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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 12

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

roixr MbaO nrr Ba wm readtog ta toe BeWrpe- Per the Mggeetloa of MM BMNllM ktfpy ttM(kllMHtNUta good thing tf wemea weald tor to ftolea Mr ebopping to oMopy taa ears a Wnr eortJet thaa taa Oredtaale worker afl Aim, is wbieb, mm (be m14 ktfr tkr mm la tlMi Mwappw wlt til uf wnltm prick from th eight of taadiag wo aboat thtm. Aad reading, thl baa baa 4 emphatically "TMrilNiriH Mtkt. Wemea aaa Joel as well auift their aaapptag; boar to bo Bto wife oxtering vita oquel eta passu, ta argaaeeat followed which eaded. May argo-aseau da, la the aMbaad's asaertlea tbat be eoald 4 It, aa4 ka wm aa abepper aitkar. Waareape kla wife tor I ted bint to aoeeeapaay kar aa aaa daye ordiaary roaad.

aa4 la a tw moment ka accepted the toritetloa. AdaythM wekwM Miected, aod tba basbaad duly ra jaalaad ap towa after kraakfail -Wm aaaas start aarlr." ka Mid. "That la aaa af tka palate I made." "A oarty I aaa avar tart," rapUad kU fa, aad the kaad of tta family watched aa War slip away while bla wife got tka ehUdrea af to eebool, talkad wiU tka aaak aboat tka day awel. received aa early rieltor oa aa erread, ar tka groeor'e aad batcher's me wrote a aato ordering Mai. pat aa kar Jackat aad beaMt, aad anally laft tka kaoM wltk him all ve talanue before 10.

AttbegatobUwUewMaMtaaddetalaeafve miaaWe by a poor wentoa who belonged la kar charity elalttof dlatrlaV wkMa aall aaeltatod a ratara to tka koM far aa order Traaaorar af a relief eemmlttee. Tkalr raaldaaM to la WmI Oaa Hundred aad Tweaty-Mveata Street, aad It took tea aUaatoa to naek tka autlaa, flTanlaatM aora to aatek trala. wklob tkaf laft at XtcktaaaU ItrMt and Blxtfc Arraaa at aaaatlr aavaatoaa anladlM af 11 aelook. taka a traaafar aard.M Mid thab "aad tat ararrtklaa ta aaa atora. Tkaratka way yaa waaaaa waato Una aad atraatk raa- mXmm tm MflMM DflMi MJlA Ull a MBt kara aad tkara." Bla wlfa aald aatklac It wm kar kafcit to a traaafar aard.

Tkalarfaaaaptnt aetarad WMerowdad. It wm sat My to mt to tka Moator OMtrad. ant, ui thAm. a aUrk wm raadr. Soma white ynfav mm mmummmi mm wmvm mumm WMMkadfor.

Only tire piacM werelaetoeks aaltkar waold auwart tola err aad moat be dona eUewaere. Tka parabaM wm raeordad oa tka traaafar aad tka kaalary eonnter wm aoaabt. toeklnaa far Vad, rioaala, aad lltUa Trana," aald tka wUe, "twe gradM aebool aad beat" Tka kaalary eonater la alwaya kaaleitad, aad a aaaaidarabla wait aaeaad before aba aoald be aerrad. Oaly aaa part ot tka order could ba filled. Certala alaea Wara ant.

A mt for tba library, "wklck I aaa glad yaa eaa kelp toe ta aelaet," wm kar aext arraad. Tkef took tba ahrrator for tka rat departaieBt aad took aeatt far laapaeUoa af tka atoek. Hue after rag wm apread before them aatll. tba kuaband eoa-iiaaad. tka ebotoa beeaata Ha 1 1 ftl inrf mmw mwrnv" urn hv iwihm otmw ftaally gave It an.

Tbea bla wife priced, examined, eoualdered tba aoloriaga af tba room for WHIIil I mm ihwhuw. MMW mm ummm mmm atoM aetoetioa. aot, howeTer. until a goodbalf liour kaa aeea epeDt is too work. Oaa or Bore parokaaee wore aede la the abop axpedltloaaly peeaible, and a um-ber were triad for bat were aot obtainable; there wm a considerable wait at the traaafer deak for paroela and bille not arrived there, and wbea ther were aaoa aaore ia the street the kaaaead wm MtanUhed to and It tanked only a be aerrad.

and 1m aaa tba meal eonaumod another boor, aad thea the work wm continued. Aa eaehanae wm to be effected at one abop which needed Mnaiderable eireauloautioB, and at another the wife wanted ta look ap a nareol ht the proTtoM week waiea aaa tauea to ih kor. Ia ahla eaaa the dry goeda red tape beeeme very trying, aad the buabaad, like one af Oelda'e beraea, awere a little "ender bla The colored Diane nreved a dltB- tnlt necessity to procure, the deal red atocking sixes were ao an roaaa ei one piaoa, oiaer purchases needed trips ta mora than one shop, and it was a before ther left their last shopping place aad boarded a Third A venae elevated trala at Xlnth itreel. Both were ttred out, tbe buabaad especially aa, Aad, aald the wife, "this la aa easy day of aheppiagi 1 have bought no bonnet or gown i the choosing of either implies more time and effort. Yet yea see baa weary It is and bow inexorable tbe hours coanumed.

Aad I am aa expert compared to taaay wemea I know, aad to-day I have aot looked at a single thing outside ot my list, which one has to do to shop Judiciously. Tbe truth ta the weariest person oa a Mr at ni-ht la the mil who has beea doing a dara shopping. It ia paysieal and meats! latter of. taenieeiiatigaingeorvyetitieat important a breach or the lauiiiy asaira aay atner part. Aad asm will anl 1st ne alone aad let us boose oar owb time It ie all wa oak and they Bsay BMP taeir eeate rorevor." Tbe kaabaad replied aever a ward.

A recent entertainment ta a aclgbbcrlng city wm a tea" which took the form ef a Spanish afternoon." ThcM Mballatlq words, ngraved aa tbe larttattaaa, arouand much curiosity, and almost aver a-aeetblddaa fouad It Possible to accept. Oa anteriaa. tbe hand some rooms were discovered to be beaotirully decorated with yel low and red Bowers, tniereuereea wita apaaisa flega, which were teetooaed npoa bulls' horns. The staircase wm wound with the Sags, and ftpeaieh pic tares eaa edecta aboaaded. A paper wm read upoa Cervantes, the Here, the Poet.

Bad the hi aa." aad during the recaption whtea follewed. ajuate from blddea il there mi guitars nnnlanested tbe aonversatloo. Tbe rerrasb menu comprised many Spanish dainties soasinie. ana were servoa bdsiusb swia. Ihe affair'WM a great eaenesa.

aad la a eng- geeUoa to future hostesses, it would be easy to carry eat tbe uot Mm ia atber nationalities, aad am Italian, awediah. ar Greek aflernnou" aoold be made eaually effecttre aad latereating. "I kava kMa' aUrtled," aald a WMtera womaa aew nnag la this etty, to discover that tka llttla girt wka 11 vm three door away from aaa baa beea dewa wltk eearUt fever for twa week a. la Detroit my former home, a tkeecea-aloa af tka ahretetaa'a ftret visit a red placard with tka words Scarlet fever here" prfated la Mak lot tore la three langnaaee eacB.Germaa. aad Engllsswweald have at ence BoOued the sMlghboraoed ef Um eoatsgioa preoest.

1 have aliawad sa anras to wheel mr baby an and aewa la treat af tale beoee, which I should aot have deaa. aad my little aix-yeer-eld daughur kM goes abeat tbe pes sn tees la tbe same eareless way. If I bad koowa the beginning that aearlet fever was Bear sne, I should bava picked ap my bsbtee cad go no away for a month. -1 am aurarteed that Kew-Yora. ef all plaeeo.

la lax la sack matters. Here, where yea may ltv aext door ta a parson tor tea years aad never even kaew kla name, oae might at aay time be Mparated by Ua party wall enly from almost any contagion except perhaps, email mi ar allow fever. I have doas this, thougti. froas this exBorteace: I bava called npoa mr aeiahbore three deore eoeh way. omitting, of coarse, lost now, tbe eearlet fever house, and aakad the ladles it tber will be good as to wara ma ta ease ef future eeatagieiie elekneas at their bouses, promisiajf.

ar cnursa, lo as tue She mm by Whmu. That Ie all the prweaaUoa mo paeeiBie at preeeai. If Mtorlaf a fMhoaabla drawing rocat a falat eater, fragraat edor pereelvsd. leek araaad for aama add awtagtag veesol aad kaew that It la aa tneenee boraor aad the rwrtamed ait Ie ebarged from tta aeptba Moot of the lu-eease aeedto drawing reoui Ie tUe Chinese sort, which mm la aucka. gome konackrepera, ssssfsr.

akaet the AUwriaa. tba reel, ebarcbr sort, Md oae almost looka, aa eatehlng lu altar flavor, foe bad aoalrtos aad eUaaltug pvioela. The Chi bom aadaabtodly is to be are'erred for para worldly oae, Ite aroma I net so aieunei Walr ralivtoaa. Aav laoaaaa burning la Private keuaee, atmply for egeet, mast be Mt dew a a Mpnae ta aaeaiieaanie taava. ITbm aoaaebadykappiiy terma the -cult af eaady" ta aaa ef tka aaodora devalepcneate wkiek reaOy deeerrM tneatloa.

