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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 5

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i I 1 gfrt Ikfo-ggrh hires, -fenr, nln 19, 1867. which Mr. IfoCrixoca sad Mr. Ron. Lnm are and mm of them went off last night with thatr coorage ao much recforotd that tby tweated that the beada of khm of tha offlcwre of tha Board would come off within thirty daya.

Tha following tha report of tha Secretary of tha Treaeary Tuimt toimm, Jury 1. the rMxtiuus tl the ijmua of lmut 1 rtv mnt ti 1 A tnu. Ml tmwnuam mmniM a onnlHlo ovw niud is this Department, in sTHiv Mew.Tsrk. aaa vied. "Tin Metropo'itan Re-vesae Board." I hav Um honor to retry thtt a Board tablnd thr radar tht drlgiiatio.

"Bar thai DmwUmii' oa ths list ultimo; taa mmmm aad Bates ot watch ara beat define by rxrece ia th erdar eraaonc Tt, which- a sa follow: TaatatTBT pitiwt. the nrii ef e.ema ta lateveal wee ib th ai nii d.i ioa Md freed, wanw th latere! KeveBuae. a-l ef th saw. vr? fCrr: T.uf a Trt; a an as at. ecu 's aw-vara, ara Bare or.

-aMtated a Board. V. a- kaows tsecoad. TBivd. Ka.

ZTT-V 1-. iw-r-ncW of wili aT "-IZi aawMTw ft Mid Botrd for tVAd Will I -ZT aMf th dirwrUna of Boer atw bo t-umat4 by Bnard wll MMOioJJr MtwinM bj ib JtHiimwiirtior of intor- ImI Htrwin lo MiMr-a uvtlia. Mid di triota. nird tt hy rooird to rir ai wmim-iraa innw alhta.fF ft ta Mid Bord.

ftDd ml iO tbO OOt rtMSfrT of ftAodwrtnot to wnicb onr ftfiiom uro m(); and ftststboffity boroftoiu ooofwrrrod on any ornncr 4o mm wu rtr wtftA.B tUo Md djatriot. ur oitber ol1 hani. i brot-r rrofcodT lMffliiit pon ooirar or dtnto of sny wopaYif wiU.Mi said turd wil in- miifitt Um obm ibraol. if, ia tK optoton of Batd Soard, t-bo prouwrtf oo aoimod ia aot liablo to rf i'ure. av for aav mfhcwnl raanoa otta aot to bo lo tor Jorf altar, if thm vaioa 4brnf Wm not rcwl i.OH, fta said board borabr aatarised to dirart th ts athtvmr fto ralwMi ttk uoi; th alu thwrwof i a it aHJC, mmH.

to tba npiotni of tno tioard. ttm m-aiaid ratwatid, tb fact of tha cu, tor.brr witi taa optn'm of tba Ho-rd tharaoo. Ui Ih riorttd to- tba OomoiiMn(mr for bia a Hi on. Thsrwmf'r no CI tar ia aaid datrtct vilt ajjprir an ditiUT' bond, or aoad for oonano vtrenoaw, or Dona fur irpnr ion. rodwfttliatia.

or amcban: a ot tankaur rf Mf aptrltai. or txftavcoo tuanufaoturtrr' bond, ui-i. A MBf aaall Iwra boon transmittod to aajo Hi'tr i for teratairatioa, and raoort aa to tba of ttra fvattaft cbfirato. jo OMiactor wnt! aonafdar bimarlf in any manner ra-laaavd bf taa eraatton of aaid lfciard, tmrn tlif pvrfnrni-air af any of tua dm. taa uupotsad oa bim iaw or ra- haia Board ahall bar tba www.

witb tbe aDnrnral of la Kacrrtar of tha Tranrjr, to mkn all nrearjr ralaa aad raffulatioiia for tba tranaautmn of ita biui-mmmx and axaeauoa of tba powera berabj or horeaf- jar amif vrmxl. H. Hwmttrr. AMnad.) K- A. KOLX.IkS.

It will be ownfa mil itie duties Ui toIv-i uon aa CommiaaioD are cbieor adTirr. Tbe ao- taoriW for it ia lounded in the general acupe aad apirtt cif toe mirrnai revenue lawa, wtucn ciouie 0ar guci'iiarT o( tbe Trraaury and tbe Commiaaiun af laternal BrTeooe with V'oaer. to eufurce th-m ht aat of eocb mean aa to iLem mar eeem to be jadieloaa. not lnconsiatnnt wrh tbe proviaion (f4beae Vwa- Tbt la a matter of paltlie tiotori-tT and tai- a.i nteraat to tuoae who are cbeertaUT bariiit Uicir aropurtKMi ot tbe pubhc burdena. that the ixit -r nal tevaniat la 1" refra-U to dwlilled apirita hare bwa abametullT Tiula'ed and act at naught throuphoat the aoeatrr, aad upeculiy in tne city ot new-xork.

taa brparauent baa nard ercry rzi-rtion, fas anhaary lnatrnnienlahtea, to correot tttia cU. hot wuhont sncceaa. OfBort hare ben liut aaanVaani ia the diarhare of tbe.r duaca. but in aaaay ejara thry bave tn-en auapecled or rect com-ybatr with dubonejt men to delzand the Ooreis-aMnt ga talWid that the nrnni heretofore rmplored for feaparpoee wrre Inefficient to anipreaa traa and Id expua al bnag to pniilithnient diabonpat ufhcvra, aad eaoTtneed that a iaitutul enlorcemeut of tbe atwa la tbe City of New-York la nrceaary to eecure wja eolketlon of the tax upon dintiUeJ lquora thnnchoai tba country, and ot tbe vital importance to tha ehre of tbe enure public eervice, I felt It any day to eserdae In a apeeial munuer tbe P'. x-vianry powi-n eonlerred up.

-n me by law. Tba eaune that baa been taken in creating the Otmaiianoa reftmd to. believed to be atr-ctly wlthia tbe liaaita ot tboee powera; and ao confident are be'b mraeU and the Coisiuihxii ir ol Internal Bavniaa that food reunite will be obtained by it, that, aniraa ('. nyrma shah diaaprrove ot our ac Jon, aMaaiu-u ll be taken to organize aimilar coiuiuia-aioaa ta othr ciuee, in which the Oovenuneut la largely trauned ot ri-venuf. Tba board la Kew-York haa been so recently inati-tetad that the anvantavea to be veJ trcm it Canada now prirlj eatimatcd t-ut it is 11.

ved hat la oonaequrnce of ita labora, tbe re'riiovaJ of apanta oa trmduient bonds has ceaaed, ai.d ll i. dtistillaswm largt-'ly ('acre ud. The violence aith a lucb it haa been aaailrd by aonaa wbo. tu say U.e lejst, do not tuvur an honest ctKBtmi of tbe lnw, afliTie enconropir.ff evidence tbat it Is a uovt-nient in in? ri tit dirccunii, and tbat dortihara Busy et be oompfillni to or with other their poriKMi ot the burdens of the pu di-bl. la eoncluki n.

it is pi uptr Jor me to remark that tha Bo. rJ hi iiew-Tork aa creat-u witb tbe cnucur-renee and advita of tbe Ujaimieioucr of luternal Bsvenoe, wbxaw nntinnc eflorta to eu.orce tbe Itw acainat tbe poarertni inierow bicb htve combined avad and vi-iate it. merit Uie Uii.a ol tvery kuBMatbtzpyer la toe country. iawasru ui be found copiea of all the doenmrnta aad eormipaadenoe reliuut tola iiOird that are a rn.rd or on file ttui Derirnitnu or its Tery respocifuiiv. HUGH cr -tary the 'i reasurv.

Tba fallowing letter fruin the Coramiasioner of Ki-venuo to the iTemdetit of the Board, aJao accuinjiaauxl the rep Tar-asrBT lEi-AETatrsT. CkrrKa CoataiasioKKa or UrrBi hrvrrrr, 'AnCTOI, Juiy 1U. 1B67. or: There are reasons believing I hat nuny rev- -meeavsersniaervtcea'irhin tnelimi nor 'eesmpeiontanii man corrupt. It ia ey im or.

Jaat tbat Uie character of the rtmce in hia aanan auoal'l be imi roved. The revenue auaars by reason of it. I am job lor your I aa removal i sucb aa abould be removed. I'ulic ran in miST casea ttrnana a i i. wwimeny before yjur Ji.rj.

iuj- teocDiniindatious tha: you abouia pracucabl-. I dnre tbat vn smbs leeonimeudauons tor th retuova' ot aaaeaaorB aad Motors who are uuwortbv btlore ibe ad- mm.n'. ot tbe Senile. Iu thia tue riecre- luuirtr with tne. I am very deeiroua aat i h-nnl ation if tboe aha vt ia let pa tea in the proper adniiniMtfation of the sauuld be placet beiore tho 1 rrani.nt artjjo, I can anaiira yon in adv.

ore tbat 1 will arvrtr ana arite any action thai you may take WaBMrwri-oaft. 'wr truly, youra. Av rOLLrSS. Cnnimiuaioner. asa M.

