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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 3

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

0 STILL MAKING OBJECTIONS OEN. SWAIM AND HIS COUNSEL AFRAID OF PREJUDICE. pro atutwM "or not eorr ucrsro nou tzMtvfoAM cnurcnoir to orx cBoricu tor cirioxii Waahixotov, Kot. lT.A-Upoai tta open-Rf of tbe walm aovrVmarttet thM amain pea. waist appeared la tbe Mart roon accompanied by Kwn 8bUftbrr and Grorrenor, ff hi saa-nad.

There wee larger Bttondanoe gt pectatora thee) rtaturdax, ansong thoae reseat baler Mr. Bateaua, awalta'a eriginAl oeater: Ga. Bun, Major KoKJbbem, et-Bec-ariary Boutwell, who will be cone for COL borrow la the court eaaxtiaJ ef that edbeer. vfetck it follow that of Goo. Bwalm, anr Mr.

(wart, private secretary to tbe Bectetary of War. The prnnaarl Ings of the last seaauoa haying lea reed the Judge-Advocate Stated that tba question of tad Juriedictloa of tba oourt baring boea datcrmlnad, the Question remaining to be decided wea whether tba aoeiiaed bad any objeo-tioi to do Bjambar of tba court baaed la tba IctaU. Sea. Orotvanor of counsel for tba geettted, imm reed aji objection ea tba Bart of flan BMBbef of tba court. Ha gtatad tba ground af tfaia objection to ba that 6n.

Rochester a material witness la tba aaa witb respect to tba second cbarra agmlstt Ceo. Swain, of iwf lartlog to report and take notice of tba ai-Irged isot tbat CoL Morrow bad fraudulently gupllcated bia pay eeoonntg, and alae that the accused, bavUif favored tba appointment af CoL McQura to tbe Partaaater-General. thia at tba time Gen. Rocbaatar was ap pointed to mat' omoe, ana in is xact being known to tba latter, it could not ba supposed tbat be iHochtsteri coiud terra aa an impartial udge. Gen.

Grosvenor ttatad that tba rfiM bad filed with tba Judge-Advocate a de- gisnd or tba presence of Oea. Rochester aa a "witness, and cited autboritiaa to abow tbat it win a valid causa of challenge tbat a member of tba court waa a material witaea. nesaiaae ml inclined to waive, preeetng tba aecond ground for objection at this time. In reply to Inquiry by tba Judge-Ad vocate be aaid tba defense did not care to put Gen. Rochester upon in witr aura aa to bla alleged bias against tba accused.

Major Gardner argued against tba entertaining of tba objections. He said tbat tbe aoouaed baring failed to put Gen. Roebeater upon bis ttr dirt in the matter of prejudice, and baring offered no evidenoe to establish prejudice against torn. Bwaln on the part of Gen. Rochester, tbe ciy question judicially before tba oourt was whether it was a valid ground of objection tbat tba defense wanted bira as a witneaa.

Ha eon-tended that tbe reoord of Oea. Rochester's testi-1007 before the oourt of inquiry which bad peso read to tba court showed tbat tba latter knew nothing of tba duplication of CoL Morrow's par account, and ba oaat a doubt upon the probability of bla being called aa a witneaa by tbe defense. He thought tbat tbe objection Ibouid not lie against Gen. Roonester. Gen.

Grosvenor replied, saying tbat it wad a tire thing in the preotioe of oourta for them to be aallednpon when objection waa made to a member on the ground tbat be was needed aa a witness to inquire whether be knew anything which would make bla testimony material. Ha eallrd attention to the apparent audden stoppage of tba examination of Uen. Roebeater before the eourt of inquiry Just when it waa about to be developed tbat be knew of tbe duplication of CoL Morrow's account. Ware it to be shown, be aid. tbat Gen.

Roebeater, aa Paymaater-Oen-ersi, knew of thla duplication of Morrow's ac eounta, then tbe charge that Gen, 6waim failed to report bla alleged knowledge of suob reported duplication would fall to tbe ground, bsoauar If tba Chief of the Pay Department waa aware of such duplication, it was not necessary that Oea. Bwaint ahould oall it to bis attention. Continuing, Gen. Grosrenor said that tbe oourt of inquiry was fishing for evidence that Gen. Swalm bad knowledge of tbe duplication of CoL Morrow'a aooounia.

wbea tbev examined Gen. 00 beater, nod stopped on tbe threshold of a dtaeovery of aometnlng. Ha contended tbat Uen. Hoc barter was a material witness for the Oaf enxe, and aa snob ought not to alt as a member of the preaent eourt. Tbe oourt room, waa oleaxad whfle tbe eoart considered tbe objection.

It waa opened again to allow Gen. Roohnater to Bute that be Understood tbat bia examination before the court of inquiry waa topped wbere it waa, beoauee Gen. -pope did not care to go into tbe details of tbe Worklmri of bis (Uoobestert) offloetand also to lay tbat be (Rochester) knew nothing personally of tbe fact tbat Morrow had flapUoated bis par aooounta, but only knew of it from tbe newa- Rpera. The door ware again closed, and wbea ey were reopeued It waa seen that Oen. RoebaatarHi pleoe at tbe table Was vacant, and the udge-Ad vooate announced, by direction of tbe oourt, tbat tbe cbjectloo to Gen.

Rochester's sitting as a member of tbe court had faeea aus-taioed. Geo. 8 waits was then asked whether be desired to object to any other member of tbe court, fie replied tbat be desired to do so, and Judge Bbel-tabarger then read a challenge of BrigOen. BcboQalda right to sit aa a member ef the eourt a the ground tbat be (Scboneld) waa prejudiced WVH. Ml, WliiH UUh I gn mil trial aa an Impartial jndge.

He read Gen. (aim's reasons for asserting that Gen. Pcho-teld must be prejudiced against blm. These Ware, in substance, tbat Gen. Bwalm had, at various times In tbe disc barge of bia official duties, eomtneoted in severe terms noon tbe official conduct ot Gen.

BohoDeld. notably in tba review cf tbe prooaedlnrs of tbe board of inquiry lota the Fits John Porter oaae and ot tbe whlw taker court-mart laL and alae tbat Gen. Bwalm was 00 close and intimate terms witb real dent Garfield at tbe time tbat Gen. BcboOelda mill-tary eommaod waa, by order of the Preaident. broken up and Oen.

Bcbofield placed on waiting orders! and further, tbat Gen. Bwalm had been called upon in pursuanoeot bis official dutiea to make tba review of tbeprooeedlngs in tbe oourt-tnsrUal or Major O. W. Bohonold, a brother of brig fiubofield. Gen.

GrosVenor offered lln evtdenoe extracts from Bwalm 'a review of Major Bcbofleld's oourt-martial and from bla criticisms of tbe conduct of tbe Pita John Porter board of Inquiry. Ha also submitted bla V7 "natter and bad Geo, Bwalm sworn to testify to having written the reviews in cuestioa and to test try aa to nla relatione witb President Garfield at the time Gen. Bchoneld Wss plaoed on walUng orders. Gen. Bwalm testified that be waa in tbe udge-Ad vooate a dc aartment at the time ot tbe Fitajobn Porter board of tnauiry, and during that inquiry acted as the friend and legal adviser of Gen.

Pope. He tbougbt from tbe faot ot the vary general clr-eulation of his review ot tbe proasadlngs of that A J14 eome to Oen. Bcbofleld's knowledge, that be (Swaimj bad acted aa Pope's rrtead. and had written ue rertew tn queation. He tastined that be waa udge-Ad vociti-Gio-erai at tbe time Geo.

Boboflold was plaoed npoa Vaittng ordera, and in answer to a Question by Gen. Grosvamov aa to wnat were the tbe per- Kl relations between nim ana President GaV-d at thvlaUot that aaldi "Thar were very intimate and dose." GecwBoboneid waa then, at tba reouest of eoanael for tbe defenae. cut upon biaTiirdtra. answer to vnaatiooa by Gen. Grorvenor he wa a toember of the FitsUoba Porter boajfjinqoiry.

and bad taad the review of the prooeedi-jra of that board. He could not re-call having bad any knowledge, tbat Bwalm had 'jnua baveeonjeotttred from tbe faot that be (Bwalm) had been Popes aaviaer. He bad sot been concerned aa to the authorship ot the review. Be bad not bad any know ledge at tbe time the board waa la aeaslon and endeavoring to get Geo. Pope to appear be-Jore it that be (Popei waa belugadrlaeila the fonrss be took by Gen.

bwalm. lie waa asked if ae was aware, at tbe time bla military division waa broken aa and himself placed ordera, that Genl Bwa I was J', la the Immediate family ot Prceldent 6arfteM, and whether be had connected him Jb any feeling be (Pcbolleld) bad oa the rub-Ha replied that be did not know tbat Gea. Garfield's family at the timet that tba order in queation was Issued mMbODf than for any-wing else, and tbat be (Boboneld) bad eonarated AE 11 (or a year, to relieve tbe AdmioNtretton from what had been left it as a tbythe pm-edingooe. In reply te further ld WM oooaoious of any wjte which reference had been made aa likely ade aa Impraaaioa on his (Dcbofield'e) lh tboae matters Gen. r.

oBid then asked to be allowed to atatemeov and aaid 1 "I Jorlac that next to ocMaad, be should feel tbat be Juatlco. I would beg the court to JjaBe from sitUng cm this trial If I thought lt nrreeoD why the aoeoaed or bla JSS 4 be was act to receive eaaOrasrwtiorAammiBg tbat prejudice bad Ir-fr" be'ea members had branches cf the grewtikg cut ot tbe volunteer eervtee tVf Wmr' hWwory army aaaocUUon. fa'g'y and cootroveraiee that have arises them, and tbaTAhls waa wtthlnyour know ledge, IT the auddea promotioa of Gen. Bwum Jdeeed-do ywu find Tour mind entirely 2e aoolSedafnX proboUjtT PreJuiUee agminat w-Od-Taa. My tapreaaioa la that aoilSS10 geoereaiy Umm Uinga aVt2lr2luo" Prejudice agalnat the officer bo bowVlSw Promouon.

We have tbe habit of rw llk to tba wlabee ot the eoISI2jkn4 treating the officer with the poslUon demands. a more definite atatement ot tndTV riln- Bcbofield. aaid: "I trvi TtiiT faas capable ot judgtng. fPJfbeliabejwtbea made aa appeal ea He brtn the case- bereuld aXVL.A trtckeadowa him goea 'orT'. and with He agreed sviOTnamvjao atejudlot ia 'ist.

hi extent bad. to dlsebarsw of big official dirties, axrav msnted In severe terms on tbe conduct of toe President cf this court, and they bad ground tor fearing, and eld fear, prejudice against him because of thla. Gea. Grosvenor said tbat wbea be found tbe same of Gen. Bcbofield upon the detail of this court be waa amazed.

Tbe defenae, be aaid. bad made an attack on tbe power ot the Preaident to call this court. Tbey bad not done thla on any other gronce tbaa tbat of getting rid of eome member of the court. Tbey bad not done it to lav tbe ground of error to be decided hereafter la tba Pupretnc Court. Cootlnuinr.

he said: 1 was amazed tbat Gen. Bcbofield should be upon thla detail. Wbyf Decauee 1 knew two facts. I knew pf all that has been suggested in this record nf the trouble and controversies, and I know that tbe power which I believe usurped tbe authority to constitute this court knewaa well aa 1 knew tbat in tbe records of tbe War Department were aU these things that we have broturbt forward ixre and suggested. Was it any wonder tbat we agreed with our client when he aaid be feared prejudice He referred to Gen.

