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The Appleton Motor from Appleton, Wisconsin • 1

Appleton, Wisconsin
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

a tr 9 VOL II APPLETON 1 THURSDYQANUARYZ3 1186 1 i 4 APPLETON MOTOR THE MOTOR ROiS 5 0 50 1 50 'T to Wash the 1 gnr (Ivnlhcmcnts nri 1 VI Appleton 1 ND PJIO VISTOXS Appleton 1S61 ycrirt" 33 famous connection a i 12 11 9 the the ami and and three pre irst for i 310 5 3 12 9 Tnis of the Satur ntwnnil A fire destroyed the James JUartlett saved Loss on the $200u0 insured for 36 25 Attorney at iw Notary Public nnd Justice of th Peace' Appleton Outagamie Conrtr Wisconsin 560 50 35 30 25 20 IS Mayor Woo l's message is by the grand jury for secessibnism 75 JH WE HOLD TlliCH 1MJ 18 15 13 10 15 10 CROSS BIRLETT A CO Excelsior Planing Mills Second 11 ara Appleton Kn trance from the Br lte Xo mi itary escort will bo accepted The entire journey is expected to be made inside of ten days RANK BERNARD Dealer in Cal inet and urniture Wares Colegc Avenue next door cast of the City Bal ery 20 16 13 16 10 3 Editors aiid Proprletort ROSS It is in ipply this penalty in all other i are prac 130 holds regular meetings al Odd Hill on Tues lay evenings at 7X o'clock Strangers members of Ike Order are respectfully invited to attend A WATROUS Park Eliioit IV Appltou Nov 8 1 ibO 525 20 TESTIMONY DR TOWNSEND 4 1 have no doubt wUatrrer? of the inj eribr efllcucv Of tho Hy hites Sn the treatment of Tuberculosis over ithtr Ac nr uul Methods disc tred know of no medicine or treatment I Imxo ever seen effected this atal Malady anything more than a mihgaiitn Yet in similar cusos under the use of Hypophosphites a prepared by youreelf I run JSSEN MANY RESTORED TO THEIR ISUAL HEALTH andVigoRv would flay tn all'ho have any tendency to Consumption rm rfy and the sooxkr the I I Towns nd 9 Dr ChatJiam a Dr Churchill's Treatise on Consumption translated from' the original rench (144 pages) which together with a circular embodying the cnly authentic information In regard to the new Remedy and with reports from eminent Physicians of the txtraordiurry results of the Treatment wnj be mailed free of cipiuse to all Invalids Clergymen and Physicians Sold tho'most Druggists vJ Wholesale and Retail at the sole Generaj Depot tbo United States by WINCHESTER I '9wH 33 John Street Arkansas Against Secession Not withstand the pressure has been brought to bear on Arkansas bi Miss and Louisiana secesaiouists others Senate of thaUSrate liave refused to pass a bill call ing a State Convention wThe1 loyalty of the people to the Union and the importance of the projected Pacific railroad to Arkansas are the reasons for this action This is a cheering sign The boundary lines of this projected will never compromise the fifteen Slave 1L begins to he doubtful whether more than six can be dragooned into going through the form of a picture representing Air Lincoln with a manacled nt 1 rued with skcont of tn nd ft I am intonnnu but fitdJr 1 1 bJicvc tl it the Juppers were Jadict nobody uuriecs crn mauage it 2 1 50 1 single insertion 12 Je per line' Cinn of five (or les) lines J5 a year SullXCSS eh additional line 51 TERMS lvriably in Advance Year $100 I Thre Mouthn $050 75 By Carrier50e extra Mr Lincoln will leave Springfield for Washington on the 11th of ebruary It is said that Jutijre Howe ns well as Judge Sloan ami Mr IIancuett the new mem bers of Congress elect will leave for Wash ington about eb 14th The rumor was rife in Washington Sun day that Gen 8cott had received new intel ligence of designs upon the Capital by sc cession invaders Robinson despatched by Virginia to the Southern States to induce them to Keep the peace telegraphs home that if the Brooklyn is destined for Pensacola his mis sion will be The Legislature of has appoint ed five Commissioners to proceed ing on the 4th of ebruary The Grand Jury have made sentments of cx Sccretary loyd: mal administration in office second for com plicity in the abstractionit bonds third for conspiracy against the Government Edward Corning of New York a very prominent merchant died on Saturday The Postmaster at Milwaukee Wisconsin has refused to honor a draft of the Depart his Aiw vhieans Jan ufinrons rre being tired and ilag everywhei unfurled '1 here ik great cxviti meit Rl i Our Xcw midrnt Springfield IiiTan 27 It is positively settled that Mr