H. Vaw Ua-rmaE ol tbe aatxiia, buarO, Koa-rt. IV fanowing proceedings of tha Revenue lari (rabmittt June 0, reanlnHnna waio -artton 31 of tba act ot hlaren 2. UMT it i- t.1 at hca.vir tn ftitiriltarf wvtaaa in a bonle'? waraboaaa, snail' bt aold or atlifT" muoh or oflr.n lor wla aa aioreaaid uu imj aa iavs pin. etiuonca tnat save ao beea reaauved frum a bonued ware-taaayrJuiar ta saw nl In toe of tne United Statea aa-ainat ftva I' and eisbi barrel, ot dunli.

1 spiru. wnuttv asiilij la tha j.Bited biaee Circuit t'ourt. bia hom'r TJB I Im held t. at wiir rpiriti are aoizau elae-jaaa than ia bonded wasib uae. a bnr.iec of pr'Kf a Zj oiaiaaant Ji I tiat all tne pruvtaiona ot thn Btaasa bean eatupliad wufl in their reaacvai there- ltmUl That all raetiflara and whnlaaa a dealers will Tented to show, wbea reqnirad.

that tba taxna has-a teid oa a I spir ta baraattar poreuaaad by them and easllBT eonaumt-tiosi er aata. any traU dealer wha shall her. "Bvaati oroflar lor aaia spirits tor laaa tnaa two doilara Bronf s. will not eniy aabjae Uia apirita ao ol-Basa tor aia te aetsnre, but will axpoaa h. entire auM-k IIS; 1 om ana so ius vhbis, uo SS i In salr tnaiaaa taxes tnereoa Bava baea paid.

ws, wv ins prvs UI IS. a 1 ssunsu) saa tBiaaatsasifsBs ox taa botsromeat, it a Saasrad tbat ail wbo aaaia dealere and ret mars will has tint usa booU riul eopy of tba bran da on esavy barret ar pacaaa of tpirita bar oaf ter porcnaoed br tnesa na tbe aaosa ut tba owner from whi.oi aa well aa tba Bana ei the broker throa-n whom tba truuda are awrehae -d. aaa will a tha aain time require fruu Uie aetidor writsea eviaeBee that tha taaaa have been pavd mm all auosls parchaaed ia opaa market. sssrs'. 1 aat baraarter any peraoa won is shown te Va a deaiar ut freeduieut spirit er spirits whicb nsv sa ETaaiinieBsiy removed irons bonded warehouse wul aa pros seated ta tbe a taa oat asteat at the law.

l-naa tastrscuou la aeeuraaBoa wrtk tka by tba Sect eterr of taia kaard aa laniaiudstialusonoa. aW-4-f As tha sews af that Board that toe res-tee bcretefre Mfeaed. a lewine dmiiilers aad ether terse enaaaed ta the arouwettoa aad aaj of spin's to a nateretad ia eeBeraJ boasd warabenae tor storiBC aasne. t. ads te faethtaW the baud watoB it te lbs Start wl that Beard te pavswas.

sad tt nuntmeaded aat es a piaetsea be ajaoootimaad aa spasuiii tas. asvswt wtth tbe peiplie aarviea. That mo boesd strtsssM saewld be permitnad of aaas aartatr than Ave thuaaaad anna ta tha kus-ainaBDtrsa. Tsa mm a asset Bl mmmmr wars Swan aheml a kail ahw aataanaea er paras itted ia ear asaibiina. rard or stwre a here aay ether kaiisiss ta ti satxits Tkat a eaesy a these tearlatlu a forwarded to ws 'iiwiisiTisrT sf internal Beessiasv JC1.T a taa laW, That taa Beeevtary of tbe lnsssri ts re- tan.

aa early as peasitva. te sasa rnlsa aad rasa a- tsosr Hte pswas-s swiam a now mm ar Ban ta me JsO Ut live, to the fotWwia a. ibh Bar staeaasi Bstraaiter anahma te rasw wans Ilia aestdsi warstinasis tsr rednttaliatsa Bllii ar tor aaaa- of psvokaee. ahall state ta rt Hunt1" rriT" 1 1 Trial i r-tbsshsr tar radsatiliatio er reeuaUo er chaaa af lBaa. aad what aartieniar brand as aptnts aa tasea ta aase mm staoiree ta aaaas from M.

aad that the am hss bawd saaU be that be ahsJl retwr te tat oa dad ware boose frees wbseh ah BStrrsa "i issi is4 taa arwewr ttBssr cabona ml apsnta a nmsBlsr brand status ra tba aDtMseatma tor ra-aad taal taa Beoprsator af the bondad atra. a- a the Ibbbi maaisa the saapectsua saail that the asanas retBraed a the panstiBiat atsoa appuoauo. TU aTTDintai OOataOTTXa. GaAjrr waa exaxoined be! or tha Jndiciary hiUea to-day regarding the tranaitir of f4tra raHroai, iaterferenoa with mUi- awnstianAsarw bT tha Precident, and with tha impeach- Kxata connected isasrs- i I Ida thia, be 'U. s'wtmWlJ regarding hia ktW to CoL Hiura fa which ha notified that officer that noitho no' any one elae had a ripht to apeak ict politically, hot it ia difBcnlt to aee in what vnanner thia rafera to the impeachment ixieatigaon-CoL Haxizm waa aJao examinad on tba aam pointa.

nrMAjr TmotTBLea. The Senate after another day'a debate ilnaDy paaaed Mr. Hxroriaoa-'a Indian hOL amended in TarkHuparticalareaeitpaaeed. It proridea for a Oommimiooer to treat with "each hostile tribea aa.axe not already prorided with reaerrationa. Tba Oommiaaioner on Affaire Senator HjtinKBaoa, Chairman of Senate Committee on Indian AjBaire Bepreaentatire Whsdom, Chair man of House Committee on Indian Affairs; Johji B.

Sakbokx, of St, Lonia, and three mOitary ofBcera not lower in rank than Brigadier-General, to be appointed by tba Freaident. The amount of money appropri ated ia 1150,000, and they are to have power to aelect two reeerrationa, one north of the Pacific Railway, and the other smith of the Smoky TTif) route. The bill will coma up in the House tomorrow. oowrLnrrjrruiT enra. A dinner waa pi Ten at WiHard'a Hotel thia eTentoff, in honor of Mr.

Cate, a member of the British Parliament, which waa attended by act ing Tioe-Preeident Wana, Speaker Coltax, Gen. Gbakt, Senatora Sberman, Cameron, Sumner, Gnmea. Johnson and Chandler, and Bepreaenta-tivea Logan, Butler, Banka, Amee, Schenck, Bingham and Tbad. Sterena. Ta the Associated Press.

WASHrsaxoK, Thuraday, July 18. ewaaissa isTEsnaATioick. Tba special officere of cuatoms. rctinit under tbe Immediate direction of the Oommiaaioner of Customs, hate lately been investigating violations of the revenue laws at set port, and other points on our northeastern frontier, and find that smuggling In stead of being ot an exceptional transaction haa been carrl-d on for a very long period, and mei chants of prominence as well as other not so well known have been engaged In tbat business, almost under the very eyes of some of the custom officers. The discovery of thia caused no little sensation in th community where the transactions had been going on.

and some of those who cam within the cope of the law frankly oomeased their faults, and expressed themselves not only ready to pay the penalty they bad incurred, but hereafter to strictly conform to tbe Bevenue law and use their utmost efforts In favor of their atriot enforcement in future tn all cases. Others, however, gave no evidence of any intention to refrain from violatiuc the laws as often aa they can do ao with safety. It ia probable, however, that a wholesome lesson has been taught tbeee operators, which may have a favorable effect upon the revenue from customs. TACiriC OCKjtw at AH, 8EBTICK. The Postmaster-General has awarded the contract for the monthly mail steamship service between San Francisco and Honolnlu, authorized at the last session of Congress, to the California.

Oregon and Mexico Steamship Company, of New-York City, at an annual compensation for tbe service of 75,000. Tnia contract goes into operation on or before the 1st of January, 18C8, to continue for a term of ten years from the date of the commencement of the service. OOTTOW CLAIMS. It was stated In the House to-day that tba Court of Claims had allowed claims for cotton to the amount of three millions of doilara. and hence the proposition to examine Into the subject.

But it is ascertained from gentlemen connected with that Court, and practitioners at that bar, that the Court has allowed claims only to the extent of 110,000 in eleven or twelve cases, others having been continued; and, in addition, tbat the Court not only requires evidence ofloyalty, bnt of active sympathy in the cause of the Union during tbe rebellion to support the claims. patbixkt or anssoritf Boima. In response to numerous Inquiries made at the Treasury Department concerning the payment of coupons cut from the Missouri bonds, which were ab. stracted from the Department of tb a Interior during the year 1860. the Secretary of tha Treasury has issued tbe following TaCAsrBT DrPAaTtttnrr.

