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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 11

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TTTC yfoy sukday. xovembep. zx ico2. gcnccrnina; Vi fJM Kiitor af TU Xrw Tor rimes; An editorial In your columns of Oct 11 en the city water supply so impressed ma that I in prompted to supplement It by Recounting a few personal expertencea lUua- v. wu, ikwi, orr a quarter of a century I waa engineer Is charge of the direct handling of the sup.

af water and' lta arsneral rflarrttnut lsn During that period the city passed through a memorable aerie of years of water. jiruiicuvr vo(n tw mi i property which should be a warning to be heeded at the present time, and In order to give bet ter realisation or tn intimate relationship tbe past to the present and futer requirements of this community, what there to aay had best be put In th form of a First lt nie accentuate the evil effect of procrastination, which tn our democratic community seems always to paralyse official action In preparing for an Increase of water supply In time to prevent emergencies. This ta due mainly to apathy and misconception on the part of the public, reflected in tb press, which has heretofore developed Into actlv opposition to every measure oi in Kino involving expenaiiur of tbe public money. When first connected with th water supply as engineer in charge In 1850, the city was astng less than half th computed carrying power of the old Croton aqueduct' I wfll not her recount the- stai-v ef the -bulldtngr of that aqueduct, of the various experiences of the city by which Its Inadequacy was proved, and of my efforts to check the waste of wster. amounting to two-thirds of the supply, during that period.

Let me come at enca down to the year 18S2. when E. 8, Chesborough. Chief Engineer Isaac Newton, and myself were called upon by Commissioner of Public Worka lL, o. Thompson to prepare plans for increased water supply.

My project for utilizing th flood waters of tb Croton River by means of sn ample storage made available by a high dam near Its mouth, to be supplement ed by other smaller storage dams higher up the watershed, was then brought forward. After this general plan had been ap-- proved by the. Commissioner, it waa examined by eminent engineers, among whom WLi v. IA, whose experimental work tn hydraulics had won him worldwide renutationf John A. Jarris, who constructed the old Croton aqueduct; Gen.

George Greene, former chief engineer, who constructed the large reservoirs In Central Park: Julius, chief engineer of th Brooklyn works, -and Robert K. Martin, whd built the Baltimore water works. The mn In. doraed tbe plana for the tunneled aqueduct-and large storage reservoir to be formed by tbe dam at Quaker Bridge, which waa th pivot on which th entire design rested. The Mayor's commission likewise and the matter waa brought before tb Legislature.

Tb bill passed both houses, but owing, to tb unintelligent opposition of certain citizens. Gov. Cornell was Influenced to give It bis veto. Th next year It passed both branches of the Legislature stain. Then followed an Incident Illustrating the misguided seal of self-appointed guardians of the City Treasury.

was coniiaeniiy neitevea tnat oov. vicrciana wouia mace me diu a taw. ty nis But on the last. day allowed law for approving bills passed Jthat session he notified the Commissioner that owing te opposition and the appeals of citlgens. he JIM ma I 1 rt .1 i lncretsfnr the water supply of New.

York, "The Commissioner sent for ex-Mayor Cooper, Mr. Andrew U. Green, and Judge Spencer, who were In conclave when I happened In on department business and heard of th Governors attitude. Mr. Green turned to the Commissioner and said: Her Is Mr.

Church, who haa personally wrestled" with the dUficultiea of the city's water It us send him to make a final appeal to the Governor to-night" The Mayor and ethers uralshed jn with a number of VtU tera, In order to pass the guards stationed at tha Capitol at Albany on that day. and I started on the 7:20 train. The letters passed through the outer guards, and I reached me ooor oi me Executive Chamber with hat two remaining. The attendant took me In PaI vi vju ri uu private sec retary, who came to the door, with, It In bis hand. II.

said with emphasis' No on see the Governor to-ntght' I iianded him my last letter with the request that he rive It to-the Governor, to whom it waa addressed. "I will take It to him." was th Mnlv1 vui wv win inj.H you or any on the last night for signing bills." Nevertheless, tbe Governor followed him out and to me: You are Just th tie I wapted to see." and he led me Into hi hv. 1 land. I know how Important time la to you to-night. I was sent to you.

without an knur's warning, but to economise time I luve Jotted down on the train some of th ImnArtftnt Li -1 wiii miy wt in your Mrnillllnn uu uxusnvti tAJtfe mrmoranaum ano began to con-alder each statement I was put under a hot fire of cross-examination, wherein he evinced an astonishing grasp of what must have been an unfamiliar subject to Mm. The Interview lasted but a few minutes. vuucu in vjovernor saia: go hack to those who sent you and tell them that I Will K- -cvmv. ivr mvcpinsT nilllion people out will therev lore sign the enabling act for an additional aupply." The next morning the papers contained Gov. Cleveland's reasons for Its approval.

In which he embodied the memoran-Oom I bad given him, thereby Justly fixing the responsibility where It belonged on tb professional advocates of th hill it tn 3r. Cleveland's courage and independent etlon that the city is indebted for avoiding further miiiimi t. a been dangerously delayed. 7Jere was one clause In the enabling act which, although Intended as a safeguard, proved exceedingly detrimental to the city' interest. It required that all plans ahould oe submitted to public hearings before be-in adopted by the commission.

