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The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas • Page 1

Galveston, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Company, And Dealers in Dry and Slices, HATS ASH NOTIONS II Of PimLicATion Son. 11D ASP IK MilttiT Sinner, OILVISTOK, THUS. EyrnsTM AT PoaTonnOE AT Qii.vnrroN- An MITTER, HOUSTON, Ij Grocers COTTON'FACTORS. -ESTABLISHED 1842. GALVESTON, TEXAS, JANUARY 10, 1882-PRICE 5 CENTS.

VOL. XL-NO. 251. SDocial attention is called to my Superior PANEL, CABINET and other size PHOTOGRAPHS. Enlarging 1 Pictures and Fiu- ishitir in Water Colors, India or Crayon a specialty.

An elegant assortment of Engravings, Frames. Basics and other Novelties in stock and selling- at less figures tlum they can he bought elsewhere. DIAMONDS Tie and J'incst Stock over seen in Texas, now on Exhibition ar.d i'or Sale at PARK, LYNCH Strand, FOR THIS "WEEK ONLY. Ho- In Pino SolIU CoicI Chains uul Jowelry. Invltrd.

TREl'rlOST OPEUA HOUSE. IMPORTANT TM aOvfinofil tale of fur Ol'EftA. HSOVrry tha: th'i aunouccctuoui thai will in this city, JAXUAKY 1STH, MAT1NKU Simo. ETELKA QEKSTKK. In uu.r*TkloU rolo r.C "WriatJoiw Io Carnival do ty Bunodlct.

Wn-uro year a- All who hnvo srcurrd saais ndncr. yet tcr Rro rc- to TEEiovF OPERA HOUSE, and ITIunacor. iTie Box-office is now open fur thu salf oC for ST BOOTH. SlSTERTOIRS: Jmiinnr7 24--HICtlK'-IKT-', Jununry 21-- OTHELI O- Januitry oml Paniuctrt Circio OO Jress CircH 1 50 ComliKr IStli-KAZELKIRX.

Help AVanted. ASTED--A GOOD COOK and a (Jirl from tWrtocm to fl'tvtrc old to nurso baby. East Itftvt-un ami ANTlfiO-- A WHJTU COOK ior a viml' family. AP.UI.VIO MIM.C.I.KORIT. S.

E. cornt-r I anj 1'Jltj Bi. to coot tintl ono to do house an attend children. Aopfo' at nslii-ncs. Xo.

an toslofllco ISS HOUSK, HOUS- i ton. Texan, nn Gxpc-riuticud Sioivtirtl: must t'iorc-uchly understand l.ho tu of atid bo aMo to jjooJ latw Good saliio' iv- t'lo H4tui forlho poflitlon; none other upply. to jo to thu vo Imvo A nice uhop up in cood style-; Aml6iMu Jti tlio tount stav 01" Grimnt. and hay no othm- nhop 111 it; youui. 'nan zone but man, and on iQesn'np "builoeKs, Address one li.

B. Aniltirson, Te.vusu SHIET MAJST, AGENT KOR Keep's Celebrated Dress Shirls. SIX I'OR $9, TO ORDER MARKET AND TREMOXT STS. Ortlurs frou- tho Country promptly attend wl to, IIRPAIKEO ASD UPHOLSTERY DO.NK, A SHAW. Furnituro Doalora.

Heal lan S.XLK-Or oxchiuiKe, HO ucns ia l-'Jovci county, Twcns: a bunralu. SELL OK KXCWAMCTJ-FOIt OOOD citjr property HTO choice land under toucu. -Five room cotURe, Kitchen, uinln? and store room, barn anU stftbio twulve miles i'rotn City. Apply tt JOHN S. RHKA, 3 OTS FOIt LEASK-Iii block 385 On Rat AVOQUU; lot, 40xS5 leet, or.

L'Sta IK and Mnrkct- A. LUFKIN. di LOT.s OF SMALL A nntl Tri-st; some with For or Uast-. SAM I KUAVAUUS; 4 Agents, Austin, ra-ich lanUn cnttlo Jird shoyp; lacdKantl linprov Tor yale. St-nd Ktnnip I'or Inrormntloo.

for Trxis. Special httwtion glvou to tlio LANI BUSINKSli i Its Stratph: duel aUonmln Ijiod for wl-- Rolltwtions Holtcitnd. For Sale. ion Works on Btvta Avtuiuo, street. PKINTKK: 11 Rxx'd hand biiinSworfc, CLARKK COUK'IS, 'W' HOTKU An pcriitn MHI UotiuHi Bov i btsr.wt^n 15aoJ IS vears or to It-urn tn rcyiil dry tuslr.t-s.

PRICK CROSS. O. CIOOD, O.Q SKKVANT. Apply toXrji. o-tofiloe.

nnd 17th Luca Tr Benevolent A-wiviatipu cf Unmarried ItUW JUjwior Sn co.CiiL uuilkf nny oliiwi by st stock. trees for uro fall f.n S-- TO SWU. NUK- iitiux ovyj half intyr vlolln'ry. W1J! mt-n wantnd. WATSON.

Kurwrv, TCI. frftj'hlons In evrrv O. L. GEER, IHl'OuisI SL. Now Orlnans.

La. maa of Home sironR-, jictirc and O' moral Jbiirac-tor. Ifox this cfllco. 'f AVANTVD of J. tn-o months from Coicftgo to Si.

Lotls; th'ju to Sprlupfluid, to Tem ilaulo. whero do iiw wrote ietcer from. I1U sooih lrokei off; has blue eyes; Ucrti color hair; complex- Ion; la oJd. Any inturmution win tu ttiank- fuliy mut suitat-Ji- rywarU si von, by BIUDUEr MgML'LTY, 13 etruot, IM. I irav STOCK, I wiH JibCOUDi.

tbe niixricei prices orut. iiy We nnd I hnvy UQ aisori- meui. A. SAMU-U-, Tobacconist, Corjer 3trswi niiS unroot, uiidtr- Opora-hoiise. I YO4J triSJI A 'SVST OF Slir'inl; Flannel Underwear.

L't- to MC-lUUS, the Shirt Yafcrr, otcni7f street. Business A ciiitj, voulU like to invent iu au fMiabi bunlaesa. Address iu taiurooC budinirss, Eoz News OftiuL-. il Mail ro a in li irro'-vth. iu a tKom nff cliy In Ka.sC offuved mi- AU man, uliva 10 en- tjjfprtfis.

cun Intcit to ndvunttuft 1 Amiilo wort nudproSt 'or two par whero a (UvJ- don oJ lab will proioo'r tlm bu.inf.*vi nn'l in- Addreas PAKTNEIt, NOWR stocked) cd Robert N'ewiiKshcp. ofkOn-il No. iW OOPKKS' TvOLuS--SAWS, AXES Ji.llCHlirS, I'LANBS. lUtAUKS, BITS, IUNQES. SCREWS, FJLES.

SCRKW-DufVKHS HAM.MEUS. Our nssrirunuiiL ot Wooclwuro, Tin- ware, and Glassware Imrd beuS. LARAPnS. rj'WO J- li-rmiiD. i'ups.

six weeks old, each, blueic; ono elcht olJ, uettl sniiio stock. Sr0. be seen to bo appreciated. r.t fitreoc and ATenuo I'. Inrmlro street.

EL.I, IN NO LONGER The xfu A i i i cvutntii.t TexuM in a nut- shtil. Price, with Toms innp, tEc. Houston. i rioK SA: Imnd Kiillu IJillijircI-rooui, Apply at SKCOND- Absolutely Pure. This Powilor novcr varies.

A ot pxir nncl wholcsoniDiiw-i. Moro economics I'lian tho ordinary fcintN. Sold onlv In cans. 21OYAL POWD'ER ICt! Wull N. VE HOST AND WILL SELL GIEIP BoCora taking Stock wu offer our out'ro Uno ol 25 Per Cent.

Bcdnetion. CAPS, AV REDUCED PRICES. THE POPULAR CIOTHIERS. OrOera from ibo iatG'ior will havo prompt attention. Salt CHOICK NOK'l'M- eru acod ot dllTiMvii: ruriotiui.

