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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 5

New York, New York
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0 powr to eboose Praa.d ntuj mck, they tear from pest eiperieac that Ha rarmbrn may be eor- Mpted. sat cast their vote lor fcarnotra aad Blazb. 1 WaMlOToB. Friday, Vug I arsiKza at the uxo omc. Th Coraauaaicber ol the General Lend Office baa Weeelveal tbe mini of tti Aurvey of one additional dowbahip In Lewis and Ciark County, Montana.

gust North of Uiieai, embracing as area of 22,973 ere. Th sartaee 1 generally robing except la Um fOoutbeaetern pari, lions Bur Prick fy Pctr Cnck Where tfca land ia leveL Tb oil of taut township 4 Brat and second rata, wed adapted 10 agricultural ad grazing purpoeee. The Kerthesstera part of th township baa a conaiderabl amount of fiat timber. Nearly all tba laad in Ua Southern part of tbe tract la claimed ty ac nl settlers. There ara no indication of miner ala observed in tba township.

TBLg RECENT BIOT I GEOBOITOWS. Tba examination ol colored Zoutm for rlotin a week ago, wbila a company of tnem from Georgetown were oa their way the Capitol to relieve tba guard rver th remain of InADUZv BTxvxa. baa bean Concluded. Three ware fined tor disorderly conduct, and sixisea oUtri were r.qulied to give from (800 to $5.0 bail lor a fur-, bar hearing at tba Court. kKIPWjtlCXX 8AJLOBA.

Tba United Suttee Cuuaul at Loudon reporu that 'OB Mrsaoa. of Caiaia. aad Job O'Coftaoa. tf Brooklyn, N. bava beea broucht to tbat port, isvmg been picked up about forty mile eou'liwrt by eouib of the Ittand of Nevis, their -e tba Squirrel, of Port Ws-bliigtoa, bavin- teen lost on tbe curat reeis near Barbuda.

hetoce APPoixTanarrs. Tbe following apouuiUui ntaox. Oaugers under tba Internal B-venue taw were made to-day: Chaklxs TC. DtrsaaM. Boston; Mukbitz AcatTEiiC New-York City; Camta J.

Jloost. nocuester. Tbe following ot b-orrkoepers were madei JortM Kiitk, District of Maryland, and CeoiMiE A. lYwm, First District of Mai laud, BUEJt ATttEtts EXPORTS. A bavt beo received at tbe Cureaa ol Bta-tiUw irotii tne Uuital Con an I at Buenoa vre.

in which uie exporta Irom ttiat Conaular to tbe Culled Suuea lor tf month ol May. 1C8, areaiveuat taaa.3a9 goU. I tie principal aruc.ea eunaiai of hiilen wool. Aa compared with the taouih of April, tnevfl ripnrta "to tbe TJai.ed Satea auow a tailiuK oB ol 38 57. 1 Cl fclOMS UFCEIPTS.

Tb Cua'oira ixuu from Aug. 10 to 15, were aa foi.ow-; w-York A'ailtleipuia ll-dtirnore 4. J. tnui rancieoo 2o t-j 26j t329.fS3 177.8JO 181,814 AJlalT ASD MATT ISTIXLJOZHCX. Ry recUon of uie Secretary of War.

a Board of -OOinera to conatat of brevet BnovOen. P. V. Haf-Bar, Colonel ol tbe Orunanoe Ixipartment; Brevet W. II.

Frencb. Lieuiettant-Colouel of Uia Roond United bUKi brevet Major-Gen. li. Wrlghi, laeutenanUOolonal ol the Corpe of ngineera: Brrvei ir X. J.

Hodman. Liea- nact-Colonel of tba Oiiinanca IeDarunent; Brevet O. 1. Gr-eue. Major and Aaaiaiant Arju-Aankieueral; Brtvet Lieut-Col.

H. T. Benet. Major th Ordnance Ieuruuent; Brevet O. U.

Morgau, AlsJ ot ine FuurUa Duicod ttiatee Ar-aillcry. willaaaemulo at tne Waabington Araetial on. tbe let day ol brptamber or aa aoov tbereafiar pracuoable, tor the purauae of teaUng the Beaupra wyaiam In the ociiairucuoE of cannon, praaeuted by Oerbari A witn outer ctasun. Xbe Boaru w.ll raport lia opinion. If tba method puaareaaa aumca nt merit to warrant tie introduction, li) ui tbe military eorvtoe.

Brevet Jaa. N. Caldwell, retired, baa, by direcuon of the lreaiJeui, and in accordance with tba ot Congreaa. Juiy 38, 1660, ben detailed aa Jrott aaor of Military boiauua at toa Kaalucky Unt-weraiiy. at Lexiogtou.

Uajur VY. lA-unia, Judge-Advocate, haa beeo ordered to report wiUiout delay to LJeuu-Geu. bhex- SUaU. Intelligence haa been reoetved here ot the arrival I th Lulled ateamer Haoaionia at Anuapo-l'a yaieruay afternoon, alter a paaaie ot tweniy-aix alaya trom Funcbal. Madeira; ail on board well.

UCXUOaH 8EAMZM BtnPTOSXD TO BK LOUT. About the lai ot Kuvenibar, 1867, Mr. Dabmxt, the United Statea Ccnaul at Faya, Axoraa lilac da, wrote to the Department of State that there waa a targe number ol American aaamen at tboae fannoipally deeertera trom whaling vaeeela, and that order to get than home he bad chartered the ortugueaa brig Cearufa to bring them to thia country. Ila abipped on board of that brig eihty-ae-ven aeameh for the port of BJeton. The brig haa not eunee been heard from, and It la auppoeed that aha, with all on board, haa been loet.

are with la a tia of tbe namee of the Amarioan aaamen ahipped on Cie Evarista: Wil.iam Coleman. Char lee Eaton, Charlaa Stewart. Frederick Htokry, George Stocber. David Wing, looting Bayden, George C. Brown.

Antonio Itoiae, frank Adam Jama Gilmore, dward W. Ford, Wm. BwaiDcy, John T. Buy. Kelt O'Brien, Henry Buckley, John Cairnee.

Jobn C. Iiooaer. Henry 8. 2ane, Cbarlee Line. John Plckley, Jamea Fitxger-adt, Thoipea Kennev.

Lorenao Mewell, Ulba Wilkea, frank a. Hunt, Davenport, George Pitman, Stephen Kenney, William I- Park, Ieopol teua, Edwin F. lien, Geo. Trull, Stop hen Garri-on, John- E. Biotadjue, Geonre P.

Clough, George iirant, Calvin Fiaher, George K. Dunbar. Thomaa fj.niona, William K. Iane, Caarlaa Footman. Henry At wood, Patrick Hora, 8.

Orlando A dame, Cbarlee 21. Tavlor, William B. Bobinaon, George F. Ktca, Alfred Ar.tune A Tola, Geoige M. Gill man.

iiaorri A. lteynolda, Thonita Adam, bamuel Beyer, Joiin C. Gnmn, Ctiarlca Reuabaw. II. C.

Hardwiok. Vuliam Cook, Joeeph i Ail Joaepa R. Kelly, Wm. H. Moure, Jaa.

F. Fraucia. Jeremiao Caaey, Howard Kelly, Fraucia Ltary. Geo. bmith, Matbew Patrick Colter, Aionso F.

Giilord. John Sner.oca, lirnry G. Dojle. AuguatUi Badger, David Gifford. H.

A Jama, Joan Canon, iaaac Davta. xdwaru H. Al urptiy, Henry tttevenaon. Puiliii O'Brien, Joeepn tHuuaa. Aivin While, Juaepn bautoa.

Frederick B. Ml. Jauioa Bounce. JaXnea Maiiatt, Jueepii Eluaon ail Alt rati H. Simpaou.

THE TURF. (Tka Twrf laa NawKaclaad Xkia Harra. ajaaaaaect laaa aratloa Haea Meet-Ita a 1 1 a Preframaia aid Proapccta. No a j-ouger illustration of tba progreBaive arlt of tUe age and tne uprooting of oldprejjudicea can be afforded than in tbe fact of the Introduction of the a porta of the turf into aober, a laid, puritanic tSew.Eogland introduced, too, under' patronage ao powerful tnd influential, and under ci reams tancea ao peculiarly auapicioua, that tba inatiiutioa and ea-tabltabinent ot racing may be regarded ae aa Jail neaamph. It la true that aome aix or seven years go an attempt waa made to esUbliah a race meeting at Boa'on.

but owing to wariona causes it proved n-succaesiaL -Tbe new enterprise la under tbe Inflo-antiai direction of CoU Amaba Bnuocx, the tplrtted giroprietor of the Karraganaeti Park Course and of tbe 'Aaabclation of which he ia the President and ruling spirit. This Co urea was eonatraeted by CpL riLocx at hit own lndividnal coat of upward 1300. 000, and ia oonfeeaedly the finest nee oourse la th Cnttad Stataa, So expense haa bean spared in ts formation, and lta drainage, subsoil, Ac, are perfect in every respect. The grand eland la a suagni-Bcent atrnctare, more elegant and tmpoalng tn Its atyie of architecture than that at Jerome Park, and though aUghtly inferior to it in extent of aecommo-BaUon, aupaaeea it tn comfort and adaptability lor 1U occupants viewing the proceeding. The sUhMng la of the moat complete and convenient character, and nothing is wanting to render tba Courae and lta ac-eeeeortaa aali factory to owners and tralnara of

It waa Inaugurated laat stammer aa a trot-ting track, and four vary successful meetings have ftwea held on It, thanks to the liberality and spirit eta-flayed tn lta management. Dealroua of Introducing racing into Bew-England, and making the reerca. iloas of the turf popular, and mora especially among the residents ot Rhode Island, OoL ErnAaua baa ea-gabliahad a race mealing, which he purposes to tiold annually, and which will be Inaugurated on Tuesday, the i3.h inaU, and eonilaaed the fol-Jowicg Wednesday and Thursday, and probably Friday. Tba munificent amount of 17,400 offered gbr public competition, and as admirable and ludi-ttoue programme ig provided by tae Exscutrvs Com-' kBlUaa, of which ate Gxo. H.

