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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 5

New York, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Tbe Ur.rJs:rc of 'the United SutCon-r nation erplielt and aiiinltiory i The I'nlted State shall guarantee te every but la this Union a npuUicu form of goverument, and. en application of the Levlelaiur. or tt Ecurir. (when tb LegUJsture cn tot convened.) oanlmtt tUmtsstit riuUneo." VI the rightful clalmc of I'sckard and Chamber laia be bad -no doubt, and, a it wu is eons ijuTeef their efli-lal appeal to him for aid In ijppreinf a formidably factious minority that pa sent troop Co-xu into those htate, bars s.vrtcd th legitimacy their eCci! and slnifted bis to It enforced until tbe return tt another Unln, or the cessation of a State anarchy. To ear that If bo bad taken, this murse ther would bar boon no eubmletlon oa pert of tbe malcon tents ic, first, to be tb and.

second, to aar that UwWeeneaa tad usurpation mtut la thece etui, aa a stroke poller and a method of "conciliating our southern brttbrtn." bo allowed to take th r1ni of UoTrmnnt and trample law aad ortUr lath act. What ta tb L'aioa bat a rope of wad in a conclusion Ilka thia To assort that State Government not to bo "propped sp by bayonet rule" oath part of th General Oererniucut, IX necessary, is to glre unlimited atop fo local rebellion, aad to nullify that aoo-tina of th Constitution which expressly pro-videe for such interposition. But let President Srcut bar credit for going ae far aa did, though coming short of bis wLoleduty. President liayee neither doubtod aor bad aar riiN for doubting that Chamberlain, and not fVd Hampton, was th rightful Governor of $mth Carolina that Packard, aad not Nieholla, en tho rightful Governor of Louisiana, in withdrawing th troope as bexlld, kaw with tbeoUtc eenaJntr that both Xlcbolle and Hampton would Instantly, bf th assistance of a murderous minority armed to th teeth, leap Into ilia high placeeof trust, aad dominate tho Htat. If knew, or waa Inexcusable for not knowing, that bis act would followed by frantic yells ef rebel jubilation oa th on hand, 'and on th 1 other by groaning unutterable tit tb defenceless colored aad whit loyalist abaadoaod to tbeir miserable fat.

lis knew, or ought to bar foreseen, that be waa closing and bolting the door of admission to th troop thus withdraws, in las emergency, seeing that be had rendered if Impossible for loyalty again to com to th froiit, whether in aa eiecuUve or a lecie-Utire farm. Nevertheless, when soon after his lojurn ration leading colored Republicans of booth Carolina called upon him to Kara a frank loterchaag of Tlewa, be assured them that he Uid not propose to abandon the Southern Be-p Uicaoa, for he recognised fas nmxuity of yroUciion at present, until a feeling of respect ur the rights of political opponents should be entertained by the Democrats of the Mouth." tfuddrnlr be discovered a patent method to lain re this protection. It was to withdraw from th loyal population ail moral and physical support, and to giro absoldte supremacy, to their iiuplaraUe enemies, who, la riew of such estra-yralnarr mnirnanimlty. would certainly behar 'JrmMrlres. gorerned by tb princlclM of tlee and equity toward those whom they had kitberto brutally proairrlbed.

eeese all lntimtda-itua at the polls, and inaugurate a political mil Irinium! i la this eonncetlon It pertinent to recall lie language of Mr. Crarta (now hecreUry of tiatel before the Electoral Commission I Mow for tWee poor people of Louisiana, If the fVleral power new amlartakaa thwart, to apreot li.U seheuie of enercatie law to preearva nUtr from ttatrutttwn, and laaves theae anbefrieuded, as xlurata. simple tlark people the fate frotn whiea. la btaia strvre hard to saee tbeM. 1 say thai yvu anil have made tltem by that actloa the vietlms of fr Onstltatio i for your Conttttatioa gare to am III taffraye, and Ovy art tm tiauyktfd Jut Aein0 tits fifi found in Uirir hands.

I say that you mad tteta the aadiineee to th triumph of the Uorers). inani ever the rebellloa. I aay that such aalf aba, nral of the powers of the Government Is beyond a nlra. It teaches the sad laaaoa that the American people ia the attempt te make good the larreaees of La protnlae, and work oat the glory of its proud Bianlfeato of reedwa and equality before the law, tnds ttaelf thwarted by the exhibition of violence ia the turbulent population, and forced with its owa kands to email the methoda of law by which the state has sought, alas I how vainly, to curb and dress this meuace and this mischief to Its honor tad its peace. Ko statement of the case could be more truthful or more impressive than this.

Vet Mr. Everts, as a member of the Cabinet, baa given his emphatic approval to the let-alone policy of the President. which leaves thee unbe-frie tided, uneducated, almple black people to the fate from which the Republican State strove hard to save them" I Is there not piU- oie official ubeerrienoy In such conduct The climax of President Hares' inconsistency and moral obliquity was reached la his almoet incredible speech at Atlauta, which elicited the wildest outbursts of applause by a large concourse of the unreconstructed and untcrrifleiL' Here ii what be said reipecting the treasonable efforts of the South to destroy the Union, and eatabllth a Southern Confederacy for the extension aad perpetuatioa of negro slavery am quite sure that there are before me very an 7 of the brave aaea who fought ia the Coafed-erate Array. (Applause.) And here we are Sepablirana. leinecrata, colored people, white people.

Confederate soldiers, and Union soldiers, mil of ea mimd mnd on kmri te-doefO Ton here mainly joiaed the Confederate side aad fouffht bravely, rWked your lives herotrally, ia behalf of your eoavtctiona. Aad can any true aaau anywhere fail to reapert the man who risks bis Ufe for his eoavto-lions I (Prolonged spplanaa.) And aceord that reapeet to you. and believe you tw be ifwlly Ubrrml pMmw asd Just- I feel that as I stand before foe aa one who fuucht ia the Union Army for aia Seavittioea am entitled to tout respeet.M (Cheers. To attempt to palliate or excuse such talk would be like arguing the perfect agreement between ell and water. The mental obfuseatioa of the President is hard to parallel but bis moral standard.

In this lusts noe, is as flexible a a reed shaken by the wind." Such a confounding of foyaltr and treason, right and wrong, liberty; and slavery, and treating them all with reepoct, aad in the aame complimentary manner, is enough to stir a fever ia the blood of ate." HalL Judas Iacariot I Hail, Benedict Arnvid Tour reproach shall sow be taken away i Xoa nobly acted up to your eon. fiction," ani are as much entitled to commendation a the Apostle John or the patriot George Washington 1 We humbly beseech you to be "equally liberal and generous and just" to the Apostle aad patriot aforesaid, who were not leas heroic aad true to their convictions. Neither party has anything to be ashamed of; but both may glory ia their aeulereraents. To compliment those whose rebellion we for the wickedest eads. whose conduct waa marked by tl blackest) perfidy, whose oppression of the aiillione of victims within their grasp was faor-riUr Inhuman and whose treasonable uprising eoattbe land hundreds thousands of lives and thousands of millions of dollars, as having sig- nalised themselves for their courage and devotion, 1 next to standing on the aame plane with them.

It Is a glaring misapplication aad per-version of honest speech aa associated with noble deeds. Ia the same speech President Hayes said What troubles our people at the North, what has troubled them, was they feared that theae colored people, who nad beea aaade fr men by th war, would not be ante ta their rights sad latereet ta the South unless it was by tee Interference of the frneral UevernnaeaU Many good people had that idee. I have given that matter some eoaslderatioa, and aow, say colored frlenda, -who have thonght or wee have been told that I was turaln my back span theae saea whom I fought for, now liatee. Alter thinking It over, i believed that your rights ettd tuteraet would te onor it tAts great aaee of its-aWitpnat oduto aaeat were is alone by tAs tfanerai (Zee. erwmaat.

(lanwM enthnaiaana and eheertn for aeveral mtnutre.1 Aad aow let me say another thl og. We have been trying tt for these six months, and, in my opinion, for no six moat hi since the war have there bora so few outlays and tnvaeiona of your it eta. or you so secure la your rights, persons, and aesass, as la th last six moaths." The President here deals la paradoxes. He 1 not disposed to turn his back upon his colored friends." Oh, no 1 he is pledged to see their right aaeitixeat respected. And the best way of doiag this.

after thinking it over." is te leave theta without aay proteetloa whatever I No wonder that immense enthusiasm and cbctrlnr for ertial minute" greeted thU eTowaj, out it can be ufeir edmed; that only tie rebel white present participated in It, Laboring nnder the same deiueioa. the President tells his colored friends" that for the hut six moaths they bar been signally exempted from outrage and Invasions of their ricbta, as a consequence of leaving them at the ercr of thetr old opprsosor I but this is only nfratulating those who bar been slaughtered tbai their sufferings are much lees thaa when tbey were living. 8oe what will happen when -e time for bringiutg out th shot-guns eomee ajaud A. electtoa time briefly, here are ame of tb resuiu of this bMstvi bvutLern policy X. The virtual dla'Trenchlsement of the col creJ popeJatlua in all that section, thus reducing lUrin to a stat of easalag.