P. A II. STRESAU. IViL'ua aud cataiocuei iiui.t tu idl aiifrllcnntii. P.

Warlelii, Ounl street, X. O. Ni; t'UT-- My or Scroll Raws nml Bosfcns A. SMITH. 1M Tromont ASJU metit of nil styles for cheap.

it i 1 LEVY BROS. OWEX3, XOKTLAND mid Konutululc Conumt 1 ro- -i- ctrvtMl, direct from mil's: also, Klrn-Brictei. Cement Dniln 1'ipen, Cemont Cl'ilm- nt" IMUW. GlirtUiu Curbinc etc 1'lp" i iiiida Buildlliar Materials. GKC importer nnd Dealer.

O. U. HE AT THE NKWS caet.p to tenant. und Avmitio O. Afiti SALT CONSUBI- JA orn In luUM-jor will t.llco uotlco tlllli ivtll mi ihulr orUcrj (or LIVJiSl'OOL SALT, li 'arloiul from OOc.

Sack for Liverpool Coumc. per Sack lor Hvi'rjiool t'lin rom store ut-- i)3c. SncK for Ijlvcfpool vcr SucK I'or JLIvcrpool Flue D. FREEMAN. P.

Tho Falsl? Ruorameod fresh, hi yr.c IS run wpisiir. OIt RKNT-SLX-KOOM lino cornt-r cottOKO on Church, botvvouu 2ith and SStli. AU ID coocl oi-dor. H. Jl.

TP.UE11EART Ke 1 ICstuto Airouts SLOLN; flrokt'rs. OK KKMT--Ev the yonr. trom 15th ot Joo Unu on Church strove, liet, stn. CHAS. IT.

LEONARD. 1CJEMT-- NKAP UUTTAOE. SUITAISLB 'ortiiieo men who denlro to or mun and wife who wish to tako inealB waUcini: distp.nco. Address WOK TWO-STOKY Jt? corner nud Tuouty-ilftli. "Jl K.

A. SCOTT. C1OK ItKlVT--Ono Block Qrouud, under trim: ujtli theroon, for nud tt KENT--TU1KU 1'LOOB ot tho IJuild next to Opera-house. to J. A.

T.ABAKTIIE, Acont. lOK 11V.HT OB. SALK-i-story houso. store imd residence, corner of Strand And street Q. A.

ClOIt RENT--TWO-THIRDS SECOND FLOOR and entlro xhird Hour or Htore occiipittd by itle Express Company. Rooms and Board. OK IUSNT-- ON'E KOOU lOConter street, betwueil and Poatonlce. CTOK KENT--TWO FURNISHK1) ROOMS. Gvntlonioa only uoecl apply.

Corner loLUand CTBKMSH1SJO UOOtaS-Qutot location, new un iwwrou aud Muciiaulc, lo of block, sido. Rent. Apply winthanil nnd Unfurnished. KOOMB for between Nino- ntloth CTl'KMMIEJD -jro KKNT, WJTH or without board, cnviuaio strisot, coruui'IMth Business Cards. AT J.

HX)tJozon ihu IgYEK for 57 cclvnL reaaint for alL CaU OD J. E. 'MASON. 1TNEKS OF PATKST K1C1ITS it iirefttlv to thoi? interents Ui correspond Viet J. S.

SKOWS, Gatveaton. il 'AI'KlilS A Si 00 THOUSANJv tlio- COUNTIN'Q BOOM. Hous 1 Goods. AKKS of the Window fcnadrt 4 kveps In stock All ttio Btytaif acd thum in fny lujcn tu ijait, and makes 11CTCK1! PliiJIES AND WINDOW COBSICES 17J. Trt'inoGC sttMKt.

TOVKS-fJTOVtS--Vi 1 art, wiljnp CooilInK SK ves at from SB -0 to Ii5. A KOod o. 7 Cook MovdforSli llao OE Houso-Furulslj Coo. 1 Tinvare, which we will Hell fflp. i.

A. oppi-iito Cliureb, bu 'j COKNQt C'KXTKH AND and ueUi And new anti rPHK iMaa Ituprovxl Wulw JtcMne, A trom to SCO; tbo Iir.prore;! Stewart c. BilES.Taiior.iii THE O.N'tTl? dealer tne tllv. kreps Ail tht nut improved SffKln.T if.icliinos.

Established Ha customers cau Ksfcly rely on bLijuilROMnl'ln jnxlcingtlMir seluctlon. Call tst nil slock; at No. 1 1 Po-toffiee street. DEALKU IX FI.SH A ovstors, J.L,, bel. Tostonice und Ma'-kul sts.

Oystora nt 50c, and Si ix-r 100. LESSING, tho Fhotojrrapnttr, 170 makes ncpuclvor. instanrar.eously, thorerore er- qutolto best expression, tramps cheap Itesrutar autt lowest prlct. Z-ibntlUV; full supply nt E. TYE, Aqo.nt.

IMPORTED SAEDIiNES, IMPORTED A TdMATK. HIPOETED CIAEET, 1ST CASKS. IMPORTED IX CASKS AN" CASES. Tho above of havliip made our low, buyers will UIK" tiiid oxutuint our V-' Jt- own rchascs prices won to their to oall JUST At JAKE WEEK'S, 100 DKZCO of tlm Colcbruted JAKE L.EADEK." sir tor SO Of. Tho "TOOTHPICK," tho Kobblost Shoo in tho mtvi'ktJC, 300 Pairs Lovr-quartcr SIIOES, to bo aold at fifty ccuts OD tbo dollar.

THE il, SHOE I SHIRT 165 MARKET STREET. TEE TEXAS UlUJJil ED. It CALLAWAT, Mjuasor. 171 Strand, GALVESTON. wrrop fov Cotton Now York or N'oiv Oi-lPuiiH delivery, procifxly x- oc'Utud.

In of from IO to 1000 Also Orders ior Grain nnd Futurott, delivery. Full market reporcs customers diulv. Acldro-o ED. I-I. CAT.LAWAY, MANAGEIt.

IT Is Btfttjd tlmt about $0,000,000 wai invested In English and French flats, in tho city of Now York last being nearly ono-Qfth of tho total amount eipondod in building during tho year. Mil. H. F. consummated.

tho solo tho property of tho Pmtt Coal and Coko Company, at Birmingham, fl Tow days ago, to a company Memphis civpitalists, $1,000,000. This is 0:10 or tho InrgestCDal transactions evor made in tho Soutli. rank H.itton, so lonff connected with tho Burlington Huwkoye, hoa opeuod wai' on tbo normoiiH. Ho proposes to tarn out mnny postmasters and pub in virtuous Re-publicans. It is wonderful ploty nud virtue grow upon a pai'tisaa at'ter ho gotaan offlco at Washington.

Tins placing or GraTitontho iu-my rotirocl lir.t with a gonorul's pay, and tho vindication of Fitz John Portar on tho tostlaioiiy of Grant that ho hns boon guilty of a great wrong to Porter, and has allowod it to run for yours, willb'j two of tho remarkable OCCUITUH- ces oC 1SS3 and Arrlr.iv's ndministratioti, NEWARK is catching up with iior rcguop, Bi.ldwin, tho bank defaulter, makes a dean braistof Ins for Nugent; nnd nexr. comes Palmer, tlio embozzlinff ox-city auditor, and pleads guilty eight indictments for forgeiy. These two gentlemen may yet go through tlio panitentiary to tranquil, uJUuonca and high 1 position. GATJI hns four.U iv porson who is iviilinfj-to put ou i-ocord with a statement Uir.t Sorgont is not worth more than $100,000. and that- ho hasn't ti "Inglo vice.

Another poi-sfta picked up for un Jntorvtovr by Gtith, thir.ks Colorado will go Democratic next time. Theso sayings do not ndd much to Oath's already rickety ivput'it-ion for ri-'lhibility. WINTER, cold, bitiiur, icy win tor, has at last tlio middle und Eastern Suites, and tlio "West is Hoavy tnows in ninny locnJitios about tho middlo of last wtihfc, tnuny of the nnvifjnblo rivers wero blocked i a i close. ThN is a liitlu to the coal nud wood duulors in this stoclts havo only boon reduced ior cocking mid steam so far. Tin: Tory latest footing up of tho subscriptions to tlie Mrs.

Garfiolrl sliows a total of 70; imii that for the mother $1120 On tbo life policy, Mi-s, Qarfielil bur. rcnlizoJ 75. Estimating tlio ostato nt $05,000. and adding one year's wilnvy us president Ati't. G-arllold can now draw her cks against assets amounting to about ead-lock in tUe Yorl: Legislature nlU doubtless bo broken on the roussosnbiing to-day.

