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The Brownsville Herald from Brownsville, Texas • Page 1

Brownsville, Texas
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THE WEATHER Mtntly clear Continued cool with gentle northerly windi. worn Serving Tht Rio Grande Valley for More Than 60 Yean of the of thU world it turn dona to human Hi fcy the of 61ST YEAR 158 40 PAGES BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS, SUNDAY. JANUARY 4, 1353 SUNDAY EDITION PRICE lOc Tax Reduction Measure Before House FLAX STRATEGY--Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio, left, who was unanimously elected Senate floor leader at the Republican caucus yesterday, confers on party strategy with the two other members Ihe "big three" in the COP Cangrraxlonul set-up, Senator Styles Bridges of New Ha in anil Senator William Knowland of California as Ihe 83rd Congress opened sessions in Washington. (NEA TeJephoto) State Department Suspends Kokler WASHINGTON, Jan.

3-- UP-- The State Department 1 1 TT- -L i A i i i i vuie men acnooi IOOIDHU star wn today removed Foy D. Kohler, who was arrested on drunkldied Friday afternoon in San Ma charges while carrying secret papers, from a cos, are being planned at the Da assignment, suspended him for 30 days without pay, and lin e- Funeral Home. Mouser Rites Being Planned By Darling Funeral rites for 38-year-o' Howard Mouser, former Brown ville High School football star wh reprimanded him for violating security regulations. The stiff punishment was meted out after an investigation of an automobile accident Dec. 6 in nearby Arlington, in which Kohler and his wife Phyllis figured.

A car driven by Mrs. Kohler snapped off a tele-! phone pole while the Kohlers were returning 1 home from a party. Both were arrested on drunk charges and Mrs. Kohler addition- The body arrived by train satu ally charged with recklnc driving. Had Secret Twantecrot with Tunisian and Moroccan questions, under debate in the United Nations at the time, were in the trunk of the Kohler automobile.

Kohler Bald he was taking them horns for a "week-end" reading. He the documents were locked in the ear during the party which led up to the accident. The diplomat was relieved of hfa duties as a member of Uie department's top-level policy planning staff. He will be assigned other, as yet undetermined, duties. The 30-day suspension will cost him J1133 in pay.

Decide te Future Kohler still will be on the suspended list when Secretary of State-designate John Foster Dulles takes over. Presumably Dulles will decide his future. Kohler, a native of Oakwood, O. is a veteran of 21 years of previous service, holds the rank of foreign service officer class one, and earns 513,600 annually. He had "no comment" on the department's action, nor would the 44-year-old diplomat say whether he intends to resign.

As a result of the accident, Koh Jer forfeited $8.75 on the drunk charges, is wife was convicted for reckless and drunken driving. She was sentenced to 30 ('ays in jai but this was suspended in lieu three-hour jail term which she is appealing. She tlso is appealing 5150 in fines. RGV's Voice To Be Heard Austin Herald Austin Bureau AUSTIN--The Valley's legislative matters will be far ouder on 1853 than ever before. Where previous sessions of Legislature, -Hidalgo, Garner- sjid Willacy Counties had only wo members of the House of Representatives and shared z.

enator with J5 other counties, he 53rd Legislature will find six House members, a Hidalgo-Cameron senator and a share in a second senator for Willacy Coun" Legislative redistrictlng, pushed through last session by Sen Rogers Kelley of Edinburg, reduced his district from 18 counties to two. Willacy County is in new district with Nueces Cenedy and Kleberg Counties represented by Sen. William ihiremen of Corpus Christi. Hidalgo County, represented only by Rep. Joe Kilgore of Me Mien in the last three sessions KOREANS KILLED PUSAN, Jan.

3 UP--Twenty nine hitchhiking Koreans were kill poslal delivery clerk while he. was ere. He also is survived'by two rothers, Richard and Bob, and a sister, Yvonne. Mouser was a two-year letter-man at Brownsville High School was rramed all-district'Vast year hi football. He was a'freshman football player this year at Southwest Texis State Teachers College in San will have two additional members.