Bafm ia the capable and antrgeue Secretary-- Tba Courae Itaalf Is distant three miles from the City of Providence, and access. ty the ears of the TJnion Railroad, and the Hartford, Providence and FiahkiU BUlroad, is direct, easy and Creouant. Tbexmemg on the first day commenoee with the flopeful Stakes, for two-ysex elda. aacb, with s00 added hrse-quartars of a xnila. There are aeTsntwa toaied tor this taks, tad the prooabla tort are Mr.

BtxjioirT'g eh. c. rata. Cmpt. aiooxx's ch.

by nstsasi Bom. dam if ajp and atu by Jawasl Boom, UU Ward; Bowrx and gXaU-'a ch. Qtcker, T. Momata eh. e.

by Jajara. ba rti(. s4 aV4 AWu-ta torn Mart; M. H. 8a roan's efe.

ivvsa, (own sla ter to anl Cot MCDaxxsxs' b.t BommU lot, and ala b. f. by OaJrlaad. dam Zi is. Us win-arr of tba Saratoga gtakea.

This win prove a moat teres tng and will be a most appropriate. la-aucura toa of the first raoa meeting oa Bhode Island. Taeaseond rmos bandtoap, tor a pars of (600. adde to a sweepstakes of each, half forfeit, tbe eeeotil Iiorse reoamng $100 out of the stake. The dlsiaay-s ia two mtlea.

aad the winner of a handicap after the publication of tba weigh ta, which was on June 90, is penalised seven pounds extra. There are thirteen eatries, but the following will be tound to coat prise ths probable tartars: i. xv-kereon's b. f. Flora Mr Ivor, 4 years A.

Belmont's b. m. Maid of Honor. 4 years. Ml T.

Moore's g. h. BtonewmU Jackson. years. ..1 13 B.

B. Forbes br. h. Climax, acred 107 M. H.

Banford'a b. c. Northumberland. 90 at. H.

Hau lord "a br. f. Luke, Tears D. MrDamele' b. Harah B-.

Tears li. A-cDanlals b. h. Bipley, 6 00 Ths second race Is ths Providence Stake for three-year olds, entrance, p. with 800 addeo: a mile and a half.

For this there are no leas than tweay-two sn tries, of which those likely to come to tbe poet are General Duke, Bommtt Braes, FVty. Boast -r and 'away Imdiow, Cuioaut, Cily, out ot Afoul of JfoasasaVA, Lott Cause, XorUtumberLand or La Polka, iune SoffTt and Alhmera, A match race between Mr. CAstcmoa's whilom hurdle-racer, Btrague, and Mr. HAtrrviLU'a mare by Balroumu, dam Comfort, winds up the racing on the first day: On ths second day a daah race of a mile and a quarter, the entiles for which are yet to be made, for a purse of $400. ope 3 the sport.

Then follows tbe great event of tbe ths race for the Bhode Island Cup, for all 50 each. p. and $1,000 added. Tbe dietaoce is two miiea and a half, and the winner of tbe Saratoga Cop, or Westchester Cup baa to carry 6 pounds extra. There are twelve entries.

Ken udty. Extra, Or word. Rei JHek, Barak Luneater, La TVka, Beacon, Fannie Ckeat-ham, Privuerr. Oner tl Tot and Courcry. Of the above KenHdeu and Extra have been placed kort dm combat by their bleating down in training, while of too others, the most likely starters are Lancaster, (with poun Is extra tor winning the Saratoga Cop.) Foaaie CheatXam, Onward, Bed Dick and General orke.

The contest between the Saratoga Cup winner and Fan ie ChealXam will ba viewed with un-uaual tnteress as it will decide whether that waa a true run rtce or whether the heavy ground ruined the chances of the beaatiful fli y. Outward, we know, ie do tig and going wen. an If be la himself, he wi 11 -be a dangerous ho se over this dlstanoe. Lancaster will again hive the alvan-age of the services of that fine English rider, Harwaas, whose brilliant Jockey-ship enable! htm to snatch ths victory in the Bira-toga Cup raoa, when it seemed a moral certainty for the chestnut colt Ja-nes A. CornMy.

It ia a matter of retrret that Connolly la not entered fbr this race, so that be snd Lancaster could be enables) to figlt thair battle over again, A twc-mile heat race for all agee. for a purse of $1,000. aad which Is yet to he entered tor, conclude tbe second dsy's racing. On the third dsy a purse of $00, appropriately named ths "Consolation Fur as." a it is for Deaten horses, over two miles, initiates the prooeedings. The Harraganwtt Stake, for three year olda.

$25 each, play or pay. with $900 addei, two miles, oomea next. Ths winners of tba Derby. Belmont. Travera Stakes, two-mile swespstakea at Jerome Park, or Provldenoa Suke, ere penalized pounds extra.

which, howsvar, will only affsot one of the twenty-one General Duke, wjo won the Belmont The probable starters I although tne result of ths running la ths Providence-Staks will bars i influence la determining the number of thost who go to the poet) are General Duke or Bayonet, from A HAanzee atabls; aTimwu Sree. from Dr. WaXDOK'a: fdev, from Baowxa At HAix'a: Boaster or Fa any Ludlow, from Mr. atoaaia'; Lost Cause, trom Major Baoox's; Northumberland, f-om Mr. BAHDroaD'a, and Lxtzxs Ro jm or Albutra, from CoL McDAKiaia.

A three-mile heat race, for a purse ot $1,500, follows, for the winner of the Grand National Slakes, or ths four-mile daah at Saratoga, haa to carry a penalty of pounds extra. Ths en tries for this rasa are yet to be made. The fourth and last, race of 'the day ant meeting (aa ao far announced) ia the Sequel Stakes, for two- year olda. $100 entranoe, half forfeit, and $600 added. The winner of the EopewsM Stake on the first dsy haa pounds extra to carry.

There are sixteen entries, of wbleh the following are most likely to eee tbe post: Mr. Bkxjcowt's ch. e. Fenxan T. Q.

Hoou'i ch. by Daniel Boon, and ch. 1 bv tbe earns sire; Mr. Moaaia' eb.e by Eclipse, dam FVdWary.and bis b. by Xcttpsc.

dam Arlington Hare Mr. Saxdfobd's The Nun and Joke and CoL McDamkxs' Bonnie Last, and tbe Oakland flliy. It will be a good race, and at present tbe picking out of tbe absolute winner looka a most formidable teak. With such a brilliant and admirably arranged programme of racing aport. a highly successful meeting may sal sly be prognosticated.

Great Excitement Arasairaa; Had son River Hportlrsfr Mere A Poacbkteepate Doctor Craty ora the Horse tAweatlora A. Trot raw Wfaaat Cam ef li-Nvar Depend ea Oatildin to Tin Your Hsra. from Our Own Oorrsspondest. Pouohx axrsia. Thursday, Aug.

10. 1868. Full one thousand persona assembled on Cuu A La Farrxa'a track, one mile east of this city, yesterday afternoon, to witness tne moat extraordinary horse-race be bald here at any time previous. A German physician In this city, haa a black horse called Frederick the Great, which never trotted, nor can he trot better than The Doctor somehow became impressed with ths idea that he could make the mile in 2:32. Sporting men hereabouts, learning of ths Doctor's weakneae on this point, aerped the matter along by prevailing on him to drive his animal at varioua timet about tba track agtlnit time.

On thete ocre-albns the Doctor always drove, and depended on ont- eiders lor time. Tbey grave it to bun one minute quicker than It really waa at every trot, thus asaiat-ing bim In his belief that hia animal could trot in tbe twenties. Hs immediately became wild with excitement over the matter, and run the price of hia horse up to eight or ten thousand dollars. On day he received a letter, (aent by some wag.) ttgned Commodore TawpanBlx.1, in which the writer stated his intense deairs to buy the Doctor's horse. This letter he flaunted about to show how greet interest' was fait tn his animal.

Finally he matched hia ti against Johm Gaoeb'8 b. g. Mill Bom tor $100 a aide, mile heats, best three in five to harness, ths race to corns off at o'clock yesterday afternoon. Long before that time tbe raoe-track or the grouada about it were thronged with people and vehicles. The particulars of the affair had reached all points along tba rrver, and representative from aearry every town oa the Hudson war present.

In one ot the butkiings on the track ttaDoctMTaaa located, betting freely on 10, 7:32 and 3:83. For many days hia beet friends had sndsavor-ed to show him ths whole thing was a fares, that his haras could not trot, ate. A very prominent and wealthy citizen of this piece went to him and told Mm the boys had bssn fooliag him with false time, aad tbat they wars making him the. laughing stock of the community- The Doctor immediately charged thia sitiiea with being ia tbe interest of Commodore VAJroanaiLX to purchase hia horse at a low rata. Bis very best friend took him aaide afterward, and aieo 'told him the situation, when again the Doctor became Indignant and indignantly waved hia friend away.

Mr. Gaaxa ofiered to trot privately wf tb the Doctor to show bim bow easily he couid beat him. but taa Doctor looked upon him also with suspicion, and would not listen to him. Seeing that all attempt to disabuse th Doctor's miad were unsuc-eeaaful. it was resolved to let ths rac go on.