Hwalra's ciiUorsm of tbe Pits John Porter Board of Inquiry, of which Gen. bcbofield wa4 President, as likely to prejudice too latter and alluding to Gen. Schnfleld'a denial or prejudice. Said that no man knows when be is prejudiced. Tbe Jadge-Advocate said that if the Government had inteoded to be harsh with Gen.

fcwatm tt was not eupposabte that bis friend Pope would have been made President tbe Court of Id- Jiulry wbich made tbe preliminary investigation this case. He taw nothing in tbe objections that bad any substantial basis. The answers of Gen. Bcbofield. showing no bias or prejudice, ahould be conclusive.

Tbe court was cleared, and on beina reopened the Judge-Advocate announced that the challenge against Gen. Bcbofield bad not been sustained. Gen. Bwalm, through bis counsel, neri objected to Gen. Terry on grounds similar to those urged la tbe challenge against Gen.

Sehofleld that Gen. Terry bad been a member of tbe Fits John Porter board of inquiry, and also tbat Oen. Bwalm had frequently, in reviewing reports made by Gen. Terry, disagreed with the latter, causing prejudice against bim in Gen. Terry's mind.

Gen. Terry was put upon his voir dire, and aaid tbat be did not think be eould be influenced in the trial of tbla case by anv prejudice aarainst Gen. Bwalm. He aaid he had no personal prejudice against Gen. Bwalm; but formed an opinion of him as an officer at tbe time of bis appointment as Judge-Advocate-General.

He did not think that feeling would affect his judgment in this matters but, at tbe same time, would prefer not to ait upon nla trial and be one of Den. Bwalm Judces. After argument of this challenge the court bad the room cleared for consultation, and upon tbe doors being reoi ened tbe Judge-Advocate announced that tbe challenge bad been sustained and that Gen. Terry waa excused from sitting aa a member of tbe court. Objection waa then made by Gen.

Swalm to Gen. Murray on the ground of prejudloe growing out ot Bwalm's opposition to bis appointment as Surgeon-GeneraL Gen. Murray baring declared upon bia voir dire that be entertained no prejudice aarainst Gen. Bwaim that would influence hla judgment in this case tbe challenge was withdrawn. Gen.

Bwalm saying to tbe oourt that tbe objection hgd been put In simply that Gen. Murray might utate what be (Swalm) did not know and what be Murrayi had stated. Counsel for Geni Bwsim were then allowed to ask CoL Andrews and CoL Ay res, without formally challenging these officers, whether they bad formed or expressed any opinions as te Bwalm's guilt or innocence and whether they entertained any prejudices against him that would influence their Judrment in tbia case. Both having answered in the negative tbe court was organized with 11 members by tbe swearing in of tbe members and the Judge-Advocate. The Judao-Ad-vocate then stated that GeiuBwaim requested that subpoena be issued for tbe Secretary of War, Gen.

Rochester, Major Carey, CoL Ilarr, and Major Boott, after which the oourt took a reoeas until to-morrow morning. ABMT AND NAVY NEWS. WAsimroTOif, Nov. 17. Tbe President a few days ago mad two appointment to tba amy from etvfl Ufa as follows! T.

Hya. of Mama. to ba Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, and A. H. Tonng.

of Ohio, tea Oaptala aad Oommlasary af Babaistenoa. To-day these appointments have been iwrersed Caps. Hy beina mad a Commlaaary of Babalstenee aad Cap. Tonng aa Assistant Quartermaster. ThS following effloen bars been ordered to doty as designated! OapL Alien Read to command the training able Minnesota ea tba SPth mat.

Uent. Eugene W. Navigation Ofloar at tba navy yard, Norfolk, Baraeon Joseph Hosg to duty on board the trmlnlns ship Minnesota at New-fork. The follow. ww-named officers have beea detaches Capv i.

H. uillia from lbs eosamand of to training- sbtp Minnesota on tj th Inst, aad Placed on waiting orders: Surgeon T. Wolvarton from the training ship Minnesota and ordered to, bold himself in readiness for sea earvtosi' Assistant Kaatneer L-D. Miner from duty nnder tbe avaiae viaory stoaro at ntuborg and plaoed on walt- r-Adralrsi John La tiavls. Mvsi foraes aa the AileUa station.

In a letter te the Seorwtarrof the Mavy, dated Wee-Bang, China, J.l8l report that the Ssterprlse, after re-maniing a few dars at Tung-Chow, where It was par. fecUf e.aieV went te Cbe-koo, where ah now la. The at OulB-Keang for dara. and is now at gfal In auok having her bottom cleaned and aslpe la stUI si Bhanchal. the Moooa.

acTatroe-Choo. and the Alert at Canton. Commander lsr reports that "Mr. UrsTdoa. late of the navv.

la beina implored by the Ta Trentoa aad a nla crossed the Weo-aung bar at high water oa the Cth last. 1 ba Juniata has gone to lagaaaai. where her Commanding officer win aupervlaeth breaking an of tbe storehouse. Tba Trenton Is at anchor off Woo. Bung.

Tba repairs to bar machinery have beea as, pleaad at the Caamit, Penn Kot. IT. The new steel Sralser Atlanta left her to-day, in tow of two tugs, hewul receive her machinery aad eouerSk NOTES mOM WASHINGTON. WaSauroTo. Kov.

17. 1864. Ia tbe Criminal Oourt to-day tbe motion for a aaw trial hs the ease of Job Lenseter. convicted of the murder of Polios Omser Fowler last September, was everralea. aad Lanmuer was sentaaosd to be hanged ea tn seeeeS rridar saooaeding th axt term cf the eoart la ttenerai Terra.

Mr, Darius Lyman, Chief of tbe Division of Maroantua Marine, Treasury Department, has beea detailed te visit Boston, Naw.Yark. PhDadatphla, aad Baltimore to In vastlgate tbe operations of the Immigration sot of Aug. a. lsea, and to auggeat each chances and Improvement as may seeai tea aeosssary te ecr-teotaalsungaTlislathasarrkw. The Bolicitor of the Treasury to-day instructed the Catted Basics District Attorney for tbe Middle District of Alabama bring suit aaamat Rlehard Buatead ana JaooD atanwood, of that Stat, sureties oa th bond ef Wee.

Adam Badeau.asXstonsuWiener.1 at to recover the sum of about received SlMteaCoffloer as aotanai fees aad aUegad tohavS uiegallyi wmineiu. UNITED STATES SUPREME QOtJRT. WAgjaa-aroa, Rev. were ae de-atoascf general uportanoa la Ua TJniteu States Ba-preaMOoart to-day. Th prvoasdlngs weraasfdllowai e.a-CbariesA.

Bardaa, plaiattffta oner, vs. The Pait aSslsa. ia error te the OferawJ Ooavt torth msariat ef Xaialana Jadgmaat affirmed and dense reaaaded Us Clrcnu Oourt fw tlMJUstarh District at Iionlsiana Optnloa by Xastlo Qray. Re. aao-Tb ateard ef County Comasaadeaers of Teserta Ooamtr.

av.etal.. phuntias TJnited Btates as tel. Clarence p. Moatton. Iaarrorto th Circuit Court for the Dlatrlm ofnaii Juda? teewa" 0toto- b' JisTioa Mat Kosa JsrnwsH.

Merfto et aL. Cxaeators. kt, ap- ainrtrict of PennaTtvanla. Dear reversed, with eoeta. retuaoasdwtui dumlas laebUl! Opinion by Justice Woods, bo.

-Tbe Conneeuout Mutual lAtm Insnranos r'k weurenii uoartfor Paoala the Baste of Caltforata, as reL B. C. Hastings, plaintiff la error, vs. A. P.

TVt ai. la error te to Supreme Court of the State of Cel. rlZr ot Opinio. Ko. 00 Edward .0.

Uancoek, apaeliant. vs. Mrs. Rlisa Jan Uoibroos, aL Appeal rom tbe Cbt suit Court for tbe Beatera District of Louisiana. Deere reversed, each party paving eae-balf of to eoeta la this court, an oaua rvaaaaded.

with dlraetiona ut remand te tb htat eourt from which was tmprve-eriy removed, and with liberty te make such order as to costs accruing la th Circuit Court after tbe remov- CalMlc. rtl" tio. 867-1 bs Bradstreat Compaay. plaintiff la rror, K'rrT7tT. H- walna 1 a error to the Circuit Court forth Western District ef Missouri, lllamlaard (or mtM otJnl'Aio Oplnloa by Chief Juauo Wall.

No. Ml the Mew-Orleans lasuranca Oomsanv Matatlg la em, va. The at D. Albre pinr Jf lnta dismiss, or affirm iubmlt. fO.

a-Baaseai la support of motloa and by C. K. BohmMt ia eppoaltlca thereto. No. hoe-Th Kewt CoaspaaT.

plalttui In error, vs. Tbe B. D. Albrs Ceasaaar. oa motion of O.

B. kanaaia. for defBdant la rrur, stnoken from the aookat at il, coat ef the del ended la error. eocae as sae No. oVJ-Th KaTaopori Katloaal Bank, plaiatlff to error, vs.

Tb Board of BquaiiseUoa Is and tor th City i. Rotloa te dismiss sulltteu K. option thSSl' k' Ke. 1.0w-WUiaua H. Palley, alabatby ta error va.

aismHS aabmlttaO by a. Ptnnev ta auaoott of m. twaaad by rUoaa aad M. P. lagtaBpposiuoa No.

i.Slt WTlllaei H. Marbary. appenast. va. The and eaerioksber.

Ksllw No. LSiT-Tbe Uiatrtot Odumbla. appellanuVs; Th Alexaadnaand iYedsstoasbenr KalaaStSaisenyi Ko. tmraotkm of Prancls miuar taaaellsesoofc: eted and dlamuweit. witb ecasa? epeeuaes, ecoa- Wta-aulli5ri7 T10 a.Charto.

B. sImiEST Moiicwaa. docks ted aad eecaaieos lSfb. PsaV Jaefavr-W A tare n.aWaal ,1 a. mISTV nred Compaay.

Z.Arn' CaaapbeUffw the niwJoriiZZi lauoawi mmn. aea bt Mr. 11. r. Jonas for Mra.

Imur Ije. jsa-Adolpaa mTSSJSZSS Joha Ceearaeeet aL-vaajawl Moawaioraaweistsak Jot tie. The Board of Bueervieors ef Grenada Coma, tv. Acuat-al, plaintuailn error, JasJBrow al, surrtrtns members, 1b error to tn Distriot Court for tba on her District bf Mississippi Jnd- EAST BIDE XUISAXCES. EXALTB A ff PBOPIBTT BADLT AFTECTED IJf THE VICnriTT OT BEEKMAH BU.

Tb Eait ElTer frost, between Torty-tourth and orty-aeventh street, has maintained pretty stent ay, for Several years, an aseortmcnt of aUaghtei bourns and a fat-rendering establlab-awent. One 1 or twice the health authorities bare laid hand a tbe fat tenderers, who took up aa abode at Hi nter'a Point until driven off by tbe authorities Df that tweet smelling settlement. Than tbey lave returned to tbla city, and so vacillated. Tbey are now in full blast hero. Their retur 1 has always been quickly followed by oomplaii ta.

