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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 3

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LATEST' INTELLIGENCE. tr tmomru rton to LiYEtroou Foreign Exchange are more in favor of ZnfUnJ. Amsterdam. ItXl Amsterdam, Bhort, 11 19a 11.19, Hotteri0i.UIUl; Antwerp, 15 Hamburg, 11.1C13 lis Frankfort. 1ST id IM St.

Mareille, Si 50423 55; Pari, ahort, Pabis. A decree tmsocti thai deposit to cur a pension ta old will received In rente at 5 per n. at par. BtMir-Five, 99 60 three. Letters from Am.terd.oi stsf rhst th firnt between lb Dutch Govern me lit nd the Dth AhaiB.

Jlailway Company wii i.ned on tb 13th alt. Th rm i. I wpw. th Benk advaned 500,000 to -tha London and North- mv at ei ner cent. ih Pound i announced on the A CJ'WW estate of Mr.

Cockrell, Larpent A easpended ii i jsT. a fanner emeu ymj utn a llqu. The dWa and lisbllitie of Messr. A. A.

Lacker-jieen are etaud at about 313,000, of which it ia eti (lftfMi will ha nroveabla arainat th aetata Asset ia aad an additional 2,000 mar ve received irom van win. The atr-Flace let Mr. Stevens' DIscUaare. Me. Andrew Steven ha published a Ion letter, ia which he propose to give the history of the dia- aatroua riot In Attor-Place.

Mont of the paper, howev er, ie occupied with hi personal complaints of the un grateful treatment baa received at the hand or Mr, Forrest, aad a great deal of it ia mere goip about matter! with which the public is already lamiUar. lie Mate that in the Fallof when Mr. Maeready ap peered here, gome of Foreai'a friend were desirous of driving; him from the stage, but that Forrest dissuaded them. Mr. E.

S. Gould, he adds, called upon him as a friend of Forrest, to learn what he intended to do, and was glad to learn that was no intention of aaing violence. In hi speech, on hi farewell night, Mr. Jdcresdy spoke of the demonsi ration intended to hare leen made against him, wbcb he said was defeated by th public aeutiment in hi favor. When Maeready appeared again, in May, 1549, Mr.

Steven aya, there was a organised attempt to drive him from the stage. II Itimcelf went over to Hoboken, and engaged a number of "th boys," but found them unwilling to enlist, because Forreat had recently turned off hi wife. Mr. Stevens goes on to say Another expedient was then resorted to, which waa far more successful it was to copy pens of Maeready' speech, referring to partus and factions. Of course we said he slurred th Deinocrntic party, it could mean nothing else, and for an impudent English actor to lecture and abuse us from the stage about politics, dec, was not to be endured! This ruse had a most wonderful effect, and brought out hundreds on that score who did not care a pinch of snuff tot either actor.

All this could hot be done, however, without ample means, provided in money, in blarney, ioi ticketa, dee ic, whii were plentifully supplied for tkis time it was tiolvtd there waa to be no such word in the vocabulary as fa if. My readers, however, will be obliged ta eierclre i little of their imagination, or the "Yankee quality ff guessing," as to where the money came tram, but bad if, and used It successfully, as be event proved, on the Tib of May. To manage so that no suspicion of what was going on should get abroad! I procured Irom diflerent hotels thirty to fifty tickets -b. Their order for tb ticket created no alarm at the theatre, as it was there supposed tbe hotels wanted itiem for their own cus- tomcrs besides, many of my personal friends procured from five to ten each, so that it was done so quietly the management were alarmed but little, if at all, until the curtain rove, and Mr. Maeready made his appearance.

As Forrest bad repeatedly, since Mecready'a speech of ths 20th October, above quoted, in the presence or Mrs. Forrest sworn vengeance against mm, and told what lie intended to do if he attempted to plav here again, 1 took the precaution of calling on her at No. 50 Ureal Jones street, a few iias before the 7th of May, and told her that two or three of us, friends of Forrest, were going to get up a demonstration against Maeready, wHhout letting him (Forrest) know anything about it; that it would be a much of a surprise ta him as it would be the public when it was over, and I have told hundreds the same tbinr since to screen him, by assuming tbe blame -I am now reaping the gratitude of this "nature's nobleman." To make sure of success, before tbe night arrived, banner were tainted in large characters, with liiscriptione appropriate to the occasion, to be used in parts of the house. As the habitues of that theatre were supposed to be fond perfume, it was provided liberally in the bape of three or lour dozen bottles of a new kind of odor, never before introduced to good Swiety. This waa tbe cauae of many quaint remarks in the course of Che evening, after being opened and distributed.

The different companies of tire and hose guards, and manufactories of various trades and occupations, selected ta operate on this occasion, were nil on tneir own hook," for neither knew what tbe others intended to do. The instruction to all were, without an exception, to ssy nothing about going to tho during the day, go ia quietly in the evening, and keep until the great tragedian himself appeared, when those who did not like the performance bad the privilege of biasing those who did could of course applaud. Between them bath to tirk up such a row that nothing could be heard, but under no circumstances to com nut any overt act by throwing anything on the stage. The instructions were very generally carried out, except by some supernumeraries that did not attend rehearsal, who took it into their heads wben they saw what seemed to them Maeready' obstinacy in persisting ia the performance, introduce several novelties not set down in the bills, by throwing chairs and other missiles, which put an end to the play (Macbeth) be lore the third act wti over." The friends of Mr. Maeready, iudignaat at the man ner In which he was treated, then invited nim to appear In a public card i and this, according to Mr Stevens, created an immediate change in public sen timeut.

"This card waa immediately taken up by a certain awt who at one considered it ss challenge or defiance the" I'pper Ten," and English interests combined, and all sorts of rumors were raised and industriously circulated purposely, to keep up that impression. TA report, also, that the officers and crews of tbe British teamers were be at the theatre on the 10th of May, bad it effect this, and the issuing of incendiary handbills, which were well circulated and posted about town, raised th fury of ttie boy to tbe highest pitch, bringing a different aet'altogetber into the field of action from those found in opposition on Monday night, it was found very difficult to procure tickets ia sufficient numbers on this occasion, as the hotels could not be used agaia to so large an amount, if at all, without being detected. 1 was urged more veaemetrtly than ever to spar no exertions to dttuuute tickets pleutituily in the right quarter; and if they could not be had during the d-ty to furnish the means 'to- purchase them at night. Tho matters went ou until tho afternoon of the 10th, when tbe excitement was tremendous. A number of gentlemen, during tbe day, desired me to see Mr? Forrest, to indues him to issue a card, askrng his friends, and appealing to them, to desist in their, opposition to Mr.

Maeready, as the result would evidently prove serious if he would not do so. II was out of town; On consulting with some two or three of his friends, it waa deomed nnadvisable for him to do so. About .6 o'clock, however, Capt.Rynders, wao proved of th first night's proceedings, told me he had heea a close observer through the day, and from the military arrangements which he saw in preparation, it weuld be impossible to oppose Maeready with success, and if persisted in, would end lu bloodshed and massacre, lie me, for God's eiUe, to see Forrest, state to him what waa going on, and press upon htm the ne-eesrttvtn well a policy of a cird at once, asking ail hi friends and psnixans to desist by doing this, he said it would place hi in on high ground, and appear as a magnanimous act. I told linn 1 was satisfied it would be l.o use to ssk Mid to do an) thing of the kind, knowing the bitter hatred he bore Maeready, and his resentment at the signers of tbe cird of invitation, but 1 would see him, notwithstanding. I did go to the theatre; he haa just returned from the country my ntessage was delivered the result was as I anticipated.

II was inflexible and if half the city were to have1 been sacrificed, tbe purpose at his heart. I think, would not have been changed. I earns back with a heavy heart, and thought most seriously whether it waa not best, at all haxarcs, to txflnc a card in bis name. If it turned out well, it would be a glorious move, which he, in his cooler momenta, sanction or he might repudiate it, as a weaa invention oi tue enemy." 1 Deiieve it 'Would have been done, had there bten time, and could a printer hav been then procured, who could have been trusted with such a movement. It was not dons, and the bloody and disastrous ret-ult ia continually before me, when I think that potub'y all those livea mi git have been spared.

If it had been done at the proper tiine, it would have saved me tinny a aad reflection, that, however, remotely, 1 was p-miMy an Instrument in tbe sacrifice of so many people, for the mere gratifies! ion of a buter personal feud. The Coroner inquest followed, which from, a number cause not fortunate for those who first put the ball lu motion, resulted in a most singular verdict, slurring the matter over as if nothing particular bad happened. Why was this Probably because tbe Mayor, and some the other authorities, on reflection, sa-v where they had been grossly negligent, imbecile and cowardly. It was also mad quite apparent, on examination, that several distinguished -efpl probably some who had aigned the card of invititmn, were as deep in this busi Dees as their opponents, in giving tickets, other little ar-nngaaneuts, Such a saenjee of life, however, ud set get over without somenody 's bstsg arraigned, ii" elected was Judeon, liuutitne,) who i conontd and aeRieuced. bu nat for his par-ticrpation te a guilt, extent in the riot.

They must his other offduaes iT Ahet eminent and mpva-tivcly innocent man. (Capi. Rttder vra also from Vt, V'nwa Ii IhllTf- convict him also, who, I know, would have prevented ths rtm an the 10th of sy. if bad been in hweo Jo' tot the element at work were beyond hi. reach or con! jrol.