Reps. Eligio House de la of Mission and James Bates of Edinburg. Cameron County, represented only by Rep. Menton .1. Murra of Harlingen in the last two ses sions, will also have Rep.

Gustin Garrett of Raymondville, repre senting Cameron and Willac; Counties, and Rep. Maurice Pipkin of Brownsville, represent ing only Cameron County. This additional voting power i being welded into a South Texa bloc by Sen. Kelley, who ha worked closely with both Sen Shiremen and Sen. Abe Kazen Laredo, in pre-session planning Where the whole South Texas area had only one senator an six representatives last session it has Ihree senators and 1 ed and 41 injured Friday night ho sc mcni this i when a military freight train jump- Scnator Kcllcv In rast cd the rails while crossing a bridge in South Korea.

DON PKDRO nppeaml ta be a little cooled off when he rame into the newsroom late last night. want to apologize, for blowing my cork about the new ye.irs picture of me you ran In the pnprr. Quite a frw of my frienils liked It have asked me for antngrapfird cop'H-s. "Got any idea where I fan get the negative?" "I personally believe wcnlhcr will warm np, Rome- day. Adlm." VALLEY FORECAST: Moslly sVles and continued cool through Rimefay nluM Highs Sunday to 72 ri'crefV.

nlghl 38 (o 15 wtth frost tn the wtjtern tntl el a lo Trodrmtt Jv ulnds at 12 to IB* jxr hour Sun- (IVtailcd Wrathrr Report) (On Page ospital of ipinal meningitis. ad been ill less than 48 hours an as in a coma from about 7 a.m riday until his death in mid-afte oon Mouser was Brownsville for the hristmas holidays with hU par- nts, Sir. and Mrs. Oscar L. Mou- Dimes Drive Set Monday By JERRY CI.EGG Building Permits In Decline The 1952 total of building permit New York Solon Asks For Slash WASHINGTON, Jan.

3--UP--House Republicans got the new Congress off to a booming start Saturday by giving high priority to a bill to cut personal income taxes about 514 per cent in 1953. In 1954 the reduction for Brownsville's March of Dimes for 1953 will be formally uiuv Di ilonday when Manny Sanchez, l'J53 local chairman, challenges Mayor eoc TM ln 5.f° llRUres released Satur- in Brownsville was below the total most taxpayers would he about 11 per cent. cf lllose la L. Stokely to contribute $10 to Uie polio fund. Thus Sanchez will begin a chain system to gain money to fight TOlIo.

Mayor Stokely is to challenge two other persons to donate re- he fund, and they in turn will each challenge two others, and so on lcciu sc "'e construe- In 1951 by releai City Engineer F. I 1951 tolal was extra Rock- own the line. This Banie system, employed here' January, 1950, under the Icuder- lip of Paul Cunningham, brought the March of Dimes that year ome $8,000 in four days. Each person challenged is to send is $10 to polio headquarters at the irst National Bank, along with he names of the two persons to vhom he has issued a challenge The sum Is to be $10 in each, case Mothers' March Sabres Mix With Damage Six TOKYO, Sunday, Jan. 4 UP-Forty American Sabrejets battled 50 Communist MIG-ISs Saturday Other stunts he used this damaged six for their first vlc- in the campaign will be a "Mothers' March on in which local lories of 1953.

Air fighting blazed in northwcsl residents who want to contribute tolKorea for the first time since lasl Jie fund may leave their porchjSunday as MIGs swarmed out of lights on one night and drive In an attempt to break ers will go to their doors to collect'up Allied fighter-bomber attacks the money. Red troop and supply targets. Service club members also will bej Allied infantrymen fighting In asked to help out in a "bucket coldest weather of the Coin collectors In the shape 13 degrees below zero--threw back of iron lungs will be placed in local small scale Communist attacks but business houses, nnd movies on po-, found no evidence that the Reds ,11011 Hint year of the 250-unlt Poln- sottia Housing Project on McDavitt Blvd. at a cost of $2.041.000. i The City of Brownsville Issued IpennitH for $3,075,620 worth of (construction in 1052.