The eoneequent doaaioatioa of their ene-r wboee triumph makes "consolidated vjtH and laeures um the next PreeideaUal eiii.u. H. The and demoralltatlon of t'- iCpiiblican I'arty whether beyond recorsrf rt to be seen. It is r.roe ft-rtne loyal spirit of the country to aroiei-fur th tried friends of freedom re to Itio reeco. startled but u.nnrWnel by th imnvodinff danger, end i-r-inx tbat -ta-nal vla-iiane i tae wl HrtWKU'uHr Toun, AMusEimm UVSICAL.

OPERA AT KIBLCT8. terkt of representation of Italian opera omnia a1 at VlUo's Oardea, yesterday see tag, aad "Xaaaalea" Was eaagt the satisfaction fa large aad eathasiasri aadieae. Mr. TUmiag, who ha guided (he destinies of this theatre for some month. sad has wen, ia Co doiag, a somewhat unexpected meaanrs of sushis, ia entitled to credit, st least, for the attempt te make eae great lyric work, If not several, known te the frequenters of bis boas.

In his eadearer te so, he has aegleeted nothlag that could coacuec to the tmpressieeeess of the aew style ef peifotmsnssa Be aas sngaged several ar tistc of merit, aad a large shore! aad ciut astral fore, aad ta seausry aad drseses with which Maaanlallo" ia prvaeated are fresh, appropriate aad brilliant. A record ef these facts will imply at eaves that the effect ef the rendering of Aaber's opera was, as a whole, decidedly pleasant. Ia some recperts the choice of -1st Mastic de Portid" to call it by its original French title was Judicious. It is a long alee it has been heard la this City that It ana be eonaldered. almost, as a novelty.

Aad, what Is more to the point, it is brimful ef melody. Th admirers ef th Glftck aad Wagnerian schools asay jadacd frown down the cx prssslca ef grief by means of a florid eevetlsa, aad th lllactratloa ef anger by a precipitate strstta, bat there are stUl maay worthy people who are touched by tea aad remain unresponsive 'to significant music. To these, MaaaaUll will anneal for a good maay yean to com. They will listen with delight te the overture, bright with the Xtsllaa saa-tight, aad warm with the tremulous atmosphere ef the Booth, aad will be carried away by the flaeacy aad the "catching" refrain of the barcarole i the rich harmonies of the prayer la the second act wQl meee them as profoundly ss more nolyphoaoas combiaatioaa, aad the rivaeious tarantella, the lorcly slumbsr song," aad the bravura airs with which Slciru enlivens every situation will have Immediate influence aad recognition, last night's renrseeatatloa was commcadabl enough, as mentioned already, to throw light upon most of the effective numbers of the score, and the ecenlc demands of Muctte were compiled with la a manner leavimr 'nothing to be wished for. It would be nssless, this admission once mode, to enter into details.

But on part ef the pcrformaaee calls for adverse criticism, aad the reader who proposes enjoying Masaaiello accd not be deterred from adhering to his Intention, when It Is remembered that Sign or Based, who sang the tltnlar role yesterday, aad aang it aa badly as it could well be sung. Is to be replsssd oa Taesday, Thursday and flatue-day van logs by Mr. lac ho if. The ether characters had efficient reprsientatlvee. Signer Sttsiai, who personated MHro, la (till th possessor of a an bass voice, aad his broad declama-tioa aad Imposing stage- presence rev eel an artist who bat both glfu and experience.

Slgnorita Butzettl, who was AtWra, cxeeutec tb dUBcalt and elaborate nruaie tailing her abate with facility, aorreetaae ef ratoaatloa, aad considerable elegaaee of style. Xnia. Bern meU berg, wboportrsyed FthsU, brings to th taut eloquence of that singular personage whoa duties remind one of the Lord CkmncsUvr in "The Critic," ef whom Puobservcc that he says all that Is to be said "by a shake of his head, If ncahakcslt as taught" sn expressive face, aad auiekacsc aad grace of motloa. Tb small parts in the opera were all la competent hands, yesterday, aad the work of the chorus and orchestra, under the baton of Mr. Carlberg, waa excellent throughout.

Tire Beta of scenery, painted expressly for the rival of "Masaaiello," gladden the eye." They arc from the brush ef Mr. slater, aad reproduce with suitable warmth ef tone and solidity of outline Naples aad Its suburbs. Including th terrace of the Castle of St. Elmo, the Bay of Portiei, the market place, aad Mount Vesuvius. The last tableau, showing the distant mountain la eruption.

Is to be cited as a eery striking stsge-pieture aad as a worthy climax to aa operatic mice ea eceae which more pretentious manager thaa Mr. rieming hare acldom rivaled. MssanUllo" will be given nightly until further notice. a MISS THUBSBrS CONCERT. Miea Emma Tbnrsby gar a concert at tb Academy of Music yesterday evening.

She bad the eo-operetlea of Mr. Thomas orchestra, and that of Signer BrigaoU. Though Miss Tharsby's performances de aot at thia late day call for extended eHtielam, they may be referred to briefly. Thia artist la exceedingly popular," aad there are-good grounds for the favor with which aha appears te be; regarded. Ia the first place, she is the fortunate possessor of a soprano afogato a err rare -roles in the United States, and.

Indeed, the world over. la the second place, she has a sympathetic presence aad a manner marked by much simple elagaaee, end there can be no doubt that the influence of face aad bearing Is of no mean potency. Aad, finally, the lady sings unaffectedly, and, a a rule, with facility aad truthfulness of intonation. When It is borne In mind hum Ilia ting though the admission may sssm thst there is not a single first-rate soprano, except Miss Kellogg, aow before' the AmcrVan public, It will be readily understood that the gift and acquirements of Mis Thuriby, es set forth above, ought to have quite as general recognition aa they are securing. Oa the other hand, while It is perfectly proper to assign to Miss Thursby a high rank among American songstress.

It Is just as well not to overestimate her value. Her rows is of excellent quality, but It value la Its brilliancy, ahown especially la passsbls staccato, 'pale beside Mm, dl MuTaka's or Carlotta Paul's, or Mile. Marimoa'a. Her execution ia not invariably taultlsss her trilling, ia particular, being sometimes ss occasionally ta the air from "The Star of the 2forth," last Bight nothing more thaa a vibrato, while her asseadrng seals, ta the cam aria, were far from perfection. The chief defect la Miss Thuriby' work, however, la its total lack of expreeaiveneaa.

If we did not take Into account the cweetaeas Inherent to the tone of the voles, we should say that the lady piped rather thaa sang her numbers, for there Is Just a much feeling la one of the organs with which the birds la the Black Forest are taught their tunc as In her frigid delivery of word aad aotec Th greed sir from "Dor Zaabernoet" aad tne Invitation to the Walt," the air from The Star of the North "aad the ballads which followed were, yesterday, all oa a plane ia this respect, Mocart's aria was, however, rendered with more, than usual affect, while the performer's' lack ef the mmtri which comcc of scatimcat aad the uneoaselousaeas of effort begotten of gealus and vast experience, was unpleasantly poreeptibl ia the Invitatioa to the Walts." Mias Thursby, la brief, aot yet a great songstrem aad is just as well te place aa opinion oa the suljeet on' record at oaec The applause last night waa hearty aad frequent, but the approval of skill In plowing might, with little benefit te art, be easily mistaken for a more dajigoron admiaaioa. aad silence under these etrceaastaaec would cccrrsly be Justifiable. Xa th aonooTt to which we refer, Mr. Thoaoa' orchestra contributed largely the gratmoatloo) eg the spectator, aad Sigwor Brigaoll shsimifl the of a fourth or fifth geaeraUoa of dilettanti with hit old time serenade from "Dos Pxequal and ColU Katirl from La Spla." THE EXGUSH OPERA. "The Bohemian Girl" was sung at the Fifth-A venae Theatre yesterday evaulng.

aad will be repeated there to-aight. It sboald be reeaembered that wtU tale week the sojourn of Mia Melville aad ef Mr. Hess' company at thia hoeas terminates. MLLE, BOSETTTS COKCXBT. aCl.

Xtoeetti will gir bar long-anaonnoed soaurl at St ela way XU3, this She te bare th artlctl aid of Meesr. Blsoacff, Bemmcrtj, Tea Oeld, Yemer. aad Wetckert. DRAMATIC MS. JETTXBSOX AT BOOTH'S.