It was partly kroug hi a bimif, i lhmk Vv. Mile vanity, in rather liking to be tk-mfkt the hero of Monday night' demoostraitou, which a approvtd of aad participated In. to a legal extent only. He was not la the secret, and acted on that occasion, as many others Hd, from their owa Impulses, and paid their own snooey to go there. It weut off so well oa that occa-taat half the people In th house kaowing any nln about such matters, took it for granted it was all ii foIk which was rather fortunate circumstance, Jo By particular attention of xne puwie and the authorise to ike writer of this." Thi la a contained ia the letter of Mr.

Steven of avnr general Interest or Importance, Th whole makss three colnjap, the fW, GmzttU. An insane woman, named Magnan. reaidinr BtUlBObdl. and ianiul 1- 1 Tb weraaa ana thro tae children were reamed br hr child periahed. ntaarmaa, aad th BEOOKLTN CITY.

Niwe CiTHtaijro" Patrick McGowan waa examined before as ice Aing, yteraay morning, on a charge of bigamy, aad committed for trial at tbe next term of th Court of Seoaton. Front the evidence it ap- oesrs tbst be waa married La New-York, on ths 4th of anrii. lt50. to ob Julia Hogan, whh whom lived aooot a year, then left her and emigrated to the City of Churches, where he was smitten with tbe charm of a Mrs. Lnffy, in Green-lane, and in process of time mar ried th widow, which made hiin lneteataneously tb father of three hopeful children, tbev being the eneum brancea of the aew wife.

Tbt caae is hut a sample of toe numerous case that have been before our Courts within the last fsw months, and instead of the crime diminishing it increases, tbe cry being "su'l taey come." Several other casca will corns un within a few days, so that from all appearances our Court will have plenty of Duames lions No Fulton-street was entered a few nights stnee by a burglar who stole the ret nun a black coat with silk facings, a gold locket and a California hat, beside several other articles of some value, are iniormea that officer YVbiteburet of tbe first Police found: no less than fiueen doors unfastened in Fulton street, one sisht this week. If this is tbe esse, and there caa be no coubt of it, no surprise naght to be manifested, if in the morning, house-keepers find nttie trinket ana in-dispensibles minning, with such inducement held out to those naturally disposea to appropriate iu men vrwu ue what does not belong to tbeiu A mah, givirg his name aa John Brown, has been arrested iu this city, charged with obtaining money undertake pretenses. His operat.ons have been con-riucud by advertising tore'erks, and when answered he appoints an interview, and agrees fe employ, by the ap plicants placing into his bands a certain sum or security fbr their good conduct. After obtaining their money he discbargea them, without returning the se curity, in this way, ne nas made it quite prouiaaie. lie haa been taken to New-York tor examination.

John A. Williams, Harriet Williams and Sarah Kemlett. were arrested at Gravesend, yesterday, by Constable John Oliver, and brought before Justice Hubbard, on a charge of stealing a large number of fowls, the Drorjertv of Mr. Aaron Jamicsoii. They were tally committed by the Justice to stand trial ath Court of Sessions.

The Eleventh Ward Temperance Alliance held a meeting last evening, in Navy-etreet, at the Methodist Cburcb. It was well attended, snd some excellent addresses were made. Tbe temperance men in this Ward will render a good account of their atewardsnip in due time. WILLIAMSBURG CITY, School Boabd of Finance This Board met last evening at the City Hall, present presiding His Honor Mayor fisaar, and a quorum of members. Tbe minutes of several previous meetings were read and approved.

An invitation waa received from the Trustee of the First Ward, inviting tbe members to be present at the exsminations of Schools in that Ward. On motion, tbe minute of the present -meeting were read and approved. This being the last meeting of this Board, Ilia Honor Mayor JJerry returned hi thanks to the members for tneir general deportment and attention to business, while he had tbe honor to preside over their deliberations. The Board "hen adjourned ie du. New Gatherings.

A Court Martial assem bled, on Wednesday evening, at tbe City Hotel, to try Captain Marcy. Alter organizing, the Court adjourned over to Monday evening next. The members of the Court are: Captain Burnett, of the Fourteenth Regi ment, President Captain Ilooglanrf, of tne Thirteenth Regiment, and Cantata Caliban, of the Brigade Staff: Alexander McCue, Judge Advocate. We hear of numerous complaints being msde everv day by parties who reside in ibis city and do business INew-l ork, or the irregularity or the Terry-boats. Yesterday morning in particular, between 6 and 7 o'clock, there was not a boat left the Williamsburg side lor some forty minutes, to tbe great detriment of all clsesen, particularly mechanics.

This can and should be remedied it would be tor tne interest oi an parties. Three of the Counterfeiters, John Eifert, and his two journeymen, Helder Brutnmer and Lud wig, were brought before Justice Boswell, yesterday morning. They gave bail td apgear lor tiial at the next term of the Court of Sessions. A boy named Jacob Boslett was arrested, yesterday, for assKultirg and feriously injuring another boy, named James Fogany. He was torn.

uuicd, to await tue result if ine injury. The female department of School No. 1 In the First Ward, will be examined this afternoon, at 21 o'clock. Tne Senior Clave will be examined iu the evening, commencing at "1 o'clock. 1 The Common Council did not meet on Wednesday evening, no quorum having assembled.

MlSCELLAiMEOUS. rpO VOCALISTS ORATOP AND THE PTJii--1 LIC Acidulated Isn gas and Uelatine Lrftzengns prepared by the subscribers, are recomuieuded surpassing every other swett meat or medtcin! for the following lor tne iotio wing the most nntrit'oni I ulaDtetl for tbe sick, I (neb. thty clear and I reaswm: Tuey are comiMweu of two of ingiedieiits ia nature are emiuentiy ad ink'ead of ie It betides ro strength the voire. elievedr nf in tbe mouth and ttiroat. am) protect ti.e and turiVat from cld Parents, from recent experience of unocojs hucredien't being combined in sweetmeats, must be convinced th' tnese ouly can bs given to chi'tlreu, front being miirri and not injuring 'he teeth or constitution Supplied only to raspecta-ble drnggiatt by tbe munafxrtmers.


in charge of our own "SPECIAL MEoSEAUKK," and freigbt aeut to deklination. All rofd with invoices must be ten, in on or before Sat-uiday 3l No charge for Custom-Ko jse fees, or Consular certificates. Packages to be put up it ex-proof, aed not to exceed 125 lus. weight. Email parrea reeriyed till one day of nailing.

al-3l BEht'OKD fc No 2 Vesey-st Aator House. GENERJkL. MININt AOKStY TO POMP.4-NIK8ANDPKR50NS WITH MINING ENTERPRISES The i-uhs -nher. a scientific ai practical miner, completed a geological survey and ran. nation in "alilori.ia, for the Govrmoiaut of the m'f States.

bgs to g-ve notice that he hs jiti ished an iflice in this City snd is ready to attend to explorations, examinations, eiaays. plans, mp drawinxs, supnnnt-nilen-cies and information of s'l mils in co'iiirction wuh Miaiui; business. M. J. UHITZNEK, It Buihtinrs, nil, 'nr of Wi.liHtu-st Reference.

Richabd Kimball. Esq aMaw6f PROr. THOMPSON'S OftRIS and MYRRHTOOTH SOAP, cleans, wkiteua, and preserves the tee from decav, til's tbe Aximaleuiie that infect thm, puritiei the nioufu aed breath, aud'gives a nea'tnv ruddy color to the gams Givs it a trial. Sold in Hir dres.inr atoms, and where fancv goods are sold. Depot romoved to tlie original tiazor Ctrop Man's Btcre, coiner of and and a3-StFaCu iTe MOST UNIQUE ASH ELEGANT MAR-Kr IN THE STA1E OF NK YOhK ba just been op ia BriMiklyn, at the correr of Middnrh ai.d by Blr JAMES a praci -tl butcher, of innny yais exierirnce, whose meat, of evert detcripiion.

are not ta be excelted iu the world. Fih. ryuters, rnw and poultry may he obtained there of the verv fin.nst qualify. Kvetvions bo gives this n.arket a cali. mutl be aatiafied.

'if New Glo'ws Celestial aad Tirrestial 16 cha diame'er, cutai ing alt ths Uta oiscovenea. si having the stars of the first avcnd snd third meiuitudea. colored Prepared bv CH ARcE COP- Lt, i uk puuuaneu, and lur aale nt whoiesais a id retail. 1 K. It O.

LU MT. a-Jw4w No. 11) Water at. WOLDSTEIN II ECKEL The eninent Opti tl ci-nsfroin Geriuany, have removed irom No. 413 to No.

451 Broadway. Having their in assuiiog in pfrtct or impaired vision, we are to speak warmly ia its favor. I heir micsrnscopeii, opera g'aues, spectacles Ike ara unsurpassed Tribune. 2 14 OREIGN EXPRESS AOESCY. Our partner, lefidrnt-in Pans, who ill leave ou SA rUKDAY.

in the PACIFIC, will receive ordersand atteud toanv business that roty te euliusted to him whether in Ki gland or on the Continent. LIVINUiTON, WELLS at CO m31-tA3 No. 6 Wall-St GRASS SEED WAREHOUSE. CLOVERS-laree and aoibll. Red and White, prime new.