It amount-d practically to holding town meetings oa nnicai engineering matters, with tb anomalous spectacle In an Intelligent community of supposing that an aggregation or Inorance could produce wisdom, and the result was what ml-ht have been expected. Representative citizens and taxpayers took ho Interest In the heart nrs. outsida at a few na personal Interests to urge which were variance with the city's Imperative aemands. The maas of attendants' wer those who came to air their vagaries and be uoted in the press. Th Commissioner business men.

and however Intelligent ft! A au i i hviiust wiaciy. aw ns at the public hearings confused and unsettled them. Thev failed tn dlscrimU te. as Gov. Cleveland had dona, between th value of an eninian at MMriui mM mgn etandlng on a complicated sclentifla Problem, and.

th ignorant assertions of Plausible talkers. Tha consequence ef such opportunity being afforded for prejudice tl unreason to make themselves fait vnrei distinctly a misfortune and a mone-loss to the city. The. Incompetent opposition made possible by tbe public clause delayed th adoption' of the Ws tor th construct ton of tb Quake dam. and th true ordr of building thereby rsverscd.

The new aqueduct yorl Th n- wwvolrs In ths PPr watershed, which ha! bn Assl-Tied "uppJement tha atone secured by tha laka ceortUnc to future raqulra-mt, wers also built. Had tha main dam under way. tnterest on th money ex-Pnae on tha amaU reservoirs could hav on saved for many years, aa they would needed. Owing also to tha deroorallxatlon directly attributable to tha public hearings, tb purchaa of landa for I0 Park reservoir wu postponed until their Increased value largely added to 4ts coat and delayed Its construction. An-otner misfortune for the city occasioned w.

reaulUnr from that on mischievous clause was the chanc In the site tre1 from near tha mouth of Croton River to a point a mile and a naif above. For year previous to the nnal passata of tha enablln- act inveetlga-Uona had been made with the diamond drill the Croton Valley of an available sites, stoma $30,000 was epent In gamin a knowl-din pt tha best rock foundation on which such weighty superstructures aa a solid masonry dam 277 feet hlch should rest The borings and the records were laid barer the conclave of engineers whoa names, already green, stood foremost In the country for expert knowledge and experience. They decided on the location at Quaker Brldg aa being; altogether prefers. Wt to any other. The lite of tha present Cornell dam Was discarded as tha least de-alrabU of any available spot examined, because of the treacherous limestone found tn th borings.

-Besides, tha location of tha Quaker Bridge dam beta near tha mouth of the river. rve a mile and a half additional storage, it possessed tha natural advantages of being: the narrowest part of tha valley, with preclpltoua rock banks riati abov the height of the proposed dam. This gneiss rock extended across to tha opposite shor and down vertically 100 feet under the river bed. It waa the natural and Ideal site for so high a dam. designed to be of solid masonry welded to a solid rock foundation.

The plans were nevertheless altered, and the Cornell dam, higher and longer by several hundred feet, and built partly on earth Instead of on rock, waa decided upon. Wise precautions In strengthening this dam hav called for aa additional appropriation of some 1300.000 from the-clty. a matter upon which tha press has recently commented. Th mil and a half of. additional storage la forever lost to the city, an aqueduct commission atlll sits, and the great dam la atlll uncompleted after a lapse of sixteen years.

This brief summary ahows how Important is that the law ahould be so framed that the plant of a great public work, on which the highest expert Intelligence has set Its seal, should not be tampered with or altered after the work haa been begun. No large undertaking which involves special scientific preparation should be entered into without being pronounced upon by a consensus of the highest professional authority, and such authority- should be final. No opening should be left to political Interferences and professional Jealousies, to which the municipalities of this country offer so free a field. Another matter In relation to the new aqueduct construction became such a handicap that -it finally led to serious consequences. I.

refer to the demands of th -civil service law, which, however advisable In ta atms. miscarried most uafortunaUlx in regard to aqueduct masonry inspection. Special rules should have been made to fit the needs of the new aqueduct, because of Its exceptional character, and necessity for speedy execution. Anticipating this, the Commissioners sought relief from Its restrictions by carrying a test case to tha highest court, which ruled that the commission must conform to civil service regulations. It was not that such regulations could not be adjusted to such work, but they were unprepared for it The work was begun and pushed ahead night and day over a length of thirty, miles, divided into- eight divisions, all under ground, amid the smoke of explosives, dripping wster.

the rack debris being sent to tha surface, while tbe masonry lining followed upon the ex cavation. Average men under such trying conditions require extra watching to prevent reckless. Irresponsible work. There was Immediate and crying need for compe tent Inspectors to be stationed at abort ln tervals. to Insure carrying out the terras o' the contract, but It was absolutely impossible to obtain from the service th right men for such work, nor did we succeed In providing enough men to cover It.

Frequently one Inspector was obliged to do tbe work of three in overlooking several ganga of workmen seps rated by a distance of- from 400 to GOO feet In th darkneaa or imperfect light amid always trying conditions, it was a natural consequence that men slighted their work. The local Civil Service Board was overloaded with other departments of the city to be provided for. and tbe city appropriations did not permit of a special force to effectually provide for tbe needa of the new aqueduct which differed widely from the other routine depart ment requirements. Dally examinations, together with tha labor of rating, could scarcely have kept pace with the immediate demands of the tunnel work. But the other departments had to be taken in torn, and thus th supply of competent Inspectors wss crippled from the start Tha law worked disastrously in this respect making eligible for auch positions only those who passed th examinations.

