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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 9

New York, New York
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THE NEW YORK TIMES, WEDyESDAY; NOVEMBER 8.. 1905. 0 1 MIDSHlPMErrS DUEL ENDS IN A DEATH Branch Fought Mcrriwclhcr According to Annapolis Code. FLUD LED TO FIST FIGHT Encounter Formally Arranged try Classmates 23 Rounds Before New Yorker Succumbed. Special la Ihi Sew York Timti.

ANNAPOLIS. Nov. James Robinson Branch, who wax Injured In a fight with Midshipman Minor Merrlwether on Sunday night, died 10 o'clock thla morning. He waa the aon of Colonel J. R.

Branch, of Jfew Tork, Secretary of tha American Bankara' Association, who with Mra. Branch, waa with tha boy at tha tlma of hi daath, baring coma from. New Tork yesterday. Mldehlpman Merrlwether. who It from Louisiana, la In the Academy Hospital Buffering from Injuries received In tba fight.

Tha Inveatlgatlon mada by tha author-1tla of tha Naval Academy showa clearly that tha fight waa tha raault of personal bad feeling which had existed between tha two boys for a long time, and waa not connected In any manner with hazing. Branch waa a member of tha second els is and Merrlwether belonga to th third clsss. They entered the Academy together In the aunrmer of 1903, but Merrlwether waa what Is known here as a "turn back," that Is, he hnd been forced to drop back one class. What the original cause of the trouble between the two boys was the officers of the Academy have nut yet discovered. The Immcdiato rsuse of the fight, however, la perfectly clear.

In regulations It falls to members of the second to act as cadet officer, aiiil recently Branch served as cadet officer of the day. It was wild at the Academy thla evening that the classmates of both midshipmen had noticed and remarked that on different occasions since last Bummer, when Branch had been so serving, he Imd taken occasion to push Merrlwether. making use of his authority to check him In various ways. cadrt officer Of the day he entered Merri- wether room in Merriwether's absence h-i i. I.

i.hin AW- Ia.I nH -V. I .1. 1, i tiie line of his duty us cadet officer to make thla Inspection. In the course of It he searched the soiled clothes bair and ne searrned me soiled ciotnes Dag aim found concealed among the linen a suit i case containing a suit of civilian clothing. It li a regulation of the Academy I hat no cadet shall have civilian clothes In his 'possession, the object of the regulation midshipmen call taking "French leave.

for a run in town Havina- of Li7. Possession of unable ry fifty demerits, one-fourth of the number that will cause dismissal from lha Academy. 'Midshipman Branch duly reported finding the mufti. In Merri- ether's room and Merrlwether consequently was In trouble with the Academy authorities. It seems there is a siieHal code at the academy, established by the midshipmen I.

i l-l'lilmnr 7 regulations, una until tills affair was riot "V.r.Vi'.'l. 1. I known to the authorities, designed to cover all cases of dirflcsJIty among the mUlshlpme-i and all infractions of midshipman honor. Merrlwether considered Rranrh's Inspection arm report to nave authority and to i i.h xte tne requirement of an .11. in riornianre or nis iutv.

Tills i view serin to have been supported ed hv 1n I he re- Merri ether's Hasi-msie. to whom ferred the itter. Al all events. Merri- to Branch, and said that the ion.1 clns.nan had acted In a cowardly aimer and was a sneak Sec Among All th" mills, iipmrn coward and rnesk are flghtln words. Itrauch reported the a'fnlr at once to his class organisation.

hich derided promptly that he must hallengi Merriaclher to a fight. Aicrtllngly the challenge was Issued and dellvertd by the Preshii nt of the class or-anliittion. Merrlwel her's class acted with great promptness and he via ordered lo fight. Then It wan merely a matter of arranging the details. The midshipman rode embraces a complete set of fiehlitiR rules.

Midshipman A. W. Fitch of the first class, who is a cadet junior Lieutenant, was selected as referee, and Midshipman Leigh Noye. a cadet Lieutenant, aaa olii-nen for timekeeper. Two midshipmen 'f the second cissy were picked out as seconds for Branch and two of the third Oats aa seconds for Merrlwether.

At supper formation on Sunday evening these eight midshipmen, through the connivance of the cadet officers of their companies, managed to keep out of the formntlon. and Instead of marching into lie mess hall went to the room of a in a part of Bancroft Hall, the big dormitory where the entire corps Is OUMitered, us far removed from the mess Kill as possible. The. building is a huge ie. housing more than tain, and it waa eay to find a room far enough away so 'lie.

there ans no danger of the noise of th- right reaching lua mess hall. AlthotiKh all the memliera of the two clanes. or a majority of them, knew win'. was going on. no one save the fight was permitted In the room.

The j'. -itture was removed and a ring formed tiie pile of Hie room, giving practically tull-Hizcd Umdon prise ring slxteen-fot hattleground. A set of gloves had I ecu procured from the gymnasium, auch ss ui-e ntied there In bag-punching exer-i s. if nnythtng a little more heavily padded than fighting gloves, but not so heavy as ordinary boxing gloves. The boys were fairly well matched.

Merrlwesther waa taller and longer in reach, but not ao stocky aa Branch, who had considerable reputation as an athlete, particularly aa a wrestler. The fight waa strictly according to rules. Referee Fitch, in hla three yeara at the Acad- eiuj. nns served in mat capacity, oy nisi uwn admission, nineteen times. It went fairly evenly, both contestants giving and receiving considerable punishment, and both being knocked down at different times.

