat ure of thcUastronoBiieal purl of the recepti Other wedding to coma are those of Mr. Harry oe ana aiiss tv juunston. which will be cele brated very Quietly, oaiag to tue recent death of Mrs. JiAinatoB, at Mr. Jahn Taylor Johnston's city resufcnee on and of tbe Hon.

-Michael tlenry Herbert and Mis Belle Wilson aauguior hi or. tt'cnnra nson. en me wins day. TbcJ church cwremouy will be lurgelv at ie tided, Uut the following wedding breakfast will be United to the immediate relatives and triends. Ibe last engagement to be announced Is tbat of Mr.

Kullcr Harding, the son of Mr. tseorge ilardlng. tbe prominent Z'hiia patent latvyer and owner of tne H.1 Raalera-Will, and 11 iss Annie Bigelow, tb third daughter of Mr. Juan Tne arnty of debutantee. which (mutually large this! year, is forming into line and will soou advance apon the enemy.

To-morrow Miss Susaln Clarke will be introduced at a tea to be given by Mrs. Herman Clarke, formerly Mis LduU Ytlgbaiu. on Friday Mia Adelaide CUiksan hlli make her debut at a taa to lie giveu by pirs. Deladeld. Teas enco more prom- to the favored method of Introducing debutant, aud a luey are generally loosed down uiu by the young luea aud mrla and favored iJy the alder Women as less troubio- some ant.

eipensivo thau a ball, the old controversy kiver them will probably be waged aurw. Mrs. Behruede.r. Mrs. August Montant, Hawlaud Davis, and other ladle of eucrgf ana popularity arc busily organ, zinc a series of furluiguay dances.

This is tao first result ot tue annotinceuicut or the abandonment of the joiuiiona ana it is probable that other will mi. ow taeir example; i lor aebutantes must danoc. aajd since Delmoaloo's is virtually deuiea to uru year, except through i be chance favor of A Patriarch or Assjtuoiy Invitation, ih uaautug fiats win oe tbetr only reloce. The suburbs are dying hard and are filled with mucn gawety. knowing tbat the end of their season 1 near Tbe death of young Criswold Ixirillardl put a temporary slop to any gayety at Tuxedo.

iul a dance is laow talked of ther for anauxsgiving, ana there will be probably oua held als'Jat toe Country Club on that day. Tbe suouruaa events or tue past weak were tue Brat assemblt at llusbiug on Friday night, which waa as lively and jolly a nit dances at Flushing are. andjlhe Country Club or hum bail at Orange, whieh waa beld In the new armory there, ana wuia was one ot tua prettiest aud sot uccesnikl of tbo Autuuia dances for which tbe popaiarauuuru is laiuaua. Tba Uuut qaadrillo. uaucaa rjy cignt uraag girls, iccladlag tha two ueouiaiitns, Jlls Uaorglaaa Wileaerdlug and jaisa an ttensseiaar.

sua ax many men, the latter Inl pink coats, was a pretty sight. Tb whole affair wa aluirablr managed, tbe deco rations pi oraug and black were extremely elteclivel and tho patronesses were Mrs. Douc- ih3 Kaoiosoa, Mr, l'aul Theuau.i, Mrs. llfcnry X. Moid, and Mrs.

F. M. Vthaeleii wbicn L-t sudtrleat to sar that tba guetts were made feci at borne. Tbera are a few people still at Lenox and at -Sea port, but the IS later of dlscoulent bas set In at Imtb place tad tbay are beginning to talk of next year. Tjr-ree case af aeriou Ulnasa al New- pore ih or Mr.

Kail. Mr. Wysong, and Mr. VtbiUnrl bava caused much anxiety to many friends. I but all are now much batter.

Tba' alaimltir pre vale see ot typhoid fever ttionr soewty people Baa eaasad maeh pomment lata, Mr. Harry Alexandre and hi sister-in- law, Joseph Alexandra, ar 111 with tt on o.aia isiana, ana Mr. cole man traytoa was taken down last week la tea citt. wane Mr. Steward Wing, wbo married Mis tiurlbnrt iut BpriBgJi jusi rcrriBg irai a saver attack Tho death cf Admiral Ba'awja yeieruy.

tsuwigh -pntictpaiM, win ei bomaa. was a ue'erveuiy rPusr nmm. Mrs. Baldwia. bCFaucbter.

