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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 4

New York, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

HEARST ADDRESSES 1 ALBAHY SENATE Crowded Chamber Hears His Plea for the Income Tax Amendment and Direct Nomination. HE FLOUTS STATES' RIGHTS tmy a Federal Taa Crnat Affect Them Calls Bess ayst.m a Malevolent Despostlsm." year, 7k Srm Ti-w. ALBAST. May U. William R.

Hearst waa rfl4 to-nUM when, upon tb Inflation of IetrocratlJ Rena-tore. fce delivered an a44rea befora tha ambert the lppr House. Mr. Hear.t re1 te I.e'tatare to ratify tha torm tas amefldnert anl la faa a fair brinurr law. Tba Henate Ooor m1 aalierW.

were rrowde.1. ervd were to entbu.U.ra by tha speaker a pi to' opuiar U4UL Uor. Coewav. wb presided. trortured Mr.

IUnt Hefor- the ineetlns Clnaer In bii honor waa siren tT Mr. an4 Un. Martin IL Glan. Th ware Mr. and Mrs.

J. I. Lyon. Mr. Hn.

fri W. Wadhama. llersetiet Rof mrXM. Senator llobert F. Vaaner.

ma-nrit leader th Ser.afe. and Senator J.BU IUKml. the Independent. th Leaaue memb-r of tb ffpr Houm. A ovoo ihoM who applauded th sentl-Sieata of Mr.

Hearst wet prominent tnember. of llv Henat and many Bute fr.cUl. Mr. Heamfa espertenee aa a Xfemocratle ard Independence Leaeu adlda( for pjblkc office ave considerable political interest to hi visit, especially shown when declared that If a honest pr1ftry wer denied would oatiBM to fiat for bia principle ut-eld party line "Joba D. Rockefeller, aa eminent economist la every sense of th word." aw.

id. re pert ad to bav contended thai th Income tar la confiscation. All taxation la coolacatloo. In a ernsa. And any rU-h man who avolda Juat taxation la a defaolt-r In hU duty to th Stat, and a repodlator of hi duty to security.

"There 1 neither vrraeity nor sincerity CALLS POWER GRANT INVALID BurtTa Bill Repealing Lena Sault Franchise Before Com mitt ta. SH1 Nrm Kara Twee. ALBAKT. May two hours to-diy tb Judiciary Commute of th Sn-at serloualy eonalderad Beaator Burda hill, which repeala the law 1vin th Lone Bault Development Company a fraa-ehla to develop water power oa th St. UvriM R1tt at Mana on th around that th Uw which th company a perpetual fraachla In 1M7 uncoB" tltutlor.aL It waa -ahowa at a bearing1 that th Block company la wnd tr Jb Aluminum Company America, which 1 aid to control th output aJu mini una In thla country.

rwfcr Senator B'ird and Co- MwJ1; rounl of th Koreat. Kl.ll atul im Cotnmlaatofi. mado th arerumewt ta fJJ of the rrp-al of the law. which waa Vf Oor. Iluha.

It waa aaid that th. law in dnwn by Oeorta W. Wlckeriham. now Untd State Attorney General. Th lh franc hla ba their elaim of oconttutlonallty on th intention that technically th land under the lit.

Ijiwrenc Itiver. ao far aa It THE NEW YORK TIMES. THTJBSDAY. 3IAY 18. 1911.

WILLIAMS ATTACKS SUBWAY COMPROMISE I nur ay.t.m aelf-aupporting- J1" the detecUvea workin on he turned to tb lnterborouU a lha r0" with him mkedllll deacribed .11 that hap pened in OKelllya of lice. Telle Brooklyn Audience That Deal with Interborough Now Would Be Dishonorable. GETS A VOTE OF APPROVAL After Hanbury Tries Speak Ao-'" Raalrtloa mnd la Hooted Down with Crie. Where Jerome? Col Timothy 8. J'" jj Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt Company a a meetm held In th of Brooklyn.

Uat ovanlnC oy auiea at any Ma ctrolteTby New Torh J. a Prt Brooklyn. and th Brooklyn Kapia nn. return on til to Then Th lntrbortruf Company baa etood nrmJy alnco Dec 6 upon th proposition that, although the "new Una to dded ho ooerated aa part of their ayetem. all the eamlnsa from th preaent lines ahall are rated and ahall not to tb allshtaat extent ueed to carry tb new Hoe.

