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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 3

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

UCXCHLNG A BIG CRUISER TBE BAL11MOUE EECE1Y11SO UKH JtAMie. A LABGE AMEMBLAttE WIT Mil SO THE icccEssrcL Binisic of the hew wae tmr. Philadelphia. Oct ft. Hundred of American flag waved, Steak Whlstl I ad 10.0O0 people tent up eneora, stbne steel ermUMT Baltimore th Cramp's tlp yard b4 glided 1e1-war about 2 o'clock this afssrawon.

It WM the christening of tb third largest war MM1 of tb new nvy. on ot til ittot plac at tn pnvi a BlchBMd shlD yard. Wmr 1 ts th proee of Secretary Whitney ul a delegation of prominent felks from Waablagtoe. The rrvsl ehip re had a holiday took, mad ell th morning a bay told Of (ho prepare- ttooi that wo or tt of tb Bltlnra Boon after 1 o'atoek Pouoo Captain Oolrk marched lato the yard at too a regiment of polloemaa. Whoa th pollcewes had beea plaood la a entwine liae ecroee tho big yard, a algnal was given, tho greet (ate wore openod.

and aiea, women, aad eiilidraa poured ia. Everybody tumbled over hi neighbor, but tho poiioo had little tratble, aaa did set take tho people loaf to maaa tbeaaelve back of th Una of stalwart offloera. A iu of face looked np at la lofty prow mt tha erulser. a heavy rata begaa to falL The irrest steel bail of tb war ahlp mad a sinking piatnr. aa it tewerea aura ap ta too mist.

From tba kael to tbe water Una of tbo losr grscelnl bust, red paiot flamed la eontraat with tba doll lead baa of tae opper park Sao was a maJMKe looking craft, alia aa looked araoelal and pretty, aba seemed every taea a gntcr. a bar abarp prow aad Mighty fide rrownea tsr oot me ueaua 01 tn crowa. Bnow tba BalUmor reatod the rod-palntod ribs of tha new enttaer Bswark, aad a Uttla farther down atream tba Philadelphia roao bigs above t'ua ateaiuer of tba ciyae una. At me euge 01 tao wharf. above tbe uaitnaore.

waotbo atoamer Bealeoa. bow af tbe Clyde Una. aad which raa down turn btireaaoi iae aioraa uu, aaa joat Delow ho new drBamlte erulaer VaeaTlaa lar like a wk trrey bound aeruaa tbo noolb of a wide duck. out In the mlidla of tho Doloware. the TJnltod ftatnaaUtaoier Doapatohroated, tUToaodod bf a DouDiac newi amau craxt.

ciaua epreckeia aad a auiobtir at California aad Jbaetera fneada erewded too Ida toe iTaoboo. Tba water hiddan br tbo fii-ob There were tag of all description, raenta. aiooua, eat bo a ta. and row boela of overv TarietT. Thar were crowded witb men.

women, and eblldroa. while all tba BelKblwriac wbarre were packed with people. Etery ablp along the wbarre wa black with klieeialora, and men and bora looked down rum lofty meat on a aurrtac ana of nmbrallaa. Tbe rain came dnwa and tba ekeud were heavy, bat tba red, white aad bine floated la iheeaetern breexe freta tbe gayly-drenaed Baltimore and tbe other veaetsl. aad brlghteaod np aa other- le sombre plctare.

Tbe 10.000 people were itandtiuc In the hoary rala wita expeclaot faore turned toward the bic gate, wbeti, Joat brfore 3 -o'oiock, tbe palace eara Elaealohr and Twlllxht were drawn to tbo ate of tbe yard, brtnruic a bit party or TUltor from Wahiorton. A Capt Quirk' men mad a laaa tbroaicb tbe army of feople toe raeU aueved tbroacb tbe yard aad on toward tbe platform ervcted just under the prow of tbe jjaittiuore. secretary wititooy waa not witn tha Weahiajrton rielwra, but be waa expected erery mement from New-York. Mr. Wilson, wife of Chief Cooatraetor Theedor Wilson, who was to break tba bottle of cbempaffne aod rive tbe sw erale-r ber name, was not feelinc well.

aad aba rsated la tbe office of tbeabipyard wbilo tue otaar viaitors marenra apon tbe plauorm. tablet Euf inoer MelviUa, the arotio explorer and bead at tbe bureau of Encineerinc, came np toe steep aarpiank witb Admiral Frankda and Jadfe -Advoeate-Oeneral Bemey of tbe Bevy. Dita came commodore Bobler, Chief of the Bureau of k-Qiilpuient. witb Ura. Scblev and tbelr daacbter.

faymaater-Oeneral Fulton waa ttbaaval Conatruct4r Hiobborne aod Mr. kborim. Assistant 8e retary of Ptate Rlvra was Jast beblDd. KKprraentattve Herbert, Cbalr- Bisn 01 tns Mouse ftaval Cemmlttee. and feeo aior Mitcbell of Orea-on then appeared.

Con- sTosaman Hanner of this city, with 6n. looker of Mississippi, and Gea. A. Buoll. Ispl.

Uawlnson and Mrs. Uewloeon, were In a roap. with Ural-Commander Stockton. Med leal laapeetor Van Keypen, and Chief Clerk hocjc of tbe navy. Lleat.

Mason, jleak Dunn. Capt. Ooodall of California, and Naval Con-irnctor Varney marcbe.) up tbe plaak ahead of capt. oonimandant of tbo Waablnfton avy 1 ara. toa unu.

and wrla-ht. Chief Eainneera t4tta. Kaler. Andrald. and Abel and Passed Assistant Engineer W.

Hae and Aaslstant nsrioeer F. lrtd-e were rep-resentauvee of tbelr Drench of tbe service. Jx-partsieut Clerk Jneeph 8. Kerrett, Assist ant tjonsuruetors una u. iioover ana n.

f. Mxob Walker, alone with Mr. cd Mrs. Heed, t-wnyrejaaman ttoii 01 Baltimore, and Cowls Puffy mt tbe Bsitlmura tnat wore with tho asoiBfrtoB visitors. lift eeeiy.

oommandant of tho Learue Island Navy Yard, wao had come bp the Delaware la hie ateam launch, came np on tha platform wiib capt. towiee or the Ills pa tea. wba la son In-law of Allen Q. Tburmaa. LJeut.

Iric( waa wita taem. au ine aseaare. crampa were 00 hand looking ator the comfort of their rnests, and a Jelly party of Philadelphia folk wer cathered on tbe platform to brlp receive the visitor. Amona them were Joaeoh Whar ton. Alfred William of the Oregon Improvement Company, Mia Irene Cramp, Mrs.

6am- ul Cramp, aad Mr. aad Mr. George W. Freed, jr. art about 2 o'clock there waa great buatle ana exeitemoBt ai Fooretary nbltaey oame up the gaacplaak carrying ao umbrella and with Airs, liaon leaalaic on bla arm.

Mrs. Wilson, a pleasaat-facea. crar-haired lad v. wore a browa dres trimmed with veivet aod watered ellk aad broaze beads, and a seat boanet ta match. Chief Conatrootor Wilson followed with a lad leaning on bis arm.

Charles H. Cramp and Secretary Wbltaey gallaatly plaoed tw aair directly under tha bow of the erulser. ana Mrs. wusou ana ura. Bohlay arated tbam- telves.

Aa tua ladlea of tho party grouped (bemaelve behind Mrs. Wllaen and Mrs. Oealey tbsv were banded boaaueta of ilea rose. Mrs. Wliaen' bouquet waa made of Fraaeo roses ana Mr.

Bobley bold Marecbal aoll roses Jast aa secretary Wbltaey appeared oa tbe platform 13H maa awaag tbelr bam mora and becaa to batter tbe ways aad Ell tbe air wita Buiae. Tbousoada of aye war tamed up to Iae big Bkaa-of-war as tbe werkmea hammered i sj aad tbe maa of people aurgod Bear tbe tesael. It was lust 2:14 o'clock whoa Mrs. Wil son, taking tba bottle of champagne bid den la rod, white, acd blao ribbon aad gold lace. aad wish tho golden Wand United btatoa Cruiser.

