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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 13

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I THE KEW YORK TIMF.ft tf, ilea frwM Ita Mdfrt la aid mt Ma farta ta eictad (rasa Ita coleuauss fraadaleat i A-xmri i All I "TTT Ita. wm ireaiea eeanaetmally. I gentlemen; alao back parkir a doctor's Adfprtlarmrota far THB SEW YORK 1 -f TIM KM mar ba left at ar tUptaa4 ta thai3nT" HTv WfcrtT suits felle.lng Mala. Time ftqaara. la balldJna.k Inao 7 Dewstnwa, (SGSS Jona.1 ftprars.

Htreet, aar street Wall Mr. (lt llroaa.) I Itraad Mrec. ar any advertlalauj afOea. LUST AND rOL.ID. I0t.

Max; 2ici 71.. 2c; 1 writ I raward and no nuatlma aakd. I.4H4T in far No. l. Waving Roaton for York.

Hun.luy, Nov ith. nildnlcht. via II and K. a diamond ring, riili valtlvd a a kpk Who-r rr 1 1 1 rnurn a tnr- to 1. W.

AHll-IMiTON AV, IIKKl.TN. N. will mlH.v ItrWAHl ro-T-''n Haturriar mornlna. ialcar, i-twi ii Jrand Ontral and Wnl Zld a l.lnrh handhaa, rontalnlnn roll of .0 (rip hook with otlwri tiamo, upr.c- lrU. U-K, tn V.

Trai Hultail rrward on return rant. 1 Wrt HI city. tAtnf -k'lK'Mik. aold rhaln and tlaap, lotilalnn two keya, in bill. aoni i and powdor hox; llti 47th Ht.

rid -'1 At and 4th Ht. and lh Av H--turn to 2t Kt 41th Ht and rrcatv llharal raard. Etn'i runilay mornlna. on In Id Av. 1.

bemo-n lih and U(th Ht. Htatlona. or l.i Trinity and tth Ava. a lady'a round i yrxniati pin. fu-i witn pvaria: reward if rJurnd J.42 Trinity Hrum.

IiT-tl wanrfi.r a.dd liaa lot 8atur-tiay nlrht. htwn II l. and I A. batwrrn 4lh rit. and Hahn'a roataiirant.

76th K. and olumbua Av. Tiffany Jth Av. and 37th Ht. I.4mt-4n Friday.

Nov. In." Kaka' or Miry'i. or I4ili Ht. and Hroadway, brown Iralhrr vanlry hax. (lit hurkla on handle: rwaxd for roiurn with contant.

A. Van Haun, 2.441 7th A tr tr4T HflwiH'iT w'eat 17Yh Ht. and tba WaT- rinrf. tX)M HAND BK st with half olrrl of dlamonda: lino reward If returned to Waldorf-Aatoria. Knom I'll.

IliT-Friday. Columhua Av between 2d and HJd Hi gun metal nurae bag. contain ing aunie rhange; reward. Krhuite. hats- I worth Apartment.

72d. Hlveraldn Drive iTlicr ElM-tlon night. Waldorf t.r vjrlnity, ntleinan'a llelrhar setting ring, two dla-monda and aapphlra; aultabla reward. A. B.

K-napPL VtZ Weet JdJItL 1.0M Two diamond rltiga. on 4d Ht. or Harlem Itallroad, Wedneeday or Thursday: finder will hi liberally rewarded by returning Hopklii, Itnom Knat tJdJt I.U4TdlU dog, name i'rliice, near eultsMe reward. Dr. Wblte- West U3l Ht.

i()4jT-Hunday, a i rnwn pin of diamond and pearl; liberal reward for earn or tl ticket Hereaford Hotel. 1 West Mat Ht. .6 T-Election night, gentleman Belcher aettlng ring, two diamond and sapphire; suitable reward. A. H.

Knapp. 101 West "td. of Imitation pearls. with diamond rlaap. Liberal reward for return same to E.

)i5 East Ht. I.OST Saturday, gold loi-ket. monogram l. 14.1. IJd elevated; reward.

loren. lIJVet 14HdJ-t. I.OHT Thuradnv. lady's gold watch, chatelaine, monogram 1 1. I literal reward.

Madlaon Av. lAtwiT old monogram pin: K. It. W. et wlih diamonds; reward.

Viulnn. lot Weal I.Of4T Oval pearl brooch, between 11th and Hts mutable reward. West 38th Hi. nOAKDEHS lOr. line: 71..

WASTED. 7 vord to Its. 13T1I ST lie WKHT. est of "th Av. Prl-ate hnk; large room, suitable for two.

14f7t 2 it WEST. Attractive larga and mall rooms; ery clean; with excellent table board. HT. 'l-Xl WEST Rooms, well heated and furnlsbel; exiellcnt tsiard; telephone; table guests. I7TH.

1 HI IJAStT-iargeT ttonl room, running water, single room; good table; table guests. SIST HT 17. II). 21 WEPT. The Savage, Near suite for family or gentlemen; parlor dlnl'ns room: ciarHls tables; table auests: transbiits accommodated telephone; references "1)ST 4' KaHT, lielween Hroadway and 4th v.

Bachelor apartments; rooms, single or en rulte. $li up. Including board: pri vate baths, all modern improvements: iinesi service, and cuisine. Telephone, 3177 tiramercy. Tl ts EAST large rooma and hall with board; references MTH KAHT.

I Near Madison Av.) Fin second floor suite, with toard; private lath and dining room; steam heated rouni for gentlemen; table guests acconimtwljtted references. TH HTi, SO EAST offers "to refined, permanent adults a lat gn second floor front room; parl dining; quiet house; also fourth floor sunny room, near batb, reference required. ai WEST Delightful room, central location, excellent table; convenient lo Subway express. fD 107 WEST rooms; excellent board; tiled baths; Subway express; gentlemen preferred; references. fSTtt gO WEHT Two" larg room, with board, refercness required.

li WEST "lu; reservtlon tor room can now arranged; references required. i 7BTH 121 WKHT'-Hiilie of three beautiful rooms, with private bath: second floor; family or four gentlemen rlvate table If desired. i2DBT 77" WEST. Hniall Jewish "family. o- cuiylng modern apartment, accommodate two gentlemen: noroeiia.

niumenieiu. ijiTfrT "0) EHT. Rm for two; sunny exposure'; tahle boarders; parlor dining, moderate; reference iin 3- WEHT. Fleasant room, second floor; homeliks; couple; references; reason able. 8T-.

IV EST Pleasant sunny slngl room aultabl for gentleman; good board: references WD WEST Two pleasant double rooms, with excellent board; references; also tnblo board. 1-1 WEST Hun-ny basement room, well furnlahed. for two young men; reasonable tJli HT large" rooms reasonable; reference exchanf'Hl J4TH- double room, with dre.slng room; running water: table guests. 75 EST. French boarding house; table boarder wanted: neatly furnished room, adlolnlng bath.

FaaBTlTT 2M WEHT -Iarge and" small room In private house; excellent tahle; tejephone furtilnhed second floor suite with bath; near irMHh St I. anil Pubwiiv stations; excellent table private family. Address Times. Harlem II.

VINtPl'l-ACK. -Nicely furnished large room, first-class, steam heated house: one block Subway and parlor dining room; r-ferences. LEX I AV l.el lsrge front room alcove. con-Tiectlng. for couple; Jewtah family; telephone.