It 1 even wore than thla. It actually provide for eweli-i tt xlnlne lines bv rea- eon of th new llnea. and from that awell-inr revenue the city eta not a cent of return. I not uae to cnucwrnirn im Doe of bualnea aa ha'vtmt aouarht to th peopi or aa mjecuui their proposals ao many amhlg-ulUes and uncertainties aa to make It likely that. If adopted, th city would not a-ettlna; what It mlcht think It waa But I do aay that so far aa tb public can ret any Impreaalon from the Interbor-ouajh'a with the dty, that Impression does not Justify conndenc In either tho alncertty of their motive or th directness or their matnoua.

kind of bargaining- belonga to an old-faah-loned era." O'REILLY KNEW THE THIEVES. Lawyer Saya th Defendant Offerad to Recover Stolen Securities. Flv witnesses were examined yeater. nMA.ntnv the POTTl- I pT prinTed wrttt II. U- n.nbury.

TaftTln a-ipport of th constitution- "r.7'Lj wl! T. Jeroma a imr of th Ptat. arant. Mr. Canar bo aueced on on nii I the company would spend 5'dJ preventlnc t- deVeloplnower.

half that suinbelna day ini. th r. K. waa reoulred to sareauard nav. ration on th nlKht.

but without Mr. Je- rlTer II admitted that to stock waa hand laat were proposed owned by the aluminum company. orSteatlnV asalnst any plan to divide th lt waa declared that the company had th "r'Mr HalU pent Ii. aculrln land In 81. ln T.

offer. Mr Htn- rise in. i th franchise waa destroyed th company Th com- never could act back Ita money Th com-twtnv under the term of the law eaJl paid th. ana will pay "leg. of wm th river for power of "curtile.

from Aaron bay Bnk, mmbep ef HancrofU th bn5. ABriacwa en cis. was then adjourned until to-oay. wntn Uja expected, that who ha. am beln In th statement that Htatea rJchts ara affect In any wsy by a Kederal Income, ax.

Hut even If State- rtahta wer. af- fectad. there Is no tru IJncoln Kepub-Icaa or Jf ferontn Democrat who win co riskier State tiahta of aa much Im-bortan-e aa human rla-hta. "urely th caua of human rights cannot better advanced than by placing a Just proportion of taxatloo upon th ferod ehouUler of the rich, and ttn prt of the undue welcht of taxation from th burdenet barks of th poor. iMrect nations." declared, are a matter of popular right and of fundamental political Ubertia.

-In inudrm machine government, -b Cnrtlaued. the rltlaen no longer select their owa eandidateaL The bos ap-fmlnta the cn-llata. th cooventUm confirms appotntmeiita and th eltlsna Fo longer sl-t their wo candidate oppoee that kind of fraternal govem-pnn t. I rebel against that kind malevolent despotism. Too and I rever a rm nl a boaa.

ne are ra4v'to be ld. but ar to driven or delivered. ninrv b.iB mad to-day In this Mak your part tn that history. Tb people ar oralr. Into their own and thetr on ts evervthlng.

Ier a kxuit primary ano we mwi thovit uoul wa win. and aventually wiu wtn." FUNDS FOR BETTER ROADS. DI Hgns BUI Providing I Between f4.000.000 and Stt TV Srm Ver Ti-es. I AI.ItAXT. N.

May 17 -ov. Dig to night signed several bHla appropriating Between and tor th tasprovetneat of Stat highways, to ba provided by bonds Ustve 1 voder tb eiixoio h'ghway act. tn th measure, make provision for th Completion th unimproved h'ghway between New York a 3d Rouse IVlnt. This tout. wr.l-h la designed eoftwet.

on the Ivorder. with a blahway to M'ntrl. has oeen rferre to as to th mo.em apntanway. Tb measure aptroprtatee Vit the tKn of macadam rida Th trtrrovement ft a lal highway tSrnuih rVfitral A1irofdack region from Xulloa Chain, tn JIcKeever. an approprta wnn at 11 inti.O for the improvement In raage end Hurilvan ad another of for Improve-e.

liiiksir between and and another to rranhlln Count to spend roa.le ar pro- miAt tor on other tl.ia signea ay to arnor. BARRE0 DIXCPEECH FOR SON Reoubllcan Forbade Him to Learn It, and Kept Him from School. ALMANT. May IT. Kather than have his son learn a part Gov.