Incompetent men passad with high ratings, because tha lists of written question were carried off by th applicants, and although they were frequently changed, very shortly the fund of questions bearing on masonry were exhausted, and tha subject matter of examination could be easily prepared for and recited like a lesson with a moderate amount of coaching. In thla way a small grocer's clerk, or a person accustomed to the use of th pen. could learn their lesson, and feel secure of high rsting. The best Inspectors came from an illiterate claaa of skilled mechanics, who stood small chance against such school-craft competitors. For this reason the roost competent Inspectors either tailed of received a low rating.

To add to the embarrassment of the work In this department It frequently became necessary to discharge for Incompetency many who had a high rating from tha Civil Service Board. Before their places could be filled the aqueduct work waa constantly depleted of even th continuously scant supply. This Insufficiency of Inspecting fore was a constant source of anxiety to both engineers and Commissioners. The handa th staff of division engineers immediately In charge were literally tied in this manifest Inability to hav the contractors men watched. Before the work on th Cornell dam can be completed th new aqueduct will be uslne? th fullest quantity.

It Is ca cable of carrvinr. That It has water cenvev now Is because th cycl of wet years has kept it supplied through sheer good luck of ample rainfall. Should a dry period arrive, such aa prevailed In 1881-2, th city would again be tn straits. The new aqueduct Is now carrying S80.000.000 gallons per day. to which Is to be added 13,000,000 from th Bronx, making tba total city consumption 205,000,000 gallons per day.

or over 300 gallons per capita, 00 per of which Is preventable waste, Th city is now consuming over thre times more water than it waa twenty year Am nwiun storage in Central Park waa inadequate) then to allow of sl utting oft tha conduit for necessary repair i. and th storage within city limits la no rreater now. with thra times the consumpt ion. This is due to tha delay Caused by th public hearings In beginning work oa th i Jerome Park city res ervolr. which Is not yet completed.

Tha old aqueduct can pi to service should the new one have to 1 shut off, and It together with the Br nx. would furnish dally 83,000,000 gallons. iut even with this flowing into tb city rei ervolrs, th elty atorag would rive a ratio on-ihtrd lea than tha city had thirty yei rs ago. It ts therefor evident that there i eally la not tima for and repair In th new aqueduct at this Juncture wit hout producing water stringency. Altbou rh it ts In tunnel, and practically free fre th dangera of rupt-ur that pertained th embankment construction of the od aqueduct yet It has other dangers pec illar to masonry lined tunnel construction and When It la realised thst the lack of stc rage within th city has not permitted a a neia interior insr-tinn of the new aquedu et since th day It was put in service, th.

re is reason for apprehension as to its resent condition. Tb masonry work Is mdoubtedly equal to. If not better than, th at existing la any similar work. But It i lust be understood that there are points i long the new aqueduct which are la ana und, water-filled, mloa-eeous rock, slmllai to that encountered In th subway tunne which slipped and destroyed foundatlors of dwellings In Park Avenue. These pit oea hav needed Inspection and car to re vent excessive water pressure from aa tbertng and adding lta load on, masonry already bearing heavy rock As regards addii lonal requirements.

It Is necessary to find 1 ow long- the present water supply will suf ice. In view of tbe grow-Ing demand of th city, In order safely to Judge of the time eft for providing the The Increasing value of city lots, the use of elevators, snd th new lorms of Iron stnn ture will add story upon story to buildings, causing the city to grow YTrlly as we 1 aa hortaontally. and tnereby aucmenUi the demands tor water. Besides the aown-town office buildings, high apartnent houses up town sre rapidly superseding former residences. The development of the city over more distant area will have bu Utile effect in checking 'Vs, TTtlcaI grown and this should be considered in relatloi to the further increase of the water aupp y.

The new aqueduct is now giving ita maximum delivery, which, together with the email Bronx aupply. amounts to ,000 per diem. The only margin the city possesses is the W.OOO.OUU gallons daily from tbe old aqueduct when it la again put lnt service. In other words, the emergency is i ight on the city, and th old-time story Is i ppeatlng itself. The only efficacious raetho of meeting thla problem is the utilisation if waste, and along- with legislation for a r.

sw supply, money should be appropriated I or the work and appliances of convertii preventable waste Into legitimate use. This utilisation of water now constantly tsted can be so developed that It will keep ace with increase of population, doubling he existing supply In effect, and giving me to develop in detail and construction ippurtenancea for a new supply; It will alt. give that aupply greater longevity when cured. There que itlon In social economics. Involving hygienl and other Ufa Interests, that is so persia ently misunderstood.

Ignored, and unrei sonably resisted-by the public at large aa thla matter of preventing the waste of wanr In great cities, or one thst implicates li like degree life, health, and property. Th absurdity of the popular assertion thai water should be as free as air Is manlfesi The more or less complicated systems modern hydraulics thst introduce running water into every habitation exist became of the expenditure of millions of dollar i. while air exists for the taking. The running supply of water la kept up by the continual outlay of capital. The people are xed for this, but the unreasoning convict on remains.