The judges war appointed, the track waa cleared, and amid much merriment the nor were called up. Mr. Gaokb appeared -on th track first with Mill Bow, Frmtortck Out Groat soon after puaung an appearance, causing great laughter aa be Joatred on the track. The rulee stated tnat owners most drive. When the were driven to ths Judge's stand for instructions to the drivers, the erowd surged about them, and many wars the comical expressions of sympathy addressed to tbe Doctor.

At last, all being tn readiness, thev scored for th Fiaar Haar Alter two attempts a good ssad-off was secured Freamck ike Great breaking at the s-art. tb dnvsr ot MvU holding ap bus animal so tnat tb Doctor should ootain ta lead. Alter leaving ths first quarter, the driver of Afdl Bag sat lax.Jy tn his wsiron. lbs drove tes road wagon, th Doctor toa eifeky holding hi rains ia one aand aad a cigar in the other, whit his bores traveled along oa a Jog-tret. Tba Doctor was laying back in bis sulky at aa ot (orty-flvs.

pulling his horse with all hat buabi oil ba rsaaaed th half-mile pole, at which aotai waa about a aanarta aaead of Mill Bom, in 1-A3. lie BHuaiajwd tba toad taroaahoa tne oai-anca of the heat, wtaajr.1 la A4, tba crowd wild wta ttaiigac. BacoKP Hxat Jfi I Bog took th lead because hie urrvr cou.d not hold tuna at the start, but tcaa gel toaoMi sum ap aiiarward, waaa tne Doctor uaaad tn rrnt. stolon reaching the quarter-pota ib vwto torse went aa. waeu Mi-i tvi coxa-u pass hiui or va-k.

lbs walk wouUn'otia; well. so he passed htm. On th baekstreteh. MiU Bey was again head up. wnen Freml'rK Ike Great made a a sky-rocket dash to tba I Coming down ths butnastre-teb Afili Bog was sgaia bead ap.

thai Urn Just enough to aUow tbe Docaor ao win by a neck, ta Great cheering went up at this Juncture, and agstn a rush was made toward tba' Judges, crying Xne time i tbe timet Given tb time!" Wbea aliens was obtained. It was anaooaM that Fred rruJc lAe Oreat had won the btt; lima, lt7. Two or three person sung oat. Inst'a you'va mad mlethke ot a minute. Tbe Doctor thought so too.

and demanded a change of judges, which was granted. lama Heat The 'appearance of the clouds threatening storm, it eras resolved to close the race tn Una heat by dratananag tbe Doctor. The Dorses got a good start, tbe Doctor length ta the advance, when Mill Bo driver gave that animal the rein. Away he oasbsd. leaving Jrtdertck Ike Great playing circus at tne quarter-pole.

MM Bog reached the half mile in 1 :21. new along with never a break to the three quarter pole, and daabed in serosa the aesriy half a mile ahead of bts competitor in 3:45, winning the beat and race. Another roan waa maue to ne Judge's stand to hear what the Due or bad said. When asked if he had any com- piainta to make, the crowd leered and laughed de- naively. the Doctor simply saying sa be got out of the sulky All I know ia I couldn't bold him.

Still nnaatitned, be.niaue another wager with Milt Boy's owner toat ba could turn tbe track tbe quickeat, waa accepted, and a aingle boat waa trotted. tbe Doctor mating the beat in 1:22, and Gaosa ia 2 This Closed the affair, wbicn throughout has been the moat extraordinary one ever witnees'd in these parts, and is to-day the principal topic of con- veraation on the etreeta. JLaat night tbe owner ot ill Beg called on the doctor and banded over to bim the money be had invested, telling bun the whole thing was a farce. By this time the Doctor'e eyes were opened to tbe truth, and be acknowledged thai, in trusting to the talk ol ouuuders ana lfrnonng irtenda, be had been unmerciiuliy auped, the lesson costing biiu considerable money. urmRNAis revcntje bureau.

Itlghu of Distillers strad Rectifiers Oplnloa ar aollcltor Hinckley. Buntu or IirrritNAZ. BrYiwtrx. 1 buLicrroB's Ornct, Aug. 13, 1868.

Bis In co.upl.acce with oral directions, I have the honor to sub en. my interpretation of those clauses of the Internal Iteienue act oi 20tU of July last, touching th erpre-s provision tbat the pro cesses of distillation and rectification ah all not both be carried cn wi.hin tbe dlatanoe of 600 feet. In section 4 a heavy penalty is denounced againat the making or fomenting oi tne several materials fit fir the distillation ot spirits tn any place, bui a distillery duly authorized accordlnc to law, or the distillation of any such material cy any person bnt an suihorixed distiller. Tbe succeeding section denounces a heavy penalty alao againat distiller, including those who bad been previously antuoriaed to d.s il. who shall not register their d.stilierles In the manner prescribed.

Mix daya are allowed for suob registration tn case of their exiatlng diatille-riee. all others to be registered immediately upon being set up. A dis'lller previously authorized, and who should sucoeeafully comply in time with other requirements to be hereafter noticed would continue to be a lawful dia tiller notwitbatanding he had not literally rematereJ, provided sixty dsys had not elapaed alter tbe passage of tbe law. Ho registration ia required of rectifiers. Section requires of both rectifiers and distillers a nouce in wriUng, subscribed by tbe party, to contain numerous par it: uiar specified snd such othere aa the Commissioner may prescribe.

Mo time is stated for the presentation ot this not ce, whether by rectifier or distiller, snd the prt sumption is that it must be given in a reasonable time. Sections 7, 8 and 0 provide in addition to tbe registration and to the notioe which ie required in a like manner of a rectifier tor a bond to be given by tbe dia oiler, of which the approval la subject to further terms, and for plan aad description of his premise. Mo bond ie described tn thia act tor rectifier or any plan, or any other of the specific exac.iona of the eecttona, including a survey required the case ot a distiller by tbe 10 th secaon. Section 11 makes it unlswlul to assess or collect a special lax of a distiller, unless these several requirements shall have been aattafied, to which ise-'ded "nor a hail it be lawtul for any Assessor of Internal Beveou to sssess. cr for sny Collator to collect any special tax tor diaulling on premises distant less than 600 teet trom any premises used for reclityicg, nor a hall any Aasessor assess or Collector collect sny special tax tor recufyina distilled spirits on sny premises distant less than 400 feet from any diatillery, when the diatillery and rectifying establishment are oecupied and used by different persons; nor shall the processes oi distillation and rectification botb be carried on wimln the distance of 600 feet, la all cases where a distillery snd rectifying es.aolishment distant the one from the other leas than 600 feel are occupied and used by the same person said person sbali have the right to elect which business shall be discontinued st tbat place.

Provision is made tor refunding, prs rata. In case of discontinuance before tbe expiration of a paid term. Bevsrting now to section 8, requiring notice by both distiller and rectifier, we find one ol the particulars wntcb shall be contained in tbe written notification is ths verm sat, in the one ease, tbat said distillery snd the premises connected therewith are not within 600 feet of any premises authorised to be need tor rectifying- or refining distilled spirits by sny process." and in tbe other, "tbat said rectifying eeteblianment ia not within 600 teet ol tb premie a of any distillery registered tor the distillation of spirits." Tos premises which thsnottflsr is to designs! ara characterised in the one oase as premises suthor- -lsed to be used, and in the other a a distillery registered for toe distillation of spirits." Il it is pcaalbia that a distillery might be lawiully in opera-lion within said sixty days, thouah the registration be not actually maoe, then a rectifier less tiian 600 teet trom it mignt be able to say with literal trutli tbat his "recuty.iig establishment Is n6t within 600 leet of the premises of sny distillery registered tor ths distillation ol spirits." Yet the rectifier could not acquire tbe right to do buaineaa there, oe-cauee tbe law elsewhere says that rectifying and distilling shall not boih be carried on within 600 teet. I thick, tneielore, tbat a diatillery, registered, Ac, ahcutd be taken to be equivalent to a diatillery carry log on la wiul business, the registra'ton being every case actually made or else secured to be made by Uie six days provision. TJnasr sixty daya tbe statute itself ia the registration aa to third parties.

Ws come tnen to the proposition that either establishment, tn order to operate to disable, by proximity, tne other one for availing useii of tbe right to do business, must be st the time a lawtul establishment, however might be subject to a forfeiture for subsequent, or even antecoden. detect of atatna. If one oi item is lawtul and tbe other is not lawtul. in respects other than the proximity, there would probably be no question tnat the iormer would be entitled to due authorization, notwithstanding the aotuai existence or the unwarranted use of tbe other establishment, because it woo hi not be reasonable to impute an intention to the law-uiver to hinder a lawful buaineaa by lnaulftinaT one which ia unlaw nil but ratuer that a concern exiatlng w.thout requisite tuerelore liable to suppression, should be treated luppreaaed, so Iat ia the rlgota of a third party are concerned. But if both establishments were lawful before tbe Mtb day of July.

though within 600 teet. and tbe property ot Uifierent owners, and the law of tnat date makes tbe besiness, either of rectification or distillation, unlawful within 600 feet of tb other, snd each party ia willing and able, ana baa offered to comply with all tbe terma and conditlona of the Bev-enue lawa Si the United States. Including ths new law, snd demands hia equal privilege, in common wlto hia feilow-ci tissue, to continue and conduct a lawful buaiaesa, immediately perceive difficulties tn tne execution ot the law. Where both establishments are tbe property of one person or firm, ths statute expressly gives him t- right to elect which be will discontinue, rtucb would be the simpler case. But tbe statute baa not prescribed the rule of determination between different par -lea tn the like alternative.