It had been agreed that there should te twenty-eight rounds unless one fighter had enough before that. But during the twenty-third round the look-out reported that the officer In charge, a commissioned officer, not a midshipman, was rotiitmr. Thereupon the fight, was called rr hastily and a draw- hands set to work to get the room Into It normal condition, and Branch ami Merrlwether went to their own quarters. Both were much exhausted and pretty well used up. having received a good deal of punishment.

Merrlwther had suffered a dislocation of the right shoulder, and had sprained bla left ankle. The dislocation had bean reduced by hia seconds by a good, hard pull without stopping the fight. At his own room Branch waa attended by his room mate. Midshipman Prttchard, who gave him a ahower bath and a good rubdown, and put him to bed. Branch rested apparently all right during the night, and when Prttchard went to breakfast formation seemed to be still asleep.

Prttchard managed to sneak a bun for hla roommate, and after breakfast, at about o'clock, ran upstairs. Here, Jim." he called to Branch, who seemed to be still asleep. Wake up; here's a bun for you." But Branch wns unconscious. When Prttchard found he could not wake his mate he gave the alarm, and Dr. Byrnes, the senior naval Surgeon on duty at the Academy, waa summoned.

Branch was taken Immediately to the hospital and a careful examination made. At the same time Merrlwether walked to the hospital and was admitted for treatment. Aa soon as It was seen how seriously Branch was Injured a telegram was aent to Ida father, telling him to come on at once. Col. Branch reviled urging that everything possible bi done for hla son and no expense spared.

Dr. J. M. T. Finney of Johns Hopkins University and Dr.

Kerr of Washington were summoned and came promptly. They decided that a clot of blood had formed on the brain, causing complete paralysU of the left aide. Branch had no sensation there, but continually moved hia arm or leg. The surgeons ogierated as quickly as possible, lifting a portion of the skull and removing a clot of blood about the size of a cent. The paralysis was so complete that no anaesthetic was necessary, but immediately on the removal of the blood clot sensation returned, and It became necessary to use an anesthetic.

Young Branch waa suffering also from oedema of the bralnV The operation seemed entirely successful, and at 1 o'clock thla morning Dr. Byrnes went home feeling very hopeful. Dr. Stone remained with- the patient. At 7:110 o'clock this morning a decided change for the worse ooVurred.

Temperature and pulse ran up alarmingly, and Dr. Byrnes was called agaiD, but nothing could be done. There was complete disintegration of the blood." the doctor said thla evening, "and an uncontrollable condition of the heat centres." From this It is Inferred that the brain hemorrhage resulted not from the beating received in the fight or from being knocked down Hnd striking the head on the floor, but from the Intense and long sustained excitement of tba flght.y The authorities of. the Academy have completed a preliminary examination, but Admiral Sands, the Superintendent of the Academy, has been so much occupied with Prince Iuls tlint he has been unable to take the mutter up fully aa yet. It is clear from the investigation so far made tna righting under a systematic code has Irm a regular thing, although It has been nnnwitml hi leerlv as to b- kept entirely -pn-eal-cl from the oiiIcts.

tH hel.l ithrtt nny such special code as that of tins coda of honor violates i 't a midshipman takes upon as well as the Tluro Ih only one cod which can oh- tam here." said the Admiral even- Ing. "and thai is found in the regula- tions." Admiral Sands's system make the cadet tommundant who In midshipman responsible for every infraction of regulations and discipline In the entire corns. The two cadet battalion commanders ure similarly responsible for their battalion. so to lowest of the cliat ofoers. This sy.tem directly con- 1 1 uiiuniiiiiiiaii iiyt, lor It makes if cadet officer lo detect and report every infraction of discipline, whereas the code I specially exempts certain forms of reau- latlon break.

ng. particularly fighting, and! consUlerx it sneaking to detect or re- run wii-ui. i As tn as Acadeni discipline Is con- a .7 ainii, jit- nllrl for ihe "fighters lo escape supper Forma- instead of ab'-ttlng It. Colonel Branch and Mrs. Branch are "ffalr'i b.ut,,t been 'summoned to Ihe station follow thought likely that any criminal or civil 1, action HgHinst Merrlwether will be I brought.

In case it should be the Acad- i in 01 course nonor any I it tm i .1 me jtr.auen.iv au- thorlties. who naturally regard the affair extremely untortunate. that in the and generally 'approved extension of atnletics. boxing lias had a lame rt. To considerable extent it has lped tne maintenance of discipline nti thhor who have a tfrtevance to settle it accord- Ing to the rules Instead of the old rough-I and-tnmble asault on the first occasion I asiiorc.

BONAPARTE TO INVESTIGATE. Will Seek to Put an End to Fighting at the Academv lo I ht York Tmtt. her topper, and his favorite pastime was WASHINGTON. Nov. 7.

The death of ridlna to notions. Me was also a great Midshipman Branch at Annapolis In swimmer and yachtsman, golfer, and ten-. nin player, de was a particularly active sequence of Injuries received in the course member of the Racquet and Tennis Club. 1 M. tt.

II.I..L1 aa III-. .1 M. L. I 1 1 flTIT" rnkrk Howland Pell and graddaughter of I r' TiKXd'y- Sport Ul Other Countries. Mr.

and Frederic aallatm. will make uiii ui mr u-unrn were Tnp meeting ot trains at the Great Neck hpP hn i a laree ten to He lecelved at the Nnvy Department to-day. Station has resulted In five similar ST. PKTERSBCRG. Nov.

7-The new her Dec. 8 bv her rnother at but unofficial advices correspond with the newspaper accounts. Among navy officers the a 'fair was dls- urse.l as something that would put the academy under a cloud for some time to erne. It is understood that Secretary Bonaparte, who was In Baltimore during the day. expressed the purpose to gate the matter thoroughly and make it the subject of a report to Congress with the aim ot securing legislation to do away with the custom of settling per-u nal enmities and disagreements by fighting.