They resent even the suggestion of curtailment of lavish abuse Instead of us of a luxury, tha cost of which the must ultimately pay. It costs even obtain water from a brook or well by the side of a cottage. It costs to-store by the pailful aa well at to impound for tha us. Like other articles of necessity. It haa a positive market value, varying with aupply and demand, and thla the roert entile mind might be supposed, readily to grasp.

Wster. -weighing "24 pounds to tl cubic foot transported thirty miles, ami supplied with pressure energy enough ti force it to every story, has cost tha cl about $100.000 000 for dams, reservoir aqueducts. and pines, with all their si The clty'a water costs mon than gas per 'cubic foot but gaa la not re kleesly wasted, because it has to be paid for by the cubic foot. As water Is urnlshe 1 by the city, and paid for by water tax. th people are Indifferent as to the quantity they draw.

Had it to be paid for by actuil measurement. like raa. they would curt kit speedily all but what was legitimately used. Thla would amount to doubling the a ter supply. One frequently hears plea for th free use of wster bee tuse It flushes the sewers snd plumbing, ai that therefore It la better to Increase a ipply then to nut any restriction on coisumption.

This sounds plausible, but sveh waste haa a contrary effect on house plumbing bv keening discharge pipes cor stantly moist which prevents oxidation air ventilation. As to street sewers, th general waste, distributed and dissipates throurh all the cltv sewers, has no effect in flushing them, whereas a minute fraction of It. when forced throueh In volune occasionally, would accomplish practlc i results on one sewer at a time that couli I not be obtained from the dribbllnxs consta ntly running Into th sewers all over the Again, it is cia Imed that unrestricted as of wster Induce i greater cleanliness, promoting hygienic -esults. This alao la ah error. To maintain a sufficient supply, not only must the water, weighing pounds per cubic foot, be delivered to each bouse, but also 4t must be at a pressure that will lift It to upper loors.

Therefore adequate volume together with adequate pressure is required for not i consumers and fire protection. By a amillar law of hydraulics velocity is Incr ased by excess of wast through a city pipe. You lose in pressure to a higher degree than the quantities drawn represent. Theo -etically. what ia gained la velocity la lost In.

pressure, but including pipe friction, pirie pressure is lost to an Increased degree. Therefore, when waste represents one-half or two-thirds of th sup- It produces loss of over spproximat. one-half -or two-thirds of the pressure. This loss of prei sure deprives upper floors of water, which Interferes with cleanliness, and by deprivlm plumbing on upper floors of water produc unsanitary results. This detrimental condition reacta harmfully on the dally coneumer.

and It ts tha people upon whom the monetary loss falls, besides th inconvenlem An object les ion wss furnished hv tha conditions thst continued for over fifteen veers prior to htalning the new aqueduct supply, during rhich. if wsste could have been stopped, 'per floors would not have been deprived water, nor would there have been thou snda of victims from bad air. Losses by ire were greatly in excess of ordinary rat a. directly attributable to the loss of the pressure that might hav been malntaine had tb waste been prevented. Msny Kill remember the anxiety felt In the dry od district because of thla loss of pressure which so handicapped the Fire Depsrtmen During my coi meet Ion for so many years with the wster upplv, I made repeated efforts to further the checking of preventable wrsste.

and alwtys were they frustrated by the unreasoning Ill-judged opposition of th people, re-echoed through the press. I began finally to bellev that their prejudices were possibly a Tweed ring Inheritance. It seemed honestly to be believed that all attempts in thlsj direction were for tbe purpose of robbing! the city, snd these wreju-riires seem still to exist It is vitally Important for the I people to realise the truth of relationship in this matter which so neariv concerns their dally Uvea. After spending half si lifetime devoted ts active work in the dffv's service connected with the water supply, which period Involved fighting preju.llce and Ignorance alngl handed, and often against odds. It waa with great satisfaction that I read your article on waste, and determined make another effort even at a late dav.

ta bring about a better I knowledge of what really bore on th good of the community. It only needs a little time and common sens to examine statist lest snorts, snd Th questions I hare towhed upon In necessarily a desultofv fsbm are within reach nd can be verified. They' ar fscts, not opinions, and ssj such I trust that thev may helo to strengthen your position, snd Induce you to eonlnu4 to throw tha Influence ef your powerful Jpurnnl on the side of utilising wast and ecurlng mora water for future needs without delay. It Is with a ewns ef discouragement overborne only by tbe hone tha fou mir be able to arouse ereet hat hav undertaken to sav even this much. Periole are habitually Indifferent to auch statements but must far th truth sooner orllater.

Warnings heretofore on the subject seem have produced scarcely a passing Impression, but per ha cut these hints nt serious eondltlrms mav cause fflclsls to givelterfU the mutter CHURCH. New Tori. Ttiv. 10, 1002. a THE PEIIIiSYLYAlIITS HEP CIIY PROPERTY A Good "Investment Should the Tunnel Be Abandoned.