Moreover. Ie-ring out of view the reciprocal relation between the two suppoeed parties, aad contemplating them together, in oontraat with distillers and rectifiers at large, not within six hundrsd teet of each oiaer, there might also appear to be an inequality. Cpa the whole, two question seem to arise, via. Firwt Is that a reasonable construction of a statute of ths United Stat tor th purpose ot raiaing rev-anus, wuicb would render its operation practically unequal upon separate interest which were substantially similar snd equally, even if imperfectly, lawtul under tbe previous slate of the law Staxnd Where a distiller and a rectifier within the aow prohibited proximity, were in other respect qua, by what rule snail a determination be made between tbemf With regard to the first query I am of opinion that the ooasututloaal authority of tbe United fetal ea to sty sad coLect taxes, dunes, imposts and stmsos. ia sufficient to warrant me la coaaruiag tba provision ia aand aa recognising unequal nnnsci quinines of its operation.

Is ths TJnlteo busies oompetent, for the purposs of saot lite ling tb raising of revenue from the business of uquor awiuraerare, to prohibit the buaiaesa ot rectification and dialiilatton, exoept at a greater distance than aix hundred teet No diatlno. uou 1 perceived bet nan regulating tbe apace round about and regulating any other concomitant ot a manufacturing eetahliahment. IX, now, congress had tbe power, aad deemed it expedient for tb proposed end to use it, if any eaiahts-bment existed witaia tb prohibited span while others did not, it was necessarily incident to the reguiauoa tbat it muat work unequally. Had aocb exlatuig eatabliab-aiasMS beau excepted, tbe aardanip woiud aave fallen upon, their competitors at large; wiuiout ths exception. It fails upon them.

But li must tail some ber or ths regulation, deemed by the isw-maasr to be aeoeaaary ana proper fur rawing re yen could wot be adopted. Doubt Haa a loss would berall ta propraetor, wbo abould be oo impelled to aiak way by toe rule, by a discontinuance, whether ol bts owa eonoarn ta favor of tbat ot aa-oiaer person, or of one et hut branches of trad tor the sans of in other. In such cases provision has been mad tor tb remission of advanced taxsa, but not tor indemnification tor bis poesib. loss. aether indemauj anoer suca drenmsrsnees would analogous to the Just compensation required by ta Coasdtotion tor private property Wken for pubue use, would be very queabouaoie, and ao.

parti neat bare, ataos tbr la doabt thai tba law proceeds oa ta principle tuat -unequal burden waaea are tnevitab-y incident to a salutary regulation, are consequential aaui not ta taa nature ot a ooavaraiaa of property. Upon tb socend potat, the practical solution of the embarrass men should a eaas of parteot equality of B-aaea arise, would most proosbiy be ouna by tb parties tn a private arrangeaaeat. Bat it otherwise, the maxim. tbe earlier ta Um is ta stronger ta ngbV would ma applicable. It la well known that in -ta absence ef a states to ths country, tb Sheriff charred with th ex sea (laa of writs fa favor of difiarent perttas ae-atast ths same piece ot ptoe- rty shell execute that eaa which wss deirvered to him; snd the rule of pr ority In similar Isoons of interest become tbe aaore practicable where a written not in canon may const! tm tb first step of In thia ease 1 statute expressly require each, and presui ibes no limit of time within which it shall be given.

I think the first party who tn good butb give la aeniee re- uuirea ny section aix. oi tbe act aader conaiaeraaoa. wouid acquire a right of preference, sabject to be divested by laches, fraud -or failure to complete fa is compliance with law la all other leapscte. It form of this notice, however, wi.h sucav other additional particulars sa mav think aroper to prescrlba mi first be framed and promulgated by th Commis sioner, and such ta the requirement oi the law. perhaps some care would be well bestows if it couid secure a samaltaneous opportunity for all par- wee concerned.

It will be et, served that I bsve taken a distinction, in effect. Between the lesal status ot tbe dia liter, or of a rectifier with respect to their equal liability prosecution for carry oik oa business without bsvmg paid the special taxes provided tor section torty-tour ot the new taw, and their legal siatns mdepeadenuy of that liability toward aaca other. This distinction might seem to involve tbe notion of degree, or grades of Iswfslneae ta buaineaa, only to tb extent, however, of establishments wulch were completely law ml before tbe taking effect upon them of the new provisions. But this distinction is, I think, made by the statute itself and necessary to its due admin istration. The sTfecial tax ia ana-jwous to a bornse.

w.thout which a business otherwise lawful ahei! be stopped, but all the relation which ansa between competitors under the proximity prohibitions are necessarily antecedent to the rraabng of what rear uie a license, whion presupposes a settlftueat of the relatione in qjeatljn. in conformity- with th appro priate provisions which govern them. Accordingly thecbotun terms in which a party is required to aver tu his notification tne absence of the o.ber es- taoliaUtaent within Goo feet ot hi oan. very reason- auiy recognise in that other, in case of existing es- taouan in en ia a without payment of epecial tax. aumciently lawtul to meet their purpose; since trom Uis nsturs of thimrs neither p-ir could ac quire complete authorisation ty a ape cuu tax until iter it bad been determined wnetber tn otaer one waa an obstacle.

To wuat extent the prohibitory revisions of the tiurui section took actual effect belore it waa postlble to ciin ply witu the new preecriiinu In tbe same act, aa couaiui precod.nt tu law business in toe pre till sea, is a question not with in Uie atop- oi tue inquiry in band at present. Vory rtdtjvu-ly, jour obeoieut servant. JOifN M. BlNtKXET. the apatvth rxPREsa robbsry.

Reno and Anderaon Dlichergrd at indaor. anil Rearrested oia Another Charge. From the Detroit iMieh.) Tribune, Aug. 30. Yesterday tbe case or tbo United States against Fa-tax Bxko snd CHaai.ra AKDaOf waa called up again before Police Magistrate Caaoa.

at Wind-aor, tor lurther examination. When the esse was cjlled, Axbtbt Pawcx, who waa employed to eon-duct the examination for the prosecution, renewed hia motion ot yesterday for the admission of cer-ain documentary evidence. The magistrate declined to reoeive it, uuleaa the prosecution would produce Haacnrs, the main witness against the defendant, in order to give them an opportunity to meet bim face to rice ana subject bim to cros examination. He said he haa examined tbe statute a ud uadeooie to the oonoiua.on that it wss entire discretionary with him to admit or reject the Uocumentary evidence, and under tne clicumstancee be abould exclude it. At the suggestion of Mr.

Paxaca, note ol this ai cussiou was raaoe oy the eiers. and tne counsel then announced that he abould not introduce Haitkziia, nor would he give any reason tor bis nun -production in Court, announced at the earn tune inav he coula not proceed tur.ber with the case unless permitted to introduce tbe depositions. In Court offered to give him further time to procure testimony, but tbe offer waa declined, and toe magistrate then discharged the prisoners. Mo sooner bad they been set st liberty than they were rearrested on a warrant charging them with having committed an aaaault witb intern to kill Am aicca Whiidok. conductor on the Jeffsrsonviiie.

Madison and Indiana Bailroad, in Indiana, on ths 331 ot May last, issusd by Giuxar MoJtlcxxii. an-outer of the magia.ratea in the town, luia auuon waa not entirely unexpected, although the source trom which the warrant emanated created a Lttte surprise. The prisoners, about noon, were arralguea betors Mr. McMxcuts, pleaded out gu iiv, and the examination waa adjourned until. 3:30 o'clock, which time the Court reopened at bandwicb.

iBostas G. Habmxms. tbe messenger alluded to above, appeared in propria persona, and a wore positively that FaaKK Bxmo and Chsbi a aie the men wno robbed the express car. Hs dec.ared that he could not be mia.aten in regard to tbe identity of the prisoners, and gave hi tesUmony in s-ch a manner as to lesve little, if any, room 10 doubt its correctness. Mr.

Wbzbson. the conductor of the train which wal robbed, and wno prslerred tbe charge ot aaaault with intent to kill, failed to identity tne accused. Same other testimony of an unimportant nature waa When, when, owing to tbe lateness ot tbe hour, tne case wss adjourned tore lux titer bearing at 10 o'clock A. M. to-uay.

It i understood mit tbe Briuh Minister st Tftash-inaion has written to the Canadian Governsasat, requesting tnem to use every honorable eff rt to aecurs tue exiradiuon oi Baao sad AsbkasoH, snd tbo Adams Express Company are determined they shsil come over they are guilty. Xbe dateudauta, on tbe other hand, have strong hopes ot proving snaitoi. Ttae Balttnaer bmlts against Ola. Batlsr, The following correepondence between CitAa. C.

Fci-Tos. ot Rail I mora, and Gen. Brrxnta, haa been made public: BirtTaxicxN Btatt Czaraai. CoaHrrrxa. itooMa No.

113 Wear BALTHroas-STBEET, IWT. BaXTIMOBX. Aug. 13, 16h, a Hon, uenjimsn r. Mituier -r Mi 1'Kab bnt: On my retnra to the city I ad-drebeei a note to my friend Wat.

H. KuxaxaXT. with regara to tbe action ot hia counsel here in bringing a auit againat you, telling him that the whole move ment was intended merely to make political capital for Robert J. Burt, wno la seeking the Democratic nomination tor Congress in the Third District. I thia morning received an answer from him, in which he says: 1 waa very much vexed when I aaw by the paper the arrest oi Gsn.

BCTnta, aa well aa surprised, as I thought the matter had been dropped. In putting thie claim in tbe hand ot Mr. Addisoh, wbo claimed to be a atauncb Unionist, I contemplated nothing but hia prosecuting it with the Department to which the monev bad been paid over. Id tact, in a conversation with Mr. Aodimm on tbe eubject, he ststud to me tnat thought Gen.

