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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 8

New York, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

8 IJ-1 il id if fil A Is! 'I in- (IT id i 1 4 1 li I li 4f li! it: i 1 1 J. Hi Ml IB lit. ii i I r.t. HP- 2 I llf If is 8 llf Kir KATiOML POLITICS, (CoWux- from Thr ctHers na It betntt known that Gov. IxxatotJB was laws.

a genttamaa. formerly end Hu, thca temporarily wtm la Wia-roJsin. pereoaeiiy soqu.uited with the Ootm-boc mlormaity pa tea to invite bus lo ad-orr- worda cheer sad eommamdarion tba koys IB biar." blo- Opar.ur. The g-eot lego a ti uyiin is OiKraof to thst Turp.e. 'not oeotrUng at It wot-lo promptly tci ttU.

-urt. but inot' fidgeted, end hesitated, id lit propriety. i rejlly felt uncertain lo ble da 0. uttl with declining to make any -Csnie, tone," ealS th geutetnau. thiow off veicr conUs snd S'Ttiples.

Governor tor- ot far or cace t- ink only of your uwii ry. and ful uii. ear a tew cheering word a to tin. biave It am toees a wotlJ of gw, eiid you wilt le I a greet bettor fur it yourself." But (tie Oovoi nor dec. a ad peremptorily, and tbe tMtjra no wurt of aicuuraa-euieot or com me n-alanon frs-fla him.

Witt lr got ttirtr vetea now tae turn the above etB-euaeBt xuad th (eaUa snxn who waiu4 apua Gov. bcrauca. Itr 1 leriae aautisi: naeil 1V bleu We do not vouch foe, tbougs bv reuoerei tta aiinl uuibfuliy. Ibe tirt la. toe Uo.

hiiauvi could make a parti. an harangue titiiaM taw AdmtuiwaratloB wtikY id dark hours oi uai tvrribla Blruxg'- a I I lull lrfl li awa ol cawr Mtf iIium alw (uuia IwcUt to ForitMUTtaattMt- Illi Vltwialthi KiilVVai. Tt) cojiy from tb Honrpsrs 4eatif th fotlowiag report ot tn afcacit aUaral by Urn. U. foaacaT.

atrowaaUe, Trmau, on tba) lOtb Inac: Ma. PaaanaKirr ajn raiiar-CrrtxKa: aid not tbi. ttikt 1 called upou to artiljaaa you at I Line, Mil tu iolcuded alnl, 1 DrWte.f XptCl -u I otud auaak to yoa ko-nnbt. I haaa Len k- atoruaai aadar aaaknaaa tr a lew uaya. aniliaaa been auSerins Iran a aoar taroaU, ao inat at tks (reaut time I will be only abU to aay a law wonda to you.

ll vk I a dtaatcli froaa 6na. Cbeit-aiait, ilKijTt, Qraaut aod otbei a.tu tae atlect tbat I waa auial in KaaUTlUai In regard to aoma Iro-or li boamaaa oornectiun with Uia calling uiid tba niUitia. ml po I rccrre a aaat dippatcb 1 atarted kt once. Wkwi 1 ariitcd io NgaUvn I luuud flliaea Cotiladaraas Oeueraia uiel in a rob' leiaiiu witn about lauriy leauins afiaiua. Uraat Irara bad'tn cxijreaaoa about iCe cilJiii out of the ti.iJitia.

a many wer rt tba upiiuoa tbal it would leaa to t'ooOahed of a very aenoua chatactcr rtoT. ti.ui atated In bia tueaaage to rte J-gilaiuj-e mat ait tnoaa wao iMioigjed tba. In-klax Klanr were to ba Oaclared ouiiana, aud be leave tiut ut drciared that tiisae Kuoia 'Weio coinfoaeJ of oldtera wbo bad been in t-e ariuy. I tbat CioT. BaowkUaar tbuika tbat a.1 Cain edt raie aotdxira, aud.

iu uuic, tba wbole I coon a lie tkttj iu tae Houib. bet'juaT tbe Kilklux ICbaera aod laavbtsi.l All ar declared oat- lawa, tor tUe Uovernur aaya be baa do doubt uey belong io tbe Kko, mere la ancb aciau. Tbe Louies la lure baa ttaaaal aoma iaw, 1 beuere, on tbe auo- ii-ct, ta wbicb tba militia araliMl on to aboot att tuaiuna tin may find, anu tbey need tear no Dioatxution lor Uotus au. Ibat la, aimoly, that tuey may call Couiederait) eoliher a Kukluz, aboot hiiu uuu. aaj no bartu abalt buiall any ol tbe aoiiiiia alio aba 1 eommu ancb an outraeoua act lor DujwkLuw baa proclaimed tbat tbey were ail uutlaaa.

Wbentbla la done, I tell you, fclloa-cUeue, Ultra will Le eiril war. If i the Kadiial Leirialatur. wlib (lot, BeiiuiW, arnia tae uearroea. aud teila Uteui to aboot duwn all Urn atedrraW aolitlara. on tbe srounu tbat tbey are luem bare uf tbia Kuklus Klao, aa ibey c.l it, aud ouilawt, tkeo.

In my opution. mere win be on war In Ten Beamee. (Applauae.) Il la not our polity to eat Into anotber civil war, or a war of any kind at tbeureaent Uuia. aa tpvMld ttt jttJi aiauul tu ana taeajica aaaae in tbe Morto. aud I bare adTiaed every tionied wreto aoldler wboco 1 bare met lately to do ail In bia power to pnveut war of any kind taking place in -Tenneaaee.

I received a letter from Uen. B. it. Ak-EaaOM. of MMbv.llo, lew daya ago, aud be atated to tna in tbat letur tbat ae cmrultrcd the actum er vm, rrewaivw, ta rtlation to (Aa dtclaraiien aoar.

If tbe uiiiiila are called out under turn prucuuatlou. fata also aay xiawttaa. I can aaaure )ou, lubow-tulseua, tbat lor one, do not aaul auy more war. I bare aeeu In all lea pliaai', aud beliera ma vbvn I aay ao, tbat 1 don't waul to aee any more bloodebed, nor do I waul to awe aay negroea armed to aboot oowu wbite xuen. Il tbey bring tbka war upon there la one tbiug I will tell yoo -that I tkail not thooi aay negro to long aw 1 raa arr a wkiu Jiitduai to tXoot.

for it la tbe Badf ala wuo will be to blame lor bringing on Una war. 1 cau aaaure yon, fellowJtilt-na. tbat I lb all at all tiniea te realy to go forward aud araiat the Sheriff or any o.ber officer in carrying out tba lawa of tba a la la, and in ordor to aaalai him tborougbly, I will gal aa many of my old aoldieraaa feasible to go witb aw. tfthey lend tkt Mttdk avra to hunt tboee Confederate etildiera whom tbey call Kuk.nx. tbeu tap a yM, O'a oaf oad akool Ik Jiaduait." il tbey do want ui inaugurate civil war, tba soouer it cornea tbe better, tbat we may know what to ao.

Applauee.) 1 do not wtab It aoderatood tbat I am Inciting you to war, for aa I tola you b-fora, I have aeen all the war aud ad the bloodshed I want. -1 wiaQ yoo to ex-aauai all boborable ana before you do anytbirig, and I would prefer tbat yoa should aaffer before I abould aee civil war inaugnrated in tbuoountry. We hava aireaoy toel all but onr Bonor by the laat war, and I mu at eay, that in order ta be men wa mnet protect our bouor at Ml hasards. and we man also protrct our wiTO, our homes and oar famluee. (Cueera.

I wibU diatlncny ta state that I am not against tba solorea man. Detuier have I ever been against tba eoiored man. I carried forty-live of them into the war witb tue. ana all but one remained with me during ibe war. The next time I aaw tbe one who aeeurtad be waa in tba bana of tba metropolitan police for ateaiing.

Cbeers and laughter. I wlab yon to do nothing tbat will give the Badical parly any pretext to bring on a war. I warn you particularly agauaat tbia. they would like aeibiug better than a war, lor tliroagb It they migbt Barry tbe election, and by Una means keep office and aoruisue to bleed as. however, the war should Bat, and I hope it never will, I want no dronea In say drum of beoa.

(Applanae.) If I am torced into a aulliaion, I tell you tbat every man a ball do com-Vahed to do bis duty. They have got to take aide witb na or tna other party. We will have no aeutrala; all must abow waat tbey are. If tbey are not for aa. then tbey will be againat ua.

We muat be a unit on tbia very grave queauoa. Tbe militia will be a unit, and wa must be in tba same position. My fellow-aitixene, I aaaert it la a aolamn thing to think of, or i have no doubt that yoa have ail had enough war. Ton have aeen war, and yoa know wbat la, aud therefore we ought, aa I said before, exhaust all honorable ueana lo prevent It coming anions: us. Bat if It does come.

I will do all in my poa er to meet it, let tba consequences be what they Baa. (Loud and prolonged cheering. I now waat to aay a lew worda to tbe black men who are here tore roe, and what I wlab to aay is, to aaa them to aiand by tna men who rawed you, who nursed yjo erhao yoa were sick, and wbo took car of yoa when fou were little children. I aay, aland by them who are your real trial) 0 and leave your Loyal Leacruea. where yoa are taught to refuee tbe franchise to those who have alwava proved your menda.

I tell yoa that If yoa wul only aland by na, that we will always ataad by yoa, and do aa much for yoa as any wbue nan can do lor yoo. Ion can Dave no Internet with any acalawace and carpet-baggers. Loud ebeera and lauabier.t Ail they want irum you la the little Boney you have got. iba rioetbern people aay tbat aheae ecalawage aud carpet-naggers ware tnievea and Bobbers in their own section of the conn try. Applause.

Then what can yoa expect from tbxu? IApLtauae.1 A Voaja OeneraL there are a tew Southern carpet- aaggers and acaiawaga nere. Geo. Fount-Yes. there are, and I am ashamed so owa It tbat they were nurtured on this soiL Tary are tea fete Jot bm spaoA- aoeau, oad aaas ae tcorua -aavraar sty conlrmpl fur awek pcrams. 1 teel to-day in at ttov.

xtaowaijow ta one or taat class. Hisses. Us has escaped to tbia time because ha baa bean shaking wiin Bicxneaa ana weaaneee, ana is eoneidered but if ha iLSUgurah-s cittl war in tbia btate. Shea I wll huu kt muM At c-eiptact. Cheers.

When the war cloaed I aurraudarud honorably, anu to ao my aaty i my coauiry out 1 love the eokiiera aud tuoae wbo fought alio ma 4 ortng tbs war. I love tbciu as I lota my own life, and 1 never ntend that tbey shall be ehot doara so lotg sal have an aria lo raiae in their deience. Greet cheerinc etiow soioi'pa, ae nave atooo oy eaea otuer oeiore, and now I want to know If yoa will siand by aoa and the other Confederate Generate in what wa did a few days ago at NaauvilieT Cries ot will, wa will," groat cheering. Oouileuien, I feel 1 am getting hoarse, aa I nave lately Buffered from a severe oold, and I fear I will not be ante to apeak to yoa much lons-er. (Cnee ot, "Qa on.