Lincoln will der part for Washington on the 1 1th of ebrua ry He will go hence via Lafayette to1 In dianapolis where lie will receive the liosj i talities of the Indiana Legislature: thence he will proceed by way of Cincinnati to Columbus Cleveland Buffalo and Alba ny from Albany be inti mis to make fr Harrisburg direct thence to Baltimore and the ederal Capital but the tour to ami Philadelphia is not 'impossible rangrment fr speclai makirir' 13 10 9 7 50 5 50 0 3 50 Appleton Thursday January 31 18Q1 Xth Jcdicial As far as we can learn' the candidates for Judge will be as follows: Judge Cotton Holmes El lis and Morgan Martin of Brown Wheeler of Winnebago It is also asserted that Gabriel Bouckr of Winnebago will be a candidate Mere anon and J8 prt up in 7 and 16 ounce bottles at SI and $2 each three Inrge or six small bpiUes for $5 OOgf Ioo confound this remedy itljt at lie infer li'l particularly avoid Cod Liver Oil whlcjj Ba no euratl property wh everjiand alidad certified nostriitH Hist recipes and otuer v'indhnsdieviees4hat rtb the Sutterer of Waste precious time and hasten a fatal TV Attorney at Lan and General Agent for the pur chase and ale of real estate payment of taxes col lection of debts Ac Conveyancing attended to with dispatch OKecJn rear vfBunth a Bookstore Appleton A TEENdON 1 SsION VS Su pervisoriu Motioiwlorc ro heiii ing denied with costs ChieJustjee cining Hoss vs Supertigrlrsof OnirgamicTitto BYRON DOUGLAS Sargvou Dentist Masonic Block Appleton has a full supply of all thing In his line of business and pars particular attention to the insertion of Teetn both oq Pivot aud Gold Plate CONS AN IN A HANIJiK UTTLBCHCTS Notary Public Cork of the Circuit Court Quta pamiv County Ofiee County Building Appleton Deeds Mortgages etc drau'n JOHNSTON l''' Cert County Board of Su cruisers Outagamie Co Jis Notarv Public and General li serance agent will ray taxes examine titles Ac Oftee County building Applgton a I Mill noa be determined bnlv by its meansnd foCiiinCs to meet the wants of the peo ple The re eloction Tf Edward Cooke to the Pro iilency of this University is a just tribute of respect for his rare abil ity for such a position ns well 'us a ground of confidence to the public that talent and ability is hppreciated! AV are glad to notice that the institution receives such favorable consideration at the hands of the philan ropists of New Eog land and we have up doubt but their eonti dence will be fully Tfedeenied by the charac ter of tlie Institution and that it will be responded by people of th'e State witkulacrity As to the inquiry whether the Legisla ture will or can afford it further aid and REDERICK PACKARD at Law anil General Laud Agent has a complete and reliable ABSTRACT TITLE 10 all the lands in Outagamie County Taxes paid and ocReetUus made At Register Deeds OGeo i jWo' are La 'py tn say il Ll usanils' lio are using uur Mucriiii theitLousabos tn wMi't thi ni tut euCii MacJos hir biuis 1 atmt Lt ecu ae tamp of Gruver Bak ai ail peisu selling er uao Luai aiv ev se l1 Ut 111 ui I at 1 1 VI Our Miuaiuu nre 'nbW where I tri iii'Uirect cmupeiviii uvll on an 1 )un oj i lav basis itli the best made and liigVest rieeu rouval es Ui any uuoe aiU tev p1 so a su aiv 8i only siiy that 'subject receives more im mediate consideration at the hands of our Legislature than that of Education ami policy has always been to the utmost of its power to elevate and establish the character of ottf educational institutions whether in the hands of private corporations or of the State In rejjgrd tr? the intimation of assisting by ii grant of lands we are ''not sufficiently qualified for an intelligent reply That the Swamp lands might with propriety be dis posed of to assist in this direction we have no doubt That they ore amply sufficient for all such demands after Wcnting the con' ilitiwns of thegrant we have lit tie question and that such a proposition laid before the Legislature would meet with favor we can not doubt Whether the detail of such a proposition could be so arranged lo se cure the favor of all it of local and personal" hostility can onlv bo deter mined by an effort and the submission of a plan by those immediately interested AVNI HOOD JR Notary Public ac tbw Oluce of ox and Wisconsin A ieton 39m6 A magnificent urniture Establishment at Milwaukee was totally de stroyed by fire on Wednesday evening