TIMOTHY reaped aud niowea: new crop. RED TOP, Orchard grass Seeds, Ate, be, constantly bought and sold on commisioo by HENRY BEACH. No. 6 Front-st. FLAXSEED, rough and cleaned, for drugciMs nse and sowing.

nxoaXy on hand. rn24-laieod LOT OF FINE DIAMOND snd other JEWEL-RY, of ths best s'jls and quality, suitabls fir ihs best City or Califu- nia trads, will be offered, reas ia Ex-rhu ee for city nropertv below Yo kvi le. Some nrranee-lt eut nint be aide before May. Addieaa REAL EST A fE. cff'ce of this pajer.

al-3. Aai person having a tract of Land, situated It 10 nuiti or lest from ths city, on North or Ksl River, or on some Railroad, suitable for -a Village, caa dispose of the same bv apnljing either peraooally or oy etter, to JOHN A. JUAAIU1CU, No. Hit Wst betweeu aad Ith avenues. m24-lm LMIESH SEEDS A variety Caahflower Seeds.

CabSire, Turnips, Peas. Herbs, just received fro London, wi'h an aftortment of other Garden and Field Set Us. For sale by RALPH at No. 2 Fuitoa-st al-3f Near Fultoa Market. LAWN GRASS A choice mixture f-r Lawna; also, Ei tub aud Italian Kay Grata, WUite lover.

Lucerne, Se5. Plmts. Fruit Trees gi-. For ele at the lJIOJ? AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE AND SEED gTtKE. No 21 near FmIiob Market.

al-3t CA2li BAGtllNQ. CANVAS, TnPPVJ.n0 CUPNOf, GRASS and TARRED RrjPK. aid all other hinit of paper makers' stock, bv mil -2m CYRUSW. FIELD stto" No 4Beinan-et. VRlTINO PAPER.

A large and vary desirable ai-11 soiltueut, lor by 1 BABCOCK, DUBCISfSO HALL. No. tliFalten-st. ON CONSIGNMENT 30 bbls K. meal; 1.

lbs dried plains bbls ci brandy. Foraa I SKAATS A No. 1 ater-st. nl-3t tot S. TANS TO JOBBERS AND COUNTRY DEALKstS i.

ot received, several cases of FANS from Paris A very laigs assortment of every kind ajwavsoe hand FANS. Krr-t KIPLING. No Maiden-lane. fVEWS AND BOOK PKLNTINO PAPafR 1 a stantly on hand and mads to order ay B17-2m CTRUS W. FIELD ft No 11 nitT-at, ItWIN WHAPPl.tO PAPER, BAGGING AND YARD 61 ICRS fTsstebv xotf-lm EDWAKD M.

DUNN. No 41 DovsA OLD COLON CUT NAILS. Tot sale bv at J. BUSSING A No. CLS-et Agents Old Colony Iron Co la SUEEP-SailN MATS, fancy rotors, far Sals bv EDWARD M.

DUVlf. No 41 Dev-et. IWS AND BtHilt PRINTING PAPER, eon 11 aa haad, and goads to ordsr, by ttAXkorir nrsmearis DIM. pie 19 snail warrant pur, eomrtaar BUt-lBl G. WALKER.

Ko SUI JaSOSW AT, ATTORNtt and OOCHT vesijaB Aaw na UOMMIStUONCT of DK.ri nslsssssarshii ete. mthuf JOSaUU VTAX.TER, IMPORTER Os JEWELRY MOOMNe. 4. lUIbi U. Ul SrsaAirv.

Rew-TagA. WAWTED. a 'awver's ofTice who write a I good haad. Aiic'ress. bsx at ta office ef ihi paper.

ta ef applicant. AD WASTED- Aa aettve. tellirat lad. 14 to aj years ot sge, wao cse wine iir wrm sasssagss. aad atake 1.

The mojt osexceptioeabls rsfsreaees isnairsd. Address Box No. 4 87 CALEtMe.t WASTED -rw 8 ve rate lass J5 aaiuea. weU acoeauti with ths city retail dry goods I rv maa aa rr- r. md.l at No.

Ml Or aad-St. aS-lt WkHT Vk i nw tmrn .1. yiUAllU.3 IO tast ssd Catholic ServasU. males and females, of rood rhaiuMtr end every domestic station, ax the 8lect Pro tectant Asescy." No. 7 Caxaune-st and Society Agency No.

114 Cham bars- St. ga3s-6l BOOKKEEPER where evenings are diengagsd would like a ael oi Bnoaa in write up is a nro rau iiman would lot object to; doing writing of any kind terms moderate, addresa J. B. at this oifics a2-Zt 4 CLERK WASTED ta a Country SVre. about Xa.

mil. iiora New- York on tn jw-rtvea ttiirosa. a yonng man ot good address, and who has had apeuence preferred. lAddress a note to L. st this office, stating terms an lull particulars.

a r.vtrt Agents it) to IM a J. waea susde in sailing asw Faml Work. Lite and epceehes of Kossutb atd oteer due hooks Call or address -1 1 I.1.. V.1.-W I2s jNassas-st. new 10 up BOARDING.

T)OARDI7iO. Pleaiant rooms smtbls for famines or JL ingle tientlemen. may be ob aiaed at No. ISC Fultoa st Orange aad Pineapple st'a, Brooklyn. mtS-lm itlKllVliItiiiil.TU LET Without boar I to one or two stnrle n'lemen.

from the 1st of May n.xi two rooms on tbe third floor ot a houte. in one of the ruit desirtble location! in the Seventh Wnrd. Addrsra, Box No. I.li8 Post-Uflice, w.tb name and addieaa. ax tt- RAISBWW HOTEL AD DlMJiO ROOMS iSo.

27 N. T. tnli 1m W. J. HO WELL.


S. Arthur, complete ia one volume. Pries 25 cents This totv haa been running through the columns of th Saturday Evening Post where it ha proved to be one oft' most popular worka that avsr appeared in the columns of any newspaper in tba country. Before it was nail compists tbe back aunbers containing ths beginning of it could not be obtained at any price, which induced tha publisher to ir-sue it entire, so as to place it in the hands ot ever) one. Alo just published, KABPEK'S MAGAZINE, FOR APRIL.

KNICKERBOCKER MAGAZINE, do. INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE, do. JOB PIPPINS, by Docglss Jerro d. All ths new and cheap publications as toon as issued. BUNCE a BROTHER.

Pualishers, No. 134 opposite Clinton Hall. THEOLOGICAL AND LITERARY JOURNAL, l4 D'TED BY DAVIU N. LORD; pttblllbed by I FRANKLIN KNIGHT, No HO f.sssaa-tt., at a Jtir. CONTENTS OF NO XVI.

Abt. I Genesis, and tri Gsological Thxobt or the Age ok ths Eabth. 1 1 at theory contradicts the intpired reprsiantation of the pf-nod of the creation. It is admitted by some geologists to be inconutent with the fHorajc record. Tl inai.eauarv of tha bvpotheaia advanced to reconcile it to the history in Generis Juipoitance ot tne whether the theory ia true.

Geo ory not a demons ta ive tcience Gcotciiiiita not alore entitled to dixen tha question 1 heir tbeorv of the are ef the fuundad on Mb pot hesis, not on facts I as princip es ot geology. The theorv of tbe vast re ef the world in rontrmd.rtlon with the history of the crea ioa of the beavens. earth, and llitoulbefnt ilkT itn the hiklory of tne creation or ths atmospnere. ith tke himorr of the foruialun of teas and dryland. aid the creation if vegetablts.

nh ths act hy which the heavealy orbs wefs mads to detem.ine tbe dais, seaM-b ai jears. ith the creation of animals snd man. Vi justifiable endeavors to force the aacrsd narrative into liartiK ti with their thory. Their theory inconsistent with their own principles and the farts of the s-ien art II. The SABiuTH ann its Modeen Assailants.

Ey K. Vi Dickinson, Art. Ill utOGXtss of the Nineteenth Centvbt. ly Kw. Inglis.


Tits Figueative Chabactbb or the Sacked n'BlTiaos. By K. Pond. D.D. AST.


The Fourteenth No. of this brilliant Quarterly Journal of Medi cine and Surgery is now ready and lor sale at 25 cents, by G. AURIANCE. SHERMAN at No. Aator House.

I he A ondon La meet remarks Flashing, spi-ited and hu morous, he Scalpel is as interesting as a novel; and is equally fascinatipg to be general ai.d professional reader. ALSO. EI THE SAME AUTKOB. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON DISEASES OF THE fl.XUAL SYSTEM Coutainiur a cini let review of the Origin, byniptr.nis and Treatoient of every known Disease, pp. 215.

price (1 Tbe London Lancet anu BmtoB and New-it oik Journals, remark Dr. Dixon haa placed the pro'es-icn and the community under great oh'irationa by this excellent Direst It abounds in practical aud srieutilie. trnlh, and he has attracted attention to everv pae in tbe book." ALSO BV TUB KtMI. WOMAN AND IIKH From the Cradle the Grave, t.age 350. price gl Th office of th SOALPKLia at No Astor Houre.

All literary and professional communications must be addnssed to tbe Editor's rrsideuee. No. 112 Grand-ct 2 doora west of Broadway Office hoars from IS to 3 snd 7 to 9. evenine nS-Ineod THE LOGIC OF MATHEMATICS. BY PROFfcfFOR CHARLES DaVIES Price $1,50.

This is sn elaborate lnquirj iito tU mental portioa of by one of the nioM ahe men tue couutry has prodnced, and lis, as Profsor of hs science a West Pi iht, has probablv done as much to ttdv.mce hu coantry's name and It me ss anv lirii man There ia scarcely a Railroad or Cabal in ths United State, on hi his pautlsbave But been employed and every but'e in Menc was g-eally contributed to by men who, abbots, he had instructed in the key science all thrirart The book is n'it a ere niathemaiical work, but ore yielding the greatest of all pleasures, the mastering of a nsw idea to every ta nning render. Davies has entirely the trandati us lnn the rench iui, snd the book espeak of, we tt ink the bet. the character with which we are acquain-td Ogdenskurg Aornrao Nrtus." Puhlisdby A. BA RN Ktt CO No. 51 John at Pulilithers of Davies' entire coarse of Maihcava'ics for Scrools.