Btrxxas him sell would favor returning all or part ot it. As to doing anything to make capital (or tbe Demo cratic Party, yon know 1 would ba one of the last men in tbe country to give them aid or comfort. The ouly thirui tbat I lelt aore about Waa bit beta- called a reoal, aa I aave alwaya been earnest and outspoken in support of ths Government durum the war. and of tba Republican Party since Its close. I wish you would write to Gen.

botlxb and aature bim that ths suit wsa brought sgslust bim without my knowiedga or consent," I hsve deemed it my doty, under aO the drcum- ataacee. to forward you the contents of thia letter trom Mr.KranaBT.T.and to assure you that be has been at all times aud still ia an activs aud snsrgcuc Maryland Bspubucan, aa are all members of tbe firm of Kimbbbi.t BaoTBKas. which he represent. I waa stsnnnig oy ms side wbea tae MaaaachusMts troops were murdered in front ot hi store on Prstt-etreet. and th leelinga oi indignition be then expressed have in nowise abated since.

Tours respectfully. CHARLES C. FUIXON. President Be pu bit can State Couunitiee. GEM.

BTJTLXB a HEPJLY. GLOTjciaTxa, Aug. IS. 1868. Mt DXAA Bra: Tour letter of the 13th instant re ceiver.

Msny ibanks for the inter est Ton bave kindly and voluntarily taken in tbe matTT- of tbe aMmberly stilt. Tbat I wsa much sururied at wbst now appears to be the action of Messrs. JUarertnxT'a attorney, in teturn for uniform coutteou aud Just treatment of the MMBXB1 Brothers whsn I was la command la Virginia, 1 need not aay. In aayins tbat lb la waa a specimen of rebel claims, I meant precisely that for doing what I believed to be my duty I bad been sued by rebel and their sympathisers, sa I did not doubt then this to bs. sad ss your aow.

with extracts trom Mr. KintasaxT's tter, assaree ma la tbe fact, tbat the suit eras thus instill alau. Messrs. T. whom 1 had sup posed to be sad during toe war had treated as Union men, seemed to hsve changed, snd I took tars suit ae tbe evidence of teas eaange.

faometatng ousht to be pardoaea to the natural irntattoa at myaelfsued, snd tbst auit telegraphed owr the country tor extortion," aa if I bad been guilty of aonia abuse of power tut private gains. am giao upoa tn wno is mat the suit wss brought by thse rascally attorneys, lor any attorney ts ras cal li ae brings aa unauthorised and unjust suit, ss air. biarasat.x says bis lawyers aave, tor tae purpose oi injuring a political opponent, aa it llirunraiea the character of ail of them. Anniaoa, wbo bring Una unfounded suit without tne autaoriiy of bis eiiente, says in hia card explaining it, bs is a true Union man. A Portuguese proverb eaya, Hell ts paved with good Intentions." That pavement will be trodden largely by Jnat such bamtlou lawyera aad Uatoa men aa aud his aa" EaaMrr ts shown to be.

I snail take leave to oubliah lei t-r, and will ask that it be Inaeried to the iemua. Very truly yours. BEA J. F. BU ii t.A To ear.

Catae. xuLTOx, Trwauiaat Ataryiaad a. Coin mil ice, riitimore, Mu, Tn Cattle Disease. On Thursday morning the Board of Health re- astved th following telegisin. whach, for aradeotial on, waa not turuiahed to the Press until yester day natmoB, a.

aw. at Pet Peiiee ea ta traak ia arila fTt. emxrn.i wuich ai mil at Imii'i kimmi mi ti uMa Baiuroad rwuay 1 1eajwdarj aaroias tar 1:1 taiectad lot lour el earna orevw have tiled bar twenty eeaaa al aame drove st Civpaks; ad trom Albany. i M. MUnUU.

As soon bs notified ox the above facta, the agents of the Board wars set in aottoa to discover th whereabouts oa tba cattle, bat all their ef forts to do ao proved Unavailing. Dr. Haaaia, a a aee to taperlateavdent alxjcxxxrt, written yesterday, The three eisasaigeawa that Iasw stfi sen's Keel, weat iaira-nta-auai. a I in la Dr. Moaanv aeeui from seen a nt bet Th Beard of Health doubt ss tbe infection at tn miaainaT oat tie, aad neiarva taaa at would nave been imposeibte to in doc tb aoeat iato tb market of th Metro poll waa liiatrict, wltbewt being detected by tb Vlgruant de- tec trees wno bsve tb sua tier at charge.

The Bull's Hssd Tints IliinuiV unenr srb hav not received any ai tax oiaeeeed animaledurmg the exavteae of the praaant paagae all reperte to tae eonirary. noiwit islanding, 'tae proprietor have exercised great car la tbe matter, snd bsve ren der tn valuable asai nance to the aaUiurlUee in faany waja. Tata BrssdwsT Pavlag tke Editor ef the Jiem-Tork Times The reparement of Broadway I consider one ot the moat reek lee expenditure of modern times la thia City of extra vagaat wast. Tae Buss pavement was the best is this or aay City In ths world; It had been ased sesne flilteen year, sad wss, aad is aow, batter thsa the new paw Is likely to be at the end of three years, for reason too obvious to be mentioned. Bat tbe niter disregard of the rights aad eoovenienee of the poolic on the part of the contractor have ao parallel.

For Instance, th public wer abut off ot Prosdway. from Cnaraoers to Beads street, aesriy two weeks, daring which the block was ased sa tarry to break ap tb atone of tbe old pave not a thing was done in preparation even for laytag tb new. So gross an outras be not, to my knowledge, been perpetrated in modern times, snd it it Is sanctioned or overlooked by tue Commissioners they ouaht st enee to be removed, bin re tbe work wsa commenced tbe Pacific Bailroad haa beea extended a leaai 600 rnilee, and thia pave haa not got over half a mite. Ton remark in year recent artcle on the subject tbat tbe contract stipu late that It is to be finished 1st of October. lsvoV hope tbe contract will, tbersiurs, terminate Sdtb ol Beptemoer next.

For a fraction of the cost of tbe new the old pave csa oe repaired, ana will tie tmmeasarablv lbs better of the two. A CONSTANT P. The pave trom B-ede to Chamber and Mem Franklin to Canal sireeta, more especially trom White to Canal street Prmne pavement ia known to be fir the or-t buljw Union- quart): but to-day 1 aee that the rutier-atonee on loth side ot the street bave beeu Disced on tbe sidewalk from Cans! to broonie at rest, making it manifest that i be worst par ot tne pave i to be leit untouched uutil tue best part la trn up aud destroyed. A0i. 30, 18CH.

GENERAL CITY EjTWS. 8at Daowmwo Cass. TesterJay the Terr l- ehonan Society embarked on the ateamer Nausko for au excursion to Weat Point. Going up the river the patty were ia high apirita, and rmpl -red tbe time in etiaradee. music and dancing.

Tbe glee waa at lta acme omween doom- errv and Tsrrvtown. when a liule son of Lxo Wiutxa, of No. 35 Avenue A. Mil overnoan. a ooan luaiy u-erman swimmers were instantly tn tbe river to seize and savx the boy when he sboul 1 appear but tbe unfortunate youth never came to the surface.

The ateamer waa imme-di a ely turned homeward, and the saddened excur sionists returned to their homes. BtncTOft nr a Ctu. At early hour laat evening a citizen took an unknown woman to the Thirtieth Prednot Station-hone as a vagrant. Being in an tnsenaible condition, her name could not be ascertained, and she wss placed tu cell. At midniirht, when tbe doorman made hut accustomed tonnla, be found the prisoner banging by tbe neck to tbe bars' ot tbe cell- door and entirely dead.

Tbe deceased is suppoeed trom ber app tarance to have been a Frenchwoman and to have reached middle ape. but no cine to her identiiy was otuine i. The coroner will bold an in quest in the case to-day. Fibs nr Elevutth-btbeet. A.t 10 o'clock last evening a fire waa communicated to tbe kindling wood etabllhment ot Ltrowia ad Bnw, at the loot of East events-street.

Tne fire orvme-ed in the engine room and deatroved oror or valued at S3 wo. The owners bad no Insurance upon tbe premise. i. A Christian Institution. Wo ttrftin insert tho tdvertistinontof the Man- hatian Itol'ef Aaaociauoo.

We know of no pan inaurvnee b-tter than thia; Tbe Aral thing to conaider in taking out a life-pol icy Is thia: Are to men who propose to take our money in trus honest We know tbe character of si tbe: parties connected with thia movement. The President and Treasurer are esoecisl'y known aa men of unimpeachable honor and integrity. We know of no men in Kew-x irk tuelr superiors. Tbe next point is tola: Unit we pay tour or five hundred dollars year, and then fail at laat from the miafortune of not being abl to com to tun in our payments In tbe Manhattan Belief Aesoclatlon we find ao equal upon tb very point. A man pars 6 and becomes member of the Association.

He then pays one dollar rnd ten cents occssionslly about often enough to maks it not cost bim over 36 to SO annually. Thia dollar and ten cents is a tax to ray tae policies ot large sm mints to deceased mam bare' heirs. SuDpo a class consists of Just 6.000 persons; amaa dies; each member of tbe ciaa pays one dollar snd ten cents ono nollsr goes to the widow trom each member, snd ten can. a to pay the xpeasee of the Aaaociation. Now, It to a remxrkabla iact that we can average the members of this class thst will dis annually with such accuracy, as to know at the expense to each member can acareely average $30 annually.

