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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 3

New York, New York
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the iTEtfi tbies. Saturday, 5. pages. THE DEIIAHDS OF LABOR Workingmen tell the Citizens' Union in 1 Conference What They Shall Expect. CITY MUST.

OWN FRANCHISES 4 XltiOL rollow CoL Warta; Called th On 3rlght Spot In ft So-CaUd Reform Adminlatr- tloa BMolatlons Un, Wire) fifty mr belaa mmbri of the Cltl- gns Union' CommlUM oo Labor nd Social Ubor leader of BixxJkJyn jod Nsw Tvrkr-nMt la Room 22,. Cooper raiso, last night for aocrtt oonferonce. J1y placed a fowd at th door, and rta- -Uonad Mvaral pollcmn oa th ouisia. After the confereno had dissolved, about 10 JO P. If-.

Secretary Thlmm summoned th reporter and promulgatetl som of the Information given below. The rest of It was obtained from member of the conference. According to the reports of some, of the "parties to th oonfarencew It Vaa far from being barmonlouft or satisfactory to either tide. In the discussion of resolution which the. labor men wanted tacked on to th platform of th Oltlns Union, and whloh were clearly understood to am-4nd- menu of that platform, Henry Whit, member of th Executive and Labor Committee of the CKlsens Union, declared em phatically that thoa present who did not Ilk th platform of th Union were at liberty to withdraw.

Whereupon H. J. Smith, on of the Ubor leaders, sharplr retorted, asserting; th rights of those present la axnras their views. The resolutions evoked a ctiep debate, as they wer understood to be bits of Bryan lain, taken rrom tne caioago piauorm. In an effort to bare the work of CoL George E.

Waring Indorsed by the conference, on of th sDeakers said that It was the on bright spot la th present so-oalled reform administration." CoL Waring received hearty commendation as an Ideal publio official. Charles F. Wlngate of the Committee on Labor and Social Reform of th Citizens Union called the meeting to order, and In- troduoed J. W. Sullivan as permanent Chairman.

Speeches were limited to five minutes, so that there should be opportunity for discussion. i Mr. Sullivan, who Is ft member of Typo-graphlcal Union No. but not a member of the Cltlsen' Union, said in his Introductory peeoh that the last oonferenc was a mis take. They -did not intend at this confer.

eno to hay the members talked to only. There should a fair start. 1 It would be absurd to think, ho said, that those present could respond for th labor vet of Nw York City. Most of the labor men present wer well thou in they were not delegates from trades He elosed by -expressing the hope that the Cm-sens' Union Would give New York a Pfngre iur jikror. jnngree, ne saia, naa.

mown oy is potato patches that the publlo con science was developing hi Detroit. Thoa who mad short speeches were Patrick Doody, member of the Knight of isow; j. j. uiii, a ciotmng cutler; see OotdsmKh. Lithographers' Union: Henry Whit of th Cltlsen Union; Thorn a Clerg.

bricklayer; James E. Qulnn, book- blnderi Henry Welsmann of the Baker Union; James A. letter carrier; AJexanaer Laer, carpenter: ueorge Tom-bleeon. and a member of the Cltl sen- union, and Frank Farrell, a negro engineer. I Two resolutions were proposed and adopt ed after sharp, dlscuaalon.

B. J. Hawkes offered the following one: While approving the fourth plank of the platform, strongly favor the taking of ft referendum vote upon the operation of railroad and other franchises by th mu ni 01 pauty." The fourth plank of the Citizens" Union Is as follows: "4. demand that the city shall retain th ownership of Its franchises, and that all grants thereof be for limited pe-. rlods In order that Increase of Value shall aoorue to the people; we demand stringent supervision of gas and railroad companies and of all other corporations using city franchise so a to Insure adequate service at reasooaoie rates." The following resolution was offered by William MscNalr: We believe that all sources of wealth that are natural, or spring from population centred In one place, belong to the whole people, and ahould not be held a Instrument of private gain or profit.

We. favor not only municipal ownership all public franchise, but their actual operation and management by the Municipal uuvernment. Tin The following general resolution was also adopted: we recommend to the Committee on itr ana Social Reform of the Citizens Union: i F1rt The formation of a Sub-Committee on Labor and Social Reform in each Assembly district of Greater New York. 1 The second and third sections of this resolution detailed the organisation of these sub-committees, and described their duties in in interest or labor and social reform! The conference Mimnnui -mttiMil ef the ame men who met for th first cop- ernes som urn ago, BOW IN THE ARKANSAS HOUSE. Ferssldahle aad Unruly Opltln to I th Satlth Railroad B11U- i LITTLB ROCK.

June 4. The pro-ceedlnga of the Lower House of Arkansas Legislature this afternoon partook more bf the nature of the secession convention held la this vicinity la 1861 than of the ordinary transaction of business by a body of law makers of the people of a great Stat. The Smith Railroad bill, granting to the Springfield. Llttl -Rock and Gulf Railway 1 JWO acres of swamp land for every mile of road construction in the State, was up second reading, and th friends of the measure sought to have all amendments maae in the, open session of the House. na wijjioux sending th bill to a com- mxiee.

1 The opposition, led by Representative Prince ot Faulkner counlv. fit to. m- pose this, and th opposition was so strong that knock-downs wer narrowly averted ana only prevented by Speaker- Tappan threatening to eject obstreperous participants. As it was. th Speaker was forced to Use both hands In hunmerlnv aown the boUterous uprcr kept up by the opposl- uuu, ua ne urautina 10 sojourn tne oouy unless order was restored.

A resolution to- table th bill was voted down last Monday by a majority of 54, and the friend of th bnl thought they would ue aoie to pas it on it tnira reading py a big majority, but the Impression now lis that a sufficient, number of members have been seen to make success extremely doubtful when a. final vot 1 taken next I This is th only measure of a public! nature remaining for the Legislature to act upon previous to adjournment sine aie, -june iz. he Senate passed the bill by a large vot two week aro. it uccea mean every thing for Little Rock, snd It defeat 1 Is considered a eubllo calamity for th State. The belief of Speaker Tappan, who faver it passage, la that It will fail to pass.

The eleven Potullt members vot solidly with the opposition, whose only claim against the bill 1 that ly an un-Domo-crattc measure. proceedings were the most unruly ever beheld In the Legis lature In the history of tne btate. State. I Beaslaely. Qradaate at th Frleads The commencement exercise, of Friend Seminary, ia Rutberfurd naca, were held In the Friends Meeting House last night- The graduate were Jean JM.

