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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 1

New York, New York
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i 1 1 i i i 7'-': l' 4 V- At fir aw ti-p; i I I 'i-l A I AT I Li I -A AT" 4 rTKJif JDiaW' v4a I vol. xnuo. scoo? THE SIEGE OF VlCKSDUnGH. Tbs Tlx; Pen Bxptiltlsa till la Treat if Perl -i. -1.

Csst Cecc: cf Utter TO) lPC3TANT UKDEH WAY. CisAn( Apt A pUl iltpUh from H1b 4tJ tb i a tM r4octiM Tort FrnMrlo atOn 0f wtra ttin frot cf th mar, tad ukt TUr aava rMW4 aa4 aU4 mmIImI wit aawaalttoa. Tha coaatry alo TU oempUd by iMHriMittif cldtM cavalry. 4 waM wtta tnUla. Om ofaar MMqvita eaptara rabal rafl-Ml i aoaU af Um Colwtvtaf IUvr, aa4 fcatUea aaf attMapU to aiaca loro la ttackaaael fcara Mi toewara4.

TIM trst iccoaaoUMaca of Balaaa Blaff im-aoau waa Ma by Admiral Poawa. Tbaabjactwai irMiuiuiici Thay proccadad wlthla taic a tM rebel batf arte, aad firad haU vrn at (Wat, bat Uva aaaU vara aot rataraad. Caibo, Taaaday. April 7. Tka lraaar Cry Z-gU, bom alcaipala, ar-rlad: Jraaa paatcpgera wa tears two latporUat aapadltloaa, tba ebjatta ef wtlcb pit aot to ba siada 'public.

Rapart ta rVjard ta tha Taxoa raaa SipadlUoa at a aiUl aaDflletlBC. Taa artpcaderaaea of aTkleaaa la that ft ta aot abandoned. Laat waak.wbllatae afeaaaar. waa waalradlatabyfaarrlUaa. Bavaraldaek baadiaad a lornm waia klUad.

Tba CapUla waa aaoruily Waaad aU i la rataltattoa tot trla lata Ua vaabaat aTC CUi, tbc CoinbaiUa'd. Taaaday laat, CapL Ttt, mllh a a beat, wcat to tba towa af Paimyra aa 8atar ay( aad. after fWiag tba lahabltaaU tlaa to leava, tbay barBad tbaaatlratwwa. AaUe( aklrailab occurred Salarday, aear Naocoa-aL Tba Nattoaal ptcketa, aamberlof' fifUaa. wera tucked by Bivnu'a Caairy.

Tba laUar were ra-pulaad. Aea aaaaeartaiaad. Oar loaa waa twa jeadadad, aad ta take prtaoaara. LATER FROM ftETV0RLEAR8. 1 Etf cr led Tacnatioa Pert Hudson bj the Rebels.

ThMJUed Slataa attain transport Eastern wtn, CapL Catuaa, arrlted at thla port last baaa Naw-Orleaa areb aad Kay Watt oa tW let miVk paaaao'gara, to Ualtad SlaUa Aaakt-aul QMteaaaMr. ba brtoga aboat aUty dla-eliagedaoWUra fram OaaJBAaEa" CapL eiuaa icporta that wfclla at Fort PMlllp. Boothwaat b.a eaat waa boarded by tba Ualtad Btatea aardlag officer, wbo reported baring receUed a tetra ttm Ne-Orla- aUUag that tta tabala IxaU bera to eracaate Port II ndeoa. FROM TRE AR31Y OF TUE POTOMAC. ttftoadld Caadlttaw af, tba Araay BeTlewa ay (ica.

Ilackar Tata Koada Rapidly Rebels Caaataatly Kela- w. oread. ataaaaawawa- rroaa Oar Own OorraopoadaaL JTaoM tag Larr Wiaa ar ai Aaar. I i aatoroay. April 4, 1163.

Daring tba ft weak tha road a hare IrnprOTfd tepidly, aad wlJ aoo bo ftao caadltloa, If tba tfMtiaaea ta reaiala favorabla. tataral aaurt arc devoted dally drtlllag by tha varlooa eoaamakda, which ara aeattaiod arer bill aad throagh dale aa tav aa tha aya aa raaeh. Illative aalvaraal traUaaaay af all thaatBcara with whoa I hava caa-eraad, that tha Aiay aatei waa la aa good Ightlag tiiai aaaaw. Yeatatday Oaa. Iloaaaa ravlawad tha Sixth Araay Carpa.

aoaaaiaadad by Oaa. Baaaxwioa. Gaaa. ar.Maa aad Baaeaa dlt lalaaa were rerlawad aa aa oraa lab aat far fraaa kvadqaartcra aad Oaa. ftewa'a, eawhat la haowa a the -Balla Paraa.

Thla aatata attaatad aaar tha Rappahaaaack, balow ralaaaath, aad oaaaaaaada aAaa view af tha rabal aa aaatpaaaata aa tta ereat bay aad. Tba eaeay eoald Kltaeaa tha aratattoaa a aar Gen. Iloetu afipaarad apaa lhacraaad aaaat 1 acloah, aeoaaa-aaalad by hia aatlraaUaT aad cavalry aaaorL Ha waa draaaad fail naOttary aaa, aad aaoaatad taa a aaafaUceai wait ehargar. A kady rada ly aa etda. Thara were alao pea tha laid Oaa.

tiaasTKB, tvaeva, gieaua, txtn. Baooxa, paatod by their aUXa. Tha praeeaaa af aa aaaay Mator aad BrlgedteMtoaerela gave caaaldarabta eelal to the eecaatoa. Tha dtvlatoa balagdrawa Gea. Ha aaa a gaUapaaT dawa la tha froatef tha, Ua, eeJetleg tha vartooa regtoMatal c4ara aaha aaaaad, aad retaralag ta tha rear af tha reglaaaBta.