MADISON 1.7. "Near ifth Bt -Large rooms; dainty perfect cooking: Ideal suite for two genllemr nfrlend MADISON AV'. 4 Sunny third-floor hafi rootn. wl'h hniril; refernice Brooklym.

MONT At II' TERRACE, -River view: Wall Ht corner trolley connects all lines throughout tlreat-r New York: netghborhaod. ac -commcdnt lona table, lull -class. t'OllXTRT BOH. A few Invalids or those desiring board for Winter can secure excellent accommodations ut rasonable rates on long Island, s.uth side, one hour from New York. Ad-ti is Hox 4.

advertising office. li Mon-tHcue St Hrookln 4TH A Mount Vernon. Refine.i home for adults, circular. Mary Fisher Home. rtHMIIIKO HOOJf.

I'hc; t4c. A-c; i uurdm to (kae. 7TII AV 1 1M ST -Elegantly fur- r.H.tns reasonable: new building; re- I Spanish faintly. in ITH ST. EAST.

NEAR AV. oinel fiiriiisbeil large room: steam heated. other. medium, IJ 50, bath every lloor. hot water suppl Mill ST.

t) and small sunny ro-im; bath: convenient to all cars llTIi ST. 24 VEHT l-arge room, all lin- tneiiis. absolutely cban. private house. liTH ST.

EST I-arge. bright room. I udloining bath; private family: rcullcman: ferences. 47 WEST. lentieman square room, next to bath.

In clean, refined home; l.ferencea. iTHHT. A Nicely furnished front irlor; convenient lcs'atlon. l'fll ST l.Vl WEST Hlegant large furnished room; gentlemen; refereni-e. IIJ WEST.

-Two connecting parlor; running water. grate fire; suitable for doctor. 4T II-ST A Ht7OT Madlaon Square. Kxcluaively handsomest private, bachelor apartments and moat elegantly furnished In ity: every modern Improvement: equal to Holland or Hoffman llouaa furnishing and conveniences. Ill excluslTly blgh-rlas rel-dentlal block, containing homea of flv of New York well-known millionaires: Japanese steward, valet, and housemaid service; all rooms and suites with private baths; limited number vacant.

3 1ST ST WEST'- Sunny hall rooms, newly furnished: new plumbing, fine bath. MTH HT 5 EST. Suite of two or three rooms and bath, aieo small room artistically furnished, refen-ncea; telephone; breakfast oje- tb.nal. MTH HT WKHT. sunny room and alcove; steam; desirable every way; private famli.

eteertl. I FTRXISHKD ROOMS. 10e. line il 7 rwt If ML 17TH. 14 WEST.

On front parlor, neatfr furnlehed: healed; reference. sTH oecoraied sunny 3TH T.V "a front bail un riisnt uu. iitscot I M. 4J r.HT. Large rooms, private Lath.

for gentlemen: telephone; breakfast- ref- 14 Handsomely furnlha 'room mini jinvuiv oain; nan room; 441 EST. (opposite Hotel Amor. Houitu, 13-tW. private bath; telephone; transient. 4 4 TH 4 4 1WT.

TwVrirBooms7Vul t- bl light housekeeping; tab) board optional. IC EAT Atttactlv room." prl vate bath: hlgh-claa house; breakfast: telephone nrt. "7TM7i It furnished; reference. 4STI1 CTT T'iWKrlT. Parlor floor, suit- room, with bath; small room; board optional.

4STH HT.flit'WK" -X fee ly furnla r- convenient (or four )uun aim. hath. Martin 4J1HT. I WKHT Private: mall: front: lavatory; lars: ateam: central; Subway. elevated; imikmMi.

llrork. til) EMT vv doora west of Columhua A v. louhl anil lDBlf room, 1th or without board: heme aurroumilnir reaaonublr. TH HT. 17 WEHT-rtmall prltate family; forgent lemen referen-e.

7TH newly and handsomely furnished, singly or en ll; all convenlerH-ea; telephone; refurnncea flHT rooms: extension bath; southern exposure; references exchanged. 71 HT otT! -Tw E-ST -Furnished hall room: suitable third floor; gentleman; ti per Week. 6WJj.T.-rleaant mellum-lxed and hll roims: gentlemen; reference. 721) lo7 WEST. Elegant hack parlor.

suitable for club or oculist; gentlemen pre-fert ed references 7-VTH K.ST. fully furmxhed mini for Kerilemen: breakfast If desired; telephone; con ntencca references 1ST HT p.islte park; sunny room; moderate price; prlvato house; references. twner. tlr-T. 19' WEST." Fronf runnTng water; suitable for Iwo; convenient 1" Hwbway: references.

8.1) flu WKrfKii.n7h7d renovated rooms; single, en suite, gentlemen or families; all conveniences. KID HandnlnWyunuhd nonis; Iwth a-jolntng; running water; private house; reference. tl) HtTT.i" EST." Ha ndsTimc I rtTrnl. ed second -story front room, with alcove; strictly private family. TH.

SOI WEST. near'RIvertldl-rlva. Handsomely furnished rooma. atngle and en suite: telephone, porcelain baths, and modern In appointment; alao rear parlor. for doctor's office; gentlemen only.

suitable 67TH 3 EAST. t'onifortabfe rooni for two; all conveniences; early breakfast: private hons reasonable 918T. 4H WEST -I-urge sunny room, bathroom floor; parlor dining; table guests; reference. 5TH 135 WEST-Sunny. weJI-furnlshed barb; private rooms; telephone: shower family.

97TH BT. 113 WEST. Handsomely furnished large suite, private, bath: also other large front rooms; flist-class table; every convenience. iihTHST 414 WESTT-kriniriglcie HhtsT Exceptionally fine Winter rooms; superior ac-comni'HlatlonH; telephone, elevator; Subway. ST.

5 WEST -A moat'eomfortabie parlor, bedroom; one connecting or otherwise; business gentlemen: board If required; running hot and cold water; Subway half block. J. M. It fTH ST. 1ST.

NIClioi.AS AVTT Wilriwre Court; handsomely furnished room: hath: telephone; superior upartment convenient all car lines; references exchanged. It.qulre ballboy. ST. 15H urnlsbedrw-WlU heated rooms; running water: large closets; bMth reasonable. 1 Until Sl East HcauTiniTiy furnished room.

windows: private house: gas. bath. bent: reasonable. 12HTH fl WEST! sunny front rNm: hIko single rsim; clean and comfortable. 1321) ST.

'7R WEST lrge. small rooms; running water, heat: board optional: prl- vntc house ST. 247 EST I Jirge hall room, large bath; heated; gentleman preferred. Iray. STriSB WEST? Han.tsomrBultc.

tirlor and bednjom; piano; bath; small room. Ienhy. lSD'ST WEST. Cortifortabic. ed single room for gentleman; private bouse; telephone.

I I i A 4 1'tvTn ea I 1 tT-1 -a ew elT-furnlsheil sunny room; private homelike; telephone. iTk. IN 1 2 Ta i a airy room for gentleman; clean and comfortable idCX INOTt A Vo -Nicely furnished rooms, runnlrg water. A DIS iN 1.ii4 me large, light. room on floor with bath; hardwood floor: t4S yearly.

Id monthly; reference exchanged MADISON Kit. i private opposite Mt. Morris Park, i-tine lurge room: two hall rooms; grand location; convenient to all cars MADISON ini Attractlv double and single rooms; blgh-clnsa tabic: parlor dining rvom table guests accommodated. C. H.