Permits for the new housing 'ect made the residentta! permits ssued in 1951 total $2,638.974. 1552 total of residential permits was $722,590. However, 1952 outstripped 1951 on all of the other three phases of construction: non-residential. $859.029 in 1S51 and $2,072.370 in 1952; residential repairs. SJ53.9D3 in 1951 nnd $191,170 In 1052; non-residential repairs, $60,439 and $89,490.

Non-Residential Non-residential construction In 1952 included the Fort, Brown Memorial Center, with a permit issued Oct. 7 for $705,000, and a new sewage treatment plant, on June 12. The same type of construction in uuu un jiu evmente umv me neuy 1 Ho will be distributed to to cany out their 31 5 328 51 addition to thfl Pllv flMrnltfln organizations for showing to their, of a major offensive, members. In an organizational meeting Fri-set Sunday as day night, attended by some 20 threatened assault. the city filtration plant, and the Red propaganda broadcasts 9 5 0 Immaculate Conception Qt nt acnooi.

for the lieady for Action The Eighth Army stepped up patrol activity on the outside persons, Sanchez named committee heads to conduct the fund campaign. Sanchez will head the challenge! chance the Communists, whose committee. John O'Brien and J. threats iizzled, meant Guajardo were named to contact business this time. Artillery and downtown retail merchants mortar crews were ready for ac- their donations, and Jean Wieder- lion on a moment's notice.

er, 2034; E. 21st and worked ax mann and John S. Hill will head Biggest Red attack Saturday the advance special gifts commit-was a 200-man jab at South Korean Other committee heads are: Raylnant feature of Sniper Ridge on iughston, EChools and colleges; the central front. Fire Chief Eddie Valent, display! Chinese troops assaulted Pin committee and coin collectors com-jpoint Hwdee. lr.dui-| hour try; AlRoser, cotton industry; from Allied shells and bu: N.

F. SchmitJB and Mrs. Clyde Me-i lets. went ifarcos. Mouser'9 parents Marcos immediately after ing notice of his death and returned home Saturday night.

Coach Milton Jowers of STVTSC said Mouser was being prepared for guard duty with the college's Bob- and "had fine prospects for he varsity next year." He was at- ending the college on a football scholarship. Laughlin Tries To Dismiss Jury (defenders of Pinpoint Hill, doml The December. 1952. tolal on building permits was 557,270, com- ared to $293,774 In the December 1 the previous year. The Decomer, 1951, figure includes the lai- naculate Conception School.

A breakdown on last month's uildlng permits shows eight were for new residential conntnic- ton at four for new non- esWential construction, 27 it 2 a.m. but gave up an later after Cain, Mnrch tolonel E. W. Peach ana u. s.

Woods, service clubs; A. H. W. Nnr-l on Polio; Sabre jet pilots fought 16 sepa and O. battles with MIGs trying to through the protectivi ton, federal offices, and Ellis Per-'screen and hit Allied fighter ry, airport.

Lasts All Month The drive will continue through end of the month. bombers. Fighter-bombers poured bombs napalm and bullets into a Com munist troop and supply concen Sanchez said $14,000 was raised tration southwest of Sonchon. Pi 'or the polio fund in last years''lots estimated 26 buildings des March of Dimes. Of this amount, troyed and said one huge explos 50 per cent stayed in the county'ion, apparently ammunition, was and 50 per cent went to the Na-jsct off.

tional Foundation for Infantile The area is only 40 miles from past yea has had to handle more legisla tion than any other senator, cause of the size of his IS county district. This time. only two counties in his distric lie will have more time to take a leading vote in Senate affairs. A close political associate of Lieut. Gov.

