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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 5

New York, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Li 1 vi 1 v- if. I i- f- a. i'- m. -i ii if; ill i I i i 1 1 1 i lit-. 1 1 1 1 iti iit' IXDEtmttUlV 5 at thoOsrv.ts-W fTin-: -taw-aya- iSrfye- 7 trawl 5-1 Jew' fegu Piatt Tflf Aaaci.t.

wee la alee te 1 Mao u. ee fcaalv to rival aaa nm Vjabptt Baden- opera. i H' ION BUANO WIWTOJCAfc ww" A stated meeting of th Loa IIBdIlMv tortee! Boats ty will be held ea Tuesday evaaing psKt.OeCU.aAre'eloca-. la tbe apof akMlMmt Aapr Will he read en the bv Mrs. im Iluirm UO- ml the VO- am Oetari.

The sublet of the paper will be Tlw atmatra of Btara 'and taa Cltv of ana Tafle Waasaa." eoeeludlBC with a abort story from the Iubm ta iCoatraOoa af the abacae-tanaUM af tbs people. Mra. Uoiovui aaa had a retnaiiAhle aai eioeptioaal experience, aaa la ta i af kaawlada each aa ren- mrrt mmrtaiw tb't--" A lady of hoea Beta- issaifslliB and varied eceotnpMshmeat. That aba kuM aay fear ameommou aad at-traetrve theme moat certeiaiy prove latorestia aed tnadrueUve. We iBMBd all who aaa da se to avail af the opportaeity to astea to Mr.

Xaoaowaaa Mietaue, am. TAmmrmorWt tBcrcars. Mr. oao. TxxDKxnarr aaa alerted apoa hta eaaal' Antiau) leetarla (oar.

Ha aaa prepared a aaw lecture for lyoauma aad literary eo titled nanny to aay that Mr. TirDaorr la sure to treat such a aaaVwt wlta akUU dolioaer aad oppraoiatlaa). Bow It All Ba Coma, fenow-vktlmt Toeaaotha am art'aaitapoB taaaToaad.aodtaUatraDga otonaa at taa tricka of Staca. attaaaaaad- ao bat a aaora'a tba ptty. My aaaict Oh.

nover aslad nry naata. rm aaaaaad of it, aad that'o taa tact Xaybo I'll awt wita wbea yonTa Bad ny alary, bat toko taa atory llrat. I'm aot a vtrtta la the aoaaa taat ytro art. reattemaW To ba hooeat, yoa are aolM bled by thierea, aad I'm woH, la ee of tba lateral tbafa oleadiaav yoo. aad yet, UUaf aa I aa.

I wao anoa as aoa-oat aii; and If erer the BJog aad a vlettat. If oter taoydracaodaa aoaeat aaaa dawa ta the dirt tbey asaka their aty la, Tm ooek a taaajrea- tletBoa a Jblef bow. bat onee deeoat; aooeat fcard-woraiBf mil. Eew eaiaa 1tF (hla way.) plamber I waa a Jobbtof-ptamber; know ar aaameaa, too. Liked my anineaa.

Kaowa ovary where, taoaaa 'Da ftaat aay it. aa an oblldnf. faithful woxkaaa that did buei- aeoa oo (ha aqaara. aad always ga ft fair day's work for a fate daye vmi Lived oat at tawa ta a toa0 the Hod of taekiBaboz with hales' tstlt that laborlDff men muatly And Uiemselraa stack hi to ta the reateet eon try aader the aaa; hat I waaooateated in it. and lived there wU oaoayk with wife and children, aad theaxbt ooasa day bard work aad hooeoly weald brlBa aattat Beraa to thlak oo.

'for sura, whea the new Cooxt-hoaao came to he 1 talked They advertleed for bids, yoa know 1 IHm't rctnembcrt Lord. fossemher I Hardly alrpt bucbta. Mind awrmnlac ba to all da v. Forcut a Job rd prontoed to attead to first ttiao ta any Mle. Keverni forget that Jph i jloac aa I lira.

Twee tor old Ma'am tcmiiiT-he aa planted the pear-tree ta the Bowery her or her father doat toake aiaeb dlffemra Bhe wanted ma to ooasa and see Sat never annd, XT1 ten yoa that story another Da. What I want to tell yet atoat now la tit new Coort-honse, They i sdverUaed for contract-bidders. the tsea ta arrlloe waa talklac abowtit. did aotbing bat talk about it aad thtak aboat tt. tlaetlaaede ap my mind, aad anade a atd.

Bid faijaa. ncared It oat. clean aa a whistle. Saarod aUrWrbttaa-aaUa eat. and aeat hta.

Didn't halt behove they'd saero'a look at U. Bent la be gat rid of tt. Wanted ta ct abet of it. Kazt j. day remeaibered Ma'aat Btctvesxst.

aad want to era her. Xevor aeoa, a woman mo packered ap. Croa aa tt abe'd aeoa aoatta her wa. pears. Took her alf aa hone to get eirll.

and waa what most fclks would call wnelvilr then I That aught. waaa i I oamo Iwdm to any paeklng-boz. first thing Iheerae waa tbas taa eonfraet was trtve to Lord, dlda't I jump. hot; Pidat steep sonch that alot. rp and down weary Itateey For bow the ejoeetlOB waa.

how to carry eat the aoatraeW aad. thoa began ta tMnk I mast" have been cracked aver to ktva bid hera'Ieoaiaa re ward of -bctng hotieat. Tound I had and avary maa ready- ta lead a hand. Engaged my workmea. looked sharp after 'eat.

aad borrowed the saoaey right aad lefto pay Found every one willing to lead money oa a Cay eoatraet. Work was dona at ed done -well. rlt adffcty proad of it, aad thik had i soma jreeaoaV Whew the whole -waa' dose, aad the mass, an eloared away, aeat la my hill. aadtbottghtrea.1 waha fool. I knew, but yoa see rd aever had a eoatraet before I thought Tdgea check or mr.

monajr right a way. aad ha able to pay hack the money I'd borrowed, and Caveat my small proBta for the only thing Tt loft ta ba prood at 1. that they wm milk Didat cat my moeoy rrb away 1 Ko, you'd mar believe I dlda't. JMdat cot tt that week or the next, aor too aezt.aer the atzt dosen. Begaa to feel sic.

te BMat my orodttors of 'em old mates aad frteade hated to ret hated pa to hod alghta. Loea: my- appetite' eoahrat afc 'Wa most eraay eoalda't make anybody ib sae Oty Oow ftrameat pay the least Kegleotod my v. haaarftut Voaad tha City Ban. Lost work haaglaa roand. At last, oao cap.

aa I wafcwait-ta toe- the Board fte aaloora, there jKomes a -yotmg lellow.aaA aaye Kr. aye he, -yoo'va cot hul tn otv. ha'at "Bhoald thlak Wanlyoar monay -aaUd he. Baoald thlak I Mid4' ays aad wast It had, too. How had aay I be.

-Im meet ataxy for it," says awe every seat af it bat my pronto," aaye I. and them's moat eat ap with ktss of dKBBta' this hero Board for says -How mach itr ears ho. iaety-ana rhaoaaad five badrod doaara. juat, says -Iflnety-oaethoaaaad ve feaadred dollara," eeya he. saitiwj -Bomorea Ueit Makelt 2Sloe, Mr! bays ha.

and youll have Tour money to- First, yvu kaow, I oonldnt 'make eat what ho meant. Thooaht was to have tk.aa ssore thaa my btU. eoalda't aaa through At Ut ketehed the Idea, and out wita a aaaoa 1 a oo ao aaeh a thing and oa i Seat day after my mosey again, hanging euad, hanging Banging roaad'tho aext day. aad the aeat day. end 00 oa.

aama ae ever. 1 lat. Mt tba same yeaag maa. ead.feeBBakee same propoaal. I.

with a damn ''Tm poor aad Tm halt craty with walbag tor dae am. hat alat Oa. waauvar eaid yoa waa a tamtr aald ho, ewite mUlm' eJ'oars amiliB, that eJiap-" yonH oaty -ret the mooey that's doe yon. Toa sand la your tot man that wfll wotgh ewa yaar peokota. Aad that's year own by y- lent it 1 Ooma reeaoaable, and ftt atta roar awa aeoa edL Bend ta your bul dvmaToaw and poeTU cot your aaoaor.

11 ta yaar owa-way. aad. hr Ood. you-n IV- Aa4 with thaa ho emited aad est at. Wpeset.

1 of awaey and the that tnapea mo never aanta-' I had. work oaoah howT ad Mj work was 0000 hoDcot on Ooart honae. bat to see "the bUle tor Jobs repairs kept eeadla U' you'd thoucht It aeaaiB.a -from the bertemmg. Aad ad to wait jor my money any aaara. I d.dat.

suy loar la the Mdusjc-hox, TT. n' mi a the Ureau Optra of BUKMCT TBtorie Fetl K- FAOCA. forusarly erfthe f-Vtih-ebeoe Mm- Mm. u4 eimpoalBA left peclflag coias'lec hew am' shorn, ana treat to llvaraaasmeraakhewoehwmsa ths aatagia en Avawao, pmm to attar odd'Joba4 aay' aaore, far ndlac' la eejrtagea ftn ''Koaar to ary efehev and trym now -war. ta af aaaaoy: that hewed ta Ulra water aad cowed est aa faac dk! get took deva ones, lead ooly ewea.