PARK A 47 3. I 67th Ht. Two connecting parlors, running water: suitable doctor; references exchanged good neighborhood. THE SKVILlXll" WEST SVTIt Sin gilt room and bath for bachelor Brooklya. MONTAOCE TERRACE.

S. One block from Wall St. Ferry; elegantly furnished large and small rooms for gent.emen; convenient to New York. HT MARK' A V. fill." NewTy-' furnished front al with dressing room; choice location.

tSKl It.llMIKH l)r. a lint RUUMS 7f 4v WASTED. words fo fine. I'nfumlshed rojnis wanted f'jr housekeeping; private quiet couple.

P. u. Ilex City. UKLP WAJITED. 10r.

War J4c: i2i: 7 lepras fo Hsmf ANTEI- Ftr lady of In small family, experienced must Lm familiar with simple nursing, massage. I reader. ntld have last references. Write ffneneis. terms, ami full particulars to 11..

West S1M St. WANTED Expert graphophone operators anil elenogrupliers must have High School education an I several years' experience; good salary. P.emlngton typewriter. American Colortype Hubert and West Sts ANTED Nurse reliable your.g woman. lesl-dence Htamrord.

Conn. Apply l-elween 11 and McNeil, SSii WestllstSt WTVNTED- White Protestant girl for general housework; family of two; wanes moderate: call mornings Smith. Wm IJMIi St. WANTED- A Protestant girl as cook In small famllv. good required.

Apply, from 1" to 1. at 4'J West t. VAXTEH Soprano. Immediately, for Southern church: salary $7.0. Apply Webster Choir Exchange, l.ot nth Av WANTED-l-neral boueworkr; white or colored girl; sleep home; French preferred.

llo Hamilton Place. Males. AI'TOMoHl l.EH --Increase your Income; earn $'J; to Is-imiiiv a chauffeur; li cense guaranteed, morning, afternoon, and evening rnstt uctlon wo help yoj to Kjsitions. Automobile lusd of America. 74i 7th Av New York our references ate our graduates their pr s.

ANY INTElJ-itlENT l'EH-ON may earn good Income coi responding for newspapers; experience unneceasao'. Send for particulars, Kress Syndicate. Uockport. N. ITooK EEl'EK.

t-i. stenographer. "iL'ti; salesman, tli and commission, clerk. I extension clerk. 110.

manager, tpliimblng.) I 451) Call for list and plan for securing high-grade positions. Business Opportunity Co I I'nlon Square. COMPOSITOR. WANTED Linotype operators. compositors, make-up stone hands, arid proofreaders: salary, fig per week to band compositors and per week to n.acnlne operator.

Call or address J. B. I.lpplncott South tl St Philadelphia. or Room Jti Broadway New Tork city. CDMPOSlTORil i-lnotyp operator.

Monotype keyboard and caster operators. Job comooaliora. make-up and stone hands, and proofreader to work nine hour per day in open shop In Philadelphia; guaranteed permanent poeltlon at cal to ompetene mn- Applf Will Time Down-town. HAPD-I Bl'HINESO OHlt iRTT NIT1 ES. Manager Oellectlon agency, il.u) up: loose, leaf devlcea.

1 1 up. Buyer Smoker oaveltle. Ac. Il.iou up. PublicationEditor, lrauhtsinan Roiling mill.

tl.0, Industrial railway exp.rl-ence II C00 Superintendent-First-class general painting. 1. Foreman Manufacture clay product for Hongkong. China, good salary, interview this week essential. Clerical Shipping clerk, steam beating, tuoti; shlppfcig clerk.

1 1.3"-1 1 cost clerk. 1 l.tM'. Hapgoods. Suite bus. 3iS Broadway.

WANTKl 7den and boy to earn day. after two month' lnatracton: gua anteed; special tuKlun half price, few days only. Coyne Bros Co. Plumbing bchoois. SJS lots As- New York: Clnclnuati, uhlo; St.

Louis, Mu. fre catalogue. HELP WASTED. Kae; words fa Hag. 10r.

Male. Wanted Compotitor, Stont Hands, and Make-up Man; "Open Highest Salary; Permanent Position; Additionaf Bonue for Faithful Services; New York Vicinity and Western Points, Call or Address Room 1,320, 320 Broadway. ANTK1 f.pportualty for a few young men to Join crack company la New York National regiment; uniforms and equipments furnished by State; first-ca-as rUVe range gymnasium. Ar. Full particular upon application to KrecrulU." Uox 1 Time Jjuwd-town.

WANT EL) By leading concern In one of Lr largest cltl of th country flnrt-claa advertisement writer; state experience, salary expected. 4c: all communication will be confidentlal.Mo JTImea. Time Hq. A NTEI) Agents for best tl a year-accl dent. tl.uO health policies; large commission, renewals: county managers wanted every Htate A.

R. t'llley. 411 Times Hulldltm. Times Square. New York t'ity.

ANTED-NEAT OFnCEfUT; REFER-E. RByl'l RED; CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT; HTATEHAI-ART WANTED. JT SLRE- WANTED Competent rire Insurance broker to manage branch office uptown; percent-axe basis: big opportunity for hustler. Insurance. 121 Times Downtown.

WANTED Young men desiring dramatic ex-leilence Broadway production: "alary small. Frank t'onlon. 1.402 Broadway. IITLATIOM-I WANTED. or.

a lint roc incrlo: 7 srords tu t'M AWHKK.M Alt). Respectable colored girl as chamlerTnaid and waitress. Call 231 West tbl Krleger's. I'ANION. ISy a cultured woman a useful companion; traveling preferred: speaks English.

French, and Herman; first-class references as to character. 4tc B. It Koxim Tlmea wntown. ENT EWKli children's and Infants' wear deilre a few refined customers; day or home: hand sewing a specialty. Rella- ble.

Sd't Tlmea. Tlmea Hquare. COOK. By experienced FrenctTcook for clas family; good manager; best refer-eiues furnished, $to to Hi per month. M.

R. Kwtjlit Ht. 1K. Ac By settled woman; good cook; u-sist otherwise, tut West 37th three flights. CooK Woman.

g'd cook, wunts position In pMvHte family: city reference. id Av. CKNEHAI. WORK. Colored woman to gen-ithI work In apartment; good i-; go-l reference; sleep home.

Edwards. 'H'y West til st St. il il'HEKEEPER-or" CtiMRANION. ldy de-slrea home for services In light housekeeping or as companion; references exchrnged. H.

Times. Hi Icm. HOI 'SBWi iHK ER Colored: good cook, chaniltermaid. waiire; apartment preferred, moderate expectations; Investigated references. LJncoln Exchange.

-14 West Ottth. Tel. 47s Columbus. llol'SEWOKK. general, by neat, tidy girl; nood references; wages glv Flaherty' Bureau.

4K5 Columbus Av. Tel. .741 River. MA ID. English; excellent seamstresa and 0r.iMTin.kcr good reference.

Mr. Satak llelli lalre. est 14'Hh St. NE A WOMAN i irk by day: excellent cook; or wash and clean. 437 West 17th Ht.

PRIVATE SECRETARY. Bright, well educated young business woman, expert stenographer, accurate at figures, desires position of responsibility: highest references; is to no agencies. Secretary. I.62 Broiidway. STKMJi TTa stenographer and office assistant ir secretary ly sensible, well-educated young woman; eight years' experience In office work; can take charge of correspondence after familiar with business; can furnish satisfactory New York reference.