So. 3," oa a blue ilk streamer Boating from the seek of tho but-tis, took her place oa tbo right hand aide of tbo prao. Charles Cramp (toed on aide of Mr. Usaa and be ore tar Wbltaey on tho other, holding her bouquet of rose and aa nmbiaUa. me namaier topped a aaw waa neaxa.

and every eye waa turned toward the group of ladles. I bars she gee." ehouted a thousand voices. ad as the Baltimore started down tbe waya Mrs. Wllsoa broke tha bottle of wise oa tbo prw and ohrlaiened ber Baltimore. Aa tbe aiajestio veasel glided graoel ully lato the water SL'i eat lb tbe Delaware bandrod of flag aved.

thousaada of aaadkerehief Sattoroo, Lsts went up la tbo air. ateam waiallea creamed, belle raac. aad 10.000 voieoa aent vuileys of cheers rtagiag over tho waters, wblle the gaa of the Diapatoh thandorod a salute to tbe pride of tbe new navy. "Tale 10 beautiful." aid toe dellchted Mra. Wilson.

Yea. it la do- hkhtful." answered Secretary Whitney. and credit belong to Pbiladalpaia." Alter tbe launch tha Meaara. Cramp gave baaqitKt. at which becretarr Wbltaey made rraoetul apeeeb.

fie said that hi oondaot aa bvrtary bad been severely eniloixed by many ncwsaaiiers ef tbo eoantry. bat be was aatlabed that Botblng could be don to make a now navy nam the old method bad boon done away with. ibe uuaraiored ateel cruiser Baltimore em bed) ail tbe most modern aad formidable feature of the class to which aba beioaga. Of. tha atuet recent triple expaaaloa typaaeroB- tin, with twia screws and forced draught, are xpecled to develop 10.7MI bora power and a bead ef at least 19 knots.

There are ao un- kttaered ships of her tonnage afleat that will be sur than the Baltimore, It she attaloe the speed tor waica she ta designed. The screws 'Hi feet in diameter. Tho cylinder are WJ. aad inabee la diameter, with a 43-wea truke. I he dispiaoamont of the Balumero tea, ber length 33S teat, breadth 4 e.

aad rneaa draught of water 19 feet eho OLU earry 30O mea aad about SO oflleere, aad ul dpead eatlrely upon her eagiaea, aa lbs akurt masu. witb oirealar platferma for aischius gun, win spread only a small area of mat wtu aerve to steady tao ship la Beavy weaiaec. lb hall of tbe Baltimore la particularly well constructed. The double bottom la miaately aabdlvuied and there are many water-tight ooaitMtrtments both above aad below the turtle bsvk. aad all of which may bo drained by the rwerful paaipe provided for that purpose.

They may also be Seeded If desirable for water Ballast or for any other reason. The bow la adt sua braced fr ramming, the rodder aad gear are placed well below the water uue, the two ciiginee are separated by a u-r-uut Bulkhead. The turtle back, which oeatlaaoo from bow to atora. afford orotoo- uoa for the eagiaea, boUera, magaiiaea. aad toanag OBgma.

aad eualrl bates great arohr- aural atrengu te the whole ahlp. It ta aieut. the Bat peruoa. or orowa. at tao height ae water naa Oetaa XHtaowoa thioh.

ag ta leeaee at the kaackle. or place where toeerewa iotas the tBcUaed alOee. Tb mdeo are weaea tbtok aod slope to 6 toot below tao water line. 1 his turtle feaek will man vwinetiiea that amay peatrat tho otdo of tho aae areveat the aader-waasr wtB ltddlad by tao ball of tasU aaay casraratrlaa fa tare aral wattlea. ao aeawt Oat large eaUbro aOell weald ajfflrj: aqaaroly while lataat.

Bat It la probable that auret arver peaetrauag tno eoip a eoal bukora-aad that tbe fragateat onlv WU1 roach tao protection dock aad bo do- fleeted harvleoaly from the vital of tho ship. Large eaioaded eaeila or solid ahot, however would not oreaa ap aaa migBt rwtsaa aui- Bctsot energy to pleree tbe turtle Back. It la probable, la view of tbta tact, that aa enemy weuia ore a cersaia iibmt or aucn vroieeiuee ta order to Insure penetration of tbo asdor- water hull with tho retalUng danger to ma- ebiaery aad the flooding of tbo mala compart ments. The security afforded by tbe proioeuoa deck must aot. tbeeefore, be evereetl mated.

1 besnaxlmum eoal eaoactty will bo too towed In buakere In the waka of tbe eagiaea and boiler for additional proteeUoa. Bhella explodlBg la tao eoal will cause aaueb leea-dam-ua Experiss ate have shown that the frag ment are 000a aiepid aad tho destructive effects greatly 'diminished by eoal armor. With her full supply of real tho Baltimore can ateam 1.W7 knot at a speed of iy knots, aad at a peed of 10 knot aoa oaa cover a distance of 8,155 kooia. All oompartmeau of tbo ahlp wnl bo Ilsbted by electric bghta. taere betas two draamoa.

each ef 8.200-eaadlo produelng power, and the system of voaUlatlea will bo complete, tbe two oiower engines aavtag a capacity 01 10,000 cam rret of air per miaate. Tbo Baltimore will bo a flagahlB. tbo Admiral' cabin being on tbo berth dock at the stern of tb ship, aad tbe Captain's quarters Joat above under tbe poop deck. Forward of tbe Admiral's a alters la the wardroom witb Id staterooms. and adjoining tbe wardroom are comfortable accommodation for tbe lanior omcer.

lit forward part of the berth deck apd tepcallaat forecastle deck will afford a large pace for the crew. The deck wUl be light and airy a tbe hetzbt Is 1 feet between deck. Ibe principal armament of tno Baltimore win comprise four H-laeb tine, throwing a ioo- ponnd shell witb a charge of 1'io poana or powder, and six 6-tneh cans throwing a 10O- bouno nu wita a caarge 01 ou pounaa. jlwo of tbe 8-ioch ruas are mounted forward on tbe topgallant foreoaatle, one oa each aid. 2 feet above tbe water line.

Tby are placed oa cen tral pivoting eerrlagea oa projecting platform or eponaens, which olear tbe ablp'a aide and give to era a train el 3 aegreee iorwaru or me oeem and 70 degree abaft tbe beam, aa exceptional weep, which will make tbeae gun very ef fective. Tbo two remaining h-ibcb gun am mounted in the ame manner oa the poop deck. Qi feet above the water, aad have tbe same effective are of tee. The six -loenran are mounted on tue un covered gun deck la broadside in projecting aonaoB. which give tha forward pair of gun an are or Ore of 92 degree forward and 70 degrees abaft the beam, and the after pair 2 degrees abaft and 70 degrees forward of tbe beam.

wane the esiaaie pair nave a train 01 su aegreea forward and 70 decrees abaft the beam. In chasing or in-running away It 1 evident that the Baltimore win be aoia to keep np a very heavy fire. All these gun and their crew wilt be protected la a measure by semi-circular steel shields. Tbe secondary battery will Include six 6- ponodor. rapid firing Hotcbkis gun.

Lx Hetoh- kls revolving cannon, ana roar uniting guns. Two of the 6-poanders wfli bo mounted under tbe foreeaetle and two under the poop for bow aad atora fire, and tbe remaining gnn wlU be Placed at available points oa tho ahlp' rail. oa the bridges, and aloft in the military top. Xbl battery ot 10 amaxi guo wtu xorm aa lm- rirtant part of tbe ship's offensive power. Tbe peubder will pieroe 8 incbe of ateel at 1.0O0 yard and tbe 8-pounder 2 inches at the same distance.

Tha penetrating power i. therefore, sufficient to pierce tho aide and above-water bulls of no- armored ship, and, as tbe gun crews are but partially protected by the shields, the probable eneot or mis nre win do very aectruct- iv of life if Boouraey la attained. The rapid-fire atagie-barreiea uotoogiea gun are aimed and fired from tbe (boulder, require but three or four men to maa aad work them etflclaotly, aad are very accurate at all ran sea at which ablp are likely to fight at aoa. The number of th can I being increased on all crulslnc ship la fueign naviea, with tbe Idea that tbay will play an Important part in disabling aa enemy's crew. Tbe Baltimore win nave nve sDsre-vsier ter- pedo launching tabea flrlnc ahead, astern, and on either aide.

Oa tbe after part of the foreoaatle deck 1 an armored conning tower pro tected by 3 lDcbe of ateel. The Captain will be tationed in this tower la battle, having all tbo telegraph, speaking tube, the tacrine wheel. Aa. by means of which he can control tbe movement of the ship, and communicate with tbe offioer la charce of tbe battery. Tbl circular tower will deflect small shot, but a large pro tec tile would demolish it entirely.