Bonbon. ata, eosnfHe ail grocafal aamee far what la at bouosa eaadr have Wag ataoa beea assaaiUpatod trosa the ehttdrea'e kiagdesa aad are a olio a ewrvoat cos a at the rasbtooable adult world. At tba baaaUful feasU ta which soelety dellghU ta revel eaady plays aa Importaat part, aad advaaood la toe aklU waiek leads tteeli so tta BtaaafMtara thai waaeerfu! color effeeta are poeetbka, maklag It rank almost wltk tba Beware la tsaportaaoo at eoststaaeo. Cswdtoa go wore, vteseto. roaoa.

heliotrope, thong a etill war oosUv. are eemmen. aad la addluoo thora ta begin alag ta be a amuact faahloa ba benboM whiek chaagea rrom eeasea ta aeaaoa like tba atylM af elothaer libbona. Thai maaaasar of eate at the large Broadway aa. tsliiishsaaota Mid roeootlv taas kie Ira eervosl BBadice regularly to aaaay famtllaa ta kew-York.

a sUted amoaat per weak, est tba baker and miikmna aerved tkara which aesatad at aret aa almost laorodlble etateataat aea It la saaa sweeeaeeata are asi aeeeptod sort at aay seeie. howovor. Is oaa bo aooorstood how they have boooeae a part at tka regular V4aJT Mr TttpVsJaJafsi iiuaiiusM nlMtrr toaacrtMtoUUexticr- diasry larrease la the eeaanmptiea at aaady tka cr at weaaea'a Mmpleiiaae aad ug tealsacy eeJlrdecAjlag toeth. It hi i A. kT WMMT BB, W- WW BBBWOaWawaw Vinvl B.SB1MW an, Wl aWmBMBB BBS BM tan WaV.

A Wet MaI aM OW mm mmm mm I MMMB OF AwMt IiTnlmMkii llimilf MHtMHN MM aot tadeed tnapoeetvle that aaedaratloa ta tkte regard atay ooaae ta aa arged. bat the grawtk af eaady aaaaafaatara bm beea marked by a grawtk la para aaady there deee mat ata eerV mom for apprehension. Stala aaady aa loarer eihrta exeept la tka toaemeat districts, and the para aorar la by a aneaaa nnvheleeonto anleae It la eeaeaatad inordinately. Tra only aaa goa'a," laagked a yoang womaa reeenUy, ant Tra dozena af It la ampaaUeaUy pettlooet aeaaoa. All af tka fMolosabla apriag gawaa aagbt ta ba lined, aad most af tbena ara, ao that the wearrr mat ba daiaUIr abod aad alabarately petU-Mated.

Maayaf tkaMgaraiaau ara aiada af rolored atik; ahot and alerd alike are tba bet liked and ara eo elabortlr uimmrd with laee that the plain sloth owa wbteb la held away from them enema severe by Matraat. (tome are cut la battleiaeata ar VandykM and ethers are extenalvely ambraidarad la tinsel ia Greek and WnU af Trey pattern. It la the pettteoat, not the frock over It, which eeeU at tba prenert moutenk There la a small, aaoetraelva eoctrtr la Condon kaawa the kL A. B. T.

otherwise, the Metropolitan Aaaoalatioa for BafrtandlagTouag Bervaota. Tba yoang persana helped are of tba poor elasa; they come out of tba poorboueas aud boeoine, long before ther ara eonai to It ta atrenxth ar ae, maida of ail work ia mitreaeea bard worklag and poor themselves. Ther ara the "als vera" of English Betion, and oae wfsbea. la reading of the helping band extended to them, It wm many times powerful aad far reaching it la. There la a elasa here ta America which la similar thonab not identieal.

perbap. with these btarehtoneeses" of Lrtek Swlveller'a fancy. One has only ta advertise for a rouncgtrlto taka partial care of a baby or to assist ta light bouMWork to be palaed at tba array ef applicants for the place, pained at their number and at their general condition. Tboy ara for the moat part glrla from tea to flfteea yes re of are, or tea beat from premature work, with pallid, nasty faeea. poor nourishment and close, en ventilated homes and ateepina quarters, wholly an trained and Incapable of any aultable service.

Tba 1 tumbling, useless, if not worse, future of these glrla auggeaU the wish there waa M. A. B. Y. 8.

and several of them right here in New-York. Tka tennis gawa kM ceased to be a place of awning alotb or a patch of gay furniture covering. When tba game first became popular eight or ten years ago color ran riot and design grew Insane la tba averaae tennis costume. Geudl- neaa was mistaken tor brightness, and tba average tennis court became a kaleidoscope of disco rdsnt color. Tba evolution soon began, bow-ever, and season by aeason tba Jennie I rock has emerged.

or thla use the tennis girl will get Into a akirt aud blouse of plain color, gray, perhaps, or pale green, and the touch of color will be found in tba bright cord which must laoa the belt and ruffs and braid the cellar. A pretty gown seen was a akirt of atone blue linsey-woolsey with a I nose bloaae ot plaid wash silk of aa unusually heavy quality. The sleeve were foil and gathered into shirt cuffa aad the collar was oa ordinary turnover ilka a man'a flannel akirt la tba album of Mile. fMgrid Arnoldaon, the new Hewedlak Nlghtlugala," Mine. Christine Nllsson recently wrote the following touching lines: "That new stare may ahlne In the Armament with the that onec Illuminated the world with their brilliant rara must disappear.

Bat let ua hope that when vanished there may remain behind bright remembrance ef their brief exiatenee. and that mr charming aigrtd may some day rank among the honored. A setting star, -CUK1MXIJJE KIL880S, (Countess de Case Miranda'') Bank of long-stemmed American Beauty roses are for aale on the streets, and one wondered that these rather overwhelming blossoms ehould find a curbstone market till i yoang woman wm encountered who wm carry' ing the flower, rose upward, and using the long stein as a man would use hie cane. A second girl had one which she ewltebed along whip laenien. a aimer use is to oa aa in ire a.

TEE WEEK AT LAKE WOOD. La KK wood, April 25. Although Lake wood ia bow In tbe beauty of Spring attire, fbe aeason ia rapidly drawing to tbe close. There are still a many guesU at tbe hotels and cottages, but their numbers are decreasing rather than In creasing. Mr.

aad Mrs. A. J. Barnard and Miss Barnard of Buffalo are at the Laurel II use Lieut F. Walker of ArlMna la stopping at tbe Lakewooa.

Mrs. r. H. Peebody, Mies Peebody. and Mr.

aad Mrs. r. K. Peebody ot Boston are registered at ins Lurai xiouse. MW MVM.

I Mm MIS. kVmmJm MIU UW I1VI, Henry Wilder Allen of Mew-York are at the Lake wood. Tbe Her. Dr. ftempte, pastor of tbe First Pres-by teriaa Church la New- York, has beea here oa a two weeks' visit justice Depue and Mrs.

Depae of Newark. V. are registered at tbe Uousa. Mr. and Mra.

B. LU Glenny ot Buffalo ara gaeeta at the Lakewood. Koland King of Newport la stopping for a tew dare at the Laurel House. The Hon. John Clinton Gray aad Mra Gray ot Kew-York ara at tbe I-akewood.

Tbe Church of Mary e-of-tae-Lake will be dedicated Wednesday of next week. The Right kt. as. j. u-rarreu.

uunop ot tuls aiooese. will omeiate. Aa elaborato muaical programme has beea prepared, la which Joyee's Orchestra will parucipaie. Among me lata arrivals are the following: taurtt from Nsw.Tarfe ft. Hughes, Miss K.

Breeso, Samuel M. Bantls. Mr. and Mrs. M.

LamvorL. Willlara H. roaniba. Charlas Adams Coombs, Mra. M.

U. Waits. Vt. P. Coillus, Mies tlaaagan, Mr.

and Mr. J. M. Bsuford, Miss K. U.

Ulbbs, Prof. Mrs. oiler, Mra A T. Ieuiareet, Mra. P.

B. Wbittewore, K. Lewis, Miss Jaiksoa. Mra, W. W.

YouottC Mr. and Mrs. K. K. itrowning.

Mr. ana Mrs. K. W. Kopos, Miss M.

A. Pelt, J. DTPelL Chauooy, Miss A. aaads. Miss Nerris, U.

H. Bchwab, Mr. aa4 Mrs. U. r.

Hscksr, Miss Chambers, L. T. Bluua. Mtos K. A.