Leltch. Anna Bertha, Charles Le-Moyne Weeks, and Robert Cromwell of Brooklyn. AiUlne Saulr of Seattle. Washington: Kllxa- both Fisher of Hobo ken, Andrew Meyer, of Brooklyn, and Pauline a. Horn efthls eity.

Frof. Allen read a few verse, from the Scripture, and it hen each member; of class read an essay. Prof. Alien. In de- VMing the diplomas, gav some words of -lre.

and ex-Senator Squire, whose da ugh- ii is one 01 tn graduate, mad a peecn. Plana Caused Fatal lajaryy Mr. Jaulln Hlldebrandt, twenty-two years old. 423 East Seventy-ninth Street, mea yesteilay rrom Injurle received I on May whi a heavy upright piano, which she was tilng to push across a room, fell upon hr. She had been married Only a short tin.

She was the daughter Mr. ana airs. James an Wart ox Sing Sing. Don't Travel, 0 Especially durin the hot weather. 18,500 'r: 1 7,000 in Long bland.

New Jersey tad Westchester towns, 100,000 In towns and cities from the Atlantic to the Mississippi, Render traveling for business purposes practically unnecessary. New Yrk Oty Sarvk rs $90 yaar. EW TOKK TBLSriOlf CO. D7tnt lit Vtat tStH SC 95 Brasevs) (j tt.) A. BARTLETT SUED FOR DIVORCE Father Foraaarlr av! Proali( ww Tst'rU Heal Estate) jMasWrka WIf Fresesweaus.

ftAINFIEUD. N. Jun Bartlett of this city was served with a ootlc to-day that his wife, Mrs. Elisabeth M. Bartlett, would make application to Chancellor McOllI at Trenton on June 12 for an absolute divorce on atatutory grounds.

James M. TrUnball. a Newark lawyer, who has been engaged by Mrs. Uartletr, served the papers. Mr.

Bartlett nas engaged Keed Coddlngton and Law yer H. C. Kunyon to represent him. It has been known tor a long time past that Mr. and Mrs.

Bartlett had not lived napplly and a few weeks ago Mm. tfartlett left her Mr. Bartlett is a son of the late Abner Bartlett, who was for twenty-four years one of the prominent real estate dealers In New York. During that time he was In charge of the property holdings or tne Astors, witn wnom ne engaged in 1871. Mrs.

Bartlett Is a Frenchwoman, snd cam to this country with the original Black Crook company. In which she was a ballet Instructor. Mr. and Mr. 'Bartlett ar both well known in nainneia and New York.

When Mr. Bartlett' father died, he left an estate valued at szao.uuu, from whloh his son now receives a yearly InrnmK. Th amplication for divorce will maae a week from to-morrow, ana Air. isarueii will have twenty days in -which to nie an answer. ARBITRATION CONFERENCE ef Prtaelple Avt.

Img Interaattoaal Treaties Adopted Cleveland and McKlnley Thanked. MOHONK LAKE, N. Juae In ternatlonal Arbitration Conference to-day adopted a declaration of principles, which is in part as follows: Th civilised world may well rejoic at th unprecedented progress of th caus of International arbitration during th past year. Wo ripntnr the temnorarv check to the cause by the failure of the Senate to ratify the proposed treaty wiu put recall the maioritv of the Senate In its favor, large, though less than the necessary, two-thirds, and we believe that, while the small minority honestly opposed It, their reason were not euch as to command permanent support. The overwhelming majority of the country should only be stimulated by this temporary failure to more sealous activity, urging our Executive to renew the treaty with such modifications.

If as may be approved in the light of the iwrat iiudv or tne sUDieci dv we mmic Our country should also make a similar treaty with Germany. Austria, Bel- glum, ana awl tseriana. -n 1 The- thank ot this conference are tendered ex-Prealdent Cleveland, ex-Secretary oinev 'and Sir Julian Paunoefote for their eminent service to -tne cause ox wwroM tlonal arbitration, and to President Mc Kin-ley and Secretary Sherman for their hearty uyiui 1 vi me uiv ii, vf OLAF OLSON'S LONQ DRXNK. Slept On It Three pays and Lot Bis Trip CHICAGO. June Olaf Olson started from Ford River, MicW for Norway a week ago and thought he would visit Chicago be fore leaving the country.

While here he entered a Clark Street saloon and called for a drink 01 whisky, mat was iour uays ago. He woke up to-day. at the same table reeling very tired ana nungry. 1 nere was a funny taste In hi mouth. He asked where the waiter wai who went to get hi change.

He was told the waiter bad left the saloon three days before. Then Olson discovered that while he slept at the table the saloon had changed hands, i 1 Incidentally ne round tnat Tne ne naa saved for his trip to the old country was gone. He cried bitterly in telling the police how bard he had worked for the money With which he expected to ae nis xamiiy again. MILLER'S TRT A FOB MTJBPEB. HI Tw Daughters Aldlas the Chlea.

Aether! ties Ceavlct lllsn. -CHICAGO, Jun i4-Two sisters' are aid ing the State in Its attempt to convict Henry Miller, their father, for the murder of Robert J. McCreedy, while their mother is using every effort tx secure his acquittal. one or tne women is tne wiaow ox man who was killed. McCreedy had married Miller's daughter, deipite the opposition of his family, and for a time tired at her home.

821 West Ulviaion street. His life there was hot pleasant, and on Aug. 1 last, he returned father's house. I On Oct IB a baby was born to Mrs. jmc- Creedv.

and Oct. 28 her husband called at "her home. Miller locked the door and re futed, him admittance. The next evening McCreedy called again, and was met in tne hall by who had secured a revolver from his bedroom. When ne astcea to ee hi wife and baby.

Miller shot him. Miller declares he shet in self defense. A KEMTUCJCY CENTENARIAN. Irelaad'ajBlrthaar Celehrat- ed with aj Barbeeae. AWESVILLE.

June ames B. Ireland to-day celebrated his one hundredth trfrthday anniversary at his home at Skill- this county, wher a reunion and bar becue were held. Extensive arrangements had been made for the Special train and steamboat excursions were run. Mr. Ireland was bom in oeorgezown, tco County, in In lSS) he set out for Illinois on horseback, returning to Ken tucky in 1S22 to marry a neienoor, miss Sarah Lancaster.

She died In 1S7L. For two year Mr. Ireland lived with hi children, and in 1873 he married Miss Susan Orr ef who died In 1879, Mr. Ireland is In fairly good health, with a good memory and in nosseasion or au nis lacuunm ne has eight children, all of whom are living but one. He has thirty grandchildren and twenty-eight great-grandchildren.