I'd give up cma' to ahareh long age, aid aa moot forgot raraaa huts whoa met him. Bat one day ho amedeur new' noaaayaat a htra. 1 smf I ware gothag tsrto our aamatw to go to the Parf Wlfs was dreased mighty floe I ten row, with all Che silks and laeae iand tow otryaaoaouM adeem, and I 'had oav tay otaaaooda aad my etetb-of got vest that BtLJ Twm was aa riled -about beoeuee ho dldat tUatt ta we t) have oae made like It at hat daughter's Twed dleg. WhTJal datrrai. and aaya ho.

Mr. i asya be. do you kaow war you -went go to heU whoa you dier Heraakl X. kind; of eavacoti aad I don't earn, Jafr. irrm." aaya 1.

1 I'll. tli mys he, very hind aad Very deliberate I'll ten you, hTr. J0su.I1. Khraaa." aarahe-it'a heesuae yon and an year gang are la aaya he, aad off Ae went, ae ooel aa tf hehexla't bo-n laaultlng me. But I dida'f go for him.

rentlemen eaaao I felt mean and nasty, aad knew what be said waa true. Taa half vIOttm and half re seal, but I moetty feels an raeeal. aad I knows the most of folks thinks that's Jest what ta entirely 1 ii 11 1 fiwijri TBS EPISCOPAL doirVJOTtlOV. Thli'd Owra ieeeciwawraotorlt; oil tfcO' sToaaaalttee em trnltorav oT nttoel Xeetdrdlr Le Chnreh loaaWoo AA. weomteel.

il X. i 'gii'i Bjlltimoxk, Dr.XTtAK, of Baa Ftanelaeol Tr. BAJUBrraa, of Alabama, aad Biaho Lcajaf Xletoware. oOeiaaed at the morning Atterj which the CoavenUoa was celled to order Kev. Iff.

Cbaik, Preeident, In the The Jouraal bt yesterday iwaS read, eorreotod and approved. Mr. Fa ah a UK. ot.Leoeaater, that tbla House place oh rta Jreoorda si prraalon of its grateful sense of the high Christian ebar-aeter and of the eminent and long-continued services to the Church of lion. Johs: araoaAax, deoeased since tbsj last General Convention, for many years member of this Houae.

'Eqloaries were delivered on the character aod rmtnent Chrtettao life of Judge CDvaud-uam. by Mr. Bevlr. htaarji of C9ea- necUeut j--Kev. rr.

Hon, of rhlladelphla; Dr. Birru. of Vorth OaroliBai! aad Mr, Oble. the latter dctallinr dhcumataojcea of the deatbofjodge CVMMiKOCxni by aa jaocideotal fall from a tram of motion waa adopted. I i jf i RiT.

Irl HaioHT. of Kew-Tork. and.Mr. MC-Cbbadt. of.

South Carollnai' jteertmony to the sterli'nic virtue of the deceased, and the resolution was adopiod4 Bft. Dm. Mead, of ConnOotiout: McNatnara. of Nebraaka Becra, of Wian(ntn of ybraka: Pwnldlnc, of Wtooonaln; HairtK of yew-York Thompson, of IUioota. and Sehayter, of Mtaenan.

addressed the, House on tbe eminent and aodlr life and aertrioea of Blahbp Kin-rra la fervent and patbeue lanmae, aad the motion was onanimoualy adopted. 1 Bimtlar records 00 the Journal wore. entered relative to tbe deoeaao lot MlLO hf ARAB, D.D late rector of ft. Paul'a Cbnreh. Baltimore, aod I'roT Bolob W.

McbaaT, IX of MiBoeeota, members of former session of this body, and Wat. M. Tatlob, of Texas.) a delegate- to the preaeut Honse. end tributes: were pakt to heir memory. A meaaace waa irvro uie Uouae or juanopa.

-iranamiitmg iae; feUowiag .1. report oa uuuorouty or ntual Tint The Doarantfee of Five BlahSre awaiiift br the flnuaeof rialupa at the Uenaml (XujTeaUuri of 1BS, to couaider wnetber anv additional pro ion for amlnnnlty. by caaon or other a iae, la aracUCabieaDA szpedlent, and to report to the next General I'onveii-tton." having held aandry metinra at aeverml dif-trmt Dlaeea. a each of whtcb all tba mean bora of the Committee were present throaxh entire eo ton, and hmrtnr aa they bellave. given to the subject matter mtraated to tbem chat oarnfal eeo-aitltiraUoe walch iU laajmrtaiHO melta.

reapectf oily ak lea to to repca-t. The reaotatioa under which the Caaamlnee waa appointed: rawea aeveral ones-tioas far examination And answer: la any legislation tnorhtna- tbe iierformaore of aeraioo and the admin titration of the aacratnenta and other ritea and eeremaoiea of the Church practicebla If practi. sable, ta it at 1 hia tints sxpedientt If BraoUOahle aad sxpedlent, shall it tak a lha ha-w of a canoe or canons, or aaall I be otherwise prorMed tort and nnallj. What ahall the aetaal detalla of lnrmiation be 1 A a enreiUy. tkaaa are 'tmatlnaa which touch the Church aud lla members in man and Very -ritaj point, and mralve many OnUoete aa well aa preciooa elaUona.

In eoaaiderlbg them qaeatioaa tbe Committee hTe ODdeatored aerer I to forget that enhotasual UBlformltrl ta entirety eom-patible with verr tmuaulia able iadlTtdnal ntorrr, that noa eentiala abould never be uadnly nan iftod, and. far leaa. raiead to aa equality with seaantia'ai that many tronbleeoma and olijeattoneble ithiogs are eohemeral ua their nat ire and penah In! tbe tulng, and that under any clronmalancaa haaty kwuilatiou la ever to be eVoided. Sor nara they onttao to beep tn mind tbe wtee warda of tbe thh-tr-aixth artutle of rella--len: "1 1 la opt im ww that taadltiopaaadcert-mopiea be In all plaeoe eneor utterly alita, far at all tuoee they have been diveree. aniMnay be ehanped aooorduig to tbe diversity of entnuac Umea, and aew Btaunera.

ao thataoUtiii ba ordained agaiOaa Ood'S Word. -err portico tar or national Church hath authority to ordain, chanae. and abolish eeretnotuea er rites of the tatarcbordaioedoalT by maa's Sothorltyj ao.tbat aU. tanra he done to actifv-uur. 1 While, however, tbe committee have kept these con- eideratMins ta view, it baa been and Is llierf uoani- nmua opinloo that aoateoeasn of tbo uenersl heaven- tiso.

In resurdto the Unportsnt tna) terra wuusd to the roaoiaUoa aoootattaa- tbem. la trerv dean-able. If not lnoeed abeolately Amoag mauy-reaeona Jar this conviction that areaeat theaaeelve thry Ten-tore toaak attention to tbe following: First-it la ob- rKu to remark that there are among us arest and gaovnng aivenauea sc im ibj tno pet am manes 01 dlvtD aervtos. and theefrU eraof the Cliarch, nnlem atanetbing ta done, aad em soon tm the -ntereats of naitormlty. thaae di vena Mas tod.

tair to eqnal If tbey do not exesed thaae wbich at 1 too penoa oi toejLnru- 1 retermattoB were rearardecf as an evil to be re moved, and wbieh led to the deoaioa that She wnote realm should have hut one use, Irney eeraaiou, more-ovec. mi now eoa fusion, nreoble and perploxrtT aiaong our people, and llbeao evils, must losmase aa thcar eaoaoa are multiplied. Seoondly-It te believod that tbe vartuoa aor vices, over and above these provided tbe Book et Oommoa Praver or set forte aeeoedanee with tbe provlidons of Liitle 1. I 'anon is, xlv of too aad aoS ssmtnaj uadsr the aVwoBBlDanoa of Handayaad other aeoooi eornoev are pabMcly used ta certain ehnrrbea. Bow far lihertv thia renrd la to be allowed, and in what seaports it is to be restrained, the Committee do not anoertace to ear- it euca eoaroes era aaur an of dawn dor and eonf oaioa proportion aa tbey are franisS on principles, and embody acta, werda er forma, come these Srom what onteide anarter thev mar.

that ara not in aooord with Iho ooct-me, diserpBne and worahip of our owa t'barch. er are forsUra te the anirtt of oar Servtcea. Thirdly Tbe Conmustao tmva eaaaia ts believe that ta earns instances tbe aia aiues o4 tbs lTavtr Book are unlawfully altered or matilated. aad la ethers are so performed Taa to make it diAoalt, to say the jeaat, to diartnaulah tbsm, exoept ia the laa. giajre employed, from those of tbe fhnrrh.

of Home. Against socb wrong a our people have tbe ria-bt to demand proaaotlonv And wbetber tbey' demand it or-aot, is weal eeena to be a plm and boandeadatv thia- reaaun, be-aidaa others which It ia asa naoamary to nibearea. ths Comuuttos unanimously recommend jet-uno by the present (General (poaveouou, land alter maturely wvightmr She differeat -modes In which the iiisiwaincilartan may be Carried out. thtw further nnantaaesntv i resammend that any actiea whleb tbe Convaaann may take shall be KB she form of eanea or caaow. Ia proceeding ts stale the venous details which tber beiiarvs eucht to be amde the eub)ere of eorh action aa has been pro-psaed.