July 17. 1867. Notice is hereby given to the holders of the coupon bonds of tbe State ot Miasouri, which were feloniously aha'racted in tbe year I860 from tbe Deparrment of the In er or of the United States, tbat this Department is prepared, and disposed to receive evidence tram said holders, in reia-ion to their tije to aaid bonds. Holairs will make their proof as full and rlear aa practicable, so as to ensble the Department to -cide upon the validity of their respective titles. A schedule of tbe bonds in question can be found at the National Bank of Commerce in New-York.

(sift-tied) 11. McCULXiOCH, Secretary of tbe Treasury. PUSJfPTLVAlTLA rBZPAKATOBT OOLXXOE. Eon. af.

Bcbbkxx TtVATxa, ol Philadelphia, will de- llvrr an addreea in Gettyaburgh, August 8, tn commencement w-tk, on the laying of the corner-stone the preparatory building of the Pennsylvania College, which is to be nsmed Stevens Ball, in recognition of the life-long aervioes of Hon. Tbaddecs Stetcks in the cause of general education. BUSINESS AT THE LAJID OmCX. The Land Office has reports of twenty-four farms being added to tbe productive force of Alabama, and eichty-nine to Florida, during tb month of June last, and tbe aggregate number of acres is 9,229. There have been transmitted from the General Xand Office within the last few weeks 2.227 patents or deeds from the United States to individuals for lands in tbe lollowing districts Humboldt.

Junction City and ToDeka, Kansas; Brownsville, Nebraska; Boon-, vi'l- and Iron ton. Missouri: Kaat Saginaw; Ionia and Ttavnrae City. aUchiatan; Greenlnaf St. Peter, St. Cloud and Winnebago City, Minnesota; Bid Frtvn- nwo, CaL these patents were founded on cauii sales, b.

only land warrant locations and agricullaral scrip selections. BtABTHX UOHTS. Official information haa been received at tha office of the Light-house Board that the temporary light bere-oiore exhibited on the Light ation at tbe niouth of the St. John' Biver, and on the aoulh aide of the en "ranee to Jackssnvllle, Has been re moved and tbe atation reestablished with a third-order lens- apparatus, showing a fixed white light. illuminating an arc Of 815 degrees of th should be seen under ordinary circumstances at a diatance of fourteen miles, WfcECK OF AH AMERICA WHAJE SHIP.

Our Consul at Htkodada. Japan, report the total toes of th whale ship" Canton packet, ot New-Bedford, on the ooaa: of Nsmbt, Japan. Five men per-iabsd on the. wreck JAaica Titsshh of Baltimore, carpenter, and four Sandwich lalandera. CAXCXXXn BlEVEHlE BTAJCP8.

The fo'lowtns circular relative to can celled revenue tamps has recently been Issued Tas-tarrsT DrrAantsitT, Omca of laTKhSAX Bar rare, WaaairjioToa, Jury 9, 1867. .) It is rarortad that peraona In various parts- of the' errantry are engagad in collecting canceled Bevenue nunna and preparing them tor further use by removing the cassoeling marka. regummmg. A-The collection a ar made to a great extent from among tba waste paper of banks, banker' and broke checks, draft. Ac, when they have ceased to be valuable aa in tr omenta of evidence, and esnernallv bill or memoranda ot Bale or tba contracts for sales of stocks, bonds, gold or silver bullion, coin, proro- teory notes, boo saw generaxir oast aaiae with th csnoalsd stamp attached, and thua the atampa readily fall into tha bands ot.

tho wbo aeek ahem for fraudulent purpoaea. Bank- era. broker and all other ar respectfully questBd to destroy their revenue atampa attar they have naea been need and have ceased to be of value ao them, or a make such rxrser disposition of them aa shall effectually prevent their restoration and ranee. Bank examdnara also are requested to call' tha at taction of backer to -the gross frauds that are practiced npon tbe public revenue thia way. and to urge a cod erati.ia with th revenue officer ta the supprtaaion of tbetn.

aad all Internal Eevanue rflscer ar hereby tttrerted to give apecial atnrton to aoquamt ail persotts who ni atampa with the true ptupo tor which they are eoDectad after baying been oaea used, and a srtre aacb a diap nasi of canoe sad tamp aa ahau ptotsxt th United Duat from losa. The fact that a pat bow ta eotsectlns each stamp is anfflcient to arosase strong sna-picion. and to call tor lm mediate tevaaUgatsoa whil tha poasiaarioo of waahad, ra-etoraAor altered atampa ta BWass facsa swidene ot guilt, ao psoas ahoaid be spared to eflact tb dateo. tton of taa guilty parti ea. and te lnsor their ru tshm-tit as provklad tn aection IM of taa Internal hWvenu Act.

(Sttaedj K. A. BOIXJKB. Coaxuauastoaar. BAT AX.

I tlJ.tnraca, Dispaacbas have bean received at tha Ksvy De-parrmant from Capt. A. K. KvaaaT, eonunanding tb United Stmt eteaaaar dngasra. announcing tha aan arrrval mt that vaaaal at Bsrbadoas, West Indies, on tb 34thf Jaaa, thrrteao daya frona St.

Tltsrwat, Cap tt Yerdtv She would aatl agata July 1 tor Ka aaa. Kw ProvUenca. Pt SiTfeBsOt tsU tV racaired tfiLsTTfii'ifm of the arrlaal of the monitor Ym.i..,.,! at BarSadoea. t-ommodoc, Iiau.T O. Hrirr haa ba detaed fromprdaaoa datr ml Boater and pUoed on walus Maa Tnoaua H.

KrMArK haa reaicMd. wr uurm. ofderad before Um Baunn, Board. ordered the arreat of Brevet CBAW7ao lor diaobadtaaoa ot order, ia aartna' aiU to report to kia raaiment at LotuarUie. aa rvqulred by special ordari from the Headquarter of the Army.

TII SVERATT TRIAL. Ceaitlaiaiatiaai er tba Ikfeatt-Atltl Iaapeaeh Dr. HfMillaa. ipt Epecial ZHaparcb to th Wavr-Tork Ttnvea. Vsimnoioi, Thuraday, July 18.

The defenoe in the Sorratt eaae to-day called two Catholic clergymen, to on of whom they propounded the question whether WncHxut, one of th pniscecution'a witneeeea, had not told him, outside of tb eonleesional, that ha was employed by the rebel Government whil engaged aa a clerk tn our War Department, and to 'tba other, whether Mrs. BtmKATT did not aay to him oa th day of her execution that a be waa innocent. Both of these questions were objected to, and tbe Court did not allow them to be answered although they made a profound impression oa the jury and audience. Witnesses from Canada were then called to discredit the. character of Dr.

McXiluh and Sr. Makiz, two important prosecution witnesses, and one of them atated tbat Moon had fled to the United States because he had robbed tbe Education Office at Montreal of nine hundred dollars. The prosecution laid tba foundation for an extensive rebuttal to all of the evidence offered to-day, and although it is expected that tha defenoe will finish ita testimony tomorrow, it la not probable that the case will be closed before the 1st of Au(yust. To the Associated Press. Wahhtwotosj, Thursday.

July 18. The trial of John H. Surratt was repumed this morning in tne criminal court. Judge Fisher presiding. Rev.

L. Rnckoffori, sworn and examined Dy Mr. Merrick: I knew Lewis J. Weichmnn and have bad conversations with him outxide of the c.oni.dsionul. Q.

Did Weichman ever tell you that he was in office in tbe War Department, and that he was seuding inlormation to the Confederates Mr. Carrington objected. Mr. Merrick read Weichman 's testimony to show that the latter bad said be never gave such information as ia alluded to above, to Mr. Bockofford.

Mr. Carrington argued that this testimony could not be given, aa it went to a collateral issue, and it haa no bearing upon thia issue to show tnat Weich man had given information to the South. If tbe object aaa to prove tbat Weichman was a conspira'or, facts must be produced to show tbe fact such complicity. Mr. Merrick said one object was to show that Weichman was an accomplice, and that ha had testified merely for his own security.

It was a substantial fact and could be proven, because the testimony of an accomplice is. to be tekn with great grain of allowance. It was a well settled rule that the testimony of an accomplice alone was not sufficient to secure a conviction. Mr. Carrington admitted that, and said be had never asked a conviction on the uncorroborated Ua-timony of sa accomplice.

Mr. Merrick contended that the testimony was then admissable. tor he expected to prove that Weichman bed told the witness now on tbe stand tbat be his notation in the War Department and was using it for 'he purpose of conveying information to the rebe'a. It was certainly admievble to ahow tbe leeimga of Weichman uiion ttfb sulfect. The Court said it mould be proper if thf Confederate wsa the principal in tbe cons-piracy.

Mr. Merrick contended that the Court had allowed witnesses to be examined aa to their sympathies, and It was proper to show where Weichman 'a sympathies were The tewtfmonv was ruled out bv the Court. Rrr. J. A.

Waller, sworn and examined by Tr. Merrick: I knew Mr. Sun-ait. and was her spiritual adviser; I was present at Mrs. Surratt's execution.