11. nkl. .4 kl. Am a for James Monroe in 1820. He voted for.

11 wm uo vw.w Seymour in 1S68 and; ever since has been a strong uemocrsu CHICAGO VITAL STATISTICS. Death Rat Astsss th Blacks Nearly Twle that at th White. CHICAGO. Jun 4, Remarkable statistics In regard to the local death rat ar shown by the monthly report of the Department of Health. During th month of -May 41 deaths wer caused by lung troubles 208 by pneumonia and the same number by consumption.

I Notwithstanding this appalling fact, the death rate from all cause Is greatly re duced from that of one year ago, and th fatality among emiaren la less than has ever before been reported by th depart I ment. There were deaths rrom all onuses durlne? the month, as against 1.S04 for the same period last year. Another interesting feature or in report ts a comparison of the death rate between the white and colored population of the city, Mtabllehine; a record never before kem bv the city. The percentage of deaths per of white population Is lil'i, anion- the colored population is To I an ATi ft 1 the ar ojifFAKE CLU2S. Predlgs Bearaa Aaaal th Charters Six that Hav War- a new knov In th gam of Raines law against Raines law clubs was mad yester day.

Thia time th move was inspired by tb Stat Eztts Commissioner. -and It Is announced that six proprietors of th questionable clubs ar summoned to appear before Justice 6iytb, In th Supreme Court. on or as soon ifter Jun as convenient, and show cau why' th club charters under which thiy have been doing buslaaas-aaaU not be annulled. Th proprietors and clubs as anno feed ar: Edward Corey, Gramercy Club; Thirtieth Street and Sixth Avenue; Edward Hlncbman, th Shenandoah Club. Thirtieth Street and Sixth Avenue; Charles -ouver smith, the Young Men's Cosmopolitan Club, Thirty-first Street and Sixth Avenue; P.

F. O'Neill, th Independent E.nglanlx-. and Pleasure Club, 1.45 Broadway, and two other club proprie tors on ine eait aiae, wnos names could not be ascertained. This mv on the nart of the Rvnls fVim. mlaslone 1 the result of an Investigation conducted by Chief Conlin and his staff.

Th provisions in th Raines law, which siv to oiuos naving cnarters prior to January lm certain privileges, not the least Of Which! 1 th rleht to Mn nnorv dnrinr interdicted hour, was th principal loophole iur wnau is aiiegea to have been an evasion of the entire law. Charters of clubs which have goSe out of active existence are not acarce, and can be bought for cash. Various saioon ropnetors in the Tenderloin managed to obtain- such charter, and for a while thi have been able to snap their fin ger at he police. The ar -est of some of the more notorious WonrieK rs on -the dun 0 knlnr lia. orderly blaces did not stop business.

wnicn wfent on lust the same. Chief Conlm adopted another ourse Instead of making krreeu, men were detailed In plain clothes ko go around amonr these club. become embers, and report as to the way they are i---. -These report were submitted last week to -State Excise Commissioner Lyman and Deputy Commissioner HUliard, and upon them, it Is said, this last action has been taken. None qf the club proprietors, however; ap peared 10 De rrigntened last night "It's their lait move," said one, "and now we know le worst.

Say," he added, with a wink, a the reporter was leaving. How long will It take for an appeal from a Justice to Lhe'Oeneral Term of the Supreme Court, be arguedand then how long for an appeal to me court or Appeal 7 The summonses were served bv RovaJ Scott, ai special agent of the State Excise Department. Mr. Scott' would not talk. He merely saia.

waitl" GAS CURE FOR HOWLING CATS. Mr. -Tlteheada Traps aad Death. Dealing Brtas; Peae to th Metarhberheod. WllUain Whitehead, who la said to be a millionaire, lives in the private house; 189 West Obe Hundred and Thirty-fifth Street, and he Is the owner, of six fine flat houses the neighborhood of hi residence.

For ft. Ions I time past the inhabitants lh th vicinity (have been greatly annoyed by elin nocturnkl In desperation they talked nolaon and shot but Mr. White head, being: a law-abiding man, adopted a oetter flan. He determined to engage in the gare of cat trapping. -Following the clan of boy who capture rabbltsJ Mr.

Whitehead placed two trap on cither aide of the alleyways adjoining his flats. He attached wires to. the. trap and made a wire connection with an electric bell In a cellar, of on of the fiat-house. When frisky feline took bait the came upon the scene hunter1 their me.

The- living prizes were later turned over to the J. being taken way -in batches of from three to ten evH nr night When about seventy 01 the ofi ndtng tribe had been transferred In this way, the strain- on; the. society proved 00 severe, and Mr. Whitehead was told to I asphyxiate them in future. 1 To obey the mandate he orocured a barrel, Inserted a tube which he connected with gas jet.

and this -euntrlvance he -has used with such success that the dead wagon was a regu-ar visitor, to tnenats lor many day thereafter. -1 The data have not come back. They1 ar known no longer in the cellars, and their music no longer disturb the slumbers or lnterrut ts the dreams of the Whitehead tenant Mr. Whitehead apparently cleared llty.of the backyard choristers and. the lo benediq 10ns are general over the riddance.

AEjtESTS nr THE DEAN CASE. Tweli Hew Warrants Have Been Is fcaed Three, Were Served. Threi arrests were made yesterday In con nection with the E. g. Company on warrants Issued by Judge Brown of the United SUtes District Court, upon.

Indictments found by" the Federal Grand Jury for usiag the' malls for fraudulent purposes. The prisoner were Jame B. Kellogg of 66 croaaway. oamuei jeiier, and Henry D. Kyle.

I They were released on ball, Counsel for Myron L. Bernard. also con nected! with the. E. S.

Dean ap- pearedj before Commissioner Shields and aid that, his clients was out of town, but wouia eurrenaer nimaeii to-asy. jnuo other warraats were Issued by Judge Brown, and they Were said to be for Demons connectad with the Dean Company and other alleged nucaeti aaops. ,1 THE GOWN "WOULD NOT STT. Mrs, felomon Llehteastela Refuses 'Tr; It or la Cosrt. "7 j' Although refusing to comply with the re quest (of the attorney who was cross-ex- a mini dg her, Mrs." Solomon Llchtenteln of 611 Wfest End Avenue won a vlotorv be fore 3 stlce O' Got man, 4n th Eleventh District lourt, yesterday.

