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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 8

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Bfttll OUR WATER BITPPIiT. Where the Cr(B Cesn Fra-0r Clr B'MrTtlr-Tki Hew Stores; i i ik CmtB nlle It 1 Datrctla aad Pragmi of tk WorkIts I'Hl-H hn It will rim-talsed. If cleanlinr be next to godliness, then Judaic from tbe quantity of utr eooiumed in Kcw-Tork. oor ci Ix-ris ivl wj near lo being godly people. But tl IUU feared tbat of th vaat quantities of water oosianud dally la ttaU City, a very largs proportion la wasted, la bow many hoasee la tb Croton constantly left running, btciUM It la too immm.

nr imi fi an cff.jrt of tnamorv to tarn It offr How n.och water la wanted ta waablng down engine houej. stable, Ac. ad how much In oar hotel aad bar-roomer Tba Commissioner of tba Croton Department Bay tbat one-fourth of all tba watar consnnied la tbla City todb to waato. and perhaps tba eetimeta la not aa exaggerated ona. Tba proaent eonearaptioa 01 water lu New-York sveragee sixty million of gal.ors par or sixty gallona for eacb inbabtant Tbia apply, after dad actios tba quantity necessary lor extinguishing fire, for washing aod other parpoaea, would appear to though not eqoal.

If may Dellav hiatorr. to that provided lor tba eitiaana of ImparlaJ me. Hkuto in mi aometbing Ilk ona land red gallon pf day each. Oar supply, how-aver, la larger, in proportion to tba number of Inhabitant, than tbat of tba British Metropolis, and alao of aoma of tba principal eltiea of tba Old World. At the same linje.our water snrpaawg tbelra In purity, a gallon containing but a trifle or four grain i of olid matter.

It will scarcely perhaps ba brLeved tbat the introduction ol the to dr.nk water containing from 30 10 125 grains of lmpur.Ues par gallon, let aucb waa tba fact. WBXBB THX CBOTOK COMES FROM. The Croton River, which riaee in Putnam County, la with ita trlboiariea about 39 mi lea in length. It drains a water -abed of aometbing over 300 square lee In a i tent. Id wbicb fall dally, on an average.

C77.67 4,267 gallons of water, or allowing (or evaporation, gailina. Bat during the dry eeaeon. whi, ex-tenda from the middle of Jane to tbe lat of September, tba total yield of the va.ley ia only S3.0u0.000 galloaa daily, or about half the amount required (or uoiumptloD in tbe city. A portion of tbla water ia stored In tba Crolon Lake, a reeervoir having an area I 100 acrea and a depth of lii feet. The capacity tbe lake la about 600,000,000 gal ona.

It la aituated about Ova milea below the confluence of tbe Muacoot River with the Croton. The water from the lake ia conveyed to tba City through an aqueduct 40X mtlea In length. Formerly it entered tba Distributing Reservoir on Muiray Hill at once, but tbe increasing growth of the dry aoon rendered it neceaaary to provide atorage rea Tvolra. The firat of these oon-etructed waa tbe one now known aa the Old Reservoir tn the Central Park. Tbla, however, wh lounJ to fca lnaufficient, aod another was couatructed in the Park, now known aa the New Beeervoir.

The capacity of these tbree reaervolra ia aa lollowa: tiairtbuUog reaervotr, ga.lona.. Ji.0f0,n0 Old reeervoir, gallon. JJew reeervoir, Total Tba water from the reservoir on Murray II. ia giatribdted to the varioua parte of the City br ron ptpe. varying in diameter fro four to foity-eigbt Incbea.

Of thcaj there are now over three hundred allies in use. vtfvmczmtct or rax ptrrpi-T. For several yiars paat ibe olhciala of the Croton fceparlmeot have looked forward to tba advent of a ery dry Bummer with a shaking of tba limb and a trembling of Ibe nervea. for they well knew that abould tbe supply of water absolutely fail, on their beads would fall the wrath of tba community. Tet kad the aupply of Croton filled, the Water Commissioners would not have -been to blame in the Matter.

Bo early aa 18A3, tbe Commiasionera nrged so the Legislature tba importance of providing reaervolra in the Croton Valley. It waa ebown that during the dry months the minimum ow ol water in tbe Croion Biver waa only 92,000,000 gallons per day, and that tba actual consumption in the City waa very nearly 80,000,000 gallona. In order to aupply tbia deficiency the water in the Croton Le bad to be oaed, but aa tba bottom of tbe aoeduct ia 11 feet loaer than Ibe Up of the dam, and as a depth of ei foot ia the aqueduct ia neo ea-eary to furnish the amount of water required' In tbe fniy. it will be aeen tbat tbe lake cannot be drawn own lowor than 7 feet. In the dry Bummer of 1804.

tke lake waa lowered 4 feet, and in 18GS about 5 ftset. After some year of unsuccessful application, she Legislature, at ita aeaaion in 1865. condescended lo consMer whether or not New-Turk, with Ita hundreds of thousand of lnhabitanta, should be (up-, hed with tbe requisite amount of water, or whether abould ba left in danger of Having that aupply cut Off during the time it waa moat needed, namely, tba pot months. After a great deal ol urging tbe Legie-iaiure in April, 18GS, paaaed a bill empowering tbe Croion Aqueduct Commiaaloners to acquire landa In Nasai County for the construction of a a orage aassrvoir. amt OF TBS MW RKSEBVOm.

The reeervoir ia aituated In tbe township of Pa team County, about five miles northwest of Car-mL Aprrotcbing It from Ctrmel, after palling a Ikarp turn in the road, the visitor eoxma tn sight of 1 gerge between two steep and lofty MUa, eovend With trees to tbelr At ana bottom runs tba traat branch of the Croton Across tbla gorge ft dam of eolid maaonry-work ia ttcicg erected. Paaa- tb dam and proceeding along the oil road itie vtettor ba on bis right one of tbe lofty biha already aaeutioned, and on bia left tbe river, the pew roexl wbicb la being constructed by tbe Croton Department la place of tbe old one wbicb now runa through tbe bottom of tbe reservoir, and beyond tbia another precipitona Lili covered witn forest trees. A little further on ba pasea an ancient burying-ground. long since atsukeo. end about to slide gown tbe hill the road below.

A quarter ol a anile further ia the Poat Offloe of Boyd's Corners, a dwelling houtes, a Bapkat churcn in a moat tearful aod woudertul atale of dilapidation, anotber huryiog-ground strewn thick with me men toes of tba dead, aud finally tba office of J. J. B. Cnuaa. engineer of the wotka.

Beyond this the valley an 11 xirnda for some diatance. and finally opens into an apanaa of meadow laud aaut in by lofty bill, or aounouoa aa they would ba ca-led in aoma parta of the country. Ail thai baa been described ia paaaicg through the vaiiey, road, burying grounds, church, dwellings, enginaer'a office and school houao. Will ere loog be aubmerged beneath the watere of tba reservoir, or. at tbe sites which they now oo-apy will be eovered wttb water to tne deptb of many feet.

The buildings will, of course, be removed. Tbe trees will be cut down. The fencea win be lavaled or carried off. The remaine of mortality in tba two burvmg grounds will be removed during the ensuing Fil. Aa ail tba Ian necessary for tna onstruction oi ths now reservoir is aoaulute poa-esaion uf the City aa repreaea.ed by toe offi tale of tbe Croton IX-parimeni, tba occupants of tue build-aga, who reot tbem tor abort terms, can be aouiod fee quit at any ume.

THX tDUTOU. In order to eonatruct the reeervoir It became aaoee-aaxy for the City to purchase 440 et res of land. laia waa ootvned at a cost of $100 per acre, aith the sx-eeptiou ol a farm of 75 acrea wbicb. in order to avoid sWiay, waa uurouaaed at tbe owner'a valoauon. Tbe total cost of las land, including leee, waa $66,000.

On tbe 30tn of Auguat, 1800, a contract tor eonstrucang a 4am et maaoury wurk across tbe gorge air wad de-eribed was awarded to Roacn A Jaacrsa ot tbla Oity, they being tbe toweet ot aignt btddera. In ttoetember foJowing tba dam waa commenced. It eruvaiy aeema strange that a work of tbia character. Which at the present moment ia very UtUa moie tna a half complied, abould bava conauiiied the time it has. It ia aaid.

howsver. in explanation, that tba autocall of ob.aining workmen, and the larwa quan-' tity ol reck met witn eacavaung for the fouuda taun. were tor greater than tba contractors could rias JOaOly aappoee would be the ease, taaklng ana oUowanoe tor three aatoreeeu difncuiuea. It atill appears tbat Messrs. Boaca 4 Jiaaixs, or thairrsp.

reaentauvea tor tbe con tract baa been transferred and retransferrad enteral tlmas Iists shown a ouipabta want ot ansrgy in proaaouting the Work. It la a aomewuat ainguiar eolncideaoe that for the three years preceding the commeaos-aaeat of tna work the want ot the reservoir waa much lea. Since the work baa been commenced, eo muca ona has fallen during eacn bummer tbat the reser-ear. had ti been tn operation, would searceiy aava sio called on yo auppy any deaclancy. It must ba rememoro, however, that ths raia-Uils ot lsV7 and tba preaent year were unuauaily boontuui.

ihere ta very inUs doubt (bat tne reeervoir wiA be ixc.t, and tnat. perbapa, long betora 11 ta comyit-u. i auw-ttuUii of tne voi a he cu- atdervd aa done. Xhe umm Itself is ji in Taaagbt aoove tbe bed ot tne atraaoi. auu CO I order to obtain eodst louuda.hM., bwcatue aanatsary ta tarn tba r.vvr uw and to aig down to a depth oi twenty teet, or until a solid botta waa reached.