Mr. Daaaoo. asd Mr. KUiot iingotf. Ber ttebw, Barataaay trlaada, a.

Tha ar opealaf of tao opera aeaaom aronslag later. XBiw urt, beea oatparw- tlvely few ebanga among tba Bex Botaars. art Banarslara. Mr. Pull tiers, aaa -air.

bw oeannaatsv xaa Nineteenth OBnary Club seem to hav tartad a saw laaati or lire ana wm netlag on Drsaay evening Metro pontsa AnsenDiy Koom. waesipapar be read by Mrs. Bberwood and other in meni-oryof th Ut Coortlandt Palmer. Tb cln ba cboaen wieely and well ta selecting Mr. Daniel O.

Thompsan far 1U President, A BIO S0SPENS10X BRIDGE. DESCRIPTION OP ONB WHICH WILL VENTCAI.LT SPAN THE HUDSON. Mocb baa bees beard in and out of Wall- street lately of tb plana of tho Hudson Suspen sion Bridge and New Eagland Railway com pany. But tha projector th enterprise Bava been disinclined to make known the faeta, asu the publio Baa been able to i gain only vague Idea af tb Intent and purposes of the big scheme. It ta possible now, however, that the work of construction baa began, for Thk Times to tell of the Important enterprise and lu details.

Under tba term of Its charter the company will bridge tbo Hudson River from Anthony's Soe. Out above PeekakiU and eoath of the Highlands.) on the cast, to Fort Clinton on th est, bank. Tha sit elected far the bridge. aside from being naarer to New- ork City tban any crowing yet contemplated, la naturally adapted for a auspenaion bridge, tb river being narrower there tbaa at any other point between Sew-York and Albany, with the banks so high and so near tegetber that it I claimed lb crossing can be made witn one spaa ana ithout piers, abutments, er obstructions oi any kind In-the waterway, either during mo building ot tbe bridge or wben It la completed. Th tao, Is central and convenient for connection between tbs bride termini and prominent existing railroads on either aide tba river: The towers, 327 feet high, will tand upon the solid rock foundations on each side.

Tbe span from tower to lower will bo by a great girder, wbleb will continue threugh tue towers to tne land or tne aid mil slopes, a distance of about 2.850 feet in all while tbe span will ba 1.62U feet In length. Tbla great girder will be 30 feet high and feet wide. it will be bung ap by can lea composed or t54 -strands, each strand containing 61 wires. and each wire capable of resisting a tension or 4,500 poiihds. The strands will be so put la nlaoe and fasteued to the aaehrrs.

and th ancbors will bo so arranged in anchor pita tn tbe solid rock at either end. that every piece of metal, however small. Xrom tha aoe anchor to tbe other across tne river, including tne towers and tha great girder, the strands, in saddles, the saddle plates, and everything ot metal, can be seen and inspected ana paintea, and. If needs be. removed and renewed at any time hereafter, rne urtuge win ue isj leen high tu grade line, with a clear headway of 163 feet.

It will have a double-track railway, wltb a highway and footpaths beneath. From the eastern terminus tbe tracks will be extended to the Connecticut Stat line, and from tbe west ern terminus they will be continued to Turner" matton on tne trie kooo. me layng oi inia latter track Involves the construction ot a tunnel about feet in length, through tbe ln-tervontngMdge known a Bnll Hill, by which tbe grade or tne connecting road win not ex ceed 37 feet tc tbe mile. Railroad oonnectlous will be mad on tbe eaat Ide with tbe Now Yerk and New-England, tbe New-York Central and Hudson Kiver, both with Its main line and its Harlem division: tbe New-York City and Northern, the New-Yerk. New-Haven and Hartford, the Uousatoulc, and tb Connecticut Air Line; and on the west with the New-York.

Lake Erie aad Western. Lehigh valley, New-ork, ausquehacna and Western, Lehigh and Hudson Kiver. west Miore. evi Jersey Central and Reading. Delaware, Lacks wanua and western, and tbe Pennsylvania system.