Academies hi olleres m2i et.ds.Wlf tMtft tLfcCTRO-METALLURGY, NOW READY. ELKMEN IS BF ELECTRO METALLURGY, by Alfred, F. Surgeon to Bark of Icrlard, Ate. fcc 1st American, from 3d Lnadoa Edition revited snd enlireed. with numerous vkI cots and -electrotypes Subjects treated are Galvanisn, the Properties of Galvan Batteries Additional Sources of Voltaic I'owr; Heclro-Metalcrey of receiving 'he Mital'ic Las regulating ths duct ion ot Mttals: Electio Gilding; Silver-plating, Itc Various A pplira'iona of tbe leduc ion of Gil vaLiim; The Klectiorjpe: Gsrlvaui Etching; Electro Disropnve oltaie Blasting.

1 vol cloth, $1 15 JOHN WILT Y. Pnnlijhrr. No It Park-place. Jl'ST UBLtH ED MAHAN'S CIVIL F.NG1NEEKINQ. 6th edi'ion.

with additional matter and plates. I vol Si at-3t JAMES'S TVTEW CHAFMIVO NOVEL-Third Kiitton nowretdy. 1 A STORY WITHOUT A NAME. By G. P.

U. Jimes, Lq. Price 371 ctnts It decitiecly one of ths root-t finished of the autner ous works of this popular aud fort' le Borelist, James hat rawn few characters of more surpassing loveliness lha the heroine, Emily Hartiuga; nor has he ever tbe converse of all we admire in wi man, wit a nol-lur hnoi than the portrait he exhibits in fills rlazleton. The male sracteis. ton, stand ont in his i ictorial group, iutlivitluat-ized and charactered The story is, aa is usual with this writer.

Obs of absorbing snd nevr-r-flaggiug interest Ia this peculiar charm of a novelist's w.wer James is certaialy a aster in his art, and this last effort of kit geatns show an undiminished and an appareutN inexhaustible capability of ii.CDtive power Hcnie Journal 22t STRINGER It TOW NSEND, No Broadway. MISS CHESEBHO'S NEW BOOK. WILL BE PUBLISHED ON THURSDAY, APRIL tl I ISA. A PILGRIMAGE. Bv Caroline Cheaebro, author of Dreaui Land by Day Light.

In oue vu.uma, ltmo. The stele is vigorous as well at luxuriant, a'gumenta-t ve as well as imagiuauve, and cttrriesa wi aud weird Ill to tbe heart of the rentier Home Journal On Sainrday, DREAM LAND BY DAY LIGHT. Ferand edition Py Canlme Cheaebco. lu one volune. Umo.

Price II 15. Published by si 31 J. 8. REDFIELD, Clinton Hall rI'0 RAILROAD CONTRACTORS OFFICE I ILLINOIS CENIRAL RAILROAD, New-Yobb, March 15, 1853 SEALED PROPOSAL will be received at the effee of tbe Chief Fpgineer, in the City of Chicago, Illinois, for tbe Masonry, Bridging- aud Superstructure, or eithei of them, with or without ms erials, on ths follow ing divisions of the Illinois Central Railroad, to wit: First division, frnti Cairo to Big Muddy River. 60 miles seroLd do from Big Muddy River to Township No.

1, north of the bass line of the thi'd principal meridian, 53 les; sixth do, from Blocaiiigon to the Illinois River. miles; etgh' from Freeport to Dubuque, CT miles ninth rum Chicago to Kaikasee River, 55 miles tea do from Karkakee River to UHana, 7 miles. The proposals must be for the entire length of each civuiua, anu will be received at the flics in Chicago, aa follows For the ninth aiid ttnth divisions, until April 15, 1152. at nom for the sixth division, until Apri' ti, 18i2, at noon for taa efghtb division, rntil April 19, 1852, at noon; for the first and sec-end divisions, nn'tl May 27, 152 at noon Profiles, plans, and aysrojimst esttn.a eaof quantities wil be ready for tnspecUoD. ai.d black forma for and statements midr andtsimsof payment, will be furbishel at th office, ever the Netr Yoiik and New-Haven Railroad Passenger Station No 33 Caual-st New-Yok'Cilv, and at the t.ff.t of the Chief Engineer in Chicago, Iiiin'Jia, on aad af-ttr hi arch 15.

IS52. The same, so far as relates to ths first ar.d second divisions, mat also be found at J-mesboro. Union County. Illinois; to the ainu division at Lasalle County. Illinois: and to the eight vision at Freeport, Stepbtasoa County.

Illirois. Serarate propoeals will also be recmed at Chicago uati) th mm of Msy, for famishing Ties. Plank. Bridge Timber, and Pilea for the hole ot nay part of tbe Read. Spec orations may be obtained an and after the 1st of April.

It58. by application at the office of th. bief Engineer la Chicago. Salutiactory references will in aU cases be required. B.

MA AON. Eiicineer-tn-Cnier Tlliania f.rl i Il'inoia papers please copy aad send a paper to No Hangover t. New-York. na24-tatyl BROWN ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GI.V0ER, Travslitr lraring for California are recommeadsd te pr-VK with lets valuable esveeee. as it eflectaaily preventa the bad effects of cbaare of water, cli-xuau, whick'they are exposed.

No traveler aaoald fssriihoatit Cat TIon Persons desiring aa article that can be relied noei, prei ard solely from the pare Jamaica Ginger. ahonUI be particular teesa for Btoaa's Kasei.ce Jnoaeien Ginger," wbu-b is warranted t-e what It is reuresented. aad is prepared only by FREDERICK B-O aad sale at fcisDrug stdChemKl atore, corner of ith and 4 Philsdelph and for sa'o ia New-York bv A. J. Dla'onr.

No. 15 Wall ot Reohtoa. Clarke ft Co No. 11 Broadway. No ta Astor Hoaso, and No 173 Irving Hon.

John Milaan, No. Is3 Broadway; f. C. Wells It N. tST t'b avenue.

satl I and" a -HE PKAtTICE OF ECONOMY is as valaablo I to a ay suan as finajng a nch placer in California, aad ot th fint rale of Ua coaomy is is to get everything good, aad at aa low a price as Therefore, tree seoBomists goto THOMPSON. No. 115 Broadway, te get their Da nrrrec-ti pes taken. becaee there they esn get a brst-raie likeaeu for half the aaoae tAsv can at any other tstnb'tahaneet. A good Dag awrreotype haea si.

inrlssal ta a asndaoas rasa, st fifty cents. 3. W. THOMPSON, IgarTa Artist. anaWtV iS.

Ill Broadway, TO LET. IT OUSE TO LET. A three story aad base neat asoaV oiwiiir, is room ana is penman 4 cMmXm. gaarble mantle. Blwmc-doora, a healthy loca- 4 J2h 12 te 2 o'clock, or i.wwij.1, HSW.f SIX.

nazl-et HOLSE TO LET A first class foarstory brews soa front house, with every convenience. No. 31. ia Ud st near 5th av )nrt nauhing to no ready lata ApnL Alee, howse No. 177 lSth-st near St Mark 'a Cbar-k.

ia trerfect order. Apply unmodiately to LYON A TORRCY, No 31 al-2t HOUSE TO RENT-No. in West 23d modem built white marble front, 2 nmai deep on 1st and td stories, with all the modern inirmeswsU). Rent SS2V. Apolvte CHAS, SAMOKD, No.

3 Cedar, or toU. D. FRENCH. No. 121 Naasaa-at.

mn-ot SOUSE AND LOTS TO LET, between Broadway and Btta-av a pleasant place, lanre booee. carnage house, 1 lots of ground" dewed, at reduced rent The 5Ioore At O'Keefe stage pass Ia-quirs of E. VAN A KEN, on ths premises. mJl-6t HOUSE TO LET IN RYE. near the Railroad station, and but a short ride from Rye Beach, to a respectable family; three rooms with pantnes: six bedrooms, wicn a light dry cellar and garden, Ac Iaqai-e oa the premises.

m2-7tod PURDY. HOUSE IN NEWPORT. R. TO LET. A Kl house situited in a very desirable pan of tho tuwa of rvewoorr, win ne renreti tor tne summer months.

Apply to Mrs PIERCE, No. 6 Newport either by letter or verbally. a2-2t HOUSE TO LET No. 34 Barclay-at Store to be altered to suit tenant. Apply only to T.

J. HALL. No. 21 Broadway, between 9 aad 11 o'clock, where plan eta be sera. m29-tf HOL SE TO LET.

Th large four story house corner Warren -piece aad replete with convenienses, and ill be put rood order Apply to al 61 W. DUNNING, No. 411th av. HOUSE TO LET A pleadid 3-story House ia i itzroy-place, between 1th aid ath-avewiea. Apply to Ial-t3 W.

DUNNING, No. 41 tth-av. DWELLING-HOUSE IN BROOKLYN TO LET I toe three-story Dwelling-house. No. 10 CTin-ton-st State-st.

Inquire of i. Al. CHAUNCEY, No. 11 Urooklya. or at No.