There has been the same difficulty at A mm noils that has been encountered at West Point to prevent hasing and other forma or Drutanty. in uu ongres prohibited hasing at West Point by making It punishable with Instant expulsion. Two years ago Congress inserted in the regular I pec ted that mora hunters will be attract-nppropr ation bill for the Navy a clause authorlilna the superintendent of the i cn8lence than has been the case nfcval academy, then Commander Wain- wrlght. to make new rules, with the approval of the Secretary of the Navy, for suppressing basing. It wan provided that cadets found guilty hasing should be punished with uncon- dltional expulsion and not be eligible for ar.nolntment as commissioned officers In Co ntu'Tw IZ.LIJ lie ted This law has proved to be effectual, but It has not covered the custom that has existed in the academy practically since it foundation of settling quarrels by-fights.

The advices received at the Navy Department are that Branch's death resulted from congestion of a blood vessel at the base of the brain. A physician who took part in the operation said to-night that It would be very hard to say jut what cause waa responsible for death The young fellow waa bruised all over his face and hla chest. His eyee were i'iiwu wi.u loeed ana mere were oruises over the hear, mlghl Knocked Thin autnoriiy wouia not sav whein death resulted from congestion caused bv Branch's exertions or from a blow The blood vessels of the entire brain were found congested. mnmo Dcy. Always JLMBendr the Ttall I fixative Hromo CaraCoMtaOmXay(Crptai3 fi GEN.

FITZGERALD'S SON KILLED AT GREAT NECK Struck by Train as He Was Returning from Nirvana Races. CONTESTED IN STEEPLECHASE He Attempted to Board Train and Stepped in Front of Approaching Engine. Ixiui Fitzgerald. the only aon of Gen. Ixiule Fitzgerald, waa killed by a train at Great Neck station yesterday afternoon as he was returning from the races given by W.

Gould Brokaw at Nirvana, where he had ridden in the steeplechases. Hurrying to the station from the meeting to catch the 5:15 train westward bound he stepped In front of an east-bound train and was ground to death -under Its wheels. When picked up all life was extinct In hia dreadfully mangled body. Dvring the after unsuccessfully riding his black gelding Crusader In the great amateur steeplechase, ha mounted his bay mare Tiger Lily In the fourth race. He lifted her over Jumpa and liverpool In fearless fashion, but reaching the flat a sudden swerve to th left brought her down on the turf with a broken leg.

The mare, which was his especial favorite, had to be killed at once. The master survived the mare by scarcely more than an hour. Fitzgerald attended the Nirvana race meet aa the guest of W. Gould Brokaw. His gelding Crusader was the favorite for the amateur steeplechase, and waa confidently looked to to win.

The daring and skill of his owner played a large part in creating this confidence. Only three days before the shapely black had carried its master to victory In the races at Graceland on the estate of William R. Grace. But a bad start put him out of the running yesterday, although young fitxgerald did some of the hardest and most daring riding witnessed In the two and one-half miles Wich the six seasoned hunters traversed. He was beaten out.

however, by William Grace Willie Price. Harry 8. Page Erie, apd E. Kernochan's Cresset, all of whom lie challenged during the contest. In the open steeplechase Mr.

Fltxgerald was the only gentleman jockey to sport the silk in company with the professionals. He rode his bay mare Tiger L41y In thrilling style. Tiger L.ily was losing ground at the end when she cleared the last Jump on the way home, and was being urged to the limit. It was then In turning that the valuable mare broke her off hind leg. In falling she threw her ridT.

who was fortunate to escape serious injury. Her owner was greatly dispirited over the fate of his splendid hunter. Mr. Fltxgerald hurried to the railroad station at Great Neck after the faces in an automobile. Just as he arrived the tialn was leaving for the city.

The cars were filled by the fashionables who had witnessed his remarkably brilliant riding in hi. 8 wltn a lon Pddo Ing his riding boots, he ra which waa cov- coat. and weur- pan Mtt muin tlio 4, ne aiu so me pnni oi me engine on the east-bound train that was pulling into the station, struck him, and ho fell under the wheels. The first two coaches passed over him. both legs and otherwise mamrllnar him.

fa.iir. mvm ln "t-nd 'rain saw the accident. but It went on lts way. There was an outcry and general commotion among the of the gentlemen left the train at the next station to return to the scone. several nt the tele 'ntormauon ot tne accident was teie 1'iKnrcu iiiiiiieuiineit uir piaiT 01 and he with Harrv C.

Child and I Tavne Whitnov irried to the railroad summoned, the remains were removed 11 Island Clt" talfe 1n mther-. New York home tended hv fcr Ceoree II. Dowsev who The ount man. who was 'JTi years of n-e. was the only child of Gen.

Loui: irii I Mill, null iitirii mill iih nil rrn in i the big double mansion at the southeast i-orner of Thirty-fifth Street and Lexlng- to" Avenu time at Gi le. But he spent much of hli Great Neck and other Iong Isl- and homea of his many friends in the m-th" at I home in the Iexington Avenue house, but his father was at the family place at Oarrlson-i-n-t he-Hudson. The voting Mr. Fltxgerald shared his father's popularity ln the club life of New York. Not only was he known I among the country club and hunting ret, 'hut in other branches of athletics as well.

i Wl. n- 'i ut twtmo In tha uu1i11a nf a rm accidents during the past year. Only Pra RuBI)la wm be marked by a change a fewmonths ago Reginald Oignoux. son 1 of Charles C. Glgnohx.

was killed at the rom the Julian to the Gregorian calen-station in tne same manner. Both of dar. his legs were cut off. and he died the same night ln the Flushing Lospital. DEER SEASON OPENS TO-DAY.