Bolng situated so tar above tbe water line, bow- ever, and tbe rule with large suns always being to aim at tbe water line of the eaemy In order te sink him and avoid ruing over him. tbe Cap tain's conning tower would probably escape all except machine gun projectiles. Kignt of our new vessels are bow an est the Dolphin, Atlanta, Boston. Chicago, Yorktown, eenvlua. Cbarleatn.

and onir two the Dolphin and Beaton are In condition for service. The Atlanta and Chicago are ready with toe exception of tbelr batteries, bat it will be many months before the ether ship will be ready lor sea. HOT SHOT JfOJt POWDERLT. BARBT KESIQRS AID GITES HIS ESTI MATE OF KX1QHTLT LEADERS. Powderly and his henchmea on tbe Gen eral Executive Beard of the Colgate of Labor are doubtless glad to get rid of Thomas B.

Barry, but they have probably failed to find tuoh enjoyment la his letter of resignation. In tbl letter, which 1 addreaaed to Powderly and the Executive Board. Mr. Barry says many harsh thing, but aa ha had been a member of the board for several years aad had plenty of opportanlty of studying the methods of Its member, be presumably apeaca oy the book. air.

nsrrj 1 letter 01 reaiatiatuou wouiu uwhpt about a oolumn of Thb Times. Tha following tracts give his oplalon of the board and shod some light upon Its methods: I hereby tender my resignation as a member ot IheOeaeral Kissan Boarg. ta teas enact Oct a. ss I cbb ao longer endure te be a wltueaa to ths many farces aud deceptions practiced upon ths In- nooent'uaseea. I Had that one or the requirements or a metnber of the uoara la te be a party te maa that learaa tbe uatbiBKiBa roasaea to nunssr, wita aouuijt xor thm bat pronjtaee sever lateaced to be kept.

Your aoiior 01 oeoeptioa mast eeoa oome to aa end If the order Is to lira 1 have learned that it I a crime to be a Knight ef Labor in tne g-nersi omce. as has been proved by the many discharges of tried and trua Kalgbt who helped the order ta Its inlaacy. sad the employ ment ef unfair people or those who were not mea- bera ox uie itaucnta ox iaour aoaietninc never oe- lera known tn the history ot a labor orgsulsation. it was lert te in general emoera 01 tne anignte 01 Labor to ahew their preference for acablam la em- nlovnta BuB-membera. while buadreds of ear owa people, equally aMpewni 10 nu wie poeiuona.

were aui to eoner tne paaga 01 aaniir. Oae work In whieh yoa have achieved any amount of saeoess baa ben la war untlrinc effort to destrer not only me but districts that have had the coarage to take exception to your worse than criminal policy in handing over th peonle whose Interests yea had sworn to protect to corporate rreea. as oaa be proved by the nearly H.UO0 people whom Tour actios lmnenea to wait tns streets 01 Cincinnati for weeks, and many of them to suffer for the necessaries of life, for whatl That one more representative to tbe Ocnerei Assembly favorable to the general admialatratlea might be obtBlBad. HuiMt been eaiieo from tne Kictttnona Jon- ventiou I weald there have axpueed your aystem of spying whloh you practioed upon the repraseata- tivea at the order aaeeatbled there; when yoa numbered all la order that vour spies, not being see sin led with ths dalegataa. aiight dog.

their fautateaa and retiortto the Bta-h iorSa ol the tndai MTfliMBl wnat sost oaa leeruea 01 i.n sst ttiwm deisicstes. Whether those sules were bald oat ot your private funds or out of the funds of the order I am unable to aay. Mad tbe trouble la instnci assemoiv. ie. ea.

occurred alter the close ef the General Assembly w.m hrf beea aeenxlna roar DeatOoue for an other trrm the people el the Mohawk Valley would have beea saved, the Bangs ot hunger, cold, aad much eoelai auBertag tuet waa ineir lot aurmg uiat bur drearv Winter, and the order would bsve beea esred SllioOO worse thaa aseieeslv speav Bat aatortunately atoocarrea jast prior to tue tteeerai Assemblv. aad there wsre six votes that voa did not weal to aaiafonlse and west of them interested is the eouataaaBoe of tne trouble reaardl-sea ef the aooial miaary that it broaghl upoa ths peupie whom tiisT ssisretkraeeatea. -If it waa riabt to recuse aeiptetaa aiarvtBg taBBeraaad curriers of Peebody. ss who were lacked oat and denied the privilege of earaiuc a livlas becaavt et tneir aileclance to the order when voa had SliW.WJ IB nana, was it riant tor veu aead them SIO.OOO when thedeoiaad waa made Bpoa you er dlatrlcta repreaeatuia votes eoougn to elect or oeiaet wa at to uoaiaof.n iw 1 "iindnmruMV ib aoDBussisa aaa vsrx ib bumob wita ids powers toat oe ib tssina tnis iisdb against yeur worse tluta criminal methods, I do it wita tne ran khwinci ui rir wiifpr tw uaininn and year aoBuy to practioe your decebtioa npun ta UBtAlBBlBK iiissiiwh hu jwMrneii vviun them la tbe light of Uijared timooence. were your nawer to crash aaa traapie npun in rignu ot rree- bob a thooaaadtold greater I would still pursue the eourse I have mapped eat Ib the interest ot progrsee.

No matter bow bleb oa the pedestal of Immm a maa atay have beea eievehed it be er makee Bolatakaa I have the courage to tell him so. Tbe aia is eaaA I have chosen, as ror me woom rather be ta bell with the esaacioaseee of knowing the I was right than ta paradise knowing that I AJfOTBMR SILL AMD TOVXM AMKJft. Chicago. Oct 6. Interest in billiards in fhUafo Bremlees te bo greatly lucre ased by a tournament for whloh Jake Be hae Tor and Tom vtv have Bsada the arrangement.

It will be at 14-tach balk line, aad will bo begun on Nov. 26. at tbo Madiaoa-eireet Theatre. Tbe game wlU bo far oo or 00 poiaia. tbo aumaer aot Ka eeiued.

Sobaofor aa olaeaoa ara barred, bat the tournament will bo opea to Torrbody oiaa. 4 'i i have atci aagaiia. nswtn, charter take a umua et have ao far agreed te eater are wiuisn a. Motea ol St. Loaia.

T. 3. Oallaxhe aad Jooa gaa as pert. Tbo room awaar managers of this elty wBl oaake ap a parse, waio. wita U.e A svi will.

It to expected. give free 8uO te to the first three maa. beataoa taaviag ooaMtaiac for aroaa.4attoa priao f-r the tail eeders. The aiatrb Mr fro 1 Osttoa foe fj a aido Will be Piayad RAILROADS FEARING WAR TaJS WBST-JSOUND PABSBSQBB RATE IROVBLMA. rudBABILlTT OF MAaTT LIKES BEIWO KITTOLTED ATTEMPTS VX CHICAGO frorscTzxT Bx Locis.

Oct ft. It now seem acareely possible to preveat the spread of tho passen ger fata war to Chicago, maea as the Chicago road weald like to keep oat of tho fight While the ttaatioB, locally did aot absolutely change yeaferday, aad while a meeting of eoveral pao- eeocwr agents Is pokes ef to bo held at Cleve land next Tuesday, appoaranoes are often do-cepflve aad the lull may be the toreranBor ot a railroad war. Tbe General Passenger A gen Mot tha rVeetern roads sre far from aaarulne that the 1 tons will blow over without doing maea das age, aad are Inclined to think that their roe wlU be affected. It ts allured that the Ohio and Mississippi is readalnf tho Missouri River by a grapevine roulo aroond St Loals from Claotnneti, via BeatdatowB, and over the Chicago, Burlington aad Qalncy, making prodigiously low rates for thin sort of traffic The other Kansas City roa i from Bt Loot are beginning to feel tola lire rular eerapetitlon. and are more than likely to tapond to this guerrilla warfare by opening ap dn the bnthwhaekers all along tbe line.

It would not bo surprising, therefore, ir tne est. Loosk-Kannas City rate waa suddenly slashed acx week. If tbl la done It wUl bo impossible te ietld Chicago roada aay lorger. They will aimbly fly off at a tangent, If a railroad may bo be aald to indulge la each unprofessional conduct fxncAOO. Oct fX A meeting of tho line erwradna between Chicago and tbe Missouri River was held tolar at the office of Chairman Abajott to consider the present demoralisation In West-bound paasenger rates via fcu Lous and It fcffect or the Chicago roads.