V.x a epeen conservation. W. C. Carr Water- wiit. tock hla boy out ef ch4 ana per nltted himself to haled to court on a aharr vIoUtlnej tb compulsory edu-Catlcn law.

la preparing th pupil prJgram for Arbor lar. th teacbere uaed syllabu cntalnlrsrech sent out by the Biaia durational V.o ctlona were a speech by former 1 u.b-s -nl Oov. 'riZTri' il the Dtx irpeech to learn for recitation 1.r! n.n.,sitran and ha not T. refused to let hi boy leara th epeech bat tcl-l him to St Jy away i iTTlS? irh.r Th achool thorltie.

complained and Mr. Carr wa tasen t-fore Kecorder. II tflJd th a.utborltle tr-ai ne n. i. b( 0ra i.nj snl sentence waa auscer.ded- BORROWED DIME ARRESTED J.

B. Sexton'a Nephew Touched 'Both Lieutenant and Bartender. Tlenry Carberry. PM t. Nicholas Ave-' pn nephew of -Iollc Commissioner John n.

Kemton and member of tb Jury th trial of PanJel CKeUly. waa taken befor Maartstrat "teinert tn th Night Court last ght by Lieut. Weat of th TVeatchester Statloa on a cbarg of vagrancy West told th Magistral that Carberry had entered the station in th afternoon, had ei Ulned that he had.lost hla pocket-hook tn Hi Ilaymond'a Ceanetery. where bad goe to visit bs molhera grav. and bad borrowed lu cent from the lieutenant for car: are to i bom.

Then told WeM and. th Utter aaid. pwaed a being of so much Uripor-tanv that when be Ml the station West awnt lut. K.nneJy after ht.Ti- Kolr saw ta maa go a saloon. rdr a gia rtckvy.

and tho sod Veniy a-claim tb bart.trter that be must hav lot Kia m-rie. as he bad only 1 cent. waa so w.l drss'd tat tb bartender told tint he coud owe tha money. The Kennedy rtJ htm. "arterry adrnttel eerrthlnc that eat alleged, but fi: Uin'd to Magistrate Btetn-ert that w.w be entire tb aaiooo It had siipr- tiim mind that he bad ao anooey.

Tf. Matmrate told Carberry ttiMt ba lmp-rd oa aok4 nature, but after lectura dtcbarged ruaa. Mortgas Church to Pay Lawyer. Th Mount ortvet rapt 1st Church, a eatoead la West Fifty-third Street, remission yestcn'ay ta th lnprriM 'o-rt to morteag Ita struct --rw far TT stated that none va it Burd e-ld th rornpan would be able to general from N-M" to hors t-wrr. enouch to turn every wheel in fjistern New Tork.

lncludlnc NSfr. VP-er'replled that rnator Burd cam from th Niagara DUtrtct. her Immense power companie- w. MinnxilH do not pay any- 11 ri nm thing to th Btat. Tb commute reserveq PRIM ART BILLS GO OVER.

No Ono Preaent ueToro Either for or Agklnat Them. Spl i TU Ktw frk Tim. ALBANY. May IT. Seven bills, each nM.iiinr for direct nominations, were called up for a bearing to-night before the Senate Judiciary Commute, out noi peraon waa present to favor or oppoe any of them.

Senator Walnwrlght remarket max mi abstention would Indicate that tbera waa no public sentiment In favor or tna pian aow. The commlttea postponed connofmuvu of th bill until nxt week. Tb measures Include the tooo im bills, which were th storm- centre during the session laat year, ana which Theodora Booaevell tma to aw. the Independence Leagu plan, and the administration bill, which Is ppoaed on th ground that it provide for a ballot with th party coiunu, muu mv. Meaaachueetta eysiem A oelegaiion n.mnmiic iDiurrfnts and Itepuhlicaaa.

who hav heretofore voted for direct primaries, ra.ira on to-dar and asked him to approve an amendment Incorporating trie chuaetta Imilot eysiero in tmn measur. Tb Oovernor aald be ia fh. nutlr. A similar delegation urgea upon mm naaeege of tn sri-o nut, vTlea for 8tat-wide direct nomlnatlooa The Governor aaked them to submit a tlef fi MvVrlouacrle. from the audience, on.

wk.r.'i Jerome to-nlgTbll ne reolutlona wer itua- -Th Uteat word on th tlon compromise." aald Col. -Of course thla doe. not eme from IH3 Tiromiwav the headquarter, of tn in-teTborouah Rapid Transit Company. But wheTer the Source of thea compM rumor, of th last few day. they aoem tneir onam P.rk to nave tA-nlght to endorse the UrooVlyro Ka'ptd Tr-5-lt PrIo-'.