A roundktton fiuy fvt wide waa ua aid. awauta be up A t) -atgbl lest, graduaily ainunithing tn width, uatu a I tt. top it wul ba only ten law, aba upser, wr auwant aa eg tna nam, will be vwrtiskd. tna lower oue aioplag. wttb a baits ot one toot tn two aai a hmf.

The lave walla will be Of eat stone, and tba interior Adad in with euaereta and hydraulM saiosuta Near beKSuen ol tna daoi are two npeailigs. slraw iy MUr drawing tf tne water. Xjat arc attra fowr feet three) tnehea ia Aiaaaatsr. Tbry will be flu ted wttb cast iron slide galea. Tba atone for tbe eon- atrvjcuoa of tba oana aa quarried from a bill oa the i left hand aid of the eld road.

About Su.000 on trie yarda will ba needed, and about 1L.U00 wagon loada of cement and aaad. Host ot this baa to ba hauled a distance of ten miles. The pnoa fixed by eoniraet lor tna ooaatrueooa of the dam as 301,001 tba oaatamplatad additions tba coat will ba (3S0.00O. Tba reeervoir will ba of Irregular shape, bearing a faint resemblance to the form of tba letter considerably elongated. Iia extreme length will be f-et; Ita extreme width.

S.S00 feet; 1U average deptb. 3S feet; Ma area, S0O acrea; and iia capacity, 2.40U 000,000 gallona. It will not be fenced in, but. at the earns Ume, it will be caret ally guarded, and no fishing or boating in ita watere will ba allowed. In place of tbe old road, wbicb runa at preaent ahnoet parallel with tbe river, and leads from Carmel tot-old spring, a new road, tbree miles In length, ia bslng constructed.

Of this one and a hulr mites are finished. It ta almost needless to say tbat it will be vaatly superior tn construction to the old road, and wid aerve as a anooei ot what a ood country road abould be. It will skirt tbe reer-voir for ita entire lens-to, paaalDg at tne foot ot tbe lofty hill already mentioned. Bsidse tbia road, the Commissioners of tbe Croton Department have bad to eonatruct three brldgee. Into tne reeervoir.

or rather into tne alreani, tbe overflow of which it is intended to store up, tbe rain- alt, from a water-sued oi twenty square rn.lea In extent wui Sow. No doubt wnatever ta lelt that the overflow oi tin- bUvaiu. during Winter and bpring oiouua, wul keep tue rcaervoir full. 1 OIHEB 6TORAOE BESEEVOIBS. In 1867 and 1868 the then Chief Eugineer of the Croton Department, Mr.

alxbeo W. Craves, bad an accurate survey of the a bole croton Valley made. Tba vaiiey coin prises an area of 33V miles. It was lound that there are therein seventeen aitea availa ble for tbe construction ot atorage reeervoira. or aeven of tbeae sites have been mapped out, and wnenever it becomes neceaaary to tncreaae tbe water aupply ol the City, all that will be need-! will be an acioi the Legislature to enable the Cotntuia-sioners to obtain ths neceaaary landa.

1 nut it seems tbat with a chain of tbeae reaervoira, wiiir-ti can be Increased to an almoat illimitable need uot tear that her Croion will ever ruu short. It baa been eauiuatcd that tbeae aeveuteen reservoirs, abould they ever be required, wou.d be cap-uie storm aizty bllhoua of gallona, or eu. ugh to aupiy New-York wiih water, at 1 a preaent ra.u ct tousuuit-uou, tor oue tuooaaad day. OPEBATIOH OF THE BE8EBT0IB, It la expected that tbe reeervoir will not be ready for uae until the Bummer ot 1870, uuieas the contractor put a good deal more eucigy Into tbe work. When completed tbe manner of opera ion will be aa follows: During tbe Spring and early part oi Summer the reeervoir will be lult, and the' waier will flow over the dam end follow ita accustomed coarse down the river.

At the streams dry up and the quantity ot flowing down the at ream aud into the aq ie-ouct Deoouiea uimiuiahed, tbe gates in tne dam ot the orate lteaervoir will be opened gradually, and auCkleiu water allowed to escape to ket tue Croton Lake at it, proper level. When toe Fail rains hare again renleuiaiied tue streams tbe dam atea will be closed and the reaervo.r avowed to reUiL Tbit ia all the service tlia- Hie rcairvuir wid be required to penorm, but it will be set aimpie as it la. tuat it ia It iii iuiHl important cue. It is tsauialed tail on the verni a auuly ba takou it ycaxiy ol a. 200,000.000 gull A NEW RAILROAD.

It may be mentioned, in this connection, that en- gtnters have lately been btsy in the vicinity or the new Kuservoir takitig surveys for the line of the Boson, llarifurd and Krie lUilioaJ, anirh it waa Intei.a-ea abould run very near the new B.aervoir. Tbia plan bax. It is saiu. ueeti tbaudoiieu, and a new line been marked out. air.

Daiil Dbew, wuo owna a UrKe aiuount of pioperty at Cttrmei. is lo f.vjr line ils. uoea no; ruu turoug-i or Very near id tba. village. II.

the nieu.iiua tue a i.eiii ia believed to be iemporaruy ubuii jouoU. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. 1 lie Howard Mtsaiuu fuilie Reception ofKtT, Vast fitter. Yesterday afterxcon an immenae audience hered in Ibe Ho Misaion Booms, New l'owery, to formally welecme the Eupenniendenl Rev. W.

C. Tan Mltet: who but recently returned to this City after a lengthy European tour. The kachera and scholars of tbe ltsUtuacn were present In large numbers, and several prominent metropolitan clergymen were also there. In a lengthy but very intereaticg address, delivered Immediately after tbe opening ex rcieea, Mr. Van Uleteb expreaaed bia gratitude for the constant aympathy and affection of hia follow laborers, and their untiring cooperation with him in bia efforts to establish en a permanent baaia a model International Borne for Little WanJerera.

He apeko, also; ol tbe longing of his heart to return to bis field of labor again. Be regretted that he could at present only glance at a few things, but said that he was carefully preparing a lecture, tn which would be condensed the moat important experiences and observations of hia fourteen years' work anions the children of the street, and hta visit to the hospitals, prisons, reformatory, protective, charitable and other institutions of Rome and oilier European cities. After these introductory remarks he proceeded to speak of Europe aa he found it on hia la.e tour. He said that be had been to Naples, examined its hospitals, aajluma, schools and trisons; had visited Puteoll. where St.

Paul landed; drove around the country, through groves of orange, lemon, fig and olive tree wandered among the rums of Pompei; climbed Vesuvius and stood on tba edge of the crater during three erro prions, which made tbe mountain tremble, while tba lava poured down He aide not a hundred a rpi from him. Almoat every mile of the Journey frcm there to Borne was marked by a monument of aoma kind, reminding one of some important historical event. He visited Rome, not so much to see the ruins of ber departed mag nificence and glory, aa to witness tbe effect of Roman Catholiciam upon those who received 'ha word of the Pope and the decrees of the Bomiah Church as more binding than the Bible llielf, and who dared not question the inMlibillty of the Church or ctddom ita power. TheiT, be aaid. be saw fa witherfne.

blte-br-inw euree. Ic bad roobed tbe people of eivil and re. sir ua liberty, and ernahed Uim beneath a load of ignorance and auperetition. They believed what tbe mesi tenant, oowever aDaurd. (Toer rendered homage to the bonea and garments which they were told once belonged to some whom they elled Sainta.

They worshipped tbe 8aints more frequently nd devoutly tban tbey did the Saviour. As an illustration of ibis fact, be recited tha following, copied from the official liat of rellea in thn Church of St. Praxldet Tooth of Bt. Peter;" Finger of St, Philip;" "inn of St. Barnabaa;" A part or the awaddling clothes In which ths Saviour waa wrapped at hia birth;" "The reed that bora tbe sponge;" One of the atones tbat killed Stephen;" af oeee' Rod." In the Church of t.

Maria Magglnre tbey ahowed the cradle of oar Saviour and soma of the hay upon wbicb ha waa laid in tba manger. In the Cburch of St. Crooa, among other relies, are Three piece of tbe true Cross;" Oae of the nails;" "Tha title which Pilate placed on the Cross;" A part of tha seamless vest of Chris';" A piece of tha atone upon which tb angel stood at tb "A piece of the Hon upon which tbe Saviour eat when fasting in tba Wilderness;" A part of tba vail and hair of the Virgin;" "A bottl. of Christ's blood," and "A 'bottle of tbe Virgin's milk." Tbeae, and other things thousand rimee more absurd and ndi-euJoua, they were taugb and believed. Roma contained a population of 178.600 to 200,000.

Tbe intelligence and the enterprise of the people were aeen in tbe fact that they had but two daily newspaper, each of which waa about the sire ot cne page of our leading City Journal a. The morality of tbe people coo Id be aeen in tb fact tbat every fourth child born there waa a child of ahama. To work more effectually upon tba euoeratluon of the people, aud to indue tbem to adopt tbeae children of ahame. the priests and Buna assured Uiem ot extraordinary merit, and also of tba special and eternal bieaaing of tbe Holy Mother, who. aa tbey pretended, felt more tban ordinary interest in a 1 children not born In lawful wedlock.

Because of ihta, they eOled tbe child fgUa 4lia Madonna child of tba Virgin. Ia Florence tb great pr son snd tba alins-houao were more wisely and humanely conducted than any other ha aaw In Europe. Tba prisoner spent from an hour to aa hour and a half a day in school. Only one ia twenty, when oo rami tied, could read and write, and experience had proved lo the Government that nothing it could do eo truly reformed and elevated the prisoner aa open a new world of thought aad knowledge to him by enabling him to read and writ. Instead of dooming tba children of the poor-bouse to tb poaitioa of tram pa and worthies dependents, tbey ela rated tbem.