Mrs; LIchtenstein, who in the wife of a bookmaker, ordered a tall r-made gown of Gerald Lyon, a la dies' tailor, of 100 Prince Street, last ApriU The price of It was to be S95, but when the gdwn was made, Mrs. Licntensteln re- rused to take it, on tne ground that it did not fit Mr. Lyon thereupon sued her. The Defendant testified that the gown did not nti sne naa 11 in court ana presented it to thel Justice for inspection. He nervously fingered -the folds of the 'garment, -muttered something about women experts, and hand ed it jDacx.

juawyer severance tben took the witness In hand. Would you seriously oblectl to trrlnr on th rownf be asked. Kignt nerei exciaimea sars. l-a catenate In. Tne lawyer nooeea.

The I face of the witness flushed, and sh reptiee: 1 suways maae my touet at horn. Sir! I Th Justice here interfered, and umiA he would spare her that ordeaL decided tne case in ner lavor. 1 -sa Gotaar to West Vlrsrlata. MOND, vs jun 4. William j.

will be In this State on June 15 to an address, before the, graduates of iversity at Charlottesville. be invited by leading members of the mm. in ufiiraa wuiw.iBuv otiii. fonven- iiod vaicn mer i Ainaon on An. 1 1 The Question of more Interest, though.

1 whether Mr. Bryan will innrov. t.tul proposiuon to eliminate irom the -State uonvtinuon in uiwibdoti 01 tne Chicago bodv bn nlanks last rear denounnui archUtic. Th leaders wUl submit this mt- xer IU iui -f Bteataekr SUver' FRANKFORT. Ky June 4.

The- Demo cratic stat Sliver Convention yesterday nomiaatea oamuei j. Bnacxeirord for Clerk fO EW showrooms, new LA xnantelsy new ideas i ir ti inn 1U: Ul alllllltf UCW IAlUIk0 in ttreplace belong ings, and good taste toermeates them alL We invhc' aU who are interested to call. BRADLEY CURRIER 119 121 Vest 23i St, Y. piiESIDFHT FILLS' OFHCES Ellis H. Roberts of Hew York Nomi- 7 nated for Treasurer of the i rUnited States JORDAN, ASSISTANT TREASURER Lftwrenc Townsend of PenmylTanla for lUnister to Porta g-aj Audi t- on for ths Treasury and Wr rftrtmiit -Nft- ftl Promotionft.

WASHINGTON. Jun 4. Th President to-day sent the following nominations to the Senate: Treasurer of the United Stale ELI It. ROBilKTS of New York. Assistant Treasurer of the United States at Mew York City CONRAD N.

JORDAN of New York. MlnUter to Portuaral ULWRKM03 TOWNSEND of Pennsylvania. Auditor for the Treasury Department tt 11.UAM tu. ANDKJSWS ot isebraaka. vwq u.

BttuWiN ot Pennsylvania. Postmaster at TJ. AIUUU13i Narf-Commnier Richard Tai-v in tw Captain. Ueut. Commander William Swift to be Commander, Lieut Commander Henry B.

Mansfield to be Commander. Lieut. Her bert Wlnslow to be LJeutanant Lieut W. H. Turner to be Lieutenant Com- manuer, ueut (Junior orade) William Maxwell to be Lieutenant, Lieut (Junior urauc; jTSJiann swut to be lieutenant ELLIS H.

ROBERTS'S CAREER. A Katlve at TJtlea, Kdltotv- Coagress- lasa, aad Bask PrtsUcst Bills H. Roberts, nominated for United States Treasurer, was born In Utlca in 1827. He received hl ducatloa at Whites- town Seminary and at Tale University, where he was graduated in L8S0. He taught Latin In Utlca, and was Principal of th Uticst, Academy, He became editor ot Th Utlca Herald In 185L During the war his strong Federal editorials attracted considerable attention.

He was a member of th Assembly In 1867, and was elected as a member of Congress In 1870, serving until 1875. was also a delegate to th Re publican National Conventions of 1864, 1868, ana ioio. in lsov JrTesiaeni utmwn appointed him Assistant Treasurer ot the United States in this city. He becam jPreaidant of the Franklin National Bank in 18ya. He has been President of th Patrta Club and First Vic President of the Republican Club.

He is the author of "To Greece and Beyond" ana txovernment itevenue." Tne last volume Is a collection of lectures on protection delivered la 18S4 at Cornell University. IfJ Jsraaa. Conrad Jordan, nominated for Assist ant United State Treasurer at New York. la the present Incumbent of the office, bavins; been appointed by President Cleveland In 1893. He is a Democrat.

Ha began hi business life as a clerk In the Hanover Bank of this city when a lad of sixteen. In 1837. He was mad cashier of the Third Nation Bank In 1864, which position he retained four years. After th' gold panic of 1809, he was made Auditor and Receiver of the bank. In 1880 Mr.

Jordan became Treasurer of the New" Tork, Ontario and Western Railroad. Subsequently he endeavored to secure, at Albany, the passage' of a' bill' lnconxvratinr the United State EXchanrb and Transfer Pjunnanr i. nk. Ject ot which was the establishment of a iearuig House, with -operations extending throughout the country. The bill did not due Tha'Sub-Treasure flf fv-1 He has gray hair and mustache.

His. 11 urn im ana muscular, nis com- pieuon ruuay, nis eyes are gray and snap with vigor when their owner enters upon an animated conversation. Lawreaee Tewaiesd. Lawrence Townsend at present Secre tary of the United States Legation at and bis nomination to be Minister Ho Portugal In the nature of a promotion. He was appointed to the Vienna post by Mr.

l-STTTTISBjilll, M'llllan XX Aadrewa. William E. Andrews, nominated for Au ditor- for the' Department. was a member of the Fifty-fourth Congress from th District, of. He ran again for membership last.

Fall, but was He was near Oskalooea. Mahaska County, Iowa, In 1856: bis parents were poor, ana wnen a mere lad he was tnrown upon nis own resource. He received hi early education In th countn wnwiis ana at oimpson ixiiiege, inaianoia. lows, tie, was eiectea superintendent of the school of Rins-s-old County. Tows In 1879.

He wa graduated from, Parsons College, Fairfield, Iowa, in 18S5; wa a member of the Faculty of Hasting College In Nebraska, from 1885 to 1803, when be was elected Vic president or th college, and later became President of the Nebraska State Teachers' Association, From 1881 to 1892 he was a member of the Nebraska Republican State Central Committee. In 18DS-4 he was private secretary to Lorenso Croun, Governor of Nebraska. B. B-vrm. "William B.

Brown, nominated for Auditor for' the War Department, la a strong supporter ot Senator Quay, and a prominent lawyer In Erie. Penn, has held so publio omc before, Treaaary Apalleatleaa. WASHTNaTON. June A-a W. White' ef Norwalk.

and W. T. O'Brien of New Tork, ask appointments aa Assistant Ap-pralsera at New York. Feurta-Clas Peetaaaster. WASHINOTON.