Uvneral. go on." Well, Bow I wish to apeak to yoa a tow cbont tbe IVmocralie Convention, lately. held ta Kaw-x'tirkv' vVluic I aa Fresent at that Con-veaiiun I larued tbat eouie of thoae who call aa their irianda acre not ia uvnr of eufranchiaing the aoMiera ot the Soutb wov fougat in the laa war. Mow, I waat to- know bow taat Is 1 was taken aheerlally by tbe baud by leading Desaocrata of the Morta while I waa iu Kew-Xork. aua they ahowed me toe greatest tnendebip and dispiajred tbe greatvat kindaeaa toward tue.

Tbat ia tae reason I want to know whether it ta true about iha remarks that certain par ilea there are agaiaat enrranehiaing the soldiers. Uua ot that party air. Ltrmioi baa been Dominated here to-day. aud I waat nioa to corns forward and state whetber be baa ever eaid that the dtouthern soldier soould not Da enfranchised, or ha her he is opposed to giving as all ear rights. When I hear him deny tbia rumor, I stand teady to auppurt him, bat not till then; bat without It 1 eennotdo it, and neither can jou.

(Great cheering. I have a letter in my pocket front Washington, aad I am sorry to from it tbat Mr. Jcuxaua aid to have gone tgainat toe Democratic Party and againat the bVoath, on the ground that wa of tna oath, who were delegates to the Coavauoa. did ejat press his tiommsiuip. I did press It.

sad tued all my tntaeuee wita the cloataara TJ air galea tieD. Bajtrroa and hers, aad procured aim buy vote. We aaw, however, thatbeoooid not be UuiuiiiattU, aad wa had. therrfore. to change, alter srvcral bat-lota bad taken place.

The otbera wotud not continue vjtiug lor sir. Joaaoa. aad I did not taia there waa any hope of a pomi nation at several aaliots had been ca Mince that una he has aent aaa my pardon, for which I am truly thankful. How. aaliow-d-issaa, I think it ta right tor kir.

I Larrwica to declare this evening whether he ta ta I fawr at nalranchiatng the Soalnara soldiers or not. I leal it la important that tba swataera soldiers should know whether yoa htve BOmi bated a man wboae aympathtea are with tboee who towghl for the luet aauae, ana ay prepared to give aa all ear nrhta jbeera. If aa telle yea frankly and freely ka VhiM I oive ha will, aaes) I tot pse aia Ckasrs, amid wh eh oan. oaarrz rtt red. stmtar Dwallttle'a Arrlaaet af tkia Aewwbllsaai Patrty.

Th Chlcairo Democrats held their aeoood meet ing of the campaign on Tues lay evening last, aad were addressed by Benatar Dooumt, of Wlaconain, aad others, Tba gist of Mr. fioount'i speech la oosv- tained ia the CoDowing axtoaets limimoa lmoeern the Bad leal policv of the prevent Congress, of high crimes aod misdemeanors liaaghtev) at lbs bar ot the Ameitcaa peopm tu mi prexce ol high Heaven, before tha eivtbxed world. I Impeach It Oral aa a crime strain at the lawa of nature, which God Almighty has stamped upon the ram tf rxjankiod, becviae this policy of CongTeaB attenpu to force political and consequent eocial and nnaatarai quality Alvacaa and the Caacaataajcbewrs-. between an alien. an lntrior and an exotic race irom ua irootca.

and tbe big bast tyre ot the hnman race, in the borne of the latter la this temperate kone. (Secondly. 1 impeach tbe Radical policy aa a crime againat civilian uoo ttaelf. becaaae would, by Save, wrench the government cut of the hand of tae etviiuea vniu race In ten States of this Cniott to place it ta the nan da of tha half etvlhxed African. Third, 1 im peach It aa a crime againat tbe Coneiitntion.

becauee it tramples down the rights ot too mates to ux i tbeaiaelvea tba oualifltauiona of their own vstere- right without which the niateeeaeea to ta ueptio- lican buta. fourth. I impeach it aa a cnac againat the Coneutavion aud national faith, it an- Buta-tba rardone ooaetaiuttouatiy granted lo hun dreds ot thooaaoda el the moat intelligent white men of Lao Month, and. in open and pa arable violation of the Constitution. dieO-ancs-lses thrm.

Filth. I impeach it aa a crime againat tba eaiateuce of tbe ten BtitWta of me Unltm. aad the hbartiee of eight millaona of people. because, extireaa terms. It anonlled all civil gov-eranaant, by which alone these libertlee may be se-corad.

and places them tinder an avjaolute miiltarv desBouam. Sixth, I impeach it crime against buiuASLty. UodiuK to prcxiuce war n( laces, to tbe ntter deatruction of one or boib a result which cannot Sje prevented except by a beg stand log army, which nettber our resources will bear nor our liber- uea long aurviva. Bevenm, I laueach it aa au utter abandonment of the principles for which the war was pros cuied. and or tha very Idea upon wbico we tuuebt aud niLau'red the reoeLion.

I impeach it be- eaiue It tenda to make laiad ail tbe brumlat-i aud paedree made by the trit-nde of the Oovernment In tbia ifeartui alrtiggle toj.ut down tbe rebellion, aud beoauae-It tends to u.ake true ail the utterance and loreliodiugs of Its euemies. Acain. I imii.aru it lor ite destruction ol tbe national credit, for high tax lion, wulch will result in mileis a belter pone cau be adopted. Appauae.j A Oemeeratle Meeting In Texas. CernxpOK dears of the Antonio Ttxai) Jit: aid.

OuKAUl, Juiy 28. lt-oH. -I at'ended tbe) barbecue eiven by the Democ racy to-day. Speeches were made by v7. 8 cars.

CoL Cook, Col. Wilus. Col. Dan lex, Dr. Wrsx, W.

E. BoaoEas, Mijor lx and Mr. Pabkik, to a delighted sudieuce of ladies, gentlemen and lreedmen. Tte nnmberwaa variously eatvmated at from three four thousand. Not a ail gle carpei-aacker or aoalla-wagger showed bis countenance on tha grounds.

Tbe people all aeemed be united In poiit large number ol lreedmen were present. The nomination of Hobatjo fcxrMOCa and Faaaaa P. Hi. a lit. with ibe entire Ieutocraiic Platform, wa unanimously indorsee.

Dr. Wivit look the ur-UDd tbat tha people of Texsa abould hold an election and elect members to tLe Legislature, representatives to Congress, and lei the representatives of tne people, elected by tbe people, acrve tbe peopa bota io onr Stale and National rouccna. Tbia Idea seemed to be well received. MJ. Elt took the ground tbat tb Prestuent'e Amnes-y Proclamatioa restored all dusenabip.

a.a that all a bite men could demand tbe right oi suffrage, tbat tbe Bump at Washing' ton was no part oi the OoveiLment, that tbe Preai dent and bia chosen counselors were tbe Oovernment, sod consequently tbe Presictn 's Proclamation waa tbe aopreuie law of tba laud. Your corresponden thinks this is ibe right doetru.t. Ibe wboie peoui are atouaed iu tbia anu ptrlictly uniUd tn ail ttielr moveiuouta, and will preaent a bold trout tu November. Bradley lor Congress. The Atlanta (Ot.) JVYuj ra of tbe 11th lust.

containa the following To tkt Toter of fas Firtt Cmarrtrumal ZHitriet? Your most humole servant and irlend has been re quested, aud ander tbe circumstances do acjept, bia cuauce lor nomiuaiion, and his better change to re ceive bia friends' votes, to make him the ipreaen tauve iu tbe Cuugreaa of the United bau-i a ur the Lb of March, ltxa. A. ALffjUBA BBAXiLajr, THE Important Order by Gen. Ihtrmsa. HZaDQUABTEBS, aTrxJTAST DlTUIOS 1 CP TBI kibUOUkf, BT.

vi. Aug. 10, 1868. Genera Obdess, No. 4.

Certain dattea con nected with Indian disbursements having been de volved apon the I Lieatenant-GeD eral commanding. by law, In connection with bis military command. and la order tbat the same may be conducted in full harmony with the military Interests of the frontier. tbe folrb wing orders are made: Commanders of Departments, Districts, and Post, charged with the peace and polled of the frontier, will con a true themselves so far the agents of tba Plains Indians" aa to afford them temporary support to conduct them to their reservation, hereinafter named, and to report to their immediate superiors all matters requiring their notion. No supplies or presents of any sort win be made by mil'tnry commanders to Indiana outside of their reservations, except for special services rendered, un less tha Indians be sorually la Is trass, and aa reals to their proper homes.

When Indians are on reeerratloBa with civilian agents actually present with them, no Interferences will be made, but military commanders may note any neglects or irregularities on the part of said Indiana or their aeen ta, and will report the same for the information of the Government. IL Tbe following district of country fa set aside for the exclusive use of the Sionx nation of Indiana. vta, Bounded east bynhe Missouri B'ver. south br tha State of Nebraska, west by tha one hundred and xourui meruiiaa ol longitude west from Greenwich, aad north by tbe fbrty-aixth parallel of laatade. aad will constitute a military dietrlct under the command of Brevet Major-Gen.

w. 8. Harhx-t. United Statea Army, wbo will have the aapema on and control of the Bioux, and of all iaeuee and aisburaenienta to them, subject only to the suthortty of tbe Lieuten ant-General commanding; but in matters affecting the United States troops stationed said diatrict, he will be subject to the Department Commander, Brevet Major -Gen. A.

H. IxxxT. 111. In like manner, tha country bounded east by the State of Arkauaaa, south by Texas, north by Kanaaa, and west by ths one hundredth meridian of longitude, west from Greenwich, ia set apart tor tha exclusive use of the Cheyennee, Arrapahoee, Kiowa) a and Comancbea, and such other ban da aa are bow or may hereafter be therein located by proper authority, and will constitute a military diatrict under command of xtrevetMaJor-Gen. W.

B. Haxkx, United States Army, who wid have the auDerviaion and control of all issues and disbursements to said Indiana, subject only to the euthoni) of the Lleuteu-ant-Geneial commanding, but in matters affecting ine troops stationed tn aaid district, subject to De partment commander, augor-uen. r. ii. baxaxDAX.

IV. Brevet Major-Gen. Gxoaoa W. Gxttt, eom-- manding District of ew-Mexioo, in addition to his proper military daiies. Is charged with all disbaree-ments affecting the Navajoea.

V. Brevet Major B. Lamottx. Thirteenth United Btaiee Infantry, commanding Port Bills, in addition to his proper military duties, ia charged with srnklrg 11 labor st-m silts affecting the Crows. TL Brevet Major-Gen.