Sh rined up by telephone by am-twdy near the Interborough orflces. ana au Claed to somewhat because there wm a probability of a compromise I be ng reached between our comnany and the Inrborough Company. uch communication hns iS gentlemen who have lnetrumentai in orcsnUlr.g this meeting. ii "Do I want to say now fmnhatlcall and fin.llv that we ar, atatemtnt not only to hut to our friend. norougns.

oe- romnromlring to make this everywhere In the five prom'ls' in certain wouM traraL From out no of tie It wrouM kl. aAmlnUnltY Ul v--- that th-r ta anythlnc thaBniVd of EatlnVato reaolu- nlttee to aai'isi ni between th New York Company and the Brooklyn Company. I r.ot 'vuth, iheMcAneny Committee or the I'ublle MiM.inn hiv unv ricn t- BfTT 'waiMIItle. and dutlee. Zfir commlUe' h-i taken evidence, re- cVlve.1 the offer, which elth-r com-Snr feels disposed to make, and the Jury fTnow out and the people are awaltm.

urVe comnroml now rertalnly means an Indefinite naonta solution of the problem Do the people want that? II is me iaai s--' Co I. Williams discussed of the offer or pooling or the earnings Jl lines, the opirt unltlea for the re lease of th city- ",7 re, concession wrereby the companv get nothing beyond It. Interest and th stated i i to jgj 5 Foremost Qotlueri Since 1845 More than 5000 Spring and Summer Suite reduced 4.50 to 10.00 Some fourteen month, ato there sprang Into being, at a direct reault of the national demand for Smith Gray at Co, clothea. the Smith Cray fit Co. special tailocine.

department. So treat has proven success, to much greater hat the demand proven than the prepare tiona which we had made for the department, that six weeks before Easter we were compelled to turn over our entire tailoring organization to the filling of the orders secured. As a result of this enormous demand, thoutandt of Spring and Summer suits, which should have been in the Smith Gray Co. stores four weeks since, are only ready now. Without any question we could in this month, in June and early Jury, dispose of all these suits at regular prices, but the Smith Gray Co.

policy demands that they be considered and treated as surplus stock, and so, instead of waiting until July or August, we axe making our reductions NOW. Included are fabrics of every conceivable color and design more than 300 in all in sixteen two and three button English soft roll and regular lapel models full lined, half lined and quarter lined two and three piece suits for men, young men and boys. TODAY there Is every aire and every fabric and model no matter how critical you may be, you can be absolutely sure of getting just the kind of garment you have had in mind, ai a sovisr rest 4 JO fa lOM. 15.50 18.50 for regular 20.00,22.5pc,25.00 Suits Here you may select from over one hundred styles of smart high grade yarn dyed and serge worsteds, worsted cheviots, crashes and homespuns in all the new grays, tana, browns and blue hair lined, pencil and fancy weave stripes and checks, and blue serges. Modcls in over a doxen correct styles for men and young men.

Our regular "20.00. 22.SO and 25.00 standards. 22.50 for regular 27.50,30.0pCS,32.50 Suits Here you get an assortment of nearly seventy-five exclusive styles of velours, flannels. Saxony casaimeres, Engliah and Scotch weave worsted cheviots, and clear and mill finished worsteds from the world's best weavers. The new exdustve brick shades, olive, grays and fancy btuce and cricketing flannel stripe weaves, in EngUeh soft roQ and plain lapel models in over a dosen distinctive styles for regular 22.50,25.(H)CSo27.50 Suits Here you may choose from over one hundred styles of exclusive weave velours, fine worsteds in all the new grays, tans, olives, browns and fancy weave blues, and blue serges' of finest Australian wool excellent garments.

The models include over a doxen different distinctive styles for men and young men. 22.50, 25.00 and 27.50 would be considered reasonable for these suits. 27.50 for regular 35.00 and .37.50 Suits In this assortment of over sixty styles we have obtained the very hi chest possible standard in ready-for-service tailoring. Beautiful imported and domestic weaves in silk chain effects on gray and brown grounds; Glen check, overplaid stripe weaves and fancy blues. These wonderful values are standard priced at 35.00 and 37.50.

for men and young men. Motor Clothes for Owners and Chauffeurs Auta Cloth Book on Rquat Smith Gray Co. i fr Tww Kw A. ti Br a way Av.li2l Sth Av, B. Tww Brawklytt 3 'ah St.