It la com three year age since Mr. Jsffsrsoa appeared la Asseriea, jebea a played ale at BooU's Theatre, aad to tb celebrated part with which hi name ha been mdicsolubly kieatlaed. lag years have been kind Ms. JeaTi bat drawn mora eloealy aroaa 1 aaea all tee gaarialu ef popaJaxtty aad Tbece have been iiai trrcmph La Booth's bar hot Una naecnctcracd to the pro sea of wlnmliig the eonUnrf gorst. tat there has tee no welcome more thoroughly gractoo aad aiuecre thaa that wl.U-H greeted him last evening.

The cplcac thectre was filled to every part, aad th applaaa with Which the distinguish actor was received wst ef ac uneertala temper. It had the ring of eld times, aad it was a enduring aad appreciative a heretofore. It wee spontaneous aad enthusiast is when Mr. Jefferson nrtt cam npon the stagei It rang cheerily aad heartily between the eetsi It made' Itself felt at all the well known passages, aad, course. It came In with crowning effect when the play was ever.

Bet what shall be eeld ef the pet-formaaee WH, criticism appears te here ceased to meddle wit H. It eaa pick ae boles hit nor suggect aay Improvement, and ee it ran in the eld groove, ae rounded aad complete that analyst hrmsa aa-ainiii ary and la not dmid expedient. Of Torn WinJcU a the same Jtip aa ef yors, and a wel-come as when Mr. Jefferson first breathed th Promethean Are late th entertaining personage which the dexterous had fashioned out ef Irving celebrated legend of the Cstaiffls. A quaint, delightful thing ia the old story, with tts weird aspect aad its homely phases, Its prosaic reality aad its mysterious wonderland, tts fruhaiM and its age, its old-fashioned humor aad its delicate pathoa.

It came at all events of illustrious parentage, nor waa It any common akin that took the old tale cut of the dim. hazy realms of the marvelous and legendary, aad gar It personal color aad a tangible latereet. Last of all same Mr. Jefferson's perfecting co-operation, which has made Kip immortal aad give the legend of the Catskllie to eedurtne; fame I very one knows Irving' story aow. The old vil'age Is a real one by the Hudson, Jtip Is no mythical personage, bat aa actual being of flesh and blood who slept a sleep of 20 years aad waa marrelously preserved through that long period of somnolence.

Ortiektn aad MssnU and the rest are real people, and even the very demons ef the haunted mountains. In spite of that fraternal rssemblaace which provokes Jtip' perplexed comment, have almost a personal Identity. A arrange uncanny scene ia that on the highest peak of the CaUkills, suffusing the rest of the play with its weird legendary horrors. Bun everything ia Just the same ac formerly, so long as there Is no chance In the central figure. AH other changes are accidental.

Orttehm may be more lees a termagant than heretofore, ZWrwi Ton JJstkmmn may or may not have gained some additional traits of rascality, 31 nU may wax or wane in her charms, but Slip himself is unaltered and unalterable. There Is the same quaint aad subtle humor, the aame undercurrent of delightful pathos, and eudieueee are held by the spell of the performance la the aame old thraldom. The support which Mr. Jefferson bad last evening was derlvsd mostly from Mr. -Daly's old rifth-A venue Company." Mr.

Harden brrg, Mr. Davids. Mr. Msurise Barry-more and others were la tl cast, enl Mr. Jefferson Introduced to the public of i York Mies Constance Bamblia In the role of Ortiektn.

The lady ia a good actress, with a clear and decisive sp-prehension of what the part requires, and kill to carry out ber conception. The setting of the piece was not amiss In any particular. Mr. Jefferson will play every evening during the week execept Saturday, when the theatre will be given over te Mr. Daly's drama Under the Oas-XJght." frllOM DELA WARE TO GEORGIA.

WruilxoTOH', DeL, Oct 29. -Thig city remains In a state of excitement orer the arrest of Job XL Jackson, of the firm of Jackson Sharp, ear builders. When Mr. Jackson arrived at Atlanta, hand-cuffed, friends were ia waiting prepared to giro ball for any amount Ball waa accepted and Mr. Jackson left immediately for hi borne In tbla eity, where be arrived at 3 o'clock this morning.

At the depot a band was playing Home, Sweet Home," and as Mr. Jackson stepped from the ears be waa met with a perfect oration In tb way of cheers and band-shaking. Mr. Jackson turned to the large crowd which escorted him and said that he thanked them for the demonstration thattbey would near from nun in due time, tie eonid assure them that he should stand before the community without spot or blemish. A large number of the principal manufacturers of the eity then held an interview with htm, giving their expressions of confidence In bis business ln.rgrlty In the matter for which he stands ac-euaexL As near ae can be learned, the true set about th not transaction are a follows When Mr.

Jackson waa before the Legislative committee of Georgia to make bis claims for amounts du th Jackson A Sharp Company, gar a statement of that State's indebtedness to bis firm, which consisted of other transactions besides the construction of one passenger ear. He then received $7,000 on a note due. Mr. Jackaon ia an earnest Republican, and one of the leading one in Wilmington. Hla arrest may not bar been mad through any political prejudice, but some of his friends are of a contrary opinion.

COST Of THE STATE PBISOXS. gpsotot Mepaash (a XswYorn ztawa Albast, N. Y.t Oct 29. Superintendent Pilsbury baa served only nine months as Superintendent of the Stat Prisons, yst ha been enabled to render to the Controller the following table of expenditures and ineom rCLX, TATZXIXT TOR YKAB IXDIXO IXPT. 30, 1877.

Xxoeadtture. Deposits. Daoelenev. Sing ay 65 1Z5.7 UO Auburn 13 3.978 83 163,301 7'i 67.746 OS 95 645 00 $625,033 44 $308,322 88 $317,410 OO riBaT ran months of tbb txab vxtxs w- BPXCTOBa. Expend! tore.

Deposits. Deficiencies. 81ngSlng.13l.t74 Vi $49,944 23 $9.730 69 Auburn-. 19 24.579 76 56.000 OO Clinton. 85.849 7Q 15.652 SO 7Q.197 4Q 81 $90,176 29 09 LAST SXVXX MONTHS SCTXXTKTXSiDXyT.

Expendlroraa. Deposits. DeflHenelea. 1142,801 67 $106,653 32 $36,148 85 Sing Auburo. 99,154 94 Clin 77.542 02 59,398 49 52.094 28 39,756 45 25,447 74 63 $218,146 09 $101,352 54 Th lesson of this statement is plain.

The expenditure by th Inspector under the old regime for Are months is -lee by only about $10,000 than the expenditures nnder Superintendent Pilsbury for aeren month, while the receipts for his seven months over those of the Inspectors five months is increased by and the deficiency for hia aeren month will actually $104,705 9S less than their deficiencies for five mouths. ASSESSED VALUES iy 1876. XWanstra a tW Ktw- Tots Tin. Albakt, N.T., Oct 29. As considerable abuse baa been beeped upon the Controller for bis action In the State Board of Equalization, it is due to him to state the following facta The asaeceed valu In 1876 by th Stat Assessors of Xtoai Estate was $2,376,252,178 ia th and In 1875, $2,108,325,572, aa increase of $267,926,206.

Tb State Assessors, la th equalization tables, proposed to add $200,000,000 of thia Increase to New-York. er nearly 75 per cent. The table adopted Intra st th aaaessmeats of th country by $146,000,000 $23,000,000 of which was added te New-York, and $23,000,000 to Kings, a percentage gi eater thaa the aaaeaaed valuation, of New-York: and King real eetate heart to the assessed valuation of tb whole real estate of tie gute. Owio to the Urge debt and necessarily large axprnaca of New-York and Kings Counties, it require no argument to prove that 'valuation are higher there and nearer the true value than in any other eoontiea. TEE TLTTR SENATORIAL DISTRICT.

Mr. Xtobert XL Straban, tb Bepnbllean nominee for Senator in th fifth District, ahould be elected by a baadsom majority, aad will be. If aa active aad snrti saava ef his district saa aeeompllah that desirable tesalt, baa don much for hi locality as sa Aseemblymaa. b'e sonetltueats could bare a representative mere faithful te their latereet thaa he bee been, aad it baa mere thaa enee happened that, la discharging aU dety. has had te en-son te a storm of ebioqny and opposition which It required ae little courage te face.