In one department tba more talented ef tha boys were taught geometry and architecture, and thus fitted to occupy important positions. Tba secretary of the Interior and tbe Superintendent of Prisons. Refuges aad Befcrmatorie ia Italy sympathised deeply with aim in the object ot his visit, ana gave Aim letter of authority to go everywhere in Italy and visit their institutions, tie waa received and treated in tba asma manner by tbe Prelect and other official a in Pari a. Many of the insiltuuoca la that city were far superior to any be ever saw. He received a cordial welcome, and every facility waa afforded him which ha con id desire wherever he want, la England.

Scotland and Ireland at experience in this respect was the aame aa ia Italy and France, Ireland regarded aa tna moat beautiful country he ha ever aomi, and tha Irian people among tha most interesting, nd no hiug. ha th-ught, kept them trom being oue of the uioel intelligent, prosperous, honored aad fcivpy teovnt on earth, but Bo in an Catholicism, and whisky. At the eonetuaioa of Mr. Vi Metcb's address, tha scholars sang a number of beauuiul and aersral gen men made brief addresMw, a iter which a v. air.

or tna Churoa ot ban aad Land, prouounovd tb Benediction. ariala af ftanaaaltv. 1 hia ia a gathering of person of radical relig-ua views, that meat svvry Sunday aflamoon aad evening, aad either bold debate or Basra to tha speech, of ejaraala Muected mdlvldnaUav Tha veaUttUv wjiU. t. tOtatfOM.

a genUamaa with lng, tala, walla batr, and a vary busby white beard, wb has mm song kaosra to spiritnalistio aad reformatory ciroiea of tht City. The Burden of Mr. Sca-wacxaabtaa dUcoara was a denial of tb divinity of Jean, quotation of injunctions on hi part not to worship him. bat Ood tbat, aad a general attack upon tb received theological doctrines banded down lo tn present day front paat age. Mr.

SoBAWacnajeca stated that ba had essayed repeatedly to apeak at prayer-meeUnga. at mlesion-mee tinge, and at opea-atr preachinga, but when tbe orthodox persons ta charge o' those gatherings discovered hia doctrine, tbey invariably objected to a continuance ot bia discourse. Mr. ScHWACKBUMca I quit a practiced speaker, but somewhat d. ft uae.

Temperance Meeting. The Temperanee Society of the Foreyth- etreet Methodist Episcopal Cburch. held a monthly meeting yesterday afternoon, which waa well attended, there being a larger audience, perhaps, tban at any pre ri oue gathering. The Pastor. Bev.

F. Baoww, presided, and after offering prayer, made a brief address, appropriate to the occasion. There were, he stated, 21,000 liquor saloons, while there were onlv 6.000 ministers of the Gospel, in tbe State of New-York, Enough money wa spent for 1 quor in the United State last year to pay one-half of the entire National debt, under tbe burden of which our people were Buffering immeasurably. Tbia City he thought was growing worse, continually; the churches were not making any material protrrcea indeed several were losing ground, and much of this unfortunate condition of religious affaire waa to be attributed to the indifference of ministry and laity upon the temperance question. Mr.

CnacscET Shaft, a well-known member of the legal proletaion the Citr, waa tnen introduced. In commencing, he spoke of hia observations of the habits of public men at Washington, while on a viait to that city In June last. They drank in'oxicatlng liquor to such an extent that he oecame greatlv disgusted witn the bsoir. and then vowed that be would never, Ood being bia helper, taate aa a beverage anything tbat would intoxicate; and lie expressed the hope tbat the aolemn pledge would never be broken, lie next dwelt at length upon the poiaonous nature oi the drinka of this day, and tbe generally deceptive character of tbe liquor triffic It was, thero.ore, dangerous, ue aaid, for rom to Crick so.rltuius liquors. The fact tbat rum destroyed tue bodiea of its victims was shown in the circumstance that over 8.000 persons -die annually intniaCHyby drinking aicohohc beverages.

This practice toroatenei ulao the very existence of our republic, aud ihe time bad c. me when men should, atop it. But beside tuo fact that drinking waa tbua dangerous, it was also unnecceeary. The custom foirud a beginning in many caeca with feelings of exbaustiou and irinf or it might-be despondency, but the of kt.ruulanUs under auch Condi. lone only make Ml worse, and uieu ought never to indu ge the ina Juoua temptation.

A tteuer and aater remeoy for the wearied or templed one would be found in the deligbiml aurroundinga of home, and those should be scugbt inatead of the aa-loon. In conclusion be apoke of tbe means by which intemperance might be abated be did not believe that it could be entirely eradicaicd from tiie world. Legislation on the subject woutd be utterly useless, nn'ess supported by an educated cub-he sentiment, and tbia muat be created by the efforts ctallgood men. Toe young abould be especially looked aiier. Pleasant reading-rooms, debating societies and similar pure associattona ahould be or.

ganisad in tne City to draw young men away from vice oy attracting them to virtue. Ibe thorough education ot tne young in this manner, be luaisied, cu save tbe masses aud make this a bet er wur.d. lue meeuug waa diauitoeed alter a number cf per-aona bad aigned tbe pledge. Open-Air Preaching. The Bev.

Geobqe MLlnolns, Superintendent New-Yorlc Missions, addressed a very large and atentive audieuce at the regular Sabbath Street Service, corner Houston and Columbia a tree la, at 8 P. M. yesterday. Mr. Misoihs' sermon was preceded by a very short addresa to the Germans present.

In their native tongue, by Bev. Mr. Pick. At the close of tho service it was announced tbat Bev. 8.

H. Ttmo, would preach at the aame tune and place next Habbatu. ibe congregation, though large, (numbering about twelve hnuured,) was reduced aome hundreds by the unauthorized announcement, having been made last babbatu, tbat Kev. Mr., wouid preach on Graud-street at 5 P.

M. yesterday. It is said that Mr. Ttno waa in no way responaible for the miHtake. A l-irge tent will be raised on tbe equare next Sabbath, li the City authorities permit, au improvement much needed.

Arrival of tbe Government Bloop De Boto. United States Steamship De Soto, Commodore C. S. Boooa, arrived at this port yesterday from Port-au-Prince, after a paaaage of aeven days. Toe following a ber lis: of rfficers: Commodore, Charles S.

Booos; Lieutenant-Commander, Alfred Hup kins; Lieutenant-Commander and Navigator, G. W. Sumner; Lietrenanr, D. W. Mulaw; Enalgn, Timothy A.

Lyons; Midshipmen, P. W. llempaeil, A. B. Carter, L.

V. Hor.sol; Chief-Engineer, Mortimer K-llogg; Burgeon, i. Gib-eon; Aaaiatant-Surgeoo, J. B. Parker; Paymaater, Frank Carte; First Asais'aot-Eogineer, Clelan Lindsay; Second Assistants, W.

Man roe, W. L. Kicoll and W. 8. Avela; Thir Aaaiaiant-Eagln-era.

i'. M. Aabtcn. Alen Derapa-er, C. G.

B. Dulley; Lieuenant Siarinea. H. B. gelow; Commodore'a clerk, J.

I. Bosgs; Pymaater'a Clerk, Dennis Bren-non: Boatawain, Ansel Keen; Gunner, Charles Earnshaw. The political condition of affAlra at Port-au-Prince remains unchanged. Salsavb la daily gaining atrength by desertion from the rebels. Gunooat Gettytburg aa at Port-au-Prince tha lSlh all a eli on bord.

Tte t.lisb meu-owar favnritt and Mullet, and a a mall Spaniah gunboat were alao a anchor off Port-au-Prince. Suicide dlst LanrencStrett A Bad Case of Lire-Wearlaeta. For some time past Alois Abnoltz, a Frenchman. SS year of sge. baa kept tbe candy stand at tba corner of Grand-street and Broadway, where be did a thriving ouainess, and la auppoeed to have amassed aome means.

He has, however, been in ill health, and of lata haa been despondent, although ao far aa known no ona ever beard htm express a desire to die. He resided alone In a room tn the rear of No. 143 Laurena-etreet, and Saturday night about 11 o'clock, was noticed entering bia lonely apartment. Ia that thickly populated locality tn movement of a man are not narrowly watched, and the poor Frenchman attracted ao attention. About noon yesterday a man pasaing the room happened to glance In at the window, and saw a pool of blood in tba middle of tbe premises.

Thinking this auspicious, be called la Officer Eaxtn, of the Eighth Precinct, who buret In the door, and found Abholtb lying upon tha bed cold and ngid, having been dead for aome hour. An open rtxor lying beside him and a gash la the arm ahowed teat he had died by hia own hand, and that having opened an artery he had bled to death. On the table lay a note written tn French and aigned by Abmoltc. The writer aaid simply that be had been elci fcr eight on tba and life bad becon.e ao bur-d on some that ba bad determined to die. What oney he waa possessed of he desired should be rami tted to hi wire and two children in France.

Capt, Mill being notified of tb occurrence, at once ea abUshed a guard over tba premises, and gave orders that coining la tba room abould be touched until the arrival of the Coroner, who waa notified. An inquest will be held to-day, after which the Public Adminiatrator will take charge of tha effecta of tn deceased. GENERAL CITY HEWS. A Bceolab Trapped. At 3 o'clock yesterday morning.