Park, Miss s. awwrs nouert w. lontL jars. M. A.

fetiot-wslL John W. caruss. Mr. sad Mrs. John W.

pyle, W. K. MatUisws, Prederica W. Pichard, F. 9.

Proo-tor, Usydea Butts, A. Shephsrd, Mr. and Mra. bwpnea a. reaca, ur.

aau Mrs. j. it. Anderson, Dr. K.

luucaa bulkluv. Miss Huikicv. if r. aad Mia. O.

E. M. a. liortue. ueorse J.

Pent, rotas Case Bau. 1'hoiass Mtokes. Mtss Htoke. Charles Merrla. Jr Miss M.

Court it. Mr. aal Mrs. H. llolmsu, Mr.

and Mra. 1. Murray, Mr. and Mra. f.

H. Thompson, Mrs. T. W. Or mis on, ur.

A. lJiaena, w. s. wara, wis Her. M.

j. u'callsghan, mm unwsima, J. M. Cook, the Bev. K.

iBi-le, Wlllbtm f. etliedil, tioK.I. fcja t. as aad Mra it at. oohsll.

Miss HeartL sad Mr. and Mra ioun i. iiwwa rrom BreeklyB-Wllllam K. Fowier, B. M.

Hsl-ated, W. si. Tyler, T. P. Kimball, If.

Jivtmaa, aud Henry It ones. 3. r. Halloway, Mr. aad Mra P.

J. Magolxa. Mr. aad Mrs. U.

II. WiUlamsuB. lenraa Mr. and Mra. oeorge Coorier, Mr.

aad -Mra a. Gruansr, Mia ftum, Mt. aad Mrs, David Monaer. A. Douglass, M.

roraiaa. u. uaauvrg. Mr. soa Mrs.

O.nlirey Imasceart. Mr. ao-l Mra. Usrssaa Parker, T. M.

irrencii. mum rrenea. 11. l-luanter. Mr.

and Mra T. A. MaiUand, 1. T. binxineon, Mr.

aad Mra. H. K. Pomrer, lir. aad Mra F.

U. Boa wen W. Mason, Miss BDedone. tit. and Mrs.

IT. J. ailea. Mr. and Mra.

a w. uraauoo. jsr. aaa strs. u.

a. lorunc mr. aaa jara, u. nuuoiaa, Mr.

aad Mrs. Bsker. Mrs. Lewis C. LedvanL Mra.

Brush. Miss Thonpaoa, D. t. Llndsry. the Mioses Boailev.

J. C. Buadsv. Miss Bkionifiald. Law.

renos uotutta. J. a. bitsbs, a. l- kmc jtr.

ana Mrs. Menry r. joaes, Mr. and Mrs. K.

A. lwentual. Mr, aad Mrs. w. u.

asxter, Mr. and Mrs. j. u. Bablwin, Mrs.

treorge aiannwn, miss Btannion. Mr. and Mrs. Henry lrerrua Mra. A.

M. Mr. sud Mrs. JobB FroBcb. John K.

fhilUpv John H. Sprtager. Mr. aad Mra J. T.

PiUtx. MiuPulta. J. L. Puita, Mra.

Hanry Morgan. I. iL HOlu-r, Mr and stra. aiex steasy. i aartos BKiaBar, w.

o. eintons, Mr. aad Mra Jamee M. SantonL Mr. aod Mrs.

7. M. Augast, Mrs. W. K.

(iirvag. Mr. H. HouiBaon, W. H.

Uoedly.Mr. aad ra. A Simuons. IstW BHt. sas, H.

Is oraad saaoa. Mr. aud Mrs. C. St, KU rinse.

Mrs. is, H. Ooraail. Mr. aad Mrs T.

A. bor- Ban, aw u. iagsioM, ins staa. ttsary AUea, Mr. sad Mrs.

O. W. Tanning. Mr. had Mra.

u. h. uarria, and Mr. aod Mra C. M.

warrea. orwn op Tit woMors civn. Mr. aad Mra. Freak R.

Stocktoa were the gaeeteefthe members ef the Woman'a Unl ver- elty Club at tkalr regaUvr monthly reeeptloa at elubrooma, 113 MadlsoB Avenue, yea- terday afternoon tronrTwatU 7 e'clook. Tea wm aerved at 4 VeloctC Among those preasat were Mrs, Runkle, Mr, Krftel. rteal- deataf the IrawlBg-boom dub; sir. aad Mra Belllna, Or. aad Mra.

Titus M. Coxa. Mr. Ckartea A. Uorrmaa, Ur.

Urace Peek ham. Miss Ueiea VtvM BrowB. Mr. end Mra. J.

weUsCbampaey. Mr. and Mrs. Bterstadt, Mra. Uward Wlnalow.

Mra, Prances Plaher Wood. Mies tolgata, Mise Ula Weed. Miss Annie Brown. Miss Marv Ctnek weU, Mra, Marie P. Brace, President of the clubs Mra, George U.

Trsek. Secretary af ttm eltih: Mr. Jassee T. Morse, Mrs, J. Merrlam.

Mra. IHoasltor JehaaOB. Mrs. tta. Miss Avery.

Miss Lacy Ulu rmmrm mmm Tl U- UU. if CoOla, Mlsa K. R. Uoy." Mise Bosk, Mlaa laaratea, ana au sieaiy. It Sit JF 8 SKl.rMTATMMSXT.

Edward Lasenr. tka glare examlaer wka ngarod la the Passavaat sV Co. ossos. aad who wm Mapeaded by Appraiser Cooper la Decem ber, will report for doty ta-morrow moralag aadar tka order af tkaSacretary af tka Treasury for hia relMtatemaat. whether ke will he stored to hie eld place kM aot yet beea aa Boaneed.

bat the general ballet ta that be will be, ai though Appraiaar Cooper waold mock pre-farta have hlui sesnewhere else. Coraeitaa M. Biles wool to Washlagaoa Friday, aad It to said that hie trip to mode ia the later-oat eg Ma Cooper, whoso too ara mt eTAee to ro-stardod aa sVsolaodlv la aVaasTar. Henrv W. Caa- aoa, Preatdeat ef the Chase ational Baak.

and a very good frlrad af Ma also ia Washingtoa, bat It la deated thai ale trip kss aay wung at au aa aa wita tee apwossez. KMa-guif; Stmts, oTTzTrrnJirirTiirrirrtrrrT iurjua I 1 W1U pleaaaitarweaOaraad a eeeUaetnthe pravalMoa af ike grip, tkara wm a eert af gen eral revival tka eectety world aQ alcag tba Una daring tbi Uet week. Wot that there were aay porMeaW actable entertain menu or mack eatertaihiag la customary at thla aeason, bat maayi familiar faoee wara aaaa at tba thea tree aad la tbe etreete. aad there wm a marked reaewkl af interest la the topics aaoat dlsMssed at pfaMBt la tbe faabwaabla world. Tka weddinge kail off decidedly la number, but tka few which took place were largely attended, aad there wm general disposition to lay aside tka gloom aad BepreaaiOB wbk'b have bung over tbe alty for tbd last notitk to taka advantage ot the warm delightful weather and to assemble wherever aad wkeaever opportunity ottered.

Bomewbat unfortunately, tbe one new feature ef the week, thb Orst of tbe Clarcmont teaa, was marred by tbe ins ralnatorm of tbe week of any magnitude, which came ap Jaet as people were about to start for Claremoat, and not only disappointed niafcy. but actually kept aU the patronesses awjar. There are three more teas, however, and unfortunate beginning may be only tbe precursor of a larger and mora auo- ceaaful serlea i assemblages than usual. The tea, af reuree, oiriy aa excuse for a drive and a meeting toge her of tbe society element amid pleasant aorroi ndlnga, offering an opportunity to tbe memben of tbe gay world to review tbolr pleasures of tbi Winter season past aad to die-cum their plana for tbe Bummer season ao soon to open. I Tbe storm, while It effectually pat a damper on tbe tea at CI aremont, did not affect tbe ladies' reception bold in the same afternoon at tbe picturesque home if the Players' dab la Gramcroy Park, where tl era assembled.

In response to a special Invltatl sent out by tbe members of tbe club, a large mucr of ladles whose faces are well known in he social, literary, and theatrical worlila of tbe etropolla. Tbe occasion wm entirely aa Intort lal one. and tbe guaeta oooapled themselves la trolling through the pleasantly arranged and inalntly furnlithed rooms, cliat- ttng over the aaure successes and failures of the aeason, and in I discussing a light but well-ap pointed and we uvecrved luncheon. Among tbe a unounoemeffta ot tbe last week, that whloh has produced the most pleasant aen-sation is the ne relating to the forthcoming outdoor premutation of "Aa You Like It" This performai ice, which ia to be given on the beautiful lawu of sirs Edwin A. Stevens at ber handsome plane at Castle Point, Uouoken, ao well kuown to all Jiew-Yorkers who have Journeyed up and lown the Norvh Klver, is to tales place, if tbe sather la propitious, on the afternoon of TueadH June 111, and la to be given for tbe benefit of nt.