But Pot-Hunters Privately Began the Slaughter Yesterday. ip.cia lo The Srx York Times. RONKONKOMA. I Nov. 7.

All the morning trains from the city to-day brought scores of hunters ln anticipation of the legal opening of the season for deer shooting to-morrow. Owing to the efficient enforcement of the game laws, the deer have Increased rapidly, and it is ex ln many years. To-day many hunters who vamped on the grounds hare been shooting deer while ostensibly engaged ln the pursuit of quail and rabbit. Willie thmitrkinl A.nlhl I wild oursuit of Ac eum ill donhtie I i.p".Ul1 of Atle Jub" Th reining dsky of the gnoot. i ln season are next Friday anf Wednes- and Friday of next week.

Owing to tne numocr or hunters who will be on the ground to-morrow, more than the usual numoer of casualties from careless t-hoot- ARARinnKI lAf A I I inne A DTV AOANUUN WALLACE PARTY. Richards and Stevens Reach Coast-Fears for Mrs. Hubbard. ST. JOHN'S.

X. Nov. mail- boat Virginia arrived to-day from North- ern La bra lor, bringing James Richards and Peter Stevens, members of Dillon Wallace's expedition to explore -the in- terior of They left Wallace and East on In September in the wildest I Jart of Labrador, and left behind every ounce of food they could spare. The I party had suffered greatly, owing to the scarcity of game, ihe keason being poor, i Snow fell early ln August i The; mail boat brought no news of Mrs. 1 Hubbard's expedition, which has not been heard of since It left the coast last June.

Grave fear I expressed that both expedl- prnanea. it is unlikely that I urvtvors could reach the coast ibis aea-i BEN GREET AS SHYLOCK. 311811 ggijCATiox. xew rccLicATmx. More Interesting in Suggestion Than In Actual Accomplishment, It Is a pity that Ben Greet' art is not more plastic, for his 8hylock.

revealed for tha first time at Mendelssohn Hall yesterday afternoon, has soma very admirable qualities. It Is at times most gratifying-ly human. But that fact Is often lost sight of in the presence of an excess of violence on the part of the actor, the more surprising because, elsewhere, he Is more than usually natural. Mr. Greet Merchant of Venice is of sandy complexion, with flowing red beard and red hair, and he has.

moreover, a red-beaded disposition. There is no mis-taking that. Hot tempered throughout, he Is nevertheless a most businesslike 8hylock in the earlier scene, carrying forward the transaction with Antonio with few of the familiar outward flourishes. There Is little- indication of an animosity based on racial differences, this Shylock being chiefly concerned with the fact that the Venetian lends out money gratis, and brings down the rate of usance." But though the entire acene with Antonio is maintained in a key of extreme naturalness. Mr.

Greet finds it necessary upon his final exit to enforce the iKitnt of his vengefulnes with most melodramatic grimace and gesture. Ho. too, in the passage with Tubal where he literally tears a passion to tatters. Here he comes on. without the gaberdine, in black velvet doublet and hose.

In the excess of his exuberance he brings memories of Edmond Dantes proclaiming that the world la his. This excessive voclferousness sgaln gives way to a quieter method in the trial scene, some of the lines of which Mr. Greet reads with such apparent spon-taniety and truthfulness that their appeal is irresistible. His attempt at Shy-lock on the whole, however. Is Interesting rather by reason of what It suggests than by what It accomplishes.

It might be studied with great advantage by actors. Given the same intelligent conception for it Is Intelligent and a broader and more pliant mimetic capacity, an amazingly impressive Shylock might tha result tf Ilia nrtiee netnra In ttia I only be said that they appear to less advantage In this play than in the ones previously presented. The Nerlssa. bow-ever, 'is rather competent, and the Jessica, despite an obviously artificial nose. reads the lines well lUring the casket scenes two Eliza- bethan tunes are introduced; for the Prince of Morocco.

The King's Morls-co." and for the Prince of Arragon. Spagnloletta." The original music of the song. Tell Me Where Is Fancy Bred." being lost, a new setting in the A'rnold Dolmetsch. The music in the moonlight garden scene in Act V. consists of three Venetian tunes: Alta Reglna." i and Bassa lucale," two pieces for the violu da am Via and Mite, printed In Venice in l.VKi, and Ia Korlana," a dance for two viols and harpsichord.

ANDREW J. BELL'S SUIT. Patriarch of Stamford Wants $4,000 from Granddaughter. Special to The York Times. STAMFORD.

Nov. 7. Miss Florence Bell, a granddaughter of Andrew J. Bell, the patriarch of Stamford and one of the town'a wealthiest men, was twenty-one years old to-day. but instead of coming Into her own." as she had expected, papers were served on her ln a suit for brought by her grandfather.

Mr. Bell seeks to recover for lodging, clothing, medical services. given, he affirms. byreiuest of the defendant. Miss Bell was educated at the Convent of the Holy Innocents.

Her -father, the plaintiff's son. died about five years ago. I leaving two daughters, one of whom is (the wife of Dr. C. H.

Borden, city health officer in Stamford. In January, listf. Andrew J. Hell deeded to his grand- i daughters a half-Interest each in a brownstone front block 'in Bell Street. Miss Florence was at the convent at that time.

Her Interest In the residence la estimated to lie worth about 4.0"0. After leaving the convent the girl and some of her relatives were unable to agree. 8nd she left them, taking up her i residence in a Stamford hotel. Recently she went to New York to live. I Service of the papers In to-day's suit was followe1 by tuat Mr Bell lai disinherited the defendant.