Mr. Jucobs oviJontly has a bargain that is to win. Ho will vote cbrk of tho Senate on certain conditioas," but to tho conditions. Tha Duniti- ta-ats arc ontitlud to tho and will probably uchiovo Mr. Jacobs us president 'tf tho S-juute, iC thoro bo no treason in tho ranks.

i mimr THE last criminal indictment against Potor Sweeny wtw uollii in thp York Criminal C(mrt lnsS week, aud ho cau now return to lu's homo in safuty from his long exile in Pjiris. Swcouy was Tammany's chief under tho of Twood, and nobody duubte that ho was equally guilty wJtb Tweed and Connolly. Ho luus spout a long exilo in France, aJlluollco, and can now return and enjoy his 11-gottoa millions. -iocs not auout this ad- niniscmtion is probably too liitlo value to jo spoken of. Ho now says: I know that Arthur- likes Elaine, and that Bluino likes Arthur, and that tbo newspar.n-s can not got ip a quarrol between thorn," Perhaps can fnthoua tho tmu inwardufty? ft tbo Chili- Pcrnvian job, and bo nblo to t2U MS it gnano or tho continental rail iacl interests that dictated tLi'cuten- diplomacy.

OTEK THE STATE, J2OUSTOV. Cotton ITIarlcot and ICocoIptu--Kottor Court-- Typograplilcul Union Election --Sermon Robbery wttU antl iSpeciiil Teleffram 10 Tho NOWK.I cotton market closed firm, ns ruvisofl. Sales bnlos. Quotations: Low ordlnftTy; ordinary, good ordinary, low mtddliup, middling, goo.d middling 1 middling fair, "Rccfiipts--tor Gcflyoaton, HttrriRburg and San Antonio Rnilu'lly, 360 bales; Houston, 00; Qalvnslon, 253; -Now Orleans, Provi- donce, R. 35.

jfror Houston und Texas Central, Houston, SSO; Now Or- Icsvns, GS1; GalvL'stop; 4C-1. For International and Great bfilos; Houston, 410; Now Orloans, 23; S2G. TIio Galvoston, JfTarrisburc and San Antonio Hallway, In jwimaection with tho Gulf, Colorado mid Ruilvny, shoj'tly put on a of day couches from Houston to Port Wtlfrh, loavlng Houston at and 1 Fort Worth the snaia night without A lino of day will shortly bo put on tho Galvoaton and Sp Antouio, soing through to that city wit bout'gliange. In Ju5tico Hay's jo-jrt to-rlay tho business wus diBposcsL'of: Ol'is, Smith Co, vs. C.

Emos, plaiutjiY for $14 H. ICootkortKO vs, iHouslou Knsf and "West Texas Uaihvay; sr-kiod find dismissed. SLubo (I Arlipo, di'tuiner; plaintiff. vs, J. C.

Baldwin, rattled and dismissed. J. nnd tVound vs. 'O. and wife; settled nnd dismiswil.

C. J. vs. E. and M.

E. SafTrof, suit for iMijt; sc'i for January 12tb. L. 'Erower, disturbing poiiCfi niul Lhrcati; costs Mosos M. Cohen, F.

G. UUFFI.V is not in a hurry, like most people, in i'ost Ho finds time to in tho North American Roview, tho whether tho Southern Ccnfedc- have succeeded under batter liip, and tho Boston Herald rakes tin ew Major profitless job, closing vitli tliis siuiplo truth: "Tbo war ond'fd us it 'id in consequence- or thy superior resouices of he North, ratlior than as the result oC tho ilundei'3 of onis man in the South." iU. TUItltY A 303 STRAND, STATIONERS, JOU KST STHAND 3JCON Strand. Cialvcjtioii, ntanuffictururH of brklfo-poiin. boUa, and forunii dralcr In Ltlnkb'H patent stotxin pumps.

Steam vyphOiis, hiMUl purapn, iron pipy, sttltin tliiK-'i KsLhnmes prompilv furnislK'U. InFKESU Central Wharf, nalvfston. "1 B. niAltSAN--WHOLES-VJUEuJiiLKKlN FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS, follclta from tlie country. ffancy Goocls--- jNoti 3" II EC Ef and h.uKlaorfio mec'iU Ticturw ilsuMints, and Uncy S.

SABELL'ij, uiaimfr.oMiror of tramct unu Window Coral m. OFFICE. W. ATTOBN'EY AT LAW. Uloclc, CLECURXS.

TK-VAS. Collections promptly Ti.fuio. stoclror lirocteta, akrora l-l 4, Wall Pujxir. Stows ana Funcr UtMt, I U1 a oC PictMro fi-ahwn and mikie to order. 1- C.

LKVV, Market bctwoen 2lm Hot'els. "RTETKOPOllrTAS opposite lit P. 1 Dalian, Tut Entirely MV throughout, luid vzi.rylliiiiK Il LH pronounced, fiiiU wn do not )iat-jtai to Iho uUbliBhtnfUt of tho Wild iii tht JSwte Tlio public arw Ianu.fl fpcallaqd t'jat Plants, Soecis, TtH'-W CJKOJP -i. A iiSl, jiwt reoeiveC: ncd I'or bv A. FLAKE ft CO.

IN 25 ctola. ci Omi at Call KS. C. S. KAITISEY, tAWYERS, Clobume, Toias.



JOHN KIKK; 1C3 Mnrket. CHOOL BOOKS-- ALL HQOKS VSED IN tio public schooLi us wull school sUitJonoj-y can tiotl at E. MASON'S. AND LESSONS Riven by un experienced Uidy. nnd t'ninilieu erms moderate, Cjeorprt.

07 Cuiireh (SLAM) CITY BUMNJESS i tiistrund. jlli. Write for 173 JIarkot. 1'. 0.

bu.t Joss IJeoish, Propr'fl Sportsmen's Supplies. TVToW IS TIIIMK TO MAKE NEW ri Yetr (Mt Vf. .1. HUGHES Ii9 Strund, and iljcuEalnothulr Btoek pC Gunss und Auununltluu of ill 1 IcladH. Their thvirc- burrelou Uuiut lavu arrlvod.

Cull arouiid aud 3co Copies of THE NEWS Railroad Map of Texas may be procured af ihe Counting Room. Orders by Mall Promptly Filled. PRICE-10 GENTS PER COPY. A QUANTITY OB 1 GOOD MOBSE MANURE FOR SALE. Apply to T.

P. SARGENT, IV at tbu N'ews Countinjr room. PEU HUNDKED. Tlio iffouNioii J3olt Railroad. tliuXaiV Orleiuis Houston, the railroad center of Torciis, is to have a bolt railroad completely, encircling it.

Our Texas is now ono of the most im- pov.tant railroad contcrs of tlw country, and yet it nothiii? 10 -wbat it will bo in tho near future, Cora liost of now lines aro building tovrard it. No less tban ten railroads now ontor tho town.and tliero is snob a of bells, and a whistling of locomotives, such .1 constant procession of care by that ono is romindud at once of ChiciiRo and in zbni (Lnd ins city by tho Accoitn-iNG to Gonoral own i i John Povtor cnso ho has boon guilty of about as foul a wrong as evor one oldior put upon another. His hdmission his rcitt error uud hLs sudflon clmnjp of fooling not volievo him of tho criticism tlmt ho was ctuatod by n. niojm spirit in pnrpetrnLing Uiy lvo yours it 1ms be-on in his personal powor vrong, nnd that bo muy bo moved by an motive in repairing that tvronp. For do justict) to General Porler, but ho failed ic, nnd hit acLion at tbw Inte day ii por- uns justly ascribed to desire to conciliate nough DomocraLic votes in to secure ii own replacement on tho rotiired h'st of tho with an annuity of fourteen or fiftcon ouwmd dnllavs.

THE G-lobo-Democrat the goro of -enoral Pitz John Port or, and is sorry that icro genyritls wero not uhot. during tho i-w, iTing to Grunt's change of mind i Poi 1 tor's dismissal irom tlu t-wonty this bloou-thii'iMy Journal says: Tiie public will noli Join the oH hi Llii-; ot opinion. Fitz Jonn Poi tor.was ftiirly trioil by nioa who luttl every toascer- tain tiio I-U) WHS soiitenood bo-'hot-, and to havt? bini shot. And if it had beon tlio'tico to slioot a every nuntli tho war would ciidc-d in years iusujaU of last- insf four years. was tho practice, and thu Confodorates kept it up rsligio'JsLy, but Tor every death two sprang up to liis place.

disturbing peace; A raoetinE of tlio. 1 HousVon Typoprnphicui Union was hold venter day, when tho followiac officers wero ok'ctlid to pervo for tlio ensuing year; Thomns R. Wilier, president; Jnmoi A. Thompson, Sidney T. Maryo, ncording and corrt'bponding secretary; R.