Officer Lewis of the Tenth Preciutt, past, ing the premises Njs. 1CB and 111 Bowery, occupied aa furniture warerooma by Jow Wiitwoeth A Soar, noticed that tne area gra ing of No. 1C9 had ben removed. Calling Oflcer HuaraY of the aame precinct to hia aid the officer eatered the building through the area cellar and after considerable search und ona Cbabxb Balch hid away behind a pile of chairs on en ot tb floor. He com from hia covert, in responae to the pointed invitation of a revolver, with the eonf 'sslon that be waa fairly eaugbt and might aa well give It ap." The officers then continued their ac-areh and found tbat nothing had been removed from tbe premise.

Balch waa yesterday taken be lore Justice feBAUDLXT at tbe Essex Market Police Court and waa con. mi. tad for aa txArum tioo. A Yocthftjc. Thief.

Mrs. Louisa WnrouE, of J. 119 West Ihirty-flrst aireet, mad a complaint yesrday, before Juatice Shabdlzx, at tha Eaaex Market Police Court, tiling bat on the 12 Inst, her ear-van iha Leant ache, 17 years of age, had suddenly left her employ without giving anv notice, and with her a diamond ring, aoma handkercbiefe and other article, all valued at 1100, bad disappeared. Bha also stated that on Saturday evening VViXHEunaA waa arreatad by Officer Cook. of tbe 8evntentb Precinct, in set.

woo found all of tb miaaicg property in her possession. The girt denied ber gout, saving that aha bad lound tba ring and bad forgot on to return it, and tbat tb other tuuiirs se bad taken because ane wa aot fur-aianed enough to eat. She waa oummittad for trial at the iseneral Sessions. IETiiccnv Fiax. At about 3 :80 o'clock yesterday morning, tb large tram dwelling in One Hundred aad 5intb-trA, Bear Broadway.

ownd by th Whitloek Estate aad occupied by ifr. Wruxabt Weiut, took fir from some unknown aaa Helbde. of the Thirty -first Prwciaet, was oa tha ground with sergeant Blaxb aad Couaaora aad a section of arcs, bat owing to tba suburb nature of th locality and th eareaty of water all effort to stay tb' eonflagratioa war trulUsas. Mr. Wtxxxg lost aU hta fnrniture.

valued at 130.000. oa which there wa ao lnsoranoe. Th building wa vbiom at $10,000, and ta supposed to hav beast inaured. SupDxjf Dsath ci Carwen. Yeeterday morn-lag Mr.

Gxoaox Soott, of BteabeavtUe. Obk. who waa a guest of tha St Nicholas Hotel, left the boue ta a earriag la company with Mr. Jauo Hobicx. of Pittaburg, and another friend, for th purpoae of attending divine service at Si.

Alban'a Cburch. While the service wa in progress Mr. Scon waa taken with a fit, and his friends removed turn to tha carriage, but Oi tors thev reached the door of tbe church tbe suffering man "was dead. The friends put tbe body in the carriage and returned to tbe hotel, where the remains Were placed on ice to await the action of tba Coroner. Tbe deceased waa a dry-aoooa merchant, about SO years ot age.

and of remarkably healthy appearance. Testerdsy morning be ate a hearty breakfast and uttered no complaint of feeling unwell, even up to tha moment when he aank in the arms of bis mends in tba church. Lacteal ADrxTEBATiox. Officer Dxxxo, of the Third Precinct, at an early hour yeaterdar morning, while going hia rounda turned audden'y from Cham Mrs-street into West-street, in the an certain light of dawn waw two milk-cart drawn up to th curb near a hydrant, and two men engaged in adding great quantities of Croton water to tbe milk in their cans. Be took teem into custody, when they gave the names of BEDKBICX BaiTXA and Chab.

BoHBuHsuia, and being arraigned beiore Alderman teepx, Magistrate at tbe Tombs Police Court, war held in 1300 bail eacn, to make aa explanation at tbe Special Session. Bbctai, Assault. During Saturday night a man, aa to be one Owrar Gajtxox, entered the room of Ahb Bilk at No. 69 Greene-street, and Jumping upon tba sleeping woman, stamped upon her with inch aavsge. eaxneatneet that he Inflicted dangerous and probably fatal injuries.

When found th woman waa pronounced by tbe surgeons to be hurt principally in tbe bowel and breaat, kut the brute bad also stamped out one ot ber eys. Tbe Police yeeterday, in tbe absence of the Coroner, took the onfe-atorfm statement of tbe woman, when aha stated tbat Gasmok bad assaulted her. Be bad not been arrested np to a lata hour laat night AGabxoteb Abbested. Officer Randall, of the Fourteenth Precinct, arreated Jab. Busseix, aged 24, and residing at No.

66 New Chambers-street, on the complaint of John Hillxb, of No. 83 Greenwich-street, who accused the prisoner of having used violence for the purpose of bigbway robbery. -Bos-sELX, it anpeirs, stopped Mux eb la Mott-street and choked bin by putting hia arm round Millvb's neck, and robbed him of a wallet containing (13 80. When aearcbed st the 8ra'ion-boue th" money waa tonnd in BcaaxxL'a boot he waa locked up tor examination. Brutal Assault.

A complaint was made yesterday morning, before Juatice Dodox, at the Jcffor-aon Market Police Court, in behalf of Mabt Leh-how, of lo. 810 West Thtrty-eixth-street, from which it appeaia that during Saturday evening ahe waa moot brutally assaulted by one James Murray, who kicked her in the abdomen and aiao in the throat. A physician's certificate aa produced, ahowmg her to be in a moat dangerous condition, whereupon Murray was committed to await the result of the injuries. Arbitaxs tub Crrr. Got.

R- E. Fen ton, of Albany; argues de San Felipe, of Cuba; Gen. Adums, of Washington, and Galusha A. Grow, of Pennsylvania, are at the Filth Avenue Hotel. Ju-lge Scruggs, of Alabama, and Hon.

J. B. Chaffee, of Colorado, are at the Sr. Nicho as Hotel. Gen.

B. C. Scbenck, of Ohio, is at the Coleman House. Gen. G.

W. aimer, of Newark, and n. p. Graham, of the TJ. a Army, are at the St.

Denis Hotel. Oen. J. 11. Marnndal, of Bochester, is at tbe Astrrr House.

A. Delmar. of the Treamry Department, Washing-ion, ia at tbe Clarendon Hotel. Chaboe or Labceni: Wn.T.TAM B. Acsttx, No.

226 East Twehty-aecoDd-Btreet. appeared before Justice Dodoe, at the Jefferson Market Police Court, yesterday, and mads an affidavit, atating tbat Satnr-dav night be occupied the same room with Joax Lafttm, and that during the night he waa robbed of 128. wtiich be accused hia room-mat of taring. The latter denied all knowledge of the money, but wve commit ed in default of $500 bail tor trial at tbe General Seeaions. Tbe complainant waa aent to tbe House of Detention lor Wl neatea.

Strekt Bxbbebi. Johjt MlT.LZR, of No. 82 Greenwich-street, in bia complaint made yesterday before AlJerman Ccddt, at the Tonvbs Police Court, states tbat Saturday evening he waa knocked down in the areet by James Ruesell and robbed of bia pocket-book contain ng -f 13. Tha accused having been arrested by OQcer Randall, of tha Fourteeam Preciaot, emphaticai.y uenie tbe charge, but waa commuted in default of 91,003 bail Icr trial at the General Sesaiona. ATTEirnow to the Lttoxicated.

Officer Lzabt, of the Seventeenth -t, aoing hia lonely round through Firat-atreet yesterday morning, found Branuxo Slocck dead drunk on a stoop, and Kob- xbx WaaoB with his hands in the sleeper's pocket in seatch ot his valuables. Wasax waa arrested, snd being arraigned before Justloe baAjrcu-X at the En sex Market Police Court, waa committed for trial at tbe General Sessions oa a charge ot larceny trom the person. MzTnoBOLOoicAL. According to tha meteorological record kept at Central Park the mean temperature of the week ending on Saturday laat was 74" 60'. The blithest point the thermometer reached waa on Wednesday at 2 P.

when, it stood 85 S'i he lotrest point at tbe aame hour wa on Monday, when it stood 72 1. It rained three daya out of th week, aad tbere were eleven showers, lasting, altogether, five hoars and fifty -six mi a tea. and ah owing a total tail ot L387 inches. BtbAKGE DlSAPPXABAJiCE. Charlfb Mebcizb, a Frenchman, who did buaiaeas at No.

e09 Broome-street aa a manufacturer anl dealer in violins, ha been misting sine Tuesday last. Tb Fourteenth Precinct Police have aine opened hia premises and discovered everything In disorder: a number of United States bond lying loose on tbe counter. The supposition, is that Miaou has commuted suicide in some sari of the City. Deatx bt Dbowhiho. At 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon a man proceeded to bathe In Eaat Biver.

at tb foot of Forty-eevanto-street, and, having gone beyond kia deptb, waa drowned. Officer HkaJu took the clothe of th deceased to th Nineteenth Precinct Siation-house, where they are held for lden-ttficatioa. Ail effona to reacue the man or to recover tb body proved unavailing. B. B.

Bekktolcxt Socrrrr. The annual meeting of tbia Society took plaoe yesterday afternoon at Xo. Orchard-street, Tba financial report waa received and approved of. abowlng the affairs of tbe Sodigy in a very satiafactory eondition. Toe at-tendance waa confined to members, and waa purely of a business nature, Assatjlt with as Ax.

At 3:30 o'clock yesterday morning a fight occurred between Aara Frrsoza-ald and Euxabeth Eellt, and the former was badly cut In tb bead ty an ax ia th beads of her antagonist. Tbe wounded woman was removed to her home, ISo. 73 flu Ik -street. The assailant has escaped arrest. Fall.