Vlewe of Hanry Mornanthau and Will-tarnTH. ChcMbrouglrw-neatty Poaai-'. blUtlea In tha Seventh Ave- nue District Th buying of real estate necessary for It terminal In thla city at Beventh Avenue and Thirty-third Btreet wfll represent an Investment of about $8,000,000 by the Pennsylvania Railroad. Th greater part of thla buying, which haa been tn progress now tor aver a year, has already been completed, and th failures of th Board of Aldermen to reach an agreement as to the terms of. the tunnel franchise resulted tn Vice President Green's ultimatum that the railroad, rather than accede Jto some of the conditions which the obstructing Aldermen seek to impose, will abandon Its whole project; these circumstances hav led to at least en very pertinent question: What could the Pennsylvania -Railroad do with these four blocks of property la auch aa event! In ether words, ts th railroad ap a tree' with an thla real estate, and to lta successful descent dependent upon tb pleasure of tbe Board of Aldermen regarding the tunnel franchise Questions similar to these were put yesterday to a number pua qualified ta glv opinio na upon such matters, and their answers without exception were to the cam general effect namely, that tha railroad, even without Its franchise, would be tn anything but a weak position, and that so far aa concerns both th railroad and a very large section of the city, the real estate purchases by tha company could be handled to great advantage.

Without any attempt to compare th results af such an enforced real estate operation with the benefits which would accompany the build. Ing of the tunnel, the views of experts, nevertheless, show that an 'ultimate failure to get a franchise could be viewed complacently by th railroad from a dol-lars-and-eents atandpoint. ami would probably lead to the rebuilding of a Urge area a movement for which conditions are ripe and which awaits only a beginning ia th band of soma powerful inter est. TWO OPERATORS' OPINIONS. Henry Uorgenthau, President of tha Central Realty Bond and Trust Company, said: Without knowing what the Pennsylvania people hav been paying for their property, It woutd be impossible to say off-hand along Just what lines It might be profitably handled, but that It could be so handled I see.

no reason to question. Tbe character of real estate operations usually deternilned by the character of a neighborhood but In this Instance, with tour entire blocks Involved, th situation is changed, and It would seem to be entirely possible shape the character of th Alatrict anew and to create a new neighborhood. It may not be tbe sort of an undertaking that any corporation, particularly a railroad company, would seek voluntarily, but I atUl think that It would be entirely feasible." That a movement to dear up that entire neighborhood." said William H. Chese-brongh. President of tha Century Realty Company.

once begun would be carried to a successful outoomev ther can be no doubt." These views are but th type af those expressed by competent Judges on every band, and it la only necessary to examine the elements of the situation to discover th reasons upon which they are based. No part of the city, south of Fifty-ninth Street it ta generally admitted, baa been so notoriously backward In lta development as the Seventh Avenue section south of Forty -second Street, and extending down to Twenty-third Street or for that matter clear to Fourteenth Street, although tb present discussion has to do mor particularly with that stretch north of Twenty-third Street. And hot only do these conditions prevail on Seventh Avenue Itself, but In the entire district west of Sixth Avenue and Broadway, and extending over to Ninth Avenue. There are streets within this area. It la true, which hav retained their old time residential character, but th entire section has been so persistently sveided by real estate men and builders that wherever and whenever there came a change.

It has almost Invariably been for the worse, both In tb character of buildings and their occupants. Seventh Avenue itself showed this conclusively until parhaps years ago, when there began to be some realisation of ita possibilities, but even to-day, as on observer puts It both sides of Seventh Avenue south af Forty-second Btreet with the exception of the Metropolitan Opera House and the Hotel Navarre, are ready for- the building wreckers, and the sooner they begin their work, the sooner one of th finest avenues In lower New York will be redeemed snd made ready for those purposes for which It Is so admirably adapted and tbe same thing may be aald a majority of the crosstown streets south of 'Forty-second 8treet." Th attention which Is now being be stowed upon Seventh Avenue bv real estate operators. It ts suggested. Is the result of the Pennsylvania Railroad plana but the facta do not altogether bear out auch a view. At least as long ago as the beginning of the Hotel Navarre enterprise the value of the upper end of the section In question was recognised, snd th development Of It would undoubted! Iiim nL ceeded had the Pennsvlvsnla never thought taniKiuii uiimr eunmiun island It became apparent that nrnnart, within short block of Bros way.

which could be Broadway prices, could Profitably, and the correctness bn demonstrated by th Hotel Navarre, that la if reliance may be placed in common report as to Its success-VtL'II- favorable, influences upon Seventh Avenue and the tributary neighborhood have been extended southerly thsough the growth of th Broadway and Thirty-fourth Street centre and th rapid strides made by Thirty-fourth Street as a crosstown thoroughfare within th Ust two years. are the renditions which lead strongly to the belleT that what has come to be called the Pennsylvania 5.1" for development, that th rehabilitation of It was imminent even apart from the Penn- vamsiiaa. mvwwwmm wtkm mil. If ArfflMrV this development could are en successfully even though thst cornoratlnn i. compelled to abandon wholly Its present RANGE OF PRICES PAHX In connection with th character of Improvement to which the neighborhood might lend ltaeif perhaps the most Important consideration ts that of values, as ahown by tbe prices which have been paid by the Pennsylvania's subsidiary corporation, the Stuyvesant Real Estate Company.

Ia the mocks roe tne station sits. To determine a fair average -under th conditions is not sn easy matter, owing to the fact that the railroad has been disposed in all cases to make adequate allowance for th existing buildings aa element in the transaction which varies greatly with different parcels. But. Judging from the amount of the revenue stamps ia a large number of conveyances. It may be said that the bulk of tbe property, exclusive of the avenue fronts, baa been secured at figures ranging from $1,000 to $L2no per front foot, or at the rat of from to $.10,000 per full lot.