Resolution war adopted and sent to tbo General Passenger and Ticket Agent of tbe connecting line east of tbe territory of tbe Western State Pas senger AMoetauoa, ibeae resolutions set torta thai the Cbloago-Mtssourl Kiver line note with regtet the demuraliiarioa of business oaosod by tne rate cntung, and add 4oiaV That tlie Kastera lives he Teonested ot to as tbeChleasra Use tu meetlnc said rsouoed ratal of eoDipetlttoa by way of Chicago or other gatowaya north of tL Ixml. and these liens hereby ajotity tbelr Eastern connection that tbey will require full proportion of the regular printed tariff rstea. aa shown in the various established taint rst beets lor all beasts sold to Western points via all gat waya This notice Is subscribed to by the Chicago andl Northern, the Chicago. Barllagton and Ojilhcy, the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul, tbe Chicago, Bock Ialand and Pacific, tbe Chliago and Alton, the Chicago, Santa Fe and California, aad tbe Wabash.

ADEQUATE CAUSE FOR COMPLAINT. PpRTLAMi, Oregon, Oct 6. W. B. Hamb- lln, General Freight Agent of the Burlington and Koi thorn Pacific, passed through the city to-day.

en 1 note to Baa Francis oa In reply to a qnos-tioi as to his views ot ths recent action of the rail 'oad lines in discriminating against Chicago la ivor of fiew-York on transcontinental rates. htr.Laamblla said: "I ant free to say that I think the Chicago shippers have adequate cause for rom plaint In spite of the supplementary ae- tloas ef 'be association. 1 have no doubt that the Enter-State Commerce Commission ill get at tlie matter aa soon aa they can, which meana In six or eight weeks. Tbey will undoubtedly give the road the choice ef raising the through rat from New-York or iowerinc It from Cht-eai-a. I think, however, that a revision satisfactory te all oononrned will be made by tbe railroads themselves at the meeting ot the Trafisooncnsntal Association, which Is called for Oct 16, at Ht Louis.

Bb aggressive rald made npon all railroad enterprises by the Federal and various State rairoad commissions have not onlv been lnatu- atal la affecting unfavorably the standing of railroad, aecarttlea in tbe market, but also are actively operating to dlseoureea new ventures tnd the improvement of exlstms properties. Present gvaeral eonoontratlen and withdrawal of dapital. ae far aa railway eirelee are eon- eeraed. I attribute, aot so mneh aa aome do. to ant expectation of widespread activity next year aa to the wen-grounded fear of disastrous interference wita transportation companies on tod pan or tne btateaad national uovernmenta.

I wkiuld remedy the situation by tbe Immediate abdlltion of ail State commerce commission. 1 consider them wholly false In principle and peimielou In practice. Of tbelr effects I bare alrsady spoken, and aa to tbelr theory I oan only saw that 1 recard a railroad company aa entitled to the un trammeled control of Its own affair in prejrtaely the same manner as private "jualneaa ot any kind. pULUTirs NEW GRAIN FEEDER. JpuLUTH, Oct.

6. Important news wah received here this morning concerning tbe Duiuth and Winnipeg Railroad. A prominent official stated that the road has secured the new St Paul and Duiuth Short Line to Thomson. Fn im there It will build a mile of road connecting the Short Line with the Cloquet branch. From Cleqaet a contract has been let for tbe cnBsrrnotton of 10 miles of track this FalL la order to earn the land grant the Winnipeg Road to construct 35 mile of road by tbe end of ibis year, and by this scheme will be eble to comply wita the terms ef the grant.

The grant bad been co a tested by the Brainnrd and North- wefctern Company, of which F. Kindred was Prieidsnt Tbe withdrawal of Kindred from thd Bralnerd Is considered a doatu blow to the opposition to the grant. Jlila laud grant will consume about all the balance of tbe swamp lands at the dlsoosltion of the State ot Minnesota. There Is aome ex- trekuely valuable land along tbe uroooaed line of road. It la heavily timbered.

It Is thought thd road will run Darin ward sutrlelentlv to to ilc tbe new town of Bt Louis, at thejnaotioo of (the Cloquet and St Loula Blvar, la which case the town will become a great centre of mamutactaring lumber from the upier oountrv owtied by bnlnth parties. Tbe Ursnd Kaptda abi ive Knife Fall is tbu avoided. The ob)ect-1 ve poln of tha road at presen 1 1 Crookston and Or mil Fork, giving anatber gram feeder to Du luth. RAILROADS COME TO TERMS. Tijcvicla-i.

Ohio. Oct 0. Telegraphic eoireapoadence between the President ef the Be Line, Vandalia, Wabash, and Ohio and Mississippi has resulted in an agreement to re store rates next Monday these figures froin St Loals to Kew-York: Yandalla. $23; Bel Line, f22, and Wabaah, $21. It 1 not delaitely known what the Ohio and allsslaslppl ril do, bat It Is likely to aot In harmonv with tha oibenv.

President MeKeen of the Vandalia. of tbo Bee 1-lne. Barnard ot the Ohio and Mississippi, aud McNuita. Baceivar ef the Wabash, will meet here next Tuesday and arrange a ttual aettiemeat. Bate are for 30 daya Tbeamouatof busineas handled bv all the roaVl In tbe last month or six weeks ha beea enormous but in spite of tbl fact the earning of at least twe of them will abow a decrease for September.

Tbe Erie notified tae Bee Line today that It will not honor excursion ticket sold at the reduced rates from Columbn and Indiao- apoiia to Pittaburc and they will also be withdrawn Monday. LOW PASSENGER RATES. Baltimore. Oct First-class pas senger tickets between St Louis and Baltimore over tbe Ohio and Mislsitpt Baltimeas aoi Ohio Roads are to-day (0 Sd, which la lea tbln one-third what tbe fare was a year ago. The prospect la that within a few day the rate WlU be still lower.

A leading Baltimore and Ohio official aald to day thai the practical effect of the cutting wiaeb i bow and has tor some ttms beea coing onjat St Lout to eastern points is to draw to that point most of the east-bound travel from Denver and other western and northwestern points via Chicago, where a lancer portion of It would aatnrauy go. jms inicago win not stand xntch longer. The difficulty can. re 1 nedteil any dav by tbe Pennsylvania, through thi Vandalia, ablch waa the restoring the rale to what they were fixed by arbt-rn tion a year or mo ago. At that time ticket to ew-1orx via the Vandalia were seid at 2 I 35; via the Wabaah.

922 25; via the Vends hilt line, 921 20. and via the Ohio and Missis tippt aad Baltimore and Ohio, $20 25. RECEIVERS FOR THE K. AND T. Oct 6.

Judge Bra wer of tbe United ftate Circuit Court this afternoon appointed twe Receiver for tbe Mis souri, Kanaaa aad Texas Railway. George A. Kiily. one of them, 1 a wboleaale oruggut of this city and ht a personal friend of the Judge wan aipintl a 1 in. He la at preseut one ot the Pstce Lsmmiaaiwoers aou lies oct upted various urnce ot nulilie arutt llsrriioa Crus the other aipolni.

Is tbe Pieaident of the First Sitional Bani of Kmporlt, and baa beea rob sect more or leas with railroad building. Tti-y are to take possession of the road by ov. 1 sud gir aoaas lor i.uu.wu. MlCIlIOAN CAPITAI TO BUILD-- IT. ft.

Pai-u Ocl C. W. 1L Fiabr. Tlbe-Pretideat aad Oeaetal Maaagerof tbe Da- loth and Wlantpeg Road, aad T. B.

Casey, of Mhmcepolla. who ta oa of the -Pireotota aad Hostess ef tao road, war aara ta Ot FaaJ ta re gaVd to tb (tat meat that the era tract, for tho bitliaiog 01 sao res aa aooa aot, Toay aata taat a aaroag syadloaaa had boom farmed ta asuq tae read treat Daiaih te Wtaalnofc aad that tao ee tract for tao eeeietrwealow of SO mOe haa oa let A. M. Wright of Aiwa, HKk, a very wealthy maa. to PrasidaaW eg tha yadtoato, aad tha outer taetabers are froex Miaaeoota, Mlehicaa, and Boaton.