Pet eb ilALXjfrjs, 8 years old, residing at No. 834 Eighth-avenue, fell from a pear tree at 'the corner ot Eighty-third -afreet and Eleventh -a venue. and broke both of bia arm a. Ha waa alao eeverely bruised ia varioua parts of ibe body. He waa taken home.

Fibe Esoape Acctoekt. At 7 o'clock last evening, Catharine McFablahd, 3 years of age, and re-aiding with her areola at) No. Hi West Tbirly-flrsU street, got out of a aecond-story wiudow upon tbe platform of tbe fir escape, and fell from tt to tbe ground, receiving injuriea tbat are likely to prove Atfbat BrrwzEN Wobtbw. Last evening ax-by Williams and CATHAXixxSj'orrrB had an altercation at No. 41 alclberry-stree when Catharixb waa eeverely beaten about tba head aad thrown down a flight if stairs.

She waa taken to Bellavn Hospital, iter antagoniat fled and escaped arreat, Bot Bum Over. Yeeterday afternoon a uian dr ving a bgbt buggy ran over Euoebb Cohsow, a lad, in Pearl-afreet, and severely Injured him about he body. The boy was taken to his home, Ko. SS8 Pearl-ateeet. The man in the buggy eaoaped arreer.

Bus Ora by a Street Cab. Yesterday evening Phili Fitxpatbicb. St years of age, and residing at No. 33 Lewia-etreet, was run over at the corner of Thirty-nfth-atreet and F'rat-avecue by on of the Belt Line street esrs, and severely hurt in th back. He waa taken to Beilevu Hospital.

Attempted Suicide. LTakkah Stajthope, aged 19 yeaxa. yesterday attempted to commit suicije by drowning, but wa rescued by Police Officers Do TLB anJ Kelly. 8ne waa aubaequeatly aent to her fnenda in Connecticut. ElTTEjr BY A HoBSB.

GbobOB Caskt wan bitten on Ibe shoulder, yee.erday, ov bora ta the table So. 60 Monroe-atree and badly injured. Ha was taken home. UTiOOZLYU KEWS. A Colo xt of Yocso Thtbteb Captcejed.

On Saturday morning, about 430 o'clock, th IdUce of the Forty -second Precinct, arreated a young escaped convict named Micas tx McXaxaba. who la regarded aa a bold and expert young thief. Whan arreated a at one suspactsd that aom oa of th gang to which had belonged had Informed tb Polio ef his whereabouts, and Bade th influence of thts tb ought opened to Oept. Jacobs a budge of uaorant fact involving a does, sail rsmlsilna aieiiaary that all mt thasa ahould mtd. Of the fU ain sated thr wwr JaafB CaaatobY.

agd IS yssrs; Wat, H. Fab- BBXdw aged XT Wm. Kbixs, egad 10; Josxra Bmab let, agwd 18; Jobs DrvurB. aged IT, sad Job Oatmab. aged It.

XI appear that among tb depredation recently committed by this gang, was ta robbery of the store of Josra Wrnu, No. 79 Court-street, oa the morning of July 18, when flv watches of the value of 1 100 were taken. One of the stolen watch ea has been recovered since. Of tb six Juvenile tn custody th following ar charged with th foregoiug robbery: ia. bBAjTLarr, and Dxvthb.

Another oi tb eix, Cab-modt. ta cb raged with robbing th milk depot of James De Bxvibe, Kon3 Gold-street, in company with Mc Nam aba, the' aacapado. Gatioab, another of tb gang. I charged with having robbed th money-drawer of Bmxa, No. 191 Nassao-street.

on tbe 30th of July, taking tbe earn ot Tbe return of th Forty-second Precinct yesterday morning stated that Jobs Hioorxa, of No. 39 LHtle-street, delivered up to tne officer in charge a allver watch, which he ea.d was sold to bis boy Michael by a boy named David McGivhet, for the sum 80 oen; the watcn la auppuaed to be one of tbe five stolen from Mr. WxTrut'a atore, in Coort-etreet. Ad tb se juvenile will be arraigned befor Justice Cobkwell tbia morning. Probable HoaricroE.

On Saturday evening a number of German laborers employed in I.ixbm ami's brewery, near Waebington-etreet, became involved in a fight, and Fbajie Dejkhoft, a car-driver by occupation, attempted to tax the part of an old man who was being eeverely punished by a vigorous fellow many years his Junior, when one Pbili HABTLma interfered and s.ruck DcjrxHon a powerful blow in tbe back of the head, mflicting a wound which ia likely to prove mortal. The injured man waa conveyed to hia reaidence, at the intersection of Flushing. avenue and ML'rrell-atreet, and hie condition waa yesterday found to be so precarious that tha Police and Coroner feMiTH were notified. Officer rioLTiNO, of the Forty-alxb Precinct, waa dispatched after Habtltmo, and auoceeded arresting him at his res-Jence, sod Coroner baUTH committed him to the County JaiL In the afternoon the Coroner Impanelled a jury and took the injured man'a awfe-wtortem statement, the eubstanee of wbicb is given above. Tbe jury found tbat Fuki DissHorr received his wounds at the hands oi Philip HaarLno, on the evening ot the 221 of August, The Alleged Homicide in.

The pott-morUm examination of the body ot Jamb Nicholson, who, it waa alleged, died from tbe effect of an assault made upon him by lira. Mast Awn Joubdak, on Fridav night, as made by Dr. A. W. bHEPAJLD, diacloaea the fact tbat no marks ot violence were lound on tbe bouy of deceased, and that hia stomach waa found to be very much oiatended, but iroin what cauae baa not yet tranapired.

The Kxife. William Hetbeb, a yonng Get man, was yesterday arrea'-ed by Officer Coloam, of tbe Forty-sixth Precinct, for subbing in tb tsce with a dirk knite one Andbcw Obbim eb. Tb affrav occurred at the rear of tne tenem-ut-houee Ko. 130 wen-street. Tue wound is not a aerioua one.

KEW-JEESET. A Cabbet-Baooeb. On Tuesday last a yonng man. giving tb name ot Owaa Tatlob, ctlied at tbe house No. 278- Bai road -avenue, Newark, and, engaging board, remained there until between two and three o'clock yeeterday morning.

At tbat time be look a large black carpel bag. with which be decamped, togetner with tbe following property belonging to par lea in the house: Two pair ot whits pantaloons, three veals, two eases, one coat, eight abirts and a sbawl, in all valued at about (70. In the early part of ibe day a man answering tbe description of: Ibe thief was seen making hia way on toot to New-York. Officers Bbuatallt Beaten. At 10 o'clock yesterday forenoon.

Officers Boqevb and Osbobbt, of tbe Newark Police, arreated two men at tbe shipyard in the Twelfth Ward, who, with othera, had been insulting a woman on a canal-boat, and had thrown her child into ihe The efflcera were art upon by the prisoner tnd: three othera, and Boobrs was disarmed and felled so the ground three timea by blows on the head from, clubs. Officer Os-soks met witn similar and the two were glad to get away with their lives. Accident. Geobqe Sjctth Tell- on Saturday-through a ponicnof the baiiding at the Erie Railway depot. He sustained severe Injuriea in tbe back, and now lies veiy unwell at bis reaidence, Jersey-avenue, Jdreey City, attended by Dr.

Bbcte. DOMESTIC MABSET3. Cbioaoo, Satnrriav, Aug. B. FxotTB dull; Soring Extras, (8vt9.

Wheat less active and declined Ie.43r.: sale of No. 1 at $1 T(il VI; No. 1 at tl et4Si SI. t'-orni active and declined eales of o.l at No. 3 at SBcfeyeito.

Rejected. 99. Oats active and declined Ho. lc. at J.o HXSo.

Kte firmer; al-e ot No in store, at 1 2S1S0: ho. 1 lo. fl I el 7S. iIai-LET acuve and advanoed Ic Ctie.r ssles at (I SJ for No. in store.

Hioawisrs firmer at 7ue. tor bonded, and 91 for free. Pbovihiohs anl. Mass Post firm at 29 SO. Lard.

18c -c for WiniT. and lTJac for Summer, ran Urv Oa Shouldkbs firm at i2c for loose. Sugar-Dickied Hams quiet at Ue. 917Hc CattlbMuII and nominal. Live I loos active at SO tor Fair to Medium: 9 TDflO iB for Good to Choice bmoo'b.

FtHOBia quift at 6c.o. on Corn, by aail. to fjuffato. and IJlc on Wheatand 10c on Barley, by steam, to Baffalo. atrCEIPTS bols.

Flour, ltaOOO bushels Wheat, tSr.MU huhe a Crn. 0 bushels Oats. LVOO Hogs. Shipments e.0jt bols. Flour.

1V8.UU0 bnahelt Wheat- buauels Corn, 11T.0U0 bnsbsls Oats. a.a) Hogs. ST. Loots. Saturday.

Aug. 22. Tobacco active. Coram neuvv. Floor heavy; Superfine.

a TS: xtra. Tt7 75: Doub Extra, SHiasiO. Wheat heavy at $2SJ JO for Choice and Fancy ne1; 94 Si 36 for strioily Prime to very Cboiee White; gl stiel ea for Senng. Conic dull and deoliaed 2o.3o. sales at Oats 60o.

(tii'lc. 1 Fancy White, Rte ditli at $1 lOtit 1 for Fair to Chuie BablkY Cooida' Spring, tl ell. PoBK weak at $-9 604-9 15. Bacob quiet and unchanged; bnouldera, 13c.el-H; Clear Bide. plain anvaased Ham.

bagar-eared 1 ams mo. liAJtu Choice tierc held at leHc: aalea of keg at ISo. WAto. Whibkt dull at gl aS'tl 23. CATTLE ateady at Mb, gross.