He said he did not know where the girl was. and I '-Htied to talk about the case. i PRESI DENT TO BIBLE SOCIETY. T7. I congratulatory Letter Read at Cen- tenary Meeting In London.

LONDON. Nov. great meeting of the British and Foreign Bible Society was held at Albert Hall to-night to celebrate the completion of the centenary fund. Whitelaw Reld. the American Ambassa- dor, who was one of the principal speak- Mr and Mrs Hobart Moore of Cillers, read a letter from President Roose- cago.

Miss Fargo is the daughter of Mr. velt. In which the President said: "nd Mrs. William Congdon Fargo and a "My Dear Mr. Ambassador: May I granddaughter of James argo Therethrough you send my hearty congratula- ceptlon i will take place at the Fargo reactions to the British and Foreign Bible I dence.

Park Avenue. Miss Fargo i.i. i it, thmiUairivinr her deout less than a year ago. Among meeting? 1 trust that this gather ing will stimulate world-wide Interest in the translation and circulation of I lh. Riltla and I am rertnln that all persons having the good of mankind closely at heart will feel for this effort the most sincere sympathy and good will." Mr.

Reld Baid It was his privilege to Join personally In the congratulations to the society but it was a be the bearer of congratulations incom- parably more Important than his own. RUSSIA TO REFORM CALENDAR The use of the old calendar, which is thirteen days behind that of other civilised countries, has been the cause of infinite confusion. The Academy of Sciences has already submitted a plan to shorten the next Russian February by thirteen days and to begin March 1 in the new rtyle. INDORSE PRESIDENT MORTON. Hoders of Equitable Policies men in Lunuon.

LONDON, Nov. 7. A well-attended meeting here to-day of British policy holders of the Equitable Life Assurance Society, under the Presidency of Sir John Puleston, after a lengthy statement from Sir William Mather, adopted a resolution i of confidence ln President Morton and his colleagues and approval of the recom- i 1 I a mendatlon tnat a rroiecuve committee lv fnwntA. lik murir-a It was suggested that a representativo of the British policy holders should be placed on the Directorate of the society. M.

Taianv Mav Leave Venezuela. CARACAS. Veneruela. Nov. 7.

It Is ru- i niored here to-day that M. Taignv. the French charK( d.Affalr preparing to lev Veneruela. 8hould this be the case the archives of the French Legation I n-i 1 1 in rhurr. of the Rrit ili r.Y Kw Minister here.

Good Bodies art male with good food GrapeNuts Tbe perfect food, builds strength and steady I mmw i gf ex "JJi i ii wnrv THE' FLUTE OF PAN By JOHN OLIVES IIOBBES If the girl that you love were a real queen if she were the Queen of Siguna would you ask her to renounce all that she possessed in order to give herself to you and satisfy your pride? Or would you eagerly take up her burden help her to rule and fight her battles for her make her kingdom great and her subjects happy This is the problem which confronts tfie hero ofc this novel of a new land. Read and see how he solves it D. APPLETON COMPANY, PUBLISHERS, NEW YORK KING ALFONSO TO WED A GERMAN PRINCESS Engagement to Duchess Marie of Mecklenburg Expected. COUSIN OF DUCHESS CECILIA And Related to Many Royal Houses Supposed Plot Against the Spanish Ruler. Special Cable to Thb Nrw Tork Times.

(Copyright. 10O5. Nov. 7. The Duchess Marie Antoinette of Mecklenburg-Schwerin arrived in Berlin to-day.

It Is understood that her engagement to King Alfonso will soon be announced. The Duchess is a Catholic. She waa born at Venice In 1884. and is nearly two years older than the Spanish King. She is the only daughter of Duke Fred- erick of Mecklenburg-Schwerln, uncle of the reigning Grand Duke.

She Is a cousin of the Duchess Cecilia, who recently married the German Crown t-rince. Anotner or ner cousins is married to Prince Christian of Denmark, and her aunt, the Duchess Marie, is married to the Grand Duke Vladimir of Russia. It Is said that King Alfonso desired to marry an Knglish Princess, and it was recently persistently reported that n.l rontiv ome obstacle. State or personal. Interfered with this plan.

If the King marries the Duchess Marie the political results of the union will be almost as satisfactory to Spain as if he had married a member of the British royal fmx. member of the British royal ffuse, for I she is closely related to half ffie ruling i families of the Continent MAGDF.Bl'RG. Nov. 7. The political police here yesterday arrested three Spanish-appearing men before King Alfonso arrived.

The men seemed to show-undue Interest in the Kine's movements. They asserted that they were Kcuador- ians on their way to Berlin to study. BERLIN. Nov. Alfonso re- ceived Chancellor von Billow in audience to-day.

later held a reception of the Dip- lomatic Corps, and then witnessed the sweartna ln of recruits. UfUAT IC nniMfl IM CfiPICTV Kathleen Taylor Massev gave a luncheon yeaterday at her home. 254 West and bridesmaids. Her marriage to Wright Brown will take place Saturday at 4 o'clock In Christ Church. To-day there nill be the wedding in the temporary St.

Thomas's Church of Mlsa Helen Farao to Nathaniel Moore, son of a n- i-Aa licr HlirilUKIlia iu uu mil mis. i a Carpenter, who will herself be a bride i.ext week The wedding of Miss Ruth Hoe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoe, to Robert Sterling on next Monday In the Pres byterian Church ln West Fortx-second Street, will be a very small one, the Hoes mourning for jon Marie, I (Mius Hoe.) A reception for relatives and intimate friends only will take place at 11 I- Thirty-sixth mt. Miss Gladys Pell, daughter of Mr.

and her residence, 430 Madison Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Grace (Miss Eden) have returned from a trip to Australia and are now at their place at Great Neck. Mrs.