XI Is aow appealing for the suff rags of a larger constituency thaa aa Assembly district, aad Is la ta nty every good aWpubUeaa act loyady aad energetically tat their nominee. The Republic ta the Sevoata As stably IXatrtct tfispoaed be slack ia their eCorta, hi thetr eaeeea candidate, Mr. Iwson, did aot gas the aooaseattwn. Only one saaa could go It. and Mr.

frtraaaa gwt IS marly. It Vtr. Uvso had been the eases ot ta aeaseuifcanv. hia ri lands vrawid alaVse they ha a eeese eompiala tf tee ste- peeucan jsr. autui aeseaabiy cssmet ai off vbmT ud gtrta ae balv la the aarraa DEATH OF GEN, FOUREST r-fi GREAT BISTORT, oxrritxzt or a itobvt urz thi roit mxow itucit roEtcrrs xaxx as a catalst ornczx.

xxrnin, Oct 29. Oca. Tied ford the great Confederate cavalry eflVwr. died 700 e'clock thU evening at the residence ef bis thr, CoL Jcssi rerrest. 7 rOBRESTS CARCEO.

Ia aa article puMlsbel la Tata "Xgw-TonK Tixxs Immediately before the close of the war, the characteristic types of the soldiers ef the South were Ii waa pointed eat that who Tbglala. ad what might he called the old South," prodad gallant soldier and dlguiasd gentlemen, the South-west, th rude border country, gave birth te men ef reekleae ruffianism aad cat-threat daring. The type of the first waa Oca. Robert I Lee that ef th latter. Gen.

Bedford rerrest. At tne date this article waa written, (March. 1865,) Porrest seems to bar been considered by maay as the most formidable cavalry commander then ta the Armies of the Senthi but he was so essentially guerrilla-like in bis method of warfare, aad withal was so notoriously bloodthirsty and revengeful, that it waa thought be would, when the ether Southern commanders surrendered, aa event then see te be inevitable, collect around him aU the desperate and discontented clement of the Southern Armies aad maintain a guerrilla warfare oa the South-western borders. This expectation waa not realized, for whea the crash came, everything, "went down In' the grand ruin, and Forrest had bad more than 4 'Mich fighting to satisfy waa aot a trained soldier, aad he made bis wsy np te the rank be held by sheer force of energy aad fight from the rank of a private, for some years before the rebellloa. (te quote from the article re ferred to,) Porreet wss wsQ known ac I Memphis peculator aad Mississippi gambler.

He waa for some time Cantata ef a boat which ran between Memphis and Tleksburg. As hla fort on Increased he engaged la plantation peculation, aad bcmc th nominal owner of two plantations not far from Goodrich' Landing, above Ttckaburg, where he worked some hundred or more This was his status when the war broke out. He was known to his acquaintances as a man of obscure origin aad low a shrewd peculator, negro trader, and duellstf but a man of great energy and of brute courage. To the first caQ te arm the South Porrest promptly responded, enlisting a a private la th first Infantry regiment recruited at. Memphl) but his qsalltle ac horseman sod fighter soon attracted the notice ef his superior officers, and he was made Cantata of a cavalry company.

He took hie first les son la cavalry skirmishing oa the line ef Ore Klvcr, when Duel advanced on Howling Oreen la the Winter of 1802. from Captaincy be rose to entensnt-Colooslcy, aad when Port Donelsoa fell before Orant, Torrest was a senior Colonel com manding a brlgada. On this occasion be performed hla first notable exploit, for, refusing to surrender with the other forces In the fort, he headed his brigade la a chare through the Cnlou line, cut hie way out, and aafely withdrew his command to th mountains of East Tennessee, 8oon after be made a swift and stealthy march on Mcrfrecrboro, and took the place by surprise. Prom that time until the eloe of the war be was seeeatiallr a ranger, and covered in hi raids the whole territory from the Ohio River on the north to the Totnbigbee on the south i. from ths mountains of North Carolina to the Valley of the Mississippi.

He proved himself the most regularly uceeful of all the Southern cavalry leaders. This was due aa much to good fortune a hi own talents. He never had a ctod otfirer sent against him. and he seldom attacked except where he greatly outnumbered his As a scientific commander, he was much th inferior of Wheeler or Stuarts but he had all the Qualities of a guerrilla chieftain, sad the history of his exploits abundantly roves that he displayed them. He was swift and arlng tn his advance, stubborn and defiant ia retreat, cool and ready ia face of temporary disaster, and akillful la wielding the Urge force he commanded.

Whea ia the height of hi celebrity a a commander he waa the described: "In person, Forrest is a littl over sis feet In height, and Wrongly built i apparently about 84 years of age, la the perfection of vigorous manhood, insensible to align. Incapable alike of sympathy or, fecr. The outline of bis fane arc handsome, and tho expression Is generally plessaat but now and then, when roused a little, hi eye tight with a gleam and hia brow darkens with a frown which stamp hira with th brand of Cain. He is a consummate horsemen sad deed shot with th pistol i a soar eater and abstemi ous ia hi habits. His control over hla mea is absolute.

He mingles familiarly with them, and Is ready to talk with any of them on easy term, but with 1 1 officer ia often exacting and savage." A story is related of hia reprimanding a young Lieutenant with cuch severity that the latter, stung beyound en durance, drew his pistol. Forrest deliberately walked up to him, and using his great physical superiority to th ttermost, literally cut tne young man to the ground with hie bowle-knlfe. and then eoolly wiping the bloody blade of the knife, moon ted, and rode off as if nothing had happened. it is tn connection witn on or th most atrocious and cold-blooded niaiacrs that ever dlsa-raeed civilised warfare that hi name wQl forever be inseparably aeeoclated. pillow Format" waa the title wmen tne area conterreu upon mm.

ana oy this he will be remembered by the present genera tion, ana oy it no wiu pass into atstorr. Th mssaaoCe occurred on the 12th of April, leod. Fort Pillow ta 63 mile above Memphis, and its capture was effected Curing Forreet celebrated raid through Teunecace, a State which was at the time practically In possession of the Union forces. Gen. fehennan had started on aa expedition from Ticks-burg, tn February, through Mississippi be waa to be supported by Geo.

Smith with a cavalry column, which, marching from Memphis, was to join him at Meridian. Sherman's march from west to east aero th Stat was so ran-. idly and skillfully don thst it was a mere promenade. The Confederate commsnder. Gen.

could make no effeetivc racists nea to him. but he bent all hi energies to preventing the junction of Smith cavalry column with Sherman. For thia purpose he ordered all hia cavalry to join Forrest, and Intrusted thst commander with the task of heading off This was done most effectually, for the conduct of Oca. William Sooy Smith seems to hsve been marked from the start with utter Inefficiency. His start from Memphis waa made late enough to give Forrest time to eolleet all his force for resistance the anarch of th Union cavalry eras an utterly disorganized on, so that when, on the of February, tt reached Okalona, 1U0 miles north of Meridian, discipline seem to have been utterly relaxed.

Here Forrest' cavalry met them, and at the first charge the Union force were -practically runted. Everything fell Into utter confusion, and Smith had to retreat, pur-sued by tb enemy for lO days over the waited country through which he had just advanced. Forrest now saw hia opportunity for a raid Into the heart of Tcnnosoc. The garrisons there had been weakened by the concentration of tore for th 8pring campaign, and he had nothing to fear In the wsy of a superior force. Late in March he passed into thst State, and ths route of hia advance was marked by outrage and brutalities of the moat cold-blooded character.

He captured most, of the small garrison on hia line of march, la each case summoning ths defenders to surrender nnder a threat that If he had ta atorm the works he would give no quarter. On the 12th of April he appeared before Fort Pillow. This fort was garrisoned by 500 troops, about half of them colored. Forrest 'a force numbered about 0,000 or 6.00O. Hia first attack waa a complete surprise, and th commanding officer was killed early in the engagement.

Still th defenders foment so gallantly that at e'clock the enemy had gained no material advantage. Forrest then cent in a flag of truce, demanding unconditional surrender. While the flag waa Bring. Forreet' men treacherously crept into positions which they had been unable ta take by fight, (a trick tha-v had played at other place, I and thua were In a lituatioa to make the assault which aooa followed under every advantage. After a short consultation, hlajor Bradford, on wnom the command had devolved, sent word refusing to surrender.

Instantly ta hui sounded th assault. Th Mar were now within lOO yards of ta feet, and at th aouad they ruahed on th work. houting Ko quarter 1 No quarter Th gamao was seised with a penis 1 the men threw down their arms and aonght safety la flight toward the river, ta the nelgh-borbi ravine, baaiad log, setabee, tin, and In fact everywhere where there wa a chaac for conceal meat. It wag la rain. The captured fort and it rinnlty became human thimbles.