ths ComaaHteo desire to kar that while on the 1 ioi aiaioritv oz tae pevnis presuoftevi iacr aaa kvb enure unanimity erf oatukia, 1 aonae thinga are nevsrtbelem atoimal iothers ouua- ted which, iiad each member'a i Individual wish iMtilated the final results Would have bo dif ferently disposed of- Thev iiave strongly fait that, umfortnltT neoeasarCy involves ths gi-nna np of some thiara and tbs aooeptanee of other things which lod-vnlaais may desue hi ons hand. to petals, or en She other to reaievo. The ComaiMtee report, use Snitowma- as the matters apoa --which they reapectfuiljr rooumniend jerlauon iheyreoom. aor ad that certain seta la the administration of the UoQr Onensiuntoa. aad eu other oecasiona of pabnc worship berstaaftsr onusasaaard, be prsbubltee sy eanou.

to wit 1 wet 7 be oae ec laoenas. ueeond fiacing eruothx ia aay part of the chorea. Thtru (umnf a cross la precesiloa la the ourta Taa ue 4 lls-hta or aouut the holv table except when nureeeary. FUth Tbe iOvatleu of the elements ia tbs UT Coaunnhion ta such a manaer as to xasso tbem to the view of too people aa ob)erU toward which adoratioa ts is be aeade ta or after the prayer of consecration or tm the art of auauaiMoriBc them i or la conveying them to sr froea tbe leserimuntoant. eitxta Tbs uiixiag st water with tae Wins as a part sf the servtee or in the presence of the- sotrregatioak eath Ths of toe prtestn bands or the abln-tMHiof the Tinili im the pressuosof the congrea-anoB.

hUghth Bovnag. creasing, geaaflectlona, tiros: ra-Usaa, rvvereaoss. -bswia dowa aaeu se kisaing ths holy UMa, aad Sam ha a. oxeept as allewsd.peuvioed isr er oirereeo tod byrubtm er eanou. itbetag mwralsd se at Us aarvoo st t-bs nana si UM Ietd that revere! Jssaa 1 to be dam i lowed and behag further provided that private personal devotma before sr after efheial minlatratMa la bet te be aadrrstoed to mrluds sr Tasnry any et tae aeto prvsutnted.

Klnth Tba ceieoratMiu sr reesrvtaa af the Holy maatoa by aay Usees or priest rwbsu ne persna av Habaa or ceives It wlta him. teeth niployins-or aermu any ptreen or persons not ia holy 1 ordrrs ars at tbs uunisrer tm any part of the a pin'iiiiiiins ordrrs to 1 I II Sll i ST the Umi-w acieveeth Cstaa at aay sdmtaiaai sdan ad ths H.y CeeMnaauen any prayers. eoUecta. gam pets, er ipastUia SHbmthaa Sbsss ftmhAt tm the Uuoh or Cnnisiaa Prerer, er aader xiv. of canon IA at title 1 at the They further room stood here: lint ThAi ne rortor of a parwih, or ether miniev-r, ahall baaitowsdto-tatisdaeii the rbaral aorrko with-ami Che insisraitiia vote ef the veaary.

nor contrary as ths prohitutiun td thonbap i euiaad Thaa us -pticsd- co sbaU be ettrpleved. exoept a the same hmttstmaa, aad when aueb sbatra IMm. mmlw total Ordl attire soea be a asrrpUo ssachimr to the eafeies. Tkixi--rfcatn Lltaiek ahall be alleamd to hs so asse 1 xne miiai wriwi.i one el the boty tabie. ft ta to be aaued that thonsM a -ts mwtaA tbs yam annua) ror- that reownitaettd that tmiWl; arevUstas ssnxrssufcsu.

and the eel vS rea to Us- opieoprisas ao a era; bet at fmt ill brace er srhito a baaak eoasach ant fart Berth but doubts easy til ssns "the ase aad practise ef a sad Ley Dasatlua at ths OeseralCana -atiso of issa. a wU that "ta ail mattoa doubtal. refsrsocs aheh be Btods to the ordinary, and no ehaitfvs ahsU or aAlnst the g'drr riuneel and Indrmeot ef Tiiabmr" la Isa stance the Osisiui loseaaat the aOoptidh St toevattswmg resotstloeai- i tmlin That thts report bs onmnamieated to the; JSOsuusCCtortoal mat toy vepuuea. Owjiaiaad. aaa Us Ueoaeef Crieal aaily Depe- vea enneumar, a Joins eoaamiuee.

oonMMUug or three Bishops, throe a mar tors, end tbrro loymou, be noliMd. ts -wtssaa the eaMect BiattoT of this leobTt shad bs refarrsd. with dtrscUona to rewort to thia Con-) vendue at as early a day ao prneoeebie suehcaaouai aa mey axay oerm iiaisasaij tee praouosa. a whdh la respectfully aubmit ed. 1 tBigneoj AtrnEPLKF, i J.

T. BT. CLARK. 1 W. tt.

ODK.N HEIht ER, i III J. B.XERBUOT. Aeoomromylac the foeecolnc report are the following insolations from the House of, Bieoops: I JTsviilaai. That la the aravitr of the subject and Ka brenega uua Houao is unprepared for immediate ar-tmn on tbe reaort eubmitted hv tts Onaamltt-s on Kitoal TJniaarulty without previous eonsttleratlou of ths same ta leant onmmitteo of ths tws Houses of 1 Uonvutaia The Houses ef Caerlaal and Lay conenrnng, that a Joint committee be appiliiU-d for Sbo eonaideratloB of tbe abeve-namod report of tbs Com ia' it' ef the Hooae ef Blabops concern tor luteal, see to report 11 any, ana. any, waat, ecuon aaay propsny ne tasen taa prenust-a.

1 Action en the mrorasn and report from the House of Biahopa was postponed by the House of Deputies until Tueadcy next. -A report Lrooi the Committee on Canotts a rainat rednclnr oo number of deputies in tbe Houae waa concurred ia. A memorial by Mr. Rogkks. of Texas, for the appointment of a Miasionarr Bishop for portion of tbe DioceeP ot Texas, was referred to me uoremitpne on Cinone.

Tbe ixinveutiun then adjourned till Monday at 19 o'cock. THE BA.CES. Want ley of the fall tine at Ford beau Fine Weather and XZnlUnut At- i traaases-Bii CBsllalEfa'iBvCaslMls, i Jerome Park races commenced yesterday. according to tbe paogramme. A general impres sion exiated la the public mind -that there would be a poetponemeBt to consequence of the late heavy rains, but tbe stewards and rnanagers -woo control the affairs of tbe Jockey; Club Lad It he lodcmeni to perceive that poetpbuements tieget a ctiatrust in tbe public uiind that tells tnyariably upon the numbers of visitors.

Wad 'also, that restricting the niunlcg ao dara when the eourse -was In frood condition was a positive injustice to horses that had the form and the pluck to through mncL. Therefore, tbey resolved that if the weather should prove suitable for the jmb Iks. tbe programme should be adhered to and the horses should take their chaDce. in spite of the. Utevltabty deplorable condition of the course.

lAoeordiogly the papers, hotels and other places of public resort were rbiffled early In the forenoon, the reeult being a very fair at-' tendance. Yesterday waa rather an aristocratic day. there beine- manv catriasa and but few hacks. Tae numbers who eame bv tbe steam-cars were also not to proportion with these bo came by the road lu thetr-owu carriages. This thinness ef the plebs' Is perhaps due to the fact that in former veers postponements were verr common, and many reooile oouotd that there would be sny races.

Thev wi-one-ed the good sense of tbe management however, and missed a most excellent day's sport. Tbe races throughout were of the most animated. character, each one being contested larrs fields, with the exception of tbe four-mile dai-n. And for tbe steeple onase, which, always excites aaually stlrlU'd great Intoreet. there was an on-Dniueroua entry.

and a most cont-st. If tbe field people were few. the grand stand was well rep-Auguat Belmont and family ri-seated, ere there, uimmoflom Vanderniit. i wuitam Yituderhilt aud family, Ex-Mayor Gun-trier and family. Hoaea Perkins, of West-Obester CountT lion.

Mr. Abbott, of Montreal. accompanied oy Ms Brother; nr. van nuren, Mr. and Mra Kieley.

Mr. and Mrs. Gibert, Mr. and Mrsi are shortly to leave tor Australia, on which occasion Mr. Cameron's stud will be hold without reservation Mae-Donald.

tbe Sculptor, with his two ebarra-tag dan titers; Mr. and Mrs. Parker. Mr. and Mrs.

Ackermana. Mra. Behuchardt, Mr. Leonard who crove hia four-in- hand to tbe Clab-bouao. and looked very well iadetd.

la fact quite restored by hia European trip; Mf. and Mrs. D. Withers. Mr.

aod Mrs. Thco-iore Moss. Hon. Mr. Jamea McC'lane, Mr.

aod Mrs. William B.d)uuean. of ITew-York Mr. and Mrs. runeau.

of Mississippi; Mr. and Mies Lutas. or Washington llrients, ana Miss Jen- ntnrs. of Fordliaiu: Mr. Tnrnbull.

tbe famous rsoingman: Mr. and Mrs. Appleion. OoV. Bowie, of Maryland Hon.

Mr. Potter. Mr. Henrv Ward. of h'ew-Yoikj Mr.

sxid lire. Btercns. Mr. Toland. Mr.

Frank Morris, Mr. lver Iceland and many 1 I' TUB KIRDICIF ra rgrSTlKkS. The first event of the day was the Hsndtenp Sweepstakes, ot each, half forfeit, and only S10 if deoared, with Ssoo added; "the aeoond horse to receive taoo out of tbe stakes oMateooe one mile and a Quarter. Oat of twenty-one nom inations but niue atarted. as follows: Jfjf Afory- tosuf.

Th-t Doetrir, Ortolan, Fanchcn. Rattan. Hanc, Fine. Remormlen. and D.