What do we bave, then, but a Life Insurance Company gotten up on the cooperative principle, so that for the sum of a little over fifty cents a week, or about eight cents a day, leaa than you pay for your dally paper, you are sure to leave a sum of $6,000 to your family The National Trust Company, of which Mr. Dannm R. Manoaa, a prominent and very wealthy citizen of New-York, ie President, holds the Trust or Binking Fund of the Association. There remains but one more point to notice. The funds of this Aaaociauoo are so Invested by law, tbat there can be Utile doubt ol its atanility.

Indeed, ths cnancee for its failure are not ao greet ea that of the fa lure of the Government to pay lis bonds. We predict for tbis Association a grand auceees. Its miaaion la a humane one, sanctioned by evrv precept of Mew Tea lament teaching, snd sustained by the results of the most searching scrutiny. Our readers, and especially pastors, are Invited to investigate it. We have no other i interest in the thins than to do good to all men.

and especially aid in putting far trom ua that poverty which ia st once the bane of society, tho parent ot crime, and the toe ot happiness. Send tor a circular to tbe address given in tbe advertisement in aa other column. Ckurek Union. We believe the officers of the Manhattan to be honest and responsible, and their plan fairly set lertfi in tdeir prospectus, to which we direct ihote contemplating li insurance, leaving each to Judge for bunsali. few-York Tribune, Aug.

11. Tor moth patches, track and tea oa th face, use PXBBT'S MOTH AKD BXCKXX liOTlUM. sola by drug-aists everywhere. ifanaamit A Wblte-at. house offer, at Van.

'a. Ho. 141 Fnl toast, 850 dossa fins custom Fthtrt st ail. inciaaing one dozen finest linen collars, worth S3. Jjwt lirnwwl It Works ta Perfection.

MBS. IX SLOWS S00THI50 STBCP. for children teething, is perfeoUr harmless. It prodaos natural, quiet ateep. by relieving th child from pais, aad ths li Uie cherub awakes aa "bright aa a button.1 It ear wind colic sad rsa-ulstss th bowels gives rsst to the mother, aad health to th child.

Offices, Ko. TU Mo. 306 High Holbors, Los-don. England. Be sate aad call for "MRS.

WT5SLOWS BOOTHXKO STRUP." Having tbe ueateflsof "CxsTja A Praama" oa th oateid wrapper. AU ethers ara has imitation. Tat Zssmtat Bale sa4 Rapidly In creasmg demand for FANKJlNo HEPATIC BIT-TEH 8 la anotnrvideeeof thr nDrority over other eorapeaada for the pertnsaant rebef ef nervosa debility sad dial eat of the liver aad stomach saeraity. HTfGEMAH A CXX. Agents.

an Tesr tanardl. Tf yea would we an artie'e earn nhmMs be eerwfel to wall tor kluvxu' awaaiCAii laasoT Uswraorsa. aad take ao otber. un uasa of this Pewdev a aaer pow artal tnen loar tunas tae ease aaauty ef aayotAae ptwparauoa sola lor tne 1 iComcuom, Ac. Ledie hsve also fowad it to be tavaia-able tn pattlns away their Fere.

Carwete. aad Wootea tioam uf ail kino. KsoWLaa' AMxrucaa lasacz La-a-iBorxa ia fa eie by aU Dnasgasta aaui Orocar. Depot. So.

Tr eth-v. fPntenta. MtTTt A So. SI Park-row, few-York, Solicitor ef Pateata for New lnveaueae; fat years' exaenase, Paaapuaaw acviee aeat tree. Hair Heir tly-e, Hair Dya-Tka fww-aine W.

A. BATCHtLOK Hair Dye aa the best ia the wend the eaiy aerlaet dye harrai aa. NUaaie, rastaa-llnT1l plaat a broa. bold srywaers, and prepar-ty appued at UA fCHAXOB'S Wig aaaery.l atad.V S. TEwerelell'a VrVeetaltta Cat rat a.

Ha. 309 Moaoeraaaa, Create. Braa-war- Frsaea ot Ac Ymt ta the City. MA nan CO.1 fUeVsat Oar a he 1 Vase A tear i MARRIED. arras Tainmio.

AtHmTted, L. on Tuesday, Aug. 18. ay Ber. J.

B. Finch. Mr. lisoaa iar-txm. ot Mtneols, to Mia aaatar A.

AVtsxa, aViaghter of aidaey Tanning, toimeriy of this City. hrms riirafiTaT Inurscay. Ah, ftu. by Bar. Dr.

baiiaadet, WAXaoa D. hraaaar to Joaia, youagaat oaoghter ot Jjan bitecknex, all of this City. pitm. Booaav. At tbe rsa'deaee ot hi grandfather.

Dr. I Qmmtkme uouua, Kawpori, B. L. oa Thorsdsy, Aag fciiia It a very important So an tae a aaak a nt bet 1 taav aoaamaT of tb r- Un-e wer froaatbe laaaa laed stTsrasv sxniess serious Cttaataa trrroa. only ssdld at David aV.

aad taroaa Bogar. fayed 1 year aad me la. Th funeral arm taks place froaa the raatdewes ef his paranra. Waal an sc. third seat tbsv tdvav Brooalya, en Sunday azasreeon, tba sad test, aad a-ciocB.

Ta twntttvee aad irtenda of ta I respectfully ravrted be ma an. Bi-rirr- On Friday. Aug. 21. Josnt.

ary soa ef emiiy a. aad John Biaat, Jr, aged 1 year, aad 3S dsve. Ike raaattvea and friends of fh tarnily ara tnvtted to attend tbe funeral oa Huaday atlas soa st 3 cloek. rrom tae resateao of hia taraats, Bo. li Brooklyn, CAtuma-tt, At Cornwall, oa Thnrerlav, Aug.

to. iiiici litis, in rant sna ef Jsmes W. a a Caldwell, aged 1 year aad 1 day. The reavnwee snd friend of the family are reepect- fahy in rued to attend th funeral without further notice, thia Saturday aiterno at 9 o'clock, iron tae resioenee of bis parents. Sa 109 West 4Tth-C CaoreffT.

Oa Friday. Aug. 11. Jacob B-. soa of Hwman sad sne Cropeey, of Statea aged 33 montna, Funeral ta take pises at the Moravian Chares, aew-Dorp.

on nan day at IK o'clock. crcaa. Erria daughter of BUea SC. and J. B.

Cloaav aa-rd aika The fnands of tbe famtty are tnvtted' to attend ths laaerai this day, ftJamnlaT.I st 13 o'evoek. I reeidsace of ber parenia, st -tjentieTiiie. Pomt N- Tae reraaina will bs interred ta Or en Wood Cemetery. Dvnoaaa Oa Tharsday aftoraooe, Aasr. 30, after a short ill eaa, Haasx J.

DurtoaAC, eldest aoa of James B. and lia Dupignao, ia ths 331 year ot hia ag. bs ralativaa and friends of the faxoily, also the members of Company Twenty-second Bneiment X. 8. K.

of ths Active Bees ball Club, are reepectiatly invited to aiiend tbe funeral from tae Waabuiguia-aquar M. Cburca, 4 lb near wth. on Kunday afternoon at 3 o'cteok. Do so La. at New-DOrC RI on WelneadaT.

An. 19. inoaaifca, youngest child ot laac and Hsariette avjugiss. seed 1 year. 4 mnafhs snd 13 daya.

The relatives and Mends of the family are fully tn Tiled to strand tb funeral troni the reeidenee of her parents. No. 47 Cheever-plioe, Brtoktya. this aay, taturcay.i tbe TOd at 3 o'clock. FAiaaarait.

On Friday. Aug. 31. Ltpia BrLVxa, only ca i of Walter and busaa D. W.

Fawbeira. aged lu months and 13 days. The rei Ue an 1 friends of tb family are Invited to attend tbe funeral on Wunday, tae S3tl at 3 p. ai, trem ber parente' reaidence. Ho.

145 Bouney St. Hrtinkivn. E. D. HEi-Bcan.

la Brooklvn. oa Tbursdsv Dorinr, Aug. 20, ot chr-i-re Intamum, Laraa. child of Pet-r A. sni Ella L.

Uepaum, aged 1 year, months anuijaaya. Ths frieuda and of the family are respect-foily invited to a tend tbe tuneral oa etuaday, Aug. at 2 o'clock P. tmm tne reeidenee ot ber pe-reuts. No.

16 Tompkins plsce, between Clinton sad Cou rt and Harriet and Duara ats. Lkohiid. In Harlem, at tbe reeidenee of her npuew, anile, CATBAama Lxosuan, ta tae vitreirot her age. Ths relaOvea and friend of the family, and tboee ot bar nepbewe. alitl-ol a brother.

I -he late John are respectfully iuvited to attend her funeral on Saturday afternoon at Shi o'clock, at St. Mirk' Chur-b, corner ot Ud-av. and 10th-et with out forth ar lnviauion. Marxa. At naauaga.

oa Wedneeday. An-. 19. Fkamokma Mxraa. of the late Augustas Vsn Courtlsndt.

Tbe relatives aad friends of the family are reeneot- miir invrea to attend her funeral trom St. John's Church. Tonksrs, on Saturday, ths Xsd at 13 o'clock P. M. Train leaves New-Torx.

st UK A. kft-t returnmv. leave Tonkera at P. M. Carriages wm be in wslttna at tba depot upon th arrival ot tbe 11:30 A.

M. train tram New-York. PaXTxaaoa. On Friday morninc. Aus.

31. Savant. P. pA-rrsasoa. ths lungeet son of Jacob M.

Patterson, in the 18ta year of his sg. Tne funeral wi 1 take plaoe from tb resideBoeof hts parent. No. 169 on Sunday, tho 33d tast. at o'clock P.