Taa arniiarr vara tataaetad la a etoUlar aoaaaar. after which tha Geaeral aaaaaaed a aUtlaaary poai- iiaaad the aevaral hrtiadea lied to rvtow aefare luav Altar paeeiag aiaa, taa vraaai wwp. Haaiad rowed a aaaddy epoL to the dbpleaaere af their brlfada eoaamaadar, CoL Caawv. waa saaaaiaMd, "Tea aaa Aaha eoldlerafrce the eaaaca'a toooth, frt aever aaarch Oroagh a aaad paddla." The review erar, Gea. Ilooaxa.

aeenoapaaiad by Coaa. BaawawKay Stocra. Bacxua, aad othora, repaired to Oea. Bawa'a iMadaaaxtora to partake of a repeat prepared tar theaa. v' Xveryeaa preaeat waa a track with the aelaadid waieaf tU trwoae.

Roboat acUva, full af lUea haerhodyof asea wera aever aaea. If I aitotaka aoL taa eaaaary eaadUloa af toe Sixth la better thaa that aa a tha other carpa aoaaprfelac the Araay wf ke Patoaaac For the pact few aaoathe It haa atoadUy leareaeodla aUa, tha aanaber retaralag eeavaiaw eeatvaote thd taJaaetng the number dlachaged fraaa Btckaawa. carpa, aharetore, eaoaae aat af Ita Wlaier aar lei a larger thaa waa laat Pan. Of the dit teioea, Gea. UewWa at to tha beat ce4Uoa IbrilcaUy wblca la to ho attrlbated aa tha akin aad aaraafihcearteena.

The Medical Upacr pro-aWaacaa thediiaa hoaptul the Mat ceadscted et mm 1 any af that aid haeprlal fa tha Baaa. -1 vtattod It yea-1 tarday aad waa atraeh with the eeet aad tdj appear-ajtaa the varlowa tha regard for the aeeaibrt aad aaaa af the pattoata tha tar avawduga, Aaaaag aOer Wage, laeaarvad aw the areaalafrwaiaf tha hoepttal a aowat of eedara tor thatovalldato toaageta oa Ihcae warn eelary aXlaf-aaaaa. The emeerf tacharga of tha hoepttal arei Bargee iVZaffaara Diauaee, Thlrtyhlrd Kew. ark, inraetor Bargaoo H. A.

Aiaa, Fourth Tar aaaat, Aeafetaat. The pwhUahad reporta to tha affect that the aaewrr are abwet abaagoatag- Tlrgfaia create aaaaaierabla aaaweeaeeathaie. laatoad of falllag back the aaey ara danylacreaatag their torcee voaad Frederieke-bargb. Iatelllgeaca waa received yeaterday Oat Gea. Ian aw harrying forward aU hla treepela aaOelpaaoa af aa laaaaadiaU attack been a.

DEPARTT.IEffT OF THE CUMBERLAND. PwUealtn eftke Vthit ef Hergta Gea. Etailef. Trx Driven from Three 1 Separate) Poaltien. iXOTfllft DlSniSC C1T1LRT APF1IB Ciacnrain, Taeeday April T.

Diapatchaa from Uarfrecaboro give the follow tngaccoealof the ght aear laowBiHi I Oa tha Sd laaL Gea. StajoIt, with two fhoaaand cavalry, aad CoL klArrniwa' Infantry brigade, atarted to captore htaaeaa'a aad Wnxaron'a Xlghth regiment af lalaatry aad cavalry at Snow BUL Beyond Aabura they drove la the rebel picket. The Seventh Peaaaylvaala cavalry turned the rebel right, while Mitt fa aad PaaaoKl cavalry brigade i Nmu'i hatterv. moved no la frost Tha aaanv dad. i The eaeay'a picket were then encountered weat of Liberty, aad a considerable force of re be la were ooatod ea the blnffa oa the oppoaite aide of Smith Fard.

They reUtcd and were driven back aad formed at ala oa Dry Fork, from whence they wera a.ala drlvea. I Tka rabala then roamed a third and atroflger Una oa Baow 1II1L The Seeood aad Fourth Ohio cavalry were aeat to the eaemy'e rear. They charged with eabrca la hand and broke the Mae of the rebel, when the aght eaded la the Olgnt ar tae reoaia. i The rebel loaa waa from gfteea to twenty killed, aaaihev wonnded. and alzrv arlaaaara.

I 1 Gea. Stab lb alao captured thirty horaea aad mulea aad a qo entity of bacon aad wkeai, and fleittoyea Cdraee. I ThaDoaitloaoftherebela defeated Gea. Bravura lateatlaa to aarroand aad eaptore them, i They ea wlta taetr (Ml. Oar loaa waa oaa private of tne Beveautfenaayf vaato cavalrr.

and two allinuy wounoeo. Gea. Btablbv retaraed to htarfreeaboreby way of Lebaaaa, captarrag aU prlaoaera at the latter polnL v. t. it tia and IOH16 fTKi i other boat abellcd the town of Florence, Alabama, on the 3d aad drove away a compaay of rebel cav alry atailoned there.

REPORT FROM JEN. ROSECRiNS. WAiBiaorea, Tueaday, April f. Tha following baa been received at the head qaartera of the army here MearaBBaaeBO, April B. IV HaUMh.

Gtncrml-in-Ckuf. Wnkinfto cimn. guiui haa returned from hla acout, brlaglng la tome forty or Bfty prtaoaara, and three hundred eervlceable horaea and moles. lie drove Moaein'a cavalrr from the Peninsula, whipping then! from their atronghoM. BaoWa Hill, north of Bmlthvllle, and but for their precipitate retreat, and.

the difficult a a nature or the country, wouia nave Baa. a. it tbetr rear, aad captured their artUlery and animals. The enemy left quite a aamber of dead, aad fled to ward MeMlnavllle, losing man horaea, aaddlea aad goaa. v.

p. uv3binsnat ANOTJ1EU DA8H1XO CAVALRY AFFAIR. Ksaavuu, TennTaeaday, April 7.J3 Gen. Robibt B. ICitchmx, with 350 cavalry, weat oat yeaterday on the Lebanon Pike to Green Bill, and dasbiag late arebel camp, where there waa a large aamber of conscripts, oa the tabre charge, ha taok 15 prlaoaera, killed and captured all their arms, aoraea.

equlpmenU. Ate. The rebela vvere compoaed of parts of Moaesa'a aad MoCean'a band. Among tha prlaoaera are CapL BaT, of the Eighteenth (rebel) Tenneaaea reglmeat, aad a lieutenant of MoaasB'a cavalry. A atlll-houae containing 40 caska af Uqaor was destroyed.