The bridge will open a direct all-rail rout from tba coal fields to the New-England mates. Contract bave been executed between tbe Bridge Company and the New-York and New- England, the Now-York. Susquehanna and western, aud tbe Lehigh valley Railroad Com panies, by whion tbe latter have agreed to send over the bridge and it railway all their business tbat can be practicably an protltabL sent by that route lor a period or ou years, other companies are negotiating privileges. aud several additional oon tract are tn course ot preparation; but iba re venae to be derived irom the business assured by such contract as bave already been signed wilt sutliee, tt Is claimed, pay all warking expenses and fixed charges, and aa annual dividend of between 4 aud a per coat, on tbe capital stock. vtora is actively progressing now upon the foundations and uiou Bnll Hill tunnel, and the structure will be finished within two years.

Geu. Edward W. frerrell 1 the Chief Engineer ot ibis lmiiortant work, aaa is also tbe Presi dent of tbe Bridge Company, aad tbe hitter's finance are In charge of Mr. William D. 8new.

formerly Secretary ot the American Loan and Trust Company, which position be resigned to engage tn taia enterprise. I ALE FREMlMEtf WIN. MANHATTAN ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 3 FOOTBALL TEAM OVEBMATCHED. The Yale Freshmen defeated tho Manhat tan Athletic Association football eleven at toe lub cronnda, yesterday afternoon, 00 to 0. It waa fine wealhur for tbe players, but rery dis agreeable far tbe spectators, aud tba latter were not numerous.

A aelesraUoa bf student am up from Aw-Harea and mail tba Har lem air reeouud wltb eiraaire sounds. Breclt u-keE-kt k. co-ax co-ax Breck-a-kek-kek. co-ax. co-ax parabaloo.

'92!" Tbat waa the war tbey served up Arlslopbaaes'a comedy, "Tbe Frgs." The Yale Freshman team has net realized all tbat was predicted of It this year, bat the boys play an average gams, and tbey autplayed tbo Manhattans at ererv point yesterday. Most ot the time tbe son id mage was around Hie Maunaltan cal. tb 11- sKlu geiting over isio tlio Yale bailiwick only cv ur luur wiiii's, aoa oen tor very oriel la-tervala. In tbe first 45 minutes Yale acornd sir th. uowds, on wbicb tber kicked dim rai.

wblio Manhattan luaae aa Inveluntarv riT tnm-h. down. Yuamrsf tbe Manbattans bad the ball auu tbe Yale ran blm behind tha ud threw bim. lu tbo second balf of tbs game rrausao aicsea iour icoais ou tne six toucb- avwna won. and tbe More waa raised to Kit Tbe Manhattan team baa bad little practice and tbe men do not llay together well.

They tackle louseij, i uta ine eaii, an.i uon know ii-w to arop en It wben found, Most of them are oia oouege players, but tbey are out of practice. xuu iv.iuB sere; ha 5 II ATT AS. liashen Wn.l alU Miller, c. Lyali. icaptkin.i Msttbews.

White: Uuarivr Back Allen; Half icunt. KeelT: iuii uaca 1 uaunenilla. ALa. Kosher Preston. Knnk i tt seii.

juompsan, iviaa, Umi Hunt: Uuarier Back uravrs; Ilall Baca Mormon, Wu.rU; Back Francke. Yale hud tbe heavier team. Wnrts. Morrison Graves, and Barn aid the best work. Allan played a plueky lor Manhattan, and ounc.

Lvall. ana White were tbe sthur m.Ht efficient players. Early la tha (tame Lie ciai- aenaia sprainea a knee and bad to be earrloa off lb held. Then somebody slammed Graves In (he bead. Capi.

Lrall was soon knocked out bra crack on the Both men retired, bturtavant was Yale' substitute, aad Wood and tiaa eame i.r E.VVXD ORTHODOX BTTLX. Great Faixs. Montana, Not. 17. Great Falls was somewhat surprised yesterday by he arrival of all the parties to lb dcu'jla elopement.