261 Peart-st. New-York. May be seen from 12 to o'clock. mil 6t TWO GOTHIC COTTAOES AT CLIFTON, STATEN ISLAND. TO LET Situated within ten minutes walk of Vasderbilt's Ferry, with a fine view of the City and Bay.

Both nearly new, wita a fins Garden Plot, Kitchen Ranges. Marble Mantles, and every convenience lur GeLteel Families. Rent. 325 for one and $425 for the other. Apply to WM.

B. TOWNoEWD, No. 1 Pins st. al It OUNTRY RESIDENCE TO LET. A dsair-ahle Country Residence, pleasantly situated in the village of Mrtucbtn.

N.J., withia two ninutea' walk of the depot, where trains constantly aas Metucbin i 15 miles or li hours' ride by railroad from the t-'ity of New York. The Louse contains six rooaus, three with fire places. Garden and every convenience for a small family. Rent $65. Ajplyto C.

C. CAMPBELL. No. 6s Wil lain-st. m31 4t LARGE ROOM TO LET la the seeond-stery of the building at tbe junction of the Bowery and containing about 3 6b square ftet.

and well adapted for a clothing establishment, or other similar business requiring large space Also, several spacious, well-lighted rooms ia the upper stories, suitable for offices and light manufacturing purposes. Possession may be had immediately. Inquire i rue premises. mJ7 6t ROOMS TO LET, CHEAP. Croton water in the aooms To families witheut children S3 to St Also stores, with Isrge windows and reoms.

from SIS te S12 tood stand for barber, tailor, shoemaker or pluuibar In-qnne in the fonr-ttory brick building! on 11th between 43dand44th-tU. al It OIR ROOMS TO LET. FonrJame and desirable riioai ob the aeco'id ituirof No. 2d7 end 299 Ilroail- war.fnest sids.l'nnely lightsc. The two rooms ia each number, can be thiowa into one, cne hundred feet deep.

al-ol GUULU at BAhHI, No. 237 BroaUwsy. APARTMENTS TO LET IN BROOKLYN To a email family, without children. Inquire of K. RICH ARDS, No 42 New-York.

a2-2t CEl'OSD FLOOR TO LET In Timer Building, No. oi two streets Inquire of Ne. 118 ivassan st in Dssemsni ai-tl STORE IN BROADWAY TO LET. In the most eliaioie location for wholesale or iobbmr buainesa or. tbe lease for sal.

Apply to HOMER MORGAN, No. 1 riae-st al tf nno MANUFACTURERS Several eligible rooms, A (one HiWft) WHO sTAM POWER, ru L.1ZT. in the bmldiDS No Dnaue at. Inquire in the basement, of tne cngiaeer, or oi LUAa. I AHM, jr mJl if No.

117 Faitoa-st. FOR SALE. FARM FOR A LE At a treat bargain at Northport, L. 1 oiiO mile from the steamboat landine. on Lour Island consisting of furtv or sixty acres of rood Uil- ab land, house, barn and outbuildings, fruit trees and Sood spring of water.

For further particulars, inquire of LEWIS, No. 11 Peck-slip, New-York, for three dsys. IT'OR SALE, OR TO RENT, IN NEWARK. N. within four minutes walk of the Railroad Depot, and by Railroad.

within thirty-fire minutes of New-York The bouse contains twelve rooms. Lot 52 feet by 118 feet, having fine Vegetable and Dower garden, fruits of various kinds, tc Will be sod on very favorable terma. if applied for soon. For further informal ion, uiauire at No 17 Newark, or AI. W.

DODD. Uookseller, Brick Church Chapel, New-York. a2-3leod IAhftl ON STATEN ISLANl Foa SALE Si'uateo 7 "miiea fram Vaiderbiit's Landiu. miles from Port Richmond, 1 mm RossviiJe, and lj from Prince's Bar. churches, and stores within titteen rain utta'waik The farm csstains fiftyaerrsof lai and in 'he highest possible cultivation fenca'i in the beat manner, excellent eiling, JJiil.

two built in modern style. It rooms, cellars, pantries. ore of tbe best barns ia the county, besides a inerous ost bottdes. Tbe place is stocked with stsry variety shrubbery, fruit snd forest trees Abundance of fish near Tns neighborhood is most (tesirshle. For a rent eman who wishes a farm and lehidence midn to his hand, there can be none nio-e desira ble Apply to W.

B. TOWNSEND. No 1 Piue st. al 3t UPPER SltlKRISANIA Hour and Lot for Sale, cheap A House aud Lot. 100 feet square, oa the com-r Fortbarr-av.

and Iloms-st wi'hiu two minutes' walk of tbe Depot, suitable for a Gr-Hsery or any other requiring pubc tboronghfare Terms easy. For pari-culars, inquire of A. BROW ER, No 19 Crjsby.t., New-York or ef T. ANDERSON, on tbe premises. HOUSE IUK SALE.

In Stamford, Conn pleasant situation, late the residrrceof la ic Vsrdirell. de ceased, coDS'stiug of a lrge two-story dwelling house barn. ate. itn twenty two acies or lann. oivtuea into meauow, pasture aad plow land, and has on it fifty-two aptle and a VKnety of other fruit trees.

It situated half a mi from the New-York aiid New-Haven Railroad Depot Stamford. nd has a commanding view oi tr viuare or aintortl. Stamford Harbor and Long Island run 1 For farther particulars, II quire of RUFUS WARD -ILL. m3S 121 in btarniora NEW VILLAGE, accessible several times a day. both by atages and steam boat is situated withia eieht miles of tne Oty Hill, opposite Harlem, on the College Poiut and Flushing Bay.

near Flushing and acjomirg the village of 8t rait on port, which sold so readily last spring, and is nw bui ding quit fast; is idiu oufc on iuc SBU.O s.aie, i ue ui uuis piv ci iuioi-tecting each other snd 'will, from its commanding ailua-t-ou. at no distant period, be one of the priaotpal ses'pirts in the viriiiity of New-Yoik The lots vary ia siie, from two to four rity lots in price from $125 to S150. Ihs terras are 175 down, and ths rest in installments of $14; which enablts every person, however circumstanced, to ra his own landlord, it likewise otters su inancsment ro ins 1-npital'st rarely met with aa there ia no douot. judging Lbs past, out mat liiis property win, in sit us sen at twictr the price now asked be trig exceedingly hea.thr, sr.d surrounded by scer.ery which cannot be surpasl, tn- b-acing views of the East River, village of Flushing. Hiker a'i rrisania, ork Island, ths Palisade Ko'ti, and I Monntama to West Point, making it one of tne I Oiott ares lor renotnce tiat can be una-inea N.

B. A few-lots unsold at SlratU npcrt. price taa Any perton wishing to purchase at the above places, are re-inu s'ed to call at the ofilce, where maps and every information will be cheerfully given JOHN A. FLAM HER, No. 157 West llth-st between 7th and 8th-ava.

Ail paymsnts for Sirattopr-rt and Fhuumershurs; lota must be mads per-iial'y to JOHN A. FLAMAIES. Oflice hours, trom 1 to IP. ST. Maps can seea and had at the following p'aces: Milltr, No 15 Chambers st.

T. Lent, fit. 7 p. Richardsm, No 153 Ith-av P. Heejty, No.

2U5 iiowery: Joseph Thaler, No 44 Allorney-et; JohnO. Flm-aier. No. 31 Mott-at. at Parson's Heal Estate Agency, No.

i-1 T-rnadway; and at the Coninumion Agency Office, No. tub Briradwny, Room No. 23, np-stairs. mls-lm PROPERTY FOR SALE, at very low prices, on terms to suit purchasers. 1 hree beau t.ful brewn ttone tlmel tng houses.

situatd on the corner ol Bridge and Willoiighby streets. 21x40 feet, 3 storys, basements, sub cellar and attic, with enclosed piazzas, finished with every modern improvement as firet class booses all arork in the very boat atyle; size of lots iilxibO feet. A Uo 3 brick houses, with stores, on the southerly side of Fulton aveuae corner of Navy street, 4 stories, cellar and bark tasement, 11x49 feet; sues of lots 21x90 feet, all finished in the best stvle. 4 brick dwelling houses on Navv street corner of Fulton svenoe, 3 stories, basement and sob cellar, 20x49 feet, finwhed iu th best style; size of jo's 20xHl feet. Cne dwelling house on Sta'e street.

173 feet ff ra Nsrint street. 3 stories, basement snd sub 25x41 feet, finished in the best style; size cf lot 25x9e feet. The sbove houses il be finished en or before tbe uth day of April. Also vacant lots for sa in fferent psrta of the city. All of the above pronerty is beautifully situated in healthy lo-cstiona Person's wisbmg to purchase will fiadittotheir sdvanfsre to caT oa GEORGE W.

BHOWN. or J. Rt-W4 RTH, No. Bond atrset near Fulton avenue, for par-ticulara. ma-lane- S5TONY BROOK COTTAGE AND FARM POR SALE lath town of Rte.

plesrantly situated on ths Boston Turnpike, one and a half ilea from the railroad d6-not at Mamaroneek. 1 here is a good dwelling, or rattage. with laws, inclosed with elegant fences a aauUsome, spacious carriage house, barn and etabe alep tenant- house. All tie buildings are in complete order and aewry painted, will require no repairs lor ma or years. There are about tinrii acres of land, suitab divided into orehaids and mea corns, there ia also aa abundance fine shade and fruit Uses about the dwelling, an excellent garden, ko.