J. Cbocsb's bay filly bv Xevrmton, Ftnesae was toe favorite, with' Bemorteict aa aeoond eboioe. Fanchon third, and Ortolan fourth. Tbe start waa made from the three-quarter pole, but not till after three or four of the horsea baa broken away several limes, warn toe nag reii urtotan nan a alight lead, and waa closely pursued, by lir-mrtrlcs and Fuusme, aa they aplaahed tbrourh the mud on tbeir way down toe Homestretch. Passing tbe grand stand.

Ortolan still retained bis lead, while Finrmrt waa runnier second. Be-. aclcs third. Kalian rourth, and Jf Maryland flftb.L On tae ureat turn Kattan tried if or the lead, but oalv suooeeded la reaching aeoond place, iwitu Ftnetst tmro. orunan was still lending, and.

in fact, was never heided tn I tbe ine mua enu me pace at this point began, to tell' on Memormileam. and she fell to tae fourth place and abandoned all hope of wiunlne toe race. Before reaching the Club-house Italian aad Fmctm ehsaccd places 1 again. Belmoxt's nandsome chestnut provtnsrtoo muoa tor LTTTaXL's filly. Turntag tbe bluff horsee still maintained the same relative poaidona.aad aa they came In abrbt aama so'ieheiise had taken place In their order ot runrSng, Ortolan lead inn four lenrths, witb Ftneam Second, and Saltan third.

Ortoioai grad-uaMy increaaed hia lead around the turn and down the homestretch, and aa he Passed under the striae waa clear six lengths In front. Fnea was second, one length in front of Barie. who wad only a Bead in rront of LHOUM-i an v. FaneMom was fifth. Remortetetu sixth.

Rottan seventnJrAc Doctor eighth, and My Maryland Ust HaUan weakened on tne last ouit miir.ana lost all 1 the aavantage 01 nie poainoa in too early part of the race. Throuars seme auaehance Tae Uas'sr aaa ms neat uina ier oaaiy out uur- ing the race, or be would probably have bad a better recora at ut omau. iimerKw. 1 1 I TBS -CHAUFIOW STAKXa. The aacond race waa a dash ef two Bailee, for the Chamoion Stakes, for three-year-olds, oft 100 teach, half forfeit, with 11.

sow added the aeoond Lores to receive aauo out 01 ins svaxes. uutoi laevrnty-aevea noniinatlops bat six hosaea came 10 sue sutruusy poaa. i 1 aeaa wre X. 'McIDaktkl'b vrcl Ldr known ch. Bar ry 4 BaameO.

M. rLdr6aroar'a O. hi. A. I LrjLA'a g- i- Mary Clark.

D. Swioebt's rb. 1 ojckwo. Jab. A.

UsiwrrcAD's Alry. aad W. K. Baboock's eb.f, Kelly Kmnaom. Bloactraoo aaa tne can in iac oeraug, ax ncany even figuree against the field, leaving Barry JTnssfff 1 out, while Kelt Hansom and Mam ctarm were eeconu ana xnira ravontea.

Ia the send-off. Mary. Clark had tbe led.Afroy waa seeoud. siacawooa uuru, wane tae sure winner, Barry Maaattt, waa laat. This order waa soon changed, however, as Harry Jtesartf took the lead on tae turn, with sioxJcwoott aeoond, half a lengxa aneaa 01 xtuy nanmom.

jooiac out ot sight behind the: bluff. Barry aaa a leao 01 two aecgina. for i the blue and scarlet. 1 waa aeooad. and giockanoa tbiru.

jKonereetst was running is at. At the ions turn ana perx way oowa ine atretcb tbey preserved tee same order, hut )ust or I ore -Trapsing too iisuu, w.v Oaah and sec urea aeoona piace. 1 jimm Sanraut vraf oao -leagth beniao. ana Marry Batata, mcder atrene paiL a usith I in' rront. Around 1 the i wist itera Manarekut begee to shew hia speed, aad ae they passed the UluD noaso wmsxwbu, siium liriB of narry jusbiii.

mar-j vwrs suu Jfeliy Mantnm were running- aoed aad head for third place. Afav-w Clark eoon fare ua the task and was well untuned to held fourth plaae. lAlrey began te work to the treat on. 7 the 1 way around the 1 eeet end of the coarse, and at the home tarn waa third. The pace down the stretch waa toa fast tor Artfy Aanjoev and sM trad ODaei to iku ib 10 ue rear ranks- Barry Bammtt waa the first to cross the score, leedxag Moneremiat a tengxh; Ah-oy leaaTths- aaaiae.

aao tveHj lenartBS ahead of Jferw Clark. Sally Mmmaam waa fifta. aad StatJrmaai laat. Time. fcssia- i raa icuut sTAitKa.

Too third event ot the day uvea a moo dash toe the Nursery fHa-T a sweepsiases tor fouls ef Ifta, tw entry, play or pay. tux added, the r'Tiinn hfOM a9 rpoetTS fstaj out i too siaxos. mmmtaitag Bstosatormo1 taaniag abioabeaalaae stonk jas-wa saA hsada. abaia BipiaimiiBQSsaasty 'of aeatta amy raeowa atmauTuutrra-tnar boused. 1 lasts-, a.

daOates for sraVwa wao an breasaS to est as toy read ers saay use toe a adisalial black gown. Third- la ones ta the na moral taat aaw a aciteu bo taken to earry eat tn each a aaaueer ss mar aaoum tm aSaarvaaao. the OocWest the escceid vumrollnin oral 1 Hra. the hones at Clenesl 1 1 1 a i it Oat at thirty eur ta nmampunr, irsttt ah. r.

neeo. The etaetetw -were Dl I. tUllSTM. Htmt dt TBAVSBX a. a-im si rsaorml ev try A tUi sssT.

n. McTja-vbl-b eh a. J. DamitU, A- lUiaosrssw al- ee em aa. 1.

aefor-ae, ana st. W. IAUUncMi'h a. jbwtibsm, f. xwaats waa Bos lav or.

eaarwa auta ae swait raraan. and Ba eairVe flood Jn rtaiai rer ana a tart raa ratru, aft sp wia, WOOl IsaaresaT 'Oolfwaa tkalr 1. the Ua leal She break a wag. telle wed bv aTsuaflwas and flu 1 ua.taa tarn Asawus wsrfced Me way wa totmrd p4--tre, aaa Just asiore reaehino; the Club-house of maae a ruaa alia noaaea tae su-ibst. n-dast.

htavs waa stiil second, and the Axlcrosd ctlt third. AABusefs was inuunr aiooc ia rts res Around 1 he rasa tur-n stlevws tod oorto. mm by bead, while fiwoc aa A st rasa waa sax toi.sTtha oeniaa. Alarm ena woseotws name oowa stretch heau and head, but naa tossy- res chad the furtinc-iiMe, Jm Xsaaa made a sp lease id Dtmst or ep-e. enugat them aeauy.

assd heat tussB al the Baasn by one teuartb. dim waa eet-ood. a beal ia front of Woodbine. The Asteroid coit aaase tu Jeaorswsid fifth, yarfev ia sixth, aadiOsUcesf as veath. lime trbkb-iactxb' MII-B DAasv The earth a.veat tbe day waa a dash of tnree-ntutrtera of a -or a purse of ttOO.

Entraaes mosey art oend horse. The entries In this race were JtH- OorFBE'" b. e. by Bonnia Srotland. p.

O. Johm Mmrrmxan, Cakboll A br. Ortolan. K. Taoar-eoB's ch.

f. foMken, Otiau Bowra'B eh. f. Jofnr mr. t.

Mary loxus, AroiTST BfUtoaT'l b. e. Jjorml Byron, also. Bis eh. m.

KelUu Jatmta. D. MCDasibl's D. I). ch.

h. Terict. Jous Bonenacu's eh. pi Umman. F.

Moaais' gr. m. FilieUn. M. H.

8i b. m. SaUna. and Thomas W. IKisw l'k b.

m. Midday. Ot these, all atartnU but airiai aod FmrAon. Ortolan, in conseqnence of his fine display of speed la tlte first rsee. was tbe favorite at tbe pool-Aland, with MVSdny and Tubman as second snd taird eboioe.

80 larre a field canard a good deal or dlfheuliy la! eflt-etlag aa' even start, and tt was not till tbei seventh ar tempt that the hoise got away. fctpuetut led oft Ft'ieity was second, itnd JfcOtt Janui third. In ao instant tbey were piling the Club-house with Mtdday in fiODt. a poeituin: vtixU he did not relinquish dnnnv the race. Jferie Jo mat, ctjrun us and Felieily conte nded moat of the wav for second positiou felicity bcld out Uie longest, aod was tbe second to pees under tae atria-, two lenjrtns t)bind Hidden.

Ortolan vame in thild, Ics- ymcius rourth, Tnhtmin fifth. H-eenan sixth. John jicrryjntf-i bttbthqj riwe 11 i ua ki ru tl.e Ktraeale. i'trhi- Jfury lwutmm math. Jsora Hyron inib.

lyoiFa a con. eleventh, and Leme Ust. Time, lj'jiM. tux rhc--ni 1 Tbe fifth race vait a svTfousttikea for foala of eiitrsncc flOO forlfit distance. four milt-e.

Of eleven the only oneu to stand were J. W. iKif-w tLL's ch. t. Kelxptie, aud Itowui Major.