Ther were accompanied bv fcberiff lowney, who went to meet them at Fart Beaton. Edith SJsan and Clara Hutchison laft their parents' bom last Thursday week. They were proceeding to Esnton oa horseback, when they wer met by Martin Owen and John B. iUtch. Owen recogmUed In Miss Mann a sweat-heart from whem be had been separated.

Rush had made tb Miss Hutchison. out was not ouanlr ri-eecnlzed aa her Istur. Tn party were proceeding oa tbeir way, wben tbey wer met by Mr. Mann. who.

drawing a revolver, called on tbe rounu mrn ta The ifirls alirieked and the young men surrendered without tiring a (. Tha old raaeb owner, wbo had followed a the trail, aaw or-dereu them to proceed to Beaton. TLere Own oeeiared hla intentloa of mrrylnr Edlta. aad ber father consented. Jouiw Fallen caioe to tbe hotel aad tbey wer nrle mis and wife.

Ritch waa arrested for abaaotin Mia Hutchi- aon, who Is ouly years old. Wben he arrived yeeteraay he bad an lnterrlaw with Mr. Hutchison, Clara's mother. He aver that hia explanation were Mttafaelory. and la adav or two the eni tain will fall with tne romance ended tn tru dramatic order.

Bitch la tha iim of a weatby catti king. A SWJXDLEB tOUHD 6VILTT. Bax Faxscreco. Xov. 17.

The Jury in tb saae Will) am H. St. Stanley, charged wtth ebtaiaing aaey under false pretenses. rendrd a verdict last Bleat t.gallly. Carter th claim that-he was hair to a fortune et f00.000 Stanley ebtaiced loan et aaocay.

Ue la alleged te be tae of Berth M. tetaalev, who, nndar vartv auaaea. haa VfetlaM4 wraiior penpio flaw-vol Chic, axt oriee trial a Uut assuacaars wiu aesua xt Monday. BE SUCC ESSORS TO A. STEWART 80 (RETAIL.) EXTRAORDINARY HO LSTE BSBBSIuG OP HOUSEKEEPING LINENS AN EXTRAORDINARY FINE ORIENTAL CARPETS AND RUGS, in nerfect condition and in the and rninrinn.

cnnbiininn snecimens of the best productions of the Orient. Among the assortment 500 ANTIQUE DEMI-RUGS AT $4.00 EACH, AND 1,000 ANTIQUE Cc at S7, $8, and S9. each; A URGE VARIETY BEST FIVE-FRAME BODY BRUSSELS AT 90C. AND $1. PER YARD; REGULAR PRICE $1.35.


Rumors of the financial embarrassment of Samuel E. Bullock, the water work eentraotor of 11 Wall-tret, have been In circulation la oonsequeuoe of Jadicmanu and attahmenta bavinc heaa obtained against him for 10.470," and it was also reported that be had turned over his assets to three of hla largest creditors. Mr. Walt man, bis aonndential manaarer. whan aakea about th matter yesterday, said that Me.

Bolloak had not suspended or made aa assignment The Judgments attachment wer taken by coaseat to protect Mr. Bollock and with friendly Intent. Mr. Bollock had found he could not carry tbe work en aloe, (he haa hnltt 22 water works.) as be mbiht bare dona If money had not keen tight, aad ho haa turned the business ovar to a ayndlo ate. which baa taken the cantraeta and will complete tha works under Mr.

Bullock's supervision. It will sell bonds and torn over the surplus to Me. Bullock. There are $4,000,000 in assets. Everybody will get hla pay, and basinets i golnc on as usual Ameag the creditor ar half a doxen material uieu.

They are not worried, and look lo the syndicate for their pay. From other sources it la learned that tbe syn dicate consists of tbe First National Bank of Sew- York. K. IX Wood Co. Philadelphia, and W.

U. Hopper ot Philadelphia, who. it ta said, loaned Mr. Bullock large sums of money on water works Dea ls to carry on bia enterprises. Tbe amount loaned on the bonds is reported all tbe way Iran $2,500,000 to Bine Mr.

Bullock began business in April, 1HS5. wltb capital, he ha built water works la 22 clues. W. 8. Mereer waa bia partner up to Sept.