Grace's sister, Mrs. Ralph T. Roke-bv. with her husband, has been visiting In Finglaad. but will return this month to their staten island nome.

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Jacquelln, who spent the Summer at Bernardsvllle, have returned to tow.t and are at the Gros-venor, Tenth Street and Fifth Avenue. Henrv Sloans and his daughters, the Misses Jessie snd Emily Sloane, have moved Into their new residence.

18 East Slxtv-elghth Street. A DAY'S WEDDINGS. WEIL FRANCK. Miss Aline Franck was married at 5 i 0viock yesterday afternoon to Julius i nr the Rnhhlnn Chemical i I Company. The wedding took place at the n0Ine of her parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben c. Franck. 230 West Ninety-seventh Street.

The Kev. ur. josepn ouverman I of ficiated. The ceremony waa performed in hinrr of Autumn leaves and chrys onthemums. The best man was Joseph Well, brother of the bridegroom.

Miss pink mold' mei shower bouquet of pink roses. The bride "or white lace gown and cairied Ulies ol tne -auey. ne wmuiin hom affair, only the near relatives of the contract! ing parties being present. iJin- ner was served after tne ceremony, air. and Mrs.

well siarieo last mini on, extended trip through the West. Insurance Committee Resumes To-day. i The Armstrong Committee of Insurance Investigator, will resume Its session, to- I day a b. City Hall. Actuary Met tlntock ot theIutual Life will be the first wit-; nesa.

and then President Hegemn of the; Metropolitan Life will be called. The af-. I fairs of the Mutual and the Metropolitan Life Company will occjpy tne commute for tne rest 01 tne wee. $1 for Mrs. Cheshire.

Tux New Yn Times acknowledges the ci a tnr He KeeHt w'i of Mrs. Cbexhlr. whose husband was lt filed on Lone Issrnd several days wa. The money baa been eent to tbe wl 7 LADY FLORENCE DIXIE DEAD. Author, Champion of Woman's Rights, and War Correspondent.

LONDON, Not. 7. Lady Florence Dixie, the well-known writer, explorer, and champion of women' rights, who acted aa war correspondent tor a London paper during the Boer war of 1880, died thla morning at her home. Glen Stuart, Dumfriesshire, Scottland. Lady Florence Dixie waa a member of the Queensberry family and Inherited, the eccentricities as" well as the cleverness possessed by so many members of It.

Some years ago she startled London by declaring that she had been kidnapped she believed by Irish agitators, and had been held for several days In captivity. Her story waa never disproved, but neither waa It proved, and there were many people who said that the whole affair was liraglnary. She wis the youngest daughter of the reventh Marquis of Queensberry and was born ln 18.17. In 1875 ahe married Sir Beaumont Dixie, Bart. She traveled ex tensively and spent over a year exploring the unknown regions of Patagonia.

Her literary work was of the most varied character. Including poems, books of travel, ami novels. Her book. The Heir- rtf 4nort was Hit. tlarV nn tha pruAlce of killing wild animals as aa amusement.

GEORGE A. BURRELL DEAD. Former Alderman Sought Tammany Leadership in the Thirtieth. Former Alderman George A. Burrell, v.

ho fought last year and this to wrest the Tammany leadership of the Thirtieth District from Harry Hart and William II. Sitmott. Hart's chief lieutenant died yesterday noon at his mother's home. 170 Eighty-seventh Street. He had been ill for more than a year.

Burrell was extremely popular In the Thirtieth and would have been elected at the recent primary If there had been any assurance that his health would not fail him. As it was, Burrell dictated the greater part of his campaign from the Adirondack and rolled up a surprising vote. Hart defeated Burrell by a smalt margin at the 1)104 primary, and then resigned in favor of William H. Slnnott, the present I leader. Hurrell was born ln New York.

City thir- ty-nine years ago. He waa a member of the Columbian order, the Algonquin Club, Ourselves. Ostriches, Conductors Club, Pastime Athletic Club, and of the Young I Men's Democratic Club of the Thirtieth District. Me was an umDrena manuract- urtT hiki ut mu ueorg, a. xiui Uell Association.

DEATH LIST OF A DAY. John Alfred Pinard. John Alfred Pinard, a former well-known caterer ln this city and Newport, but In 1st er years retlrM, died suddenly in his city home, 44 East Sixty-fifth 8tret. of heart disease, yesterday morning, In his fifty-fifth year. The Pinard family has for years been well known In this city and Newport.

John Alfred Pinard. who died yesterday, was one of the sons of tha late John B. PiuarJ. who laid the foundation of the business which the aons continued. After the death of his brother.

John A. Pinard continued the business, which latterly consisted principally of taking care of six cottages in the centre ot the fashionable colony at Newport. Mr. Pinard leaves a widow, who was Miss Eliza M. Smith, and a aon, Cazeau Pinard.

Obituary Notes. Henry C. L. Otto, editor and manager of the Meriden (Conn.) Evening Times, died yesterday of typhoid fever. Justice Start of Vermont Dead.

BAKERSFIELD. Nov. 7. Henry R. Start.

Associate Justice of the Vermont Supreme Court since 1890, died at his home here to-ntght. He was CO years old. Ex-Gov. Austin of Minnesota fecial lo Tht AVtr York Tim. MINNEAPOLIS.

Nov. 7. Horace Austin. Governor of Minnesota from 1S70 to 1874. died at a hospital here to-day after a minor surgical operation.