Bcltjotieuma the call In tbe beltlna ai cxliia or alamt two to borscs itt ofr af the Cist, attempt with Motor leading about thrtst lengths. At tbe half mile lie was leading emut leuntua, and at the mile. five lciigtts. Tins lend he maintained until lie reaonod tne Lead of tbe et retch in tbo fourth mile, iwuen KcUpUm made the only good rianh tbene as In the raoe. paabed the itoior ltliou: any trontile, nnd won' the rac-e by two le- kUib.

IcJintie waa apparently aa ircab after t.l'e race as hnfore, and looked as though rhncootd run It ovSr agatu al once. If occasion demanded. The time, considerins the state ef ti.e track, was reasonably fast. Tunu 8.50. THE StEEI'LK CHA8B.

final raoe of lh d.nv was the Handicap Blecple Cfiase. Purse eiu, of which f-joo to sco- horse, hlntraafle fn-e. and enree or more to start, ilitstanoe about two miles and half. Twelve hoiaes wereientered in this 00c test, but the only one i to start were C. J.

lltuViT'l I THiITu -R KIlKl'a 0- Kina John. JoscrH UtiMaHrrg's ch. g. Tammany. J.

K. hi Jint LaoNAkD Jeuoml's ch. ir. Siarpriot, aod T. McUavikl's oh.

g. by Blackbird Dujfy aod Joan sold at shout even fifroreS is tbe pools, and Tammany was second choice. iThe horses started ou the three-quarter track; running weat tbey took tbe first burJle lust beyond the tlnie stand. Tom man if was the first over, followed by Kina John, the litackbtrd colt and Jim ltd alt. Tuernext lamped pest and rail leuce irbui the track into the field, and made the circuit of tbe western of the ir closure, taking three hurdles in good styls and without any rnisbaps.

altbotiarb Puffy brusbed one of tbe fences as he flw lover. Taking tbe hurdle ia front of toe Club-house, Duffy was tbo first over, roi.owea dv toe oaiers in tne 101 lowing or- ier Jim Titdolm, Km a John, Tammany, Bute- bird colt, aud Surn-iat. They next made tbe circuit of tbe catrtru half of tbe lnclosure. Duffy lcAdiug all tee way, and taking four Jumps at tranaar. At uie nuraiea east of the water Jump itr-prwe refiieed.

and in a inomeut waa lelt hopelessly la. the rear. Duffy was Uie firn to take tbe water Jump, Jim 3i-aale was second, and King John third. King John stumbled as be lauded, hud came near pitching his Jockey over bis head: as it was. he lost so inuch time that he was the lam hone (Turing the balance of the rscc.

tSurvnte having been pulled off 00 rerus- Iuk to take ibn water Jump. The Jauipers flew by tbe stand down tbe narrow s-rass lano, took tho hurdle eaallv, exossed the main track and behind tbe kioll in the wopd- A moment after. tbey made their appearance over a stone wail on the brink of the TislaU via first in sight, Tammany beiMuid, tile Blackbird Colt third, aud Duffy The horses next filtclied itiiwa a sleep bank, almost equal Put Ast'a 'historical ride, crossed the main track, aud lumped into the Sell again. In a moment tbey had takeo another stone wall and two hurdles, ana were itou the main track-again lit front of tbe Club-house. Tbe raoe was now around the east turn, over two hurdles and home.

Tbe first bur-die, near the three-quarter pole, was taken without any mishaps, buti as Turn mi any and Timdale crossed the lasi one at the same instant. Tisdale slipped imt pitched sn bis head; his 1 jockey did not luse his seat, but tbe delay was unit enougn to lose him The raoe. PanalasT the Judges' atsod. jamraany wus nrtti. lrujru seooao.

ine uiatKmra colt third. Jut Timdalt lourth. feud King John laSU 11U1L SM9. 1 OBITUABTJ -r Coau ro Oscar Bwllwe. of the Vastest -States The death of ihia well-lrnovm offlcer.

whose funeral took place with military honors at Grace. Church oa Msnday, must prove an Ir- repaiable lost to a large family connection, and be a subject of sincere regret to numerous and "warm friends, both lu and out of the service. The death of Commodore BiiLltl a reeks the last link ot surviving personal recollection of and testimony to an event In the history of our country whloa i etlll awakens a hoaaiity not wholly allayed try- refieetlag that the arrogant Power by whom it was committed proteased at least to rebuke tba insolent subordi nates wbo perpetrated the wrong." Tbe outrage upon the United States frtgate Cheaaptake Is the event referred to. Commodore BirtXTja, tbea a' precocious boy of eight years of age. was on the upper deck of the Chesapeake, in charge of an attendant, when the lire from tbe British frigate Leopard opened upon tba Americas ahlp.

Dr. JohW once a diattn- gulshed Surgeon la our navy, and father ot the deceased, with Mra. Bctxrs and several children, were on board the CheoapeaJct as passengers for Gibraltar, to the Consulate of wbich was on his way. The recollections of the deceased Commodore ef the events referred to were such as might be expected from a precocious hoy of seven or elsht years: Its few! hut stirring lacideataef broadside sound and with destruction of life, were vmdly impressed, aad aever to be fora-otten.

while authentloaad more fun information aa years passed Imparted atronaer in terest to bis narratioa. I when about euhteen -rears at are be entered the Military Academy at West Point, and after parsing a year as that inert ration resigned hia eadetahip aad en-, tered the navy as a midshipman, aod passed throua-b a kroa term of varied and ardaoua sea service iwtth great eredit. With Cant- Brr-DLB, be served in tbe Paetfie during the command nf that gallant officer while repre senting our neutral position aod protecting Amerioaa commerce, sBheequently acted aa flac offlcer to Commodore Elliot io the Mediterranean, was assigned te a separate command aurxnc toe unevenirei fnautlonllr coumaereui Mexican War. and afterward annointed to a eemmaod upon Lake Erie. While a midshipman and aloft on datyt, a lift of the yard sarrportraa- him tmrted.

aad be waa precipi tated rnto the and but for the crasa of a salpxnate would have brought up on deck. jab mjury to tae aptae reauiteu, waica. aitnouga not at -onee materially laterfetlur with duty. gradually aeveieaeo ib ao aa-a-ravated a form aa nearly to paralyse the lower uauy ao far uunued him tor active sea service aa te piece hrm uooa the list of retired officers, te which position he waa asatgwed before tae opening of our otvtl WBr, dur-ac wbieh the Important daty et reeruttina? far the navr. axtsa- eively orranized ia our City, waa placed under hie mtelhgeal aod efficient auperviaioa.

Dunns the entire oea-tlfa et the deceased, with few exceptions, hardly anytbinc beyond the energetic discharge ef duties ieesdan to a time ot peeee seem to hart devolved apoD htm. compioinr vita the auaHtiea ef a thoroncn aaJoT those of the gentleman and ofneer. the de- eeasra. upon all proper occasions, hesitated not to avow a belief ra sacred truths, aad desired illustrated by practical endeavor, to live la accords ace with tae laeuleauona ot Him who taus-ht faith, while aavtaa from the tempeex-vexed waves of Galilee, aod wbo comniandein aad raiaeta the stormy wind; who maketh the storm a eaim. and waoae wonders tn tue crest deep are seea of the a who go dowa to te sea TMMM OFFICE a.eXfi Vf sfayLgg WaaftK' 1 naia ev am msi aaaassass 1 THE; FIRE Great Conflagration ta tho City of Chicago.

"i i Rfsres, ffliUi tmi TewaMati gvrpt Off by tba Flxmes-SeTFral Bloekr llready tmtaa Irp.WstDOB aad CaMrea noewc far lit. fratl Cf Fita. CmcAOo, Oct. T. Tbe most terrible cot fljgrarloo that ever oooarrad la t-iiy nroao out about 11 o'clock to-night.

ana having already swept over aix tire blocks, is attll racinr with- al unaoatea rary. The fire atarted tn the large nianuc-mm Mtuatod between Cbatoa aad Oiaal. and Van Buren and Jackson streets. The wind was Mowing --rary fresh and tae names spread 1 with almost fncred- lbla rapidity, aad ia a law nsrautoa tare aarueturo was a mass of firs. The Immediate vieinlty la built ly wita 1 amao wooden tenement-houaes and twootory frame buildiaga oceupied aa crooertea, Mloona, do.

Tbe Inmates ef many of these houses, startled from slum bee. hail Rarely time to rush out tn their scanty aught an ire, leaving their bouse bold goode to des trac tion. ib several instances children were! hastily wrapped in blanket and qullta to break their fall, and thrown from the aecond-etory window to tbe ground. When the alarm Bounded for this fire, another et considerable maa-nttude waa burning on Wells-street, sear Adams. Sev eral engines were BocoasarUy kept at work upon this fire.

Tbe rest of tbo engines tn the city were soon aa the round, but before they arrived tho fixe had spread over so large aa area, and was so rapidly spreading, that efforts seemed af little avail. xtetweeu canai-srreot and the nver were several lumber-yards, which are entirely de stroyed. At thia hoar the fire has msde a clean sweep from Van Buren-street north two blocks to Adams and west to 'Clinton. Three blocks from tbe liver, between Van Buren snd Jackson are burning, and the wood-work of the western approach to Adam-street bridge la de stroyed. A large coal-j ard, containing thou sands of tons of soft coal, aad situated between the tracks of the Chicago aod Alton and Pitts burg and Fort Wayne Railroad track and the river.

Is oh fire, and burning furiously. The Immense grain elevator of ViacEirr, bloom A one of the finest In tbe eity, is lmmediate-lv adjoining, and tbotuth Intended to bo fire i proof, there aeems Utttle doubt but that it will be destroyed, as the in tense heat to whioh it Is subjected will crack tbe slate with which it" la covered, both roof aad sides. Xt con tarns many thousands bushels of grain of all kind. Tba depot of the Pittsburg. Fort Wayne and Chicago.