Ben Ramsey, who appoints nil Senate committees, Kelley is certain to head at least one of the major Senate committees. Jn the 52nd Legislature, Kelley headed the committees on who this week was indicted on two counts by the Jim Wells county grand jury, has filed a motion to discharge the jury. The grand jury indicted Laughlin last Monday on two counts in connection with the sale of his law books to the county, one charging him with swindling and the second with being interested in a contract with the county. The judge posted $1,500 bond on each indictment. District Attorney Raeburn Norris a law partner of Nago Alaniz, one of two men charged in the Jacob S.

Floyd murder, said the judge had every right to discharge the grand jury that such a move Is within his discretion. However, C. W. Perk'ns, law partner of Jacob S. Floyd questioned the judge's authority by saying the grand jury has a right to reconvene on Fcb 16, a dale agreed upon with Judge Paul Martlneau of Corpus Chrisli.

Martineau presided Monday when the grand jury re- turnod the indictments (See WAR, Page Six.) Thei Of $2,700 Gets 3 Charged Three persons were charged Sal- period, there was more polio with the theft of $2.700 from ported than in any other five com- a Port Isabel residence last week. Paralysis. I However, he said, when the local! fund was exhausted, the National! Foundation sent as much as wasj needed. Cameron County J23.000 to the foundation "in ALICE. Jan 3, --UP DIs-l Dut received $85.950 when the money; trict Judge C.

Woodrow in the county had Been used Doomed Spies Are Visited By Children N. Jan. --UP rhe two voung sons at Ethel and or res.dential repairs. J13.595, and JuUus Rosenberg Saturday made inr for non-residential what may b. their visit tc their before they are ecoted UM week is lor ISelson Company Low Bidder On New Hospital MISSION--Nelson Construction -o.

of McAllen Bubmitted the low bid of J236.475 on the new one- 40-bert Municipal Hospital planned for Mission. Bids were opened at 2 p. m. Friday. Award of the contract is The tux relief measure--one of the prime issues in the GOP election campaign --was dropped into the legislative hopper by Rep.

Dan- iel A. Reed chairman-designate of the tax- vriting House Ways and committee. Beed said House Republican leaders agreed to tag his iIU HR 1. This means It goes down as the first measure introduced in the 83rd Congress. Euctnent Not Certain That does not mean it ii certain enactment, but it does mean the GOP majority sympathetic, and, its of passage are good.

Reed's proposal that Congress advance the date of tax relief pro- Tided under present law, from Dec. SI, UN. to June 30. The Democrats, in enacting tax crease bill In 1951, provided that increase would end. on Dec.

31, 953. Tills would mean a tax re- uction for most' individual tax- ayera of about 11'per cent next ear. Reed wants the taxpayers to get benefit of this relief for one- alf of this calendar year. Some emocrats welcomed the bill and ild they would support It. The new speaker of the House, iep.

Joseph W. Martin Jr. of said federal spend- ng must be- cut before taxes are educed. But he Indicated th(j tax ut may be possible this year. EXCCM I'rclita Tu to Expire Reed explained that one reason or for Individ- all was because (he tax on corporations expires June i i "White I thU iw to die a natural daatta," laid, "I rmsinUin tttl our tndivptd ASSISTANT Idrntflit-t Uwigtat D.

Etoen- hower announced he will name Thurtiton It. Morion of Glenview, as ail Assistant relary of Stale. (NEA TELf)PHOTO) stealing America 1 atom booA i sending. The Climatiers of Harlingen submitted the low bid of $100,150 on the plumbing and Tex Trussell Plumbing and Heating Co. of Pharr submitted the low bid of on the electrical work.

Other general contractors bidding and their figures were Meritt and Roe, Edinburg, W. D. up. The year of 1952 caw more polio in the United States than ever before, he said. In one five-week bincd years, he added.

Sanchez also pointed out that in Deputy Sheriff Ezequiel Cnvnzos said he found part of the money In 1951 there were 600 calls for sugar sack. He said 11,000 was lungs, in 1952, a total of were received. Research, on polio 1 Charged in Juslice of the Peace last year cost, $26,000,000. A. Garza's court were Mamiela In 1952 the National Mrs.