Koarir all tbo oanttal repreeaated rrom Mlealgaa aad Boston. Mc Wrta-ht aad Mr. Casey kavo beea appointed tao Traaaaaa for tha syndicate. Work is to be com manned tmmodt- atelr. The Traateo nave already' atwioa aa asameot of 10 per oent of tha capital, to be paid Dcioro uct.

to. 1 BIO "FREIGHT SHIPMENTS'. Pttt6bttkg, Oct 6.1-The freight bttatneas ha aaaamod snch largo proportions that tha railroads aro almost aaabw to aaadhs It Even with tho present taeofBeteat aoply of to meet too demand from shipper there Is not enough motive power to handls It as catckly as desirable, Tha PeaBaylvaaht Company and the Peaasylvaala Railroad bare every available ear ta service, aad there ta still a ery for mere from the shipper. That aftaroowa the yard of the Pennsylvania Kail-road were blockaded with frets-bt ears. Every available aide track was crowded to Its utmost capacity and still there were largo draft from the West to bo delivered.

On stock train was ever two hoar going from tha Fort Wayne outer station, la Allegheny, aoross tba river ths transfer. Tbe large Increase la aot doe to nay particular line of ehlpmeota, bat these le a deaaaad for care front shippers in all Unas of business, tbe freight, both East and IW eat. beta heavy. The reports for tbe month of September will make a good bowing, the hliesent exceeding these for the same month lastroar, when tbe shipment wer also heavy. The indications are that the October shipment will bo etUl heavier.

RAILROAD EARNINGS. Effect of the yellow oyer scare npon tha traffic of Southern railway were shewn yester day la report of earning mad la Wall-afreet Tbe Georgia Pacific Road, tor tno third week of September, reports its gross receipts at 923.671, a decrease of $11,292, over 80 per oent, The Richmond and Danville system, for th who! month of September, report earnings of a decrease of 107.O00. over 12 er cent, imnag tne loan, a wees 01 oeptemoer tae Louisville and Naabvllle offered a decrease of 930,413, tbe figure for the month showing a fan Log otr of 13.873. The September earnings of tba Louisville and Baanvllla were Sl.434.OUO, against eL.437.900 for September of last rear. For tbe third week ot September, oaly Just now reportea.

xor tae mempaia ana cinarieaton. there was a decrease from $4 1.546 to $25,433. a drop of about 40 per oent Texa Pacific daring beptember earned a decrease of 917.404, ibe lose in ta last week of tbe month ot S25.246, more than wiping oat lnor made earlier. GIVEN A HIGH POSITION. Phixadklphia.

Oct a. President Roberta aad Firs; Vice-President Frank Thomson of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company have looted William H. Joyo to succeed John 8. Wil son, who retires as Qeneral Freight Trafflo Agent Oct 15. The appointment will oome bo-fore the Board of Directors at Wednesday's meeting and will probably bo confirmed.

While Mr. Joyce 1 young in years for so responsible a position no is eld in experience, waea Mr. Wilson obtained charco ot tbo freight business in the Fall of 1882 he promoted Mr. Joyce, who waa then Division Superintendent of tbe north ern Central at Baltimore, to the position of Coal Trame Agent, vim neadquarter la tnia elty. Joyce atlll bold tbl otBoe, and aaa shown aa excellent capacity In the diaebarge of Ita duties.

Of tbe tons ef freight carried oa the Pennsylvania eaat ot Pittsburg- last year xona were eoai ana 00 se, aaa waa satisfactorily handled by Mr. Joyce. CENTRAL TRAFFIC PROSPECTS. Pittsburg, Oct 6. The outlook for the roads that are member ot th Central Traffle Association keeping together and abid ing by mutual agreement as to freight rate la brtrhter.

and the Indications aro now that the association will exert the ita Influence a heretofore. Tbe reaigaatloa of Chairman Blanchard ha not yet been Xonnally a ted upon, but that gentleman eeile for Burope to day, ana 11 is generauv nnaerotooa mat aa will not reeonalder hi determination to go Into tbo eleeurte business. Mr. Shaw is acting a Chair man pro tern. THE 1YBA1HEE.

WASHDfOTOX, Oct 68 P. M. For Maine, Sew-Hampshire, Vermont Masseehasetits, Rhode Island, and Connecticut rain Bandar, fair Monday, slightly cooler, easterly winds. Drug' on the coast, becoming variable and westerly. For IA District of Columbia, IT astern JF Tor, Eattem Pennsylvania, 1 eta-Jrrtey.

Afary land, Delaware, and Virginia, rain, followtd by raw nisdaif evening, footer, souMsrig eta AifUno to north lesslsH v. ror west Virginia, Western Rew-Torx, asd Western Pennsylvania, light local rain, cooler. norcneriy wino. becoming variable. The following shows the change la the tem perature for the past S4 hoars.

In comparison with tne corresponding gate of last year, as indi cated by tbe thermometer- at Hudnufs Phar macy, 218 Broadway: 1887. 1.88., 1B87. IgSK. 8 A. hi" Wl 8:80 P.

64 6 A. 82 6trl 6 6O0 a. 68 oisi 0 p. 81 Ix bl biflU P. Jd 81 Average temperaiure yestortlar 80 Average temperature tor asm data last vaarbW 1887.

18K8. average tor ua week 6a 04b: CLOSE OF THS OROOMRS FAIR. The Brooklyn (Eastern District) Grocers' Fair ended laat nUrht Seventy-five thonaaad people attended It daring the past two weeks and over $10,000 has been made. The interest laat night waa ooraered by th voting contest over the gold-headed cane which Is to bo presented to the Presidential oan did ate voted to be tbe moat popular at a dime per vote. A boat iu mock aome uarriaon enthusiast boomed their favorite with $60.

aad a betting maa who bad etrayed into the ball walked up to the ladies who were in charge of tbo balloting, and wanted to wager $200 to ClOO that Cleveland would be elected. His mistake was explained to mm. nniouj. unae, eae 01 tae uroeera' Association, beard that $50 had been pat' on Harrison he put that amount on the President aad evened up his ehancea. Th poll did aot oioae unui miomgnt, FIRM J.Y BOSTOH.

Boston. X3ct 6. A fin to-night in the lx-otory building. 411 and 413 Atlantic-avenue. owned by Franklin King aad occupied by Black Importers and dealers la dyes; J.

Waternouae. carrier, and W. Waterboose, aololeaiher manufacturer; Tho fire wa con fined principally to the fourth floor, occupied by tbe Meaara. Waterbouse for atorage purpose. but ail occupant a tie red eoaaiderably by smoke and water.

It is Impossible to apportioa tne lee, out rne acgregate wui prooabir reach or tO.OUu, partially insured. Th electric itgnt wires in iront 01 the building greatly Interfered with tbe work of tbe and tnree or lour persons received severe shocks. MUSIC J-OR HARLSJf DKMOCRATS. Two hundred of the sturdiest members af ta Harlem lemocratic Club listened last night to, per haps, the atoat aeiignuel aatarday evening en tertainment that haa ever beea got Bp for there by tne inaeiaugawie wtsu 01 taeir ssaaicai committee.

ftiuiu tu BUiuvau. iner neara exceueat Diane solos by A. u. uuaru. raul Wels.

aad W. B. Mtoue; eevenl violin solos is Crl iAasefs best sit 1. songs by t. J.

Atkmsoa. j. Btaaley Jorca. aad -J r. cuiilvan, eemloal remark trea Alexander J.

Brown, and really musical banjs plarlas br Messrs bpsao and Hewlett As eiaborata luaoh as served alter tae concert By bleward UUaartia. RoLTK, Long IalaalrOot 6. The Repahllo- ans ef the First Assembly District et Qaeeaa loaaty to-day ne nlnatad Jaate of riBsntngi CM06A1.NG TUB FERRY. Each mora I cross th raging deep Of th terry, aad aty watet I keep For a aiaid, who oftea with ma gees Though a.s I do aat thiak ahe kawa Bat I know her. 1 I knew her by ber saaey hat, Hsi aair so bright, her lips ae rod.

Aad the carrUg ef her dainty bead. I knew her by her teeth ae white. Which ahow that BOZO DO NT each night rhe nsea. while her brealb ae sweat Pert amea, it iwsi, the very atreet. A FRAQaAITT BREATH AD PKARLT TEETH are easily btaiaed by elaaaalag year teeth daily with that Justly papular eeattfraie.