Surrogate Rollins assailed them pnodthroiii the Hoard of Health, and baa joined in ny protests agalnat their flUing tbe aection of ti ie city, for a mile on ail aide of their plant, with nauseating odors. Tbia Fall be nuisance was supplemented by the enterpr of Michael J. Kane, a contractor, who baa dumped manure on two lota in that neigh borbo xl to the rsttmated height of 0 feet, Bica headar he and nausea became common on Beekmaa Mill. Most of tbe resident of that! locality ow 0 their own houses and could noti get away. Surrogate Bollins waa more forte-; nate.

and nrpved beyond the enemy's reach. A bouse at Hfekman-plsce and Fmy-nrst-street, tbat cost IKOOU, sold for 814,000. Other bouses were offer! and are yet for sale at a corre-apondlDg sacrifice. Houses on tne side street, back from the river, front, rent lor 20 per cent, gea than 1 wmerly.f Arthur East in a bouse that is owned in hla 1 am ly. As he can neither move away convenient nor aoouatom himself to the fragrance that ia borne into his house on every breeze trot 1 tbe river, be has written tbe following lettc to Albany 1 1 KlV.Tmlr Knw IS ISA Dr.

Alrrd Cwrrafl, Serrstery OS the state Jftxiro of tirmitn Ttvia fit. Tb BBderslgnett. Uvlhg st Ko. 41 East set, New-York City, bass to rail your at. abominable nuisance crested bribe bnaa TOtv-first-st: leotloo to th beeps of roll tps of rottina manura at th fnnt r.

Vnrtw- Slstb-streeind tea fauieooertne establishments and slsusnter hoaaaa irnntui k. property around Beak- "l1? 1 been rendered almost uninhabitable, sn have largely depredated In value, as a result of the nuisance. Your board baa done such good service ta a sating tbe stenches from untera Point, opposite Beetman 11111, that I write tn tba hope of re-oeiTlng aid rpm you. The local authorities ettber can and In view cf tb probable imSoductlon ot cholera Into this city speedy action should be taken. Kvidenoe can be readily had awync toe uinaDiuints or neekman Hill as to Ui 111 ef- foots of th 1 stenones, in some instances creating ften aeverd heartache.

Rv aivlna this nausea aad matter vour Ittentlon rod will obltaeypura trulr. ARTHUR F. WEJ. DT. The State ktuthorltlea Tiara toTmal to tba city Health Board.

Speaking ol tbe nul-sanoes last riigbt Mr. Wendt aaid: "These people are very rdrsistcnt, and it will be a bard matter to drive taem off until tbe law shall forbid Slaughtering or fat rendering within tbe city limits. Tnl other nuisance, however, is not only offensive, bht unhealthf ul, and I Hope the Board of Health wKU put an immediate atop to it, Tbe smell roaches clear over to Third-avenue, and every one IS affected by it People who eome on tbla bluff th live, come beoause they expect to And it htsallhy. I will venture to say that if cholera readhea us next year, no part of the city will suffer groin it more than this, unleaa tbe river front duiaaaoea shall meanwhile be a Da ted." THE BALL PLAYERS' RECORDS. ESTERBROOK AND CORSOR IE At) OTO AT THE Th wojk BAT XR THEIR CLCBS.

of preparing the records of the ball pla era la the American and League Aa- aociatlons li flniabed. From the official averaa-ea qthe I Amedcan Association, compiled by Beore- tary Wlkoffi Tbomas Esterbrook. the third base man ot tbe Metropolitan Club, is tbe champion batter of Hla work In this respect has not been exoeUdd by any player in tbe country, and be leads bvi four points Btovey, the heavy hitter of tbe Athletics. we. uit, naa improved in bat-', and holda third place.

Tbe full season's work of the Metropolitans ting this i record of it appended: Ptavtd. sMststtt.l 28 1 1 0 107 118 Betftna. Plato, .904 .888 .977 ift5 6 .928 sax JHM JIM jeoa 10 .144 .906 Esterbrook 1 rtjy 107 .111 1 CL3 i 60 CM aara Pearce. BelDsoh Solhart mtm Bacndarr has fallal tn tin the e.Mtr,. ages of Kennedy and Paaroa, Rnaer Cdnnor.

tbe giant of tbe New-York team, leads ha hnwn it that club la battlna. but hla work excelled br aeveral other Learue lav- era. Ewinsi Is second, rlneelv Vnllnwari TVim gaaand the trio. HdKinnon. only three points dividing Young Richardson has mad a good reoord.

Hal is in aioee proximity to tne veterans in work at tbe bat. while hla outfield and InAoiH score has beads the bevn up to a high mark. Ward araln lht in securing runs, and hat euperi- orlty a records ibasej runner ia unquestioned. Tbe fotfbwi Connor. ixjrjran.

Richardson. Welch Ward caoKina. Besley Humphries. CaskltttVl poor Beidinr record ia work hehln tbe bat tn 6 games. The Leaabe wui noia its annual meeting in tbe Hotel to-morrow.

FUtb-Aveniie Air jiucmoy a. historic majtstob: For neatly hall a oentnrr Colt'a Hin ia Patersool has beea famous as one of the finest residences in New-Jersey, and at one time it waa equaled In Amerioa. The late Roa- woU I Colt, who at the time owned nearly all the mill altes and tbe water power of Paterson, took fi uuie imu ui aauay nut ana adiaoent aandv and awampy waste and transform ea the tract into aanagnl ifleent gar ien. with lakes, rue. tio brtdgeaimeadows.

flower beds, hotbouaee. rraperiea, I and tb other resources of landscape gardening, crowning the bill with a splendid mansion of little Falls brown- bvodc, wnicn no aeooratea with tbe oost-liest furngure. The bouse alone eost tro- Ward nf 1aTI ftrtf atid ty.1. i waa ucu lj ou veers Tberehe entertained royally, many of the STUseta. Bolivar waa a frequent vteitor there, and so waa Janiel Webster.

Mr. Oolt died about 80 years ag and aa Paterson grew and his family became scattered the onoe magnificent do- siuuu aaaa mtMVlMK Ul Its prinoely proportions, ied but a single block, tne tintU et last It smmhlai avrvuimt jean IUO DftS been practically deserted, and Mr. Colt's daughter, Mrs. Del Oraase be Fowler, having lately removed to Baltimore, the furniture in the old bouse was yesterday sold at publlo auction. The oooaflon attracted much attention in Paterson, auu kitoio waw aouwaa iwjuun ot ll'glBt Ulgt thtS onoe hlstorto place ahould at last be thus latnobis- A ron pnma JtLxcnom.

meeting of the Toune Men'a A re Democra Club, at which Preaident Edward Parria. it District Attornev. nrealaeoL waa held at club room. No. 21 West Twenty.

fonrtht Chairman uui nigob jnage lngersoll, the KTAmitlva nu aented adODted loluticn, which had already been bla- committee, recommending the Kill HMil, Ik. Kn paaaageoi changing toe time lor the election of municipal (Boers to seme time in the Spring of tbe year. After a little discussion this resolution was unanimous! adopted, and a committee Of three appointed by tbe Chairman to draw up tbe bill and to take such sups as will Insure its passage aai was mm use xieg-ituature convenes aa poa- IBiriala; ai mo. FOREIGN MARKETS. lanroow, Hk 17-4 P.

Oreat Western a JSWW Trnstees' Certlhaats.SiHi Nsw-York Central, mui lllmois Central. 119; Mexican ordinary. a4H; Canadian i-ciBc 454 1 4:80 atj The amount of bullion gnu tnte the aaak Enctaad ea balaac to-dar Is aaO.OuO. hlZ.Ji a7- p- -Cotton-ru tores woeed steadi; Uplaads. Low Middling elausa.

No-rmbt 6 buyersrovember and Dearmber dSHvery. Mtt-esi. buyers, December aad Jaauarv delwen.B sallars: January and Fb-ruarv buvers; rebrnarv and March delivery, 81f4d, eellars; March aad April dellverv. 0 6d artsTS; April and Msv delivery fta-etd sailers; Msy I and Jan delivery, ft 6-6d, valuei June asd July dedvwy.etu value. fov.

the Weol sales to-day belescf Naa -Zealand and Port Philip wereeoid. At aales Capciseoured, acid at Bttd pls. Wd. ft 0 p. MfPioduee-KKeflned PetTcleam.

eaMd. gallon. Unseed oil. Oil am. Bd.ll 18a.

St ton. vma, av. 17-Wueoa's Lard closed at Baf. SO. AsrrwgjtP I Mee.

-flu wale laat. auv IHf. 871e. bald, land JSf. boo.

sellers. Wilcox's aaue ooawa at Jinx, bub, tuu xuaai 1 I THZ GRAUr XBACJE JJT JOXaAKZX its waefcjy seview el the grata trade, eajrat 'The weather duriM the peat week was reach colder. There went frosty iilchts aad heavy fogs, which were an-f avurabia Jut tbraabto. ValueseonUna to In favor ofbuvera. The sales ef Knglish wheat earing the aces euartera.

at 81a. fat, as compered with 97,75 Quarters, at Sua, for the eorraapondiag week hast year. Barley was cheaper, except tb finest eaaaplea, which war aceree. Tb trad la foreign grain tarn the buyer's favet. There were lacg tn ports lass wee rrcaa America.

la the oS-coest trade business waatrifltne. iTweearanss atrtved. tear were aaid, tioe waa wtendiawa, and twe leaaeined. irteeaesnroee are.acwaaat Cargces eaeet or for aalpnent ware aecleeted and values were nominal. The eold MOa a eaesed aeuera te harden atiosa.

Th wheat trade Is rraai iv deoreeasd. and varv liuie haalneaa aaiaa war with Soar. Foreum boar is from Ad. to ia lowar. MaisetoaearfwandSxim.

Knglish asarung berlers are SaalBI. but the I Raw PlaMh Run. Bstttna. Pleldfno. 93 .801 ..7 CO .876 lit 6 JrTS 7 71 JIM JW to 7 46 J50 -iw iw jMB jm jbs 97 50 .233 .788 ..8 IS .181 .441 1 .093 due to bis ledJ SnTCWfJ Bolkr UtJ AsslStai the! "1 re rm 'a TEE FINANCIAL AFFAIRS.

KoimtTi Kot. 17 P. X. Tbe oDowlDa; tables abow tbe range of Ptioee and the amounts dealt ta on tbe New-York Etock Kxcbange to-day ttnt. BUA.

lnv Iti eelrs. 100 100 3.14 910 1.42Q 89.4M0 10 too 100 too liT lB.nOO no Ufta 100 2,100 10(1 i.610 8. 1I0 IUO 3.000 l.WiO l.ooe 88.710 l.OHl 115 115 eno Canada Ponthera. am si Central Psejflo. SI nes.

a unto ft -i Ches.Ohiolst 10 Cbes. Obie td fM 'i Cnt A (vw K7U 14 121 Chi, MIL ft fit. 745 76M 105 CbLhul.APaciao.. 11114 u4 C-, C. A 84 4 Colorado 6 IeL A HKU tstu iw- iaeK.

a 10414 lomi pen. Kl41rande.r as. OreenRar lllinou Central teke eou Lone 3 Ijnuts. A 14W Manhattan 71 Mem. A Cbarleston.