C. C. Acotja, commanding Department ot the Platte la charged with making ail disbursements affecting the Shoahonca, Snakes, aad Biaarea in Dee. VII. Each of said officers may select, and with the consent at the Department Commander, may detail an omoer to act under him as a disbursing Clear, who shall receive tha extra compensation aua an acting Commlaaary of Subsistence, and aira such clerical loros aa la absolutely necessary, to be paid out ox tna Auaiaa appropriation fund, which officer a hail have enargw ot all moneys, property, stores, Ac.

fur tha use of the Indiana, aad shall make the same reports aad returna to taeee headquarters aa are preecrlbea by army rwculatioaa tor the Subaist- enee Department. When these officers are named. the Ajleuteoani-ueaerai will causa to be placed to their credit, at some convenient pubhe depository, the proportion of tae appropriation slot tad to their agency; aad ia ao event or ander ao etrcum- will aay purchases, contraoaa or sngairn meats be made in excess ot tha aotoal money tana subject to their credit. All checks and vouchers meat have the signs lures of the aleburaiag facer, countersigned by his pjaBelpaL a ua. x-urcaases via ooxiaias cnieny ox sees cacti e.

grata and bread, sugar aad eoxTae only la ex- ptional eases; i ctotning lor the old and young, ol sua lariat suited to their ooadittoa. and ot aeeu. aod agricultural toole for cultivation. The Chief Quar ter masters and Commissaries at Ouoago. at.

Louia. Omaha and Leavenworth, will purchase on the requisition ot the officer charged with abase issues, on betas supplied wita tae aeoaasarr fuads or aradiia. As tar ae possible nonaurtaat with a due economy, parchasee by tae disbursing effloer will be maae at tae place of con sumption, and naaiaamc officers of Dcuartments may allow the office rs eharged with uteee uuuee to purchase ot their Depot aad Poet commissaries aad Quart at etas lets any article of loud and corn, doming, harness, condemned wag-os. horaee. mules aad oxea that may be oa hand ia exuees, or which may have beea condemned by a bosra ol Survey, or Be Inspector, at the sat to Gov ernment at too P.BOS of delivery, or at a Tsinsmm axeo.

by lha Board of Survey, or oy tha Inapt: or. IX- Issues to Indians wilt be made, waea practicable, only as tauee actually praaaat, er oartmed aa at tba camp, bat alwaya mast oe witnessed by some army orhoar at rank aot beiow Captain, ac- cordiag to secoou act ot Congress, approved i Jly ST, 1M8, and all lasaee will conform as Bear as possible with the temie of the usslns aaede by tae Intliaa rssss commission, wheihar eonfirmed or Bot, so pi as of as lea ul be lorniaaed. A- waaapoiuia arise not by these orders. wil.inr lo send him ta Coagrssg, Jl off. ears, will be woveraed by the army regoletioas, and these enter will rxpTe with the txiM ng bill, wis Jane SU.

1869. whan. If not other-wtas ordered, 'all accounts wiU be cloaeJ. and the omcere neratn named will resume tneir propor jj duties and stations. By order of Lieut.

-Gen. w. T. buiaj. 4, W.

A. V'lcaoia. Assistant Adjutaat-UantraA, THE EXPRESS ROBBERIES. Arawst of "fine Bwspceted Persons 1st Ta- rsaia Bsadt Reeo-vsred. sia tk Toronto Leader, Auj.

15. The greatest excitement prevailed in tha esnure of the city on' Thursday night. In coa-aeqtrenc of the arrest oi number of persons in tha Turf Club house, Kiog-etrwat, west, charged with Being impli cated in the robbery on the sight ot April tbe'COtn and May the 1st of ttra messenwer ot the Unloa Ex press Company, oa tbe Hudson Elver Bailway, anil of the seizure of the express train of the Jrfferson-TiTis Bailway Company near Seymour, on the night ot the 23d cf May laat. Since that time the National Police Agency ef Hew-York has teen en paged In working the case ua. and Imr New- Xork deeecttves arrrvea in mm air a ww -ago for tbe of lookur.g alter auapecied oar ties.

Tha aervrfra Of onr own oeiecuvee were ea hated la the case and descriptions ot tbe txnxia mnit -nahni, fDertv were freely circulated aniona the force. The broxers- omces were visitra and aaMrriniion -of tboee parties wbo bad sold bonds) sinoe the above robberies look place were ob tained. Tbe case being considered safely worxeo up, Hersnant-hfaior CVwiMTsa took charge ot a atrong posse of our own detectives and Ponce, accompa nied by the New-York detectivea, ana proceeded iu plain clatbes to tbe Turf Club-house, Istely occupied by Mr. Caaaoa, and arreated the proprietor, named Uos-pnif. and hia silt, and the following pan lea aharred with being ooDfederalea-: aIoobc, Dex well iuown actor, ind hit wile bu re la ti vn C'uiEUi K.

TnoMPoM, Mrs. MooKX and hfra. Stck. A man uuied WlxxIAJta. ot St.

Catbaxiuea. wbo keeta a gambling tbers, waa also taken into cuatody on the street, on a rhartra of beitiif an acceaaorv. lie is 'one of tbe ariiaa who atole the Royal lumrance bonds In Kew-Ynsk, and with whom a compromise was tuaue in Montreal about a vear auo. 1 be actual charge upon which these paraes have been arreated ia lor participation In tbe robbery on tbe Uudsou B.ver ilaiway on the 30th of April and 1st of Msy. Tbe bonds then stolen were 7.30 bonds.

second seriea. esch of $1,000, truru Mo. to 168.093. it. elusive: tour of 7.30 bonds, second series, each of ten of $50 each.

United otatee 6-20 Londa of 18C3 five of S1U0 each, one SI 00 7.30 bond indorsed. we guarantee the lndorat meut," algned, PitEa TON at Detroit, 3d bond of Le bauon Springs Baiiroad Company; one certiBcato. No. 180. for one hundred ah ares Lebanon Spr.nca KallroaJ btocA and one certificate.

No. 1C0, for one bnnured and a bares ol Lebanon Spruige Uaiv- road atock. Oa the night ot toe 31 of May the following, anion other property, was stolen Six United States 7. 60 notes ot (1,000 esch ol aecoDd senes issued under act March 3. lBCfi: aeven United States 7.30 eotea cf 1,000 each ot tuird aeries issued under act of same date.

All these notes were indorsed Pay Secretary of the Treasury lor redemption. W. Manic, Cashier." Five United Suttee 7.30 bonds of 160 escb. letters ABC, and four do. lei Vr D.

Twenty-ax United Suttee 7.30 bocde of 100 each, dated July 15, lbCS. all if letter C. ELzht United States 7.30 boujs ot 1,000 each. letters A and D. United btales 7.30 oonos of $500, letter No.

9.006. Sixteen compound Inter-eat notes three years, of $100. $50, $30 and $10. ebt Treasury notca bearing 5 per cent, luterej'tlor $100, $60, $30 and $10. 8ix ecu pone from bond of Hardin County.

Kentucky, lor different small amounts, and a conaideraule amount of muuiated greenback a and N-tiotiai Bank notes and posl cur rency being returued tor redempuou or exchange. Tbe parties arrested were known by various aliases, and tbia will be seen by the lolloping list ol those wbo bare been taken into cuatody: iaaao March, attar f. S. Morton and wile, Ann Morton aud C. Bollard, alias C.

E. Thompson, L. W. Moore. C.

Adams, aliat i. A. Stevens, Betiecca Moore, nnia I'nouioeon. Jane Thompson. Mary Abb Sturgea and Putnam W.

Brown, and one Williams, of bl Cam-arinea, above named. Putnam W. baowit ia the express messenger who was gagged and In tba car on tbe Hudson Biver Bailway and carried into New. York. It aecma thai while the train waa passing the Gar- riacn btallou on the Hudson Biver, two men enter-ea tbe express.

car, and aeixing Bhovnf tuey bound him band and loot, aecured him to the atva in one corner oi tne car, aud lied a bag over hla bead to prevent him from aci earning. The rurnxna then proceeded in the moat deliberate manner to take poaaeaa.on ol ail the money be bad in charge, whicu ia miniated at about Oi tbia araouui about $9,000 was in bout a and currency, and $2,000 guiu. uen tne xraiu waa enieruig ins Cny, toe tuievea examined the cor 'a to be sure tbat ttaowa could not unlooae himaalf and procure ibeir arrcat. When the car ariived it was opened by tbe porter at the Hudson Biver iuiiroaa depot; end the express nussenger waa found to be auhost lifeless. Buporting the esse to the General Superintendent, at nia ouice in nroaaway, ne lmmeouaie employed oe-tacuvee for the purpose of tracking and arresting the robbers.

Tbe arrest of this man in the compa ny of the o.hers has a very suspicious appearance. ana leaaa tne a elective to Believe tbat he waa in league with the toboers. On E. Thompson's person there were found in nve-tweuue with coupons attached. In aearcbing tne houaea a laige quantity ot Jewelry waa lound, and six diamond rings were taken off the lingers of Mrs.

Mobtob. Two mastivs gold watcaee and chains were found in the aate at Mobtom's. ibey were valued at about $400 each. About Xl.uuO tn greenbacks were also got in tbe aaie. A.ooJtx, it aeema, had remed Mr.

HoPDia'a house on Jouu-atreet, near bt. George's cnurch. About two or three weeks ago, E. 'laoatrsoji sold $9,000 in e-3 oonos to air. atoaaa, broaer, of turn city, and taat time $2,000 o.

tbe earns denomination. but they were none of the atolen property. It ha been aiaoe ascertained that be bought them laat May from AT Cooxb at brokers, Waii-atreet, New- York, paying for tbem greenbacks, About six wseks ago. however, tbe pr. Boner Alooax sold to Mr.

Mobsb $1,000 compound interest notea, being part ot tue bonus actually stolon frota the Exproee company. The deteotlvea made a further search of the per sona of the prisoners in the Jail yesterday. Con cealed on the person of Krttou Hoou were found $6,250 in green back a. one o-na ol $1,000. No.

one bond ot $1,000, No. one bank ue- Soait check ex the bank oi rtniin North America, o. 1X497. for ths sum of $3,600: one sola wstcn and ouain and other Jewelry; one broocn, two cuff buttona, a pair of aiamosd ear-rings and tour diamond finger ring. On the person of Kibxcca bTUaazs were found one go.d watch and chain aud apt-eouagesi $1,130 lo American money, a cueck on tae Pacific National Bank lor $300, aigned by Jaius xkitxx, and one small leather reticule.

tffce Adai Rxpreaa Robbers Vagi Threstt. Extbioub, Friday, Aug. 14, 1868. To Os Editors of tkt Cincinnati Enquirer: I prerome yon will bare been advised before tbia reaches you of the action ot the Circuit Court, held at Brown town, Jackson County, Judge Baicx- stxix preeidiag. In the case of the State of Indiana as.

Habtkokds and Coxxxaajt. the two parties arrested (or robbing tbe messenger of tha Ada ma Express Company, near Seymour, on the night of tbe 28th of September Mat, The Court eat for criminal easea. and after disposing of in ease ot tbe in re horse- thieves, wbo were convicted and sentenced on the charges against tbem, the esses of HAaratoittie and Coixxbaji were taken up these eases had several timta been continued through the usual technicali ties and machinations of their lawyer, one J. who ia well known aa the lawyer of all the gang belonging to tae Reno crowd. Hammond and Cololkxak are both pupils of the Kno family, whose names are well known in tbe criminal reports ot the Western country.