Miobaei'a ilorae at Maraaro-neok aud bt itbei-lne'a Home In Jersey City. The Idea of its pastoral performance came to tneiauiea mtcrrstou in tuese onartiies rrotu tue pastoral reudiilou ali-o of Aa You Like It" at Mancbester-br the-Kea last Hummer. Mrs Agues Booth waa at noe coueiilUMl and entered Into the idea with i uru iiiterost, while A. M. Palmer consented to ke cuarge ot tue arraniretnenla for the nlar.

be patroncsaea ara Mrs William Archibald Alexander, and Mrs. ks. Miss Kose Coghlan will play V. Chapln, Mr Francis U. RosalinJ and Mrs.

Booth Audrey, ctuart Hobson Touda tone. Prank Mayo Jaaues. and Maurice that at Barry inure Urtaudo. it la thought leasd a thouxaud persons can view the performance satisfactorily, and all the preparations I that will be necessary will DC IO DU11U tstors and a low platform tor tue spec pi tint a tew cedars to layers. The treeit on Mrs.

conceal the Stevens' lawn are unusually large aud tine, and i-ted for tha atage arc ao placed In tbe spoteeld that It would i ippear almost as If they had been illy for tbe pupose. Cmn.unlca- planted origins tlon wiili C'SHtle Point is so easy by fcrrrbout from the foot ef West Fourteenth htreet. Chris topher, or Barclay Street to Hobokeu and thence by a shirt aud pleasant walk or drive that a large adillenoe may be confidently ex- Gcted. The tickets are to be 5 each, aud can obtained of I tbe patronesses on days to be hereafter auucaiiioed. The novelty of the enter tainment la ouch that many persona who are goiug out of town early in June have already deckled to postpone their departure until after tnia occurrence.

There is niuoti disappointment expressed at tbe decision of) the Coaching Club not to run a coach this cpraig to and rrom the Country Club at Weetcbeatea This decision wm only taken regretfully and after much discussion by the club, in consequence ot the extremely bad condition of the roads between Harlem and West-cheater. Tbe elub'e annual parade will take place this reaij on May 22. a week earlier than nsnal, ss the last Saturday in May. on whloh the parade ia gaaeraliy held, comes tbia year on Decoration Day. It ia probable that tbe meet will be held In front of the Plaza Hotel, at Fifth Avenue and Fifty-ninth (Street, instead of at tbe Webster Monument on tbe west aide of Central Park, as baa boon the oase fur ac veral year Tbe marriage ef tbe Rev.

Frank Clendenln and Miss Oabrlclle Greeley came off finally on Thursday atteilnoon. On Thursday also were married very quietly eo quietly, in Meet that very few of tlas friends of tbe young couple knew anything about It-r-Maxwell Evarta, son of ex-feeuator Everts, and Mies Margaret Alb-n Stetson, daughter of the late Charles A. ctev sun. Jr. I On Tuesday! evening were married at nt.

TbotnM'a lr. I Kdward, Culver and Mis Mary Clark. Aa Mlas Clark la a comparative stranger in New-York. I being a daughter of henator Clark ot Butle City, tbe wedding wa not very largely attended but was very pretty. These, with Mis (ireeley wedding, were the principal events of tbe week.

Tbe engagement la annouured of Lieut. William Kathaday and Mra. Russell Hancock. Tbe wedding of frauds H. Sutton and Miss Florence Webb will take place on Thursday evening next kt Bt Thomas's Church, with a following reception to be given to the young couple by Mrs! Frank Leslie at her apartments.

I Tbe departure for Europe continue to an In creased number. Tbe Majeatlo on Wednesday laat took ou, many well-known parsons, among them Mr. and airs. Cornelius Vanderbllt, George VauderullL it. and Mrs.

Ogdon Mills. Mr. aud Mra John Jaofb Aator, Mr. aud Mrs. K.

T. Wilson, Mr. and Mra. William Hlnane. Mrs.

L. Z. Loiter and Us Letter, Mrs. Hurton Harrison, tbe Mioses llkrrisuu, and LUpenitrd ntewart, Mr. and Mra.

Peter Barlow and Mr. and Mra Brander Matthews, with tbelr families, sailed ou tbe Bourgdgue. Mr. and Mrs. William White- nouse aaiiea weani-sasj.

tgerton aintnrep and Misa Win1 hrop, Mrs. (las par Urlswohl. and Mrs. r. K.

WhUlng aud Miss Whiting also sailed laat week. Th departures for Kurope from now on will grow argor every week, but It is not probable, thai of tbe large contingent which will remain Win the fllgbt to the suburbs will be as early as kisual it the pleasant good weather continues. I Tli ore lalitle of novelty announced for the immediate future in town. Tbe feminine portion ot society will And interest undoubtedly in tne annual exnibition of needlework at tbe Ladies' New-York Club, which will he held next Tuesday at ihe clubhouse. In Twenty-second Street, between tbe hours of 12 noon and 3 P.

M. Tbe entrb-s are work only by members of tbe club, but I there are some loaned articles. among them la curiously-embroidered garment exhibited by iMra, Lock wood lie Forest, and which is a gobd example of tbe needlework of Aignaniatan. I Tne exhibition of fana which haa been in prog ress during Urn week at tbe Urolier Club ha at tracted much kttentlon and has been very largely visited. It whs organlxed with much aklU aud taaie, and actus of the mast beautiful fan ownod lu tha city were shown at is.

Tbe reach recitals by Mile, mizanne Dorleana at Btietry's ov Thursday afternooa for the benefit of tbe Kt uob Home fur Young Uiria were weu aviauumu Amoug tbol dinners of tha week were those Kivrapy wei airyca last nigbt lu bouur of ex 1'reelUeut Cleveland, and by Mra Kdward Cooper on Vueadar nigbt lu liouor or Mrs. ttgdeu Mills. I'J be entertainment given at the Oar.len 'iueati-e ea rnday afternoou la aid of the Mew ori Met Kitchen, which consisted ot two amateur plays, in wbloU some of tbe clever-est amateurs bow on tbe New-York atage participated, netted handsome eum for the charity. Tue college In tbe suburbs have begun tone ce litres of attraction to tbe younger element in aoolrtr, and from now oa to July gay usrties of msidens wUI bro from PbiTiMlelpblo, and all tbe (neighboring eitlss. to 1 rtnerton, New-brauswtk.

aud Mew-Uaven. to atleni nancea, oa gamee. ana athletic meeting, lbs mw owni wiai organiiauon ut Princeton Collect-, I lad ita nrst dan of tbe season on anuay cvbubie. aaa a large party of young people from bale elty went dawn to attend tu The i Nassau tlub wa i also opeaed st Princeton on Monday evening, but this opening annealed to aa older eltmeat 'vywmu Wont eoinei from London that Mra. Marshall O.

KvberU will shortly mots to tbe bouas ot Lord Boaalvnl Berkeley Pqoare. Tbia bouM has lust been aluadoned br Mrs. John who has moved into her new house on Carrol ion Terrace. Mrf Mar key will giro a ball In Jane in honor of the twenty-Brst birthday ot her son. ws ti4 oww isssv-isrl.

jNtorjrcrTk rxutr ixxevrt dimxsm. tbb entaa ana eroesery wnioa bm beea bxsq- nfac tared exaroaely for tbe annual banquet of me Amerioaa Protective Tariff League at tba Madison Baare Oar.loa aaauaet kail aext Wednesday ejrealag tool odea aetwMa S.000 aad 10.000 BleeesV aad ta peeked ta Sftoaa hsrs- boada. It tof aaaeaaeed by the eommittoo la charge at the) beaqeot that every eflert will ba made ta bagta tba dlnaer at 7 a'clack. aad It ergee every gsest to be preasat. tberefora.

at taa Oardaa bail aa bear ta adraaaa at tha tlae gnimag, grfl varB Something it lost when you nse Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. It's Catarrh. The worst cases yield to its mild, soothing, cleansing, and healing properties. No matter how bad your case, or of how long you can be cured.

Incurable cases are rare. It's worth $500 to you, if vou have one. Tho manufacturers of Dr. Sago's Remedy airu ivcuicu They'll pay cash, if they are looking for them. tou tnat amount in cas: can't cure you.

It's a plain srruaro offer from a responsible business house, and they mean it. It seems too one-sided, too much of a risk. It would be with any other medicine behind it It only goes to prove what's been said incurable cases are rare with Dr. Sage'a Catarrh Remedy. Other so-called remedies may palliate for a time this cures for all time.

By its mild, soothing, cleansing and healing properties, it conquers the worst cases. It removes offensive breath, loss or impairment of the sense of taste, smell or hearing, watering or weak eves, when caused by the violence of Catarrh, as they all frequently are. Remedy sold by druggist-, only 0 cents. TURyiSO TOWARD NEWPORT. OT MkwroBT, R.