A small 3 wooden building on the corrier and the rear of Davis brick livery stable were crushed by the falling ruins asiiin GTON Jan 2o 1 he Ml1? AffiiusJuiw prepared a bill fr the benefit of the soLIiers at Sumter it appropriates $1150 towards iudcmiify ing them for tho loss they incurred in Lav ttb it 3 2 f0 1 50 CcrntL c'Sca 'd usually kept in a wall SEE Olt HSEEVES! Appleton Jani 3 i The following is a synopsis of the China Treaty In "article firist the Emperor of China apologizes Secmd the British Ministers shall reside nt Pekin Third indemnity by installments The fourth opens the port of lien Sien Jhe fifth authorizes emigration I il Gowloun to Great Britain The sevth eighth and ninth assert that be Treaty should be immediate on tho Bnt jsh'iirroy eyscuatiog Chusan tks nlHrs lesvs Pekin all portions of the State Among these none has more ranidlv snrmntinri stacles incident to the foundation ofi these institutions than the Lawrence University at Appleton havebeca(gnizantwofjts and a personal witness of its pioneer strug glesjresit'ng in its immediate vicinity" has suffered from local and personal con flicts and has sometimes been subject to the control of a less liberal and more bigoted PGlicyJhan oyl I characterize he govern merit ot educational 4ns(itiiti3nsf but ns it has secured age and strength and assist ance from the friends of science and educa tion it hasjapidly surmounted these and risen to a position which to the confidence and regard of the people of the State mid is a matter of just pride to al) interested inthe clyjracter of Wisconsin Diidet tho persevering industry and of the Rev Iveeilcr'Smith assisted bv the muniticence ofiiSertd men in New Eng land the loundatinsoftJjiiwrencQ Univcr uiive neon iaii broad ami deep and therstructure has risen rapidly anil With ibilrtv unsurpassed by any of our localges and the measure of its usefulness worm uiuca uioru tban nj oilier as tu a uvcis swnly soiuv nsKin buying niurtLavili A rev it superior uayivs Brv Uur It i a straight iieedvv has gri al re ace irder the rum sewKlreui two eouirar i sooA 1 lierl i nr fus 'uil hut sghr tua OB agis a a cn cu tu uust aavl ox peace no oil its it pircuvsi Is gr ar than allot or any othtrr machine it tut two rvg ulatiug serew? and both are al ove aid in trout the drviuR wheal 1 cutiroly outside uf taLe it rvquir no art er at run lor ail varieti a of war it will eert airi ly do nialy creator variety ov won than airy na er auloeg tire hundreds with bicb we areuc quumted its tension is periret it runs rarity ai I it butlw rs nobody ituviocs can manage it Nunc other will satisfy wtrft it is known lletaa safely say that to iece ci labpr savicK machinery ever crew so rapidly Into univeisat liror as our sewing machines 3iire years has placid thrra Cm very ryont ranks iis I ss tnacuives and though Our man ufacturfrrg fatf ivies a'etc largely increased we have itct teen al lc to supl iy the demands during the' prst reason We cto iiw til all ordtiB1V' have added tn our styles its liUjhisdi Blake A John ou adj ust able llcuuwr a eau now defy the world to produce better rn incuts Tor doing all kii ol ewi and m1'! ojdt ry Let every ovie rois interested lu tn gr imprpt mentsin sowing machines whether ti ey vs io I chase or not for it Voscji tive Urcula rud samples of tuL A 1 must caution tho 1 ubUc ealt Kt upprii ciylrd i and pcr'totly irresper sibb pirties wrohare cltici to to uui successor rijir mrg tUjt our a cl iues were cut cT market autl otu a east aw ry XgAdilue VLit in its place: We only sei our ea machines Taggart A Patent and are tire sole proiriotorx in the eiril Northwestern States Ad dress CORNELL CO 47 I'nstOfice iiex 31 Chicago III Call st pike eljp uvslre' SWEET AjEbll Supply? 