M. Piiarr On Friday. Aug. 31. Mrs.

DoaoTBT FLaan. veli-a t.f Cbarlee Piece. ged 71 year. Tbe reiadves aad mends are invited to attend tae funeral services at the residence of hor son. Oasrles Place, 13S b-st-, (south alds.l between 6th sad 7th av on Monday.

tbe34Ui at 9 P. M. Tae Harlem Bailroad train ieeoee adta-et. at 3 P. M.

Povxu. At Fort Htevensoa. Dsootab Territory. on Wednesday, Jons 10. OoL A.

M. PowaxL, U. 8. Army, i His fuaeral win taks place at ths Oongreeatforuv Church, atamford. Conn-, on Sunday, th 33d tnst, st 9 P.

M. Th rataUvaa aad friends of tb family are respectfully invited to attend. Bmith. On Wednesday. Aug.

19, Cajtxtx xvotrnrs. youngest daughter of Came M. aad Nathan W. bmi h. seed 6 montts and 34 dsya.

The relatives sad friend of tbe family are- invited to attend the tuneral on Saturday moraine at 19 o'clock, trom her parents' reaidence, So. 300 West 44th-a. i BaxpAan. Ia Havana. Cabs, oa Wednesday.

Aug. 13. ot yellow fever. Lobxhzo B. Sbs-tabd.

sm of tbe late Lorenzo B. bhepard, of thia City, aired 30 yeara, A month and aay. Taa Pat TJrsujoa FaATXarrrrT. The members of th lam Ida Chapter of th Psl CTpsiion Fraternity re hereby aotiflad to wear taeir badgea draped for ta space of thirty dsya. oat of respect to tbe mem ory ot Bra- Boxxxt ScHUTlxa Pxxx, deceased.

i By or er of the MISCELLANEOUS. CHBfiCnVS PULMONIC BTKOP. SCHKhCK'B Bawsd Tonic, aad Bcheaek's Msadrsks Pills- Thsae thsee atedieiass wid ears C'oasnmptlss The Pills etesnse tba stomach, liver aad bnwala. Tae Sea weed Tome aelpe to dissolve the toed, throw oat tae gastrt Juie, sad help tb food to diaest before it soars tn th to son, sad ssas a geed appetite. The Pulmonis Hyrap aiskes good rich blood.

ATI three ef these auedieiaee at twqaired at the aame tint. Thia th only way to sure Consent piina. A pataant mast begin to grow ta fiesh before natter will riasa ta ths lung aad heal them ap. Dr. bebeaek will be pi efe inii11y at has lueiaa, Wo.

33 Bond-C New-York, oa TUESDAY, bent. 1. aaaat No. 36 Hanover-sC Boston, oa WEDNESDAY, Sept. 3: slso every bATURDAT.

st bis Principal Office, Mo. IS Berth ttb eoraer ef Oomraeve at. Phiiadalnhis, from to A rjpHE HOST DSHtPPT PBBkOI IS the world ts the Dyspeptic. Everything looks dark aad gloomy: hs feels -ut of serts with himself sad everybody Slav. life at a burden to him.

This ssa aU bs changed by taking PEEUVTAfl SYRUP (a protoxide of Iron.) Cases of ST yseis steading have beea cured bvn. DTIPEPIU TABLETS Cure Indigestion. Haertlrarn, Boer Stomaeb, Onusti petioa, with Fiatalsney. Deors salon of Spina, Haa 1- acne, Jjnneor. ana au aaana oi tae swaao amor, and i of tbe wieta a Dureauv Untaa For eel by searaliy.

S. U. i bole rropnetor. Pnoe cents per box. TAA AAA MOOK AUvy.V-VJV7 bona-tit.

Cbeepest book stove in ths A. ImwMttaaaialoiaa. ao. U. 1.001 Maarailieent nsiiaa Booka.

at ear araoe. 100. QUO hewatio Hiitory and Books, at year price. Herap PnnU, at any price. U.UUA 1 nut.

1 naas, lis a aww oeeamae. WA-Tr WITH BAD KLLt PHCEN IX D1SIKFBCTANT. the bssaaad eaapa daodor- a. Ht .11 in. II MHOB1 1T UIS 1 tt poiitan board of Health.

First prenunai warded by anaenoan inftltsw iea. areKj, no. sm i-w. vv AlPrlielPtR FOR lALX-OU) sepies of th MmTor faaa eaa Be aad at ths tranter the jrw-Fr tvsass. Prise, aU pee autadied.

Ana. eld exeaaaa pes. Pina. stete ear aeadved. POST-JFrTCft HCIC-aU-THE MAILS FOR Earop will be dispauhed from thia olfioe oa TlJKs-DAY.

THURSDAY aad bATURDAT, meiac a 11 e'eioek and at Btattoee A aad B. llet: aad 11J6: aad V. 11:10. aad aa e'eieek A. M.

a WED a KSDlT aotaee ef tbe beer ef doelaa. which will be posted st th general sflWa, sad the sta- wanaa skavLa.a. OTTO MtCPARLAtD'l BOO or. mt Ti at. aad Bread war.

aad set has mt beea lata! Freasa a ate Pssec. give oaire ir at. HE AS POM UBHARTf WILh Ban aeaade Monday. Aesv A aatal stanaay. Af.

fu- NEW PUBLICATIONS. BEADY ON SATURDAY MORKUO. AUO. TA PACKARD'! AtoaXHL YOB. EPTEH- Tith ths foQowiae sxeelleat Pet of artaeie: THE Of KH W-Y OkK CI I SHALL THEY HA A tjzta.nua sua baliaiiusi ouvu Dm.

fi OHSnbhOWH (a By I) causa. JDiDUbTRY. THS OKLT TRUE WEALTH. By Hoaaca OBXkUiT MTkui TTms Wt.twtt TtT-aarrr.


stj ar. I rtr mb. COMMERCIAL HARA CT RIBTI C8. suiioitiAia, c- Jt -ww Ofuwaeoerea Tae Mawdalaa of rlw-Trk," Mr. Oriiiit eaya: miser vyer.

www aa anuui i boss i ly tae iai el ear Cur, baa as arucie ta tae titaaoaaf tap nr waaa r-sraiws anaiafv that aaat eoeaaaaaa seaerai mats iairy attaw taua. It a eaattaee. -Jmrn ttasnaien of faew-kara City: bhail toay bave eaaaee Bar I end. tneuarb it OMi wiu awrnbla aaoaa. a wiaia a ba.

no mmm ruee, seas See pais! Bar mo rmma a weu. Tba eaure toauri aa laynai. Far sme by all aruaite. babacripuoa pries fil a year. Bang, eovaes, IS.

Aautoms te. f0T Breaawsy. ew-Yrk. J. B.

FOsVD A CO. aava sxaaxx aaasr Taa GREATEST HORbE BOOK EVER PUBLISHED U1HAM WOODBtPir CT THE TBOTTTMO HORSE OF ATsTTCRIOA: Haw Irala aad Drive Hiaa. writa aaniaisn sas sf tn Treauag at The reverts ef tue aether Barer years' expenses UJ aaeooaled akili to trauuac aad dnvuig. togsiasa with a aune ef In terse tins sasuar eoaeataiag eel, brated baraee ef tae Asaeneaa Serf eraeraeaee. ie.

as Uuodasuif Nouo, ef the UUe Hirani WeeraS. by Oe. uaea. aad a starrrauataal aaateh by taa euito 4 tk, I tmm J. Momtos.

mt 1mm' Saw of mmm Tin 1 na book a haoaiae lnv aad ana uuas a aowadid steel-P'Ste portrsit ei Hiram nexairaa. PRiLa, fcXIRA Ct-O'i ri. aa. Sragla eepasa Bent en veeaiot pnoe. Kar.y ea traie tae trade ulaeited.

LiniTsn a I i J. U. ktRXJ A CO. ISe yajatwt, rriat-Haaeyttewa, NEW PUBLICATIONS. PBEIlDEl l'IAL CAEFAittl.

ClfCOfTLATS TtfTC DCJOCEI.TTI. THE TRXBCITB CAM PA ION BHEaTS. Will ara ea the i ft. O. aatal as Syeeea Gee.

Biekiaa at Hs Bsnsaef Hi ita Meridl sa P. BpesksrOstfax. 111. ta Osrataa. Uasatsaas tbe Si tea Mra-taa aad (sea.

fwskies, aad tb Letasr ef Speaker Colfax. Ho, u. and UJ, stagie esaass, tare esatn, 3D Ooeaaa. Pawtas Paid Bases. 1 Oopses, Psetag Paid fCeOnnaaa.

by 1.0ommmn.mravemmm. n) No. fY oat is a Fall rupail af the Rzrtrauoaa TfATtoaA. OnawaarTBoa at farnaifi. taa fli iln at eat aW.

sad 1 sit ssa ef AssaulBB fjeav Qraat aad Schayter rlfas Ho. Y. soataiaa the Life of Oa. Grant, Psrtreit tbe rn irnaalaia ranseail with Oeav aa Aw ainila, Lifs Sehaytsr Oo lax. with ParU-aiC aad the Letters of Aaosntases sf Oca.

Oraat -aad Bakayte Colfax. He. IT. aad stag! eopy, tw 30 Capua, Ptage Paid. senv Ha Cspiss.

Pastes Paid. AT aw Oopaas. by gyavan. Lg Conaea, ny ffurm IL McPHERSOrs POLITICAL MANUAL tea atat, tetetas. AB th Orders.

Lsttara, Miaasa. aad Tate ia Pragma, reaaectiag Seevwtary ataataa; A Ths Artaoaw ef laaeeeebmsat ef Andrew Johaaoav entn ts Answsv. th Votes lhsrsa ta tae Ms, aa tn Jsdgawat of the cteaata; A Oorrespeadeaee uea. oraat aad rrendeat Jnbasos ea Btaatsa's peastea: A Jar lia. Papers, TasUnaeay.