Coxxkbabt pleaded guliiy to the charge against him, and waa sentenced to Imprisonment la the Pen tec bar for the term of five year and to psy a una of live hundred dollars. Cori.raia was thing ts take the witness stand and stale ail tbe particulars of ti a transaction, and repeatedly advised his putni-r (HAMJaovo) to do tbe same; but through the influ ence ot tbe attorney, Hammond demanded a con-unoanoe of hia case, which, under the laws ot Indiana, the Judge waa compelled to grant. It la well known that thta attorney has beea in she ot all these partiee at various tunes, aad has received liberal fees ia their defense. Ibe Yigilaace Com mittee, under tbe adriee of the prominent dux ens of tba county, were willing to await she action of the Court in the oaaee referred to above; but owing to tha delay caused by one of thstr own residents, who has the lives of a family and property at ataka in tbia county, they have again intimated that some further action may be required oa their part. And 1 understand thst a meeting ot the committee ass been called for Saturaay oveniug, aad you may expect some further news from tbia now prominent locauty in a lew days.

B. Ths Itymsar Bob aad tht Law. Tbe New-Alb any (lad.) Commercial sire the Grand Jury ol Jacxaoa Couaty, ia that State, bow sloa ia connection with the Circuit Court at Browns town, win make the most rigorous examination in regard to acts of ths Seymour mob. aad in dict those whom It eaa be ascertained ware engaged ta the recent hangings, tor murder ta the Brat de gree. It wid be rememeered that some four months ago a mob of man broke into the Jail er Franklin, Johnson County, and took therefrom two Drutoners charged with murder aad robbery and them.

A number of tbs parsons engaged ta Una outrage have beea indicted for murder bv tna Grand Jar, nf Joanaoa county, sad are now under $10,000 bail each to anawsr ut the Circuit Court. BiMikhPe. On Thursday afternoon. Faxu. CL, a tad It years of age.

eommenced a game ef billiards at a btiltard-rocra tn Uua city, before tea made a nm of 1 XT A MiTita mmA wittAl, ceassd play an hi o'clock, from which time an til i Btuva ne latnaaaau tue run to e.oua points, Ha resumed the erne again yesterday morning, and ap to e'cloea- baa evening had counted 16.016 potnta earoma. The hall have beea twice out of their pe- 1 tin, U4 -S A in Ia red aaE have not been once frcxea doxlrg ty vrA aaa t- 1 1 nrtlnal.aa iu.iu. wni, a.v. y-- nr.ia Tha la reammed St 19 o'clock tbia morning, was-a he intends ta reaaova the balla by ul Jmm ureirpwiHIB us w. exciting Craat La.ercsu DesreO Advertiser, Aug.

1. CattxoUe Ch rh Trsabltt Is Th Itafe. JTreia fks ChioitsB Fott, Ana. 11. There baa been aon little trouble la the Catholic Church of ihta diocese tor some time past.

artsiner from the eonrased state of Ita temporal af fairs, bat Ibe whole trouble la a last amicably aet-U1, Tbe bUtory ia briefly as follows: When Bishop DcoOAa went to a rope on account ot IU health, over a year agorbe left a poesr ot attorney with a member of bia tiouaebold, empowering him to collect the revenues ot the diocese, holding them subject to the order of the Bialop. But there waa na active Eoiscopal power to take charge of the affairs of ths Church, which wrre in a condition needing cloee attention, and anally several ol the moot prom. inenl clergymen sad eeclee.aaiicsl officials of the Church, including Ber. Aire. v.

pcsix. viiar-General; J. McMcixxK. Paator ot St. Paul's; J.

Mo-Ourxaa, Profeeeor of Common Law in St, Mary's Tba. -logical rJetniuary. and Bev. J. P.

BoLxa. Paator of the Cathedral of the Holy -Name, signed a paper Betting forth wbat they held to be the grievance of the diocese reaulUng from the protracted absence of tbe BiHhop. and the absence of any delegation of his power ss any person hexa competent to aot aa ne-oeeaity and expediency might suggest. The paper waa forwarded io Borne and received prompt atten-tjoB, Dr. Dcnnra being ap pom ted Administrator of the diocese, thus aua pending Doooab's private arrangements.

The Biahop received information of this and returned at once from abroad, resumed his duties, and thus put an end to ths administratorship. It wss thought tbat he would stun-msriry dismiss the remonstrating clergymen for interfering in his arrangement, but tha whole thing ia amicab.y settled. QTJARATiTmE Tht Charges Preferred against the Health Officer Corraiseadeaca Re-In ting; to tne Collection of Ship Newt How the Quarantine Uni ars Enforced A tstrlca System the only Pub lie Snfegnarrl. Within tbo laei few days tbe public hire been regaled through tbe columns ot a daily paper with certain statements tending to reflect upon the official conduct ot Dr. John BwixBuxwr, Health Officer at this ort.

Aa a natural con sequence, the public are anxious 'o aact rutin If these charge ace well founded. The position occupied by Dr. Bwix-bcejis is one of great restonalbility, and when he le charged with violat eg tbe law enacted for his guid ance, tba person making the charge should be well assured tbat he is not arguing from falas prsmiaea. It miy be well to state here thst had Dr. Swtnbubnb allowed the Herald representative to board Vessels belore, er at the tame time they were visited by tbe Health Officer or his depuiy, the charges gainst him would never hare been made.

Tbe importance ot preventing irresponsible persons from boarding veaaela srrivtng from infected parte Is so thoroughly impressed npon tho minds of I tel- Bgent citizens that tbe subject need not here be en Urged upon. Tbe quarantine season commences at about tbs middle of June and laata till November, During the remaining months little or no restriction is placed npon tbe movements of incoming vessels. The following correspondence will explain the mo tives which impelled the Health Officer to enforce the Quarantine laws: Bkip-xiwb Ortici Pteb, fio. East Brvea, 1 Nfw-Vobx, June A litis. I Dr.

John StLtnhtu ea. fTmnltk OMerr. OauroaKnt: DEaa Bib? Some time sinee we eommeneed boarding vesi'eie with a i earn boat before they had reached quarantine for obtainins ahm new. At your reaueal the practice waa diaeontinaed. aa you atated that lor aani- tary reaaon it waa manuretiy improper tc allow any Person to board veaaela before they had beea examined by the liea.lh Officer.

You also informed me tbat during the rummer months all communication with vea- aeis unasr and sorject to quarantine, oe atncity prohtbittd, and that the vi would be furniahed aa hereto! ore to be Aasoeiated Pre by your department. We are now, informed tbat a at am boat be longing to tbe Brrald a till continuee to board vaaaeia sul ject te qiiarantime. in tbe Lower Bay. before tbey have beea visited and inapected by yon. It is oovioua unfair to concede to otbera tbat wbicb yon reins to ua, and 1 cannot for a moment think tbat it ts intentional: but I mast, moat res pact ally, bat nrtently.

request that you aitner permit as to resume tbe employment ot ateamboat. ana the privilege ot boarding vessel below, or trial the law be strictly luforoea ia all cases, an tnat no on be allowed to board or bold commaniceuou with vessel until they are eiear from qnarantine. Very res Dec It ui ly yours, W. Lb WIS. ff, it Tn Orncxji's Dipaxtmxkt, c.

i bTATKN June 4. 18. W. O.

Zt. Xto -Shin Ancm OHus. A'rr-lork. 6xn: In reply to your commumoaticn reference to the oullection of aliip news, 1 beg to ca'l your attention to aeotion 36 el the Quarantine law. Tbia section expressly declare a that any person except a pilot, wbo go on board of or have any communicauoa or drfmnnaT with anv vessel anbteet to Quarantine betors shs shall be boarded and examined by the Health Om oer or while shs is being examined by Dim, euau be guilty oi a misdemeanor." and tuat "any person except tae master, owner, or consignee ot eaid vessel wbo shed go on board of such veeael after aba aball have received rom the Uealtli Utfioer hi permit to proeaei irom ouarantina.

and hef nrai aurjl oau-mlt shall be delivered at ibe otbee of tbe at ay or of the City of New York, or of tn City ol Brooklyn, aball be gauty oi urn use ouenoe. -This lew has beea in faro many yoara. and I may add that until tbe past fw mouth it has alwaya been re-speeteu. With the exeeuuoa of a tew xuonth duruur IU, mlUntiW, At ail, A I Preea have ba tbaonjy peraoaa allowed to board vea- at tnia Vluaranuae. aaa until isteiy no etiiviBpa tut bean mad with my knowledge to board vessels oelow tn Narrow.

In fact, the praotioa of -si ting vessels in lb Lower ks? tor tha collection of ahin new hs been earned oa ntiiely without my eooaent, ana in direct vi olation ol taw, and rermtttea wouia om isw to all asm ary regulaticns. Daring the eold weatber tha danger to be apprehended waaomperatively tmling.and I abatained irom mtartering in the hope that an amicable arrangement would be made between ftbe olffee-ent parties enraged tae eollee.ion of newa. The eaa is bow otherwise- The warm and sickly season ia approaching, and it I manifestly improper thst ths present system of Boarding vesssis before they reach Quarantine abould be permitted, I shall take an early opportunity of sailing Sthe atteatioa of tbe editor of the licra id to the law upon the subject, and make no doaot tbat he win aee tbe propriety of Oisooniiaaing th practice, ouch newa aa tbe- Aeeoeiated Pre was formerly in the oabit of receiving will be lorniabei by thta deDartment, but I muat ineiet that neither your eolWo-tor nor any other parson aball go on board, or have eontmantoetion with veessls aubjact to Quarantine before tuey are admitted to pratique. I am. Sir, yours verv reanerttnlly, (SignsdJ JOH.1 bWlNBUBB, Hssitb Officer.

It win be eeen at a glanoe that unleae the quarantine regulations are enforced there will be little need for tbe services of a Health Officer. Let yellow fever once be spread through the City in consequence of carelessness or rem I a an ess on the part of Dr. SwiNBUtma, and there would be ao ead to the bitter invectives that would be hurled at him from all sidea. Tbe charge that Dr. 6wibbobbx la too strict in tha per onnance of his duty ia not worthy of eon, i deration.

He must be strict if he would fulfill the trust reposed la him by tbe people of the State, and. In an Indirect wsy, by ths people of the country. His aim la to prevent epidemic diseases from sweeping over the country, snd it is required by tboee who placed him In power that he will not be bribed er flattered into torget fulness of the responsibility resting npon bim. Tbs following order, issued by Dr. SwnrBDBjta in June laat, is an additional svidsnce of bis determination to roily and completely perioral his official duties i Pilots will plssse on serve thst on and after Jane 18 all vle arriving from the following porta will be boarded and examined from the hoeoital ahip ia the proai aUporta In the' West ladles south' of 24 dec no tb latitude, the Mexican ports, tbe tipeniah Mai Northern Uracil and the West Coaat of Airica.