Miss Eggleston. care The Chats-worth. 7d St. and Riverside SI ENOORAPHER-BOOKKEEPER. Wideawake, willing worker; lake and type note readily, experienced will do utmost to earn salary und advancement; Ml Tj-ac Box J.

is JTlrnes Dow ntown. STENOOr'7. PH ER. CnusualTy good beginner, rapid igurer; speaks and writes Oer-man; chance to start more of a considera tion than salary: tS-i. Mis F.

linx ins Tlmea Downtown. STENi hJKAPHER. TYPEWRITER, and PHO- noKraph iperutor. Six years' experience la ami i'ominercial rapid, accurate: sclary. g15 to 1'iionograpn, liox ji nmei, iimet Suuare i TENOOKAIMIEU.

TTPEWRITEU. AND OF flee assistant: three years' experience; rapid: accurate painstaking: conscientious; refer $12. Responsible. 123 Times Down' town. STII.VOORAIIIER.

Typewriter. Office As sistant. Five years' experience; rapid, ac curate, conscientious, neat, willing, and obliging. Mls S. 11 Times Downtown.

8T typwrlter. and office-a SIM ant. three years experience; painstaking, conscientious, references; $10. Accuracy, 1S3 Times Downtown. HTENi M7RAP1IEK.

typewriter, and office assistant: twi years' experience, raffld. accurate, neat, refined; best references; $12. Jdls West St STENOiiKAPHEH, "typewriter, and office two years' experience; neat, accurate, obliKlng. pdiiistaklng TliorouKh. lir.

Times Downtown. STENOORAPHEH Ten years' eger1ence a thorough business woman: accustome'l to difficult work; best references; $18. I'nsur-pass .1. 14s Times Downtown. i'EN'i (lil Four years' experience; brticlit.

eneraeiic young lady desires position: references. J. 121 Times Downtown STENOGRAPHER and TYPEWRITER. Experienced; reference; genetal office assistant; $7 Acker. KV.

East St. STEN' KlRA PH ER. -Limited experience, but bright und reliable; spells, punctuate well. Alma. Box lot! Time Downtown.

SIKXiiilltAl'liEH. BOOKKEEPER. Permanent position; A I references; compensation. H). Iv.x 15 Times.

Harlem STHNOGHAPHER -Five year with one firm; copiet nt. reliable. American, Box Times Downtown. STK.N'i MiRAPHER Several year' experience Ihw mercunille. Ward, H01 taat St TWO together or separate; Tiest references: wages S2 and $2i Flahert-g Bureau.

4:. Columbus Av Tel. 741 River. T'o y-ars experience; net obliging. Well Elucated.

Times Square accurate, and 3rt) Times. Males. ACCOUNTANT desires temporary or permanent work anywhere; statements prepared, systems devised. Fpei lal or crlodlcal audit. or tliorough Investigations, corporations organized.

partnership settlements, bankruptcy accounting, books written up by competent assistants; terms moderate. Arte-mas IIo.klna. 1 Madlaon Av. Telephone ACCoI NT ANT Wishing work evenings and Saturdays: statements, owning and closing books, audits, investigations. Terms references.

Box -U.) Times Downtown. ACi 'COI NTANT Statements. audits, trial coi potation accounting, system de-vised, inisbiatc terms, excellent references. Hox lit. Times.

Downtown. AITtiMolllI.E4 Man. -7. thorough busineR experb tie, seeks connection with alltonio-l ll cumpati). A.

3 3 Summit rs. Cltv. Ai'T'ol XTAST and" AI'DITOR. ojienlng. elitig.

s. temutlzmg Ihxjks: se.vlal examinations Accountant. 14" East 5oth St AD WRITER, leise. clear, versatile, and forceful, desires engagement. Push.

Box TimR Times Square OtMiKKEEPER. OFFICE" MAN. T'tHtHE-sisindeiit. experienced, all-round man; Intelligent and consistent worker; best references. Times.

Tiinisx Hquare. lit hiKK El.t'EK. Married, aited years' experience in double entry and journal work; Al references. Bonded. Box 2.o51 Times Harlem tJerman speaking: employel for .) ars In the Roman bath at Vienna; own system.

Sam Krausz. care Welsman. 617 K. St. SALESMAN A gentleman, islngla.

of it year' business exirleace. desire lo represent i i miXOI0 ousiness nouw, piv-iimmi, inr-i-aui. giving promise of advancement conaiaerea more than salary received at start: excellent reference. Hog 314 Time. Time Bo.

gTENOOR A PHER- Young man. 20, competent, experienced, and energetic, desire position In law office with law school privilege, t-aw. Box 10 TimeDowntow n. i xilOH aT' R. well experienced, know ing his business thoroughly, desire good position.

Recommended, l'ii Time Downtown. YOI'NO-MAN. IS, 51. year' experience In a National bank, desire a position affording some time for "tudylng; can furnish best of reference. Box 2.7 Time.

Time Square. YoCNtl IV office position: baa knowledge of typewriting. Louis, Box l- Tim Dow nt BV9IXKSS OPPORTUNITIES. Ajairtment Hotel for Iease Xo vacancy: best paving proposition In town: owner retiring. Inquire immediately.

Feder. 140 Nassau St. Automobile" Garage. Will build and lease It to right party In magnificent neighborhood on Broadway, near 7oth St. Feder.

140 Nassau St. Dry Dock to Use Suez Route. WASHINiJTCX. Nov. 14.

The Navy D-iartment has bwn Informed that the charges of tin- Suor Canal Company for thf passage through th Su' Canal the floating dry dock built for the- Fhil- 1 ipt.ines will tx- utMii.i or tppi This has cansfd the department pravctl to decide on the Sucg route. cally LATEST CUSTOMS RULINGS. Books Valued at $1 Imported Through Mails Are Dutiable Othef Decisions. In a -dectttlon by Judge Romerrille, tb Board of United States Crtneral Appraisers affirmed yesterday the action of customs officials at Bansror. In as-Hstn(r a 23 per cent, duty on a book valued at $1 sent through the mail from Bridge water.

X. B. It seems that Frank H. Finn of Bangor lent th book to a triend In Bridrewater, and when aha had finished reading; the hook she returned it to its owner by mail. Th Collector at Bangor levied duty, whereupon an appeal followed to the board.

Had the volume possessed a loas value than $1, Judge Soir.ervllle says, no duty, could legally have been collected. On this point the decision says: While importations of merchandise generally through the mails are prohibited and liable to seizure, unless under the provisions of the parcels post convention made by the United States with certain' foreign countries, books are made an exception to this rule and may be so imported, under the Universal Postal Union Convention. No duty Is collectable on any book valued at less than $1." General Appraiser Fischer wrote a decision for the board sustaining a claim made by F. Ferry and others of Boston relative to the classification to be on Importations of mackerel, halibut, and salmon packed In ice. It was decided that the merchandise li properly dutiable at i cent per pound.

Instead of Ht 1 cent per pound, as assessed by the Collector. fit her Importers' claims sustained were filed by Fleltmann Geisenheimor Boston; the Kemixr-Thonius Company Herrllnger and K. Kowen, Cincinnati; G. Cheminais and the Ely-Walker Dry Goods Company, St. Louis, and Blelinbergr ft Chicago.

These claims were overruled: I'ltt Scott, (Umlted.) Kellv A Newton. Naday Fleischer, Park "Tilford. Velt, Son H. Robinson, O. P.