RECEIPT Flour, 4.BN Wneat, J8.0UI Dusheia; Com, 1 buahela; Oata, U.U0U bnahelas Bye, LSUO buanei. Tolkoo, Batarday. Aug. SX FxotTB Sale of Fancy at gll 3A. heat declined So.

(440.. exoept for Cbo ee Wabaah; aalea 01 No. 1 Whit Wabaah at gi Whit Atlchigaa, a 1I1 UXi Amber Micniyan. fl Ct Sf 07; Amoer Illinois, (4 i $2 IS; So, I Bed, ti U2(l 13. COBB advanced Ic; saiea of No.

1 White at gl 01; Ye' low at fl 0t. Oats declined lo. sale of fto. 1 at age. fno.

at tea. Ktx de elined So. sales of No. lit tl aifeMSt 40; t.o. at SI aa.

Biai.II-elalea ol State at gl SU. KacBlPTS J.0UO bbla. Flour, as, UU) hoabela Wheat. bnanels Corn. ZLUOO busbela tAta.

bubels Bye. bHIPMlMIS bbls. lour. 89 K0 bushels Wheat, buahela Cora, buahaia Oata, bushels Ky. Orwxoe, Satnrday, Amg.

S2, Fiotra uneanred and in vood demauu; ala 1 600 at 759910 for No. 1 Spring; Sil for Amber Winter; 913 forWhite: 913 for Double bitra. Wheat o-ehanged; sales 4..00 buahela No. 1 Milwaukee Cub at Bj la. ConaT firm: aalea 0 bnahaU No.

I 11 OATS quiet, Pbab firm; aales S.70U bnshais tt tl run aearee: nhorta. MXuttrnm: hhina nftm mai.i, wu. i moimmj eu VI aai Middling, 938 ton. Camal Fbkiuiits Wbwat, Corn. eo.

to hew-York; Lumber, 93 76 to tb Hudson snd ti 7 to New-York. Lata lMPOaxa buauels Wheat, bushels Corn, bushe.a Oata, and TU6.000 feet of Lumber. Cakal r. xpo bts 3, (XO buab as Woe at, ll.tOU buauels Oata. U347.UAI of Lumow.

Ctbcxmwatl batnrday, Aug. Tt Flottb dull and declined auii 99 TS a9i S5 Wheat onil aad hmitwd demand for No. 1 Ked at 9X toax duU at riu-teso. for Ear: no demand tor Saelied. Oats lees nrm at Am fur No.

Bra doll at 91 1 3a Cottom nominal. utfo. Tobacco firm aod unchanged. hiset held at 9 e. no dsmaad.

Pbovibiors quiet and uncoanged. kfEaS Pohk held at 9'ie 74. labu, bo. Bout At eats nrm and qaiet at tor eoonluers and Sides, bacon Bhonldera. I3Se.913o.; Clear tolaee, Sugar Cored Hamb.

bum dull; cnolee, Ue. w36e. Eooa bras at Aao-wlleo. taold. Ua.

baying. KEW-ORLZAiia. Satnrday. Aug. XL Cottob The market ia qiuet aud aieady; ktid-dlinga.

cj uc; aalee. 18 bales receipts.; x-porta. 6j bales, bterling kacoange. New-York binnt Draft.

eent, preaiium. Sduab and MoLAa-sta steady and unenanged. FLOtra steaar: UDcruue. 9. Conn ifcJv.

Oat steady at baaa nnehaoged. Pons. 931 SO. iUttoM quiet: onouider, lac Clear hid, lee Eabd nrnk; Titrce, UHo. nlsgs, alhO.

Bcftalo. n. Saturday. Aug. XJ.

Tba market for I Loua and Gslain is guersai lnae tive; buyrrs are noldicgcfl tower prions, i Wneat, I be tew sale mad were at yesterday's quotations. Ceceift Wutt, 4a.tu bashels; Corn toss I Oata. 10 uaj buahels; Bye. buwneis: Floor, J.bOj bbls. bBIPMEHTS ora.

basnela; Uata, 113 busaele. Camaa, bkiohts dub and unchanged 1 Ataaa Poaa. XiAluj and bfcjuia are MrLWauKBB. naturday. Aug.

S3. FLOCBdntl; City loub.e Exiraa, J99 60; -Joun-try trouble Extras. 98 MK393 75; Ex.ra. 9eA8 xa, WHEAT declining; sales at 1 77(9. 7s fur No.

and 91 lor No. A Oat dull at to) tur No. a. 1 ibji ao and unchanged. KECEirra bbta.

Hour, gf.uai bnaaela Wheat, LlbU buanais Oata, 2.0M buauels Cvra. bBlFMXKT-AUXl bo.a. lour, buxieis Wo, Ltat) boau Oata, Uurfi buah LOCU.VILLE. Satnrday. Aug.

S3. Tobacco 8ales 93 toatrditrm Leaf. FLOCB.I Sunerhn. 9Tu97. Fancy.

911 l'. Wbui, i Ooa-H, 6at. V.j0c. Ktx. 91 1991 30.

Mek Poke. g.s. Eabjo lec Bacon bhoulders, Ciar Rib Maes. Clear bide. Biua buuuluera, CWar tuuv, 17o.

Haw WbiaAI. ire. 91 I Philadeu-hia. Saturday, nog. XL Cotton active; auua, but.

Pa-TaoLauai uud: Cruue, kenned, Ho- Cofbeb kio. I7c.Mte, cur-renoy. booaa llc.w) Rehniw. Flocb ouh; 9111 6CK9u su. Warn beav; Hcd, 91 tut 9i Tii.

Cobb quiet: Yel ow, 91 a491 atiasd. 91 aX Oats steady; New, Old. etc. Baltimobx. Satordav, Aog.

rx COTTOB dull; kfiddbuit uouiiuaiiy FLOUB active, bat prices nnabaneed. mxat aa I ana auehana-wd. Cobb nrm; Wait. 91 25yl jo. Oat dull and nnunanged.

KTX nnrhsaged. Ataaa Poaa am aud nnehanged. Ha COB ateady and oaouangad. LABO quiet and nr.rhangid. 9 Sab FBAWrTarm, arurdav.

Aug. tx Flocb, I5S0f 60. WHKA7. $1 75I eoTEeU Tenoera. aiib Beiener.

9.SC-. Bunion. 9a1; cba.lar, 9. (Crown Point, k.i pir atiU, S.Ai; Goald Curry. es: tia.e A orcruse.

tbl; ImiHJriai, Ken tuo a. gu- Oprur, 9J; Overman. 910a; bavage, U13; btsxra Aavaua, gjj; KiLw Jacaat, 91.1S3. GaLVBwTOSt. Saturday, A a.

TJ. CoTTOir B-eelpts, 3d oiea r-e pr-vTmaiy ot rp--nd. bais; xrorts, 9 bale to New-York': htoek, 13S bale; as lea. SB bwu; Uooa Ordinary, liva! and Bftoiiiiai. atxjtrwra, Eatnrday, Ag.

23. Cottob Kominal; reeap. u-lMj ur bale. Flotjb dell; fcanerBa. 9S SiuTt'a 9a ad Oaib, sue.

Pobe, 9juK93l lAix Lauob ui. 1 nneuKUir L. s. Uur Cabi etob. S.

OL, Batuday, Aag, OvTTOB The j-A tm pxtui ItWs awWAWg a9T9 I Kipte, a eot.4tbi. I 3 slsi a A atataa Asa CoTTOw -Kothlng doing 1 quotations aosaiaali ts wtpta, 9 beta; exports sasa AcotrsTA. O-, Batwrday. Aag. XL Cottob vary duD no aaie or reoetot.

BavabbaB. Oa-, Satnrday. Aag. XX Cottob ana but quiet; expon. BST ol; email sales ef Middlings at ressmaa.

3 bmtmm. flatUstrIIstt BtMBt Brg. PBTtADBXMLt. Batwrday. Aag.

H. Stocks doll; Pwnnaylvania bUU Five, 99; Philadelphia awd Erie Railroad. fbaadmg atsilrssg. Cii Pennayivasu Kaauosd. Ooid.

laS. 11 0 ve me ats ot Oceao dteanerB. raoig Btraorm. AK. Aag.

bob Boaora, A ln.Ta.. Mtnnsaota Altppo Virsiaia. Harmoai Cwba Kew-Yecs. Etna Haxonia Siberia pool. Amm Ne.YarI..

Hambarg. TT t.B.Ydtlt.. City of Liverpool. fcuroDB oca. tilaagow.

BOB BIO SI JAJIEIBO, AanawALi, AO. Rio Jaaelrw. A solo wall. South Hnry Chaaneey An cmri 34 Aug. New-York.

Ua vi Departars of rrt(ai Hall. BfOXDAT. IfaiU for BrasiU St. Thomas, Argentine Confederation, Veueauela and tha West Indies, bv the SWA Aater iaa. close at th General Post Office at 10 A.

M. htails for South Pacifio, Central America, Oalifornla, Ao by th ffaary Caoanerg, close at 0 -JO A. At. -TUESDAY. lfaila for Great Britain aad the Continent, Southampton and Hambarg, by the Meanwia, eloee at the Oen-aral Post Offio at 13 It.

Supplsmentary Mail for paid tetters oa the pier, foot of Third-street, Ho botes, to 1:45 P. M. Mall for Halifax and Bmudt, by tb Mt-m, elos Oepartatre of Doaeestle ttfalls. Fast Mails eloee at A. aT, tt70 and 6P.J1.