The witness was svki-d whetber Mrs. Karratt avowed her innocence to him on the clay of the execution-Mr. Pierreporrt objected. Obj-ction sustained and tbe defence noted an exception. Q.

Did-oot Payne tell you on the day he was being led to execution ihst Mrs. burratt waa innocent 1 Mr. Pierrepont objected. Objection bustainod and the defence noted an exception. Jokn Brms.

sworn and examined by Mr. Brad-lev, I reside in Montreal, Canada, and am a tailor by occupation; 1 know the prisoner; made a "Garibaldi" for him in 1HC5; tbe Garibaldi ia a plaited garment p.ated baca and front, and has plain wrisibands; it buttons close up to tbe throat; I have no doubt that Burratt is tbe man who bought the coat; after the purchase of the coat I saw Snrratt at mv store; saw him before Aorit 20, 1H15: it wus between the 11th ard 18th ot April; be left bis measure on the 8 or 9th ot April; he a'tcrvrrrd came to s-e me an! said his cost was too tight, snd be wanted roe to alPf it; I saw Surrstt at Father Lapirre's; there was where I first got acquainted with bim; 1 then invited him to my bouse. nd he s'aid with me two riave. Bv Mr. Bradlev He a'aid at my bouse two dsys; about five or six days alter he got the garuiert; wben Snrratt left mv honse I went with him abont thirteen mile to Lav Pom'; five or atx after I scld bim tue clot ties he came to my house, and when he wont away wrb me Mr.

Mitleria went with us; I saw Snrratt at my door a day or two before be went to Europe; he was at my auor: the two day Surra tt a as at my boose wss not possible tor turn to have been absent ten or twelve hours. hv Mr. Bradlev. Jr. I know Mr.

8 Mane; that is. I saw bim there, but did not know htm personally. Wbat is hia character for truth and veracity air. Cairingtrin objected, as the proper foundation had not oeen laid. imcae I saw St.

Marie in Mon'real, and I know be resided there use I fsw turn; he was in the Lank at Montreal. the Montreal Bank. By the Court St. Mane waa in a Dank there about throe vears ago-i-that was about the years 1RC5 and 18CC; I am certain of my own knowledge that St. Mane did live in Mon real.

Mr. Pierrepont objected that the proper foundation had not been laid to ask tha witness aa to Sc. Mar e'a character Mr. Braaley said he trould withdraw the question for tbe present. Cross-rxamned bp Mr.

I'terrrpnnt I sm a tailor, snd my place ol bus'iiess is in Notre I'atiie-street; I saw burratt my "bop on April 8 or 9. 1HCS. when be came to get tbe clothes; saw bim again about the llth of Abril; bw him alterward at I'nthi La i ierre'B, but cannot reco loct the exact date: it was probably between April 17 and 20 tbat I aaw Snrratt; can't remember tbe day wbon Mr. Mitleria came for SurraU; it waa in April. 1HM; the latter part or April; on occasion' I leil thi-m at a tavern at Long Taint; Surratt there; besides tbe Garibaldi icket, I made pantalocns burratt; there were lour ot us went to Point.

I'y Mr. EraJlejr Surratt came to me tor a stick he lelt there before be went away, and 1 saw them there. SartHeld B. Aag'e. sworn and examined by Mr.

'Bradley. Beside at Montreal, and am an advocate- bave resided in Montreal smce I know SU Marie resided in Montreal in 1859. 1860 and 1861; saw St. Marie there; I was educated at St. Mary'a Jesuit Cohee.

and knew Dr. McMillan there; knew McMillan when be was going to the University, and also when he resided at Lennoxville; I had opportunities of knowing McMillan's character at Lennoxville for truth and veracity have heard hia character generally spoken of; from common report McMillan's character was bad; from his general reputation I should bave doubts of his truth under vath it I were interested myselt. jiT jix. pierrepont Have heard many persona ot McMi lan's character; have An: nine Iruaeau speak of McMillan; thia wsa iu -ch ust; we were talking shout tbs trial, and about fcuir-itt's capture, and Trudeau asked me if the man Uo ninde the complaint against Surratt was tb same McMillan Who bad resided in Waterloo; I waa surprised that McMillan should have denounced Surratt, because I looked upon it in the light of an informer: while at oudege with McMillan 1 never heard bia character questioned 1 tock no part in the Uie struggle; during th Trent afiair my aympathie were with the pouch; during the struggle I stmpaihiaed mora with tha Scout than wiih the KiXtb; I do not know that any charge were ever made against me in Montreal; I never was Public Proaecuiar or City Prosecutor in Montreal. By Mr.

Merrick I would not believe McMillan; If I bad aaaae I would not want him tur a witness; a a juror I would not believe him. Isaii W. Suvtu sworn, and Col. O'Bcunv sworn aa interpreter lor a m. Mr.

Carrington objected to Mr. Bicotta tesUrymg through aa interpreter. Th Court decided that tha witness should first try to -speak in English, and if he could not be understood, tan tha interpreter could be used. Tb witness I reside tn Montreal, Canada: am aa advoeaas by profeaaton; am now employed in the Crown Law Department: bave resided ia Montreal sines 1868: I know St. Man inoa 1859 to 1863; 1 knew his reputation for truth aad veracity; it very bad; I would not brheve him oa tua oath.

Ossa i ail assail! I first aaw St. liana wheat ha waa a law arudent at Mr. Lochambeau's I have spoken with Bun oa bus in aee, and know many of hia trwnda and acquaintances; I waa ia Lapierre mat Winter; it ia St. ana's native pavw, aad there I aaw person who havs known him aince hia birth, and who spoke very Badly ot nun; I do not know that he ever fur th pn eat hood; a earn to tb United Sottas beeawa robbed the ducauoa Omca of I heard that Be had betrayed in Borne; I thought tt waa not right for bim to make the deroaltion that did; I have no feelings In Ibtut o( SurraU and araiaat St- Maris; I havs said a few words against St. Ataxia which I cannot axpatta in JEagosa.

By Mr. Bradley 1 said St. Alane ha waa a coward to betray ats friend; tost tt wsa inaan and anprsncs-pjed in hixo, Or. tMdjtr La SaQr sworn: I bv tn Kctreal: I ara sa advocate; have beea City Counst lor lor ur years; I knew IM. Mar since igbt knew citu ia alvAMui I icade hia tcqn-iO uc ta La.

-e jivm thar about tare years: be waa aw.olt'red froan V2xer. 1HOO. to August. 1863. in tba omn in Montreal; I knew the friends a aaraated I i then tor of a paper next to thw Zdoca-tl on Office, and aaw him three or tour tuaea a week; in tha berinnina? be was not known aa Bad xaaa.

bothi character became better knows ta loagew Be remained in Lbs Kit acafusn Office; I cannot tseLav Bun on his oath according to his general i basai 'it and acta. BMBisaf I was not hia fneavd or intsmaur aaaociate. but had many or-port units ea to see bim I ooiua not wtsh to be understood a aavtrg I was hia nuuiBtw mend I hear bv the naner that ha n.t- depoaitson in Borne; 1 have talked about that matter .7 particular tenting agamat tit. Atari; 1 b. said that St.

Mane, under the ctrcumstaaeaa. wa low nian to have done auch a th ng for a remuneration; I dont care for th man; I do not lih to eom contact with him; I do not think it was wrong to toil what did. but that II was a low thong to ao at for money; I heard his character tar trutn qaestioned wben ha was in tb 1'stacarsrm Office; I heard many aay they would not bet-eve him on hi oath aod that he was a liar; I bave beard many persona aay that it was not posatbl to belsnve tnat man on his oath I remember the tact, but it ia diffi cult after five years to remember th name of thom who aaid ao; it waa the general opinion in Montreal; is easy to have one hundred witnesses te swear to aat tact. JamtpA DmtxZUv, sworn and examined through CoL ttearue I reside in West Htnfford, Canada I have resided there seven years; I know Dr. McMillan; be itsided eight miiea from witness; 1 did not know nis friends; Dr.

McMillan then lived in Frost Tillage: witness did not know tbe people there; witness know the village of Waterloo: it is eight miles from tbe home of witness; trr. McMillan Lived there near a year iu 186 witness knew tbe people in Wsterloo ery utue; witness knows msnv people Canada who knew Dr. McMillan, and has beard them apeak ot his character lor veracity; they bave spoken but 'T iuue about him; witness Knows nis general reputation for veracity; have beard them speak mnch of Lis character tor truth: baa heard many wbo employed bun aa a doctor say be should not aerve them again; his character lor truth is bad, wicked; wit ness would not believe him on but oath tor reasons witness wouid not believe him from his general repute' ion. CroaxaminrS Witness is farmer: witness knows a priest named Boucher; witness never was his ser vant nor in his employ; Mr. Nagle first told witness about tbe case; Boucher also to witness about it; witness paid a dbt lor Boucher to Dr.