Stony Brook is the northern boaudaryef the farm, and farms apie-truerqae pond near th dwelling. A road leads directly to the Sound, distant half smile, where is rood boating aud fi.hina fcye Beach is ia the VrCini'y which ss scarcely surpassed for bathing purposes. Beautiful roads and fins rives in sveiy direction. There at several tas huiidiag sites on ths farm, commanding views of the Sound. For a person oong I' mine as ia NewYork.

or for a summer residence, bis place offera many attractions. Inquire of HO Mat a MORGAN. No. I Pine st. m25-lf LAND WARRANT bought and sold, aad Bounty Land Pension ai.d other claims arajn-t th United States promptly attended toby GEO.

WOOD WAN, Counselor at-Law, Notary Publie. Commismoaer for Wisconsin, No n. a. at 27-1 COPARTJ C'pXRNERSUIP- Th UBderstgned aaviaa; formed a copartnership, aad urehascd th booksellteg busiaeaa ef JOSEPH BK1TTAN. ia ths MercBasts' Exchange, hop to receive the patrosage of thaee accustomed but art to frequent the store.

1 hey intend to odd to the. pretent bosisess tho in port at ton of foreiga book. En-trrcea ob Ilanover-st. Exrhaare-place. r-3f MOORE At HORSPALL.

IV OTIC I hav thia day associated with at r. WM. i H- Hi Lira, as partner ia Bay business, which will keteatrer be cos dec ted under tne name and ana ofBAat-KEH at PHILIPS. K. S.

BAatEB. March 11. 1151. We ill remove th ars day of Msv to No. IJJ nd ni Duaae.corncr Waahisgton sta.

BAKER A PHILIPA ynlr-st U-hUVAL- Th eflSe- of tne Aa-rjeea ss Ict.ras co Company roanored rrosa No 4 Ure new lnanranoe Baildiags. oorner sta. wl.r Aaaaal Reports, PamnalsU. and nh-rmarxa wt-1 be grvan axoaaber and tar tneaas oi t.oinsutausm. ny AtBrr.


47 Broadway, invite th attawtassi ef par. ehssers to thir larg aad varied aeawtsMnt ef goods, which they ofSar. by th piece er reckage. at ItrT CASH PRICES. Thy have aaads tho foUowias eUvMom Utr stock, namely PRINT AND GINGHAM DXPAXTOTNT.

Tender this head will be found a complete aseovtmsmt of domestic and foreign Prints, together with a hmg Ln of Lancaster tad other sty Is of Domestic, Scotch aad Preach Oinghaaas. VOMITS DRESS GOODC DTPABTMXNT. Portsnaoath' aad other styles of Americas, EngVsh aad French Lawna, Baregs aad Moualia Lain. Also a full aad core pi eta display of Epxlia, Stafia and ScocA Printed Good. Shawls, kc WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT.

White Linens, Cambrics, Jaconets, Malls, Lawns, Laces, Edrmg and Inserting Line Shoetixga, Towels, Napkins, Diapers, Axe. aUass Cambne Haadkarchiefs ko. HOSTERT DKPABTMJtNT. A complete assortmsat 'of all grade German aad lish Cotton, Lisl Thread aad SCk Hosiery, Gloves, Uitta, Shirts, Drawers, Silk and Cot tea Hannlks.clue 'a, Cravata, kc, k. MKN18WKAR dkpaRTMKNT.

Cloths, Cassuneres, Testings, Tweeds, Satinets, Jeans, Cottoa, Linea-aad Worsted Goods, for rammer wear, including Blsy Linens, Linen Drillings, Cottoa Pantnloaaery, together with the Trimminga and Linings therefor. DOMESTIC GOODS DEPARTMENT. Brown and Bleached Sheetings aad Shirtings, Drills, Bod Ticks, Colored Cambrics, Cottoa and Woolen Flaaaala, Apron Checks. Bagging, Cotton Yarn. Batts, Wick, Ac, A.

FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Buttons, Combs, Brash ee. Pins, Needles, Hooks and Erse, Spool Cotton, Cottoa and Patent pound Threads, kc, comprising a full assortmsat of what ia oaarally tsrmed "No-tiona," or Sar all Wares. CARPET AND OIL-CLOTH DEPARTMENT. A general assortment of Domestic Carpeting and O0-Clolha, Dmrreta, Rugs, Floor Mats, kc READY-MADE CLO THI NO DEPARTMENT.

Th aseoad story of ear store is entirely devoted to this Departmeat; it in udcr the direction aad management of Mr. William Gardner, whs ia practical in all departments of hi busixsss. Th assortment of Clothing and Shirt is very sitanaivs. Ws shall cob Unas, aa heretoibrs, to ear Clothing- on a CaaniT. Th Head of ou different Departments ars tho wks hav had long experieac in their respective grades of goods as buyeis and sellers; aad they will be happy to aid par-chasers in gaining a correct knowledge of th CasA swins of goods ia this market, anll-lm ACES LACES- TIFFANY A CUTTING.

No. 321 A- Broadway, having completed their arrangements with sent of th largest manufacturers ia Brussels and Paris of ha Lace and Embroideries, will be prepared te exhibit on TUESDAY, March 30. one of the most eomnlete aad varied assortments of Embroideries aad Thread Lao Good ever offered ia thi City. In Laces, will bs found Collars, Capes, Berthes, Coiffures, Scarfs, Shawls, Mantilla, and trimming: Laces, ia Brussels Point, Houiton. and Point d' Alencon, Guipure, aad Mechlin.

Ia Embroideries, Collars( Capes, Chemizettea, Gimps, and Handkerchiefs. Also Trims inga and Insertions of all widths, Thet Goods will be offered at such prices aa must insure taUafaeUon to purchasers. m24-10t READY MADE CLOTHING. FOR CASH OR CREDIT- This department of our business is aader the direction and management of WILLIAM GARDNER, who has had long experience, and is practical aad tasty la this branch of business. We invite th attention of dealer toth style of the stock ptrtioularly.

LIGHT PROFITS a the system we have adopted, being eoavtnced that it Is the aepelar one. Wo are prepared, to grant liberal terms of credit ia this department. We solicit aa inspection of th stock from close buyers. TWEEDY, MOULTON A PLIMPTON, m21 lm No. 47 Broadway.

EW MANTILLAS, SILKS. GRENADINES, Crape A it Paris, Donna Maria. Bareges, Mousselins ds Laioe, Imperial Satin Plaids, printed Jaconets, Lawna, Organdies, Foulards, Canten Crspe. and other Sbnwls ta full assortment Alro, India Shawla helow their valo. Thet good in quality, style aad price, are sure to meet the a rproval of purchasers.

TIFFANY CUTTING, -m7-6t No. Ill Broadway. It EAT SALE OF WET OOODS from the late ttre ia the stors of MKRHITT. BLISS CO at GEORGE KEYS, No. 349 Sth-av between 17th and 13th-sts Ths goods are damaged by Crotoa water only, aad will be scld at one quarter the coat of importation Shailya at Is, cost and wet Batege Delaines Is cost 3s 6d.

Fiench and English Ginghams, 9d. and 1 cost Is.Cd and 2a. plaia Delaines, 6d cost Is. Poplins, la. 6d.

and At 50 cents plain barerea. Is 6d. and cost 45 cents; Lint Gocds and Hosiery, and Gloves, one quarter of the ve ue. a 2-21 1 sAtMAtEJJ 4J4JODS p-ROM THE FIRE IV DRY-1 81 SANDER4 t-URceaaora to 8 BARKER. vn 'M1 txrand have tnat received a large qasantitv of Dtn arrC Gooda from the ate lire ia Dey at, consisting of bar I.

es, barege de laines, l-i ens, Doyle'a table-i s. lit -n sheetinge. kc all of wbica will be. s- Id TO- DAY and lO-AtOhBOW (Fnday and Saturdar) wi'n- ut te-erve. Tie rrea'est bargaina ever offered in this city.

Cuil early and secure the barcaiLS. SANDEKS CO Sacr-srs to S. Barker. No 301 Grand st, US' READY-MADE I'LUTH I sale and retail. No.

S4 Rroadway. The subscribers sti'e lh attention of the publie to their superior s'nek of hos' c'oihii mede up in the most fashionable style, consisting of yrutha' f-ock and asck coats, rounc' jackets, pants and vesta children's nla a and embroidered cloth and velvet salt a. faxry aacka. Ac ate. Aleo.

splendid sr-sortmeiat of cloths, caatimeree, erinoe ve'veta fcc, which will be made to order in the meet approved styles. OFFhY BLOOD. No. til Broadway, east side, 2d door above White- st. ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF FANCY AND 8TA PLE DRY GOOD', at redaced prices, fur sal at No 135 Broadway the block above the Astor Hoove.


MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Na-V. N. a. Vtl.MihV LltiHTE A NEWTON, in eonse-11 of be iiierei.ed ttmaud aid unrivaled popa-lariry of PIANO FOR I have extended their bnot-ut-s aid opentd a waieroom in Broad way.

No. M5, hers i r-Bll emt'Stantly kei a rhoice of oir Piano from 61 to 71 octsve, in Rwewood Cases, with ail ne latest improved terns We shall alaocunt'aa to keep a full atsortmeiit of instruments at oar suaasfaotery aad ea-erooms. No 22 st. All Piano r'-es of our maus-iarture are warranted in svery respect Professors. Ama- eora.

snd thoee who aiiticipate paicbaaing.are reepec invited to call an-t examine. Ail orders from the city as i-oiirtrv buret nail- ie-uttd. m2i lot AND NEW-YORK PIANOS are now rnlartiig our we. aud need all onr room heure we villi tell our r.r"snt atock of Pianos with and without A olian tew tnd second-band at low pnee, dnrirg the nxt two weeks. Music at iio1c5als and retul.