Cohn Brothers and others, and Bloomlngdale Brothers, New York. BUSINESS TROUBLES. Gi: stave Thikle. GuMave Thiole sales man of K4 Lenjx has filed a pe tition in bankruptcy, with liabilities of f4.4:5.- and eight oth-r debts the amounts of which are unknown, and consisting, of accounts. J.l7: a judgment for on vhich there is un attorney's lien for oO per and a patent for a.

clKar label, value unknown, lie was for- rrfrly a clg ir Healer. Herman Meyerhkim. Herman Meyer- helm, salesman, of 1.1(17 Second Avenue, has filed a petition in bankruptcy, with known liabilities of and thirty-one claims, the amounts of which are unknown. The debts were contracted in IMiiil in the men's furnishing Roods busi ness. Amoni the creditors are tne orn Kxchange Bank.

91.3IU; I.a'e, Tweedy Robert Keis Ac (Jeorge P. Ide Ai and the International Shirt und Col lar Company. S. Zkiler Co. Ieputy Sheriff Porges has received an execution for agulnst 8.

iieiler furriers. West Eighth Street, in favor of Felix Kunstler, on a Judainent obtained in the City Court aKulnst Simon Zeller and Abraham KrleRer. The Mherilf also re ceived an execution against Abraham Kriejter and his wife. Hertlia, for $1. in favor of Louis Kriejcer.

The firm of 8. Jieiler ci Co. wax formed on Feb. 1. ltkVi, and both partners had previously been in business with other concerns.

Patrick IIrothehs Mantfai'tirixc, Company Deputy Sherifi O'Kourke has received two executions anainst the Pal-rick Brothers Manul'acturinir Comjiany. sporting goods, at New Street, in favor of the Pontiac Turnitiir Company, for $SS1, and fn favor of Kirke B. liar wood, for $'214. anil keeper was placed in the store. The business was start f-d in Ws by Patrick Brothers, anil the present company succeeded to It in June, P.s.l.

with a capital stock of The factory Is ut Livingston Manor. Lbo Khieoer. A meeting; of creditors of Leo KrieRcr. dealer in clothlnK at Providence. R.

and Tuuntou, was held yesterday at the office of Ki- stein Brothers, at If Jit Broadway. It was learned from leo Frank, who represents several creditors, that the liabilities are S.V.i.5J and nominal assets of wlilcli are outstanding accounts for clothing sold to workiiujiiien on the installment plan. An offer to compro-inise at on the dollar was made, and a committee of creditors was appointed tn go to Providence, look over tiie business, and report. M. HIEXEKBTOTK Co.

A petition in bankruptcy tins hem filed against Morris J. Bieuetistook and David M. Trieger, who compose the firm of M. .1. Bieneii-ftock manufacturers of furs IIJ Greene Street, by James.

Schell FJlkiis, attorneys for the following creditors: Ferdinand N. Monjo. f.Mi; Mantner Ahls-wede. $sa. ami Walter Bitting.

1.T0. It was alleged that they are Insolvent and admlned on Nov. 14 in writing their iti-abilily to tmy thdr debts. Judge Holt appointed V. A.

Pendorgast n-ceiver. It was said that the stock on hand Is worth The Uahllitto ara in alaiut On Nov. 14. they were damaged by fire and received ir.stir-unee. W.

1. HocrK Cel. A petition in bankruptcy has been filed against W. I. He.

tick a ew ork corporation, wholesale liquor dealers at 'J Street, by the following creditors: The Highspire Hlstfllery Company of Ralii-tnore. Jl.tlSl; Charles loldsborough. Baltimore. Sjuti; Basin, Craig Cnssanl, and Moore Slnnott. Philadelphia.

It was alleged that on Nov. it admitted in writing its inability to pay its debts, paid to the She-riff i Oct. 20 to satisfy an execution in favor of Puval and allowed a judgment to ho taken against it by the White Top Champagne Company for under which thu Sheriff has set down the sale tor Nov. 10. Samuel Cohen.

A petition in bankruptcy has been filed against Samuel Cohen, manufacturer of knit goods, lam o' shunters, cic. at tUl Leonard Street, who did business under the styles of S. Cohen Co. and the Girard Knitting Mills, whose factory is at Tenth Street and Susquehanna Avenue. Philadelphia.

ly Black, Olcott. Oruber Bonynge. attorneys for Phoebe Freeman of New Koehelle. a creditor for fl.3.'i for money lent in and on Spt. tl.

It was alleged that he Is Insolvent. Judge Holt of the I'nited States District Court appointed ex-Judge William S. Bennett receiver of the assets. fixing his bond at It was stated thut the asaeta consist of machinery at the factory In Philadelphia. stt.Uai; rnw materials.

c.YOOO; inuiuilactured stock, and due from commission merchants, In addition to tlieso business assets, he owns two tenement houses on East Eighty-ninth Street, which are mortgaged for 1M(. Irving L. Krnst of Black, Olcott. (Jrula-r At Bonvnge sabl that the liabilities are of which ll.tem are for merchandise and S.1oi for borrowed money and confidential debts.

Out of Town. MILWAUKEE--A petition tary bankruptcy against tho in iii oliiii-Brnwn-t 'or- llss Engine Company of Corliss, Wiio Ilit'U ycBlrrtliiy ill in uiiice: ui iiiu i-i a of the I'nited States Court by the Rolw-rt Rom Company of Milwaukee, tho Oarlack I'nckinK Comppny. and the. McGraw Tub- llshintf Company of New York. The com- nanv incorporated In VMH, the capital stock being placed at,i.".

Judgments. The following Judgments were filed yesterday, the first name being that of the debtor: AI'STIN. David David Temmer and another J2f4 AARON'S. Alfred E. N.

V. Telephone Company 83 ALLEN, Frank R. Maddox Rutk-r Banking Company of Atlanta. 3. APKILI.

Antotilie-Butler Bros 241 ANDREWS, Daniel Berta Binder 78 BADER. John A. Candee, Smith a- Howland Company 1,301 RRODSKT. Loula Munlclruil Light ing Company, cost BOl'RNK. Frank Veteran Firemen Association BRODIE.

8tev Frank Ferguson 34 CAGGIAMO. Michael David Mayer Brewing Company 4i COHBN. Louis tl. Brooklyn Railroad Company 123 CLARKE. Edward V.

M. iSchafer Brewing Company CHRISTY. Wm. Wylly 1.579 CARMAN. WlUet B.

73 Cl'CCIA. Nicholas Wm. A. Leggett and others CI CULLINAN. Patrick Commissioner American Surety Company, iJ ri'LUNAN.

Patrick W. Commissioner Peter Daly, costs 'S CROMB1E. tnot summoncO -Iiui Lamtert and another 5 ci. ark. H.

imn summoned) same. of DKNIsioN. Domett lis C. Johiisit-ii. 314 1.27 28 DEITSnL Cliaa.

an 1 K.1 H. Berwili I DEVIJN. John A. Jame another Ames and and Caroline A-- Ateyer mem DKLVKJSTHAL. Heatry D.

Met- T- KHREXFELM. Adam-N. T. Pirn Baking evra ERDREICH. Sara, Da.

Cohen PoARD. Rich. J. Thorn. L.

Arnold si al FLANDERS. F. WorSeo Oacar J. Malgne FOWLER. James Arthur Whit.

ORIEF. Israel N. T. TeL Co OOTHA. Maortc Prtmruaa "hlrt ORLENHERO.

N-lll. by guardian In R. T. costs GOOD. Chaa Frank J.