1 At ll ei to the Damages Judge Sloan Hooker and Sat Clak arbitrators in ccr taim suits brought against the Horicon Iron and Manufacturing Company for oveflowing lands liave awarded damages as follows To Ackerman for 27 acres and 100 3 4 rods $884 Henry Davis 38 acres and 108 31 50 rods $G9G Henry and Mucki er for 85 acres and 18 1 2 rods $63211 Resigned We regret to hearjhat Chan cellor Barnard 'of the State' University at Madison and through whose cxejtionsj chiefly the system of Institutes has been rendered so tuccessful in this State has in consequence of ill healthy re signed his position Ilia is not yet chosen yy Accident On riday the LSth'inst a son of Mr Schussler of Oshkosh wboAvas tending a horse power nt Brewery nt ond du Lac accidentally fell into the ma chinery and was crushed so badly that he died instantly CORNELL A XI 1 A XD AN UP A TUll ING 1340 SEWIHG' MACHINES' IldcrerAlBNrd Cincinnati Jan Patrick McHugh' fot killing his wife was hung in thejail vard at one o'clock to day An Insult to Nirs Lincoln by Sovlli olfna riiivnlry' (Irom the Spiungflcid corr spordenee of the Cincin 4 nni Commercial) A striking nJustraboii of the iirufiuitv tnat distinguishes the coniluet or Souikc ers towards "Northerners lias in't cme to my knowledge A box shipped fnnn Charleston directed Lincoln was received here a fiiw days On being opened jtavas fuimd to cont ibw Nt i rope around his ncc' buck a ers roWaioaofrX ork baSks holds $35000 OOO iind the Bank of England $50000000 in bul lion JJt Robert Lincoloeldest son of the Presi dent elect was ihN(fwrYork citv on a astfftind visited that morninw the Stock Exchange Assistant and other public offices where he met with ayordim reception I be Shoe and is a curious circumstance that almost the first ordei ot the season were receive by several Pearl street houses bn from it large uealerm Charleston SC for boots and shoes Cyrus ield of New York is a Lad one'4' It is said that tue estate will pay less than twentv five the dollar He ver recovered from 'the A thiptic cable operation i Reode Island has repealed the Personal Liberty Aetn Massachusetts willxioubtlcs do the same Maryland appoints only Union men as commissioner to meet the other States Moses Kelly chief clerk of the Interior Department has been appointed Secretary of tbe Jntyrior vice Thompson resigned Eowen Mass January 1861 Editor of Wisconsin Slate Journal: Deaii A atthe Capi tal City'of AVisconsihj the State University is situated and till recently have resided in the neighborhood of the Law rence University Appleton Wisconsin4 I wisji'to' ask forthe public through your paper sdme information relating to the claims of the latter The churn of this instifution of learning is presented in 'New England ns being highly entitled to public assistance to the amount 6f eighty or one hundred thousand dollars This claim comes before the East com mended by your Gov tnor as well entitled and highly deserving this aid and is also strongly indorsed bv the best men in land both East and West The Presidents of Harvard Byown Yale Colleges us well as the Bishop Clergy of the Protestant Episcopal Methodist Episcopal churches unite in the strongest commendation of this claim as well as Unitarians and all others in lan guage as follyws: 1' If lias already necomplisbel 7reZ things and only needs larger funds and increased aecommqdatjqns in order to its becoming one of the most important sentries of Christian light and knowledge in our West ern' conn trvN Bishop Clark Episcopal It tiup nnee and something should be done speedily to help it at this present time the call is great upon all Christians to do something fortbis President JVoolsei aild Ex President Day of Yale College' Hon A A Lawrence ho 1ms munifi cfcntlygiventtTtestnblish''and sustain this from its origin in sums varying from $1000 to 10000 corrpbqrates the same as follows a personal knowledge of tho his toryaof this University andof its influence during the past ten years" I consider it to be the means of itnfolrp' usefulness in our Western country the same amount expen ded hero in the older States would avail but The Boston Journal has an article in which it says has most wprthily fulfilled its mis sion having sentout more Teachers and Ministers during the time of its existence than anv other institution in the Stale The present movement contemplates the erection of the buildings consumed by fire nndrfthcyfuiyher jfndoyjmcnt of $50000 this done the different chairs endowed Laivrerce University would occupyithe I sition in the North Harvard Uni versity doe in Massachusetts amount of $83000 wanted now bo 'batiilySsupplibd citizens would realize the importance of this enter prise trust these appeals win no neeu cd When atUpitarian clergyman joins with the Methodist in laboring for an insti tution founded bv a Unitarian and endowed by an Episcopalian tbe confidence of the community cannot be withheld It is rare that so truly a Christian enterprise sanc tioned by every patriotic consideration