87 Minn. A Bt. Louis pf 85 Missouri Paoifle Kaa. A lfyJ fewieraejr Central. i Naw.Tnrh riMIMl a.

ar bus. 8 N. bus. A W. pf.

9 Northern Paciae 1 Worthera Ohio Central 2u Ohio 19V Ontario Western, -lie Oregon Imp. i 19 1 Oreaon a Traaacon. IN cmo 6otr Dec. A iS Phil. A Heading ftihi Pullman iPal.

Car Cc.110 Koch. A Pittsburgh. Shi et. Paul A S7W St. Paul A Omaha of.

fw 7'" Paelfld inam Cnkin 6iu 8 Western Union Tel. tOii Total sales i RAILROAD 1.HS5 790 lit 100 tl 800 16 ISO 1834 1.175 6134 8,070 IS 41)0 flOO lie 4 50 8 400 SB 410 us 100 18 60 74, 0H0 8 100 09K 88,740 MORTOAOaS. Ptrst. Buff. A Erie new lis C.

H. A Cairo A Pultna 1st-. Canada Southern 1st. 9tU Cannda 8outliern 8d. 70 Central lows 1st 100 Central Pacific .109 Central Pac A O.

9H Ches. A 78 Wok. Low. Ixirt.

11H lis 118 low 108H ioau Fair. 6.000 7.000 14.000 1,000 1.000 1.000 16.000 If 0O 1.000 83.OH0 la.ono 451.0O0 17.000 130.000 l.fXlO 8.W e.000 18.000 1.000 lO.ono 5.000 13.000 86.000 1.000 6.01)0 1.000 4.000 10.0(10 8.000 8.000 4,000 4.000 6.000 1.000 8.000 6.000 .000 8.000 1.000 9.0U0 lo.nuo 8.000 6.0U0 120,000 15.000 10.000 3.000 10.0UO 14.000 1.000 9.000 6.000 6,000 6.0(H) 8.000 ,1.000 61.000 100,000 6.000 8a.000 jvu 11m 97 mx 97 70 100 loo 109 109 95 7Sf 78 70 100 100 TH 96 B. A Q. Bsdeb. 96 99 99 tuar 93 K.

Va- A Oa. on E. T.vt. a Ga. me.

Erie Sd en. a t-M 1 oa 18 1.3 CUa 4tlU 1MM 1IM 11 B0 187 Han. A Bt. Jo. loat, k'9s "no.

ep. Iron Mountain Sd 100V IronMt. 1st, Ara. bh.lti6 Kaa. A PaclOo 90 Kaa.

4 Pae. 1st, len.i04i Kan. ATexaa cn. li3 Kan. A Tex.

sen. 68 Ksn. City a r.e.. 97 l-ae Chore 1st oil. 0.126 Lake Shore 1st cnr.liSi, Lak ehore 8d e.l 18 Lak Bhorediv.

Leblgh A Vf.B. 08 Ixiuui. A Nash. 90 Met. Elevated Met, Elevated 9b L.B.

A W. OH Missouri Pactflo lst.l04W Mnt. tinlon a a- )OUf lOOtf 1UOK 100 108 im 90 90 90 104X KKM imu 108 100 102 1)51 17 97 97 186 IS6 196 123), MUX 12S4 118 118 jl8 119 1111 119 93 9a 98 90 91) 90 i 107? 107Jt 107)4 85 95 W9U 99 991 10494 1044. 1044a- 67 67 67 Kash. A Chat.

1st. IV. J. Central 1164 lOOMj N. i.

antral lat N.J. Midland 88 K9 8 8 5. a st. 1 1st- 9 87 83 180 96 SOU 97 38 10 96 40 102S, 86 ST 1 J' 'llMi S8J4 180 96 N.TLack.AW.csU'. 96 N.T,W.g.AB.lst..

8HM Northern Pacific lst.l0U Oregon Short L. 8HU Klch. A 98 Hoes Island 1st, c. Wat. A

68 St Paul 1st 7a sold.l7t4 8t. Pan) ttm uiaS losi 102 oa ua lab VOii 18M OB rv. rwi, aft. vn 8t.PM. AM.

.109 IU MRU 1 VnQ 109U 8t. PM A M. 10T 107 107 107 107 BL A M. 1st. D.107 Tex.

N. 0. letSah. td) Texas Pac Inc. A I g.

88 Tesaa Par- lat, 49 Union Pactflo Wabash 8 Wabash lat, Chi. 09 107 88 SH at not 87 DIM 11054 eu ovM 6H tea Total sals. 1861,600 8eller o. 80.000 at an unnm mu 86,000 at 109. ttwllnr 8U, at lltH.

iceUer 80. on the Btock Exchange was doll. The market opened fractionally lower than Saturday's closing fla-urea, and after a brief abow pf firmness declined for half an hour. Shortly before 11 o'clock an advance aet In which was maintained without Interruption until about 9 O'clock. In the last hour tbo whole market, led by the Oould stocks, showed weakness, but the advance of the day was not entirely lost.

Compared with the final sains of Saturday tbe important changes are: Delaware and Hudson SH! Canada Southern, Memphis and Charles ton. and Oregon Bhort Line each 1W; Illinois Central 1U: Northwestern preferred, Oregon Improvement, and Texas Pacific each declined Union Pacific 1: a and Colorado Coal, and St. Paul and Omana' common and preferred capb 1. Tbe Money market was easy. Loans oh stock collateral were made at HtblM f) cent, per annum.

Closing. Money was offered at L. Tbe following were the rates of Domeetio Exchange on New-York at the under-mentioned cities to-day: Savannah, buying discount, selling discount part Onarleston. buying B-iadM premium, selling par premium: New-Orleans, commercial SO discount, bank 100 premium Chicago, 60 premium; St. Xouia, 90 prenuum; Boa-ton, par QA discount, Tbe Foreign Exchange market waa doll and unchanged.

Tbe Government bond market Wat dnlL The sales on call were $10,000 4s coupon at 1219ft, a decline of Btate securities were neglected. In bank stocks 86 shares of Continental sold at 105, an advance of 6, The railway mortgage market waa fairly active. Tbe most Important changes are: Advance Texas Paciflo, Kio- Grand Division, do. Incomes and New-Tork. Chicago and Bt.

Louts Firsts each Iron Mountain, Arkansas Branch, Jersey Central adjustments, and Bt. Paul Is. gold, each IHt Kansas and Texas consolidated lndlanapolia. Decatur and Springfield First. Kansas City and Northern real estate 7a, Lake Bbore dividend 7s, Lebigh and Wllkesbarre consolidated, and Louisville and Nashville generals each 1 Kansas Paoifle consolidated Bt.

Paul, Wisconsin and Minnesota Hi Canada Southern Firsts, Chesapeake and Ohio, class It, Chicago, Burlington and Quinoy debenture te. Lake bbore Flrsta, and Bt. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Seconds each declined Central Pacific, Calif ornia and Oregon Firsts, Central Iowa Firsts Canada Southern Beoondsand New-Jersey Midland Firsts each Rock Island coupons East Tennessee consolidated Central Paciflo Firsts, Kansas and Texas ba, and Now Jersey Central consolidated each H- Tbe Father de Bmet Consolidated Gold Mining Company has declared dividend No. 89 of Twenty cents hore, payable Nov. 28, at tbe office ot Lttldlaw A Co No.

14 Wall-st. Carrro STATts BtrB-TnaasTraT, I HaW.TOlUt.HoV. 17. 1884. Receipts 41.229,753 06 1 Coin hal.

TB LBS04M8 TV Cur. hal aA78.06v 66 Total tl8A.a87.10a t7 Gold oertlfioatas oatatanillng, 807.476,000. The following were tbe closing quotations at tbe New-Tork Stock Exchange to-day Bid. Asked. Bid.

A Minn. A Bt, 11M Inn. A, 83 Mo. 93 sio, Kan. A T.

15ts Mobile A Ohio. Morris A Xaaez.128 MuL TJnionXeL 13 bL 87 New Cen. CoaL 6 It. J. 4 Oaf N.

T. B7 N. T. KlevatedLllS N.Y.AN. 10 N.T.

AN.H...178 Adams 136 9T3 80 Alton T. 20 A. A T. B. 79 Amer.

fclsf American Ex. 84 Ba. Mer. Tel. 90 a 68 89 18 10 83U uoston A.

upl eo Bur C. R. A N. 66 Canada Ced. Falls A M.

Central aw BOtf 15 Central Paciflo. B3M. Ches. A 6 C. 0.

1st 9M C. A O. 8d -Chi. A ChL AN. 86, ChL AN. ChL, Bur. Ay. .120 Chi, M. A SL P. 74 R.

1. A P.119 8 CL PL i CC.A1. 1 Cleva.

A Pitta. C. a. C. A L.

84 Colorado CeaL. T4. Consol.Coal 10 HtL lludsod. 88T4 II, Lack. A W10W lien.

A Kio 9)j Hub. A 8. City. 86 a. i a.

4H K.T.VaAOa-pf. 7)j Evans. A T. H- 10J lu 7 128 N.r&ASt-L. M4 ct.

1 a- a N. W. v.T-eus. a W. 86 13 124k 120 8M N.T, Nor.

A West, pf. a 73 109 notto. ractoo. 18T, 111MT 188 8 J5 80 89 106M 8 ti as 654 10 North. Pae.

pf 48 Oliio 2H Ohio A 17W Ohio Southern. i9 Ontario Mining. Ontario A West. 11 Oregon 80 70M UrewonAl'rana, 1SV Padtic Mail 8114 PeoruLD. A 18 Pali.

A Heading, 88 Ft. W. 4 Pull. P. Car CoOl 8 Rich.

A 8 Rich. AW. IS Koch, a 8 UreeaBarAW. llomeatake Houston a Tea. SM 88 Illinois Central.

116M 116HKoma.W.AOg. 14 1U. leasea L- cs a W. Il5 e7J Bb a- B. a 15V M.U

87 1 B.L.AB.F.lstDf. 88 B. iAkstrtsa Lak Bbore. 67) I St. P.

Omaha. 88 Long 83 pr. e'J La. A Missouri.

Louts. A Nash. 841. fZ N. A.

A Chi. 10 Manhattan IQbi Manhattan tav. 71 Maryland CoaL Mem. A 86 93 Mlohlgaa Ceay 89 88 85 80 18 88. bu r.

si- at. ou Tea 11M Lnhin V. B. 81 BL L. A P-

11J West. 69M The following were the bids for bank stocks: ...158 American Exchanged- 17 Broadway S30 Butcher A Provers' 140 Mechanic' 190 .1 00 Merchant' 1H4 SO Xaesreatall. Ne-Vcrk ..160. N. T.

national ..100 New-Tork County .140 ...130 Cltr Couimeros. tjontlnentel. Corn Ezchanse.n. Fourth Gallatia KaUocal .1 16 Par ....148 .400 1 Seventh 90 -M0i8hoA Leather laa 14i 8at of sw-York10 Importers A Tradera' Manhattan 140 Cnlam. use The oHowtng the dosing quotationa of Government bonds: 4Ha, VL lliM 118 (Car.

6a, "B5 a. 1907,, 6. 4a. 1907, llTl4 UUaiCnr. 8 aer cents jCaaVsa eauM 188 127 17U 187W 8 93 93U 4 vti' 1 All .......144 .106 160 TJ oUowlng ta tbd CSoorini Botua atttoheTit Exchugsa 4lx8.4aair i ia nna.