McMillan since a monih ago; heid not sav anything agaicst McMillan; wirness never said, Ibe preaence of Cliarles S. Mar in, that he woulJ do McMillan all the dam we. he could witness has no reason to be Mc Millan's enemy; witness was urmer in 1864; wit ness was never in the service ot lioucner, hut uvea in the same house with him three months inlm'4; w-itn ss did not work for the priest for his board, but used hi drive him snout in a carriage somt jnies; witness cultivated a fans ot fifty acres, and paid JG'J rent; went to board at the house of Boucher in tire last ot May and left it in Autumn went back again iu January and remained two months and a half; was there in the Winter ot 1MG5-66 and 186T; witnras spoke to the pnest about McMl'lan since witness came here; witness never snoke about a quarrel between Boucber and McMillan; witness was there when Boucber and McMillan hid a difficulty, and Boucher put him out; never talked with Boucher about it though. At 12:45 P. M.

the Court took a recess for half an hour. Ou reassembling. Mr. Bradlev stated that the defer ce haa five witnesses mute to Washington, who had been expected last night tuVy had evidently missed the railroad connections: they were material to the uefeDce, and had they reachetl trie defence would have been able to close to-ea'y. Mr.

Bradley staled that the defence bad used tvtry diligence to obtain their presence, and were In receipt of telegrams to the effect that they were on the They would be here without a doubt this evening or tomorrow morning, when the oelence would be able to cioee the'ease. Mr. C'arrii gton said that unJer the circumstances, as it was alleged tbe evidence proposed to be offered material to the defence, it would le improper in the Govarnmeut to iiiU-riMiee any objection to an adjournment at this time. It was undersuxd thst they would close to-morrow morning with the testimony ol tiifjie witnesses. At 1 i AI.

the Court took a recess until to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. The Letter Given by Booth to Rial tliewa. The yational InttUtqencer of yesterday says The following rnmmuuication baa been acnt to us by Mr. Jo nit Matthews, etie only person who is able to give any information in regard to the letter written by J. WiLEj Booth, and addressed to the edl'or of the Ifatirmal IntrlUgenctr.

Mr. Matthews was witness in tbe Surratt trial, but was not permitted by the Court to textiry in regard to the letter alluded to. As statements hate been publicly made reference to Mr. Matthews' connection with this letter, he the publication ot Ibis communication in justification of himself and tniih." Washjhgtok, July 17, 1867. EJitnrt Infrttt'irnnrT Much has been aaid in the public prints in regnrd to tbe missing letter of John Wilkes BonTH.

As I am the person to whom tins letter was entrus ed, I know its contents and tbe circumstances attend ng its delivery into my hands better than any prron now living. It was- on the afternoon of Good Friday. April 14. IHt'A, at about 4 o'clock, that I met John Wilkes Imxttb (on horsetiark) ou Penn-ylvuma-avenue. at the triangular liiclosure between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets.

We met, sbook hands, snd passed the compliments of the aay. It so happened that tbe officers ot Gen. I. re's army bad just passed up in a body. I asked Booth: J-ihnjst.

have von seen Lfe's officers, just brouelit in He replied, Yea, Johnny. I hive:" then placing his hand Uon his forehead exclaimed, "Great God, I have no longer a country." Observing his paleness nervousness snd agita'ion. I remarked; Jobs, how nervous you are; what is Uie matter Y' To which be replied, "Oh, no, it is nothing;" and continued with, "Johkwt, I hve a bt'le favor to ask of Ton; will you grant it?" Wny, certainan-y, Jointirv." I replied what is it He then sta ed: perhan I niav leave town to-night, and I Lave a letter here wntch I desire to he published in the Natxonal Intel-litfencar; pieaae attend to it me, I see you beiori 10 o'clock to-morrow; In thst case I will aee to tmvseil." At tbat moment I observed Gen. Gbakt riding by in an open carriage, carrying alo hia bajctrage. Seeing thia, I called Mr.

Booth's attention to him. and said. Why, JoHXttr, there goes Gbant. I thougbt he wss ti theatre hts evening with the President." Where he exclaimed. I pointed to the camsge; looked toward it, grasped my hand tightly, and galloped down the avenue after the carriage.

That wa tbe Iu' time I met bim until I saw him on the stage ot Ford'a Tboatre on tha memorable nich. of the of April. Time passed on. Many persms who knew Booth, or had ever seen him, were arTet-d snd sent to prison. The secret of the letier was confl eJ to a lew confidential friends only when I aaw that the editors of the A'aHcnal Jntellipencer were suspected of having suppressed he document, and were interrogated in regard to it at the trial.

I con-aiduretl it tur duty to assume al: resonaibiUty in the matter by explaining the whole arlair jo the proprie tor of said paper. Accordinitly, 1 did so. I did call at the otlice of the piper, and butcd all the lacta to them, fctated above. To-day, in Court, after aorwering a few direct endeavored to mate an explanation ol the which was objected to by the prosecution, and refused bv Judge riHB- 1 ur Ksw-Vork HrraUJL, which first procured the news from the Jud.ciarr Committee ot mv having been be ore them, and a hat testimony I had given, haa spoken ol secrecy of manner, and an observation "if somethins t-bouid occur during the night," on the part ot Wilxeb Booth. I desire to state ail that did oxur at that interview, and to say, also, that the tier was given with no-secrecy of nianner, nor was there any remark made about anything that might occur during tbe night Now lor the contents tue lettor.

It was written on a aheet ot commercial note paper, covering three pages. Tbe first two pages were written in tne spirit and style of the P' Uauelphia letter, and it was only at the concluding paragraph fbat anything was said bearing upon what haa transpired, which was to Una ettect, and in uicae words: For a long time I have vo-ed my energies, my time and money to the accomplishment of a certain end. I have oeen disappointed. Tbe moment has now arrived wben I must cnaag my pi -ma. Many will blame me tor what am about to do; but posterity, I sm sure, will inamy me.

Men who love their country better than gold or lif. JOHN W. iJtjurH. PAYlsE, KtltOLD. A1ZEKODT." Respectfully.

JOHN MATTHEWS. JetT. Da via la UuXTUAt, Thursdsv. Julv 18. 1 o'clock.

Midnight. A large and faabionablo audience was preeent at the Theatre xtoyal to-night to witaeas tba repre-aentauon ot Tba Eivala," tor tha benefit of tba Southern Belief Fund. Jeff. Davie, the Ex-Confederat chieftain, attended incognito, and between the first and aecond acta hs was recogniaed by tha audience, who area and cheered him loudly. Subsequently th band played Dixie, and on th termination three cheer ware twain given, which Davis recognized by repea ed bow.

He was accompanied by several members of the Howell family. Mssit Hlrate Fcatal Baalaary. SrtusorTXLD, Thursday, July 18. The Mount Holvoke Feznale Seminary celebrated it thirtitth anniversary to-day, and graduated a catsa of fiftj-ntne young ladies. Bev.

H. BoAJLTJatAJi, of Btnghsmton. It. delivered tba ad- Tha State Hormal School at Wwtfleld held Ita annual examination to-day. and a elasa ot eighteea graduated.

Got. BtTUavCK preaeniaid th diplomas. The corner-atone ol the new Memorial Church waa Bud in this ctry to-dsv. with, addressee by Dr. Wax.

Aauu, of New-York City, and Bev. o. G. Bocaxaa-ata, of thia dty. Lrciiiioji Gai-rnBACaj Good Faas.

A caaa waa recently made ap and tried me wk ta the Supreme court at Bingham ton, la which tha Sew Tack Central -p and Lrvis were the partie. Th latter was a I ua-axuaer on the road, and th conductor Cexuanded tn ta tn gold, aiww irnssmt mi gieanisai it Ol it i )Ut were aivcn Judc AAaciK, LaiXOK and -s wllaS L.Jl a WaLta 3. note are a legal tender lor far esa deeendaata' roaa. when, such tare is offered or demanded af I Into Kngliaa. read: "Ur.

Euaa Howb, Jr-rasenfiaer ta mAwm I Mthsu. road; aod that each fare, though demanded In vmDee deb da tram a rsaaacrer to tb fendania within to msaaliig the act ot Co aaAung tvalrsd Stats ami a legal tender ta meet ot private deota. 1SDIAX MASSACRE. py- air mt Trail a ay faBtflams Harder av Btaa at aval Teas Prteaaa. mm Capatarw mt Sta Slaawwa af Ckertly.

LxArxswotrra. gin, Thttraday, Juy 18, 1 o'clock P. M. A tram was captured last Sunday, near Fort Tarn am. By th Iadiaam.

Bishop Lurr, ten priest and aia austere of charity accompanied the train a ssissgvi a route to- Santa Ti. Tha xaen an killed. bib1iiii1 and ahoeklngly motilated. females were carried a way captive. The information coats tbroogh reliable aoaareea.

THE SASDWJCV ISLANDS. irioirwirie Anticipated betwaea tt ttBug a. sad Btsktat fratley Kawal Jaa. telll(sBra. Baji Fbakctsco, 1 bursdav.