Sinclair, finor.ciul C. D. Grooii, 1 Boi'rd of R. Bibb, Geos-ffo E. John, W.

P. Homines nnd T. F. CrofToy. It rumorod this morning at Rosonborg Junction that.

Ponn Dyor, who Icillod Adaiu at Richmond, has bean arreatcd at Wlmrton. Tho Rov. Mr. "Werlotu daliverod an excellent discourse last night at Shoaru'" upon young moil. Ho is au eurueat.

oloquunt uud inipra-Kivo pulpit orator. Tho erection of the mngiiilfoent Cupitol Hotel building, by A. OroosbMtk, hns oxcitad the ambition, of Mr. P. Binx, and hu proposes at an early day to tear down tho ono story structuro ou tho opposite corner, now occupied as a drug store, and to put up a splendid four-story brick in its stand.

Johu O. Ilichnrd, of Lulins, was in the city to day, and left Cor Sherman to-night to o.t- totid nieotins of tlio Grand Lodge of tho ordo: aC Unile.f "Workmen. Ifauug Whiiiiton OWOHS, employed in tbo gouoral offieen of thn Tuxas and. Now Orleans RiiilroaU, was -knockud df'ivn by a nogro tonight about o'clock, in Trojn 1 of Christ Church and Texas Avenue, Tho negro struck him OE tuo Load with a wowk'ti wound, nud then rifled Tho then itndo bis From do-criptioti priven ho is recofjr.iaed as Ixjwis RuborfK, n.

counl-y convict who just returned from a plantation whoro he hns hired oat. Onicerji to ofl'cct his to-niglit. Voung was taken to a drugstore aud his wouiuli by a and then taken to tho- Hut-chins Houao. Tho city full of tramps mid thftt tho police dispU3 sucb uiustorly inactivity in arresting and putting a stop t' tneso ontraj'M. Tbo following is Smoilwood Grey's ro- vtsed time tuble, in eiTccD on and after Junuary showing the hours of arrival and departure 1 of trains from Houston: Houston nnd Tc.tfts U-ntrnl--(IloKston lime.

Ci. 1 po', foot of sliver.) Lovt'jt 1 a- arrivtis u. k-avL'a p. m. Galroiton, Karri tnirc an-1 Sun Antnalo--(fiAl- vision tiniv 11 miiuitetj fnaic-r II.MIMO:I lime.

Union ropor, Cipnvrs y.TOtv, rives a. IcftVt-s Ji.OO'p. arrives n. in. nnd Xen Cirlc.tii^--(Hviiifttoit tiiiir-.

i Fifth wMPfl.) n. arrives O.CS p. in. Ntw Orlt'-ins L.e:uvs 10.30 p. nrrivos 7 10 n.

in. (J'l'vo-ton. and UtfndiMOn--(GftiVestnn fmo. DjpOt, font of Congress strwt) Leaves 3,10 jirrlvfs 11,40 leaves p.m. (cxcwpt.

Snmhy); arrives S.riOp. m. Gulf, Coioritilo and SanUi Pi-(JolVorson time, ininuUis- fnstt-r than IIoubLun. Depor, foot Cunffri-'ss No train from Hoo-ston to vusiou over Lbis road. Leaves m.

International mid Grcnt Nortlirnr-- tinir. foot of Coiifirti-s LfnvL-s arrives S.UI p. leaves C.OO arrive 8.00 A. in. Columbia Trip--(Joifrrson time.

Pejiot. Pi Coiisr-jsn strtiut.) Monday, Woditovrtny Friii.iy, a. arrlvsa Tfiuwday tint! Saturdjy, l.uOp. m. Tosas--(Dc-poi, Fii'Ui Wi'sicrn iluilway--(Depot, Coot of Corp- rnoi'ce Lnuves t.WI a.

p. rn, And Friday. Transportation Gompar.y-fDepOt, wird.) Loavrs 7.00 ii. arrives Itravyw H.SO.p. nn-iTtiaC.

30 p. m. Mail closes 30 liofore loivinff trains. talcon to tlio residence of Mrs. 'Cola-oil and medical aid Biicimon'cd.

Tho hor in a very precarious condition. Tho Chicago, Textii and Moxiottn Central EuJh'Oiid is uurfACod t'hrough to Clo- burne, and will bo randy Cor to that point by Wistlnesdny next, Odoll hns rocoivod notice that polEsonfjer car for tho road started for thte ixjint from JefToi-fion- villa, on the 5th of this and two locomotives will start from tho Kfimo point for PropftraLlon.s h.ivo been iinudo to rocuivu freight and patsaiigors, boffi ning on ntxl; "Wodncsday, ITor tho depot at intoraccticn of this road and tho Hountch and TYxos Ccatrai, diroctory of tho road mcotskoroon thoM, when the question of completing tho northeast oxtenstoti will bo coiiKidurocl and voted on. Work is the b'-'iiiR 1 in this extension, but it is bo- Hcvod that a rush will ba made to drive It, something liko tho one mado from Dallas to Clrourno, AUSTXtf, 4 of i i i i Arrowtn--State Trenvu- ror's Koiid--frontier Sct'oniie--I'olltl- cnl nnd I'ei'Honul. Tck'Kram to Tho AUSTIN, January case of small pox was developed in tho city to-day, in tli vicinity of the Bwdfeh church, wboro it firs started, Tho to-day is tbat of i lad in his teuiin, wiio is supposod lo have inves tho prornisos from which tho ilrst Ho will bo campd to tho hospitii tents across tho river this Two tho cases ut tho hospital aro in ft very procn. rions condition.

Of tho fourteen oascft so far dovolopod in this vicinity all aro Swedos except tho last ono discovered, and Is tho fli-st ono rtinco Saturday, tho liflth ultimo, Colonel Moyor, SLoto Capitol nn'ivod to-duy -and thiuJa that thi board will boub'Joto accept ouo of tho bids for building thtj State-house, Both will havo to in which ovont it is suruiifod that new proposn.lti ought to be invited, Somo prirtios interested in tho land nro The bid of John McDonald, for buildinc a'l- dition to lunatic asylum, will bo accepted. Ho proposed to build tho xvinjjs anil two cot- tago rosidonood for tbo -afllcors for $100,000 and his bid is to ho accoptod to build the wing, without the cottages for somo which will bring the expenditure wilhlu tho appropriation. Tho Board of Judgments, whoso duty it is to of doubtful judgments of tho Stito 1 defuultinp; tax-colleccors, have ordarec that tho ono aguinst ei-Sberilt Sip of Liborty, to ho advertised for salo in TIIK (j. NEWS. Shoriff Croary, on a lelfgram frnm J.

G. Willmrn, Round Rock, is hcldinj; pur- UthJ arrested supposed to have stolon horses. A habeas corpus failed to liberato thorn. Tho comptroller and attorcoy-genoi al, as required by law, oxuniiiied Stato Treasurer Lubboclc'ti bond to-dfly and found it correct. Tho bond is for $73,000, hardly enough, con- tho Cash balance and the likelihood of the Wash.

ticket coming into It is hero that Postmaster DuGresa is on thu uuxioufi jioat about his position. sta'-is- to ht'lp Texiis in an effort induce Cungrosij uuUco'aJiberal provision for protecting thu Ti frontier. Ho finds it necessary to recruit Captain Taylor's company at El Puso to the mtuciininu stnmxtb. United States Mtirslial Russeli is hero and seems to regard tho reports of Li? displacement as sensational. Ho has been hearing such voporus four or fivo years.

SojtK pcopb havo an impiv. sion that the government onjjht to stick to its bargain with thu Indians, and proiOrvo the territory set uparc -in tho contract for their exclusive occupation and use; but St, LouL-i, Kansas City, Hannibal, St. Joe and other cities up in that ic a groat outrage to fence out civilization from domain, and can seo no just; rcn- Hon why the compact should longer wall up the sacred reservation 11 ugainst tho blighting touch of civilization," Thoy nro decidedly of tho opinion that Pnyuo's Oklahoma ontorpi-iso Should receive oncourugomont. at loast to tbe ixtentof ndinittinj; ssttlors and tho righc of to railroads. TUo St.