Upon land of thla value tt Is not likely that any form of construction of tbe Asmnal Financial Review. The seventh t.ttosi of The Asnual Financial Itsvlsw ef Tbs New Tsrk Times will Issued tmr. 4, 100a, Tbs Annual Financial Rsriew wUI consist ef st least forty pages, and will Include the following- features: Elaborate tsbUa showing flactuatton during the present year ef the tsaportant securities, listed sad enlisted, and ef tb principal stsptes; sccarato accounts ef tne eaport sad imnorts of tbo eeantrv for tna yean Statistics ef the precious nut Is; survey of World conditions la ftaanoe and trad; special and Intsrriews with moa of Bote, show-ng the tlook for basis ss la thla country st tbo opening of the new yeart signed articles by specialists, gtvtns the boat attainable Information as to ta condition of tns principal Industries of tna tTs I ted States at the close ef tbe present year and tbe prom toe for I0U1; cosnpre-benslvs review ef conditions in the principal coos trie sf the world, with particular wfereme ta American trtda. by speclsl oorrespOwdents and Oovemmstital officers In those lands. Tbe Annual Ftnanctsi Review will be sent to banks, trust cnmpaales.

Insurance companies, and otner financial institutions la all parts ef the eomtry. as well ss to all our dlplomntie sad Consular renrseeatatiTes nbraad. A cony of tbo edition will bs sent upon sdvanee application to any bank or banker. Advertising rate for thla edition SI per line. Aertlfne rewrieted to raaki.

pankers. Trust Companies, sod Lift Insurance Companies. Adr, i-w-w- 4 1 Fisbel, Adlsr Schwartz announce that they will tempo-; rarily occupy the store premiaei 326 Fifth Aventto until their new Gallery la completed, of which daa announcement will be made. Aa mspertkM Is Invited ef a collection fl their most recent Importsttnns. la-eladttar paintings by the fallowing mas ters: SVhreyer, D'tallto, Boiidshv Crrot, r.trtn.

Jtooa Beebeur. J. J. H-n- ner. uouoin, unss,, Taauiow.

Onronte, snd many ethers, 326 Fifth Ave. Bst XJd 534 gts. tenement house type could be attempted, put It ta slso to be noted thst these figures sr fsr below those which are being paid by builders of apartment houses, not Only In- exclusive neighborhoods, but also in those of less evident attract Ions. and nearly all of which are not to be compared wtlh the middle Beventh Avenue district tn point of accessibility. Furthermore, the possibilities In th line or construction with four entire blocks nt one's disposal, the advantages to be obtained in the matter of light, air.

and interior arrangements these features of the situation ar of such magnitude as almost to baffle consideration by those who have beeu acustomed to figuring with plots of fonr or eight lota. Indeed, many phases of the problem whether the Stuyvesant Real Estate Company ahould Itself become a building and operating company or whether It should sell ita property subject to sultsble restrictionswould doubtleas demand consideration along broader linen than baa any previous real estate enterprise In the clty'a history, but tbe facts and conditions which have been cited show beyond douht the possibilities of the situation and Indicate that Vice President Green's statement the Pennsylvania's attitude la a threat, which, if necessary, can be carried out. RAILROAD TUNNEL FRANCHISE. Aldermart ftulllvan Prsdlcla Ptrmaylve-, nla Defeat Mr. McCall HopefuU Alderman Timothy P.

Sullivan raid yesterday that he thought at the meeting of tb Board of Aldermen on Tuesday next tha Pennsylvania tunnel franchiser would be defeated. Aldermsn John P. AlcCair. th Tammany leader of the board, stated that tn bis optn-lofl the tunnel franchise would be approved, but the Tammany leader would not atate how he wss going to vote on the matter. President Fornes claims thst th Aldermen who fsvor the tunnel will -be able to muster enough votes to pass th franchise.

SENTENCES TOTAL 130 YEARS. waBnwBBBBnwns-assnwnat Train Robber Will tarva Them Concurrently, Making Twenty Yeara of Actual Imprisonment. KNOXVIl.LE. Nov. Harvey Logan, the afontana train robber, to-day was, given ten sentences, aggregating 130 yeara.

Eight sentences ar for fifteen yeara ach. to be served concurrently, and two sentences are for five years esch. to be served concurrently. That reduces his sentence to twenty years. Judge Clark selected that at Columbus.

Ohio, ss the prison in which Logan is to be confined. Th defense msy appeal ta th United Slates Court of Appeals at Cincinnati. SMALLPOX REPORTS DENIED. Rochester Chamber ef Commsrce Says Conaitlona Have Bean Exaggerated to Hurt th Clty'a Trad. ROCHESTER.

Not. view of alarmist reports concerning the health conditions her, that ar published outside of Rochester, tb Trustees af th local Chamber of Commerce hav issued tb following statement; The merchants and people of Itechostsr. Justly Indignant ovsr tne falsa reports printed and etrculatod as te there existing aa epidemic ef smaHpoa la Rochester, desire to rafots and deny these rumors most emphatically. They justly Believe these rumors and reports at for tbe purpose of diverting trade to other The number of smallpos cases- la Rochester Is larger for lta population, 'than In many other ettles of lbs State, and some oatsMe ef tbe atate have ten times aa many eases. The rep-reaentetiv the Stale Board of Helatb, who has been hero making as Investlgntion, declares that tber Is nothing In the situation to eseito alarm.