Alao all veaaela from porta where cholera or yellow fever prevailed at the time of departure, or upon which ease of cholera os yellow fever have eeenrred during the Beaeegs. They will also notify masters of vessels, or ethers, that all eommanieatinn with vessels ander or subject to quarsntins is strictly Interdicted, and no Dsrsoa is permitted to board or. have any intercourse, communication or daaline with bar craw or pasaeagsrs, for any Surpose whatever, without a written permit from this apartment, aad ao boat or or alt wul be permitted to invade the quarattnne anchorage, either in the Upper or Lower Bay, or to go piongaitiS or hold any communt-cstions with vessels Subject to or ander quarantine nntu they have paaaed the upper limit ot the quarantine discharging around at Bedloe a laland. a JOHJi iiaalth Offioer. QUAXABTIXX, Jun 1 lboB.

Dr. SwiKBPXjrx has also been eharged with op posing the boardingaof veaaela by Custotu-house officers. In reply to this charge, he desires it to be understood that It baa always been his aim to facilitate the prompt transportation of Caa-tom-oousa officers to vessels which they required to board. Dr. rJwiSBOitxx.

as Health Officer, does not undertake to perform the extra duty of a- Custom-house inspector. It is wiihm the prcvinc of the Custom-house ofn rials to see to it that goods are not smuggled into port, and it there la aa evasion of the law Dr. bwiNBuaxa la not the proper person to be held ivafpaaeible. Wltn regard to the few thousand cigars eels ad the other nlsat on board tha sloop Tonr Broilers, Dr. Bwrn-aoaaa states that ao blame can be attached to him.

Ha endeavors to have ia hla employment honest men, but neither be nor any other person can be alwaya sure that -the men employed a free from the crime of dishonesty. An attempt "has beea made to place Dr. BwixauajiB la the light ot a smuggler, aad It haa beea stated that he ecnnived at tbe transection wiin tbe isur Srotkers. Thoae who know Dr. bwTNBOBjta need not be told that tbia charge ia ao weak and baseleea at It mast aere seamy rail to tne ground.

it would be a difficult matter to make the public believe tbat the attacks were warranted by a grata of truth. Much has been aaid concerning tna arbitrary measurse of tbe lleaith Omoer, his collection of leee and charges for Ana porting passengere. According to the lawa rotative to quarantine, complied under tbe direction of tA Commissi onsra ot Qua ran tine. Dr. SwntBtraaB is required to perform certain acta, aad his aegises, to do so places him la the position of an offender.

I xnatasre pertaining to exaction of leee and charges for passenger end luggage are regulated by the Quarantine Commissioners, and Dr. Swutaukura is guided by printed instructions, with reierence to the arrest and pnnlafament ot oCandara. Tab rulea require of the Health Omoer-- "Tediraet. la wntiu. anv anaat mm sea to parse and appswbend say persoa waa ehall no- sate aay aaraauas tmm or rwgtuaAtoet.

OT wtM) snalt ebctrnet tie fceaita Officer ia the perferasAace of hat duty, aad deliver hha ever to the eaid eeaeer. tp he at qaaraatvae until atasbsrgsd by eeea eSosr. bat such Mnisatasat shall ta aa ease exceed tea dava: ana rt ahail be the ante of the so van er etaev ettwsaa ee dirseted ta eber oa dunuoai; aad every Beraoa vtoUltna the quarantine Law or lesslstsaaaa, or ob-i, It. It lih rifTin. il MMtaidered aailtw of a ausdsBaeaaor, punishable by a ftae et aot teas thaa one hasdreo, aor more thsa Ave haaared, dollars, er by tmprtaooment aet leas thaa three Bsoatas er asx saoatas, Another rule reaiis aa follows: "Any perse n.

except pile, who shall go ea board ef. er have aay eomaaaieattoe or dealing with, aay vessel berainbeiore declared eabjeet to qaarsatiae. befor ahe snail boardna end examined by tn nsina umctr. whilst -K hies, or whe violate any ero-visuoa of til sot, er shall aegleel refuse ta eomply with any dirvcUpa or re-miiion which the Health Otfieer or the Commissioasre of QoarsatiBS may prescribe, by virtae of this act, shall be snilty of a misdemeanor, sad be punished by a fine ot not lees thsa gloo. aor more thaa (va, or by imprts-oamsnt, aot lass thaa three aor more thaa aix snoot ha, or by both auch fin and unpnsoameat.

And any person sxeept the aaastsr, owner er eoasigaee ef said veeael. wbo shail go on board of any saeb vessel after she a ball have received from the Health OBsoer bia permit to proceed from quarantine, and before each permit shall be delivered at the tho of tbe Mayor of the City of New-York or of the City of Brooklyn, ahail be guilty of tbs uke effeuoe, and subject te the Use puaiah-ami." The collector of news for the Herald waa warned that he muat observe tbe regulations. Tbei collector disregarded the notice, and as a consequence, wse erreeted and kept a prisoner for one dsy. At the end of this brief term he was released and informed at the tama time that If he repeated the offer) oe he would be made to suatatn tha full penalty of ine taw. ine collector stated tbat he had hla orders from tbe Herald, and, if he waa interfered with by Dr.

BwntBCSjtx. the latter would call down on him the wrath of the nroDrtetor ot that Journal. Dr. SwiNBrrkNa had too much good sense to be frightened into any dereliction of duty. He maintained hia ground, and ths Herald reporter is now obliged to respect tbe quarantine regulations.

Borne on tha ago belore the cable waa bud that now connect the Lower with the Upper Quar antine newepapera might gain time by bav ing a special boat to collect newa at tha Lower Quarantine; but with the cable la use aad a the disposal ol the Axsocltied Prcas, it il tolly tor toy one paper to pretend to set ship newa in advance of ita eo temporaries. Several lnatanc of entez-pria oa in part ot morning Journal have recently occurred. The "enterprise" consisted in publishing ss "sr-riveJ," veaaela tbat were three hundred miles or more from port. Tbe effect of eucb publication wae io attract hither a large number of pereooe from the interior, wno were desirous of meeting relatives and treinds supposed to be oa board the vesetus reported aa arrived, and it waa witb difficulty abat Dr. owin- BtraNX could persuade these people into tbe belief tbat the reported arrival waa incorrect.

Tbey had the Impression that the vessels were detained at Quarantine. Injustice to Dr. Swtnbcbnb a word should be said concerning the effect of his admimstiation on the commerce ot the country. It le to be presumed, in the first place, tbat merchants and owners of vessels are not so wanting in sense as to think that the publio at large would approve of a practice allowing them to bring their Teasels into port regardless of all qnarantine restriction. Yeeaels ars now detained at tbe Lower Quarantine irom two to aix days, aad at the Upper Quarantine about eight.

Merchants wbo have any regard for the publio health will not complain of this system, neither will tbey sllow avarice to pervert their Judgment In other respects. That tbe Health Officer abould have in his employment men wboee business it 1 to pertorm stevedore, lighterage snd similar Duties, and tbat hs should prevent outsiders from engaging In the eame work, ia by no meana a matter that should excite wonder or alarm. If Dr. bwTKBUBsn permitted a promiscuous and reckless class ol people to do Uua work without reierence to hia direction or control. It can be easily comprehended that all hia efforts to prevent the spread of disease would bo rendered useless.

The men la the employ ot the Department to do lighterage-work number about eighty. Thelr'names. together with their places of residence, are recordedin a book, and each man Unrequired to report in person to an officer or to the foreman each morning. In case of Bbeence, the a been tee is immediately visited by a messenger, snd if sick he receives medical attention at once. The men are required to change their clothing on going to work in tne morning, and on leaving the veasel at nigbt.

Although the limited accommodations at the quarantine g-ounda do not admit of these laborers being housed thereon, yet they are subjeoted to rules and regulations which prohibit their coming to the Ctty or mixing with tne public. Every poeaiole precaution ta taken by Dr. fewrsBUaxB to prevent the spread of an epidemio In the oommunity, and it ia Justice to him tbat hia efforts and motives should be fairly and impartially repreeented. Ii cannot be expected that the Health Officer can detect every case of smuggling, especially when he has but five Police officers io aid him in his work. Tbat particular brancti of duty falls to the lot ot tbe Custom-uoaae Inspector.

Tbey have access at all ilmea to tae quaiant ne station, and all xaciliues are extended to uiem in the performance of tneir duty. Homicide tat Fonrteenth. street A Is. loon-Keeper the "Viettas. In yesterday's Ttkzs an account was pub lished of an affray which occurred on Saturday night in a lager-beer saloon at No.

615 East Fourteenth- street, between John Btxbkbt, a laborer, and the proprietor of the place, Jacob ctjxxwagiteb. Six-best waa intoxicated at the time, and waa refused a drink, and tha refusal so enraged him that he assaulted SnxxwAONKa, wbo had ordered him Irom tha premises, and stabbed him in the neck with a knife. The wounded man lingered until yesterday morning at 1 o'clock when death occurred. SrxBraT was arreated in tbe Eleventh Ward by Officer Kmtxb. and surrendered to the Eighteenth Precinct Police.

Before he left the saloon fcxiBxaT stabbed Pktkb Kiior-TBKB, but the wound inflicted proved to be a sight one. Coroner Flticn visited the Iweniy-seoond-a'reet Police Elation, where he Impanelled a jury, who viewed the remains of tha deceased at his late residence. Tbe inquest waa adjourned until thie morning at 10 o'clock. Dr. Thomas O.

Knox will hoid a poat-xsortrat examination in the meantime. The priaoner claims that he had been beaten In the aaloon on a previoua occasion. The deceased wa a native ot Germany, and leaves a widow andaix chil-dien, Base Ball. Hon vs. Axcno.

Tbeee two dabs played their raturn game at Hoboken on being the anniversary of.tbe organisation of the Hope Club. The Arctic'a were minus several of their first nine, but had good sub- sti tut. The following la the score la a game cf aeven Inn nge. Hora. TV.

Stewart, 1st b. Brown, 1. 8. MeDotursil. Id Bolden, as J.

Stewart 3d Tremam, p. J. McDougail, e. .1 rt Rh.a ABCTTC O. a O.

1 1 3 -a 3 3 Menaa. 3 Brown. 1 2 Matter. 1 Smith- 9 W. 1 481 USUI OS.

1st. ta. sta. Its. eta- Vta.

Hop 14 4 3 4 11 Arctic 8 3 1 1 ri-T-CATCaxs Hop. Arctic, ATLAXTICS TS. artJTTJAL. The grand base-bsll matob for tbe ebaxepionahip, between tbe ex-champion Atlantic Club, of tha celebrated Mutual Club, of tbia City, will take place on Monday, tha 17th at P. on the Union Grounds, Brooklyn, E.

D. GE2TEEAL OUT HEWS. Itt-au Jakes E. Dohzatt, aged 8 yean, fell from aa awning tn front of hla residence, Ho. 83 Mulberry-stzseC yesterday, and sustained severe in Pxtxb moCabb, a native of Ireland, aged 40 years, and dwelling at No.