at FUtWsh at Tww Mw Yrk Storw I at Warrwa St, swa Ctty Matt, 27tkJ.2atk.S4a. j. k. Bam- nni ro the aanier ror weora brokerax firm, which had charKe IT tho securities laeniiiicu j- that wer returned by RelUy and an envelope full of newsper cliPP.nKs. which waa aubetltuted th rtrfnal the crooka who roooea 'Xfr rava th detail, of the robbery.

fled photoxrapha which wer banded to him as those of th men who hf knoc ked down. Thev wr photographa ot Cr Tate ana unariv. In reolv to th que.tlons put to him in erosa-e xam I nation by lawver. Mr. Bancroft aald he had only iZFZr to the denoalt vault In which th envelop eontalnlns; he securities waa piarea.

of Jo there until March 6. when ha dlsonrered the wtibatitutton. WlTlam M. Sullivan, the lawyer who had rhim of the eaae for the Bran-eVofU. was thin called by Assistant DI-trtct Attorney Buckner.

He told of hav-InVanrVatlon with Rellly In which th latter Mid he knew who the thieve. were and couia xetin Urancroft for raid tat reply to hi. aue.tlon why Jlelllv did not have the thieve, arreiea no who thev were, aaia er replied: Oh. I cotJian i tot wen ww I will get th securities for 10.000 all i-.

I rvTniv'a office, wher Present elevated IBM. Jtruee him a. 6mith. At i. V' TTw I K.illr Bureau.

wnow Mr. KJ'mrnSlefesJln ta hla he wltnes. aald ha had. and flJfLZ knew a man who had ten shares of th a. Tjim- The next wimes w- chauffeur who drove tor Pia and O'Reilly on the day the veara.

He could, not Identify RelHjr. Lew aald ne wouiu cuuv wm ta th cab. Lambert testl-Sed'totaklnr th three "en to Central day in th trial of ttonlel Opv" lawyer, who for receiving Park. to the flight and Itoifii rooot in co?" -'7 "o7-i tied" me vfhn SMg ffi turned Statea avldenca, wlU tak tn atand. ALTERING WALDORF-ASTORIA.

Widening of Thirty-fourth Street to be Occasion of Other Important Changes. Plana were filed yesterday for In the Thirty-fourth Kirtet aide of the Valdorf-Atorla Hotel tarder to provide for the widening ot th street by thirteen feet. Six and a hatf feet are to be cut from th tdewalk on each side, and all projections beyond leaal buildln line are to be removed. The eabVrat portico entrance at Thirty-fourth Strict and the masalve columns Irm to be. removed, and th space uaeu fo? the horl'-no d'rlv will buUtoyer aid made Into a Urge reading room.

A Dortlon of the space to the east will be Ked for enlargW the ballroom and more room will als be Provided for the cafe on the westerly aide of th preaent 'xnexxanlre dining" room will be built over the new reading room, and a row or new Pllater will be erected near th end of the present driveway for th new entrance to the hotel. -John Jacob Astor is the owner of the nronertv. The alterations win cost with Charlea RTPlatt la th. architect. Lord Taylor Founded 1826 Important Sale of Men's Furnishings Hosiery and Underwear Today, Thursday and balance of the week Negligee Shirts French cuffs: also Ugees with stiff cuffs -Mercerized cloth, 1 pleated and plain nep- fi 35 Values Si.OOandf 2.50 Century Silk Negligee Shirts with French cuffs value $3.00 Century Silk Pajamas made military 1 2 and neck models value $4.00 Muslin Night Shirts rQc with colored trimmings A 7rry Cloth Bath Robes JSj-JO Pajat7iasol fine mercerized cloth.

Value $2.00 and $2.50 Silk Suspenders value Silk Knitted Scarfs-ported and domestic), crochet and accordion weave. Value $1.50 50C Imported Spun Silk Half Hose Black, tans, navys, grays, greens, clarets, eminence cadet 35c per Pairi 3 pairs $1,00 Men's Silk" Half Hose Colored or black 65 pair Summer Underwear Imported JFhite Lisle Thread Underwear Value $1.00 5 65c Silk Stripe Athletic Underwear Sleeveless shirts and knee drawers OC 1 Value $1.50 each Men's Raincoats, $8.75 Values $12.00 to $15.00 Plain or plaid backs Broadway 20th 5th 19th St. The Electric Automobile is The Current Car Always ready, neat, silent, odorless and serviceable. Particularly adapted to the pur-. poses of madam the doctor and business man.