Without dlv crimination of age or sex, men, women, and children, the sick aad woemded in the hoapttala, were butchered without snerey. Tb bloody work went ea until night put a temporary atop to it but tt waa renewed at early dawn, when th mhumaa captors searched the vicinity of the tort, dragging eat wounded fugitive and killing them where they lay. The whole history of the affair was brought oat by a Omgresaional mouiry. aad the testimony primate a long series ot skkealng. coldblooded atrocttiac Forrest reported his owa loss at SO kUked aad 60 wounded i aad state that he buried Ul Fsderals ee the evening of the eaaaalt.

Yet tn th fee ot this fee claimed that th Fort Pillow capture waa a bloody victory, nly mad a roaaaasr mf dastardly Yank Th new of the msmsrrs aroused the whole eoaatry to a pxysa ef horret and fury. A fore of 12.000 mea was sent acsinst rerrest. nnder Gen. Scergts. wh ee wretchedly nusnmaagad th affair that he was utterly rented by him.

Another column was scat against him in July, under A. i. Hmlta, which met wtib senreely better annus aad th aeit thing beard of Forrest wa when, th scorning ot Aog. 19. he made a sodden and daring raid ta rough hlempoia, escaping with email lose, bine tb war.

Forrest has lived at Memphis, had bis principal ewe nation ceerae te hsve been te try aad ezplaia away the Fort Pillow affair. Uc wrote eevsrei letters about It, which wee pa lis bed. and always had snsuslhtng te aay about tt la aay peblt Teeth he savored. He aswaaed a he wnre try-tag aiwavs te rah away the blond stains which anarked hla. He spoke at th Union vstifioation meeting at Msmphic ia Asgust, 6d wrote letter approving President Johnson's re-ontrntlo policy tn October ef the came yea i was at the LseaoeraUa Kattsnal cemvaatloa fa Jun.

1868 epos eeveral times during I be political campaign that year, eouaea. iag friendly feeling between th North and Koala i mad ssveral written and spokes defense of hat war record at that time, and diatinguleUed himself sgaia by challenging Osa, KUpatrtek to a duel. The latter, who wa ale en the stamp, had attacked Fer-reet with greet severity, dewenncing him a a butcher and a murder. Forreet tell Ik eae reproach-eaee keenly that he sent elialleag, kilpatrkb replied that he would act flght a duel, but if he ever met Forrest, aad the latter desired de anything, hs (Kilpstrtekl would be ready. Th outcome of this waa that Forrest and Kllpatrirk did asset somewhere to North Carolina, th latter erring bit ta bar-reosa ef the hotel where he was tnid Forrest wee.

rerrest Wa leaning against the bar. XllpatrWk brushed ageiast him. Ferrest looked up, reengnlsed his enemy, turned aad left th room, aad that wae the cad of th matter. Ia December, 1 873. Forrest bsd asasrt smisauunilsas with Oca.

tar pacts of Cuban war. Of 1st years, his vtowa had undergone a considerable shaug. Th guerrilla chieftaia had softened down la to th retired veteran, anxious, apparently, only for peace with everybody. He waa hs favor if promoting good feeling between the two sections, and by the terms of his add res to his eld comrade in arms, asking them to Join in dseorating the grave of th dead Union soldiers. His last notable public appearance waa on the Fourth of July la Mamphts, whea be appeared before tb colored peopl at their celebration, was publicly presented wtth a bouquet by them a a saark of peace and reconciliation, aad made friendly epeeeh in tly.

In this he enee more took cieeaaion defend himself and hi w-r record, aad to declare that waa a hearty lend of the colored race. Gen. Forreet Id rente labeled only as i a daring aad sncrwful guerrilla cavalry leader, wee it aot for th on greet cod Indelible Btaia upon his nam. It was evident that he felt thia, ae hie const a 1 1 y-repea ted defense ef himself show. His daring and rccklaeenee gave him more eclat at one period than his military rvtoo were really entitled to.

Own. Wheeler' raid round th rear of Bhermaa' Irnr wa the work of daring man and the srieatlfle soldieri Oca, Forrest' sudden dash through Memphis, with ae mere result thaa the killing ef a few mea en either side, wa th reekle. nes of tb mere guerrilla chief which Forrest ccsen siauy A UTOQRAPUS BY A UCTJOy. B-KLLnra thc (ioxatubk or rnrai akd QCTJOIB, PBKSIDIVTS, TATTJhltjr, AXD HEX OF LXTTTEn FBOF. AXTHOX'l COL- LXCTIOV.

The eale of Prof. Charles Antbon's large 'aad remarkably fine collection of autographs was be gun In Bangs' suction -room, at Ko. 056 Broadway, yesterday. The attendance waa not aa large might hare been expected, comprising principally dealers and speculator, with fair sprinkling of collectors, and a good quota of young ladles and boys. The sale waa rapid, and the bidding llvelyj In some Instance very fair price being realized.

Th ale began with theatrical performers, an aetogrspa note of Edwin Booth selling for $2 60. Aa auto graph tetter of Agnes Ethel went for 10 cents, fol lowed by one of John Brougham for AO George H. Barrett went for 10 cent, William K. Burton for SO, and Fanny Jananacbck for 1 A Musical composer followed, starting with A abet at 20 sent and Bole Id leu, 10, and going en to Itossinl, 91 40 1 Mpohr, 10 cents, and Meyerbeer, SO. From con, poser tne catalogue stepped te sovereigns end their families; A document signed by Charles IL.

of England, dated Dec 7. 1032, being a warrant to the keeper of Woodstock park for tb production of pa fat doe, "cold for 7 BO. One of William XXL. with portrait, went for $3 23. A document signed by Queen Anne, and countersigned by the Earl of Oxford, brought 95.

George IL, countersigned by Sir Robert Walpole, $2 SO. A document signed by George XL, at Kensington, Jun 12, 1749, being a warrant to pay Sir Peter Warren and Mr. BoTlaa 183,649 2a. 7d. for the Province 1 of Massachusetts Bay, In reimbursement of jits szpenseS, in th capture of Ixmisburg and Cap Breton In 1745, countersigned by Prime Mla-ltr Palham, sold for $11 50.

An autograph; of Georg ILL, dated Windsor, Aug. 15, 1787, aold for $5. Another of George II signed when he Waa blind, 92 50. On of Georg as Prince Regent, with two portraits, 92. Catherine de II edict, of France, with portrait, 94 50.

Charles IX. of France, with portrait, 94 SO. Henry IT. of France, a docu ment signed only about 20 days before Waa Baaaainatd. nld for 93 25.

A public paper signed by Loul XIIL, Jan. HO, 1625, brought 1 25. Louis XIV. 'a autograph, oa a letter bearing two elegant silk seals, went off' at 94. Max tmillaa.

IL went off at 91 75. Maria Theresa's name, appende to letter written In 1767, sold fur 93 50. Frederick the Great sign aaaaual, with th moaogram F. oa a letter, written in nov. sold lor 20.

As- other slgnstur of Frederick tbe Greet, attached to a estate document, written in sol for a. Philio IL of Nnsln brought 95 i Philio IV- 1 1 and Christina of Sweden, $2 75. A sign at are of laimar-tin went for 92 25, and on of D'Aubignd for 60 cent. Among th American historians, Bancroft went for 25 cent Lowing. SO coats i David Ramsay 93.

and Jarsd parka. 30 cents. Jacob Abbott brought 40 cents, and John Q. Adams, son of Charles Francis Adams. 91 lO.

Hannah Adama, $2 50, and Louisa de Btolberg. Countess ot Albany, 95 50 Anderson, thc hero of Fort Sum ter, S3 cents, ana Joan Jacoe Astor, the elder, CO centa. A fin specimen of Benedict Arnold itgnaturs; attached to an autograph letter, and written at Head-qnarterv Kobinson House, Sept, 8. 1780. only 13t days before Andre was captured, was sold for 922 SOi John J.

Audobon, th ornithologist, sold for 93 SO, and Gen. M. P. Bank 60 centa i President Barnard, of Columbia College, went for 30 cents, aad Red Albert Barns, the commentator, for 10 centa i August Belmont, coupled with Abraham Beach, brought 5 centa i Jeremy Bent ham's autograph, attached to a letter, aold for 91 SO i and an autograph letter by Thomas H. Benton for 10 cent.

Bumarck'a name, at thc end of a long and Interesting public document, dated April 28. lt68. sold for 94 SO among tbe Bo-na Darts a. Charles. Prince or Caalno.

went for Si 25. and Jerome, King of Westphalia, 96. Joseph. King of Spain, at on time a resides; of this country, went for 92 25. The Empress Josephine's dainty signature, dated Sept.