BOZODOVT. Compeeed of rare aatiseptia Barbs, It haparu wbito-aeas te the teeth, a awUctaaa aroma to the breath, aad preserve is tact from yooth ta ago taetaota. Aaaoity af tbo stomach will Oeaxrar tae asraai anth aaiiss Ita are sBaaai'amd wtth ao DOjrt. aad thai Bare iH wsia intiaH aaoaeaaal artas-a by rsrtag wvary taBrrty tha adh. aetaana, Aak year araggi aar wOAOPOirnt AUV8BMBST3.

-V- TOT THEATRICAL REASOX. .1 There will bo aa of riehe lntaa thwatrleal arerld this week. Mr. DaJy- ipaay at oemadiaaa ratara tbatr aoma. which ha beea; refitted aad newly furnished adoooorated dortag thair aboeno laXorop, to prwMBt a mw ooaisdy whieh wa know ra dvaaoe to be merry and lagoa'leaa, aad ara to bo aoted with perfeoapretuaOoa, aaIloay.

ana skill. Ana th most minent oomediaa rf French atag, Constant Ooonelia. win Bak bJa first appaaraae la th Caltad State a Palmer's Theatre, ia assodatiom with aaa Hading, aa actroes et great beautr aad great popularity la Bar aatlv Una, and ether French actors of good re pa to. Ther win bo aa Impertaat aew thlag for th nrat aigatonT ery nlgai of ta week, aad an Taoaday era-tag. tbo bogtantng of th stssoa at Daly's will ooiBeiaeaawtta the Oral appearance of Mat.

Hading at Palmer. me bow oomedy at Daly's, "The Lottery of Lvo, la ao adapts ties from th French of MM. Buoa and Man. Th original pteoe, "LesBur-prlse dn Dlvoree," ha been mnntag at th Vauda villa ia Paris far tha haat urt mf Tbe aeene ot Mc Dalr's avdaotauea la laid in Amonea. of eouraa.

ssd tae imNnnuH km become typical Americana Tbe "nrat night" of tbeaeaeea at Daiya Theatre ha for a num ber of year beea a notable dramaU oveat whoa the andlenoe Itself, Including everybody that anybody knows, ta scarcely leas interesting thaa the play aad the player. great oemensirauoa of anslansa ma be xpeoted on Tnaodar nirht ud stMirfai throng In the auditorium will pay the usaal Winnie to tbe people oa the stage. Xot all tho members of Mr. Daly' admirable orgaaisatloa will be aeeu. bat there wlU be Miss Re haa.

whose triumph abroad oaa scarcely iaereeee tao admiration ia which she la held at homo; Mr. Draw, who may bow be regarded as tho boat light comedian et his time; Mr. Lewte, that Inimitable ex pe Bent of snappy hamor; Mrs. Oll- uert, wnoeo impwraonatlona ot elder! caatlo- womea aro so dainty In aa artistls sense snd bo charming tn tbelr personal qusllty; Mr. Georg t-iarxe, aua Mr.

fToaenck Bond. Two ladiea new to oar stag wUl also hav important pan is im aew triav. Tb bill arranged for the first appearance of Ooqaelln at Palmer'a Theatre to-morraw nisht could scarcely bo improved, tor it will show us at tne very ginning tb Coqnella of the Theatre Fraacaia, Hera, aa elsewhere away from Parts. M. Ooqaella laeludea la hie list ot parte ataayeharaoters that haa never aoted in aria, ih a tern tradiilona of the- Comedie Francaiaa would ant nariau ao skis bi small statare to a ame tn rol ot Tartaff.

Is Bet known In Pane as tho Doa Caesar of Deanery either, though he haa often performed toat pan in itrasaeia, nut stollcre Mascarllie rut axnlblt tbooa anaUtlaa la tea sitiu st CoouallB alae whieh Panaiana moat admira. Le PrecloBaes Rldioaies" fee never been done ib here, except ib the translation by Mrs. Doremua, acted by Mr. FraakllB Sargent' pupils. Iu satlrs directed at th affectation of eoltivatloa and sea timent that prevailed la tho Partalaa ao-olety of htoltere'a time.

Two yoang gentle mea are badly treated by two allly girl whom they try to woo. Madelon acd Cetho, th daughter and niece of worthy Oorgtbua, lost arrived la Paris from the eoantry, affect tho manner they believe to prevail at th Hotel RamboaiUet call themselves by pseudo-classical names, paint tbelr faoea. and endeavor to Imitate tba heroine ot romaaee whom they admire. Their discarded lover la revenge send their vieu to pay court to its pricieutts ridicules. aacarill 1 the valet who impersonate a Marquis.

He to a sharp caricature ot th fashionable exnnte- lto of Paris la the middle of th seventeenth eestury. Ooquelin's art has made this character fresh and Interesting la tho last quarter or tne nineteenth eeatury. Nonl la "La Joie Far Pear," tba other Impertaat part Coqueita will aaaump to-morrow night, la th original of Mr. Bonoioaalfa delightful Rerrv. the aced lawver la Tbe Cane Mali." and many other peraonaaree who have had aome vogue oa tne peaking stage.

Mine, a Irani in' little oomedy ba sastalned many onalaogbU byJEngUsh It ia need-lee to say that the original Is better than aay of the copies. Koel is aa old family aervaat. waoae task it ia to console a widow maa her daughter when tbe son and brother ts supposed do aeau ana te areas tae aawa genuy te them when tbe young maa returns to life sud denly. A stronger contrast than la afforded by theaa two ebaraetrra. bombastle.

painted, per fumed, bewlgsed Maaoanlle, aad huneat, crotch ety, tender-hearted old Aoelooold aoaroaly have beea sees red. A word a boat Constant CoaaeUn's career. thoagh It may convey nothing that everybody does not know, may be pardoned at thla time. Me waa Bora at Boulogne- or-hi er, aa. ita, 1841.

Hi father waa a baker, aod olrcomstanoas happily prevented Constant from adopting the aame calling, a Coqaelln pcre desired him to. He admitted to tb Pari Conservatoire. Dee. 29. 1959, aa a papll ot the famous Regular, aad msoe nia aeout at tae xneatre rrancaia, uea 7, leoO, aa uroe-tteoe 10 iepit Amoareaux.

He woa renown In a Terr few rears la the elaeeie oomedy of Franca, hi ear 11 eat triumph having Been maoe in uem ooraiere ae kjm Plaidrar." aad Le Manage do Figaro. arly la hi artlatlo earoer, also, be achieved fame with tbe mooologae, a eevere teat of a comedi an 's power te bold tbe attenuon or an andlense. Many ef tbe younger poet of Fraaoo hav writ ten monologue or Coqaelln. jane Hading will make ber American debat Tuesday alcht aa Olalre la Le Maltre dee 1 oraes." the character moat cloeely aaaoelated with ber fame. Ohnet't plav la familiar to this pabllo through several adaptatlooa, and the original was done by Mme.

Bernhardt and her eoinpaoy at the Star Theatre la tbe Spring or 1807. on weaneoitay nigntuoqaeua ana Mme, Hadtnc will appear together aa Aanlbal aad Cloriada la Rmlie Angler's comedy, ML'Avea- tartore." 1 "aw bbbbb NOTES OF THE WEEK. 'Philip Heme" continues at the Stnnd- ara. Miss Davenport begins her to or with "La Toaca" at Rochester Oct la. Lvdia Thompson wtu bo in town on Taoaday, if bar ship, Tb Queen, ta on time.

'The Did Homestead will remain on view at the Academy of Music uatll aextSanv mer. The surpassing beauty of Mi Estelle Oar ton may bo adiolred at the Fifth-Avenue Tbeatr. Mr. StetsonV comic onora com panr will appear Ib Ruddicore" at the Harlem The tire Comiqae Oct 29. An entertainment will He given at tha Windsor Theatre to-night for the benefit of th yellow fever auoerer.

'Lord Chamley" prosper and potter and defeat villainy nightly, aad twoafteraooa a week at the Lyoeam Theatre. Miss Coghian start in earnest on her long tour tnis wees, xo-morrow mgat aaa wiu act la Joeolyn" at Providence, B. Miss Nash will smash the crockery in Kattl" at tbe BfJoa Theatre another week. "A Brass Monkey" will be produced ther Oct 15. The crirl fencers at the Eden Mnsee aston- tab tbe wax figure by their alertness aad grace.