JuTv 18. 1 A. By tbe bark Raindetr we have JJonolula da toe to June S3. A smioua difficulty ia anticipated between Bishop Slim and the King, ir reason of letter written the former charging' tb latter with nonpayment of subscription to the Cbwrch, and awing language of the most inaulting character. The augur mill of DxcoTroa was destroyed by fire on the night of June 6.

Tbe missionary packet Morning Rtar arrived Jane 10, from a cruise smong the Marquesas Islands, and reports the miasion stations in flourishing condition. Tbe United States steamer Laekcananna returned from a eruise on the 9th ui June. The firmed E. C. Mxlakplbss A Co.

has failed: Uabi'itiea assets S8.00O. I he ourth 01 Julv was to be celebrated in a bril liant manner. Gen. Met 00a. Minister resident of the United States, and family, arrived on the evening of the 21st of June from his visit to the State.

Kslianrrs. To fhe Editor of the Nrm-York Times: There is a City ordinance which prohibits the running wild through the public streets of pigs, goats, chickens, Ac, and which ordinance' the Police authorities alone are to enforce. I believe there is no section ot the metropolis exempt from the practical enforcement of this law. In the lower wards of our City either from tbe vigilance of the Police or the respect shown the law by the citizens no complaint can be made; but In the upper portion a different state of affairs is visible. In iac ao namer ous of late have grown the herds of goats and fl cks of chickens, tbat a stranger might be led to suppose that one-half of our inhabitants relied solely for nourishment upon one or the other or both of these mer chantable eommolitiea, raised at the public expense w-thin tbe City limits.

Above Twentieth-street, on the eaa: nide, can be found running lose at all hours ot the cay and night, especially at nig herds of roat ass tree aa ever roamed the land of Patmo. Throughout Lexington-avenue, during the these animals feed upon the small grass plots in rrout 01 private bouses to an extent wholly unbear able, the owners of these animals frequenuy ac company thom to thia and other favored streets in tbe vicinity, and, opening th" gates of the small courts fronting the residences, pass in small armv of homed followers to feed upon the grass thst the proprietor of the mansion has cared tor as an ornamentation to the entrance of his habitation. Such conduct aa this is ofiensive to individuals suffering, but may I ask if the broal license now granted to theae animals to run the public streets is not equally offensive to every resident? And I should answer by all means it ta. Long and patient suffering by tbe inuabitanta of thia snd her sections of the City, lusiead ot nerving the proper authorities to re'u ve them, haa only resulted in increasing the evil; but it ia hopi-d, now that injured patience cries out tor justice, that it will be given. If be an offence against the Ciy statu u-s to tolerate such animals in tue puhl.c stree a at how much more aggravated is tue offence to deliberately lodge them private inclosuresT W.

i. P. Stiver Palace Ew rilon. MesHra. J.

O. Steabss, of the Central New- Bond, H. Williams, of tbe Pennsylvania Bailroad, J. M. McCtTtxouoa, of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway, and Jokab Woonncrr, of the Central Transportation Company, have organ ized an excursion over their respective railway line.

hence to Chicago and return. The occasion ia tbe ojenlrg of a daily hue of Silver Ps-ace cars- through route without chsnge of car by which one may go from here to tbe gateway of the -great West with ease, comfort and aecunty. Tbe excursion will begin on Tuesday next, the party leavin the pier foot of Liberty-Btreet at 9 in the morning. It is tbe iiueL.ion of the directors ot the sffs to be back by a week from Saturday, affording their guests not only an admirable glimpse at tbe scenery along the line, but a stay of some thirty-six hours in thst city ot choice police record and historic political association Chicago. The Case of tie v.

Mr. Men-til. The Plattoburgh Exprttt, in publishing the letter from Detroit, informing Mrs. Mebbiix of tbe appearance of her husband in that dty. makes th Bowing uttement: Thua it will be seen that th whole affair of hia falling into toe river was a settled device on bis pirt to get out of the sight and hearing of his former sc-ouaintances and friends for fear of exposure of hia delinquencies.

The public will readily conclude that. what has been aaid about the in.imacy alius Hcoohtom, ot North Adams, is not to be treated as a myth, but as a reality. Duieed, if a shadow of uoub- existed it haa been completely removed bv a letter from Miss icohtow. directed to Mr. Msbrtlx.

sines nis supposed drowning, and opened by Mrs. MtmaxLL. in which among otoer things she endeavors to impress upon him the duty of ieavuig hia tamily and ahanng hia fortune with her. even if they have to go to the very enda of th earth. It was certainly a fit time lor bcr to make tuch overtures ao disposed, tor she aa well at be was well anare tnat be waa unable to rebut the accusttiona against bim.

and tbat bia services as a preacher were about at an end. Whether be will earrr out the plana thus aet forth by her, remaina to be seen. A Wife or Bbigham Yocno at Chatham Fotra CoBNKBa. On of the wive of Bligham Torso, ia at Staawix Hall. Chatham Four Corners, Columbia County.

The hotel has been overrun with curious jieople, anxious to ret a glimpse at ber. She ir aoout 30 years of sge snd flne-lookin. Rl is a daughter of a gentleman who was formerly a Baptist clergyman at West Kiockliri Igs. joined the Mormons under Job Smith aod had charge ot the College at bauvoo. She create a sensation about the country whore she is temporarily residing.

Foughluiejuit Kuyle, Juiy IS. A Challenge to tne Herald. The New-York Herald ot this morning says The Daily Newt im no longer in existence." How we are under a very decided conviction that the Dailg Kem doa exist, tha ffrrald'i aasertion to the contrary notwithstanding. We moredver believe that the evening editions of our paper alone havs a larger in the City of New-York than any paper published in the United States, the Kew-Yoik Herald not excepted. Bo fully confident are wa of tb is tbat we mike this offer to the Herald It tbe daily circulation of tbe evening editions of th Daily Sew in New-York Citv doe not exceed th daily circulation of th New-York Herald, wa will aj.ree to preeeut to tbe New-York Yacht Club a gotd cup of th value of 2.500.

provided. In eaae it shall be established that our circulation la greater than th: (-raid's, tbe oropriaiora of tbat paper wit. egra to give to the dub a cap of tha same value; and we will refer th dectsiaaT of tbe ties to a Committee of Three, appointed by tb Yacht Club, who ahall aatis fy themservea upon the' point in dispute by aa examination of the pressmen and diaiributmg alaaaa of th respective offices. We hsve rwepoaed a gold cup to thi club Beetus the younger Mr. Bkvjibtt at known to take a livery interest tn yachting, and by his Bold aad sneoeaarul yoyag across the Atlantic in the Henrietta, winning thi longest yacht race ever yet attempted, haa etab-liahad lor himsalf a repute turn as osa ot th Brat yaeBiaxosa of Enron or America.

Our offer ta mad in no idle spirit of beater, but ta good taith. and In th belief that it was througa Baste or madTerteno that tha Herald waa led to deny a tact so patent to the whose C-ty of New-York as tka -axis ten oa" of tha Datls Asast. irniig JVetss, Ofaclal. Omca or rant Howb MacsTTXb OoatrAwg, a So. C89 Bboaswat, N- July 17.

1867. PABIB XXPOtsTTYOSt, 1867. Advicee received by mail enable na to an-Boonoa posiuveiv that the only gold madal lor Amexi-caa BeWing-ma-hin was awarded so Is Howm. aa the manufacturer of thi beat arvuit-naAat ghat was exhibited. Thar were eighty-two different machines in competion tor tha pris.

and Mr. Howb rece.ved tba adeUi tonal award of tha Croaa af tha Legion of Honor, aa maaatacturar and ttvaattw. Th exact wording of tb award la as toltosra: Hosts Macktsb- Wrxlu a wosscax. 'aastat At Wihsoa. CoopxaXeur Euab! Howg.

Jx prutnoteur del aotxr at BBBChra a at machine a oadr. Afs-I AtAtiiata ar. oitra-sr. I Th otfictal Bat of those wha war aaada Kstghfa of a Dm-s. M.klMil 4 ISs Pms ss.

I aaawiotssaw sea AW, an. ton. adV I froea thm it will be awe that the medal awarded ta da I A BrLsnw was for a -batusnbose awa. rhin. and not for th wing -in sc ta.

Ar ph nay hte star lata: Boat Aarraacaw Fiasos Tbuubbi aatrr at tha Zxroetriow or all Kara, la addiooa to Tu auim Sou MiiMt or Bk, tba tapesoc KarotBoa, la smompanted th preasatatlrsa with th duoaialion of Tn Cisa or tbs Ltotoa or Bwoa, theveby oonfemng to tha Csaoaaaiao Mcnaa 1 the only diatinctim over tow four other madam awarded tor Piano foetaa, all of which war exactly Biiks and of equal vaka. and Iheretvr rsa firming th nnanimoua award of tba Taaza fairs asm ffii Ibtfebiai. Ccmatiaaioa placing the Caicxxmtaa Piabws the II lad or All OTBKBa. Warerooma No. 6SI Broadway.