Jun A Th following fourth-das Postmaster war appointed to day; New York W. D. Jones, at Altmar: TfL Tax, at Fisher Aanding; A. at. Oranton; Oliver St.

Marie. at Indian Lake; C. Stahl, at NewvlUe; H. Klink, at Rose. Connecticut M.

A. Hunt, at Enfield; F. LT n. If A J-t 1 1 1 at Mansfield -Depot, .7. BTJBQLABT IS TSTEW L0HD0NV Hoase ef Sekastl D.

Lawresc Es--" tered aa Silverware Takea. T.TTTTTT TWTVIM Aiiiti m. morning when household of Sebastian Lawrence, at 68 Main Street, awoke. It was discovered that the house had been entered during the night and 'the sliver 'service that Is in dally use had disappeared. The thieves had entered the house by a kitchen window, using seme Iron to force it open.

They ransacked all the drawers in the kitchen, and succeeded in finding a pocketbook belonging to the maid -which contained about flu; they then entered the dining room and proceeded to make themselves at home with the silver service. All th. booty was carried away, and the police say to-night there is no clu a yet. Th solid silver pieces were all marked J. th Initials of older members of the family.

Mr. Lawrence Is a banker millionaire, but he feels his loss keenly, a the war had been long in the family. He well known as President of the Whalinn I Ttank and the donor of tha ir I 1. uwuu- I "n-' ueojcateu wai year. LOSSES BY mz.

DENVER. CoL. Jun A The V. Thomas block, one of th largest In the city, end situated In the heart of the business section, wa partly burned to-dav One of the heaviest losers 1 the firm of Teller -1 i f. I vnuiwM wk.

olxkji v. oenator li. Teller Is-a member. The large and costly library of th firm Is much damaged by water, though th Or did not reach it- Loss. S10.000.

New train for Indianapolis and St Loul by New York Central. Leave Grand Central Station WrO P. arrive Indianapolis next evening. St. Louis second -Mmin.

Adv. For June Weddings Gifts wtlch la deslzmn malerlal are the result of mere fancies and fads too a hare their day and cease to be. Those who desire to make weddiz presents ot per assent, endnrinj worth should select SU Terware of some weU-knowa make. There Is safety and economy ia bnytcx of the larjest coacern Ja the trade. The Qorhani Co.

ndoobtedly has the most -complete stock from which to select, and lis warei 'are made to last Gorharri MTg Silversmiths, BROADWAY AND 19TH ST. 23 MAIDEN LANE. AT THE HOT ETA ALBEMARLE-William Kndleott. Daa- auiusur auutapoa Hey, wasntngton. A.

RTVVR VT T7 l.k.l. nr.Al.Mi. T. eturtevant, Provldenc; J. Barber, 8C Paul; James Smith.

Oiascow. Bootland: Thomas Orlf- ntha, nclaed; C. E. Gal- n. uoooiii, Liooaoa.

sagisaai tne wr. a. n. uoiiniu, ummonac. BARTHOLDI Edgar Watarmans, Ogdenaburg.

BROADWAY CENTRAL F. H.Trv1thlt. Lon don, Ensiand: J. M. Hurh.

Montreal: W. T. Karnahaa, Toronto; W. ghlpiay, Onrinnstl; n. xuisey, BUCKINGHAM E.

Henry. W. OrrelL B. IS. oolvllls, Calcutta: Prof.

A. M. Elliott. Balti more; joaa Angua, HarUord; Thsodor F. Eirrii, CAMBRnXJBJ "Ernest Longfellow, KanclMstsr, asa: eeeretsrv Baron von Ralchsnsn- Ouma miaif, wssnington.

OONTTXENTJtl -imnsM rrrviwan Ww Zealand; J. R. Palmer. Boatoa; W. D.

Lswl. Trs- hhw, umo. DEVONSmRBS 3. XCarJt Ttnatnn! TT Lswls, Merldea; W. R.

Kenaedy. Moriches. END IOOTT Unry Gordon, Mile City. Moo. R.

Potter, W. R. Ooodbody, T. D. Davis, London' J.

monoison. Ids twin isr. ssnglan; jo. twnnpon, jonn. England; th Rev.

Stanley C. Hughes, Richmond, Ind. ex-Benator T. W. Palmer, Detroit; J.

Dua-das Lipplnoott, Philadelphia; Julius Estey. Brat-tleboro, VL J. Stuart WaUao. London, England. OERLACH Fred.

W. Cbleman. Canandalruai OrenviU Kaoa Tn-Kadai W. ziinmimu. iiin, x-snsu; aeiman, can irranoisoo.

GILBET Dr. W. E. Bates, rjavto-rllle. Col: T.

miM, unun, rmgiano; jsxiloa UuntsvUle. Ala. Chicago; D. Rice, Hartford: H. W.

Pullrton, Dayton, Ohio; J. W. Vance, Wheeling, West UeuU T. A. aoams, mort Uamutoa.

vvsiiac aioston, Lomtoo, Eb gland: F. nuat, 4. uranara, Montrsal; Oeors Raed. New Haven; Dr. C.

H. Mason, Chatham; W. B. At- woao. noston; Jk I.

utcKlnsoo Dsnbury. tU-yat-LN Batemaa. Panama; M. T. yWti suwiis; A.

Ja. IMtrbank, Bellows Falls at. i. wswnouss. Chicago; M.

R. WUllaina. W. bwwws AuuiatuaHMis; jraorg A. mqiui, IfOStoa.

HOLLAND HOUSE Henry Belln. Scran- ton; w. JJ. Zenner, Lancaster; Samuel E. Wlna- ow, orosster a.

J. Taiiook, Ftort Leavenworth. Oeor Bullen, Chlcaso; Charles F. Cut ler, Morrlstswn: Senator John Simpklns, Tar- moutn; jona i. a-Acvrar, uralton, west Va.

IMPERIAL L. 8. Bufflngton. Minneapolis; F. Thomas, Regina, Canada: John A Curtis.

Brooklln. R. T. BamhllU Cbrlnth. E.

P. Emerson, Duluth; B. M. Bailey, Bradford; i. jv.

cnni, rrosouri-; caniora aeuy, cnicago; A VI TWblnh VT tj.T. more; Consul M. Oade, CThrUtlaasea, Norway L.I. uqu.iw u. vArssvanaui.

uuca. MANHATTAN E. Hunting. Ba4Umore: O. W.