is brought to our doors sincerely hope that it will behcartily responded to by all liberal 4 ry Now si we i East "can not ques tion tho justness orimportance of this claim unon 'Eastern' philanthropists and While some of onr liberal men liave respon detl to this application in amounts varying from P0 to $40000We dQsire to know if Wisconsin ch nnot contribute from' resources of la ml an amount equal yo the' amount asked for from indiciduals in the i But little doubt but that Prof Smith! through whose efficiency the University was founded and is note being qrnlowei will succeed inectiring the' amount required from the East but ice ask is not this Um versify that lias by individuaPenterprisc and benevolence accomplished so much entitled to State consideration and assist ance as well as your State University? srf Inquirer The above inquiry opens an important i field and touches trsubject worthy the con sideration of the the State There I enn be ndquestion but a propermse of the rnenns now lyiifg inert might secure to Wis consin tha advantages of educational insti aI liirrKcHatTftTllr 'aiWss it xfc ft 7 I Oiir'Statc University amply endowed by fthe munificence of the general government and under the fostering care or onr legis lature must soon take position among the first Universities of the land 'this occuiifiR n'diMinct field hnd by no means corers the gronndiHr is adequate to the wants of alp portions of tho 'State Indi vidual energy and denominational enter prise liave originated other institutions un der the control of private hoards which arc seeking to provide advantages adequate tohe efnll classes of the people and s' 4 ment of $4000 and thus forfeited official position Martin Conway of Kansas hud oath administered and wis admitted to House Intense anxiety exists rt the AYlnie House to hear from Pensacola as a collision is strongly apprehended A message from the President announc ing his signature to the Kansas bill occa sioned suppressed applause by the Re publicans 1 The friends of tho Pacific Bill judging from the vote of the Senate feel sure of the approval Amend ments are vet to be acted upon by the House It is understood that the messenger from brings the resolutions passed by the Legislature demanding the surrender of Sumter 'Col Ilayne will present the demand to thePresident and if refused an attack on Sumter will follow immedi ately A Constantinople letter of December 31st in the orld records the utter rout of the Persian army 5000 strong by a strong force of Turkish troops the greater part being killed and taken prisoners mav perhaps cause the overthrow Persian dynasty The Raeiric Journal says that on dav in a drunken Irish row a man Sullivan struck another man named Leary across the back of the neck with such sever 1 itv a to cause his death in few hours Already our Northern cities nnd New York in particular are feeling a quickening of their trading pulses from the very partial interruption of business at the Southern sea ports And this is but the beginning Another State is out ot the Limon Louisiana has seceded in ths mild form adopted by the less uitru cotton States lexas will uoubtless follow i i A The young men of Chicago had a rousing Union meeting on riday mght The Ha'I I was densely crowded and there was no iatk of enthusiasm The resolutions to the in ail that the crisis demands The meeting was in striking contrast with that of the milk and water assembly just before' that approved the Democratic Springfield Resolutions The Legislature is discussing the Virginia request that Wisconsin should send Commis sioners to meet those of other States at Wash ington on the 4th of ebruary Clingman is re elected Senator from Nortn Carolina Massachusetts requests Mr Lincolnto visit Judge been elected Senator to succeed Mr Durkee for the ensuing six years commencing "on the 4 th of Search? uffevery Pepublican Legis lature was recorded for Judge The Democrats supported Palmer of Milwaukee vote was 92 and 35 A general feeling of joy has greeted the result and the selection of Judge is more universally Approved iby all parties than could have been anticipated by his most en thusiastic friends Long may he wave I 2 The Postmaster General has very properly closed the PostOffice at Pensacola in consequence of the flagrant violation of the rules of the Department arid the seizure of public