I PniLkDltxpHi. proas: pgicts kov. 17. Aaw. Bid.

atawd. f-rtl5- -vlsw per. Pactfle pf. 43)d tnttedef N.Jlii3 1W4 Nerth. Central.

841. 80 Penn.rlrania.. triKj 61 'Lchtuh 44 V16.K. N. y.

4. 8i LehlKB alley. S9V no iHtwtoBvilla. 18 11-Catawla-s p. 50 BS 18 Nor.

WH ltHi: 1 CALJTORSIA mSISQ STOCKS. t' San Francisco, Cal, Not. 17. The following are the ofbclal elating prteea ot waning-stocks to-day: -55 .60 Belcher .60 Moan! Diahln ft ftft Best ABelcber;!Kavaio.....- Ophtr Cbollar 1.76 Con. Cat Ttrsinia.

.13 Conaolutated Pactfle Crown Point 78 .60 Male A Koreross tlsTM r-iuoat MO aatram, HA 8len JA 1 mon j9 Yellow Jacket BOSTOX CLOSIXO PRICES. Boston, Kot. 1 Following are ihli a. 1. 'v-v.

vu uiciuuuni all IIST Water Ppwer gs a Ma.n.i,nj Boston Land 6 Atchison A Top. 1st 7atM Atchison A Top.Lg.7s.iis Kastern 6s IIS Ji. Y. A 7al08 1111 Cnlnna IU I Calumet A Hscia.JLV-15 Xst ranxiin. 88 Wisoonata Central of.

SO iTrt. Tija. isoonma Lentrai pT. SL'Bi. PeM-r.

pf. no ChL. Bnr. a Untnra lftiaVIUn-na San. A Cleveland.

Eastern SsmMextoea Central serin. Little Rock A 18 iMeaCenuil COMMERCIAL AFFAIRS. Naw-TORK. Monday. Nov.

17. 1884. COrTEE Rio has been held steadily oa tbe basis of 5,0. lor fair Invoices, but Inactive in private And st the Kxchsnse. 750 ban Rio.

for Ko vein her. at 88 86: 6.600 baas, Ueaember. at 80 8UScS8 49; 8.K00 bags, January, at 88 4A8H 60; 8.600 baca. J-ebruarv, at S860 ts8 9: 4,600 bees. MaretL at ta eiasfM 70 1 a.kSo bans.

Apr Wi Tl.750 bsps! Msv. at 88sS5 fa 8f, and 8.859 bags, June, at stx showing a further Improvement of 6cl0c 100 Other sinus nes aemana. oat quote as before; jaaraceiBo ana otsi Dags ti Guatemala sold oa private terms. COTTON Waa advanced materially tn-tbe optica line, gaining for tbe day lb19, geeerally 18. points, oa much lighter onerinas and a moderate speculative movement, eloslDg firmly.

Southern market account stimulating. Cabls advices toward tb eloac also mora hales. 78,400 for prompt delivery, business bss been splntleas, but values have been quoted as before Bales, 1.888 bale, including 488 bales to spinners ana 900 bales In transit Receipts her to-dey, (arose,) 7,098 bales, and at the shipping port. U.898 bales. Option Sofas Tn-ddj.

rioting Prterj. Mnnte, Balm. Prim. Tiwleu. KitrnnVrv.

Nov. 1.000 lO8tl0.38 10.40ai6.48 10J4elO.8S Pee 8.900 10.144I9.80 lOkAlOJfil 19 1510 IS 17.700 10 4U, 10 84al0.5!5 10 4110.67 10.S7 10.8mla.49 10 54l0.70 10.71 10.5.SA10.54 8.600 10.clKwlO.83 10.WHil0.86 10.7( 10.68 May AOO0 10.85A10.97 lU.9Nall.00 10.81(ia88 600 10.9INSU.10 11.1811.14 10.94el9M July 1.000 lL17f11.80 ll.l!3All.88 11.06(1L07 L0O0 1L8S11jB8 11811.86 11.1U11.17 FLOOR AND MEAL-WtTKAT PLOT was acaln de-. pressed aad more or lees unsettled further rieMinx, In lna ta noes, bcslOc. a barrel, as offered with decided freedom, leading te a moderateir active bust-neas, chiefly fur bom naa. Minnesota Kxtraa at traoted Increased attention at the ruling figures Arrivals here to-dar, 4H.9S6 obis of which 17,626 bbls.

of through freight. Cloaraooes, 8,720 bbls. and 8.901 16.808 of which 1.800 bbls. Low Extra, very poor to very choice, at 88 9033 60. mainly at 193 26; 1,450 bbla City Mill Extraaof which West India brands.

In bbls, at 4 46, and In sack at 83 7f8 90: bbla. Sarin. wh, KiriJnPliJ-at f8 or low grad shipping, v83 OTXS4 86 for clear, ta latter aa extreme, and fc 66 aw LY RJ" u.i.miia puw to very obom. imostlv at 88 7tt4;) 1.409 bbla. de.

atraJghtTat 1418 fct 88 for poor to strict It cboioe; 8.100 bbls. do. Patent at 4 8oo for poor tlr' (few brands passlnx (4 90a;) 4.160 bbls. Winter Wheat Extras, psrt to arrive, at 89 90 ftita 60 for poor to fair shipping, and up to 83 65a 14 76 for ordlnarv trade tn very choice Family in sacks and bbls, for shipment, at 82 90 4: 1.000 bbla. Patent, about fair to very choioe.

at f4 80S 86, mostly at 84 6oet6: 600 bbla Superne, part to arrive, of which poor to very fancy Winter at 83 603. and Sprtr at 89 t6ta 86; TOO bbla. Fine at 12 Kjt3 76 for Bring and Winter, as to quality. Flour quiet and weak: 1,200 bbls. Extra, in lota partly to shippers, at 83 15tegS 75 for poor ship! Blng to vervf ancy Family, as te quality, chiefly at S3 6648 Floor arm and in fair request; coo bbla.

eold, of which ordinary to strictly choice Superfine at $3 45083 85, and fancy up to (3 dull, with' Brandywine at3 4oJt 60, (160 bbls. sold at 83 40; coarse Yellow Meal, In bags, at tlffitl 09. aa to quality; An Tellow, SI 8681 40i fine White, 81 SO etl 86 BuckwhkaT Lou ft at 81 90(ata 68 for boor to Very efaolca. and fsitcy at 88 40 190 a. WHEAT A further decline occurred here to-day In Winter Wheat, ea prompt deliveries, en restricted business, of about lc-AWc, and on No.

8 Red, In the option line, on a fair speculative movement, ef lc.8 lVc a bushel, closins heavily. In sympathy with the pronounced beatiahneas at the Weal and tbe unfaver-abl tenor of tbe advices by cable. Export call Wheat met with rather more favor, partly for shipment, bat at Irregular prices. of Wheat here since noon on Saturday, 880,326 bushel; clearances. 801.900 bushels.

of Wheat ia Warehouse her Increased within tbe week 768.677 bushels, or to 10,881,615 bushels, (aanlaat 9,678,858 bushels a weak age aad 8,141,819 bushels a year as I of wbich 8,145.689 bushels No. 8 Red Wheat, (against 6,919.070 bushels a week earlier and 6.873,449 bushels a year Bge.1... bushels. which 879,008 bushel, prompt delivery or early arrival. Includlna 67.000 besnlNe.a Red at SIM la levator, and at 81c88c, mostly at SlcaVHc.

afioat, for caiiaL and 889Te.a83H& for railroad, delivered, and nlosina at 614c bid. In elevator, (again rt 88c In elevator. onSaU unlay i) 9.600 bushels No. 8 Red, of which. In elevator, at 75c75i-J, (aaainst 76c.

on Saturday.) and deitv-ered (8.000 bashels) at 77c 84.009 bushels anaraded Red, part to arrive, at 69o.e8tHc, as to quality, of Which, here, mainly at Owo.weiHo.1 b.Sno bushels an. rsdedWbtte btate. afloat, at co. 18 000 bushels No. hard Spring, to arriva.

at 85ci 6.000 bushels. In store, at 84c. 48.000 bashels No. 1 Northern Spring, free oa board, at equal to 16,000 bushels No. 8 hard Sprtna.

to arrive, at 79o.i 600 bashels No. I Bpring. adoat, at 78c Opttm Aelss 8 Bad tvasot. BTitniA. BvluU.

Decern 000 January Jt.0O8.0O9 976.000 I-de, Aef 'oae. oua Bl: 8H83W 84853 8nm87iJ 89 tsxuM 0((91)t 91t98 B4 89 ftkf 808.000 608.000 40.909 1O8.000 04 ls CORN Baa been more active In the option line, tb May deliveries attracting chief attentkia. but. en freer offerings, values bsve been depressed, receding for the day. on th December deliveries.

and other dllv-arte VscAMe. a bushel. for early delivery, tb transactions have beea again quit liberal la good Sart for export with No. 8 and Nn. 8 abowlng mor rmness.

and Steamer Mixed, continued urearulaiity, closing Receipts here since noon of eaturcay. 188.060 bushels elearanoBS. 48,709 Btock ef Corn In warehouse here decreased within the week 198,860 bushels, or te 880.688 bunbeia. mirslant 469,198 bushels a week aau and 8.647.S88 buahels a year ano.) ot which 74.085 bushels No. 8.

(against 8RL838 bushels last week, and E. 94 1,1175 bushels a year 1.698.000 bushels, of which, for early delivery. KttL- 000 bushels, including No. 8. afloat, various special deliver! ea, about 86,000 bashels, at 684e.

v5 mainly at 63c, closing at asked, (acainst 63c. afloat, oa Saturday.) and. In elevator, at 6ac52l4o.i Veliow Western, at 63Hct steamer White, ear lota, at BSC; steamer Mixed, prompt delivery, at 4lVc.6c. ia levator1and 61e51Ho, afloat; No. 8.

at Mixed Western. umpTadedT at SSHcie t3o aa to quality and condition, mainly at 49e.t 6210.1 (60,000 pusbels Chicago, to arrive, cost, freWht, and ttuaranoe, at 47cJ Optttrn Seles rtev-lVa, 8 Oam. Meat. BuwVIs. November 168,000 Peoamberw.852.900 January.

98,009 88.000 A pril May 684.000 irawe. 6 i58 46H'47M 46447M 41 (47 47W.7H Tb-aos. set'dav. oi 41 OATS Baled heavy, and in tb Option lln weak- sllghtiy cn a moderate business. Heoaluta stoea Soon of Saturday.

113.600 Btock in wire, one here Increased within th week 107.640 buahels, or to 1,083,741 bushels, against 975.001 bushels a Seek ago, 8,798,808 busbele a year ago, ef which ,698 bushels No. 8. (against 896.81? bashels last week and 8,850,309 buahels a year ago,) and ef No. 8 White. bnaheuvtacsinst 694.170 basbeis week bales.