Tbe small pumper of eases In Rochester are isolated, and under the effective control ef tbs health Tber ta. too, a marked decrease each dsy la th number of eases, and an early stamping out et the is confidently expected. JEWEL ROBBERY IN ROCHESTER Porch Climbere Visit a Private' Residence and Secure Valuablea Worth Nearly $4,000. ROCHESTER. N.

TV Not. eUmbera this morning secured from th residence of William Miller. 071 University Avenue, Jewels and money to th value of nearly $4,000. The robbery was committed while Mr. Miller and the members of his family were awsy.

When the family returned they found the houae In confusion. Bureau drawers had been ransacked. their contents strews over the floors, and every nook In the house explored. An open window over the porch told the story of the robbers entrance. From tracks found In tbe anew it waa evident that ther were thre or mor persons concerned In the crime.

Among the articles taken were gold watchea. studded with diamonds, diamond rlnga. diamond sllckplns. gold charms with diamonds, a ouantltv of other precious stones, and money. The pollne agree that th robbers were exports.

Mr. Miller la connected with a larja Jewelry bouse In thla DISPOSAL OF THE DEAD IN CITIES. Louis Wladaullsr la hionldpal Affairs. Almost every pag of th records ef London and Parts contains examples of the desecration of abandoned graveyards, and there Is hardly city In' tbe Old World that has not disturbed at least one of these resting place of their whilom Inhabitants. Ia our towns of rapid growth, th cemetery, of to-day becomes the heart of a metropolis to-morrow; th demolition of graveyards In New York and Boston haa been a frequent occurrence until It falls to attract- attention.

When tb Colon Cemetery ef Havana became overcrowded, the Cubans found It necessary -t clear It of skulls, and promiscuously shoveled them Into a common beoeyard. It presented aa aspect so ghastly that Gen. Wood concluded to cover the pit and reopen It only for tha aaxt overflow ef skeletons expected In about five years. Ia certain cemeteries ef London, corpse are burled la standing posture because no room 1 left te ley them sows. Bodies ef tbe poor generally are packed ever each ether In tiers, and the trench la kept open until filled.

In the poverty corner of Calvary Cemetery thla haa been the customary treatment of the remains of pa j-per. Newtown, where Calvary Is situated, harbors eighty corpses to every living Inhabitant. Tha convenient villages of Corona. TRlmhurnt, end Woodslde. once parts of Newtown, which now are annexed to New Tors, and constitute the gev graphical centre of the enlarged, city, might Increase In population If it were not for the Froxlmity of vast and dreary enamel lelda, A law relating to public health provided forty yeara ago that no gram be dug or opened south of Klghty-slxth Street, and that no cemetery be opened in any part of the City and County of New Tor lta This law should be enforced and applied not to Greater New York alone, but to the territory within a radius ef too milea around every populous town.

People who insist en their Inanimate bodies remaining Inviolate should have them carried to a distance where they can neither Inconvenience nor Injure the living, who need the room and are natural heirs of the departed Famous tnterntursl cemeteries, like Mour.t Auburn. fBoston.) Greeenwood, (New York.l snd Laurel Hill, i could be transformed Into admirable parks. Vfonu-mcnts of architectural beauty might remain undisturbed. Others might be replaced by tree with suitable tablets to mark the rpt of those tnn whose tr.ey grow. The Turks, loatvi t- 'eerraie fl Tft vietvn L.

lWlLMllil t'ii 21st anl Best Groceries Bustnesi activity is always evident oar enrrretic Grocery Department Trade simply cannot stay a any to the face of oar offer In fj. Prompt dflivdrla ire promised oar patrons. For to-morrow wt offer: New Canned ItBW PRAC, Petit PWs, VW pica. Cdgemere CVPID tWXKT PEAS, fiiwot euailty. Iikef fresh, can.

lie; dot. 3w) NEW LIU A BEANS. A SPA RAuT S. Ovlns- Krw iipitinri Ttia Oyster Bsy. eesrt Jar.

KEw ASPAKAOm, Onh li, iiA i i smallest baby 4 NEW ASPA RACK'S TTPS. HtckSMMa. can. SOe; OC vea. loc; doe.

Irish Ham. Bacon. Hall Heads and Jowls 1 "-i'iKn of uraws eelehrsted Oerry lOpOritl Ut DOfneStlC Ctlld FraffS. 'ellle Jnan. st.

Tbe Lnrgex Aa-w. sarwsere els. rraua, mni ebr- Irma. jytc hwr taaa xx- It's tl 3 boa of a j-ib. I CI a-ok iwC ifwy.i I BALL PT.rx, 1-1.

hoa.xra BCRAJC MAP. boa ef SOA cakes. U.7- a caboa go SDlCeS Tk3nl Brand) Positivdy this, per and best possfbU. A convince you, of the positive superiority over aB other torttxh. sTLTMEO.

lb IB PL RB MACE. lb I fvilw3 LTTCT1 rrr T01 Tns selected fruit, crtsp tad deSdcsis flavor. LTVy. 1 PITTED OUVH. Pineal ANZA-tlLLA OlITIV lloral Brand.

plau lic; I brand. ttm r- I tJTZT Tlt 11 Piat. aJcj MAMMOTH OUVKa. VraI Brand. 25c I f.Z pint.

vOC CRESCEJrT OUVM, tVnl Brand. pint. Zao. 7fV-ptat. euart UC Every Day Needs, Kew lliriSOXt Swml Ksw Egg KOODLCa, 1.00 Wew BPAOHKTTI.