Crdelyi Kaoxi' must 1 aa rase la a Una aa ever. "Tbe Yeoman of the Guard' will, have it first Derforxaanoe at the Clno a week from to morrow Bight This, therefore, will be the laat week of adjy Mis Alice Maydne, Mr. Misa Mmrsaen. two matlamea named Mao. aod other, will provide the entertain aiout at Koster It dial's this week.

A aeries of five orchestral concert will be give at Steloway Hall, nnder tbe direction of llerr Anton feeldl, on Nov. 10, Doe, Jan, 3, Feb. 2, aad March 2. This will bo the last week of the profita ble raa of Mat bias Saodorf at Mbio'a. Next week aa English melodrama called "The Blow away" will be done there.

Yon can see Zig Zag" at tbe Star The atre all thla week, aod if your digestion la good aod you are llkbt hearted, you wlU laugh Im moderately whan yoa see it Now we learn that Miss Sadie Martinot baa taken a European vacaUoa" aad that her aagagemeat under the management of B. Leavltt" begins at ew Tears. The one hundred and seventy-ooeond en tertainment of Abe Uraad Conservatory of Muslo will bo given at the new concert Bail. Fiftb-avana aud Fifteenth-street on Thursday evening. Mr.

Max Bendix has resigned his position at tho head of th violin department of the Cincinnati College of Mas 10 and has retaraea to Kew-v ork to tag ma ut place wita xaeoaor Thai Many persons will welcome "tha be gin- nine of George Cromwell Winter sense of feaaday night entortalament at tho. Grand Opera Boos. Th subject of tbe illustrated lecture to-night w.U bo How I Baw Pans. Major Pond will manage a concert toar far Mra. Shaw, too whistler, this seaaaa.

will also Introduce to New-York, at Chlekertag Halt Oct. 16. Dr. Edward Pick, who will tell yoa how to cultivate year memory. The interest In tno panorama of Jeru salem and tao Cretaxln." at Madiaon-avenao aad Fifiy-aiarb-traet.

baa growa to a papatar pttoh. Tbo Saaday patraaace baa beeme ae Iarg as to tax the aooommwtUdoaa. pay a visit. It will re- The new band of the Thlrierath Reffi- bwil Inst erooght here frwas Sen Fraoelao. will give a ooneert at tha Madleea-eaaar Oar-doa to-Blght, Tae OMdaeter Mr.

F. N. Ieae aad tao band aambecs 75 musicians, Th gramme la attractive, 1 Mr. A. M.

Painter annnnaee officially this atoralng taat Bigaor Salvia will act at Pat-awr'i Thoatra at the. oioae ot OoL MeCaaU'a eeeooa ef opera, aad taat thereafter, begiaaing ta Bevombar. the awaa WlU Ba adnalaat ta tok eompaay sua. a 'ne-set play in Twrse and Brass, br Mr. Rloaard Dover, pred: a tae Toa- TaTiaiai mt Mr M-lrlV-4 ttspoeOeaaaUtyaad draaiatt nrt Mia Boatrtea Cam area waa tbe Laabia aod afx.

Joha X. oolUvaa, OatnUn, ta poot 3L Th anthon of "Don Caxtar fl ar Daaaory aa Damaaoii. Th bare. Ad all. la la Aat I.

mt Tbbbbp Sual RarBlaa." TTIs rnrnlsrirr taira 1 11 as sxaai that Deaaeiv aad. km sslsksnr tassstt ts ajrht to have a pUy of hi owa. a they snad oaaior aua, The nlar at tha Harlem Theatre Camion thi week will -Oa ot tha Old la which Mr. Tatwla will annaar aa Alwta Jaalla. Th euBBertlag oompaav hi badad by Mia Ray Brlaooa 'w Broaklva vaaaa lad r.

wbaaa wssi ar very aaxioa taas to wort hear ot her xtataah Tb "aauara wamBiei nnA tba faded rwlia ar ta glonea ef Tweed aVrwlca. rm Mr. Ooerg Mtddloton aaa air. William a eddr Ueocan" at HarrYraa'a Park Thoatra. er tw admirable eaaraotar aketrao of w-York life that are kooBly approolatod bypeepl who know the etty welt Mia Hales Rutt'i tanv win bawia Vav.

36 at Hartford. Con a. Mr. Mllao LevKk aad Mr. Char lee Glaaaey, wae waa YassaUao la IrviBs'a Faaat" last seaaasj.

will bo nmbr ot tb eompaay. Her play will be a oae-awt drama oallad -After" afid a aomadv aaliad The Udtae Four wclaaaical aftn-noon eonoerT" wfH Uvea at Chlckenae Bait tha dlaaeaiaa ef Mr. Fraak Vaa dor Blacken, oa Wedaoaday. Oct 17. Oct SL, Bev.

14. aad Now. 26. At tae first of thee eoseert the eolotoia will bo Mis Adeline Hibbard. Mia Marie OraabL Ma.

I Baaaar, aad Mr. Richard Hatrmaa, FaeatioosMr. Dockstader think hUbor aoprano, Harry Braadoa. I a rival of Jeeet Hoi' maoa. Tb boy staging do attraat large rowda, end hia voice la sweet aad par.

Baat-nea wa good at Docketed! all last weak. Cwqaalln dropped ta thara an Friday arght te get a gllmpo of America eeoaady. fooad It dlffloalt to fellow Mr. wwataaav, to, ta-flaea. confualag.

-j Tha Carleton Enrlisb Ohms Comnanw. headed by the. popelar baritaaa. Mr. W.

T- Carletoa, will oeeapy tbo Oread Opera Hoaao this week, -ffanon" wUl be oaag to-merrow alcht with Mr. Garlaloa aa tha Hsrsals d'Anolgsy, tho part auttained daring tb long ran et that operetta at th Casta. Daring the latter half ef the week there will be aa elaborate revival of Tn Qaeerfs Lace Hand- i 1 The one hundredth mrfarmsna af i A Legal Wreck" will be gives at th Madisoa-Bq uare Thaatr Kov. 9. Peopl who waat te see aa entertaining play aauauallr well aoted aead ot wait ror tnat aigat, taoaca, Mr.

UlUetss's oomedy will be withdrawn aftor Nov. 10 to wake way for the stock eompaay ef thoMadtaoar Square, who are coming back treat th Paelfla lope bearing their bloshlng honors thick npon them. I th Spring, however. A Lee-al Wreck" wlU bo pat baok again tor soother rsA. Mr.

C. D. He mt that a rerDonaibla the atrical manager ha offered 33.000 for a half IE tercet in the play called FaacliaUoa." aad that Cot W. K. Slaa.

who own tho play, ro-fused th effar. whloh waa eoadltraael oa Mia Taoaer agreement to devote herself exclusively te the part ef Lady Madge Slaahto for thi year with a ttpnlatad alary. Mr. Ha ay that both Misa Teaser aad OoL elan be lieve they eaa Brake a fertaae with Ma Beoba- piay wttaoat takiag la a partner. Fao-otBatfea' la tUl ourraat at the Fourtenl-Slreet Theatre, This will be the laat week of Tba KafTlr at the Broadway Thaatr.

Mr. Bame ot by th author of tbo book. Mr. Archibald Claverin Ouster. will be prodaaad ther oa Monday.

Oct 16. Tbo pooiie 1 oeuevea to be huncry for the work. It will net fall If there Is aay merit la It, tor capable actors have beea employed for Its performance, iBcladlag Misses Rmlly Rlgt Isabel le Aveaaoo. rranxie avemoio. erne uertnon, aaa Helen Carlette.

aad Meaara Edwia H. Vaadee, felt. Joan H. Gllmonr. P.

9. Maekay. Ralph xt Snyder, Alfred aUine, aad Fran BSIOSS. I Tbe Oratorio Soeietw of Kew.York an. ounces tar the ensuing seaaoa three paMie rehearsal, (Weduoeday afteraooaa.

Hot. 14, Dee. 86. and March 20) and three oenoena. (Thars-dsy evenings, Kov.

15, Dec 27. and March 2 L) anoar tb atreetlo of Walter Damroaah. Mea- deissohn's -Klllah" will gives In ft van bar. and, as nsoal. the Christmas week performances will bo devoted to the perennial Handel oratorio.