20, 1806. was sold for 910, aad another, dated Paris. Feb. Id. 1 80S.

to the same gen tleman, for the same price Five lines of manuscript written by Napoleon, at Helena, sola tor 93, Two notes dictated by htm, I for 30 cents. A letter indorsed by tbe littl General, 92. A document Indorsed by him as First Consul. 92 75 a document signed by Kapoleon a Emperor, being petition accorded In behalf of Captain of Grenadiers, wounded at Tale-vera, presented by Berthler, wboee'aam la upon it, sold for 95 25 1 Paulina Bonaparte's signature went for 95 50. John Breckinridge sold for 93 20.

and Erasrus Brooks with three others for 80 cents. William G. Bryant brought SO cents 1 Aaron Burr. 92 1 John 0. Calhoun, 60 cents, and Dr.

Chapin, 10 rente 1 Salmon P. Cbsas sold for 80 cents, Chateaubriand for 91 50, Rufus Choat for 91, Camius M. Clay for 35 cent, and Henry Clay, oa a franked' document dated Washington. Jan. 14.

1 824. for 91 70 1 James Fanlmora Cooper' nam sold for 90 rents, and Peter Cooper tor lO cent David Crockett, attached to aa autograph letter dated Steam-boat Curler, near Maysvillc, 5 Mav. 1830." brought 93 SO Howard Crosby went off at 5 cents, Caleb Cuahing at SO cents, and Georg William Curtis at 15 cent. An autoanph poem by George M. DaUaa, one les-lTesldent, oaf Im droving the lighting of the Senate Chamber, and signed V.

P. V. tt. sold for 38 cent 1 Jefferson Davis old for 92 1 PsuldsKork for 60 cent Alexander Duma theldr, lor 1 3U, ana uuma ta younger for 91. A an signature of Robespierre waa aold tor 98, and one of Charles Carroll of Carrollton for J2 13.

Benjamin Franklin went off at 911 SO, and uhn Hancock at 92 5j Thomas Jefferson, 25 Robert Morris, 92 13 1 Benjamin Rush, 93 75 1 John Withers poon. 91 23. aad Francis Light- foot Lt-e, 912 The atgnarurss of rrealdents of th United States, of which Prof. Aathoni had an unusually largo collection, sold at th following price 1 John Adam. 910 6O1 Thorns Jefferson, 93 50 1 Jamec Madison.

92 25 1 James Monroe, 9225 1 John Q. Adams, 92 Andrew Jackson, St f0; Martin Vaa Barea, 9l 50 William Henry Harrison, 93 1 John Tyler, 92 83 1 Jams hw Polk. 95rZachery Taylor, 99 1 htlllard FUlsnore, 1 fl Franklin Here. 92 50 Jasnee Buchanan, 9 1 1 Abraham Lincoln, a privet autograph let tar, 98 V. S.

Great, 91 40. To sals ia to continued to day. i. TBB SOCIETY or IBS JtBJ CSOSS, Tbe CzeeutlTe Committee of tbe Society of tb Bed Crow met lut malnf the Studio Building, Xo. 51 West Tcath-ctreet, Mr.

Joseph H. Cbonte in the Chair. The special ecmmlttee which was referred th application of; the Crescent aad the Crocs te unit th two sooieUec reported that tt was Inexpedient to bo. A diaeu. aioa ares upon the report, aad ia It sours It was stated that It waa unlikely th Russian eoetsty would accept aasitacc from a society crgaalscd te else aid the Turks.

Objection waa rtssrsnor made by speaks tb asms ef thc Society of th Crecacet sad Cross, on th ground that fci was impress 1 piss the Crescent baf ore the Croa. aad bsisais ths fact that It waa ae placed rsdlcsie pre-'inusa proelivlUee en the pari ef the msmhsra ef the so. eiety. A committee consist lag ef sir. Robert U.

Ksassen. Mr. health E. Lea, aad Mr. Arthur Leery, waa nnally appointed te ewafer with the hosiety ot th Crescent sad Cross.

It wad els dsetdsd In-aerurste tbe aeriee ef entertainment ta aid ef the etjerta the society with a lecture by Ber. Father Bjevria Pastor ef the Bse Greek Chaps! la mil-svenss. at Chieksrtsg Hall, on Wednesday seening. Kov. 7.

th euejeet of Rase Is and Following thi. Re. Mr. Moarpert wU lecture ea TsOrigiaf Raphe! Msdonae." -eeeu TjOwtkvw. Ontario.

Oct. 29. Th statement of th Caitsd Ststss Consular Agent ber shows than the vain de eared expert trues has agency to sited Prates, roe tne a saner enotng sept, ws 912A.2-.4n, aa Ii mm of Sh.XO Marts lei LOCAL POLITICAL MATTERS. CITT XOXLXATIOyS. ALDEJUfAVlO CAYDI DATES CHOtTJf LAgT JflOBT TKI EIGHTH D1ITXICT Dim CTLTT VOT TET SETTLEO JfOhlWEEll FOB AatEhfBLT.

Tbe bnslncs ef nominating Aldermen la several ef the district was coed acted last a'ght la a maaaer somewhat differing from thc ceiglaalplaa andsr Us somblnstlon. There wae no ayatcavstic exchaage of epinione ee purpose about eaa date, aad the different ergaaliailons met talked, and voted eery, math as each aaw It. la the Feurth XHetrict, wher iv nominations bad already been mad, the Bepubli. Saa mt sad shoe Joha Bohiaeen aa a Candida The Republican and Independent Republic ae lasted Ferdinand Ehrkart aad John Flak la Sixth Distriet, leaving the Aatt-Tammaay Party plala bualnecc to ratify the aomlnaUons aad complete the combination la the district. ta the Seventh District there were three eeaven- tloas.

At 8 e'clock the Bcpabllcaas met at Xo. 453 Fourth-avenue, and, with Mr. J. M. Tamer presiding.

prcecsdsd aomlnat en Aldermaa, as had been prvionaly agresd upon by tb Executive Committee aad approved by the convection. After an', mformal ballot Bernard Blglla waa BSTaiaated. A eommitte wae eppoiated to notify Mr. Bigila ef his nomination, aad the nomine appeared and thanked the coeventlen for the pone accorded te him. Ia th meantime Mr.

C. Hart, Judge Roch, Mr. Costlgaa and Mr. Andrew waited la the hall below to cuntor with th keeublienn ae te the best coarse to he pne cued, and la order that thc Aatl-Tanrmaay Convent ton could hear a report from them aad act immediately npoa toe adjourn men 1 er tne riepvoiiraa ton veauun. Vho Repnblleanc cdionrned.

however, without end ing for them, and they only received via nation ef the plan ef th Republicans from Individuals. Thc Independent Democrats aad Germans met at Ke. 6 Eeet Twenty -third-street and nominated Wil liam H. fleeor end Henry K. Howlaad deellalng indorse the aomlnat ion of Blglla.

They then appointed a committee and seat it to the Aati-Tammany Convention, which met in East Twenty -th irdetreet, between First sad Second avenue. There wss much talk about th course ef the Republican Convention, and a general desire exareaaed to nominate a ticket without refer. enc to tb- action of th Bennbllcans. Tb Conference Committee from the- lade-pen dents presented the names ef Howlsad and rJccor and withdrew. Tbe convention then voted Howlaad down, nominated Jeremiah letter addressed to Mr.

George V. Whltsoa, Chairman 01 tne uenerai txmimirte or tne Mxteentn cissm bly LHstrlet. br Mr. Henry H. Marks, wss read Mr.

Marks denied that he has at any time been la competition with any on for tbe Aldermsnis nomination." hut he said that he would be willing te ae. cept that nomination If should appear to the convention that it would most effectually ubscrve the interest of the party." Mr. Marks desired. moreover, that his name should not be used to the eonventln in opposition to any other nam. -In th Eighth Aldermsnis IHstrieS there is yet ne positive settlement of the controversy between th conflicting candidate, but thc matter was somewhat simplified by the withdraws! yterdr of Mr.

Ivld Vcangllng. Tbe claim ef Mr. Mlmon. son to be a candidate is still upheld by his friend, who consider that he ha been treated cavalierly. The ticket generally accepted a llkaly to tend for th combination rote Is that bearing tbe names of Terence hUcrnxn, Henry Pel ley, aad Louis D.

Phillips. Tb Republtaaa Aldermanl Convention ef th Fourth lnetriet met last evening aad nominated Joha Robinson, of the First Assembly District, for Alderman. Jtr. Robinson waa formerly a member of tn twnru ot Aioermen, an Baa beau a liepnty L'nlted State Marshal for eeveral years. 1 Tbe fallowing Assembly nomination were made last evening by toe respective particc 1 Third James Hayes, A.

Sixth "HeSiyV) Tenth Dlstrirt. W. Lsngbeln, (T.l Twelfth District Monk. Ken.) Twentieth Distriet Mark L. Frank.