He was born at Canterbury, on Oct. 15, 1X31. In 1MS2 Austin came to Minnesota and distinguished himself In the Indian wars. THE WEATHER. WASHINGTON, Nov.

T. The barometer Is low over northeaatera districts, with centres depression on in. vwin. lake reaion. -ad oo ths South N.w England coast, intut result tba weather eoattauM cloudy, wlta raia id xom ui mi, vmw Valley, and Naw Knglaad.

Elaawkare fair weather praratla, except tbera Kaa been a continuation of rata la tbe extreme soutawaat. Temperature chances nave been unimportant. Winds along tha New England coast will be freeh eouth; oa tba Middle Atlantic Coast fresh end variable; oa tbe Boutb Atlantic (mat tnmh west; on tbe Oulf Coast light and I variaMe; on tbe lower lakes fresh west; on the upper lakes fresh northwest, Steamers departing Wednesday for European porta wlU nave light to fresh variable winds and cloudy weather to the Grand Banks. FORECAST FOR TO-DAT AND THCRSDAT. Eastern New Tor.

New Jrer. Rasters PnnsyUanla. and rtaware-Rala Wednaa- V. TbursdaV fair: ITeen West Winds. Vr-k Rin or enow Wedne.

irwlAZfT'lJ? S7. WMM Enuud Raia Wednesday, Thureday ratr ln eouth. snow or rain in north portion; freah south ieeofning west. Western Pennsylvania Rain followed by fair Wedneedsy. Tliursaay yartiy eiouay; rreaa weet wumu.

The temperature record for the twenty-four VnlZi states Weather Bureau. Is aa follows: a. 6 A. A. 1904.

19HS. 44 43 4T ...4 SO 1904. lSOS. S3 ...4 91 4 P. M.

p. P. P. 49 i i 49 Thla thermometer I I0S feet a bow. th tret level.

The averse temperature yesterday waa 4s; for tn eorreepoootag est last year It was 41; average on the oorreepondln, data for I the last twenty-five yeara, 47. The temperature at A. af. yesterday was 45; at P. at.

was CO. llaxlmum tempera- i ture. SS aesreea at P. minimum. 44 do irm i a.

uemMitr. per eent. at Love Triumphant 7T Barbara Hurst, grand daughfsr of the founder of Hurst was brought up by her father with an independ ence of thought always piquant and sometimes startling. She comes to Hurstviile, where she meets Abijah Bead, who hds. devoted his life to a plan of punishment of his faithless wife.

which reminds one of -Nathaniel Hawthorne They meet, of course, and the lore affair that follows is entertaining and original and rises at times to almost tragic heights. It is full of humor, which. though sometimes grim, is always enjoyable. This is 'T'he Pang Yanger, by Elma A. Travis, M.

D. $1.50. All booksellers- MeCLCRE. PmXUPS COMPANY, 44 East SM BlrMt. NIW Le Moyne's Funeral This Morning.

The funeral of William J. Le Moyn will take place at 10:30 o'clock thla morning In the Church of the 'Ascension. Fifth Avenue and Tenth BtreeU The serrtoe wil be conducted by the Rev. Percy S. Grant.

The pallbearers will be E. It-Sot hern, James K. Hackett, Herbert Kel-cey, Henry Miller, William A. Faverehaoa. De Wolf Hopper, Frank Worthing, Thee-? dore Hamilton, William H.

LlpplneotU Brander Matthews, and Daniel Frohmao. The burial will be In Woodlawn. VSIKBSS XOTICCS. Kusanogea cure Malarial and Bilious diseases. It le reliable.

74 cents. Mllhaa, 111 Broadway. COLLARS. B.etW. CVWW.

Tse L40ea of a Oeatlensaa, MARRIED. KHCLTZ O'NEILL-On Tuesday, Nor," T. ISO." at H. by the 4tev, raiser Buids, Florence Harrleon, daughter Of Mrs. Henry J.

O'Neill to Clifford Oleomore Snubs Ot ktuntclair. N. J. DIED. BRCKN.

On Sunday, Nov. 5. 1003. at bar home at Kcarsdale. N.

Louisa Jay. widow ef -Alexander M. Bruen end daushier of the lata Jnds William Jmr of Bedford, N. T. Funeral Wedneedar.

Nov. S. at St. Thome. Church, Mamaroneck.

N. at 1 T. U. Carriages will meet train leaving Orand Cea-tral Depot at 1:04 P. M.

CAHAUt IDR On Mannsv. Nov. 1S0B. St his evidence, XJ2 Ureene Brooklyn. Walter, third eon of Louise J.

and tha lata Paul Casamajor. la the ikl year of hla age. Allendble. N. on Nov.

Ka-ln Chapln. eged S2 years. Funeral will be held at hla late -reslrtrnoe Wednesday afternoon, Nov. at Kprlngriekl papers please copy. Tueedar.

Nov. T. Marta Iiulu wlilow nf JamtM W. Clen- denln and dauchter of tbe lata Gardiner O. Howland.

-W In. It 4 Ik, I mtrvic. at SIS 6th Av. on Thursday. Nov.

at 10:30 A. M. Kindly omit flowers. DEL VAL.LE.-On Monday, Nov. a.

IMS, at the Stratford. It st 5d KU, Joee Anlonle Funeral aerrloea at Bt. Vlneent -d Paul's Church. Weet 23d on Wednesday, Nov. 8.

at 10 A. 11. Interment at Newark, it. J. DRAKK On Monday.

Nov. ISoS. Ansellae C. Drake, elner of James St. Drake.

Funeral services will be held at the Choree, of the Divine Paternity. Central Park West, corner of Street, oa Taursday, Nov. at 4 P. at. Relative, and frienda are Invited te attend.