Tha place had been used MaconaoTtptlngreadesvoaa. One man waa wounded ao eur aide. Gea. command made a march of hSaollea la twelve hoars, -j i THE BRITISH WEST INDIES. at WU.

Tha Caraabla Baaa the Blockade; Inctaw Aral ra la Ba.rha.daa. Deaaarmras Jaaeaiea AaOawa. eUa. Tha Bermuda SayaX Gtztttt, of March 24, haa beea reeeived. I The Brlttoh aeatral hlockada raanar CeyaaWa arrived at BL Georgea from Wllmlagtoa.

N. oa the tad of March, with a cargo af tit bales of cotton, caski of tobecee aad twa casks of terpeallae. i The British eebeeaer BL Qmrgt alee arrived an the 23d of Msrek, fram the name port, with bale af eeueen 1M bbla. af recta, aad as boaea of tobacco. i aAaBASOS.

1 1 The ahlpplag of the aew crops had eoaxmenced, eaaatag a revival af baslaeaa. 15 A hill haa passed the Leglslstara, eztendlag to other mail ateaaaara hriagiag letters freas Xaropa or Aaaeriaa to siaraeaee ma asma ynwumwm mm arm graatad ta taa Keyai atau Bteaaaaaip racaei SZHXIJLAA. 4 Trade at atanaaL i i Large aumheM af Ahicana have beea Imparted her froaa BL. Hataaa.j Savaaty-four famalea, aa-daced froaa there by premliee af a Captain, wera aaach dlaapaeiaied, aad tha Gaveraor rcfaaad to pay thdr paaaage. i' Gold haa beea dleoeverod la tha Cayaan Rlvar.

SmaB pax ragtag fatally at AaUgaa. j- hMABA. A joiat stock compaay haa baaa atarted, 'la which the Ltoateaaat-Coveraor Is a large etoahhetdar. I JAMAICA. 1 Smlgraats fram the Bast ladle caatleae to arrive, gfrahavlagtoat reached Jamaica from Madras, Tha hull, apara, eto af the wrecked Bdatoa ahlp reemae, ware advertised for sale byaoctfoaat BL Oaeriea, Bermada.

aa tae tsth mi March. Her cargo wa aiae to be eoM aa taa zaw. BiMatr aj. yt. Tk.

S. Jl. SgmmUimr. ifcmi Hilton Bead, arrived at FUee Meajoe yeaterdayw i. 14 ft 5 I UEWQIUWEDNE 1863.

CHARLESTON. i TtoteWzs cf Oiar CsaSttJ sdlrca- Tie Xefteli ta the Itppaaaiaeek la Penei- ilea cf Bad Heiri. 1 Wsaaoaa Tueaday, AprtlT. It la offlclaDy known here that i the United Blate Beet of gunboats aad iraa-elada Ut fort Ram sw ITsaHsWay las aad weald prmUbi reach the sesw ftrtimik. TlurxUf titmUg.

Up to Cdock this aJtcroooa nothing further was known of their aaovo-BBaats. REPORTS FQOif THSRAITAllANNOCK. BsanQVAhtgas, ixrr er raa PeeowAO, I I Tueaday, April 7. 4 There are lndlcatlona, but nothing of definite character, that the enemy oa tha oppoaite of the river are la poeeeeeion of In form a Hoe from some point, unfavorable to them, Tkef ar wnaeustfp eertW I prr-eai awy sr fytrt from getting into ear fs. THE BTORY OF AN ALLEGED REFUGEE.

Wassibotov. Tuesday, April 7. No flag of truce crossed the Rappahannock todayconsequently we are without advkes from Charleston through the Richmond pspers. The hotel ar dlgestlngtbo story of an alleged refugee from Charleston, who haa had communication wlfh the Government, and sorrowfully assured It that 116.0CO troopa occupied the dry and -He for-tificailoaii that two thousand cannon were In position that Sumter wa clad In Palmetto lofis, and sheath ad outside of these with 4J Inch Iron that the hart or aad the river were paved with torpedoes of monstrous quality, and that the-channel was barricaded. This refugee, venerable for hi whit hair and hi family name, prUlctad failure and dleaater In the! several Deptrlmtnti la which be has recited hi desponding (lory.

In on hf waaallenUv voted to a an emissary ana a apy, sent to eTect a delay of the doom of Charleaton, and was audibly encouraged with the request to keep up Lis spirits for a few dsys, when he would surely have the bspt-ness of seeing that city an ash-heap. DErART'IENT OF THE SOUTH. Capture of the Sehaaaar Expedlllaua Capts. Allea aad Teraaa, af the Farty-eoventh rtew-Tark. Takra Priaaaera.

Ctrrttporuitnc flk eu-Tork Timtt. Poav Rorsx, Tuesday, March tl, 1861 The dispatch stealer Metttano arrived thi f-teraooafrom Fort Pulaski, brlaktng Information of the capture yeaterday rrornrngof the schooner Es vtdixiout In the Savannah River: The vessel wsa from IS ssM a. n. witn a cargo oi aso ssche oi sail, nod attempted to roa past Pulatfcl up to Savannah. tn the dutntu aha mlised! the cbsnncl and went 'Into Callbotue Sound, where she was discovered tt daylight.