Louis Republican says: tho t'rcat constitutional livwyersof tlie Tr.uian Torrltory aiithorlsy in tlio orcanic of tho a i (or that ll rescrvaiion, hich IK mo religiously walled up Hguinat tliu i i civlllzutlon? Excapt where ini-tarbsrisni rules, no. similar iuuinjily aiul u'hlcii be pro- inviolate- I'rom iho contjimtnaiion nf railway unit t.sloKr«pli lines, and is to uo by white men only iliclr liriLH are clmltod by I some jrrsut Indian mofrul, is llkb noshing OK- tope thy Uninrsa empire. If- preatesr, curlosiiy witlu'n thy realms of lako, Chicago tLe central point for the variou-i railroad systems of tba West und North it dLscoveivd at once tha DU- riity for a belt railroad. It was almost impossible othervviso to handle business or to the transfers bonveon tht difCorent ids entering the city. Indeed, bait bave beea found necessary.

The Chicago ft ad Indiana lino completely ei-cuni' scribos tho town, crossing no loss nino- tcon other roads. It beon of the groatusc- ost to tho cic-, and suves tho railroads annually milliona ol dollars by allowing through ireixfit tw CO through rapidly und preventing tlio ozpcnsivc that were formerly Crcquont. But this business has great tlio Cbic-igo and xtern Indiana line ilnds itself 1 a new lino, known the Ut'lt Lmu, is accordingly building. It will bo forty- miles in Itnatu, a four-track and is rapidly upproucnim; completion. If Chicago iieechi two belt railroudH, Houston, with itw ten certainly needs ouo.

It A thu through which nearly tho eutire trado of Texas and through wbicli, in iho early fuluro, a portion of that oC Mosico will go. Unless provision id to permit of tho rapid transfer of freight ii ono rOful to another--whirh can only dono by moaiis of a belt railroad-blockades will bo of frequent occurrence at Etouston, to tbo great detriment and inconvenience of famiory, merchants, and indocd the country. THTR is GuiEt-au's elovunth an I possibly his last wotik an earthly tribunal of jusuice, Nothing remain? now but tho argument of to tho jury, tho charge OJ! tho court end tho vVrdict, and it Is tHought tho week will sufiicofor-thoencl. It will bo perceived that, notwithstanding the coldness of tho and it was biting cold at Washington--tho ladies crowded into tho court-room, filling every available scat. Guiteau, as usual, gratified thoir dopraved curiosity by nialanp Ltiom a characteristic speech, thanking them i'or their sympathy aud oiprossing tho opinion that tho women do not want him to bo hanged, It ia not doubted tlmt ho told tho truth when ho said he hod received "someSOO letters, great majority of them from ladies," nor fci there any particular reason to reject his statement that, ho had received two checks' from tbo stalwarts--one for and one for $oOO.

Tbeso facts aro simply signiiicant ho lias friends among both sexes, though they nifty bo all confined to one Apolitical faction. But sympathy nor money, nor both combined, surely'savo tho wretch now, Tho country awaits tho finalo in tho word "guilty." DARWTN says man sang before ho talked. Of course, they were forced'to invent language, then. Thoy had to expretts the disgust which singers always onwrtuJD for each other's vocftl efforta. Arrested lor a FJunnelnt A Tulosrum to Tlio News.1 January short i ono John Shean, also known us JInrris

claiming to represent George Pierce, Nuw Orleans, being in this 'city and wanting eesli, drew a draft on Ptureo for $50 nnd pmvaiiod upon Mr, G. W. Qcsr, cleric for S. JOarboi to indorse it upon which the draft was cashed by E. J.

Fry, banlior, Tho WILS roturnod not honored and Barbyr Co. had to pay. Friday Goer a dispatch from jMinoola tliAt Shoan was thai'e- upon which bad -a warrant taking City Marshal Adair with hir.i, iv.iiit to MineOiu, arrested Shcan, broufjlit him hen) and lodged him in jcil. Shean saya it nil be sottlod a-i he hsar from Pic.roo, A difiiculcy nroiio yesterday ovcnine between Mr. John Lnncobtor aud SingJoton, deputj' United States marshal, in im words woro passed, and finally tu bricks nnd several at while ho retired in good order from the crowd.

It was entirely a personal Both -parties surrpuderod tLo proper authorities. DALLAS. Sulcldo Through Disease--Fish tributlon-- Neiiro Arrcwicd Zlur- jl'lury--Accident to on tho Chicago, TflXQ'i nnd Central Tulejjram ro Tho DALLAS, January man named 51. McCorabs blew tbo top of his head off with a double barreled at tho residence OL 1 his grandfather, at this county, on Saturday. Hohodbeonafllictftd with a rising in his since he was a child, and'was almost entirely deaf from the effect of his malady, This was the reason ho gavo for committing suicide.

Police Officer John Crowdus was locked up in tho county jail night on charge of committing on a Kiti namod Dainlo Wigginton. Crowdus has been duiuissod Irom the force since this moruin j. Acarbolor.guig to the 'Unitod States Fish Comniissiou will arrive In Pallas on' "Wednesday next. Tbo car contains carp, for distribution in Texas. It is in ubargo of Mr.

J. F. Ellis, who will supply all applicants along the After rotnainlufi in Dallas several days, Mr. Ellis will proceed with his car to Austin, San Antonio, Galvestc-n, Houston," and back to Toiarkana. George Clay, a negro from Baltimore, came to iDallas about throe weeks ago.

Friday night lost therii was a burglary committed in tbo residcnce'portion of tbe city. Stolon articles wero 'found in bis possession yesterday, aud ho was locked up. lira. Hayton, wifo of a prominent farmer living near Eagle Fordj camo to tho city this morning, and iu attempting to get into tho wugon this ovoniiig, preparatory to starting homo, tho team moved up, and when she got her foot on the wheel she foil in front of the wheel, which, passed over Sbo was picked up in an unconscious condition and of In Sindcr i a EU-ctcd-- IVciv all road LSpL-cliJ Teloffroin to Tho Nows.l SAX ANTONIO, January jury in the Studer cnso failed to and were dis- Erite has boon arrested, charged with ealing a stallion, tlie property of Manuel on the (1th. A Mexican mimed Miguel Shares died-yes.

tcrduy from sitting and raw sweet po- which caused anct obitruc- ion of the Iwwtls. Tim annual meeting cC tho Texas State be held on Fuosday next, at 2 o'clock. TUy result of th election for is as follows: Ward 1. Longtcnn--Eli Arnaud, 209; Judgo RosonhfMmer, 'J4. Alajoritj' Tor Arnaud.

203. For short term--Jostph Dwycr, 300; Otto Soltifts, 20. Majority for 33L "Wai-d 2. Captain Story, 205; scattering, 4. Majority for 101.

Wiii'd Major "Winter, 153; G. 3, DIajority Whiter, 132. Ward -1, Long tiU'in--Hcary Pauly, A. Sailor, -S5. M-'ijority ior Pnuly, Short term--John C-'pilond Gustavo Grous, Mnjority for Copolitid, '201 Tliiirc 1 very quiut plcciUon ticept in 4, where ic was fought.

Your cciTespondent hits it frnm a reliable source tliat initial steps have been taken to orginiM a railroad c.Jiiipauy, compasod lai'goly ot of tliis city, and bucked by Eastern capitalists, to bu'ld n. read from this city to Anuisas Bay, und probably to the northwest iu tlid direction of Foi-t Conchi). movouieut iiiaucfurstcd Ity practical railroad build- or, who comes strongly indorsed. The propo- siiion is to builil a narrov-gauso road, and to ask Tor tLe- $.10,000 Jiubsci iption that has been o'loivd ro tliy Toxas-Mosican E-nilu-ny, but not A'C'jptcd. Xt'iirly tiVt'vy one yet apprcaclied 0:1 tho subject fnvcrs tlifl scheme of the road built aua controlled by Sin Antoniacs, vho itro cxpoclod to manage ic in tbo interests of tiiio citv.

Mr. Voakum'v Roluru nnd ZVciV A-p- polntmont J'rom jLilnntti Prodnctv ExhlUtlod nt tidueod. ISpecIa! TeleErain toTlio PALESTINE, January B. P. Yoafcun who had chargo of iho Texas display mode t'jo Zntornutiouol nnd by tho To jas Pacific raf roadtt ut the Atlanta Exposition, returned horn yesterday.