April 2-The cottage reatala thla week are Admiral David U. Porter's cottage, at Jamestowo, to Mr. J. C. Ktrswbridge of Philadelphia; tba Hwlft cottage, at Bellevae and Wheatland Avcnuea, to Mr.

K. L. Kose of Providence; Mrs. Charles Wheeler's cottage, at Channlng Avenue and Bath Road, known a tba "Dodd to Mr. Henry S.

Lawrence ot New-York; Mr. James M. Newlia'a eaUage, at Jameetown, to Mr. Francis Lewie af Philadel phia: Mra. Annette E.

Tllden's cottage, at Jamestown, to Mr. John Whllsll of Phlladel phla; the Brown cottage, in Broadway, to Mr. Mr. Charles Llvermore ot the United State Knirlneer Office; Mrs. M.

C. Eustls's cottage. In Ulbbs Avenue, to Mrs. H. A.

Johnson of New York; the Poll cottage, In Orecnough Place, to Lieut Martin E. Hall, United State Navy, and the Hone cottage, at Beach Street and Oreen-ouch Place, to Mrs. E- U. Tinker of New-York. The cottage people here this week were numerous.

Among them were noticed Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Barger. Mrs.

Frederick H. Prince, Mrs. Ie Lancey Kane, Mr. Woodbury Kaue, Mr. William Orosvcnor, Mr.

Peleg Hall, Mr. jonn n. a. uriawoia. ur.

ana nra. a- Grtfflth, Judge H. W. BooksUver, Mlaa Cald well. Mr.

and Mra. W. A. Imer. Mr.

Charles H. KuMell. Mr. Uowland Russell. Mr.

and Mrs. H. Ylntou. Mr. and Mrs.

Koval Phelps Car roll, Mr. and Mrs. Augustine Amory, Mr. Louis 1. lxinuara, ur.

ana Mrs. iiugn wuiougnoy. Mr. Jobn A. Plnard, Mr.

John B. xooxer, Jirs. Marr Matthews. Mra. IL kuthven Pratt.

Mr. Robert Colgate and family. Mr. Walter L. Raue and family, aad Mra.

Walter Howe and family. Mrs. M. tX L). Beardsley of New-York has ar rived at the Anthony cottage, Jameatown, tor tne Mason.

Mr. and Mra Lorlllard SncnMr are expected at toeir cottage tor tne season in a few aaya. Mr. Louis L. LoriUarxl's cottage la being put in order for occupancy before many dare.

Mr. William Urosvmior of Pro idenoe expects to occupy bia new cottage on Beacon Util the coming Hummer. The beavr white marble wall around tne new villa of Mr. WUlltiu K. Vanderbllt In lieT.evue Avenue baa become undermined, and It has been found necessary to take it down and build a firmer foundation.

Morton Park, tbe gift of Vice President Levi P. Morton to tbe city, will be greatly improved this Summer. Tbe Casino Club will be opened for tbe season May 1. Ocean A venue has been put in order for the Hummer driving, and the bridle path along the arive, wmon wm constructed last ail, will no in good condition wheu tbe season opens. Mrs.

William Gainineil and family are ex peeled back from Kurope early next mouth. Mr. and Mra W. A. Duerof New-York will not spend the Hummer here as expected.

Mr. Frederick Pheldon of New-York has de clined the offer of some Providence men for hi team yacht Hskonnet and I bavlng ber put In order for hia own use tbts coming Benson. Prof, and mts. 1-airman Roger of Philadelphia win not apenu tne coming season at tneir cottage here. They are now abroad.

Lieut, r. H. Paloe. United HUttea iavy. has taken rooms here for the Hummer.

Mr. w. it Hunter aud Mia Moliie Uuntor are tbe gueit of friend in Boston. Mra. c.

ri. Maiooin of Hew-lor la at ber cot tage in key btreet. Mrs. w. K.

Tbom of cw-York Is having an addition built to ber cottage in Narraganaett avenue. Mr. O. O. King bM sold bla retlioat EtbeL formerly known tbe Hobo, which wm ouue one of tbe fastest boata In the harbor.

Mr. K. D. Morgan will bare the coming Hum mer in bis fleet of bouts three oat yawls, a atyle oi erait now quite popular. Mr.

Charles Wharton ot Philadelphia, who own a cottage, at Jamestown, baa been here thla week. Mr. and Mra. harton alart in a few day on a trip to California and Alaska, but will return in time to spend tne latter part of the season at tbelr cottage. Joseph P.

Stone and family of New-York are expected at their oottage in a few days. Mra. C. V. kuthven baa gone to New-York for a short visit.

Mr. (ieorge W. Weld'a schooner yacht Wan derer la expected here in tow in a few days. rxrir oast of -a tou like The east of the peetora performance' of "Aa You Like It," to be presented at Castle Point, Hoboken, on the lawn ot Mra E. A.

Btevena, June 16, will be, with possible-slight change. follow: Orlando JaiiUM Bsrrrmore Jrranfc Mayo Wbeatcroit Prsxer Coulter Btusrt Hetieoa liatiisbed Duke luke Krederict Oliver Hx.ia Corlu Fylvias Adam William Amiens CbsrUs theWreelier Kuaallnd Aii1rsy tvita his be Louis Masaea Drew K. M. Boll and VTsd Paobllng CW. Couidova W.

U. crane J. 0. Peaks Burr Meintoeh Haas CogiiUa Mrs Agnes iloulh Marie Horrounlis Msud Uarrtaua Tickets for tbe pit may tie obtained rrom May 1 to May lft of Mra P. It.

Week, 11 Ka-t Twenty-fourth Stmett of Mra. V. V. Cuapln. 20 t-ast forty-flftU Street, and of Mrs.

A. Alexan der, Castle Point, lloliokea, between ihe hours oi li a. M. and 1 P. M.

TOU A VAX At CADET871IP. A competitive examination for tha naval radi'Uhlp appointment from Congressman John De Witt Warner's Eleventh District wa held at Grammar School No. 32, 837 West Thirty-fifth Htreet, yesterday morn ing. The Examining Board were Superintendent John Jasper of the city schools. tbe Ber.

Brother Jamea of Do La Salle Inatl- tnta, aad Prof. Adolptt Werner ef tbe college of tue inyoi aew-lork. eeven lada entered tbe competition. About three times many were rejected aa aot meeting the physical requirements by Dr. tieorra Tucker Harrises.

Dr. 111-lata r. Dnncaa. and Ir. tagene V.

Brievogello. Tba Judges spent tho afternoon Mranatlns averages aad at 5 o'clock scnrxinood tbe foUow-lugresulU: First. Eugene Prince Dosne, 650 marks; sensed, Ellsha Harria Jsaes, 5JU marks. The eertineata for the appolatmoat wm tsaned to Mr. Doano.

Bad that of the altoroata to Ifv. ajaoa. The former is fifteen year aid aad the ottwr aiatooB, WATXSTOWr, OATS TJX CM It K1X0MT01. Throagn Wagner sleeping ear by taa JTew-Tar Gaatrol far Wotertowa aad Cape TlMeat enacting by ferry far King tea aad potato to "aiano, ieavM Central ttatioa at 1:13 r. M.

daily, exeept aatardaya, Car toartog w.TlI8' Saturdaya doee not ran beyoa owsssys FOB W0MS2T. Tbom wbom falU to taa eraataal trtoaopb af tba laady-aaaaa aMtaaaa talla aot, aav faltare, daeptta af saaay diMppoiataieata, aad waa par-aUusotiy. aeaaoa after aeaaoa. eeek yet agoU tor aa opportanity to mvb time, waich to them ia aaoaay, by tba poreboM of elotalag availabla tor immediate nee, will find tbe present outlook vary eaooaraglag. In tMtefalnass aad variety aad la exeelienoe of quality aad eat there ta a marked improvement arer pravlou yean.

Tba chief dltBoulty bow la with tba price, which remain above tba reach af tka women to whom the ready-made gown would be of most service. Evea at thla point, however, there are so many Indication ot a better day to give prophecy of hope for tbe fatare. Morning robee, and Indeed all etyle ef negligee, are so low as to make a conscientious woman pause before buying to wonder what could bare been paid for making. Calico wrap-pere, plain, certainly, bat pleaalng in pattern and reasonably satisfactory In make, may be bought for 75 ocnu. For 91 come pretty calico wrapper with pockets, curls, and turnover collar ruffled with tbe goods.

Both these atylea have the Princes ahape, with flounce Mt In below tba welt Una at tbe back. At ILda la oflered a line of outing flannel wrapper of pretty colore and quite elaborate dealgo. These are not patched ap la tee-gowo style with flimsy surah, bat ara entirely of one mate-riel, unexoeptlouebly Met, end very desirable for wear at borne la those Summer morning when the mb Mod a Mid breeie inland. A delicate atria one of tbe prettiest shadea abowa ia these goods. At special aale bM bMn offered for $1.29 a blue ehambray wrapper, with full alMvea, bavlng tbe turnover eblrt cuff, a pretty yoke, and watteaa front, trimming ot blue- and-wblte tripod gingham, tne gown oi par ticularly graceful out At regular aale for ai.