PiSAosto let. Cah paid for Pianos. We have a stock of se-cond hai.d Vnnos. GOULD BKKKY. u.U9-lmDkW No 297 Broadway.

I BOSTON PIANO-FORTES. The largest aa wt- u.ent of Pianos tn thia city, ia to be fouad at ths ware-ror-ro of GILBERT No Br. adway. op'osits Hroadwaf Bank ard Theatre, and wi be sold at great bar-nilit. Ibeae Piaa have metallic frame aud ars wsr-r nited to ttai any Clio ate.

Dealers supplied oa liberal trrn.s. Fecd-haxd Pianos for salechesp. Piaao let. -tiid snd repaired, CT-Inil HORACE WA1 EK3. 1)1 AMI PORTER New and for sale.

Mr F. a NASH (being ht ut tn change th location of hit Plane ai usic room) will sell hi prefect stock ef Piano very iw Price frcnt 130 to $325. me see them Ths or Pianos are made by Liahfe A Newton, and are as good P'anus ss are made in New-York. Two Violoncellos fcr le. Pianoa to Let.

Lessons, as usual, ia Sincinr aar1 I iano-forte at $1 per quarter. rt fliSH, mimeMi' No. (59 Broadway. CECND-HANO P1AN4IS-A large aeeortmat of good aecond-hand Pmuoe, including two Koliau Pianoa tor stile cheep, ov to rear, at the Piano Ware Kooms of i'. GILBERT a No 333 Broadway, cor.

ai.d npposils Broadway Bank aaC iheairs. ailtt- im HORACE WATERS. PIANOS FOR SALE CHEAP A splendid 61 or-e wood piano, best cite n.ade. far sate at a oar-cain; a octave ruse wood one. near'y new.

fur I4; a ma l. eanv oue for IK ore for S5, aod one for SS5. al-lt HENBY BgNABY.No. 391 Bjwery.ldfljor. MEDICAIa.

13 1 HR TIME TO COMMENCE PCRIPY1VO il THE BLOOD, and cleansing tbe system, ee as to ns prepared fur the great chanse generally oa iunog the r-pricg. 1 be n'l and s'arnan blood of winter req'itre poiifyicg snd rerewmg Tie debility, want of nervous sa-ergy srd depresiion of spin's, pecultsr to the spring; aad sns.aier seasons, must be avoided there must be aew. ru-. axd pure blood li. fused into tbe body, otherwise the entire stem beeomes proai rated, the mental eaergies become enfrebled; and instead enjoying tho blessings aad pleasures rf a beautiful swiug sad summer, yea.

teal cD'hrocga the seasoa, littles aad aicily, totally unconscious that a few bottle of DR 8. TOWNSENM SARSAPARILL ss msnnfsctrred bv the re'enrated Chemist and Paysictaa. Hr. JAB4E3 R. CHILTON, will raaorate the hole system, create NEW, RICH.

AND PURE BLOOD: remove all want oi enera-y, depresi of spirits, aad prostration of the mental fucnlties. and enable yoa to enjoy tn greatest bUsaaig nierred en man. -GOtiD Mi ALTW" We advia all to try a few bottles of. thi valaahl preparation, it is tha ONLY MEDICINE v.k. which will have the desired effect.

I beonends wW aero I nteo oiner prepare a krtka 1 they have te restored to perfect aeaHA aad vigor, by ta ed ether preps rat ons. in vain, can tostiry se ot a lew Dotties oi 1HM SAR8APARILAV. Beware of co.aU-rf-.'.. af T'lt" "ted eataof JAMES at- CKILION, M. I-, caomist.

pnatea osper end tu'ee on tte ouUm: wrapper wXa. th. s'lnstur. of 8 th stsi Te label each bottle. All others are CoOKTiargl rs Retail DfO.

ai per bottle, or three bovlee for 5. mi6-tmeo THE GREAT COCGII REMEDY. Thos wh hav tried all other remedies wit hoot ancrees last res.rt. MOSSS DtM ceTebretad PC UGH KEEPtJl COUGH 2.T Tu7lr veseuble, and a ur and speedy rwy for Cods. Vnd affectl.

of th throat aad SSmrV. IU wholesale aad retail, at thSBnd -d Ctry, aad by druggists sawrsJlr- use a I-xi- jnm kuereelf te office prao- K- I AS AT f.TlP.M All eareor tree. t-aso tatHms and joiata, of the I) affections, senrfula. oT ef women aad childrea, r. eye earndall atteataa Omoe No. vr eye Pl PAL31 SOAP Thus srticle ia superwr 1 nasJ. aad nth aad Toiiet as. It ie veSlVoil.

md healing ta its 2JZ It ena aw had an naekegee exaaiaanaag sax eake VTT' AUHKeid froned Faaaily Sap waick ia sa-Ltor'to all theWalled Patent fcoapa aad I Flrnds Gol, 5Iirsrod frs chart ia AalMr nB.Ui Uiat'dlll l'rthA AMUSEMENTS. TVIBLO-S 43ARDEN Miaager. Mr. JOHTf fZT-i iJ- W. Cobbtbt.

Tickets 5j ns. If i tt tf. ae. FRIDAY-AYENTNO. Aped 1.

VVfll be) or THE RX6IMXNT. Tonie at. HadM "Jotary FrsuaA Leach vtara aiato. A. Tauloat atxaOiaesae.

aire McKeaa Dacnasa Mrn. niearw orperal Cartoach. Lester Fontwow Gt'lraa Trevee Sa7bsetk Oira, a UUnaijdomf 1 he evexung's ntertalamaU seinmeac with tho aT A an-v aa. asaaaav Velli'i aa Byvaa seseroe Itmbail. arra i aioa do vi Daly (ROADWAY THEATRE.

A. ta last time EICHELrCTJ or. The Crm.sraev. BicfealMa. air.

Arrest Luii Barry Hindi hevaJier I Faaae Sier Bermghea RsynliiB Joseps I Hornet Mail ha we Fisacis Pop I sue -1 I Mm Peaias Jia To coadnda with Oie fares of Caietxa MR At MRS P- Peter Vernsei Doors open at 7 o'clock, and tbe pertormaaca will com-meace precisely at 71 Dress Orel aad PsrTjaet. 50 eal Family Circle aad pper 1 tor, 15 casts; Gaiiexy, Ut sim Private Boxee. 15 and 1. I IAKAUM'b AMGRICAlS Ml to tke sat re Masenm aad perfortuan, 15 eenU; chi lia acder tea year. 121 ceau.

This cslebrated meat axd COLOSSAL EAHIBIIION. is now na-rqnalled in Amsnca, eembiamg. ia tact. MUSK-L'MS IN ONE. Ia aed FRIDAY, April 1 ai.d 1, wiJ be presented, ia the AFTERNOON, at 1 o'clock.

tnsBrausingpwce, AN ORG ANIC AFFECTION. After which. THK MILLI NEK'S HOLlDaY. In the EVENING, a' Ti tke popular Spectacle efCHtm AD FAIR STAR. 11 DEMPSTER'S last BALLAD ENTstRfAlV- P1H.N1.

at the labei-naele, oa FRIDAY KrANliu, Nona Mr Th 7 Blind Boy." Oh. poortith eaald and restless Leve, H-ghlsnd can Gray," and The Mai Qaeea. in three parte. irk sta, 54 cents hooks, 12 cents. Ts eemmen'w at clock.

al-lt 'I'HfUiDOKt. EISPELD'S CLASSICAL QUA R-1 TETTE SOIREE, (fifth of th Second Reason.) will take place at the polio Dooms, No 410 Brood war. oa 1-T'BDAY, Aprils, ISM. Mrs. LAUHA A JONES, Mis JCLIA WHEELOCK.

Mis MAFIA LEACH, Messes. H. C. T1MM, J. NOLL, BEYER, aad L.

ClCfl-HJRN will assist Mr. THEODOaE EISFELD. sn all bills. ni St ''ME AZTEC CHILDREN. Metmpolitaa Hall.

1 erv Morning bocx I Library, every Three Kxhibitioss Iisily. So great are ths number of vm. tors to see tho AZTECS, Max m- and Usrtolo. spactmea ofn asw snd extraordinary rsce of people, aboat two feet ta bitht, one weighing 17 and the ether 21 pouads, that three exhiLitisks will be given daily, commer rmg-Apnl I. Th king Exhib.tti'n will take place at Metropolitan Hail, daily, from II to o'clock, aad tke P.

Exhibition at tne f-oeiety I ihrary from 11 to 51 from 7 to o'clock, daily. Tickets 15 cents: Childrea aalf-prto. History of. ths hildrea (31 pages) i cents. al-lra TAPOLEON AT FONTAINE ULEAU SlMarea.

1N14. THE KVE OF HIS ABDICA1ION. Painted bv PAU DEL A ROCHE. Too exhibition ef this world- renowned picture, which haa been visited daring the last two tear! in England. Franca and over half a million ft people, ie now open at 8TUYYESANT Ift STATUTE.

No 5 Bnadway Open from A. M- to 1 P. Admuiioa fSeests. Children half price. aalaVln RACK ETT'S MARBLE GROUP of th SHIP WRECKED MO I HER AND CHILD," at Sluyv.

aaut Institute, No C5 Br adway now pen (for a short me (tor a snonumo 25 can's. Aeaaost oai from A al. till 10 P. at. Admlaaioa ticktts 5 cents.

mil St S-ATTLER-8 SZKIES. to Cot, lith-ot and Broadway. Admisaioa 15ets. xa22-24t By B. A Ckilton.