Ho says ono of the results to Toxn of thin display will largely, increased im migration, especially from tho Sciutln-as States and from Ohio nnd Kentucky and pthe border Stat6s. Tho coiimiitteb on corn, woo and wheat, was composed of gciitlomei from Vermont, Georgia and OUIo, unanimously accorded the highest premium for thepo products ts Texa-, drapito the fact that Kansas hid extraordnary effort In theuo thrti articles. More printedmattor, boolmandpBiiJph lo's, woro'distributed from Toias hettdquartoi lh)on from any otbor. At tbo close of' tli exposition Mr. YoalEhum, by direction Odnoi'al Manager Hoxie, and solicitation Dr.

Loring, United States commiffirfoner agriculture, transferred tho entire display Texan products to tho DoparCraont of Agricul tnre nt Washington, they aro to be placed in a special section erected for them, an a Branding advertisement of tho resources tho State. Jlr, Hoxfe has taken his usual in, torest In Uilatnov? for tlio benefit of this Ktato and will havo Iho whole dupkvy arranged in "Washington to (hi bott advan'ajc. Mr Yoalcum has boon appointed taveling- agent tho passenger department in Texas of the Mis kcuri-PftCifle Railroad, headquarters at Houston, in deserved recognition his sor vicas Io the State at tho exposition. Accldoutally Sliot Through the Iilout. und ISpecial Telexrum to Tho LAUKDO, January Lynch, clork ir tho sutler store at Fort Mclntosh, while ling a gun accidentally shot through the heart and died, instantly.

Tho trial of Lifciitunaut Snyder, Eighth Cavalry, by court mnrtiu.1, wan concluded several dayo ago. Ttirrb'ct, a reprimand and reduced a number of files. York on tba foundation, of tho International and Great jCorthom ILiilway bridge across the Rio Grando bcon begun. Messrs. Hc- Cowon Xolan are the contractors.

Work on tho passenger dopot of tho Horricon National raiilrocd has boen rosuraed, und is bo- ing vigorously pu-shrd to completion. When. finished this will bo as flno u'depot as there Is ia the State. Approach of tlie Road Totecrani to Tho Nev TKWPLE, Junuary Missouri-Pacific road is coming at tho rate of miles day. They to roach Temply by Frtb- ruary 1.

It is confidently expected that they ''ill build their depot near iho Santa Fo crossing. The Santa Fe carpenters orb erecting large round-house aud repair shop, tilso an ole- httlo passenger depot, which will fill long-felt wont, as the present depot has boen much too small to accommodate tho traveling public. Our rrotikly newspaper, tho Times, enlarges this woek to a forty-oight-column paper. A bank will soon be opened hero. Visitors ero much pleased and surprise: 1 at tho vapid growth of our town and beautiful country.

We are haying a good supply Of rain, which is much needed. County Hired Out--Very Ul-- nnd in Jail. Toltfcram The News.1 BILK.YHAM, January Judge Jtc- Adoo, in accordance with tho law, made a. con- trad to-day with Captrun L. C.

Clay, of Independent, hiring all the county coavicte for year at $7 per month oach; CaptaJn CJay to boar oxpciijes in clothing, feoding, otc. Mrs. Anna Seward, of Independence, cno of oldest settlers of tho county, very ill and not expected to live. Hav. B.

D. DashieJI, of this city, is also dan- gorously ill Elevon prisoners and seven aro now in. our county jail. The latter deserve a wtter place and ought to bo removed to the urmtic asylum at once if there were room. Fall of.a Bridge uii3 of a S.iuli Factory flivcr iSp'-'Cial Tdc(frain t'oTlin BEAUMO.VT, Ja-nuury bridge at tho.

Danube on Main street, foil ycsler- ilny with loaded cart. No oau was hurt. It is now replncad by a and substantial structure, iniUer tho ttroful supervisioa of Major chioC engiuiler of Iho Texas and "Sow Orleans The new F.aU, blind and door factory, eeiitiy built for Iilsfs-s. Lea Ory, Tell with a crania to-day, nnd stveral persons who wero on the inside escaped miracnJously. Tha i ivbr is rising rapidly and the logs aro coining.

Pile-driving on the Sabinti and East Toxns Railway, at Bayou, ton miles from Sabinu Puss, is go in on as rapidly as circumstances will permit. This company recently a for JifLy from at which placa it wil! shortly arrive--to the Nticlies and thw business or the ro.a:l already tuxes ita carrying capacity to tho utmost. The aabiiio Foss and Tosos iTorthorn Company havo mortgaged their, frun- chisus, in favor of tho Trust Company, oT NIJW York. Tht promises of aid nindo by our citrons raised a hope that the road will deviate enough to tho right from its proposed lino so as tc- cross the riches River it Collier's Ferry, and through town, talco tho gi'ttde of tho old Eastern Texas Ptail- road to it3 terminus at tho Pass. Rnmorcd Arrest nnd Serious Blood; ultctl Ulcd n.t Kl ISjwxicJ Toleptani to Tho BRYAN, Texas, January A report is cur- ont hero that Reuben StlllweH, charged with 30 murder of the Porter farctiicrs hero last fall, was captured over in ilodison Couaiy.

It year old daughter wan acciilentnlly shot on Thursdfiv 1 by her little brotbor, six yearn old, with a six-shooter, loft through co Tv I in tho wupon. Tho ball entered glancing froLa tbo broast-bono and pan through the lobe of tho lung, coining out fn the biiclc near tho edgo of tho blade bone-. Tbo child was brought to Boemu for treatment by West. JaiiUfciy Ccrr (colored), a county convict, attempted to maks his oscapo in custody of iHr. (T, li.

Cunnfjiglntm, npeciul duputy. A pocJiot-knifo was tho officer's only weapon. Kvans received aslitjhCBtabin tho orm, the nbouldvr, durinff tha ycuffle. NEW YOKK. BAIL? DX8- Storllns Advanced-- Tlio iSoulltoru Pa- cltle-- Uvc StocU Lower-- Stockn Firm Firm Jottou Crop JJnti- niato, ISoecIa! to The Ncws.1 NHW YORIC, January Sterling advanced on demand to cover remittances Aracri- Cttn btock3 lo-toly sold in tbitf market.

Com- morckl bills are quoted at 4.T3®-l.TOJf It is rhat tlio Soutbera PaciBc road to Now will be uuly Boot cuttlo dediiieJ Sheep also do Btocte flnn. SiilraSiOOO Snnta flOOO International firsts at 810,000 sizes at i 810,000 Texas snd Paciflc iii- comosatTS; S13.000 Rio Griwd'r. at 79K; 9000 stock at 4CK to TSovr York Texas Land Comiwuy nt $1000 Houston and To'Sas Coutrnl Division) Sugars firm for raw and rofinod. Cot-l-on advnced on bigbor receipts, clofdnj but steady. It in reported tbat tho ncxthuroau report will uinko a crop oC 000 to 5,500,000.

Mr. Hoisted, formerly of Now Orleans, jast mturncKl tlio South, says the crop will bo over C.000,000. E. A. G-reen, Waco, fa horo.

ORLEAK'S. WASHINGTON. The Commcrro Sub -Committee Revrc KIliK-- U'catlicrford ttr Ito 'IVI'-rrojjito The Tbo nrixa mittca 1 by Ofciirman Pago to-day to wMrr ihti Interstate Comm-ircc bill ncd re- pott it bavli to ccvnnifttso Ren-ail, Ton. nsumi, of 'Jhio; Richardson, Run; ITcLane. Ward, tt and Hoycdon, ma.

It can not wctt Do iold now whether thii hso as prevent the Li I J.K-ii.'jr reported or coc state tins" ft raniinc. Los- pita! at Galifiton and a quarantine station on the cuast wwv? to-fjay both referral Tuwnwad and HOIT. either Towiisjnd or Korr euilifn Sir. tlio committed will recommend that passod. It is most likely thai will jgrectoit.

'Iio coimurion of Jo'anson as po-jtmiwler a athprfcrJ was to him to-day. Those who uni'Jo 1 fijjbt him wcro beataa, Mr. A. D. Hunt, who has tha cflidrat jMnost jr at Tyler for Tjiacy and given pntiro will bo rflappolnted.