ASK US BAKER ELECTRICS. 1793 Broadway. DETROIT ELECTRIC Broadway at 80 tK St. RAUCH 4 LANG ELECTRICS. Brwaelway at 58 Sc.

mm i ii i mi-trnnii mt" Jl Wt-sW-W wrw MM, as a- LONG ISLAND water avpatt 15 ta Street. Salt water natala Mtae BwaUar Beaatlfal aarraaad' I i uerir- --'--a htcaty raCrtMd. aalwatwe av train rrwwa Fwawa. StaUeav Writ for plaaa aad aaawa. a 60 UBtjrrY ST-Htw Tjuwrt -i i i Guide for Country Board Are you seeking a quiet and refined place in the country The best houses are advertised in the Country Board columns of The lw York Times.

ACROSS- THE. FOOTLIGHTS When the Columbia Theatre, at 47th Street and 7th Arenue, was completed, the Architect, Mr. W. H. McElfatrick, ex-; pressed his appreciation of our work' in the following manner: "It has been a pleasure to be associated with you oa this operation, and I take this op-portunity to state that the manner in which you have carried out your obligations under this contract, as well as i the final results of your work, could bardly fail to elicit? my endorsement of your methods.

Moreover, I want to say a word with respect to the rapidity with which your work has been accomplished. The demolition of the old buildings and the erection and completion cf the new theatre were performed in the contract, -time of seren months, which is after all the best testimonial I can give you." THOMPSON-STARRETT. COMPANY Building Constructlaa Fifty-One Wall Street Double Green Trading Stamps Before 12 o'clock no conncction wrrW" GREENHUT-SlipL G( TWO MAMMOTH BS BUILDINGS. tJ.B.CREENHUTjVtS. Ift' BOTH SIDES Of I MAI A BUILDING-Dry Good and Wearing Appartl Travelers, Attention! Our Great Mav Sale of I Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases Right at the beginning of the traveling season HERE IS A MOST TIMELY SALE OF TRUNKS, BAGS AND SUIT CASES.

They are odds and ends from several of the best-known manufacturers, and we have included choice selections from our own vanea i It POSITIVELY isn't worth while to have your old travel-stained and battered wardrobe-carrier renovated, when you consider THESE MARKED REDUCTIONS: Trunks Former Price $6.50 7.50 8.00 9.2S Former Pries $5.00 6.50 8.50 9.00 Bedocea Pries $5.00 6.00 6.50 7.50 Reduced Price AJ3.75 5.00 60 750 Former Pric $10.00 12.00 16.00 16.50 Redqred Pries 8.75 10.00 12.00 130 Bags and Suit Cases Former Price $11.50 12.00 16.00 16.50 Reduced Price 8.00 9.00 10.00 12.00 Former Price $17.50 19.00 20.0O 22.00 Fornvf Pries $18.00 21.50 26.50 29,50 Sedaced Price $14-25 14.75 16.00 lsjoo Krdoce4 $14.00 16.00 18.00 22J0O GREENHUT BUILDING-Everytking for the Heme Ask for tytf Green Trading Stamps We Give Them rsti sr 7 mssa-af a rut x. 6 i IVyiORNING A frolic the sunihbem gam- of golf upon superb Lbki--tennis dpon courts farored by champions and then aa appetite aad luncheon that's worthy of tL Afternoon A mountain clmoa wood land drive sir snappy and chaxgrxi with the fragraace of balsam, or, a hotel porch and easy chair tha dinnrf caQ and a meal for an epicure, i EveixinrMuaic-4ritejesung people whom it is a pleasure to meet a billiard game) or dancing a social chat and then bed tone and a good night's rest. Get away early cornel Within Ten Houra of New York Om mttd mftmr Jmmm tf CCmtJTaaal.NewYaA DaayesaeptSsaday WHITE MOUNTAIN UMXTEO 'I AflParW-CarTraia 9.33 A.M. CeacaTmai (Parfof Car) 8.50A.M. SUpanaaa Coaca Tsaw 9.00P.M.

i Illumtrmtmd Llfrmtmre hi anaacine rottr plana yaw will Bind oar LeaiiifuWy illnatowtccl book iadiepaaeibla. Sewd 2 ceats woeuwe. Piompt attention gives all Auiiisas ASVimSIKO BCSXAO R.m- SoaUi SUUoo, Boatoa Far wtkew (PaHo sod Hm nlss Cat Space) cail at scad CITT TICKET OPTICK. in Braadway. K.



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