(T.) James D. MeClellan was nominated last evening for tbe Senate by the Anti-Tammany Senatorial Convention of the Fifth District. INDORSING SENATOR MORRISSET. AM ACTIVE CAST AM IJf THE SETElfTH XA- TORIAL DISTRICT THE WOREUrO hi IJf IX FATOR OF SCHELL'S OPPOKtKT. Th eanrass of tbe Seventh Senatorial Dis trict by Sens tor Joha Morrissoy la opposition to Augustu Sehell la one of the moat thorough end active ever made la thia City.

Senator Morrissey's head -quarter at tb Ashland House are thronged with the leaders of the combination against Tammany Hall, and ratification meeting are being held in ell parts of the district. Among those who called oa Senator Morrtssey last evening wa Mr. Thuriow 1 Weed, who had quite a long interview with Several ratification meeting were held Isst evening. the moat Important being at Liberty HalL oa Heeoud- venue, near Thn-ty-etztb-etTeet. The hall wae Blisd to overflowing by an enthusiastic audlaoe composed largely of working men.

Mr. Morriaaey wa aot present, hi physician having advised him against undue excitement and exposure for a few days, but it was announced that it is his intention to begin aa aetivepereonal canvass, probably on Friday evening. Dr. G. H.

Magnes presided, aad Messrs. hucsn 4. Jackson. Thomas rsrley. James rs'mer.

Joha Flanagan, and Matthew O'Rourk acted ac Vice- i-restaanta, ana woeepu xrogn a secretary. Speech were made by the President and Messrs. Jackson aad Patrick Walsh, and resolution were dnptsd unanimously ta favor of the combination nominee generally, ard especially Senator Morriaaey, who earn was received with great cheering every time it wae mentioned. Mr. Jack-eon said that senator Morrtssey was fear 1st, free, aad Independent, favoring retrenchment and reform, in opposition totb Tammany oligarch which fattened on thc spoils of the working men in thc name of sham Democracy.

Mr. 8c hell waa identified with monopolies, wss a mere instrument in John Kelly's bands, bad not a sentiment or fssling in common with the honest, hard-working masses, aad served as a wise-looking, owl-like figure-head to preside at Joha Kelly's meetings. Mr. Walsh said that Kelly elsimsd to be honest and talked reform, and ret gav fat office to men like Tom" Dunlso end Gale, who fawned npon and nattered him. Th meeting adjourned amid peat cheering for Sea-ator Morrisscy aad the combination against Tammany Hall.

i BSOOKLTy POLITICAL SOTS 8. Mr. George A. Klngsland baring declined to cept the nomination for Supervisor at Large, the Reoubllena CountY Convention will reconvene o'clock thia sfternoon to nominate another candidate. Mr.

Klngsland wae aamed to th Ke publican Conference Committee by Urn Independent Democrats. 1 After tho Democratic City Convention ad journed, Jim" Howell, it nominee for Mayor, not wishing to trust himself to make a speech, 'caused tb Chairman ef thc convention to announce that he Howell) would be glad to meet the Delegate and heir fnsnds at Patrick Walsh's Honor ator. Th thirsty patriots poured into Mr. Walsh' is crowds, drinking, as he said wise If. everything he had in th house.

Th following day Walsh seat in bill to Howell for 905O. "Jim" indignantly refused to foot thc hill, on the ground that it wae exorbitant, a course which has caused much diiaatlifaction among the "bora." HaXJTAX. N'ov Scotia, Oct. 29. Thc Minister of Marine and Commissioner ef Fisheries left Dorchester to-day for Miramichl, to lnqulr into numerous plaints, mads oy persons residing on tb bank of tb Miramichl River, relative to thc management of nabary matters ia that locality.

"Tbe ende of tbe earth meet together in Devlin A elegant place-goods stock. England, Francs, Gsrmaay, Belgium, Austria, A merles ar all liberally TOX SEMI-WEEKLY TULEX THE JTEW-TORT BUa-WXEXXT TrhTEf. published THIS KOUDia, isstslsi the Piiil1ig Osngrese and is era! Kewe trots Washlagtss the Mew-Tsrh Caas-pelga aad a List sfta Assembly sad casts Csndldsfs th Various District asmoel 3. Tildes. Speech to BaepoamM serenade Letter from William Lloyd Oar-rlaon en PrssUen Bays andhJePeUeyi the Toeiaisaa laAsrlsl Ins rlgsfliTi Kevlewa ot Kew Soeksi th Bing Fraud lastigtioa Death cfgdwta Aaams 1 ZdJ- toriclArteslsaCaneat Vewsi th Eaatara ConXleti Csitsat Ulsrstnie AgrienJeural Tents riaenelal and Cumaini! eUaecta, aad ether lBtriBg naillag mat- Ceoisf for aal at TBE TIKES OFFICE 1 els at THE TIMES trP-TOWlf OFFICt, KO, a.259 EROADWAT.

PRICE, FITS CFJCTs, erens I bare ecsn, mm fberengblr eeanaeed ot the vlnu of, liuLn Ah LI Via A AUttrAXh CsiAJk it, TATLOU, gsUlee Jhanea utsos. BOOXT CtCIXO Tharsdsy, Oet, 11, 1177. ralissstpaia, Bev. it. eUliogg.

ataavisnia Boos ts X.HSA uasru aLssn, ootmrn Sings need Has. or Teerv. all ef Cssasalss, A C. UlMASLtr-UIIU. os ise XXd Ii tneaeVaVc ee.Ueasa, by Rev.

nnecaad hies Usm lianas sh, Mr. r. Pus, at. r. Lsf4, ef Kew-rork.

MAkdbi. fAir-X- eendsv. Oct. he ILev. Mr.

eteta. eC the Chsrch ef tss sssavseeCs Mora. Lssata. asaJwee seJaisyMjl ssia.sJte4 dAg-hOtrT-0 Serai Isv. Oet.

Tt. a Lsse CliaM, l-alsdelahls. by hv. lr. Carrie.

a.e. fa X. hssJC ail el Mats hava, ea srhtev ot the 1st eard Xoberta, ot tLCsA "vt.VrLTArttr.T Oa Tuesday. O-t. fTbyRev.

B. 1- susoMnsster, at ts re.aesc tae miH ee. Is. f. Vaaaukv.

ef sad liit Aa-CisVa. yn'ia ssahla vf fere, ti. Jk. ot besr sea, h. X.

ATt- Ou inadar. Oat, 177. icecaTA Sale. Wits ef Joha Ueiee,, seed rssfs. hsIsHvsa esq frtesrts see Isriteg Btten Pit IssenU ea I hurelar.

1, St fl f. ro. nare sd tee licale Rest, near Cethsb lalerwient Ueeen-MecML hl.K'JtV. At Xew lis Venack, K. es tinilsy, feU 'd.

la7T. Tuswsi tsa4.a, tmneM sn st Ledvrt T. asd Mary Hereu, la lee Mkji 41w ses. Fsneral servlee eiU be es 1 M.

a his falbeCs lleahewsti-s. Si Mi evte- I. M. rate lsaes iew-yeS ireeiv ss i s4 slrs-t ls- g. sa.

I rsis olsil ea wasart, la We.lti 1 l.Mt A. PL. ismtrs ski la es iint ts steal wut tsk pise SI W- so i bo a. At naetlasa-os-Hs4sna Oca, hfstA Jossmies.

wlfaef Jesses It rwes, sad sssgl, Veres tuc Isle eoba Osthsst, ot tkia Cur. Xfrttce fuserel beeeerlee. hRAXU la tblcess, t4, tt. 1S77. St her sate reef den re, h'n Ii alas A.

rrr, vUtof E. Urand, aad only ssesjatsr ot Jsaas htett, ot this Cltv. t'uLMKS I CMHuevtlle, fea Ose. 2 Aur Taaav Cmxibs wife of ti. S.

Collins, Cad dssghtsr tbe ist Ueary w. Terry, of Marsf KlhU. atoaday. Oct. 81, aged 7 naentha aad Anwi sangeat eon ef Adolf L.

sad Ansa M. kl ft Clifton, states Island, end grsadaoh ef Jesses yOiWaey, ef hmnklyn, rnseeal sei Hiss will he held at the essidenss of hht nscesKa, Wli)baoaC-v Ulften, at till riLTi It KlkKFATRICKV-tn aWsn, sn Seaday. Oct. 5 Aui wlfscC Asdrew hlrhbstnck. sf he'srark.

M. and ycuagest daagliis sf ths Isle Joel W. Cone if. Ths bunsl will be frem Ursue Charts, hssrark. aa Wsdneedey at 1 o-akoek V.