Kew-Tark. A lcrrtitement Am aprtcsdialsd TriamBtV Cauls Distai-ch. Pabo Eajsjiio. Jaly MR. "Stevh A Soma mt New-Yore," ha beea awarded by tha Suprensa Jury of tha Eapaal tan Thb Pnwrr Gold Usual car Mxarr fmr -Argrwm 0 psSrcstoa im grueii.

avsar ead" mprlght Pimmm mmi Ms stoat walast ism ajsimj. sAaanag tav twaiilsat pngnm at tar maiei lutto ar" aaisaa-rbnsa, sstlA las arraasst Imfuiassaisar of ow tmna iBrrxxMsi-toasL ntr. In addition to ah above. Stein way A Sons have oivd t'te following Cabl dispatch: -Pabib. Jau The grvst Seeaet dea Beaux Artst of Paras, ha.

after a careful examination of all the musical instruments exhibited at the Paris Cxposrtioa, awarded ta Stbtivwat A Sours, of New-York, (teir Grs! rraissosa Mwltxl. for ianisf sias' J-sHty aasf aoeeKg of ermstrBcKoa 4a Pinion." WararoonwPtrst floor of Steinway Haiti No. TI and 73 East 14th-et between 4th-sv. and Irvlnc-plaes, Nw- York. Adimtim ssnst.

rTKW-YORK. SKMI-WKKKLT TIMES. THE NEW-YOEX ISEMI-WEEKLY TIMES ta pub lished THIS MORNING, and may be had at the counter of the publication office in wrappers ready for mailing. Price Five Cents. In addition to the latest general iate-ligenc by telegraph up to th moment of going to prase.

there will be found in the current number th fullest Washington news. European news, with graphic letters from our correspondents in London and Pana. giving th tone of pubhc feeling abroad, at made a apecial and per manent nature. In addition to Editorials on all th current topic of th day, th Brja-WaxaXT Traras has a page of carefully prepared ooaunermal matter, giving the latest financial news and market reports; items of agricultural and domestic interest, specially prepared for the Tikes by a nraousal agriculturist aad marriages snd destha of the week. The Semi-Weekly Record," or news summary being careful srnopeis and direst of the news of the day, is alone worth double the subscription pnoe to the paper, as it preserves In a condensed and conveniently classified form all news interest, and must prove val uable aa a record to all time.

Txana. Thbjcb Dollars per annum. Two copies. one year, ta. Thirty Years'.

Experience of aa Old Nurse. MRS. WLNSLOWS SOOTHING SYR UP is th preecrrption of oae of the best female phyaicians snd nurses ua tha United States, and has beea used for thirty years with never-failing aafety aod nrwsss, by millions of mothers for their children. It relieves th ehild from pain, cures dysentery aad diarrhoea, griping in the bowela, and wind eolie. By giving health to tha ehild, it rests the mother.

Be sure snd call for "MRS. WISSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP." having th foe stalls of Ctraria A PxRxma oa th. outside wrapper. A others sr bass imitations. tVBy ta Phsloa't rVlght-Blooatlaat CEREU8" like an interjection Because -tt Is never introduced without being followed by a aot ot sdmua- Why is PHALOX'S NIGHT-BLOOMING CK-REUS" a good proteotioa against poverty Because no gentleman who Bass it oa his banakerchief can svar say that hs is without a eent in hia pocket.

C'aatlon. We call attention to th fact that tst'lssiosM of our fia ELECTKO-PLATE, eoBBiating of dinner, dessert sad tea services. ar being extensively offered for sal by Amenesa aad that there are ale Engliah Imitation an the market, both of inferior quality- Our goods may be procured from rs-aponeib. dealer throng hoat the eountry.aud purchaser may avoid ouatrfits by notiag our trade mark ou vary arb of ourowa aaanufaetar, tans: All goods bearing tha stamp ar heavily plated oa tb fir eat a bata, or nickel silver, and a-narante them ia very fee pact superior to the bast Sheffield plat. GOKHAM M'FG Silversmiths and Manufacturers of IBa Electro-Plate, Providence.

1. Atsowa war latrod urrd aad for aa le at retail by bTARR A MAUCXTB. Jeweler and Rilversraitae, No. 22sloba-t. Ctnalat Gorhant Plated AVare.

A fnll assortment at ths lowest pnoea. HOWARD A No. al Broadway. tt. T.

Hsibaadt, Isowe year Wiraa," and them FlantaUoa Bitters when they ara Buffering front nervoasneas, general debility, faintnsas, spaama, or any ot the thousand and one disesss to which th weaaer sex ia liaole. Havinw truavathwe experienced th benefit of their use, extend tbe blessing to others. Thia iuval- uabli tonic will cbass Bypochnadria or "th Blues" give ton to th damaged nervous system gently stim ulate languid secretions dispel vapors and ess at. aad generally build ap th worn ooastitutioB. For sack aex and all area it is a mantle limulant and a refreshing eordiaL Miliioat of buttles ar sold daily all over to world.

Magkolia Watxb- A etoBgavtfal toilet arttol sups or to BniBaras, and at hatf ths pnoe. Kxpoelttaa Ualwcrsell. Thsabr gold medal awarded for PERFECTION ta ewwing Bsachine at th Pari ExpoaitieB waa given to the Wheeler A ilaoa Maaulaetariag Company, No. IS Braadwag. Pi-actloaaJl Carreaty af all DrasalBS.

tiitas. in peka- of gU) tank atag be had fat etnhsna for green backs by apatytag a tb Caahieva wiaoaw. Taasv Offloa. aBaaaaotar Hair Dvs, Tn baat la tha a est A ta oa-y rerlabse sal issifee dye known, laesealeiieo aad barmieea. Toe ssasioa ia Burned WILLIAM A.

BATCclELOK (told he ail aaeaory sa navies- Tmvm lager: BssafartsriBg Ca. SrwTaa-MjtcnnwB. Sa 4s bsvsadwsg. Bsw-Yorfc. Flsnass wrtag-wfaehl avaa.

BETERBIBLE FEED LOT A -STITCH Faasity Macs use as aa a art A Ml rVanasr Manama tar atsVewtag Ataa KUtptto tkstltoh sw1ac-Isklaa. u-st premi aa ati Briaaata. rait aa adjastskls are teed. Wkerlrr Wllaaaa Esar fc-Btlaala Bel XBts-AtAAJllINAt aad Battoa Hssa Bacniae. ttst Teed THS HtfT MOD- 1,1.

nortoy as tiaeniia Baiairaom. jsa aia 1 Baker's Hlshast cat WUlesx etc tBlBBss tYeavtBaT Harhla. -It seam saas Babi ta rtn thaa the Lark "Jtiesa." Vmmtft n- ass tn an i elB Bread wag, rata TIstww Bfarlala LsBektltea ALIAS HOWE, artgiaal Prsai liaat. ts auwadwag. N.

X. nsaiag iBBiamat 11 aaaes. eBc, MARSH I Btarsaas "1 ima. MARRIED. OratDrr TWArrv.

Oa Tneadav. Jnlr la, ta Pi te-sdeoce, B. at tha mstdsnoe of tb bride- gracvA. ntiher. Mr.

Josiah Chapin. Bv Rev. J. a. Voaa.

t'aaa mo Ooaorr. of to I.acaa. datubtarafl llhaa a hapin. of Lawrence. Maaa.

earda. BAWxrwa Twoatrwow. On Weojaesday. July IT. at the reeioenoa af ta bnde'a parenta.

by H. a Wrwrax K. Uawaiwa. of Newport. f.

a i'tjja M. TaiaareoH. of Brooklyw, L. L. Ka caeda.

Habbibob--eicwsutaia-mauaB. On Wdnday, air 10, at th rsdno of the bnde'a lather, at Fonda, K. By Raw. Wsahlngtna Inthiagbam, J. M.

Haav aisoa. of Detroit. Mieh to Mis Liaua tVnaaatasav toa. daughter of Pater V. D.

V. swtasiwateew. Esq. Be card. Wdneday.

July in. at th rtdt pos of th bride's father, at Fonda. R- J-J JL "iJ Waahlagtoa FrvthingastiB, J. W. Jora- Gsnraonsi fsoaaa-SearaT" ohawxtverhoww, uTt Vth iuoTorth.

rS TlV Mount vermoev, to BUnx daughtar of 1Us Ida a Paioa Wxbch On Voadav. Jus A at fat. Mark's Charch, Notting Hill. Loadom. hvjtev Bst-ward Kay Kaadall.

Curat. Hsaaieoa pmioa, a tAaouBB ti, yownurast daughter of W. J. Waaoav of Nassau. H.

Bahamaa. No earda. At Newark. X. oa Wednsedaa evrrung, Julv 17, by Bev.

L. Daahiell, 51 Tb 5. 1U.SVKS to Saaab kV, daughter of Georga MiMre. DIED. ExRorw.

Ob Thuraday, July Mt, ta bi (3d oin u. atantoEB. 1 The fuissral serviee hkr farte reaidear. Sda Bear 35th-t Brooklyn, on Saturday, tb aova at Si o'clock p. BL To rehsuvaa and trasnoa ot tmrn atmilv ar invtied to attend-' Bnajta.