A detachment of the orty-eignui itei-meat waa at once put on board tbc Umttano and dlr-patohed to aecure her, which was soon accomplished, nad the Captain of the prise been a good ptlot he could have escaped before the steamer reached ntm, aa' It waa blowing fresh and (u up the riverH Thla waa a novel sort or prize for soldiers to make. The Mattano also brings rumor cl tto capture cf Cspta. Aixbx and Visbob. of the Forty-seventh Re-alment, and three men by the rebels. Tne party left Fort Pulaski seme Jsya since in a small boat, Ir.

tending to reach their encampment oa the Ogeechee Sound by paselag through Laxaretto Creek. They have not since been heard of, and the supposition Is that they encountered a rebel jdeket bot in Warsaw Sound. With them were lost tho mail for the regiment brought down on the lsst trip of te Jrago, and official dispatches from tha faesdquartera to LieuL-Col. Vsa Bsobt, commanding the poet at the Ogee- cbec Here la the last General Order HssiHirsBTtss Dbvabtkbnt of vbb Soctd. HlLTOB OBTKOTll.

aiBTCn SU, I BOS. Gcsbbal Okbbb No. 28. It having been unanimous- lyeerttoed to the Maior-General Commanding, by the Colonel, LleuL-Colonel, Major and Surgeon of tbe One Hundred anil Seventy-sixth Reglm.nt of I I I i I ik 1.4.. fmr Tl fennsyivania niuvm, mi mj iunun vnv BCHASBf CPmmaDum vi menL "i very disloyal officer, and a traitor' to hla country and they unanimourly recommending, (In which recommendation their Brlerde Commander joins.) that Capt.

Dsvra Scassa be stmmarlly dia- miarea ina service, viimwi pmj It la Bareoy ordered that lh said Cspt Dsns Scassa, Company Oaa Hendredaad Seventy-sixth Regiment Perarylvanla MlUua, be dishonorably dismissed the service of the United States, without rij or emoluments, subject to the approval cf His seelleney the President of the Halted States. I By commend ol D. HL'NTER. Cass. O.

Halt-IBS, LleaLCaL aad A. A. Tenth Army Corpe aad Department of tha South. I i (Official.) IsBABi. Bssxi, First.

LieuL, 47th I. Y. I vols A. A.jA. U.

IMPORTANT FROM FLORIDA! TBI CITT OP JACM0XT1LL XTACCATIB ilD DS- nhOTBD hXTtJhJI OF THB 0h0 BaiJJ)l Frsm Us Stmik. Tha news from tha St. John's River by the latest arrival la lmportnnL On tae Mth IilU CoL a. mm r.utla. Ia1 aa Bh.

MnriMaVBawTa Ol Uf JCdJaWlU OVVJIA VUVtia)- to tasMs ntai gw Bala raarf matiaL amFkark bKj aejwjjraa my lias iwv ayarsajpf iisbb a er wr mwmm 7 oatha Uaasport tltmtrml Wsmsa, and BUBOau VP lam liv.r mm lr mm viwia. wrv.v, wuiv iney aachored for the nighL On the following day tley proceeded to Paiatka, where the Utlgt ran up to the wharf aad laadeoT her treope, who imatadtately took peaaeealoa of tba tewn. While lying at the wharf avollerar maaaetrr ws area irom utm vuisr, ou rant. Wifini aad Jadee Latta. who were oonvera- tna tore Cher aaar the pllot-aoaaa, narrowly i escaped, ina uniis.s vdhui w-w uww, LlSKBTT BIL0 una waa shot throagh both bands, and on or two of tha aegraea were alee wouaded.

Meantime, CoL Moataoaaar ordered the town to be shelled, while he weat beyend tt and captured a Lieutenant and 14 aoaa af araoal company statioaed there. Tha next Am. tk. ijMi Mm. uk with nrdara far tha forcea ta return, and aothug further was accompQshed at Pa- At Jaeaaonruja ua renais accc.aea in creauns oaa coaMnotioa by placUig a aaetioa of artU'ery CDon a atoUorm car.

aad running It to tbe edge of tha city, whence they threw a number of shells, without egeetiag say serious results, howVver. On ahell taa rooen where himself aad wilt were atoepiag, aad 'ore pueo. wao-aoiuifr oi mLii-mirir mm klllMf. mini anAUiar waa wavnud- i ratsiisifca for tha conduct af the rebela. Col.

Rsac, wheat taa order to evacuate was received. Uasile of theU nloa people. Our forces left Jack-aonvUa oa h. TVo Uwllod tatoa ark Hesileo la Saona BBS IB COMrXXXXO TO THBOWjUIX lmiT 0r- J-aABJV'l-''" 'if Tha United fiutaabark JJr lctlng Master War. B.

Baovs, commanding, from Bostoa Feb. St, bound to Port has come to this port ta a latter havlag experlaaead a aucceeeloa af heavy galea alaeataatlag Bnesaa. Oa the th asL, UL Tl loa. XT to, eacooateied a cycieae, coesmeaeiag i i -Ji i. 1 1 froai aartheaat, which blew with meat vlaleaea for 41 hamra.

aad tfarlag whleh tha veaael labored badly wa compelled to threw the battery, eeaaiatiag af four lent Ma, overboard, ta aav the reaaaL Oa tha aw lasL, Oatha edge of the Gulf Btreaaa, paaaed a quanUty af hay, lumber, and brokea apara, aiao ptoeeeef bulwark. 'l -The foUowlag a Ust ef theoffisersr War. R. Baowa, Acting Master, i ceamaadlaf Morria Itogard. Aetlag Master, Baecuttve Offioei it.

Bason. Acilne Enslga Jas. J. Ruseell.AeUng Jtaslga Cbas. M.

Hicks, Aetlag ntga Wm. ashman. As tin a Assistant Paymaster Chss.H, a riTi.A.i... tuui J.Walter ifsckie. aetiaa -afaatafa Mala i At aster's Mate.

BREAD RIOT lU lllCHMOIID. i Three Ttoiuaiid Hnijry Women Ill'Jl in tlie Streets. Oorernnent and Piirale Store Broken Open. Bsuaseu, Taeaday, April 7. Col.

Stiwakt, of the Second Indiana Regiment, ob of the fourteen United State officer oat re leased by the rebels, and who has josrarrlyed here, maksf the following atatement: On Tburaday last he saw from his prison window In Richmond a great bread riot, la which about three thousand women, were engaged, armed with clubs, gun aad atones. Tbey broke open the Government stores, aad took bread, clothing and whatever else they anted. The militia were ord ered out to eheek the riot, but failed to do ao. Jam Dsn and other, high official then mad rpeeehCa to the Infuriated women, and told them they should have what they; needed. They then became calm, and order waa once more restored.