Tbe new work of the season, a very Important oae, I reserved tor the last. This ts tbe Mtaaa Sollemala ot Edward GralL written for four full chorneea aad sixteen soloists without aay instrumental aoooojpanlment a work of groat dlffloulty. The concerts and rehearsals will be aivea la tha Metre poll tea Opera Hoaao, The Winter term at the MadiaoavKonara Theatre will begin Kov. 12, with a revival ot Mr. Buchanan' -Partners." whieh hold he stag prosperously at th eloee of the laat Bassos at the noane.

The play will presented with abstaatieUy tb aame eaat a before. Including Miss Burroogbs aad Meaara ealvinL tod dart ana E. m. Holland. Mr.

Palmers com Dear will present this plav at tbe Chlcaco Onera Hons on un, 1.0. iot a raa 01 twa weeas, alter waiea tbey will return to New-York. Tho aaaoaaoe- menta that captain a wits" weald opea the aoa at tbe Madiaon-Sqaare Theatre have beea made witbsut authority. Tbe scenery for the new play, which is still doing a great bostnes at tbe Hay market Theatre. London, la belaa- palntod.

but ao date for Its production has been fixed, and none will be until Partners" has beea prod need aad Mr. Palmer note how the revival is reoeivod by to pabiio. Mr. 1). Pnoe, Mr.

Mansfield's manarer. write from Loadoa: Tbere hav appeared within the laat month la the paper vanou Interviews charging Mr. Richard Maaa- neid with conspiracy to oaoa the fail or et aa actor who came to London with toe avowed purpose of foratalllna Mr. Maasdeld'a aoaaar- aaee at the Lyceum Theatre la Dr. Jekyll aad Mr.

uyae. 'Aheee latervlawa ar Bttarlr ub- true both aa regards Mr. Mansfield aad Mr. Henry Irving. Mr.

Manaflsld paid aot the slightest atiention to tho actor ta neat ion. It I true that the Messrs. Longmans, Green A osider 01 oopyngnt or Dr. javu and Mr. njac pro tec tea jtr.

atansneid, to whom Tbey had sold tha exclusive dramatte rlxuta. Tbe rival actors failure waa la ao war due to aar interference anoa the pan of either Mr. Irving or Mr. Maoafield, Tbe report elroalated a to Mr. Mansfield's taller financially are sufficient ly reiutea oy tae puoiio prints, wnien are opea to au wne eaa reao.

Th Director of th Philharmonic Society announce the usual atz ooaoert aad aix vaali rehearsal at the Matropolitaa Opera Hoaao daring tbo Aatama aad Winter season under the direction of Mr. Tneedore Thomas. The orchestra will number more thaa IOO musicians. Tb soloist at tba first ooaoert will Emll Fischer. Mm a.

Furoea-MadL Miss Emma Juch, Mr. Rafael Joealy, aad Mr. Richard Ar- aaid win appear at later eooeerta. Tbe BUblio rehearsals will be given en Friday afteraooo as nitaerte. aaa toe eoaoerta aa tb aooedin Satarday eveaings, Tbe data of the eooeerta ar Kov.

17. Doe. 8. Jan. 12.

Feb. 9. March ft. and April 13. Th pregramma for the first aoa- cert wui ao aa xouewa: overtnr.

Iphlgecla in suit, uiocai sympuoay xio. anat (new.i Geidmark; aymphoaio variatiens, dw.) Dvorak 1 "Die Weiknre," Rid ef th Valkyrie. Wotan' farewell aad maglo flro soana At the second ooaoert tne orchestral selections win bet overture, aonerso and naeie, op. oenoerto lor noun, bo. (scoaa can lan te.) HiiAhP' ifnAhM "i Amaa BatU.fltt I bix conoerta.

with the nsnal nnblia re- hearsals. will be given during tbo ensuing aoa by the Symphony Society af Kew-Yorfe la the Metropolitan opera clous, naaer th diree- tin ef waiter lam roach. Tb dates are as fol lows: Rehaaraala. Friday aXteraeoaa. Vev, 2.

Nov. 23. Deo. 14. Jan.

IS. Feb. 15, aad March IS; eoaoerta Satarday evealaga. Vow. n.

ev. 24. Dee. 15. Jan.

19. Fea. 16. aad March .16. tne programmero rar aa utey ar now ar- ranged, will oe a rouowe: jarsi coacart aayda.

armpbonyln Moxan. overtare aad finale from Aot IL, "Die tatfnhruag aa dam Serai (first lime;) Baothovaa. symphony In fiat. Second Concert Weber, overtare, Oberon Schamaaa, coacorto for piaeo aad orobeatra; Brahma, symphony la D. Third Coacert Glook, overture.

"Ipbigeala la A alls MehuL ever- tare, La Cb.m;" Massenet overtara. phav- dra;" Ber Hot, armphany. "Harold la sl loiata ana ivxaaw sssras, Beroaia, a sketch of tbe steppes; Handel, "Dead March from bsuir sobabert, "March Waa-. Bar. Kaiser aroh." Fifth Ooaoert Raff.

arm. pfaoar. Leon ore: Wagner. Siarrned Idyll Liszt. Sympheoie poem "Maseppa." sixta Ooaoert Warner, naaie.

aoi rarairair' Beethoven. symphony Sa 9 with ta Saala, for chorus ana oreaeatr. Mr. Damroeeb' plan lecture 11 lua tracing tb symphony Society programms will be given thla year at tbe Berkeley Lyoeam, oe West Forty fearta-airoet, oa Medaeeday aftofaeoa. Dot, 81, Bov, '11, Dee.

12. Jan. IS, Fab, 13, aad Marek is. ana mesas eveaiars, oea SO, Kv. 'io, uam, xx, jaa.

to, cea. tn, aaa at area u. TALKlsa TO CSIOAOO MtW. bTDIASAPOUS. Oct It WAS UtS this evening warn th Chicago daUgstlo reached aera, and it was o'clock when aU tbe visiters entorad Temlinaon' Bail, tn aad arwoad which about 10,000 people had eeagragatad.

Gea. Harrison was raealv ad with groat appUoa. x-Oov. Haaalltoa aud an ad dres en behalf af tbo Chicago detention. Bo wa followed br Jada-e E.

w. Eeigatiy or Hya Park, whose speech evoke great apaiaaaa aa eataaetaaa aea nam. Harrteea raae te respond tbara ra aa attempted renewal of th prwvtoaa desxaistratioe. but It waa aappraa st fraaa tho ylatform. poke with remarkabl ear- Bieaa.

bis Tase MBWtrastng th farthest earaor of th great aaditatlanv Thtwaghoat hi cb ta aadienco Broke aetia ta wlldt klaaaf appiaa aad abssra LATtST A EXTALK Btaarawbta Texford. fr Bavarian. CslamatTBk recrae, Waats. Malaca, aa 4 Saw with aadaa, te ardsr vassal te aad ttihraitar 4 aha CI gee saamsbtp Staadard, atavaw Ool Weeks. toStaai Stiiamip Trtataaa, fBrl in aaaaw.















BEDELL eV C4L hTwmy aaal lTi WILHELM filial, frsrar aast BORITUBGER sV 0. SS ITA.LXA.MB AM A TSM rOLt TAX Des Uoctes, Iowi, Oc. A floe tion that may take natasaal rmportaa hi peaillBg ta. tao tievwraor' wtnaa, Ta eAoer of HamUtou County have impoaed a tax oa seme llaitetr labon oa the Bera 'weotera Road at Stratfoed Tb Italiaa 4 new obot to laboring tor reoompea, bat they poat-tlTalyobJoette laborteg ta-Bday foe aba Stat ef Iowa. They have IbareXor appeal tath Coasal at Cnleag Beaming th atatvar, oraleh a in tarn aaa vororrea ta th latter a Waeaiagton.

He referred It ta sjerAarr Bar. are, aad the latter ha eon taOwv. Larva tog a atatamaat of tb oa. with r't -rlafra ss what should aaa Tha ftsliua Amim that the tmpeelag af thi tax I tn VMlatiaa eg ta ewBBMraial treaty at she aery. 1871.

mm tweea Italy aad the. Catted Bbsna. while the i eav tao oar side aiaim tha eaen nee yd las ta tba ls mt ins ul oral ttoasaed Italia tale etaaa, ad ef EnLLBTEEY. C0M, box toes: Mpm)ftZMB ji --gin yam I taey wore to aanra It km fl.

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