8O5.UU0 buabela, of which, for early delivery, 185.000 bushels. Including No. 1 White, tn elevator, quoted at 86a i No. 8 White, about 74,000 bushels. In elevator, at 88u32Wc, closing at SSHc, (aaeinst 88WO.

on Saturday t) No. 8 White, about MoO bushels, at 81 Hcs8l)4c; No. 8. about 88.000 basbeis. of which, la 4evtor.

at 88c, closing at 88 8o. oa SaturdayJaud delivered at 88c: No. Bat 81c: No. 8 Chieagn, afloat, at 38c. White Western, angraded, at 8Sc(37e, as to quality; Mixed Western.

nnaTaded. at 8uc3ac.i White State, ungraded, at 833To. Option Sates Ibaeg Oats. r- florins. XVrflea.

a''feu. Meet. SyMslivh. 45.000 am sit asj 80.000 st RTS Terr oulet. with nrim Canada and fttate afloat, at 6oc.iA87c.

i (BOO bushait angraded Stat sold at 68hc; Westem. In elevator, at bno. 58Hc (6o0 busbala Rejected aold at Receipts bar tinea noon of Saturday, 85.150 bushels; olearancea, 16,500 bushels Stock warehoua Bare, 78.834 bushels, (acainst 66.868 biiaheis a week ago and 660.588 bushels at this data last year.) of which, thla wee. 9.987 buehel No. 8 grade, (against bushel oa last Monday.) BARLET Moderately Bought after, with ancle te fancy held firmly, bat poorer grades heavy, aales em.

bra cln 80.000 buahels No. 8 Canada at and 30.009 bashels unxraded Canada, part at Seat No. 8 six-rowed State lust aold have at TO. Stock ta warehouse, 69. U36 bushel.

fAKLKT MALT Dull, bat quoted about as before. KKDOuoted barely steady ana moderate tnoutrr and free Bert turn. Including 40 to aU a. at til SOattla, NATAL STORES Tary qulat. but held a before, tncludlnc Strained te good Strained Rerdn quoted at i Kxati ou.

anc BUirns ci laTStsnM as aic PET HOLED Certificates ot Cred Pau were runner advanced rather anarpiy, partly oa reports ef a material decline ta ta produeuveoese ef th new well, which, however, rt was thought won la offset bv toe walls bow about due and expected to give liberal yield. At the rallinr fianrea tradlna waa moderately Sales at New-Tork Fsnhanaa 4.838.000 bbla. aaainst A188.000 bbla. Sasordav -Opening price, T0I4 1 rang for tb day, 70li73t, and etoaing, nm aid, (against vu put oa batarday even. tncl A rest rioted easiness has beea renorted ta Refined Patroleum, la bbla, tor early delivery, with Abel test aaoted ettbeeioaeat 74.

horn trad lota at 9. and btate test et at Phitadelnhia. at lit, and Baltimore. Refined, la assss. at M10U, as to bran da.

Cnula, ta ahinping axder. at 67 liitT Kaptitha. 7V4. UIVAFum VlVUiraM HOW1 mtZT but Brtua have been nmelilsil 1 neve nee ua neeo nuavBun aougn aner xor cany ecovcrv. but at easier figures: sales of ISO bbla new Mas at tltrktlt 60.

a to brand; 190 bbla. Family Mas at SlSxA 814 60: Clear Baoka. in loas. at S17t17 bO; luo VbbT hart Clear a 87. and extna Prime, hi Iota, at SlJaC nmftifti aaftftirr.

uiiaau a ujL.aauju. xor la.cloatag at 64c4S. for heavy te 1 etty, and stood at BcafMo. tor Pigs, kl CtmraaTB heevv oa rahr siSl rns end a leas enrent demanili aalaa. 16.000 a fiL Beines.

sswIiiiib aver, at 8ft axa. Ria ssuaa is aft ia, iw ftift. piiti 1 iP-her and at 71s rnd tnts nf Pits la nknaie- W.llsrov neglect! and ttesthial the est. Long and Short Clear. Decamber, earned at ta isVe 88, with Sales ef ijrso has.

tor beessabev ai January. Jart et 15: boo bxa, Nceaasnrr. at i-M'Vic-i 108 ea. Long Claar, Ncvembev. at 1 an naa aaaa ftlaa AT aalav r.a aarla delivery, with contract grade quoted at 7.

87 68 Sales. 609 tea, to arrive, eoet aad. rreighL at 87 85. as oa SiitnWsy Of City Steam lere. 1h mm v.

Moai 0u. av ic ft v. -7 ftnft, lots at 87.. Lard Sail, with Oeatla tal grao aootea at th etna at 7 75 for November, aad )7 69 for Iiecaaiaer, (860 tca.satd,f aad Beath Amarinaa at 88 10.. la te optica line, a moderate sbocbIbi ttv movement has been noted ia Weatera Steam Lard, which auctaated allahUy, hardening at aha eetest, bat leaving oS rather aaater.

Opttrjl awtretflf rTanera MiMtrk. Ta. November. 600 liT" March X30 .1,760 Keeaa, ESflai 7t0 TSS 844 7 17 rn-Sna. tmr 'ftea.

"9 IS 7 IS 17 tie I 84 7 80 7 1 ran 7 84 7 80 1 Sua Tan) vaa 784 Bne anA line TTawa wnJumt auk luatoa aw farther Important chanres BrTTXB aad Caitss about as lest In less reqneat, bet held flrmlv. cloetng at rTe. for best Eastern. 8We.w88ra or Western: 4e.Je5o. or Caneoa.

sad limed at Sue. jaxle. for Weatera and Faster a. and tcehoaas stock, 81e.Sc, and tmnoned at ISHc aalet and barely steady oa Bales of at 8-ioo BrtiRln Choice city quoted at 7So Cbole etty oliosasoieixi SraaaiRB at Week's exports hence from oar prtedpel AUaatl ports: bbit. Pork.

5.0w746 Lard, and BJtMAiO in aaveweekiast rear. f4 bbla. Pork, 7.053438 Laid, and A778.436 b. baena. SUGARS Raw tn quit moderat demaad aad barelv ateedv at.

fte Ale. for fair te anna ratnln FMuacovaoo. wit sales or 89 and. Pone Riee at 4 l3-lc: sethhds. Trinidad at 4 11-1 6c; 118 and, and 877 bag Aataraa at alow movenasot noted in Refined, which ruled lower, with Cat Loaf at fttte.1 Cnuiued at 6V0.

Pow derad at Ma.4Vtc Oraeu-lated. Mold A. ConferUoaers' A. 8 15-iect Standard 0H0. 1 OffA.

SIse.BjiH.a 1 Watte Extra O. 6i4c.5c.; Yellow Extra 43ea46a.t FREIGHTS Though without notable actrvtty. war quoted oa berth Ira. aad ta the way ef charters about Of the contracts by the ateess packets were for iJverpooL Benae, 6,000 bushels Cora, at Sd. fO and from Baltimore.

84.000 bushel Grain, on private terms, quoted at 4Hd MM. (5. 100 bales Cotton. of which via New-Tork. at AifOOBacha Flour and Meal, of which local at 17a 6d.9)lML 9d.

8.400 bxa Cfaees and two pka. Butter and Rnueriee. of which local at os.t0s. aad 0aip46s.i 6.800 pka Provlalons. of which local at Sos.t35a.

too. and 6a. 60. tiarce 8.800 bbls. Apples, of which local at Ss.t3s.

fid. 2 60 ton Leather, of which mainly local at the advanced rate pf and for Manchester, via Liverpool. 8 too Leather. st.Sv, and for Kdlnbanrh.via London.Woden-wsre, ta lota, at S7a. Cd.

and for Madras, via London, 850 case Meesurement Goods, at 47. and for Balti ports, 43 tons Leather, at 70s.ft80sTiJ Loadoa, hence. 8,000 buahels Oraln. at 6Vd, (75 tons Doors, da, Nawoaatle. 88.000 buahels wkeat, at 11 th, 84.000 bushels do, at 6Hd.

Bordeaax. 84.000 busbala Grain, at Uqiii Antwerp, 16.0t"0 bushels do, at fttid, (800 bbla Labrloatlnx Oil, at S. 6d. Amsterdeaa. 84.000 bushels Grain at 14ct I lamb una.

40.000 buabela do, Ieeember shipment, at 90 pftmnUrs. ef charter and committals th items of moat Interest Were for benea, British Bteamsbla. drain, Ac at current rate, and British ship, 4,000 bbls. Petroleum and 4,000 bbla. Naphtha, at 8s.

d. and 8a. Cert for order, from Baltimore or Newport News, British Steamship, (to arrive.) 11,000 quarters Oram. January loadmr. at 4a Continent, from Philadelphia, shrb and bark.

Petroleum, on old contra ota 1 Palms, benns. Norwegian bark. I8.0DO eases do, at I80.1 Genoa. Amenoan bark, Petroleum, Ac, and back from Genoa and Legbora, to th north of Hatter, Marble, Ac at current rataa; Java, (one or two ports:) Italian bark. 85.000 eaaea Petroleaa.

at 89e.taoe.i Honolulu. American bark, general cargo; Cienfuegoa, Amenoan brig, do. 1 St. Jaeo and Guantaaamc, A nerioan bark, do, and St. iobn.

fi. iiritish eebooner. do, at current rates 1 Irasil. from Richmond. Brttiah bark.

Flour, at 75c 1 Poooa and Mayaguea, hence. American schooner. 88a tons, general oanro, at 81,830: Martin ten, another, Shook, Staves, and general cargo, at 85c 110, and BOe. HaytL another, general earro, and back. Logwood, at current rates, and from WUmtngten, another.

Lumber, at 87, and back to tbe north of Hatter, Logwood, at 88 and port Provincial and Boastwise freight inaotlv at former quotations. aaw i- THE LIVE BTOCK MARKETS. Ntw-TottK, Monday, Nov. 17, 1884. Trade in live stock this morn lag was reneiall vary dull, and values were weak at reduced qootatlon.

Beeves declined Ho- Good quality floeka alone were in even fair oemand. Milch Cows were held on sale: nominal values. 8408160 a bead. At Blxtletb-Btreet Vards tbe berdste hand went dlraettcalaavhtar At Hatslmat Cove Tards homed Cattle sola at 840. wciiirua vat so a en Ut weight.

6e.e6e. with 64 head of very poor Steers ot 83 o0tS4 60 ewt, From 66 to 66 A. baa been allowed net. Vasitty of th herds tc hand ver poor to fair, with a good ton. 8 beep told at imb.

Hefto. mixed floekt, 4c 5a The flocks above reported raneed from poor to fair, with a aood top. Calves Graas-f ad. ef x-treme leanness, sold at SlicttSUa. a.

Vaala. 5cai 1 mixed lots. Mo, a. There wer no Uv ogson sal. Cltylrsd opened at 6BOeHe.

1 Pigs.oHc fi Eallanbeok Bold 8D8 Cal ilT esis aad 160 tn 196 S86 MlchUraB Ibeep, 81. to 106 4Mc44ao. 770 Canada 808 bead. 88 te ed 164 bead. 87 lu.

a. l65 87H ewt-t 601 State Sheep and Lambs, TS to 80 a 4ia(a5e. IM tat Lamhsi 804 head, 71 te78- 06SM8 0 awt, 48 bead. flS 090. Hum A Mnllea sold 8 Taarllng.

eels. i 878 Btata Leaaha aa ta 8 a.t 690 Oaeeda Lambe, 98 6c, till len a aold 68 Calvea, 884 to 858 e.l vaws, sap se ro 4 Taala. ill ta 147 Dcttoo. e.9L I 1,108 Btate Sheep: 109 head, fia8 head.Bt aaveaua. a tuH ev head.