Ail the other released Colon officer confirmed this; statement. 'T' The ethedlat Ceafereaee. 1 OUT. WOOL OJ TBI WAB-j-UBT Or APrOIlfYlfgllTS.1 In pursuance of an Invitation eitended by the Chdnian, (Bishop Baiir.) Gen. Wool.

Judge Bsrri, of th United SUtet Court, and Bon. M. F. Oaiu, of tie Congressional CommltUe on the Conduct of the; War, were preaentat the proceeding of theKew--York East M. E.

Conference, at the South 8eeond-street Church. Brooklyn, Castera DUtrieL yeaterday. After the usual routine business had been transacted, loud calls were made for Gen. Wool, who; w'i reluctantly compelled to make a speech, to; tke course of which he to tba letter he had -written to Secretary Cst calling hla attention to the Importance of taking prom atepa to stifle the rebeUlon. which waa then la an inchoate stale.

11 urged Cass to use his laCuerica with President Bccbabab. and. endeavor to ret him to use hie power la eesistlng IU aceompUsh-menL la that ietier.Oen. Wool aaid ho predicted ccrtaU thlnsa wnicb ruua and would, happen, and which, had already takea place- a wear alluded to tbepiesent condition or the war. which be thought hopeful.

Tba Southerner had no plea under heaven tor escedlng but to perpetuate tha- butllutkm or Slavery, aniT to protect the absve-trada. he had time, he could prove It to them. He would aever be contented until the Union waa restored. He depre- rated the idea of some rasa to dismember the Union. Where shall we draw tha line It was no matter where on how we drew the line, troublswas sure to follow.

The Northwest must' have an outlet, and ao with the other aectlona of the country. Some talked about putting XVew-Kaglind out of the Union, Amca He waa for kti-ping the country together, aad therefore he was opposed to a eeparatioa of ear kind he wee oppr sed to ail and any lines of demarkatioa. aad wanted rowing but the whole country, Vehement applause. Which lasted some moments, during which Gen. Wool resumed seatj Hon.

M. F. Oobll then mada a few patriotic re-matks, in which he assured them that success must ultimately crown our undertaking. He waa very severe upon the Peace party men, and showed what k.rf At a rnntlnr. Ik.m.

thoi wha believed we bad done nothing, that wa had don some thing. Tbe following Is the list or ArroMiMXNra. Per. Joba-sl-et J. M.

CsrrolL Foreytt-street-John Pegg, Jr. Allen-sue't John A. Roche, John S. Mitchell. Alsnson Church John E.

Searies. WllleU-street Wm. McAlister. Second-street R. H.

Loomte. heventh-street Francis Bottoms. Ninth-street A. II. Mead.

Seventeenth-street O. R. Crooks. Twsaty-seventh-street 8. A.

Seaman. Thirty-aevenin-sirBev jjaniei isuuj. Beekmsn's HUt Jamea Floy. Slxty-fiftl-ttrt To be (applied. Second-aveaue John L.

Peck. Brklgn 8snls street L. 8. Weed. York-street W.

II. Boole. Washington-street W. F. Watkln.

Centenary Church C. E. Glover. Warren-street A. 8.

Francis. Eighteenth street a. Kusnmorv. Ftrst-pli IU.lg..las lribmtn- A. Unnt.

i Paclnc-st ret F.8. 1 naae. I Bethel M. N. Olmalead.

.7.7.1 loCt'lHoca its awaa nawwr-v Hnnson-olaoeG. W. Woodruff. Carltoa-aveaue F.

C. HUL Wasbiagton-aeeaue C. B. Slag. De Kalb-aveaue R.

C. Putaev. ft. Bangs Church W. F.

Hat field. Uaton-Tlaca and East New-York W. E. Smith. Flatbuah aad Flauands Da supplied.

Cook-street J. Hensoe. Janes Church W. H. Blmawoa.

South Fifth-street C. D. Foes. South Third-street B. PUsPary.

Gothic Caareh G. Taylor. South Second-street J. W. Heraa.

North Filth-street IL F. Pease. Greenpotnt J. F. Booth.

Astoria 11. Cooke. Jiuahtag E.B.Jaaee. 1 Tbe prlie choonai Svs, of Neeaau, N. rived ysrtesdsy, AeUag Master RieaAaB Ilrnsca, in charge, the report that ah wa II mtlee to tb southward and eastward of the nighlaad Light ea the evening of the Sd laat.

whoa aha waa hailed by the pilot-boat Xo, for a pilot, aaa aaaaa alaag-side, but oa learning that Ua vessel WM a prise, refused to take her Into port, eaylag he get aa pay for piloting auch vessels. 'Belaa; aaable to get a pilot, the fee wa drive the Ute gale tO miles to as. Oa the aftaraooa of tta Btk, maaaged to get a pilot from No. whea to the northward of BarasgiL Tke PIrato AJaaaaa Spakea March 85. Boerov, Tuesday, April 7.

1 CapL Bcorfiof tha' British adtooaar oatrrsci kendsm, which arrived here on the fist alt, front Klragoaae, makes the foUowlg report i oa March S3, la tatltuda S3 XT, longitude 79 tX. spoke the privateer Afcaems and exchanged loagUud wlthber. 17 Tba Steaaaaklp Aaeerlea, Dleablad. -1. RsvnasajH Tueaday, April 7, Tba eteemehip Ametsca, from Ceatral America, with TOO passengers, pat Into Bamptoa Reads yaster-dsy, disabled.

Eighty of her paaaaagera arrived bar tc-dsy la the Baltimore beaL ''j 1: 'J 4 i Ceart Of Appeal- I ImZ T. -t j. Aiaaam, Taaaday Aaa 7. I Tbafollowinf to tto calendar of the iCoart of Appeal for Wednesday, April tV Vm. SS.tHeMr -V aaa vtttb iito hahm u.

mvrnvm. NXiVW'f I I it w. its -t i TH IXnlitt- of." Ct itrlck fit ti I 1 A.eaclav ef Xlnaio. ik 6aV EtttaCT, BSd OtleTaV' la j. oi Tho inMtiaf artltoAgajj of Muale lajt night la aid of tha aSerU ajoor of Ireland, was as laaotat of aamhera aad ear, fhaslaaaaT At Tig attoek the eatlra adlflea was Iliad with beauty aad taaMoa.