Paschal is Iiere, reported as applj-in? for tho oftce of United Stoics marshal for tia Western District. oitnmstur Whiseo, of. Delias, Is here dCter his intorestu, us it understood that who nicycrcf Di'llt-s, 'is nfcw tfco plsce. taiban Patton is he-re. mid his friends claim JK: is not on applicant; for unless Johnson should be removed as, postmaster at Haustoit, or Malloy 03 collectxjr at Galveston, The tul- minintration is not ilut removal of DAILY JX THE Suicide of a Ittj'u rloux Voluntary Surrender COD- Examination to Tho Mevs.1 Janunfy E.

Eal longer, a prRposwssIap youug: twenty- two years of committoJ sulcfdo ycsUii'dflj by banking hbrsalC from a beam in t'uo casement of her mother's residence, on Peters et tlio body discovered tho young was qcito dead. An. tmmi tion disclosed the fact that tho was not Broken, but tbat death had ensued from stranguhtlon. The causa assigned for the rash act was that her family had modo strong opposition to her marriage with a young man namad EmUo Desire, tho ot hor affec. tions, and tbat tho consequent despair led to suicide.

This story, however, is denied to-day both by tho family and Desiro. As no other cause is thu af- "air partakes largely of tho mysterious. Deputy Shorjff Cain, for whom the police lavo beon looking several days, surrendered to-day lc order to stand a triul on a charge of 'orcible entrance into Wintz's house and tho ihooting of yousg Morklo on the 3d inst-'int. Coppodgo hod a proJitoinarj- eramiiiation day on tho charge of murder of his wife. examination, was not concluded when court adjourned, the State having sovand aioro witnesses ro be heard.

Tha ftvidencs was of such a strong that the gen- al opinion is ba will bo held for triaL During the past week there wero loO deaths rcm all causes, consumption claiming seven malarial fovor six. of the Latest Assassination. to The News.1 HOCK, January coroner re- timed from Brush Island, nico mOes fronl the tty, to-day, whcjo ho has held an inquest lie body of M. the farmer who Friday nijjht. Ho found in lOstimony that several very prcminenS irniors were connected with the affair and neighborhood will be implicated.

warrants but no arreits uivo cs yet been made. Thu incentive to tba murctor seems to this: timo ago there as a of a civil case before a Little Rock ustico courts and Adorns, who -was a witness, lado a certain sworn statement against tho is stated that two uien wcro killed in effect- wished interests of certain parties, who ing tlio nrrtAst, and that ono of thorn is brother of a citizen of Bryan. No names are given and tho rumor has not bc-cn traced to any authentic source, A tologram hns been received from El Paso annoucing tbo death cf Mrs. Charley Davis, at that yesterday nt half past one o'clock. She was a daughter of.

CoL T. D. Wilson. We arc having cold, muddy weather, At- CK of Improvement-- Enter IaccnUary of Hie Btnllroad--Artesian Perl. Telegram to Tho News.1 PUS Ciiaisxr, January following list of the rolling stock of tho Texas and locomotives, ton lassenger cars, four Irnggngo and oiprass cars, wo combination bafigugo und pnsfengiir cara, brae caboose cars, ift2 Hat cars, seventy-five box cars, four coal cars and twor.ty-flyo oon- U'ucbion curs.

In addition to the abovo there considerable quantity of car material at be shops, and are being p'lii up thuro at tlio rate of four or fivo per day. Captain Mitchell, in charge of transportation railroad material at Arnnsas Puss, is doing good work, oud material is -coming up rapidly. The City Council havo Messrs. aud others the privilege of opening up tho irteslan well, giving them tbo exclusive right water for fifteen years. When flowing aouao flf toen or twenty years ago, it had some of first medicinal properties of any mineral water in tho United States.

Colonel S. Fuller and Colonel TV. mornint for in HouHe- tempt, LSpocial Telt-ffi-anx to tbo ABHJfiS.12, Januoiy SI Many evidences oJ improvement aro noticeablo all over tlio country. C. ilarchant is building a handsome residence, and Tiieo.

H.Ryct, formerly of Galvtiston, movod a two-story house from lairing it down and it by schooner to Galveston, thoiice by rail. About o'dcclc this morning attempt was made to burn tha south side of the afinin, but the flames wore extinguished before much duuiogo was done. An iuquest is now- being held parties are suspected. WOItZ'Jf. A Sliort ExUtcnce-- Tlie Vaccination-- A I'riewdly Society.

Tclivram to Tlio FOUT WORTH, January The Daily Evening Star, aCier throa successCul issues, has ceasod to be. A cold rein, which bogan at noon, continues to grow colder. Jinny persons aro bouig vaccinated, though no casa OL smull-poi is yoi Castlu Sam-Houston of tlie Grdden Rulo though suspended, held a. rousing mooting to-night, and still insists that State convention shall assemble in this city the fourth Tuesday tliis mouth, to take into consideration the gcod of tho order. Health of tho Community-- CoiTcctlon.

to Tho Novvs.l MANOR, Jauujxry In your last Austin special few mistakes occur which I am requested to correct. First, Dr. Fields ir. a physician nt this place. Tho first case of smallpox reported by him was on Dicker Creek wost of here; tba second on Cotton Wood, five miles east of here.

liotli parties were from Austin visiting friends in the neighborhood of Manor, and wore promptly removed to tho camp near Austin. Tho health of our community is unusually JOolay in tlio or tUe United States Court. ISpecIul Telozrani to'Iiic Kjws.1 TYL2P. January Unitod States Court did not couvoi) 1 to-day on account of tlio fail' uro of either of tbo judges to Judge Pardeti, tho circuit judge, and Judge Merrill are both expected to bo prosonC at this terra. A grand jury has been summoned and will bo organized as soon as Lho judge arrives.

Murder AKd Mutilation a Nosro ly Tliree TelezTAtQ TA The COURTNEY, January Thrao negi'oea were arrested near Grabnil yostorday, for killing another named Jordan. AEtor the tboy lonfessed and pointed out tho place whore thu body was found, viih tbo head cut off and mutilatotL Tho froodmen in the neighborhood are threatening Xiittlo -Girl Accidentally Shot, Tuleirram to Thu Nowa.) zftNE, January A torrible- accident happened to tho family of StantoH, im mllof JUoth hare. Tho eleven thtfn. and there swore his iifo to be the forfeit. An impression prevalent tbas as road overseer had somothing to do with tho also his reporting a lot of hog thieves.

Exactly what i.b? circumstances aro is not yet Mi--. who in the wiUi hor husband ivhon shot, had her Iifo savud by accidentally sU'ppiag on a rolliug stoiieand falling prostrate. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE Vf. K. wss hero after the "Waco ofilce, but hcs loft, aud the jjrescnt incumbent will be rcappoiuted.

kelson Plato, of Corpus CLH-tj, is here, ir.7t tJirough by rail from Corpus to Washiastoa. It is understood that ho Is an applicant tor coliactorfiUip ou tbtf li 1 coast. J. A. McEoo, of TV'aco, 11 here.

zmmber bills were among them one by Hill, cf Georgia, for rernvittatjcn of coD.vcn'Jon of 00, 1675, between tUo TJhited States aud iJjc Ixir.g of, the Hawniiaji Inlands Ho also a resohitioa, was for inquiry bv on Foreign as to want action is proper to terminate convourion. Collector Flonda, in petition for moil facilities from to CerfariCeys and other points on the Pl-jHiln corjt, "asked special attention of tho FoxtaZ Committee to tho necessity fcr tho caalntcnanco of service on tlia cojiit through the States which nearly tlit entiro commere of tho Western Slates DOW paszat By Mr. Jonas--For a public building at Shrcveport, Tfao House of thjinfe to Jdie- dive of for the neodle was. on motion' of ilr. Bt-yard, takea up and passed, 'J'Uo inorDJflg hour was to cispObo ot ilr.

Hoar's pending for i Mlucc committee on tho rijjhts of woman, to wnich is to bo referred- ail petitions oad relating to woman siiffraga. 35; nays, 2s. 'loo tatisrman 3 cent, bill was taken up and Mr. Vest offered ua ameadmcat, which was ordered pricctyl, odduig to the bul a nioii identical with tLo fi'iU or compulsory junction of the 3. per bill'of last session, bo t.

raodjfled to cover the provision for two hundred millions, ll mates riio bonds tbe basis Tor biink circulation. Thftamecd- reportcd. with riie bill when it caine from the Committee on Finance were adopted. Tha debate orcupiod tbe tll the Scnato went iiiro executive session and -it o'cicck adjourned, tvich in. of the door when the biH next comes up.