Ulnger UALLAOHER. Oeo. 8 LouU Iampert and amwher Ht'RWITZ. Samuel Harry HUGHES. Lillian T.

Telephone Company HICKET. John Same. HEYMAN. Daniel it. N.

T. Mercantile Exchange, cost HL'GHErf. Ulllan Ludwlg Bautaann Harlem IMPERATO. Perrlver J. W.

KKIEOER, Abraham r. Kunstler KRIEOER. Bertha and Abraham Iouls rteger KINGSTON, John W. N. T.

Telephone Company KANTROWTTZ. Morris Same KOTZEN. Solomon Samuel Ooldberg. KEANE. Nathaniel W.

Brnestla Dun- kelman 1iVE. Elmer N. Y. Tel. Co LEVY, Joseph Rerriman Brother Herman K.

not summoned) and Henrv'J. T. New Construction Co MORRI8. Charle N. T.

T4. Co MOCSOWITZ. Solomon Abraham bhel- nia McKENNEE. Jtsveph X. T- Tel.

Co. MAYER. Emma Interborough Rapid. Transit Co coats MANASSA. Manhetm Same, MILLER.

John Alaen's Amerlcaa I'ortland Cement Worka McKEHNAN. Thomas Interurban St. Rv. coats A PI 3. Wm.

H. National Drug Co O'TOOLE. James J. Edward A. Alexander PEIJPFET.

Seymour Jame X. Johnston. rot II LACK, Samuel Samuel Levy, cost. POWERS. P.

F. L. Froment. RAINS. Jacob C.eorsre E.

R1TCHEY. lianlel P. Frank A. R1EHER. William M.

Jeanne Ardell. ROCK MORE. David N. Y. TeL Co.

REMSEN. Jr. F. MacMee and ROSENHEIM. A Samuel Ooldberger.

SAWY'ER. Walter P. American riurety c.tmininv of New York SHROPSHIRE R. F. Mary J.


John M. Metropolitan SL Railway Companv ccwits SLoSS. Julius John Flnck SMITH. Washington Columbia Cab Dona to John Lea-lie. costs SToCKDALE.

John Geo. F. Loach. SHEELEY. Wni H.

Tough Club STEELE. John T. Jeanne PTEARNS, Henry Y. Tel. SACHS.

John N. Y. Tel. Co SWKiERT. Robert H.

Henrietta Adler and another SMITH. Washington Mississippi Valley. TRAVIS. eorge American Surety Conianv of New York WHITE. James John 8.

Slegling Wol.FK. Isaacs Samuel Goldberg WKIS. Dave A Jlllln Printing Co Wtl.KER. Frances Walter G. WEI STEIN, Aaron A.

B. H. R. R. I costs WEISS.

Morris Marx Rublnsky et YOCXG. Alexander K. Mc- Mutran Simon Felix Kunstler T. E. HAYMA.V CO.



Lawrence F. 1.6S0 S3 441 Its XI tut 1 53 12S tu 49 SI S3 r. 84 l.WH l.wo 92 S7 34 1,110 8t au lot in 17 33 343 11 131 33 HT awv 11T im 7 IB TU felt 237 Its 714 TS Tiers! 2.12 117 59 407 713 71 WH 2M 104 lis 47 123 l.Hhl 470 2 11 st6 1,160 l.Vl 2HS 124 128 128 lieane RORONI.IN FILS A CO Fred. frth CIRCLEX CO. AND A.

R. RORERT- son Co. Borough Bank of X. CITY RY. CO Jame Colv-ln DEER PARK UND CO.

Almy Smith et al CITIZENS' CENTRAL NATL. BANK of X. Y. Harry L. Toplftz, costs Satisfied Judgments.

The first name Is that of the debtor: the sec-mil that of the creditor and date when judg ment was filed. R.VLSAM. Adolph and Ieo-M. Korman nml others, Oct. 11, ltXXi, RACALLES.

James and. Peter E. Travels. Oct. 30.

11S15 cm I EX. Abraham M. Rose. Aug. lool DAIIL, Louts The Gorham Company, June 9, ENHtiLM.

Ivan H. Flak. Clark ac Nov 1. 10o5 HOLZDERRER, John J. M.

Jonann- sn. 12. HAM H'LLAND Iavid S. A. Krasnlck.

Oct. 17. I.EVEN. Ilymati H. Coppolo.

Oct. 24. ROSENTHAL. Max and Fannlej German Exchange Rank of N. Dec.

1. 1M)7. SHAPIRO, Max M. H. HernHteln.

Sept. 2 $708 76 21 31 36 149 C7 211 5.017 S3 KM 178 SIMMONS. Ernest J. Woodruff. St-pt 1.

lssn'i Emery H. II. Irving. Oct. 17.

lmT. TASSAIC STEEL CO. M-. If. Wallace an.l othi rs.


Elevated Ry. Co. J. McUlynn Htid others. Mitrch 2ft ItsW SAME Same.

March 2tt. HXlS THE IXTERHORi H'OH RAI'ID TRAX- flt Co. A. Jones. Nov.

1, 1903 3,511 108 145 THE COMMERCIAL WORLD OR. YIN. WHEAT There was an Improving 1 1 ii- 1- rii In the wheat market yesterday up to the last half hour, when a little realising produce 1 a setback, although final price were still to ts.c the previous night. The I nisi of thu u-lvanc lay chiefly in stronger tori-iKn news, including a Rrooinhall cable to the ei't'ei-t tlmt rain and froet had occurred in the Argentine. At l.lveipixil tho response to this news whs an advance to at l'aris a rise of to 40 points, and at Hud a pest i i'inth advance.

On top of this was a bet! cah lietitaiiil In some of the Western houses. with smiles of hushela No. 2 red report- el itt Chicago on a luisl 1 to l'c over De i-i-inlier. Outside of these Influences, bowevT, ami thu fact that offerings were light because of the heavy sales on Monday, the market was not verv well supplied with bull news dur iiin tho day Northwest receipts, including Winrmics, were, enormous, and fully l.iJO cars greater than on the corresponding day 1 vi ar. At Interior points the arrival were sl'out tiushels In excess of last ynar, imitlv offset hy rather lihornl clearances.

the detiian-l throuahout the day came from the unsiitistactory condition of the money market checking any Inclination toward much lnv stnieiit buying. The export demand was not Important early In the day, but It wa reported after the close that twenty loads had been worked. In world's stock there wa an lrcreae for the week, according to i.ikki.oih) bushels, compared with il.MK.tssi bushel Increase last year, the 1 1, uiK used as a bullish --onstileralion in of thu n-eetit bla kil-lluoiis that have Ien noted In domestic sto, ks It wa that a Western crop authority now In me crop of that country at with IVVI.OCMI.IIIK) bush-Is last ar cash heat In New Tork closed steadv at elevator and free on -hoard afloat: No. 1 N'orth-rii Iuluth, D6ljc, and No. 1 Northern Manitoba, V4c free on board, afloat.

CORN. Not much streugth was shown In the c.irn market tintll after midday, when prices developed about jC advance In the West, following wheat There wa some excitement In il market when a buvlnic order In De cember ran that option up to or Dc above M- nrectous night. immediately aitM- the mler was filled the market nack 10 D4c. closing to of the list moved some talk of dlw from Kansas, and Tc n-t nisTuer. ine rest with Chicago.