30, 18S7, wben they dissolved partnership. Ttitty Brat built water works at Padncab, reoeivlna bonds and stock on payment, which were hypothecated fer leaas. A cmpany waa formed at each place where tha water work ware constructed, wbiah method waa aasanied. It ta said, for toe transection all aaalaeaa pertaining to tbe ceoetruotlon. maintenance, and operation of the respective plant.

All th water works were bouded fer construction and lock waa also Issued. Tbo magnitude of the operations necessitated large loans, which were obtained on tbe bonds aa oollateraL Among tbe water worka eeustructed by Mr. Bullock ar th following, with tb amount of kon'ia aud stocks issued: Sharon. Pen bonds $100,000, atoek Padacah. bonds $150,000, stock Penaaeola, bends $150,000.

stock Corry, bouds $100,000. stock MasalUon, Ublo, bonds $200,000, stock Vlueen-n es. bend stock. Oeniaoa. Texas, boada stock 4KH; Warrea.

Ohio, bond A15O.0O0, stoea Clrclevliln, Ohio, bond $150,000, stock Wabaah, bonds $130,000, stock Orrwaeaatle, bond stock Mobile. Ala. bond $750,000, stocK bin report. Lsv, bono stosk Vicksbura-. bonds $250,000.

stock Cbestrr. Penn bond $300,000. stock $1,600,000. Tb bonds of those water work aggregate OVA KMC BHIDGX DAM. To Ou ditr tf Uu A'i- Turk Timu The present Board of Aqueduct CommUsioa-rs have give notlc a publio hsarlng at their office, 2b road way, bet-lanlng a tb 19th last, and continuing for thre days, open the question of building at th present tiase Quaker Bridge Dam.

It is hoped tbat each of our citizen who wish to maintain tor our city a supply of wholesome water, such as we now have, and to secure the best water obtainable iron tb Crotoa waterahad. will avail themselves of this opportunity to present their vutws. Many persan who have given this aiattar serious coaslderstiea 'since It -was first IT rerouted by the late Conwalaaiouer or Fnl worss. Hubert u. Tbumosoo.

favor lol-log th systess heretofere aad nw pursoed lo. of isapouatung in water irom tne la to several entailer reeervolrt. ba Jt medarave cut along the head waters of the rnrv.lrtea4 In uue enormou aad zprusBiai rerolr imi It month at aa anaaowo easx. tiu(4 wita It aaeUooa by eooipeteat person at OOO.afOJ to J6.000.00H or more. When It is nail known the present system fur-alahes pare and wbeloaona water, wby ehange it lor woe which will bom cerwiuty feralsh hapare, if not stagnant water, simply te gratify the pride encineer and afford a mine for auliUcal pluauenrsf it hope tbe Inhabitant and taxpayer of this great cut wlU give head to thes warning aad mere la their mlgh belors it Is to late.

V. W. WESC iJF TBS JtOGVKS' OALLKRT. Walter J. King, aa old oon riot who was dls-chargod frost th King Coaaty Penitentiary oa Nov.

after aerviag a acataae of 10 year for barglary. was eaptnred at cloek ycaterdar winrmng whU fetvlng aa entraoe to lb heaa of Jo-ia hum at el Menrr-atreet, strwklya. He bad robbed another hae. tor worth ot aliver apnea and fnrka were toead la It I po. awa.

tel by Janlc Mswr. Klsta's piWirlaN. SAiathRwca'0iWy- BARGAINS RV GOOD mSMSUS, AND OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. COLLECTION OF laraest variety of novel designs are MODERN RUGS value S10. S12, and $15.


HUNTERS The Essex County Hant enjoyed another run with th hound yesterday. Tho weather was perfection crisp and sharp, but atcold enough to chill. Tb meet wa at the' clubbous In Hutton Park. Orange, and the g-athennir waa aa brilliant as any ot tho season. Whu Barry Howard, th hnnumaa tho special prldo of tha inb arrived with hla paek of bounds th elub- house waa sutrouaded by gay turnout ot all deacrlpttona, containing most ot th leader of Essex County's aoaial life, aad ther were many guests from Kew-York.