Chatham, N. oa tba Stb tset, Mrs. Elisabeth Dunn, widow ef the lata Be- ward Dunn and mother of tba Kev. Joaepk Dunn, tlateiy deceased.) -Funeral will take place fmm St. Patrick's vrnircn, i nvun.

n. on vveHnULy, nvw. a ISMtt. at 10 A. M.

Interment at the Came- lery IM tuny onpaKHvr, niwirw sm. FITZGERALD. -Suddenly, on Nev. T. at Great Neck.

L. 1.. Louie. son of Louta and Oelyna Fitsgerald. in the Slet year of his eg.

Notice of funeral hereafter. HACK LET. Suddenly, Nov. S. IMS.

Marie, widow of Victor Mayo Hack ley of Naw York. and daughter of tbe late Heloise Daeteuet aaa Moreton 8tltl of Philadelphia. rwwral from the Church of St. Vlaoeat Se Paul. West UHd on Thureday seoraiag, HEWLETT.

On Saturday, Nov. 4. 1905. Al- 1 WA wamb LI. aae.

Kelatlvea and frienda and members ef ander Hamilton Poet. No. lag. O. A Tt.

respectfully Invited to attend the funeral sen-Ices on Wednesday evening. Nev. al 8 o'clock, at hla residence, 10 Bast l3Tta m. interment st ureeawooe. ISENBERO.

On Monday. lftOS, at New York City. H. Alexander Isenberg, In th S4th year of his age, bakvedhaabaa4 ef Vlr-linla R. Dutaenberg.

Funerml eervloea on Tbaraday aftarneea at 2 o'clock at th chapel of th. Collegiate Reformed Church, Stb Av. and 48th St. Ban Irm nee on 40tn St. Interment at Honolulu.

European, San Francisco, and Honolulu ea- -per plea copy. Kaufmaan. blovd aon of the late Oottllek eni V.TYm tm KettfmAMn. Punaral service at tn ch. pel of Seletn Flelda Cemetery.

Cypreas Hills. BreaUjra. Wednesday jnomlng. Nov. 8.

at -M ALLiRT. At Metuehea, on Nov. Ida Baker, wife of R. Mallory. ruaeral aervleea 8L, Luke's Church, WedseS-day at 1 o'clock.

Byraeuee papers pleas copy. McINTTRB Sunday, Nov. Grace Sterling Mefntvr nf the let Cherlee m.mA Katberlne Mclntrr. Puneral Wedneeday at 3 P. M.

from th Waehlngton H.lsbts United Praabyterte Church. 1724 St. and Auduboa Av. MUNROK. On Oct.

20. at Parle. Marina Ran. widow of John Munre and daughter of tke late Andrew T. Hall.

Funeral aervleea at Emmanuel Church, Bee ten. on Thursday. Nov. at 11 A. M.

PINARD. John suddenly, mi Nov. 7, at hla late residence, 44 Eaet SStb BU, New Tork. Notice of funeral later. PREECE- On Tueeday.

Nov. T. ISOft, William Preece. tn bts Both year. Funeral service at tale lat resldene, S34 8th on Thursday.

Nov. at 'emek M. Intermt at Ketwioo. Newark papers pieaae copy. PUQ H.

On Nov. 6, 1903, at his reeidsne In N. Daniel W. Puah. In hie TSd year, for many years a member ef Ue Biepneuson t.aoipmnr.

Funeral servfeea at th Stephen Merri tt Bmiai Parlor. 8th Av. and 18tb BU. en Thnwla, nwetAln aft tA m'elswm SLATER. On Nev.

T. 1908, Charles Manning Slater, ln hla 87th year. VnntfAl Ml nil will Ke h.lil .1 kla meats In th Hotel Anaonia, Broadway aa4 74th SC. on Wedneeday, Nov. S.

at P. af. SNELLI NO. At Wlnftold. 1..

on Nov. S. leos. Sarah, widow of Venner SnelUng, In in 11 Jill" ur Ke la live, and friend ar 1st it aK4 IiimmI I tMUUflM Atf Ku son. Stephen Knelling, on Thursday, Nov.

S. at 2:90 P. M. WILSON. Oa Tuesday.

Nov. t. at the reel-dene of her daughter. Not, 86 East SOth SC. Elisabeth Putnam Wllaon.

Funeral service at th Canreh of tbe Beloved Diaclpl. MHh near Madieea on Friday at lO ao A. M. MarrUte and Death Notices ineerteJ la THM KKW TORK TIMtS esUt, npea eppMceakMs, epeesr Hmmlfno aslg, ertta. tmtrm chart.

Jmr oitkor imterUon -ftmphmg, a sag er si ef Me rUtmimf Mated storm 9 em.ue Boston UiotM. PHtbur Diapateh, Providence JoumnL -Rochtr Herald. Louts Republic. St. Psul Pioneer

f-rracu. Pnet-Staadard Washington Poet. BXrsk Courier. -Ctnrlnaail Esq ulnar, Cblcas Reeord-Herald. Clvlaad Plain Dealer.

Minneapolis Tribune, Phu. Publto Ledswr. CEHBTEHICI, THE fe rseeUly aeeassisi by Haneaa traiae frees Oraad CeatraJ atatlea. Web 4 Jereee Avenu trwUeyn. and by earrUs.

Lets 1 1 Tlepbe I4tt oraiaerey) for Beak ef Viewe er repreeeatattv. orricts. so bast ssd st. st. t.

crrr. CSUEKTaSjryt. Wbeli. S41-9 Wee t4 Hw Merrttt a aaeu lai, ua 7iesSt.

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