331 Weal Thlrty-flrst- street, had his leg broken by a fall from hla light wagon in Ninth-evenae. body of an unknown man was found tn the East Biver, near Forty -flrst-street, and aent to the Morgue for identification and Txssy, a native of Ireland, aged 86 years, died suddenly, yesterday, at No. 31 Mrs. Haas, aged 40 yeera, also died suddenly at No. 137 Ludlow-atreet.

The Coroner was Botifled la both cases. Pavxt. aged 21 years. a native of Ireland, a sailor, having ao home, Jumped off Pier No. 29, East Biver, last evening, while intoxicated.

He waa rescued from drowning by the Police Fbancis Ai.i.xn. aa emigrant, waa run over by a Tnird-avenae car, oa tka corner of Twenty-fourth- treat, and had hia foot injured. The driver waa arreated by the Eighteenth Ward Polioe, nut wie afterward released at the request of the wounded man, who waa taken to the Hoepital. Axotheb Pbobablb HoncTTjs. At 7 o'clock but evening William Pooxji and CHaUa-Toraxa Dalx quarreled on Pier No.

42 North Biver, at the toot of Canal-street. During a struggle taat ensued Dalx was dangerously stabbed by Poof-x. wbo waa subsequently arreated by Roundsman Hush KB and Officer MoAnsMa, ef the Twenty-eighta Precinct Police. The wounded man was taken to Bellevue Hospital, where he now lies la a critical condition. ParsZlTTATTOH TO EuFXkTIBOB SaOTH.

On Saturday evening Hxxxx SxxTB. Yioe-President of the Americas Club, was tbe recipient of a magnificent silver punce-bowL gob'ets nsxA ladle, at tha Club house, Greenwich, Conn. The testimonial was rs re sented by tbe members of the Club, ss a token of their high esteem for the personal worth and character at the recipient, aad ta of the pecuniary value ef $3 600. The set is of solid eilver, gold-lined, aad of exquisite design and workmanship. Tha bowl, tnclading the column up porting it, ta about two feet ta height, and beautifully decorated with.

floral and marine emblems, and tb insignia of the Club. A cantre-puee oa the front of the bowl bears tha wordsi "Presented to Hxkxi Batrra. Yice-President of tae Americas Ciuo, by ths members, Aug. 14. 1868." The preeenuuon was made by Win.

M. Twxxn, President of ths Club, a lew appropriate remarks, aad was brwfly ro-ercsded to by Mr. Shorn, after which the party as aetcoied. numbering eount ninety aarmbrrs, aid a ay isvutd guceta, rer.ook ot aa elegant dsaax. The grounds ware haadeomely decorated, sad Om- in a ted ia im evening.

ArianPiait Witb Htrmtmm The Police of tbe rorty-stxth Precinct last Bight received mtormatioo tbat a German aamed Awstrst GAwraBB, aad residing la Cook-atreer, K. had attempvad to klO his wife, by stabbing bar ta the back with a large knita. Otmn was arrssted by Officer Uiua ead locked up. The women's injuries are of a eertooe nature, but ft ta believed tbat ahe wUl survtvs them. It ta said that ieeloasy was tae eaaaa of tae deadly rOREIGlt MARKETS.

LcxTXlN, Satwrday. A eg. MtlOA. ht. Oaaseia aaeaed at ui for aaoaer.

sad MHHt for ae- eoaat. Ansaa-ioaa goeuritva opened at the followuig raUa: fntted Ktatea Five-twenty Illinois Central Railway Bbare FwABaroarr. Salurdav. Aug. la 11) A.

M. TJatted State hoods, JsJ4' foe tba ras-a of ISO. Paxis, tVatavday, Aag. Mv The Boaras fs trrmer; Heats. Tuf.

B7o. x-rvxaroou Aag. la US A. Bt. CSO-rroxt Th market opea aetiv.

with aa aooee la prices. Tbe sales of th day are set-mated at 1S.OUS bale. Th" following are th opaaung AaTKrwa: Midd'iag Upland HVf. Middling Orleans V-V'-T'1- aXA Th market is saeady at the roj owing qaotaiiona: Cora, S9a. ft qaarte-- for 'Mixed WM.rn.

Wbst la, ia. cental for WJite Caafor-Bia. and 11a. 3d. for Ko.

1 feed Western. rter. aa. at buahel forCanadtaa. Oats.

tw. Id toe e- caa. Peas, ala 1MK Moor. aua. bhl.

tor Weat- gafwa O4b0ws- Paovtsiows tteef vn. Sd tteree for Exwre Prlaae Meaa. Pork Taa, bbL for EastarB Prim Lard. 66a. ewt, for Amrioan Ch.

eu. fwt, for best grad of Amertaaa fine. Bseoa, Btav ad. ewt. tor Cam norland Out.

Pbodccb fctesio, a. Sd. at ewt. for common JNorth Carotin, and 19a. Sd.

for fine. Tallow, sia. Sd. a) ewt. Tarpentina.

21m. Sd. ewt. lor Spirit. Patrol em m.

la. Hd. at saloB for Band. aad lOHd. for bturisa.

Oo- veraeed, 3a. Sd. ewt. for Asaeneaa Red. xxIxo.

Satauday. Aag. lBdlrm A. m. Saa-sr, SSa.

wv tor No. 11 Dateb rMaoaaro. oa the spot, duty paid. Whale Oil. braarm Oil.

iSf. Lin-teed Oil. 3 toe. Unseed. Ms.

ewt. for ta estta. Linseed Cakes, ill If. ton for this oblong. London, Saturday.

Aug. 3 P. M. OanaoU slossd at for aaoaey. t-UamtMJi for as-oonnl Amerteaa immiw een see aai-ww nttadstatee Five-tweatv Bonds.

r.ii iliaois Central Bailway IlllimiT. Dstoroay, United btate U(41 tor th neue of leW. Lnrxspoou 8turdy. Aaa. 131 P.

M. COTTON Th maraet cto4 buoyant and higher. The sales of the day exceeded tb morning estimate by S.0U9 baiea, footing ap hales. The fodowing ars the ci-ieing quotations: Middling Uplands. J5- Middiiag Orleans.

BBADSTTJrTS The market etoeed quiet and eteady. Corn. 83e. Wbeat 12. 3d.

for White California, sad lis, lor No, 2 Red Western. Pbovtbioxs Lard eloeed firmer sad sdvaaeed th laat aaie were mads at SB. 3d. ChM aaa advanced Amenoaa aae, Sda. Sd.

Othea qaotatioa anchanged. Paoppca Spirits Pstrhleam has advaaeed to lOd. gBUoa. Ionoon. Saturday.

Aag. lW P. M. Sperm Oil haa declined CI, snd is Bow quoted at tSS ft tea. Othr artioiae aaobanged.

AHTwxar. Saturday. Aug. la. PlTBOL-tUM 62f.

for Standard White. Bhahoaak. Wadneeriay, Jafy 18. Exchange ea London, aix months sight, liia. Parts credits, six aooatha, Tf.

87So. Op ions Malway. 4109494: Palo, for now. 480. Gray Sbirtinga 6i.

one teal 93e3 taeUTWhite Bhiruags 64 reed. 3 teal. 23 taela, 36. T. Clotha, 36-inch, on taei.

8U, 316; long ls seei-let, taela, 96, American Dnlla. 4 taela, rS. 43J; do, heetins-s. 4 taela. 'au: American Jean a.

3 taels. 30. Tea Hananow Black tor Reaaiaa aoeount, SlKaMl taela. Present price enow a dec in of 8 taeie from th opening range. Green Export to tb United State for the eeaeon of ieVt-ea ware to Great Britain.

lis. The sew season business iseonfined to Pingsneys for England at3S4tV taels peoui, which tn equal to last yaar'a prices the new moyane will arrive aome wk hno. Stilts Tbs total export for leCT-SS wsre SV- bale. lh nw aoa ooeoed oa tne 4th beet No. 3 Taatlee, 67r676 taela pecul: export to date.

1,89 bales. Freights All ths Beet of tea elippers bav gone to Knglend at 4 10a At to Americaa aConealat daring Aorii, May aad aTane U9 vessels entered; total tonnage, 125.1M tone. YokohabIA. Bnnday, Jafy M. Amsrieaa Drills No demaad.

Gray Shirtinrs. fl ilxttti. Sagoa Biee. tttti le. Sugar firm at 5( I pecul.

fiilka Su-pplie tor laat fortnight about 6 1 p-eula Oebu at, 63 10 peoui Mybaah aot yet to head. About 430,100 cards at silk worm Egg bav arrived here: prices ol beat Oahu. 64 60 card best Siuchia. $4 26vtt4 TS: evenorte from 50c. eM.

Tea Large amvala are expected within th next few weak. Ships yoWawit. and Bemefaetrem are loadina with tea for how-York: Onom. for LiverptioL Price for Good to Common. (lk34; gins.

S3 A833; Cboic- for London and Naw-York. 3 16 int aternng St ton. ExohajiaTe oa Londoa. bank aix-mootha' aigaC 4s. pnva, 4a.

ludt oa Nsw-terk, 13 cant, dts- DOMESTIC MARKETS. CHICAGO, Sarurdsv. Aag. 18. rtvova dull; Spring Ex ra $9 76.

bbat active and advanced IXc.aJo.: aalae of No. 1 at 61 asah St St: No. 1 at 61 T7. Cum active aad declined lo. sale of No.

1 at txt: No. 3 at Hc.St9tVo- Oats moderately active and declined Vio.wlV-: aatee at Mo. vSo. kndec'ined sale at 61 3vt61 36. BabLBT unsettled: No.

in etore. 61 60. PaovmiOM dull and inactive. res Poax nominal at 639 JA LaBD 17 We. Stjsab Picklxd Hams and Bclx Msats inactive.

Wbibkt. ib bond, nominal at Vvx Bxxr Cattlb dull and nncbanred. Lrvx Boos dull: tight to 69 69 A B1.IOHT advanced IV: Cora to Buffalo, o. SSe. Ryctipra to-day e.0X.

bole, flow, sunt boehei beat. 19J.UUU buehela torn. 127.0 buabela Osta, 8.6UU Live Hogs. PHIPMrNTS 8.0D0 bbls. Floor.

63,009 boah-sls Wheat, H6.UU1 basbsls Corn. 23,000 bashsls Oats. Oswxoo, W. Saturday. Aug.

IS. rtvotra active; sale 2.000 bbia. at 9 Tosasf 10 for Ho. 1 Spring: 6U for Amber Winter; 612 for White: 613 for Doable Kxtrs. Wheat scarce and firm; aalee 3.1 00 boahela blteCanada at 63 46.

and 3.000 busnela No. 1 Milwaukee Clnb at 63 30. Cobn quiet: aaieakaOO boahela No. 1 at 61 10, and 1.0)0 bisheU do. at 61 IL Cobn Meal, 63 4li ewt, Mtxxrxxo eteady: ahorta, 6234 624: rhip nffa.