A luach waa first served, after which th huntsmen, numbering nearly a score, aad the paek were photo graphed. Then Mr. E. P. Thebaud.

master ot the hunt, started tha pack for Mountain Station, where the chase waa to commence. A glorious day' a sport waa predicted aad every Indleatien pointed tu fulfillment. The tart was made In good shape. Wben Master Fox wa released be sprang off like a streak la tba direction of Irvlngten. Soon tbe pack aad tbe rider were in foil parson and tbe cuvey anees oame straggling after.

In suite of the bright prospects tne ebaae waa not a decided aueoes. Tbe farmer of Jersey ar getting familiar with tbe cry or tne, and when they beard them eoming tbey armed themselves wim club to enforc their injunction: "Ho trexpaalnT ber." This greatly delayed th has, and before many mile had been covered moat of those the huntsmen turned back. Wben the son had set the pack was still In full cry, the ebas baring oontluaed over an hoar. Moet ot the riders bad returned to th club, and tner were laughing over their counter wtth th farmara On gentleman related that he was hroarht to bay with a hoe, handled by a six footer and peremptorily ordered to nt off this yere lot." Jocularly th rider aaked the farmer If be wanted to tight, and waa met with tbe reply: Kow, I wouldn't fight run; kut I got a boy in tber barn who'll 'commodate yer. Youa fellers puts me in mma oi er lot or coys playing lnjuos." The huntsmen said be not only got eff the lot, but gar up the ehaae.

Deserters kept cominc back to tbe elabhonse as late as 7 o'clock, boa none knew who bad secured tbe brush. Only one mishap waa reported. At th start Mr. lieary M. Munn and two laatlea oecupied a carriage.

In the ruab tbat folio wel tbe release Mr. Munn'a carriage loat a wheel througa a collision. The occupants wer badly ahaken Op. but not Injured. The next meet will be on Kov.

21. at Union, near Elizabeth. DANGEROUS TO If A Via A T10K. Tho supplement to tho Pilot Chart of the North Atiantie Ooeaa Issued Nov. 16 by the United State tiyrodrgapbie Offioe mentlona tho following floating wreckage, derelicts.

to bo avoided by pilots: A water-logged veeseU bottom up, disoovared Oct. 2 off the northwest nd of Flore Island. Aawrsa Bevaral beau attempted tb tow her ashore, bat when la 30 fathoms of water some ehalas of anchors which were hanKing down caught In tho reck and proven tea ber being boached. Tbe salvors cut a hole la her, ana succeeded in ebialulng anout 4AM barrels ef petroleum. It supposed that some heavy aargo la stowed In the- bow, a sbe down by tbe head with tba stern well oat of water.

From apoearanoe sha is a nw vessel, aaa bad been aoaadoned four or Ave mouths. She wae flat-bottomed, bum pine, not coppered, but had co per baits. It could not ho ascertained whether be bad two er three masts, and nam coald be found. ua Nor. 6, when Hi salle east-aortbeaat from 6ankaty Head Light, Capt Canaon or the ecboon-er ejus an R.

btone teporte that be passed a schooner's boom, apparently new, ne rigging at-tache'L Tb sail had been cot from the lacing. Oa Kov. 6. in latitude 3(e 47' north, longitude 73 46' w-st. tbe tlwuwr Oeonc W.

Clyde passed a olaek eaa auoy, marked No. 35, adrift. A WOMAN ESLD FOR PEMJUST. Nkwbcro. X.

Nor. 17. Last July Patrick Brannaa of Nawnurg, while stepping fiom a West Shore train at this station at lUght, fr from tha steps directly under a train that waa entering th station, losing- an arm. fia brought suit la tho Supreme Court for $10,000, which was tehave eoine before the court last week, but owing to hisabieace from tb city tho ease went over for tbe terus. Hla absene waa canoed by fear of arrest on a warrant sworn out Oct.

ii-J by sis Mary Iianton. charging hica wita assault ana maiimou oeslruetion or property an tbe previous uiicht. Rrenaan, wbea he learned tbat a warraot tor bis arrest was oat, left town. Ue returned last night and wa arrested by tb police, wbo had been on lookout tor him. Tbla morning when arraigned th aomplatnaat tohl a atory taat agreed no resiwet wita tho aworu complaint aud eonfidtbat Jbrenaan had none of tbe aSeaeee sbe had harsvd bim wita.

wnm waa Olsrhariced sod AIry Uan lua aeta fur tae Grand Jury on tho oAarg of perjury. SACRIFICE Fine. Dress Goods. MrXHCH KXtSUSH WORST AJt WOOI CHECK AKD STUPES. WORTH 91 St AJtD 1 PEE Y-ABDi ALSO, PLAIS CO LOBS Iff INGUSH W0E3TEM.