Ploral Brand: I-lb. pkg. Stj JQ medium er fins; pkg. do NEW, PURE MAPLE SYRUP, Lot Cabin IKE PURE. PLA OLT-fASHlOS-Brand, rich, heavy bodied, delicious Savor, I ED BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, 104b.

bar 4wC fuQ pint, 2Sc fun quart, 40c; ii I HAMS. Floral Brand, ffanateed .20. finest sdected, per lb. 4c Our Optical Store! This bin cbaneof practical eyes by the most scientific methods and fit bexomiof classes at prices l-ss than bitf charred by spedall ts. For instance fllUD EYE GLASSES OR SPECTACLES, fitted with the first qnalir crystal lenses, worth UU NICKEL PLATED STEEL EYE GLASSES OR SPECTACLES, ta an styles fitted with rrencb peroscoplc lenses, worth 2.30,at J.

00 Men's Shoes 7 Men's $3.03, 54.00 and $5.00 Shoes at Rtther i sUrtllnt statemsit, eh I But it has the rrext merit of trathts to-raxrow's customer's wtU S3ori find out. These sty- Bsh Shoes re of the best quality Patent Calf, Enamel Calf, EUdt via ud ana box uul I bese are lace sroes toat soow the newest styles of lasts, Every pair have band-sewed wetts. This lot of Men's oes came to us as do many other lots because the maker needed money and room. Now bee is ash? chance'! that needs no orting, We have toU the story you do tbe real V'V MEN'S BLACK CALF LACE SHOES with plain toes also with lips 'tht price, per pair, win be MEN'S BLACK KIDSCN HOUSE SUPPERS with heavy soles patent mna irunnnnp pair era 1" e. -r 1.

85 vwia vu ivnn iivw price will be "Last. Three Days" "A Grand Display" MagiiificentTextiles At the American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York. Free View 9 A. M. Until 6 P.

M. Prior to Uiirestricted PubKc Sale, On the Afternoons of Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday next, Dec. 3d, 4th, 5th, and 6th at 2:30 o'clock. Sumptuous Curtains, Flemish and other Tapestries. Rich Velours and Brocades, Renaissance and other Embroideries, Old Laces, InterestinffOld English Needlework Pictures, Eccleslas-- tical Vestments and Hangings, Silver Sanctuary Lamps.

Mostly Specimens of the 16th, 17th and I8th Centtirss, s. Also in quantities to suit private parties and the trade, Superb Fabrics, REPRODUCTIONS OF RARE AITOQUE STUFFS Suitable for Wall Coverings and Window Draperies. To be sold by order of Yitall Benguiat The sale, icill le conducted by Thomas Kirly ef THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION. MANAGERS 6 East 23d Street, Madison Square South. tba Brave of a Mmsulmsn, hava adopted a similar custom, and thereby hava ansa tha cemeteries of ConstanUnopJs attractive atraaBers.

ACTORS' CHURCH ALLIANCE. BlahoR. Pottor, lta Prcsldant, taPrtach at lta Monthly tervlca. Tbs Aetors Church AUlanca wni bold Its rrg-ular monthly scrvtcs at epulchrs Dry'' Da. Goods V'o 22i St, Y.

Lowest Prices Yezetables w-w-wr wi iii it vontaTOVS. fr atlrlss ejwsrt OCI vrw sot id tomato re. Pi tact das. ww ynr tmxen. Lnvary ewtutr.

tt iv ai aj 1 lisral Brand, Sue; ration WW en rru arm, wttb 10c: Kp- eUvan, lCe. Trlsuves rrs. wrw Alatchless Bargains! I SSew CATTtrP. neral Brand. (sbsolstely tna big-est ewattyt 1-Tb.

octldms. wbo wfa examlnt yoor LORGNETTES Sterlinf -er fUi and roa metaUl 7SK2S end TiVj AB oar Holiday Goods are ready. We havt a faO assortment of opera rtasses, held fUsrs, opera rtass bar, opera rUss holders, reading tlasses.spcrtKles,ctatines,aadabBndrtd and one nice tbtnrs foe ChrUtrms presents. I .50 MEJTS TAN HOUSE SLIPPERS wHa tbs ic sioes spienji- sorboBday. rut rvtnr voau be rood nrt valMeatCt tt nee Ml, 4 I VU of Church, Seven ty-fourth 8tret and Park Av.nua.

of ahich tba Rev. W. E. Bsntley. Its 8crstarv.

ts rector, thla avnln at I o'clock, and Bishop Potter. Ika AiUaaca Prssilent. na preack ta tha ara-ftisaUoa tor tba first time, "auoa A rcceat feature of tbo vork af tba A1M-aneo Ss aa aftemooa tea, which served rxm. ia tha M.nhatUa fccl.Jlr.

Troada-ar and Thirtx-thlrl svrry ThureMy Itrand. s-M a-in I.

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