There wa ippointtng husking return feelers were said to their bids Chicago receipts were over the estimates, while at all interior point rec-iuts amounted to 7il.0u hushela, compares with bushel last year. On export ac- i tho were twentv-eia-ht loads. No. 1 c.rn in New York closed 5bc elevator and 57c fr-e b.wr-1. afloat: wnite.

yellow, Wc freo on board, afluat. all FUTURES. NEW YORK PRICES. Monday DKXTER. Joha M.

Clisw SI2', i May I k-i-i-iiil-er January May 50 CHICAGO Monday's Wheat' -1 wi-ceniier May Corn lwK-emtr Mav Oats 1 teceml-er May Lard January May Ribs-January May High T.ow. Close. i2S "S'j 33-, Hinh. Low. Close.

Close. srt h3', sV fsVs SMi 8S 3-11 aS b7'i 44', 44 44 44. .43 9- Id 45'i 43H 2f', 2-, 2k4 32, 32 32H 32 2 1177 B.Ki 7 7.o2 27! g.W 77 Ttn 6.72 ASO 1172 57 7T January 12. KS 12 12.32 12.00 May 12. 70 12 SI 12.67 12.

7T coTTf'N Th cotton market was le active yesterday, but ahowed continued nervousness with fluctuation irregular and comparatively bnmd. Ooenins hi her the market broke un der bear pressure and liquidation, rallied partly during th- middle session, and eased off agar in t'i" late triding with the close steady at net decline of lotl3 points. Males were etl mnil at h.11111 bales. i The otieninaT was firm at an advance of 3TS nnints in response to higher cables than necte-l. tsiverfns.

and bull support attracted si i bv the report of small spot offerings at the 1 itecline on the initial bulge, however, leading bear operators sold freely, and forcing market below the final of the nrevbsae day, caurht stoo orders and carried January dtiwi to or about 15 point net lower. This. being a decline of over eo points from the THE BEST WtX nrlca. If I could take vou the largest in the world under one roof making men's fine shoes, and show you the infinite care with which every pair of Douglas shoes Is made, you would realize why W. Douglas $330 shoes are the best shoes proauceq anywncrcv If I could show you the difference between the shoes inada in my factory and those of other makes, you would understand why Douglas S3J50 shoes cost more to make, why the? hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of creater intrinsic value than any other $350 shoe on the market to-dsjsj At GOOD AS 7.0O TO S8.00 CUSTOM 8 HO IS, Fin thorn avat cMr1s(, aaarar ty lie mmd astar ektt mM VJ -t 7.00 frftfo.

9th rsMtW BOYS SHOES, $2.00 AND Just tho soma as my men's $3m5Q shops9 ssmo ioathors, for 32.VU ana Only fiat Clr Mflf uMt mUt mm CAUTION. None) KenubM. without 1 WV L. i -T on bottom. Take no substltnte.

Sold la W. Is. DoaKlaa eiclaslr tbom Mom ts) the principal cities, and by the heet delererrwhe Cat slog of Tell Style nZailed free. W. La DOUGLAS, BrocktOB, W.

L. Douglas Shoo Storesjn Creator Newjoriu 43.1 Hmana-IT oorner no-srara dixoou 755 Broadway, corner 8th street. 853 Broadway, corner 14th Street. 1349 Broadway, corner 38th Btreet. 1447-1449 Broadway, oorner 41st 8t 05 Nassau Street.

250 West 125th Street. I Third Avenue. tl Tnird Avenue, ear. 120th St. 19 Third bet.

146th 147th Sta. cent hlsh record, attracted heavy covering, and the market dutint the middle session rallied to within 3 or 4 points of Monday's dose. Toward the close the market weakened aaaln umtar a renewal of bear pressure, evidently exerted with a view to Liverpool today, and the market, while steady at tb close, waa within 4 or 5 points of the lowest. Liverpool opened 8 to 7 point lower being Influenced perbap by the 11. MS).

COO hale crop estimate of a leading New Orleans and Eng lish authority. But at the decline a good demand was attracted, said to be dun to the small offerings from the South, an-1 at the hour of the local openlne- cables were 1 point higher. Later the market eased off with local quotation and spot sale were rather smaller. 8. OOP bales, at a decline of 1.1 point.

Th weather map showed seasonable condition. but some private wire received reported flur ries or snow in some part or rortn uaroiina. Contract price ranged as follow: Monday's Clo. High. Low.

Close November .10.113 10.M 10.5X4ilO.So December 10. DO 10 tu 10.6Hai.10.tW 10 tM 10. H1 1U.U3 11.1)3 11.14 11. IS 11.25 1127 11.31 11. lo January 11.02 10.M H.831' February ll.

ll.OB Marco u.i Ii.o;v,rll04 April 1125 11 oil ll.nei Hot) May 11 80 HOD 1LI4t11.1S June ll.l 1122 11.1HaiU.18 July 11.33 11. 1 11. 2011. 21 August 11.00 11.00 LIVERPOOL. Nov.

14. Snot cotton Quieter: sales, 8.0U0 bale; speculation and export. 3nO bale; American, bales. Receipts, bale; American, 53,000 bales. Middling upland.

DDl'l. Futures opened quiet, at 6 points aecnne on near moll ins ana I point lovvur on distant positions: closed steady at a net decline of 6 points: November and November- December, B.T7; December-January. 5.N0; Jan uary- eoruary s.M: Keoruary-March. S.M7; March-April. 0.S0; April-May, 5.91: May-June.

June-July. B.S4. and July-August. BUS. Manchester: lams hard to sell; cloths ir regular.

MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS Special ta Th S'trv York Timtt. SAX FRANCISCO, Nov. 14. The official closing quotation for mining stock to-day and yesterday were follow: Tue. Mon.

I Tuo. L. W. 02 Mexican (Veld. Con.

.7 Mon. .02 1 ao 3.24 .1:1 IH .40 Alta .03 .03 Alpha o7 Andes 24 Belcher 27 .24 1.85 .34 .14 .10 H4 ISO .01 .17 1.05 .011 Ophlr Overman. 5.75 .12 Best A Bel. 1.40 Rulllon 34 Potosl Savaar 9mm Belch. Sierra Nev Syndicate St.

Caledonia .45 Chat. .12 Chollar .40 .11 .07 C. C. et a.1 Con. .01 l.nlon Con.

Crown .16 Utah Oould AC. .17 Tel. Jacket. .07 Mi .211 .0.1 Hale Xor.l.Oft Silver bars. Julia Oil Drafts.slghL Justice iaj Telegraph Ky.

on 01 Mexican dollars 01 were unchanged at 41331. COLORADO BPR1XG8. Nov. 14 Gardner A Co. report closing prices as follows: Bid.

Asked IUd.AskeiL Acacia 10 104 Keystone 2 24 21 2 Lexington 4 5 Anaconda 12, 13 Puck. 2s 3 Banner 2V, Moon Anch. 3V 4 K. at X. M-vllle ft at, C.

C. O'. 7V Missouri 5v Dante r.t 3T. Nevln 5 .1 Dr. Jackpot 4 New Haven.

2 Elkton Old 24 3 El Paao 024 Pilgrim 3 3V4 Flndlay Do1 5 XI Portland 21i 22v) Oold 3t 4 Roee 3 gi (lold 10 2) Rose 2 3 Oold Dollar. KU Sample 4 4 Golden flo 70 tn. Gold 121i Sovereign 10 104, vindicator. 73 Isabella ....24 24U Work 7s 4 Jackpot 4 lndeiendence 14 13 J. 13V.