Alton and St. Louis Eailronda, ia si mated north of Adams. and between Canal-street and the river. One ef the buildings, a light wooden structure, occupied as an express-office, waa in flames at mid night, and is undoubtedly destroyed. The scenes in tbe vicinity of the conflagration are indescribable Half otjtbe population of the city aeems gathered there.

Tbe tugs In the river are engaged In towing to a place of safety the vessels moored In the neighborhood, while locomotives are hastily pulling out tbe great Dumber of cars standing on the track in flames. At this writing it la impossible to give an rati mate of losses, but they are already very large, and the fire appears to be scarcely cheeked, ao tar as could be ascertained when the reporter left the scene of the fire. No lives are known to have been lost, yet it would be miraculous if such should prove to be tbe ease, i Half-past 1 A. if. The fire la apparently raging as fiercely as ever.

Tbe block; of build Ins on the north side of Vsn Buren-street. which it was thought an hour ago would be saved, ars now wrapt flames. Tbe elevator la safe so far, and the fire seems to bo spreading south and west, notwithstanding tbe wind is now directly from the south and blowing hard. Tbe glare from' the burning building lights tbe streets half a mile away so that one msy see to read. The entire Fire Department are now on the ground aad making almost superhuman efforts to stay ne flames.

The losses probably Into mllliona, and the end is not yet. Taxatlsa ta Brooklyn. The following- table shows the corn pa rati ve rates of taxation on real and personal property in tho various warda of Brooklyn tor city purposes, for the present year, aa compared with 1870 Wards. 1K70. 1871.

1 Warda. 1870. 1871. 1 ft St.slu 81.8 1UJ 4 12.S S5.7II4.A SOA 1 6tO 4 OS.1 184.5 1 SSXA 1 M-T 4 1 SUA Ul 11.. 81.8 i 3 US 4 OS.

I 3 85 17 I i 1 48A M-t 2 hll IS SS.S 1 SSjS 7 SS.4 IM. 4 Sl.t 4 1 S7.7 86. 20 4 Us. I i MS 9 1 71.8 S6A.X1..' 4 12 7 i MB 1 M.1 ai.S XX 4X2A IKJ II 8 SS. S5.Si 13 87.7 SaV Average- SSA 2 74A A new society paper, the Saturday -Vcir-Torker.

made its appearance on Wednesday last. Xt is spicy, high-toned, chaste in appearance, and deserves to be successful. Zrprem. Pereau Fluster. a ccbatxvb boot ra rrsKxr.

Superior te Spanish Fly hater, or aay blister, or aay rubefacients or stimulating Cniments whatsoever. Ths Porous Piaster never enacts the kidneys. The Idea of tala great remedy la due to Dr. Schscct, of South Carolina, United Btales. He oansulted with HObacB tt Dat.

ths distinguished India rubber manufacturer ot Hew-York, who assisted in perfecting the eonv BMMhty by the addition of ladle- rubber, aad to them' Jointly a patent was Isaac a by the United Statea Patent ta IMA These gentlemen, finding difficulties in preparing the plaster on a large scale, aald out to t. Aixoocx; as. col. who seatinued Ha ptvparattoa unta 1887, TJB to this tlms the business had aot been profitable, iarts Bambers of the plasters eoaatantly becoming spoiled; and htr. DAT sxpriisssl hia opinion that Aixcocx's PutaTsaa weald rain any maa who made them on a large scale, iravertbelesa, Dr.

Bxaxdbxtb, jot New-York, having purchased a majority of ths Interest, took charge of the preparation and eomaaeneed i on a large The owners Of the minority sen out and ths Doctor gave Be had a profound eoavictioa ot the valae af the plaster and ha spared no expense, purchased costly sascklnery, and, after a few years experience, was able to torn out a plastsr after tbe exact form at BchbcvTb, yet whoas auanrlcs remain aninjared by fame er climate I Za tact, tor the last ten years Axt, Oucsrs Poaocs Pt-ASTxas have aever beau too soft or toe hard, hot uniformly Boxfble aad xanoceet for all ages aad poailrtiont. aoavoalent aad pleasant to wear and ass ally only producing a "blush" apoa the skin, ars mors certainly surattva than blisters and without the prostration aad pain ef tho latter, and thia ia tree even ta Croup, Qnlnry, Pleurisy. Xs-mg aad Threat affectteoa. Bat the utility ef thia aaaitary mventtoa has been warmly welcomed, they ars largely sold In every part of the world, aad Hia beaevsd that net leas thaa 100,000 juauaa are wett SBdatteedtag ta the duties et Ufa, tree from pain, was bars aa Aixoocx-s Poaovs Plastbs asmsaksra about them, aad whs, but tor ths aald pmster. would bs piusttsls apoa a bed ot agoay.

Aixcoca'B Pereus PI asiissaro aew taoaaimeadsd by phystcisas ot all schools, aad have ths largest sale et aay plastsr. They are not a secret rsaaaSy but stuv pty amaaaiactnra, aad aa such ths stamp should be remitted. i -t i Principal office, Brandrslh House. NSw-York, and Jor aale by all druggists. A amtrUatmtiU.

a Tbe ziew disio fee Laat. Brome-Chlorsltun. noa-potsonsus and edorteas. sVssueys ail dtaagreaaSIa odors, aad' snrranU ceotaarloa. Preparsd only by TltPfUi A CoU ITS WUUam street, Sew-Vork.

Bold by druggists. 1. To have eVs-ant lirfat biacuiU. rolia. buck-beat MB-ea frolt hiasluua.

Acl. VSU should nss iKxiurra ybast PoupaA. Aak your grocer tor it Adrerftswsaiat. I ao (UuBsas. 1 11 4 WILLBTTstTR RT iu PJew tnvB wnn-s and WAIT Aa Ben MbBatTe, d-tatied at aamdatm.

BTonsad. snia sv-ksssv I ail mm li sal sed eaicullm the blsdier. oo-Ha south -win lass ay ta ell Clin. vijxow-f sooTgrva itbup, tor ad i mt aearao, aush as Ii irMaa. wbad sobe.

Ae, say. ryo, rrar rye. ft sstv Bya TW B-aaalas V.A. Bl V- niASMm BAIB DTI as aha iss bt sfadiB hsiadaaa, raw am. Balg soi lBsiaanBupa.

asase; or BM aawlisd as Ba aw WarslBf, It rem wtsh se ewtsvy rfce moat iviariraos bath af your tlfo. gstothe BlHUUs VAPOR (marble) Nau. 21 sad SV a Cm wsetf ajar. ParnoeS VI us. s.

Wa. ate lireaaway. A FKW AXD DS8I KABI.K ABTlCLJt. DIED. .) BtCarW-FIX.

ou Thursdav. baa. A hf ABXA wire of T. Blackwea ta ths Sth year of her ara The raiaUvea and friends aT the huailv see ma. fully mvlteS te attend the funeral, tress her lata reot-M ii wnainsfc.

sxroosiya. aftemoou st o'clock. HrllB-KV-n. Oranrs Oouatr. It.

htra. Tuoa. c'ltcKvu. ami Ptmeral ea Voodsy. oelorkj fuitaraay.

tct- 7. at IHiXt puaLAJt, at hta reaidenea. No. 48s Wast Ud-st. Hue nntloo of funerai.

PUB.UY. At hia lata rsaldeuea. Ma. BBS XUi it aa eaturaay BBsrnJaa-, Oct, 7. puaox.

Itosios of raraeral hereafter. ROBIKaON. Thursday. M-t. A Ktera.

wttsof Johh xtoMasoo, ia tee sata yaar of her aee. 1 he relativea aad trietwla of the fsssrhr era fully invited to attend the funeral brum the reeulnnee oi ner aoe-m-iaw, Jaaaes K. Halsey, Ne Orovs-st-Mew York. this day, (Snaday.) Oct. 8.

at le'esaok P.aC TTTi. XS a tat arc ay rth AMADA hXtaa. tm, uv iuw su v. nuum uq Ol WO late rapt Joseph Adams, In ths eta year ef her age. Relatives snd friends of the family are its pa if ally Invited to stxend her funeral ou Tuesday, loth taav, at ciocB.

at et. r-aai's u. a- Ohnrrh. Miasma. 1- J.

WOOD. Oct. 7. HAM1LTOB T- son at Isaora-a aod Ma. rietta Wood, as-ed 0 years unersl ou' Monday eventna.

Oct. a. at TU. from the rraadonoe of bla brother, Radnor K. Wood.

He. 4U West xa av Relativea snd meeds are respectfully Invited huhn aiso memoeraat uooMiT li. -rwsnrv. ond Ktsnmeat. i.

li. H. N. aad tee red men i erslly. Tbe remams will bs taken- te Tarrytowa by wa j- ss.

traia eu xuoanay. xna xum. mr mter. ment, WALK KB- On Pndsy morntas. Oct.

DBAS aPRbtta. wife of Henry D. Walker, runeral services at Christ's sMhet. and Bu-av, at it ciocx oa eunday anornoou. MISCELLANEOUS.

BEST B1BGAHI ETKB OfrKBCD l.W "RP.TfiBK.. Whim French China Dmner Sets. 1S7 pieces 933 OS Colored and OUt Pienoh China Dinner Beta. 7 at Coined and OL't French China Tea Sets, forty. four 10 SO Rllver-pUted Castors, six eat bottles 80 Silver plated Tea Seta, atx pieces, beat plats IO BUvsr-plAted Table Forks, the Aosea Of Colored Chamber Seta; eleven pieces.