Uonvc of In tho Horeo, Mr. KcIIey. of clcurmau of" cho Comioiitteo" ou. Ways and iieans, offered a roaolaiioii for the distfibuCioa of the mcSiasc to tae various committees of tbw aud it was referred to tLe Committee of LLu Whole. Mr.

Belfprd, ot Colorado, reserving all points of thereoo. On motion of Mr. Hjcock. of New Yoric, the Committee on leave to sit daring of i On roll call titatestlio foHowing Dills wcro iniToducwl By Mr. Shelly, of Alabama--To reduce tho fees to be paid by officers of sioam vesssli fur certi Heaths oC hcenso to iif ty cents.

A bill was introuucod by ilr. Townsond, of IllinoX request. that dntiee oa lived iustoifl tho into bouded Ey Mr. of Illinois for tho tlie Misiissinpi aucL Illinois canaL of Xbwa, a bill providing Juy 3lr. for a somrciiiiion.

This bill is identical with ilr. rrill's fcill, introduced in "December 5. 3Ir. CeldwcU, of KentucVy, to eqrotLbw peosious; aLo to repvil the arrears ths siou act. OJF TXZ-JZREST BY Note to NEW JanuAry dispatL-h to Renter's Comiiany from Cairo srLVs: The English aud French cor.sul gonorals hero i-ecoiviid by telopraph fxoui sovernmcnts on Saturday evening a colloctive note in umnisttikubio terms thai; and wuo placed, tlio kbedivtt on tbo throne, aro determined to maintain hi; uuslioritvajjainst any attempts to creata dis- ordiir.

The consuls proceeded to tho palnco on Gunday aftaruooa to comaiunicate the note to the khcdi'FO. Gravity of tho Folittcal Mtuatton nt By author-ziag the laying of tumf- ucts from Late ruichji'-rain io Qrieacs. By Darreli, of to aid in establishment ana ttiuporary support of public schools: aLso tc to ttt public entry lands withdrawn for railroad purposes. By ilr. Buckner, to American, register to foreiijii-buiit iron and stsel vessels.

Bv Jlr. Vance, of North CArcJina, regulatmy tlie sublettinc of for carrying United mails. By Hordonburs aiid Crapo-- Bills to onablo national banking ussociauoci 1 IO eitond their corporate oiisujncc. by Mr, Bayne, of Pennsylvania Proposing a amendment providing for ited seuators dir election of United seuators by direct vote of tlio people, and ulso thai, ior each million iuJiabiUinti aOore two milbonii isch.Stat* hhaU have an additional senator. Mr.

Thomas, of Illinoij---Proposing a constitutional amendment; -maldng polygamy BoltzhovGr.o'Fe^n^ylvauia--Propcfi- LoMt0.v January 1 dispatch to tbe Standard irom Berlin sayy; Since iho montiiry tweuty years ago, so deep unfvortal a sensatlun hus novur been created a by the rescript addressed to iVun- sian muiistry. Tho gravity oC the situation is to everybody. I'arlHtuu CoicinimlslH. FAHIS, January a proce-ssion, composed oC 3(KH) procetdius toK-relle Chaise Cemetery on Sunday, to commemorate tho anniversary of tho death of ii. lilntiqui, some oC in Hue Ijecauiti objectionably de- inonstrutiTO iitidrtbo polico wero obliged to interfere, potsons were arrested, including; MicheL A pistol was lired ui thu crowd, but without result, and tbo procession shortly uCtenvanl KouScs.

the Story. The London Standard's correspondent Rome denies the btory pub- lihod on by La Defence, ol 1 PurLs, rBKardii'ff Prince Biarnarck's note to the quiri- na.1, on a congress of the powers the pro- Ijarotions of tlio Pope to fly to Malta- Thu Puris dispatch says La franco do- scribed r.he rescript or tbo German ejjipiiror as 11 coup d'etat. Curry tlio PAIHS, January elections wore hold on SunOay. Sixty-four Kttpublicans ConsorvaLivus wt-ro olected. Tea Republicans gain '22 soaLs.

Thu "National Republican or ''l hencii'ortb bo impregnable. Tho lunate being in harmouy with the Chamber of Deputies, a revision oi Lho coa- stitutiou will not; be Vrltx to be Rcircnz. PATHS, January Berlin dispatch says tiu Ktnpprur WiiLiain has decided to proclaim iwn riuco Frederick "VViiliam ragout on of March next, on, Emperor birthday. Opinion Ior the Austrian SNA, January inflaectlal prcij icre cjudumn Etniieror "W'iJliani's decro3. MATTERS.

KW, Xunuury Arrived: Navr York, from Orleans. Arrived out; Steam- Germanic. Eris TFrpcicca on tuc Dry KJCW WLST, January Tho brig R. B. I'ansacola for Haven, with Jumber, ran asboro on tho Dry on tho mora- np tlie 'lib instant, and bcuarnu a total loss.

WASHINGTON, Juuuory The coin's tatioa at Koy "West, reports that tuo It- B. Govo, to Havon, -iCti lumber, Slapjack shoul, on tho 3ry Tnrtujas, on the 4vh instant, was billed, uU Of water, illld was stripped by ivrclceis. is doubtful if any portion of tlio cargo cau for lUo Tfortlicrn, pnciaic. AS FPANCISCO, January ChAdes A. formerly tditor ot thp Voliyreic, a iiuinaviaa jouiiral published in tUis city, been Ly Ileury Viilurd to bring ilia oountry JXJOO ur 10,000 Scjinfiinavians, to employed in tho coiutructloa of the Northern Pacific Kailroad.

induccmoats will X) olTerod tUebD to iettio oa the lino by a direct vcte, and tno of tho doctoral vctd in each SUiU) in oxact proiX)rTioa tho popular rota. By iir. hitthoi ne, Toncessec To authowza a tnjaty with the Republic of Mesico, pro- niota and rt-ciprocal and liberal Bicrcial relacioaj ljetw-en 'jhe- people of said. ivputlic and the Ijnited Stutes, and to secu pi-oUiuuou Co capiial and labor of citizens- ilit UuiCOii Stalks vbich may bo luvestod'a emplpvvd io opening railway coamiunication. in Miid repHbhc through its territory to tho Pacific coait.

JJj Kcpealiagjtha law requiring namfc'i to printed or murkixi on certain packages of LO- bucco. By Sir. Dcscndorf llakius an appropriation for navy to bo available. I'j appropriates for tho ba- of consirticlioc. ivpairt, SlM.COO'/o? Hie bureau of and for tho bureau of equipment and recruiting.

By Mr. of Illinois Duniuf; the ot insanity criminal cases. Also a resolution requesting tlio of tho navy to to tlio il papers iiad corre- sponJencs lily dypurtment relative to the Chinuui coaling statiotw end iqui, appropriation for thereof, aiid lur- tcer requiting the secretary to continue TO withhold nil payments for uach coaling stations furcner kgislatior. )iy Congrcis. were about OT5 bilis to-day.

The House, at 4:10, want into committee of the "ilr. Hiscqck, of New York, in the chair, for consideration of tho rosolction ry- nortod this morning from the Ways and Heans, for distributions of tho President's message. A dispute irose to tho ruf arcaco of tho portion of tha presi- deut's messago referring to siircr It finaJiy referred Committee on. Banking and Currency and tha original resolutoa ihus amended reported bade to tho and adopted. Tbo speaker Euitiounccd the followius app Mutmont: 1'U'od, cf ilzine, ns a member of 'conimittoft on rulea place of Orth.

ilCasscD, of and Tucker, of Virginia, ai of tho Columbia Institute for dw and dumb. Docrinp, Taylor end Coat of Kew "STork, as of tho Smithsonian. Institnta. The spnakor bid before tho Houso ftho lowing messags from die president; To Senato and HouiO I transmit a couimualcaUcu rocclvoti day frgni the Postmustcr-UcuercJ, to which I invita careful attention. Thoofrh the period 1'iniuUXoe tbe rtcoptiou of uacittr existing ments expired on 7th instast, several must, oecoHairily elapse UtCore Uiej Cin be licd and examined and tao Actual ltticg tnko place.

If. therefore. Congrcis should bo at optnicn that a change in cho law It might, presume, made immedf Atoly applicable. JIansion, January G. ISSi.

Tho messoeo and accompaoyioc document were to tho Comtmcieo on ftud with leave to repoit at any time. At 5:30 the Boast- adjoarncd. "rlurbrldijo ro WASHINGTON, January Gan. has fuiinahed for publication a statement in Oil FOtTHTE AGE.J.

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