Oa tha stage were the facer ef the Society known a tha Kalghla ef 8L Patrick 1 5 Mayor Oraru, who' prealded over tba meeting Hia Grace ArehbUbep Boeaaai RevJ Msssra. 0'Rauit, Meeaav, Scaaaiaaa, Boa. Judge DAir, Hon. Reeorder BerrauB, BrlgGea. Masaaaa, Very Bar.

Or. Bvams, Yksar-Genciel Bar. Tbobab Qtraa ef Rhode island, Rv. Ui. Mobsb ef Kowark, Mayor XsLBrLmaca of Brooklya.

and several other outrngyuhed geaUeaaea, boU of the Uy aad clerical order, t. ft 1 The ptoceedlag were opened by Bi Boaor Mayor isroiaa aaauwiup wm vuwi wmwm HarmoBlo Society, who were seated on the stage, ang Hail to Oar Nation," by Kauaa. This having k. MM In Daen conciuuou, am wm my the Chief." aad Gen. MoClxllajt aad lady entered a private box.

The General waa received with loud cheers, and having beea called upon for a speech, be came to the front of the box aad apoke as follows 1 grsECB or our. mclxXlaw. Mr FaiBBna I came here to-night as a listener and spectator aot to participate ta the proceedings of the I came to hear the ablest aad best of the friends aad aoaa of Ireland plead her causa. In doing departed from my usual course, which Is to avoid vast assemblies, aad I did ao, because I knew that thla one had ao party or political purpose, but that. you were.

to assemble for the noblest 0 all purposes to maatfeat charity toward suffering "brethren 'in a distant land. (Load applause. I came here almply to evince my sympathy la your cause 4 for 1 feel that 1 have strong and peculiar reasons to feel Intense sympathy and interest la all tlmt relatea to Ireland aad the Irieh. Load spplsuse. 1 sprang myself from a kindred race.

.1 have of ma aeea the toy ally ol the Irish to their Government and to their General proved. I have aaaa tbe green gag of Erin aide bywelde with oar owa Star and btnpec amid tbe amok and din of battle. Ibave witnessed tbe chivalry and bravery of tb Irish race, whea a boy, upon field of Mexico, aad In maturr rear Klmye een these quail, tlea again dkipuieo on the Maryland, aad iVlrglala. tPiolongea; applauae.1 It naa often been my aad loL but 'pleasant wlthaL to watch tne cheerful, amlllng facee of the Irish, when aotterlna; from palsful aad ghastly wouads. I hsv always, under all clicurostancea, found tbe Irish hesrt warm and true and, aa 1 have already aaid, 1 feel that I have a peculiar right to sympathize with poor cause.

It Is most unfortunate thai there are ao many to Ireland who need our aympathy and assistance; but we least, thaaa God that He has given as the mesas toextead oor hands to them and aid teem. It la unfortunate, perhaps, for Ireland, that tne making of which bei people had aoUUie to do, and a Government ta which' they have beea ao little represented, should have compelled so aaaay of them to leave their native land, and seek relage to farciga allme but tbe loss of Ireland has beea the sain of A meriei. Loud eneertng.J It baSgtvsn a lraoof th brightest into Meets that have adorned eur history, countless strong arms which have developed our resources, and soldiers Immessorahle who on every field, from those of the revolution to tboae of tbe present aad rebeUioa, have upheld the honor of their adopted country. iGreat cheeringj Therefore, I aay.we have gained what Ireland haa IpsL One thing more before I cloae. Althougb.aa 1 said before, we have come here to-night for no political purpose, r.i A 1.1.

In tha nrst At rills caa express altogether the thoughts that will crowd Ma IU1. iA upon ni. Dram. ut extend our bands In succor to your brethren across 1. It r.ih.,.

wfiriM far. tne Atlantic 1 tt and lor which too have worked and are working M. A L-ltt. t. M.

fH ID CIWI1UH lipv. tM4. viwmm- nrMM nation, one free government, that might bo a refuge for all irom foreign lands. 1 know, then, that I ex- Dress the sentiments 1 ail wno listen 10 me, whea I say that all our energies, all our thounhn.i all our means, aad, if naoessaT, the lat urop of our blood must be gen to UPhOW mat unity, inai amvvmminj. Uia.l 1 do not rise to make a apeech, but almply to m.

mnll.l for tha areeting with which I have been honored. 1 will, 1 m.bM mmw inr thereiore, inana juu --a mm. am. ko win ntead the causa of your 'country; (KBtausiaaiic appiau.w In the midst of which Gen.

McClxllab sat down.) timm. iftimLLAa havinsr concluded his remarks, sfter a short address from Mayor Ovbtsb, Wa. F. Hone, Secretory of the Kalghla or rawc. Va a rt.mmiHM nf thlt reaa too 7Z oraanlsatioa, appealing to the generosity of tha i ir.1aiMl.

which wasra- celveo wttn great -j then Introduced His Grace Archbishop H-easa, Whose sppearauca a. t' I 1 tf a aIIaiw. COntinUeU myvmm bpskpii or AKCUBlSQOr BUOBgg. Lasix abb GsaTUHsat If I stand op to speak a avv under tbe honorable Introduction 01 ina mayor 01 iew York, you will anticipate not so much a speech a an apology for tha abacne of IL would very indeed, if all th fscllnxs of my hesrt wer aot intensely entwined In sympathy with the purpose and tbe object of this great meeting. I shall aot aow enumerate the reasons war tney are so, but 1 suppose that every one can appreciate TV nf tha Irlab people are suffering for want of food and ral-mcBL and teal fact alone le a substitute for eloquence, ly 1 you canaot bear it 1 1 cannot bear It.