13 Teutonic 4 4 Standard Rope Reorganization. The plan for the reorganization of the Standard Rope and Twine Company Is nearly complete. Henry W'ollman and ames B. Clews, representing different bondholders' committees, said yesterday that they would be ready to announce the details later this week. Automatic Signals on the Reading.

The Philadelphia and Reading Railway Company has just fiiven an order for the equipment of about fifty miles of double track with the Hall normal danger automatic block signal system. Exports of Merchandise. Exports of merchandise from the Port of New York for the week were valued, at compared with $13.17,112 ia the crecedlnK week and lu the correspondlnir week last year. From Jan. I tne export from this port aggregate against S420.97I.2ini in llie corresponding period last year.

NEW YORK INCORPORATIONS. Sftcial to Tlx AVer York Timtt. ALBA NT, Nov. It. Incorporated to-day: William McEwan Coal Company.

Albany, ideal In coal. coke, and wood: capital. taai. Directors 1111am aiebwan. Jame B.

McEwan. John 8. McEwan, Albany. N. T.

Edward W. Pierce. Boston. Th Bett Electric and Redaction Company. Troy, telsctrlctan :) capital.

Direct- i A. Bett. Troy Benjamin oi arena, ana W. H. Bcofield.

New Tork. Tho Pomersts Realty Company. Brooklyn; capital. S2S.0o0. Directors WllUam PomeraU.

Nathan Dinerman. aw iora; juuus juoaer-man. Brooklyn. Front a Bon' Paper Company. Napanocs: capital.

SlOO.iajo. Dtrectors L. L. Frost. Na- panoch: rrw, iora, i.

ix. riost, Ellcnvllle. Dm Realtv Cbmnanv. Nw Tork: canltal. Sl.OOa Directors L.

J. Mallr. D. JL. iJavlas.

and Marion Hall. New Cambridge Court Hotel Company, New Tork; ranitaL San.UOQ. Directors L. w. usbevn.

Norwalk. Mas. W. Macurdy. and Minnie W.

Macurdy, New Tork. Tod's Food Confection Company. New Tork; capital, $10 000. Director J. M.

Shoemaker and A. W. Shoemaker, Montrlair. N. J.

F. A. Ryder. New Tork. Mldfleld Maybrook Dairy Company.

Dover Plains; capital. 130.000. Director O. E. Clapman.

1. T. alien, Dover Plain: L. F. Dodd.

New Tork. Th SS Kaat Thirtieth Ptreet Compaar. New Tork. treal etat: capital, fl rex-tor H. N.

Putter. Harrison. Westchester County: O. T. Snelllog.

Nw Tork; M. D. Mntcall. Osainnlng. The, Baits Malting and Drain -Company.

Buffalo: capital. $30,000. Directors Claus Baits, Buffalo: C. F. Baits.

Eastoa. Peaa. C. S. Salt.

Philadelphia. the re SHOES for, and Bl2a mora txczz'j $3JU mhoom tZn csz in tho world $10,000 TOeWSSg: We Le DoujUs 1X33 shoes have by their ex celleot style tlttlaz and superior wearing qualities, achieved tho largest sale of an $3Zd shoe in the' world. They, are just as good as thosa that cost you $5 to S7 the only difference Is tis into my factory at Brockton. 356 Sixth Avenue, oorner Jtfd Btrt, 345 isbth Avenue. BBOOKXiTZT.

70S-710 BroaVdway. cor. ornttm Bt. 1367 Brcsxhray oorner Gate Averm. 421 Ti'ton BtrssH.

oorner Pearl 1(U TtsrtK TwnijTrtv ri'rv 11 tffassiarsT NEWAKK 785 Broad Lost. You can subtract worries, divide your labor, and multiply- your chance, of recovering a lost articlo by add-verrising for in the and Found column of The New York Times. Cost for advertise- ment is 1 0 cents a line. (7 words,) with special 3 and 7 time rates. THE NEW YORK TIMES.

5 -All the Newt IWs Fit to PriaL INCORPORATED IN NEW JERSEY The Federal Vmeot Company. Jerser CtreJ capital. Incorporators Louis Dailey. Th ma F. Barrett, and L.

H. Cuathsr. The Comfort Company, teat ring, coafecttoo ery, and baking.) Jerwr City; capital, ooo. ltteorporat jra-John R. Baals.

tsauaisva Nicholson, and John T. Qrlv. The Tynor Hill Company, Jersey City -ea tall al. S2tm.oHi. Incorporator Loni B.

Dallnf Thomas f. 1 turret and L. 11. Uuuther. The Markt A KtrUler Company, HobokM capital Increased from IIM.OUO to $230,000.

The Car Juurnsl Packing Company. Jereer City: capital. I ticoriKira tor Charles XV. Drake, l'aul Chapman, and H.

ft. praks. The Mary L. Poultry Plant Company, Trn ton; capital, I ooorpor tors Chiy aU Neagley. E.

Kern, and Mark T. Hlbbs. The Kleirtrollan Organ Company, Hoboktm capital. Iacorporatora Ebea Smltli. Frelerlck Coffin.

Arthur Scott Brook. a4 William B. Flemm. The Sophr-Wheeler Company. Jai City capital, Incorporator Alexander C.

Sopher. Jam P. Sopber. and William Ii. Wheeler.

Th i Arnold aV Teitor Company. RUsabefh capital. Soii.iioo. liicuporators John P. Arnoiu Henry Textor, and Abe J.

David. The Panama-American Corporation; eapltat lncreuaea rrom 400,000 to 43MUM, The W. F. Yarieit Company, Trenton: capital. I.Vi.ism.

lucons.r.lora Guy M. Neagley, Kern. Mark G. Hlbbs. The F.

J. Hturn Company, plumbing anal heatUig. Newark: capital. Iacorpure ators Charles J. riturn.

J. F. Hturn, aod Usa beth Stum. Th jSaftty Grille Paving Jry City; capital. Sio.Ooo.

Inconwrators WllUana W. Hooch, Millard K. Tompkins, Jama ii. Mackie. John ej.

Davidson, and K. MLn. The ITarterets. Land (Vnnoany. Jersey dfrl capital, ln-orpora tora Oeorc R.

licai h. Charles K. Handrlckaou, ana jaU Kennedy. The i Co main I And and Building Coenpany, pumpton Lake: capital, Ineorporatur Charles C. Komain Goorg W.

Mlcken, asat Charles B. Dunn. The Fog Brothor an a cturrng Com pas Jersey City: capital fJu.vnt. Incorporator-' Joseph C. Fos, Henry A.

Fog. Philip J. i'aa Ueurgd H. Fox. and Ooorge C.

Fox. The Advnnoad MerchamliM Company, BrMge-ton: capital, fcio.i. lnoorporalors Moae Cohen. Morn Elseuateia. and Joaepa Pgrtavey, College President and Nov.

AsusOclaV- tion of Prldents of State Unlveraltias. which la ia session here, -was unable: come to an arretneni itMr oDj tM question of Indorsing or condemn! nf; foot ball as played in American college, and a resolution introaucea Dy iesiaent w. O. Thorn rsson of the Ohio Stats) Univer sity. dvplorlng the brutality and waats of time" resuliins; from the game a It is now played, was tabled permanently, it 1 believed.

Deforo tho oold woathor sots in Get a Recidonco Tclcphono: It saves tnrpoirare. It saves doctor's bills. It meana coovnicivf amd Rate ar tow. MCW YORK TOEPHOKM C3..

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