(kn Wednesday. July 17, JaarB A y-owag-eot run of Cast H. and Sarah Is. Batke. aged It year.

6 mom As and 24 days. 1 he relsttvn and frieows of the famflv are reasac. mty Invited to attend bia funeral thi (Fndavt aAar-nocsa st 1 tf o'clock, from aha laajiiliian mt haa nay. rente. No.

166 Isenry-at, Baowa. At Ferestdala, Rnttand County. ea Fridav, July 12. Clak I bows, bit of New-Yora. Ctrac Suddeoiv.

on Thursdav. Julv IN at hap rsss. idence. No. 12 Qutncy-L, ttrooalyu, JutiarauaB kV-wile Bntfus L.

(Ms. Funeral at o'clnca P. mt. this day. PVienda aat re ati ve are mvitesT-to attend without further notaoa.

CLArr: At Sing Pvng. on July 16. after a long and painful Usneaa. Jons d-arr, aged TT years. 8 months and 33 daya.

Tbe remtivas and Brsend rinvited to attend tas funeral services at the Baptist (Church at Sing aVag, on Suntlay, Jaly 21, at 2 o'clock P. M. Cbosbt At Poughkeepaie. on Taesdar, July la. at the residence of hl arsndmother, Mrs.

Henry A. Livingaton. RitLti Jsoth. son. of Robert a and Jane Murray Crosby, aged 4 toontha.

MiacssB. In Brooksyav-oa Thursday. July IB, CLiRlaaA wife of George L. Meachaxu. toe reiaavaaana tnenuaaf the tamily are i ruuy invited to attend th funeral from Bee idence.

No. 15B Brooklyn. ubt, tne lust am, at a elect -On Wedrwaday morning, Jaly XT, A DREW MACrtaLLAKK. Funeral win take plan frm hia lata reaideme- Ma. 906 thm (Fndsy) manuLf at 10 u'uloakw-His In ends atsd ac4)uaiBUaoBa are leapiM ifially has-vited attend without turtber notira.

Pacldiso Thursday, July 18, at Klngatan. K. Pituuto, in the 69th year of bis ad. Tbe relatives sad friends are laviled to attend haa funeral oo Ssturway. the 20th mat-, at lo'clock P.

AL, from tbe reside -b at Mrs. J. D. Ostrander, Kingston, N. Y.

PofLLow. On Wadneeday. Jury IT. fant aan of WlnCeld snd Harriet B. Potlkm.

The rebvives aad friends of th nunhy are reapeea-fully invited to attend the funeral from the roaiilciiso of hia parent, bet worn Sd and 4 th Harlem, at 9 o'clock Saturday morning. St. Jobs. In Brooklyn, on Monday, Jaly IB. af consumption, isaao hiait trr.

Jo us, in the year of his age. Bemaina interred at Cypress Hills Cemetery. itoBB on Wednesday morning, Jaly 17, Ha BTtrvBM. wile ot Thomas B. Bobb.

in her 33d vear. Friends and aoqiuintanoea are requeated to at lei A tbe funeral from her late residence. Hanson piaea, lourth door from tlliott-place, Brooklyn, oa Triday afternoon at o'clock, without further notice. Bar Hamilton, Toronto and Landon, please copy. OFFICIAL fNo.

162.1 Cobohkb's Omca, Naw-Yoaa, July 16, 186T. The body of an unknown man waa found at rhat toot of East Eigfatytixth-atreet. aged atx sot torty stout bunt, sandy hair, no teeth, lull faoa. Dressed as follows: No bat, blue jacket, no vest, blue pants, no boots, no socks or stockings. Body been in the water two weeks.

Sent to th Morgue for identification. Far further particular apply at tbe Coroner a Office, No. 4 Centre-street ROBERT GAMBLE, Ooroesw. OFFICIAL, fNo. res.) CoaoacB's Ornrx.

Near-York, July 17, lfaJT. The body of an unknown man waa found at tha foot ot Pier No. 27 East River, aged about fifty years, stout built, lipht hiir. good teeth, full face, bald oa head. Dressed as follows No hat, blue clou coat, black pants, shoe, wmte linen shirt.

Found ea tba person the fillowing article Leather belt around tha waist. Body appears to bars been in the water bat a few dsys. Seat to tbe Morgue for idenUfleaOon. For further particulara apply at th CossaerB Office, Mo. 4 Cstnure-eti-eet.

WILLIAM SCHTBMEB, Ooroaer. A CARD. MOURNING GOODS Of BTFRY DI sirabl' kind, eonatantly on hand, at JACbLSOB'B No. 561 Broadway, opposite lltbtaty A Co. 'a.

Prioas very reasonable. MISCKLLAINEUUS. DR. LIGHT HILL haa reearaed te Kw-Yrk City, aad rsaaovad hia aa aaltattoB auoais trosa Ha BV Mark'B-Blaos ta "JO. 4 WB.ST 14TH-BT-.

whsrs bs osa be datsy ooaaultsd oa tas dissasss ta wBaoB ha gives aaoraaiv attention, embraatog lBPklHEll HEARISG, Disoharge from taa Bar. Boiaea ia the Head, OtwtractsoB ef tb Eavta-t chtaa Tuba, aad all Dav. ass of hs Bar. CHROSIO CATARRH of th Read. Nuee aa TUroaa, sad all tlisnssss af-- jf voting th 11 aaa I eavttaea, aad th varioaa CHEST AB THROAT DISEASES, wolad.

iag Astama, ilronakiste. Sure Taroat, LhaeaaeS of tha Heart, aad all forms at Psa-- asaanj Oeeaasaiata. KEtKPTIO HOIKS freta lAhtiklP.a. A Ir AST! IUUTK TO PAIS. Toothache, Neuralgia.

Tu Doiorwaa aad Ear-aeh may be raiiaveti in a few momaate by tha inward and outward aa of KiDWATI READY BELIEF. Stimulate taa geaeral circalatioB by taking a teaapcinral is a wiaa-glassful of water, and rmb it, unmixed, ever th seat af th pais, sad ths tot-tors will esse almost immsdistalf. This as rale to which User ara aa-etoeptions. Price saata per battle. Boid by druggists.

iOLlBLE BLl'a. FREE FROM ACID. Prepared by D. A. TIE MAS a OO.

Dry. ha kags. tea. five, two aad oo peuad cans; bquid. ia four, sight aad sixteen eaae bottia.

J. H. TUMAN. Sal AgwaV Ba. Bal Peark-eC.

Bow-YerB- kLEEVaVBl'TTOXS AMD BTt DB-ITYLEI. Two. Three. Fear. Flva.

Six. Eight, Tea te Bv Dollars a set. for sale by GEORGE C. ALLS Ba, iU Broadway, saa door bste Csaal-at. FOB BALK A FILE OF THI NEW-YORK TtBtXa froca Jaa.

L. UBO. to the pi as sat Bia of tha itr-Yrfc Atsvwef front Jaa. UGL ta tha AdAtraat a Box 5s. LETJ JSw-Trk OR.

KKXIEDl'l DUBRBCEA CORDIAL. ON at BOTTLE WILL CfBE. Every ti By laasd ar water, shea Id hae a ksltt ssf Ewy fstBily, ta acsrata ta Baalta, ah aaid eWAAi of It. it trill ear eyBtals Summer Cemaileiat. a wifl ears DtarrboBa.

lt will cava I ssar aery. It wilt ears Griping of ta Bawae). -It will ears tlhoiara BartoBt It will riinii tbe tna ot th ank a lo iss siss mi mmr knad. Fail aiseemiaa are s-sve with aeh beetle bow ta avea- ag all dins it eacaeioBsd be a looeeaane of the Bowela. Maaafaeard by DONALD KEifiDk.

Boaawris Maaa. PnL F'W eaie by Dam, Barns A Oo Nav. It rtrkav. x. ti.

wsiw taa. na nss run B. OnataM, Be, h-av Ke-w- York. GA WOfiKI tar aL vasia. se gas.

GEUl Is. sUICaaEX A OO, Ha. B91 aVaastwaa, OtM ICE iOTirKTHI MAfLB FOR the L'Bited Bmgoom aad ah Caotm-nt, at Obbshs eawa aad Liverpaol. par Bteamer CI TY aF FARIA. aad for th Garmaa Btatas.

via ilambarg. war sti smssr GEKMAMA. will sieaa at this nffao at 4V- at- est BATCRDAV, Jb. at Tn atia lor rraese, va atavva, aaxataamevGl itilNG lAst. Wll s.eee attbaetBe 1 a s.

asa aa roiiowa: Btstsons A sad ti. IA A.M. aad TU A. M. Mshs aad F.

a A- Avs attsliB is. Jm A-'i. A. st. JAMA BELLY.

P. BL IrlTli A BOX Of PHCrVN IX Dial aj EO 1 A '-T yoa eaa sta I Vej ILtu, I as isa Aiaant, ha.4 safHft, aaues.

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