-a ore wrappera of tbe palm-leaf vottona, and very pretty tboy are, too. Tbe larendera and crerftne, being eipeclally soft and to be preferred. These gowns ore made with plain, round yokea and watteaa faUnesa front and back. Atgl.63 are gown in much the tame shape made over a ugut lining, wmou uuiu outer fullnoui In place and prevent tbe robe from falling Into cureless! outline. Large cbal-Uc-pat tented cotton are used tor these.

One of tbe best ideas of tbe aeaaon appeara In the dreea with plain, round akirt and waisb Bodice and akirt are sewed together and a wide nt tha vonds is provided. TboM were Intro duced last Fall in calico for $4, and in -wool tor 7.50. but a much ruller line or inein ia anowo thla Hpring at tbe reduced price, (ur cottons, of 1.37. They make the beat of working morning gowns, ana will prove a noon to many, mm mo price la low that a plentiful supply may lie bought. For housemaid tbey ar precisely whiU 1 needed, and with the ready-made apron make It posMble for every aomrsuo to areaa Ith uniform uealues, ana even who nuca taste, since ibey are by no moans maae up oi the unsalable designs, but are offered la tasteful prints.

Theae good will bring reuer. inn, to not a few ladles who do not care for them for their own uo. since It will be Just to Insist that tha slovenly attire or the average gin, especially tba "one girl." who la expected to servs la banished; so stringently for- biaaen mat it wui not wun inu mm days to disgust callers to whom the wearer thereof open the door, or take away tbe appe tite of tuose upon wnom sue atteuus at uuie. At 92.VO is to DC seen a cnamoray wrapiier ia solid color, with trimming of white embroidery. The shape Is new, being a revival or one eo oia that It Is almost forgotten, the genuine sack wrapper, flowing straignt rrom tne snouiurr without yoke, and without dart or ntung oi any klud.

It la nnllned, and with itsdeepiy ur-pllocd throat makes' an ideal negligee for a warm morning. A belt accompanies It. to be used if desired. About the V-throat are set groups of tucks inside the white edging. Blue and ptuk ehambray are extremely pretty made In thla manner.

By the way, these plain eham-brava of pure, steadfast, coloring, which were once such universal favorites as to be consid ered indispensable In a eummer outnt. are oeing looked upon with unusual partiality thla season. Thla la well, for they have-notably the pink a clear, aummery look not equaled by any cotton of their price, except the old-fMhloned lawn. They possess an advantage, too, which most of the novelty cotton le-k. that of being presentable without silk foundation, though they are effective with It Cblldreu' aulu of thla, plain ehambray are charming.

A first suit for a boy la of bine ehambray, with veat revere, collar, and ouffa of white plane; tbe price, if 'J. 48. Lawn wrappers. Wim tUOSS oonnuou vy viuo iuwuibSi vwu, eulfa, and pocket ornamented la keeping, are A lawn, with white ground andttnr oarlet eprlg, la prettily shirred la tbe waist, and finished with eearlet edging am little scarlet bows. Tbe price-f7 uiigui aeem to Justify rather mure fullness in the body of the wrapper man nas oeeu grauieu.

muHuiir ness of folds I a fault noticeable ia muob ot tbe roudy-made work. A plain blue ehambray for 612.73 show some excellent results of careful designing and execution. A yoke la formed by very One length wise tuck that flow free at the turn of tbe bust, giving a blouse like fullness which is confined again at tbe waist oy tuoke. Similar tuck com-pre the full sleeve at the wrist opening Into a mine over tue nana. narrow sianuiua collar is made byi laying tbe tucks la a horizontal band, producing a piquant etlect sgalust the vertioal tucks of the yoke.

Collar aud wrist rattle are edged by white embrodary, tbrongb whloh narrow watered ribbon, pale blue, bM been run; thla ties In dainty bows. Tbe two-inch belt circling tbe waist and oroae- lng In front ia an inaertion Dana of tne em broidery interlaced with ribbon. A beautiful gown, wbieb, though triotly a morning dress, may be worn with perfect pro priety lor an iniormai site moon tone at no me, is of figured dimity, the ground white, tbe little leaf pink. Two-luoh box plaits of white embroidery run the full length of the gown In front with groups of narrow tuck supporting them. Tucks and embroidery are maae to give a V-back, tbe ioini touoning me waist line.

Tbe front Is loose, tbe back tight, and the gown la unusually graceful and pleasant to look npoa. eaggestlug a delightful vision or iweet woman hood in Hummer array; a vlalou which soma pretty young woman may realise for her friends by paying Sl.tfO. Tbe figured dimity noted In tola gown Mil In good quality at -0 cant a There la no prettier texture la cottons than dimity, and ite revival laat year after long neglect wm weloomed, though Ita prloe wm such as to forbid any very general acoeptanoe of it Tbia MMoa promise to show a generou use of tul goods, to the special advantage ot children' clothe and ladles' home toilets. A dress of thla, made with untrimtued skirt, tbe blouse close-Ottlng, with tucked back and front and trimmed, like the turnover collar and cuffs. with white embroidery, sell at HJ.a.'V.

The ground is white, the email figure water-gray; a cool ana simple gown lor a not uay. ids skirt Is cut to clear the floor and permitted more drapery than tbe rreneb akirt A tea gown of narrow-striped silk In peach pink, pale bine, aod tender leaf-green Is given a front of pink surah, held aoross tho bosom aad at tba waist In exquisitely graceful folds by rosette of tbe pink. Tne sleeves are extraordinarily large, aad of the Bishop variety, fall- lug softly at tne anouiaer in voluminous folds. i araping tne aecu puua euaa oauant to gctber with rosettes. on i exoiaimea a iaay wno wm rating at it iB an eestaey of delight It Is a poem a Summer morning dream blue sky, apple blossoms.

bursting leaves beauty, youtn ou, Lancelot give me that gown and I shall be young again Nonsense 1 What do you (appose It ooet Thus made proaale and unohlvalroua. anwaer tbia modern knight with the roinantlo and chlvalrlc naaie. Muob perfeet confections as tbia are a eonclu- alve argument against Ih total abolition ef tbe tea gown, though tbe effort to restrict ite um can but be approved. Cotton Cheviot a material to be more need this year than last Is made ui In blouse suits, like tne aimitr ones, ana selling at the aama prloe. Pretty gingham are offered la the (am style, lilngbeui suits made with the long Mat bodice am higher In price, beesuse tbe coat and trail ing ekirt carry tne value or novelty and fashion, able approval.

Tbey mar, however, be bought at15. Embroidered cottons, made with short Jacket front aver tbe blab bodice and side panel npoa tne hit wniea overlap tne front breadth, are pretty. Plata blue or pink a-lag- bam bare toe Jacket, panels, aad wide band-girdle and alMves of white embrolderr ma chine-wrought npou the dress materiel. This Is An Ounce of Is wnrth a pound of cure, I find true fn connection with Hood's I used to be troubled with fever and ague, malaria, pimples on the face, and other affections resulting from blood impurities. I was induced to try Hood's bawapanlla, and all; as a result I out the year.

W. Stewart, 605 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. For your Spring Medicine, take faa foverUa deetga for fashioatng tbe robo chaos bra ya. BMdj-aiade.

aaob a diwaa eeUa for aUToraia. a a co tea gingnam, wita nig aaw-waita oioexa barred off by aarrew atripM at eearlet af fallow aad af grMa, bmAm a gay gawa ta aearlet trimming. Aa Imported areaa af bloe eottea, with wavy line of white, bM a wide gathered ruffle arooaa toe enn set oa wita aa taca-wiae neaa-lag. Ta tba rouad waist ara added baaquo faa-plalted ta tbe belt, deeply pointing to treat aad separate to tbe waist line before aad bebiad. TboM eoaqnee, which are tba striking feature of the gown, rsaoh at taelr loageet point almost to the bead of the akirt raffle, aad are edged, like tt, with deep Vandyke emorcldcry of white tbat also truss taa bodies aad sImvm and form the ball A striped browa and whit gingham.

wboM effect is rather white than browa, bM a plaia Preach akirt, a coat bodice al ashed to tbe waist la aquare tabs, tba front rolling back la brood revert, widely displaying a full blouaa at soft white- muslin, bavtag a Jabot at delicate ant-broidery. A cravat of tbe eome Um la a tight knot with two abort enda aadar the turnover embroidery collar. Tba blouae la buttoned under each arm to a waistcoat af tbe gingnam. Twea-ty-four dollar ia tba bgure demanded. Turning for a moment to tba wcola, here is a Marlet-etrlped cream-colored flannel, with aorV oua bodice, half blaur, halt coat Tba front, narrow aad with abort rovers, abow a very full blouse ot scarlet silk, wltb gold braid and gold buttons.