It Is a terrible fact uiatfellow-betnga, aaaay of them related to rfirarti or ladlrectlv. are slowly dying of starva tion. 1 have aaid that yoa cannot bear It, aad year preeoace here to-night la a Pfoef. aff ha-maa stature cannot bear tt It to too bad. God permits ii, no doubL aa be permits assay thing that we may regreL aot reproving htm 1 but under tna pressure I this state of things upon every Christian heart, 1 conceive that eiaquoac doe aot aow consist In words, but In actios.

tLood eheer-1m I I have aivea my little aJte toward tola 00-Uet Iti aJto. a Tthey weald any la Waii-atraeLl Mil VAtZT immtTvlmUt ml heart aa aooa a tt wmvTb. I wlif not occupy year time taa 1 do not staad hare ta preach a chanty IVlDcrt In the jpulpll have dene so, aad Jnirdo no again, lor ouch la my office 1 bat work like this which yoa have ao generously takea laTaad is aot to be accomplished by a ekarilv swr-irsMtTTho work 1 a great oaa tit 1 prompted by Wroaltr, by bumanlty aad by charity, aedexiene foaiL wuhoul dlstiaetion of creed or perty. E-ea from the Pagans wa learn toomaxiam, lUk where aumaaitr sahTers, ovary aaaa who has a itJki Tto toaThnltTeught to iWer wrult-by VmpaUiy at least Ours to, aymaathy Indeed bat aympathy without help Is aothtog. Yoa must out Jiai hands to thd wheL.Yoti have a aoble iissspls la what was don darlat a former faajne in Jrelaad.

Ther la Wthlag in history that can eom-PSMTwith th universal a prising of hamaa ym pathr aad reUef for thasaflarers apea ths4 Siaca Gte last famine la poorcounuy caging on In her usual way. fhethiagaaf which I ifoViki.w have ait coma under my own actual ob-aerVation, but 1 hare every reason, aad I am aorra m. fully bound to beileva ta tha wisteaoe the Osm which we have heard. said awhile ago that I would aot spoil this undertaking ot yours, by talking to yon aa if 1 were preaching a chartir aermoa, and I will noL I merely wlah to sera few worda to yoa la a almple way. I may aay, hava spokeav upoa aaea oecastooe, hsv never failed rto eyapalaeito.

WP-, have been deUghted by- too magnificent aptrtt if charity mantfoatod to-4hla-Cttyi toward the uffertng opcraUve of Manchester. A aaaa la Manchester to aot axaeUy what a aafferiei aaaa Ireland is. The former Is arrouaded I and aj. snost swamped ay waalUy eapiUttsta but tte Irish poor, If theyWere to forget thamselvea so Ssart and carrr out tnelr wlU aad purpose to al0 thamselvea, (arbtek. erter aU.

tf the right of toe atarv-ton Vaaa averrwaerej lioud applause. thefweuld Bad around tnem nothing out pevw tastr own- Tet I -canaot retrain TJV ateitaind being pvoud of thepeopleof thaCity of Mew-York for the Uheral eoatrttmiioas taey hsvo sssde to aid ef the Eaglnth worawgrnek Ther have doae hoaoc. to themselves; tney of are apoa head that did aot adertaad what taa i 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 i 4 a iu a 1 1 1 (I si '4 aaeaatif af heal wai-heat af that ebaraeter. am' afraid, todtos aad geatlemca. teat there a wans tdoa ta tha atmosphere which prolong my curta tioa bey aad their latended UmlL but I must rtoe.

1 This matter boa aaea nobly takea ap by of the far order, and being aclerrrmaa, 1 gav 1 fell earn delleaey aa ta whether I ought to be aat 1 but I eoald net withhold ar approval of ueir egofta. TWf are aad Baaase. aad tkaow that they are Bet dead en la that a la- aaeaaa whtoh, coming fraaa theaa, wlUUraovry feeUngof charity, geaeroatty aad humanity la 'year- i bosoms. It only rekaaia lor mo to repeal what I have already aaid, that 1 ga wlUk the asovetaeat heart aad hand, r-- yi i- Bon. Jadge Daii waa the aett snealsr, Be rated the preeaat eoadfttoa af tralaad aeomparia It ta the regard which Jaeepb evtaoed for the m.Ut-h era fa hi awn mad after be had beea ralaed to power and posUioa la Kgypt, aad appealed to tta hwdbmoe, both aatlve aad Irlab bora, to act tba aerial Joeerm ta extending their chartty to toe Irish who now send to as acrecs the AtlaaUe a ery tor Rjeasaa 0Goaa-ab, EaqM followed la a speech, la which he depicted the wrongs of Iralaad la terse and Igoroue laaguage, aad portrayed the extent af the Kesaat famtao there, eaowtna; boar eeeeatlai tt waa at Immediate relief should be, sxtanded tba poopto of that aahappy eouatiy.

1 Hon. Jeau McKbob was thea lntradeeed, aadfroke l.lMll..M....flh. I 1... 17 ered it the daty 01 AmerkAa to contribut towaraVj allevlstlng the auffsriags of a people who hsd ever beea oor wsnaeet friend and who had don ao mack, toward making oar country areeaereu beyond aay ther nailoa aa earth. Let aa ahew, aaid he, that oor aympathy la aa bright to war as la pesos.

If no would eoatrthula a llttlo, tba aagregata weald be millions, aad ws should hive the so aeelauoa of kaow-lag that we have dona otr daty la the cause af he P. J. MiibAB. Eso editor of th fHss-Jauricsm, 1 Wm. B.

Roawaoa, Eq and MaaeaaasT then addraasad. the assemblsg. aftar which tha Uar-v-t mania Society sang Where liberty a wells to af-'- Couatry.1 Ilea. Heasca GasstBT waa loudly eailed for, aadeomlag forward, moved a reaolatloa aoaasai- Ing tbe various Irish societies throughout the country to carry forward the good work so auspiciously coaa .1 menced to-nlghL Be eupported thl resolutioa by ar few appropriate remarks, which were well reeeived. Mr P.

J. Mbxbab aaaouaeed thai Bsiab Law- 4 bxbob, had contributed HJDOO towards tha relief i fund, which aaaouaeemeat wa raoelved with; load cheera. II A letter waa read from Rev. xr. Cmnrrsee, of St.

Stephen' Church, stating that Indlspoettlou him from attsndlng the meeting, and Inclosing SM ag A his donation to the esusa. 1 2 A Commltsae to eollctt sabeerfptlons wa anpolatof for aaeh Ward, alat which tha aaeetlac adJoaraad. ti wt a mi nr. ..1. 1 a.