3waf27, aa.i Middlings. 63eV too. Calf At, Fbeiohts Wheat Cora So. to hew-York. Laxa Imi-obtb bwaoeia tvneat; B.Bus baubel Corn.

Canai, Expobts XitO buabei Whaat; X3.UJ0 bushels Cora. FrTTALO, naturday, Aua-. 16 Bxcxuii Wheat. 60 000 buabela; Corn. 196,000 bnsneW; Oata, 12,008 bushels: Flour, bbls.

Bhit btk its Wheat. AUa) boehsl: Oorn. 164.BDU kwahsla Oata, 43,009 buahsl. Fxvcioht 13e, oa Cora and So. oa oaii WbxaT salsa fUJ ts, to New-York.

1 1X1 UB qoiet and aaehanged. dull; bpriag nominal, cobn quiet aad lower; Law In III i la Mixed Western, part to arrive, at 61 tfMalio as to Quality. Oats dull: sale of on ear of New at C6e. en the track. Rtx nominal.

Babxbt Bal of one ear Canada Nw at 1 Ta, th Brst quotation of the aeaaoB. Mxaa PtajX-630 for heavy. Labi). Is. 1J.

bixrafum, Toixdo, tUttrrdav, Aag. 13. FLOtJB quiet. Wblxat Amber to Weilmwn White a ah ad lower; sales of White Michigan st 63 33: Amber Miehtgan at 63 Us63 Uimota, 83 36; No. 1 Red.

63 MSSII IA: No. I Spruig, 63: No. 3. 61 S3. Coax dull aaa lower at 61 0 for No.

i. Oats setive bat a ahade lower; aalee of No. 1 at M.e.c57a. Etc aaeaaaged at $1 60 for No. Lass Fbkiohts firm; Wheat to Buffalo, by sail, tciaae.

Rxcaojia 46tj bbls. Floor. buah- vi neat, a wo ouanaia -uora. a.uuo aoahaia Gate. Bhttbtknts 4.600 bbla.

Floor. lttOuO baahal Waaaa. oaaasis vera, pasusts vaats. Br. Lotjtb.

Saturday, Aug. u. Tobacco active but vincbsnged. KLona quiet but unchanged Superfine, 64x9464Tt: Extra. 67 96063 35: Dooiiie-B'xtra, S-S-t Trbi Extra tn ancy.

ail 613. Whkat heavy; Prime to Fancy Red Fall. 61 S6at 63 33; eaoioe White, 63 86. Cobn dull; White. 2e ia) ota.

Oats declining: sales at 6oaaSo. Btx heavy: sales st 61 16a6l 30. Poax firm et 639 7tk)63u aO. Bacon Nw Clear Bid, 17e. old could aot be had lor 17c Clear Rib Side.

lo. Ltxn Choioe Tierce held mi. 18aO. Caxtlx, 63oa6 60, groae, for Oonuaoa to Choice, CiNUNNATT. atardav, Aug.

IA Froca duB and deeliiwd 26c; Family $10 $10 28. WbxaT easier; th receipt are large: new Bed, 6w 63 10; White. 63 40. COBB. S3e.a4o.

for Ear. Oats tee.7o. for chose No. i. Btb dull st 61 36.

COTTON and TOBACCO nominally anchanjrsxl. Whdikt dull at TOs. in bond. Pbovtbiowb anil. Miss Poax.

68T6. Labxi. 1740. Btrut MXATS, 13Ve.e)UH. Bacon bhoaldsrs.

Clear Rib. bugar-eured Uaaaa, lie aaaao. BtJTTXB, Bwi tai7e. Gold. iA5)4 rtTW-OaxXAws.

Seaurdsy. Aag. U. Cotton quiet; Middling nomm-ily ao aalee or ex porta; yeeipta, 87 bales. Staaiiag bensttge.

Ustf SI S3. Nw-Yrk nght.axebaage, liVsnt, premiam. old. lt)4, StroAB aad MoLAsaxs steady bat dull aad BDehaagad. FLOtra quist Superfine, 68 60: Treble Astra.

69 60: Choi, COBN dull at 61 lOwfl tae atock is light Oars qatet at eao.w7o. Mat Nose oa the landing: from th store. Bban, 61 26. FOBS ateadv at 611. Baoon Shoulder.

Clear Sides, Mio. Laju iMdy at Ue.w3le. Phiiixiwia, Baiarday, Aug. It. Cotton unchanged Mlduiing Uplands, 29io.

SOo. Middling Orleans, 61 a. Px-raoiiTTM declined: Cradeaomiaal at lee. in balk; iwhaed, UcgJJko. oa th spot, kLOTjB in light demand: Notthwestera ExTra Family, (9 6P611 60; Psnasylvaata and Onto atxtra kamuy.

$106U 60; Fancy, $13(14. Whbat la fair demaad; sales 3,006 basben Bed at ti 40wt3 80. Btb steady at 61 66. COBN very qatst; Ye. low.

$1 776)11 aj; Mixed Westara. 61 34181 M. Uats eteady: New, Old. nte-wWe. Gaocxaixa aad Pbovisions aacbaaged.

liTJTarviiXB, Saturday, Aug. IA Tobaooo firm; sales 66 hbda. Log to Medium Leaf. 6713; Outtinr. tit 900)811 Buperflns FLOtra.

6T. Whxat Prima. 6l It fur Bod aad $3 for White. COBB In bulk. 90a.

Oats, 46o.j)4o. Mxas POBK. Laxid. Baoon ahouiders. Clear KiB Side, Cleer Sides.

17; Balk Sboolcter, lXae; Clear Side. UK. Raw WaUSXT. tree, aa aaaaAl ax liorina Middling, DwS. aiLTiOTXi, sstardsy, Aag.

18. Fiotnt a nil sad unchanged. Waaax declining sales of Me. 1 et fit Na 1 tilt mm da and converted them from their aereeiee or Coaa unsettled at 61 for No. 9.

Rscair rs 1.909 bbls. Flour. 10.01a) bnahai Whaat, 3 buaBaa Oats. Lota) bush at Cora. SeuTMBBTS if hoax.

Fleas. BAXTmoma. Batarday, AasvU. Cotton qwJett Kiddhnes. 39 Ite.

Tuna ohm ssa seareely so fins: prin nnehangwd. Whxat doll: prime deliBd aalee at 62 6Mg. ri. Coaa dad: Whito. fl lf61 30, Oats dell: Prime, 0e.avo.: low graoW.

ioa-wllao. KTB ateadv at Al AO. Panvuinut aad aaehanged. Cotton The saarket to dull; ealee, two oaya, 46 baaxe; Micdliaga aoaaiaal at reeeipts, two days. 61 bate: sxports oeaatwiae, LA ba-M.

-a-tltTls, rUtarrday, Aag. IB. oi ion Nothing dolne; receipts, 2 ha in FLotTB dall; baperfina, Whxat, 61 80962. Oats, tee, BAOOB-bhoeJdors, Ciear hide. lJXe.

IT AVtJOtJsTA, Ga bataraay. Aag. la. Taa Cotton market ooauaaee sinssrtingij dull) sale 3 bale quota tioo are aomraaL The total steefc at iiaaxburg aad Aogasta, by saaaal sooat, as k6i3 bale. Savannah.

Ga, Sattsurday. Aag. IS, COTTON quiet aad anchanged; rsosinis, 1 bals: exporta, eoastwiae, 1.1)9 bai. Wilmington, It. (X.

Batarday. Aug. IA Smrrs TrrxrutTUB firm at Ala, Rxaih aaieti No. 1. 63 (A.

Ta firm at 64 2k Mobxlb. Alav, Batarday. Aug. IA COiTOB? The market ts quiet; sale-, 116 oaleet Middling. 37Xat resaupt, 3 bales; ezporte, X.UA balea.

Movements ol Ocean Steamers, Aag. Utaofboetoa Aaa. 6.... Liverpool New-York. pamark Aug.

A Saaeeua Naw-Yor. Llvwroo 1 tus-Yon Aug. ii rasas a. Al.ppo Naw-Yor Up 1 w-k etk POM mumOWsX rnbrta. I it Ik w-Trk Mankwr-a Aag.

1 w-YTt rtaeeia MaahaUi 'ta A a. SB aw-Tor Liv-i-TL? Vaioa Braai-. City of Boeaoa Aaa. New-York UrZJ AtaJaata. Aag.

J5rc Hibermi Aaa. Viile do Parte tsa asx- bartharq Laxht, 33 Nw-T auvajta Am i a-Yrtt kwnwaa: Jotaasbta V. S- Yv li a.ana. ZZ. Dtpartar tvoretcn Mali.

TUTSDAW MaHs for neuvpe 6 aeataamptaa Sappaaaaeatary mall fr yoai totters oa Pior toot Third street, Habokss, to 1:48 P. M. aOepni-tnt-o of Dwaneatle ffntls- Fast A. aad P. Waetera Mails 6 A.

IL. 3: JO, JC i aad 4:11 P. Long Island A A. M. aad i Ua) P.

hevrportaad Fall River A P. wVoekCwtcat statli 4 6 P. North Mail A. M. aad 4 P.

Narta Mail. Way. A. M. sal 4 P.

Steal Mail at 6 A.M- aad 4: SI P. Oa aaa da i a all mat at eios p. V. passtagsrs ArvtwseJ. Am tC a sissnsibis saa.

ti isi tfmsssl Ward" ay J. Liyd. John Ryaa aad wife. a. Soloenoa and is Iv, a tae, B.

boJomoa. aliaa A. Soiomoa bok-saon. Mm K. Solo-axon.

J. McCleilaa. Mr. tUlwaro. Me.

Wilkiaaoa, Miaa Ijeanox. ta Lennox Kav. J. O'Coaaex. Cant, xiotchkl.

lady aad eh-ld, R. G. Halhbaurt-aa. tn ostitis) fmrmm, from Hmo-ttolmmt J.H. Haana, wifev.

hild and aervaax. P. Miehoa. ale Belly, F. Ja frotd.

Mrs. Spir-. Miss Wagaswr. Mr. A.

liana. Mksa C. Dovl. Mr. Brink sad soat.

Raw. -f. I ownoy. K. Holland, il.

Bis-wry. Mr. Joanax-I'a. O. Wloaaam.

Foly. Kpier J. Wiaohilt. J.

Sheahanand. wife. fc. la. Millar.

U. B. aad wife, W. W. Washburn.

B. P. Cham oils. Mrs. Wets, Gee.

1 laor. O. Waadaor. J. htttrptiy.

Jit atmstalfB iinm. torn ffiissnstl g. W. Draxs. moad, Xrf.

W. jtimmoDd, I chi drss aad ntii, Uo. K. Barter. Mrs.

Geo. R. Barter. Mr a Sfiae. Master Shaw.

Mra. E. Yaaaax. E. 8.

R-mutartoa, Mra. K. 8. Rmin4rtoou M. J.

Doyi. P. CKtrts, U. Boms. W.

Clark, a. MrBsnastt. Theo. Smith. N.

Straw. Mra. Brown. Mrs. Ftornoy, at.