Zulema Elizondo Mar- Ferguson and Sons, Brownsville, S2S1.730; Noser Construction Co McAllen, Jo. B. Jones 5299,991: Harold Hendricks, McAllen, $322.000: Marchant Brothers and Balay, Mercedes. 5335.250- and C. E.

Wilson $399,770. Thieves Carry Off in I "Ji mv itiue I A. Garza's court were Mamiela OUlldlllg spent $28.000,000 for patient care.jchan 'and her husband, Daniel DONNA--The case of the stolen some $5,000.000 more than was cverJMarchan Jr. spend for this purpose in any one building was under investigation senatorial rcdistricting and water rights, irrigation on and Brownsville Stores Set Ck ranee Sales Big clearance sales will be featured in Dollar Day tomorrow in Brownsville. Most of the local merrfianls have completed inventories and want to get rid of merchandise that has The money was taken from the'Saturday by Deputy Sheriff Lcroy Iroughton family, who are well-- Eastin.

Bill Morquln reported the build ing, a 14 by 14 foot frame structure, missing. Truck tire tracks near its site, two arid a half miles south on Whalcn Road, indicated nown in Port Isabel. Judge Garza set the Marchan's xnd at S5.000 each and Jl.OOO bond the Torres woman. Deputy Sheriff Walter Keller as- Isted in the arrest. Laughlin.

1,300 Homeless In Pusan Fire PUSAN, Jan. 3--UP--A wind- agalnstlbeen around for a whiile. Help the merchants clear their shelves and help yourself to some bargains by visiting the stores tomorrow. Advertisements in today's herald give examples of bargains to be had. drainage.

He served as vice chair(See AUSTIN Page 6) Porter To Visit Falcon Dam Site LARKDO, Jan. 3 --UP -Jack Porler. national Republican committecman for Texas, will arrive here Sunday from Houslon for talks with Zapala county political leaders in connection with grievances on land condenmnations and swept fire raging through a residential area in Pusan left more than 1,300 persons homeless Saturday after destroying some 50 clapboard houses and 50 wood- frame tents. U. S.

Army firemen brought the blaze, fanned by a 30-mile per hour wind, under control before it reach cd a nearby quartermaster petroleum depot company. Unofficial reports said three persons died and five serious!) burned in the fire. PRAFTS BII.T.S WASHINGTON. Jan. 3 UP -other problems caused by the Victor Wickersham (O-Oklal Mountain School Out For Summer Vacation CAMPTONV1LLE, Jan.

3 --dPl- Students at the grammar and high school here began their "summer" vacation Saturday. Principal W. C. Williams dismiss cd classes Friday until mid-March because roads around this moun tain town were impassable. The students will attend rlasse: all during June, July and Augus instead.

SFAF.X KILLED IX ITALY VKNICE, Italy. 3 UP--Po lico reported seven persons killec and 13 injured Saturday when twi i v.nm.vv. IIM nkc freight trains loaded with hani nC I 1 hc Congress. Another would i a blew up at a Navv 'Thl i- onlcroasc the pay of enlisted men dump on on island'in th. the Rio Grande.

Lseaand foreign duty. i- con rtam constmction. Zapata counly Eisenhower porters will meet Porter and takelone of 23 bills he drafted for the aturday proposed abolishing the sup-ltax on admissions of all kinds in "There were no tears," the Ro- senbergs' a Emmanuel Bloch, laid. "The received the children In prison just as if Ihey were receiving them i their own living room." Block laid the children, Michael and Robert, always hav known their parents were in prison and Just what the situation Is. The lawyer relayed a state ment from the Rosenbergs Satur day to reporters standing outsid ISing Sing prison on Judge Irvin refusal Friday to gran them mercy.