Xnglisa mate 4 so I TOGETHER WITH a full assortment of CHI.fESE AND JAPANESE Porrjaaia. W. S. T. DAILXY.

sxi tiroauway. INTBST i. BBCl'BB A FOBTCNE. "THE SARA TOO A OF THS HOLTU." 1100,000 IN PRIZES. The drawtua: of tbe AIKEN PRJEMTT7X L1KD SAX1C will positively taks place on luuuaUAi.


Tickets lor sale and full particulars riven bv J. O. DERBY. General Manager. a MUX.

ITUrOt-BI I I BBSS. I I Ko. at Liberty- How-York. 1MIK extiCfJTIYat COnniTTBKOV CiussnssBd Tax-payers for the Financial Reform of tbe City and County ef Mew-York 1 The undrndgnsd mssabsrs of tho Sah-Commlttea ou Wars and Means, respectfully solicit subsertptsons to the fund for arraying the sxpenses ef ths above Oora-aitttes of Heveaty im performiBsT tho duty devolved onon that Cosiaiittss at the meeting held at Cooper Union, ou MONDAY VKlNO, Sept. 4.

IS7I. Hock snbacripuoaa may bs seal te MIL SAUK K. Ksq, Treasurer, at his. 130 Broadway 1 to either of the uu-deratrned, or te the ouUer tors daly sopotnted for the parpose, wno wiu bbow weir euiaonty. JA1.





F. A VEM vioehan-man. i a-x-umcie. Ntw-Yott, hept. 11.

1871. Q-l (f Citf WOLD ROYAL HAVANA 1 UU.Ul'U Lottery of Cuba draws Oct X4: whole tickets MX, ourreney shares ta proportion. Bead for otroulars or eaU for mformatwa eu JOHEPH BATES, agent. So. 14 Broadway,, AND 1Q ffkERS.

Ko. 1ST 4th4V has a perms, it and palaieas cure lor both these evils. Tboo 1 cured. Call or send stamp for evidence. CSS i ILLMOIt PahUe.

He Bash- aaasas aad Jle I. Brat NEW PUBLICATIONS. HOW NKir.YOBBLU OOfKBtED. The aad Oerman adittous of the Pamphlet published by the Siw Yoei Tnata, containing a oomplete i HISTORY OF THE TAMMANY FRAUDS. are now ready, and may be had at the TDaa counter.

Tbe narrative osntatns an the Information which aaa be gathered on tbe sobjoct, Including a oomplete fist of the Warrants drawn for the Oaurt-house aad Ar ose, with special tatxednction, illustrations and Botan. Price cents copy, or 14 bundrsd to deal- All orders to bs addressed to tbs SEW TORX TIMES. I POLITICAL. FOR MEMBER OF ASSEMBLY, VIITU AeeKafBLT DISTRICT. C3BO.


Pastor -at tbe Naw EnaSaad Congregational Church, corner Madlaoa-av. and aTth-eV, win preach oa BUNDAY at 10 A. and 7 Pi M. Ail ere in vited. BYACal CBAPEL, EAJ6T 14THT, OPPO- slta the Aeademy of Masle.

Pros saata Rev. Jobs W. Pastor. Ber rices at 11 A. M.

aad P. ht-i sermoa the MOKNIN0 by Rev. W. T. Eoaaax, aad tm the ETE5ISO by Rev.

c. C. Ctmaia. ef PraraXeaoa, B. X.

Strungura oar (Bally lavtted te rvAx. A. Bt XT BAPTIST 1 CHURCH. WAAT at seas tth and 8th avaPreeoalag by the Pastor Rev. R.

a. MACArratra every sab BATH at 1SH A. M- and 7 P. at. atrangera aad peraoea havtag aa regular pises sf worahip are oardlalty invite.

1 TRISS TO CtLirOR! A. RET. E. SWBa-rsaa WIU aehver 00 SUNDAY EVENING. ri.MBIII tbs sawaid of a short atnao of olsoouraee foanaed rperkcavrsa of Bis rsesn tour across the eoa-ms isuua msBiiBBuring at 7 P.

M. Maraiag A ooiBii K.rOOatTlA-; Xato roucr men. aa SC5DAY AVtCNiNo. as- soriatioa HsO. Xtd-stv.

esrwer ef tb-av. Hinging by ths eonrTasatWax, uaeac tho uirsoxise ot a a as alar with read era-aa aaa ean aaa earaas ajsa-aaapaaiaBaat. troaa A SKC0.1D.8TBBBT K. CHURCH a. pwsia a veaeas ptsai blsa ov the Paa- ter.

Html Asirua, at b9b A. m. aad 7 P. at. Kveaw tag.

snbtscs I vu Oahhath sehonl at aad I is. Praver ausnni at vu-asaea. day evening prayer msstisg at beau tree. air aaa id para, U. a.

aaaa At Baall Quarters tue- read Ssssstss shsn Jewelry rouuab Bisrsa, Hoi set as sad a sy. the assoh lair rifthavseee Bsal wkilnili and reeahV Jast ro-oatvsd aow liatgai Mil 1 AltWBtAB Truavu BATwa. tjoajesrtesi awaasy Tmm'Smmlm andassasqa bhUah mTRB. WTlTTei Pros aMrtmfmLTrmMmfmi laotsry Atw frw aiai Imaurvaaaa Svth-aA. sawMkaT, OUMUOY kOkKINU Hs7 SH s-eiach p.

U. As trHUatCM. SV asv hstwseosta and Tta fX-Urwsne! at A 1C. obmI TU P. at.

asbseS for itioibs ass. i -r myan eJW Wtss7Taa pHBIST rwCM.aTH-AV, AelD avrav -ws. i im. a as lutsawsr Heir iauaaiwalsa at AV i Mara ami Prayer, Uajsay. Bast srmoo at li A at-, mt -rr sail inawsaU THP.

at Rev cTg si IXli, vrw I ttmUJllM rultau as. aad Atlantis as. aJW DA Y. rtetTssBvT Hsaw suarsinn of fsawott. TiU lTa a ii a oBw jr.

awa ftWTItAI the Passer. Bev. j. F. Wusau.

on 1 at Wit A. M. aad 7 P. M. alHfJKfSf Tn ST atKSrRBtCTItsru.

Beruf SI that, aad seato n-uaT Vauath otsaewrB nmrn Is. B- aaa Om 10 1 A. M. Suasay sob sal at re, P. FTAfTORLICAL IWIDI.IBSRfllia jLKCTtTRK.

ay Mssnrai. Larrrr. hciwday" MOKNIfro, '1 1" ail i i man if aad tethut. HabecS Has i lartsanssa ha sssst -7 ws Blast Faslare. Caioa riaiei asllsa afVsr isav' -vrrtanv USW v.saeaaa.siBas 11 K.

CHURCH Praaetuaa ra ths MOK. Nd aasi a.v 1 iv i nytns pastor, josarn rnujiia, .10 ihe AfTKItMOO.T, at I e'clock. Una. Inuutwiaee. nw aa iiiossrstou 1 not SB a ta YAN43K I.

I.IITHBKAntlHUniu OFTHE HOLT TRINITY. t1a-at aearSth-av, naie ea SUNDAY, st Bftsj A. by the Paater. Rav. U.

P. KaoTBU D. D- aad as 7H P. M. by Rw.

Parur Scbajt. It. IX ntrsaaars eordially aavitad Fi KKR HBTHOBIST Starr lor worshla ta the hall sorrier Sta-av. aad attav rreachmg su sabbath mt ss ton A. af as4 p.

hy Rov. A. F. OuaiT. whs has hseo reapnoiataA Passnr ef this ebarge far the aasmag yaar.

CSasa-BieaUDg at A. M. FORTT.tltr"IMTnKrT rRPtaw. BYTRRI AN CHURCH, west of Broadway -H-w. W.

W.Nivhj. 3t Paator elect, vrUI preach oa S4J K-DAY MORNLKA1 aad kVBJIINU IltTKHKSTIItO St BtRVIt KB IT AT' TORStV STRKKT bL P. between Deumeey and Rlvtugteu atu. New-Ynrk City, oa SODA Rev. J.

arra. A. M- lata Polar of First -thorns Chares. Lrbaxxsx. Hhia, nwt oearly.

Sleeted Pastor of Attorney stress. PreachinaT at tn A. M. said 7H P. M.

Haeraaaeat at 8 P. M. SansnsS 1 at ntghtr a'oaiAsrravl FaalA. All lavited. Saalafr Iff tHK ABBKNCR av RBT, 4.

FBOTHisoaAa. Rev. Jobs Wriss. of watertewu. Maw, will preach ee SUVDAT at I.vne HatLaai Sth-av betweea Slat and 4Xdets.

ilarrtcas to Bum 1 usance at 10 o'clock A. M. FRRtt HII.I. PRRSBt'TBRUI CbBreh. east of Lexlaatsu-av.

iuaa SABBATH, at 19 A. M. aad 7k P. Mj Prennh- lnarm ths MORNINOhy ths Paator, Rev. Obobos K.

1 KiMBKU, ana ib xuo Kvavmu ay stev. TRoaiaoB. 11. ix LXMamaaioa sat. jus anec MADtaON PRESBYTER! Abt CHURCH.

Prof: K. HlTrBK-tsru. I D.ta ex-pected to proacb la Uua church an 8UNH1V MOBS-ISO, aad Rev. K. W.