Western Maiia.4 A. AC fjd and 15 M. Long bland A. AC and 2:30 P. M.

Newport and Fall Biver P. fl New-xrk Oentrai Uadroad P. Ncrth JtaiU A. M. and P.

M. Norm Mail. Way. A. ti.

and P. M. Soatn Mail at A. and P. M.

On bnndays all mails ale P. Paesemgers Arrtverl. A TJO. 33 7a ra aa(p CTfw AnKcrrp, frcm xaeerpnol Mrs. L.

A. Sherwood. Bliss Condeii. 3 Miaoe bturges. Mr.

M. Henderson, Mr. A. Craig, Mr. K.

T. and Mr Backhouae. kits Backhouse. Oreelv, Mtaa W. oiand-n.

Mr. Geo. Counah. Mr. Bscket.

Mr. Oo-nolljt, Mrs. Uariand. Mia Harland. ar.

ramL Li than w. Mr. J. Matheww, CatV. V.

H. Ihompson. Mr. B. O.

Brewster, Mr. Geo. W. Vail. Miss ail, Capt, Mayne Beid, Airs.

Beid, Mr. Goaaon, Miss Connot, Mr. K. C. BasaelL Mrs.

BnsaeU. Mies assail. Mr. Alex. Henderson, Mr.

Samuel U. Cooper. Mr. James Webster, Mr. Vincent Villea.

Mr. Jamee U. Peter. Mr. T.

B. Clapnam, Mr. bpeneer l.arain, Mr. Moine, Miss Thompson. Mr.

m. MeBnde. B. Bioharda, E. T.

bhepparo. H. M. Pearee, David iWailac. Mrs.

M. airhead, Mrs. Koberta. Miaa Wibel, Mis Marklua. Miaa Mary Thomas, Mia Dora Thomas.

Dr. Kim ber It. Mibs fcelioa Foster, Miaa Fair. Master Robert Fair. Master Martly Fair, Mr.

Nouvi.le, Mr. Brown, Leoo J. Vmosnt. 8. A- Vinoert, Edward Aahworta, M.

O. lis ber, Henry Riley. Henry bpenee. Kev Jamea Koouy. Peter KbjrhL Jamea A.

Belaon. HuakTeCarroa, euild and infant: Kugen de Jean, H. Ualletson, Mrs. O. koater, and aJ in aUaraga.

ATJO. 33 Strawukip Altppo from UwrpooLHt. ami Mrs. Gerrard and child. Maater Cbarlea Gerrard.

Mr. an 1 Mrs. A alien aad child, Maater Arnelin A Alien. Mia Ellen Affliou. Jamee Bankm.

Dr. Antbor Aoatey, Misa Bosa Meilon. K. L. Wilbama, Mr.

and Mr. J. H. Wilhtma- Mrs. snd Mrs.

Cheatte an two children. Miss A. Asbtord, tlina Hebecea Watson, Mr. and Mra. Heaae.

CoL at as, Mrs. Julia Marreat, Miaa Rosa Mar-rest, Mrs. and Miaa Jacobs. Kev. Sella Martiu, Mr.

Martin and child, O. blaekbnrn. Jame Marding. A. Uaudrey.

Mr. and Mr. MoGili. Miss Helen McGuL Ci, Gordon. L.

A. Cbase, A. B. Haaagood, Mr. aad Mra, Cam in.

and 233 in eteerage. ATJO 23 In aleasuAlv Jfeaiwaof. lViiiepsjf re. Scott, Msater boctt, Wm. Donald.

M. Campari, af r. and Mra. Anderson, Mr. and Mra.

Haibrom, Miaa Grirbthe, Capt, B. U. Ellia, C01. W. U.

Miliar, Mrs. Bat.erth-waite, Mrs. J. K. Denver and child.

Mrs. Walla, Miss alia, Mx. and Mrs. Uowman. arrniATTjBa almakao rrris pat.

9 19 I bun sets 9 5 1 Moo 11 09 HlOB WATEB THIS DAT. naaa. ran Or 13 01 1 Uev. Aatand.13 au Hall 3 MARINE IINTELLIGE1NCE. Aug.

33. Arrived. Steamship Oity ef Antwerp, Mirehoos. Liver-pool. Aug 13, via Queenstowu 13.

witb mdee. snd pa-sengors to Joan G. Dale. Aug. 13, r.

10 mites West of Kinsale. passed steamahip Pennay.vama, bound K. leth, lat. 61 la. Ion.

su, passd ship Wil-bam Kiobardaon. bound sams date, at P. paased a loar-maated ateamer bound K. 17th, fat. as) SC.

Ion. 41 lu, paaaed a scuooner nvged steamer boond supposed to be rom rJaitiniore 2 tb. 14.45 2a, Ion. at SO, paaaed ship Annabelia bound Slat, laa, 43 JU Ion. 61, paaaedeteamship Huaais, benoe for Liverpool; 22d, at 3 A.

164 milea B. of Sandy Hook, paaaed ateaineiiip Vi le da Paris, benoe for Havre, stmt date, ill A paaaed steamship Helvetia, bene tor Liverpool. Same date, at 4:4 A. paased steamahip Citr of Boston, do. for do.

bam dt. 6 Al passed steamship 11 be rata, bene for tslaagow. bWamahip Aleppo, tbr 1 Harrison, Liverpool, Aug. 11, vi jueDStown 13, with mdse. aad passengers to Aw Cunard.

U. b. steamship Soto, Commodore O. B. Bogg.

Purt-au-Prince, riaytl, 18th tnat. Steamaoip Minueaota, Priee, Liverpool Aug. via Qu vena town IMh, with muse, and oaaeengera to I i liama A Union. 14th, lat. -0.

loo. 23 8U, paaaeu ales rot hip Colorado, benca tor Liverpool. Steamship K. Emght, Dents, Washington and aleaandna, with adas, aad paaaengwra to Fnulips A Bruwn. btmshlp Saratoga, Alexander, Richmond and wttamda.

aad passsngr to Old Domini Blssns-ahip Co. bteamahlp Aenahnet, Kelly. Mew-Bedford, with ads, and paaaengere to Ferguson A Wood. bteamsnip Eiaotra, Mott, Providen, with Btds. and peesengwr to Isaac Oueil, biesmsntp balvor, Ua lett, Boston, with mds.

aad passsngera to W. P. Ciy. Steamer Osprav. Kenny.

Provtdwne. Snip Doctor Hartn. (A. 0.. Meyar, Hambwrw.

41 da. itn saoae. and 368 paesena-era to u. w. O.

a.dge Had bant variatil winds and has weather the entire passage. Arr. oS I'm Is. and at 9 A. At, oa tb 83d.

Haa Bad a pilot on board nvt days, Bars Uaxaiie, (of hsw-Haven.) Black, Barbados IS with paaaangara and sugar to H. lrowbridg's boo. Has been de. nortn of Hslleraa. aad bad em was I her the paessww.

Brig O. V. reniatoo. fof Walton, K. B-.) Bargees Turk Island 14 ua with 1 passenger and salt to fenia-toa Bros.

Had beea da. N. ef llAttaraa, and had hght b. aad variaol winds entire paaaage. Aug.

94, at 9 A. It miass to th a. aud H. of Haraagat, aaw tiie top gailantmaat of squar-nggd vsaast about four laat out of tn water, apposed attached to ta ball 1 13 ea 13 fathoms of wair. Brig Cos a Kioa, Oaaaidy.

AaDinwall. 90 with mdse. to J. F. Joy.

Ua bean 4 us. aorta mi Hatteraa; had ilgnt wind tn enure pssssge. Brig J. H. Nevios, Parkin.

Oow Bay, C. 1L, 14 witb eoai to Brett, bos A Co. Brig atooin. Hopkins, GrewBvnoa. boor.

Kveiine, (of Aew-Haveavi Ptsrsa. Barbode IS with molasss Daniel rowbndg- kia bssa as. north of Hstteraa, and had bgnt weather tn jrt be nr. M. M.

Brannard. Clark. ttm MleV dletown. Soar. Adelaide.

MaoCoeaber, Eliaabwthport, fog Providence. bebr. Araos Fslkenberg. TrrIl, Siatbport, tor jroTiiinQs bnr. U.

Lv BolM, LsiUs, Kus4hport, for Prwn- bebr. Mary Msrshoa, Brtghtataa. KIiiabthport, tot Tall Biver. bchr. Ada! Faaacia, EUott, Ellxabethport, tor Bew-Londosu bear.

Olive Spallaaan. Pal ton. Elisabeth port, for East Baddan. boar. 8.

P. Harri. Jaokaon, Previa-, for Elisabeth port. none Lady Adanu, Evans. Fall Bivwr, for aOiaabath- aart, bear.

Mary L. Van Eirk. -Walks, Bew-Bedford, fog Eli aa bet sort. Scbr. Paragon, Washington, It.

4 daya with shtnglee to Thomas A Holmes. bebr. Hieing Boa, Sawyer, Jane bora, pile to Bnow t) Bwbardsoa. bebr. Atosaek.

Hathaway, Taaatoa, for sTIIaaheth. ex-he. Ballla B. nbartia. Paw-tnekst, for Bawooeia.

bear. a. BraiBsrd, BaaU, Portland, Ona, foe Hobo-ken. bebr. Frwd.

Tyler, TytwO, ProvidenM, fee Vsw-Brunswick. Soar. Mary Matilda, Douglass, Baatwekat, Bah I Boone A Lsapnr. bear. Kanroad A.

49, Boberta, BnatoL tor Pkilsiisl pbia. Sarato, Brooca, Prerileao. Bchr. Fanni Eldr, Juye.