Feavey, Minneapolis: A Benedict. Roches ter; W. Qt, Camp, Dr. W. W.

Potta. BufTslai vt. w. i. wum, ur.

u. MCMurttn, Louisville: H. Powers. W. Marsh.

Boston; T. L. Hanson. Milwaukee: Geors W. Cady.

duttss nxn sisner, wasnington. MARLBOROUOH Dr. O. O. Gorten.

Shel- bourne; N. Athena. N. W. I Rams- aeu.

Lorna) tJ. u. xaliucanua. Wasttlngton. alETROFOLE T.

Weathieok, Kingston; F. E. West, Norotoa, GilbeVt, Louisville- Newcomb Cleveland. CmolnnaU; John MORTON--C0I. P.

B. Uoor Bprlncflcad; W. J. MURRAY HILL-a. H.

AdnW Alien Ooodeya, TortLtinME: iT'dj blUUlUQa, a XXaVTOO. orK John at. Kiu. Rnuiia. xt-tn Kemp, Troy; C.

B. Morrla. Montreal; R. wwm, loronto; jonn ueyitt, BirminKham. Eng.

B. M. Burrall. Waterbury; David McO. NewalL a.

a. xiiAuaiiaa. xoviaenos. NETHERLAND J. H.

Ounn. E. Boston; George Q. Whiting, New Orleans; Georg 0. r.uiniuM twYimnn; ureen, xunaio.

NORMANDIE B. Piatt. Washington: W. Mlllspauglu Bel ma, Ala. El.

Hay dan. Water-bury; JB. J. Raveiiscrofu'Cbboea PARK AVEXUE H. O.

Canneld. Bridgeport! Joseph Fowler. Glen Palls; Fulton Paul. HudS son; wuitam Spencer, Ban Francisco: C. iun 1.

Doiw, at art own. N. Hmt, L. Beanrhamp Hughes. Waablns- ton.

PLAZA--Dr. V. Lmui -Ran riain Dr. P. J.

Gibbons. Syracuse Lawyer C. Pat' terson. Troy; James, Georg-, and L. Klibournev jorumnna; u.

N. Lookwood. Buffalo; Georg naiii oWTn-neia. SAVOY B. Martin.

F. Irwin, Philadelphia: nut Hill. Philadelphia. SINCLAIR runcan B. Rarriaon.

Georaw l. Chicago; BT. CLOUD H. Hllbrowar, Philadelphia; J. Oustatt, Chicago; J.

F. Desmond. Boston. 8T. DENI8-W.

H. Mllburn; Washington; E. xiuuBJu, ouimj.owi, a. i Benjamin u. Cos, Boston; Dr.

John L. Grund, Anlaton. V. Bega. London, England: W.

G. Dean, Torontof itenjamin Bentor, Kutland: Dr. L. L. HHL I at-uitvmw, ill.

Jauiu onurs, ciuataV HWajsaw- vv t-ivwniasL riiw vnnui viiiiaa.A BlaVIawell. aav ass i auaaaeg 01 II JUT oau. vnrmuy-; rrvaenc inoniai, lnvr. Chattanooaa; F. WALDORF-E.

Bolllngsworth, William While, i ta-Mu, rfiua aauustsr lirrao Lao rlar. Ottawa, Canada; Marquis of Camden and A P. Hay, London, England J. P. Co-' miu, mumiremt; xwoerx t-M.

Tyer. Bunalo: will-ram N. Wharton. Craton, Mass. WfNDSOR Attorney Alexander Hamilton, Vir- s-uiKi -iiiw Juliet nenry strong, Canada: B.

Mactablah, Solleltor General for' Ottawa; McC. Gibson, Cincinnati; John Nicksrsen and son. I II as I I 1 1 1 1 I thia'aaul 'rl 07 STJYESS. Represeatatlves Oat-Mws Flraa Wkw- ata4 City." Abele. St.

Lou la. 1. Abel, lean clothing; St. Denis Hotel. Denholm.

The. A MclCav flnmnanv G. H. Davis, whit goods and linens: i Desoecker. Wile A Rocheatar.

if. T.J 8. Wile, woolens; Hotel Martborouh. Dyer. Rice A Boaton, Maaaj F.

E. Dyer, hats and caps; Continental Hotel. laceai embroideries, and dress trlnunlass; Sinclair House. Glenn, Hugh A Utlca, N. H.

Olena, dry Loveman. D. Chattanooa-n. Tnn J. R.

Read renresenu; 22a Church Street; Hotel Mandell Brothers. Chlcaro. Andaraoa domestics and linings 66 Franklin Street; Astor House. Matthew. ti.

maianapolla. Ind. BT. K. Matthews, Hotel.

'hit goods and linen; at. Deal Nasi aV Hyde, Syracuse. K. T. A Hyde, white goods, lacaa.

ladies' and Infants', 2s Ocumpaugb A Sons. Rochester. N. J. 'Ocumpaugh, furnishing goods; Sturtevant House Rand.

J. Portland. J. F. millinery, laces, and Jewelry; Union Square HoteC Echulott brothers.

Reading. Schuloff. hats and caps: Morton House. John. Philadelphia, Pann.

A wiu, j-auvraarie ZAOtei, YESTEBDAY'S TTRF.3. (From 12 o'clock Thursday night until 12 o'clock Friday-night.) 8 A. M. 604 Weat Twenty Hhlrd 8 tree Hester Nelson; damage, A. West Houston Street; Lewis Talk man; damage.

S1M). 1:30 P. M. 1M Madison Street; occupant T-3 P. M.

X-U Suffolk Street; Edward Grossman; damage slight. A. M. tsi West One Hundred and Fifth Street: Thomas Harnev: dimin -r. 82 P.

First Avenue; Samuel eiss: damage aiitrht. 11:55 P. M. 55 Pearl Street; Georg pmift ma uauj(7, aoiAJ. For (eatlekaess tae Hersford's Acid Phosphate.

Dr. J. Foorness-Brlce of A A Teutonic sa-a: -1 nave preacriDee it la my practlc among th paasensrra ua.rallnc to and from Europe. In thia smmer. and the malt has aat-laAd me that If taken la time.

It WUl, la a great SIIIFPIuG AIID TEE ltlalalar Atssaaa ThI Cay. 11. il High Water This A IT A vr .12 1 8. Hook.10:44,Gov. .12:4 TO-DAT.

SATURDAT.) JUNE B. Walla nnM Cn Amertka, Norway l.w-i. M. ABdes, Fortune Island. Jeremla.