correspondency fetters intended for delivery or distribution at that point are to be sent to the Deal Letter Office nt ash iugtoq under' official instructions tenaeci to a cases where similar infringements ticed which is one of the most efficient remedies for secession If Govt Pickens does not give positive assurance that the will not bo inter fered with the office 'at CharlestonAvillbe discontinuedimmediately The' postmasters throughout the'cbahtfy have been directed by the PostOffice De partment to send all letters addressed to Pensacola to the Dead Letter office 1 Err: c' TQ INVALIDS IMOltTANT CAUTION! Dr xx New Remedy! Tbo wonderful success of Winc star's 8 NT! A A I THS II osp hites" Lhc' uivr Chemical Remedy dis covered by Dr Churchill of Paris iu tho cure stkma Dyspep sia jff'rvetis and General Debility Liver Cffnplaint8 emale Weakness Lnur Bleed Less rf Ap petite has Stimulated the MOST WICKED RACDS upon the suffering public Py unscrupu lous persons who are flooding the country with cir culars and advertising their absurd and dd ttricus compcunds ind falsely claiming vhem to be Dr Remedies In of these facts I earnestly CAUTION THE PUBLIC against Al preparations ot the Hypo hjspbitcs not having my factutnita signature bo Ji ou the outside wrapper and the label of No honeet person wul deceive you suffer no dishonest one to do an Inquire for and ChE onjy Dlerin Good War MerebanJiBe Hats Caps boots Sim Millinery Gooils Uiotbing Staple arid any Articles Qro wries tc Corner of Onciua Street and College Avenue Ixso CbaiIarb General Land and Loan Agent Offlcc in Outa gamioCoiinty Ban CASH OR WHEAT OUTAGAMIE MILLS THE Jl Highest Market Price will be paid in CASH MONEY for the next thirty da Giv us a call before veiling Right by tfet bridge you wht get vnnr mortr BARTER? Appleton Sept 3dlSCG 4t 5 MBKELL AS at turt t' fc a in thp Applpjan 5lotr 3 8 $30 45 24 18 31 Rl'SSELL Wbo'ssa'e and retail aler in Tin Copper Mieet Iron Brass Planished and Britannia Ware Stoves Ae Also general assortment Japanned Ware Very cheap for sh 1 College Avenue Appleton6 AY 1ICMPPREY Dealers in Clothing Halsand Caps E'ur Goods Bonis Shoes and abber Goods At the iciiange Masonic Block College Ave nue corner of Orv' la street Appleton Wis' THOMAS VANE Dealer in Dress Goods Gentlemen's ur pishin Goods Domestics ot every quality Boots and Shoes Hats and Cal te very cheap Tor ersh At Warner's New Building College Avenue as turns from Testis thus for in licute Jill ovor whelming majority tor imriieriiate tcees iun A I flf Louisana Adopts the Secession Oxdl nance fTON RoCct Jan At ten minutes past one o'clock lhis the vote on rhe ordinance for immediate ecession was taken which resulted in yeas 113 nays i The Convention has aljourncd to New Orleans OYSTEKSf The Best Qunlily oMfoltimare 0siuis for sale very cheap Ji 'ibe Uau rr 0oi xu20 ft Atr BARLOW: irst door below iho Pof: Office IS NOW READY T0SERVE ALL THAT JLiarti in'wMif ox Grocerh audz Pioviio: at the lowest xarket jnc consisting la purt owr CHyXAlfggr fdf gradis Cc fa Green and Black' Syruii and AloIasscA Butter Cheese Green and Dried ruit Ccn Ji KUAf tian ery if Inthrrt everyth: amily Grocery Six Mouths rates a 1SI XG MfHTKS IIARRIMAN City Trena irtr and Notary lic and Bookseller At the Post OGice SHAW TOMPKINS cuifunn Wii Office at the CityDrug Store pext Uwr to be Bank Buildings All rails in ther profession citner in the city or from the cprsrsT promptly attended to particular attention will be paid to urgery CT A Mi vriJieKlNSM HOMfEOi'ATiUC Treat man and Remedies to be had at Dr SHAW9 Kedence Lawrence Street head of Onrida Appleton Win Oiilee hoursO toll A Appleton Augnst24th lt0 LYON fc TURNER Appletori Liverv Boarding Sale and Exchange Stable Morrison street just in rearof the Crescent Hotel BLAIR fc PERSONS Wholesale and retail dealers in China Ilarthcn and Olaas Ware Silver Plated Goods Cutlery Ja panned Ware Looking Glasses ritrni in Ware atn fre 156 East Water Street Milwauki 4S fc TfeolTnjj Tor Soutli Ikrnliirt Ji CnAULESTCN Jatmnrv 26 The Lqrida ture agreed to day on a fl fog South Caro lina: The ground is to be blue with a white oval in the centre ami golden therein there is also to ba a white iuBvrT crescent in the upper flag staff corner Texas far Secession WAGOX MATERIAL ACrORY' Barteac Appleton Spoke Hubs Sawed elloes Bent elloes Gearing Buggy Seat Arms Beat