Newport. Bear Oeoar O. Aeaen. bobby, btaaford. bear.

Coeaet. FarreU. Frtmoauew. b-olir. J.

btaaiay. Previdwaa. benr. Uipeey, Bordaa, kali stiver. Hear.

Lt. lowaaenu, Gaxdiiier, Wiekiord. bchr. Lawreooe. Paoaar, Aoraieh.

hchr. A O. Haaard, Miner, Portland. Odea, bear. Harriet ttvaa, Wilson, Providence.

bchr. Henry May, atackat, Hrovidsnow. bebr. Ann Betsae. frew-Haven.

be nr. Kat Tnoraaa. Giboe, baadwiek. bchr. oophia Ann.

taar, boston. bchr. Atiantia. btobb. ail Haver.

bonr. Gov. Cary. Paraar. Providene.

be IIT. iaabel I nmriar. litapua, I 1 benr. Lner, Ha.brook. Prondaaw.

nunc. Jaa B. bmito. Lane, Boatoa. Bebr.

Is A ad arson, Junes, Providene. bear. W. D. Mangam.Chaa.

New-bediurd. boua. J. A K. A bcw.t, Pswinoaea.

bonr. Dan. Wbtr. Maghun. Proviasrie.

bene Linoa. Hoyt, New-iuondon. hour. Mmnsseia. Pnianey, be.etol.

hour. Man BuaabMa. Uotch, Fall RivwC Bear. H. H.

Daly, burnt. Fail Biver. buv. now. Cook.

New-tlavaw. bonr. Painter, tenuis, Previueae. bonr. James Hny, Ouvr.

Provioe-ne. bcur. La mart me, oumy, Warauant, benr. Padat itAas. bvdar.

Maisan. Benr. a lie Ida, Pieroe, Providene. bear. Eiisa Hanuloa.

o.e, frundADc. mm. MHwr, Buna, uiiiiua. bcur. liooert Mynan.

itoaus, Providene. benr. Hobert ti. btuitn, Caaa, Naw-Beuuird. bcur.

A. H. fcawjrer. Cook. Proviueno.

BOur. A. M. Atuo, Hal, Proviaanea. benr.

Jonn MaaMtv. Man Wooa's Maaa. Benr. Acaua, HamUa. Uawton.

for Bear. B. J. Baaita, itaidwin. Bridgeport.

bonr. a hanaa P. Cooper. haa ton. benr.

baliie bmitn. Davis, Fa.i Uivar. benr. Artatt, or tar, noraerasa. feflor.

O. Warrol Una, Uoetoa. benr. bvge, arw.e. Prwvidaae.

bejr. D. tt. ble-ly. sCe iy.

bettea, for Ttoadont. bebr. Aurj Auguat. I Boatoa. bear.

Miado.a, Aitga. laawetneu.i, to hajvr. Buv BwU, iWay, Um SLewwB. enr. aunton.

aMnnett. Ball BLver. for Albanr. bcur. J.

tl. riir. laat, UarUord, lor PoKaaa.abia, bo-r. lhcmaan.Boaera. kenng.

brow a tuati. Ji, be nr. Flan. atoawra m. stiver, sees, a iisststasrt, tar BioD Trans iario.

gmita. maahsrhpes, tag Bring. Br TtcrstsiBV. CHABLESTOa. Aog.

HOLMES' HOLB. Aag tL P. M.Bld. aB Swear rea Bfror mmr wii. (brZ7 ira: achra.

Man Eliaabwta, OonnssiUeat. Bnew baaaa. BaraB Owrdaer, Clara Norton. fla.l,, if betaport lor Boston. Aug.

U. A. M. Arr. aehra.

Ephraiai 9 Aaaa Oraea, H. Wing. Phisadeiphi for Bos to; U. a. mm ewttar Astir.

Mteawtletmooate. Haval. Th gunboat Gettysburg wo at ril sa, Pnnoe the let a inat-i all well en boar. IssRasInk ann of war Favont 4 Mullet, and Bpaanab raa boat, wwc aas at anchor oB Poxt-aw-Priakee. aMsa.ww.

Golden Fleee bark, bene for Barbwdi wa slg-aale taed Aug. la. 1st. ia, ion. a THE AT I 0 A L.

LIFE; IIUMHCS COMPADY OF Tflf UiMTED STATES OF 111ERIEL rTASHINQTOlT, D. 0. CAPITAL, $1,000,000. Brancb Office, rmiDELFlILi, FLrit Xatioiial Bank BaUding. BOARD Of DIB KOTO KB: TAT OOOKE, Banker.

Philadelphia. CLABENCE li. CLARK. Banker. Philadelohta, F.

BATCHFOKD STAJUL Fra. Katerpriae Fire ln. Pniladslphia. J. HI5CKLBY CLARK.

Banker. Philadelphia. OEOBOB F. TTLBB, Philadelphia. WILLIAM MCORHXaD.

Baakar. Philadalphia, HEART D. COOKB. Baakar, Waahiagtoa. K.

A- ROLLDiS. Commies lower Intra si Rvaaap Washington. 1 WM. B. CHAHDLEB.UU AaaUUnt Seoretary mm Treasury.

Waabington. JOHN D. DEFBEES, Pnblie Printer. Washiagtasv BDWABD DODOE. Baakar.

Nsw-Yurk. H. FA HA E8TOCK. Baakar, Haw-York. OFF1CKRS: CLABESCB H.

CLARK. Presideut. HbNRY D. COOKE, Vie-Preident JAY OOOKE, Chairman of Finance aad Rxeeativt Committee. EMERSON W.

PBET. Beeretary aad Aotoary FRANCIS O. SMITH, M. IX, AUdieal DUector. Th dvaatsgsBrd by this Odmpaay arst It laat Sattloststl Coampmmy.

Cktavrtarwat ty-Special Aet of Csa(rtts, 1868. A Pald-oip Capital of tl.00O.O0O. IC OfTera Iowr ftAttos of Pr natal on. It Faralshes Iatrcer latsoiraBte thatV tkter Couapaialas for txt Sam Sloat jr. It Is Deflalto aaid Certatst ta Its Teraasa It 1 at Horn Coatpaay la Kwarjr Loeal tw.

Ita Policies an Bxsapt foaa iltsakw Titer ar Bo Uaaeeeesarjr Restrlctlaa la tlte Policies, Evtry Poller la a-Frrltabl. tn Iaaarad tttalr fall Aaaoaat aad Rm tail all the Prsralamt, ao tbat tht Iaf enravnee Costa oaly tht Iatercsta thio iaaaal PaFaaeats Policies will balsaaed that will Par to' th laiarsd dstrta Llf aa Aaaaal law com of Oas-TsBth th Aaaoaat Bamec ta th Poller BTo Extra Kate Is Charged for Rleha-bpb th Ltwa of Feaaal. It Iasorst aot to iMart Dtwldaad. ka at ao lesw a Coat that Otwldada will a-ljapoaslhl. A LOCAL AO EST IS WANTED ia every coaaty.

and pprioro fraaa eeaspstsnt aartta foe anob ag-tea, witA Ita bl tndBswensant. anawld ndiassit to to Company's 0aral Agent aly ia tatr respeo-' tivs district. Ctroalara, pamphlata, and fall parti anl are give appbeatlea at tbe offioe af ta Company ia thi Oity, a -Ho, I Naaaaa-et. JAY COOKE Osneral Agents for Beer-York Stat and Bertbera Hew-J erser- Appliestiews will be rwoeived far Individ! tgsanlse) in tb Citr of Ilsw-York. MAJCAOKK3: T.


W. CLaSX 00-, PhiladelphiA, Qenaral tgsnts for Pannaylvanla an Bomtaara Hew-Jersey. JLY COOXK ft Garal Agrst for Diatriet ef Columbia, Marylaad Dilawar and Virglsia. i 33tAl3llailxecl 1707. is s' is SLAB! TJ FACTOR AH WARJCROOMS NO.

680 BROADWAY. PARLOR, DETLSG-ROOM, LIBBARTArTD OUAMfjER FURHTTOB-Hew nd arigraal reigns, now adv for tn Faui trad, s-trnas-ers viarttng tb Cirv wid Bad it to tnun ad vaatag to visit th oldest srtthlishasat ia th tradsV will be liberally dealt with. A II good warr wted. FINE WATCHES dair th af Watoa-boyers to tha vary Bns Waleasa mad by tha i AffiERICAH WATCH CO. OF WALTHAM, an knowa aa th 34 Plate.

16 Size. enaaaBBBBBBa Te the Bafatare of thee Watches th Oeapaar kars devoted ail tha aaiene aad skill ia th art at tbetr aoanmand, aad eoaSdeatly laua that for Infssa aod hsaaty. aot law tbaa for th greater xones of haaieal aad sclent ills eorreetasat of design aad exec, tioa, tbaa watehaa will earn oar favorably witb ths swat mad ia any coin rr. la tuia eonntry tne Bsaaafaataiw. each te not even eavamptsd tept Waltham.

HOW AllO Is. Big Broadway. at. nittsi uiTTaH OF t'l i. Pn tai.l in rf tnfnnriaLioa rwrnished.

eat rate, tva i l. i ilouolooaa. and ad kinds aiivar. TAx LOet A CO. cVanaers, a 19 en hsw-fora.

PrtlZX CAIIKO IW KO AL. HAVA alen tne ky and Misssari Lsaawnea. Ciron t- eeuJ and taf'ir-nado given. JuorlPH BAIr-X I PotOmc Bos N. ftp, tl Br dTJ a PHIZVtrllll a 1 1 IMMRMllK taxnisad In Royal Havana and all dAOOO CLU1 tt, tVanaer an

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