Jacinel. aad I 0V) A JL I A ax Cares I 1J.WJ M. CUy ot Ho-se. Olsacow 1 A M. 12.00 Ciiy -of -WatitnctuBV-Ha- vana and Mexico 10:30 A M.

P. M. Concno, Oalveaton X-1 P. M. t-i fcua.

ew Oriaan, P. Hodsoo. Orleans P. Irooiioia. CtuLTleatoa La Touralie.

Havre. 10. 00 A M. Locanla, OiMtutovi sad Liveroonl l-Ml -M -So A M. Obdsm.

Rottardam' A. M. 10 A M. foaaicla. Hamborg SatfA.

M. -nnm w. nanoxui. Haiti. Tallahass, Savanna $0 P.

M. CumanA Corupan ....10:89 M. worasworui, Pernan-boeo. Baala. aad Rio Jaastrtk.

0 a. 1C' 1100 A M. sTONDAT. JTTNB A UI.JJ 'v a TCESDAT. JCNB S.

Coc-iaache, Charlastea 1:00 P. VT, Havel. lire-nee IMAlL, 10:00 A M. anasa A.7ty. vaanaa, Tims sutolCBantju-r malls rift at Oasural Post Office.

Additional auppl-manlary malls are opaeed en plar ox tbeAaerlcaa, Enellsh. Franch. and Oarroajj. steamsrs. aad remain open until wltnla tea.

snlnuia of to hour ef saUlas sieaxnr. lauisrauii-. maua 'Mails for China, uwl Ma-atauabahln -Ptltham. inrm lajaoma-t rntr. Aauv tan.

tw. juu as mm. :30 P.M. Mails for ear ataamatalo Ana- trail, (from han cloa hers daily 0 to at UH F. M.

Mall for China and Ja- par stramatalp Coptic, (from San FranclaoaJ oars our an to jus 11 at P. Tranaoaellla mails aia fmuri tn nrt rt aalU ing aauy, and tn scnedul of closing I arrancsd on the prwiunntka of their uilaiarniptad ever- una nwuiL Rglstrad nsil elosss at P. at. prrrkms day. IaeetaslasjT Iteaiaaahl-s.

TO-DAY," BATCRDATJ JXTXE S. Athoa, port Li moo, Barbaroaaa. Bremen, May SS, Delcomyn, bc Luda, May it. Etmria. LlvamooL is.

Jaa KeiaaJI. Qlbraltar, May JO. Jiansaa city, ba ran nan. ana A Manhattan. LlverDooLMav IA Oraino, Gibraltar, Mar 20.

Paris, Southamplon. May Praatorla, BC TLomaa, May Btratnniian. Hamburg. May IA' 'Tsvlotdaia, Aatwa-v, May 1. JXnm AntiUla.

Nassan, Jun La Brstagsje, Havre. May t. JXTN1B. XL Aneshany. Port li-ms.

AUer, Brtraen, May Jnl. 1. Ancnoria, May Bovlo. LJvarpooL May S8. Klo.

New Orleana. June LouUlana, New Orlaaaa, Jus A Baralosa, Havana, June S. Vaandam, Rotterdam. May 28. Taaasueia, La Guayra, Jun toesdat; jun a Mohawk," London.

May IT. fiwrauuia, Aoiwtm stay2S. "Nueces. Galveston. Jun 2.

State of Nebraska, Qlaow; May 28. Antwerp, Mar Sot xtrtu iTiaot, aH. May 1. Jl as Idaho. London.

May 20. Kaiser Wilhalra 1L, Gibraltar. May tl Hooart Olnrallar, May 23.... Uvarpool. June A Turaian, Havana, Jun 6.

THURSDAY. -JUNE 10. -Colorado, Hull, M-v 28. Michigan, London, May 29, Patria. Gibraltar.

May 2. Richmond Hill. Glascow, May ST. Baala, Bremen. June 88 Cbmancha Penatna-toa.

Jacksonville Ja and -Charleston 2. with mds- aad jsssiingi to William P. Clyde Co. t8 Polyoanx Oilpbant. Maaao May IS ana tara za witn mas, to stootn a km.

Airtvea at the xaliahaasa. Aaaina. jaavaanaa Jun wlta- bum. ana paasengera a man la VDtar. Pany.

tut vogeiseasng. Hamaurg May 27. Houthaatptoa and Cherbourg 2S, witn mds. aad paaaangar to the llamburc-jLmertcaa Line. 'Arrived at The Bai- at P.

M. SS York town. Newport Km and Nod folk, wtta mds. and pasenger to. the Old Domla- ton eteamsflip vompany.

Jtgg? I 88 AmacKm. Loodoo May tX. With mds a to tfca New- Tork -Shipping Ounpaay. riTea at in, car at r- at. ohlD Jan BurrtU.

from Hull, which rived- and' anchored In th Lower Bay for ordara. oam up is ui aiy eta a. at. 88 P. W.

Bruno, for Baltimore, .81 Bremarhavea iDutch.l for Antwerp. BucaUtutham. for Philadelphia aad Havana. I bS Dona Maria, for Oporto; 63 Horace. for Manchester.

SS Adirondack. for Port aa Prince." 1 ea Roanek. for Norfolk and Newport UMOiaao. lor LONDON. June 4.

S3 Rosa. Cant. Ban ning. New Tork for passed 'the Ltsard vesteraav. ES biarT-dam- (Dutck CD.

Vaa dar IVaa. I Bterdaia for New Tork, passed -the Liaard day. 9 juuini, vpu juiiidy, rw iwa iur UanUMirs. passed tne Isle of wtgnt to-oay. aa v.

T. tr stdooL paaaad allnaale to-dajr. St) Ethiopia, Br.J Capu Wadsworth. art. at Glascow from New Tork oa untano.

cap, uuny. arr. si inis-pon xrom waw lor yesterday. bb ruerat uiamarctc. c-apc aid, zrora New York via Vli-mouth for Haatburc.

air. at Cherboura? at T-S5 P. M. vestcrdav. as un lane 10.

itsr caou Haortoca. arc. at UT- rpooi rrom New Tork to-day. Furnaaala. Capi Han-la.

Otaa- gow, aid. from avovlll for New Tork to-oay. SS Aragonla. Capt. BandarNld.

from New Tork via ChriUaUa, Ac. arr. at fiwtae- mund May 8L 8) Rotterdam, (initch.j -capt. voeg, arr. at Rotterdam from New Tork Vesteraav.

BS Montauk. (Br .) caou Gariur. arr. at Avon- mouth from Naw Tork to-dav. 83 EUlse Mart.