00 to i88 ic.aSo. 889 Stat Sheep and ftjamoa, 1 10 ta. -cc. xxx state Lambs, 79 86 40 ewt. 1 1 ill) Canada Lamb.

88 Be. Waliib A Co. sold 830 Mat Lambs, 67 BMe. B.i 498 Stat Bheep: 75 bead. 118 aWc.

qi A. 488 head. 88 tc 85 4(84 90 a cwt. 'C At ffnrstma Cnes Ferae TJ. MePhersod Sold ea oommi-sloa for various shippers 86 Western Steers, a miked herd head.

8,. Cwelght St. twt, Bliead. 10c. weight 6i cwt- 88 bead, 10l4e.JUtc, WetehtTVj ewt, I bead.

lc aTwekiht 7Un. 5 Kentucky Steers: 89 bead. 10Uellta, weight 7 7M swt. 14 head, laclrtfa. ai wetgntaSW to SH ewt, 8 bead.

L940 6 80 ewL, 85 head. L607 a.etie. 63 Ohio Bteers: 16 Bead, lOclOVoVw webjtht 6H te 7 18 head. llell)4e weUbtsBtoB 6 bead, llSo. weight M.

18 head.7.496 a. 86 66 cwt, T. Glllls wld far self 46 Illinois Bteers, lOHcgjiBc weWibt Hi to 8 ewt. Shermaa A Culver sold on commission for Various shippers 40 Dry Oow. SMe, with 1B oa bead, weight V.

cwt-i sio Colorado iteera. LIBB 48 Virginia Steer. 94. Jfeutht 7 cwL: 88 Ohio Steers. weight cwl 118 Illinois Steers: 40 head.

8Va. 2 weight 6 ewt, 84 bead. Bo. aweixht 6M ewt, 64 head. 14c weight 64 ewt, also $17 on It bead: 184 Kentucky Steer 88 to L868 a nsau, IU ou Bean.

BHCatWa. weight 74 ewt alae S31 off oa 81 bead. F. BamBe)a aold for aelf 89 Colorado Steers. 1.800 to 8U at ewt.

.11. Walxel aold far aelf aad brother 76 luaseui Steer. 1.200 hoise. J. bomber aold oa com-mlasioa 18 Vtnrlnle flleers, 9o.

weight 7 ewt. 46 Kentucky Bieer. 1,529 55 cwt. HTa Eosan-tbal sold for N. Morris 188 Illinois Steers; 78 head.

L0 -N TlFbLJ head, L04d to 1,160 SStsSB 18 cwt. IT bead, ljSo aw 88 ewt. Levy A Co. sold for eelves 18 Bulla, L846 te 1.418 809)8 60 ewt. 1 76 Colorado Bteers, 9a9U.

a welgbu to 6i ewt. 61 111 too ta Bteers: 86 beadTlOa. 10Uu.Jlf Wl3hU 84 to bwt, 8S haad. liT, hi wewm cws, a neao, ijnm 00. a.

Newton A GUIett sold ea eoasmfawioa for various htpper 10 HFuuaM wmmmm. mm mH. UllDOlS "in- L8W h. oc at aa Kantaekv Bteers: 80 40 heal lOclWa, weight 7k ewt, 8 bead. 18e.

weight 8 ewt. also (.1 off tba bard 81 Ohio fitaavar weigbta 7H to a Bean. mm a 10 neau. herd: d. lac.

weight 8 ewt- also 85 th ij, 18.PennyiTnia Bheep 1 86 bead. 78 BMa Tf It bead. 88 e. 9Sbead, 88 A. 2c7l 87 bead, 98 93 bead.

Michlxan Bheep. 83 63 140 Ohio Hheee, IOOW a. ioohleLamhsj Btt 6. a. 1 158 PannsylTanla Lambs, 68 S545P ewt.

jr. Baaier sola on oommissioa for various ablppers 84 Ttr-glnla Steer. 863 to 984 hSS 6a44 Tetl. ia Pennsylvania Steer, 8iSa with til off the lot. waurht 6W CWL head, 1.804 85 80 8) ewt, 78 111 .7 Indiana Steers: 84 heed.

9Ur aMa a) a. wuaix off oa 84 bead, weiaht 64 pvt. fit CmJ. If ft? ewtj 848 Idtcbinsi bueesvi A.t 'L88a Ttantedty" aneetldBeadT 5ta" t. 'S3 PWt, 177 bead, log asi hi Ufttt- BtSB-aUe.

sold 496 Stat Sheep: 800 bead. 78H to 85 twfc, lt HftftM, XUT a ft B99 State Lambs: ltd bead, 59)4 to TOJt Gross arrivals at Blxtietb-Btreat Tarda for ending Nov. 15. 1884: 6.804 bead ef bomed Cattle. 68 Cows, L886 Teal aad Calve.

86.868 Sheep and Lamb. Freeh snivels st asm yards for yesterday and today: 8.036 heed of horned Cattle, eb saw aad Calves. 10.948 Sheep and Lambs. Gross arrivals at fortieth-Street Hog Tarda far week sndlntr Nov. 15, 1884: S0.078 Hoe.

Fresh arrival st aaaa yards for yaatarrlar an to-dagt tLtas) Gross arrival at Harstmaa Cove Tarda for week ending Nov. 13,1884: iLMt bead ef horsed Cattle, 17.084 Bbeoe and LaabaTkasS Hog, Fresh arrivals at same yards for yesterday and to-day: 8.896 bead of horned Caul. 5.684 Bheep and Lamb. 10AT HomT Burrs lo, N. 1 Wot.

17. Cattle Receipts to-y. 1,100 bead: total forwnet thus far, 4.700 bead; for same time last week, AS) heed; euaaaraed throoca, 85 ears; markeCUrm for fat Caul; fair to good native hipping Steers of from 1.KM0 to LOS 86 10et6 Mt medium te good butchers' ot from 1.000 te 1.100 A 84 40(aS4 60; porker and feeders. 88 tf84 S61 Cow and Heifers. 83 Bheep Reoelpta to-day.

A00B beadi total for week tba far.lX.U09 headi for nam Urn last week. 18.000 bead; eonsicned tAromthT7 ears: asarket ball fur eoaunea stock st 88 V54t8B9i firmer for best grades; Bheep of from 100 te luS t4 S4 00: good te choice Western Lsmbs, 83 S0A4 ea Canadas, 84 759)84 90. Hog-BeclpttoIdIyriA0(A bead; total for week tba far, 44.UO0 bead; for aua time Met week. 17.0C0 bead; eocsbrned through, 108 demand fair: gooa to ahotc TorkarC tt it ret. Lotm, Kov.

17v Cattle Tteoclpt. lSOO Csdt shiiaiieatajODaead; ataady. hat alow, under a bt demeaAt Brioas smchanaedi ex aorta. 864SSS S61 good to choice solpptBtt. 86 6(aS: eotamoa toatsdi- 8460: good te best Tex ana.

9xt4 90 xalr.gStatd 88. 1.U00 beads market dafl; enmmoa te asediam. 81 at 76; good te obote. AKtta 60( Taxaaa, St TSwSS ti EAST Kot. IT.

Cattle alow ae anehanaed: reastpta, AS41 head: ahlpmeute. Laos baa a. Hogs very alow: Pbiiadelphiaa.64 euAt4 70: beat orlut HnbW4frttmam. recalpt. 1Q.9U9 head; salpmenta, 6.700 head.

Bheep alow and ua-c4iangedi raoalpu, UO0 head; shipment, L40. asatl THE COTTON MARKETS. ATJ. ITv Cotton flmi: torn Middlmc 8 la-lac: Good Ordlnerv. 5 ftsc: laTW aet reastpta.

8AlAbaiai area. A 866 bales: export, to Git Britain. 64 bales; to Us CrmtlnenL iuAoi ISmSsSZ a. h-rMOCk! BteaatLerd. naams aAUta.

i4rOtSb7t rerO-Devta A. res. bub to bob iw vee. 880 10 Veals.

Oo. 8 Teals. 148 VWa. a. Sheep, Lambs ZZX a.

1 Toaia, 100 bb. ei 878 State t-beep. 79 to 107 8a4e4c. 807 Pennsylvania Sheep. 75 te 88 83 8txt4 88 ewtt B18 819 Ohio BbecB ana a.amna.79 bCWHaa.

4 Eieek fls. -T. 's ywfc-. mi Bean. e.

weignt cwl 66 besd. lOtaioxc wefcht Tv to 7M (40bwA I0ll)qe. 9 weight 8 ewtJloheaZ IllttLalSo. wauthts tn 8W ewt. haaTT iBuTiSr NettptA 4,718 re'es: groat, 4.T" bales; arpena, to Great Sritaia.

bales: to th Contioant, 4.VC bale--eoeatwtae, AU beteat aaaa. 8a halaat atoea, KLifii Nrw-CtiAAJra, Nor. 17. Ottoa atroog; Lew Mtddltag. 841 Coed tirdhsary, 8 aet gross.

89.414 hales; erorB. te Gaai Britain, 1944 aaleai aalaa, SMW 84A648 hales. CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKETS. Cjucaoo, Kov. it.

The seadinff prodooc tnaia kcta weraad alow ta day eaaespt trbaat and the prtnet. were heavy, with rumor ef annf.her bask tadara at the Eaet aad that Iraac had adopted the te tax waa ana, has colder, aad was exeaotet ta bring ra targar vasalat of Cera, while there waa ae sUfh of gratlSaaJioat theao whe have hoped that te-osiptacf erase win Sseraasa la the abeaae af cat. tads haytasii there waa a dearth ef Inter eat extent want hlaaed auoe the aSnvs namsd fact. Pro. vaisoaa were aiatet and ataady till near the 1 oa when th weakness bt Cora brougrtt ouva few sailer.

Hog were noted firmer, aad tt a sack era were act anxtow te aall below tne cost rrodae. tloa while tbar were do burtn orders: teae th markas was abowta near to bete atarnant moat of Yt-M ft aaderatnod to baa rood Busy aboru txil far Nrrraatwr Lard, bet the aborts do bos budae. aeetng aotbinc to pet the market bb, aad there la bob goln around oa orontrset fortbh) asonth. January Lardadvaaced THe, ts tc 9aH. but fell bacOo bt at tha Moea, wilt f7o.

raary at 7HC41OA preatlsmi March at 17ic.8ua preat ram. aad November at abent the same as I sbra-' ary. Pork aold ep 7a toSll b4 for shreery. and xeU back te 811 474. a ah January as iHe.

dlaouUB. aad tee year nomtnali vat 85. diaeonet, wuheaahiota quoted at SH bOlt; Jaaaary rib aoid a be 85 98V, bat cwead aomlnaily at 3 87V4. with February at THe. presxiaa.

aad November qnntabl at 16 75 hid. Flour was Sail and easy a tone, there eoto eely nght local daman A aad tb maraet waa rendered tern by the weataea la beet. Tbe coarse raiikatuflb wer steady, with only a moderate supply. beat waa quiet and again weaker, iaessrv auld (te. gher at 74e.

early, bet declined te 7Wc and elosat at that fed. with Ueeember at ftc diaeoant. Noveisber et lc ataoount, tehrwary at preeluaa.aad hy at le. pr. astaas.

The aebiw sahtes averaaed easy la tone. ateadler, bat 6L Louis was firm early while orft weakened slowly. Oar reseipt ware rr larrs. wHb -about Bud ear axpeeted for to annus, and the da. -ferrlng of the hope of a smaller movement from first kanda mad ate th hearts of more tour.