"Is there no end to the indignl lea we must endure?" the state ment zald. The judge's repeated character liatic-n of our alleged crime worse than murder' complete! unmasks his sanctimonious preten sions to judicial balance. "Despite his unseemly remark which smack of political pressur and coercion, we reassert our in- nlcence before God and man." Bloch still has not given up hope for saving the team from execution. He said he will ask the U.S. Court of Appeals on Monday to stay the sentence so he can appeal to the Supreme Court for review of a recent lower court decision upholding the death penalty.

If that fails, he will ask for a stay of execution so he can appeal to President Truman for executive clemency. "For every individual who an interest in a productive enterprise which being throttled by the per cent (excess profits) tax, for every inequity and for every arbitrary and discriminatory provision of this- law, there an ihousands of small are equally entitled to tax relief and who, believing that, they will receive fair and equal treatment, have placed their trust In the Re- publican party." Reed argued that the relief bill could be approved without endangering a balanced budget lor fiscal 1954 which starts July 1. He aald that "at worst" the loss of federal revenue would be about 51.6 billion. it was planned job. Hailey, Tommy Hopkins and Mc- layden Dillard, was labeled "To i fired from mortars placed in the virtual cni of the New Deal he ground." and Fair Deal eras of 20 years.

Police took the shell but to the When President-elect Eisenhower rroyo bridge Saturday afler- i takes over, ho will have a rtaner- lagoon. REFRKSHF.R COURSE--Mnj. Jabara. rlRhl, (he world's first jet arc, climbs into Ihp cockpit of a T-S3 trainer at the Air Force Base at Wichita, for flight to XVIIls. Nevada.

Air Force Base where the Major will take a hrlef F-tK refresher rnnrse Ix-fore returning to combat duty in Korea. William lAiighUn. lntructnr at the Wichita Air Force Base, pilots Ihe plane. (XKA Trk-photo) Opening Day Formalities Are Varied WASHINGTON, Jan. --UP-The Republican controlled 83rd Congress, met Saturday amid GOP leaders' intentions to cut taxes and reduce spending in the global war-threatened years ahead.

The opening day formalities were sometimes serious, sometimes frivolous, but quickly completed. Both houses elected the leaders chosen by their parties in caucuses Friday. The Senate put off until Tuesday debate on a hotly- disputed plan aimed at adopting a new anti-filibuster rulo to gag talkathons. The No. 1 dosignstion was given HARLINGEN Police Satur- bill introduced In the House disposed of a small bomb by Rep.

Daniel A. Reed (U-N Y.l Police Destroy Bomb Pound At Teen Center ound Friday evening by a group at the Teen Center children The 9-inch shell, picked up in he Teen Center yard by Jimmy lo cut personal income taxes 5 1-2 oer cent in this calendar year. Reed will be chairman of the taxwritins: House Ways and Means committee. Knd if Deal Era The Senate-House sessions meant oon and it. Alien Registration Is Note Undemay thin with which to work lineup will be: House Republicans 221: Democrats 511; Independent, one; two vacancies.

The Senate: Republicans 48; Democrats 47; Independent one (Sen. Wayne Morse, the recalcitrant The annual registration of publican from iving in the United States is now Intensive efforts to nil povern- underway. spending, reduce taxes, and Tlie Bcnito Juarez Society has of-jeliminnte of waste In the armed fared lo assist in the services can be expected. Those The hall will be opened dally from ar GOP election campaign 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.

and from 2 p.m. pledges and have southern Demlo 6 p.m. on Sundays for aliens ocratic support, wishing to register. Military- and economic for foreign friendly povernmerts li BAXKDKPOSTTS likclv lo be cut some. Pan American Slate Bank, whose Wage and i controls proh- figures were incomplete yesterday, ably will die on April 30.

If no! reported today that deposits as of before. December 31, J952 totalled Barkley 373.S54.92 as against SS.230.6S9.-1 Retiring vice oresident Allwn W. '06 on the tame date last year. (See CONGRESS, Page Ste) January Inventory Sales See Big Dollar Day Bargains.

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