Auctioneer. PIFEMPIOHY EXECCIOR'M BALK OP lOUOr GROUND On 7th-av 34rh, 4 ltd, 45lk. 77th, 130th, 13lit-st ia lb. city of New-York, and aix larre ploU of ground at Kingsbridre, being the balaaee ot the Estate ef a homaa F. Thoapeon.

deased. This sale will afford a sood opportunity for peraoa of saaatl capital to purchase Lo'a oi gronod for immediate imprevessent, an, the whole win be aituost reserve. COLE A CHILTON will ell at auction, on' WEDNESDAY April 14. at 11 o'cl rk, at the Merck anu' Exchange, tha luUawias; desirable Late of gronad. vis Lot, east bet sea 54tA and 55rb-sts.

niBTT-romTH-STiiiT Twe Lots, aortk side, bstweca 9ih and llth-avs. FOATT-KOrjBTH-STBBlT Four Lot. SOUlh Bid. botWOSSt 10 snd llth-avs fexrsitTV xvgKTH-BTBlET Oa Lot, Saath aid, A ttseen 2d snd 3d-eve. O.iC HVMiBKn AND THI1TI1TH STKE1T Six Lota, aorta side, betwecB 7th aiid tth-av OlB HVnDBCD AMD THIBT V-MBST-STBEBT ig Lot, south side, between 7th end bth-avs 8AVKNTH-AVENia Eight Lots, west aid, betweea 13ta and 13Ut sta KiMisBBinot Six largs plots of greuad.

1 r.kM or- SaLK 1 percent. snd the suetieneers fe of fit on each Lot, on tbe day of sa SO per cent, of the par chase money mav rsmasa on bond and mortgage foe three) jesr. if dtstred, at per cent in rest Lithograpai sps ef ths above described prot erty, caa be had at taa office of ths auctioneer. Ne. 9 tea.

dsys before taa rniS17'eod ADAM P. PkCNTZ, Executor 1 Kgae, wAaotioneer. -(IIORTGAGLES SALE Off UK NTTtTRE, PLAIT I rvo-lfjfcTKrf. CAhPBTS. MIRRORS, ko.

1 HIS DAI, nt Ne. 15 Naassa-ttreet. near Faltoa. H. C.

KKMP will sell at ane'ina. aa above, senre, by crOer of aaortgsgee. a very large assueteieat at7 valuable rosewood aad mbwssy parlor. cinieg-roAe and chamber lurviturs. pisao-fortea.

carpetisg. large Preset plate mim-ia, fama and glasaware. kite-ten furnitnre, oilcloths, attreasee, ko whina is well worthy tbe atteatioa of aa tha gneds are many of them nearly near, and the whole ia Irsvrato order. Alan, A superior rosewood 6i and 7 octave piano lories, from city maker of good, reputation, hkh are well worthy tha a-U-BUou ef those ta went ot vnrd leatmirveata. al tt HfeBBV T.

Lustre. Aaetieneer. -jfc-l "irALTJABLE at No. 81 Chamberait nssr Broexiway. a aals of valnabla sewot.d.

Walnut and Mahegasy Furniture. Cnrpet Mir- rora. Chairs Sofas, Tables. Glare aad China Ware. Giraa-doles.

Dress Bureaus. Wsshs' sad, with and witboat air-ble tops. Table Cat lery A te be sold bv order of mortgage sudoresis. Also, ix sni's of Atisewood Paior Famitare. in satin, brrcnteile and p'nsh Also, a large assortment of second snd Farnilnre, Bar Fixtures, Decanters, Glasses, Caieers.

OiHIolh. Arm Chairs, ke. at It RoBKBT fcVSKR. AactKerr BANK Kl'PT hTillh OF AAKY blOODS, THIS DAY, at 10 o'clock, ta order of the assttnee, at No. Ti Blecker-at Bleeeker tJnildinra.

corenrisisg a stick ot dry goods, punripaily son pled to tns present i he hole of which mil be pot ap is lots t-j salt purchasers. snd sold without reserve Housekeepers, heads ef families, and all others sboat porchsaing dry attexd this rale, as there is son of the riches geods imported to be sold. For further partisalais see email bills, st.ste ei W. A CaBTEB AactKmeer. AUCTION ROTItE OWKHIEi.

FISH. FBTJIT, feRAkDY. FRIDAY, Aevd A a lg o'clock, at No. 57 Dee at. coin Greeawica.

Fia Grsoa sao Blsek'Tsas, CoCee. Cocoa, Sugar, Almonds, Raiaa. Csioles. Soap. 8 area.

Firs. Prases, Pickles. Toiaieav ynuff. Cigara, Salt. Sweet Oil.

Brady, Gin, Win. Casaa-r anna, orks. Mackerel, Hernsgs, ko. al-lt J. HEOHtAS) Aucrnaeee.

AT IT RD AY," A PHIL J. at 1 o'cl. ek. precisely, at No. 9 rer Court-et fcrooklya Sofa.

Ma-hogaay and Iiua beat Chairs, twe Dress Bneaa, Mahnga-ny aed other Bedsteads. Bads, Cntre and Dining Tsbies, Crockery, 8toves, ko. at If BIAGNETIC PgWPEffglL. CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC Ta great aoea-latity of LYON MAoN allC POWDERV -trie destractioa of bed burs, cock roaches, moths, aat flea. flies, and insects oa piaau, and all other asserts, has pnuart-ed certain parties to prepare spanon articles, aad oflor them, nnder venous dtanmtaatioas, for sele.

Few of lhee mdividnals dare to give Ueir impositions ont aa free of poison he proprietor of the orgiaal srMels has. is this ciry, only the under Bneatiuaed agents, and the prtacipal depot is st No 424 tfrosdwsy. where also msy be obtained pills for the instantaneous destruction of rate and sniee. Both articles are warranted, and tneir efficacy ha seea tried bv the llowii reutiemea La'wbskcb Run. rTofeov rf Chemistry, James R.

Chilioh. W. Chemist, D. How a in, EQ Dviag House, CoLtMH A tTtTMig, Attar Hetw, RooatB, Im of If. T.

Hospital, Valbbtims Mott. M.D, Professor and President tbN. Medical Acarieary: aid many of the -neat ehysician in th city. It ka also received th fires preaiumof th American Ins tit ate For sals by all taa nholevaledrusgist. K.

LYON, Ka 414 Broadway. m7 aiaitw COoTAR, OF 444 BROADWAY. tear eut the Koaches. liars Bkd Mica! net A Ms ard Bedbars Is a trie I 8 how wisdom sewer miad tho price Thooshtaat is BMhtag. 14 Hweretwio A much, ail oa tha hoaaewiie fnead.

It sceiv ins-iucut ai tks END loe' harms Verm til is at haad. rrget not that frequented Stand, 444 Broadway. i They wt i not dm ta their holes, nor crest a stench. tr aaieg C081 AR Eztarmisatorof Rats. Msro Cev-Arohee.

Ants. e. Not ttairrus to tii 1 AR Dipet, No. 44t Bioacway. WarraAUed efceotuai all evsee mm COAV.

a rdaXKO OI Jrw-rriw ao ms aw ranoa Sizes. For sai. very yXlPa A OAEXJCT, -taira. tU kSTJEtSveT BtsaiSactsrenefSTEAM tNOIJiaJ. EH ud KA sito iriwi" de aa I size 1 see at ear vr- Kr ftr rwmsde to orde at hert notice.

ENGINE Ju'jrjEAMERS nid or repaired oa aa good terms ss eiww-r-i H(ss be bad oisowaer. noais reii we wharfage te pay along sides Lao made fur ti-aaaportalMia te any of sat axe suea of eepenearo, aad we are ae anu susvsas. nuais oipo vwwuna Mte 'iwaan. roeuerrea oir cittea. Oar Trsrsinsa axe aaea of eepenenew, nam we are crinniisati uu we caa equally aa good work as can be done at any other eatabush- saeat- uu wars wui se eeai tv any pars iss rmoafTV ana ap ready for eye ration, if deatred.

Boilers sot oa ths improved plea eg D. Klk' IN at aepreved aad adoeted by tbe Aauencaa Inautata, by whkJsdU per eeat. ia saved, a'tove aav ether snf, of fatri. Our Acsat ia New-York is D. GRIFFIN A No, 47 iiwti knows to the paidie.

ITTNTXa, TUOilPSOV C. Essex. f. October 11, ltiil. 'El.

fMEDAL Wrtk l1 1 ttoa. has haea awnroad far the OI tENT STARCH, by taa Jerersaflbe 1 ions, BdisBswasod ta ta Loyal 1 aoticed foe it rseeraJ ixotUoaeoaIeTd aoocrer) tr lry. from tmer tuirtv or V. I i r- everv otaar el lis et'eiwi eectfoiiv reqeei.t-4 to a ie tr1 1 rwebU-H't aed see gane c-hI v. -r .4 t-e.

'tatvT t. jspru s. wi i mriuae the lollowing swngs: Mormag, aid Nisht -lhe Wsid of Dee." "John Aaderwin, Jo," The Pain Day" A Maa'a a Msa for a' that," ISSrTlI of the Door." "Ianul nf tha In.k rmk A TM.IN Ji ami a-nMon- i 1 in 15 horse noaer i Ro.iers of all "rrf a beat net.nt: Witar 1.

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