Spindles Poles Shafts and Wagon and Carriage Material Gor erally of Lest quality and finish always on hand RICHMOND BROTHER Mnuufacturcrs and dealers in News Book ipLet Note olio Post Lazol Manilla and Wrapping Paaer Me at the lowest possible rates Appleton Wisconsin rT DENNIS MAR TssMonable Tailor is always on hand ready to cut and make Gents Clothing in the most approvedtvlel one door east of Tin Shop College Avanne Appleton A fit warranted every time DVXN BRI XYSTER Pork and lour Barrel Jlanulactor Appleton Wisconsin edcarton hotel College Avenue Appleton EnaAHToN Proprietor takes jiride in assur ing th public and the traveling community that no pains will be spared co make this tub Hotel hrre Tlsstt tlic Other Mr Holt has written to Gov Pickens that Anderson must have his mail matter not occasionally as caprice may suggest but regularly otherwise mail facilities which arc so expensive to the Government will be withdrawn from the State The Mayor of Milwaukee offers a reward of $100U for the arrest and conviction of the fiend who set Cross block on'fire three weeks since Greenwood novri Cofnmissioner of Indian Affairs has been appointed Secreta ry of the Interior Mayor Wood proposes to steal the city of ew York Paying the iddler tax ofi sixteen dollars a head on slaves has been laid by South Carolina by way of raising the wiud for the execution of her scheme of involving the whole South in civil war with tlmNorth orty of the county Treasurers of Illinois are a little in their accounts and will be proceeded against by the au th6rities 1 IVm II Seward it is understood has accepted the position of Secretary of 'State ri fl XXX A 1 Y1 1 fr IflTT US CUV A xxvxx wav Wi 1 he Pemberton MhIh at Lawrence Mass rebuilt on the original site have commenced running employing about one thousand op eratives 4 A letter in the Evcninrr Jonrrial from an officer in Sumter says: Yesterday (the 11th) Gov Pickens sent his Secretaries of War and State to demand a surrender of (he fort The Major called a council of war and unanimously votekl ever 1 Sudden Death Last Week Tuesday Mr Breyman'a merchant in the town of Au burn sura the ond du Lao Press was at tacked with a fit of apoplexy while engaged in his Usual business persuits and survived but a short time Terrible The AVisconsin aaysithdt the house of Wm Costigan of Menomonee' was burned on Monday night and four child) en 1 consumed in ths flames The Quaker City Insurance Company has gone into its losses dur ing tho last six months alone have amount ed to over a quarter of a million of dollars I Mr Colfax of Indiana has introduced a bill into the House of Representatives in structing the to discon tinue the United States mail in the rebellious States ire at Ilacine building occupied by dry goods othing building and goods $6000 Cvrus ield1 with the Atlantic Telegraph has failed That cable hung him fin inc allv There will be a determined effort made in the Legislature this" winter to change the present system of county government A large quan'ity of muskets and ammu nition on to1 Savannah was late ly seized in New People tire begin ning to find out that there is a law svxainst affording aid and to the enemy One of the reaks of Commerce or the1 first time in our recollection the New York Banks hold more than half the amount of specie that the Bnnkof England docs" The ufiTial proportion is mors than three timeel SippUton Oart EGGLESTON ROBINSON CO Proprietors of the Appleton Piauinfi Mills a nJ dealers in Doors Blinds Sze Work to order 4e promptly and with care Cash pro duce approved paper and county orders RYAN ROSS Publishers Proprietors of the Arri BTos Mn to a arid Pltinxnd Ornamental Joh Printers Motos office Mrtonie Block Appleton WiB COOK Manufacturer and dealer fn (A Noi WaRons Al so Blaokaaiithios for all'the land csneeially the in habltahtqtheraof Alway a ready for business Mer rtioa street near College Avenue Attorney at Ln the payment of taxes Jce attended to Office on College Avenue over the Post Office JEWETT fc HUDD Successors to Smith Jc Ballar Attorneys at Law Bank Building pplcton Wis sa IS a 1 1 1 1 a 1 LAn a iHA IH LZm VB fl a pa MMff £3 Ed Si Ki SI da id ai LW i JGL 9 i Nfti 'S WJ La wk pB eV A imI ST 3 4 i I A A e'? 1 Tilt 1 A iUTHS TO 13 12 'f Tit 2 A 'TS a i a i i pf rsj XVfcf ft QZl jb a 11 I I I.

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