1 I i TUB CONNECTICUT SLBCTION. 1 Htitmi. Tnaadav. Aarfl 7. April r.

Wa have returns from every town la Ihe Sto except Hamptoa. The vote Governor foot epi nscKniauAW. SS.3C4 1 Biraova. is gpciiaaaaara majority wiu be IbOO. I Tbe Senate Hands 14 Union find 1 Bmoerata tbo IIous, It Union tad DamocrsU, nrtth two lawn a tie.

tr-' r--'. '--u sfli-jrfUsiJ owai For Congreae Dxamre, BsAiPBss sadimasa. fk T7b1mi. and Kaoxisa. DemoeraL are elected.

-n, 1 Other State tad.BXaalcIpaJ Kleetlona. i IB MlCklOAIL. tAi.e M't DaraotT, Tuesday, April Jr. 7 Partial retarna Indicate the sueeea of tha Repub- i lieaa State ticket by aa Increased majority over last Fall' lectloa. a.

1 i i 4.. jui Botvoir. Tuesday, April f. The vote la the State, yeaUrdnr.Jtot repeal-lag the Two-year Amendment law retoting tt natarattsaUea ef ferelgaers, Was very MghLTaa rapeal was carried by a eoasUerabla fWl Clivslabb. Ohio.

Tueaday, April f. m.l. k. .1. uil.a mi'- W'I1' SOO VIIV.HH

-I nandsome majority. CibcUtilu, Ohio, April This place ha gone Zanasvllle aad Steuben have gone Ualoa. la PortamouiB the Democral kavd elected Mayor. A majority of Union men are elected to T- Mil" ix MiasooBL ftr. Josbpb.

Mo. Taesday, April lTbeleetloayesterdsy resalted in th raetedtoB: of th present incumbents, with the exceptfoal of Councilman, Tha Unconditional Union ticket waa carried throughout by a large majority, Kabsas Cier, Tuesdsy, April 7. Tbe municipal election yesterday resulted fr? the entire success of the unconditional Union ticket by a';" majority of BOO votes. i nr KABSAS. Laivaaweata, Kaaaas, Tussdsy April f.

At tha city election yeeteidsy, Ajrtwaar.the Radteal Republican candidate, was elscted Mayor by 70, majority over Atwoob, the ConservsUve Bepublleaa candidate, who waa eupported by toe The whole Republican ticket wa elected. The crj haa heretofore beea Democratic if, ATT TlJEPOnTSJ. Ceart Caleadar-Tsa psr. -Tbu Dir. SOPBBMB I Coobt -CtacolT far! 1041, 181, mi, 1M, 1609, 1705, 70, 1711, 17IJ, 1715, I7IB, 1781, 172.

172. l72tT, 1711, 17SS, IMfs 1747. Pmrt MIS, 25M, 2o24. 25M, 2540, 2543, 2544, 2540, 254a. 2550, 2552, 2554.

255, 258 8500, 250fi. 208. Pmrt lllhou 7M. 1050. I7B, 2320, 142, gOSdi '17, 1467.

48. 29, t7, fieJ, 411, 111 -4 16a, 76. BvraaaB Coeae BrsciAl Taaa Demurrer N.1f. tssaosof LawsadFaeL Nae. 241, 217, rM, 225, 2, 227, 228, 229.

23v, 2J1, 132, 2i2, 824, SM, SU7. 838, 299, 140 843. I Ssrsaioa Coca TarAtrTixa-Pr -Ne. l4; 1871, 191. 1W9, 1744, M7, lBl, 1909, 1761, 18i! 1849, 1857.174.

Pert 1742. 74, 17'g, 112, 1494, Iftld. SQM, 8106, 8108, 811. 21 IS, US, CoanVa'paV-Taua TaaaPerT Koc jMM. i435, 146, 147.

1440, 1441,. 144140, 1444! 1446, 1447, 1448, 1206. Fart 7L No. 179, 1424, 120; 179. 124, 1449, 140, 141, 142, MM, 1450.

i- Vl-x- I AdaalaJstrmtara mt tka Betsaa at. Be be 1 Dswt-Hr. Uawa Died Xaxestaae. gaanoeaTB a vuvsr. Mmlltr lU Zttmtt tf JLebiri T.

Mr. uawa a vug oiea xataswa, wnilama, of Qaoea Covaty, tfaa Plnchnsy and Wllilsra Allea, of fhl Cllr. bsv beea appelated Admlaieuatoi af hi aatata, with tb eaael pooarsia to M. Hawe, and Mr. AUen to her beaiito.7.

Chief Clera while Cempurolier of toe City. A i Xactoiaaa.M- gxraxsa cooar Haa)saa. -'i 'Buaao awntss' BavsaeAv Vtn Wytk tt mL- va. 1 Sckultt GtbUt to. 47er i Merrill i ais.

va. Cay aVasaard, Rearh, ra. AUmmnmt Adair va, ifeed Mrfnmr va. rirard. AfceVi a 1l' aiw Aawsery v.

Bmfmsm mt at; Afutaai LVe aeur- mi HttUr vs. Tracy cf fwm- mL. n. asrma-S sretema va. tfu.

aa Vs Kmui VS. WmUrwmrf; vrsas at. tb. ornmm I fcvV -v-rfvre; aad jradere kaai VAdZmJtt Jmdmm va Fsrrstf ef at Motions rrarted. 'MZiVmL va.

arU aL Cearsew vs. rVeadrv. 'Mot loa srsated, aaa reierenca roerca to arar, ac Limit mL vsTiryaaL Motloa granted, with gl oeetSt Lin -j 31 1 i afe4 matt TWi l' y- rVerf eZvs.M,tvi si aL Motloa grant atav for intrty mmim. ritmrd va. JFeressv-Motloa graated tve per eeaL rsseVW Few ZaiaMo'tlool' frsntod, 4 I J' if vaeaL Tie tha child remanded the grand aaetner.

If ifr: i i.y art leetrw' the t4 Sf t' nsi 1 iH i 1.

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