I tl. nrilltHIS STJlIEtDtSa i 2. SCAISaVia wBCRCtS C.ltVIs I'no-HaTi fTall lfi' rtt. wsa. W--- Sealskin Sacfoes, And Fur-Lined Garments, ALL OK WHICH WB HAVE MANY SPECIAL.


DE. BUEISELVS IV EN HIS TESTIMONY IN THE M'OtTIBB CASE TO BE SENT TO ROME. Something more is likely to be heard from tba Roam an Catbello aulherlUea regarding th Bev. Dr. Richard Bnrtaell's testtaaony ta th case bsfor Baach, In the Suprem Co art.

on Thursday and Friday of last wee, la wale Philip MoGolr seeks oompl tho Trutes ef El Patrick's Cathedral to allow tho burial of his father, John MeOulre, wbo died at an Anti-Pov erty meeting, tn tho plot in Calvary Com tery which he purohased. Dr. Burtaell. tt waa wU known, was Dr. MoGlynn's eoansel dnriaf hia trouDle, but tip to tho reseat trial ho mad no technical mistake whlca would render him liable to disclaim by hi su perior, it la now thought and teit by Catholic tbat baa committed hiiaaolf, aad that tbo eta arc eaa not allow Dr.

Bunsell'a statafat on tae atand to paa sdhoucuL Thr wer everal priests present at tbo trial, who only pre a ma Die purpose tnera waa witaoea muj daognrou tatnienla Dr. Burtsell might maka. Among other waa tha Very He v. Henry Gabriels, tbe well-known canon lawyer aad President of Troy Seminary. Dr.

Burtaell among other things Intimated that th eoagregaUon of the Propaganda snub hav bean miaiaformed as to ibe fact oa a-kick It baaed it approval of the authorities' action ia th MeOulre case, wblen, aa Mgr. Prnalen said, wa a ebarre thai a and Archbishop Corrigaa made false representations. Another ef Dc Bunnell's saying, acoordlng to Mgr. Preston, waa that the Pop wa not to bo obeyed onl ho acted on right Information, ii was sis clear en tb point that a person who concurred ta Dr. MeOlyan'a characterisation of the Pren agenda aa a rotten maealu might la certain eoatingeaelee bo called a Calhoil In good standing.

A stenograph! report ot hla testimony and af the trial will be aejst to Rom for aetioe bf the Prepagaoaa. No technical advantage will. It ia sal he given Dr. Burtaell If any proceeding I taken against him. a it 1 believed bf snsnv that ha will tiaa anrr rl-hr that bedoagt to aim to tbe fullest measure.

Tt I considered Improbable that Rome will allow hias to eon- tiaue In hia present poeittoa aa tbo Pastor of aa gj Important eity parish loug after tha ipreJioa ot such opinions as ha gavo oat at Who ilctjairs 5. aaTstwA. TBS CITT or TB At NTS av ITesident Clevelaud rial, to at raui; i was aot barren of results, for at Tuesday eleo-i: tion he vream Blaine's majority of L30CM; four years aero, and ecored a plurality of frtO; i over Harrison. This waa a DetnooraUo gaia -t 2.000. aad even la hi hour of defeat will a i pivaaus ivbivhus ivr i.sivi i 4 the City ot th Salute baa impUeltkonndonue in tuia.

2-J WBEN CLOVES WEES BADE TO. froMtAetlttmtamtTH CovrUf. lj Fortj-aeven yean ago DYid Lmwfael bought pair of buckskin gloves of Areold Fr- rar. iis te wearing them now and haa wer; th.m every Winter They are teal am a. honestly mad ami lined with laJtbaklSki! i auu at aeea for much wr vtee xe v- S'r -sr.

it- IH. I..

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