Tbe elMvee are of the ell k. scarlet cord la laoed down tbe edge of each front to Prepared tor auoh costume are blousos of dark-blue allk. baring knife-plaited yoke outlined with gold gimp, which trims tbe ooUar, sleeves, and coronet girdle. Pretty light cloth eoetumea are ebown, baring capo etlects over the sleeve and SnUblng of Ottoman allk aomewhal darker to tone than tho goods. Mobair auite bare open Jackets, abort or moderately long.

Mowing blouse vest of rep silk, and tbe rati are given wide knife-plaited ruffle of ebUIon running down tbe front and about tbe collar, with loosely-tied ore vats of tbe gause. Mohair, allk, aad chldon ehould ba of uniform color, harmonious shadea of dark gray securing one ot tne moat aucceaaful results. A beautiful tl ark-green cloth house dress has Princes back, with full front under square Jackets that are a Mild mass of raised gold embroidery tbe ooet fro2.fa Dark-blue cloth gowns are hldsous la trimmingof colled Inches In diameter, uf white, gold, or all ver. Sometime a mat of one color will appear to emerge tram behind one of another color as a heavenly luminary oomss forth from an eclipse. "That Is lost what I want I Not expeualve.

you kuow, bat so simple aad well mada. I wm aura we could find something WeU," returned her companion doubtfully, peered through tha glass of a big show window before wlch the two were standing, I admire it very much" and ho paused for a closer inspection. So simple, truly, the plaia skirt tha long, glove-tttting coat with Ita oon cealed opening, and Ita double-breasted row of rounded "bar buttons, perhaps two lncbea In length, and Mt crosswise; French simplicity. We oun go In," resumed the last atieak'er, but," and a little smile crept around ber mouth. "1 dun't think you'll take It" Tbe smile bad broadened when they come out a few minutes later, but ber I ncx peri need eompanioa showed her discomfiture plainly an Imported oottuuie, 075." Bat there really are well-made wool lulu thla aeaaoa at low price, which fact In ltaelf, mark an MtonUblng awakening of tbe ready-made costume designer's oonsclenoc or common senso.

Pretty blaaer ault in light wool, beige, and 6 ray sell for SlZftOtOfia. To these a bloaae mst be added. The gown la plain, well cnt serviceable in atyle, and tbe material good. Coat suite appear, too, as low as 'JO. These are In gray, navy blue, and tan.

The akirt la plaia, the ooat dlrcctolre, and big born buttons, the color of tbe cloth, are tbe only trimming. Tbe material la a light-weight tricot or flannel cloth. I heae ooatumes are an advance over styles shown la former seasous. yet there Is a profit evident which would admit of their being profitably sold at lower figure. Time falls to tell of tbe novelties In cotton goods, tbe allk-flniahed cottons, and those tbat seem to be finest wools until the touch undeceives But the newest thing in cottons, the material known aa Bedford cord, though differing radically in appearance from the popular wool goods of that name, must be noted.

Tbe cord, which la beavr. Is arranged in groups, and makes a ahowy surface. A ready-made gown of thla, with coat bodice, comes at 33. SOCIETY IX BALTIMORE. Balttmobk, April 2 The WMk bM passed quietly away without anything of Interest to the way of entertaining.

The society columns of tbe local newspapers have been devoted almost wholly to comments upon tbe approaching amateur performai) oca and to encouraging oom-mendatloua of thoae who will take part As the time fixed for these events draws nearer. Interest la them seems to grow more keen, and doubtleM oa the appointed evening tba thatrM will be crowded wltb large and enthualMtlo audi ence ever in tbi elty greeted the most noted players Tbe ticket bare not yet bMn pat on ale, bat wben tbe box office open, It la certain there will be a very general eoramble for Mate, and, la order to guard against tbe Interference of (peculators, aa advertlMment bM already appeared which anuounoe that not mora than twenty ticket will be Mid to any one person. Tbe ingenloua author of thla notice, in tbe de-Ire to circumvent tbe ticket-vendor nuUance. evidently overlooked the fact that it is quite competent for the ticket broker to employ a number of agente and thereby to secure as many Mats as be may want Tbe Daly company bM been playing at tbe Lyceum Theatre ail through tbe week, and, to the absonoe of entertaining, bM aiiorded a welcome meana af diversion to eortety. au-riously enough.

Miss Re ban. although enjoying a high reputation la New-York, was scarcely known In tbia city, and ber sunearance was an entire revelation to most Baltlmoreana, many ef whom have bMn excessively lavish In their praieea of thla clever artist who they do not hesitate to My possesses greater talent than any actreM they have before seen. Again thla Spring efforts are being made to re--establish racing at Plmlloo, and it now aeema quite probable that with tbe co-operation of a number of society and business men, a erie of excellent race will take place In tba Fall. Ever inoe tbe dlabandlng of tbe Maryland Jockey Club, about two year ago. efforts have beeil made lo re-estebltsn a turf club In tbia city, and Indeed, by the very fact or tbe disintegration of tbe Plmlloo Club racing matter received eatliu-nlua which tbey bad not enjoyed for many year.

The plan now under consideration, which In fact Mams to lie definitely determined on, is to hold a meeting some time in October attar tbe closing of the track in New-York and Brooklyn and row the magnitude of tbe purses proposed, the best entries will thereby doubtlos be scoured. Tbe fine weather ot tba past fortnight bM bMn specially favorable to hunting, and the Elk Ridge Fox club has now afcirted In on iu regular series of Spring hunts. The hounds will continue to meet twioe a week, oa Wednesdays and baturdays. until tbe Hummer, and the Country Club, the borne of the Elk Ridgera, Is, as Is usual during the Spring, beginning to be resorted to every afternoon by small parties for tea. Thus far the Hprtug has been exceptionally destitute of weddings, and one of its chief sources of brightness bM therefore bMn removed.

Usually a largo number of marriages take place at this time, and wedding breakfasts and receptions form a very considerable part uf the Spring gsyety. only two or three marrlagea have, bow-ever, thus far token place, and these were of a private kind. On Thursday the list wm enlarged wben Randall McEim w. married to Miss La-vlnla Taylor at noon at Emaanel Protestant Episcopal church. Only a few persons were present After the oeremony a breakfast wm served at tbe Mount Vernon Hotel.

Tflr OX Hit AN FOLIKLIXIK. At th last meeting of the Board of Trustee of the German PoUkllnlk, til BUth tract tbe report ot it Beer lory, ur. W. Freadentbal, for the quarter howsd that th Institution kM Increased wonderfully ia tbe amount of work wniea it bm dona. The number of patients treated bM grow a so rapidly tbat It bM been found necessary to tint new quarter at 7 a revsiith strMt aad It will more thither to a few weeks ihe books of the Secretary abow tbat wf.r?.

reated lu ISMI, against sow; o.owv new prescription made. against ia jotru. and cells mada. against tUHJJ In IHUO. since tbe founding of the rolikltntk

new patients here been received, aud tho total namber uf calls ha 5 Preventative and now take it every Spring have vigorous health through LIT MUSICAL T0WCX A aia aid taaa wm tba eeaag at aeaaldarabla I annoyance amoag the as aato aritlM at tbia errr-Uet WMk. Beoetue the dally aewspaper. aU af Which bad praised tba per form boom at rraa Rnmtoel, refused ta accept Arthur rriodhelm at dUpeaeer of aew light aa tba art af plane placing, tbia xaeaalraly gUly old maa-slljy becaasi be wm lBtarMted" la tba anaoMa af both tiste tore hia hair and issued a verbal proelam- tioa of bla opinion tbat all tba moat critic Bad beea eajolod. parsoadad, or etherwUe tsdooed by Mr. Hummel to absa Mr.

Frledbeia. SacaaatoryBtightbapaeeMevarualleacedld Itaotrepraeeata eoudltloa of thing patofaUy common. The eritle who (peak well at aa artea -la ald to be bribed by the artisti tba arltie wm doM aia duty aad expose a ebarbataa ta aald to-be bribed by another performer or aa appeal ttoa planomaker. Thla kind af talk originate among person wbo Ilka tba ellly aid taaa re- 5 tarred to, know very little about muaioal end- clam themselves. The position of thl paper aaa -been clearly defined, but ao comparison of Rum- -met and Fried helm bM appeared.

la Justice ta tbe former, bowever, It I only right to say that no conversation on the aubjectot Frledheim la tolerated by him at oil. Now, a few word more may ba Mid about Hummel for tbe benefit of the silly old uiea and perbape for tbat af eoine other person who do nut kuow tbe diifereuce becweeu a great artist and a commoa plsuist Mr. Fraaa Ruav mel la on of the greatest living pianists. Taa reasons why are readily enumerated. First Mr.

Hummel bM musical emotion. Thora never wm any question a boat thla. A tow years ago bia muaical emotion, commonly ceiled temperament wm bla strongest quality and verbal- -anccd bla other force. Tula ia no longer tba second. Mr.