U. I Wsdaesday, OsC ts, MaeAaa I. Isvavareus. i ruaeraa Oet, 20, a her lat wsiassca Uriagaten, thlsCilv. efts a short UlrteM Ss.

ardsr, tet. JI7, 177. Mas Ci-aais, widew ef MolMtt etatuend, of hew-Vrk. and danehlar ot ths laA lrfesu tolAleissdee MaiUand, ot IkUkendbsigbtebsre, aveeV svetacive and friends ef the famllyars Hivtled te attend the reoere! asuless, wlthoet funhsr notlea, a th Flret lrssbyisrls) Chneah, tth-v. asd 1 ea Teesds muruing.

ifcHh at 111 e'slesk. It at rsaasts4 that Rower be seat, hfcAli. In Brooklyn, ef diphtheric, Oet, 90. 177. lAative, nly sea sd William and Adsiia stead, aged Psaeral petvatn PALM Kb.

la Jersey City, ea Sends. Oet 39, Isv Wi4 11., Widow of bavid Palasee, aged years. KeUttvss aad friends of the fasativ arc lavlssd te teed her funeral thia (Tuesday avwwiiig. at 1 1 Oeieek, frere Trtnlty Ustbodist Kplaeopal Charsb, between Warren and Washington Jersey City. ft KIN a.

Oct. thersaldenee ot her Con-1 Isw, Tsttls CNslvee. hs, 13 Jersey cite. Mrs. Euu fsaaiM, is tbe 71st yssr ot see acs.7 Vntics of aaersl to-saorrow, i 1 WATlOM.A.taddsaiy, oa Snbbath, Oci 98, ZiMSMTt WAveinr, aged tut year.

i I Bstetivee and fnsnds are lavtted te attend tb fcursl from Iherssldeneeef hee Sep aew, U. Haaler, Ht SJi West a Wedassday, Oct, SI, a A. at. I SPECIAL csshnwnanannnasn TOUT OFFICE MOT ICS. I Foreign Mail for the week ewliag Bstards, Kov, 9, 177, wlUlocatthlccmeca Taesday, a 14 A for Europe, by el asm -thia Nevada, via Queen towai en Wednesday, at 1UIW for fcarops, by Otmom-rrsscs lyaddn ip ncyinis, vis (senetswn, iieseiisiies be forwarded by thia stesssee must ss neela.

lyadilrmsil.lasdM 1 1 A. M. foe ranee Street by steamy chip Kmnua, vie Kavrei en Thursday, at i i M. fn rte. ny weemenip snevi, vi riyiia, CNerstmrg.

aixi liamburgi on sat lira, II A. for ffcvdlaud aland, bv ateaia-his akjllrls. via Msvllis and h'Tth of ire land and Ulsagow, end at llUHJ for lersa. by tssm-shlp America, via Sour liana ptna ia hrenten. (eoe reslwmleece for Ores ferltsla aad nsnee be foe, Warded by this steamer msel bespsrlally addressed, I u4) at 111 for Kamns, by steamsliip Hrltasnlc, vis Wneene Iowa, errapwdnee foe ilermsny.

te he forwarded bf tbsa Mesnaer, nuet be sseclally ad.lrsmd.1 The i Slil pa hetsiis, Heyihls, sud ttntsasl do not tsfce seal It fur Umtwl, Mweden. and Msrwae. Tb small (or I'M West Indies, via Havana and si. Thoenes, leave Mr York Oct. nd Kov.

Th mslli fo haasac, K. leave New-York Kov, 3. The mslla for rails. Am. leave Han Francisco Nov.

7. The mails China aa eapsn tears aaa rescues jov, 17. T. A eAJtXSV naw-ioaa, uct. iti, ill.

i ritlNIH JOIINHOM'ri 4.KKAT MALR uS A. anparbbrsaiib-losdlag shot graue by the well-knows many others, will take tu TH CRKDA Oct. SI and Nov. 1, at l'J o'clock each das St hla Bales-room, Ko. 87 Kaaaau-at, 1 Ou exhibitil TUESDAY at l'J celoek i catalogues Ssme day.

To ntuataiiAi anfi above gun ar similar to theae we sold during tbe pa four aeaaona, and which at that time ieaused suck furor ta the sporting fraternity. I i CIIINK4K AND J1PAMK UKPOT. KO. BCBIJUU-HLIK near Fl'LTOH FlRBT, H. FAKKK, has lust iwwrrsd i CnOICK Dr.OOKATCl WAKK.

JUt'M LACUtr-KKII TRAVS, tuXZ sxi, IhLAll nUohZkn ANU F.NAM KUU, A large assortment of flCTlKLst I JAFAhKMB HTOUaV 9a Cth berwesn 15th and sts. Jf kKCKlVhiS, K(W AKbCilOlt'K KHUS. Fofcelslu, aroma, Lacasers, Screens 'rtetares, silks, svs. Wedfllne Presents, sknavenlrs. Carv sheets.

Old and rare oolleetlua of Mslsnms Imari Lsauilers, Am. thst were never hltbeito bn aht to Ihe, ulled IM alee. TUX Vr.UT IMiUAL BoMOTAHO, SATO at CO Proprietor, jf till Kit (KEW AFFI.K Jl'lt'E) MAIM UO S. ri.t hmmI rr, It eamil nnM. Seiive.eJ In Km.

York (south of Cearral hark I aad etrooklyn. la 9. t. aad 10 gallon keg, at per gallon i after Kov, 1, 2ns, use gmilua. Usaulns cider vlnevsr 40c per gallon.

iAsdreas onler by postal eard, CUiUi WkUX CUKsTctA, 179 Brooklyn, u. LHTUABT WILI.IH. ATTOKMY AXO Counselor at Law, hetary Fablie. xAl btoada iy, Kew- York. a.

B. Uneelal attsntton said esttUnir aetata, eon. reyanelng, aad City end Countrv eoUsettss. CIIIOICE Hl'TTKK rKEKH FROM CUL BS. DE-llvered Tuesday and Baturdav aar.V.

I liih sss hi. HAKllKL, Franklia, lvsssm Uousty, M. J. rniiB KIRK ON THE 1IICAKTI1 V1US PLACf A. bto btov and Kurnaes.

Call or asaii fur tdreuasr. Oua Stove Vantilstlng Company, No. lift FsUion-et, X. Y. NEW PUBLICATIONS.

WILL DENBIGH, HOBLXMAX i This last volume la the Xo Xsmc Series i aallke say ot us prsdsesssora, It is a auapla, lovely story of Devent shire Ufa, oronlsltely told. Who the sotlor Is iiam te puzxl tb critUc mush thst they dare aot hatard a THE AXlRJCASf TAUCSXITZ, Thia (heap form of Issuing popular novel Is quit losses, Judging by th uptlon given to the arc volume, at fJtCY CHOICE. Frtoc, SO ecnnv Sold by aU bookaallsrs, stalled; postpaid; I thpuh llshsrs, i BOBEBTS BkOTHEB9f Bostoa. 1 Murio-Celli. duesntei -Onlr a rtowar There Hsra; 40 scuta i Old Letters." alalanv.

3H sent "Kenan. ta swedian Lad lee- uusrtst," esnU I I ses Trssaas lentle arch," Arrlgottl, 40 Grand Wsrrea. SO es .0 seals i "Army and have AO cent Cosssek Dsaee," naea," Wllees, Ko Sent aad Sll Broadway. Ulisua Mas. tHKAPEMT BOOK HTOKK THE WORI.n.

IBMAillKd ANU batALL, ARC XL OF SOOKt bought. lo7, 4.1. books ea baa. CATALOiiCSe FR.le LsAKtAT BKOsv. hsv Hnkma st.


as 9 Wcloak ta th evenlag. STATE TICKTT. COUXTT TICEET. For aserstsry of Stars For Jsdge ot ths sin turns Jobs C. Chscshiil.

Court Joha K. Rtsdv. For Controller For Jadgaav of tb starts rraaeciH r. ajisota. taw jtsai Tor Trvsearee htcDosald.

William I Bostarleh. Tor Boa-tecs For Attorney General Jaeob Hess. 1 Oresvills Trewtsla. Foe Aidetiaea aw' Large e' FecMste faiytsesr AsaiselLUnia, Los is at. nsv, WdlimM.tsdney.


F02 4 -iVX, sTUrTS BISTBICs; tt. CQstdA. it AtsLI ri HtlCtl hIMATIt I'lliSiUl, sTetlsnal bownd Casvasav. I as sell a I sjad Bea.iaj CirU Serrihe Canal sk a.14.11 rhETll lll KltT. twi ktruiucAK ASatv' coyvvriKf rti ssestas Ms.

sS Als-sv. sn 1 wa-SPAT XV a.u. veAUIUs. t- CKUQXJt. Cssirsass.

v. aw rvani, scjtsi i.

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