Capt' Keimers. New Terls-for Ftuahlnx. passed the- Lisard raatardar. S( Evelyn. Capt, Lindaaf.

New Tark for laawioh. paesed- the Lizard yeatardav. SS Linda, Capt. Horalay. New Tork for Hambunr.

passed th Isle of wiaht to-oar. SS Jersey City. cspu Lewis. New lork for Bristol. psssd Brow Head to-aar.

oa if 1. 1 r-s-n. New Tork, passed Dover -to-day. SS Sicllia. Capt.

Kuhlewein. New Tork for Christian la, passed Duaaet Head to-day. SS Croft. I Cant. Rhode, aid.

from Lelth for New Tork via Dundee yesterday. S3 Cambrian. Cast. Wise. aid.

from this port for New Tork to-day. rjt noon. sAyiaaa, aia. rroes taia port for New -Tork to-a. ss Augusta victoria, uapt.

aampn. rrom Hamburg, aid. frosa Bouthamptoa for New. Tork I P. M- to-day.

Rrf Warra. Caot. Mtrow. Naw Tork -via Gibraltar and Naple, arr. at Genoa at P.

M. to-dy. Etna. Cant. Karrassowit.

rrom Gen oa, std. from Genoa for York via Gibraltar at 6 P. M. to-day. a Bolivia.

Car. Bajt-trr New Tark tor G1agow. raased Tory Island to-diayr bt capt. Tysoa. Palemto, for New York, passed Gibraltar to-day.

83 Aleeia, Capt. Brlaad. arc at stareUle from New Tork to-day. B3 American. (Br.

.7 ChM. Alesander. Naw Tow for East London. Ac, arr. at Cap Town Taurle.

CaoC Smith. sldL from Liv erpool for New Tork to-day. 83 St. Res-ulna, Capt. Portay, Kew Tork for Deptfurd and Rotterdam.

paaaad the Isle of "Wlrht to-day. B3 Sai-nla. cant, wrart. New Tork tr Genoa, Ac, passed Eagre Mtaeellaaeaaa. tTT.

W.VC1AJ June 4. The Brtttah steamer Ethd- gonda. Capt. from Bueno Ayre May 13 roc Boston, is ssnore-aear aucooa, oa th east coast of the tola ad. ADELAIDE.

Australia. Ju 4. The Brltian ship Duncow. Capt. Graves, from Port Gambia far fort iwia.

aretiooair reportso. wtweked oa Island ami a steamer sent to her aaalat- ance. Is reported to have bee saved. LEITH, June 4. The- Brltlah stramer Croft Cap.

Rhode, which arrived here May 11 from ew Tork. reports navine pasaed May 71. is 1st. 44. lone.

-ti. a oereltct veaaet about SOU tons as sise with decka awash. WIND. At Sandy HooaU'N. Jnna 4.

at -n P. M. Wind aoulhweat, blowing snoderat breeze cloudy. i i i Bre-oklya Flreasea Paid Arreara. The Mayor, Controller, and Auditor of Brooklyn met yesterday and settled the claims of the twenty-eight firemen appointed temporarily over a year ago by paying them the amounta due them and dismissing them from the of the city.

They were allowed a being tfteir pay up to Mav in Vr.2u. 4n a of SI- a month a sn assessment for the Firei-Ben' Pension Isrtle vlssk District Assemblies 49 and 253. Knights of Labor, of New and District As semblies 75 snd 200 of Brooklyn, Invited Wihlam Jenninir Bryan to deliver aa oration in this city on July A They exx-cct an answer from hXxa to-ua. r- Lf I g. lL.l I IS Z.

nCWSDilDCr tllCt INTEREST every I AfTI I Ul 111C1CW I (IK I T. I I lillCOa I I. 1 H.TT MVfr I It CflTltS UlS INll VVib Accurately, And it prints a fret itil Its Special DepartinenU ire I experts ana are authoritative in their presentation of fact and opinion. Financial newsj and Literary new? and comment, Real Estate news and Railroad news and comment, jus news and comment, Political news and comment, Women's news and comment- Are aH presented ably, fully, and with u. tag- rBWaTsawV The PhotograpIiiG a Art Siipploiiicji Issued to every reader of the drcat Saturdcr-ail' and Contains, in addition to much matifr cf i.

est to amateur photographers, a number of Hall-tone rccroductlcrj- of the best obtainable exsnr of Artistic Photosrsjphy, presented with a perfection of Skill and a beauty of artistic selection never before attempted in my similar publication. The Mail and Express Saturday Art Su: is printed on tlxie book paper, in conv e. size for filing and binding, and should servea ry an lovers ot ine rTjologra-rr. a Your, Grandfather, Americans interested In reneilory fimlly history should read li every v. department devoted to these matters pre-eminent and unique.

Do Not Fail to Buy a Cc This Afternoon. HEWIDEALEns. Aaaaal Isamer Resort Xsaiber Jaae 111. ANf.OYlf.G THE Sarwlvars th Tally-H re Beset with Eitraerdlssrr OCers at Legal Aid. 'The survl ring victims of- th Road tally-ho accident wer all rc, doing well yesterday rr-orclng.

The patient ar all annoyed ly effort of persons offering legal who -want to champion the cause cf sufferers and get redress from the c.T -railroad officials, at rates that will satisfactory. Borne have confine effort to circular letters, setting glowing Inducement to the Injure 1. nave delicately Inclosed apprcpiu; rarer clipping, wl.ich relate tne hut urns wrested by sufferer tn the Pact -the grasping corporstlons. Un man invited in entire cf Injured to assemble at the Qtens (' Court House, to witness hi i cess at securing an indictment railroad company. Another chlva.r..

low offered his services grails to a s-rv of the wreck. The most awe-Inspiring piece -of plise exhibited Is enoan ly a carl rr X-ray studio in this city, which fiuoroacope or skUrth exsmlnai.o-s -patients homes," for moderate cotton, and add: Legal cuse First-class apparatus oa sale." A Goaely Supply ef amt-s. Mayor Fsgan of Hoboken ptrfir-marriage ceremony at hi o.T.oe in Hll Thursday evening. The gro Eckert Von Walther, a teacher of Ington Avenue. New York.

He aai i thirty year old. The brlJe gave -address a the bridegroom, her ty-one. Her name wa i.mmy rissa Catherine Frederlca -Condevtlie Plas-. At the eortoij' i ceremony th couple returned to i. in New York.

A' Quick and Pleasant Cure for and i.ia...r Liver. i naa keeps th btjy ia sr. 1 t-of feeble digestion toiu.x.u.i tood. and i.i. bolj tj.

Vrv rr it.

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