F. Grr. Mr. J. F.

Oreer, lr T. ta. Walab, L. Goldberg, Siraoa. Mr.

Leon. J. Bernard. Kami. Pule ton, H.

aorta. Marx, Mora. Jamea Oxtyrne. J. Winter.

V. bterner. Aatoaiar Soovaras. Chaa. B.

Nattiag. Waa. S. Oabsoa, T. J.

Warren. Air. t.aaay. Mr. Oterling.

W. Ptoekmaa. Mia. ateeoy. air.

root. Ta swaataAtp Gm. MrmSs, from Jfrvs-OHiawi Mrs. 8. Bruaa, Sebtldrea and aervaat: Capt.

D. K. Atavo, Newton Hicbarda and wife. Philip A at. tax.

Tboe. Prratisalt J. J. I-arrisoa, Tho. Mortoa.

A a taa Moauro. BrrNTATtrB ALMANAC TWt BAT. 6 131 baa sees. 66 1 Mooa Sstl. 86 Mia WATAB THIS OAT.

snaty 7 49 1 Uov. lataad. 7 6 I Hah Uea 6 3 MARINE 1NTELLIGE1NCE. SUNDAY. Aag.

ML nrrtwaex. rHeasashlp Rapldan. Cheeeemsa. Savannah Aag. with mdse.

aad paaaenawr to Livings to a. Fox A Oo, Expneteed atrong N. winds from Tvbse to Hat-teraa, Aug. 12, passed bark Chart Brewer, of Bock-land, boaed ap the nver. 14th.

19 miles N. JS. of Car-a-Lookeut, passed steamship Geo. Ham, banc for Savannah. Same data.

A. passed saaaaxehip Sara foe, heaoe for Ohsrlestsa; off Hatter as, steamship ent, bound 8. Steamahtp Cortes. Nelson, New Orleans Aug. 8, with-mdse.

aad naaaeBgers to H. B. Cromwell A Oo. Aug. 13, Caryafort N.

12 mile, passed hems, brig Ueary A fool, ef New-York, bonnd N. Steamship Loaisa Moore, Walls, Nsaheia, rf. with naval stores aad pssssngsrs to array. Feme A Co. Steamship Geo.

Meade, Bampooa, Wew-Orleens Aug, 6, with mdae. aad rasaamar to mmael Stevens. Steamship Saratoga, A 'exander, Richmead aad Nor fo'k. with mdae. aad tissssngsrs to Old DoaalBtoa htssm-ship Co.

Steamship John Olbeoa, Winter. Waahlagtoa sad Alexandria, with Bad, aad psmsagers to Fhiliipe A Brown. Steamship Aenshnst, atelly, Nw-Bsdrora with mdae, and passengers to Ferguson A Staamahip Glaaetxa. Waldea. Bostoa, with mdae, sad pa-Mann to W.

P. Otvda, Steamanip Brunotte. Howe. Philadelphia, with, mdae. and pa ngra to J.

Lorillard- Steamahip Eleotra, Molt, Pron dense, with mdae. aad passengers te Isaac OoaiL Steamer United State. Da vat Fall Rtvwr Bark Dover, lot Wilmington, Del .) S'llphea, Leghorn May T7, with marbla rags. As-to Wm. ite A Co veeael to master.

Paaa-d Gibraltar Jan 14; ha had a Don of Marat vii aad eaima tae eatrre paTt AngS. lat. 33 6J. Ion. n.

a poke bark Eqnidneelt, front Bio Janeiro for paitimoro. aaa ootaiaea xrom ner a nnnlt of water. Br Two Marys, (of Dlgby, N. 8.J German. Eass.

Cuba, 3 wi sugar aa molasses to B. F. Small A Co. Has had fine waa' her the entire passasa. aad b-a 4 da.

north of Hatteraa. Brig Blanch. Kif Liverpool, If. BO Deaa. Deawsrara 27 da, with eager aad xaolaaaes and eaa.

naaeenser to A. H. bolomoa A Co. Teas si to Morrwoa A Phillipe. Has beea 4 da.

aorth of Hatteraa, with light soataeriy winds. Brig Medea, fof Plymouth. Lttt'e, Rio Grand do Sal 74 with hides. to. Chris.

Tlimv; veasel to George F. Bnliy. Brig Sussa. tof Halifax.) Crow, Windsor, H. 13 ds witb pis-r to Orsadall.

Cxaphrar A Ocv vsaeal to J. P. Whitnsv A Co. Bohr. E.

M. Hamilton. Smith, Nevr-Havwa, with ear flxtares for Paeifio Kail road Oo. Schr.alane M. Braiaerd, Fraaa, Portlaad.

Coaa, witb stone to Tboe. Dunn. bear. Hannah Chave, Prats, Portland. rVwis, with ston to Handling A Ryaa.

Schr. P. P. Brady. Browa.

Haw-Havea, for Port John, Schr. M. J. Webb. Baokingbaaal strixabethport, for Hartford.

Schr. B. T. Choreh, Gifford. Cape Cod.

with flab to Corn slock A flirnx Bohr. Emily o. Deaisoa. AO Naw-Havea, for Albany. Schr.

Ha PenSald. Portlaad. Conn, wrttx-stoo to Wilaoa A xvoward. Soar. K.

H. Hubbard. Godtray, Portlaad. Coaa, with etooe to OoBBfliiy A Oowaa. Schr.

P. ti. Aniieraon. Btnkta, Portlaad, rasa with -Stone to Lxdlow A Mttobeii. Senr.

Gen. Maoe. Kai'og. HdMbore. If.

dav, with plaster to Wothrpooa Broa. Mchx. Alligator. Robinson. Wast port, (or Pniladsl-phia.

be nr. Pell S. O. Toaght, Haileck. Httattngtoa, for Albany.

Schr. Oeeaa Star, Keoaedy, Booklaad. with Urns to Jed Frye A Co. r-ehr. James McEee, Lyxtoh, Norwalk.

for faiaabeta- porb Schr. Hsj-rtet, Crowiey. Addiaoa, Ma. wtth huaber to-Snow A Bicliardaoa. Sebr.

J. IX. IagTaJiaxa, Pxshinaoa. Uartiord. for Phil-adalphia.

Schr. Margaret Keaaedy. MlUa, Naw-Havwa, for New-bars. tvohr. V.

Merwin, Baaee. Prerldeaos, for XlisahetA- port. behr. Geovwia Todd, faew.) Dasia, Oalaia 6 ahv, witav lumber to or ham Boar 4ntan. behr.

Witiiaxa. Willtama. Clintoa Point for Neaboiy-aort. Schr. James E.

Cahin, HaJlsok. Xoadoat for Hart- fori. schr. Maria Flsaxiaa. Williama.

Newaarg far New Ejemaam. 8chr. Moatowteo, Coakliag. Jaokaoavillo da, witht lumbortoP. Nel-oa.

Behr. Brasoa, Keltov, Port Joliaeoa for BawtfortL Schr. Diadem. Keiay, Newbaag for -teapots. Senr.

Jaxaee B. Saxito, Baaaman Readout for Bnataat Bohr. Yankee Boy. Re vee. Newborc for Norwalk.

Bohr. Abb K. Campbell, Wnbor. Alaxaadna. Behr.

Jacob BirdaaJl. Haaietea, Vxrgiava. Senr. O. O.

Sadler. Hilton. Virginia. Scbr. Wax.

K. Knsi, Sopor, Alexandria. -Schr. Biisabeth White' Deeama, Virginia. Behr.

KaoDahsnaoek. Coraoa, Pawttieket, Behr. Moaxaoath. Mathews, VTarvbam. behr.

8. Asotegate, e-ulmxaa. Bri.lcaport, Senr. Beaj. Butter, Fowler.

Provtd-uaoe. behr. Hla Mar. Rich, riuilaeaee. Behr.

Biaat, Parker, haw-Haven. Behr. On on, Wintera, Port garwsx, Sehr. Matb Maakd. Greeawteh.

behr. Ailie Oak. R-iilsboro, Pswtackat. Behr. t'slsata, Mxuth.

UaatiBtrten. bohr. Widard. Oawl. Prwridewoa, for ITlxsttethporV.

bohr. Ilootwing, Naah. Prormsai. Schr. Umitoon.

Clay, btoniaartoa. Behr. JoawrhiB. Hall. Bridgww, fas Hewwaraj.

Behr. bsaport, Fstton, borthpert, behr. Eeeort. Ball. Brid report.

Bear. Usdine, Martin. pBuaoalphtA for Warehanv Bohr. Hasietoa, Garoiaer. Philadeinhia, for 'i auiosv Sehr.

Cathsna, Dsvis. EliaariethportTior ttalaaa, Bohr. Saxon, Cassidy, Elisabsthport, for Salem. Schr. Psvilhoa.

Parkr.Poaghkepie, tor WeyaxoataV Sehr. Aatoinetta, Ataeki, Aibaoy. tor PreTidaaoe. Behr. A aaa Borlaad.

Ball. Virginia. Behr. Mary L. OomrjioswD Pew Vtrartaia.

bohr. Joba 3 way, iamaa, Yirgtaias behr. Clara Cow art, Ooviavrtoa, Yargiaja, By Teieci-etph. CHAHLESTOM, Aag. 16 Arr.

tbsas, from Philadelphia. Std. ship Richard I1L for Liverpool! brig Fanny, fr Boatoa: bng A. H. iiootbb.

iot naittatore. SAN FKANi CISCO. Aag. 16 Arr. at ahip Horatio, from New-York, and bark laUoa waaaa.

from Boston. FINE "WATCHES. desire to eaa the attoa'tea of Wataav-bayne to tha very fin Waieb Bmad by the AMERICAN WATCH CO. CF WALTHAM, aad kaowa as th 3-4 Plate, 16 Siie. Te the Btsaafaotore at tht have devoted all the seteaee Watebae the Comasay aad skill ta the art at thenr aim that far fissssss sad grsstsr exeellsBsseef xn- aadeeeadeatty ty.

aot toss thaa for the shtalnsl sad oieatifio of assure aaa sisss taoa, these wsAeaee will ee Baade ia say eoaatry. la favorably with the sest try tae Baaaafaotara of enoh Watahee Is not attempted exsspt a9 HOWARD fA No, 619 Broadway, N. I. Gi BEAT B1KQ1UI ARB orayKBatD asuby ia toasv soft, msiiasxsl fisoxv eoaare aad ail tods of the tMihrstti sheep sash stores sf THOS. soraar Greaawxch and At array sarewU, Nsw-Tork.

ROT Ax, HATASA IrfrTTHty OS CTJS PnxwspaidiB goto, lalormatioa tBraishod, Set rata paid lor deaidooas, aad ail kinds of '4 silver. AxLOR A CO, aaa-aars, a. 14 Via--. hew-York. PttlZlCS OkIIED IN ROYAL.

HAVANA. Rsntoeky aad Miaaeart Lotteries. Ciree sr ea4 and ixtformatloa gives. JOaEPH BATr.S. Pea tasaaa xxy, ho.

ASai, Aa, timdnA.

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