Rummal bM Intellect Every composition whloh he undertakes is thoroughly studied, and the result ia a reading which bM aa artleuo purpose and a meaning. Third, be bM self-control, which tnoludee, or rather produces, repose. Fourth, be bM a complete and adequate technique. Henoe, this man has what Mosart. proclaimed to be the three prime requisite ot a pianist heart brain, and finger.

If tbe newspaper writer of tbia elty hat failed to recognlxe theM qunlltiee, tbey would aim ply bare demonstrated their unfitness tor tbelr duties. That they have praised Mr. Hummel warns, ly only goe to show that they know aa artist ot tne first rank when they see and hear him, Mr. Frledheim la not an artist of the first rank, and every dally paper in tnia town discovered It at first eight Aad that is what agitate tba aforesaid ellly old man. It la a curio ua fact tbat none of tbia tpeaker at tba Thomas dinner at Delmonioo'e on Friday evening referred to tbe mMterly moaner to whloh tbe eminent conductor makea a pro- gramma It la on of tbe moat Important of a couoerV giver's duties and tbe one to which many, otherwise excellent falL But to tba course of au aoquaintanoe with Mr.

Thomas' work extending over ouie twenty rear wa have aeldoiu known him to Mt forth a pre gramme that did not command admiration. He excel in tbe arrangement of programtnM tor popular conoerts, as well a for serious ym -phony ooucerta, and forsuoh conservative affaire as the Brooklyn Phllbarmonla To make auoh fine programmes require not only a wide acquaintance with muaio. bnt a catholicity ot learning and taste not often found in one man. 1 1 is one ot tbe line quail tie ot Mr. Tbomaa that, while be 1 perbape at bla but In readings of Beethoven, ne Is hardly a Jot behind In bia interpretations of Wagner, Moaart, Schubert, ftohu-mann.

and Bach. In performances of tbe last-named oo in poser, the father of modem music, the towering genius that stands Ilk a mountain on tbe far borlaon of tbe muaioal piotoro, Mr. ThomM bM no fjqual In thla country And yet he ia also a splendid interpreter of Brahma, Dvorak, Tsohalkowsky, Hains-Baona, and Rubinstein. After bla reading of the Taobalkowsky fantasy-overture to Hamlet," It would be unjuat to deny hlra a front rank among the conductors of modern programme music The man who bM auoh a keen sympathy with tbe entire range of orchestral moaio aad soeb a thorough acauaintanoe with It la tbe man who -ean make a programme fitted to chain the atten tion or an audience and aena tti member away nn wearied. a Theodore Retohmann, tbe baritone, mom oat to the Hmtioal VourUr wltb a long letter describing hia conception of Hans Baoba.

Tba letter and the matter which It contain ara ad mlrable. Belehmann'e conception i Just and beautiful. It ie fouuded on truth and ta tbe result of careful study and seventy-two rehearsals under Frau Coalmo. But if RolchmanB had aot written the letter no one would ever have known that he entertained such a conception of tba role. Oa tbe atage Reiohmann represent Ban Sachs a sour-faced, nagging, explosive snarling, Ui-temperod old man.

There, is ao kindness, no tenderness, no mellowness, no good nature. Those qualities belong to tba eharao-tor. a fact which Mr. Reicbmann faeogaiaM to bla letter. It la a pity ba doM aot reraal ttaent to bia Mttog.

a It will boob be unneceMary for etodente of music to go abroad, Tbe best in tractor to Europe are gradually being eoured for American Institution. For Instance, we are to have next rear in thl city Xaver Seberwenka at tba V. A 1 Hk.L 1. I aaiwi a mmm wuwh laj uiuu, MiMU, ar. Soldi will be one ot the Instructors.

At another school ao leas a teacher thna Jadaeaohn, oae ot tbe greatest theorists of Germany, will ba anv ployed. me new-EBigiana oanMrrntory bm engaged Buaonl and Teiupleton Strono. Busonl ta the yoang Italian wbo made auoh a remarkable tuo- at Bt, Petersburg a year ego. TboM who heard nia work nt that time declared that be (bowed something very like genioa. Temple ton Strong I an Amerloan composer, wbo bM been living In Germany for sows year.

lie la a maa of Talnablesglfu and accomplishments Ills return to America aa a teaoher is a euhleot for congratolatinn, and tbe New-Kngiand t'onanrva- tory deserves praise tor au engagement weu for tbat of Busonl. a a Here 1 a pointer" for Henry E. Abbey. It la taken from tbe London liaw 1 LJttla short af aatonadlns Wm tka fat mt npu. tuny ainiMted ou Thursday night, wbsa Mil.

Ululla Uavegli, wbeee-sacoessee have hitherto bene eoBBAed almusi ml entirely to serious or even trsgio parts, sppeared Uarmno. wla nlii i aasuy a piss ia sihmouUiI tha tbe first rank ef those wbo have ImpersoMUd tbe character. So many ars tbeaa. and au eotnub-ts the Uiaaoer la Which aoina of Uusn kava aturiiaA lha dsiails of the Bertormance, that it might well have seemed a hopeless leak attempt Pis Inveattoa ef new stage business er tbe rsallsatkio of a aar of the gypsy's ebanetr. Thorsiuy nlghtpruved it there wa yt room tor osw rnadlnua of ataar subsequaat rvaetitioa may briag lo light even mar uf those fellullons touch as whloh ge to make up a sonsummetWy artlsUe ooussp-tlpo.

As It is, bowever, each se-ne full of vivid and wsll-eoaaidersd details that II would be Impossible to vaomerele. It most nthoe to refer briefly to some of the more remarkable) among these must be uabeeitotlBgly placed the gradual proreas ef fascloaUoa by which tbe gypsr ootalns sbeolnte power ever her lover, and which finds its climax at Uia oloe ef tbe daet la tbe second aot, whso she draw him gently backward step uj iwb, as lunag aim so a nieemeris sieea. lal ue oeuneeuoo oi tue 001 i course ot her Bekle kwe she boiner tnaa My -ot ber predeeeaeors. eaeeptiBg, perhaps, Mme. ftelU MartSi Mm.

Lstooa aloae sur-pssses bsr in the force of tbe satire with which she parodies tbe trumpet call, and never baa tbe frank deviltry of tbe part been so expressed as It Is la ber by-play daring tee retrain of the Toreador's song heard behind the eceoe tbe close of the third act. Ot the songs the feesaldllla waa tba most eompletelr successful; In tha card scene of the third act the beautiful and charsoterlaOo melody In minor wm taken so emotionally sa to lues soms ot tbe weird charm with whloh Mat Marls boss was went to Invest tt by her quiet, eantabUe reodsrVng." FISHER RELEASED ON BAIL. Samnol ruber, tbeoolaelier oonvicted ia tbe Court of Oyer aod Terminer aad senleneed by Judge Barrett to three months' imprisonment and ta pay a fine of 1,000, wm released aa ball yMterday. Judge Barrett, wbea epplioatloa wm made to blm for a slay aad admission ta ball pending appeal, denied the application, holding tbat there waa ao reasonsbie ground for expectation tbat tbe verdict of tbe Jury would, be reversed on the appeal to tbe Ueaeral Term. Mnaara.

Howe A liummel, Fisher's counsel, are gentlemen wbo do not make It a prrwtl to leave any stone unturned In tbelr euurta on behalf of tbelr clients. Tbey scurried around, therefore, aad frlday they made a favorable Impression on Judge tTett ot tbe supreme Court Tbi Brooklyn Judge was more gracious to tbe eon vie ted poolseller than Jodge Barrett bad been, and be granted the stay, fixing ball at District Attorney Nlooll was angry yMterday wbea be learned tbat Judge Pratt bad rraa led a atay without consulting with him. when tbe representative of Messrs. Howe A Ham mel, wbo had flatter In tow, accompanied by the proper personage charged with seeing that be did not 5ive tbe authorities tba slip, reached the listrlol ttorney'e oflice, Mr. Nlooll Mid tbat.

as Judge Iratt bad aeen at Interfere. Ktaber might be taken over to Brooklyn to bare bla bail bond approved. The represents ties of Howe A Hnmmel was wroth, but he vn not forced to go to Brooklyn. He found Judge O'Brien of tbe Supreme Court in bla chambera, and Jadga approved tbe bond, taaae Sommera, a wholesale liquor dealer, qualified bondsman. MUSI MMM DIMMCTOMT FOK 1891.

Tba Trow City Directory Company wLU taaa to-morrow a saw edltioa af lu BaatoeM Dr Metory af Jfew-Tork City. Tba toeoeaad pagM tO Wniea nin vajme wei mmm mmrrnr grown are bo and to a Beat relume af aoaTaaleaa alto. la tbeei to gJrea taa aama at every baaV acts bou la tba elty. each Km ef trade Wdng arraagrd aadar lu appranriata headlag. at aaa tog fere nee easy.

Toe book atoa Mataiaa a atreot aad btcbm dlreetory aad maea atboa alaabU laformatlea..

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