Pali tary Orders, aai Report ef Oca Oraat; A Dtgeet at Orders ef Military Cutanea den. aad Garal Aetasn aader the Rouau actio A eta: A Abstraot of aer State ejeastitatioa: T. Bapplsaisatal Biiisalraatssa Meagus; A Pteaidaat Johseea' Proclantaoa nan Orders; A Members ef the aha net aad of tb XLsts Consress; 10. Votes ia CtoBgrees ea Pebtieal BiUs sad Ueaoiutioas: IL TL XIYth Aaiailaistlsnt Fiiliial OonatitntaoB aa Lemalatir aetiea tharsoa; IX Fiasa. eial Li1uob ef Oeaieea, laclaatag the Loaa aad Lecal-T aader Aets: IA National Platfana Maes 1S9B reclaaive: It Eleetioa Retara fron im: IL Taxatwa.

Beveaae. aad Expenditure for. several years past; ta Letter of the Nat rose! Candidates. Aa, Aa. Prt so Ua Doliar.

Ill McPIiFfUON' for Pet. IsaT aad net. buaotf snskiatt vrr ooraptaea HAMVSOOK OF P.tLlTIOS. Pnc 1M. IV.


Jams Q. Wnaoit. ts a very fate. deable large colama ctave ef 10 pacea Vwatr-sVva emta per eopy: five copses tor SI; by yeses, ue eaea tor BI3. THE CAMPAIGN SONGSTER, anttaaaaT popalar aeaa.

ballad aad reeitalioa iapted te vary popular end waU-knowa airs aad chorases T5 pagea, seats; 01 pot cosea. beg all who was sny sf ths above daeusaeeas to aad their erder araaaptly taeloeiaa eaato to THAI RIB UN Offisaa aa tner shall be peaartty fiHaa. TO TUB FBlBaDI Of UfUll'. ABO CULPA X. The 1 Ws si ra th tsueb ef a saa ssa tbreaab ead momma fca.

A few weks mere ef motes effort will eeaer te a ag height essoa of traaaaillity aad safety. araat aot he hsstsa. The patriot Meed, seated eat like water en haadred bloody fields, ertes atead a ao mash Baa yayfaUr beea sgad. GaAVT sad Coltax It aa tb Ap eoafiiet. It tnaurss that laad of Equal Brghts aad Eqaal Laws, reseat history echereataad ninal la tbat th diseorafitar of th rebellion was he bias daw aad ae seeideat.

bat ths triasmpa sf pnaalple aad an addsd proof that Oed teigas. are daing well to tbe eaavaas. bat waght to da better: for there sr still taowaaada was weald reed Bepoblieen aapera wh hav taesa aot, aad he aa act tatbaed with aroo aad eethiuusaaa tor ths sneeeaa af ear eaadidafa sad ear saase. Toa mast harp a te reach sosas taoaaaade aaore of th. And.

to tweito do so. propose to sead THE WEBELT TRIBUNE to labs, by aaatL far twwrv wks. eewa-anrng Aag. 3a. at the toUewiag rates: ft Ooptss was snirsss 1 ftt Copies te one address 3 OS BO Copt to oa address 541 float to ea addreaa 1 lOO Copies to owe dai 4M Th pspsts ss all sassa be seat to en eddisss.

If ths papers are to be seat to hsii ef a Been bar, ton sento per eopy ia sdrtltiea saast ae aaat. Payabtealaasw ia advance, sbauiipti an ara rat tally saiisilsA Addiess- TBE TRIBUKE. New-Tsrk lata. ILLUSTRATED EDITION or TUB I WAYERbET fiOVlCLB. w-OLUHfEfL, PRIOE ONLT OR 31 CENTS PER VOLUME.

13 VuLUMES HOW READY. i A sample voitune seat to aay sddrssa by Basil, sa seipt st SB seats. Persons rataitttag fit far the eat, ia advaae. will saw eetve gvatt a splendid portrait sf SD2 WALTER SOOTT. sultebl for framiaa.

D. APPLE-TON A COu Pabtiabers. Has. tu, ti ead Uraad-et. wih Pacttraccr ciue vioLrrf.


Con tain ins Instraotioas deeignsd to enable ths paafl to abtana a kaowledge of aisrisg with sat a aaaar with a ahaiee lieetiea of avarv variety af biibbIbs maaas. Pnc ef each seats- Mailed, peat paid, kg CBAS. DITSON A Ne. Til Broadway. BAYARD TAYLOR'6 AEW HOW READY.

WITH OTHER ARTICLES. IN UPPLNCOTT'b MAGAZINE. SEPTKMBER HUMBSX for sale by all periodical detlsrt. WEBsTER'b ichooIi oicTioaaaiBa. NEW EDITIONS.

I LLC a TEA. TED. Thia noDulsr serise very iaetly trsardd ss the sea National standard aatnonly ia Ortbe-rsaby, nftnitan BTtfl Pr.fnaueiation. WEBeTLH'S KIM ART aCHOOL DIOTTONART. Tan work may be as as a taat-booa Jw tsishiasj snellinr.

WE no I EE'S COMMON SCHOOL DIOTTONART. itb tba uBprovetasata rnade tbi beak aa aow bs daataeaousl7 sd ss taxi book for ajstsnaiis aa- etraeuoa ta aveaiaa. Tb uitrsti leeted with ear, aad wtth a view to I than mars ornament. WktMtTtK H1UH SCHOOL DICTION ART. la ta beads ef aa aeosearMisaed taasber.

tbat vmbsbs but aaad highly eeafal ta aeat. saaee it faaw anabes saaterial tor valaabw are at aaalais word, taciadiag. their aatSAgraehy, iirna aa i il i a ewnnittoa. eoaaBeaitiM. ayliabioatton.

and tn use. WEatoTER'a ACADEMIC DICllONARV. new eds- taoa. vnta vaieaola aeditaea aa lata aaost vaiaabte teat boa for atalaaiati tha Eflrliaa.lana-sa. Fuaalv iilaalretad.

WEBoTBH 8 CoUNTIhO-HOUSE AND FAMILY DiCTTObARY. With taiperaaet a itSiliaa. inwara-uwta aad aiiui out late uiwrrauoaa WkbeTit'8 PoOa.cT piurioAtT. WEbeTala ARMY A li AAV illCTtUS Aay. By Cap.

E. Bozaaoa, at vTast reset Attittery win the PabHhve. IVlaOH, PHIN NET, BLA ICEMAN A He. 43 sad bflm ew-Y erk. IBfTKNBEB MAuAZIIEI.

THE ATLANTIC MONTH LT. Cost as la HEWa. by Miss E. bTvaar Pmruej XPaCfAlION. a t'UU Tuxm: blaaiilAA EXILES, by THOSLaS W.

KwoX: bT. MICHXti. 4 ItjtHT, riar 1 ey mrmn Aeaa naaaraoa; ua 1 tm ODE.LM tfTdvJDOtf 1-No Da. Wzxb Mrrcxru: in VACATION- blDEY Aki a a i lu- TuTbvm a Lilt A VT lAL- aAkEiuil sww aw. at ww airrba, awaaau -m aj e-v-x.

aw r. w. HfiLMU: THE lMObAiBlLal I CHASCii bC. J. kMK3X: THS tf ACE IS THK Wam9 Li THIS lZLoAlSV Utf ltnlaJfte A ATlAfm.

Ota mmmAmJ' M. LF DEU A El aTaVMT aV of. DsFi AMLRICtn RKIILt oi HAWiHuaOiE: KaklaMS AND Lit- AAtAAta' AOIlCaia, OUR YOUNG FOLJC9. rnrrnrnwTUF. CkClKX Of 1 HE LTTTLH ffTATA- LIoUT.

ay Am Vabut: TUk bLT. ciiKLY aiirclAiTi. ny mb. a. at.

nu; aubuaun OOa-o FOR ArlLKa llxOR. by Lccarrria P. 4LX biaat aaa Dwarf. By van lAaa auu bjilh: IHtiWoWl.Nmit.Ua.ktn. A.

F.ipCS HVa LITTLE KITTEN AND 1 HnlR KELATIONS. by aL. 1.1 ilKM Ui-HBt mil. oy lajei-a THaeTOHY OF THE AMBER BaalS bruu Aaiurat Th eevea UALf HOC it Wlia ratnen nn i-i nut m--. mwm.

a-laovaarwi; THE by Afra. O. D. V4 1 1 1 mm- tuiu iiitu cr bum uiunLia MuCLXo; CAST AWAY by LI HaTXs: LXTTCE BROVia H1MS. ak.

H. ZfTBE wfLLlAM HWaf.Untni firrt j-jt-in, by Mrs. A. M. Diab; IhK hAHf-huu'S t.MiM, By auci r-uiAr; iib.iii.ia rjv: RUCND THE A avaINis LAMP; Obk LhllavJ SOL liCkUtOatA a InLDS.

Pahhshsas. kt PuHTAtT '1 1 L.I HOPK a a iuivll fcie. Travaiav VMiting r-arora an td yton t- Hw viu UAilPaa a lur W. XMV, loaa trrrawwa, pnaa i au. at te eelv mu geie Bans et aarsp aai taa ngme lsB-aig waaaa as eeiMad wa iirwr ae nr.

AT so, PE2AHT buul, Haadbeekof Travel Taia. t-w tae aa af tnraen ad in Enr isb. barauv kronen aee itaiiaa. or r-catoaoas tsr- aines, prva SI piWatt kkUtutaA faa a. LX5' The alassisa eg sseares the sseaairaaay of Liaerey.

st ear ara anaH be eaaeart a Aasdray Qui i tep VTf,.

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