Oilblas te the AFTARNOOhl neivajas at tola A. M. and lt P. M. OPEN CO-ltvfijNION BAPTTST CHURCH, irtb-at- near SUi-av Services by the Passer.

Res-. R. Cambbob. 10H A. 7 It P.

htl Cordial mvita-tioa te alL 1 PRRtrunn i.n tiik rarT fifty-TH1K1) STREET BAPTIST CHURCH, ejess-7thev by the Paatur. Rev. W. H. PxsPLA-TOB.

et 10 A. M.BDQ7WP.M. Strangers are eordially mvttoA RT. DR. CTHCB DICHSOV fTII.I.

Siva an addreaa tha Brick Cbnreh. corner ate. av. and 7th-ak, SUNDAY KVENINfl. atTH o-tdnea BBBTgested bv bis recent vtail to Oaliforaia aad Ora.

gon. Snrdecl 6Sw asWeas em ths artarsmerv Ftetsf HFaat sr th Jf iassnrl Atser. east Atong torn Vmamt of taa pet. T. T.

HK1DRICK, sASlT4ak JVlrand street Methedlat Chorrh, WUliatnabarg. near will preach SABBATH, at 10 1 A "hll ou ffmsenly xisswoaa. followed with 'VeocpU-a sc metnbera and oommunioa. RVENINO. atTb, third uf a-a-iea of discourses tor young ladies.

Teetoe-. 1tr Hlehmmt OolUny. bests free. Kf. ISAAC vTBRCOTT.

D. WILI. proaoh ia Plymamth Bspust Church. Sist-sV. Isa.

Ivsm mil and loth ava. at 101 A. hL. on mm ovwav mm of ijtoa, and at 7 a r. aL.

to ysuag bmsb a satp. Sunday -school at and 1 o-oiock. RKY. J. V.

KI.DK R. PASTOR OF THtt Mailiaoo-a venae BapUst Charrb. onrnar Madnoa. av. andalBVaU.

will preach oa SUNDAY at Wt, A. at. bjmI 7 V.U. Snnday-achoal at A. hL Bible Ctaes 111 tbs lectore-room at Xsj P.

M. KKT. THOtltS Ul'lHD. A D1TIN-a-niehed minisSer of ths 1 nah Wealeyan Onaiee-euro, will preaeh la tbe Ktabteeoth strneS BL tt. Church.

trth-av ,1 00 SUNDAY Osux mav. at7sj P. M. 1 KR V. GEO.

II.IIRPWOHTH WftX prtwrh at the ChurTb of the Messiah, cotst Para, av. and Mta-st Oct. A MORNING audi EVKXINU. uiOael svsmng How tm OboAtsI ovtsV Tmper. i- IJtVr.

flits. F. FIFTH UWIVEf-AVmaLIMTCH CRCH, Cajckenna: HaHNe It RaaB I4th-at. SUNDAY. Oct.

A at 10 S. A. M. Sahjaot Ovimwf Wrmnaana Crmcfwma AtsAA Beats free. Pnblis oordiaJy lDVited.

-ft. hi, JslaV I t- 1 1 1 assa aa i r. ax ay toe rata saswn. thsass tree, rmamosl at Smml. ta WsgBasu'SBssssaasisS P.

M. .1 BfsanK Ta mmr at sass, ere the essmag Aansr. win preach tee Osoeeva -r-Wi Si cliassasra. a Bst IW. JasiaaO.

aft' aaa wul ash ear anaeul Saaaaai raa ou she kfeottsjo basAsssri: SDKCvkX Oa, A ot is hu GU Chiral or TUKJlBafgaLT nMOT. thev, abovu e-Uj-aA-SCAnA Or. A Maclha iniaSOaasai tm the aaearth, ems Cbaanh wiW hsaeaaa at 11 A. M. aad ta ths KYRN a TW.

Vai" SA BBAT4A. casa A- TtRT. M.CI, BODflB, D. PAMTOK Ot 1 Vmuth Bspttst Church. Weslrtstn-sS Tth sad th ava Preaohmg every SABBATH, at lu A.

at. aod 7 P. hL StrsaaerB eordisllr tovtlad. IIBr, H. D.

ORTHBOPWII LPRKAClt IV la the West Twenty third street Preabvterlau Church, near 7th-av ou et Mh A. aud 7 r. ax. TRT. C.

at. ITEEO WILL PkKACB IS1. AaJobB-street M. Chtirch, betweea Nai tan aud SUNDAY, et I0S A. M.

aad TH F. M. Saata free. Straoaera eordially In vtted. RT, A.

H. WfATT tral.t, PBK1CH ia tbe Jane-street M. E. Chtirch su hUNDAY MORNING, at Uh o-elock. and at 7H P.

hL SECOND ABYBItt CHCRCH, COO Pat at Iuautate, Room No. St. Praachiag SUNDAY hy Dr. 8. LlDlHSoTOB at 10 A.

M. aod P. hL. oa ea hi Arts connected with the second oomisvf ef Chrus. ana a fritnra Uie by a resurrsclua frota the dasd.

Ail are invited. 1 DT. JOB.t'8 K. CIICBCU. axtvjtr.

betweea way and ath-av. freer hi a a- oa SUNDAY, 8th at 10 A. M. aed 7 P. aL, by the Pastor.

Rev. A. D. Vail, Sot T. PiVLt Bf.

K. CHCHCH, OORSKS ta-av. and XXd-av Rev. Taoo. UOABO.

of She I nah Wesley aa Cenforanre, wUI presch at MM A. Rev. o. it. poaa.

Paster, at 7 HJa ths kvahimo. at 7hla ths EVEN I NO. ggOSlNKD ESfTTCII tr-sqaara, sutb-av. batwasa Sen R. TaoMreoa.

1. Psaaar. T. PlDLu Don loss every SUNDAY at a o'ctaeBA. hL sad TH o'clock P.

M. Haali tree, handay mhsat at ccatcB PBBkBITBBIAN CHURCH. near Sth-ev. Ksv. ALruo H.

KbuiOmq: Oaie Paator sf the Univeraltv plans Cberca.t will sapply thepulptt of this Cfcaick darmar tho aiBalh mi October, tsemoas at A. ja. and 4 P. IOW oa Wtdasaday sv antes aSTu o'etoca. CBCB.f A0YKNT HKITI.IO SL L.

sZ derO. V. BubsbaM will presch at 1. 188 West X4th-aL, on the a A BBJ hL snd 8 snd 7 P. oa satyecls ta ooauag et Christ aad a preparatiaa tl tho ehurch.

No. BATH, at a A. hL thS OOBMBg iT.XrKEt l. E. CHrRfH, OtSTJIT.

nM. ill rimil In sa HlMjlV bA MM, A. BL. and 7t P. by Rev.

a. Hauossi, Paator. True. tea attendance is seat snsraa T. ANN'SI VRKK CUCRCH.

1STH ST. uear 4th-sv. hnrvtcss sat 7 A. aL. leu A.

hL. Ssj P. for Iieaf-mutea. aad Ta P. at.

Rev. Dv. Oiu. LACPtr will preach. 1 ETKltTIBSTBATRBBf K.

llCHl'MCH. saewssu 1st and id ava Rev. J. WtLUs, Paator. will preach.

sohMaes, oveumg The eoapcl CHisrfjaa. easts mo. ist rasas ss r. mu. T.

BPIMOPAk' I' riuH. Usaas I as net. Ksot SSth ba- tweea Maitias-a aad eth ava 1 1 1 hiaa oa IPS DAT at ihia A. M. Rev.

Dr. Patca will preach. ST. TlnOTHt'l PROTfceTANT UPIW-PAL CHURCH Mth aad I7(b sta. want of Sts-svi GEO.

Jabvm oasa, it. It-, xtector. 1 ares SUNDAY, Oct. A Ml A. htSk aadTu P.

OT. HASH'S CHI Bf ea. CORNER KD-AV. Oaad 10th at. Rev J.

H. kILiA I- -wLl preeeb at II A. M. and a F. M.

IJT. x. t. ax Ka Moan Oeervtea ta the chapel svary BL'NDAT AFT haw NOON at ecleck. 'T.

THOPIAaV tfllRCH-tW. )LIAMs, Sexton and Cadertaker. No. CT Sth-sv. TBIHTYgTEYTHATBirT E.

CHURCH, near sd-av. Prsarhing SUNDAY, ta the MORNING oy Rev. Csia uturu.alhui EVEN I NO by tho Pastor, Rev. T. H.

RfBcaL. Ha at a tree, babbstherheol at Seed at A 1 To raro IbTn. at the roadway. TA8IB.1ACLK CRCtCHM SUNDAY EVKN- INO. Dr.

TwoarrsoB win presra ea cart ri an mm aarvics aa u- 1 J. STAxroxn ixjiA D. Paster, is 6ihsv, bel i DB-ir 1 wasa at sad IaxXmum ara -rYaSshiBg svsry Lord ax Kb a-r a A -s -sassKwvd awO I YTNIXB CHAPBlf, H1RI. t. ravTH-T KJ SL.

earner of th-ev. Fourth at- earner of th-e v. Fourth uaitanea Hev. W. W. CasabrMtira. will prsarhTUia MOH.VI.ta. at o'clock. Sunday en bats at SSj A. Tou ars eordially mvttae.

WTJWtNTR. m. lit CHURCH. Want Saf-st, herweau Svh and Tt), an-PKsMhiu SABRATH. MA taat ICs.

bv Rev. 1st. D. M. MacUbB.

Vouaa Beopts's 1 evstuag. s'cIskA. iiUsngers outaieUy i i 'i I hi 1 4.

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