They told as freely as the aborts woald taka hold. Lb rvaait beina a "good deal of evening an, Lata cables aeidj "Depressed." aad then Lester and Mbmmq A Bodmaa became fre sellers, the throwing arwvtoaaly havmg beea mostly of a miscellaneous character. Car lot-ef No. 8 Spring Winter receipt old at 7SVft7VHesand ISO. at 6do, bat the auter waa qaoted at 67c hi preferred bouass.

Red Winter Wheat was slew aad easier. No. 8 daclioed 1 aelllag at 6aeja60a, white No. 8 was reistlTsly steady at Tsc 4 7810. Tb recetpu wer act large, bat th maraet Wat du lied by tb weakness la Spnns rradea.

Cora was quiet and weak. There wer scares! any outside order, bet th market stood up rather -steady aatli about Boon, being eapeorted by tb belief that a few Chlosse asea are Ianraly abort aad earafi watobina lor ea opportunity to fill at a profit. Tbea th report that 636 ears wot be oa tbe re. cat ring list to-morrow broke tbe market badly for this month, and other future eased off ia -sympathy. Our receipt were act large, and eootained only 10 osrioao which Inspected Into the contract grades, but the proa pact of colder weather hang like a wet blanket over the Crowd.

Th British msrsets war qaoted ant, aad New-Tork only hold 860,000 bushels ct ail grade et Cora at' what is pearly tb dose of lake aavlgatlo, whll soma peopl believe there yet aa Immense November abortag ta this Saraet te ba filled wtthla the next tws week If at alL ut the later waskiiaaa for this asoatb was east-rally accepted as a sign that the deal i dosed oat by a tranafarrlrig of the dleae Cora for this month and, year Into the leaver fatarea, -It waa noted that there had beea practically bo hlp Stag demand for No. 8 since the market was dowa ta Oo. before. November aold aa tte. early, to 4Stc It broke off a tittle after midday, a above noted, at which point atop orders held by Leva and Lemeoa cams out and forced It to dllio.

It reacted te 41Hc but was heavily Ssiiraassd on th second ea sioa by a few selling order from outside, wham brought more stop orders, and the soens was llttl wild, at on tlm Crittenden A Harvey sal Una one lot at aaiae. (tb bottoml when HarrVaon was biddlac dOttc. oa th ether aids of th crowd. Th market dosed at toiqA. but a sals waa mad Subsequent) at -owe.

Car lot of No. 8 aold at 41HaS48c, with High Mixed nominal at Ke. Bremium. Reieoted eold la Store at and free 00 board ears at 9o Ta, yr sold early at aW4a, belua Ma advance, but declined to 87ye, dnslnx with 87Ha asked; ta tradiog was most aettv about SScOlSSHc Bryant took about bashds early. 886.000 basbel of which waa sold bv Hammerer.

January declined Wo, to 8614a, at tbq doe, with Jones sdling freely at Soi, and May sola down He, tc BTVo. Tber was a little trading tor Feb, -raary at Ho. below Jaauary. LtVE STOCK IN CHICAGO. CmcAOO.

Kot. 17 There wad A precty fufi eupply to-day et aettve ahlpptng Cattle, and at Eaet-era advtess were gloomy the market waa weaker. A few stasias Beeves would have beea taken at baWwasrs ttaenaof that sort waa 1 hard teaser as Ba10a, adt The set reach 86. whue, with ttoaa, th daxa tradine waa Bona at below SO BO, Bwob pf It at 84 IVXtt 75. rvoean.

Bati-xatieeea iota went at 84(04 ra, Not a few droves went over unsold and tb tnartBt eld hot wear a vary cheerful look at tba amah. Balet of Cows, Balm, and natty batchers' stuff generally did not Indicate any eliang from th latest quotation i4Y 1 mat weak. Anything at all atuaotiv te bs lobars or aarinars waa taken quick at full price, aad there waa no class for which seller war obllred to aeoeut materially lower figure. Cows sold st tl 75t3 7B for l- erbw togobd lota. Balls at IS 8088 60.

and Steers st tl f4 86. Tber was liberal run of Tex ana, bat th offering of Westerns was nght, and prices were barelv estalnad. Sale of tb former war at S3 x4 for poor te good lot. Ball sold at 88 7Wt 60, and tailings at 8S 15. JMoekars anT f-ederTwerq ta limited rwaaest, and tf not qnotabry lower eertarely wer weak.

Few country buyers war present, and the enwrtag uaaledlng the Stat eattM) were pretty bug. Common to good stock era were quoted at tAtl ba; And poor te prime feeders at 88 7544 49. Th Hog market opened atroog. There we eotadd. arabl act my early much of tt of a specs lauva characterend aa the supply waa Ugbtar than awaerally ea Boated eeliera aaaUy got aa advaaoa of 6ce10a.

Pur. ther along th saad slacheoed bp and htte aales did aot abow much change from Saturday's quotation. Poor to beat llgbt wslghU aold at at KkM i 78 led In. fertor mixed te abotoe heavy grades at 4 854A4 75, ThS bulk of th lixhtwebt St 4 bt4 65, WbUS4 4d 84 beajtht most of th beevr Hoaa. TraAiaa je kips aad ealat was at 834 Su.

THE STATE OF TRADE, Kot. 17. Floor trajet dm nrmi aiu graoaa. acqtB. oora ataady, a fair demaad; ta sacks, bile and Whit MLXsd.

4a Oat Weatera dull at 85c Cornateai daU at tt 8tMi 88 80. Hay, ta fair demaad 1 prim tc aood Six aoatfit ou; ehotoa, S11S 60. Pork quiet, but at i xn. Lara Irai Tierc. Refined, 7Se.i paoVedS Bulkmeaia ta falv flauhri, smvaaw.

bbh bv. aswira B0; Long Clear aad Clear Rib. B7. Baeoi lowsri Clear Rib. Hams Cbosse ibemse Bugar-eurad.

I4ctu. Wbtaky 1 as. ivea, veo, scarce and firm 1 new, ltcstl adyt Weatera Notified. 81 OtVMl 85. Steady rut ataady 1 Rio ear oea, common to ertme, TUctl OMa.

Burar ta food demand eommoa to good com. fair te fully fair. Sl4t.a4ble.j Tallow f'PT-1 ssii. DHcaMt alnlsasss In fair demand 1 fair, aoci prim to ehoioa. 40c4e-4ue, 1 faaey, to.

Rio oulet. bat armt Louisiana, ordinary rtvi 75o7Cot4onseoi Oil Prune Cmoa hammer Tllow, 6Vc.4oo. 1 market dalL Ttchtng New-York, aleht. tljllal premium 1 Beakers' bterlias. 4 60.

MiLWArrgra, Wla, Not. 17-Tlour ewiet and anchanxed. Wheat steady at a dedioet So. MU. ukeaahand November, 70Vw.t Leoamber, THti vamberi as 90, Jaaaary.

bwact-piekled Bams am at BC9txa. Hew firmer at a Jlal -a l77 T- u. aadi beat new Cream. lliaaaftlSi w-mm JiZXmTl. ftiTtaOHa kreftanfta oral aft BCS0.

HiHi, eeas, buahelsi Barley. B9.0U0 baabeia. Bblmni aonei Barley, Bj)0d ha lente noir, larOUObbaVI Wheat, PWfFJaio, K. T. Kot.

IT- Flour firm: Sales wa. a ararnanwfti mi mam vrneatoull; ae aale Ttjrtedj Ne. 1 bard Norther Paoifle held at 81 0.1 No. 1 Whit Winter held at 88c 1 ho. 1 Red In tar bald at See.

1 Ne. Red Winter held st CcanDm opbv at anceaoaeu pnoaai beat aall and soareei Sales, ear tots of No. 8 at i Bsaptta. oatseulli Ha. 4yeedBariy l7.0ra)Bpia., Wheat, no.

a wait aold ta ear tot at aik quiet i 606.000 loieti no sales, ji aea lots riouT. bushels; Cora. 808,0110 Babels; Oats, 86. Out baabala; Kr. 6.000 bafthaav Bhipmtwts by Railroad TTnea oasneis; Oora.

95.0IJJ buahels Oats. 15000 bnaheia. Canal ShlpnieBta -te Ttdewater WneaOoAOUO huabdst CofikactiS bushels: Bariev.IIo00 bushels. Ta latenneoJai. a wMHa, eaeeaaai nkea, aJV CiircDnr ati.

0 hlo, Kot. 17. Flour beavr: FamUy. 88 1OA0 BoTlltneylS 7541 WhdT! aeaunaii no. Reg, T7a4l7aa.i reeetpta, BJX beabda: shipments, 1.000 buabela CorsTdTll and feeri Ja.

Mtxsd. 40 Otu easier Mo. 8 Mixed, roni uu gia. firm at 87 lUwtr? 15. rm a Wl W9tF7 IX Short RlrOB7t.

rinismaata Be a 10 era. to Ixtqi Short Rib. 6 871. Bacoe eesleri boulder. 6 86; khort Rib.

t8 60V Short Clear. vTbisky steady and eoabanged at 8 1 1L oea weak: aoaamon and nh. aa uv.u Butter if. bt. aa boi4 45, 60; reeetpta.

KOuC Panklna and batcher', 4 bead; ahlptaents. L8O0 head. PaoaxA, I1L. Not. IT.

Corn la active dAmaad, easter: aew Hish Mixed. asisaAurttt. aew No.l Mixed. S7lan labia lau him i s. So- d.

Mixed, S6HTX54a Rr auedTi No. A alaqtsm. Whisky steady on bails of tl i tor finished gvofia Reeetpta Oora. 8S.000 Beeheiai Oata. SH.0OU baabaiat tta Quo kaaaala ..1 Cora.

48,000 beshela; Oats. MMWe Aavavatati RyaVaeee, rTTTBauarj, rort. hot. 17y Oil fairly actlv end armor i Bkarkat aaaaad at 79M. aavaaeed te T4.

re of erry' liJ Bomloal. Balkmeats Bboalders, B6t Chaar RikC sv, total smaeaaota. 11 4AM bbbv. aa-TrT-T. Sk il tnces.4.SlX.000 bbla.

National Trans CertkVetes 771 Kot. 17-ptrtta i Tntw Ffr nrf fti 1 guas Fwowvw, Mfi vuTu-asa wetia at loiUfW: riaher NoTA lis bbla per aoari No. A 78 bbla. OwZZl la.9ll bbl.i Armstrong. 99 bbla; Conner.

S3 bbls. 1 th itrBOoa the market wa steady ances imliiaALa 73, aaAaioaed steady at 78H. i saukee a E.rrmorT. Klch Kov. IT.

'Vrheat Ko, 1 Wkita, 77H, aaeb aa November: T7W. bat, DeBam-befT 7a bid. JaeaaryiNo. 8 Red. 7sT, aeliyTc November; 8,..

Kober7 MkTifJt Clean teo at 7i 1 irood IBeraiaed, aoaTar arm a7 Crwa Tarooa: Iax Hrvxa, Maea, Xor. ITwTth a fair de-aaaaalaaal aaaa Sails i ft. tea PraMhk- Cloth aaarkat jejreteady sitHs leas 1 aewLand 8sa, Aet for. y5 f-u- iwriaTured i.

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